Eva eine unendliche Geschichte
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Die Überschrift "Staatsanwalt von Mob ermordet", erregt Kevins Interesse und er klickt den Beitrag auf.
Der Text ist schnell gelesen. Staatsanwalt McMurphy, der McMurphy, der versprochen hatte, mit dem Einfluss der Mafia aufzuräumen, war gestern am späten Abend mit zwei Schüssen in der Tiefgarage des Gerichtsgebäudes regelrecht hingerichtet worden.
Mit McMurphy wurde eine junge Angestellte eines privaten Sicherheitsunternehmens, die zu seinem Schutz engagiert worden war, ebenfalls erschossen.
Kevin schüttelt den Kopf und lässt das Video laufen, das im Artikel verlinked ist.
Er sieht McMurphy, der im standesgemäß schwarzen Anzug auf die Kamera zugehen. Das Video ist vermutlich von einer Überwachungskamera, allerdings von erstaunlich hoher Qualität.
Neben ihm geht die Security-Mitarbeiterin in dunkelblauem Rock und weißem Hemd, das Abzeichen des Sicherheitsunternehmens auf dem Ärmel. Kevin schnappt nach Luft, als er in der Frau Kelley Lucioli, die italienischstämmige Kollegin seiner Freundin, erkennt.
Er hat noch zwei Sekunden Gelegenheit, Kelleys ganz leicht schaukelnden, mittelgroßen Brüsten zuzuschauen, bis Kelley ihren Oberkörper vorbeugt und ihr Gesicht verzieht. Gleichzeitig greift sie mit der rechten Hand ganz plötzlich und sehr hektisch an ihren Gürtel. Sie hat die Hand gerade auf der Waffe, als ihr vorgebeugter Oberkörper wie von einer unsichtbaren Faust nach hinten geworfen wird.
Kelley macht ein ungläubiges Gesicht und fällt auf ihren Hintern, ihr Oberkörper fällt nach hinten und lehnt sich an das Heck eines Autos hinter ihr. Sie hat ein kleines rotes Loch in ihrer linken Titte, da wo Kevin ihren Nippel vermutet.
Kevin stoppt das Video und zoomt rein. Ihr rechter Nippel ist hart und eindeutig sichtbar. Trotz des BHs, den Kelley im Dienst tragen muss.
Barbaras GeschichteBarbaras Mann war bei seiner Holzf?llerarbeit im Wald. Sie versorgte die Kinder und hatte eben begonnen Fleisch einzup?keln. Da h?rte sie vor der H?tte gro?en L?rm. Nicht oft war am Waldrand der L?rm eines gro?en Trosses zu h?ren. Neugierig ging sie nach drau?en und wollte nach der Ursache dieses Zuges schauen. Gerade als sie die T?r ge?ffnet hatte, ritt ein schwarz gekleideter Mann vorbei. Barbara stie? einen kleinen Schrei aus. Im gleichen Augenblick huschte ihre schwarze Katze zur T...
Ich bin in einem sehr konservativen christlichen Zuhause aufgewachsen. absolvierte eine christliche High School. Dort traf ich auch meinen späteren Ehemann Ben. Wir haben sogar das gleiche christliche College besucht. In meinem ersten Jahr stellten wir fest, dass Abstinenz viel einfacher zu moralisieren ist als zu praktizieren. Wir haben früher als geplant geheiratet. Ich habe das College abgebrochen und einen Job als Sekretärin angenommen, um beim Einkommen zu helfen. Die Zeiten waren hart,...
InterracialIch stand mit rasendem Herzen vor meinem Schminkspiegel, als ich mich inspizierte. Als ich mein Kleid über meine Hüften glättete, erregte der Glanz meines diamantenen Eherings meine Aufmerksamkeit. Ich überlegte, ihn auszuziehen, aber als ich mich an Sallys Kommentare über die Beliebtheit von verheirateten Frauen erinnerte, beschloss ich, ihn anzulassen. Ich freute mich über meine sexy Reflexion. Da ich kleine Brüste hatte, trug ich selten einen BH, und der dünne Stoff meines Kleides umriß...
InterracialDer Tag neigte sich dem Abend zu und in der mittelalterlichen Gasse herrschte nur noch weng betrieb. Schauriger dicker Nebel schluckte das letzte Licht des Tages. Die Fenster der Animiermädchen waren mit Kerzen hell erleuchtet, so das man durch die roten, fadenscheinigen Gardienen ins innere sehen konnte. Natascha die russische Puffmutter, lehnte an einer Mauer an der der Putz herunterbröckelte und inhalierte tief den Rauch ihrer Zigarette ein. "Was ist ihr geilen Böcke, hat keiner von euch...
*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...
TeenHans lebte vor vielen Jahren in Xstadt, einem Ort, der auch eine Universität hatte. Hans studierte zwar nicht, aber er trieb sich gerne in den entsprechenden Kreisen herum. Er fiel nicht sehr auf mit seinem Allerweltsgesicht und -körper, auch war er doch nicht so schlau wie die Studentinnen, die ihn hauptsächlich interessierten und konnte deshalb auch nicht mit genialen Sprüchen glänzen, das aber gereichte ihm durchaus auch zum Vorteil, erkannten ihn die Mädchen, sahen sie ihn ein zweites oder...
Gestern hat er mich plötzlich angerufen. Andreas. Der durchtrainierte Typ, den ich in der Diskothek kennengelernt hatte als mein Ehemann mit Grippekopfschmerzen im Bett lag und mich volljammerte, ich müsse mich um ihn kümmern. Aber von so etwas hatte ich mir noch nie den Abend nicht versauen lassen – im Gegenteil. Was für eine praktische Gelegenheit. Ist mein Mann doch selbst schuld. Wäre er nicht so langweilig, würde ich ihn zwar trotzdem betrügen, aber er käme vielleicht wenigstens mal bei...
This story is my property. Duplication, publication on other sites and outside the Internet is prohibited. this story really happened.I was still a teenager..i went to my school mates to meet with him and his cute sister, who was already 18 years old.When I came into the apartment, my mother met me and said that my buddy is sick in bed and that I shouldn't go to him because of the infection. then I went to his sister, who said to me that she still needs some time to get ready.then i went into...
Hallo, mein Name ist Emily . Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und ihr kennt mich zwar noch nicht, aber dafür seit ihr ja hier. Aktuell gehe ich noch zur Schule und mache meinen Abschluss. Ich bin nicht die beste, aber auch nicht die schlechteste. Allerdings muss ich sagen, würde ich lernen oder Hausaufgaben machen, könnte ich besser sein. Ich würde das auch machen, wären die Themen nur nicht so langweilig. Viel lieber mache ich etwas mit Freunden oder gehe ins Gym. Früher habe ich viel geturnt, aber ich...
TeenRelocation By Choice Part I ?. ?Ladies & Gentlemen, in a few moments from now we would be landing at the Heathrow?.?.? I woke up to a crisp British accentuated English in my cramped economy class seat as my mind slowly recollects bits & pieces of my thoughts.? I check my seat belt and as the aircraft descend gradually I repeat a question to me which I have asked myself a thousand times now? ?Am I sure I want to do this???.? I am reaching London to serve a group of 5 men & 3 women...
I looked up from the hood of my pickup just in time to see her walk pass the driver side of my truck. I had just return from a eight day long bike trip with my fellow brothers, the Devil Dogs. Parking my motorcycle up next to the trailer, I had lunch then decided to change the oil in my truck before the thunderstorm rolled in. My neighbor David saw me watching her walk by. He made a bee line for me with an ice cold beer for me in his hand. “They moved in while you were gone. Rented the...
Als ich aufwachte fiel schon die Sonne auf ihre makellose Haut. Sie schlief noch. Nackt lag sie zwischen den Laken, die immer noch etwas feucht von der Nacht waren. Sie hatte einen festen Schlaf. Unbemerkt hatte ich uns Frühstück auf Zimmer bestellen lassen. Fünf Minuten später kam das Zimmermädchen in Sicht. Ich hatte mir eilig einen Morgenmantel übergeworfen, den ich etwas verkrampft zu hielt, um die Morgenlatte zu verbergen. Als ich das Tablett in Empfang nahm, hoffte ich nur, dass nichts...
Free Arab Sexx! We all need porn tubes in our lives, especially those of us who lack physical affection, intimacy, a healthy social life and at times all three; yes, there are plenty of people in the world who suffer from a lack of acknowledgement and acceptance from those around them, and that’s why porn is here to help us lick our emotional and psychological wounds with some delicious eye-candy that most of the people who watch it would never be able to attain in real life.This is the sad...
Arab Porn SitesHallo zusammen, unter dieser Geschichte werde ich mehrere Kurzgeschichten veröffentlichen die einen Handlungsstrang haben und mal länger und mal kürzer gehen werden. Je nach Beliebtheit werde ich mich auf einzelne Handlungsstränge fokussieren. Weitere Autoren sind herzlich willkommen und können ihre Ideen umsetzen und gerne mitschreiben. Grundsätzlich steht bei jeder Kurzgeschichte ein Protagonist im Vordergrund der entweder der Verführer oder der Verführte ist. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, euer Uwe!
Alles beginnt bei dem Hauptcharakter. Ich erzähle ein wenig zu mir, da ich alle Geschichten aus meiner Sicht schreiben werde, falls das uninteressant ist könnt ihr sofort unten zu den Geschichten springen. VG bedeutet, dass es eine (kurze!) Vorgeschichte gibt, bevor das eigentliche Thema beginnt. Erstmal Allgemeines: Mein Name ist Paola. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf direkt am Waldrand. Ich habe eine Schwester, die aber selten Zuhause ist. Der Wald an dem ich wohne hat...
Sarah Baumann hatte es von Anfang an für keine gute Idee gehalten, aber sie wollte ihrem Freund Ralf, mit dem sie jetzt schon fast acht Jahre zusammen war, nicht die Freude verderben. Er hatte sich „Weihnachten wie früher“ gewünscht, wohlwissend, dass es sowas nicht geben konnte. Zwar konnte man versuchen alles so auszurichten wie vor 40 Jahren, was einem bei den Dingen wie Essen, Dekor etc. auch gelingen konnte, aber man selbst war einfach nicht mehr der, der man als Kind gewesen war. Sarah...
Hier entstehen fiktive Geschichten von fiktiven Personen. Schreibt fleißig mit und last die Geschichten laufen wie ihr wollt. Oder erstellt selbst einen Thread einer Geschichte. Schreibt von einer oder mehr Personen oder schildert die Abenteuer einer fiktiven Kollege(in), Freund(in) o.ä. Last eure Charaktäre erleben was ihr wollt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schreiben.
Das "Institut für Seele und Geist" ist eine "ganz normale" psychiatrische Klinik irgendwo auf der Welt. Wir beobachten die Menschen, die hier arbeiten, die als Patienten hier leben und die zu Besuch sind bei ihren Geschichten und Geschichtchen. Wir unternehmen einen Streifzug durch die einzelnen Stationen, durch den Klinikgarten, die Arztzimmer und den Pausenraum der Belegschaft, durch die Küche, den Speicher, den Keller - jeder Winkel der "Psych" bietet neue, spannende, sexy Abenteuer.
Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...
Hier findet ihr kurze Geschichten, die nicht für sanfte Gemüter sind. Sexualisierte Gewalt, Mord, Snuff, sind nur einige Schlagwörter, die zutreffen. Wer das nicht mag, möchte bitte hier aufhören zu lesen. Meine Darsteller sind alle über 18, machen freiwillig in meinen Geschichten mit und niemand hat einen bleibenden Schaden behalten. Natürlich sind alle Geschichten frei erfunden. Eventuelle Ähnlichkeiten zu Gegebenheiten, Personen oder sonstigem sind weder beabsichtigt noch zutreffend. . Die...
This story is purely fictional and deals with a lot of extreme bizarre body modifications, punishment and humiliation. If you don't like this sort of stuff, you might want to skip this one. For those of you who do like this type of story, I hope you enjoy! OBSESSION By Big Boob Sissy My name is John and I'm a 46 year old male. Since I was old enough to understand sexuality and the attraction of boys to girls, I quickly became a "Tit man". I found them to be sensual and...
What happens when lust becomes an obsession? As human beings, our lust for things we cannot have is undeniable. We crave for sensations we are not allowed, and desire lovers we shall never have. Our senses trick us, and lie to us - confusing us and making us believe we can have these forbidden fruits. However, should we give into this temptation, dark reprecussions await us... ------------------------------ Obsession Chapter 1 Obsession ------------------------------ This is part one...
Observer By Enigma "Ohhhh!" Jeannie's moans of pleasure echoed around the room. Her breath cut off as her body first went rigid, and then shook as waves of pleasure washed over her. "I'm... come... ming...!" I gasped as I drove deeply into my wife and felt the pulses of climax shake my very being. I collapsed on top of Jeannie, and felt her wonderful C-cup breasts mash against my budding A-cups. I rolled to the side, pulling her with me, maintaining the intimate contact between...
The next day, I called work and took a vacation day. I wanted to be around to help Carol with Stephanie and Vanessa, but both girls spent most of the day sleeping. I looked in on them and saw that both had tied their own ankles together. Carol and I had a long talk. She was very upset with me for having left that other girl with Barrington. I decided to tell her the whole story. I explained that I had spent five months searching for Sharon before finding her. Carol said, "You spent five...
CHAPTER 1 It’s a beautiful Spring morning in the southern San Juan mountains of Colorado. Alisha Moore-Braxton sits on the patio of her home, sipping a gourmet cup of coffee, watching the elk grazing in a pasture near her home. She is analyzing the events of her life that brought her here and wondering why and what made her do the things she has done. Alisha grew up on the Singletree Ranch near Alamosa, Colorado, the oldest child of Anne Moore and Robert (Bob) Moore. She has one...
I was obsessed with Tina from the moment I first set eyes on her. She was petite, dark haired and had wonderful hazel coloured eyes that smiled at you. She wore plain clothes, no make-up and projected a “please don’t notice me” persona. I was immediately fascinated by Tina and wanted to go over and chat. The trouble was she was with her daughter and I was with my son and my wife, Jessica. It was the very first day of school for our four year olds and we were huddled together in the school yard,...
Straight SexMagic is real. Someone told me that as a kid, and I never forgot it. Obsessions start that way, you know? One person does one thing at the right time on the right day and boom! You're obsessed. One of my childhood friends, Trevor, was this way about vinyl records. His sister, Natasha was that way about the Shadow's Pierce series. We all get obsessed over the little things. I used to be obsessed over magic, but now my obsessions are a bit more, primal. A lot more primal. It all...
Tina's Revelation===His body stiffened up as he gasped, "What?"I sat back so I could see his reaction. He was truly shocked by my question."Someone is manipulating files on the network to pull funds out of the company," I explained. "It's ingenious how every financial transaction has added line items that are then nulled out. The reports end up showing nothing out of place, but the nulled out money can't be traced.""What do you mean 'nulled out'?"I could see that he was innocent, and I knew...
Office SexTina's Story===It was a dangerous obsession, one that I couldn't ignore.I remember the thrill of the first time I held a hard cock in my hands and pressed my lips to its heated skin. I wouldn't call myself a cock hound or a cum slut, but for the right guy, I am both of those. I've dated guys that weren't the right guy, and they would be shocked to learn that I might do that. I love that part of me, but I usually don't let it out until I really get to know someone.This new obsession is nothing...
Office SexJohn's Story===It was a dangerous obsession, to be sure.I have always had a fascination with breasts, maybe starting even before I found my first adult magazine as a teenager. The seemingly endless variety has always drawn my attention. There is no such thing as a 'perfect breast' to me. They are all perfect, although I prefer the ones I am allowed to worship in person.This new obsession goes beyond that, and I'm still hoping it won't get me in trouble.It all started with a trip to the...
Office SexBrandi and I seemed to be a perfect fit. My hobby is photography; she is an exhibitionist. Connecting our interests resulted in the obvious. We made amateur sex pictures. Some might call our photographic treasures art, others pornographic. Let's say they are a little of both. We met at a rock concert. It was some long forgotten local band playing on a warm October evening in a park outside of Charlotte. Brandi was hot, and it wasn't due to the weather. She wore tight short shorts with an ass...
Exhibitionismi have been watching her for several months. Shanthi was in a dull unfulfilling marriage to Manisekar. We were a group that all knew each other , aswe are all neigbhours.I watched Shanthi on numerous occasions and I genially felt sorry for her. Over time I found that I was feeling more than just sorrow for her. It was the norm that Manisekar and Shanthi would show up at the gathering and Manisekar would take off with his buddy ravi or get so sticking drunk he would be rude and obnoxious and...
Kyle sat in his seat and practically drooled as he looked at Mrs. Johnson. She was amazingly beautiful. He blonde hair fell in loose curls along her back, and her skin was lightly tanned. Her green blue eyes were like gems, and her breasts were small, and somehow still perky after her two kids. Mrs. Johnson's waist was small and lead to her wide hips. Her ass was tight and her thighs were sleek and clearly shaven even through her tight black pants. Her gray shirt fell low almost showing her...
Cheating WifesAlisha walks into the courtroom. Dayle is sitting at the table with their attorney. She goes up and sits down next to Dayle and they talk like old friends. Colin has taken a seat back in the rear of the courtroom. As the judge enters the courtroom, they all stand. The courtroom is empty, except for the court reporter and a guard. The Judge reads through the paperwork on his desk and makes a short opening statement and asks Alisha and Dayle if they are both in agreement on the terms of...
The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...
The obsession with this woman is incurable. She is a widow and had been a widow for 14 years before the night of August 25, 2004. She is very attractive and a little plump but she does not have one line or wrinkle. She is 5'6" tall with matronly 38 D cup tits that look like the heads of twin rockets when she wears a bra. Her legs are shapely and her short hair is a beautiful salt and pepper. She was 54 years old and I was 21 that night in 2004. That was the night that I could not control...
Obsession I can still remember the first time. A cousin who lived close was visiting when he whispered that his older brother had magazines with pictures of naked women in them. As I had never seen a naked women, I was curious, but I scoffed, so he snuck them over. Sure enough, some of the women were naked, although some were wearing stockings or heels. But even as I have said I hadn't seen a naked woman before, I could see that these had something different about...
I'm obsessed. I admit it, I embrace it and I revel in the fact that I'm obsessed. Obsessed with the male member known as a penis, a cock, a schlong, a Johnson, Mr. Happy, A DICK. All kinds, slender ones, thick ones :-), short ones, long ones, average ones, as long as they are shaped with that wonderfully velvet soft head that has the wider collar, and a stiff shaft. Don't ask me where this obsession came from. I just fell into it. I wish it was ON it but that will come. Often and with much...
It's Friday, and Carol's 23rd birthday. I took her to Manhattan for dinner, and afterwards we went to see Andrew Lloyd Webber's play 'Cats', at the Winter Garden Theatre. I had seen it five years earlier as Peter, but it's such a wonderful play that I wondered why I hadn't come back again before this. I sat amused as I watched Carol absentmindedly play with the little bell on her collar throughout the play. Many of the actors on stage wore collars too, but I'm sure that theirs all...
Obsessed over a str8 ass. It started as Jake just being obsessed over my ass. He was always talking about it, and staring at it. Dude was my best friend but he kept creeping out my girlfriends over how much he wanted my ass, not me, just my ass. I lost count of the number of girls he cost me, girls that didn’t want to compete with Jake for my body. Whether at work or school he would even trying to smack, or grab my ass. It was even worse when we would hang out in the evenings. At my house he...
ABSENCE MAKES THE HEART GROW FONDER Chapter One - Two mistresses have a long weekend away 1. An unexpected announcement It was just after 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a mid-May day in one of the suburbs of London. Seven people were gathered together in the sitting room of a semi-detached house entirely typical of the neighbourhood, set in a small side street, but just off a busy High Street. As it was still light, the curtains were not drawn but the light had been switched on, so...
Marshall stirs beneath the sheets. The light from the morning sun is streaming through the cracks in the blinds. He has been meaning to buy curtains, those ones that black out the entire room, but he just hasn’t gotten around to doing so. The new apartment came as a result of a new position at work and more pay. The apartment he had before could all fit in one room of this new one, so decorating it has become something of a challenge. Lying in bed, Marshall opens his eyes a crack to let some...
The morning light bleeds through the blinds and right into Marshall’s eyes. He stirs, finding it annoying to wake up like this yet again, and before his alarm goes off to wake him. But it isn’t all so bad. Yesterday was a good day, and so was last night. He jerked off more time than he could count. He climaxed far more times than he ever had in a single day. He opens his eyes to look upon the Big Black. That is the name of the ancient dildo the book gave it. It is the object of his desire...
Marshall plops down in his chair. He has just come back from the boss’ office. His appearance has come to the boss’ attention. It is something that Marshall hadn’t missed himself. He noticed the day before that his hair was longer, but today it was even more so. The boss even asked if was wearing a wig of all things! That was a tough sell. Trying to explain changes in appearance was hard enough, but what would Marshall say if there was something more dramatic? Or these hallucinations he is...
The intensity of the last few days has steadily grown. Marshall has never has so much pleasure given to him without the aid of a woman or his own hand. He has spent quite a bit of time thinking about how much better his life could have been had he been more open with himself. Of course nothing can quite compare to the Big Black and all the joy it has brought him. It has all been such a distraction for him, so much so that he has been slacking more and more at work. From his imaginings of his...
The altar took longer than Marshall had anticipated. Unfortunately he had to leave the apartment to go out and buy supplies. Her needs paint and wood, nails and screws, curtains and pillows. Some of the items were necessary and some were not. Most were for the design and building of the altar, which the book gave clear instructions for it. Other things were for comfort. He figured he would take initiative to make the apartment comfortable for when his master arrived. He hasn’t been disturbed,...
The altar has been completed and Marshall has worshiped just like the book has instructed. His changes have ceased. Nothing more grows. The last change he experienced was his voice. Just as he no longer looks like a man, he no longer sounds like one. He figures that since he still has a cock, it means it will be used to please his master. All this time, sucking and fucking the Big Black has been a means to degrade him into submission. But to be cut off from it after having a taste of it would...
Marshall wakes up on the slab of rock, naked. What wakes him up is the soft, tender mouth sucking his cock. The mouth attached to him isn’t the master’s, but one of the many creatures they had walked by on the way there. He is propped up with pillows watching the creature bobbing its head up and down. He doesn’t know if it’s male or female, and it doesn’t matter. The creature is giving him one hell of a blow job! Every so often, Marshall’s eyes drift to the creature’s ass. Regardless of what...
With slow, seductive movements, the master tilts her head and presses her warm lips against Kamari’s. Their lips mesh together, making the young women to forget what is happening. Kamari doesn’t know where they are going or what is going to happen, but once again she feels nothing but love coming from the master. Their tongues begin to touch and twist about. She feels vulnerable, but the desire to give herself to the master makes everything feel so special. She had trusted the book, she had...
Several drops of precum have already oozed from her cock by the time her eyes open. Kamari finds herself lying on the ground, alone. She blinks a couple times, adjusting to the light. Once her vision is sufficiently clear enough, she finds that she is in some kind of ring of light. Everything outside the ring is dark, an impenetrable blackness. Her mind is brought back to her body. She is wet, but not in the sense of excess precum. Dare I touch it? Kamari cannot resist. This is a feeling that...
Kamari’s breath catches in her throat. Her hearts pounds wildly in her chest. You are forever mine. Just hearing the words in her mind gets her excited. It makes her pussy drip. If she still had her cock, it would certainly make it throb. She drops to her knees, pressing her head into the side of her master’s thighs. “You are such a good girl,” the master coos. “You have shown your devotion to me, your loyalty to me. You are forever mine.” Kamari looks up to see her grin. One hand reaches...
It took about an hour to get back to Alamosa, Cody woke up as they pulled into the garage. They all got out and went in and went to the showers to completely clean themselves up. When they were all spic n span again, they went to the kitchen and Alisha fixed grilled cheese sandwiches. They all talked about the experience. Cody asked, “should I tell Justin…..or not.” Alisha told her that she would keep it between the three of them for the time being, till they could figure out what...
You really need to read “Obsession,” the first part to this story, first. Tina came down for breakfast about ten looking like she had woken from a hundred year sleep and was immediately hugged by Jessica. She smiled and mumbled a good morning, which I responded to with a polite nod. Jess and Tina went to the lounge, talking at some length about Richard, while I served fresh croissants and coffee. I chose to withdraw to the garden to give the two women some space. I guess my love making to Tina...
Introduction:A lonely mom that becomes obsessed with curiosity and her sonThis one’s a little lengthy. A lot of background, lead-up, and “Explaining”, as most of my 1st chapters seem to be. I feel it’s kind of important to know what the characters are thinking, where they're goming from. For those of you that just want to get right to the sex……Sorry. For those of you that, as I do, think it makes for a better story……Here ya go. −Obsession−Chapter one:My name is Cathy. I’m a 43 year old widowed...