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Alles beginnt bei dem Hauptcharakter. Ich erzähle ein wenig zu mir, da ich alle Geschichten aus meiner Sicht schreiben werde, falls das uninteressant ist könnt ihr sofort unten zu den Geschichten springen. VG bedeutet, dass es eine (kurze!) Vorgeschichte gibt, bevor das eigentliche Thema beginnt.
Erstmal Allgemeines:
Mein Name ist Paola. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf direkt am Waldrand. Ich habe eine Schwester, die aber selten Zuhause ist. Der Wald an dem ich wohne hat extreme Ausmaße und lässt sich gut bewandern. Meine Eltern haben einen großen Hof mir allerhand Tieren, die auch manchmal in den Geschichten auftauchen werden.
Zu meinem Äußeren:
Ich bin 1,73m groß, was für meine Familie nicht sonderlich viel ist. Ich habe braunes langes Haar und eine schlanke Figur. Je nach Jahreszeit ist meine Hautfarbe etwas mehr oder weniger braun aber meist sommerlich gebräunt. Während ich mich eher als durchschnittlich betrachte schwärmt meine Schwester immer von der 90-60-90-Figur die ich ihrer Meinung nach hätte.
Zu meinem Lebenslauf:
Ich habe bis jetzt ein recht bürgerliches Leben durchlebt. Ging auf das Gymnasium in der nächsten Stadt, wo ich die meisten meiner aktuellen Freunde kennen gelernt habe und helfe seitdem auf dem Hof, auf dem ich seit meinem 18ten Geburtstag auch von meinen Eltern angestellt wurde.
Als kleines Easter-Egg sind in manchen Geschichten Bilder eingebaut die repräsentativ für das Kapitel stehen. Viel Spaß beim suchen! ;)
The two more embarrassing moments for females and males. In both, you're exposed to other people. In the first one [ENF] your tits and pussy are exposed to the onlookers, that check your whole body or they just have the time to take photos of you naked, and if they're men, probably they got a erection. In the second case, is worse, because the female onlookers just compare your below average dick to dicks that they seen and probably they will give you the sph sign, and then, they will take...
So, I was toying around with a new program at https://play.aidungeon.io/main/landing that tries to use intelligent programming to continue your story with brief prompts, helping you continue to write. I've written several short ENF stories this way, and it's been an easy and entertaining break from my usual content. I'd like to invite all of you to post any of your shorter ENF tales or blurbs here, whether using that method or not. I think it would be fun.
FetishThe stories that are/will be written here follow embarrassed naked female characters, fictional, original or real, in the scenarios of the ENF Chart. When writing, stories should be sorted as following: Franchise, character, scenarios. For example: RWBY (chapter 2), Ruby Rose (chapter 3), Going Commando (chapter 4). List of scenarios: 1: Lost Bet. The character lost a bet, and now she's got to do something embarrassing. 2: Strip Game. The character plays a game with another character, with her...
Hier entstehen fiktive Geschichten von fiktiven Personen. Schreibt fleißig mit und last die Geschichten laufen wie ihr wollt. Oder erstellt selbst einen Thread einer Geschichte. Schreibt von einer oder mehr Personen oder schildert die Abenteuer einer fiktiven Kollege(in), Freund(in) o.ä. Last eure Charaktäre erleben was ihr wollt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schreiben.
Das "Institut für Seele und Geist" ist eine "ganz normale" psychiatrische Klinik irgendwo auf der Welt. Wir beobachten die Menschen, die hier arbeiten, die als Patienten hier leben und die zu Besuch sind bei ihren Geschichten und Geschichtchen. Wir unternehmen einen Streifzug durch die einzelnen Stationen, durch den Klinikgarten, die Arztzimmer und den Pausenraum der Belegschaft, durch die Küche, den Speicher, den Keller - jeder Winkel der "Psych" bietet neue, spannende, sexy Abenteuer.
The following stories a several enf situations, realistic or not. A point system is in place, which allows you to do different things, assuming you meet the requirements. The scores on the right will change over time, based off of your decisions; these scores don't indicate if you picked right or wrong choices (because there are none), they just constrict the possible choices you have to do. Since this is my first time writing something like this, it isn't the best, and am really open for...
Who would win? It's a question that's been asked forever; two or more combatants enter a battlefield and one comes out on top. There are many ways for one to come out on top. Some battles may have a victor kill their opponent, some may be through knockout, and others focus on their opponent surrendering. But here at the ENF Battle Arena, there is only one way to win: to leave your opponent completely naked! There isn't a limit to which series can be added, though when picking two characters to...
Meet Na Bo-mi. She's what you could consider to be the average definition of an office worker to a tee. A young lady in her early twenties, frequent dresses up in suits and pencil skirts, does 9 to 5 daily jobs in a cubicle, the list goes on. But yet, there's an aspect to her that nobody expects: she's an exhibitionist! Of the especially lewd kind too. These are the adventures and misadventures of Bo-mi, as she either purposefully strips her clothes, or finds herself in situations where...
The day started as any other day for Laura. She woke up with her alarm ringing at 6 am. Laura lives in a small town in England near London, she enjoys reading, writing, drawing and taking long walks in the forest. However, she also has to work some days... Feel free to contribute with your ideas! P.S. I should give credit to some of sources of inspiration: Becky Romero's blog, "Fight with a Babysitter", "Mom's humiliating catfight" and "A nice evening ruined".
As far back as I can remember, I’d always been attracted to my friend Oliver Anderson’s mom. She dressed so conservatively but she could never hide her massive breasts; even if she probably wore a parka. I so badly wanted to see her naked growing up but there was never an opportunity for it. Eventually I lost interest a little bit before I went to college. It all just became a fading memory….until one day during the summer between my junior and senior year. My friend Oliver and I reconnected...
First you have the blonde Leonie, she’s 5’11 and D-cup breast’s and a good butt. Her hair goes down to just her neck. She’s athletic but is sometimes shy. Lucy- another blonde who’s hair comes down to just past her shoulders. She’s 5’7 and has D-cup breasts and a great butt, with a good build. She is nice but very embarrassed about being naked. Then there’s the brunette Carol, who is 5’8 and has C-cup breasts that goes well with her butt. She does athletics and isn’t very shy about being naked...
Mia Tanaka (田中 美愛). She is what many people expect to be an average high-schooler, with a little bit of a delinquent streak. Currently in her final year of high school, in an academy that contains both an elementary school and a high school, she's somebody who's known for something rather odd; how much she hates swimming classes. She's not a fan of them for various reasons she's listed multiple times to various people before, and she has a habit of skipping them for that very reason. However,...
Karen Tsu is what you might assume to be an average high-schooler. Currently in her final year of high school, dressed usually rather plainly in comparison to the bling of the fashionistas, and with mediocre breasts to her name. However, there is something odd about her; she's an exhibitionist. She's not the kind to take too big of a risk; occasionally, she'll have a day or two where she doesn't wear a pair of panties, or a bra. It's a good thing that people don't notice thanks to the way she...
Miki Hibino found herself almost dozing off during second period, as her mind drifted off to places unknown, much to the ire of the lecturer in front of her, who was repeatedly calling her name multiple times. '...Eh?' was all she could blurt out in response, as her body jolted back into reality, into the situation in front of her. "Yeah! You!" She heard the teacher call her from the front of the class, his voice almost booming into her ears. "How many times do I have to call you? Were you...
(In this story female wrestlers from WWE TNA WWF are stripped naked now which brand do you choose?) All of Pro Wrestling has gone X rated with new matches such as First to Cum match Buck naked match Last to Cum Battle Royale Humiliation match Pro Wrestling views have never been so high and has never made so much profits. Now who will you choose ?
Isabel wakes up from a good night sleep and opens up the curtains to get the daylight into her room. The 5"7 tall 23 year old is ready for this new day. The blonde is so looking forward to this day, but little does she know that this day would become a terrible one, or a great one. That depends on which point of view one see it from, if it's Isabel or a spectator. Where is she going today? (Where is the em(bare)ass-ment going to start?)
The alarm emphatically blared, interrupting Amira’s perfect dream. In her usual groggy state in the morning, the young woman smacked her phone a few times before returning to sleep. This process would repeat over the next hour 5 or 6 times. Fully aware of her inability to wake up on time, Amira set plenty of backup alarms, but only the final one did its job of breaking her trance. Unfortunately for her, it was already 7:45, fifteen minutes before school began. Seeing the time, she sprang into...
This story's premise and early chapters are taken on a segment from Yuki's Horrible Day by PhantomPen (with consent). Names have been changed to distinguish them from their original context, and chapters have undergone editting for consistency. The brilliant authors' original work can be read here http://www.writing.com/main/interact/cid/1736826 Lucy let out a restless sigh as she wiped down table 3 for the fourth time. Drops of rain patters against the large windows on the front of the...
Choose a women you would want to go through the unfortunate events
Karen is a girl of 19 years. She hates being seen naked in public and even with her old boyfriends. She is currently single and would like to have a boyfriend falling in love and maybe getting married in the future. But, as said at the beginning, she is a shy and embarrassed girl regarding her nudity. Also because there were various stories that involved her.
Que historia sera la primera?
In a small, forgotten town situated in the metro area of a much larger city existed an amusement park born in the golden age of amusement park construction. Before the internet took off, before punk bands conquered the 90's, and before the world would become what it is today, Greater World was another amusement park jumping in to cash up on the endless fun cash grab that was roller-coasters, water slides, and entertaining attractions. Of course, that is until the dawn of the internet era. Music...
Shikanai Konoha (鹿内このは) is your average eighteen-year-old final-year high-schooler. She's not the kind of high-schooler who'd like to stand out too much, and her entire physique can agree to that. Her hair is just long enough, that it goes all the way down to her breasts, her hair tied in a bob. She has the rough sort of breast size you'd expect from a girl of her age, though it still seems to be in its growing phase. She even comes to boot with a squid-style sorta belly. And Konoha's school...
Hallo zusammen, unter dieser Geschichte werde ich mehrere Kurzgeschichten veröffentlichen die einen Handlungsstrang haben und mal länger und mal kürzer gehen werden. Je nach Beliebtheit werde ich mich auf einzelne Handlungsstränge fokussieren. Weitere Autoren sind herzlich willkommen und können ihre Ideen umsetzen und gerne mitschreiben. Grundsätzlich steht bei jeder Kurzgeschichte ein Protagonist im Vordergrund der entweder der Verführer oder der Verführte ist. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, euer Uwe!
Ahh, Fortnite. (*French voice*) Love it or hate it it’s one of the most successful and influential video games of all time. The franchise is flourishing and is used in everything. From toys to clothing. From Pro League Gaming to Monopoly (Yeah that’s right. Fortnite Monopoly! Now families can break apart while everyone is flossing) But there’s one field that’s not yet been reached by it. ENF That’s right for a game where there are so many female skins, that could be used for stories, artworks...
Herr Oberhauser notierte die anwesenden Schüler auf seiner Liste. Er hatte eigentlich keine Lust auf diese Fahrt. Der 35 Jährige Sportlehrer hasste es mit den gerade Erwachsenen Schülern zu verreisen aber Herr Wietzky war eine Tage zuvor erkrankt und so hatte er keine Wahl. Als der Letzte Spätzügler erschienen war stieg auch Philip Oberhauser in den Bus und gab das Signal zur Abfahrt. Er setzte sich hinter den Busfahrer und nickte Frau Valeria Nikitin zu. Frau Nikitin war 46 und...
RomanceDie Jahrgangsstufe 12 des Düsseldorfer Gutenberg Gymnasiums befand sich auf Klassenfahrt in Ungarn. In einer Jugendherberge nahe Budapest hatte die Gruppe die aus 60 Schülern, 4 Lehrkräften und 2 Eltern bestand Halt gemacht. Inzwischen war es fast 1 Uhr morgens und die Stimmung war entsprechend gut. Die Jungen und Mädchen lachten und tanzten und der Alkohol floss in Strömen. Von der Fröhlichkeit ihrer Schüler angesteckt beobachtete die 42 jährige Biologie und Deutschlehrerin Frau Manuela Conrad...
"Maidenform" I often search the thrift shops around town on the weekends. Part of my hobby. I often find great deals on clothing and jewelry and even now and then a decent pair of ladies high heels and in my size! The nice part of thrift shops is that a lot of the outfits are vintage, the old style type of clothes that women used to wear in the 50's and early 60's when women dressed like women. And the fancier the outfits are the less worn they usually are! They call it...
Note de l'auteur: vous trouverez dans ce chapitre et dans les suivants, quelques tranches de vie de l'enfance d'Alexandre. Ces petites histoires, qui se d?roulent entre 10 et 15 ans environ, permettront d'accompagner Alexandre dans la d?couverte de sa vraie personnalit?. L'enfance d'Alex - Partie 1 Arriv?e... La nouvelle maison ------------------------ Victor Martis n'?tais pas m?content de quitter cet appartement qui commen?ait ? ?tre trop petit pour eux trois... Il savait qu'Alexandre serait ...
Thank you all for the feedback from the first story, I've tried to shorten the paragraphs here to make it a bit easier to read. Please, let me know what ya'll think about these first 2 stories. I have a few more ideas, but if you have any suggestions for stories, please send them along to [email protected] and I'll see what I can do with them. _________________________________________________________________________ With the approach of spring, it could only mean one thing. The...
(Enferia created by cerindclvr) Enferia is a kingdom of sword and sorcery. Ruled by the powerful Queen Syndra, the kingdom is famous for it's arena. Criminals (of the beautiful female variety) are forced to fight for their freedom before noble and commoner alike. Thieves, rebels and traitors are brought low before all. The rules of the arena shift to the Queen's whims, but generally the first fighter to be stripped naked loses. The victor gets to decide a forfeit the loser must preform. Beyond...
Teen Fidelity! If you’re a straight dude, there are a few really safe bets I can make about you. I’d bet my right nut you love sex. Even if you’re a sad, virgin neckbeard living in your mom’s basement, I’m sure you also really love pornography. I’d put down any amount of money on you being a fan of multiple genres of hardcore smut, but I’m guessing you really love seeing teenagers getting fucked, don’t you? Don’t feel bad; it’s just human nature, which is why I think you’re going to love...
Premium Teen Porn SitesAre you a Token Fox? I guess the answer would probably depend on how we define the term, and well, I’m just checking out the site now. I haven’t quite figured out if the titular foxes are the babes exposing their beavers on the platform, or the dudes pumping tokens into the machine as they pump the sperm out of their dicks. Maybe an easier question would take the newfangled terminology out of the equation: do you like beating off to live, sexy camgirls?That’s really a rhetorical question,...
Live Sex Cam SitesENFORCED DISCIPLINECHAPTER 1.Cynthia duly arrived at Edward Lassiter's school, a small but ultra-select establishment in a beautiful but lonely part of the Maritime Alps, which catered for awkward girls who required correction and training. As such, it had been chosen by Mrs. Partington, Cynthia's stepmother to receive her for a period. Though some twenty years of age, the girl had been a source of worry and trouble to her stepmother and this had culminated her activities in becoming involved...
Michael had worked as my general handyman around the house for at least ten years. He was a quiet soul, softly spoken, very much old school and so,so incredibly polite. I had never ever let him know of my passion for alternative kinky play, I didn’t think he needed to know however, certain items in the laundry room must of caught his attention at some time over the years he had worked for me..but, dear Michael, the polite gentleman that he was, had never ever said a word…he just carried...
I am Naren and this is my story. Well I still really don’t understand that I was able to achieve an impossible task, something which I had cherished since I was a c***d. I mean literally a c***d. To be honest to do something crazy, which you really don’t think is possible you need to be patient... Well you also have to know how to act. At least that much which could convince people that you are telling the truth…obviously without money you cannot even buy trash. Last but not the least you have...
STRANGER IN A STRANGE WORLD By Deputy Duffy It was a cool early summer night as Bobbie Sue walked along the beach road.She was frantically searching for the small nightclub her cousin's band wasperforming at, but she just couldn't seem to find it. She was walking and walking-- wishing that she had written down the club's name and directions, but hercousin Amy had made it sound so easy. "Oh god! Where am I?" She scanned up at the buildings that all seemingly looked the same. BobbieSue...
Anita's Sex Sacrifice by Jethro Jodhpur Chapter 1 The phone call was most unpleasant for Anita. The voice at the other end told her that unless she made herself available to his representatives without informing anyone before hand, her son, Pradeep, who was in debt to them up to his eyeballs, would...
100% fiction! "Calm down, sweetie. I'm not upset with you. In fact, I've never seen a cock quite so big. And that cumshot was HUGE!" "Ye...yeah, I produce quite abit of cum." "I've got an idea. I have never met a cock that I couldn't swallow. So I have a proposition for you. If I am able get that entire cock down my throat, then tomorrow, you are my slave. You will do whatever I want, but if your massive tool is too much for me, then I will be your slave. What do ya think?" “Wow! That sounds...
Incest‘Shhhh!’ I said hushing my best friend beside me.‘What?’ she retorted, ‘That wasn’t my fault!’ She looked at me honestly, though we both knew she was just clumsy, and we started silently laughing.‘Honey, you are just something else!’ I whispered to her, smiling. But secretly the aching between my legs was just too much. No matter how much I tried, I couldn’t control it. It happened whenever I was with Claire, she was just beautiful in a way no one could comprehend. She was slim and toned, with...
Zum Diktat, Kerstin, Sch?tzchen Thomas lehnte sich in seinem Sessel zur?ck und seufzte zufrieden. Es war ein harter Tag im B?ro gewesen. Der Arbeitstag war fast vor?ber und er freute sich schon auf den Abend. Er verschr?nkte seine H?nde hinter seinem Kopf und ?bersah sein 'Reich'. Er l?chelte bei dem Gedanken, ein wohlwollender Leiter zu sein. Er ist bef?rdert worden und steht jetzt einer jungen Abteilung vor. Anf?nglich hatte er Schwierigkeiten, aber nun, nach ein paar Monaten hatte er es ...
When Penelope returns to the place where she met Nedkid Woodflayer, she finds the vampire hunter propped against a tree stump asleep. Now there’s a sight, a mighty vampire hunter catching his Z’s. “Don’t be hard on him,” the witch says. “He has to stay up all night doing battle.” With a hard-on like that I’m surprised he isn’t using it as a sword. The girl giggles and it is enough to wake Ned. The man jumps to his feet, pulling out a stake from beneath his coat. “Who goes there!” he...
Create A Soap Opera Disclaimer: This is a work of pure fiction. Any similarity to actual people or places is purely coincidental. Enjoy… BY THE WAY... I didn't know what I was doing and accidentally set the karma requirement for this story too high... I would love contributions though... If you want to add a thread, email it to me directly! Thanks, and enjoy! Welcome to the town of Suncrest, an idyllic area in California. Suncrest is populated with many people, most of whom are normal,...
‘Where, Anne?’ asked Stan, mildly. But he was anxious, twisted up inside. ‘Is it far?’ ‘No, Stan, not far. I’ll commute. It’s about an hour each way, about sixty miles or so up the motorway.’ ‘So you’re going to stay with us?’ asked Denise, looking and sounding troubled. ‘Yes, of course!’ Anne answered, sitting up straight. ‘Thank God!’ muttered Stan, and Anne took his hand in both of hers. ‘I wouldn’t leave you, silly!’ she told him. ‘Good! ‘Cuz we’re not planning on letting you go!’...
The lunch time bell rang, sending a bolt of fear down Claire’s spine. She’d spent the last two lessons stressing about what Mr Sunderland had meant by ‘some kind of arrangement’. Surely he couldn’t mean anything ‘inappropriate’… However, it’s hardly standard practice to catch his pupils fucking in his drama studio at break time. Claire’s mind flashed back to the look on his face when he walked in and found her and Scott semi-dressed on the stage. He’d looked so angry, really letting rip on...
Part I – The EncounterI've been a crossdresser since my early teens. I'm a 5'3”, 28 years old, 130 lbs, latina sissy. I have long black hair and green eyes, with a dark silky brown tan and very athletic figure with a big ass and small tits. I love feminine things and have always had an intense desire to be a full time girl.Whenever I'm home, I always wear women's clothes. I just love weekends because I transform into a very sexy and exotic girl. Every Saturday morning I get up early and...
I thought it might be fun to have a story contributed by any of the other authors on Lush. So, I’ll start the story off, and then anyone else is free to jump in and write a paragraph or two using the Embellish section below. Let’s see where this goes! Andy was not long out of school and was lucky enough to secure an IT helpdesk position working for a large law firm in the city. He had been working now for 6 months and had made some good friends while working there. One person he has a...
A slim boy, slouched in his seat. The ramblings of his cute professor were barely audible to him. His mind was racing. Today had snuck up on Keith. He could not believe what was going to take place later tonight. "Keith..." His beautiful professor snapped him out of his day dreaming. Her low cut top revealing her full breasts was barely a distraction today. "Would you mind telling the room why you believe Donald Trump was elected?" Keith had grown tired of his major. Political Science had began...
TranssexualMyron is the biggest dork at Green Valey High. He has no friends and he is a total loser. Myron has never been on a date, and he's never kissed a girl. It sucks being such a pathetic virgin loser. But the worst part of the whole thing is that Myron has a micropenis. A pathetic one inch baby dick. Myron managed to hide his "little" secret through all of middle and high school, but one of these days Myron's bullies are going to take things too far and expose his "little" secret in front of all of...
TeenIntroduction: This is quite a detailed story, but Im sure you will enjoy reading it just as much as we enjoyed experimenting! This story is about something that happened between my brother Kai and I. Well, actually he is my step-brother but we are very, very close, and call ourselves blood-brothers. I am 16 and he is 15, and have been in each others lives for a few years now. And we do everything together. We have our good days and bad days. It is a lot like your typical brotherly relationship...
I'd spent the good part of Friday evening organizing my thoughts about how to finish the basement room at the Michaels' home in the most efficient way. Yolanda agreed to paint the baseboards and casings if I did all the other stuff. I had half-gallon of semi-gloss white latex in my storage unit which I retrieved before leaving for the Michaels' house. That would look after the trim. I picked up my rubber hammer, cushioned knee pads, gloves, and safety glasses, and I was set for the day. I...
Dad had several of his friends over to watch football games and drink beer. As usual, he let me have my friend Julie over for company. They spent the evening in our game room and Julie and I would go down to take refills on chips and dip to them, and noticed they were all getting pretty high and having a great time. We watched some TV until we got real sleepy, but set the alarm clock for 3:30 am to check on them downstairs. When the alarm went off we tip toed down (giggling) to the game...
The first clue that something might be amiss were the clothes that lay on the path. A man's jeans, shirt, shoes and underwear were placed carefully on a patch of grass. Scattered more carelessly in the dirt were a torn, yellow floral bikini top, and what had been a pair of cut-off denim shorts. They had been cut up both legs, and were now no more than a piece of rag. A few white buttons were also scattered around the ground. The reason for this unusual scene lay several hundred meters away,...
Always being lateShort little story no novel. I work year round at a local manufacturing facility on the east coast. My commute is usually around 20-30 on a good day. As I was getting off one night from evening shift as I was turning left to get home so officer across the street throw his lights on and I'm like Fuck. To keep it simple I ended up with a window tint violation and failure to yield. Whatever. The scheduled court appearance was only set out ten days from the light I got pulled over....
Fiction.. If you are disturbed about older plumper mom and mature son sex this story is not for you. Mom called me again wondering if I could help her when she went for another bath, I was at her house as soon as I could after knowing what happened last time. Crippled with arthritis and waiting for a new hip my larger plump mom needed a helping hand with things and reassurance in case she fell.I wasted no time in undressing her as the awkwardness between naked mother and son had been conquered...
My Second Gay Experience.If you have read my previous story than you know about my first gay experience. Again this is a mostly true account of the second time I experienced gay relations. My second gay experience was about a year after my first. Again I was lonely and had been surfing the internet searching for girls when I met a young lady in a sex chat chat room. She was fairly local to me living only 3 towns over. In the country that is considered local. I was secretly disappointed when she...