Eva eine unendliche Geschichte
- 3 years ago
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Ich bin in einem sehr konservativen christlichen Zuhause aufgewachsen. absolvierte eine christliche High School. Dort traf ich auch meinen späteren Ehemann Ben. Wir haben sogar das gleiche christliche College besucht. In meinem ersten Jahr stellten wir fest, dass Abstinenz viel einfacher zu moralisieren ist als zu praktizieren. Wir haben früher als geplant geheiratet. Ich habe das College abgebrochen und einen Job als Sekretärin angenommen, um beim Einkommen zu helfen. Die Zeiten waren hart,...
InterracialIch stand mit rasendem Herzen vor meinem Schminkspiegel, als ich mich inspizierte. Als ich mein Kleid über meine Hüften glättete, erregte der Glanz meines diamantenen Eherings meine Aufmerksamkeit. Ich überlegte, ihn auszuziehen, aber als ich mich an Sallys Kommentare über die Beliebtheit von verheirateten Frauen erinnerte, beschloss ich, ihn anzulassen. Ich freute mich über meine sexy Reflexion. Da ich kleine Brüste hatte, trug ich selten einen BH, und der dünne Stoff meines Kleides umriß...
InterracialDer Tag neigte sich dem Abend zu und in der mittelalterlichen Gasse herrschte nur noch weng betrieb. Schauriger dicker Nebel schluckte das letzte Licht des Tages. Die Fenster der Animiermädchen waren mit Kerzen hell erleuchtet, so das man durch die roten, fadenscheinigen Gardienen ins innere sehen konnte. Natascha die russische Puffmutter, lehnte an einer Mauer an der der Putz herunterbröckelte und inhalierte tief den Rauch ihrer Zigarette ein. "Was ist ihr geilen Böcke, hat keiner von euch...
*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...
TeenHans lebte vor vielen Jahren in Xstadt, einem Ort, der auch eine Universität hatte. Hans studierte zwar nicht, aber er trieb sich gerne in den entsprechenden Kreisen herum. Er fiel nicht sehr auf mit seinem Allerweltsgesicht und -körper, auch war er doch nicht so schlau wie die Studentinnen, die ihn hauptsächlich interessierten und konnte deshalb auch nicht mit genialen Sprüchen glänzen, das aber gereichte ihm durchaus auch zum Vorteil, erkannten ihn die Mädchen, sahen sie ihn ein zweites oder...
Gestern hat er mich plötzlich angerufen. Andreas. Der durchtrainierte Typ, den ich in der Diskothek kennengelernt hatte als mein Ehemann mit Grippekopfschmerzen im Bett lag und mich volljammerte, ich müsse mich um ihn kümmern. Aber von so etwas hatte ich mir noch nie den Abend nicht versauen lassen – im Gegenteil. Was für eine praktische Gelegenheit. Ist mein Mann doch selbst schuld. Wäre er nicht so langweilig, würde ich ihn zwar trotzdem betrügen, aber er käme vielleicht wenigstens mal bei...
Die Überschrift "Staatsanwalt von Mob ermordet", erregt Kevins Interesse und er klickt den Beitrag auf. Der Text ist schnell gelesen. Staatsanwalt McMurphy, der McMurphy, der versprochen hatte, mit dem Einfluss der Mafia aufzuräumen, war gestern am späten Abend mit zwei Schüssen in der Tiefgarage des Gerichtsgebäudes regelrecht hingerichtet worden. Mit McMurphy wurde eine junge Angestellte eines privaten Sicherheitsunternehmens, die zu seinem Schutz engagiert worden war, ebenfalls...
This story is my property. Duplication, publication on other sites and outside the Internet is prohibited. this story really happened.I was still a teenager..i went to my school mates to meet with him and his cute sister, who was already 18 years old.When I came into the apartment, my mother met me and said that my buddy is sick in bed and that I shouldn't go to him because of the infection. then I went to his sister, who said to me that she still needs some time to get ready.then i went into...
Hallo, mein Name ist Emily . Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und ihr kennt mich zwar noch nicht, aber dafür seit ihr ja hier. Aktuell gehe ich noch zur Schule und mache meinen Abschluss. Ich bin nicht die beste, aber auch nicht die schlechteste. Allerdings muss ich sagen, würde ich lernen oder Hausaufgaben machen, könnte ich besser sein. Ich würde das auch machen, wären die Themen nur nicht so langweilig. Viel lieber mache ich etwas mit Freunden oder gehe ins Gym. Früher habe ich viel geturnt, aber ich...
TeenEs war halb Neun und natürlich war Ben wieder pünktlich und klingelte an meiner Tür." Jetzt mach mal hin die Party hat schon um acht angefangen". "Ja, ja beruhig dich ich bin erst vor einer halben Stunde von der Arbeit Heim gekommen." Versuchte ich mich zu verteidigen während ich meine Sachen zusammen suchte. 40 Minuten später parkten wir vor Lisas Haus und begaben uns in Richtung des nicht zu überhörenden Lärms der nur von dem Gelächter und zugeproste einzelner übertönt wurde. "Ich hoffe die...
Hallo zusammen, unter dieser Geschichte werde ich mehrere Kurzgeschichten veröffentlichen die einen Handlungsstrang haben und mal länger und mal kürzer gehen werden. Je nach Beliebtheit werde ich mich auf einzelne Handlungsstränge fokussieren. Weitere Autoren sind herzlich willkommen und können ihre Ideen umsetzen und gerne mitschreiben. Grundsätzlich steht bei jeder Kurzgeschichte ein Protagonist im Vordergrund der entweder der Verführer oder der Verführte ist. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, euer Uwe!
Alles beginnt bei dem Hauptcharakter. Ich erzähle ein wenig zu mir, da ich alle Geschichten aus meiner Sicht schreiben werde, falls das uninteressant ist könnt ihr sofort unten zu den Geschichten springen. VG bedeutet, dass es eine (kurze!) Vorgeschichte gibt, bevor das eigentliche Thema beginnt. Erstmal Allgemeines: Mein Name ist Paola. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf direkt am Waldrand. Ich habe eine Schwester, die aber selten Zuhause ist. Der Wald an dem ich wohne hat...
Sarah Baumann hatte es von Anfang an für keine gute Idee gehalten, aber sie wollte ihrem Freund Ralf, mit dem sie jetzt schon fast acht Jahre zusammen war, nicht die Freude verderben. Er hatte sich „Weihnachten wie früher“ gewünscht, wohlwissend, dass es sowas nicht geben konnte. Zwar konnte man versuchen alles so auszurichten wie vor 40 Jahren, was einem bei den Dingen wie Essen, Dekor etc. auch gelingen konnte, aber man selbst war einfach nicht mehr der, der man als Kind gewesen war. Sarah...
Hier entstehen fiktive Geschichten von fiktiven Personen. Schreibt fleißig mit und last die Geschichten laufen wie ihr wollt. Oder erstellt selbst einen Thread einer Geschichte. Schreibt von einer oder mehr Personen oder schildert die Abenteuer einer fiktiven Kollege(in), Freund(in) o.ä. Last eure Charaktäre erleben was ihr wollt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schreiben.
Das "Institut für Seele und Geist" ist eine "ganz normale" psychiatrische Klinik irgendwo auf der Welt. Wir beobachten die Menschen, die hier arbeiten, die als Patienten hier leben und die zu Besuch sind bei ihren Geschichten und Geschichtchen. Wir unternehmen einen Streifzug durch die einzelnen Stationen, durch den Klinikgarten, die Arztzimmer und den Pausenraum der Belegschaft, durch die Küche, den Speicher, den Keller - jeder Winkel der "Psych" bietet neue, spannende, sexy Abenteuer.
Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...
Hier findet ihr kurze Geschichten, die nicht für sanfte Gemüter sind. Sexualisierte Gewalt, Mord, Snuff, sind nur einige Schlagwörter, die zutreffen. Wer das nicht mag, möchte bitte hier aufhören zu lesen. Meine Darsteller sind alle über 18, machen freiwillig in meinen Geschichten mit und niemand hat einen bleibenden Schaden behalten. Natürlich sind alle Geschichten frei erfunden. Eventuelle Ähnlichkeiten zu Gegebenheiten, Personen oder sonstigem sind weder beabsichtigt noch zutreffend. . Die...
Es ist ein warmer sonniger Freitag Nachmittag. Sandra ist gerade von der Schule nach Hause gekommen. Gelangweilt sitzt sie in ihrem Zimmer. Es ist nicht besonders groß, aber trotzdem hätte sie gern mehr Platz. Es sieht alles ein wenig chaotisch und unaufgeräumt aus. Auf dem Boden liegen ein paar Jeans und ein getragener Slip. Rötliche Sonnenstrahlen fallen durch das Fenster und lassen ihr Zimmer herbstlich erleuchten. Sie lässt sich auf ihr Bett fallen und schliesst ihre Augen. Was für ein...
TeenLangeweile (1975)Das Schiff hieß Gerd Wesch und der Hafen war Durban in Südafrika.Ich hatte mal richtig Pech gehabt. Bei der Arbeit war mir eine 100Kg Rettungsinsel auf den rechten Arm gekracht und hatte mir den Ellenbogen gebrochen. Im Krankenhaus wurde ich geröntgt. Der Arzt grinste mich an, von Ohr zu Ohr, sagte: „Yes! It’s broken“ und legte mir den Arm in eine Schlinge – sonst nichts. Ist ja auch ganz logisch, denn im Ausland muss die Reederei alles bezahlen. In Deutschland kommt natürlich...
Prolog. "Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub", es waren die letzten Worte die der Priester vor dem offenen Grab sprach. Die Regentschaft von König Rudolph II. war tatsächlich zu ende. So war es auch für die Trauergemeinde Zeit, endgültig Abschied zu nehmen. Dem Rang entsprechend erwies der designierte König, Ferdinand, als erster dem Toten die letzte Ehre. Ihm folgte seine Mutter, Königin Adelheid. Es folgten die ranghohen Mitglieder der Königsfamilie, Klerikale, ranghohe Militär und...
IncestAnd this is my life. Only a couple more weeks and I’ll neverhave to do rounds again! Alas, it is my job for now, so I’m going to do it. It’s same old same old. No banging co-eds. No extra tasks from my boss. This should go smoothly, if not boring. There is only one hitch for me to consider this time around: the laundry room door. Every week, we report that damn door to maintenance and it has yet to be fixed. The lock is faulty and if you are inside and the door is closed, you are not getting...
College SexIt was early in the morning, about 4 a.m. or so. I woke up restless, lonely, aching for a woman’s gentle touch. I wanted to see my Taliya. Getting up as quietly as I could I snuck over to my Master and Mistress’ room first, to make sure they were sound asleep. Cautiously cracking open their creaky door I stuck my head in quickly. They were snoring like little babies, the heady smell of sex heavy in the bedroom air. Master must have not been fully satisfied after punishing Taliya,...
I work the night shift for a grocery store. Usually before my shift ends, she comes into work. Her name was Misty, she's the seafood manager. We talk from time to time, one night I was telling her about me going out to karaoke, she told me she liked to do karaoke but hasn't gone in a while. Several days later, I went up to talk to her when I noticed she wasn't herself. "Are you ok misty? You seem depressed" I asked her, then she replied, "my boyfriend cheated on me and I'm upset, I need a...
My wife was having an Avon party so I stopped for a few beers after work with some of the guys. I wasn't paying much attention to the other people in the bar, at least not until I heard a very familiar laugh. I hadn't heard it in years, but the laugh was so distinctive that I knew who it had to be. I got up from my table and went looking. He was at a table at the back of the bar with two women and another man and even though I might be intruding I walked toward his table. When I got close...
‘Jeff, this is Ashley. I wanted to tell you I’m sorry for how I acted.’ He didn’t say anything. I assumed he thought there should be more. So I gave it to him. ‘I’ve been with some pretty inexperienced, clumsy guys. They kind of handled my, breasts, like they were stress balls. It was painful and uncomfortable and I sort of flashed back to those experiences without trying to understand what you were doing or what I was actually feeling. I overreacted. I’m really sorry.’ I radiated sincerity...
The next twenty-four hours were a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. All I could think of were the words Barbie had spoken to me the day before. She had opened the door for us to have sex! The thought almost seemed absurd, but at the same time, it was all I could think about. I had always thought of her as very attractive, but she was always like a sister to me, as I was like a brother to her. At least that's what I thought the feelings I had always had for her was. Now, I was unsure. As all...
EroticHello everyone. This is Pooja. My bf posted one of our story my hot gf Pooja on this site and got good response so he told me write another for u guys. So back to story. Plz gv ur response by mail at . Hi I’m Pooja 23 years old nd have good figure of 34-26-34 nd have fair complexion. My bf Vishal was living in his flat nd he invited me to his flat. It was not first tym i went there bt something was special that day. I earlier visited his flat nd we loved also bt i just did it coz he liked it....
This story is based on what may be an urban myth from my college days. A fraternity brother told me about the incident after my own adventure, described in my story ‘Pledge Class Payback’ so I believe it to be true. When I asked about it, no one could remember the actual names or years or the fraternity. However, it fed my imagination and inspired me to write this story. It is based on a ‘true incident’ with a lot of embellishments. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are...
(Two young boys brandish sticks like swords.) Boy: I am the Choushuu patriot Katsura Kogorou! Boy: And I am Takasugi Shinsaku! Kenshin (holding up two sticks and looking embarrassed): Beware, you fools. I am the captain of the Shinsengumi, the demons who silence crying children, Koudou Isami. My blade Kotetsu will drink blood tonight. (They attack, and he fends them off. The other children are looking at something, and Kenshin glances up to see what it is. A sullen-looking boy appears a...
Davey pulled his cloak tighter around himself, feeling the bitter north wind cutting its path across the high moor. Autumn leaves blowing in angry circles about his horses' feet, causing the big chestnut to stamp its feet nervously. He leant down and patted the strong neck of his trusty mount.“Hush boy, not long now. I'll soon have us galloping through the night.”He knew the Falmouth coach would pass by on the narrow lane below him within the hour. Word had it, the new Magistrate and his lady...
HistoricalHello, main Naveen hoon. Aaj main aapko apne pehle sex sambhog ke bare me btane ja rha hoon. Mujhe umeed hai ki aapko meri ye pehli kahani pasand aayegi. Ye meri pehli kahani hai, isliye mujhe kuch galtiya bhi ho skati hai. Uske liye please mujhe maaf karna. Toh chaliye fir kahani main shuru karta hoon. Apna school pura hone ke baad maine ek apni city ke sabse pade college me aage study karne ke liye gya. Mujhe ye pata tha, ki whan par ladkiya bahot sari hai. Jo sabhi sabhi ki bahot sexy aur...
That was before Ada asked me to work for her ‘exclusive agency’. “We have a wide ranging client list, males and females, and lots of constant work,” she told me as she auditioned me. “And we provide for some very kinky people with lots of sexual fetishes.” When I arrive at their hotel suite I quickly decide the pics Ada showed me do not do them justice. They are both around their late-thirties, obviously a professional business couple. I soon leant despite their French accents they both...
"What does my lame step brother want now?" I thought to myself as Tommy opened my bedroom door. I was in bed, wearing just a pair of red panties and a blue t-shirt and watching TV. I was laying on my stomach facing the TV at the edge of the bed, twirling a lock of my light brown hair around my finger. My step brother peeked his head through the door then entered and closed the door behind him, not asking for permission. "I'm so not in the mood for him" I thought to myself,...
Until that night Len had never seen his wife acting like such a wanton slut. Had she been hiding pent up fantasies? Or, was the excitement of exhibiting her sexual abilities the driving force?Len heard applause and looked up to see his wife, wrapped in a large towel, as she entered the magician’s suite. It occurred to him that there was more than one person clapping and perhaps there were three or more.Char smiled and did a little pirouette and it garnered more applause as the magician came...
ExhibitionismThe man on the floor began to moan quite loudly, so I gave him a swift kick in the ribs. I had never in my life struck another person, but the hatred that this foul piece of garbage engendered in me, was monumental. "Shut up, you slug, and get on your feet! We have things to do." 'Master' slowly got to his feet still clutching at his chest. "You will not try to run again! You cannot, and will not disobey me, no matter what the command. Is that clear?" I pushed these commands into...
Watching Jenna III By MadQuill Please remember this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. I'm sure there are some errors and I do care. Thank you for your comments. The plot of this story is includes three women and they are tied to the earlier submitted story "Watching Jenna". "Watching Jenna IV" is underway. Scene Twelve: Keith & Leyna We had been close years earlier but then she disappeared. Only years later did I understand how this occurred and...
This is part two of Frank's Barn. That might be a good one to read before you read this one.I called back at three and Dee answered the phone. In a youthful voice she said brightly, "Hi! This is Dee." I waited a second then said she had given me her card a few nights ago. She whispered, "Just a second, I'm going to go to the phone in my room." A little while later I heard her yell out, "Daddy, will you hang up the phone in the kitchen? I am going to take a while on this phone call." I...
Man, when you close your eyes, you can still remember the taste of being rich. You used to be the shit, to have moxie. Simply put, no other man in the 20s had more of a presence in New York high society than you, the one and only John Doe. Your father was born from a poor working-class family, of making it big as a theatre actor. As for your mother, she was...well, rich. And hot. She was rich and hot. Because of a clause in my narrating contract whoever, I am legally obligated to also mention...
This is a story about a woman named Jisha, a woman with voluptuous lips, hips, butt and breasts. This is my adventure exploring her lustfully in several ways during the New year's eve of 2013 and the days after that. [email protected] to give me feedback on this story or to share your own sexperiences with hot women in your life. Until then, Peace!
MILFAt five-fifty-five, we arrived for our six o’clock reservation for five at the Rainforest Café outside Disney World. We took an electronic puck from the hostess and waited. It’s got to be the busiest restaurant in the world. At five-fifty-eight, I had to restrain Melinda when she saw the big pink wide brimmed ‘Go to Hell’ hat. I told her to walk with Jackie slowly over to them, calmly, let Jackie talk first, and join me where we were waiting before any excitement was noted. When they were...
It’s early. Far to early to be up on New Years Day, but we are up anyway. We are on our way to Brighton from London. My girlfriend Jess is asleep with her head in my lap, as the train passes through Gatwick and our carriage empties out. It looks like not a lot of people are on their way to Brighton this rather chilly early New Years morning. Jess wakes up as we stop at the next station. She looks up and me and smiles sleepily. She has a great smile. Her long brown hair is tousled and partly...
ExhibitionismMichael was pleased with the way his first two classes had gone as he walked from campus towards his flat. The afternoon was clear, the sun hung just beyond its zenith, the light haze of the morning having given way to a crystal afternoon with a light breeze. Fall was in the air and Michael was happy to be walking through it he was also happy that he would have some time alone with his women. Valerie and Tera's actions over the past few days had struck Michael as odd. He had been with...
She caught me looking, she had a very short dress on and caught me looking at her legs... She was young then I should not have been looking but couldn't help myself, she was stunning...I had not seen her for a few years and she was now a young sexy womanWe were sat across the room from each other and she had her legs crossed, she was wearing tights, a short black dressI was guessing she was around a size 8 uk dress size, but her tits were a nice size a good handfulHer make up was bloody nice...
She pushed me down into the chair that I had been standing next to and pulled off my pants. My cock was only somewhat hard but with her small hands she worked it until it stood at stiff attention. I squeezed and played with her small breasts while she stroked my cock. After it was hard she wrapped her lips around the tip of my cock and with out pause deep throated me. Compared to her small body my cock was rather large. She brushed her hands over the sweet spots on my hips as she took me all...
Dear readers, it is Pradipta again from Bhubaneswar I hope all of you would have read my earlier stories describing about my slut wife Sarita and my fantasy in watching and enjoying her actions with other men with huge cocks and swapping with other couples. The recent experience my wife had and I enjoyed watching, she has been fucked by a watcher with a huge cock in a deserted school’s classroom right in front of me. Let me go on with the details. It so happened that on last of July month we...
Sooo the BJ story, is actually 2 stories. The first was very innocent and accidental. We (my fiancée Sandi and I) were having a small party at her place in Brighton. My one friend John Mattioli got drunk and slept over on the couch instead of driving back to the east side. Went to high school with John and pretty much knew of his rep of having a large penis but had never seen it in the locker room. The next morning I got up to use the bathroom. Because Sandi’s aunt was sleeping over also (uncle h...
EroticDothan was snoring in the back seat as Jorie piloted the FAD homeward. A creeping numbness was welling up within him even as he tried to ignore his findings of the day. He recognized the sensation, having experienced it before at the beginning of his PhD studies. While he was conducting a literature search to frame his research, his favorite topic had run into unforeseen difficulties. He had been forced to abandon the subject matter and, facing that dead end, had to go through a period of...
Continued from ‘The Liquor Store – Hooked’ (part 2). It had been a while since we played with Mike, Michelle’s hung stud. Many different things had been going on. My wife, Michelle had started working with a catering company and our store had started supplying the liquor for special events like weddings. Michelle was constantly traveling between the store and the catering company, improving our business but by the end of the day, she was usually exhausted. On a rare slow night, we decided to...
I am not a good writer but i am trying to share my few real life experiences though this site. This is my experience when I am in my Graduation (BCOM). My name is Abhisek and I am 24 year old now.. But this experience was when I am 20yr old. I am very naughty kind of student and student like me a lot. When I am in 1st few new faculties join our college on temporary basis. One of the faculty was a lady of age around 27 unmarried her name was Sunita.She was teaching us OB(Organisational...
I am a mutant. It is not visible. It is not a deformity. In fact, growing up, I was totally oblivious to my differences, and was not even aware that I had special abilities. As I matured, I developed more and stronger mental powers. These include, in my mature state, empathy, telepathy, psychokinesis (the ability to manipulate matter with my mind, which I will refer to in this narrative as PK for ease of use), some ‘far-seeing’, and some slight precognition. In addition, and most importantly...
Introduction: When Me and Tom have a few hours, and lots of curiousity, anything can happen. Tom was not an average boy, five foot seven inches, 14, and stunning. His beach-blond hair, skater-boy looks, and muscular facade all compliment his sky blue eyes in a way no others did. He seemed to luminance, sticking out of the crowd with a comfortable glow, an idol in a way, with never an enemy. I, being the forementioneds Best Friend, was aware of all of this, and (although secretly) very, very...
You have to love those Newfies... A road crew supervisor in southern Ontario hired Herb from Newfoundland, to paint the yellow line down the middle of highway 10 heading up toward Wasaga Beach. He was skeptical about hiring him since he didn't have any painting background; however, he appeared enthusiastic and told him that he really needed the job. At least his wife Lorrie-Jane, told him so. He explained to Herb, that his work day would be to complete 2 miles of centerline on the road. He...
Editor: WhiteWave48 Chapter 03 — The temperature rises – the party swings Interrupting Jenny’s forbidden thoughts, a deep familiar voice called her name. As Jenny turned her head, she spotted Rick elbowing his way through the motley crowd with French Royalty in tow. Introductions were quickly exchanged before Rick wandered off with a pretty young thing who talked slow and moved fast. King Louis XIV and his wife, Marie Antoinette, were the hosts of the party and very gracious. Louis was all...
Gypsy Healing A Short Story By Maryanne Peters "Before I answer your question, I must tell you that I am not a religious person, and I do not believe in miracles," said Dr Solander. "But spontaneous remission is a fact. It does happen. It happens rarely, but it does happen. Even without treatment, cancers can disappear." "But that is exactly what I am asking," said Emmet. "How can it happen? Can there be some external influence? I am like you - not at all religious. I am...
Sarah was awake when I opened my eyes. It was New Year’s Day. It had stopped snowing, the sun was shining, and it was cold. “Why are you always hard?" Sarah wanted to know, sounding a little displeased. “I don’t have any control over it,” I responded. “You poked me with that thing all night.” “How do you feel?” I asked. “Sore,” she indicated. “But it’s a good sore.” “Sore in one or two places or sore all over?” I inquired, concerned that I had hurt her the night before. “All over,” she...
Straight SexDani may not be exactly beautiful - But she gets plenty of attention from guys. Her red hair in particular has always been attractive to guys. Ok, probably also the fact that she's got really big boobs. 95D is not a breast size that is easy to hide from a guy's eyes. It doesn't matter if the dress or shirt is tight or not. Even behind a coat - even a winter coat - you can still easily tell that she's not particularly flat-chested. OK, then, on the other hand, she might like to have a few...