Eva eine unendliche Geschichte
- 3 years ago
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Ich bin in einem sehr konservativen christlichen Zuhause aufgewachsen. absolvierte eine christliche High School. Dort traf ich auch meinen späteren Ehemann Ben. Wir haben sogar das gleiche christliche College besucht. In meinem ersten Jahr stellten wir fest, dass Abstinenz viel einfacher zu moralisieren ist als zu praktizieren. Wir haben früher als geplant geheiratet. Ich habe das College abgebrochen und einen Job als Sekretärin angenommen, um beim Einkommen zu helfen. Die Zeiten waren hart,...
InterracialIch stand mit rasendem Herzen vor meinem Schminkspiegel, als ich mich inspizierte. Als ich mein Kleid über meine Hüften glättete, erregte der Glanz meines diamantenen Eherings meine Aufmerksamkeit. Ich überlegte, ihn auszuziehen, aber als ich mich an Sallys Kommentare über die Beliebtheit von verheirateten Frauen erinnerte, beschloss ich, ihn anzulassen. Ich freute mich über meine sexy Reflexion. Da ich kleine Brüste hatte, trug ich selten einen BH, und der dünne Stoff meines Kleides umriß...
InterracialDer Tag neigte sich dem Abend zu und in der mittelalterlichen Gasse herrschte nur noch weng betrieb. Schauriger dicker Nebel schluckte das letzte Licht des Tages. Die Fenster der Animiermädchen waren mit Kerzen hell erleuchtet, so das man durch die roten, fadenscheinigen Gardienen ins innere sehen konnte. Natascha die russische Puffmutter, lehnte an einer Mauer an der der Putz herunterbröckelte und inhalierte tief den Rauch ihrer Zigarette ein. "Was ist ihr geilen Böcke, hat keiner von euch...
*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...
TeenHans lebte vor vielen Jahren in Xstadt, einem Ort, der auch eine Universität hatte. Hans studierte zwar nicht, aber er trieb sich gerne in den entsprechenden Kreisen herum. Er fiel nicht sehr auf mit seinem Allerweltsgesicht und -körper, auch war er doch nicht so schlau wie die Studentinnen, die ihn hauptsächlich interessierten und konnte deshalb auch nicht mit genialen Sprüchen glänzen, das aber gereichte ihm durchaus auch zum Vorteil, erkannten ihn die Mädchen, sahen sie ihn ein zweites oder...
Gestern hat er mich plötzlich angerufen. Andreas. Der durchtrainierte Typ, den ich in der Diskothek kennengelernt hatte als mein Ehemann mit Grippekopfschmerzen im Bett lag und mich volljammerte, ich müsse mich um ihn kümmern. Aber von so etwas hatte ich mir noch nie den Abend nicht versauen lassen – im Gegenteil. Was für eine praktische Gelegenheit. Ist mein Mann doch selbst schuld. Wäre er nicht so langweilig, würde ich ihn zwar trotzdem betrügen, aber er käme vielleicht wenigstens mal bei...
Die Überschrift "Staatsanwalt von Mob ermordet", erregt Kevins Interesse und er klickt den Beitrag auf. Der Text ist schnell gelesen. Staatsanwalt McMurphy, der McMurphy, der versprochen hatte, mit dem Einfluss der Mafia aufzuräumen, war gestern am späten Abend mit zwei Schüssen in der Tiefgarage des Gerichtsgebäudes regelrecht hingerichtet worden. Mit McMurphy wurde eine junge Angestellte eines privaten Sicherheitsunternehmens, die zu seinem Schutz engagiert worden war, ebenfalls...
This story is my property. Duplication, publication on other sites and outside the Internet is prohibited. this story really happened.I was still a teenager..i went to my school mates to meet with him and his cute sister, who was already 18 years old.When I came into the apartment, my mother met me and said that my buddy is sick in bed and that I shouldn't go to him because of the infection. then I went to his sister, who said to me that she still needs some time to get ready.then i went into...
Hallo, mein Name ist Emily . Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und ihr kennt mich zwar noch nicht, aber dafür seit ihr ja hier. Aktuell gehe ich noch zur Schule und mache meinen Abschluss. Ich bin nicht die beste, aber auch nicht die schlechteste. Allerdings muss ich sagen, würde ich lernen oder Hausaufgaben machen, könnte ich besser sein. Ich würde das auch machen, wären die Themen nur nicht so langweilig. Viel lieber mache ich etwas mit Freunden oder gehe ins Gym. Früher habe ich viel geturnt, aber ich...
TeenEs war halb Neun und natürlich war Ben wieder pünktlich und klingelte an meiner Tür." Jetzt mach mal hin die Party hat schon um acht angefangen". "Ja, ja beruhig dich ich bin erst vor einer halben Stunde von der Arbeit Heim gekommen." Versuchte ich mich zu verteidigen während ich meine Sachen zusammen suchte. 40 Minuten später parkten wir vor Lisas Haus und begaben uns in Richtung des nicht zu überhörenden Lärms der nur von dem Gelächter und zugeproste einzelner übertönt wurde. "Ich hoffe die...
Hallo zusammen, unter dieser Geschichte werde ich mehrere Kurzgeschichten veröffentlichen die einen Handlungsstrang haben und mal länger und mal kürzer gehen werden. Je nach Beliebtheit werde ich mich auf einzelne Handlungsstränge fokussieren. Weitere Autoren sind herzlich willkommen und können ihre Ideen umsetzen und gerne mitschreiben. Grundsätzlich steht bei jeder Kurzgeschichte ein Protagonist im Vordergrund der entweder der Verführer oder der Verführte ist. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, euer Uwe!
Alles beginnt bei dem Hauptcharakter. Ich erzähle ein wenig zu mir, da ich alle Geschichten aus meiner Sicht schreiben werde, falls das uninteressant ist könnt ihr sofort unten zu den Geschichten springen. VG bedeutet, dass es eine (kurze!) Vorgeschichte gibt, bevor das eigentliche Thema beginnt. Erstmal Allgemeines: Mein Name ist Paola. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf direkt am Waldrand. Ich habe eine Schwester, die aber selten Zuhause ist. Der Wald an dem ich wohne hat...
Sarah Baumann hatte es von Anfang an für keine gute Idee gehalten, aber sie wollte ihrem Freund Ralf, mit dem sie jetzt schon fast acht Jahre zusammen war, nicht die Freude verderben. Er hatte sich „Weihnachten wie früher“ gewünscht, wohlwissend, dass es sowas nicht geben konnte. Zwar konnte man versuchen alles so auszurichten wie vor 40 Jahren, was einem bei den Dingen wie Essen, Dekor etc. auch gelingen konnte, aber man selbst war einfach nicht mehr der, der man als Kind gewesen war. Sarah...
Hier entstehen fiktive Geschichten von fiktiven Personen. Schreibt fleißig mit und last die Geschichten laufen wie ihr wollt. Oder erstellt selbst einen Thread einer Geschichte. Schreibt von einer oder mehr Personen oder schildert die Abenteuer einer fiktiven Kollege(in), Freund(in) o.ä. Last eure Charaktäre erleben was ihr wollt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schreiben.
Das "Institut für Seele und Geist" ist eine "ganz normale" psychiatrische Klinik irgendwo auf der Welt. Wir beobachten die Menschen, die hier arbeiten, die als Patienten hier leben und die zu Besuch sind bei ihren Geschichten und Geschichtchen. Wir unternehmen einen Streifzug durch die einzelnen Stationen, durch den Klinikgarten, die Arztzimmer und den Pausenraum der Belegschaft, durch die Küche, den Speicher, den Keller - jeder Winkel der "Psych" bietet neue, spannende, sexy Abenteuer.
Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...
Hier findet ihr kurze Geschichten, die nicht für sanfte Gemüter sind. Sexualisierte Gewalt, Mord, Snuff, sind nur einige Schlagwörter, die zutreffen. Wer das nicht mag, möchte bitte hier aufhören zu lesen. Meine Darsteller sind alle über 18, machen freiwillig in meinen Geschichten mit und niemand hat einen bleibenden Schaden behalten. Natürlich sind alle Geschichten frei erfunden. Eventuelle Ähnlichkeiten zu Gegebenheiten, Personen oder sonstigem sind weder beabsichtigt noch zutreffend. . Die...
Es ist ein warmer sonniger Freitag Nachmittag. Sandra ist gerade von der Schule nach Hause gekommen. Gelangweilt sitzt sie in ihrem Zimmer. Es ist nicht besonders groß, aber trotzdem hätte sie gern mehr Platz. Es sieht alles ein wenig chaotisch und unaufgeräumt aus. Auf dem Boden liegen ein paar Jeans und ein getragener Slip. Rötliche Sonnenstrahlen fallen durch das Fenster und lassen ihr Zimmer herbstlich erleuchten. Sie lässt sich auf ihr Bett fallen und schliesst ihre Augen. Was für ein...
TeenLangeweile (1975)Das Schiff hieß Gerd Wesch und der Hafen war Durban in Südafrika.Ich hatte mal richtig Pech gehabt. Bei der Arbeit war mir eine 100Kg Rettungsinsel auf den rechten Arm gekracht und hatte mir den Ellenbogen gebrochen. Im Krankenhaus wurde ich geröntgt. Der Arzt grinste mich an, von Ohr zu Ohr, sagte: „Yes! It’s broken“ und legte mir den Arm in eine Schlinge – sonst nichts. Ist ja auch ganz logisch, denn im Ausland muss die Reederei alles bezahlen. In Deutschland kommt natürlich...
Prolog. "Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub", es waren die letzten Worte die der Priester vor dem offenen Grab sprach. Die Regentschaft von König Rudolph II. war tatsächlich zu ende. So war es auch für die Trauergemeinde Zeit, endgültig Abschied zu nehmen. Dem Rang entsprechend erwies der designierte König, Ferdinand, als erster dem Toten die letzte Ehre. Ihm folgte seine Mutter, Königin Adelheid. Es folgten die ranghohen Mitglieder der Königsfamilie, Klerikale, ranghohe Militär und...
IncestGhazal Ahmed Series Hello Friends mera naam Ghazal Ahmed hai, main aik Professional Randi hoon, main pehle Randi nahi thi par main aap logon ko batana chahti hoon kay main Randi kese bani, sab se pehle main apna aur apni f****y ka introduction de doon. Main Ghazal Ahmed umer 29 saal aur main apnay Waldain ki akloti olaad hoon, is waqt meri umar 29 saal hai par jab main nay pehli baar chodwaya tha us waqt main Matric may thi. Main Karachi ki rehnay wali hoon. Mere Abbu Railway main kafi achi...
With the end of the school year, Christie hosted a sleepover several times a week. It seemed like every time I walked in the door, there were five or six naked girls begging “papa-san” to take his clothes off. Some of the girls I had never met before. Robin had pimples on her face and a very petite body with no curves whatsoever; flat chest, flat butt, flat stomach. She was extremely shy, painfully so. Whenever the girls came around me, she always stood behind them, hiding her nudity, and...
IncestIntroduction: Wife wants to fuck another man to get rvenge on husband It was just another Tuesday, a Tuesday just like any other, Barbara was getting dressed to go to work, and her husband John was waking up already. They have been married for over five years and their relationship kept them both satisfied. Both agreed that they would not want to share each other with anybody else, just being a traditional, normal married family. Barbara loved John immensely. He continued to show his care for...
Not long ago, after a satisfying session in bed, out of the blue my wife asked, "Have you ever tasted cum?" "You already know the answer to that, Ellen," I replied."No, I mean have you ever tasted your OWN cum?" I had never even thought about it. I asked her why she wanted to know. "I was reading a story," she said, "about this couple who would fuck and then afterwards the guy would go down on the woman, eating his own cum out of her. The woman said there was nothing like it. Sooo, I was...
Hi Bandhura kemon achhen? Onek din por ami amar aar akta golpo niea tomader kachhe asechhi. Abar bandhur kakir sathe sex. Suru kora jak. Amar bandhu Dip. Oor bari Kolkatar onno dike. Ami thaktam onno dike. Tai majhe majhe oder bari giea thaktam. Aram akbar ami oder bari gieachhi. Kichhudin age oor Kakar natun biye hoeachhe. Ami biye te jete pai ni karon amar porikha chhilo. Tokhon amar boyes aai 21 years. AMar sex prochhhur tokhon. Bathroom a rojie mota muti handle martam. Ami oder bari giea...
I sigh as I rinse yet another sippy cup, placing it on the top rack of the dishwasher. Rolling my shoulders, I reach for the last few things to put in the dishwasher. The kids are asleep, finally. Thankfully. As I turn the water off and dry my hands I debate between going to bed myself or taking a bath while waiting for my husband to come home from a late night at work. The bath wins. I pour myself a glass of wine and make a mental note that it’s the last of the bottle and go into the bathroom,...
Straight SexThey have been trying for years. Ever since the discovery of the Mew fossil, Team rocket has been trying unsuccessfully to recreate the legendary Pokemon. Their latest experiment Features a new approach, one that might finally bring their plans into the next phase. The young trainer awoke to being dragged down a steel hallway in an underground base. The two Rocket Grunts holding her arms brought her into a large observation room with a large glass tube in the middle. Various scientists prepared...
The Trial Part 4 It turned out to be far simpler than I had expected. "Are they a better fit, Peter?" She already knew I was in panties from her weekly examination of the ruins of what were originally my reasonably well-filled sack. My Blush Index went up slightly, but only slightly, this time. "Yes, Claire, they are. They are very different from my Y-fronts but I can't say they are at all uncomfortable under the circumstances." She smiled. "Well, they are made for the...
My lifeChapter oneMy first sexual encounterI was only very young when my dad moved to a larger city in England, he said it was because of mum dying and there were always things that reminded him of her, she passed away after giving birth to my younger brother, apparently something happened after she gave birth and was rushed into intensive care, they tried everything to save her but in the end there was nothing more they could do and she slipped away. I have two brothers and seven sisters, we...
PANTYHOSE PRINCESS – PART 3For the next two weeks I continued to worship Karen’s pantyhose. However, I was careful not to spend too much time with any one pair as I did not want them to lose their wonderful fragrance. Because two weeks had passed, I began to think Karen would not call and that she was simply being polite when she had invited me to her Christmas pageant. I really couldn’t blame her if that was the case. I was nearly four years older than her and if she thought about it she would...
This back and forth between Mark and Jorge went on well into the early summer, neither one knowing of or asking about the other. There were hiccups of course, one being when Mark had taken Edy out for lunch and his wife and two kids walked by the restaurant. Mark blanched and Edy told him that maybe he should re-think their relationship, but he was over the shock and back into her bosom within the hour. A bigger problem was Jorge starting to feel that Edy’s house was his, staying for half the...
PS: Not much descriptive sex. I'm trying to progress the story line. On the next morning, I went down to the kitchen to find my mom preparing breakfast. She was humming a familiar tune while cutting up some fruits at the counter. I shuffled to the fridge, poured myself a glass of orange juice and then perked up onto one of the counter seats. “Morning, dear.” My mom chimed happily. “Morning.” I replied groggily. “When did you come back?” “Around seven in the morning.” I...
High above an uninhabitable planet floats the elaborate research space station for Biotech Science, a division of a non-profit entity focusing on the life sciences. Designation #108 specifically operates on advanced terraforming technologies with a focus on creating more diverse and sensible territories in a single use of the technology. The process and purpose involves quite a bit of jargon, and not every person aboard BRS108 is a scientific authority. The inhospitable planet provides an...
BDSMThe kitchen table that turned into a pull-out bed was not very comfortable. But, as daylight slowly rose over the hills to the east of us, the comfort of a pull-out bed was far from my main concern. As I sat up, the horrifying reality of last night came flooding back into my mind. What began so wonderfully as a road trip vacation for Stacy and I had turned into an unforeseen life changing situation. I looked down the hall towards the bedroom door. It was closed. It was so quiet. The air...
Wife LoversSeries 4, Episode 6: SAMANTHA We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re in a large carpark ... Hundreds of cars, shoppers pushing trolleys back and forth ... Then we’re looking down at a crowded street market – barrows selling everything from fresh fruit and veg, to handmade jewelry and knock-off designer handbags. Now we’re looking at the large entrance gates of a zoo ... Large letters spell out ‘DUDLEY ZOO’. A small line...
I was standing at the reception counter of the boy’s hostel. I was waiting for the woman at the counter to tell me the room number of my eighteen year-old son, Sean, so that I could go and meet him. The boys who were passing through the reception area couldn’t stop looking at me. I guessed they found me very hot in my dark green colored dress. Though my dress was revealing a lot of cleavage, but as I was bending over the counter sticking out my big ass, all the guys were starring at my ass. I...
IncestA few more days passed and the same thing continued to happen, Amy and her husband were constantly tore up about the bills and money situation and every time I was around Bri was attached to my side doing anything she could for me. I thought I would like to see exactly where this was heading but wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it. As fate would have it the next Friday would provide me a perfect opportunity. Amy called me about noon asking for a favor, her and her husband had been called...
Happy Mariage W/ Spanking It all started about three years ago in a town in Oregon. I was alone in a small trailer park. Things were rather depressing, and not looking to get much better. There was an older man in the park that had a real problem with his Diebetes. He would fall and not be able to get up, sometimes laying on the floor for hours. Some of the...
I lay on my side with my head propped up on my hand and watched Beth sleep. It wasn’t long before her eyelids fluttered, and she yawned and stretched her arms over her head. I greeted her with a smile, “Good morning, sleepyhead.” “Good morning Steve. Thanks for last night. I didn’t want to go home and cry in my room alone. You made me feel like someone cared ... as if someone loved me.” Beth put her arms around me and kissed me. I put my arms around her and pulled her on top of me. We...
Holding you close to my body I feel the heat emanating from your very soul. I look into your eyes while delving into your mind seeing the very core of who you are. Your soul is afire with desire and want. You desire me to be near me always. You want me in you at all times. Placing my hands on either side of your waist I grip tight and let you know how much I want you. Sliding my hands up your body I remove your shirt slowly brushing my hands along your sides causing you to tremble. After...
My first story ever! Comments are appreciated It was a Thursday in late August, and the moving truck had arrived at our new home. I could not believe it; Junior year and I had to switch schools. I stood there in my summer cotton dress with my arms crossed watching the movers struggle to lift our antique chesterfield and mom holding her breath trying not to have a panic attack. "Careful with that, gentlemen. It is very expensive." I let out a groan as I walk over to my frightened mother. ...
Group SexHey guys, back again with the final part of my experiences with Dipti aunty. Thanks for the great feedback on the previous two stories. It’s been nice getting in touch with other readers. This takes place in the summer after the first year of college. I had managed to land a pretty decent internship in Gurgaon. I found a nice studio apartment in one of the nicer South Delhi neighborhoods. As a Bombay kid, the Delhi metro blew me away. On the yellow line, it was possible to reach Gurgaon in...
Dear All, This is the 4th part of the story. Those who haven’t read the first 3 parts yet, please do read that. After reading all the parts, please do send me your feedback at With that being said, let’s begin this part – We finished our dinner and came back home. After putting the kids to sleep, we laid down on the bed. I asked – Jaan, you did not answer my question yesterday? Nisha – Which question, jaanu? Me – Wahi jaan, to have a similar experience like that couple was having in that...
"Wow, something smells delicious. Is that lasagna?" Frank walked to the oven and peeked in. "Mmmmm. I see you have a bottle of wine out, shall I open it?" "That'd be great Dad. I'm going to go change, can you make the salad?" Cindy kissed her dad on the cheek and trotted off to her bedroom. She couldn't keep from smiling to herself. The evening was about to get very entertaining. "How do I look?" Cindy turned around. The doorbell rang before Frank could answer his daughter....
Fletcher and his goon reentered the office. The goon had an almost feral smile now. Fletcher walked behind his desk. “Ok now? Clothes off.” “Wait.” “What? You said you’d undress after your five minute powwow.” “No, sir, I said we needed time to discuss this between ourselves. Now that I have a complete picture—well, not complete but perhaps a sightly better one—I know what we need to make this work maybe a little better; at least for six of us. The other two are much more...
I was a pretty popular guy in high school, and I honestly attribute most of that to being a bully. I made people feel like they had to like me, or at least fear me, to avoid becoming my next victim. I was huge - a six-foot-four linebacker, totally jacked and over two-hundred pounds. I was such a talented athlete, that most of my coaches saw me going pro, or at least playing D1 at a huge university stadium. Well... the ironic thing is that I hated myself. Once I hit adolescence, it didn’t take...
Gay MaleI was lying in bed waiting impatiently. I was fidgeting and I couldn’t keep still. Davey should have been here ages ago. Or was I just being too impatient?My heart slipped a beat and my whole body trembled when I heard the door open and close quietly. He came quickly to my bed and slipped under the covers. I put my arms around him and hugged him tightly as he pulled the covers over us and we wriggled down the bed until we were both completely under the covers.I wrapped my arms around him...
Old folks help teach sex to Julie, their granddaughter Vickie and Rick are both 59 and tho they still enjoy sex, the technique has changed recently to accommodate bodies not so flexible anymore. Our granddaughter came by the other day and asked me a very strange question for a fifteen year-old. Julie asks "So grandma, do you and grandpa still have sex?" I was in a bit of a shock by this line of inquire and knew it might lead to some frank talk about sex. I ask back - "Why in the world would...
This happened to me about 10 years ago but only plucked up the courage now to sharewell I was driving from Gordano Services area on the M5 heading home a few weeks ago, it was about 8.45 and getting dark, I'd had a long day and was feeling tired and thought to keep me fresh and wide awake ! I would stop at next services and get my bag out of the boot and select a few items and then nip into the services toilets and change, well this got me excited and soon enough I saw a sign for Strensham...
This real story happened in Bangalore recently. I was visiting a relatives marriage last year and was alone and quite new to the marriage party. I had to attend due to the absence of all my family as they were attending other functions. Now, coming to the story, I met Raani my distant relative at the marriage hall. I met her long ago may 10 years back and we both were good friends before our marriages. Now, both are married and settled in life with kids. I never had any bad intention when we...
I didn't stick around. I went to visit the baby. After my in-laws had done their thing they left Wednesday morning. I'd been too busy this week to pay attention to them. I'd hardly played with Maddie at all. I opened the door and called out. "Anybody home? Can I visit the baby?" I called. Out of the guest room, Doreen came running and threw herself into my arms. The kiss I got was heartfelt. "Come and lie down with the baby," Doreen said. We went into the guest room where the bed was...
‘Yes,’ repeated Kate, softly and seriously. ‘And I suppose I have to admit it wasn’t at all pleasant at the time – in fact, I was terrified. But, now – well, it still gives me a thrill to recall it. I had just turned eighteen and I was on holiday, with my parents – under serious protest. We were in Weston-super-Mare, and I had taken up with a local boy, called Jim. He worked on the deckchairs and he was a bit rough, but I had to have some company apart from my parents, and he was quite...
Sitting on a stool in a stall in the plush Wall Street ladies room, Camryn considered her options. One, she could take the job and figure out a way to avoid all those pesky taxes. Two, she could negotiate a deal that deferred her income into the future but still guaranteed receipt, or she could tell them to stuff it and go back to her nice comfortable existence in a small firm with little chance of advancement. She sighed, and pulled up her fancy French knickers with the crotch cut out...
Cordell likes to watch porno movies while he gets his dick and nuts licked. He never gives head, but he always gets head. I got a little tired of Cordell and decided that he was in need of a little discipline. It took me a couple of minutes to remove his dick from deep down in my throat because he held my head in place until he squirted out all of his cum. But after I swallowed it, I went through the house and picked up a few items necessary for disciplinary measures. Cordell was lying on his...
The first sex I had with a couple was my boss and some woman we just met in a hotel bar. I liked it, so the boss told me to put out an ad. An advert in Craigslist for my area was all it took. Posted in the casual section under M4WM and a photo of me from the shoulder down, I had a flood of answers. I chose Julian and Rosemary, they were mid- thirties, still twice my age and arranged to meet. Nervously I sat in the bar and looked around; we had only sent each other photos of cocks and pussies,...
CrossdressingBetrayed - Chapter One By Cherysse St. Claire ?© She's having an affair. I couldn't ignore it any longer; the evidence was right there on my monitor that Wednesday afternoon. I had felt so... tawdry - a word I had thought I would never use - hiring the detective to follow her, follow up on my suspicions. It was as though I was betraying her, betraying the trust, the faith I had had in her during our eight-year relationship, the last three as husband and wife. As ...