Eva eine unendliche Geschichte
- 2 years ago
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Ich bin in einem sehr konservativen christlichen Zuhause aufgewachsen. absolvierte eine christliche High School. Dort traf ich auch meinen späteren Ehemann Ben. Wir haben sogar das gleiche christliche College besucht. In meinem ersten Jahr stellten wir fest, dass Abstinenz viel einfacher zu moralisieren ist als zu praktizieren. Wir haben früher als geplant geheiratet. Ich habe das College abgebrochen und einen Job als Sekretärin angenommen, um beim Einkommen zu helfen. Die Zeiten waren hart,...
InterracialIch stand mit rasendem Herzen vor meinem Schminkspiegel, als ich mich inspizierte. Als ich mein Kleid über meine Hüften glättete, erregte der Glanz meines diamantenen Eherings meine Aufmerksamkeit. Ich überlegte, ihn auszuziehen, aber als ich mich an Sallys Kommentare über die Beliebtheit von verheirateten Frauen erinnerte, beschloss ich, ihn anzulassen. Ich freute mich über meine sexy Reflexion. Da ich kleine Brüste hatte, trug ich selten einen BH, und der dünne Stoff meines Kleides umriß...
InterracialDer Tag neigte sich dem Abend zu und in der mittelalterlichen Gasse herrschte nur noch weng betrieb. Schauriger dicker Nebel schluckte das letzte Licht des Tages. Die Fenster der Animiermädchen waren mit Kerzen hell erleuchtet, so das man durch die roten, fadenscheinigen Gardienen ins innere sehen konnte. Natascha die russische Puffmutter, lehnte an einer Mauer an der der Putz herunterbröckelte und inhalierte tief den Rauch ihrer Zigarette ein. "Was ist ihr geilen Böcke, hat keiner von euch...
*badum* *badum* *badum*. Es dauert nicht einmal eine Sekunde bis mein Gehirn die Erfahrungswerte der Vergangenheit abruft und entscheidet das es mein Vater ist, der die Treppe herauf marschiert und meiner Zimmertür am Ende des Flurs anvisiert. Mit Sicherheit könnte ich es nicht mehr sagen, aber in meinem Kopf geistert die Erinnerung umher, dass mein Vater schon ein paar mal nach mir gerufen hat, was ich in dem geilen Traum den ich gerade nicht mehr greifen kann als sehr störend zur Kenntnis...
TeenHans lebte vor vielen Jahren in Xstadt, einem Ort, der auch eine Universität hatte. Hans studierte zwar nicht, aber er trieb sich gerne in den entsprechenden Kreisen herum. Er fiel nicht sehr auf mit seinem Allerweltsgesicht und -körper, auch war er doch nicht so schlau wie die Studentinnen, die ihn hauptsächlich interessierten und konnte deshalb auch nicht mit genialen Sprüchen glänzen, das aber gereichte ihm durchaus auch zum Vorteil, erkannten ihn die Mädchen, sahen sie ihn ein zweites oder...
Gestern hat er mich plötzlich angerufen. Andreas. Der durchtrainierte Typ, den ich in der Diskothek kennengelernt hatte als mein Ehemann mit Grippekopfschmerzen im Bett lag und mich volljammerte, ich müsse mich um ihn kümmern. Aber von so etwas hatte ich mir noch nie den Abend nicht versauen lassen – im Gegenteil. Was für eine praktische Gelegenheit. Ist mein Mann doch selbst schuld. Wäre er nicht so langweilig, würde ich ihn zwar trotzdem betrügen, aber er käme vielleicht wenigstens mal bei...
Die Überschrift "Staatsanwalt von Mob ermordet", erregt Kevins Interesse und er klickt den Beitrag auf. Der Text ist schnell gelesen. Staatsanwalt McMurphy, der McMurphy, der versprochen hatte, mit dem Einfluss der Mafia aufzuräumen, war gestern am späten Abend mit zwei Schüssen in der Tiefgarage des Gerichtsgebäudes regelrecht hingerichtet worden. Mit McMurphy wurde eine junge Angestellte eines privaten Sicherheitsunternehmens, die zu seinem Schutz engagiert worden war, ebenfalls...
This story is my property. Duplication, publication on other sites and outside the Internet is prohibited. this story really happened.I was still a teenager..i went to my school mates to meet with him and his cute sister, who was already 18 years old.When I came into the apartment, my mother met me and said that my buddy is sick in bed and that I shouldn't go to him because of the infection. then I went to his sister, who said to me that she still needs some time to get ready.then i went into...
Hallo, mein Name ist Emily . Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und ihr kennt mich zwar noch nicht, aber dafür seit ihr ja hier. Aktuell gehe ich noch zur Schule und mache meinen Abschluss. Ich bin nicht die beste, aber auch nicht die schlechteste. Allerdings muss ich sagen, würde ich lernen oder Hausaufgaben machen, könnte ich besser sein. Ich würde das auch machen, wären die Themen nur nicht so langweilig. Viel lieber mache ich etwas mit Freunden oder gehe ins Gym. Früher habe ich viel geturnt, aber ich...
TeenEs war halb Neun und natürlich war Ben wieder pünktlich und klingelte an meiner Tür." Jetzt mach mal hin die Party hat schon um acht angefangen". "Ja, ja beruhig dich ich bin erst vor einer halben Stunde von der Arbeit Heim gekommen." Versuchte ich mich zu verteidigen während ich meine Sachen zusammen suchte. 40 Minuten später parkten wir vor Lisas Haus und begaben uns in Richtung des nicht zu überhörenden Lärms der nur von dem Gelächter und zugeproste einzelner übertönt wurde. "Ich hoffe die...
Hallo zusammen, unter dieser Geschichte werde ich mehrere Kurzgeschichten veröffentlichen die einen Handlungsstrang haben und mal länger und mal kürzer gehen werden. Je nach Beliebtheit werde ich mich auf einzelne Handlungsstränge fokussieren. Weitere Autoren sind herzlich willkommen und können ihre Ideen umsetzen und gerne mitschreiben. Grundsätzlich steht bei jeder Kurzgeschichte ein Protagonist im Vordergrund der entweder der Verführer oder der Verführte ist. Viel Spaß beim Lesen, euer Uwe!
Alles beginnt bei dem Hauptcharakter. Ich erzähle ein wenig zu mir, da ich alle Geschichten aus meiner Sicht schreiben werde, falls das uninteressant ist könnt ihr sofort unten zu den Geschichten springen. VG bedeutet, dass es eine (kurze!) Vorgeschichte gibt, bevor das eigentliche Thema beginnt. Erstmal Allgemeines: Mein Name ist Paola. Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und wohne in einem kleinen Dorf direkt am Waldrand. Ich habe eine Schwester, die aber selten Zuhause ist. Der Wald an dem ich wohne hat...
Sarah Baumann hatte es von Anfang an für keine gute Idee gehalten, aber sie wollte ihrem Freund Ralf, mit dem sie jetzt schon fast acht Jahre zusammen war, nicht die Freude verderben. Er hatte sich „Weihnachten wie früher“ gewünscht, wohlwissend, dass es sowas nicht geben konnte. Zwar konnte man versuchen alles so auszurichten wie vor 40 Jahren, was einem bei den Dingen wie Essen, Dekor etc. auch gelingen konnte, aber man selbst war einfach nicht mehr der, der man als Kind gewesen war. Sarah...
Hier entstehen fiktive Geschichten von fiktiven Personen. Schreibt fleißig mit und last die Geschichten laufen wie ihr wollt. Oder erstellt selbst einen Thread einer Geschichte. Schreibt von einer oder mehr Personen oder schildert die Abenteuer einer fiktiven Kollege(in), Freund(in) o.ä. Last eure Charaktäre erleben was ihr wollt. Viel Spaß beim Lesen und Schreiben.
Das "Institut für Seele und Geist" ist eine "ganz normale" psychiatrische Klinik irgendwo auf der Welt. Wir beobachten die Menschen, die hier arbeiten, die als Patienten hier leben und die zu Besuch sind bei ihren Geschichten und Geschichtchen. Wir unternehmen einen Streifzug durch die einzelnen Stationen, durch den Klinikgarten, die Arztzimmer und den Pausenraum der Belegschaft, durch die Küche, den Speicher, den Keller - jeder Winkel der "Psych" bietet neue, spannende, sexy Abenteuer.
Ich w?nschte, es w?re eine Liebesgeschichte.Patrizia Panther Based on a true story.Wann immer Sie mich beobachten, schauen Sie hinauf. Und wann immer ich Sie beobachte, tue ich das von oben herab. Selbst wenn Sie sich hinter dem Vorhang des Lehrerzimmers im ersten Stock verstecken und auf den Schulhof hinunter schauen und sich unbeobachtet f?hlen, sehen Sie nicht wirklich auf mich herab, sondern haben ein schlechtes Gewissen, bei dem, was Sie tun. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, Sie sind irgendwie u...
Hier findet ihr kurze Geschichten, die nicht für sanfte Gemüter sind. Sexualisierte Gewalt, Mord, Snuff, sind nur einige Schlagwörter, die zutreffen. Wer das nicht mag, möchte bitte hier aufhören zu lesen. Meine Darsteller sind alle über 18, machen freiwillig in meinen Geschichten mit und niemand hat einen bleibenden Schaden behalten. Natürlich sind alle Geschichten frei erfunden. Eventuelle Ähnlichkeiten zu Gegebenheiten, Personen oder sonstigem sind weder beabsichtigt noch zutreffend. . Die...
Es ist ein warmer sonniger Freitag Nachmittag. Sandra ist gerade von der Schule nach Hause gekommen. Gelangweilt sitzt sie in ihrem Zimmer. Es ist nicht besonders groß, aber trotzdem hätte sie gern mehr Platz. Es sieht alles ein wenig chaotisch und unaufgeräumt aus. Auf dem Boden liegen ein paar Jeans und ein getragener Slip. Rötliche Sonnenstrahlen fallen durch das Fenster und lassen ihr Zimmer herbstlich erleuchten. Sie lässt sich auf ihr Bett fallen und schliesst ihre Augen. Was für ein...
TeenLangeweile (1975)Das Schiff hieß Gerd Wesch und der Hafen war Durban in Südafrika.Ich hatte mal richtig Pech gehabt. Bei der Arbeit war mir eine 100Kg Rettungsinsel auf den rechten Arm gekracht und hatte mir den Ellenbogen gebrochen. Im Krankenhaus wurde ich geröntgt. Der Arzt grinste mich an, von Ohr zu Ohr, sagte: „Yes! It’s broken“ und legte mir den Arm in eine Schlinge – sonst nichts. Ist ja auch ganz logisch, denn im Ausland muss die Reederei alles bezahlen. In Deutschland kommt natürlich...
Prolog. "Erde zu Erde, Asche zu Asche, Staub zu Staub", es waren die letzten Worte die der Priester vor dem offenen Grab sprach. Die Regentschaft von König Rudolph II. war tatsächlich zu ende. So war es auch für die Trauergemeinde Zeit, endgültig Abschied zu nehmen. Dem Rang entsprechend erwies der designierte König, Ferdinand, als erster dem Toten die letzte Ehre. Ihm folgte seine Mutter, Königin Adelheid. Es folgten die ranghohen Mitglieder der Königsfamilie, Klerikale, ranghohe Militär und...
IncestI walked in the direction Violet told me to head. The rain had stopped and the sun had dried the leaves and the grass. The farther I moved away from Violet’s home the more I realized my sexual needs had not been met. I hungered for more. Without Violet knowing she had created a monster even stronger than the one my parents had created years ago. But there was no going back now unfortunately. So I pressed on. It seemed like hours and I had nothing to eat. Thankfully Violet had made...
Well isn’t this romantic! One brunette Janice Griffith gyrates sexily in the sunlight wearing black gothic lingerie whilst waiting for her dark prince Xander Corvus to come find and fuck her. Simply the thought of getting his nice fat cock makes her pussy drip with antici…pation! That trickle of cunt juice turns into streams upon streams of girl cum once Xander starts pounding away at her precious twat! All squirts and smiles, Janice is the human equivalent of a waterfall, having...
xmoviesforyouMy mom died as my brother and i were young teens. Life changed a lot for us then. Most of it better. Jimmy and i started to mature as I grew nice tits and a round ass and he got a nice big cock. My dad really noticed how his k**s were growing up. He was always looking at my tits and my ass. I loved him looking at me and i dressed to entice him. I wore thin tight t-shirts with no bra and my nipples would get very hard when dad stared at them.\One night when I was asleep i heard dad come into my...
My sister used to sneak into my room when I was asleep to "borrow" money or get into my stash.One night I decided to see what happened if she found me naked in bed. I got undressed and had just the sheet on up to my belly, and pretended to be sound asleep. When she came in, I tossed around a little, kicking the sheet off.As I lay naked on my bed I watched with my eyes bearly open as she walked quietly to the side of the bed. My cock was semi hard and I flexed my muscles making it move and grow...
I rose to my feet as the ball approached the goal. The forwards, twin sisters in blue, worked a set pattern as they broke over the line. One defenseman, in red, had fallen. My son, the remaning defenseman, covered the girl on the far side. He cut the angle to block a shot on goal, but couldn't prevent a pass to his sister cutting across the center of the field. The goalie came out to hurry her shot. He dove, catching the ball at the far post, sprawling on his face. The shooting forward picked...
After catching my daughter fucking her boyfriend on webcam and joining them for a little fun myself, I watched her almost every night. Whether she was with her boyfriend or on her own. I think she knew I was watching and I was gagging to join her again. This time, I wanted it to be just me and her. We never spoke about what happened that night and just pretended it never happened.That night, I opened my laptop in bed with just my underwear on. I went onto her webcam page to find her already...
IncestCase #4242512 – May 15th, 8:22 AM. Suspect is a young, adolescent female. She is an employee of the store suspected of giving out unauthorized discounts on expensive items. The Loss Prevention Officer accuses her of selling a one hundred dollar pair of sunglasses for well under value. Suspect accepts termination of employment, but wants to avoid law enforcement involvement. After further discussion, the Loss Prevention Officer and suspect are able to come to an agreement. Evidence logged on May...
xmoviesforyouThe next day I was out and about when I saw my neighbour Jim, from a few doors away, ahead of me and soon realised he was following a mum pushing a buggy. She had a good pair of legs, no tights and a nice arse. I walked behind him for a while watching the show and then took the bull by the horns and caught up with him and said “nice arse”. Caught unawares he tried to deny he was looking but I started chatting to him and it ended up us both agreeing she was well worth a wank.We carried on...
The couple was in front of the fireplace, clothes strewn all over the room. The male, clearly dominant, the woman spread beneath him. Every now and then the room would be filled with the high pitched sighs of the woman, and the deep throated groans of the male. Kalen's knee nudged her pale, slender thighs further apart. Her hands clutched at his shoulders, ran down his flanks in fervered urgency. Fingers pressing into his buttocks. Their bodies weren't joined yet-but they soon...
ReluctanceThe second week was turning out to be an even stranger week than the first. While not anything, in particular, just lots of things in general. It seemed that they have gremlins in the systems. First, they had lost all the cameras on level nine’s right-side cargo deck. On the Monday, just after 02:00 hours, Lee got a call to go check out why. Lee had been running some routine checks on level two’s air-conditioning control panel while the occupants slept. The occupants had been complaining...
TommyI guess it all started at our parents’ funeral. Probably, the roots grew in the decade before as teenagers and the seeds sown even earlier as young children. Like all teenagers, we thought our parents were stupid, we thought we had the upper hand. A perfect example of this was one of us distracting our parents, so the other could sneak some cake out of the kitchen. This illusion came crashing down when I was about fourteen and Mum handed me two napkins, to catch the crumbs.Before Laura...
Elisabeth boarded the train and chose a seat at the back of the car. The last seat always felt cozy and isolated, a good place to sit and think with little distraction. She settled in and opened the small bag she wore on her waist and removed a small envelope. She slipped a card out of it and read the hand written note with a smile. She'd read it several times that day. Each time she read it, warm flashes of excitement filled her and made her smile. Seth had left the note for her before leaving...
Wife LoversChapter Two: The Audition Ella’s mobile phone buzzed once on the counter of her bathroom, making her jump a little as she stepped out from the shower. She grasped it excitedly, checking the text message as she wrapped the fluffy white towel around her body. Good luck, darling. Show Bruno how much you want this. See you soon. Marilyn x She had spoken to the gorgeous older woman she’d met in Dubai on a couple of occasions since she had returned to England. The blonde siren had been very...
Main Processing Thread This waiting thing is for the birds! I'm impatient. It's been more than a full day since Zeus, Artemis and Zhengfu were taken aboard that submarine; 28.24793 hours to be exact. At the Missouri's maximum speed of 25 knots, or 28 standard miles per hour, it should have taken them 18.2524 hours to cover the 510.8721726 standard miles distance from their last known position at 31.3952617, 121.5592786 to Nago, Okinawa, Japan. I've made an error in stating my...
I motioned Pat and Dad down and crept closer to the generator site listening and watching for anyone or anything. Other than the generator noise, it remained quiet and I saw no people or animals. Dad and Pat had crept up close to my right. I whispered, "It looks clear. Let's wait a bit though. That thing is cycling. I want to watch and to listen to a full cycle." They nodded. We did exactly that and everything remained quiet other than the generator's motor. I said, "Let's go down...
Their three new elvin companions were Morelen, Lothlan, and Yulen. While the snow had stopped, it was deep in places, so the order of the day had been to make snowshoes. This was something that Dev had done in his childhood, but had not done for several years. After the snowshoes had been made, the group left the shelter. They made a last check to be sure everything was put back in its place and the room was clean. One of the elves was always in the lead. They were about a week from...
Chapter 1: More than Camping.At the riverbank, I was lying on the sandy ground, she is stroking on my cock while i was sucking on her pink nipple under the sun. Suddenly, on my right a yellow school bus appear. I can hear the loud diesel noise...I look at Pumpkin...?The alarm clock sounded.I awake, but the noise from the diesel engine remain...I get out of the bed and look out of the window, Pumpkin was standing beside a yellow skoolies.Pumpkin and I are best friends for years. We both like...
YAVARA It was two in the morning when Zander shook me awake. “What?” I groaned. “King Dreus is calling you.” “You think he’ll break this time?” I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, and sat up. “I think he’s ready.” I sighed. “Make me look pretty, Zander.” He cast a spell, and my disheveled appearance righted itself, makeup was applied to my face, and my eyes were cleared of redness. I threw on yesterday’s clothes, walked over to the mirror, and palmed the glass. “Yes, You Highness?”...
Angel’s meeting is not what she expected. Abbie pulls into the parking lot of Java Joes, a tiny coffee shop in one of the shittiest areas of downtown. I’m surprised it hasn’t gone out of business by now and I sit for several moments trying to figure out how it hasn’t, more to just distract my mind than because I actually care anything about this shithole. Abbie turns to face me from the driver’s seat, giving me that half concerned, half angry look of hers, wishing I would tell her what the...
Hello guys and girls, Zaheera here. Thank you for the wonderful support and feedback on the first part of the story. And extremely happy to learn that you guys didn’t mind the length of the story. If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to read it. So after what happened that night, I was on bliss, and honestly blamed myself for not doing sooner and was ruining the amount of fun I have missed, if I had done it earlier. So, after resting on the couch for about 20 minutes, I and my elder brother...
IncestAfter they had gone, Roger went out on the patio to think a while. This house had created its own set of problems. In order to be able to keep it he had to get a job that would pay enough to be able to afford the utilities and the taxes. He had always thought about starting another company but the startup money wasn't available in this tight market and probably wouldn't be available anytime soon. He knew that there was a market for knowledgeable people that could go into a company and set...
He asked if I was interested in black men. I told him I never thought about it. He put his hands on my butt and pulled me closer. He got me against the wall and we started kissing. I told him I am starting to get more interested. I gave him my key to my dorm and told him to wait there for me. He told me he will be there. During class I could not focus on the lecture, I was thinking about Terrence. I wondered what my family would think if they knew I had desires for black men . As a Southern...
My hot girlfriend Hello friends, this is Jacob here with a first story of my life with my hot gf named Isha Kapoor (name changed). Oh yes this is my sweetie gf. I met her at India Gate. She was looking awesome while approaching me. I was sitting near swimming pool when I saw this lady. I was amazed by her looks & smile, oh god I never saw anyone such beautiful. I thought of how to initiate and suddenly she approached me as she lost her mobile & needed to make a call to her parents. Then we...
APO PRIME UNITED LYCAVORIAN UNION FOLCANI DELEGATION PETITION ACCEPTANCE DINNER "Man I've always hated uniforms!" Martin spoke as he stood in the receiving line outside the main Senate Dining Hall, greeting visitors. He ran his finger along the inside of the collar of his crimson jacket. Aricia, Anja and Gorgo all stood between him and Riall, who also wore the standard Lycavorian Union Fleet Forces formal dress uniform, or LUFF for short. The black pants were trimmed in crimson, the...
When I first met my wife the k**s in the neighborhood were all young and she used to babysit for them.Joey lived next door and he was about 5 when she was 16. I remember him growing up.We went to a friend's son's graduation party and were a bit shocked that the parents allowed a garbage can punch.We were enjoying the punch and after a few glasses, My wife and i were standing in line waiting for more and as the k** serving the punch turned around he handed my wife a glass and a joint and she...
Virtual Reality to My New Reality Part 9 By Melissa Huntington The author welcomes feedback at [email protected] Not a word passed between us until Mike pressed his penis into my ass and my hand held his arm tight against my chest. He whispered a good night and I sighed my acknowledgement. Soon I felt his steady warm breath against my neck as he slipped off to sleep. I wanted to join him in slumber but my mind raced with thoughts about what had transpired, from the jarring...
We both sat naked next to each other, my cock standing stiff and erect, Nathan’s laying flaccid and sticky against his thigh. He slid on his boxers and looked over at my boner. ‘Did that turn you on?’ he asked. I was suddenly terrified. I didn’t want him to think I enjoyed it, I only sucked his dick because I lost a bet. It wasn’t gay, it was just a bet. But I did enjoy it. And my erection was proof of that. I grabbed my shorts and began to put them on, until he said something else that stopped...
Aunt Dora's Box With her shimmering lips pleasingly pursed, her cheeks rosily blushed and her long lashes fanned out gently from her exquisitely shaded eyelids, she seemed to be enjoying yet another of her secret little daydreams there, sleeping amongst the roses. She looked as cute and saucy as ever in her favorite little black cocktail dress. I waited patiently for her eyes to flutter open after I touched her...
Heather Sunday June 16 Matt awoke in the middle of the night to Carla gently sucking his cock. Pulling her on top, he slid into her well-lubricated sex. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear. “I know,” she sighed into his neck as he continued thrusting into her. She came twice before he did. After Matt came, she stayed on top of him, enjoying the skin-to-skin contact as much as he was. “Unless there’s a reason not to, I should probably meet your parents one of these days,” he suggested....
Short, quick, impulsive, and straight from the heart, but more important, using the right words to capture the moment.I started my Summer employment in real estate, 'With your looks and body you could sell anything'. Initially I was offended, but as there were big rewards for making good sales, I could see where he was coming from, so yes I acted as if I was a prude to the idea, but deep down her touched a raw nerve that made me feel wet as I thought about being alone with some handsome hunk...
If I wanted to have a truly erotic experience with you, I would first take you to a wonderful restaurant. There you would eat by candlelight and you would drink the wine you had always hoped you would find. The meal would be simple and delicious leaving you feeling satisfied and not overfull. We would share a dessert that would make the trip back to this restaurant worth it for the just it alone. Our taste buds would open the doorway to other pleasures. All of this would unfold slowly. We...
They followed Doranthe down shadowed trails through deepening gloom. Faint sounds filtered in from time to time from both sides of the trail. Chad was sure that they were being escorted through the forest by a sizable force. He had expected nothing else, but try as he would he could catch no glimpse of the men he knew were there. Finally, just when it was almost too dark under the trees to see the trail beneath their feet, they broke out into a broad meadow that sloped evenly down to a bend...
This tale starts with an attractive woman who works at the bank that I frequent every Friday morning when I have to make a company in-person deposit. Over the past 6 months or so, I find myself being checked out by the same young, attractive banker, her name is Silvia. She appears to be in her early 30's, dark hair just past her shoulders, about 5'8 and she's got a hell of a figure. Needles to say, I find her quite attractive and lately I find myself flirting with her. More recently, I have...
Chapter 3 Mary Jane woke up Thursday morning in a great mood. Here she was in a new town for only a couple of weeks and yesterday a nice gentleman gave her a tip on a job that wasn’t even in the papers yet. She was very grateful but a little worried also since she really had no idea who Jacob was or why she stayed with him and had the picnic lunch with him. All she could think of was his eyes, how thoughtful they were and how they also had a look of determination about them. Every time she...
Misty awoke alone, her ears filled with the sounds of the morning's song birds and the suddenly truncated rushing water as Miranda ended her shower. Shivering against the early morning chill, she reluctantly squirmed out of bed and threw on the hotel bathrobe Miranda had thoughtfully left out for her. "Did I wake you?" inquired Miranda, coming out of the bathroom, drying her hair with a large towel and wearing another of the hotel's infamous robes. "No, I just found myself cold and...