Making Sleeping Sister Into Orgasm – Part II free porn video

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Hi Friends, This is my 2nd part of the story and thanks for all your mails and comments for part one. Hope you like this more than the first one. The next day morning I got up & things were pretty usual with my sister, as she didn’t show any anger or agony in her face. She gave me a coffee and we both sat in the hall sipping our coffee watching TV and every now and then my eyes would go to look at her. The very sight of her sitting relaxed in the same dress that I half stripped took me to wild fantasies as I was still cherishing what happened last night.

I really still don’t know if she was cool as everything happened in her sleep or if she really enjoyed it. Whatever it was for now I was a bit relaxed and still engulfed in the memories of tasting her the night before which obviously any guy wouldn’t want to be the last time. The day passed by and the whole morning I was reading, and didi prepared us lunch and after having it we sat on to watch TV again for a while. After about half an hour my didi looked at me and said, “Ohoo… why should these channels bug us so much?”

I looked back at her with a smile, “Of course didi, I was tolerating this just because I thought you were watching it”. We just laughed and my sister said, “I would better go have a nap than gaze on to this shit” and I immediately replied “Oh yaa, I too am feeling pretty tired after long hours of study (in my thought …. On my sister’s body)” We both went to the bedroom. Even though it was mid day, the Bangalore winter would always be chilling. We both crawled into the blanket side by side and I looked at my sister, still the moments of last night looping infinitely in my mind. “

Oh winter is so cool every year that we always wish to be cozy. Ain’t it bro?” “Definitely didi, who would want to work or be active in such a climate. I would sleep all day”, I replied. For the whole day I was wondering one thing. Generally didi takes a bath in the morning. But today she was in the same dress. Not a big deal, as I thought she would be lazy to go for a bath in this chilled weather. I put my hands around her waist and closed my eyes as if I was trying to sleep. In a few minutes didi too put her hands around my neck.

I quite didn’t have any ideas about it as it was pretty common between us hugging and stuff and precisely we’ve been sleeping together since I was a kinder garden kid. I too moved closer to her sending my arm from her waist to her back pushing myself closer to her. She too accommodated me on her and we lay there hugging each other pretty close. After a while I instinctively moved a bit lower to her to accommodate my head between her neck as in to get more warmth and my didi circled her hand around my back neck keeping me there.

I still wasn’t sure if my didi really enjoy his bhai last night or had it all ended in her sleep, I slowly started to rub the tip of my nose on her throat firming my hands on her back. Rubbed my nose a couple of times on her throat till her collar bones and kept quiet, giving myself time to see if she is resisting, for this time I was sure she wasn’t asleep so soon. She slowly slid her fingertips to my hair and that made me rub my nose even more onto her, this time it sensing it till the end of the V cut above her first button.

Looks like my little bhai wants to get more closer to me these days?”, was what came out of my sister when I was rubbing my nose non stop on her.“Only if his didi loves the intimacy the same way her bro likes”, was my reply as I knew that she had nothing to object for the “closeness”.

“Did I object last night?”, was the next shocker from my didi.

“Didi…. Didi… you.. you…. Didn’t….?” responded me with a bit of scared voice.

“I never expected you to make such bold moves last night, but today you appear to be scared. Are you really scared or just pretending to be innocent?”, asked my didi with a casual voice.

Me trying to pretend? Come on didi, so now I know it was you who was pretending to be in deep sleep last night and now you put it on me”, with a bolder voice now that the suspense was broken and everything was in open between us. “Do you really think anyone will wriggle so much in deep sleep? You gotta be a dumbo if you thought so”, told my didi with raised eyebrows.“Well, after you knew all that I did last night, you still call me a dumbo?”, replied me now this time my hand move to her hip fold n placing my palm right on her hip fold few inches above her hip bone“mmm… “, was a soft moan that was responsive from my didi, “looks like my bro is getting bolder with his sister?”

Well only a looser or an impotent will keep quite with such a stunning didi beside him”

“Ahaan? So do I take that you were a looser for so many days?” “Well, not exactly, it just took me some time to realize my didi’s real beauty (she was 35d,30,35) and to know the fact that she was a real bomb shell”, I replied. “I was in the opinion you would fall for some girl in your college”, winked my didi “It was only yesterday that I found out, no one matches my voluptuous didi”, telling this I softly pecked her throat

Aahhh… maddyyyy….feels so good”, and as a response I dragged my lips from her throat to her neck ending the long kiss on her shoulder and her hands started moving on my back. Now I slowly started rubbing the hand that was resting on her hip back and forth with my palms feeling her soft skin as if they were massaging her and I was feeling her grip tightening on my back more and more. I slid my hands forward touching and rubbing her tummy and moved it upwards and my fingertips were already sensing the bottom of her left bra cup and

I placed a soft kiss on her cheek and rubbed the tip of my nose with hers moving away to her ears, softly kissing her earlobes on the outside. Muuuaahhh. “Ooohh .. maddy.. I never thought your touches would feel so great mmmmm….” She moaned. Now I slowly pulled out my hands outta her shirt and started to undo her first button with my lips digging her cleavage between the open area and dragging my lips all over the exposed area. “Aaahhh….. Mmmmmmm… “ was all that came out of her by the time my hands were done with the 2nd and 3rd buttons.

I placed my lips on her shoulder and pushed her prompting her to lie on her back. And there was her on her back where I raised my upper body over her pecking her exposed area between her bra on her cleavage. “Muuuaahh MMuuuaahh.. Muuaahh”, I kissed all over and “mmm… aahhh… “ was the moans that came out my sister with closed eyes. Pulling off her remaining buttons I slid her shirt off her shoulders and off it went on the floor. My first view of her 36d’s outside her white bra. I didn’t know what was the sexiest part of a female body.

But now I know that the streaming curves all over them is what makes a guy go nuts over them. I moved myself over her sending my hands between her armpits and clutching her shoulders from her back, I placed my lips on her and started to rub my lips over hers. She opened her lips slightly accommodating mine between her’s where I took her lower lip between mine and started tasting it with my lips pulling it into my mouth and wriggling all over her feeling her under me.

As we were indulged in the magic of a sibling smooch, her hand moved over my back raising my t shirt up half way till my back. Knowing what she wanted, I raised my hand letting her pull it off me and almost fell over her. I then placed my lips around her left bra strap on her shoulder, held it between my teeth and slowly slid it half way to her arms and did the same on the other side as well. Whoaa…. My semi-stripped didi just under me took me to cloud no.9 and

I started licking and rubbing my lips all over her cleavage pampering those mounds with my lips. As my lips were moving further down her cleavage, the loose bra cups were coming down along with the strap getting to her elbows, her left areola popped out. I made sure I slid her other bra cup too and lying on her left mound I kissed the inside if her right boob. Muuaahh. “Ohhh… Maddy… come on… your sister is loving this.. mmmm a. ….aahhhhh….” was the erotic sounds that filled my ears.

I already was feeling one heavy iron rod below me, never remembered the last time or even believed that it would go so hard, the 7 inch pole tenting my shorts as if it’s going to tear it if not set free. Now I moved further on her boob, placed my lips around her areola, took it inside my mouth with my lips around it and ran my tongue all around those erect nipples, for which she held my head tight and pressed me onto her. Her press on my head made my face get buried on that massive mountain with my lips firm around her areola,

I started to fiddle my tongue all around her nipple. “OOhhh .. yess… don’t stopp.. donttt stop…” she repeated as that gave me more pulse to suck her deeper as almost 1/4th of her boob was inside my lips and meanwhile my torso was rubbing on her’s making her feel my erection between her thighs and at the same time my hands were sliding her thighs upwards raising her skirt. Once I knew her skirt was halfway to her thighs, I slid my hands inside her with my fingers rubbing her inner thigh making her moan even louder, they landed on her sticky pussy making me discover that she wasn’t wearing her panty.

The very touch of my fingertips on her love triangle made her jerk as she let out a deep moan “mmaaaaahhhhh” and to it my lips moved downwards towards her tummy and further down. Even though she was 30 on her hips she had a real flat belly and my lips tasted all over her tummy and reached her sexy deep navel. With my head raised up a bit, I placed my lips just around her navel, sending my sharpened tongue inside her,

I licked the hot little hole inside out, sending my lips inside her navel again and licking all over it digging my pointed tongue in and licking it to the outside. She arched herself to my every lick pressing my head more onto her navel which made me ready to lick her that way all day. Now unable to control my urge to place my lips where it would taste the best. I moved further down and inserted my head into her loose skirt.

I pecked the inside of her left thigh upwards from halfway of her thigh and my lips ended up in her “Y”. I took a deep breath, and the touch of my lips on her pussy lips made her throw her lower body to the air and I gripped her bums and pressed my lips onto her pussy. “aaahh….. mm…. Oohhh.. yaaayy… mmm aahhhhhh” she moaned all the way pressing me deep onto her. I placed both my lips on either side of her pussy lips, opened my lips which made me spread her pussy lips and ran my tongue on her sexy clit up n down. “Ohhh yaaaaa OOhhhh yaaa.. come on… more.. more… mmmm…. Yaaahhhh” was her moan all the way non-stop.

I continued licking her as she was literally asking for more and more and while my lips and tongue were busy sucking and licking her sexy pussy, my left hand reached up to cup her boob and my right index finger rubbed her pussy lips. Slowly as I was sucking her clits wilder, my index finger crawled and made its way into her pussy. And I felt what it means to be in the heat of a dripping pussy. I rubbed my finger all over her pussy walls fingering her all the way, with my lips reckless on her clit. “Ooohhhh… mmmmmm…” and

I felt her jerking herself up and down and I felt her pubic muscles crush my finger inside her, which made me run my finger iinnn… oouutttt…. Even faster and as the speed increased he pressed me between her thighs holding my hair thight and there she exploded with a loud moan arching herself under me and I was already feeling the lot lava burning my fingers. I pulled out my fingers and started sucking her whole pussy greedily tasting that hot salty nectar and as she lay back in the satisfaction of an intense orgasm,

I lay on her left thigh and put her right thigh over my face and started kissing it.

I moved over her, hugging her. She held me tight onto her and started kissing my face all over. Now I know this is what a guy deserves if he takes a female to her expected level of ecstasy and I closed my eyes adoring all her kisses. As she was kissing me, my hands moved to her skirt, pulled it down all the way as I saw her kicking it off. My hands worked on her bra hooks on her back, held her bra between my teeth pulling it off her and spitted it off leaving her stalk nude.

She rubbed her hands on my tent up and down with her palms. Holding the elastic of my boredoms with her left hand she sent her right hand inside my shorts and grabbed my tool and rubbed her finger nails on the sides. That made me go pop the hood, and I fell flat on her rubbing my face, cheeks and lips on her shoulders when her hands pulled off my shorts. Once it reached my knees I moved my legs around, kicking it off and got over her.

My hard dick all the way between her thighs and she held my balls too between her thighs as I started rubbing my nude body over her’s. Both of us wriggling lost in each other’s passion. Unable to control more, instincts flooding me, I raised my hips a bit over her’s, placing both my hands on her inside thigh spreading her wider and getting over her. With my hands clutching her shoulders from her back, I rubbed my dick all over her pussy, touching and slipping between and all over her thighs.

Come on maddy… now I want u inside”, telling that, she sent her hand on the sides of my shaft, and rubbed my pink head that was already out the foreskin on her pussy up and down. The touch of the slit of my pink head rubbing her clits made me go mad and I started giving love bites on her shoulders. She held it tight and placed it on her entrance after a few more rubs and the touch of my dick head on her entrance made me instinctively push myself into her. With a deep synchronized moan from both of us,

I thrust myself inside her.“aaahhhh… yaa….. push it innnn”, and I obeyed her instantly driving myself into her. “Ohhh .. yess.. come onn… send it in. more… moreee…. Fuckk meeeee bro…”, and I started moving in and out of her slowly. Sending my whole 7” in and pulling it half way out and pushing myself into her again. She too started to respond rhythmic to my moves when I pushed myself forward, she pushed herself up to meet my thrust halfway arching her hips up and down. With every thrust, I started digging deep inside her and increasing my pace inn….

Ouuttt…. Inn … ouuttttttt pumping her on and on. “Ohhh yaaa… fuckkk… rite there… oohh yaaa.. rite there…. “ she took me in as my wide pink head rubbed all over the upper side of her pussy walls taking her pop the hood, she hugged me tight making me clinch my upper body firm on her with my chest crushing her boobs below. With my upper body arrested over her, I started raising my hips alone up and down slamming her on the bed and thrusting even deeper with so much of grip on her under me.

Innnn … outtt…. “oohh yaa.. your killing me bro…. aahhh yaaa.. don’t stop” and I felt her pubic contract again, this time my dick inside her instead of my fingers and there with one deep push, she leaked out for her 2nd consecutive orgasm the contract of her muscles squeezed my dick out where I pulled out my dick and sprayed my cum all over her thighs.

Crash landing over her after a deep intrusion inside her, she held me tight on her boobs pampering my hair and we both lay there like that until I didn’t know when both of us fell fast asleep. Hope you like the story and please send in your comment’s/suggestions/critics to or add me in your Yahoo messenger if you want to chat.

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Stepsister8217s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter Three

When Nathan Warner woke up the next day, there were little men with booster rockets aimed at each other across the broad span of his brain. They were firing them one by one. His mouth tasted like an Alabama election, it stank. His body was bruised slightly and his skin was stinging, as if he had a sunburn. She was gone. He got up and went rummaging around for aspirin. Five tablets down, with water, and a second glass lull for a gargle; “I wonder if that dame ever sleeps?” he...

4 years ago
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We Swapped Mother And Sisters 8211 Part 5 Final Part

This is story of swapping of mother and sisters between family of Rohan & Akbar. In last part you read that Raji, sister of Rohan has submitted herself to Rafiq bhai father of Akbar. Rohan found lot of cash and a cheque in sister’s handbag. He also found that three of five condoms had been used. So he came to sister and asked her. She confessed. Not confessed , she agreed that she has fucked with fatherly man and both desires to marry. Raji was agreeable to become second wife / begam of...

3 years ago
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Sister Innocent Love Turned Into Sex 8211 Part II

Hi friends. This story is a true one and being shared to you all that how things changed between me and my sister and we indulge in a nice and pleasant sex life. I hope that you have read story Innocent sister love turned into sex posted on ISS on 8th March 2012 under incest category. This story is little bit long but I am not only sure but confident that you will enjoy it (provided you visualize yourself in my situation) good luck. Again let me mention that and I’m Rahul age thirty and living...

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Priscilla 8211 my love

The woman ignored the ringing phone as her fingers moved furiously on the keyboard. On the third ring, she grabbed an open cigarette pack and expertly shook one cigarette free from the pack, with one hand as the other hand picked up the phone. Still staring at the PC’s display monitor, she answered “Washington Post. You’ve got the City Desk, Hampton.” The caller’s soft reply startled the reporter “Hi Trish. Got time to spend a few minutes with an old...

1 year ago
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Stepsister8217s Skillful Mouth 8211 Chapter One

Carmelita eyed Mark’s stiff cock with lust. She knew the devilish glint in her dark eyes told him better than words that his new Stepmother was more eat-hungry now than fuck-hungry. She was standing before him, naked from the waist down, baiting him with her cunt, while her wet pink tongue licked still another invitation across her plush red lips. Suddenly her heart was pounding faster when a wicked little smile creased his lips. Without waiting another second, she dropped to her knees...

3 years ago
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A Lovely Sister Relationship Changed Into Incest 8211 Part 2

Hi incest Lovers, This is David again, I am 24 years old from Hyderabad. This is continuation of my previous story “A Lovely Sister Relationship Changed into Incest.” I got a good response from the readers of my previous story. Thanks a lot and am grateful for having your valuable feedback. Please note that my mail id was wrongly spelt in previous story. Even though I got response from people who has seen my profile. My mail id was Coming to the story, My Mom and Younger sister went out for...

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Thrasher Girls 3 8211 Geeks

It was a Wednesday afternoon a few weeks ago, and it was fucking cold. I was in my leather with a sweater on and about three tee-shirts underneath, and I was still freezing my tits off. Nikki, tams and I were sitting in Magic Beans at a back table after school. As always, we were discussing what we were going to do that weekend. We knew it would have to involve some serious partying and fucking, but we weren’t quite sure of the details yet. For the last month or so, we’d been...

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My Sister My Sex Guru 8211 Part 3 8211 Cousin8217s Wet Pussy

Hello people of ISS, thank you for reading my and giving me great feedback. I am Kishan from Bengaluru and this is my story. Following the events of my previous story, we came back to Bengaluru but got busy with our works that I and my cousin sister Amrutha couldn’t meet for over a month. Although we used to plan to meet in the evenings, we couldn’t as we stay bit far. Then one day she told me that they’re moving into a new house to an area in Bengaluru which is very near to my house. So I...

1 year ago
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My Sister 8211 Slutty Or Cute 8211 Part 2

Guys first of all muje bhut km response mila last story agr koi mistake ya fault ho writing me at least tell me and please share your review with me at So please jo readers first time pdre h wo phle first part pd len so here it is as she said She : sachi she start jumping on my stomach with full of joy, thanku bhai abse day and night kiss krungi tension na lo your lips are mine bhai and she bite my lips and hugged me tightly… After that both of us are tired and we slept in that position she...

3 years ago
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Shirley 8211 My Lovely Sister 8211 Part 10

Hello readers, this is Steve.. I know that you have been eagerly waiting for my 10 th part of the story series ”SHIRLEY-MY LOVELY SISTER”… First of all I would like to thank all my readers for their comments and suggestions on my story.. and I am very sorry that I had been busy and not able to post the story since a long time..for the new readers starting with this part, I am providing the below links to read them to get full idea of the plot although each story in itself ll make you orgasm.....

2 years ago
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My Younger Sister DrKani 8211 Part II

Hi, Ram here, i hope you might have liked my first part with my cute sister Kani, those who had not read please read my first part story. Now am going to write about the next part i.e. after that night what happened? As we end up when power came. I had a good sleep & i woke up at 10am, when i saw beside me my sister Kani was not there, i thought even she might be sleeping, but she woke & had bath, was in nice dress. She mostly loves to wear leggings & kurta tops, on that day morning she was in...

1 year ago
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Getting Close To My Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi my dear ISS readers, I am very new to this site, but after reading lot of incest story and I feel I am not alone in this world. So I like to share my life story here for you all. And I am not master in English so please forgive me for mistakes which you face while reading it . Coming to the point my name is Abir and my sister Parwyn she is 24 right now but at the time we started our sex life at that time her age was 20 so we having a successful 4 years of sex life and going on till day....

2 years ago
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Sharing My Sister With My Friend 8211 Part I

Hi I am Vijay m26. Here I am going to describe the event which happened in my home between myself my sweet sister and my close friend. Before I get into my story I want to describe about my sweet sister. She is 21 doing M.E in one of the reputed college in Chennai. Her name is Ashrita I call her Ash. She is 5.2 inch height. She doesn’t have big boobs or big ass but she looks like a model. She is wheatish in colour some time during our love making I used to call her as Amala Paul as she...

4 years ago
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Sister And Her Friends 8211 Part 2

Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I Pravinvin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc.And I am basically a submissive character. Here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This sex story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I badly need it to be real. And sorry everyone I changed my email id. New one is Please I suggest you to read my previous story to...

1 year ago
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Jealous Younger Sister Diya 8211 Part I

Hey hi my name is Raj this is my first true story I am from Mumbai. This happened between me and my sister Diya few months ago. Let me tell u something about my sister she is a cute sweet looking girl with a great curve and the most beautiful thing about her is her ass and breast. She looks like actress Shurti Seth. Well let me start the story I am 24 year old and my sister is just turned to 18. Well I am a Maharashtraian guy and she is a Gujrathi. We become friend through a common friend and...

3 years ago
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Innocent Sister8217s Indecent Request For Her Brother 8211 Part 1

This is my first real story. Please bear with my english and the screen play of the story. There was a family with 4 members, father avinash (45), mother rashmi (40), daughter kavya (23) and son (20) rakesh. Kavya had nice structure, very hot and she resembles kajal agarwal, she just finished her eng and her parents searching groom for her marriage.Rakesh was very friendly with his elder sister, she was sharing most the things with her bro like about proposals she got and about affairs of her...

1 year ago
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My Open Minded Sister Part 8211 3

Hi readers, thanks for the response for my previous experience sharing. Please share your feelings and comments to my mail id “”. Please read my previous stories.   I am very close to my sister and my sister also very close to me. She reached me many things in my life. Without wasting time I will go to my life experience continuation.   It is a continuation of my previous story, I use to suck my sister breast daily and that is my regular work, later some days we use to stop the breast sucking...

4 years ago
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A Sister With A Dragon8217s Flame 8211 Part II

Hello and lots of love to all the amazing readers of ISS, I want to firstly say a big thank you to all the wonderful users who read my first true story and just fell in love with it, you motivated me to share more of myself with you, and thought of all the guys and girls here playing with their cocks and clits to my words really captivated me, a few people had the same experience as me, it was eye opening, so please get in touch, This next Chapter is dedicated to all of you, and if you already...

3 years ago
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Brother Lusts Sister 8211 Part III

This is the continuation of my stories “brother lusts sister part 1 and part 2” Links – Part 1: Part 2 : After that incident at the carom board I was eagerly waiting to touch my sister’s soft breasts and wanted to fondle them until my thirst fulfills ,I want to insert my penis deep inside her pussy , my cock is aching like a kid crying for a biscuit. My mind is...

3 years ago
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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is a continuation of my previous asstr story. So, do check it out, guys. This is the event that took place after the badminton court. My best friend Kalpana and I took a shower in different bathrooms. I wrapped a towel and sat on my bed. Kalpana came out wearing a towel and her hair was still dripping wet and it was just so beautiful. I moved my towel a little bit and started stroking my dick as she was drying herself. She saw me and turned away as she was shy. I went near her...

1 year ago
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Steamy hot fucking of best friend in badminton court 8211 Part 3

Hey guys, this is the third part of the events that unfolded after our badminton session. To know more, read the previous parts. It’s been a week now, I and Kalpana would make out in college whenever we got the chance and I would slap her ass when no one is around. Sometimes, I would squeeze her ass when we were in a crowd. She sucked my dick dry many times in the college washroom and would swallow my cum. Now, we were friends with benefits. One day, I got a call from Mani (my badminton coach...

2 years ago
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Sister And Her Friends 8211 Part 1

Hello ISS, I am a big fan of you. And hi readers, I am Pravin from TN, staying in Bangalore. I am interested in female domination, slave to couples, cuckold things etc. and I am basically a submissive character. here my sex story is based on these things. And sorry for the grammatical mistakes. This story is full fiction, I repeat this story is not real. But I want to happen in my life. The sex story starts on 2007 my 12th annual leave. I am going to Bangalore for enjoying holidays and also...

2 years ago
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Breastfeeding Sister And Her Brother 8211 The Mistaken Dick

This is the actual story of my intimate friend who told me about this. With her permission, I was sending this for publication. Read and enjoy. As my friend belongs to a conservative family, I am not giving her email. All your comments can be sent to me. I am 21 years, doing my B.Com final. I am a hale healthy person, with good physique and a charming face. I am 5’10” in height. Now coming to my family, all together we are 4 members. Me (Kishore) and my elder sister Anusha. Anusha is a cute...

3 years ago
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With My Own Sister 8211 Part II

Hi friends I hope you all remember my last real experience with my own real younger sister ( it was in train while traveling to Indore )I am Amar Actually I have always had a crush on my sister, almost masturbate daily on my sisters thought or by looking at her photo, but never had the courage to propose her for sex , thought always dream of fucking my sister pussy ( in my view its most enjoyable to have sex with real sister ,one no one doubts and she is always available…provided both agree...

2 years ago
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From Siblings To Lovers 8211 Innocent Sister And Horny Brother

Hey everyone. I am Deepak and I am 24 years old. I am an average built guy with an average 7 inch size dick. I am here to tell you about how I explored  with my sister. My sister’s name is Kavitha. She is 21 years old. My sister has 34C size boobies (mainly because of my constant play with her boobs haha) with a good figure and an innocent face. It’s time for us to go into my life. I am a horny guy since my teenage. I started my masturbation when I was quite young. I started watching porn and...

1 year ago
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I Love My Sister Ravina 8211 Part II

Now Mandira is 16 years of age. Ravina has sent me her pictures. She looks like my sister. Luckily my wife died in an accident and I was free to go to my sister. I had no ristrictions now. The moment I entered Ravina’s house, she ran into my arms. We hugged and kissed furiously, my hand wandering all over my sister’s lovely body. She was even more sexy now. Her body had filled out and was ripe.” I have come to you, my wife…you are mine now and I am one can separate us…Lets make...

2 years ago
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Elder Sister Was My Sexual Queen Part 8211 2

Hello everyone this is maciver again from bangalore, I am glad to see feedbacks in my mails about my 1st story elder sister was my sexual queen. I am happy that people have liked my real story. I will be now telling you the 2nd part of the story on how I had sex with my elder sister. For people who have not read my 1st story I suggest you to read that first and then read this. And yes I welcome everyone’s feedback, do write me to About my intro again for those who don’t know. I live in...

3 years ago
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Slave of my Sister 8211 Part 2

Hey guys, this is my second indian sex story I am submitting to Indian Sex Stories. Sorry for the delay. For those of you who are new let me describe myself- I am a 20-year-old boy from Hyderabad doing my engineering. I am 5″11 and weigh 52 kgs. I am thin and fair in complexion. I have a small dick (4.5 inches). My sister is aged 25 with a curvy figure. Her sizes are 34D-30-34. She had many boyfriends in the past and she is an easy going girl. I on the other hand never had any girlfriend. So...

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Fucked Sister With The Help Of My Mother Part 8211 4

After a long gap, I am here to narrate the incident. Just to recap ..My damn hot sister asked me to help her to get children as my sister’s husband is impotent. SO Now brace yourself ..All men reading the story make sure that you catch your dicks in your hand and assume you are riding your woman. And women or girls , please undress and place your fingers on your beautiful shaven (Shave if not ;) ) pussies. By hearing what my sister said.I was taken aback and could not believe my senses that the...

1 year ago
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Making sleeping sister Into Orgasm

It’s a cold winter day and parents are off to a wedding reception. They’ve left me as I was preparing for my exams and my Akka with me to help out. After reading for long hours, late in the night I go to sleep with my Akka in our bedroom. She is wearing a stunning white buttoned sleeveless shirt and a half skirt below. I go beside her n she has already slept on her sides. After a while feeling the cold…. i put my hands around her to warm myself in a hug and since its common between us, in her...

1 year ago
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Making Sleeping Sister Into Orgasm

It’s a cold winter day and parents are off to a wedding reception. They’ve left me as I was preparing for my exams and my Akka with me to help out. After reading for long hours, late in the night I go to sleep with my Akka in our bedroom. She is wearing a stunning white buttoned sleeveless shirt and a half skirt below. I go beside her n she has already slept on her sides. After a while feeling the cold…. i put my hands around her to warm myself in a hug and since its common between us, in her...


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