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Mr Robinson "Mr Robinson, you are going to break many men's heart looking like that tonight at the club." Mrs Robinson playfully said to her husband, who was wearing a nice turquoise silk blouse with a pussybow, high waist black slacks, and 4" heels. Most men who crossdress cannot pull off this look, but the daring Mr Murray Robinson could. In fact, the outfit was exceptionally flattering on him, for he had the figure and the confidence to wear it. He also had the look, he was a stunning beauty and completely passable as a woman. The supportive wife was also right that he was going to break many men's hearts tonight. He looked stunning but unapproachable. His outfit and demeanor was sending out the vibe to the guys, 'You can look, but can't touch.' He had a regal aura which would fend off any man. 'Anne' would be out of their league tonight, not just for her looks, but her class and sophistication as well. Mr Robinson smiled and said, "Thank you Mrs. Robinson, you know to call me Anne when dress like this dear. I so wish you were coming out with me and the girls tonight." Mrs Robinson, earlier in the day, changed her plans for this girl's night out. A massive migraine was the culprit of making her stay in and rest; her throbbing head was in no shape to withstand the matching throbbing bass of the music which would be blasting. So Mrs Robinson changed her plans to just lay in bed and rest. At first, her loving husband insisted that he was not going out, to stay in to nurse his not up to snuff wife. The loving wife was not going to have it for a few reasons. One, she was not going to be good company. Two, there was nothing that her hubby could do to make her feel better, so it would not be worth both of them being hermits. Three, she was not going to deny her husband time out as Anne. The supportive wife said, "Oh, Anne, you know to call me Nancy, and I wish it also. I much rather be out on the town with you watching you flirt with some man. I was really in the mood to watch you pick one up. Then see you work that magic mouth on him. I am jealous at how good you are at giving head. Even with the pointers you give me, I know I am not as good as you are." The caring husband said, "Dear you know that even with you staying in tonight, it does not change our plans for next week. We are still going out and I get to watch my vixen of a wife find a lady to be with. It gets me all hot and bothered to see you with another woman. I love those feelings, for it makes me almost as good as you at eating out." The Robinson's were in an open marriage, when it came to people of the same sex. They both had wants in the sexual department which the other could not meet. They also both were assured of the love which they had to be able to let the other satisfy those desires. The open marriage was able to work for they laid out the ground rules and followed them like a personal doctrine. The first one was only people of the same sex. The second rule was they both had to be out for the other to pick up a sexual partner. Third one, it would only be hookups, no socializing outside of sex. The fourth one was to be totally honest with their conquests. Anne was shocked at how many men did not care he was a man when they found out they were getting blown. The fifth, and most important one, was if one wanted to take a break or have the marriage become monogamous again it would happen. ******** Anne looked so elegant as she walked into the club. The chic lady was happy to see that Belinda and the girls were already there. She went up and joined them at the bar. They were all disappointed in not seeing her lovely wife, Nancy, at Anne's side. They loved spending time with Nancy, plus without her there, Anne will not be on the prowl tonight. The girls just loved seeing Anne at work getting her next conquest to become interested in her. With being an almost full time man, Anne knew exactly the right mix of forwardness and coyness to make most men enthralled. She knew how to lead the man on the chase by giving him just enough hope that he would get what he wanted without him becoming self assured. The men she went after did not want a sure thing, they wanted the chase. After Anne got herself a drink, all the girls quickly talked about their agenda for the night, then they hit the dance floor. The unattainable lady was showing all the men what they were missing with her dancing. She was also being a great friend to the girls who were looking for a man to have their way with by being the best wingwoman she could. The helper of the seekers of the pleasure of the flesh did all in her power to have the "prey" lure the "predator" into their trap. Anne went to the booth with the ladies who were only out for comradeship after their friends got who was going to take them home tonight. She was having a great night out just chatting with the girls until she saw Ray Rizzo was also at the club. Ray was his daughter's, Catherine Robinson's, fianc?, and he'd said he was going to be out of town this weekend. Anne knew something was going on right away, with seeing his strut and how he was scoping the room. Everyone who saw the next hunter coming into this neon jungle was a man on a mission, and that mission was to get, and then mount big game. The lady who loved the nightlife quickly became the protective father, he withdrew from conversation to keep his eye on the poacher. His friends asked Anne if she was alright. They were unprepared to hear her response and how it came from Murray. The concerned father said, "No, that guy in the black shirt and drinking Fat Tire is engaged to my daughter. It is fitting that he is drinking that pretentious beer for he has an overvalued sense of self worth." The girls all started to console their friend as he was unable to do anything other than watch. Feeling the love and support of her friends did bring Anne back. Watching her potential future son-in-law's faithlessness was horrible. It was the first time Anne felt maternal instincts, and she was powerless, as there was nothing she could do to protect her daughter. Anne left as soon as Ray took home his catch. Belinda followed her out to make sure that her friend did not do anything foolish. Anne was mad, but knew it would be the wrong move to confront the cheater. Ray did not know about her, and it also was not her place to stop a grown man from making the biggest mistake of his life. This was the first time when the part-time woman was fully in touch with her feminine side, while feeling sadness. On her drive home, how powerful and vibrant her sorrow was, soon overtook her. Anne was so upset she had to pull over to cry. She could not believe that she was actually trembling. After a good sob, she pulled herself together and drove the rest of the way home. ******** When Anne got home she removed her makeup and put on Murray's pajamas. She would not have her ailing wife needing to comfort her. As Murray, Anne would be more able to handle dealing with telling Nancy the bad news, if they start to talk. Anne also knew she was going to have to be there for her rattled wife. Nancy was looking forward to rubbing Anne's silk nightie when she heard her husband crawling into bed. Nancy woke up from her half slumber when she felt thick cotton instead of the thin silk. Something had to be up for her husband wanted to be treated and addressed as Murray. Nancy sounding groggy, "Murray, why are you not in your nightie? You always end the night fem when you go out." Murray was honest, it was the bedrock of their relationship, and told his wife the unsettling news. He was ready to be her pillar of strength, but that was not needed. Nancy felt scorned, that boy cheated on her daughter! Instead of crying and being upset, Nancy started to plan on how to get that dog out of her daughter's life with inflicting the least amount of damage on the lady who was betrayed. Nancy believed in fighting fire with fire when it came to dealing with unscrupulous people. She took pride that she could be more devious than them, for she was doing so for what she believed was a good and just cause. In that situation, the ends did justify the means to her. Also, the justice maker was just leveling the playing field by being just as underhanded as the wrongdoer. Then the plan came to the Machiavellian mother. The scheme was underhanded, dishonest, dishonorable, unethical and immoral. Those were the best traits of it, but she did not care about how immoral it was. The plan would work, and getting the result is what made it morally right. That is what mattered right now. She grinned as she prepared to tell her, as of now, unknowing partner in crime, the dirty deed she had planned to make sure Ray was out of their daughter's life. As soon as his wife spoke, Murray knew she was up to no good, and was so happy. She was not upset and that so relieved him. Her husband trusted that she knew the best way to achieve their joint objective of protecting their daughter. The cunning plotter said, "It is so simple dear, you are going to seduce that no good SOB at the Halloween party two weeks from now." Murray was as lost as a penguin in the desert. There was no Halloween party in two weeks, and also his wife had to of meant she was going to seduce that player. Murray said, "Dear, there is no Halloween party two weeks from now. You mean you are going to seduce him. This is for if anyone has a chance of seducing him, it would be you, not me. You are the right sex for the job." Nancy knew she should had explained the plan before revealing the tactics on how they would achieve their mutual goal., "Sweetie, ok, we are going to throw a Halloween party two weeks from now as a ruse to set up that scumbag who is running around on our daughter behind her back. It will be easy to get people to come for they were planning to go out dressed anyways. I was thinking you can go as a 60's housewife and me as Don Draper from Mad Men. You know how much we both love that look. You will not be Murray there but Anne, so you will be the right sex. Plus dear, I am out of practice in picking up a man, you are a pro at it. You will do a much better job at getting him to fall into our trap. Added bonus with both of you being Civil War enthusiasts, it will be so much easier for you to get him somewhere private. You will just get him in a compromised position and wanting a blow job from you, then tell him he needs to break up with our Catherine, or else everyone will know that he wanted to get a blow job from a man. It will be a bluff and it will work, for even with most male sluts not caring who is sucking their cock, they do care if people know that they got a blow job from a man!" Murray was as thankful as the butcher's dog on slaughter day, Nancy was on his side and overall he was a good person, so he would stay there. He would never want to deal with her trying to get even with him. His wife was a great tactician and he would not want to have to deal with her plans to right a wrong. The field operative in this sting knew it was a great, if not perfect plan. The worst part of the plan was that the agent was going to have to talk about the Civil War with Ray. Those two share a fascination with the war between brothers, but their views on it were polar opposites. Ray was from the land of Dixie, and called it the War of Northern Aggression. The next morning the protective parents started the rush to organize a nice little Halloween party at their place where Ray's treat will actually be a trick. It was not as hard or long as they thought it would take. The longest part was getting in contact with the guests, and the hardest part was the hit on their pocket book. They did not realize how much they spent when throwing a get together until they bought everything for the party on the same day. During the lead up to the party, Nancy started to think that maybe with her costume being that of a male and Murray being that of a female, they should swap their normal roles for the party. At first, she thought it would just be a nice little funny touch to the party. Then her wonder went to maybe she could see why her husband enjoyed being Anne so much. She could, in a small manner, experience life as the other gender. Murray was also thinking about maybe he should be the hostess of the party. It was more for he wanted to, it would be fun to have more of Anne's personality out while being around his friends. It would also help him be in the right mindset to land his prey. They were both hesitant to approach the subject. Nancy for some of the guests did not know about Anne, and also she did not want it to come out wrong. She did not want to ever infer that her husband had to do anything as Anne which he did not want to. Murray did not want to address the gender role swap for he did not want his wife to be performing functions at the party which she would not want to do. It might be a set up to catch a cheater, but it was still. a party. Plus, he did not want to make his better half feel uncomfortable with being in full Anne mode because some of the guests did not know her. The potential hostess was more excited about the idea so he brought up who should be host when he said, "Nancy, dear, you know it is going to be a little weird at the party to see Don Draper being the hostess. That will almost ruin your outfit, someone else should do it." Nancy knew her husband well enough to know he was throwing out a feeler about her not being the hostess, hoping that he was going to suggest himself. She thought that maybe he was seeing how she felt if they asked Catherine to do so. Nancy wanting to see where the party's co- planner was going said, "Murray, my love, it really does not matter if me being the hostess goes against my costume, I want to catch that low down cheat in the act. Plus, if I do not do it, who would?" Murray grinned and said, "Mrs Robinson." Nancy laughed and informed him that she was Mrs Robinson. Murray still with the grin on his face, "Oh that is who I am going as, Mrs Robinson from The Graduate. Think of it, I am going to be dressed as a 60's housewife. I am going to seduce the young suitor who is no good for our daughter, and it is play on our last name." Nancy loved that her husband was making an inside joke which only they would get. Even after Ray was conned by them, he would never connect the name play. His thought that Simon Cowell was the most important Simon ever in the music industry, and Joe DiMaggio's claim to fame was being the spokesman for Mr Coffee. Nancy ran over to her husband with a frisky look and kissed him passionately. As she lead him upstairs, she said, "Coo coo ca-choo, Mr. Robinson I love you, and want to make you go, wo wo wo!" ******** The night of the party and setting off the trap was upon the Robinson's. Nancy looked dapper as Don Draper, her pixie haircut made it easy styling her hair like Jon Hamm did in that role. Anne was stunning her little black cocktail dress which was inspired from the 60's. The dress was great for her, but her lingerie so helped her feel the part. It was all retro style. Her silk stockings had the black line in the back and needed the straps of the garter belt not to instantly start to run down her legs. The Robinson's party was going off smoothly and was as cool as ice, they hoped that was a good omen for the scheme. All the party goers were having fun, and the host and hostess switching roles was a hoot to all of them. The ones who did not know about Anne thought that Murray was doing a great job at ad-libbing being a woman. The ones who were friends with Anne were so happy that she got some more time out to socialize. The people who had this party as a sting operation were enjoying it the most. Anne so loved floating around the party making sure everyone was enjoying themselves and just doing enough mingling with each guest to make them feel welcome. Nancy liked relaxing more at the party and not having to watch over everything. It felt good to her when her male housewife would come over and ask her to restock something. Nancy also asked Anne to refer to her as Don for the rest of the party. Don blushed some when realized that he ogled Anne and said 'nice ass' under his breath. The lady next to her giggled, thinking Nancy was just being in character. Nancy knew that she was going to have to explore being Don when this was all over. The spirit of the party changed for Anne and Don when Ray and Catherine arrived fashionably late, they knew it was go time. Ray was dressed as a doctor and Catherine as a naughty nurse. Catherine wanted to go as an Victorian era empress, but Ray insisted that they had matching costumes. He said his reason was loving couples did that. The real reason was he wanted to see the future Mrs. Robinson-Rizzo in a slutty outfit. Even with the lady he was going to give the counterfeit pledge of fidelity to was right next to him, Ray could not help himself and scoped the room. At that moment he wished he was single for he saw so many potential one night stands there. An older lady, dressed like she was from the 60's, really caught his eye. He was actually brash enough to point her out and asked who she was to Catherine. Catherine saw the mystery lady and could not believe Anne was here. She knew all about her dad's crossdressing and how, for the most part, he kept it private. Murray did not let most of his friends know about it. Catherine laughed, for she knew her man would be embarrassed when he heard the answer, and how Anne playfully flirted with guys who looked at her with lust in their eyes. She said, while calling the hostess over, "That is not a lady, that is my dad." Ray could not believe it, and was ready to tell his fiance? to stop joking until Anne got closer. Ray looked and when he quit questioning his eyes, saw that Anne was actually Mr Robinson. He started to question his sexuality. Even with knowing that was a man in a dress, his desire for what he wanted did not lessen. In fact it grew. Anne gave them her normal welcome of a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Catherine ate it up for she loved how much Anne showed her emotions and also how awkward it was going to make Ray feel. When receiving the hug, Ray did feel the awkwardness Catherine expected, but it was for a different reason. That hug and kiss did more for him than it should have. Anne could tell by Ray's reaction that he liked her touch on him, that made her cautious, for this was feeling too easy. She did not want her overconfidence to be the downfall of the plan. She knew one thing from picking up men, it was never a sure thing until the hookup actually started. Anne started the flirting with Ray by saying, "I am so happy that you are here Dr Rizzo, for I really need a thorough examination tonight." Ray actually got flustered and Catherine did everything in her power not to laugh. She did think her man deserved to feel that way, for she hated how much he would check out other woman. It was not about jealousy, she looked at other men so she knew that he would look at other ladies. She also knew that people checked out other people all the time. Ray just needed to stop doing it all the time. Maybe her dad playing with him would give the man with the wayward eyes a wake up call and he will mature. Anne went to tell Don the good news about how the catch is on the line, and all the fisher of men had to do was reel in her big catch. On her way over there, Anne did think about how much she liked the Don side of her wife. She really wanted Nancy to want to explore being Don. The hostess of the party was happy that everything was going smoothly and had no need to watch over the guests or the food and drink. It was time to get that no good cheater out of her daughter's life. She went up to her female husband and asked him to watch over the party for it was time to execute their plan. Don found it odd that even with being happy to do so, he was a little annoyed. Any other party he would have been so concerned about the food and drink supply. Anne went up to Catherine and Ray and asked Ray to come to her bedroom for she had a new book on the history of the Civil War he had to see. The last thing Ray wanted was to be alone with Mr Robinson right now. The confused man did not know what he would say, or worse, do in that private situation. Ray respectfully declined by saying, "Mr Robinson, some other time. I would love to see it but do not want to drag you away from your party. It is such a great one and you are a great host." The long winded turndown told Anne that Ray so wanted to go and be alone. She thought it was too easy again. In it being easy, she did not let up on it, it was time to reel the catch into her bedroom before she became complacent. She said in a flirty manner, "Tonight it is Mrs Robinson to you, and I can so tell you are interested in seeing all I have to show you in the bedroom. It will be eye opening for you." The lustful man did not know what to do. It cannot be that his future father-in-law was flirting with him right in front of his own daughter. Why was he reading so much into what Mr Robinson was saying? Plus, why did he want what he thought was going on to be true? Catherine laughed to herself again, for she thought that her dad's playfulness was scaring Raymond. She wanted them to bond more for it was important to her that her future husband was seen as a real son, and not just one by law. She said, "Go ahead dear, don't worry. Mrs Robinson will not bite you, unless you want it." Raymond was mortified by that last joke. He thought that the great lady beside him saw his lust. He quickly said, "No, I don't want that!" Catherine said, "Dear, I know, with how much you look at every woman that walks by you, do not. It was just a joke. Now go and talk about the macho war thing." Ray did go up to the bedroom with Anne. He swore that she was swaying her hips to catch his eyes. The rhythmic back and forth was hypnotizing and the hunter now was the prey. He knew that he was going to enter her domain and would be at her mercy. Ray savoured that thought. In the lair of his temptress, Ray asked to see the book right away. Anne pointed at the desk and told him there it was. As he started to leaf through it, Anne sat down on the bed. Then, while stretching out her silky smooth perfect right leg, Anne mentioned loud enough for her victim to hear, "I will say one has to stretch their legs more often while wearing heels." That statement got Ray to look at the cougar, then the seductress asked, "do you see anything you like?" With approval in his eyes and shock in his voice, Ray asked, "Are you trying to seduce me Mr Robinson?" Anne, in an alluring manner said, "Well, no. I hadn't thought of it. I feel very flattered. I was talking about the what you saw in the book" Ray knew enough from his time of proving he was a man to himself by unsuccessfully sowing his wild oats that Mrs Robinson was playing coy. At least he prayed she was, he wanted to be seduced by this vixen, "Sorry Mrs Robinson, it is just you are acting like you are trying to seduce me." Anne went for her prey, it was time to make the dirt on this dirtbag so he was out of Catherine's life. Anne, in an inviting manner as she walking toward her target, said, "Dear, tonight, see me as Ms Robinson, and no I am not trying to seduce you. Do you see something enticing in me?" Ray broke down, he admitted to himself what he wanted, but he was not going to get it. He so wanted the father of his fiance?. He could not deny it anymore, for what he was desiring would not only end his relationship, but break up a family. He had to come clean, first here, and then with the woman he loved. "Sorry Mr Robinson, and I am going to call you that. I do find you very enticing but that is wrong. I so want you right now. It is wrong of me to even think that you were flirting with me to seduce me. You would never hurt your wonderful daughter by having sex with the man who she is going to marry. I need to come clean with something else, I've been trying to cheat on your daughter with other women but could never do the deed. It was for I did not want to actually be with them. I wanted to be caught by her so she ended our engagement. I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I also want to be with men." Anne felt bad for she believed every word that Ray said. Even with the staying faithful part, for even a sure hookup is not a guaranteed thing until it actually happened. The bad feeling of oneself also came from the knowledge that she and her Donnie, she liked the sound of that for a pet name for her hopefully new hubby, did Ray wrong by not confronting him and just telling their daughter the truth. Their plan would have worked, but it was just morally wrong. Anne said, "In a way, I was trying to seduce you. I was not going to do anything with you. I was going to blackmail you into breaking up with my daughter. I saw you out last weekend at that club where you took a woman home. I am sorry, I also have to tell my daughter what I did to you. That was wrong." Ray emphatically said, "No, you will not tell her. She is going to be hurt enough to find out that she would never be enough for me, so I am going to have to leave her. I do not want you trying to to do the right thing, to also hurt her. She is going to need you and your wife now more than ever. I should have never gotten involved with your daughter. I just thought that I could be happy with her. I was not and started to act more like a man to prove to myself I only wanted to be with women." Anne was at one of those moments which defined what kind of person you are. Does she open up to Ray about her sex life so he could do the same with the woman he loved, or does she embrace keeping it private so Ray does not judge her? Anne opened up her mouth without knowing what her decision was. "Ray, my son, please be open to my daughter before you make any decision about your future. She might be liberal enough to have an open marriage with you. I know she does approve of the open marriage me and my wife have. I love to be with a man once in awhile, how do you think I was so good at getting you to the point of wanting me? So after this party, my wife and I are going to tell your fiance? the truth, then you are. She is strong enough to handle it. She will be mad at me and my wife, but she will get over it for we came clean. We are lucky enough that she a good enough person to do so." After the party, Don went back to being Nancy and Anne did the same with being Murray. They told their daughter what the real reason for the party was about. Oh she was mad, but understood why. They all knew that they would have to work at getting their relationship back to where it was. Ray and Murray became closer and Mr Robinson helped Ray come to terms that his sexuality did not diminish him being a man. Ray came clean with his mi amor and those words hurt her. It was for Ray did not trust her enough to share that with her before. Catherine was happy that she knew now, before he totally broke the trust between them. They agreed to not call off the engagement yet and work on getting the trust in being a couple to a place where they could try an open relationship. They knew that if they did, they would need to have ground rules. They both knew that with the time and effort, their love would be strong enough to let the other get pleasure which they could not provide.

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SugarDaddyPORN Kelsey James Back For A New Sugar Daddy

Kelsey James has a secret to share… she undeniably loves some sugar daddy dick. She also loves money, which she is in dire need of once again. So what does she do? Why, she grabs her phone and sends us another submission video for round two! Smart decision Kelsey, we know you won’t be disappointed. Of course this hottie quickly got swept off her feet by another generous sugar daddy that helped her get back on her feet. Not only that, it looks like this daddy might even be hooking...

4 years ago
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They were young but so much in love. I stood as best man at my son Jim wedding. His wife to be, Monique, was lovely in her white dress. It covered her feet and the train was eight feet long. The bodice scooped low exposing the tops of her breasts. Months passed and before long, I was a Grandpa. It wasn't my first, mind you, but still she was great. Over the next few weeks, I was a constant visitor. At first, I was afraid I was overstepping my limits but Monique soon still those thoughts. She...

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Jiju jaisa koi nahin chodhta

I am neha sharma 25 iam single i have never thought of marriage i am living with my mother Regarding my body i have to say i am proud of two parts of it one is my 36 big boobs they are tight with red nipples and other my virgin pussy very broad and one red hole in the middle I am teacher in local school One day mother has to go my elder sis house I am alone in my home whenever i am lone i wear blouse and peticot in the night I was seeing tv some english picture was on.some sexy sences were on i...

4 years ago
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Fire Vs Police

Leah wasn’t sure what was wrong with her these days. It had been months since the last time she had sex. It wasn’t that there weren’t any offers or attempts from the opposite sex, she just wasn’t interested. In the previous week, she turned down offers from two very attractive guys from her past, not even thinking twice. Nick had crawled so far into her head, that while she waited for him to return from Texas, she held out for him. She fell in love with him. But in the last month, he started...

3 years ago
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A genie and three wishes

I was normal 20 year old boy. i was 5ft 6, had a chubby body. I had a good thick 7 inch cock though. I was a very horny boy though, but girls dont go out with tiny chubby boys. I didnt like any girls in my college though, i had my eyes on someone close to me. My step sister, Irina. She was 18 and had a curvy body, 36-32-38. I wanted to fuck her and its not like i didnt try, i tried my best to seduce her but nothing worked infact things got bad. She didnt wanted to indulge in sexual activities...

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The Workout

Kay gripped the iron handle and pulled down. One--one, two, three. She relaxed and let the bar rise. She pulled down again, moving smoothly and confidently through her third and final set. Two--one, two, three. Tension pulled at the muscles across her chest. She closed her thighs tightly on the padded bench for support. Six--one, two, three. A low whistle interrupted her count. "Looking good." The mirror revealed a six-foot frame veiled in a gray T-shirt and basketball-style shorts. Jeremy...

Group Sex
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This is a story about an ex-girlfriend of mine, she was 5'4 with an athletic body due to her spending all her free time dancing as she belonged to a dance company.  We were in highschool at the time and were in abosolute lust with eachother.   We never had a date where our hands were inside eachothers pants. She loved to slide her hand down my jeans and grab my dick, she would work her hand down to the tip and check for precum and if she found some she would lick it off her fingers, that was...

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The Red DoorChapter 7

I only recognised the Bar’s owner because Sue had talked about her a little. She grabbed my upper arm and marched me out, a commanding, “STAY” thrown over her shoulder at Sue. Through the lounge area and out, left down a covered walkway then into a door I’d not seen used before. The room was empty, like an unused store room, the door echoed as it slammed shut. “Right now you have three choices.” Her voice steady, but commanding. First you can just fuck her and then take off the collar....

4 years ago
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The Sweet Journey

Jaise hi mein train mein ghusi to dekha ki us coach mein bahut hi kam lag the. mujhe kaafi khushi hui. mein akele mein apni seat par jaa kar fingering karna chahti thi. meri dono taango ke beech mein kuchh ho raha tha. station pe jahan mein apne parents ke saath baith kar train ke aane ka baith kar rahi thi wahan se khuchh hi doori par baitha ek handsome sa ladka mujhe hi ghoor raha tha. maine bhi kai baar use tirchhi nazron se dekha. wo bahut hi achchha dikh raha tha. us time mein mann hi mann...

3 years ago
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Lewis Hard Day

I have been a frequent visitor to this site over the years and just love a lot of the fiction that is here Looking for constructive criticism. If you are only going to hate, keep it to yourself. Disclaimer: All standard stuff applies. This is a fiction story. If you cannot tell the differences, do not read it. I do not condone any of these things happening in real life. Also, if you do anything like this in real life to real people, you should be shot. Other than that, hope you...

3 years ago
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Wild Sex With My Friend Rithi

Hello everyone, Today I would like to share a unique experience which happened a couple of months ago. It was Christmas day when rithi (name changed) pinged me in hangouts appreciating my story. It was 6 in the morning when my phone buzzed and it was rithi’s message. I was genuinely happy as she liked my story and she provided some good feed back on my story. It was a holiday and I didn’t want to let go the company of her. We spoke to each other for couple of hours and quickly realized that we...

2 years ago
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Dark Encounter A New Life Intro

As I ran, I could feel him getting closer and closer. I tripped on a crack. Blackness for a little while, then I awoke to my hands tied behind my back and my ankles tied as well. I could hear his breathing... that shallow, deep-voiced breathing.. all too familiar from the long nights of agonizing pleasure. I was pushed against the wall roughly, my nose smashing against the concrete. I can still feel the blood that sprayed onto my bare chest and the wall, The body fluid that was stuck in my hair...

4 years ago
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Cherry BombChapter 18

We rolled into New Orleans on a hot and muggy afternoon. Reggie had already made arrangements for us at the Omni on the waterfront so it looked like it would be bignets (a flat donut unique to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast) and Chicory coffee for breakfast at Café du Monde. After going to the Omni and checking in, we parked the bike in the parking structure and headed up to the room. We said our goodbyes to Jason and Candy since they were staying with friends for the next couple of days. We...

1 year ago
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First Time with Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! [email protected] I've always thought my mom was sexy. I'm a 35 year old male and I still get a raging hardon when I think of my mother and the many times I’ve fucked her. She's only 18 years older than I am, so even at 51, she's got a body that still causes her own son to look twice and sigh when I think about the times I've been between those legs. But the best and most erotic part is that she doesn't know it's ever happened! My mom was raised a...

3 years ago
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A Fantasy Fulfilled Chapter 2

Anne headed to the bedroom, scrambling in her eagerness. Before she left, I had given her instructions on what she was to do and as she walked, she thought about how best to accomplish it. I had caught her dead to rights, having seen her masturbating to one of my porn videos when I came home that evening from work. Now I wanted to see her do it again for my pleasure! I knew the idea of "performing" in front of me both scared her and excited her at the same time because when we talked about the...

3 years ago
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My First Valentine8217s Day With Her

Hey guys!!! This is my first story on ISS. And yeah, this my own experience with my dear love Ankita. Please pardon me for grammatical errors and all that shit. I am good at English but too lazy to type. I m glad I could write this much. Please support me through this. Comments , feedbacks are welcome…just ping me at And yeah…make me a popular author by supporting me… Well, I don’t like to begin the story by saying ‘’I am a guy, about 6.1’’ tall and well built and equipped .’’because that...

2 years ago
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My Sexual Autobiography 8211 Part X

Dear readers and friends here is your sexy Julee again with part X of Sexual Autobiography. I would like to tell you that this episode I should have written earlier because it was happened when I was 22 years old. However, I am writing it now for your enjoyment. Some time, I laugh on myself because I am being fucked and you all enjoy my fucking. Anyway, I do not shy to write and share actual things because I strongly feel that many girls are having sex like me but no one is coming forward to...

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Dog Breath

My friend Lane seems to always have terrible breath in the morning. I wonder why... Three or four times a year Lane and I would go camping in the mountains for a couple of weeks and have a good time fishing, hiking, telling stories and drinking beer. Sometimes we would go with a group of friends but most times just him and I would go. When Lane would fall asleep for the night he would be out cold. I never saw anyone so deep asleep. When we were in our teens we used to do all kinds of...

4 years ago
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Annie and Michelle Part 2 The Bet

Since the incident in high school, years earlier, Annie and Michelle had not seen each other naked again. Michelle was too embarrassed by what happened, and too afraid of being caught, and Annie respected her friend enough to protect her privacy. But things had changed since then. Michelle had matured and grown more comfortable with her sexuality- she was ready to embrace the fact that she might be a little attracted to Annie, and was acknowledging the possibility that she might be bisexual....

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Bubba to Sissy

Bubba to Sissy It was a sad day for me when I received word that my Aunt Beatrice had passed on. Not that I hadn't been sort of half expecting it, at least in the back of my mind. She'd been getting on in years and was in poor health. I regretted not visiting her more towards the end, but we had written to one another on and off. She was very special to me, the first person I ever came out to. I really only confirmed what she had always guessed, she always saw the real me, even...

4 years ago
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No FutureChapter 14 Faith and Charity

Diane 2042 Reverend Diane Dawkins wept while she watched the television news film of the dead and dying of Rawalpindi. If the wretched souls hadn't already died from the intense heat and blast of the nuclear explosions, they would surely do so from radiation poisoning. Perhaps those who were dead were the lucky ones. Cancerous growths and the birth of deformed children were all that most of the survivors had to look forward to. Her usual response to such international crises was to...

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Could It HappenChapter 6

The talk at the United Nations did result in most countries realizing the importance America meant to their countries and to world peace. There still were exceptions to this but those countries were now receiving a cold shoulder from the countries that were previously friendly to their cause and now were re-thinking their support. If this would last no one knew but while it did there were no major political problems to handle. True to his word and one year since the day of Hal’s inauguration...

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Bahan Ki Shalwar 8211 Part I

Mera naam wasim hai.meri ek badi bahan hai jis ka nam shabana hai.shabana itni khoobsurat to nahi hai par woh bahut sexy hai.uske dhodh bahut bade hai aur piche us ke chootad bhi bahut bade hain.mujhe woh bahut sexy lagti hai.shalwar kameez main us ke dhodh aur chootad saf dikhte hain.dil chahta hai piche se achanak uske chootad itni zor se dabao ke woh tadap uthe. Meri bahan ko sex main zara bhi intrest nahi hai.lakin main uske sath sex karna chahta hoon.kiya karo kuch samajh main nahi a raha...

2 years ago
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Fun in Bali part 1

James and I recently went to Bali for two weeks for a holiday. So to set the scene, James and I packed as many sexy outfits that we could. I had one bra (the one I wore when I got on the plane) and only thongs. I can happily report that I did not wear a bra the whole two weeks we were there.The whole trip was spent in crop tops, braless and short shorts with my ass hanging out (half the time without panties too). Most of my bikinis were quite revealing with a few being tiny thong bikinis and my...

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Old Friend

The weekend was here and it was time to relax. I had already smoked a little weed and had a few beers and was just getting ready to get in the spa as was my custom on Friday nights. I didn’t get out much since my wife of 30 years had passed. In my mid-50s there was really no point. Even though I had my own company and was doing pretty well the women I was interested in were more interested in younger, more virile guys. Guys with beards and man buns and other effeminate traits that were...

3 years ago
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Nurse Deana Chapter 1

His name was Jack Powell, a tall muscular man; age sixty-five, with a prominent chin, long broad nose, blue eyes, and black hair speckled with gray. In her mind she was thinking, “For an older man he is quiet handsome and sexy.” Deana quivered clear to the center of her womanhood, hoping this time she would remain calm, because she’d always went beyond regular care and relieved many of the men’s sexual urges, after all they were suffering. She tapped on the door and heard Jack as he...

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FlashedMind The Gap

Amy and I met friends for an Indian meal last Saturday. It was our first night out since we got back from honeymoon and we took the Underground so we could enjoy a drink. Amy does love a fruity Pinot Gris. By the time the food arrived, Amy had polished off half a bottle and was getting quite as fruity as the wine. She rubbed my bulging cock through my jeans and wasn't subtle about it, either. Bob and Jenny must have guessed what she was up to. We caught the 23:27 home—a deserted, rickety...

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Band Groupie Wife

For years, my wife and I have been huge live music fans. We’ve made many friends along the way, some just aquaintances, some very close. Most of the musicians are guys, obviously, and tend to be around our age. We have laughed at the crazy stories we’ve heard about life on the road, some with sexual twists involving the many girls they have throwing themselves at them. As time goes by it seems its happening less and less, seeing that when we first found this roots rock music style we were in...

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Widows Hot FamilyChapter 10

The escaped convict and Mary slept about half the night, until Holmes woke up to find the girl's soft, full lips wrapped around his stiff, throbbing cock. Her tongue was swirling around his leaking piss-slit and her hands were jiggling and kneading his big balls. Jane and Danny also slept for about half the night, until she woke up to find her son straddling her chest and sliding his cock through the tunnel formed by her held-together tits. Danny's hands were on the outside curves of both...

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Buck FeverChapter 8

Sam and Randy trudged through the woods. They knew to approach the tree stand from behind it, so they wouldn't be in the field of fire. Both were wearing orange hats, but that wasn't enough to satisfy Bob. "We're coming in!" called out Randy, remembering a western he'd seen on TV one time. "They're not up there," said Sam, who got a view of the stand through a gap in the branches around them. They stepped out of a cluster of young hickory trees and saw Bob and Mallory standing on...

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Our Incest Fantasies

I am Adarsh, 31 years of age, married to 26 year old Neha for the past one year. We both love sex and experimentation. We fantasise a lot while having sex and talk about scenarios during foreplay. When the scenario gets hot we start fucking and continue telling. We cum when the scene climaxes. There are many fantasies we do. Sometimes Neha talks about cheating on me and has sex with an ex boyfriend or my collage or having lesbian sex with her female colleague or group sex. But for both us, the...

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Tommyacutes Drunk Mother

Tommy's Drunk MotherNote- this story is about two English boys and the drunk mother of one of them. As suchyou will find a few English phrases as the boys use English expressions and names. ForAmerican etc readers:Mum = MomFanny = cuntKnickers = pantiesThis story is almost certainly a work of total fictionI had my first fuck when I was just turned 12. Most guys get their first experiences withtheir girlfriends the same age but mine was with the mother of a school friend -and hewas watching and...

4 years ago
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My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story Part II

This is a continuation of ‘My Shrink Hears My Sordid Story’. It is recommended that you read that chapter before reading this chapter. After my appointment with Dr. Samantha Johns, I wrestled with my emotional ups and down. I felt I had become jaded by my past sexual activities and could no longer have a sexual relationship unless it was taboo or kinky. Actually, I had no control over my sexual desires. My wife controlled me. It did not seem normal but I was addicted to it. I showed up at Dr....

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The Senior Center

There is no sex in this story. It could go in Romance or Mature. It’s a story about a young woman who became a nurse in a Senior Citizen Center and a friend she became very fond of. Thank you to Mr. Wolf for editing this story for me. * Chapter 1: My name is Nina and this story begins when I got the position of being a nurse at a senior living facility. I have to say I was very nervous at first but after awhile I loved my job. I had recently graduated from college with a nursing degree but...

3 years ago
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First Encounter Ch 2 Getting To Know You

Our lips part and I begin to place small kisses on you neck. My hand leaves your shaft and comes to rest on your left nipple, which is quite erect and sensitive. My mouth replaces my hand on your breast, and I begin to flick my tongue over your nipples. This causes you to moan and stroke my shaft harder."Careful," I pant. "You don't want me to explode too soon."I continue my kissing down your chest, and when I reach your navel, I reposition myself on my knees on the floor. You spread your legs...

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White DelightsChapter 17 Charming Company

Diana managed to throw David together with the young people quite a lot, but it was quickly apparent to the Emir that her matchmaking was going to fail. Bridget was far too opinionated to make a suitable wife for an Emir. The final straw came unexpectedly at a small dinner party Davina had arranged for them at a very fashionable restaurant. The Emir was the last of the party of six to arrive; Davina stood up and kissed him on both cheeks, Mary, Shane and Simon greeted him affably enough, but...

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Milwaukee Cuckold and his Pregnant wife

Milwaukee Cuckold and his Pregnant WifeJudy told me on my 36th birthday she was pregnant from one of our friends. It excited me to no end and she said it made her really excited and horny. Well within the week she wasn’t feeling well and for the first 6 months or so f her pregnancy she had bad morning sickness and couldn’t do much of anything. During her 6 month she started having lactation problems with a lot of leaking which she finally attributed to being very horny. She called me at work...

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Mom My First Love Chapter 1

I’m in my late 60’s now. My mom recently passed away. Since she is now gone and since her grandfather and father both died several years ago I think it’s ok to tell this part of my story. I can’t tell everything because of course my daughter and her daughter are still living and I don’t want to jeopardize their privacy. Enough said. Perhaps if I get their permission I can add details of the last several years. After all I am writing this anonymously. I grew up in the 50’s and my mom grew up a...

2 years ago
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Single Mother

Single Mother by circe ([email protected]) "So, be honest." Zoe and Emma lay on the queen-sized bed, giggling and wiggling their toes. The little girl was already in her pajamas and was lying on her front, holding her head up in her hands as she watched her mother. Their housemate, Zoe, lay next to her, copying her girlish pose and reaching out to tickle the young girl every so often. Mandy stood in front of them in her underwear, holding two dresses in her hands - one was...

3 years ago
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My College Wali Love Story

Hi.. This experience of mine is from my teen age. During college I was in touch with few a male buddy’s and this guy vicky was close to me. We shared a lot of stuff to each other about of personal life’s. About my periods & also about our fantasies. We never realized that these things bought us closer. He never forced me for anything, if I hug him he used to embrace me in his arms. It was always me on the upper hand about kisses & hugs. It has been 3 yrs. Together and we used to watch porn...

4 years ago
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Fruitful Accident

Hello this is Chintu a 24 year old guy, working as a junior civil engineer in a leading construction company. This is my first story and I hope you all like it and give your precious comment that encourage me a lot for further submission and my id is and this is complete a fictional story between a mom and her son in a rainy night. Now I am going to tell this story in Hindi and I also translated it in English if I got your encouragement through your comments. Hi again my name is Chintu a 24...

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Stepson MattOne Hot Summer P 1

Matt texted and said he was on his way. I had a nice roast and all the related stuff cooking in the kitchen. Just then, John called to say that an emergency came up at work and he would be home late. He insisted that we start dinner without him and he would be home as soon as he can. "Sure, dinner's already on and Matt's on his way, so I'll take care of things here," I said while wrapping up the call and trying not to let on that I suspected other motives. There was a knock on the door....

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A Better Solution Than Divorce Part 8

A Better Solution Than Divorce 8 By Jennifer Allison Richard "Dr. McLean, Hillary Knox here," I heard Hillary Knox say over the phone. "Hi, Hillary," I said. "You asked to inform you of the Driefort's decision," said Hillary. "So when will they be showing up in Tolerance?" I asked. I didn't need to be told of the Driefort's final decision. "Three months. The Drieforts aren't needed in Tolerance as much as Tolerance needed you to replace Amanda." "What about the kids?"...

2 years ago
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Across Eternity Book 1 Chapter 8

Once they had finished eating, they packed up their things and entered the shell, with Noah taking the lead and holding a torch. Because of the shell’s twist, they had to descend a spiral passage, like a staircase but without actual stairs. The walls, floor, and ceiling of the passage were perfectly smooth, but there were no straight lines of any kind. It was like wandering through a narrow canyon carved by flashfloods. Most of the ground was covered in dirt and broken stone, perhaps seeping...

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A Girl Only Dreams Make UpChapter 14

In all his life, Alan has never thought once about a dog the way he is now. He would under any normal circumstance never think about any kind of sexual activity with an animal other than another human being. He doesn’t know why he let what happened happen. Or better yet, why he didn’t stop it when he knew what it was. It isn’t because he is deprived of sex. He can have any woman he wants. Hell, he fucked his therapist three times the day before, and that’s not including the blowjob he...

4 years ago
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Sexual adventures with Emily and her family pt4

"Holy shit, she looks so sexy and innocent", Scott texted. I replied "and you just took advantage of that innocent pretty pussy... you better not tell anyone I sent those pictures to you!". Scott responded "I'm still feeling nervous about earlier... I shouldn't have done that. If Emily found out, she'd kill me". I messaged back "no one else will ever know... it's our little secret ?. It was so hot watching you fuck her, and then you came in my mouth". It was a few minutes...

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