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Chapter 1 A blank screen, the bane of every creator. I just stared at it, not for the first time. Lately, it seemed like I just couldn't get past the beginning, to actually get to work. Perhaps it was because I'd been too successful, I'd actually worked out all my ideas, and now I was just as empty as the screen. It wasn't the first time I'd thought that, but it felt especially true today. It had to be the fact that it was Monday. I was always pessimistic on Mondays. "Still nothing?" I heard from behind me. I turned to see Molly, or rather Dr. Molly Linnel. She always liked to stop by to see my latest masterpiece. Usually, I wouldn't mind. She was attractive, and being single, I was happy for the attention. She had curves in all the right places and long brown hair that framed her face perfectly. Most of all, I was enthralled by her intellect. She was easily smarter than me, but we could happily delve into a wonderfully exotic conversation on algorithms or philosophy. I usually loved that, but today was different. I hadn't been able to even get started with my new project and wasn't eager for the distraction. "I just can't get my head around this new project. Maybe Jake's right, and I just need a vacation," I muttered as I spun around. "I hope you're having better luck!" "Well, I hate to rub it in while you're stuck, but I made a breakthrough this weekend. I've spent the last few hours preparing my report for the director." Molly smiled. Her glasses slipped down her nose in that cute way that I liked. She giggled nervously and pushed them back up. It was nice to see her so happy. There was always a glow to her, but at times like this, she was just radiant. "So, would you care to divulge your latest achievement?" I whispered just loud enough for her to hear. While my projects were fairly well known around the facility, Molly's were a different matter. In fact, I didn't even know what her specialty was, nor did anyone else, aside from the director. We were a high tech company, and even my projects wouldn't be public knowledge for years, but whatever Molly was working on was locked down tight. "You know I'd love to tell you..." Molly whispered back conspiratorially. "Aw, come on, I disabled the listening devices in here a long time ago," I whispered back. It was true too. Working at a company like this brought out all kinds of paranoia, especially from management. I wasn't the kind to like being listened to, however. They had tried planting new devices from time to time, but I always found them and disabled them. Of course, they might have finally found a way around my detectors. Molly just stood there and pondered for a moment. Her eyes sparkled in that way that happened when she was deep in thought. Her brow furrowed just slightly, and I could see she was biting her lip. She wanted to tell me, I could see it. Just like any other genius, she couldn't stand not sharing her brilliance with the world. "Okay, just promise not to tell anyone!" she whispered again. I wondered if she thought the bugs were still around, but if she was going to tell me, I wasn't going to complain. "Of course," I replied. I knew just how much trouble she could get in for talking about it, and there wasn't any way I would do something to hurt her. "Self-replicating nano bots! I just finished the first batch last night, and they are perfect!" Molly whispered gleefully. I just sat back, stunned. A self-replicating nano bot was one of the holy grails of technology, and I was in the presence of a woman who claimed to have created them. "That's amazing!" I gasped. I can't quite say what I had expected to hear, but this wouldn't have been near the top of the list. She blushed and rocked from side to side from my compliment. "I never really thought I'd do it! I've been working for years just to create, network, and control them. I never dreamed I'd actually find a way to make them self-replicating. The key was in the networking. It's a little hard to explain, but now I can make as many little nanos as I need, and they can do almost anything!" Molly rambled merrily, no longer keeping her voice down as she went into her explanations. I didn't follow much of what she said as she delved into the details. Before she'd started, I thought I was well informed on nanotech, but by the time Molly was finished I felt like a layman. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I got carried away. I guess I should let you get back to work, and I need to finish up my report." Molly blushed again. "That's okay, I know how it feels to make a breakthrough. Of course, I've never done anything Nobel worthy, congratulations!" I said. There wasn't much doubt about the scale of her accomplishment. Of course, I didn't mind that her embarrassment from my compliments made her even cuter. She couldn't help twisting her foot on the ground as she turned another shade of red. "Thanks, well, I'll see you later." Molly smiled and slipped back out the door before I could say my goodbyes. She always slunk away like that when she was embarrassed. I knew it made her uncomfortable, but I was too weak to stop myself. Of course, I did mean everything I said. That made it even harder to stop myself. Now, I turned back to my own blank screen. I didn't know how I could start my work after hearing about Molly's breakthrough. So I pushed back from my desk and went to get myself some coffee and hopefully some motivation. Chapter 2 My work didn't get much easier for the next several weeks. I was also starting to worry about Molly. I hadn't heard from her since she shared her discovery with me. None of my coworkers knew what had happened to her either. I was reluctant to discuss it with the director. He was very busy and never in the best of moods. It was possible that she'd been sequestered because of her discovery, but I didn't want to ask about that, since it was never good to know too much about what was happening with other research projects. It was another less than productive morning when two of the director's men showed up at my office and escorted me to see him. They were silent the whole time. They didn't need to say anything; everyone knew who they were and exactly what they wanted. I didn't waste any time. When the director wanted to see you, you didn't keep him waiting. Now, in all the time I'd been working here, I'd been to the director's office only twice, on my first day and after my third successful project. The director's office was housed in its own building. For all I knew, he lived here. It was a huge building, and I had no idea what it contained beyond the office. No one I knew had any idea what went on in his building, and beyond idle curiosity, no one really cared. His office alone was something of a wonder. To any visitor, it was an imposing one. He sat at a large desk at the end of a long ornate room. It was an ornate, imperial carved wooden desk, and sitting in the simple chair across from the director was clearly meant to be a humbling experience. The fact that he was the arbiter of everything that happened in the company just reinforced that feeling. Finding myself in that seat today was probably one of the most uncomfortable things I could remember. "Hello, Randall. I'm sorry I had to ask you here this morning," the director grumbled as I sat down. My eyes darted for a moment. I didn't want to presume anything here, especially why he would be sorry. Still, I had to reply. "Sir?" I said, trying my best to sound neutral. I hated to gamble, especially at a time like this. There were times to take risks, but after being summoned without explanation by the director was not one of those times. The director smiled and nodded gently to himself. "I see I'm right about you not liking to take risks. Unfortunately for you, Molly told us everything." I just sat there puzzled. He saw the lack of comprehension and leaned forward. "She told me all about the little conversation you two had about her project. I'm sorry to say that I'm going to have to deal harshly with this little breach of protocol." "But she didn't tell me anything!" I protested. In fact, aside from a few of the big points, I couldn't even understand most of what she'd told me. "I'm afraid that's not what she remembers. Now, I have to deal with this situation before it gets out of hand. Beginning immediately, you are being reassigned to Dr. Linnel's project," the director stated firmly. "But I'm not qualified for any of the work," I sputtered. "I am quite aware of your talents. In fact, you are going to provide your services as a test subject, and you will be sequestered in our research facility here until the project is complete," he replied. I nearly collapsed in my chair. I didn't want any part of this, but a panicked look for an escape route also showed me the half dozen men that now surrounded my chair. I wasn't going anywhere that the director didn't want me to go. "I see you understand your situation. Now, I think it's time for you and Dr. Linnel to have a conference to get you up to speed with her research. I'll look forward to seeing you in the lab tomorrow morning Randall." The director nodded to his men and me as he rose and walked out of a side door. The grim figure beside me gave me a fierce look, and I knew better than to argue. I stood and followed his lead as the rest of the men followed behind me. It wasn't a very long walk down a few halls, and I was led into a guarded door. The guard nodded as he saw us approach and opened the door for us. The director's man waved me through the door and promptly shut it as soon as I was through. For a moment, I felt like I was home. I wasn't, but the entrance looked the same as the one in my apartment. I quickly realized that I was being sequestered in another company apartment that had been built into the director's building. I looked down the hall to see the standard layout of bedroom and bathroom doors with a living room and kitchen at the end. "Hello?" came from the living room. As shocked as I was that someone else was here, I was even more surprised to hear Molly's voice. I took a couple of quick steps down the hall before realizing I should announce myself. "Hi Molly, it's Randall. I hope you don't mind my stopping by, but I don't think the guard is going to let me leave," I joked, trying to lighten my own mood as much as anything else. "Randall! It's okay, I'm in the living room," Molly replied from the end of the hall. I quickly walked down, hoping to have more of what was happening explained. When I turned the corner, I stopped mid-step, shocked at what I saw. Molly was lying back on the far side of the couch. As I stopped, she let the book she was reading drop to her side and pulled her foot in 'til she struck an alluring pose. The way she was dressed only made her sexier. Her top was a thin pink silk that clung to her obviously braless bosom and barely covered her round breasts, leaving her soft belly naked for me to appreciate. Her only other clothing was a pair of short bloomers that hid just enough of her figure to make her even more tempting. She smiled and winked at me over the glasses that had slipped down on her nose. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought she was coming onto me. "Hi! Enjoying the view?" Molly giggled as I gawked. "Well, um I..." I stammered. It was like my every fantasy about her coming true, and I was stuck in place. This was just unbelievable, and despite the growing hardness in my shorts, I didn't know what to do. This was so unlike her, both the way she was dressed and the tone of her voice. She'd never shown any more than friendly, professional interest in me before. Something had to be wrong. "I'm sorry, I just can't help myself anymore." Molly smiled and sat up. She pushed her glasses up, and if her nipples hadn't been pointing out sharply through her top, she would have looked almost professional. Of course, the fact that her nipples were almost a half inch long and as thick as my pinky didn't help any either. "What's going on around here?" I asked, not knowing what else to say. First, I'd been dragged before the director, threatened with becoming a test subject, and now I found Molly scantily clad and uncharacteristically amorous. "Oh, Randall!" Molly giggled. "Don't you know what you've been working on all these years?" I scratched my head. Certainly I knew, but what did that have to do with my question? "Yeah, I've been working on specific neuron stimulation. Why?" "Oh, well, I thought you should know, I've been rather intimately involved with the latest model." Molly smiled. I think my jaw dropped at that. The implication she made was just crazy. None of my work had been used on humans. "What did they do to you?" I asked as my mind raced at possible applications. My neuron simulators were supposed to be used in medical treatments for brain injuries and for treating things like dementia and Alzheimer's by strengthening neural connections and allowing doctors to rebuild damaged nerve pathways. "Oh, lots of stuff. I didn't use to have a figure like this, you know!" Molly smiled as she thrust out her chest and ran her hands along her sides. "My nano bots are just amazing! Your neuron stimulators are unreal too! It only took a few sessions to completely rewire my brain." "Rewire your brain? And you're okay with that?" I asked. She was just sitting here nearly naked, clearly trying to seduce me and yet saying that her brain had just been messed with. She should be upset or trying to escape, not calmly reading a book. The fact that she was so flippant about it made me even more concerned. "Not really, but I can't seem to get myself to worry about it. In fact, right now, it's hard to think about anything but getting both of us naked and in my bedroom!" Molly smiled wickedly. "Like I said, I can't help myself anymore. After they used my nanobots to give me this figure, they amped up my libido and physical sensitivity. Then, they used your neuron stimulators to remove all of my inhibitions about casual sex and make me happy with being kept locked up like this. So I just sit here all day and read while I masturbate and wait for the director or one of his friends to come and fuck me silly!" "Then what do they want with me?" I asked as much to myself as to the woman taking long ragged breaths in front of me. The lust sparkling in her eyes was both disturbing and one of the most erotic things I'd seen in some time. Admittedly, I didn't get out with women much, and to have a knockout clearly lusting after me was almost more than my weak male soul could stand. Yet this was Molly, and she'd been transformed into this sexual creature against her will. Even if it didn't bother her now, it was hard for me to ignore the reality of her current state. "I don't know, Randall. They didn't tell me what they were planning to do to me until I'd spent my first morning sucking the director's cock and fucking him on his desk like a wanton slut. I thought I was going crazy when I stripped and spread myself for him, but then all of that rewiring took over and it was so much fun!" Molly giggled. "Sorry, I'm sure you're having a hard time dealing with all this." I hate to say it took me a moment to realize what she meant. Then, I groaned while she giggled. "Sorry, Randall!" Molly grinned at me wickedly as her glasses slipped down her nose again. "This is all just so unreal," I muttered as Molly slipped a hand between her legs. When she let out a slight feminine gasp a moment later, I was stunned. She was actually masturbating right in front of me. Any lingering doubts I had were washed away in that moment. The only way Molly would ever act so brazen in front of anyone would be if her story was true. "So are you ready to do me yet?" Molly smiled. "If you haven't noticed it yet, I am very horny right now." "Well, I... Um..." I stammered as she lifted off her top in one smooth motion. My eyes locked onto the twin mounds as they jiggled before me. I'd never seen breasts so perfect before, and I was drawn to their ripe fullness as Molly thrust her wondrous bosom towards me. "Why don't you come over here and give my melons a squeeze? They're nice and ripe, Randall!" Molly giggled. I stared at them and felt compelled to do just that. If not for everything that was happening, I would have been on her in a second. Even considering the fact that I was a prisoner and a future lab rat, every second I gazed at Molly's eager and delightfully topless body drove those concerns from my mind. "But..." I muttered. I stepped closer to her heaving chest as my hands rose from my sides. I was about to give in, to forget all of my other problems and enjoy the pleasure of the moment. It was almost a conscious decision, but there was no doubt that my lower head was doing more of my thinking every moment I stood in front of this beautiful woman. "It's okay, I want you, Randall. Don't worry about anything," Molly reassured me as my hands slowly rose to cup her quivering mounds. I knew I was lost now. Whatever was going to happen tomorrow was beyond my concern. The moment my hands wrapped around her soft breasts there was only one thing I cared about and that was ravishing Molly's luscious body. "Ooh Randall!" Molly moaned as I squeezed her breasts and ran my thumb up to her hard nipples and gently rubbed them. She felt firm in my hands, even as my fingers sank into her flesh. Her skin was smooth, and I found it hard to stop myself from sliding my hands over her naked flesh as she squirmed eagerly beneath me. As I was busy enjoying the bounty of her chest, Molly was busy removing my pants. I hadn't even realized she'd pulled down my pants until I felt her hand slide into my shorts and wrap around my throbbing cock. I gasped as she stroked me with her soft, delicate fingers sliding over the thick veins of my shaft. Her touch was electric, as she traced a finger around the thick head of my cock. I'd never had a girl act so wantonly, and I lost any vestige of restraint left to me. "Randal, you dog!" Molly squealed when I pulled back enough so that I could grab onto her bloomers. And, with one enthusiastic pull, I left her sprawled naked on the couch. She looked up at me and smiled as she spread her legs. I took a moment to appreciate the sight of her naked, hairless pussy while I pulled off my shirt and stepped out of my pants. Her nether lips were plump and her slit shimmered with her juices. She was ready for me, and I couldn't think of a reason to delay. "Molly..." I uttered as I lowered myself onto her. Her arms reached up to pull me closer, and I guided my cock towards her eager pussy. I'd never felt so hard before as my cock pressed into her thick lips. Her hard nipples were poking into my chest as she lifted her head to kiss me. Her lips were soft yet demanding, and her tongue forced its way into my mouth for a daring moment before she pulled back. "Take me, Randall, I need to feel you so bad..." She panted, nearly begging, as she opened her thighs wider and pressed her breasts into my chest. There was no way I could deny her now. We cried out in unison as I thrust into her. I felt her wet pussy yield to my hard cock, but she was tight, the walls of her vagina squeezing against me as I drove into her. It took all of my energy to drive into her depths, and I took a moment to recover as I throbbed inside her. Molly pulled me back down and savagely kissed me as her pussy caressed my hardness. I returned her kiss, enjoying the softness of her body as it rubbed against mine, our flesh intertwined. I was lost in the passion of her embrace for a moment before she broke the kiss again, smiling as she squirmed her hips against my impaling shaft. "Fuck me, Randall, fuck my tight little pussy till I cum!" Molly squealed as I started to move inside her. Her pussy's grip was so firm that it was hard at first, but she threw back her head, and I felt her relax enough that I could begin thrusting into her. I panted as I started to pound into her. She so clearly was eager for a hard fuck, and I felt any hint of self-restraint slipping away as she let out lustful cries of pleasure. The passion of our embrace was matched only by its fury. My hips hammered between her legs as she sank her fingers into my back, nearly clawing at me. The intensity blew past my control, and I knew I wouldn't last long like this. "Do it! Cum in me, cum in me!" Molly screamed, somehow knowing how close I was. I pulled her tight and thrust deep, my cock throbbing as her pussy squeezed down. We cried out together as my seed flowed out of me, flooding her depths in powerful blasts. I'd never cum so hard before, and her pussy seemed intent on milking every drop of cum out of me as I collapsed on top of her. We rested on her couch like that for a minute, panting as I softened inside her. She didn't seem to mind that I was on top of her, still between her open thighs. She gently stroked at my back as she shuddered, enjoying the intensity of her own orgasm. "Ready for more?" She giggled gently when I finally started to move again. I shot her a surprised look as I pushed myself off of her. I was almost drained, but it was clear in her face that she wasn't. "Don't worry, I can get you ready again, and then we can take a bit more time to savor each other." I could only nod my assent. I didn't know if I could summon the strength for another round, but I was eager to try. I slowly rolled off of her and sat down on the floor. I heard her giggle again as she pulled herself up and stood naked and shimmering above me. No doubt she had more stamina than I did, and for a moment, I realized that it must have been another change they'd made to her. When she bent down and helped pull me up, I forgot all about such concerns. I wobbled on my legs for a moment, but the sight of her perfect naked body was restoring my energy faster than I could have imagined. "All right, stud, let's continue this in the bedroom, I can assure you it's a lot more comfortable." Molly pulled me around and nearly dragged me for the first couple steps. I quickly moved to follow, knowing what pleasures awaited. We both clambered onto the bed, ready for more as soon as we felt the silk sheets against our skin. I was lost in the pleasure and sex as Molly kept me fully engaged until I simply collapsed from exhaustion somewhere in the middle of the night. I'd never felt so completely used up before, as if there was no more sexual energy in me, and despite the danger, I happily slept with her wrapped against me. Chapter 3 "I hope you enjoyed your evening with Dr. Linnel. I'm sure you'll be happy to know you two will be spending a lot of time together." The director smiled as his goons strapped me to a lab chair. "So what are you planning on doing to me?" I asked, not wanting to indulge his dirty mind. He knew what he'd done to Mandy and that there wasn't a man alive that would have been able to resist her. "Oh, you'll see soon enough. We're almost ready to begin," he answered as his goons removed my hospital gown. I fumed at the humiliation, but the nurse inserting an IV into my arm caught my attention "You don't have to do this!" I grimaced as the fluids from the IV started to flow into me. I'd received many injections in my life, but this was something different. I felt an almost overwhelming surge of near painful pressure as the fluid raced around my body. It had to be nanobots, not that it surprised me. Strapped down like this, all I could do was wait while they did their work. The director just smiled as he watched me squirm in the chair. I wondered what was going through his mind as he stood there. His poise alone showed he knew he was lord of this domain, and right now, I wasn't about to argue that fact. I groaned painfully as my body filled with nanobots. I could feel them already working on my flesh. I writhed in the chair as the feeling of fullness reached its peak. Then, things really started to feel strange. Oddly enough, it felt like I was melting, and I looked down and watched as my chest shrunk, as did everything else. I couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen to me. Just what were they going to turn me into? My body changed quickly, and it wasn't long before I looked down to see a frail, hairless body that was nearly androgynous. I just knew this was a midpoint, almost as if I had been molded into a neutral form before completing my transformation. Now, I waited for what was going to happen next, as my new shape was being set. I felt almost numb as I felt the shifting of my flesh starting again. Everything felt so distant and faint that it was no more real than watching something on TV. The first shift came between my legs, and I shuddered in horror as I felt my manhood shrivel and pull into me. I watched in stunned silence as a very feminine mound and two plump nether lips formed. I could feel my loins being rearranged, and I could only imagine that feminine anatomy must be replacing my male organs. It was an unreal sensation watching and feeling myself being changed into a girl. The sudden feeling of emptiness between my legs was hard to take. The shock left me paralyzed as the next wave of changes began. Now it was time for my body to be molded, and everything throbbed again. I watched as my hips flared and my waist contracted. My feet shrunk just slightly, and my legs sculpted themselves. My arms quickly followed, and my hands were molded into a delicate, feminine form with long thin fingers. Finally, I looked down as my chest began to throb. My areolas grew to the size of dollar coins as my nipples grew larger and poked out from my chest. Then, I watched as my chest grew. It started as two slight bulges beneath my nipples and quickly expanded. I was nearly awestruck as two huge breasts grew on my chest. They were perfect, as round and perky as Molly's had been, with two nipples that seemed eager to be sucked. "Perfect! Simply perfect! Wouldn't you agree?" The director laughed as he walked up to me and ran his eyes over my newly molded flesh. He smiled at my silence as he reached out and cupped one of my new breasts. "Oh god!" I gasped at the sudden overwhelming pleasure that pulsed through my chest as he fondled me. I felt my nipples grow hard instantly and start to ache with the need for attention. The feeling was almost like my cock felt when fully aroused, but it was coming from both sides of my chest. "Feels good doesn't it?" The director teased as he molded my flesh playfully. "What have you done to me?" I gasped with the new light voice that my throat produced. It was terribly feminine and tinted with the pleasure that was coursing through my body. I bit my lip, trying to use pain to counter the unreal pleasure, to help keep control despite the sensations. "I've given you a very sexy body and the same adjustments to your nervous system to enhance pleasure that Dr. Linnel enjoys. I'm sure you'll love it as much as she does!" The director released his hand from my chest and slipped it over my soft stomach. I pulled at my restraints in vain as I felt his finger draw lines on my skin as he moved towards my crotch. I watched helplessly as his hand slid over the feminine mound between my legs, and I gasped as I felt his hand cupping my now empty crotch. "No!" I moaned as I felt his fingers explore my new folds. It was unsettling to feel his fingers sliding between my legs, where my cock had been only minutes before. His fingers pressed into me, rubbing up and down my crotch as I gasped from an unexpected rush of pleasure. Before I could even think, my legs spread wider for him, and he laughed as he slid a finger right along my center, and I felt my flesh opening for him. I knew his finger was parting the lips of my new pussy, and running along the inside of my new slit. The feeling was as wickedly alien as it was intense, and I couldn't resist gasping from the raw pleasure his finger had lit inside me. I tried to regain some focus, to fight back against these sensations, but it scared me how hard it was to keep control as he assaulted me. "Oh yes! You're even wet and ready, my dear. Just imagine how good it will feel when I claim you properly as a woman!" The director laughed as I moaned and writhed against his hand. It was so humiliating, and yet, I couldn't help but wiggle my hips to meet his electric touch. "Oh please, don't!" I gasped as I fought the pleasure welling up inside me. Then, he found what had to be my clit and started to rub it expertly. My world melted into pleasure as he stroked me. I must have cried and yelled in ecstasy, but I was unaware of anything beyond the pleasure. Then suddenly, I felt an explosion inside my entire being and all thought vanished in a wave of pure ecstasy. I basked in the glow of my orgasm for a moment before the wave receded and I returned to reality. I was still naked with a man's hand cupping my new found womanhood as my fingers dug into the armrests on the chair. I instantly felt a new hunger inside me, the need for more. The pleasure had been overwhelming, but it quickly faded. In mere moments, I was ready to begin again. I realized that this had to be by design. " You can't... you can't do this to me..." I whimpered as I realized my fate fully. The need I felt would engulf me, and as soon as it was satiated, I would need more. I could understand Molly's behavior completely now, including the night of insatiable sex we'd enjoyed. No matter how much I might resent what he'd done, I knew I wouldn't be able to resist this kind of pleasure for long. "You sound just like Molly did. Don't worry, though, with a little conditioning, you won't have to worry about fighting this and can just learn to enjoy it." The director smiled as he withdrew his hand from between my legs. The emptiness in my crotch felt oddly natural now. An idle part of my mind wondered just how much of my brain had already been altered in my transformation. If my mind and body chemistry had been changed to match my outer appearance, it wouldn't make it any easier to fight these changes. His talk of conditioning snapped my thoughts back to what was happening as I noticed a nurse lowering a helmet like device onto my head. If they were going to do the same thing to me as they'd done to Molly, then there was no telling how deeply they could affect my view of reality. I tried to fight my restraints again, but nothing budged. I cried out in frustration as I felt the helmet begin to buzz. I was being used as a lab rat, and there was nothing I was going to do. Worst of all, I knew the director had more than just a scientific interest in the results. Like Molly, I expected he had plans to use the sexy new body he'd just given me. The hum grew louder, and my thoughts started to grow fuzzy. It was too hard to think, and I felt myself drifting away. The last thing I heard before drifting off into a dreamless sleep was the sound of the director laughing. Chapter 4 I awoke to the feeling of naked flesh pressing against me while a hand slowly slid over my waist. It felt perfect, alluring, and for a moment, I simply enjoyed it before I opened my eyes and saw Molly smiling back at me. "Good morning, Bambi," Molly cooed as she pulled hair away from my face. "Hi lover!" I giggled cheerfully in response. Then I shot up. "Oh god!" I looked down and gasped as reality soaked in. I really had been transformed into a sexy young woman! What had felt like a wickedly erotic nightmare came flooding back to me as I looked down at two breasts jiggling from my chest. I stared down at my pert new bosom as I felt a rush of empty neediness between my legs. "Are you okay?" Molly cooed as she wrapped herself around my back. Her breasts pressed firmly against me and I could feel her hard nipples poking eagerly into me. I swooned for a moment as I felt a rush of heat between my legs. There wasn't any doubt that I was still attracted to women, but my arousal was taking an entirely new form as I felt a squishy wet void grow between my legs. "I'm a girl!" I gasped as things kept falling into place. "And my name is Bambi! Oh god my name is Bambi!" "It's okay, you like being called Bambi, don't you?" Molly soothed as she gently rocked me. She wrapped her hands around my waist and just held me. Despite the heat that the touch was generating, I still felt somewhat better for her closeness. Her question hung in the air for a moment as I fought against the wicked truth. "I do! Oh Molly, it makes me kind of hot!" I gasped as I felt myself getting wet just thinking about it. The name was so humiliating, so horribly stereotypical, and yet hearing Molly call me Bambi sent a shudder up my spine. "This is so wrong!" "I bet you'd like to lose your virginity right now, wouldn't you? Tell me what your hottest sexual fantasy is!" Molly giggled. I reeled, struck by series of wrong turns this conversation was taking. It was almost like a test, and I couldn't just pull away and stop. "Molly!" I squealed as I thought about it. I felt an honest need to reply. I realized suddenly that I was compelled to talk about my sexuality now, that I wouldn't be able to keep quiet about it. This wouldn't have been so bad if not for the images that raced to the top of my mind. "This is too embarrassing!" "Come on, you can tell me!" Molly prodded, and I gave in. There wasn't any real resistance, as embarrassing as it was, I found myself wanting to share. No, I needed to share, needed to humiliate myself. I couldn't summon any will to resist. I let out a ragged breath and turned around so I could look at her. "Okay, I'm dressed up as a sexy French maid, the whole works, elbow length white gloves, high heels, black stockings wrapped around my legs all the way up to a short black skirt with lots of white frills that barely covers my behind, and a low cut blouse that shows off my cleavage. I go into the director's office and start cleaning like a good little maid. As I'm cleaning, he comes in, and I turn to greet him as he scoops me up. I wail with delight as he drops me onto the top of his desk and then bends down and kisses me passionately. While I'm giving him the best French kiss of my life, I spread my legs and pull him between my thighs. Then, I quickly unbuckle his pants and pull out his cock. I take a moment to run my fingers along his hard shaft, reveling in the fact that he is hard for me. By now, his hands have pulled open my bodice and left my breasts free for his assault. Our lips are still locked together as he fondles me, and I can feel myself dripping with need for him. I slide my hips forward and spread myself open without taking my hands from his shaft. Now I guide him gently to my eager lower lips and slide him into place at the entrance to my eager pussy. Then he breaks the kiss, and I look deeply into his eyes and beg him, 'Take me, Master!' He smiles, and I feel his blunt tip poised at my entrance before he presses into me and claims me with one long thrust," I confess in one long ramble. The honesty and detail scare me for a moment before the feeling dulls. I shudder as I realize just how real this fantasy is for me now. Other fantasies start to fill my head, and I start to grow warm thinking of them; my ability to feel appalled is gone. All I can do is drool at the idea of being used as a submissive fuck toy. "Oh, that sounds kinky!" Molly giggled. "It's okay, I had to get used to my newfound erotic imagination too, you know. It does make it a lot more fun when you're in bed with the director though. He really enjoys it when you come up with sexy new ways to please him." "Really? Then maybe this won't be so bad!" I fought down the urge to giggle as well. I didn't want to, but I found myself truly looking forward to showing the director how kinky my imagination was now. A part of me still tried to fight it, to keep me from just accepting all of this. "I can't believe this is really happening!" "What, these aren't enough for you?" Molly laughed as she reached up and squeezed both of my breasts. I gasped as she molded my tender flesh in her hands. Her delicate fingers felt amazing sinking into my soft mounds. "It's just so weird! I remember everything about who I am. I was a man just yesterday, fucking your hot little body. Now all I can think about is how great it's going to be when the director rips off my clothes and fucks me with his big hard cock!" I rambled. Everything about this was just impossible, but I couldn't help myself. Molly let a hand slip between my legs and cupped my new nether lips. I squeaked in surprise as her fingers parted my nether lips and rubbed along the inner edge of my slit. "Well, you'll be wet enough for him!" Molly smiled as she explored my new folds. Instinctively, I spread my legs so she could play more freely, and I moaned and gasped as her fingers toyed with me. "Hey, stop that!" I snap as Molly found my nub. It was growing harder and harder to summon the will to resist. I couldn't just give in to this, could I? I should be fighting this, trying to find a way to escape. "Spoilsport!" Molly giggled as she started rubbing against that sensitive spot. "We can't play all morning, Molly!" I giggled as I grabbed onto her hand and tried to pull it away. My arousal was making me weak, however, and she seemed determined. "And why not?" she asked as she pressed forward, and her nipples poked into my own soft breasts. It was getting harder and harder to find a reason to resist her advances. "Because you have to introduce the director to his newest female employee," I shot back, wondering if I could find some weakness in Molly's determination. I knew she didn't have any shame or modesty left, but maybe she'd have some deference to the man who seemed to be in control of both of us. "Oh, silly, he won't mind if we're late today." She pushed me back onto the bed and then slid her soft little body on top of me. Her hand never left my pussy, and I gasped as she used her other hand to squeeze my breast. It was just too much for me to resist. The pleasure of her touch, the intense need I had for sex, and just how breathtakingly hot Molly was, had pushed me to the limit. If it was the director, maybe I would have been able to summon up more willpower, but I cared for Molly. She was my friend, even if she was under the sway of the director. Her skilled fingers were simply the last straw, and as her fingers moved towards the entrance of my new pussy, I let out a helpless moan of desire. I shuddered for a moment, realizing just how hot this scene was. Two hot naked girls making out, only instead of some video or fantasy, it was real, and I was one of the girls! I wanted to say something, but before I could even open my mouth, Molly pressed her lips to mine. It was intense, my own soft lips seemed to melt into hers, so different than when I'd kissed her last. Last time, her body had melted against mine, now I felt like we were melting into each other. As our tongues met, I felt my soft breasts mashing against hers, jiggling and flowing lewdly as we rubbed against each other. The way our soft bodies slid together was intoxicating, so much more sensual than anything I could have imagined. The touch of her delicate fingers between my legs only intensified the sensation. She was gentle, sensual, as she rubbed over my fleshy lips, carefully guiding me towards another powerful release. She slipped her lips from mine as I started to pant. Her tongue ran across my cheek before she started to nibble at my ear. I shuddered, the tickling of her lips and tongue on my ear lobe shattering what little control I had managed to retain as her fingers began massaging my sensitive clit. I moaned, a helpless breathy feminine moan as Molly worked my body over. "Let go, Bambi, enjoy it..." Molly whispered in my ear as she stroked me faster. Her wicked words echoed inside me as she went back to nibbling my ear. My helpless gasps of pleasure reverberated around the room. My legs were spread wide, my hips thrusting eagerly towards the hand that was assaulting my newly sensitive flesh. The pure alien eroticism of feminine arousal coursed through me as my naked flesh pressed against hers. "Oh, yes! Oh god yes!" I pulled Molly to me as the final rush slammed into me. The pleasure that flowed through me was even more intense than the one the director had given me right after my transformation. This time, no part of me was fighting it. My entire being embraced the savage heat, the throbbing weight of my breasts, and the wet heat searing between my legs. I basked in the waves of ecstasy as Molly slowed her hand, slowly letting me down from the ragged heights to a blissful floating state. "Good, right?" Molly smiled as she looked down at me. I was smiling stupidly, my eyes slowly regaining focus as the world around me slowly came back. "Yeah, good..." I panted. There was no denying it, even if I wasn't helplessly pushed to answer such questions, I don't think I would have held back. "That was so good... thank you..." "Well, I'm glad you liked it. I know just how powerful that first real one can be." Molly let her hand slip back up to my breast, casually caressing it,and slowly rebuilding the flame inside me. "And I know just how sensitive you are now." "Oh!" I moaned as Molly pinched at my erect nipple. It was as if she'd just given my former cock a good squeeze. I felt my pussy quiver again eagerly. The wet, aching emptiness was drawing me in once more, tearing away what sanity I'd managed to regain. It was just so easy to lose myself to these sensations, to the raw savagery of my new flesh. "Now, there's just one more thing I've been waiting to do..." Molly giggled and slid around until her head was poised between my legs and I was staring up at her plump nether lips. She didn't give me a chance to consider what she was doing before she pulled my legs open and dived in. "Oh! Oh Molly!" I gasped as I felt her warm wet tongue run between my legs. I writhed as she started to nibble and lick at my pussy. She seemed to know just what she was doing, and I just threw my head back and moaned as she assaulted my clit and slid her lips along my wet slit. "Mmm... so sweet, almost like honey," she cooed before she resumed her attack. I felt helpless as she continued, my body nearly overcome from the pleasures she was stoking. The whole time she straddled me, wiggling her pussy right in my face. I could see her plump lips, the aroused nub of her clit, and the wetness dripping from her pussy. The scent was sweet and flowery atop her normal feminine musk, and it was alluring in a way I could hardly describe. Molly's skill made it hard to think of much, and her scent was beginning to drive me wild. I had to do something, and it didn't take much inspiration to decide. I reached up and caressed her silky thighs and drew my mouth to her center of her being. She let out a squeal of delight when I finally kissed her clit. Her pause was as brief as mine as we both exchanged lewd caresses. I'd tasted her just last night, but now the taste seemed more intense, more divine, and I eagerly lapped at her wet folds. The room filled with the wet sounds of licking, sucking, and a melody of girlish moans. If I hadn't been so aroused, I might have been embarrassed by the squeaky feminine sounds that seemed to force themselves from my lips. As it was, I was eagerly working to make Molly cum before I did, and it was a hard battle. It took every bit of willpower I had not to give in to the pleasure, and from the way Molly was squirming in my hands, I knew she felt the same way. Unfortunately, I wasn't as skilled with my tongue as she was. I was shuddering on the edge of release when she gave my slit a long lick and then sucked hard on my clit. I just threw my head back and cried out as the dam broke. My whole body shook as my pussy clenched with ecstasy. It was almost as intense as the last orgasm, but it was different as it coursed through me. It wasn't as strong, but the rush was fading more slowly, and I coasted on the sensation. I don't know quite what brought me back, whether it was Molly's needful whimpering or the aroma of her arousal, but I realized I had left her straddling the brink. It took a moment to focus myself and renew my assault on her pussy. She was hot and ready now, and with my orgasm behind us, she had no reason to fight her own pleasure. I'd barely done more than lick her plump pussy lips and suck lightly on her clit when I heard her cry out and begin to shudder on top of me. I threw my head back and panted, basking in the still glowing embers of my inner fire. We stayed like that for a while, panting as we rode the slow ebb of our last orgasm. Our naked flesh was pressed together and surrounded by a flurry of silken sheets tossed recklessly around us. I came back to reality reluctantly. Being swept away by mindless pleasure was so much easier than dealing with the complications of my new reality. I was beginning to see just how complex my new existence was going to be. I knew what had been done to me, I'd been turned into a girl, but not just that. I was a woman with a hypersensitive body and an innate need for sex that bypassed any self-control. Worse still, I understood the depths of the mental conditioning as well. I wanted to be angry about all this. I knew that I should be, but I wasn't. I couldn't even summon the will to think about escape plans or ways to sabotage the director's work. "Why can't I think about anything but what I'm going to wear?" I finally asked plaintively. I'd tried to think of other things, but it kept coming back to clothes and just how I would be wrapping my new curves in sexy clothes for my boss. I'd certainly never obsessed about such things before. Usually whatever was on top of the clean laundry pile was good enough for me. "Well, the director has a bit more interest in the dress code of his private projects." Molly rolled over and gave my stomach a gentle pat before she sat up and threw her arms out in a big stretch. I lost myself in the visage of sensuality as she threw back her head and thrust out her soft breasts. She seemed to shimmer with satisfaction as the morning sunlight sparkled over her sweat covered body. "Okay, stop gawking and come take a shower. We've got a busy day ahead." She laughed as she saw me admiring her. I dropped off the bed reluctantly. My whole body still quivered from the stunning orgasms that had torn through me. Despite my interest in basking in that pleasure, I couldn't deny that I felt a bit squeamish about being even later to work. I paused for a moment, trying to consider that thought, but like so many others, it seemed to be burned into my brain. After that brief pause, I gave in. I had to get going, and the hypnotic swaying of Molly's naked ass was all it took to draw me into the attached bathroom. The bathroom was huge, with sinks and grooming products on one wall and a tiled in shower stall on the other side. The tile work was amazing, with a wonderful fresco of the company logo on the floor and the walls covered with colorful mosaics. Admittedly, my eyes barely glanced over the room as I followed Molly and we both stepped into the shower. "Now wash off all that sweat, and then I'll help you with your hair," Molly instructed as she started to lather up her body. I'd fantasized about watching a woman bathe before, and even though I now had breasts and a pussy too, it was still exciting to watch Molly sliding her hands all over her naked curves and covering herself in tiny bubbles. The air filled with the scents of feminine soaps and I struggled to wash myself while engaging in helpless voyeurism. Molly didn't let my gawking slow her down, and she was already rinsing off the suds while I'd barely gotten myself half covered. The only thing that managed to distract me from the sight of a stunning woman washing herself was when my hands ran over my new girly anatomy. My hands found my breasts first, and soaping up the soft jiggling mounds was a challenge in self-control. I shuddered from the pleasure my fingers elicited as I ran them over my curving chest. I also took the opportunity to fully explore the twin peaks jutting out in front of me. They seemed so huge as the soft flesh overflowed my tiny hands, but I knew it was just a matter of perspective. I'd seen my reflection earlier, and while my chest was on the larger side, it wasn't enormous. Looking down was different though, as having any size of breasts hanging from my chest would have me thinking they were too big. I managed to pull my hands away from my chest, but after a short attempt at washing my stomach, my hands couldn't resist sliding lower. I'd touched myself down while playing with Molly earlier, but I'd been far too aroused to consider the full depth of the changes. Now, I had the chance and an insatiable curiosity to explore my new found womanhood. I'd already noticed the emptiness, as much for the fact I was no longer casually considering my balls as anything else. As a guy, I was used to it as almost an afterthought, that I moved and sat in ways that avoided squeezing myself the wrong way. Now, every time I found myself moving with that protective instinct, I felt the acute emptiness between my legs. Of course, I really wasn't empty down there. It was just that everything had been shifted inside, and where I used to have an aching need to thrust into something, I now had a quivering desire to have something inside me. My probing fingers emphasized the changes even more. First was the fleshy outer lips that tingled as I touched them. They were soft and yielded easily to my touch as I cupped myself. Carefully, I pulled them apart, revealing the inner flesh of my slit. It wasn't hard to find the sensitive nub at the top that was my clitoris and it rewarded my explorations with a rush of pleasure. I rubbed myself for a moment, marveling at the visceral differences with how I used to masturbate. Then, I slid the tips of my finger down, through the sensitive valley of my new folds, to the rippling entrance to my depths. I ran my finger around that gateway, still unclaimed, and marveled at how small it felt. I knew instinctively that it would stretch and wrap around a cock easily, but rationally, it was hard for me to believe it while my finger probed at it. The thought of being impaled, of having my flesh wrapped around a man, sent me reeling for a moment. One part of my soul ached for it, and the remnants of my masculine-self seemed to finally summon the will to cry out in dismay. I shouldn't want this, not so fully! Yet, the allure of it, the erotic potency that such submission now lit inside me was wholly impossible to resist. I shuddered as I realized that even these objections would be melted away by the first time I was taken, just as so many others had evaporated this morning in Molly's embrace. Molly didn't seem to mind that I was lost in thought and self- examination. She continued on with her shower, washing off the soap and then working through the process of cleaning her long head of hair. I quickly started to rinse off my body as I realized she was about to finish. "It's nice to be clean isn't it? Now let's get that hair done up." Molly smiled and then walked me through the process of washing and conditioning my hair. Her style was assertive but tender as she instructed me. I knew I'd need to do this every day from now on. The director wasn't about to let me cut the flowing locks that ran over my shoulders and almost down to the perky nipples jutting from my breasts. The routine was soothing, rubbing my head and carefully cleansing the wet strands. "Now, let's get you primped." Molly giggled and then dragged me over to the sinks and mirrors. I stood there, staring at my reflection and the assortment of makeup and other grooming products spread out across the counter. "Don't worry about it. For today, you'll go out natural. You have a perfect complexion thanks to my nanobots. You won't need to worry about the makeup until it's time to start dressing up for roleplaying," Molly explained as she pulled out a hairdryer and went to work on my head. I let out a sigh of relief. Even if my conditioned mind wouldn't care about using makeup, I was happy that I didn't need to prove it to myself today. I'd started to realize that while the director's motives were far from pure, he didn't seem to take much interest in directly humiliating me. It would have been so easy to alter my conditioning so that I would be helpless to resist his desires and yet horrified by my actions. Instead, he had me conditioned so that I accepted all the changes, even embraced them, in spite of how I would have reacted. Molly didn't waste much time in primping me, in truth. It was little more than drying and styling my hair simply. She'd left my hair straight and pulled it back over one ear so that it could frame my face. She quickly did her own primping and then dragged me off to the walk in closet on the other side of the bedroom. This was the moment I'd been dreading and anticipating since I'd thought of it earlier. The room was filled with girlish clothes. Dresses, blouses, and skirts of almost every combination hung in front of us. A wickedly large number were clearly fetish costuming, from the clich?d maid's costume of my fantasy, to the kinkiest of leather bondage gear. I shuddered a bit at the thought of wearing any of them and then turned towards the more mundane fare that I needed to choose from today. "What should I wear?" I nearly whispered as I was overwhelmed by the choices in front of me. It was almost too much, but what made it worse were the conflicting desires. The part of me that wanted to impress the director, to show off my body, and the part of me that wanted to show that I was still resisting him, even if only weakly. "Well, why don't you start with the underwear?" Molly pointed towards the drawers next to me. I resisted the swelling urge to dive in, afraid of what I'd find there and how my newly conditioned brain would react. It wasn't much of a mystery, but that fact didn't help any. I took a deep breath and then pulled open the drawer and opened my eyes. The top drawer didn't hold as much variety as I'd feared. It was just panties, lacy and in a variety of colors, but nothing unduly lewd. I looked them over, appreciating just how much I'd have loved to see Molly's soft behind wrapped in any one of them. I was trying to ignore how much I wanted to feel one of those silky garments snugly cupping my naked behind. There wasn't any use to such feelings, however, and I reached down for a pair. Simple white pair with a ring of lace around the waistband was the one I choose. It wasn't an easy choice, but it felt right somehow. I bent over and stepped into it and pulled them up. I shuddered as I felt the silky smoothness cupping my pussy mound, and I drew the panties up tight. I shuddered. I was wearing panties, and they felt good! I took a moment to revel in my brief internal cry of rebellion before it was stamped out. I pulled open another draw to find the bras. This time, the choice was easy. A sheer lacy white bra that matched the panties was on top, and I grabbed it. I slid my arms into the straps and then stuffed my breasts into each cup before reaching up and snapping the bra closed in the front. I looked down at my now covered chest. The cups of the bra were sheer enough that my nipples showed through. I felt a tingle of warmth between my legs as I thought about how sexy I must look like that. It was a strange feeling, but I knew it was just another symptom of my condition. "Not bad." Molly giggled as she slipped into her own clothes. I'd missed watching her put on her underwear, but saw her finish pulling on a lab coat over a simple blouse and pencil skirt. The outfit wasn't much by itself, but the way it hugged her curves was alluring. I blushed a bit and then turned my focus on my next choices. I shuffled through the clothes and finally settled on simplicity. I grabbed a white blouse and a black pleated skirt that stopped just over my knees. I picked up a pair of sensible shoes and slipped them on. Once I put on the ensemble, I looked in the mirror and saw an image of youthful elegance staring back at me. There wasn't much doubt that the clothes had been custom tailored for me, just as Molly's clearly had. "Okay, I think I'm ready." I turned back to Molly once I'd finished buttoning up my blouse. For all the excitement of the morning, the prospect of presenting myself to the director was still rather daunting. Part of me still wanted to fight him, to resist this somehow, but it was just a hollow echo. I knew I should probably find the willpower to fuel that urge, but it was hard not to think about what the director would want to do with the new body he'd given me. The fact that those thoughts focused on the pleasures he'd stoke inside me made it even harder to summon any desire to challenge him. "I'd say." Molly smiled, and without another word, she turned and led me towards the door. I followed behind, our hips swinging together as we strutted out of her apartment into the rest of the facility. It felt strange walking out in the open. Not the walking naturally, but the fact that I had a skirt swinging around my thighs and a pair of tits bouncing gently with each step. The eyes of every man we walked past, and many of the women, leered openly. I guessed that they all knew what happened to Molly, and if I was with her, then I must have been one of the director's toys as well. The gazes were both disturbing and titillating. I realized that another part of my conditioning was a new appreciation for putting myself on display. Like all the other changes, it bothered me, but aroused me enough that I couldn't summon the will to fight it. It didn't take long before I was thrusting out my chest proudly and swinging my hips proudly. I had a great figure and showing it off felt like the right thing to do. If they wanted to enjoy the show, I didn't want to disappoint. I was so swept up by my performance that I barely even considered exactly where I was going and what I would find when I got there. It wasn't until Molly was pushing open the door to the director's office that reality slammed into me again. The awe inspiring room filled me with a newfound reverence for the director. My residual anger at what had been done to me flared up again, but the part of my still fighting the change had faded to a bare flicker. "Ah, my two lovely assistants! I'm glad to see Bambi is taking to her new position so easily." The director smiled as his eyes rolled over my new curves. I couldn't help but strike an alluring pose for him. With my new figure, it wasn't hard to do. "Well, I haven't really gotten to try out any new positions yet, sir." I giggled coyly. I blushed a bit from being so brazen. Where did that come from? I'd never had a flair for such lewd entendres. "Oh, that will come soon enough, my dear." The director smiled warmly. I found him enchanting. It was a surprise, and yet I knew it shouldn't have been. If he was willing to do all this to me, why wouldn't he take the last step and imprint a helpless devotion to him into my mind as well? "I hope so, sir!" I smiled and thrust my chest out for him. I was as much showing him my willingness as I was admitting to myself that I wanted it. It was almost too easy to admit, but I couldn't very well deny the reality either. He nodded and turned to Molly. "Tell, me Dr. Linnel. How did our newest project perform?" "Rather well. All of her physical responses are within bounds, though I think her nipples are a bit more sensitive than I'd anticipated," Molly replied as she stood proudly next to me. "The conditioning seems to be effective as well. She was exceptionally enthusiastic about all of our morning activities, and I only sensed the occasional whiff of resistance, but it faded as I worked her through the testing regimen." "That was a test?" I gasped. I could recall some of Molly's actions seeming rather strange, beyond what I knew of her transformation. Even so, it wasn't easy to believe that it had all just been a test. "Of course, you don't think we'd just let you strut in here without confirming that your conditioning was firmly in place? I do recall you saying some rather unkind things to me after your initial transformation. Much less, we needed to be assured that you'd prove to be useful to us. We have an entire round of tests left before we can move you on to your new assignment," the director replied in his matter of fact tone. It all made sense, but that didn't help. It hardly made a difference to how I felt or how odd it felt that my devotion to him didn't budge. "I understand." I nodded, not sure just how else to reply. "Just how do you want me to serve you, sir?" "Well, Dr. Linnel needs an assistant that can keep up with her. Sadly, there just weren't anyone with the brains or loyalty to do what needed to be done, even in my confidential group. The wonderful combination of technology we used to mold you is very powerful, but we haven't figured out how to increase brain function yet," the director explained. "But it could instill loyalty." I nodded, understanding just what they'd done. It was true. I knew to my core I couldn't betray him despite having every reason to. "Indeed, and we still have to examine just how well it can do so. Dr. Linnel was our first test, and she's been an excellent prototype." The director smiled as Molly beamed. It wasn't hard to see that she was proud of it, even if it wasn't her choice. I felt much the same way, even if it was hard to explain why. "I see, so how can we get started on the next round?" I asked. Having a goal was oddly reassuring, even if it was simply proving that I was a loyal subordinate to the director. "First, why don't you take off your top so I can get a better look at your new assets?" he suggested. "Certainly, sir!" I chirped and started to unbutton my blouse. I could hardly believe I was actually undressing for a guy or that I'd worn a sexy white lace bra to show off my new breasts. I remembered picking it out only a short time ago, but now the impact of the choice really hit me. As I pulled open my top, I smiled at him and let the blouse fall to the floor. "Very sexy, Bambi. You look very nice..." The director smiled. "Thank you, sir!" I blushed again. I could feel my nipples growing hard as his eyes caressed my ample bosom. It was strange having two erections growing out from my chest and pressing into the lace of my bra. "You're a very excitable girl, aren't you?" he asked as my nipples ached to be played with. "Yes, sir, I'm very excitable!" I giggled as I squirmed slightly in front of him. My pussy was starting to grow wet and squishy with a new rush of arousal. "Well, why don't you slide out of that skirt and show me," the director prompted. I shuddered and slid my hands down to my waist and undid the snaps holding it together. I looked up and smiled at him as I slid the skirt down my thighs and let it fall down around my feet. I stood for a moment, thinking about what he said before I turned around. Then, I bent over and spread my legs. I wasn't even thinking about what I was doing. I simply obeyed. "I'm very excited, sir!" I giggled as I reached between my legs and pulled the crotch of my panties aside. A new flush of arousal coursed through me as I exposed my sopping pussy for him. I knew he was eagerly devouring the sight of my hairless mound, and the very thought made me even hotter. "Oh, you are nice and wet for me! I bet you're getting off just on exposing yourself like this, aren't you?" he asked as I squirmed slightly under his gaze. "Yes, sir. It makes me really wet letting you see me like this." I panted as my need continued to overwhelm me. I didn't know how much longer I could take these new desires boiling up inside me. "Wonderful, now why

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Total Alteration

You, John Doe, have recently not had much luck with anything. You were shot down by a very prestigious school, blew your chances with not just one or two but four different girls, and have been living with you're crazy clean freak stepmom and hardheaded dad. But today as you drag yourself out of bed just feels different. As you are walking to your door you step on something. You reach down and pick up what turns out to be an envelope with your name on it. You open it and on the inside it says,...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Worshipping at the Porcelain Alter

After an hour in the sun her tan was beginning to show. Laying on her stomach it was clear her bikini was too small: about a third of her ass cheeks had rolled deliciously from the folds of her swimsuit. And tiny beads of sweat had collected along the back of her gorgeous smooth thighs."Goddamn I wanna cum in you, wanna cum in you,” he chanted in a hush, staring at the patio where his daughter was sprawled on a lawn chair. For the past 4 years, since she turned 10, her petite curves had made...

1 year ago
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My Wifes Alteration

Synopsis -------- Wife wakes up with a penis. She loves it, and helps me get used to it. Story ----- I wake with a sudden shock and my eyes open wide. It takes a few seconds to come back to reality from my dream world. I am in my bed, and a cock just went in my ass! That's exactly the type of thing that wakes you up in a hurry. I won't need any coffee today! It's been a few weeks since my wife changed. We don't know why or how it happened. One morning, she woke up with a...

2 years ago
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Duty and Duplicity Book 5 of Poachers ProgressChapter 15 The Case Is Altered

My head ached, my mouth was dry, and I was lying on the uncomfortable floor of a rocking and bouncing carriage. I sat up, groaning. “Here, drink this. “ A flask was thrust into my bound hands, and I managed to take several sips of the most delicious water I have ever tasted. “If I let you up will you give me your word not to attack me?” I nodded, and then, as it was pitch black, spoke. “Yes, I give my word.” A hand landed on my shoulder and dragged me onto a seat, a blade severed my bonds,...

3 years ago
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“Who all did you say was going to be there again?” Grace asked me as we pulled out of our driveway.“Well,” I replied, “Peter and Jess, obviously…” They had just bought a house and we were on our way to their housewarming party. “...I imagine Peter invited Mark, not sure who else. Definitely a small get-together.”We pulled up to the house within a few minutes. I recognized Mark’s car in the driveway behind Peter and Jess’ as well as one car I didn’t recognize. Before we could knock on the front...

3 years ago
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Science ExperimentChapter 6

I showered, got dressed and took a walk on the beach. It was nearly dinner time and I needed some fresh air and a bit of exercise that didn’t require hip thrusts. I knew that any aches or pains I suffered today would be far outweighed by a lifetime of memories. What I would pay for a video of this session. “Nice workout?” she had asked the day before. Ha. Little did I know. How many other guys had they bypassed before they got to me? I had no idea and didn’t really care. They got to me. Lori...

3 years ago
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Idunns Apples

I would like to thank my wife for all her support and help, and Lady Ver for her thorough editing and insightful comments. Any remaining grammatical and spelling errors are solely my responsibility. This story borrows from history, but takes place in a time and place that never existed. ***** Prologue She woke with the realization that a change was coming to her life. A glance out her bedroom window revealed knights and soldiers waiting impatiently in the courtyard below, the nobles’ horses...

4 years ago
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Got Lucky With Newly Wed Hot Punjabi Boss

I was very disappointed… My hot hunky boss, Sandeep, was getting married….disappointed because now I would never be able to lay my hands on his hot body. My boss is a very handsome 30 year old guy, I must describe his delightful body. He has a cute face and always has a stubble with a seductively sweet smile. He has an athletic built with very broad shoulders. He has moderate hair on his body and is very stylish. He resembles Ayushmann Khurrana a lot. Since Childhood, I was aware of my...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Make Me Pregnant Prakash

After a lapse of long period I am again here at the behest of my net friends, who are searching my love making stories, they often write to me about it. So here is your friend This story I have written as explained by the woman character of my story. This is because I wanted show the heart felt sorrows of her life. Hi, my name is Anjani, I originally hail from Gujarat. I have settled in Hyderabad after my marriage. I got married early at my age of 20. My husband is in automobile business along...

2 years ago
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As I write this dispatch for the readers, the closing for the sale of the orchards was March 15 to a major agricultural concern. The previous owners must relinquish occupancy by May 1. Julie who is in the 11th grade is the only family member still living there at night. Their mother was moved out 10 days ago to a condominium she will purchase and furniture from the small house is being moved to the new residence piecemeal. The 3 of them have some money, now. Julie will have 3...

3 years ago
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350 Part 2 Cuckold by agreement

350 Part 2 Cuckold by agreementIt was a week later on the Friday when he was summonsed to his doctor for the all clear, she was a pretty heavyset middle-age woman that brooked no arguments or shilly-shallying, in her room she said, “well let`s see the bally thing then, don’t be bloody shy!” A little shocked he dropped his trousers, and with cold hands and an even colder attitude she poked and prodded the scar, muttered he was a lucky chap still to have it and asked if he had used it again yet?...

1 year ago
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B5 Chapter 4 Jordans First Time Jordan Jer

Chapter 4: Jordan's First Time - Jordan Jerks OffTiffany and Clyda did stop by to see Jordan later in the day. Their visit was much the same as Dee Dee's. Along with some idle chatter, both girls were glad to see that Jordan had come out of the surgery with no ill effects, and each one marveled at the mammoth cock between Jordan's legs, that was the grand result of Dee Dee's technology. Tiffany confirmed that Sunday morning would be the day when Jordan would finally get to play with her cock...

3 years ago
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My panty fetish 3 way

An ex giirl friend talked me into modeling some of her panties. At first I wasn't so sure, but I found the sensation of the satin material rubbing against my cock wonderful, and it really turned Karen on, the sex was the best. As time went on we'd go panty shopping and buy matching panties. She liked to make comments to the clerks about how they're going to look on me. I got to where I wore panties almost every day. I soon found out she would tell her friends about our secret and surprise,...

2 years ago
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Ferry Couple 7

I had mentioned to Helene a few days ago that I had started on a new project at work and that I would have to work closely with a member of staff from the client for a few weeks. I had my initial meeting with this person a few days later, and we got on well. That evening at home Helene and I were chatting over dinner.“Oh, you remember I told you I would  be working closely with a client for a few weeks?”“Yes, I remember.”“Well we met for the first time today, and it went well. His name is...

Group Sex
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A Bettered LifeChapter 7

Claire's place was a small single-level brick house in the suburbs, on a street not too different from Bob's neighborhood. There was a small covered porch, and a tiny strip of garden right underneath one of the windows where Claire was growing a variety of kitchen herbs. The front lawn was as modest as the rest of the place; Will guessed that it probably only took a half dozen passes with a push mower to traverse the front yard. The other houses on the quiet cul-de-sac looked like they had...

2 years ago
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Bloodbath Case 2 Part 3

Part 1: Part 2: Hope you enjoy the third part of this case! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Victim – Chase Cervera Age – 22 Date of Birth – November 3,...

3 years ago
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The Freinds of Paul and Sally Part Three

The availability of Mike and Selma's bed-and-breakfast facility over a whole week-end had seemed too good an opportunity to miss. On the Saturday, the agenda was not quite continuous sex but almost. In the evening we finally broke off to bath and change before spending a couple of hours at a local restaurant. Though that was not without incident. Sally confessed afterwards that she had almost been taken unawares by the arrival of a waiter while she was rubbing Alan's exposed cock with a table...

4 years ago
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The Change

The Change By ZeDD My name is Teddy. I occasionally go out with friends and have something of a steady girlfriend, though we both see others whenever we feel like it. I'm in my 20's and living the easy free life of a bacholer. At least I was before I changed into a sexy bombshell named Penelope Benton! Now I'm living the easy free life of a unemployed woman! And it all began with a stupid text number someone scrawled on a piece of paper! I couldn't really explain why I did it....

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Molly Little Fucking My Brothers Friend

Chad Alva has made plans to hang out with his buddy, but it turns out his friend is running late. When Chad arrives, his friend tells him to go ahead and let himself in to wait. Chad is cool to do just that, but what he doesn’t know is that his friend’s little stepsister, is also in the house. Molly Little isn’t aware that Chad has come in to hang out. She comes downstairs wearing nothing but a bikini to head to the beach, only to find a stranger in her living room. Of course...

3 years ago
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The need for Experience

By Gail Holmes Maureen sat at the table looking toward her daughter; reaching forward she touched Wally her husband’s hand, he looked up toward her, Maureen nodded toward her daughter sitting on the step in the doorway. Hazel was a beautiful girl, she loved her art, and she’d sit and sketch for hours on end, her mind was oblivious to anything around her predetermined on the subject on her mind, normally a bird or a...

1 year ago
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Juicy Jessy and Prof Poet Peter 1

Juicy Jenny is a shy sensual sexy sweet red-hot real redhead, who lives at the other side of the 'big drink'Juicy Jenny is a smart lovely looking lassie, longing to have her own vessel to sail to Professor Poet Peter Professor Poet Peter lives at the old wood harbour of Amsterdam, so he sees all vessels entering his townProfessor Poet Peter lives at the back of a dike built by monks, back in eleventh century, luckily not that oldJuicy Jenny and Professor Poet Peter share some passions as...

2 years ago
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Jens Life Chapter three

Once a month my mum would go and spend a night with my father when he was away on business – she would travel up straight from work on a Friday night, staying in his hotel room with him and returning home on the Saturday lunchtime. My after school routine stayed the same, I had to go to Grandpas house after school, but on these Fridays I stayed there all night until mum and my father came back home the following day. My Grandpa loved these Fridays. He would get me to strip on these days as...

2 years ago
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Play Date With Pam

I was sitting in the park, listening to my iPod, when suddenly I was plunged into shadow. I looked up and two of the moms were standing over me, and they didn't look too happy. "You're Julie's friend, right?" one of them, a very large, sturdy woman with dark hair and eyes named Monica, said. "Uh, yeah, I guess," I said. "I'm friends with several of the moms here, I suppose--" "Yeah, but special friends with Julie," the other one, a tall, broad-hipped blonde named Pam said, or...

2 years ago
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Coming Home Ch 01

Six years. 312 weeks. 2184 days. Too long. At least, that’s what Laura thought. It had been six years since Sam had gone off to war and he was finally coming home today. Sam–the only love and lover she’d ever known. Already she could feel her love and passion flowing for him, eager to greet him and let him feel how much she’d missed him…and how grateful she was to have him home. For Sam, the wait had been just as tortuous. To the mockery of all his battalion, he’d stayed faithful to Laura–not...

3 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 5

Jane was almost shaking by the time she got home. She entered the back door, locking it and stripping off her clothes. She hardly made it to her bed before Irana's touch sent a wave of convulsion over her body, partially assuaging the tempest that brewed inside her. She lay panting as the wave of endorphins enveloped her. She hadn't felt the need to use Irana's touch on herself since she first learned of it, she'd hardly dared. But the power had given her a fortitude that softened the...

1 year ago
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Vixen Twitter 3800 388000

You must have read a pornstar's bio at least once in your life. These chicks always proudly point out that there's more to them than cock humping - "I enjoy adult modeling as much as I love dick gorging" is one of those "stop fucking around, rolling your eyes" statements, but proves the claim to be a complete truth. If you are one of those narrow-minded pricks thinking that pornstars are nothing but a bunch of hoes, think again! No model on this planet would have pulled off...

Twitter Porn Accounts
1 year ago
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NFBusty Atlantis Deep Massage And More

Atlantis Deep is happy to be led, blindfolded, by her boyfriend Raul Costa. Dressed in a silky robe and sheer lingerie, Atlantis knows she’s in for a passionate experience. She just doesn’t know what Raul has in store for her until he removes the blindfold to reveal that he has set up their bed as a massage station. Laying Atlantis on her belly, Raul kisses his way down her back and then slides her bra off. He oils her up and goes to work kneading the knots out of her shoulders....

1 year ago
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r/r4r, aka Reddit r4r, aka Reddit Personals! I can see how many people would not know what this place has to offer since the r4r subreddit does not really explain the overall function of it. Well, in simple words, this is a place where people can share whatever they want with whomever they want. Or well, whoever shares the same kink. Since if you dislike something, just block them.As a huge Reddit fan, I will try to write an unbiased review. I mean, that is why I am here, and whether you...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Medieval Marine Part Six1

As Luke and Bard came around the last corner, they could see Stella was already down. They didn’t know if she had been just dismounted or was hurt. Matt’s horse had been shot out from under him and he was trapped under it. The young man that had come to the camp was in the process of wrestling Pollyanna’s reins away from her and several men were coming out of the woods with bows drawn. Luke and Bard quickly dismounted. Bard wanted to ride straight to their rescue but Luke was worried...

4 years ago
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The Brave Little Tailor

THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR By C Once upon a time, in the tiny village of Schmetterlink, there lived a poorbut honest little tailor named Gottfried. He dwelt and worked in a one-roomhouse on the edge of the village. He labored hard from sunrise to sunset, andyet he had barely enough to survive. Thus he was very upset to learn one daythat someone, or some thing, was pilfering his meager stores of food. He hadgone into his larder early in the morning to fix his usual breakfast of stalebread and...

1 year ago
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Met In Bus Fucked At Home 8211 Part II

hey guys. ashish this side. i’m back to continue my story “Met in Bus, Fucked at home”. i got so many emails, and really wanna thank all of you for appreciating my story. if you haven’t read my precious story, then you may read it here ” ” Now back to the story. I was happy while leaving her home as it was the first sexperience of my life. It was really amazing.after that day, we both came very close. We had sex chats several...

3 years ago
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loving my ass for the first time

This story is follow-on from my first one – Meeting for the first time. Please feel free to leave (constructive) feedback. I am still new to writing and am learning! We have just made love for the first time, after months of cyber chatting and cyber sex. Our hearts are still pounding, as we lie there, sated. Neither of us wants to be the first to speak but the silence is comfortable. Oddly familiar. Your hand has gone to my ass and has slipped between my ass cheeks. I can feel your finger...

2 years ago
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Starlight 300Chapter 6

It had been a quiet week, Candy was happily stripping down both engines and making repairs. We had landed next to her father's old Starlight to collect his perfectly useable coolant jacket to replace the one that had started to leak. I would look in on her from time to time and she would be happily humming tunelessly while working, dressed in just some faded shorts while the rest of her was magnificently naked with dirt and grease streaks all over her. "Everything ok?" I asked. She just...

2 years ago
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Sexual Excapade with Sana

Part 1 So, 29 & virgin, doesn't sound right for a Mumbai MNC Professional lad. Hence, decided to pop my cherry yesterday.Booked a hotel near Dahisar Checknaka Hotel with the company of Sana. Met her at National Park in my Car. She recognized me as she banged the glass of car door with a amazing smile.Her attire was like a 'Dubai Arbi Khatoon'. She had a light brown jacket with black-grey checkered trousers. Her head was covered with a scarf (weared in the Arbi way).I greeted her with a...

1 year ago
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Alice Has a New Dog

Alice was all alone trying her best to do her homework on the night before the mid-term tests. She was recently past her sixteenth birthday and she was one of those girls that liked to read about sex, liked to look at sexy films and thought that sex was the most fantastic thing imaginable. However, Alice was also a girl that hadn’t made that journey yet into the world of long hard dicks buried in wet, willing pussies and it looked like she was not sexy enough or pretty enough to attract an...

1 year ago
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Fuck Me Mindless

You straddle my shoulders, aligning your balls to my mouth. I’m dizzy with your smell and automatically start painting your balls with my tongue making them dripping wet. I look up to see you’ve got a firm grip on your cock and you’re stroking, pulling your balls up, and grinding down as I suck one and then the other, then both. My mouth is full and I swirl my tongue and gently suck, my eyes locking with yours.You push up to release your balls from my mouth and I whimper and fight to keep them,...

1 year ago
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Spellbound Part Two

[Note: This is another story written long ago, and forwarded to my by my French friend Avaro. For those who remember, C.C. created the world of Clinton Crayle. He asked me to write a story in a Raymond Chandler hard- bitten detective style, and this is it. So enjoy. And for the details on the whole "She-Devil" thing, check the reviews. TOXIS.] SPELLBOUND - PART TWO BY TOXIS Off to the left the Malibu beach houses whipped by. Mrs. Dalton had not been pleased with me when r...

3 years ago
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The New Neighbors

  It was late summer and all of my buddies were either on holidays or working at crappy low paying jobs. I had just turned eighteen and felt every hormone tingle in my body. I had been a small boy growing up, not attracting attention from girls, but over the last year or two I had developed, in more ways than one. I had sprouted to above six feet and, with the help of my father's weight machine, put some muscle on formally thin frame. After football practise the guys would tease me in the...

3 years ago
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Chance A Day in May Ch 09

Chapter 09: Chance A Word of Warning!!!! This chapter has no sex in it, implied or otherwise. As always my stories are about people. I will not force an erotic interlude into my story just to be including it. I hope you enjoy my story of star crossed lovers. There will be one final chapter, and an expected epilogue. Enjoy! – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – After a good morning hug lasting too long to be casual the two friends took turns in the shower. Duncan hesitated when dressing....

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 635

These Are Compliments of Mario Mario A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks “Hey, Mate! how long before I can get a haircut?” The barber look around the shop and says “about 2 hours,” and the guy leaves. A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks...”how long before I can get a haircut?” Again, the barber looks around at shop full of customers and says”about 2 hours.” The guy leaves. A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks”how long...

3 years ago
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Dorm Room A Cocksuckers Journey Part 2

From that day on, I became Ryan's cock sucker. It was pretty much an every day thing. He was already naked often in the dorm room, but then it became constant. I would come back from class and he would be sitting there naked, waiting for me to suck him. We would be hanging out, watching a movie, then he would play with himself and I'd start sucking while he just kept watching the movie. We would get back from a party and if he wasn't getting laid, I'd suck him. I was enjoying sucking him so...

1 year ago
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Sisters of StoneChapter 3

It was nearly twelve hours before Jenny started the long haul back from the depths of unconsciousness to which her initiation as a true daughter of The Mother had sent her. She felt weak and her head throbbed as she came to and found herself lying on top of a girl who appeared to be tied to the posts of her bed. Jenny recognised her as one of the two girls who had prepared her the previous evening for her initiation. At that recognition thoughts of the previous night came flooding back to...

3 years ago
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Chance meeting with Stacie

I had to get this online as soon as I could as it was a total shock to me. I entered the office and walked quietly to where she was standing by the fax machine. Most of the staff had left for the day, but the boss was around and some drivers were still on the premises. I don’t know why, but I patted Stacie’s cute arse as she bent over the machine. You see Stacie and I have worked together for over four years but don’t exactly see eye to eye. Stacie is the office manager and I am just a...

4 years ago
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Head Above WaterChapter 12

I was down in the training building, which we called our University, even though it didn’t give out a degree of any sort. There was a certificate of completion issued for finishing a course on member services, insurance, or claims. The classes were almost always ongoing, as we also trained agents from across Southern California that worked in the branches. Over all, it was a busy building with many classrooms. There was a claims class I’d scheduled, and today would be their first day. I...

2 years ago
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The Foot Ranch

The Foot Ranch By Michael Alexander Author’s Note: First, this is fiction and second it is fantasy.? Stress the ?fantasy? part please.  Understand that I am not encouraging this kind of behavior on any level, either individual or societal.? Second, this story fits in with my A&E universe, and while snuff and actual gynophagia (Dolcett type behavior) is implied in this story, it does not technically occur in this narrative.? That said, this little tale is more – intense – than Bethany’s Shipping...

3 years ago
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Can David Find True LoveChapter 2

Her hand felt nice between his and he was rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand when he realized what he was doing. He let her hand go. "Hummm... Uh well I guess I better get back to work." Shelly looked at him and grinned, "guess so, see you tomorrow." Tomorrow was Friday and she was already looking forward to the next day. That evening David picked Mindy up at her hotel and they went to eat at the Gault House downtown. It was way to expensive for what you got but it had the...

2 years ago
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The Runner Part 2

The route Alex runs is mostly cross country. From his house, he runs close to the beach, then ascends to the small cliffs that overlook the bay. Before reaching the cliff path, the route turns slightly inland to the small woods. These are mostly bushes with a row of trees that form an avenue of low overhanging foliage, which give a little shelter for drizzling rain and cool shadow from the summer sun. After the half-mile cliff path, the run turns inland again to open land passes a few cottages....

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 5 Defense Fixing an Awkward Situation

Barbara was in the pool. Like many others on the patio she wore only her monokini. She was doing laps, but at a near frantic pace that Dave had never seen someone attempt in their new, larger pool. He wondered if she were out to set some sort of speed record. Dave and several others watched the perfect strokes as they heard her vocalized gasps for air when her head turned from the water. Her turns deserved to be in the Olympics they were executed so perfectly and so rapidly. If ever there was...

2 years ago
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Piss Fetish

"You've got to pull over," I screamed."I'm not stopping again," my older brother said, "it's not my fault you had that extra coffee, I warned you.""You're such a fucking dick," I mumbled.I was desperate now, my bladder felt so full and I had a burning sensation in my crotch. My step brother could be such an ass sometimes.He had come to get me from university to give me a lift home for the Christmas holidays, which was very sweet of him, but now he was being a twat. I really needed a piss and he...

2 years ago
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the butt slut part one

not my story i found it on another site One day I was laying on my bed, had my legs all spread, and was working my pussy with one of mom's vibrators, the electric plug in one they call a Magic Wand. You don't stick it inside you, like a dick. It has this big massager head on it you put on your clit and it will make your brain melt out of your pussy. I was moaning and stuff, figuring the guys were probably watching because they could hear the buzzing and the moaning. It took me a...

4 years ago
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I think Id never look back

Never Look Back Author's note: This is based on I think I'd have a heart attack, which you can find a version of here: I always had my defences up never could admit who I was because if I ever did that I know I could never look back Always knew that I had to hide Always had to try to be a guy Never talk about what I want Even though it made life so tough Pretended I didn't care that they took my girl doll and cut my hair though...

2 years ago
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1981 Geeorgeanns bike ride

Back down at the shop, I went over my pride and joy, stuffed my jacket in my saddlebag, kissed my other pride and joy and told him I'd be back in a couple of hours, it was only 11am. I put my helmet on, straddled my Harley, turned the petcock on, turned the iginition key to the on postion, pulled out the choke, then pressed the starter button. My finely tuned 74 inch V-twin roared to life and the biggest vibrator I had ever owned began to work it's magic on my very horny and hungry pussy. I...

3 years ago
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beth and mom 2

About a week later, Beth announced that she had accepted a job offer in a nearby city and would be moving. I have an idea that mom asked her to move, but neither of them ever told me that. After Beth left, mom seemed a lot more relaxed and she again became affectionate, giving me frequent hugs and kisses. One Saturday morning, we were eating breakfast. Mom had a loose house coat on and I was able to see her breasts when she bent over. I noticed her nipples were very large...

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