A Second Chance - Chapter 20 free porn video

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SATURDAY, May 14, 2016 The Cartright family was up early on Saturday, and Rachael made pancakes and biscuits for breakfast. The night before she had baked a batch of cookies after Bobby fell asleep, and they were in her backpack as a gift to give to the Jackson's for having her, snuggled in on top of her apples. Maria and Bobby were at the door to leave when a pickup truck pulled into the lane. Inside were Robert and an older boy who clearly was his brother based on the similar features in their face and identical hair color. Maria took a minute to say hello to Robert, who introduced his brother Steve as the truck driver. But then she and Bobby had to hustle to get to the bakery by eight. Rachael grabbed her bag, and then got into the cab of the dusty truck between the two boys. After Steve pulled out, she reached into her bag, and pulled out a buttered biscuit for each boy. "Ummm, these are good," Steve said, driving with one hand as he munched with the other. "Better than Mom's, I think. But don't tell her I said so." "I have cookies too," Rachael said, "but they are for supper." "What else is in there?" Steve asked. "You have a pretty full backpack." "Nothing more to eat, I'm sorry," she said. "There are apples, but they are for something special." The ride only took 10 minutes, and soon they were in a rural area, pulling into a lane with a mailbox in the front that read "Jackson." Robert hopped out of the truck, checked the mailbox in case there were weekend flyers in it, and then opened the gate, closing it after the pickup went through. He hopped back into the cab and Steve drove them up to the house, letting Robert and Rachael off, and then drove towards the barn. Inside the house Donna Jackson warmly greeted Rachael. "Welcome to our farm," she said. "This little one if Lisa, but everyone else is out working. A farm doesn't take weekends off." "No, and a dairy farmer can't even have a half day off, can you," Rachael said. "Cows have to be milked at least twice a day." "Oh, you know a bit about farming then," Mrs. Jackson said. "We get up at 6 for first milking, and we actually milk three times a day. You will be able to see the 2 p.m. milking, although you will miss the late milking." "I have been on a farm before," Rachael admitted (hundreds of times as Ron) "and Robert has been telling me a lot about the farm. I am really quite excited about the visit." "You come at an interesting time," the woman continued. "One of our prize cows is due to delivery and it may be today. When we set the date for your visit, we expected Queenie to deliver later this week, but Frank, my husband, feels she is going to be early, and it could happen today." "Queen Isadora del Guernsey et Hollerand," Robert said. "She is our top producing cow, and this will be her eighth calving. Her daughters are all top producers, and generate high levels of butterfat. They have made our herd one of the top ones in the county." "Wow. I hope I get a chance to meet Queenie," Rachael said, handing Mrs. Jackson the cookies she had made. "Oh, these smell wonderful. Thank you so much. So what do you have planned with your friend," Mrs. Jackson asked her son. "I was hoping we could go riding this morning," Robert said. "Rachael can ride, and I thought that would be the best way to tour the farm. Unless you say I can use the truck." "No truck," his mother said sternly. "You have only started driving, and I don't want you doing it without your dad or one of your brothers with you. And certainly not with another youngster." "Yeah, I kind of thought that. We'll just go to the barn and get a couple of the horses out of there." "You can ride Duchess," little Lisa piped up. "The big horses are pretty scary sometimes. Duchess is my pony." "Why thank you," Rachael said to the cute little girl. "You are so polite to offer. I will keep that in mind in case the big horses scare me." The girl beamed at the compliment, and Mrs. Jackson smiled. "Be careful in the corral," she called out as Robert led Rachael out of the farmhouse. "The twins are trying to break Blackie this morning." The two walked out of the house and headed away from the road. The farm had several buildings and Robert pointed them out. A milk house, main barn, stable, and equipment shed were all identified. Near the stable was a corral and Rachael hopped up onto the split rail fence to watch Steve and his twin, who Robert identified as Peter, trying to rope a beautiful black stallion. "We just got Blackie in last week," Robert said. "He's one, and never been ridden before. The twins are trying to break him." "Why would they do that," Rachael said. "Do they want a broken horse?" "Breaking a horse just means to be able to ride it," Robert explained. "Ow, the bastard bit me," Peter said, although in more colorful language. Rachael put down her backpack and reached in for two apples, popping one into each pocket of her jacket. Then she hopped up on the fence, and a second later was over it. "Rachael, stop," Robert shouted. "It's not safe in there." His two brothers also stopped, and watched open-mouthed as Rachael walked to about 20 feet from the snorting, steaming horse. Then she stopped, and started talking softly. "Are they hurting you, sweetheart," she cooed to the horse. "That isn't the way to make friends, is it? Why don't you come over here and we can be friends. Maybe we can show those mean boys a better way of getting a horse ready to ride." She continued in a like manner for another three or four minutes, while the three boys hollered and tried to get her to come back to the fence and safety. Suddenly the horse ran a few steps towards her, and then halted quickly. He clearly expected to scare her, but she stood her ground, continuing to speak softly. The charge did throw the three watchers into a panic, and Robert climbed the fence and was about to go in to bring her out, but his bigger brothers held him back. In the corral, Rachael reached into her pocket and pulled out an apple. She held it out, causing the horse to look at it. She then took a bite from the good side, opening the skin of the apple and letting its aroma out. The horse was now staring intently at her. It could smell the apple, and wondered if he could snatch it away. He moved closer, but the girl continued to hold the apple out towards it. "Please little girl, come back," Peter cried out. "He is vicious. He will bite." Rachael ignored him, and the horse did too. The boys were another 50 feet away, and out of range for him to worry. The girl was only five feet away, and she didn't seem afraid of him. He bared his teeth. "He's gonna bite," Steve shouted, and again had to hold Robert back. "Now that's no way for friends to act," Rachael quietly chastised the horse, and it stopped baring his teeth. "This is for you. All you need to do is come a little closer and you can have it. No fingers, mind you, just apple. Can you do that?" The horse came closer, one step, then another. Finally it reached out and snatched the apple away, and darted back a few feet. It munched the apple happily and tried to work out what had just happened. Ever since they had brought him here in that scary truck, people had just shouted and yelled, and put ropes around his neck and pulled and hurt him. Now this girl spoke softly and gave him treats. And now she was walking towards him. For a second the horse backed away, but then took two steps forward. Finally Rachael was able to put her hand on the horse's neck, and it immediately felt calmness flow through its body. The fear it had been feeling for days was gone, and he felt as free as when he had been a colt in the meadow. Rachael felt her gift calming the horse. She reached into her other pocket, and pulled out another apple. She held it out in front of the horse. "You can have this if you let me sit on your back," Rachael said. The horse knew exactly what she was saying when she was touching him. He shook his head no, but still stared at the apple. He looked at the girl. She was pretty small. Probably wouldn't weigh much. And he liked her touching him. If she was on his back, she would be touching him more. He finally snapped the apple up. Rachael walked to his side. "Don't go behind him, little girl," Steve yelled out. "He could kill you if he kicks." "Don't worry," Rachael shouted back, no longer afraid of spooking the horse now that she was touching him. "I know what I am doing." She then reached up to the stallion's mane and grabbed hold, pulling herself onto the horses back. She could feel the terror rising in the horse, and fed more energy in to calm him back down. Soon the horse took a step, then another, and soon was trotting around the corral. Blackie actually looked as though he was proud to have the girl sitting on his back. Using her legs, Rachael directed the horse over to where the three boys were standing. He wouldn't come any closer than 10 feet from where they stood. "You fellows may want to close your mouths, or is this some kind of rural fly catching method I'm not aware of?" she quipped. "If you two could let my boyfriend be, I'd like to introduce him to my new friend. Robert, get two more apples from my bag, and then come into the corral." She turned the horse, and it trotted away, glad to put distance between them and his former tormentors. Robert walked into the center of the corral, holding out an apple. Rachael slid off the horse and stood beside, keeping one hand on its neck. "This is my friend, Robert," she told Blackie. "He is a friend too. And he brings treats too. Do you want another apple?" The stallion reached out and snapped up the third apple. As he munched it, he allowed Robert to stroke his neck. The stallion noted that when the boy touched him, it was not as nice as the girl, but it was still pleasant. Much nicer than a rope. Now was the big step. "Do you want to try riding him?" Rachael asked. Robert's eyes went wide. He considered for a few seconds, then shook his head yes. "Then get out the other apple." Now she spoke to the horse. "Riding is fun, isn't it? Would you let Robert ride you for a bit? He has another apple for you if you let him try. Will you do that?" This time the horse didn't hesitate at all. It shook its head yes, and snatched up the last apple. Then it stood still. Rachael bent a knee for Robert to stand on and he mounted the horse much more smoothly than she had. She managed to keep a hand on Blackie's neck all through the process, and was able to damp down any fear or panic the horse felt in the new person on his back. Then it was the big step. For a minute Rachael trotted alongside the horse and rider, keeping contact, but now it was time to see if they could ride without her using her power. She stopped, and Robert managed to steer the stallion around the corral almost as well as Rachael had. After two minutes, she could see panic building in the eyes of the horse, so she whistled. Blackie ignored the commands Robert was giving, and came straight back to Rachael, who quickly reached out a hand to calm the rising panic in the horse. "You should go into the stable and get another horse," she said. "I will ride Blackie today." "But we don't have a saddle or reins for him," Robert protested. "I don't seem to need them, do I," Rachael said. "But you should saddle your horse. It will do Blackie good to see another horse with the full gear on. You realize that he is your horse now. He will never let your brothers ride him. You are going to have to use that same calming method to get him into a saddle and reins. Just bring lots of apples." Robert gave Rachael a knee to mount the horse, then trotted off to the barn to stable another horse. Rachael trotted the stallion around the corral, and again approached the older boys, although again Blackie would not come close to them, no matter how much calming she gave. "How did you do that, girl?" Steve said. "My name is Rachael, Steve. And you must be Peter. We haven't met but I am a friend of Robert's. We are going for a ride." "On that?" Peter said. "He's never been ridden." "Of course he has, silly. I just rode him, and so did Robert. And I'm riding him right now." "I've never seen anyone break a horse like that," Steve said. "How did you do it?" "I didn't break him," Rachael said. "I made friends with him. When you break a horse, you get a slave. He will do what you want, but only out of fear. But if you make a horse your friend, he will do anything you want, out of friendship. Which kind of horse would you prefer?" Robert appeared on top of a brown mare, trotting out to where Rachael and Blackie were standing near the boys. The brown nuzzled up to the bigger stallion, who seemed pleased to be able to show that he too, had a rider. "Would one of you boys open the gate for us?" Rachael asked. "You can't take that stallion out without tack," Steve said. "He'll run away for sure. And probably leave you in a ditch somewhere along the way." "Wanna bet?" Rachael said, leading Blackie into a small circle, and then making him walk backwards, getting more open-mouthed stares from the twins. "You're a witch," Peter said, but he opened the gate, and the two horses raced out of the corral. "I'd like to take them for a run," Rachael said. "Blackie has been cooped up for a long time, and wants to stretch his legs. Where can we run to?" "This road goes to the back pasture area. The horses would prefer to ride off the road, but it is a good mile back there." "A mile isn't much, but it will be a start," Rachael said, and she let Blackie loose. The horse ran, glad to be free and wild again, and happy to have the girl on his back. Rachael saw a crossroad coming, and knew there would be ditches on either side. She told Blackie he would have to leap over them, and he did, shifting to keep her stable on his back. Finally they came up to a fence, which Rachael assumed was the end of the pasture, and made Blackie veer to the left. She looked back, and saw Robert on the brown, valiantly trying to catch up to the faster horse. She asked Blackie to slow down, and stop showing off for the mare. Soon a panting Robert caught up to them. "That was amazing. You just took off like a rocket. And when you jumped the crossroad, I was sure Blackie would break a leg. But he took it like he was a trained jumper." "Well, maybe you can train him to be a jumper," Rachael said. "Do you think I could ride him bareback like you did? That looked so cool. You looked like you were having so much fun." "I was having fun. The most fun I've had in ? a long time. But we should walk them for a while to cool them down. Blackie could go for a while, but your brown is almost spent." "This is Chocky," Robert said. "Short for Chocolate. She is the horse I was going to have you ride today, because she is so gentle. I didn't know you were a horse whisperer." Rachael decided to go with that story. Horse whisperer was a lot more believable than powers from heaven for most people. "What is that over there," she pointed out a barn complex a quarter mile away. "That is the Peters farm," Robert said. "They are egg farmers. We get their old hens for chicken dinners. They are tougher than broilers, but cheaper. Mom knows how to cook them up right tasty." "I should check them out," Rachael said. "Cheaper chickens would stretch my food budget. Let's walk over there." A few minutes later they went through a gate to the other farm, and trotted in between the big barn and a few small ones. There was a young woman with a sling of feed that she was casting about the yard, which was full of chickens, mostly clustered around her. "Hi Robert," she said in a friendly manner. "Who is your friend and what happened to her saddle?" "This is Rachael, from my school. She rides without a saddle too. Rachael, this is Keri Peters. Her dad runs this farm." "I didn't know you had broken Blackie," Keri said. "She's not broken," Rachael said. "We became friends." "I've heard of that," Keri said. "I like the idea. Our farm has recently gone to enhanced cages. We used battery cages for years until the new barn was built, and then we tried cage-free. But that seemed to cause too many problems with disease and cleanliness, so we brought in enhanced cages a few years ago. And of course these ladies are free- range. We sell their eggs for a premium." She waved at the birds surrounding her. Rachael was glad to hear that the barn held enhanced cages. As a veterinarian, Ron had seen many horrific battery-cage farms, where hens were crammed into tiny cages for their entire lives. Enhanced cages were larger, and usually had roosting spots so that the birds could have a more natural life span. Free range was ideal, of course, but few consumers were willing to pay a dollar to two extra for a dozen free- range eggs. The eggs were no better tasting, and few people were willing to pay extra just so the hens could have a better life. "I'm interested in your chickens," Rachael said. "Robert says you sell the old hens at a reasonable cost." "We do. About half the cost of a grocery store bird. But be warned, it can be hard to get used to the tougher bird. We have a lot of people who try them once or twice, and then go back to the store-bought." "Well, I'd like to try them. But I can't get out to the farm easily. Do you bring them into town anywhere?" "We make egg deliveries in town three days a week," Keri said. "Where do you live?" "Hmmm, right now we aren't sure. We are going to be moving. But do you know the Bread Baron bakery?" "No," Keri perked up. "A new bakery? Where is it? I'll have to get in and see if they will buy eggs from us. Our price is competitive to the big dealers, and the eggs are fresher, and in my opinion better. There are several restaurants in town that swear our eggs are better." "You need to talk to Geoff Barron, the owner. You will want to get to him early, he usually leaves about 2 p.m. Tell him Rachael sent you. My mom works for him." "If I can get him to buy our eggs, then I could deliver chickens whenever you want. We cull twice a month. Just phone and say how many you want," Keri said. "Do you want to see in the barn?" Keri said as she threw the last of her feed out of the sling. "I would love to," Rachael said, sliding off of Blackie. "Rachael, you can't leave him loose," Robert said. "Sure I can. You tie up Chocky, and I will tell Blackie to stay close to her. He will be fine." "If you are sure," the boy said, dismounting. Rachael could see that he wasn't convinced, but had seen such amazing things today that he couldn't complain. Rachael put her hand on Blackie's neck. "Now you stay close to your lady friend here, and I'll be back out soon to give you a ride home. Okay?" The horse snorted and then moved over to stand next to Chocky, as though he was lashed to the same fence. Keri just stared. "Definitely a horse whisperer," she said. "Although I've never seen one so impressive." The tour of the barns took about an hour. Rachael was not just sightseeing, she was using her veterinarian eyes to evaluate the barn. It was clean and well equipped, with newer cages and healthy hens that appeared to be well fed. It was a small operation, probably 100,000 hens, in an industry where big operators counted their flocks in the millions. "That is really impressive, Keri," Rachael said. "It is clear that you people really care for your birds. I wish you all the success in the world with them." "Thank you Rachael. And thanks for the tip on the new bakery." "Rachael, where is Blackie," a startled Robert said as they exited the barn. The stallion was no longer next to Chocky. Rachael just whistled, and they heard a snort from around the free-range barn. Blackie trotted out and walked up to Rachael. "I guess he got bored," Rachael said as Robert kneeled to give her a leg up onto the tall horse. He then got into his mount. "You look like an Amazon up there," Keri said. "I hope to see you again Rachael. Bye Robert." The two got back to the barn just before noon, and spent several minutes rubbing down their horses. Robert noted that lunch on the farm usually happened at 1 p.m. leaving lots of time. Blackie had a stall of his own, and when Robert was finished with Chocky, Rachael had him come into it and give Blackie a little more attention. She knew that the horse knew and trusted Robert now, and would allow him to approach. Hopefully Robert could use the gentling technique to train the stallion to reins and a saddle. They wandered through the complex, and Rachael was pleased to see that the milking barn was spotlessly clean, important in a dairy operation. She noticed one piece of equipment she had never seen before. "What's that?" "Oh, that's the butter churn," Robert said. "It is just a small unit that does 10 pounds of butter at a time. Queenie and her daughters produce milk so rich that we can skim off a bit of fat without missing the bonus. Mom makes butter once a week for her own baking. The butter is way better than store bought. And it is free, now that the churn is paid for." There was a loud moo that could be heard in the milking room. "That is the birthing room, Robert said. "We shouldn't go in there." That didn't stop Rachael, who stormed through the door, where she saw the twins and two older farmers clustered around a cow in distress. That must be Queenie, she thought, and she could instantly see that she was panicky and in pain. "Hey, stop," the older farmer said as Rachael squeezed past them and moved up to the cow. As soon as Rachael touched the animal she could see the problem. The calf was huge, and positioned incorrectly. And Queenie knew it, and was panicking. Rachael first calmed the animal. Slowly, as she fed her energy into the animal, the cow became calmer. Then Rachael reduced her pain. Queenie realized that help was at hand, and stopped fighting against the wrongness she felt inside of her. She had given birth eight times since she was a heifer, and she knew that this time things were not right. But Rachael calmed the poor animal and made her feel that things would be all right. Frank Jackson, the eldest man, and Robert's father, was ready to throw the girl out for interfering in what looked to be a troubled birth for his prize cow. But when he saw how the cow quickly calmed down to her touch, and stopped, in amazement. "She did it with Blackie too," Steve said. "Calmed him down and rode him bareback.' "What?" the farmer shouted. "Rode him where?" "We went out back, and then over to the Peter's place. We were out all morning," Robert said. "She rode Blackie, bareback, off the property?" Rachael had calmed Queenie enough, and turned to the men and boys. "I need gloves, I assume you have them." She looked around, and saw a sink close at hand. She turned on the hot water and got antiseptic soap and started to rinse up her arms, and use a brush to scrub her fingernails." Robert came up with a plastic glove. "This is the only size we have. They will probably be too big." "It will do," Rachael said curtly. "She pulled a glove on one arm, and it went up past her shoulder. I could put my head into this, she thought to herself. Not that she needed to. She could see inside the cow without it. Once the sleeve was on, she used her free hand on the cow's back, sending more calming. Queenie had started to panic again, but quickly relaxed when she felt that this 'in-charge' person was back. "Okay honey," Rachael cooed at the cow. "This might not feel very pleasant. With that she thrust her gloved hand into the cows uterus and reached deep inside. She could feel the calf inside. It was positioned incorrectly. It was going to be a breech birth, and with such a large calf that could be a problem. It might kill both the calf and the mother. Rachael tried to turn the calf, but her arms were too short, and she was too weak. "I can't do it," she said. "The calf is breech, and the legs are wrong for a safe breech birth." "Should I call the vet?" Frank asked. "Only if he does post mortems," Rachael said. "He can't get here in time unless he lives next door." She pointed at the oldest of the boys. "You, what is your name?" "Jacob. JJ," he said. "Glove up. I need longer arms and more strength," Rachael said. "You look like what I need." JJ started to pull on a glove and the girl snapped at him. "Scrub first." JJ went over to the sink and scrubbed as well as Rachael had, and then let Robert help him into a glove. He then stood next to the girl, towering over her. "I need something to stand on. I'm too short." Robert brought over a milk pail, which was inverted and Rachael climbed on top. She was now eye-to-eye with JJ. "Run your hand down my arm until you get to the hand," she ordered. "That is the calf's hip," she said, moving the man's hand. "And the rear legs are here. Feel this? That is the umbilical cord, and it is wrapped around the legs here, and here. If we try to do a breech birth, the legs won't come, and the calf will die. We'll have to cut it out. And it might kill Queenie, or at least leave her unable to calve again." "What I need you to do is to push the cord up and get it free of the hooves. I can't reach the hooves. Can you?" "Yes I can," a breathless JJ said. "Just. It's like I can see right inside of him." Rachael smiled a bit. She actually could see inside. "Okay, can you work the cord up past them? Be gentle. If we tear that cord, it is game over." "No. Yes. No," frustration sounded in his voice. Rachael could see that the cord was just too short to go around the hoof. She had an idea, and got Queenie to shift a bit, and suddenly the presentation of the calf changed. "I got it," JJ said with glee. "That is only half the job," Rachael said. "I don't want a breech birth if we can help it. I need you turn her around. Follow up the chest of the calf to the head. No, you are drifting up to the shoulder. Down a bit, yes, there." It was easy when you could see inside. "Now I need you to go to the shoulder. Her head is twisted a bit, but if you pull the shoulder, it will twist her around a bit. This is going to take a long time." It did. Donna came out with sandwiches and some of Rachael's cookies to feed the men in the birthing room. Her eyes went wide when she saw Rachael and her eldest son shoulder deep in the cow's uterus. Those two didn't eat at all, and nearly two hours later Rachael said it was over. While they had been working, the farmer has sent the twins to deal with the milking of the rest of the herd. "She can do it on her own now," she said as she pulled her arm free, and then peeled off the glove and put it into a disposal bin. A second later JJ did the same. She left one arm on Queenie's back, and could feel contentment from the cow. Things now felt right, as they should, and the prize cow was confident that she could do what was needed. "She is about 45 minutes away from the head cresting," Rachael predicted, and then a half hour more to finish. "It is a big calf. So it is going to hurt her a lot, so I want to be here for her." "Robert. Run into the house and get something for your girlfriend and JJ to eat," Frank Jackson ordered. "They missed lunch." JJ slumped on a stool, exhausted by what he had just gone through, but exhilarated at the same time. He had helped in many birthings in his time at the farm, but never one so difficult. He felt a glow of accomplishment. Rachael, just as tired, was worried. How could she explain what had just happened? A girl of 13, leading an operation like that. She couldn't think of anything that was believable. Finally the farmer asked the question. "How did you do that ? what is your name?" "Rachael, sir." "How old are you?" "Thirteen, sir. I'm in Robert's class at school." "How did you know what to do? How could you do that? I've seen 50-year- old vets that couldn't do what you just did." "Well sir, I have an affinity for animals," Rachael said. "And I want to be a vet when I grow up. So I read a lot about animal husbandry and anatomy. I was reading about birthing problems last week. When I saw Queenie in distress, I just jumped in. I'm sorry, I should have asked first." "No problem," the man said. "I'm just glad that you were here. Queenie is important to this farm. Without her ? well, we would just be another farm. Now we are special." JJ and Rachael had just finished their sandwiches, and a cold glass of farm-fresh milk, when Queenie decided to finish up the job. She popped the head and forelegs perfectly, but got a bit bound up on the shoulders, and Frank and JJ had to pull to help. Rachael stood next to Queenie, feeding energy in to ease the pain and keep the cow calm. Eventually the calf plopped to the ground, and Queenie let out a loud moo as it to say 'never again'. "Damn," Frank said. "It's a male." "Hamburger meat," JJ said sadly. Most dairy farms consider a male calf as waste material, and don't devote the resources to raise them. "Not necessarily," Rachael said. "Look at how big he is." "He is a big 'un," Frank said. "But no matter how big he gets, he'll never give a drop of milk." "Tell me," Rachael said. "Who was his sire?" "A little tube that came by Fed-Ex," JJ joked. "AI. Makes sense," Rachael said. "Was the sire a prize bull?" "It should be for what I paid for that little tube," Frank said. "So he had a prize father, and a prize mother," Rachael noted. "Don't you think you need to see in a year or two if he might be a prize bull? I know your farm specializes in milk, but in a couple years he could be servicing all your cows, and improving the herd with Queenie's genetics. And you could be selling those expensive little tubes yourself, to other farmers." Frank stared at the girl. "I would have done away with him in a week, once Queenie had gotten her milk in. But you are right. He could be a goldmine for the farm." He turned to Robert. "You treat this girl right. She is something special. And your movie night next week? You take her. Treat her. I'll make sure that one of the boys drives you in, and somebody picks you up." The family went in for dinner at about 6 p.m. and Rachael enjoyed a wonderful chicken dinner. The chicken was from the Peters', and Rachael made Mrs. Jackson promise to teach her how to prepare it. It was as tender as store-bought. The woman agreed, only if Rachael would teach her how to make her cookies. "Yours will probably be better than mine," Rachael noted. "I understand you make your own butter." "Yes. I bake a lot and go through quite a bit. I use about four pounds a week, and sell another six pounds to ladies I know. They get better butter than any in the store for only $3 a pound. The only shortcoming is that it isn't wrapped up into pretty little blocks like the store stuff. I just fill margarine containers that they return to me later." "You know, I might be able to sell more of that butter for you," Rachael said. "My mom works in a bakery, and the baker said he buys 60 pounds a week. But it is the cheap stuff. If he got good butter from Queenie and her daughters, it might make his stuff taste even better. And he doesn't want it in little packages either. You could just dump it into a clean old lard bucket or something. He uses butter by weight, not by the cup." "We could do 10 pounds a day, instead of 10 pounds a week. That would give your guy 60 a week, and net us ? $180," Frank let out a low whistle. "Net me $180 a week," Donna said. "I get the money from the butter. But now instead of $18 a week, it would be $198. We talked about me getting a job in town now that Lisa is getting older, but this would be even better. It only takes two or three hours to make butter, start to finish, with gaps in between. I'd be able to make butter, and still have time to do all I do here on the farm. If I wind up working in town, you folks will have to get used to eating packaged food." It was eight o'clock when Rachael packed up and got ready to leave. Robert took her to the barn, to say goodbye to both Queenie and her son, and to Blackie. She got back to the truck, where JJ was waiting to drive them back into town. Just before getting into the truck, Rachael heard something. "Listen," she said to Robert. "Do you hear that?" "Mooing. Not ours, those are old man Barden's. He's got the next farm over. Not as big as ours. "Are you kids coming?" JJ stuck his head out of the cab. "Listen," Rachael repeated. JJ, who had been in the truck before hadn't heard it before. "Cattle. Dairy. From Archie Barden's place." "But they don't sound right, do they?" JJ's eyes widened. "They are in distress. Those are cattle that haven't been milked. Get in." Thank goodness, Rachael thought. I'm glad you recognized it so I didn't have to say it. Instead of driving into town, JJ tore down the lane, around to the next farm, and into his lane. Rachael was the first to see it. "Look, over there." "It was another clump of clothes, eerily like the man she had met the day before. JJ stopped the truck next to him. "Archie," JJ shouted, and there was a low moan. JJ turned to Robert. "Take the truck home. Tell Dad Archie is hurt. Get all the boys to his barn." Robert drove carefully home, and JJ lifted the old man, as Rachael led the way into the nearby house. JJ left the man on the sofa. Rachael got him a glass of water. As the man slowly sipped the water, he recounted. "Was going to the barn to do the afternoon milking. Must have tripped or something. Just came to as you folk were driving in. The cows!" his eyes went wide, and he tried to get up. "They need milking." "You stay here," JJ said, with a strong hand holding the man down. "This is Rachael, a friend of ours. I'll go tend to your cattle if you promise to stay put. Robert has gone to get Dad and the boys. We'll do what it needed." "Okay," he slumped back into his sofa, and JJ headed out the door, running to let the anxious cattle into the barn. "I'm going to have to sell the farm," the old man moaned. "I'm too old to look after it myself. Maybe Frank will buy the quota and the cows, and I can rent out the land. I don't want to have to move into the city." "You may not have to," Rachael said. "JJ is a good man, he could run your farm." "I can't afford to pay for a man. Well, I could for a while, but JJ will want his own place someday, then I have to hire and train somebody new." "What if you don't hire JJ," Rachael said. "Make him a partner. He saved your farm today, and maybe your life. Give him a quarter interest in the farm and let him get a quarter of the profits. No salary, but every year give him another 5 percent of the farm. In five years or so he should be able to marry that girl he's dating, or someone else. And in 10 years he will have 75% and you will have 25%. Then you can retire, or slow down and let him do most of the work. You'll just be his relief milker." "You know girl, that is one good idea. I'm going to think on that for a while. And it will let me keep my farm. I really love being a farmer." "I can understand that," Rachael said. Just then Lisa and Mrs. Jackson burst into the house. "All the men are in the barn," Donna said. "We came over to see what we need to do. Should I call the ambulance?" "NO!" Mr. Barden shouted. "I think he will be okay," Rachael said, wishing she could see inside of people as well as she could animals. He tripped or slipped out in the yard, and hit his head on something. He has a pretty decent welt back there, but the skin didn't break. As you can see, he is pretty coherent." "Can we get you something to eat?" Donna asked. "No need," the stubborn old man said. "Well there is an entire crew out in your barn, milking your herd. They'll be hungry when they get in. We need to fix something up for them." "Oh. Right. There is a ham in the fridge. Maybe you could slice it up and make some sandwiches." Donna went in and made Archie a sandwich, which he happily and hungrily munched on as he waited for the men. She didn't mention that the men had recently had supper, and would not be expecting Mr. Barden to feed them. She did make two more sandwiches, and then wrapped them in plastic so that he would be able to have a quick meal later. Shortly thereafter, Frank came in. "Cows are all milked," he reported tersely. "You're going to be a bit short, but none of them dried up. Probably a day or two before they're back to full production. I'm going to send Robert over in the morning to make sure you are okay, and able to do the milking on your own." "Could you send JJ instead," Archie asked. "I'd like to talk to him about something." Rachael smiled hearing that. Then Frank turned to her. "And you, young lady, were expected home two hours ago. We have to start the last milking at our place, so Donna will drive you home. Lisa, you go with, so your Mom will have company on the ride home." Rachael was on the phone, reporting in to her worried mother and promising that she would be home in a few minutes. That night, Rachael reported in to a higher power. Dear Lord What a day. I helped a horse. I helped a cow. I think I helped a baby calf get a chance at a decent life. I may have found suppliers for eggs and butter for Geoff. I hope he doesn't think I am butting in on his business. I helped an old man who might have died. I might have helped JJ get started in farming. And that will mean the twins will be able to inherit the family farm. Robert ? I think he would make a good vet. Apparently I need someone stronger with longer arms to help me. Lord, I thank you for this life. And thank you for making people at the farm not ask so many questions. I know you did something there. Amen

Same as A Second Chance - Chapter 20 Videos

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Second Chance

I had been crying, on and off, for more than an hour. When Janie told me she wanted a separation I was hurt and confused. We had been married five years and true, it wasn't as good now as it was in the beginning. For one thing, we rarely had sex anymore and if we did, it was quite routine. When we first met and starting dating, everything was great. We did lots of stuff together and had sex all the time. We were so good together, that I had the confidence to tell her about my...

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Second Chance

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Anyone wishing to archive this story is free to do so. Anyone not wishing to archive this story, is also free to do so. So there. ----------- SECOND CHANCE... By Gunslinger Jack had maybe a second's warning, out of the corner of his eye. He'd barely started to look up, when there was a dull 'thump', and he was forcibly lifted from the seat of his ten-speed and hurled through the air. He had an instant in which to register surprise before he made...

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Thanks P. for help with editing the story. SECONDHAND Another uneventful gray day of my life was coming to an end, and I had just closed the door and turned off the light at the back of the shop when there was a frantic knocking. A tall, white-haired woman in a long fashionable coat was standing outside, with two large black bin bags. I went up to the door and said, "We're closed! Sorry!" "What shall I do with these clothes, then?" the woman asked me, exaggerating her lip...

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Second Chances Reboot

Not-The-Original Author's Note: This is a tribute to Alexander Kung's great story "Second Chances". The original ideas and story belong to them. This version was written mostly because the original author never finished that work and I very much enjoyed it (going on five years with no conclusion now) and I wish they had. I've expanded on it where I felt appropriate, maintained the original ideas and motifs as much as I could, and updated it to match my own writing style. I have no idea...

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Second Chances Part 2

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Second Chances

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Second Chances part 6

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The minutes ticked by slowly. Ben held the shotgun like it was a prayer book. I wondered if he was praying for a chance to put a bullet in Tina’s kidnappers. I was. The anger inside me was building by the second and when I heard one of our grove drivers on the radio I thought I’d get a chance to exercise my fury. “Michael ... I have a brown Buick running through the grove road heading for Highway Sixty. No one should be out here on your land, and this guy is running like someone is after...

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Second Chance

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Second Chance Chapter 3

"I'm sorry, but you're wrong this time," Tim growled, clearly frustrated. Trisha gave him a knowing smile, "Haven't you learned by now, I'm never wrong." "I can vouch for that," Pete enthusiastically agreed. "It's been eleven years and I'm still waiting to win my first fight." They shared a laugh as the couple tried to raise his spirits. In contrast to the previous week, the last three days had been anything but wonderful for Tim. Although he had seen Donna every day, the...

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Second Chance Book 06

My continuing thanks to ErikThread for his expert guidance and editing skills. Any errors are my own. Second Chance: Chapter 25: Bonnie walked briskly from the Dash 8 toward the small, modern Castlegar terminal on the sunny and warm Friday afternoon. She followed the other passengers through the door and immediately saw Brent waiting for her. She ran to him and they wrapped themselves in each others arms, kissing and hugging. ‘Hi,’ Brent said finally. ‘Hi. It’s so good to be here. I can’t...

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One of my classes is critical to all students graduating high school. They must get a passing grade or else they cannot move on to whatever awaits them beyond the hallowed halls of the only high school in this county. It is English after all, our native language. I moved here from the city because I wanted peace and quiet. I had thought that maybe my experiences would be different. But I see the same amount if not more students just squeak by or drop out. Then they go on to local farms thinking...

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Second ChanceChapter 4

Cassandra and Andrea chatted as we wended our way out of the airport, and into traffic, freeing me to go back to contemplating my circumstances. I knew who I was ... Carl Fleming, fourteen years old ... again. I was still an orphan, but things were looking up. It was ... It was nineteen-eighty-one, the year I became an orphan ... the last – first - time. When I was, was apparently 'adopted' by a wealthy socialite in Dallas, because my magic essence might save her life, along with her two...

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Second ChanceChapter 5

The explosion that came out of nowhere, took out not only the double doors of our suite, but a significant portion of the wall on either side of the frame. The room was alive with flying debris, gunfire and lots of shouting. I was off to the side and Evie and Deirdre were in one of the other two bedrooms. Because they were not with me in the living room, or in the master bedroom, they were spared being shredded by the flying projectiles, which all went towards the common wall that faced the...

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Second Chances Part Last

Ben thought of Lora’s beautiful face just before pulling out onto the main highway that made up US-82 East and US-287 South. Just then a large SUV swerved around Ben’s rig and blew the horn. Ben was taken by surprise and all thoughts of Lora vanished as Ben hit the brakes and steered right to keep the SUV from swiping his left front fender as it came over hard and fast in the typically stupid maneuver many 4-wheeler’s make to show their hatred for trucks. Regaining control of his lane Ben...

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Second Chances

--- Second Chances --- Part 1 Discovery had finally abandoned its restraint of permission. With words flowing mysteriously from her pen, Vera was finding them both innate and yet foreign, like a thing already known and yet at the same time strangely revelational. Neither the bonds of a pastoral father nor her own youthful ideals were shielding her from the assault -not this time. She knew that it had been a vainful refusal to admit to the a****l’s existence. Terrifying yet cunning, it was a...

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Second ChanceChapter 37

The ATLANTIC MOON was lit up like New Year's Eve. The dock was alive with activity, and I could see we were drawing a group of gawkers, so I mentioned it to Edward when he met me coming out of the car. "We know that things are a little ... unusual ... right now, but we are concerned about reprisals, especially now that you made off with the head man's next virgin," Edward spoke quietly to avoid letting any others hear his words. "What do you mean, 'the head man, ' and 'virgin.'?"...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 1

News of my death was short and sweet. I heard all about it while in ICU. The hospital, whatever hospital it was, provided a constant ICU nurse, beside my bed, all the time. Because I was – whoever I was this time – so damaged, they felt the need for constant attention. Since I wasn't ready to wake up, apparently, I rested and listened to the pundits discuss my death. "Details about the heroic actions of the man who captured and killed the final terrorist still at large from The Outpost...

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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 36

We never did resolve the matter of my being good, great or evil. My heart told me that none of them were truly applicable. My mind continued to debate whether those labels could ever be used on someone like me. The issues of accountability, responsibility, justice and freedom continued to haunt my thoughts for years after that night. The only thing I did come to terms with was my obsession with truth. Is truth a property of sentences, which are linguistic entities, or is truth a property of...

2 years ago
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Second Chance

Like most high school sweethearts, Gail and I had dreams and plans. We would go to the same college, settle down, get married, and have kids. Things just didn't work out that way. For a start, we were approved for different colleges. Of course, we pledged to stay together and continue our relationship and we did that for several months. But, little by little, the calls and texts dwindled to a few — then none. Despite wanting it to work, our deepest fears were realised and our relationship fell...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 6

"Director Hudson, you do not know me. My name is Carl Fleming, and I am temporarily living in Branson, Missouri. You can see my cell number on your caller ID, and I am renting a houseboat at Table Rock Lake Vacations. "I tell you all that Sir, to make sure you can find me should you be displeased with what I am about to disclose to you. A man named Grayson Foster owns Community Bankers Association, in Branson. Mr. Foster is a pillar in the community, and has owned the bank for many...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 22

I looked at them both and saw sincerity, kindness, and affection. It would be so easy to go along with the two women and see how long it took to get them both in bed, but I wasn't interested in seeing what I could get. What I wanted was the chance to develop a long term, stable relationship that got me back to the way my life used to be. Maybe I was over-romanticizing their feelings and mine, but I thought we had a chance to be good together and wanted to find out if it was true. I'd been...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 55

"Mr. Crane, there is no chance I would hurt Jennifer, especially in her condition. If you, Sherrie, and Jennifer want me to hang around for a little while, I can as long as we all understand that the second I am a bother, or in the slightest way inconvenient for you all, I'll be on my way. "Ok?" He smiled when he heard me agree to his request. I soldiered on. "Mr. Crane, What is Jennifer's medical problem? She seems so loving, an adorable that I hate to think of her being so...

2 years ago
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Second Chance Ch 01

I can still remember how his hands felt on my body the first time he touched me. I can still remember the taste of his kisses. It had been ten years since I had seen Roberto and yet when I ran into him last week it felt as if all of my old feelings came flooding back. When he brushed my arm, it felt as if I was a live wire. How after this much time could I still have feelings for him? Now as I sit in my room late at night, I cannot help but think about what could have been. What if I begged...

4 years ago
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Second Session With Aunty And Got Chance To Fuck Her Next Time

Hi my dear friends! I am back with my sixth story and thanks to this website who had given a chance to post all this stuff. Comments and requests are all ways accepted on my mail lovingdynu(at)gmail.Com. Waiting for more feedback friends, I am expecting a lot of feedback and comments for all my stories and I want to help any girl’s/aunties/womens/widows who are facing problems, they can share any problem to console themselves, I am not only a sexual friend but can be a genuine friend. In this...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 19

We traveled to Seattle to play a one game playoff, the day after the season ended. Our final two regular season games were throw away games, because we had already clinched the final wild card. Martin Janacone called up two pitchers from Triple A to pitch those games, and left them in to get pasted. Our bench players filled the field for both games, while Martin rested everybody else. That saved two arms for the important games coming up. When he set the playoff roster, we were back to some...

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Second ChanceChapter 21

The woman broke down as she watched her ride disappear. Her companions rallied around her trying to give her support, but failing. There was no way I could just leave them, so I gently urged them into the coach so we could get out of town before their friends showed up with reinforcements. We could talk about who they were and who was chasing them once we were someplace safe. “Please ... Please let’s get in the RV and get out of here before whoever is chasing you figures out where you went...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 13 Foolish Games

When Gym class ended, I avoided Fay. I avoided Amber. I was afraid. I was afraid of confrontation. I was afraid of rejection. Much of the school day passed without much drama. My last two classes were uneventful. Since we had a show later this evening the band focused more on honing the field-show. So we ran through that 3 or so times. Occasionally Fay and I would make eye contact and she'd turn away. That was certainly not a good sign. At the end of band class, I was packing up my...

3 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 33

Chatting with a guard while the crew got the helicopter ready to depart, I found out that the tank looking things were DHS armored vehicles, and since DHS doesn't get many chances to use them, whenever another agency asks for help, they jump on it and bring the big stuff. It's supposedly as much for show as it is for any need they might actually have. The things you can do with other people's money... Colleen joined Rebecca and me near the hangar doors waiting for the signal to board. Our...

2 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 1

August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...

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Second Chance Ch 02

Here is the second installment of Second Chance. BTW my grammar is so even though I appreciate people telling me where I missed up, I am still working on actually writing correctly. So bare with me. Again thanks to MaaddMaaxx for editing, I know that you have a crazy schedule and I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out. – CinderLaw * Jared woke with a start after having another dream about Trista. She had been standing in front of him holding their baby, blood streaming down...

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Second Chances

SECOND CHANCES BY PAUL G JUTRAS I would like to dedicate this little story to the on line TG comics that inspired me. Comic sites such as Venus Envy, Xanny?s Curse, The Wotch, Lean On Me, From Here to Forth and EL GOONISH SHIVE. ---- Spring time had come once again. It was the time of year that depressed Jeff more than any other. Even summer didn?t depress him as much as he did when he stood and the cashier ring up the purchases before him of a woman in a hot pink bikini and...

1 year ago
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Second Chances

Note : This story is completely fictional! I always hear the term "dirty old man" referring to a lot of older men that gawk pretty young girls. Well no one really ever mentions "dirty old woman" although there are a lot of us out there. I am one of them myself. Here is my dirty little tale. It was that one summer that changed everything. My husband had died earlier that year and I was left alone in our small country home. My daughter Caroline had just met a wonderful young man whom she would be...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 8

Janet’s suite was on the second floor, and took up about four thousand square feet. It was beautifully decorated, beautifully kept, and completely organized. The neatness and careful presentation made me realize that Janet intended to bring me up there all day, and got the place ready to impress. At the center of the bedchamber was a super king sized bed, all ready for a tumble, and Janet started toward it, while unbuttoning her blouse. I stopped her with another mind searing kiss, and...

3 years ago
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Second Chance Book 05

As always, my thanks to ErikThread for his editing skills and advice. * Chapter 22: Bonnie Simpson was a thirty-seven-year-old single mother who had never married. She was a young receptionist at a major distillery in Calgary when she met Eddie Parker. He was a salesman for a national label company calling on the distillery’s purchasing department, and by all accounts was doing very well. After he had been in a few times, he asked Bonnie out on a date, and she agreed. It was the beginning...

2 years ago
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Second Chance Ch 06

Okay everyone, here is the next chapter for Jared and Olivia. I’m working on the next chapter right now. Hoping that I don’t crash another computer (cross your fingers!) or that I’m not hit with another case of writers block. I have known where I wanted this chapter to end for months but couldn’t get there. Once again special thanks out to MaaddMaaxx for his editing skills. I have tried to take some advice given to me by readers so I hope this chapter is easier to read for you. A final note, if...

1 year ago
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Second Chances Chapter 3 Questions and Answers

Tuesday, September 23, 1997 Ron's truck stopped in the driveway. Metallica spilling out of the rust and pock-marks of the truck. I laughed to myself. Ron in 2018 is making enough money to drive a Lexus, or rather his wife is. His music taste has changed too. The music stopped as I walked out of the house and down the front porch. I opened the passenger door and threw my backpack onto the seat. Behind the steering wheel was a younger Ron. While Ron is older than I am by a few months, it's...

2 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 10 Escalation

Thursday, September 25, 1997 I woke up and looked at the clock. 4:59. A minute before the alarm goes off. I get out of bed and stretch. The alarm goes off and I stop it. It's a new day. I feel great. I have a spring in my step. Today is going to be another great day in the life of Christina Demarco. I walked over to my closet to pick out my clothes for today. The floral dress I found in my closet looks nice. I hadn't wore a dress to school yet. Let's try these heels too. I...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 15

I awoke to lots of activity. My hospital room was teeming with people! Then I realized I wasn't in a private room, but had been moved to ICU. I wondered why but didn't get a chance to ask. From the look of things, either I was dead, dying, or something bad was happening that concerned me. From the number of armed people around my bed, I suspected it was the latter. I could count ten agents, each holding a weapon, or with their hand inside their jacket on a weapon. The next thing I...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 12

The days dragged by without my family. My heart was with them, but my body was hard at work changing, or attempting to change the way the US government agencies communicated among themselves. At time I thought I was wasting my life, trying to make them understand the reasons for cooperation, and common ground. At other times I felt like they got it ... at least a little. "Mr. Vice President, I so appreciate you organizing this golf outing, so that I could spend some time with the head of...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Ch 06

We arrived at the casino on Friday at 8 PM, a full 2 hours later than our plans. It took us a while to get out of Portland and get there. Weekend traffic, getting away from work, an accident on the highway. Both Jerry and I had last minute emergency issues to clear at work before we could leave. It all conspired against us, but we finally made it. It’s Jerry’s birthday this weekend. We’ve been living together again for about 11 months now, and we both needed to get away from work and be with...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 21

Meghan was visibly happy to see me. She virtually squirmed in her chair with joy when I walked into the media suite. Off my leash, I decided to flirt a little and test the water. "How is my FAVORITE Kansas City Royals executive?' She blushed, squirmed a little more, and thanked me. "You look nice today." She blushed a deeper red. Squirmed a little more obviously, and leaned over towards me so I could look down her blouse and see her lacey bra and lovely breasts. "I hope you are...

3 years ago
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Second Chances Chapter 17 Youre Makin Me High

During the car-ride home, I talked about my day. About how I made the track team. About how hard my first track practice was. Ron asked about Chase. I talked about date night tomorrow. I said nothing about Jessica. I drove us all home. When Cindy and I arrived home, I decided I needed to shower if I was going to Jessica's house. "Hi Mom," I said passing her in the kitchen. "I'm going to go over a friends this afternoon." She gave me a look. "We're not going to have a repeat of...

3 years ago
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Second Chance Book 07

My thanks, as always, to ErikThread, who stuck with me and this story to the end. Lots of rewrites and fixes and discussion about what was missing or awkward, but in the end, we got there. It goes without saying, any errors or omissions are mine alone. * Second Chance: Ch.28 Bonnie Simpson and Brent Gordon were married in the Lutheran Church in Castlegar on a bright, sunny, warm day in late summer. It was the only venue available for the date they wanted, the last Saturday in August. It...

4 years ago
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Second Chance

       It had been three years.  Three looooooong years as far as her libido was concerned.  She’d stayed far away from all of it; buried herself in her awful temp job that had since become a permanent secretary position, not that it’s permanence made it any better, just more predictable.  She’d aided her ailing mother until she’d died six months before and her sister was so far AWOL she hadn’t even shown to the funeral.  She was alone and emotionally destitute when not so long ago her life...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 17

Roberta and another woman were waiting when they finally rolled me back to my ICU room, hours later. I wondered about Roberta's willingness to stay with me the way she was, and resolved to ask what was driving her to be so determined to be beside me day and night. The second woman was older than Roberta, stout, and quite stern looking, except when she saw that I was awake. Then she broke out in a wide smile, so wide that it got me wondering. "David, I am SO HAPPY to see you awake,"...

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