Doomsday Ch 2 free porn video

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We had just gotten the new girl (Sherri) calmed down enough to tell us what had happened to her. She had just gotten ready for school on the first day of the disaster when her family heard the news of what was going on so they told her to stay home while they figured out what to do. The day went by without any problems at first but as the sun went down her parents let their guard down. The guy me & James had killed, had snuck in their garage. Well while they were cooking her father took the trash out & the guy snuck up behind him & knocked him out. He got into the house after tying her father up in the garage & snuck up behind her mom with same that knife he had at the store. He told him to stay quite or he would kill them all, he tied them up first her mom then her. He drug her father into the room then raped her mother in front of them while laughing at their pleas for him to stop. At this point she broke down crying & I told her to stop it was ok we had heard enough. I held her in my arms & let her cry until she composed herself then told her, “Sherri I know u are hurting right now & have seen things no one should. Honestly I don’t want to hear about them because I am already mad enough at him if I hear more it will just make it worse.” She looks at my hands & sees them clenched in fists while my arms shake from the restraint it taking me not to start punching things. The other girls see this to & ask her to walk with them & they will explain what’s going on to her.

James sees how I'm acting & comes over to talk to me. “Ok, dude tell me what’s on your mind man.” I look at his concerned face and tell him “It’s so far I’ve seen two fucking rapist in two days, I'm tempted to go back to town & go house to house “cleaning” the town up!” he sits down next to me & we talk for a few minutes until we hear the girls coming back I stand up waving to them to come on. The girls all look happier & I see that Sherri isn’t as shaken up, they all gather around & I tell them, “Well I know I said yesterday that we wouldn’t be going into town often but after hearing what had happened to Sherri, I feel that there are more people that could use our help so I will be taking trips into town to search for people that need help or are in trouble, now I will do this alone for the first few times so that if something happens no one else is in danger with me but as I have a better understanding of what’s going on I might take James, or one of you girls with me if you want to go. But not before all of you are trained to shoot & know how to defend yourselves better.” All the girls start to talk at once, but I tell them I’ll answer one at a time.

Tirana, “Isn’t it dangerous to go into town alone?” I reply yes it is but I can’t risk u guys just because I feel that someone has to help the people that can’t help themselves. Jenna, “If you’re willing to risk your life why can’t we?” cause it’s something I feel needs to be done, now if u girls want help after you are trained better I’ll gladly accept but for now it would be way too risky. Rebecca, “How will we survive if something happens to you?” that’s why James isn’t going with me most of the time, he knows almost everything I do about living up here. He can protect you almost as good as I can. Alyssa “So when are you going to start doing this?” I haven’t decided that yet but not until we start training you guys. Sherri starts to speak then backs down, I notice this & tell her “come on speak up Sherri you have a voice here as much as everyone else.” She says, “Why are you willing to put yourself at risk to help people you don’t know?” I laugh at the question & she looks embarrassed, “I'm sorry Sherri I wasn’t laughing at you just at the question, I really can’t answer it that well but if I had to it would be because if I didn’t help out people I knew needed it I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing that I could help & choose not to.”

After all the questions have been answered I start giving out the jobs for the day I tell the girls that I’ll be teaching Tirana, Rebecca, & Alyssa how to shoot while James teaches Jenna, Sherri looks at me like she’s hurt so I explain that she has had a rough time the last two days so all she needs to do is relax & rest for the day. Well we break into our groups & I tell everyone where to go. I send James’s group to the lake up stream & tell them to fire towards the mountain, while I take mine downstream to a clearing where the groups are shooting opposite directions. As we get there I lay out the weapons, three of the 9mms we have, my 30-30 hunting rifle with scope, the three crossbows, a bow for myself. I've got 5 arrows for each of us, a whole box of 9mm ammo, and twenty rounds for the rifle. I hang up targets for the four of us & we start to practice. The girls do very well; they are shooting a fist sized grouping within a few shots.

We go through the ammo I brought & start with the bows. The girls do well after a little instruction not a hunters skill level but good enough to hurt what they are aiming for if not kill it outright. We make our way back to camp but find that no one is there. I don’t hear gunfire so I get worried that something is wrong, I tell Rebecca & Alyssa to stay with Sherri while Tirana goes with me as she was the most skilled with a bow & I want to stay silent as to not alert anyone that might be up ahead. I walk quickly & quietly as we approach the lake. I stay hidden in the tree line as we get there & see the reason there is no shots being fired. James is resting on his back while Jenna is riding him like a wild woman. I look at Tirana & she is blushing, I tell her “Let’s give them some privacy.”

We walk back to the camp as we hear someone running up to us, its Sherri. She’s panting & says hurry someone is coming up the road. I go into fight mode; I ask “Did the girls hide & load their guns?” she responds yes & we start to plan. I tell Tirana “Go get James and Jenna; I don’t care if they are fucking or not I need James & the shotgun now.”

She moves off quietly to get the others as I tell Sherri to stay here & not move until she sees the others as I sneak back to camp as quietly as I can. I sneak to camp & see the new car along with a young looking guy with his girlfriend looking around. I see the sisters hiding a few feet away from me. I tell them to stay there and keep their eyes and guns on those two. I get as close as I can two these two new comers, I quietly aim my gun so that when I stand it pointed right at the guys torso. I stand up saying “Who are you?” The guy looks first & throws his hands up in the air dropping a small gun of his own. I point to the woman and say “Out of the car hands on your head!” She hurries out of the car throwing a knife on the ground. I hold them there as I yell “Hey come here you two.” The sisters stand up and just as I had taught them leveled the sights of the two 9mms they had in their hands.

I say “Rebecca keep the girl in your sights, Alyssa, come search the woman” I see the lady relax a little that a woman was going to search her and not me. The woman complies with Alyssa commands as she is searched. I tell her to watch the guy while I search him. I search the guy & find nothing at first, then I feel a pistol strapped to his ankle! I jump back saying “Don’t fucking move.” as I see the girl reaching in her top. The girls see the same thing & I hear them both click the hammers back on their guns, I slowly back out of the line of fire as the two new comers just freeze in their tracks.

We stand there for a minute until I hear the others coming back. I yell “James come out alone!”
I hear just one set of feet after that as he walks into camp shotgun pointed at the guy’s head. He walks over to me & asks what’s going on? I inform him of the details & we form a plan. I whisper in Rebecca’s ear to go over & search the woman EVERYWHERE! She just nods as Alyssa & I keep our guns trained on them. James pulls the pistol and the guy’s leg holster out. Rebecca finds the girl has a small 22 stuck in her bra along with a large folding pocket knife. I tell them “Tie them up now!”

I have the two unwelcome guest tied up & blindfolded while I gather everyone for a meeting out of ear shot.
“James, Alyssa let me see those guns they had.”

I look them over & find out the one on the guy’s leg is a 9mm loaded with hollow points, the 22 is a 22mag pistol, loaded with hunting rounds. I look at everyone & say “Those two aren’t your run of the mill strangers.”
I walk over & pick the woman up. “Ok just answer my questions and you and your boyfriend won’t be harmed.”
I take the blind fold off after the girls she didn’t see hide. She looks around & asks “Where did the others go?”
I respond “They are close but you’re not asking questions right now.”

I tell her to explain who they are and where they came from. She said they were from down south of the mountain and that her husband was security for a bank, an obvious lie no bank security guard has hollow points in their gun. I asked what she did for a living. She told me she was a middle school teacher; I ask her a question like when was Georgia added to the United States? She gives the wrong answer of coarse (it was one of the original colonies); I ask why they are here? She says they were just looking for somewhere safe to stay for the night. I blindfold her again and take her to her boyfriend.

I tell James to stand guard while I tell the girls what’s going on. I walk Rebecca and Alyssa over to the others, after we are all out of ear shot I tell them that the woman is lying & that their guns & ammo say that they aren’t normal people. BANG! I run over to see James had about cut the guy in half because he had gotten out of his bindings & was holding a small knife that we had missed!

The girl called out his name, as it turned out he was Jake. I walked over to her with the rest & said I'm sorry but he’s dead. He cut his bindings & tried to kill my friend but his shotgun stopped him. She burst into tears saying “Please don’t kill me I’ll tell you the whole story!” I reply that I'm listening as I pull her away from the Jake’s dead body. She starts to tell her story in between sobbing. It turns out that he was a drug dealer she went out with before the world went to shit. He told her “They would come to the mountains & “barrow” camping gear from someone so they could chill until everything blew over.”

Now I knew just how stupid he really was, if ninety present of the population disappears overnight nothing’s going to be the same for a long time. I ask her what she did for a living; she tells me she was a nurse for a nursing home. I told her that she was in our “care” for the time being but she wouldn’t be blindfolded now that it was just her as I slowly remove the blindfold. She looks at me through teary eyes & asks “What’s going to happen to me?”

I tell her she is safe as long as she doesn’t try to break free from the ropes or try to harm anyone. I call over Tirana telling her to calm the girl down while I talk to James who is shaken up. I walk to where James is saying “Are you alright bro?”

“Yea I'm ok I guess, so what’s going on here man?”

“He was her drug dealing boyfriend that was going to kill us or worse, (looking at the girls) he wanted to steal our supplies so they could sit here until shit blows over”

He starts laughing at that point but the girls all look confused. I explain to them that if things get back to normal it will take a long time but chances are good that they never will be back to our former lives. They all look a little let down but I tell them don’t worry I have a plan to keep us all safe & add some good people to help us restart our lives here on the mountain. I gather everyone around our fire pit, without our captive of course. I proceed to explain that if we are to stay here on the mountain we will need somewhere that is a lot more protected then our small camp. I ask James if he remembers that cave dad had us hold up in for a few days. He smiles real big & says “Yea it’s just a little ways to the east, right?”

“Yep, I'm thinking we take all the stuff over there tonight I know that cars can’t go but with all of us helping it shouldn’t take more than a few hours to stack everything over there.”

The girls all look kind of confused at our conversation. I explain to them that the cave we are talking about is about 25feet high, 20feet wide at the mouth narrowing to 10feet at the end and about half a mile long inside. The end of the cave is under water so it only has one opening that someone could come in through. Their faces all show their surprise that it would hold us happily in the comfort of safety. I tell the girls to go with James and take the first load of stuff to the cave. As they leave I decide to have a chat with our guest. I ask Tirana if she found out her name yet, she responds that the girls name is Sarah. I ask Sarah if she is calmed down enough to listen to me? She just nods as she keeps staring at the ground.

I explain to her that we not hurt her but that we can’t let her go tonight; “We will have to relocate before we can release you Sarah.”

“After we have moved our camp to somewhere you don’t know about I can drive u to town or just give you some supplies so that you can stay up here for a while but if we are to be neighbors you have to understand that my friend didn’t kill Jake for the fun of it. He had a knife we didn’t know about and almost stabbed my friend, I could argue that it was self-defense but you already know what Jake was planning to do when u arrived up here right?”

She started to cry; ”Yes I know what he was going to do. How do u think he got the stuff in the car? He killed three people on the way here just to get their food! I know it was something that had to happen, to tell the truth I wasn’t with him because I loved him it was that he wouldn’t let me leave. I hated him; he beat me anytime I said I wanted to leave. He said that now that there was no police he could kill me & just push my dead body out of the car going down the road. He had me believing that if I didn’t do just what he said he would just kill me and move on.”

Sarah was sobbing uncontrollably at this point so I just reached down and pulled her into my arms saying “Hush now, its ok. No one here will hurt you unless you threaten us.” As I hold her Tirana goes to fetch her a snack & bottle of soda. I hold her until she stops crying, and then ask “Sarah do you know anything about living off the land in the mountains?”

“No, not a bit that’s another reason I couldn’t leave I can’t survive like you guys are the only skills I have is in medicine.”

I tell her to sit with Tirana by the fire while I think for a minute. As I'm thinking the others walk into view. I tell them to sit that we have to talk about some things. They all sit down around the fire as I start to explain what’s going on.

“Ok, now I need to hear what everyone thinks about what we should do with Sarah here.”

I let Sarah explain why she was with Jake and what he was planning to do. All of the girls look horrified at what kind of person he was, and how he ruthlessly murdered three groups of people just to steal their stuff. James and I didn’t look shocked at all. She explains that it wasn’t her choice that he did those things & she didn’t help him at all, the only reason she didn’t warn the people he killed was the threat that he would kill her to. After she had explained herself and took a minute to calm down I said that’s why I called this meeting, we have to decide if we want her to stay with us or are we just going to blind fold her & release her somewhere away from here.
I ask Tirana first, “So what do you think baby?”

“I don’t know, on one hand I can’t say I trust her right now, but I also know I wouldn’t be alive now if it wasn’t for
you. So I leave it up to you, we made you our leader so it’s your choice Cory.”

I look at the sisters, “What do you two say?”

They think for a minute then whisper to each other nodding their heads, then respond. “Ok”, Rebecca says, “We have decided that we will leave the choice up to you Cory, we arrived here with almost nothing and you took us in to take care of. So as our leader we will leave the tough choices like this up to you.” Alyssa just nods her head that she agrees with her sister.

I look at James and Jenna asking the same thing. James bursts out laughing saying, “Dude I've trusted your judgment for a long time and so far it hasn’t once let me down so you know what I say.”

Jenna looks right into my eyes and says, “I haven’t known you for long but so far you have kept all of us safe, feed, and warm. So I agree with everyone else that your choice is good enough for me.”

I look at Sherri this time trying to read her face. She sees me waiting for an answer and responds, “I don’t trust her, I feel that if she is here we are putting ourselves at risk of being hurt. Now I won’t tell you all how to feel about it but if she does stay I say to watch her closely like two of us with here at all times closely.”
I hear the wisdom in her words and say “Ok that decides it then, she can stay but two people are to be around her at all times.”

The sisters say that she can sleep in their tent, I tell everyone to wash up for dinner so we can eat then hit the bed. I tell James he has first watch tonight. We eat out of the canned food James and I got from our houses. As we ate I told everyone their jobs, the sisters and Sarah needed to gather fire wood for the night, James and Jenna rest up for their shift at watch while Tirana, Sherri, and I cleaned up camp and hid our supplies (including what was in Sarah’s car). As we are cleaning I hear familiar sounds coming from James and Jenna’s tent, Tirana and I look at each other and burst out laughing while Sherri blushes crimson. Yell towards their tent “Chill out there is a teen here now!”

James without missing a stroke from the sound of it says “Hell she knows what’s going on in here, besides I don’t have a gag right now.”

Everyone burst out laughing at James’ statement but at least Sherri isn’t as embarrassed now. The other girls come back and start cat calling at James and whistling, then Tirana gets into it saying “Come on man you can do better than that, Jenna I feel sorry for you Cory is way better from what I hear” (laughs as loudly as she can).
James rips the flap of the tent open where he can show off, without missing a beat he says “Oh yea, I’ll take that challenge let see who starts blushing first us or you guys!”

Sherri looks shocked as James hammers Jenna right in front of everyone. I just laugh saying “I see you haven’t changed a bit man, still shameless as ever.”

Jenna just stays bent over doggie style as James fucks her even harder for their audience; I look around and see all the girls panting with flushed looks on their faces and say “Hey man you might want to close that before the girls rape you!”

The girls look at each other then burst into giggles before Tirana says “Well you might be right about that, I just wish there were more guys here for the other girls. I've got you Cory so don’t worry James I won’t rape you.” Grabs me by my shirt saying “I’ll just rape Cory instead” as she flashes me a fuck me now smile.
The other girls look disappointed as the only two guys in camp are otherwise taken leaving them to fend for their own sexual needs, and then I see an idea pop into her head. She pulls the other girls off to the side then I hear them whispering about something before they all laugh and nod their heads. Tirana walks over to me followed by all the girls, she says “We have decided that since there is only two guys here one of you will have to be shared. Well I don’t see Jenna opting for that anytime soon and the girls like you more anyway so I'm going to share you until they find guys of their own.”

I stand there shocked and speechless as my brain processes this information. Tirana sees my hesitation and whispers in my ear “Don’t worry this is my idea hunny. It will keep the girls from hating each other, plus I like the idea of seeing you fuck the other girls. I know it’s kinky but there is something I haven’t told you I'm bi-sexual so I will be joining in on the fun to.”

I feel my mouth hang open as I come to understand that she is right, besides the chance to have four to five women to sexually please is a very appealing idea. I feel someone’s hand on my crotch but I know it’s not Tirana because her hands are on my chest; I look behind me and see the owner, it’s Sherri. I'm stunned that she is willing to do this. I regain my composure and ask, “Are u girls sure this is what you want to do, now I won’t lie and say that I don’t want to sleep with you but it’s not something any of you should feel obligated to do. In fact, if one or all of you say no, it will not affect the way I protect or help you.”

They all get that dreamy look on their faces as they say in unison “Yes, this is what we want.”

Tirana says she had fun last night with me so someone else should go first and that if I made it through everyone else she would go last. I look at all the girls and ask “Who’s first?”

They all look uncertain so I take charge of the situation by asking if any of them is a virgin. One by one they say no until it gets to the younger two. Alyssa says she is but has no hymen due to playing with another girl with a dildo, her sister blushes at this and I make a mental note to find out more about that later. Sherri says she had a boyfriend but it never went further than heavy petting. I decide as it’s her first time she would be first. I ask her if she wants to have the other girls there or just the two of us. She looks nervous and says it might be better if they were there so she didn’t get afraid of what was happening. I take the hint and ask the Tirana to get the sleeping bags from the tent that we would be more comfy out here rather than being cramped in the tent. She lays them out as I zip up James’ tent saying I didn’t need the distraction. He just laughs and says “Ok dude, make sure you fuck her good. It’s her first time so make it great.” as Jenna is sucking his dick
back to hardness.

I slowly strip Sherri out of her clothing first her shirt and pants leaving her in just her pale pink bra and panties. I reach behind her to undo the clasp of her bra, as it comes undone I slowly remove it from her body revealing her perky teen titties to my eyes. I take a moment to study the beautiful sight before my eyes. Her young fifteen year old breast were some of the most beautiful I've ever had the pleasure to have before my eyes. Even after all these years I still remember how they looked at that time. They were plump, soft but firm at the same time. Her dark tan nipples contrasted wonderfully with her alabaster skin.

My mouth watered at the idea of feasting on her delectable body, I slowly close my mouth on her left nipple as I suck it in between my lips and lick the tip with my tongue. At this point Sherri is panting and moaning “YES! OH GOD YES! SUCK MY NIPPLE HARDER!”

I reach my hand to her right tit and gently massage it while still sucking on the other. Suddenly she moans even louder and starts to shake and collapse. I wrap my arms around her and hold to my chest as I let her recover from the orgasm she just had, I kiss her deeply as she comes back to reality. It is then that I notice all the other girls moaning around us in their own mini orgasms. They all have this look of disbelieve on their faces as they ask her at once, “Did you really just cum from him sucking on your nipple?”
Sherri turns a very bright shade of red and replies “Yea, each time he sucks or played with my breasts it felt like they were connected right to my clit!”

The girls all laugh at that statement as I hold the recovering girl in my arms; Sarah is the first to speak up by saying “Well if he can do that with just sucking nipples I can’t wait to see what else he can do.”
The girls all turn their eyes to me expectantly. I get the message so I gently set Sherri down on the sleeping bag as I stand to disrobe in front of our audience. I pull my shirt off over my head then start to reach for the buckle of my belt but stop when I find hands already there, its Sherri’s. She unbuckles my belt and unbuttons my pants in short order, the girls all watch in rapt attention as my pants fall to the ground fallowed by my boxers that were tugged at my her small hands. I hear four gasps as my manhood is reviled to their gaze.
Tirana laughs and says “I know how you guys feel I had the same reaction yesterday, just wait until you feel it inside of you!”

I lay Sherri down as I kiss and nibble on her neck and collar bone, she mews like a contented kitten as I slowly make my way to her young teen breasts. As I close my lips around her tasty nipples and gently suck her back arches trying to push more of her breast into my mouth. I release my captive to a groan of disapproval by its owner until I repeat the process with her other nipple. I push her body back to the sleeping bag as I say “Relax hunny, no need to rush. I plan to make you cum so much you see stars.”

I kiss my way down across her tight teen stomach stopping only to lightly suck and lick her belly button generating a gasping moan from her throat. As I resume my downward journey kissing my way across her virginal mound her body squirms with anticipation as my mouth get closer to her wet teen slit. She pants “Yes…Please... Eat me now... I can’t stand the anticipation anymore!”

I close my mouth on her wet pussy lips as my tongue slips between them her body bucks upwards forcing my tongue deeper into her as she cums in my mouth. The silent scream she makes and her vaginal muscles pulsing on my tongue tells me just how hard and draining her orgasm was, I lick and suck all the sweet girl cum she can produce having the effect of lengthening orgasm and causing her body to convulse. I stop sucking on her where she can catch her breath as I look up into her face my mouth and chin covered in her sweet female juices, she looks back into my eyes with adoration and says “My god! I've never felt anything like that before! Oh my god! FUCK ME NOW!” With a hunger in her eyes that betrays her lust for me.

I place my dick at the entrance to her pussy and say “Are u sure this is what you want, if you want to stop now it’s fine.”

She gets a defiant look in her eyes, grabs my dick with her hand and says “Fuck me now or I will rip this off!”

The other girls laugh at this and Tirana says “I think she means it Cory, you had better fuck her before she decides not to wait any longer.”

I laugh also and say “I think your right Ti; ok well here it comes Sherri.”

I position my dick at the entrance to her tight teen pussy and slowly push forward as my dick sinks into the smoldering hot cummy pussy of this teenaged beauty before me. Sherri moans “OH MY GOD! YOUR SO FUCKING BIG CORY!” As her head is thrown back in orgasmic bliss. As I near her hymen her pussy clamps down in my dick with increasing pressure. I stop just this side of breaking it saying “Sweetheart this will hurt but I’ll try to make it as quick as I can so you can enjoy yourself.” She looks deeply into my eyes and I can see the lust and trust that she has in me. I lift her into my arms and hold her as I shove my dick all the way into her. She wails at the sky as I hold her against my chest I feel her tremble in pain. I whisper into her ear “Its ok hunny we can take all the time you need to get over the pain.” She turns and whispers back “Thank you Cory, I knew it would hurt but I'm still glad to be in your arms like this.”

I feel her relax in my arms and she says Cory try moving now it doesn't hurt bad anymore. I slowly inch my dick out of her tightly griping pussy looking into her eyes for any discomfort, seeing none I reverse direction and sink back into her as she moans and grunts under these new feelings she has discovered in herself. I lay her back down and her heels lock around my waist, I smile looking down at her and say “Don’t worry sweety I'm not going anywhere just making sure you’re comfortable.” She smiles back and blushes at my accurate guess. I hear moans coming from behind us and look back to see our on lookers all watching us with envy and looks of adoration in their eyes. I chuckle to myself thinking that I could have some problems if I didn’t have the stamina to please these girls after this.

I turn my focus back to my current partner and start to speed up the pumping of this beauties wonderful body. As I get faster she starts to quiver and gasp at the sensations happening in her body, she moans “FASTER Cory! Please go faster!” almost pleading with me. I smile and kiss her deeply before saying anything u want hunny. I start to fuck her earnestly and she goes silent as her breath comes in gasps and her pussy clutches at this new welcome intruder, all the pulsing and grasping from her talented pussy is getting me close to cumming in record time. I moan and tell her I'm about to flood her womb with hot cum and it sends into a convulsing mind blowing organism. I slam my dick into her one final time as I erupt cumming deep within her freshly DE vernalized body.


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It takes about 27 seconds for the Cocksmen to pull London’s 34DDDs out of her dress once she is sitting like a queen up on the pedestal. Who else is surprised it took that long? Soon she lays back and has the attention of FIVE COCKSMEN focused on her simultaneously. Only Randy was present for her first gangbang; all the others are new to her this time. Judging by the look of ecstasy on her face, London is elated with the new selection of studs for her pleasure. Remembering what she said...

1 year ago
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Gujarati Bhabhi Dhara Ni Bhukh 8211 Part I

Hello hu dhara .aa mari pehli sex ni varta chhe aasha rakhu ke badha ne gamse pehla mari pehchan api dau hu dhara chhu 25yr ni merried female , hu last 5 yr thi sex ni maja lai rahi chhu pehli war hu mara padosi sathe sutheli e pan mari marji wagar mara padoshi ne hu pehle thi gamti hati e Ket ketli war mane yaad kari muthya marto hato , parantu ek diwas moka no faydo upado lidho mara ghare koi na hatu maro padosi mare ghare avi ne mane prasadi api gayo me khadhi ne hu tart j bebhan thai gai e...

4 years ago
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Sex Date With My Sexy Maid

I am Bobby from Jaipur and was on official tour for 5 days to Chennai last month and I arranged my stay in a guest house just near to my friend’s house. He insisted to stay with him but I preferred to stay in a guest house in view of the freeness and I would be having in the guest house. Reluctantly my friend agreed for my stay in the guest house but asked her maid Sumati to daily visit my room in the guest house and see if the things are properly managed and clean my clothes as no laundry...

2 years ago
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Gabriela dies Village Murder

Amazon Gabriela -  Vanquished Lesbian                        6-9-2008I knew almost immediately Eve's new friend Gabriela was trouble. Gabriela was one of those beautiful women that took your breath away and at the same time made you grit your teeth. She was medium height and slim, toned into an incredible shape that you see maybe once in your lifetime. A shapely neck holding her gorgeous face at a confident angle. You could tell she was a no nonsense bitch and took no shit from anyone. Arms...

1 year ago
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Family of strong women

You met your wife while you were in the Hospital. She had helped you get your weight back up after you got sick. You’re still pretty scrawny. You’re about 120 pounds and 5.8 Your wife on the other hand is a tall Amazon. Her name is Cadence. She has is 6.4 with big biceps and even bigger boobs. She has long leggy legs and strong abs. She is a couple of years older then you and has long black hair. She is black like you with deep hazel eyes. She is fun loving, although a bit bossy and dominates....

2 years ago
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The Dream Project Chapter 6

In dream Eiko: Argh…….. What is this? My head hurts….. :looks at self: Huh? I’m naked! :covers self: :man coming out of nowhere: ????: Hi it’s me Eiko. Eiko: Hey! Your that perverted man! Perverted man: Please call me Fei…. Eiko: Ok then Fei. What do you want? Fei: I want to apologize to you for what I have done. I’m sorry to have made you suffer. Eiko: I don’t trust you… Fei: You can trust me this isn’t real. Eiko: What? Fei: This is your subconscious mind you were beaten...

3 years ago
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Futas in space

In this story you're the last known human (and you don't know what you are) who ends up getting it on with a really sexy futa alien girl who also is the last of her kind and doesn't know what her race is. Here you will choose your gender. You can write your own stories threads too. Just look at the writing guide so you can get an idea of I'm looking for. Also if you see any errors it's usually because I'm writing when it's late or I'm servicing myself as I write. Sometimes it's both. I am going...

1 year ago
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One night stand in shanghai with young karaoke hostess Ms Su

I was in a shanghai karaoke and met a young hostess Ms Su (age 21). she was quite a demure young girl who shouldnt be working in such places. my business associates had flirtatious hostess who encouraged physical flirting in the private room. As I was only there to entertained them, I was fortunate to be matched with Ms Su. We spent most time chatting and I respectfully treated her like a friend. she tried to do her job by hugging me and holding my hands whenver her "mummy" entered the room. by...

2 years ago
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A Naive Cowgirl Grows Up Quickly Parts 1 2 and 3

PART 1 This is a story about me as I grew up. My name is Chelsea Yates and currently I am 30 years old and am a licensed Veterinarian. I don’t have an active practice because I am co-owner of my family ranch, where I use my skills almost constantly. The ranch is located in southern Wyoming about 100 miles West of Cheyenne. My Mom and Dad, Carrie and Dan Yates owned the ranch that has been in our family for 5 generations. It consists of 40 sections of rolling hills and mountains. My one...

1 year ago
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The Virgin PrincessChapter 2

Ginny was in the kitchen the next morning, when she heard Karen's key in the door. "You home, Gin?" she heard her call out. "In the kitchen! The kettle's just boiled." Karen made herself tea, then sat at the table opposite her friend. "I don't suppose I need to ask what sort of evening you had!" Ginny exclaimed. "I think we underestimated Chris, Ginny: he's an absolute babe ... and what stamina! I was actually glad he had to go to work today!" " ... Wow! I never thought I'd...

2 years ago
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An hour in the life of

Chosse male dom or fem dom or add another thread from here if you wish. The stories do not have to link or relate to each other, unless you wish to continue one. The goal is to have someone masturbate after only one or two threads.

3 years ago
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Coffee Shop Girl

I went out to my favorite coffee shop on my lunch break and ordered a latte. I sat down at a table to wait while they made my coffee.I turned around to survey the room a little and caught this girl staring at me. As soon as I looked in her direction I could tell that she looked away. Her legs were crossed and they were both pointed right at me. It felt like she was pointing her pussy at me.I looked into her eyes, waiting for her to look up again. When she met my eyes I just looked at her sort...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Time Waits For No OneChapter 8

The night passed quietly. I had the first shift, so I got a good six plus hours of uninterrupted sleep after that. Having slept in a bed gave me a much better disposition the next morning. We cleaned up the best we could. With so many days in the wild, we were in need of a bath. It was mandatory as far as the women were concerned, so after breakfast we made all the arrangements. We went everywhere as a group to pick up the supplies needed as we continued the journey. There were eyes watching...

2 years ago
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Hotel Sex

One of the guys I’ve been fucking off and on for quite some time now contacted me the other day and enquired was I interested in spending the night in a hotel with him, Champagne, Strawberries the works with a few conditions thrown in. Intrigued as I was, I wanted to know what the conditions were. I’d be saying yes anyway as he is a fantastic fuck and very imaginative, and I’m sure the conditions would mean plenty of pleasure and an abundance of orgasms for me. He said we would be staying at...

4 years ago
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First Love Young Love

I was seventeen and had only ever had one boyfriend before, a boy from my class at school. With him, the furthest we had got was kissing, and he was not very good at that. As a thank you, and a breaking-up present, I had let him grope my boobs through my dress before saying goodnight to him, both of us knowing that we were not going to be dating each other again.Since him several months before, I had not dated any other boys and had not felt any attraction to any other boys. Instead, I spent my...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Breaking FreeChapter 3 A day of passion

I awoke the next morning to find I was alone in the bed, I stood up and headed for the bathroom to relieve my bursting bladder. I stopped in the doorway to admire Jessie's naked backside. She was bent over the bath as it filled with hot water, slowly I walked over to her pressing my morning erection between the cheeks of her arse. She stood up and turned towards me, "Mmm, good morning lover" "Good morning to you" "Is this for me" She said as she squeezed my cock and kissed...

3 years ago
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All I Want To Get To Be Fucked Or Fuck Her 8211 Part I

I and my wife are in 8th year of our marriage and we often fantasize other man and woman in our sex life to get a strong orgasm. Believe me it works for us in a great way to get a huge and amazing orgasm with utmost level of satisfaction. We fantasize our friends, strangers and even distant relatives. The most erotic fantasy which gives me strongest ejaculation is when i find her get fucked by my friends in a wild sex position and vice versa works for her. She always fantasies another girl with...

4 years ago
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Some Kind of HeroChapter 60

There was something strange in the air, I could feel it. A mood, or sense of something poised to happen. It made sense. I had the completed suit in front of me. It was not a one piece item. When I was a kid, I always thought it was funny that Superman's invulnerable, bulletproof suit had no obvious way to take it off or put it on. It seemed to be a single piece with openings for the head and hands. It had to be super stretchy, I assumed. My suit pieces were surprisingly stretchy...

2 years ago
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Introducing the Princess in Black

This was being read by the highest paid hitwoman/female spy in the world, known only as the Princess in Black. She was finishing her cup of tea as she read the rest of the information. On its first trip, the ship was to carry the richest customers of them all, and the agency's new client needed for all of them to disappear. They were their competitors in the business world. Her mission was to locate the captain, replace him and take the ship to the client's private island, to be found...

1 year ago
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Pony girls Part 2 of 2

Before he left He turned me over, being chained to the hospital bed it was painful, he ripped of my diaper and the catheter. He unzipped his pants and plunged his penis into my asshole. My nipples harder and I felt cum building up in my penis. He brought his penis out of my ass and said "You cannot cum unless I say" then violently put his penis back into my asshole. By then my ass was beat red. He grabbed one of my boobs and started to squeeze them as if he was trying to make me cum. He...

1 year ago
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ExxxtraSmall Goldie Glock Neon Nympho Nookie

Goldie Glocks petite physique is something to behold, and as she struts her stuff in a neon colored, skin tight outfit, she has the whole internet buzzing. This bootylicious babe is ready to take on the world with her cute smile and her cock pleasing abilities. By the time our stud shows up, Goldie is champing at the bit to get into some clit tingling action. She flings her panties and spreads her legs for his tree trunk prick, watching as it slides inside her eager vag. Then, she bends down...

3 years ago
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my friend came over

I was home alone and bored, so I called my friend to come over. I always had fantisized about him but never moved on it. So this time I was going for it. I had a few beers before he got here so I was feeling pretty loose. I decided to shave my legs and put on a pair of silky nude pantyhose along with a leotard with a big oversized t shirt. Mike knocked on the door and I yelled for him to come in. I was In the kitchen and asked him to have a seat (in the living room) and I'll...

2 years ago
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Susan gang banged

last night was totally unexpected but was a absolute pleasure for me to watch and later take part in.I had finished work about 3 o'clock and when I got home I found Susan and our next door neighbour Jen quite happily drinking wine in our front room and both women were well on the way to being drunk. I was not very happy about this as I had planned on myself and Susan going out for a meal and then coming home and having a quite night in together.I asked Jen where her husband was, to which she...

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The Journal

My name is Kelly and I’m eighteen. I’m wild and love to have fun. When my friends and I go out, we’d always drink and act crazy. I've had a lot of boyfriends and even girlfriends. I’m an attractive girl. I’m about five feet six inches tall. I’m about a hundred and ten pounds. I have green eyes. I have a 34 C cup. Guys have always been interested in my breasts. I've been sexually active since I was sixteen. I’m responsible and take birth control. I always would have my boyfriend’s wear...

Straight Sex
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18 Today

Julie had just turned 18 and was looking forward to graduation. She had just 10 more days of school and she would be going off to collage in the fall. She had a full summer planned for herself, which included a large amount of time with her older sister Kathy. Kathy was already in collage and they were going to be roommates again. Just like when they had been growing up. Their parents had never figured out why they did not mind sharing the room that had been their bedroom since they had both...

3 years ago
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Some people say that Jennifer Lopez has a really beautiful ass, that is, it is delightful to look at. Well, they're right; she does have a gorgeous ass, big and voluptuous, wonderful to ogle and to lust for and to masturbate over. But, if those people think that is the only thing it is good for, they are sorely mistaken. I am one of the few men who are lucky enough to know better, and I found out last summer.It happened in August when I was driving in my van conversion along a deserted stretch...

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a big candy

Every time i am at the gaz station and i see the squeeze pop liquid hubba bubba candy, i get images of him his veiny dark cock being coated in the jelly candy. pouring down from the big mushroom headthe smell and tasty looking cock printed forever in my headhow sweat and nice was it , opening my mouth around the tip, sucking it like a lolipop, the big black daddy looking at me with such tenderness , his big hand rubbing my head helping my gently suck on his big candy cockthe tube being brought...

1 year ago
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For the Love of Lana 8

"You really think you can hold me Ben? Though I have to admit, this is indeed a good trap you obviously don't realize just how strong my power has grown." Ben only nodded almost afraid to speak, the boy was right no one really realized except him, turning he advised the council of this. Almost immediately they increased the power of the room, Jonathan could only smile at least they were taking this seriously. Jonathan sat in the center of the room and closed his eyes, Ben wasn't fooled...

3 years ago
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Master and his slut The Weekend PART ONE

I knew that I always had an unusually high sex drive and for years kept it repressed until I met my Master. He knew i was built to be a fuck whore. I am a pleasantly plump woman with huge tits that can draw men's attention towards them and I have an insatiable thirst for cock and sex.The first time he shared me I had been scared and excited at the same time. He had told me that we were going away for the weekend and I was to pack a bag and be ready at 3 o’clock, I kept watching the clock...

3 years ago
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Waiting for the Balls to Drop Part 1

December 31, 4:45 PM: “Honey, we can’t cancel the party! It’s too late to call the caterers! It’s too late to call 50 people!” blurts out the distraught Christine. “Well, I’m not going to be there,” replies her husband’s voice at the other end of the phone. “We’re having a blizzard here. At first they delayed my flight, but now they just cancelled it and nothing’s getting out of here for at least the next 24 hours. Just do the best you can, I guess.” Christine puts the phone down in despair. I...

4 years ago
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Tyler and mom part 3

Introduction: Tyler and his mother have some more fun…… Tyler and Mom part 3 Tyler lay on top of his mother, his second load of his young 12 year old cum filling and dripping out of his mothers pussy. Tylers cock was still hard and inside her just-fucked pussy as his young, naked body rested on her. He was recovering from the biggest orgasm he had ever had in his life and he had came while fucking his own mother. As he lay there panting, his young slim naked body still tingling from his...

3 years ago
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A New Beginning

My marriage was on the rocks. My wife and I were still living together with our three children, but we might as well have been separated. Once I realized the seriousness of our situation, I tried everything I could think of, including suggesting couples counseling. She didn't want to go to counseling, and didn't really seem interested in trying to fix what was broken. Our marriage was effectively over. I'm sure she had her side of this story, but this was mine.The evenings were quite lonely. I...

2 years ago
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Girls CampChapter 6

Kelly wasn't the first to awake the next day. He lay in bed watching girls clad in pajamas or only panties dawdle about. Until Chrissy emerged to wake everyone up. Then his focus shifted to her, remembering what lay beneath her long tee-shirt—her large breasts, shaved pussy, and tight ass. In the next bed, Tara raised her arms and stretched. "You already washed up?" "No, I um ... not yet." "What are you waiting for?" "My boner to go down." Tara rolled out of the other side of...

4 years ago
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The SisterhoodChapter 37

Finally it was the day of the pro-am tournament. The previous day, Ali had taken the girls to see Henry Hall. He just trimmed, neatened and fussed. Then turning to Ali he said, “Now I really give up! Allison McGrath, you really did it to me this time. As many beauties as you’ve brought to me, this is the very first time I’ve been unable to do a single damned thing.” He just looked at the girls who were seated in chairs side by side with hairdressers’ sheets draped over their shoulders. With...

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You're Peggy. Young, attractive, innocent... you just moved to a new town after you got a job. Your warmth and friendliness surprises your co-workers as much as your occasional shyness. During the first few days you still write to your boyfriend, making plans for when he can come in six months. But a few weeks after you arrived, when you got used to the job, they hired a new partner. His name is Andrew. He is a tall black young man with an impressive but natural musculature and a lot of...

1 year ago
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Drifter Chapter 1

I grew up in a pretty normal family, we went to church every Sunday, my father was a state worker for 23 years and counting and my mother was an elementary school teacher. We weren’t upper class by any means, but we never went without. I might not of had all the newest stuff like the other kids did, most my clothes we got from Goodwill and yard sales but that didn’t bother me to much. I was taught at an early age the value of hard work and saving money. When I was eight years old I started...

2 years ago
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Lovers ShadowChapter 3

I found Matthew and together, we went to the seat’s office. I filled out a brief report, stating my understanding of the situation in Passion Mill, and dispatching myself and Lord Matthew to render aid. While writing, I shared Elk’s comments with Matthew. “Fucking mess. I am glad they called,” he said. “Do you think the three of us will be enough?” “Assuming they embrace slut and lover and stay within the boundary, should be,” he said. “I agree; with Rocky Point tomorrow, I’d hate to...

2 years ago
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Breaking Sarahs will with my freinds help part 3

As Sarah cried I thought about what I wanted to do to her, and remembered the olive oil I brought up from the kitchen, I told her to stay still and poured some on her back, and started to spread it out all over her body, I felt her squirm at my touch, by the time I was done her body was wet and shining, the sight of her skin glimmering off the light made Rowan and John hard again, my cock was throbbing, I took off my clothes letting Sarah look at my lean muscular body, I was the same build...

2 years ago
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Suddenly in SpringChapter 7

Margo Jones was alone in the chapel; offering her pleas for sins long passed. The ritual was as much part of her weekly routine as was visiting the butcher on a Friday. "Bless me Father for I have sinned. - Due to my wickedness when I was young I seduced my brother Gerald - the sex between us became a wicked habit - even when I was lawfully married it occasionally took place in secret - the Lord then lord punished me and my body carried an illegitimate child - but instead of facing my...

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The Orchid The Storyteller

This story is an allegory of a real life relationship that developed in my life. It helped me cope with disappointment, and to perhaps be better able to accept the reality that had crashed upon my infatuated fantasy. I cope with the friendship better now, having decided that staying a part of her life is better than nothing, yet there are times when the attraction is still magnetic. I’m sure there are many of you out there who have experienced such a thing and perhaps this will give you a...

3 years ago
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The TrainerPart 7

As Duke opened the door, Lloyd pushed his way past him and then saw Amber and smiled saying, "Hi baby! You ready to come home now? It's been so long. I have lots of plans for us baby." Amber looked at him nervously. However, she knew what she had to do. This would be the key to finding out Lloyd's true feelings for her. She looked at him and wasn't smiling as she said, "I'm not ready to go home with you yet." Lloyd looked at her and frowned. He reached to grab her arm and then Duke...

3 years ago
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11th GradeChapter 22

I was excited about the Chicago trip. I hadn't gotten out to do that many things, living at the orphanage, so I was really looking forward to all the things Mama and Dad were talking about. I can't say I was a big baseball fan, but the thought of actually seeing big league ball players playing, that was a thrill for me. I waited until five o'clock before phoning Shirley. I was a little nervous, even though she had invited me to call her. The phone only rang once before she picked it up...

3 years ago
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Sex At Work

One of the worst things about having graduated to the "Real World" some years ago is the thought of work. It used to be that blowing off a class, getting stoned and listening to music all day while sucking down beers was the norm. Now, it's hit that alarm at 6:30 in the "ayem" and crawl to the office. Face it, if you don't do it, you get shit-canned, end of discussion. Sometimes, of course, the things that happen at the office make all the annoyance of having to get up at some...

3 years ago
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Pleins pouvoirs

Je n'ai jamais été normal. Quand un individu lambda rencontre des ennuis dans la vie, des gens désagréables, une nana qui refuse ses avances, il prend sur lui et continue comme si de rien n'était. Pas moi. J'ai ce pouvoir depuis des années. Ne me demandez pas comment je l'ai obtenu, ce serait trop long à expliquer. Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que j'ai eu une vie assez facile depuis qu'il est apparu. Ma proprio réclame le loyer? Je lui touche le front et l'instant suivant, elle rampe à mes...

Mind Control
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Spoiled Rotten

I arrived home late once again from my tiring job as a car salesman. It'd been a shitty day since I didn't sell even one car and I was looking forward to coming home to my lovely wife Jennifer. She knew I'd been having a bad week so I hoped she'd be kind to me that Friday night. Once I opened the door I felt my blood boiling. There was Jennifer, wearing her little lavender silk nightgown that barely covered her firm ass, lying down on the couch talking on the phone watching Jerry Springer....

1 year ago
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SisLovesMe Dani Rivers My Wet Stepsis

Dani Rivers just found out one of her besties had fucked her stepbrother. Stepbrother was also right outside listening to this, getting a kick out of Dani’s reaction. Stepbrother then got caught eavesdropping and Dani slammed the door in his face. The next day Dani and her friend were watching TV in the living room with stepbro. Dani then began to rub stepbros cock and give him head until her bestie interrupted them due to excitement from the movie. A few days later Dani went into...

1 year ago
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One Way Love

Be careful what you wish for ... you might just get it. The problem I have now is that I wished for what I got so hard, that I now question my sanity. I committed the ultimate evil ... well okay, I helped; but I did it for something that in the cold light of day, turned out to be worthless. Temporary insanity is probably what ruined my life. It was supercharged by a healthy dose of genuine, old-fashioned lust. My only excuse is that we're all human. We all make mistakes. When you add to...

4 years ago
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godess sarita 3 regular days

mistress came home at evening got freashen up and came to me as there was a lot of water I could not finish all of it few remained may b 1 liter.. I was covered with crystal clear piss and my jaws hurt mistress checked the video released me let me took shower while she obserbed I wasnot allowed to touch my cock and balls after I was clean she made me sit on the toilet shaved my butt hole cock and balls usually she does this and I shave rest of my body I was arosed by her touch she digger her...

3 years ago
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Day of Destruction Book 2 Jims StoryChapter 3

The next day, Wendy had made a list of people who wanted to go and let it be known that late decision makers either way should make their desires known quickly. The Hanson party left headed due west, all eight of them. Some people came to Wendy to add their names to the list and two took their names off the list. On the next day, the council met to talk with those wanting to make the trip. First, we would meet as a group and then the council would meet with them individually. We didn't plan...

2 years ago
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Youth Training CenterChapter 2

That had been an interesting session. Her step-father, who had admitted Sandy for the express purpose of having her prepared for his personal pleasure, had been invited to witness Sandy's first oral sex session. From behind the one-way mirror, Jim Neilson watched as his haughty, blond step-daughter was led into one of the training rooms used for anonymous observation. It was the first time Neilson had seen Sandy naked, and he was very pleased indeed by the sight of her. Sandy, at fifteen...

3 years ago
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Family web 7

Om, Goddess of Gateway of Heaven We salute you, naked lead-woman Chanted my grandfather. All others followed. And the crane, which led us there, flew up and disappeared. As grandpa told we plucked flowers and made two garlands. And we all got rid of our cloths and stepped into the sangam (confluence) to take a dip. I didn’t know how others felt, but I was a bit shy to show my properties. I had seen the nakedness of uncle Dev, Rahul, aunt Saroj and Bhavana. But of others, I hadn’t. Grandpa was...

1 year ago
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Layla Redd

Shining like a diamond in those hot spot lights. She gleamed from the sweat and the abundance of body glitter. White teeth sparkled from a ruby red mouth which is surrounded by golden brown skin. Catcall’s, whistles, clapping, and cheering seemed like a blur of noise and excitement. She stood there, arms outstretched, reaching for the sky, chest heaving from her performance. She finally made it, after all the years and hard times she had finally made it. She thought to herself, ‘Not bad Layla,...

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