Origins free porn video

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It was the summer between sophomore and junior year. It had been a whirlwind of a year for me. My body had changed so much. In the Fall I was still in my old body. I had always been viewed more athletic than attractive: I was 5’2” rather flat chested and more of a tom-boy than prom-queen. I was on the tennis team so that kept me in shape with nice legs. I always thought of them as my best feature. Anthony always said it was my face and smile that caught his eye. He said I reminded him of Michelle Pfeifer. I had no idea who he was talking about until we watched one of her movies, it was something about a hawk and a wolf being cursed or something. It was a sweet movie and the knight gets the girl in the end. I guess it’s my blond hair, pale blue eyes and high cheek bones that Anthony found similar. He was always a romantic. I should have never lied to him. He was my first boyfriend.
That winter my hormones went into overdrive: my boobs came in and I went from training bra to C-cup by spring. I grew 2-3 inches, my hair got longer, and I started getting a little boy-crazy. Anthony didn’t seem to mind the new body, but I started noticing other boys. He never picked up on that. I started dating a boy or two from other schools. I thought I was really slick, but Anthony found out. He forgave me, but when he found out I still dated this senior from Geneva, he told me to get lost. He didn’t call me a slut or a whore (because he knew I was still a virgin), he called me a liar. That seemed to hurt a whole lot more.
By the time summer rolled around, school let out, I started working at the mall, and I put Anthony out of my mind. Unfortunately, I still didn’t learn my lesson. I started seeing one of my co-workers at the restaurant (Steve), an electronics guy from RadioShack (Dave), a grease monkey from Jiffy Lube (Jerry), and ticket-taker at the mall cinema (Corey). Again, I thought I was being slick, not letting any of them know about the others. When I turned 16 in June I was juggling all of them, but I got 4 birthday presents without any of them being the wiser.
It was Early August when Corey invited me for a picnic at Flat Rock Falls park. He had a couple blankets, pillows, and a place picked out away from the hikers and nature lovers. I packed the basket with some sandwiches, cheese, and a bottle of white wine I stole from my parents cellar. We had gone there once before, it was a smaller path off the main trail that led to a 40’x40’ clearing amidst the heavy forest brush. It was like a small private room in nature with the less traveled path as its only door in or out. There was one oak tree with billowing branches in the corner that provided shade in this otherwise clearing in the forest. Corey and I had gone there before with a sleeping bag, but I was not on the same page. He thought he was gonna get some, but I didn’t see him as the ONE. I was juggling these four guys, but really didn’t see any of them as potentially being my first. It was a summer thing, summer had another month left, and I would be done with them. All of them.
When Corey and I got to the clearing I noticed someone had dragged a small picnic table under the oak tree. I found that odd because this spot was so far away from the designated eating area of the park. I mean really, someone had to drag that thing ½ a mile from the picnic area, through the main trail, and down the rather hidden path, to this not-so-hidden-after-all spot. When I mentioned this to Corey, he just sloughed it off with the idea that the park district had put it there.
Corey and I had eaten and we’re on our second glass of wine when we started kissing and petting. We were lying down on the blankets as he tried to run his hand up my thigh and under my tennis skirt. I stopped him just like I did the other time we were at the clearing. Instead of a rejected suitor’s protest he just stopped completely. He was usually more persistent, but I could always handle him, but just stopping was strange. Instead he reached for his cell phone, hit a call button, and then put it back in his duffel bag. I started to make my usual excuse, “I’m just not ready yet”….”but I’ll be worth the wait, baby.” Corey simply said with a sigh and a smile, “I know Jen.” Then added, “Actually, we all know.” His gaze moved from my blue eyes to the path opening. I turned to see Dave, Steve, and Jerry standing with their arms folded staring at us.
The pit of my stomach started to wrench. It’s that feeling you get when you’ve done something wrong and get caught, and I was totally busted here. Corey took the lead, “I think introductions are in order here” he said standing up dragging me by my right arm. “Of course, you know Steve, Jerry, and Dave. You’ve been playing them just like you’ve been playing me all summer long.” He directed his attention to Dave, “But Dave, did you know Steve from the diner?” Dave turned Steve, shook hands, made a matter-of-fact how-do-you-do. “Jerry did you know Steve?” Again, the same intro’s were exchanged. I was turning redder by the minute. “Dave did you know Jerry?” Again with the handshakes. At this point I started nodding, letting them have their dénouement, but now wanting to regain positive control of the situation. I started, “OK, boys, you got me, I’m busted. I won’t bother you guys anymore. Just…”
Corey jerked my arm behind my back, nearly lifting me off the ground. “Jen, you didn’t ask how I know Jerry, did you? Don’t you want to know how I know Jerry?”
I shook my head, “Corey you’re hurting me. Let me go.”
“Jerry and I have known each other for going on ten years now, Jen. My cousin is the closest thing I have to a real brother in this world.”
He raised my arm a little higher at that point to stress their relationship. I was thinking, Oh God they’re family. “Corey, I’m sorry. Let me go, you’re hurting me.”
Corey spun me around at that point and got in my face, “What do you know of HURT, Jen.” He just stared into my tearing eyes for what seemed minutes to hours, then shoved me back down on the blankets. “Let me tell you something about hurt.” He moved to one side as the others closed in forming a circle around me on the blanket. “I spend all my time working, making money this summer, so I can take out my new girlfriend. I can’t wait to tell my cousin about this great, beautiful, girl I’ve been seeing. The kind of girl that just makes you feel like the luckiest guy in the world. I am bursting with pride to tell my closest friend in the world about this wonderful young woman I’m seeing.”
Jerry then took over, “I found it ironic, that I too had just fallen for this pristine angel from the heavens. A girl that could stop traffic, a girl that had me crazy like no other had before.”
“Then we exchanged pictures.” they both said.
Corey went back to his cell phone to pull up my sophomore school photo, “I thought my e-mail was being returned.” He turned to Steve and Dave, “So did Jerry. We exchanged the same damn picture, of the same damn girl,” then he turned to me still on the blankets “the same damn liar!”
There was that word again. I stood up at this point and tried to gather myself, but Dave with a single big hand shoved me right back to my knees. “Stay down.” is all he said.
Corey acknowledged Steve’s forcefulness with a nod, then continued, “We decided to go to the Diner to confront you as real men do, to treat you with a measure of respect a lady deserves, but then we saw you with Steve. The next day you were with Dave. At that point we didn’t know what to make of you: slut, whore, bitch, cunt came to mind.”
Dave then chimed in, “That’s when we had a meeting of the minds last week. We didn’t know if we were to invite anyone else today, so pardon us if we left anyone out.”
The embarrassment had reached a pinnacle for me, so I jumped to my feet and started buttoning my shirt and straightening my skirt. “OK, boys, You’ve had your fun, you can call me a bitch or cunt. I don’t care anymore. I won’t even bother you for a ride home, I’ll walk.”
I tried to pass Jerry on his right, but he grabbed my throat and carried me back to the picnic table, “We found out we couldn’t call you a slut or a whore, but TEASE seemed to be the common phrase among us all.” At that point he released my throat, grabbed a fistful of my blond hair, forced his mouth upon my mine and bit slightly on my lower lip. I yelped at the sharp jab of pain. “That’s as far as I got guys.” he sneered as he stepped to my left and tugged a little harder on the fistful of hair.
Dave stepped to my right and shoved his hand into my shirt, popping two buttons, and cupping my right breast, “This is where she stopped me.”
Corey’s voice rose above them all, “That’s where it all came to a stop.” He stepped forward, nudging his knee inside mine, ran his hands up my white tennis skirt exposing my white cotton sports panties, “And from what I hear, to boldly go where no man has gone before…” as he grinded his pelvis up against mine. His hips lifted me slightly off the ground while Jerry still pulling my hair and Steve holding my shoulder pulled me on my back on the picnic table.
What the fuck. What the fuck is happening. No way. I started to shout, “No!” but Dave was at the other end of the picnic table and slapped me across the right cheek roundhouse style.
“Shut the fuck up, TEASE.” he hissed.
Corey motioned to Jerry to let go, as he grabbed the back of my head and pulled me up close, pulling my hair back arching my head as if to look down my nostrils but not moving his eyes from mine, “I’ll paint a picture for you, Jen. You tell us if you see it differently. You know what’s gonna happen here. We’re a 1000 yards from the main trail, no one’s gonna hear you, no one’s gonna come. We know you’re not a slut, you may still be the virgin you claim to be. But what are twelve adults going to think about a conniving lying little girl who runs amok with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR different boys during a single summer. Are they going to think you’re still daddy’s little girl? Oh, and where did the alcohol come from?”
Oh shit. I brought that.
Corey paused for moment and let it settle in my head for a minute. “Yeah, you brought that, that proves that you set this up. We just have to fill in the details. Like…you invited us all here. You told your friend Lisa about this place. Everyone will see you planned this. You dated FOUR different boys, you brought us all together. And you got what you came for. Four words against one.”
His other hand had roamed beneath my panties and found my clit. He flickered his thumb from side to side as I let out a shuddered gasp. “Now it’s time for us all to collect.”
At that word I was flipped on to my stomach, my legs barely touching the grass beneath the table, my panties were pulled down to my knees, and my skirt lifted up exposing my ass for all to see. “That’s what I’m talking about.” exclaimed Corey giving my right ass cheek a slap.
Jerry held one arm, Steve the other, while Dave disappeared from the head of the table. He was the designated look-out taking stance at the path opening.
Corey started with his middle finger running it along the length of my virgin slit, feeling my warmth and dampness. “You know guys, I think she’s really gonna get off on this. She’s wet already.” He slipped his middle finger in to the first joint and felt my barrier. “Holy shit dudes, she really IS a virgin.” He pulled my head back with a handful of hair, “This is gonna be a real treat, Jen.” He shoved my face back into the tabletop hitting my chin with a thud. Steve chuckled as the tears started down the sides of my face.
I heard Corey’s zipper, then a spit, then he was at my entrance. He sensed it in me and gave me another slap on the ass cheek, “Relax babe, you’re gonna love this.” He entered slowly pressing the bulb of his cock to my hymen then stopping. I had not even rubbed his cock through his pants, so I had no idea what he was packing, but it felt big, heated, and angry. I turned my head to the right to find Jerry staring piercingly into my eyes. The tears were rolling down my cheeks, Corey seemed to be rearing back for the initial assault, Steve’s breathing was increasing in my left ear, and still Jerry was motionless holding my right arm down, then he snarled and spit right in my face. Corey plunged the length of his cock forward, my cherry burst with what seemed an explosion, and Steve started the chanting “pump her, pump her good”.
I didn’t scream, I didn’t moan. My virginity was taken by force as I lay bent over a picnic table with my panties dangling around my knees. My virginity left with a whimper.
Corey was going full tilt giving me the length of his 7 inches with each piston pump. With both hands on my hips he pounded away mercilessly as the front of my legs were beating against the table end. “Damn she is tight guys. I gotta hold back. Who’s ready?”
Steve let loose my left arm and moved into position. Corey withdrew his cock with a subtle “pop”. Steve gasped in amazement, “Holy shit, Jerry did you hear that, her pussy didn’t want to let it go.” Steve pulled my panties completely off and spread my legs farther apart. Corey disappeared, then Dave came to the head of the table. I guessed Corey was lookout now. I look back thinking I had an arm free and could have slid off the table to my left while Steve was fumbling with his shorts, but I couldn’t move. I didn’t move. I was transfixed on that cold piercing stare from Jerry. It was like he never blinked. He could have had a black hood over his head and I would not have noticed. I just saw those fierce gray eyes. There was anger there. A lot of anger. I could not imagine the volume of hatred pouring from those eyes or where it stemmed from. I had not seen it before, but it had my full attention and I dreaded what he would unleash on me. I was terrified of him. As Steve started his violation of my newly plowed pussy, all I could think about was what the fuck Jerry had going on behind those eyes.
Steve was bucking wildly hissing little degradations down on me, “Take it like a bitch, take it like a bitch”.
Dave pulled my face from Jerry’s stare to slap one cheek then the other, enjoying the red flushing he was causing, “You’re getting fucked now you little tease. That’s a good girl,” he cooed responding to my muffled whimpers with each of Steve’s thrusts, “that’s a good girl. Take it like a whore. Take it doggy style like a whore.”
Steve was building up and his verbations had suddenly fallen silent. I heard a dragging to my left. Corey had dragged this beaten down, worn out, water-stained mattress from the brush. He was brushing off the debris and threw the two pillows at one end.
“I don’t know if I can hold off guys.” Steve gasped, but he never stopped pumping.
Corey acknowledged Steve’s building orgasm, “OK, bring her down.”
With that Steve pulled out, “pop”, lifted me off the table, pulled me close to his chest, and then tossed me down to the mattress. My legs were weak and I fell on my stomach. Steve, with his erection still pointing skyward, rolled me over on my back, and straddled my chest. He grabbed the back of my head as I gasped at his intentions. With that opening he thrust his pussy slimed cock down my throat. He was only 5-6 inches, but I had never taken anything outside of eating utensils into my mouth. My eyes widened, I stared back up at him in horror, as he pumped the first time into my mouth. “Don’t even think about it bitch. It’s been a gentle ride so far, but it can get much more violent if you get any ideas or if I feel any teeth on my dick.”
All I could think about was Jerry’s eyes. I don’t know where he was at that time, but I could feel his eyes never leaving me. I did not dare leave a mark as Steve started face fucking me.
I could feel someone prying my legs apart. It was Dave. He was going at me sideways so not to brush up Steve’s back as he got his piece of me. Steve tilted his head back, “I’m gonna pump her mouth full of cum.” I was half gagging as the spit crept out the sides of my mouth. I closed my eyes as I felt Steve start to spasm. He yanked my hair and shouted at me, “Look at me bitch!” I widened my eyes in terror as his first jet of cum hit the back of my throat. “Look at me! I fucking own your mouth!” he boasted as he pumped jet after jet of hot salty cum into my mouth. My gag reflex was pushing his load back up my throat, but he kept my head transfixed on his cock. He rolled his head back in satisfaction continuing to pump my face with his lingering cock, “Yeah baby, swallow it all. Swallow it all like a whore.”
Dave was pumping my slit furiously from the get-go. His 7 inches plowing my sopping pussy at a break-neck speed he could not maintain any longer. My arms were weak, I was not physically beaten, but my body was listless. It was like every muscle in my body had no tension. Every muscle except those kegels holding my pussy together. My head reeled back as Steve stepped aside and off of me. All I could feel was Dave’s rabbit pounding of my now sore pussy. He was gasping now, getting ready to blow. I could not bear to think of any of them cumming inside me. That brought me back to my senses, but Corey intervened, “Don’t cum inside her Dave.” he beckoned from one side.
At that point Dave pulled out, “pop”, and knelt along my left side of my face, “I’m gonna nut on her face.” he laughed. I panicked but was too weak to roll away. Dave grabbed my chin, turning my face back to his angry 7 inches of cock.
Corey held my chest down, “Blast her buddy. Face blast her hungry mouth.”
Dave had one hand on my chin and the other pumping his cock while smiling down at me with an evil grin, “Here it comes Jen….Take it baby, take it in the face!” he groaned as a huge glob of cum hit my forehead. I tried to turn away but he held me in place as the next spurt caught my right cheek and spilled into my mouth. I spat it out as the next bigger load covered my chin and back into my mouth. Again I spat it out. I couldn’t turn my head so inadvertently I spat the last larger load straight up in the air. It came back down in my face. Corey and Dave started some bellowing laughter.
Steve was laughing along with them, “Do it again, Jen. Do it again. Do the cum-fountain. She’s a little cum-fountain.” Dave’s 5th and 6th spurts covered my right eye and left cheek. MY face was covered in warm salty jizz. And they couldn’t find it any funnier laughing non-stop. All of them were laughing, except Jerry.
I felt his hands lift me up, and turn me back on my stomach. He placed the two pillows under my belly propping me up on all fours. I heard him spit.
He had not said a word since saying I had him, “…crazy as no one had before.” that seemed like hours ago. It may have.
He placed one hand on my right hip and the other must have been on his cock, “I had dreamed about this all summer long. I was gonna be your knight in shining armour. Your loyal boyfriend, your best friend, and your first love. You were going to be my first too. Well, your lying and games fucked that dream to hell Jen. So now I got another little fantasy running through my mind.” with that word he spat again, this time on my back. It rolled down to my ass crack. That’s where he thumbed it in.
“No Jerry!” I cried out. “I’m so sorry. I did not mean to hurt you. I’m sorry! Please, please don’t…”
“You broke my heart, Jen. Now I’m gonna break your ass in.” The spit on his cock and the spit trickling down my ass crack was not enough to ease his entry. Now I yelled, “Uhhhhg! Ahhhh! Uhhhhg!” I wailed as he mounted my ass. He pulled back for a moment, then shoved it to the hilt. I felt my sphincter tear and could feel the blood trickle from my ass to my pussy lips. With a hand on my right hip and the other on my left shoulder he mounted me with building fury.
I could hear the voices of the others mouthing their approval.
“Fuck that ass Jerry!” Dave implored.
Steve snarled, “Make her take it in the ass. Fuck the shit outta her.”
Corey was situated in front of me as I raised my head and looked forward. Dave’s cum-bath was falling off my face, his first stream had rolled into my left eye, making my eyelashes clump heavy half closing it. The other streams had coalesced on my chin and right cheek and were both dangling in 2-3 inch strings. They held there as my body shuddered forward with each of Jerry’s anger laced anal thrusts. I looked straight ahead at Corey in disbelief: he was taking stills with his camera phone.
“No. No. No.” was all I could utter as Corey stroked his cock.
Corey then took a fistful of my tattered hair and drew his cock towards my mouth, “It’s time for some tag-team POV baby.” The camera clicked as he started pumping at one end as his cousin pumped at the other. He passed the camera phone to Steve and then got busy with both hands on the back of my head. Corey was building up to his orgasm while Jerry kept a frantic pace on my ass.
Corey was grooving his cock in and out of my froth spewing mouth as he angrily barked at Dave, “Stay out of my light! Here we go baby.” as he quickened his face fucking, then pulled out, “Money shot! That’s the money shot!” he bellowed as one after the other burst of cum plastered my face. I barely had one eye open to see him furiously pumping his organ at point-blank range. Load after heavy sticky load shot across my cheeks, chin, eyes, and into my hair. The guy must have multiple prostates because it just kept going.
Dave and Steve were shocked, “Holy shit Corey” “Someone sprung a leak!” and “Dude, she’s drowning in the stuff!”
Jerry started bucking uncontrollably behind me. His load was not as large, but seemed to run through my insides like a snake.
Jerry pulled out of my ass and gave me a big slap across the cheek that sent me forward on my chin. Legs sprawled side to side, arms beneath my chest, head to one side, I laid there twitching. Jerry’s cum was drizzling out of my ass, Dave and Corey’s loads were drying on my face, and Steve’s cum was still lingering on the back of my tongue.
They buttoned up, high-fived each other, and all agreed to a single story : I was drunk from the wine I brought and had gathered all my boyfriends together for a summer ending party in a place I had bragged about to my girlfriend. They didn’t leave any bruises, I had no cuts, it was my word against theirs. Corey ended it by stating, “Don’t think we’re gonna be stupid and post this stuff on the internet or boast to friends about what happened here. This is our secret as much as it is yours. We do not want to see you again, but I promise, you REALLY don’t want to see US again either. So it ends here. Have a nice life.”
I blinked and they were gone. By the time I got back to the park picnic area it was dark. I cleaned up and called a friend. I told her, “could you pick me up, I just broke up with my boyfriend.”
She hesitated for moment, then said, “Which one?”


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This story takes place around 210 BC. The kingdom of Masthinapuram stands tall with all its glory. The people of the kingdom are living a happy and prosperous life. The kingdom was blessed with some of the great minds who were masters in the field of science, astronomy, astrology, etc. One such great mind was the young Sage Vylsaputhra. Though he was only in his 30’s, he had mastered the art of Astrology. He was also an Ayurveda physician. He was known around the kingdom as a person who could...

1 year ago
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Lost my virginity to my sexy bhabhi

I am shashank from Bangalore. I have been a regular viewer of the Indian sex stories. After reading through many of them I got inspired to post my own sexual encounter which I had couple of years ago. Before moving further its better to know about my physical attributes. My age is now 26. I am tall, fair-complexioned guy with good physique. My physique is of course linked to me working out every day at the gym for 45 minutes to 1 hour. During my college days I always managed to attract many...

4 years ago
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theatre and older luvy

I used to work in a theatre, selling programmes, drinks, ice creams and helping out with whatever needed doing around the place. After every the final show of every run there was a ‘last night party’, the bar stayed open and the drinks flowed. In one particular show there was an older gay man in one of the roles. He was in his early sixties I guess and rather portly with a large belly and double chin. He was good fun and I'd got to know him a little bit during the run, telling him often that he...

2 years ago
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The Girl Next Door

The Girl Next Door By: DonnerTie He caught himself looking at her profile for the thousandth time. Adam couldn’t help himself he just had to check. It was almost as if he wanted to make sure she was still there, that she wasn't gone. Each time left him feeling guilty and childish. The girl was Ashley Walker his next door neighbour. Adam leaned back in his chair, he sighed with frustration. He had known Ashley since they were little kids. They used to be the terror of the neighbourhood when...

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My GF got a Strapon Pegged

It all began when Cindy stuck her finger up my ass. She was running her tongue lightly up and down the shaft of my cock, but paused for an instant to gauge my reaction. I moaned slightly, appreciatively. It felt good. She smiled and began slowly moving her finger in and out.We were naked on her bed in her apartment on a Saturday morning, the sunlight streaming in through her bedroom windows. At first, I wasn't fully awake, although Cindy did a fine job of waking me up. She had started nibbling...

2 years ago
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Incest In A Cfnm Femdom Party

As you all know, I have had incest sex with my aunt Kavya in India. He has a very good figure fair complexion 4’11” and 32C-30-34. I am now in NYC and where she was here to visit me. On the day of her visit we reached her hotel and obviously, we fucked each other as we met after 1.5 years. Last time we had sex on the day I was leaving. I still used to miss how I licked her ass and how she dominated me. Once we were satisfied for time being and showered together I left her to take rest and went...

4 years ago
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PlushChapter 19

As soon as my head sank into my pillow most appreciatively, my cell phone rang. I immediately bounced out of bed and struggled extracting the phone from my pocket praying it would continue playing Shaft. "Molly!" I exclaimed. The second seemed like minutes. "Joe?" "I'm here." "I didn't... ?" "No. I came home alone. I just got in bed." "So I didn't wake you?" I chuckled. "A second later and you might have." "Maybe I should let..." "I love waking up to you," I told...

2 years ago
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Best Laid PlansChapter 21

Bob stuck some large blue bath towels under one arm, before carrying a tray outside loaded with three martinis and three Scotches on the rocks. My lord, he thought, as he placed the tray on a table by the hot tub, Nancy was attacking Stan with a gusto he couldn't believe. She sat on his lap facing him and held each side of his head with her hands, while kissing him deeply. She thrust her shoulders from side to side, rubbing her bountiful breasts across his chest, spearing him with her...

1 year ago
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JapanHDV Hikaru Kirishima Takes her friend to the Hot Springs

Today is a nice day for a hike and a little bathing in some special hot springs. Hikaru Kirishima has taken her friend to the Hot Springs today to enjoy a relaxing day and bath. What she wanted was a day with a friend to enjoy the hot springs and relaxing and just enjoying some time together. Of course her friend is very keen on getting to know Hikaru better as he wants her to be his girlfriend. But Hikaru seems to be less worried about that and just wants to enjoy the day together. Hikaru and...

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Halloween Three 17102016 Hangmanrsquos Wood

Halloween Three, 17/10/2016: Hangman’s Wood: Abergale woke late from a deep sleep and slowly made her way into the bathroom rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she went. Turning on the water in the shower she adjusted the temperature until it was nice and warm and stepped in under the torrent letting the warm water cascaded over head and down her back. As she lathered some soap between her hands she let the water flow over her face and over her breasts and stomach. As she started to move...

3 years ago
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Me and you from my old account

It was a Wednesday afternoon and it was 92 degrees and humid. I skipped work because I wasn't ready for the weekend to end. You did the same. I walked into the back yard youre by the pool .... looking sexy as always ... tanned and fit mmmm just perfect :). after i give you a massage , you ask me if I whant some wathermellon , and you invite me inside... I'm sitting on the couch, watching you as you cut up some watermelon in the kitchen, half in awe and half wanting to eat you...

1 year ago
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A Cuckolds Share

Jim had assumed that his wife’s libido had gone down with age, that their lack of sex had been the ordinary result of growing older. He had not been crazy about it, but he had resigned himself to it and retreated to a world of fantasy and masturbation on the internet. They would still occasionally have sex, but he had to wait until she initiated it, which would be at most a couple times per year. She had promised him that things would pick up, that her hormones needed stabilizing, that stress...

2 years ago
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Corrupted Soul

// Hello dear viewer! I am oh so pleased you've taken a liking to my musings, I will do my best to update this story for all you horny little fucks what a naughty side. ~A \ Brynja was a quiet girl, she kept mostly to herself, more focused on her work than her social life. One night her three roommates invited her to try out a Ouija Board. Brynja did always have a keen fascination with the paranormal, especially after finding out her dorm was supposedly haunted 2 months ago. How could she...

Mind Control
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Vanessa angefickt

Sinan schlenderte in der Nähe des Heimes herum. Er hatte den Morgen vertrödelt und auf Pornoseiten gesurft. Dann hatte er seinen Schwanz abgebunden und das PA-Piercing gegen ein dickeren Ring ausgetauscht. Das Abspritzen hatte er immer wieder unterdrückt. Er kam in die Heinestraße, die hinter einer Reihe von Eigenheimen verlief. Da lag sie wieder, dieses blonde Flittchen. Schon öfter hatte er sie in ihrem Hausgarten beim Sonnebaden gesehen. Sie schlief, und hielt eine Zeitschrift noch in der...

1 year ago
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A Night of Firsts pt 2

I opened the door to the club and walked inside. From the outside, the older brick building looked sort of run down, but once inside I found myself in a club with large bar on one side, polished brass railings, mirrors, subdued lighting, tasteful seats at the bar, hardwood floors, tables, a few booths further away and at the very end of the club a large stage with karaoke being sung. This was no seedy dive bar, thank goodness.The lights, the music (karaoke music is always so loud as if...

3 years ago
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Weekend With An Unknown Teacher

I am sales officer in public sector. I have been working there for 2 yrs and I was happy with my job and life. But then I started feeling emptiness as in my busy life I didn’t get chance to have fun. I am 24, well built, tall and living alone. I wanted some change and it soon came in strange way. I was going back to home in car at evening. I was bit tired and fed up of my boring life. I had to prepare food everyday and then remaining time I spent sleeping. But it went different that day. On the...

3 years ago
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Allies Birthday Present the Conclusion

Wednesday Evening (your birthday) The day passes achingly slowly. You work retail and your sex-addled brain considers the masturbation potential of every item. You’re very creative and your need makes you fantasize about being spanked, penetrated, clamped, bound, and made to suck on a surprising array of objects. In the quieter moments, you try to imagine what’s in the gold box. You know it’ll be sexy, and can picture a lot of things that you hope and fear are in there, ruling some out due to...

4 years ago
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Gym Bunnies

I finished up my set at the gym, just as my girlfriend Molly finished with her yoga class, which was taking place in the small room next door. Yoga was something that Molly and her best friend Lisa did together twice a week. It was something they loved and enjoyed and it kept them fit and active. I loved it because I got to see two incredibly attractive girls in tight leggings and yoga pants. Of course my girlfriend Molly was gorgeous, with pitch black hair and light blue eyes, which was quite...

2 years ago
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City Romance Ch 03

Monday The weekend went off without a hitch. After spending the night at my place, the girls and I went shopping and decided to stay at Dawn’s place to utilize the hot tub and swimming pool. ‘God Dawn, if I lived here, I’d never leave this pool!’ This was the typical response for Ariel, who had coincidentally been on our swim team in high school. ‘And we’d find you frozen like leftovers in the middle of the winter you idiot. Come eat and let your skin stop looking like a raisin before...

2 years ago
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Coded Conversion

WARNING The start of story is set in 1989 and uses the UK legal smoking age and computers from that time. As always, my story includes smoking, gay sex, crossdressing, hypnosis/mind control and involuntary sexual behaviour along with some violence. If you don't like any of those things then don't read it. I know smoking is unhealthy but it turns me on and it's my story! STORY It was a beautifully sunny Saturday as I rode my bike over to Dave's house. We were going to spend the day...

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Becoming a cuckold part4

Part 4Our afternoon carried on we walked down to the all wandered around until we stumbled across le Vie En Rose a cute lingerie store when we walked in it was almost empty we wandered around one of the sales girls came by and said hello “Did you guys need any help?”Maybe in a bit Tish said“Well if you need anything”Tish stopped me cold in the store “I want you to pick out 3 outfits 3 really sexy outfits for me I mean mind numbing balls exploding out fits 3 out fits you would be proud to send...

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Mother May I Part I

"So? What? You fucking got me in trouble in third period by texting me you douche!" Jacob stormed in, throwing his basketball at me full force before throwing himself down hard on my bed and covering his head with a pillow. "Wait for it." I said, swatting the ball only to have it manage to get me in the side anyway, leaving a large red circle on my bare skin. "Chris needs to be here." Chris was 14 and still in 8th, and thus still on his way home for the next ten or so minutes. "Fucking...

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StepSiblings Aspen Romanoff Videogames Versus Stepsister Vagina

This nerdy guy may have hot blonde Aspen Romanoff as a stepsister, but all he wants to do is play videogames. She tries to get his attention by running some ice over her nipples to get them nice and hard. Then she bends over in front of him, showing off her round ass. He cries for their stepmom, but Aspen shuts him up by whipping out his thick cock. She runs her tongue over it, getting it nice and slippery for him to slide inside her tight cunt. Then, he pounds her pussy doggystyle and wonders...

2 years ago
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Taken But Not Robbed

I should have never cut through the park but I was in a hurry to get to my girls house. Just thinking about the pussy I was going to get caused my cock to start to get hard. So wrapped up in my thoughts of the fucking I was going to get I never realized anyone else was around until they grabbed me and stuck a gag in my mouth. They pulled me off the path and into a spot surrounded by high bushes. I noticed there was some sort of old table setting in the middle of the place."Quit struggling or...

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Allso the ConclusionChapter 3

It was several hours later that morning when one of Miranda's assistants rushed into her office. "Pull up channel 63, the Army is calling us," she told her. Miranda brought it up on her monitor and was shocked at what she saw. Miranda saw a young woman with tears running down her cheeks on the monitor. She was strapped into a vest containing explosives. Miranda also recognized the young woman. It was Alexandra, one of Zandra's friends and the daughter of their Chicago office...

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Orgy With Cousin Sister

Hi friends, I am Krishna from assam. Let me describe you all about myself. I am an average assamese boy, with 5.8 height and a massive tool. The sex story is about me and my cousin sis who is 3 yrs younger to me. She is 5.3 and her stats her 34-30-32. Little bit on the bulky side. This happened a few days back when I visited their place in duliajan. Let’s get started :) Kindly mail me your feedbacks in Instrested girls/aunties from assam can mail me and we can have some fun :) Please don’t...

4 years ago
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Gaias ChampionChapter 23

Luke was driving through the city, headed towards the park that Xaera called home. According to Felicitae/Amy, there were certain components that she required to make a potion or something. Whatever it was, it would provide them with a level of protection from the Dark Magic that the corrupted Nymph wielded. Luke was still coming to grips with everything he had learned in the past few days. He managed to get his head around the fact that there were items needed as spell components, which he...

3 years ago
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Granite GiantChapter 2 Expect the Unexpected

Business progressed as usual for the next three months. I stayed in touch with Al Goshulak, interested in how well he was able to get his new business established. When I saw the samples and he gave me a rundown on the quality of the granite and the work, I gained some confidence that he had a good product. I'd learned early on that there was granite, and there was granite. Not all the quality was equal. I passed a couple of inquiries along to him to see what would happen. He was quick to...

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His Birthday Fantasy

He woke up from his vague dreaming to the sound of soft clinking and rustling at the foot of his bed. He instinctively moved to pull the fluffy pillow from off of his head, but found that he couldn’t pull his hands down from the upper corners of the bed. he tried to sit up, but his ankles were held fast, bound like his wrists so that his legs were pulled spread eagle, almost to the point where it hurt his hips. His wife’s voice greeted him as she lifted the pillow away from his face. “Morning,...

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Adult Bookstore Adventures

I do have some time to myself. I discovered an adult book store. I was able to stop by the Adult Bookstore. There is a cover charge to get into the theater or booth area. I went in to the theater first. There a bunch of guys watching a fuck movie. I didn't see anything erotic in the theater. I then went in to the booth area. There are no doors on the booths. I put my $1 into the machine and looked for gay cock sucking. I found a nice cock sucking video, so I took out my cock and started...

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An earthy fuck in the morning

'But my hands are dirty'!He just smiled as I mildly protested, not saying, 'No', was the answer he never heard, which meant I was somewhere between doing it and just toying with time.It was just past three in the afternoon and the Summer heat was stifling. My summer job here in the parks has its dividends, appealing to my imaginative sexual needs, having just devoured 'Lady Chatterley's Lover', the Earthiness of fucking men of the Earth naked and rolling around in mud and rain, my finger...

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The Farm1

© This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people and places is coincidental. ************************************************************ Molly watched with horrid fascination as the big dog attempted to rape her older sister June. June sobbed in terror as she wiggled her ass trying to avoid the inevitable. Both of the girls and their mother were locked in a fenced grassy compound with three large dogs. Molly, June and their mother Beth had been captured early that morning by...

4 years ago
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My First Threesome

My name is Pete and I'd like to tell you about my first threesome. It happened, the night of my high school graduation. At the time, I was eighteen years old. I was a smart kid, graduating near the top of my class of about 200 students. Like most smart kids, I was a little nerdy, so I didn't have a lot of experience with girls. I had made out a few times, and gone all the way only twice. Also, I was a little shy, making it harder to meet girls. After the reception with students, family, and...

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AssParade Kelsi Monroe Kelsi Monroe and Her Big Ass Please A Fan

In todays update we caught up with Kelsi’s big ass. I mean it, I haven’t seen in while so i made sure i shot enough booty action to last me a while (maybe until next week). Kelsi Monroe let me in on a kinky surprise that she was giving one of her biggest fans and that i was welcome to film it. This chick ends up giving a private bachelor party to this guy where him and his friends got to see that high ass up close and personal. After she had enough dancing she hope on the guy and kicks everyone...

2 years ago
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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 22

The three of us went inside and I could feel another panic attack starting. I dreaded this confrontation. My mother was in the living room and so were Cheryl’s parents. “There’s the deviant now!” her father sneered. “Not so smart-mouthed now, are you?” I looked at him and blinked. “Get out,” I said dispassionately. “Get your car off our property and get out. You can park on the street and we’ll send out your daughter and everything she owns. You’re not welcome here. If you’re still here in...

1 year ago
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One cheerleader the football team

Tyrell, "I have always had a fantasy, and I think you could fulfill it for me..." she said. He turned and looked at her slightly concerned. "I want to get fucked hard by a group of guys, not just one." "I can arrange that for you hun, I'd love to see you get banged by a group of men at one time." So, Tyrell called her the next day and told her to head over around 7 p.m. and wear a mini with nothing underneath. She agreed and got wet just thinking about it. When she arrived at 7 Tyrell answered...

Group Sex
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My Girlfriend the Sex Slave

I come home after a long day at work to find Maggie sitting at her desk doing some of her college schoolwork. I say "Hey babe" and she slowly turn towards me revealing that she is wearing a tight button down white shirt that barely contains her 36D breast and a plaid skirt that she shouldn't even bother wearing because it doesn't cover anything. She is wearing glasses that are sitting halfway down her nose, red lipstick and has her legs seductively crossed while sitting at her desk. She...

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My Spanking

Adult spanking is a curious thing. I mean, most of us did not like being spanked as children. We dreaded spankings, didn't we? So, why do so many of us long to be spanked as adults. I think for some of us, it is for sexual pleasure. For others, it is to meet an emotional need. Maybe we feel we deserve it before we enjoy fucking. Some parts of society make women feel we are bad if we enjoy being fucked. So, maybe we feel better about our longing if we are punished first. I will tell you why I...

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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 36

Pacing up and down like and expectant father, Saim could not get the phone call out of his mind. Who the hell was it? How did he know they were dealing with the Stratford arseholes? With every question he contemplated, the fire grew within him. No, they wouldn't do that to me. They are loyal and know better than to cross me. They have been with me for years, why doubt them now. No matter how much his mind tried to defend them, the suspicion grew stronger every passing second. Like a geyser...

2 years ago
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Just A Matter Of Time

[serious mood] Magic can do many things, but can it save a broken heart? How many times? One who seeks to die will find out. Just A Matter Of Time --Kiai 03aug03/14jan04 The still air is damp and chill, up here in the darkness. I'm well above the occasional cars. I can tell because their little splotches of light as they pass far below are visible through gaps in the trees. It's frustrating to have to stay silent, even up here in midair, where the bats flit past on their way from...

3 years ago
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Caught in the Act Pt 2

PART 2 – DISCOVERY Discussion about bodiesI thought, wow, where do I begin? How do you teach a beautiful mature daughter about sex? This is something that her mother should be teaching her, not her father, but here we were, me naked and her just standing there looking at my rock-hard erect cock. I took a deep breath and said “OK, this is awkward but let’s begin, I think that since I am totally naked I think that you should join me, are you comfortable in taking your clothes off too?”Melissa...

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