Jenny's Punishment Letter - The Return Visit free porn video

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Jenny entered the school secretary’s office holding her Punishment Form. The 42 year old knew the words off by heart, those her Mum had written just two days ago. The request is for 18 strokes of the cane and the reason was simply caught lying. Jenny’s Mum had berated her and Jenny had promised it was the very last time but no matter what Jenny said her Mum filed out the Form, handed it to her daughter, and whilst she was still in the room phoned Mrs. Denver’s office, spoke to Charlotte, and requested a time slot for Jenny to attend the school and receive her punishment.

Today was the day and Jenny’s Mum even telephoned her this morning to remind her, as if she needed reminding. Her Mum added,

“Don’t forget to pick up your punishment letter and come here afterwards so I can give you your spanking as well, unless you want double from Mrs. Denver of course.”

Jenny grimaced at the after thought. “No Mum, I won’t forget, I don’t want a second dose from Mrs. Denver, not for the same mistake.”

Her Mum was happy with the retort, maybe Jenny was learning. Jenny was learning. She had chosen to put herself under the parent Discipline Scheme run by Mrs. Denver and had given her Mum full authority to complete a Punishment Form, just like this one. This was now the seventh time Jenny had attended Mrs. Denver for discipline. The gap between visits was lengthening and Jenny felt her overall behaviour was improving. Maybe she was getting over confident. Maybe her Mum was getting stricter. Either way this was now the second visit in two weeks and she had told her Mum a rather bad lie. She had bought clothes on her credit card which was over the pre agreed limit. Pre agreed with her Mum not the credit card company. Her Mum had asked to see her latest statement so the lie was easily confirmed.

So Jenny was again at the school, just seven days after the previous time. On all the previous occasions her Mum had requested twelve strokes of the cane, always delivered to Jenny’s bare bottom. This time her Mum decided she needed more of a lesson and asked for eighteen strokes. Eighteen! Jenny knew where to go as she made her way to Mrs. Denver’s Study, passing several students she knew, friends of her daughter, girls who had been to their house, girls who knew today was detention day for the adults, so girls who knew exactly what was going to happen to Jenny Howe. She could tell from the knowing glances the girls knew that Mrs. Howe was again on her way to see Mrs. Denver for you know what.

Jenny knocked on the door of the outer office just as another group of girls passed by. Adults didn’t need to knock, well not if they were coming to see Mrs. Denver to discuss their sons or daughters. They did have to knock if they were there to be punished, and Mrs. Howe knocked, and waited.

“Come,” said the voice from behind the door.

Jenny breathed deeply as she opened the door, stepped inside, and closed the door quietly behind her.

“Oh hello Jenny,” Charlotte said enthusiastically. The 25 year old secretary to Mrs. Denver smiled brightly at the newly arrived Jenny who quickly looked around the room. The first person she was Olivia, her 17 year old daughter. Jenny knew Olivia was attending detention as well today but had hoped she would attend at a different time. They smiled at each other, bot blushing and both glancing at the others.

There were two girls who Jenny thought were first years so 16 years old, and a third girl who Jenny judged was 18 years old. They were waiting patiently, when just then there came a howl from Mrs. Denver’s Study. Jenny recoiled as it didn’t sound like the voice of a boy student. Jenny looked quizzically at Charlotte who nodded her head and said,

“It’s Donald Fox. His wife, you know, Lucy, sent him here because he got drunk at a party and got, well, too friendly to one of the other Mum’s.”

Charlotte looked at the Punishment Letter and read out,

“Twenty four with the cane. He’s had twenty two already.”

Jenny knew Donald and his wife. Lucy was known to be the strict one in her family. Just then Jenny realised one of the sixteen year olds was Beth, Donald’s daughter. How strange, both adults being disciplined today had a daughter there as well and who was also to be punished. Strange and humiliating Jenny thought.

Just then another howl from Mrs. Denver’s room. Jenny looked at the students and they were all looking at the floor, a couple were rubbing their bottoms, all will have been sympathetic to Donald’s plight, and all will soon be feeling the wrath of Mrs. Denver as she dealt with them. They all held their breath as the final stroke brought an even louder yell from Donald. There was the sound of Mrs. Denver scolding Donald, then the instruction to get dressed and report to Charlotte. A few moments later the door opened and Donald came out. He saw Jenny and blushed, looked across the room at Beth and scrunched his face up. Jenny reckoned she had not been in the room when Donald first arrived so he was unaware his daughter had heard the punishment through the thin walls.

Donald went to stand by Charlotte’s desk and when asked by Charlotte confirmed the number of strokes which Charlotte entered neatly in to the Punishment Book. Jenny saw several entries on Donald’s page so another regular attendee of Mrs. Denver’s. Charlotte finally handed Donald the Punishment Letter and as always told him,

“Don’t forget to have this signed and brought back in the morning. If you fail to get it signed or brought back you must come back for a double punishment. Let’s see, yes it’s your wife who must sign your letter so I suppose she will give you her own spanking before signing the letter.”

Donald replied,

“Yes Miss Johnson, my wife will be home tonight to deal with me.”

Jenny smiled to herself at the Miss Johnson bit. It was always Charlotte, except on punishment days. Jenny knew she will be addressing the secretary as politely herself. Donald looked across at Jenny again and nodded his head as he left the outer office giving his daughter a last smile. Mrs. Denver clicked the intercom and asked.

“”Who’s next Charlotte?”

“Charlotte replied,

“Mrs. Howe is here.” The adults always jumped the queue when it came to being punished and so Jenny would be the next person to enter Mrs. Denver’s Study.

“Send her in please,” Mrs. Denver said in her snappy tone of voice.

Charlotte smiled at Jenny who took another deep breath, looked at the door, and walked over to it. She stood by it and knocked. That was the rule and all the girls knew and obeyed it. A show of respect, and as Jenny knew only too well, the transfer of authority from one adult to another.

“Come,” Mrs. Denver said after a moment. Jenny disappeared inside the Study and walked over to Mrs. Denver’s desk, passing the caning chair already facing in to the room, already well used Jenny knew. Jenny stood in front of the desk looking at Mrs. Denver who was writing something, another show of authority as if it was needed, before Mrs. Denver looked up and asked,

“How is your Mum Jenny?”

Jenny blinked with surprise but managed to stutter an answer,

“Erm very well thank you Mrs. Denver, very well indeed.”

“I am glad to hear it. A pity you found it necessary to lie to her though isn’t it. Eh girl, eh?”

Jenny blushed at the question. Yes it was silly she knew but she so wanted the dress even though she couldn’t afford it. Mrs. Denver didn’t wait for the answer but just added,

“Well let’s teach you the error of your ways shall we?”

Again Mrs. Denver didn’t expect an answer as she looked at the piece of paper in front of her and said to the table,

“Let’s see, eighteen strokes. Right then, let’s get going shall we.”

Mrs. Denver stood up, looked at Jenny and said sternly,

“Please take your skirt and knickers off Jenny and put them on the table.”

Jenny did as she was told whilst Mrs. Denver walked across the room to the cane cupboard and took out a senior cane. Jenny looked across just in time to see which cane Mrs. Denver had chosen although she had quite expected it. Jenny had removed her skirt and knickers as instructed just as Mrs. Denver got back to the desk, this time standing next to Jenny. She ordered,

“Bend over please Jenny.”

Jenny turned and went to the chair bending down and grabbing the seat of the chair. Mrs. Denver stood behind and to the side of the 42 year old and tapped the cane on her bottom. Mrs. Denver wasn’t ready to start yet though. She needed to know Jenny won’t be repeating her mistake and certainly not lying about it again. Mrs. Denver stated to scold Jenny, just as her Mum had done, forcing Jenny to answer why she had done, yes she did know she shouldn’t have done, no she won’t do it again, yes it was childish and immature, yes she does deserve to be punished, and so on and so on.

Jenny knew very well that the conversation will be clearly overheard in the outer office, that all four girls will be trembling as she is forced to respond to Mrs. Denver’s questioning, including Olivia, her own daughter. Jenny hated this bit more than the caning. Well maybe not more than the caning but she really could do without it. Why couldn’t Mrs. Denver just cane her and get it over with, but of course she knew why. The end result was going to be the caning but the questioning will also be remembered, and may be Jenny will this time actually learn she cannot get away with lying. Maybe. Probably not though and both Mrs. Denver and Jenny knew it. The other reason was the impact the scolding will be having on the girls outside. Mrs. Denver had instructed Charlotte to make sure there was always a crowd in the outer office. She was certain that any boy or girl who was thinking of being naughty would think again when he or she heard both the intense scolding and the punishment itself, whether that be an across the knee spanking or a full blown caning.

Mrs. Denver was satisfied Jenny was now geared up sufficiently for the caning, that she would think twice next time, and may be twice will be enough, but either way the caning will now start. The girls outside heard finally Mrs. Denver announce,

“Right Jenny, eighteen strokes.”

Charlotte knew the number and so did Olivia, but not the other girls who gasped, put their hands to their mouths in shock, and each whispered, “Eighteen!”

Charlotte put her finger to her lips and shushed them, and the girls fell silent. Next moment there was the unmistakable sound of cane slicing through air followed by the thwack of the cane landing home and a second later the quite distinct groan from Jenny as the 42 year old held on to the chair to stop herself standing up whilst the pain spread across her bare bottom cheeks.

Mrs. Denver rubbed her hand across the bare bottom and remarked,

“I see you have kept your bottom well creamed Jenny, very wise.”

The girls in the outer office looked at each other, their mouths dropped open, and two started to giggle. That was really funny they thought. Charlotte again shushed them up. The next moment the girls heard the second stroke hit home and knew Jenny’s cry was louder than the first time. The girls held their breath a second as they considered Olivia’s Mum having to take the cane, at her age. The third stroke hit home and Jenny’s gasp was even louder but Charlotte had her finger to her lips already and no one said anything. The fourth stroke hit home followed by the inevitable yell, then the fifth and sixth. The girls stayed quiet thinking about their own punishments to come.

The phone rang on Charlotte’s desk. She picked up the receiver and after a few moments said,

“Oh I see, well I will just let her know. Hang on please.”

Charlotte put the caller on hold and rang Mrs. Denver’s extension. Everyone heard Mrs. Denver say,

“What is it girl?” Everyone could hear Mrs. Denver as though she were in the outer office but Charlotte explained the reason for the interruption and a calmer Mrs. Denver said,

“OK then.”

A few moments later Mrs. Denver opened her door and Jenny walked out still naked below the waist.

“Stand there with your hands on your head until I call you back in.” Mrs. Denver pointed to the wall adjacent to her door.

Jenny stood right up against the wall with her hands on her head, her bare bottom and the six wicked looking red weal’s for all to see. Mrs. Denver disappeared back in to her Study. Charlotte said to the caller,

“Transferring you now,” before replacing the phone. No one could hear Mrs. Denver now, proof she spoke very loudly on purpose when scolding the unfortunate person she was disciplining in her Study.

The girls stared at Jenny’s bottom. Beth said,

“Look at those tramlines.”

The other two girls giggled but Olivia felt sorry for her Mum and stayed quiet. Charlotte shushed them again, but as they could not hear Mrs. Denver they assumed Mrs. Denver couldn’t hear them. A mistake. Beth and the others made more choice comments, much to the Jenny’s embarrassment, and even Olivia started laughing and saying how hard it will be for her Mum to sit down tonight. The banter went on for several minutes and try as she might Charlotte could not make them stop. The moment the Study door opened the chatter did stop.

“What is going on out here? How dare you girls.” Mrs. Denver looked very cross, glared at Charlotte and asked,

“Who was the main culprit?”

Charlotte knew better than to resist and said,

“Emma Mrs. Denver.”

Emma blushed, looked at the floor, and said a quiet,

“Sorry Miss.”

What about the others?”

“Well the others joined in afterwards.”

“All of them?”

“Yes Mrs. Denver, well not Jenny.”

“Right then.” Mrs. Denver looked at Emma and asked sharply,

“Sorry you say? Really? What are you here for?”

“Six of the cane Miss.”

Mrs. Denver said, “It’s twelve now.”

Mrs. Denver looked at the other two girls who said there were here for a hand spanking and were told that had now been upgraded to include the paddle. Olivia was told her twelve strokes were now fifteen. Charlotte was busy altering the punishments both in the Punishment Books and in the Punishment Letters to be given to the parents. Finally Mrs. Denver looked at Charlotte and said,

“How come you couldn’t control them Charlotte. I will be giving you six strokes before you go home.”

Charlotte blushed and said,

“Please Mrs. Denver I tried.”

“Did you? Well next time try harder, and for arguing you will now get twelve which I hope gives you more to think about.

The girls looked wide eyed. They knew Charlotte was also disciplined but this was the first time they had heard first hand. They looked at Charlotte who now opened her page in the Punishment Book and made the new entry and then took out a Punishment Letter and filled that in. Only Mrs. Denver knew Charlotte was going home with Mrs. Denver tonight and it will be she who gives her a spanking and signs the Punishment Letter.

Mrs. Denver spoke to the back of Jenny’s head and ordered the 42 year old back in to her Study then turned to Beth and ordered her in to her Study as well, saying sharply,

“You may as well see what a hard caning is like young lady because I will be using the senior cane on you rather than the junior cane.”

Beth looked shocked. The older girls had told her how much more the senior cane hurt compared with the junior cane. She sniffed as she followed the two older women in to the Study. Mrs. Denver told Beth to stand just behind Jenny so she had a perfect view of the cane hitting the bottom. Jenny wanted to object. It was bad enough for a 42 year old to be caned, but to be watched by a 17 year old girl, and one not related to her, was unbelievably degrading. She didn’t object though because she knew it would get her nowhere, or more likely extra strokes, yes more likely several additional strokes, so she bent down, her bottom on full view, to the 17 year old. What was also embarrassing was how Mrs. Denver was again speaking loudly and explaining to Beth just how deserved the caning was and how Mrs. Howe was a persistent liar. Beth answered mechanically. It got worse for Jenny when Mrs. Denver said after the second set of six strokes,

“Give Mrs. Howe’s bottom a rub, touch the weal’s, and see what you think of them.”

Jenny had to stand still whilst the 17 year old rubbed her bare sore bottom and ran her finger tips across the weal’s, the tears still running down her cheeks from the caning which hid her newer tears of indignity having her bottom rubbed.

A few moments later and Mrs. Denver started the third set of six strokes and Beth watched as again Jenny was yelling out as the cane bit in to her bare bottom and Beth getting more and more edgy thinking that she was more than likely to be next. Mrs. Denver swung the cane keenly and Jenny was screaming by the second stroke. The third stroke had one leg kicking out, the fourth had her bending both legs, the fifth wiggling her bottom to try to dissipate the awful burning stinging pain, which of course it didn’t, and the sixth was certainly the hardest stroke she had ever received, but no matter how bad the pain of each stroke Jenny always ensured she didn’t let go of the chair which would mean an automatic additional set of strokes. The tears flowed down Jenny’s cheeks and fell on to the seat of the chair. Jenny kept crying after the final stroke, her chest heaving, her breathing heavy, her legs still bending, her bottom still shaking, her hands still gripping the seat of the chair for dear life.

Mrs. Denver told Beth to wait outside and when alone she rubbed Jenny’s bottom herself which Jenny found soothing at least. Jenny was shocked though when instead of just rubbing she ran her fingers between Jenny’s legs, clutching her pussy and squeezing, feeling the wetness which she knew from Charlotte meant that Jenny Howe was aroused by the caning, not just disciplined. Mrs. Denver smiled as Jenny started to moan, not even aware why, but enjoying the sensation, gyrating her waist as Mrs. Denver rubbed, her fingers going deeper and deeper inside her pussy until she felt the fingers massaging her clit, and just as Jenny was starting to reach orgasm Mrs. Denver stopped, suddenly, unexpectedly, saying sternly so the girls in the outer office could clearly hear,

“OK Mrs. Howe, you can get dressed and go, but don’t forget to speak to Charlotte and get your punishment letter.”

Jenny stood up and through very wet eyes looked quizzically at Mrs. Denver. Had the older woman really touched her in such a private area, had she really nearly brought her to orgasm? Had she imagined it? The pain was just so terrible, maybe she imagined it. Jenny sobbed loudly as she slipped her knickers back on, making sure the elastic didn’t snap back too hard as she knew that would sting. Jenny put her skirt back on, and her heels, said,

“Thank you Mrs. Denver,” in an almost questioning voice.

Mrs. Denver was quite stern as she ignored the implied question and sat at her desk and read some papers. Jenny turned and walked out of the Study, still unsure. She looked at the girls and knew immediately how in awe they were, knowing of the punishment she had received. Beth in particular swallowed hard and gasped when the intercom went and Mrs. Denver announced,

“Charlotte, send Beth in please.”

Beth closed her eyes momentarily before going to the Study door, knocked, and entered when instructed. Jenny walked over to Charlotte’s desk.

“How many Jenny?” Charlotte looked up at Jenny and saw her red eyes and tear streaked face and thought how gorgeous she looked and when Jenny confirmed eighteen strokes Charlotte wrote the number in to the Punishment Book confirming the correct number. Charlotte then completed Jenny’s Punishment Letter and handed it to her. Jenny held her breath when Charlotte handed her the letter but instead of just letting go of the letter she quickly grabbed Jenny’s hand and squeezed, saying,

“If you want to talk let me know Jenny, it might help.”

Jenny was again thrown not quite knowing her feelings just then. She did know she had a throbbing between her legs and that her knickers were wet, unsure how that could be after being caned so hard, but she was aroused, very aroused. Just then everyone in the outer office heard the swish of the cane from inside the Study. The thwack as it hit home, and the shriek from Beth. Stroke after stroke thwacked home and Beth shrieked louder and louder. Jenny looked at Charlotte and realised that whilst one hand was on the desk the other was hidden, resting on her lap. Jenny knelt down and saw under the desk and Charlotte had her hand between her legs, her skirt raised, and just as another thwack emanated from the Study do Charlotte pressed her fingers harder on to her pussy. Jenny stood up and caught Charlotte’s eye. Charlotte blushed but smiled in a friendly way and Jenny smiled back. So, Charlotte was turned on by listening to the caning. Then Jenny remembered that Charlotte too was to be caned by Mrs. Denver. Did she get turned on by being caned as well she wondered?

Jenny waited in the outer office for Olivia to be disciplined. Jenny heard every time the cane hit Beth and listened to every scream, but she realised it wasn’t just a feeling of them both being under discipline as she felt tingling between her legs as she remembered the caning she had just received. There was a realisation that she was being turned on just like Charlotte and when Jenny caught Charlotte’s eye they smiled at each other, a friendly comforting smile. Beth came out after her caning bawling her eyes out and rubbing her bottom and from the look on her face the caning must have been every bit as hard as Mrs. Denver had threatened. The other girls went in one after the other and also came out crying. Jenny heard each girl being reprimanded, told to take down her knickers and bend across Mrs. Denver’s lap. They had not been spanked with a hairbrush before and told Charlotte how much it had stung. They could not even begin to think what the cane would be like. Finally it was Olivia’s turn to knock on Mrs. Denver’s door and enter when told. Listening to Olivia being caned was the worst, not that she shouted out as loudly, but because it was her own daughter. Jenny counted all fifteen strokes then waited for her daughter to come out of the Study. Olivia looked at her Mum and whilst her eyes were tear filled Olivia seemed calm, breathing only slightly more heavily than usual, as though she had endured the punishment as hard as it might have been, but now she was composed. Jenny didn’t understand that at all. Olivia stood quietly as Charlotte completed the Punishment Book and gave Olivia her Punishment Letter.

Jenny and Olivia left Charlotte’s office just as the intercom went and Mrs. Denver announced, “Come in Charlotte, I need to discipline you before we go home.”

Jenny turned to look at Charlotte who returned her look with an embarrassed smile and Jenny immediately realised what that meant. Mrs. Denver and Charlotte were lovers and the fact Charlotte was rubbing her own pussy when listening to the girls being caned meant she really was turned on, so maybe she was also turned on by being caned as well. Was she, she wondered?

Jenny and Olivia walked in silence clutching their Punishment Letters but neither said anything until they left the Academy gates. Jenny was the first to speak.

“Olivia, we need to phone Grandma and arrange to go over so we can get our Punishment Letters signed.”

Olivia answered quickly,

“I’m going over now Mum, I arranged it this morning.”

Jenny was surprised but said,

“Have you dear? Shall I come too?”

Olivia looked at her Mum and said,

“Sure Mum, Grandma said it would be OK.”

“Did she?” Jenny was incredulous.

Olivia was unruffled. “Yes Mum, I told her you were getting caned today and she said you will need to get your letter signed so reckoned you will be calling her.”

Jenny was surprised how in command Olivia was, her 17 year old daughter was almost controlling her. So assertive in fact. Her 17 year old daughter is more sure, more calm, than herself. Olivia continued,

“Lucy would like to meet you Mum.”

Jenny was again surprised, “What, Beth’s Mum?”

Olivia said with an almost mocking laugh,

“Yes, Beth’s Mum,” then continued more seriously, “She needs a fourth.”

Jenny asked innocently, “What for?”

“Olivia stopped walking and looked straight at her Mum, “Mrs. Denver and Charlotte are lovers Mum and like tonight Charlotte will be giving her discipline letter to Mrs. Denver for her to sign so first she gets spanked by Mrs. Denver and then will sleep over. Get it?”

Jenny didn’t quite get it, so Olivia continued,

“Grandma explained it to me the other day. Lucy and Mrs. Denver have become friends since Don has been disciplined by Mrs. Denver. This weekend Charlotte will be staying at Mrs. Denver’s knowing she has to behave impeccably or be spanked. Mrs. Denver has asked Lucy to join them and to bring a friend, you know, who might also benefit from being taught the benefit of behaving faultlessly or else get spanked. Then comes the sleep over bit Mum. Understand now?”

“Why should Lucy’s friend be spanked?”

“Because Mum both Mrs. Denver and Lucy will be very very strict and the slightest misbehaviour earns a spanking. Grandma told me it’s helped Charlotte learn how to behave better so you only do it if you think being made to behave properly will do you some good as well, but listening to Grandma I can tell you she will think it a good idea.”

“What?” Jenny was incredulous, but somehow interested. She still looked flustered but Olivia continued,

“Grandma tells me you still need to improve on the behaviour front Mum.”

Jenny could not get over her Mum talking to her daughter so openly about her lack of discipline. It was so embarrassing, but Jenny set that to one side and thought about Lucy disciplining her. Lucy is a very attractive woman for sure. Jenny’s thoughts were interrupted by Olivia,

“Lucy spanks very hard Mum.”

Jenny responded quickly,

“How do you know that?”

“Well Mum I sleep over at Beth’s what two weekends a month, and on every occasion Beth and I earn at least one and mostly two spankings each. Lucy is very strict Mum, I mean really strict, but we know the rules and if we break them then bosh, it’s over her lap we have to go, and I can tell you once Lucy has dealt with us we are both always in tears for ages after each spanking and last time Lucy used the hairbrush like forever and I was sore for two days when I got home. Mind you Beth and I comfort each other afterwards with cuddles and, erm, the like.”

Jenny knew nothing of this but chose not to ask Olivia what ‘and the like’ meant, remembering her own experiences when her daughters age. Jenny thought for a moment then decided to make two phone calls. The first to her Mum.

“Yes Mum eighteen strokes and they really hurt …. Yes Mum, it taught me a lesson I won’t forget in a hurry … Yes if that’s Ok I’ll come over with Olivia now … Ok Mum yes the heavier hairbrush, I’m sure Olivia will accept it as well … What just me? How come Mum? ... Oh I see … No I’m not arguing Mum … Yes of course Mum I know it’s a punishment … See you soon Mum.”

Olivia was smiling as she heard half the conversation. Jenny said afterwards,

“Your Grandma thinks I’m relapsing and wants to make sure I don’t so I get the heavier hairbrush. I guess I won’t be sitting on my butt for quite a while.”

Olivia was a bit miffed only her Mum was going to get the heavier hairbrush. She was thinking she may have to give her Grandma some lip. Jenny’s second call was to Lucy,

“Yes Lucy, I think it will help me a lot … Saturday midday through to late Sunday afternoon, sounds good, what about clothes … Really? No change of clothes needed just some fresh knickers? Oh I see .... Yes I am sure a vest and knickers make admirable sense … Yes having to be well behaved will do me a lot of good.”

Olivia smiled when she saw the realisation spread across her Mum’s face. Over twenty four hours and no clothes needed. Olivia almost choked when her Mum gave her next answer,

“Yes, … Yes my nipples are erect Lucy … Yes I suppose that is what it means … Well I look forward to being comforted afterwards Lucy I’m sure I’ll need it … Oh of course, as soon as I arrive I will remember to address you as Miss Fox .. Saturday it is … Yes, I am on my way to my Mum to get my Punishment Letter signed ... Yes with Olivia … I am sure it will hurt Lucy, I mean Miss Fox, no I mean Lucy.”

Jenny realised she had just been talked in to what is bound to be several very hard spankings yet her nipples were pressing out through her bra and she knew her knickers were more than just moist. Olivia enjoyed listening to her Mum getting more and more flustered and for a while they walked in silence. After a while a still deep in thought Jenny asked her 17 year old daughter,

“Lucy is strict and spanks hard you say Olivia?”

Olivia replied firmly making every word quite distinct,

“She is very strict and spanks very hard Mum, very long and very very hard.”

This story continues the Jenny Punishment Letter series which strts with - Mrs. Denver Punishes Mother and Daughter - Part One.
The Jenny series is a spin off from the Mrs. Denver series.

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New Catherine Dixons Punishment

Catherine Dixon’s Punishment                              By Jonnyboy      A Five part Story taken from certain events now reworked from the original by the Author who reserves copyright.    This story is for the most part a work of fiction and should be viewed as such only by those over eighteen who view it as such and have no objection to the subjects of bondage/ bdsm/sexual slavery/voyeurism and emotional incest.        Synopsis:  Oblivious as to their real motives after being told they...

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Catherines Punishment

Cathy Dixon looked into her full length bedroom mirror, pulling down on the soft cashmere jumper that seemed to cling to her v  ??????????????????????????????? Catherine?s Punishment? ??????????? A? Forty something mum is forced to submit to her schoolboy son?s friends????????????????????????   ?Ouch, please Sean?..for Christ?s sake, it hurts too much, please, you?re going to kill me, please stop! Groaned the young schoolboy through tears of pain and shame.  The Gymnasium changing...

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Charlottes Punishment Letter

This is the third story in the current series about Mrs Denver. She has disciplined three adults, as well as giving 42-year-old Jenny Howe her second punishment. Charlotte goes home so her Mum can discipline her again and sign her Punishment Letter. It doesn’t go as smoothly as Charlotte had hoped. 25 year old Charlotte Thomson and 39 year old Kelly Hall were both rubbing their bottoms as they walked away from the Academy, each with their Punishment Letter in their hand. Jenny stayed at the...

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Jennys Punishment Letter

Jenny sat on a seat in the hallway clutching her Punishment Letter. She was still stinging from the punishment already given to her by the dominant Headmistress. Now, as her Mum was away, Mrs Denver was going to deal with her, just one hour after punishing her. She was exhilarated and pensive at the same time, still tensing her thighs and giving herself a series of mini orgasms. She still managed a wicked smile as she watched Charlotte and Kelly Hall leave the Academy, both rubbing their...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 29

Carrying a tray laden with Coffee and breakfast things up to her bedroom, wearing nothing other than a leather collar and leash, wasn’t an experience Annie Day had previously participated in at 9 in the morning and certainly not at the same time on the dot every morning, in fact until a few months ago such an exercise was something Annie would never have dreamed of. Certainly not before having her home and her very existence taken over by Olga, the burly East European dominant Lesbian. In...

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Kellys Punishment Letter

This is the final part of the story. Jenny, Charlotte, and Kelly, have all been disciplined by Mrs Denver. Three Mum’s who are spanked by the Headmistress who runs the Academy attended by their daughter’s. Each being given a Punishment Letter under the Parent Discipline Scheme. Each needing to ask for a spanking today or receive a double punishment tomorrow. This is the story of 39-year-old Kelly getting her second spanking. When Kelly parted company with Charlotte outside the Academy, she saw...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 15

Comfortably reclining in the large antique leather chair behind his huge antique oak desk, the imposing figure of Peter Harris gazed with huge satisfaction and no little pride at the two almost identical women, both with hands were clasped together behind their Blonde heads. Peter’s huge desk, upon which on its two far corners, Catherine Dixon and her daughter Caroline, each adorned with large identical nipple rings, gazed down toward the surface of the huge desk, each wearing only a...

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Mother and Daughter Punishment Letter Ordeal

This continues the story of the mother and daughter caned by Mrs. Denver together called Mrs. Denver Spanks Mother and Daughter. Eventually Jenny had recovered enough from the caning to phone her Mother. She still didn’t want her to spank her, and even knowing the argument was useless she was again the arrogant 42 year old who had survived a caning and expected to convince her Mum not to spank her but to just sign the letter. Olivia listened to her Mum as she phoned Grandma to explain she...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 13

At his huge desk, Sean Brady studied the lithe buxom and clearly nervous figure in the chair opposite and smiled at the gorgeous vision before him. Wearing a summer blouse and lightweight Blue skirt, Caroline Dixon really looked the proverbial million dollars’. Sean had been delighted when her brother Dan had told him his sister Caroline wanted to see him again, to confront Sean about any possible Involvement he had with his Mother, then even more so, when Caroline had Called him to...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 28

An incessant ringing of the doorbell had been non stop and persistent enough to wake and tell the sleepy naked Caroline Dixon the caller was going nowhere until someone had answered and as there was no way she was about to rush around getting dressed, an annoyed Caroline Dixon eventually decided the naked and disheveled handcuffed figure of her Aunt Vicky, who’s head had remained between her legs while both of them had slept, would just have to answer the annoying doorbell, a minor annoyance...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 23

Victoria Preston Aware her ‘work schedule’ meant his Aunt Vicky had a free day, although by now quite used to her nephew Dan coming and going as he wished, Victoria Preston was none the less surprised and alarmed to see to see her nephew Dan confidently striding into her bedroom the morning after his Mother had ‘entertained’ Annie Day. In fact fresh from being on the receiving end of a great blow job from his Mother Catherine, Dan was carrying out the request of Annie Day that he check up...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 14

Breakfast time at the Dixon household the following morning was a quiet affair, where Mother, daughter and Son all appeared to be lost in thought. As indeed they were, and although shortly having to leave for what his Mother assumed to be his day at College, Dan was unable to resist furtive glances at both His Mother and Sister Caroline, both of whom he’d witnessed first hand in the ‘Bookshop’ the previous day. Although Sean hadnt allowed him to observe what Dan assumed to be His sister’s...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 27

The argument between the student and his teacher was certainly enough to severely annoy the teacher, as had the insults he’d thrown in her direction, accusing her of being nothing but an old slut in need of a good fuck, so much so, that the slap to the face the teacher had then given her student had been enough to send the previously rowdy classroom into a stunned silence. A silence which led to the teacher diverting her attention away from the stunned student she’d just slapped and toward...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 4

The two weeks spent without hearing from her young ‘Master’ Sean Brady seemed to last an eternity to Catherine Dixon, for having been administered by an expert, Catherine’s piercing had gone well and the slight soreness in her nipple had disappeared after only a few days. So To her pleasant surprise, m Catherine was soon proudly moving the small gold ring around her healed nipple with ease, astonished at just how much more sensitive her nipple had now become. Indeed it appeared to Catherine...

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The Stepmother Part I My Punishment for my Secret Desire

This sex story series is about me and a few or more of my favorite pornstars, Brandi Love, Syren De Mer, Roxanne Hall, Lisa Ann, Julia Ann, and Phoenix Marie and two of my favorite pornstars, Madelyn Marie and Madison Ivy. There will probably be more of my favorite MILF pornstars and my favorite pornstars that might be added to this sex series. In this sex story, Brandi Love stars as my ridiculously rich MILF stepmother who has been watching me since my dad died when I was fourteen. We have...

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Jennys Detention

Jenny has to attend detention Jenny had been on her best behaviour nearly all week, well since her last visit to Mrs. Denver for 18 strokes of the cane followed by a visit to her Mum to have her Punishment Letter signed and the obligatory across the knee bare bottom spanking, which her Mum had happily enhanced with her large wooden backed oval hairbrush. Jenny’s embarrassment wasn’t helped when she returned to the Academy the following day to hand in her Punishment Letter at the same time as...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 22

“Good morning mother, how did things go with your visitor yesterday, I’m sorry I didn’t get home before she left although Annie Day seemed to be a nice enough lady when I met her at Auntie Vicky’s after my football practice” Dan Dixon enquired of his all but naked mother when taking a seat across the breakfast table from his Mother Catherine. Sore and aching from the brutal sexual assault she’d suffered the previous afternoon at the hands of the very woman her son Dan was now almost...

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Jennys First Black Cock2

PART TWOJackie, Jenny’s sister, had been gone for about two weeks when I saw Jenny at the apartment laundry room. Jenny had not spoken to me since Jackie and I hooked up on Halloween night, and I must admit, that white girl wore me out. We fucked Halloween night, and part of the next day before Jenny called her and told her to get her ass back to the apartment. I could tell by Jackie’s expression when she left my place that Jenny was mad at her.In the laundry room, Jenny was down at the...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 20

Caroline Dixon: If Caroline Dixon had won her own battle with her Mother for the attention and affections of their ‘owner’ Peter Harris when at his large country Manor House, the situation in the Dixon Household when Caroline paid a rare visit could be described as being a no contest between Mother and Daughter. For thanks to Dan’s edict that his Mother adopt a minuscule dress dress code about the house when he arrived home and when serving his meals, Catherine Dixon was wearing no more...

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Jennys First Black Cock

My name is Justin and I am a black male that lives in a college town in South Carolina. I have dated several white girls and have had sex with most of them. I work as a sales person at an electronics store here. This is a true story about Jenny, a hot white chick that is married to a friend of mine, Rick.I live in the same apartment complex as Rick and Jenny and we are good friends. Jenny is one fine looking white girl with an ass that just kills me. I had admired her for quite some time...

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Jennys First BlackCock 1

apartment complex as Rick and Jenny and we are good friends. Jenny is one fine looking white girl with an ass that just kills me. I had admired her for quite some time when we would get together, or when she would be at the pool in her hot bathing suit. She and I get along very well and really enjoy each other’s company. Rick works as a technical representative for a large company and travels the south eastern U.S. This requires him to be out of town during the week, usually...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 10

For the first time since her divorce Victoria Preston was wishing she still had a husband, or live in lover. Having Just days ago been subjected to the most sexual abuse that she would have believed possible and at the hands of a total stranger at that, a stranger complete with a horrific leather mask, who had beaten and sexually humiliated her, in full view that awful woman Joan and of course her nemesis Sean Brady. Now just an hour ago Sean had simply walked into her home and doing so with...

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The Stepmother Ch 1 My Punishment for my Sexual Desire

This sex story series is about me and some of my favorite pornstars, Brandi Love, Syren De Mer, Lisa Ann, Julia Ann, and Phoenix Marie. Plus, two of my favorite pornstars, Madelyn Marie and my favorite pornstar of all time, Madison Ivy. Plus more. In this sex story, Brandi Love stars as my ridiculously rich MILF stepmother who has been watching me since my dad died when I was fourteen. We have been living in my stepmoms billion dollar mansion. Four years have passed since Dad died. I am...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 7

The Countless reply texts to whoever had sent her the first dreadful text message instructing Victoria Preston to check her emails, resulted in not one single reply, or text of any kind from that ‘unknown number’ Likewise Vicky’s every attempt at sending a reply email to the perverted scumbags behind the horrified nerve jangling 45 minute long video film they’d somehow compiled of Vicky’s horrific sexual debasement at the hands and bodies of unknown abusers had been returned as being sent to...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 25

“And just where the fuck have you been?” In fact Trevor knew full well where his girlfriend Claire Taylor had been all afternoon, but he wasn’t about to allow himself to look a mug again, having already been made to look a fool when left outside the house of Annie Day by Kevin Smith, who’d then disappeared to who knows where along with with Claire’s mother Karen. “Why are you shouting at me Trevor, I’m not your property and I don’t have to tell you where I am every minute of the day!”...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 30

Apologies to regular readers for the delay. ... Although quite naturally missing her young baby child Peter, Catherine Dixon was at least content in the knowledge her son was by now in the strong caring hands of the otherwise fearsome Olga up at the Manor House of Peter Harris, the grandfather of her youngest son and now apparently half a world away, after having left the running of his ‘Business’ in the hands of his teenage son David Harris, along with Sean Brady. Sean Brady, whom...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris Letter1

During my visit to London for studies where we had an Old Ancestral Home, I stumbled on a family treasure. Apart from money and other things I also found a hump of books, dairies and notes in the treasure which contained classic, Age old, Erotic books, Novels, and Magazines probably collected by my Ancestors. They are all timeless and precious. They are a must read for all erotica lovers. I want to share them on this site, If you will permit it. i am seeking your permission This is One such...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 19

Karen Taylor If she wasn’t centre stage witnessing it herself, Karen Taylor would have had difficulty believing such events could happen in real life, when despite her own experiences of the bdsm scene she’d have now thought of herself as having been parachuted straight into one the fetish bdsm movies she so enjoyed watching cuddled up beside her lover and junior business partner, Annie Day. Although as she now stood all but naked, with her each of her widely spread bare feet standing upon...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 3

Only at the weekend, with her husband finally at home, would Catherine find some rest-bite from from constant thoughts of ‘her new young master’ as she cleaned, cooked and generally tried her best to recreate her previous family bonding. Even so, over those couple of days, Catherine could still think of very little other Sean’s treatment of her on that Wednesday afternoon. With her every such thought recalling over and again how he had quite simply conquered her body and mind and so yet...

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Jennys Detention

Jenny had been on her best behaviour nearly all week, well since her last visit to Mrs. Denver for 18 strokes of the cane followed by a visit to her Mum to have her Punishment Letter signed and the obligatory across the knee bare bottom spanking, which her Mum had happily enhanced with her large wooden backed oval hairbrush. Jenny’s embarrassment wasn’t helped when she returned to the Academy the following day to hand in her Punishment Letter at the same time as three students who watched...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 2

Catherine Dixon stood staring nervously across the large inlaid leather desk toward the big powerfully built man sitting in a huge leather swivel chair to her side, holding Catherine’s leash, stood Joan, wearing a leather skirt and jacket, waiting for her charge to speak. “Master Tony,”began Catherine eventually, It ... It is my desire to ... to demonstrate to you that I, Catherine Dixon ... fully understand I am now a trained sex slave, ready to serve my Master and owner, Sean without...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 9

As had her sister before her, Victoria Preston turned her nose up at the down-market area while looking from her car to the tired looking bookshop across the road. Then she looked back at the couple of rough looking youths who seemed to be hanging around the entrance. Looking at her watch and unaware Sean Brady was looking down at her from an upstairs window, Vicky eventually decided she was now late enough to perhaps keep Sean on tenterhooks as to whether she would turn up or not. So after...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 8

Later that week: Having followed Tony’s advice, Sean had told Kevin Smith that after he left her house he was to keep track of Victoria Prestons every movement in and out of her house over the next three days and to follow her if necessary before reporting back to Sean and Tony. An idea which very much appealed to Kevin’s innate sense of perversion and although told by Sean to remain in in his battered old car some distance away from Vicky’s house, unaware he was in fact going to observe...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 5

Slowly opening her tired eyes In the darkness of her lounge when surfacing from a deep sleep, the first thing Victoria Preston became aware of was the dreadful pounding behind her eyes accompanying the worst headache she could recall in years. After managing to reach out and switch in the table lamp side the sofa and then Looking at her watch Vicky was amazed to see the time was 2am. “Oh my god ... I feel like shit ... what’s happened?” she asked herself when after realising she wasn’t...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 11

Although seemingly each of them were deep in thought, in reality Catherine Dixon and her son Dan were if fact just too embarrassed to speak during the journey home from the party, in fact the trip had been completed in strained silence, until once indoors Mother and son retired to their respective bedrooms. There each to ponder upon that evenings momentous events. Soothing her beaten and battered body in a hot bath, Catherine’s emotions were in turmoil, for although there could have been no...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris letter4

You might well be pleased with my last letter but you have merited your own reprimand. You confess to having read it with too much action of the hand, not expecting any such very racy termination, and that when it came to such delicious mouth-fucking you were obliged to spend all over your dressing-gown. All I can say is don’t do so anymore, but come over to see me, and I will do it for you as you did it for me when we crept into each other’s beds at school. But I have more adventures to...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris letter5

A gap in the correspondence occurs here; Louisa has returned and Tom and she are meeting at Harry’s studio I closed my last letter with an intimation that we turned in for a delicious night. It was so in fact. My darling Louisa, like all her sex who have committed infidelity to us, seemed to grow doubly loving and endearing in her caresses. I don’t think we ever enjoyed a more delicious or lengthened fuck than we had after our first endearing embraces. Louisa excelled herself in the...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris letter6

I ended my last letter at a moment of utter prostration from the excess of lubricity I was then describing. Since then dear Louisa has devoted several days to ourselves, as well as three or four to Tom. We managed for her apparently to leave the house, but in reality to slip back into a snug little room. I then got rid of Tom very rapidly, and gratified that dear girl’s letch in fresh fucking her while still awash with all the plenteous streams of sperm that Tom had injected into her. I...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris Letter 08

I found myself the guest of the most charming and agreeable family. The father was a fine, handsome man of fifty-one years of age. His wife, quite younger to him, was becoming plump. She was, however, evidently in the full force of health and strength, and although somewhat too prominent in bosom and belly, one could see by her remarkably fine arms how firm her flesh was. It was evident also that her arse must be of stupendous proportions. Her step was firm and elastic, her feet small, and...

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Letters from a Friend in Paris Letter 09

I was obliged to break off my last letter, as the recollection of those two lovely creatures posing their naked and beautiful forms, all unconscious of a witness to their incestuous proceedings was too exciting for me to continue the de***********ion that day. Now that I am in a cooler mood, I will give you further details of the delicious scenes of which I was an eye-witness. A few minutes passed in mutual admiration of their enchanting forms. Louisa then taking the splendid prick of her...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 21

“You don’t think you went a little over the top with Mum do you Trevor? Asked Claire Taylor of her boyfriend when cuddling up to him in bed that night, after having stood by watching Trevor not only beating her Mother until Karen Taylor was genuinely begging for mercy, but afterward sexually using and humiliating her in a display of almost sadistic sexual domination Claire Taylor had not previously thought Trevor to be capable of. Not that Claire had been overly concerned over the suffering...

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Jennys Last Chance

Christian was the boy I was into since 7th grade. And at the age of 16 Igave him my virginity. At least in my dreams...Reality had not been so kind to me. I even started to grow my hair (whichI was wearing rather short since I was a k**) in the vain attempt to makehim like me. Well, it didn't work out and a few years later when risinghormon levels had turned my dreams of intimacy into a real need for it Ihad finally given up. But with our graduation nearing I somehow felt that Icouldn't leave...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 26

“We’ll that was fun the other night Caroline, your mother sure is one hell of a fuck, hey what do you think, you reckon we’ve done the job on the bitch, I reckon the kid will be mine not my brother’s, not that it matters when we only want to milk your mums tits” With Caroline Dixon kneeling naked upon her Masters office desk performing her duties as a living naked ‘centrepiece’ upon his desk, as was so often the case during his business meetings, Peter Harris had left the office with his...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 18

Finally having the house to herself after the departure of her son Dan and the young girl Sharon, Catherine Dixon was at long last able to take a long hot soak in her bath, but more importantly a private bath and to reflect upon her feelings, not only of how she’d yet again been sexually used and abused by both her son and his strange new girlfriend, but of how Dan had taken another giant step toward sexually owning his own Mother. For where he’d previously been satisfied sexually...

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My Brothers Punishment

MY BROTHERS PUNISHMENT by Unknown My brother and I were very young when I had the experience of seeing a neighbors daughters dress washed and hanging out on the line to dry. Having no sisters and getting to the age where I was curious about girls and the strange collection of clothing they wore how they did their hair and in general goofiness, I confided to my brother that it might be fun to play dress-up with it. We would both share playing house as I did with many of my...

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Brothers MindControlled Sisters 3 Slut Sisters Anal Punishment

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Slut Sister's Anal Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister's eighteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the Twenty-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father,...

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Catherine Dixons PunishmentChapter 24

Being led by the hand through the house of a previously complete stranger would have been a novel enough experience for Claire Taylor, although being led by the hand when wearing no more than a skimpy set of green and black satin lingerie while her breasts and nipples were jiggling around over the quarter cup bra was another matter altogether. Especially when the person clutching Claire’s hand was a tall mature grey haired stranger she only met an hour ago. This surely was an out of this...

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A Letter Reverend Mother

To: Reverend Mother Concepta,Convent of Perpetual Repentance,Old Convent Road.From: Miss Ethel Woods,Mayfield Community School for Girls,Lotamore Road,January 10th,2015.Dear Reverend Mother, I am writing to you to ask for your help in a most serious matter. I am a principal of a community school catering for girls. At present the school has 437 girls enrolled in our day school and 343 women enrolled in after school courses. I have noticed for sometime the complete lack of respect for...

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