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The Standard Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction with content suitable only for adults (and stable ones at that). If you are prohibited from reading such material by the laws or standards of your community please depart immediately. Likewise, if you can’t tell the difference between reality and fantasy please leave. Incidents and activities depicted here are purely fictional. Do not attempt to replicate them as to do so would result in injury and inconvenient discussions with the authorities.

1The Queens Vengeance


Von Hentzau

     It was almost dark when the soldiers came to fetch Lady Anne from the small chamber in the tower of London where she'd been confined since her arrest. She asked the guards why they came for her.

    "Walshingham," one replied cryptically. Lady Anne's heart sank at the name.

     Sir Francis Walshingham was secretary to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. More than that, he was her spymaster and a zealous guardian of her well being. There was not a plot afoot against the Queen in England, Scotland, the Low Countries and even France but Walshingham had insinuated his agents amongst the plotters. 

     It was Walsingham who had placed her in the household of the Queen of Scots. Her instructions had been clear. The Queen of Scots was known to be in contact with her supporters. Letters were passed back and forth, carried by traitors within the household. Lady Anne was to pose as a secret supporter of Mary. She was to gain the Queen of Scots trust, to become a courier for her, and to pass the contents of those letters on to Walshingham. But She'd been seduced by Mary. The letters she'd copied for Walshingham were fakes. The real letters she'd passed on. And Walshingham had discovered her treason.

     "You disappoint me, Lady Anne," Sir Francis said, a tone of genuine regret in his voice. "I expected better of you.  To betray my trust, not to mention to betray Her Majesty's trust!

     "This, Lady Anne," Walsingham said holding up a parchment. "is the warrant for your execution, duly signed by Her Majesty."

      Anne's heart sank at the words. Somehow, despite all, she had never believed that she would hear those words. Never believed her head would roll as so many others already had.

     "However, I have here another document, duly signed. Out of deference to the memory of your gallant father, slain by the cursed Irish rebels, the Queen has deigned to officially commute your sentence to forfeiture of lands, titles and freedom.  Your neck, Lady, shall not rest on the block. The world will know that a merciful Queen has chosen confinement in the Tower to be your fate."

     Anne's spirits soared. As long as there was life there was hope.  For one of noble birth life in the Tower could be made almost comfortable. And perhaps with time the Queen's heart might soften.

     "And now I have one more document, one the world will never see. For your treasonous acts you will forfeit lands, titles, your name, the clothes on your back, your very body and ultimately your life. In due course it will be announced that Lady Anne Uxley expired of a fever while housed in the Tower. The body, a body, one sadly changed and wasted by confinement, will be duly delivered for burial. But it will not be yours, my duplicitous wench. The Queen has decreed that you shall be delivered to  persons I shall specify at a place I shall determine, there to suffer in extremis for your disloyalty. Strip her!"

     Lady Anne stood frozen in horror as coarse hands pulled at her clothing.

     "Easy with those," Walsingham commanded. "Some poor Cheapside wretch will be spending eternity lying in them in the Uxley family crypt."

     The hands became gentler, but still worked quickly. Before she realized it or could protest Lady Anne stood completely naked before Walsingham and the crude soldiers. She felt their eyes roam up and down her body. She was taller than average, with long brown hair framing delicate face. Her waist was slender, her breasts full and slightly pendulous. Long shapely legs reached up to a full, sensual bottom. She could feel the soldiers’ lust growing as they placed hands on a body such as they could never possess.

     "Captain Marsten," Walsingham called out. A tall, broad shoulder man with a cruel, scarred face stepped forward.


     "Here is your warrant. Have this traitor taken to Trimbly and see that its terms are carried out."

     "With pleasure, M'Lord."  Something about the tone of the reply sent shivers up Lady Anne's spine. He was obviously taking pleasure in the assignment. Marsten turned to the soldiers.

     "Prepare her for transport," he ordered.

     Quickly Lady Anne's wrists were encircled by iron manacles. A strip of cloth was forced into her mouth and tied behind her head in way of a gag.  One of the solders brought a large pile of coarse sacking material and laid it at her feet. He spread it into a circle. Then she was forced to stand in the middle of it. Two soldiers grasped the edge and raised it up around her, engulfing her. It was in fact a sack. They tied the top above her head. She was pushed over into the arms of one of the men who grabbed her by the shoulders. Another grabbed her feet and lifted. She was carried none too gently through the winding halls of the Tower, her bottom often scraping the rough stone pavers.

     She felt cool air coming through the sacking. Heard the sound off horses neighing and shaking, the creak of harness. Then she was dumped in the back of what she took to be a wagon or cart. There was straw scattered on the bed, but not much. Within minutes the cart was rolling, jouncing over the cobblestones, the sound of mounted men following.

     The wagon rolled on through the night. Lady Anne tried to sleep but the constant bouncing on the rough boards combined with the fear of what was to come made it nearly impossible. Finally, sheer exhaustion put her under just as it began to grow light.

     At early afternoon the wagon stopped. The sack was untied and rolled back enough for one of the soldiers to undo the gag and give her a few sips of water. At intervals during the day and the next morning the sack was again undone and she was allowed to sip water and nibble on stale hunks of bread. But she was not removed from the sack and allowed to relieve herself. She resisted as long as she could, but the inevitable happened, accompanied soon after by curses from the wagoner.

     In the late afternoon of the second day the wagon rolled to a stop. Lady Anne was rudely dragged from the back of the wagon.

     "Don't bring that in here like that," she heard a husky female voice call out. "Wash it down first! To the horse trough with it!"

     She was stood on her feet.  The sack was undone and allowed to drop to her feet. Her lower extremities were streaked with her own waste. She stank. Suddenly buckets of cold water were being sloshed over her. A coarse mop appeared and was used liberally, with special attention to the area between her thighs. The soldiers laughed rudely at the sight.

     Captain Marsten had appeared while she was being washed. Now he ordered the soldiers to follow him, bringing the sopping wet Lady Anne with them. They crossed the courtyard, descended a half dozen steps and passed through a half sunk door to the left of the great hall. Then down a dim passageway, making several turns. Finally they entered a large, brick walled chamber

     A tall, thin woman dressed in leather and sturdy but fine quality wool stood in the center of the chamber. There was nothing fine about her appearance. Her hair had been gathered up simply and unfashionably. Her clothes, while of good quality, befit a soldier more than a lady. But her bearing gave evidence of noble birth. Two servants, rough country fellows, and a shorter, stouter, dour old woman stood in the background behind her. Two soldiers in breastplates and helms, bearing halberds, stood well back but close enough to intervene if necessary. Captain Marsten presented a document to the tall woman. She glanced at it quickly. Then she formed her thin lips into an evil smile.

     "Welcome to Trimbly Cross, Lady Anne. I am Lady Althea, the mistress of this place and my lord Walsingham's humble servant. And that was the last time you shall be addressed by the name and title that are no longer yours, for I see by this warrant Captain Marsten has delivered to us that your lands, titles and property are forfeit to the Queen. Your life will be forfeit when my lord Walsingham, upon the Queen’s direction, so declares. And until that time your body is forfeit to us, to receive such cruelties as we should choose to inflict upon it. The only stricture that my lord has placed upon us is that we do nought that will end your suffering afore the appointed time, nor do ought which shall maim or mutilate or lessen the utility of the Queen's property, which is what you now are, until such time as Her Majesty shall determine how to dispose of it. But fear not, traitorous wench, there are many way to inflict suffering that t'will make one wish for death but wish in vain.? Her smile broadened. ?And leave scarce a mark."  

     Lady Althea turned to the small group behind her.

     "William, Edmund. You know what needs to be done."  

     The two servants stepped forward and walked Lady Anne to a heavy, straight backed chair. They seated her forcefully. Her wrists were taken behind the back of the chair and fastened with leather cuffs. Her ankles were similarly fastened to the chair legs.

     One of the servants produced a pair of what looked to Lady Anne to be sheep shears. He set about hacking off her once lustrous brown hair, grabbing handfuls, pulling hard enough to bring tears to Lady Anne's eyes, then snipping the bunch away close to the scalp. When the bulk of her hair had been shorn a basin of lukewarm, soapy water and a straight razor were brought. Lady Anne’s head was shaved down to the scalp, with little care taken to avoid nicks.

     More humiliation was to come. When they'd finished with her head Lady Anne's restraints were removed. She was walked over to where a wine barrel sat in it's supports. Grasping her arms and legs the two servants laid her on her back on the barrel. Her arms and legs were spread wide and strapped in place. At first Lady Anne thought their intention was to violate her. But no, a basin and razor were brought and the servant began shaving off the hair under her arms and between her legs.  Finally she was released and stood again before Lady Althea and Captain Marsten, as naked as the day she was born.

     Lady Althea approached Lady Anne, now just Anne, if even that. She stroked the newly bald region, working her fingers into the exposed slit. Anne stood still, frozen with the humiliation of being so treated.

     "And with the felling of that last bit of shrubbery, wench, you are now bereft of your last shred of armor. You are now fully exposed, fully ours to be tormented in any, and quite possibly every, way. I always enjoy when a woman is sent to be our guest. So many ways to torture a woman. And who better to torture a woman than another woman, one who knows ...things.

     "This is Mrs. Sanchez.? Mistress Althea said, indicating a large older woman who had emerged into view from the shadows. An older woman, who had obviously seen much, too much, and one who had experienced too much, little of it good. The word "hag" immediately came to Lady Anne's mind.

     "She is my expert in punishment. Do not let the name fool you. She’s as English as any of us. In her youth Mrs. Sanchez made the mistake of falling in love with and marrying a Spaniard sea captain. She went with him to Spain. He eventually tired of her.

     "You may speak to her if you please, plead with her if it suits you. But expect neither answer nor mercy. While in Spain she had the misfortune to run afoul of the Holy Office of the Inquisition. She survived at the cost of her tongue and her ears. In return she learned many things from the Papist dogs, but compassion was not among them.

     "You see, her Spaniard had fallen for a lovely young girl. To make room for herself the girl denounced Mrs. Sanchez to the Inquisition. Mrs. Sanchez would dearly love to avenge herself on that young woman if she could, and failing that she would with delight to avenge herself on any lovely young woman who falls into her grasp."

     The hag approached closer. She circled Anne, studying her, brushing a jagged fingernail across her bottom as she did so.


     "And now, my traitorous wench, you shall have a brief taste of what your life at Trimbly Cross shall be like. Let us begin."

     A chain was lowered from high above.  At the end of the chain hung a pair of leather cuffs. Anne’s wrists were strapped into these. She heard the sound of chain dragging behind her and then her ankles were being strapped into a similar pair of cuffs. She could tell by the weight pulling the cuffs down on the insides of her ankles that they were attached to heavy chain.

     Then there was the sound of a winch being turned and her arms were drawn up over her head. The chain continued to rise, placing more and more of her weight on her wrists. She grasped the short lengths of chain that connected the cuffs to the main chain to try to relieve some of the pressure. The pressure of her weight on her arms forced her head, framed between them, forward.

     Then her feet came off the stone flagging. Up she rose for perhaps two feet. Then the chain stopped ascending. There were footsteps and then the sound of another winch being turned. She felt the slack being taken up on her ankle chain. Her legs were being drawn backwards. The chain continued to be taken up until she was hanging at a 45 degree angle, her body describing a bow shape.

     With her head forced somewhat downwards she found herself looking at her breasts. With her body at this angle they were swinging away from her chest, fully extended and displayed in a most lascivious manner. Then the thought struck her. Her lovely breasts. What if the purpose of these preparations were to make her beautiful sensitive breasts more available for torture? She couldn't stand that. Anything but...

     And the first blow landed. A heavy strap or length of coarse rope. She wasn't sure what they'd lashed her bare buttocks with, but it stung horribly. Another blow, slightly lower than the first. Then a third, still lower.  They were drawing out the beating, letting the impact of each blow sink in before landing the next, not letting the pain of one blow mask any of the pain of the prior blow. They worked their way from her buttocks down onto the backs of her thighs, then back again up to the small of her back. Tears were flowing from Anne's eyes long before they completed the journey. But she did not cry out. She was still, whatever they might have taken from her, the daughter of a gallant soldier.

     Just when she thought she could stand no more the flogging stopped. Eyes closed tight she hung limply, breathing hard. She felt hands cradling her breasts. She tensed immediately, fearing what ever it was that was about to happen.

     "We shall save these for later, traitor," Lady Althea said, giving each breast a soft squeeze. "Fear not, we shall not forget them." She released the orbs, to let them sway freely.


     "Enough for now," Lady Althea said. "Prepare her for the night."

     Anne was lowered until she was able to stand on her feet. One of the soldiers brought a short wooden bar with cuffs on either end. He forced Anne’s legs apart until he could strap the bar to her ankles. Then the Hag approached. She carried an odd implement.  It had two handles, hinged like a large shears. But instead of blades there were two flat plates, facing each other, the furthest most edge being cut or ground away in a curve.

     The Hag knelt before Anne. She fondled the lips of Anne's cunny, stroking them gently, then pulling on each in turn, softly tugging at them. She spread the flat plates of the device wide and brought it up between Lady Anne's legs. The plates slipped in the creases between Anne's thighs and her lower lips. The curving edges ensured that as much as possible of Anne's tender flesh was trapped between the jaws. The Hag gradually applied more pressure. She gave a few trial tugs. Anne could tell that the inside surfaces of the jaws were not smooth but stippled with small bumps.

     When she was certain the device would not slip off the Hag reached her hand out to the side. Edmund handed her a small gray-black orb with two hooks extending from it. The Hag attached the weight, made of lead, to the handles of the clamping device and removed her hand. The weight alone kept the jaws closed, biting fiercely at her tenderest parts.

The servants went around the chamber extinguishing torches. Lady Althea took the last with her as she went to the door.

     "We shall continue on the morrow," she said, closing the door and leaving Anne hanging in darkness and agony.

To be continued?..

Copyright is claimed by the author. Permission to copy is granted solely for personal use.

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Chapter Thirty-Seven – Malfoy’s Revenge Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mf, mmmf, x-gang, anal, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, inc, magic, oral, preg, spank, unif, voy Hermione Granger was being followed. For the last month, she had been sure that Draco Malfoy and his cronies had been following her before, between and after classes. She knew only one...

2 years ago
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A Girlfriends Revenge

Kate gently stroked Rick's cock through the thick fabric of his jeans. The movie they were watching had not raised their interest enough not to be interrupted by her groping his package as a sign of lust. Boring or not, rare were the occasions where a movie would keep them from fondling each other after more than twenty minutes.Kate unbuttoned Rick's jeans and freed his growing manhood from its cotton confinement. She laggardly pumped it, clenching her fist around it harder each time. They...

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I know, this is a very fast moving story, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. Revenge By Morpheus I stared into my empty shot glass for several minutes, before finally asking the bartender for "Another one" I was sitting in a smoke filled, half empty bar, determined to drink myself senseless. An overweight, balding man sat farther down the bar, looking just as miserable as me. I couldn't help but wondering what his story was, though I honestly didn't give a damn. I was...

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Carlas Revenge

I've found out that my wife is cheating on me and so far she and Josh don't know that I know. Josh by the way is – or was – my best friend. I know, I know, it is a cliché, but clichés get to be clichés because they happen so often. I had no idea of how I was going to handle it. The thing was that I couldn't understand why he was fucking my wife. Don't get me wrong here; my wife is definitely a hottie. She is in her mid-thirties and even after three kids she looks hot as hell in a bikini,...

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500 Time Revenge

500 Times Revenge Caution, there is a brutal revenge section in this story, and for those of you that say it can't happen or it's over the top…I beg to differ. In fact, the punishment I describe was reported in the Phoenix Times back in 2019, and was an actual event. Beginnings We met in our last year at university when I was out with friends. Sara was celebrating her 21st birthday when I met her at a local club in Nashville. I literally bumped into Sara as I walked by her table, knocking her...

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The Two Queens 4

The Two Queens Chapter 4 Back to One Queen Sir Gray knocks on Sir Troy's door. Sir Troy gets up and answers his door. When he opens the door he sees Miss Greta standing in a large robe. Immediately he notices her fresh white face, beautiful red hair, and lovely green eyes looking up at him. "Miss Greta why are you here?" Sir Troy asks. "It's me Sir Gray you big goof. Please let me in before somebody sees me!" Sir Gray says in Miss Greta's sweet voice. Sir Troy steps aside...

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Revenge Gone Wrong 8211 How My Ass Was Destroyed Because Of My Revenge

My name is Shikha.I am a sexy,slim,fair and hot girl of 25.Have got a slim figure but have a nice pair of boobs and round ass.I have this bad habit that I am more interested in having sex with boyfriends of my friends.This makes me feel more sexy and hot. The story started when I was in Delhi.It had been about 6 months in my new job and about the same time for my breakup with my boyfriend.My bf broke up with me due to friend kritika(girl) who told my bf about my past affairs.And from that...

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Revenge The idea of this story came to me while I was writing the Escape series. So I thought of giving it a shot. Please be informed that I'm still trying to improve on my English and I'm relatively new to fiction writing. This would only be the second ongoing series (only if you guys wanted it to be continued) that I've done. Comments and feedbacks are very much appreciated. I hope you guys like it. Thanks. WARNING: This story contains TG, violence and surgery. The vengeful...

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Slow Smoldering Revenge Helen was my boss. Around two years ago I had reason to question some tax advice she had provided to a client. At the time I was 59 and was a senior tax adviser for a major firm of accountants. To ensure accuracy it was necessary for advice to be checked by a second person, in my case by Helen, and in her case by the tax partner. Although I was Helen's junior I had considerable more experience than she did having worked for many year for a major bank and having...

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Timestoppers Revenge

The memory of myself as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants of the...

4 years ago
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Time stop Revenge

I had a memory of myself, as a toddler, playing with a balloon, and then BANG – it was gone. I guess it was the shock of the bursting balloon that had startled me into my reaction, but I felt something tense just north of my stomach, and everything went quiet. Looking around I could see everything was stopped. My parents were in the process of turning towards me and the family dog’s head was just starting to come up from its paws where it was laid by the fire. There were still some remnants...

2 years ago
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A Tale of Revenge

"So I wasn't sure why Vito Corleone stabbed that old fat Don," Tricia said in her English accent. She put down the spindle of yarn and rubbed her neck. "I know it was supposed to be for revenge, the old Don had killed the rest of his family, but he'd gotten away from Sicily. What would he gain by killing the man?" Kit Cameron listened to this with an amused smile. "You don't understand what revenge is all about, do you?" she asked with her soft southern accent. Like her friend...

3 years ago
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The Two Queens 6

The Two Queens Chapter 6 Miss Greta's Return On the way back with Sir Troy in the Queen's royal wagon, Sir Gray notices that the sun is beginning to set. As a man, it's taking all of his strength to keep the horses going at full gallop. Sir Gray knows when the sun sets and he and when transforms into Miss Greta there is no way to keep this pace. As the sun begins to set he pulls the reins and makes the horses stop so he can transform. Sir Gray quickly grabs some of Miss Greta's...

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Sweet revenge

This happened about 5 years ago, I was 17 and in the sixth form of a mixed school in Surrey. I had a great time at school, the only thing that spoiled it was a boy in my class called Peter, Peter was a bit of a jack the lad, he was quiet good looking, and he knew it. The worst thing was that he was a bit of a pervert, always trying to look up girls skirts, patting there bums and trying to touch their breasts. He would do it in front of his mates, I guess he thought it made him look big in front...

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Morphic Adaptation Unit Sams Revenge

Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge A man finds a strange alien device, and after tinkering a bit, discovers that it allows him to change his body. He comes up with a great idea to get back at a pair of friends. ********************************************************************** Morphic Adaptation Unit: Sam's Revenge Prologue First Tm'skor was having a bad day. This had started as a very routine day on another routine freight run on just one more routine Fwirthian...

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Jealousy and Revenge

This story is my own Work though originally posted on another site. I have used it to open my account and hope to have a completely new story for this site shortly. Till Then I hope you enjoy my work. The story is completely fictional. ____________________________________ As I sit listening the songs on my media player the words "Sometimes all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you" echo into my head phones. Tears start down my cheeks as I recall our argument...

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A Cross Dressers Revenge

CROSS DRESSERS REVENGE BY JANICE I was fifteen years old when I was beaten up and raped by three big adults. I was on my way home from Martial Arts school when it happened. I was pretty good, tops in my class, but that was little help to a teen age boy against three big drunks, aside from being beat up, I was also sexually assaulted. The three of them were arrested a few days later but not for what they did to me,...

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Victorias Revenge

Victoria’s Revenge This story is one possible sequel to ?Recruiting Victoria?                                          by Gina Hoisington.Author:  Ivan Wilson                Story codes:  nc, mf, ff, fd, snuff, torture.Victoria, or ‘M’ as her master called her, was worried.  It had been more than three years since she was kidnapped by her current master, Wolfgang Bernhard Spring (Wolf), & trained as a sex-slave.  At the end of her training she had been brought to his island Estate & had lived...

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Mandys Revenge

Please note -: This story is written for Adults Only. It contains acts of non-consensual sex and some mild violence between females, if this is likely to offend you please do not continue to read it. This story is entirely fictional, including the characters in it. All comments welcomed and encouraged either through this website or direct to [email protected]. Hope you enjoy it!MANDY’S REVENGEMel grunted in pain and disgust as her face was forced down onto Mandy’s stinking feet. The...

1 year ago
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School Day II Susans Revenge


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Kellys Revenge

Kelly’s revenge. Five years in a Mexican jail had given Kelly plenty of time to plot her revenge on her former employer, Sharon James.  Kelly knew her rich employer used recreational drugs within her circle of other local wealthy wives, but was unaware that Sharon had concealed a large stash of cocaine in her suitcase during the annual family vacation.  She would never forget how she pleaded with Sharon to tell the immigration officers that she was the children’s Nanny and the drugs were...

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The Perfect Revenge

The Perfect Revenge by Eric Based On Donnie's HT 207 This is dedicated to Donnie for all his splendid work on his great site. My special thanks to the great Steve Zink for his peerless editing! It was the best of times and the worst of times for the beautiful Britney Dodge. It should have been the happiest day in young Britney's life. It was her twenty-first birthday and she would gain control of her huge trust fund. Britney Dodge was beautiful, rich and social. Was she...

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The problem with revenge

It was revenge 10 years in the making.  10 long years he had spent in prison planning, waiting for the day he got to show his lawyer what it is like just sitting there in your cell, nothing to do but wait.  Outside the cell people wanted him beat up, raped or worse.  His lawyer deserved twice the ten years for incompetence and everything it had cost. Jason would be 38 the day after his release next week.  No parole, he had served every day of his sentence.  His attitude left him with no good...

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The HandshakeChapter 3 Three Modern Figaros for a Good Revenge

Aaron: Like Ken, I remembered what happened in my all life at that quarterly gathering. Seven years ago, we were in a restaurant and John caused a little surprise, because he brought a laptop with him. John arrived last and since he was a PI firm owner, we thought he had an unexpected problem and we would be only three there. Such ideas circulated among us. However, he arrived late and put his laptop on the table. After greeting each of us, he stayed standing and put his hand on my...

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Dreamscape Torture can be fun 2 Dear Hearts revenge

Composed and written by Dear Heart “Hmm I think I will teach him a lesson which he won’t ever forget.” She says to herself while cleaning the mess on the bed and thinking about the last night. After spending a lot of time in cleaning the bed and washing the bed sheets, a smile plays on her lips when she at last gets the idea to punish her beloved man. The next moment she is on the phone talking to him, informing that she will not be able to visit him today as she isn’t feeling well...

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YBWL5 Joshs Revenge

This is a sexual story about a young boy taking complete advantage of another young boy. It is filled with strange fetishes: mostly sleep, domination, and underwear. If you have no desire to read such a story, then you should be very thankful of that fact and go ahead and leave now. Thanks. I hope you guys are enjoying my stories. Seeing as how YBWL-2 is my most-read story I decided to write a direct sequel to it. Let me know what you think in the comments, especially if you enjoy the series....

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South Beach Marcies Revenge

This story is about Marcie and her experiences after she caught her husband cheating. She knew about the cheating before they were married and she had agreed to an open marriage. Marcie was a faithful wife even though her husband was not faithful to her. Her husband, Jack Nelson, broke the golden rule and had a woman in Marcie's bed. Marcie caught them, beat the woman, slapped her husband and took off to Miami for a few days. Enter Javon, a suave young black man who was there when she needed a...

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Mature Jill Gets Her Revenge

[Complete Version][Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big but was not expecting it to feel so big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 57 years old and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and...

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Office Revenge

I gasped in surprise as I felt the cock force its way into my wet cunt. I knew it was big, but was not expecting it to feel so fucking big. After all, my cunt was not as tight fitting as it used to be when I was younger. I was 50 years old, and had been around the block a bit during my time. I'd been married and divorced 3 times – and to be honest each divorce was my fault entirely – I'd whored myself around quite a bit and acted like a total slut. I'd slept with numerous men and had always...

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Maries Revenge

Marie's Revenge by I.R. Nixon Dan was anxious going to Langford's today. Marie, his sister, asked him to come down early in the morning because she and Carolyn wanted to talk to him. He knew that Carolyn and the women who worked at Langford's were not to be trifled with. Marie had already told him stories about Sharon's brother, and what Cathy had Dane to her own brothers. Marie was really angry at Dan last week about using the car. Dan had promised to pick Marie up from...

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