A Night on the Farm
- 2 years ago
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By Charles E. Campbell
It was two years ago this past May. I had just turned twenty-five a couple of weeks before that. It wasn't something I had planned, nor was it something I had ever even fantasized about before then. It's just that it happened that one afternoon after work, and ever since then, it has become the total focus of my life. My purpose, really. I am always thinking about it, where to do it, how to do it, when to do it. It was on that day when I became completely obsessed with exhibitionism.
It was one of those days in mid-May where summer heat and humidity strikes early and catches everyone unprepared, as a wicked harbinger of what's to come. The commuter bus I rode home on from my mundane job as a receptionist for a law firm was an oven that evening, the air conditioning not even pretending to work at all. My blouse was soaked through front, back, and sides, and it clung to me like a second clammy sticky skin. My light tan midi length skirt was dotted with large sweat spots along both of my thighs. My hair was a greasy lifeless mess hanging in clumps from my head. Beads of sweat dripped from my forehead and upper lip. I was morbidly aware of the fact that my antiperspirant had quit being useful not long after leaving the office and hitting the searing heat of the concrete sidewalks. All I wanted at that point was a long cool shower and a few tall glasses of iced tea.
The three block walk from the bus stop to my building was brutal and seemed interminable. The heat coming up off the sidewalk on the breezeless street just adding to the oppressiveness of it all. At the time, I was living on the third floor of a four story walk-up with a brick facade, in a one bedroom apartment that had an old window unit a/c I had gotten for $35 from a neighbor when she moved out of the building. By the time I was fumbling with my sweaty hands to put the key in my door, sweat was running down my face, burning my eyes, making my panties so soaked it felt like I had peed myself!
The apartment was stifling, as I moved zombie like through the three small rooms closing the windows, stripping off my clothes and dropping them on the floor as I went. I was naked by the time I pushed the power button on the a/c and listened as the compressor in the ancient machine seemed to groan as it struggled to life. It was 6:15 in the evening.
A quick stop at the fridge for a big glass of iced tea that I greedily gulped down. I refilled the glass and headed straight for the bathroom and a long cool shower, the final item on my agenda for the night.
I started the water warm, gradually turning off all the hot water, until I was soaking under the invigorating pulsation of straight cold water. My body was covered in goose bumps and my little nipples were as hard as pebbles when I finally stepped out. I glanced at the clock on the vanity and saw that it was now 6:45. It was at that moment that everything in my life changed forever.
Normally at this point, I would have toweled myself dry and wrapped myself up in a towel from my armpits to my knees. (My hair is always cut very short, ala Peter Pan, so a quick rub with the towel suffices there). Then it would have been straight to the bedroom, where I would have quickly donned a fresh pair of panties and a 2XL t shirt. Duration of nakedness outside of the shower, probably 30 seconds max. But for some reason that night, I stood looking at my naked image in the bathroom mirror. I spent over ten minutes looking at my reflection, studying myself from my face down as far as the mirror would allow, even standing on my tip toes and leaning in over the sink to increase my field of vision. I took it all in, the muscles of my neck , the out line of my collarbones, the shape and color of my areolas, the flat space on my chest between my small breasts, the slight curve from my navel to my pubic hair. I looked at every visible square inch. This was something I had never in my life done before. Absolutely never! I had been raised in a very strict Christian family, where I was taught that the naked human form was dirty and sinful. Bathing was the only time one should be undressed, and then for only as long as it took to get clean.
( I should probably fill you in on what I saw in the mirror. I'm 5'3" tall, weigh 105 pounds and have very short reddish brown hair. My breasts are a 32B, my waist 22 inches, and my bush is natural in shape, very thick and curly, and matches the color of the hair on my head.)
What happened next I have no valid or rational reason for, and believe me, I have given it a tremendous amount of thought. I hung up my bath towel on the rack, picked up my half empty glass of tea, and padded naked to the kitchen to fix my supper, which I ate naked. I spent the entire evening reading and watching TV, also naked, and when I went to bed, I was still naked, (prior to that evening, I always was dressed for bed). In fact, I didn't get dressed until five minutes before leaving my apartment to head off to work the next morning at 8:00AM. I had been completely naked for thirteen hours and forty-five minutes straight, and I was ecstatic! I felt free, liberated, and honest!
The next day the weather had broken, the oppressive heat and humidity was gone, so it was for very different reasons that I took off all of my clothes as soon as I had gotten home and had shut the door to my apartment. Reflecting back, I was just so happy the day before, that I just wanted to be naked again. It was on that day that I resolved to be naked whenever I was in my apartment. In fact, it was right then that I established a rule for myself, the first of many more to come, which mandated me to get naked the instant I stepped over the threshold, even if I hadn't yet gotten the door shut. I was to begin undressing when I stepped into the apartment.
Friday evening, I made a quick detour to the grocery store for some items, as I had plans to be naked from when I got in until I had to go to work Monday morning. About 60 hours of continuous nudity. My pussy had been wet all day at work thinking about it. I had a very difficult time concentrating on my work. (I was not, however, at all disappointed in my weekend!).
By the middle of June, I had learned, via the internet, that a nude beach, (clothing optional), existed in Sandy Hook, NJ. And to make it all the more inviting, a ferry from E. 35th St in Manhattan would take me right there! Checking the projected weather report, I vowed to make my naked outdoor debut that very Saturday!
My stomach was doing flips as I walked over the dunes and was suddenly faced with hundreds of naked people. All shapes and sizes, ages and races of both genders were well represented, (although there were more males than females that day).
I found a spot for my towel and beach chair, and with one quick breath, I removed my bathing suit. No one looked! No one cared! I lathered up with sunscreen and was stark naked in the warm air and bright sun with a large group of kindred spirits. (Yes, I saw a few pervs, and some dressed oglers trying to discretely steal some photos, but for the most part, everyone was very respectful). I visited that beach six more times that summer.
The next big change for me, and one could mount a fairly decent argument that it was the biggest change of all, was when I was found out. My little "secret" discovered. I had gotten too brazen, and by that, one could understand, careless, or maybe even reckless. My rule of undressing had gained an little addendum, which required that I disrobe with my apartment door wide open. Once I was fully naked, I could then close the door. Not before.
I had just stepped out of my panties when I heard a "Hey Danae," and my friend Ashleigh from the second floor burst in and almost knocked me over. She did a classic double take when she saw I was naked, and I quickly reached around behind her and shut the door.
I felt my face instantly flush, and yet I sensed a strong tingle in my pussy at the same time.
"What are you doing, Danae," she asked, her eyes staring at my total nakedness.
I've never been particularly adept at spontaneous lies, so after an uncomfortable pause, I settled for the truth. "Ashleigh, I just really enjoy being naked. I hope I'm not offending you."
"Offending me? You're kidding, right? It would take a whole lot more than your naked body to offend me, I can assure you of that! So when did all this start?" She didn't stop looking at my breasts as she spoke.
I started to pull on my clothes before answering her, and Ash stopped me, saying, "If you're not embarrassed, I know I'm not. Don't get dressed again on my account. You can be naked in front of me. It's cool. I don't mind."
I spent the next hour telling Ashleigh how I had started becoming a nudist, and what I had been doing in pursuing my newfound interest. When I was through, she said, "Sounds to me like you might want to ramp it up a bit, so it stays fresh for you. You know, keep it exciting."
"Sure," I agreed. "I'd like that."
"Well then, how about from now on, when you're sitting, you keep your knees apart. I would think that might make you feel even more naked and exposed."
I hesitated for a moment at her suggestion, until she barked, "Spread your legs open, slut. Show me your cunt!"
I jumped up, quite startled, but obeyed her.
"That's better. I think you have to be more open to be really nude. In fact, why don't you put your feet up on the sofa so your wet little whore hole is completely out in the open."
I was mortified at what she wanted me to do, but still I did it. Ashleigh didn't say anything for a few minutes, but she made sure I knew she was looking at my exposed sex.
"I have plans for tonight, otherwise I would stay here with you," Ashleigh said. "Have you got a spare key to your apartment?"
"Yes, it's in the fruit bowl on the kitchen table."
"Go and get it for me," she said.
I got up an went to retrieve the key, strangely excited by the knowledge she was watching my naked form.
As I handed the key to her, she said, " I like your rule about being naked in your apartment at all times, and I'm going to help to insure that you keep your promise to yourself. I'll be coming in here whenever I like to check on you. I won't call first. You'll never know when I'll show up, so I would suggest that you remember the rules that you yourself set up.
"Go and open the shades on those front windows," she ordered.
"B....but the lights are on, Ash. Anyone in the building across the street will be able to see me!"
"And.........so what? Isn't that what you really want anyway? You're not a nudist, Danae, you're an exhibitionist. You get turned on by knowing others can watch you in the buff. Now, open up those fucking shades!"
The next weekend came and went, but I didn't encounter Ashleigh. I obeyed my rules and was always naked in the apartment, and I kept the front shades open all the time as well. Then one night as I came home from work, I found Ashleigh sitting on my couch as I walked in. We didn't exchange words as I got undressed facing her. Just as I finished folding my clothes and placing them neatly on a chair, a woman whom I had never met walked out of my bathroom.
"Danae, this is my friend Phoebe. We've known each other since college."
"Hello, Danae," Phoebe said, watching my reaction to this surprise visit.
I didn't know whether to run or scream and quickly tried to cover myself with my hands.
"Come, come, slut, what kind of an exhibitionist displays modesty? Put your fucking hands down and come show Phoebe how I taught you to sit on the couch," Ashleigh said sternly.
Resigned, but at the same time feeling my pussy becoming aroused, I complied with her order and sat down on the couch with my feet up touching my buttocks and my knees wide apart. Phoebe took two steps closer to me and bent over to inspect my sex. She even used her fingers to spread the wet lips further apart and expose the inner recesses of my pussy.
"Well Ash, I'm of the opinion that the hair must all go if she's to be exposed completely. But you knew of my preferences in this area before. If you're looking to humiliate her some, I would suggest making her grow her arm pit hair out, and get her used to showing it off."
"Put your hands behind your head and lock your fingers, bitch," Ashleigh commanded, and I obeyed.
"See, Ash," Phoebe added as she pinched my armpit between two fingers, "if she's made to grow that pit hair out and learns to always sit like this, it'll draw one's eyes to it instantly."
"I see what you mean," Ashleigh concurred.
"From now on, whore, you will no longer shave your pits," she said to me.
"Okay," I answered meekly
"Doesn't she have a formal address for you, Ash," Phoebe asked incredulously? "Okay is hardly an appropriate or respectful answer from this cunt."
"What would you suggest, Phoebe?"
"Ma'am is good. Vague enough to not be overt, yet strong enough to show the respect she should be giving you."
"Slut, from now on you shall only address me as Ma'am, is that understood," Ashleigh said.
"Yes, Ma'am," I replied obediently.
"Let's order some pizza," Ashleigh suggested, "I'm famished. We can wax her disgusting cunt after we eat."
When the buzzer rang announcing the arrival of the pizza , I was told to buzz the delivery boy in, and when he knocked on my apartment door with the pie, I answered it naked, and handed him the money plus a fat tip. I'll never forget the look on that teen's face when he saw me in the doorway.
After we ate, and I cleaned up the dishes, I was told to lie on my back on the table while Ashleigh and Phoebe meticulously waxed my nether regions, even down and around my anus. They left after they had finished their task. I looked in my full length mirror on my bedroom door at my hairless groin. A fleeting thought that I was getting in too deep flashed in my head, but it was just as quickly replaced with an urge to stand in the living room and play with myself with all the lights ablaze, hoping someone might notice me.
When I got up to get ready for work, I noticed there was an envelope that had been slid under my door over night. "cunt" was written on the envelope in Ashleigh's hand. I opened it and read the terse note inside:
"Gather up all of your bras, pantyhose, slips, and panties, put them in bags and donate them in a clothing bin. From now on, you will only wear dresses or skirts to work. I expect you to keep that bush the way Phoebe and I prepared it for you."
It was simply signed "A".
I now felt naked wherever I went, no more "second line" of protection under my clothes. I'm sure my braless breasts were often discernable under a few of my lighter colored tops, as my areolas are quite dark and my nipples are in a perpetual state of hardness.
Ashleigh continued to "pop in" on occasion to check up on my compliance with our rules. A few times Phoebe came with her. Once Phoebe came alone. I heard the key in the lock on my door, and expecting to see Ashleigh, I was surprised to see Phoebe come in alone and close the door.
"I want you to stand in front of the window," she said.
I got up and walked over to the front window.
"Face the window."
I turned.
"Look across the street, three windows from the left, the one with the blue drape slightly open."
I scanned the building across the street and located the window.
"Keep your eyes on the window."
Phoebe moved two lamps over on either side of me so that my naked body was fully lit up in the open window. I saw the drape across the street part and a naked man with binoculars appeared in the window, and he was pleasuring himself.
"What do you see, slut," Phoebe asked rhetorically?
"A naked man looking at me through a pair of binoculars and playing with himself, um......."
"Mistress will be fine, cunt."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Well then, don't you think it would be polite if you joined him in a Jack and Jill so he can enjoy himself more?"
"Wh....what," I stammered.
"Are you fucking deaf? Spread your goddamn legs apart and play with yourself, you useless whore! The next time I tell you to do something you had better obey me, and without any hesitation. Do you understand? Don't make me tell Ashleigh of your disobedience!"
"No, Mistress, please don't tell her. I'll obey you. I promise I will, but please don't tell her!"
"Well then, touch yourself, but don't you dare cum. Keep your eyes on that window and watch while that man enjoys himself the entire time!"
"Yes, Mistress."
I licked the middle finger of my right hand, (although it was completely unnecessary by that point as I was saturated), and started to rub my swollen clit. I could see that the pace of the man's hand had increased when he saw me masturbating for him. In less than fifteen seconds I saw his body spasm, and I realized he had cum. He waved to me and shut his drapes.
"You may stop now, slut," Phoebe instructed me.
"Yes, Mistress."
"I want you to watch that window every evening, and if you see any movement in it at all, you are to set up the lights as they are now, and touch yourself for him until he waves you away. Understood?"
"Yes, Mistress."
Over the next two weeks the man appeared in the window four or five times and we repeated our voyeuristic scene. I found that each time it became more and more of a challenge for me to not cum myself, as my arousal grew, but I was afraid that through his binoculars he would notice if I did, and I feared he might inform Phoebe of my transgression.
One Saturday afternoon, the three of us piled into Phoebe's car and drove out into the suburbs. We pulled over in a parking lot in some town park, where I was made to get out and undress. Ashleigh took my clothes and locked them into the trunk. I was told to drive the car.
As we drove up the road, Ashleigh spotted a fast food drive up and said, "Pull in. I'm hungry."
We gave our orders and waited in line. When we reached the window, a young girl said, "That's $23.75, please." She almost screamed when she saw me. Phoebe and Ashleigh took their sweet time putting the monies together, while a group of the girl's coworkers gathered at the window to look me over. Almost all of them putting the cameras in the cell phones to heavy use.
All three of us were laughing hysterically as I drove away. Phoebe, who was seated in the passenger seat next to me got suddenly serious and said, "You really enjoy all of this, don't you Danae?"
I stopped laughing as well. When I stopped for a traffic light, I turned to her and said, "Yes, Phoebe. I honestly do. I've never felt so alive in my life before this, and I want to thank you both for helping me to realize it all."
We hit three more drive-throughs that afternoon, and had the same reception at two of them. The woman at the window of the third one was in her sixties and didn't find any humor or happiness in my naked display. "You drive on out of her, you little pig," she exclaimed, "Before I call the police!"
Half an hour later, and many miles from there, Ashleigh told me to pull the car to the side of the road and get out. Phoebe slid across into the driver's as I stood on the street.
"We're going to drive up two blocks ahead of youand pull over," Ashleigh said. "You aren't to move from this spot until you see us park the car. At that time, you can start walking, not running, up the sidewalk towards us. When you get to the car, I'll pop the trunk, you may remove your clothes and get dressed and then you may get in the car and we'll all go home. Should we see you start walking too early, or if you move at any pace faster than a normal walking speed, we'll drive ahead another two blocks. Do you understand me, Danae?"
"Yes, Ma'am," I answered, my stomach in knots as I heard passing cars already honking at me and announcing my presence.
Phoebe blew the horn several times herself as they abandoned me there, drawing the attention of passersby on both sides of the street. I stood still, watching them leave , the first time ever I had publically been the only naked body around. Phoebe seemed to wait an overly long time at the stop sign up at the corner before continuing on down the road. After what seemed ages, especially based on the number of cell phones that were hastily recording my running afoul of the public decency laws, I saw her signal come on and she parked the car.
Taking a deep breath, I held my head up high, pulled my shoulders back, and began my walk up the sidewalk to the car. Most people gave me a wide berth on the sidewalk and then stopped and stared as I walked by, many more took pictures, while others shook their heads in disbelief. One yuppie soccer Mommy tried hard to shield her two young kids from my "obscene behavior," as she labeled it. But with each step that I took, my butterflies diminished, and a broad smile broke out on my face, reflecting my pride in my boldness and defiant nudity.
When I reached Phoebe's car, the trunk had been popped, but I shut it, and remained naked as I got back into the front passenger seat. My pussy was dripping! Ashleigh allowed me to play with myself as a reward.
One night that January, I was sitting in my apartment alone and naked. The shades were up and all of the lights on, my "partner" across the street had failed to show, when my phone rang. "Hello, Danae, it's me," Ashleigh said.
"Hello, Ma'am."
"I'm having a small party and would like it very much if you would pop down and attend."
"When and where, Ma'am?"
"Well, right now actually, in my apartment. Please come down and join us."
"I'd be happy to, Ma'am."
Just as I was about to hang up, Ashleigh added, "It's a come as you are when invited aprty, slut, if you catch my meaning."
The silence on my end prompted Ashleigh to say, "Do I have to come up there and bring you down here myself, slut?"
"N....no, Ma'am. I......I'll be right down."
"See that you are, cunt. Don't make me wait!"
I hung up and panic struck me as I thought of who I might encounter as I walked down the long hallway to the stairs and then down one flight to the hall leading to Ashleigh's apartment. Our building has six apartments per floor, four floors, and only one staircase. Only the tenants in the apartments on the ground floor don't use the stairs.
A quick trip to the bathroom to pee and add deodorant to my hair covered pits, and I was cowering behind my door, listening for sounds in the hall. Hearing none, I opened the door a crack and peered out, listening intently for footfalls. Mustering what courage I could, I stepped out into the hall and closed the door behind me, realizing that now I was totally committed, as I had no key with me to reenter my apartment.
I walked briskly down the hall towards the stairs, where I paused again, and listened. Then I ran down the stairs and bolted for Ashleigh's apartment. I rang the bell, looking all around nervously. I could hear people on the other side of the door, but no one opened it for me. I rang the bell again, and Ashleigh opened it up.
"Impatient little slut, aren't you?
"Here," she said handing me a key. "I didn't get my mail today. Would you be so kind as to go and get it for me?" Not waiting for my answer, she closed the door and once again I was naked in the hallway.
The mailboxes in our building were located in the entry foyer, right next to the staircase but also in plain view of the double glass doors which opened directly out onto a public sidewalk. I slowly padded down the stairs to the foyer, my eyes focused on the doors, trying to see through them out to the sidewalk. I could see people walking past the doors outside. Waiting a second before committing myself, I listened once more, and then sprinted for the mailboxes. I was so frightened that I dropped the keys two times before successfully opening the box and pulling out the mail.
Hastily I closed the box and ran up the stairs, the sound of the front door opening up behind me caught my ears just as I turned the corner and hit the hallway to Ashleigh's.
Again I was made to wait for her door to open, but this time I was allowed in, only to come face to face with eleven people, six female and five male, all of whom were dressed. Being that the theme of the gathering was come as you are, the radically different manners of dress was really to be expected, that is of course excepting for me! One couple was in gym work out clothes, a man was in just his pajama bottoms, two women were in lacy nighties and are were barefoot, the remaining three men were all in business attire, while Ashleigh, Phoebe and the other woman were dressed in sweaters and blue jeans. All eyes were upon me as I stood in front of them. No one spoke, and the shock that was registering on their faces told me Ashleigh hadn't forewarned them about how I was dressed when I was invited.
"This is Danae, my neighbor," Ashleigh said by way of introduction, after allowing the guests a good look. "She spends as much of her free time naked as she possibly can. Don't be put off by her, she actually prefers being naked tan being clothed. Phoebe and I have yet to be able to find anything that will embarrass or humiliate her, so all of you are most welcome to try if you'd like. Danae won't mind in the least, will you, Danae?"
"No Ma'am," I answered, feeling my excitement begin to build.
"Danae, please have a seat on the couch."
The guests all moved aside as I stepped between them and over to the couch. I sat down, my feet up against my buttocks, knees apart, and hands behind my head, fingers laced together.
One of the men dressed in a suit and tie came over to me and studied my face for a few seconds before announcing, "Ashleigh, I will not be a party to whatever kind of perversion it is you're planning," and he turned and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door in his wake.
"Danae is open to any suggestions you might have for her. This is quite literally what she lives for, so please enjoy yourselves with her," Phoebe said.
The two women in nighties took quick advantage of Phoebe's invite and sat down on either side of me on the couch. Everyone was watching as they took turns feeling my breasts and belly and sliding fingers up into my willing pussy. They also ran their fingers through my armpit hair, twirling it between their fingers and tugging on it gently.
"Why do you keep your pussy bald and your pits natural," the one on my right asked, as she combed her fingers through my pit?
"Ashleigh prefers me to be this way, that's why" I replied. "I do anything she tells me to do."
"Do you shave," the one on the left inquired, spreading my nether lips apart with both hands?
"No. I get a Brazilian wax every three weeks, although I have an appointment scheduled to begin laser hair removal treatments, as they are longer lasting and give far better more permanent results. In fact I start this Saturday."
"May we take some pictures," the woman in the gym clothes asked?
"Of course you may," Phoebe said, "She's at your disposal. Take as many as you like, and do anything you want with them. We told you, Danae doesn't care. You may do anything you like with her."
For the next few hours, I was licking pussies and asses, sucking cocks, and being fucked in both my pussy and ass. All the while, Ashleigh filmed the goings on, making sure to capture my face, but never the faces of her guests.
When at long last they were sated, Phoebe gave me a pair of very short shorts, nothing else and told me to put them on. I was made to kneel on the floor and wait while the four guys jerked off on my face. Ashleigh then told me that there was money in the front left pocket of the shorts, and that I was to walk up to the corner store, buy a lottery ticket, and bring it back to her. Only then would she give me her key to my apartment so that I could go home.
In New York City, it is not illegal for a woman to be topless in public, so I had no fears of being arrested, but in January, with cum on my face and in my hair, I certainly drew a lot of attention as I waited for the clerk in the bodega. I'm sure he wanted to prolong the length of footage he would get from the surveillance cameras in his store.
As soon as I got to work the next morning, I was summoned to the office of my supervisor, Betty Lynch. She indicated that I should have a seat in the chair facing her desk.
"So, Danae, it seems that we have a bit of a problem."
"Oh, Ms. Lynch, what's wrong?"
"It has been brought to my attention that one of our employees has a large number of pornographic images of her out on the internet."
I felt instantly light headed and nauseous.
"This firm cannot and will not tolerate such lewd and lascivious behavior in it's employees. We have a valued reputation to maintain" She waited a moment, letting my anxiety levels grow. "I will give you two choices, since up until today, you have been a valued employee.
"You may resign and leave at once. Clear out your desk and go. You will be given two weeks of severance pay, your health care benefits will remain in force for the remainder of this quarter, and you may call on me for a recommendation for new employ. This is overly generous if you ask me.
"Your other choice is for me to fire you right now, for being found out to be a revolting and disgusting pervert. You will receive no severance pay, nor will I, or anyone in this firm ever write you a recommendation!"
I was walking down the hall to my apartment an hour and a half later, a small cardboard box holding my personal items out of my desk. The two week severance pay plus my meager savings would allow me to stay where I was a few months, but then what? I opened the door, set the box on the floor and disrobed reflexively. Nudity seemed the only comfort I could find.
Closing the door behind me, I turned and was surprised when I saw Ashleigh and Phoebe sitting on my couch with one of the men who had been wearing a suit the night before. My head dropped in resignation, figuring they had brought him there just to have his way with me again.
"Look, Ma'am," I began, my head down, "I just lost my job because of some pictures, probably from last night, that are out on the internet now. I really don't think I can do whatever it is you want me to do."
"We know about your job, Danae," Ashleigh said. "That asshole that made such a big stink about you last night and left the party recognized you. He's the cousin of your ex-boss. He heard about the pictures that they took last night and he ratted you out."
I didn't comment. I just shuffled to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee.
The man stood up as I walked past and grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks. "If you'll permit me," he began, "I have an idea that I think will help you out. I've already spoken with your two friends here and they both think it's a great idea.
"By the way, I'm Tim, Tim O'Reilly."
When I didn't respond, he continued, "I have a tremendous amount of experience in setting up websites, I've been doing it independently for the past nine years.
"What I proposed to Ashleigh and Phoebe was that I set up a website for you, a pay to be a member site. We can talk about the membership fees, duration of membership, those sorts of details afterward.
"The members can submit things they'd like to see you do. Like a dare. We could offer them an incentive for this involvement, like three months free membership if you accept and carry out the challenge they suggest. You would always have the final say as to whether or not you would do anything. We could call it a challenge or dare. We would film you doing the things you chose to do and post it on to your members only site."
"I was thinking of calling the site "Dare Me," Ashleigh interrupted excitedly.
"Sure," Tim cut in, "We'll work all of those things out later.
"I'm pretty secure in saying that you'll be making whatever you had been making at your job within three to four weeks time. After that, I would think the only limits to your income would be your limits in accepting the members challenges."
"Think of it, Danae," Ashleigh interrupted again. "You'd be getting paid to do the things you love to do anyway! It's a win win!"
"Yes," Phoebe leapt up from the sofa and chimed in, "How can you lose? I mean, no offense, but you're already out there on the net now anyway. There's no taking any of that back. You might as well turn it to your advantage and get paid for it. Tim even thinks the pictures that were taken last night will be free advertising for your site! Like a teaser!"
I sat down on the floor, somehow remembering to bring my feet up to my butt and spread my knees, (How and why had this now become so comforting to me?). Ashleigh gave me a sternish look. I raised my arms and laced my fingers together behind my head. I really didn't have a whole lot of options in front of me.
"What will I need to do," I asked softly.
Tim answered, "Most of tech aspects will be my responsibility, so you needn't have any concerns there. We do need, however, to discuss the finances now before we get too involved. Get it all ironed out and agreed upon. We'll need to have a lawyer draw up formal contracts for the four of us, have them signed and notarized. This will spell out individual job descriptions and responsibilities, as well as the division of funds.
"I was thinking my share should be 20% of the net, while Ashleigh and Phoebe would each receive 10%, and you would make 60%, as everything dealing with actually earning the money will be from your efforts.
"Ashleigh and Phoebe will be responsible for reading the requests that come in for dares, sifting through them, and dismissing any that could tie us up in legal situations, other than the occasional misdemeanors for public lewdness and the like, of course. These we'll let our lawyer handle. The two of them will also be involved in helping you plan and actually carry out your challenges.
"Have you any questions so far?"
"What kind of time frame do you think we're looking at here," I asked?
"Well, it'll take me a good two weeks to design and get the site up and running, but we'll need content ready to be uploaded before the first day. The three of you will need to get going right away with filming your little exploits and getting them into the computer for me. I should think an hour's worth of material should suffice for starting up. After that, as the challenges come in, you should probably figure on five or six new videos per week, depending on their length. The site's members need to be seeing a constant stream of fresh video to induce them to keep renewing their memberships."
Ashleigh, Phoebe and I set out straight away to gather video for the site. We repeated some of things from our past, ie naked in the drive through, naked walks on the street, cum walks and the like. We drove up north above the suburbs three times and they filmed me naked in the snow, (For the record, naked to me means totally, no shoes even, so those shots in deep snow were very difficult. I view being barefoot at all times as a trademark of mine). One shoot was of me tied tightly to a pine tree with coarse heavy rope, while Ashleigh and Phoebe pelted me with snowballs from my shoulders to my knees, until my lips were blue and my entire body was red and covered in goose bumps and I was shaking uncontrollably.
We drove out to the Island and I walked along a stretch of the beach, my feet in the frigid water. I even went swimming and rolled in the sand, causing me to have to get back into the ocean to wash it all off. God my nipples shrunk that day! A park ranger almost caught us too, it was my closest encounter with being caught to that date, (I have since been arrested five times).
Phoebe suggested we do some different kinds of shoots to show the variety of challenges I was willing to try, like insertions. We ran the gamut from your usual veggies, ie cucumbers, celery, bananas and the like, to wine bottles, golf balls, ice cubes, thumb tacks and even live goldfish!
Ashleigh thought adding some spankings would also be a good idea. They shot me naked over Ashleigh's knees while she spanked me hard with her bare hand, a wooden spoon and a wide leather belt. The discoloration and welts that appeared on my ass served as adequate proof that I was for real. Another shoot had me with a few dozen clothes pins on my nipples, areolas, pussy and stomach. Using wet bath towels, they knocked them of, like a scene in a gym locker.
Well all of that was eighteen months ago, and that's how "udaredanae.com" was born. Today, we have over 50,000 members world-wide, each paying $30 per month. (You do the math!).
Ashleigh and I now live together in a decent sized house in another state, with three acres of land. This allows me to be naked 24/7, indoors and out, while Phoebe prefers living alone in a large apartment in a city close by. She visits 2-3 days each week and when she does, she takes over running my dares, leaving Ashleigh with some much deserved time off.
I went down to the dining hall, finding Solona, Leli, Duncan, and Zevran sitting around chatting. They looked up in surprise as I came through the doorway, armoured and armed. "Duncan, is there somewhere here to spar?" He stood, walking up to me, a puzzled look on his face. "There's no need to train today, Sierra. We just got back-" "It's not for training. I need to prove a point. Actually, I'd like to have everyone there for this, if I could. So where? Is there a training yard...
Holly released Jake’s now-throbbing cock and straightened up, then put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back onto the bed. Before he could scoot back onto the bed and get his feet off the floor she climbed on the bed next to him, then turned to face his feet and swung her leg over his body, straddling him. She moved along his body until her pussy was right above his cock, and the sight of the muscles of her big ass flexing with her movements made his cock jump. Then she reached down...
MILFI casually walked back into the gate area to find the girls were finishing off what little was left on the food bar. When I met April's eyes, she blushed really hard and looked away. May, on the other hand, gave me a hungry look. She had changed into a loose skirt and flipped it up to show she was a natural redhead. She was extremely horny and wanted me to know that I needed to take care of it really soon. Her reaction time was much faster than my response time. Her legs had started to part...
The next morning everyone got up early. My Dad got ready to go fishing. I was prepared for him to ask me to go, but he surprised me. Lin wanted to go down to the beach/swim area and he didn't want her to go alone. He asked me to go with her to keep her company, but also watch out for her. He packed a lunch and said he would see us tonight. It was barely light outside when he left. Lin and I had the whole day to ourselves. We took our time and packed up to make a day of it at the beach. Lin...
IncestWe have been asked by a few people from Xhamster to continue some of the stories we have posted and we so plan on doing so once more has happen and or when that feel for that story comes back around. But in the mean time I need to tell you all about this weekend and the fun my wife and I had. Please understand we wish no one any pain or to be hurt mut this even though painful was also pleasurable.We are about to get a new roof on our house and before they put the roof on, we wanted to clean up...
This is a true short story of a time i met this one girl and she had one or two amazing talents!5 foot 7, size 8-10 long blonde hair and an ass to die for, not to mention her 32G boobs. The typical woman who turned heads where ever she went.Sara-jayne was her name, a 26 year old manager who loved nothing more than to seduce men. As i sat there on the dating website, just looking at her pics reduced my cock to wood in my trousers! Surely this woman wouldnt be interested in me?! The message...
It was now some three months later and Mark Bellamy and Amanda Victoria Smythe had been living together for four weeks. Amanda had put the lack of initiation of sex in bed down to Mark getting used to their domestic arrangements, but now she was not so sure. She had, without Mark's knowledge gone to see a doctor and asked advice, never mentioning the full details that they were brother and sister, in fact she stressed that they were deeply in love but just could not get it together properly...
One night or early morning in bed using my laptop about 2:25 a.m. I was horny as hell and was gonna jack off looking at some old ladies on a senior dating site using my fake profile. I had just made some adjustments to my search settings changing the distance to within a 5 mile radius. The Age limit for women over 65 and the contact preference to Dating or Sex Only. I was scrolling thru pictures when I came across a familiar face. I recognized the picture as one of my neighbors, a lady named...
Miss Vanderbilt said, “We’re kind of choosy about our members,” She handed me an application. It was pretty standard. You know: Name, age, residence, place of birth, occupation, education, hobbies. Then it got personal: Boat; length between perpendiculars, beam, draft. Captain, a real quiz about the education and age of crew. I filled in the information for the Swan. There wasn’t any more room. “Miss Vanderbilt, do you have any blank paper?” “What ever for?” “The rest of the...
It was farther than we had thought. We hadn't moved as much yesterday as we had guesstimated. Anytime we would find a stream Jade had me drink as much as I could and would refill the canteens. Just before noon we stumbled onto the rocks. I had her start across first. With full mobility it should be easier for her and I would see the places where she was having difficulty. It wasn't a rock pile it was shale. Layers and layers of rock slabs on top of each other. You had to be very careful as...
The teacher started the class with a pop quiz. It was not a test on the subject of the class but a survey to know more about her pupils' motivations. The quiz only had three questions: 1) How is the ideal you? What traits and accomplishment you have or would like to have in order to turn yourself in the person you want to be. 2) How is the anti-you? How is the person that you definitely do not want to be? 3) Draw a horizontal bar across the page and write under the bar at the left margin...
Celebrity Trainers: Kristen StewartSynopsis: After Kristen Stewart cheats on him, Robert Pattison gets revenge with the help of a mysterious agency. Disclaimer: This is fiction, it did NOT happen. Fantasy is legal. This story does not advocate violence against women. If you have any suggestions for this or any other future story, please email me. Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets. Hope you enjoy the story.Story:Robert Pattison was still recovering from the breakup. Kristen’s affair...
Es gibst eine Menge CHYOO2 Geschichten auf Englisch die ziemlich gute Ideen haben, aber von deutschen Lesern nicht verstanden werden können oder zumindest nicht angemessen weitererzählt werden. Wenn ihr Lust habt eine solche Geschichte zu übersetzen oder sie weiter zu erzählen, dann seit ihr hier richtig. Wenn ihr wollt gebt auch den ursprünglichen Autor der Geschichte an und respektiert die Leistungen der Autoren des englischen Sprachraums. Have Fun!!! Viel Spaß!!!
Not that I’m trying to tell you the water wasn’t coming straight off the icepack ... it was. But it was warmer ... a qualitative term. And there wasn’t so much of it. I didn’t put the Keene 6 Inch Portable Industrial Yanmar Diesel Dredge in the water until the 15th of May. The value of the tracked skyhook was proven by picking up the dredge, trundling it out of the Avocado and down to the water. That alone was worth what I paid for it. By the end of the first day I suited up and went in the...
Sunday DriveRichard and I were on a Sunday drive, not really going nowhere. I’m not a mac’d’s fan at allSo when Richard said hey mom my treat as he pulled in the drive thru I laughed and said so you think your mom’s a cheap date huh? He laughed at that and said no, there’s nothing cheap about you mom. I said then splurge away and we both laughed over that little joke. I was looking at his profile and could see a lot of me in his face and I went to myself thank god he didn’t gets his sperm...
You’re sitting in French class and can barely keep your eyes open. The teacher, Mrs. P. is going through verb conjugations over and over. Suddenly you catch the teacher looking at you disapprovingly and you sit bolt upright in a not-so nonchalant way. She smirks at you and turns to the class. “I’m going to step out for a minute. Angelica, would you please continue to write the conjugations on the board?” With that, Mrs. P. was out the door and down the hallway. Angelica sat behind you. She’s a...
Mind ControlHiya folks: a while back, Caleb and I thought about creatiing a competitor to the Spells r' Us stores, who would open up their own store right across the mall from them. I guess that you could call this story the first entry into that sub- universe. It's called Ye Olde Body Shoppe (YOBS for short). We thought that the close proximity of thse shoppes would tweek the old wizard conceived by Bill Hart, driving him to further acts of madness. Additionally, I wanted to try an...
This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...
Sin Sity in SydneyIn order to reach Sin Sity in Sydney you have to climb a steep set of stairs almost hidden behind a nondescript pizzeria, not far from the middle of town. At the top of the stairs the space opens up to a bar-room with plenty of wood and in a corner a Jacuzzi, lovely for relaxing with or without friends. A spiral staircase winds itsd way up just next to the Jacuzzi, and behind it several other rooms opened up, variously occupied with beds or sofas for lazily or not so lazily...
Sherri spotted him in the receiving line. There he was, standing out like an African Adonis. He was moving slowly towards her. Sherri held her breath. She had to meet him! “Sherri! Sherri! I’m talking to you.” Sherri’s mind snapped out of her dreamy fog. It was her sister, Veronica. It was her wedding. In fact, it was Veronica’s third wedding. “I need you to find papa. I can’t find him,” Veronica said. “I’ll check on him!” Sherri said. She knew where he would be. She found him in his...
Interracial(STORY-NOT REAL)I admit. It took a long time for me to accept the fact that my son was a fag. I mean - I’m progressive. Kind of. So I don’t have a problem with the whole gay thing. Kind of. But in his case, he’s like this huge contradiction. He’s big and hairy and beefy like me but the k** is SUCH a fucking cocksucker. He practically begged me to fuck him and what k** does that to his father? But, once the guys on the crew figured out the Boss’ son was a whore, it was only a matter of time...
I’d known Angela since she was a girl, probably 12 or 13. She became friends with my daughter, Ellie not long after they started at high school. Ellie’s just turned 21 so that’d be about 9 years ago. Angela is a couple of months older.I’ve always found there are certain friends my k**s make I immediately take a liking to and of course those who I find instantly irritating. I was drawn to Angela from the moment I met her. She was quite shy and slightly awkward, but there was an intriguing...
Taking My Daughter and Her Friend to Work for the Week – Chapter 13.3 – Amy and Shelly’s girl on girl showAs we followed Ariel into the Gentleman’s Club, I couldn’t help admiring her sexy gown and hot body. Her gown was, as it seemed to always be, sheer and see through. I knew her body so well, it took no imagination on my part, to visualize her naked.The club was very dark. It took several seconds for my eyes to adjust to the low light. Once they had, I noticed several patrons, mainly men but...
Chapter two: Prelude to The Rescue and Quest for Sparkling Riches! This is a continuing story A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! This part is about those than are about to be kidnapped! These new female Royal Navy Officers and there clandestine assignment as naval oceanographers, off the coast of Somali. Are with the blessings...
This story is completely fictional...All characters and situations are made-up and intended solely for the enjoyment of the readers. It all started when Frank's Jake started running around with the new kid on the block Daryl. Jake was 13 and Dayrl was 16. From the time Daryl and his family moved in he and Jake became best friends and went everywhere together. Daryl had just gotten his drivers license and Jake loved to run with him. One day while Jake was visiting relatives Daryl showed up for a...
Erotic“Fiffy dollars to the one who cumsthe best!” slurred Nate as he slapped a twenty dollar bill down on the table. I gaped at my drunk friend. I had just spent the past twenty minutes trying to get him out of the bar without making an ass of himself. When he veered off to to approach these women, I had hoped he'd blurt out an incoherent pick up line and I'd be able to get him back on track with minimal awkwardness. The stunned looks on the three women's faces told me getting out of this wasn't...
MasturbationBeing back home everything goes back to the same, work as usual. I’ve been home for two days, and took yesterday off as a ‘me day’. I cleaned the house, and catch up with my bills, nothing exciting. When I was going through the e-mails, I noticed one by Ethan, he wants to set up another date. I wrote him back, and we’re set up to speak today. I’ve yet to tell AJ about the situation, I’m sure he’d tell me to stop talking to him, because it could lead to a mess. Somehow though, I want to talk...
When the palace guard finally broke through the solid fortress-like door of the mummification laboratories, the swathed body of Princess Neferuptah was resting peacefully in its sarcophagus. The high priest of the internment priesthood was already departed on his final journey. All of the remaining witnesses were discovered further below the mummification chamber trapped in the flooded escape tunnel. It was undetermined at whose hand. The Lord Regent suspected the high priest had given the...
Hello readers, this story had its seed sown in my earlier story “I arranged four studs for my wife”. I was little apprehensive while writing this story as it is true and the persons involved are my best friends. If you like the story, post your comments on my mail or I received a mail from a reader named Sudheer praising the story. He requested for chat I accepted. He seemed nice guy but what he asked was funny. Next day he came online. He asked, “Whether it is possible in real life or...
I was relaxing in front of the television when the front door bell rang. My wife and I were not expecting anyone. I was already naked under my robe, ready for a little action later. She was soaking in a bath. I peeked through the eyehole and saw a girl standing on the doorstep. I pulled my robe tighter and opened the door immediately thinking she might need directions or to use the phone."May I help, young lady? Are you all right?" I asked looking past her. I didn't see a car in sight."I'm...
IncestThe day I dreaded was finally here. I had to tell my two ex-best friends the truth of what had happened to them that caused our friendships to fall apart. Looking back, a lot of it was my fault. I’d brought Brandon into our midst. I’d trusted my lawyers when they recommended him to be my PA and help with recruiting. I’d been too trusting and not looked into why he’d left Harvard. Since then I’d requested that Caryn make sure everyone had a background check. I even made them check into people...
For the next couple of weeks, Beth and I kept ourselves in proper form at school. She stopped flirting with me, almost ignoring me most of the time, as I did her. The risk for us being caught in a relationship was just too great. Still, she would occasionally manage to shake her posse of infatuated boys and share lunch with me like she used to. I still worked on my potion… it was finally back to the point when Beth had been exposed. I was fruitlessly trying to come up with ways to test it. I...
Hii friends. Mera naam Nishu hai. Main Mumbai ka rehne wala hoon. Main student hoon aur apne family ke sath rehta hoon. Meri age 21 saal hai. Height 5feet 11inch hai. Body athletic hai gym jata hoon roz. Dick size 6inch hai aur 3 inch mota hai. Mujhe badi umar ki aurte bohot pasand hai jaise aunties, bhabhis. Mere family main maa (Jyoti) age 42, baap(Shekhar) age 46, bhai(Anil) age 24, bhabhi(Meenal) age 23, aur main(Nishant) age 21 rehte hai. Pitaji policeman hai aur unki duty Panvel mein...
Myself Rakesh, I am 28 living in Bangalore. I work in one of the reputed companies in Bangalore and have explored different phases of sex from past 5 years, traveling abroad and in Bangalore itself. This is the first time I am penning down one of my experience. This might be a long sex story, so please have patience:) I am sure you ‘ll enjoy reading it, Patience is a virtue! I am 5’ 10″ height with an average build, but many people say I have a sexy bass voice whenever I give some presentation...
"I'll wait for you," Cheryl's mother said as she parked the car. "Wait... ?" "There's something we need to talk about," her mother said. "There've been ... I've been wondering ... that is, have you been seeing some boy and haven't told me?" "Of course not," Cheryl said. "Not even in ... there?" Her mother waved at the building housing The Construct's local offices. "Not even there," Cheryl said. "I'm told you can watch what goes on. There really isn't much to see,...
"'Night Mom," I said, hoping she wouldn't notice the way I was covering the huge bulge in my crotch. She said goodnight and headed off down the hallway to her bedroom. About a half-an-hour later, I decided to hit the sack myself. I showered quickly, and headed down the hall. Mom's light was still on, so I crept up to her door. I don't know what I expected to see, but the thought of my mom lying there in that filmy blue nightie of hers had my pulse racing. As I got closer, I could see that the...
Kimberly Reed silently raged against her own stupidity as the voice in her earpiece finished breaking the news of Erica’s first success. She’d probably walked past the book fifteen times already, as she completed circuit after circuit of the floor, futilely waiting for some inspiration to strike. And now that damn bitch was back on level terms with her. As the buttons quietly dropped from Kimberly’s blouse, her blue brassiere and sumptuous cleavage hovered into view for the benefit of anyone...
ExhibitionismHi friends i m sahil malik 4m Allahabad India yee meri real story hai meri behan jis ka name maryam hai 20age hai fig size 36 32 34 hai buhat mast hai mujh ku us din dey achi lagne lagi jab mein ne us barish mein nahatey time dekha us k kapray us k jism sey chepak chukey thay jis ki waja sey us pora jism nazar aaa raha tha mujh ku dekh jab woh apne room ki taraf gai tu us ki gand buhat achi lagi bas tab sey us ka dewana hu gaya pher raat ku us k room jaa ker us ku tuch kerta halke sey kaheen...
It had only been a week since the incredible experience in the industrial estate. I had spent the week once again in a roller-coaster of emotion. I found the experience turned me on incredibly, and actually wanked to relieve myself daily over the thoughts.But then, I also questioned the experience. How did we go from a cheeky masturbating drive in the car, to watching my first wife exposing herself voluntarily? Then, me encouraging her and her willingness, to fuck not one, but three strangers....
ExhibitionismMy kiss did not awaken Jack. I press his face against my shoulder as I looked up from the floor. Janet and Susan are standing over me with tears streaming down their faces. I looked to see others standing with their heads bowed as if in silent prayer. I looked into Jack’s face as I said, “Please Jack, come back, I need you.” “MISS, we will take it from here,” a paramedic said to me. “Miss, you're not hurt are you?” He then asked. I shook my head no, as he helped me to my feet. The...
Hello ISS readers, this is Saroj Sharma again from Rajasthan. I got so many inspiring, good comments on my previous real story “My suhagrat”, that I am submitting this real story of my first Anal (Ass) Fucking. For new readers of ISS, who did not read my previous story I want to tell them that I am recently married Post Graduate girl of 25 doing Govt service. My height is 5ft 6inches and vital statistics as 36-26-36. I have sexy features and always wear sex provoking dresses in home. My husband...
Hi Guys, My name is Prem (name changed), this is a true story of my beautiful sexual life that took place one year back and from there onwards I never had to look back. First I would introduce my wife Shweta (Name Changed), She’s 5,7 inches tall, fair & silky black hair, juicy pink lips. she’s got a figure of 34-27-35. She’s very stylish, Off course she had to be, well she’s a fashion designer. We had a love marriage. Shweta & I met at one of our friend’s parties during our first year of...
Take Three They're Small Drabbles by Abner Whateley 1. Back to the Future Sister! Marty Long's plan was perfect, though the use of a machine that he had invented he would be able to send his mind back in time to possess an unwary victim and use their body to destroy his enemy before he had even meet him. His deed done Marty returned to the present to find that his actions had results he did not anticipate. It seems that the person he had killed had been the person who...
The sound of brakes disturbed everyone except the two teenage girls. Willis Street was picking up after the mid-afternoon lull. The high school c***dren had mostly come and gone, but the office workers were still at their desks. Half a dozen people at the stops, mostly looking at their phones. The two girls were standing at the stop itself, one wearing her uniform in that way only paedophiles and high school girls in their mid-teens think appropriate, the other looked older and was more...
In hindsight, my divorce, combined with a new start in a new city, had probably left me somewhat emotionally vulnerable by the time I first met Lisa and her husband, Cameron. But whether or not that vulnerability was in some part responsible for the nature of our encounter, I'm not sure. In the end, I'm just glad it happened. It was a beautiful and exotic introduction to a new chapter in my life; a sexual re-awakening that I will always cherish. Sometimes a single act can change who you are....
Group SexJune 14, 2007 11:27 a.m. Dear Diary, Sorry for missing entries for such a long period of time. The worst thing happened. After arriving safely (and horny) to camp two weeks ago, we all attended the usual introductory brief orientation in the cafeteria where we discovered who our roomies will be. One of the coaches began the roster. ‘In cabin 1, we have…’ I tuned her out as I focused on this beautiful black girl with incredibly large boobs, exposing her cleavage in this small v-neck tank top. I...
Introduction Oh what a difference two months can make! A little over six weeks ago, I was a shy, normal forty two year old housewife and mother of two living a comfortable life in Barcelona, Spain. I had never had intercourse with anyone other than my husband, Oscar. We had a good, albeit somewhat boring, marriage. I was not sexually satisfied, but I never thought about it much. Sex just wasn't a huge priority in my life. I felt sex was a duty I fulfilled for my husband. I seldom climaxed. When...
CuckoldThe sun was barely a smear on the wide Bay when Anne's stepmother entered her bedroom and shook the sleeping girl's shoulder. "Wake, Anne. Wake up, girl," she said loudly. Anne rolled over and opened her eyes, saw the stricken look on the woman's face, sat up and asked, "What's wrong?" "Your father is dead, my girl. He died in his sleep. His body is already hard and cold." Anne choked back a cry, inhaled deeply and put her feet on the floor. "Are you sure?" She felt as if there...
My mother and her sister were married the same year and one year later each had a baby, my mother, a girl and my aunt, a boy. We lived in the same city at the time but when I was three years old, my father was transferred to a mid western town. The families were close so when I was five, our parents decided to purchase a vacation home together where they could go fishing and hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. The two families would meet every year during the Christmas break. The...
IncestVictoria Voxxx and Jade Baker are stars in a video regarding personal boundaries in the workplace. When Victoria mentions respecting her co-worker’s personal space, she reaches down and grabs Jade’s tits. April O’Neil, who’s filming the segment, yells cut, and reminds them that perhaps it’s not the best idea to grab her tits while they’re talking about the subtleties of personal space. April tries take after take but the girls are simply not getting it. Every...
xmoviesforyouLate for a promised luncheon with my mother, I had slipped on my sweats without showering after an excruciating 40-minute work out at the cross-town gym. My muscles tingled, especially my hard thighs, firm glutes, and taut biceps. Zipping down I-95 toward "The Proud Peacock" the trendy 'English pub' my mom so loved, I was suddenly reminded I had also forgotten to piss before leaving the gym. I believe in hydration, so I was carrying about two quarts of distilled water in my distended bladder....
Susan technically took my virginity. I had done quite a lot with other girls by then, but never the deed. I'd rather not say my actual age, because it's a trifle embarrassing, but I was a bit older than I should have been. It was a plan, really. I asked Susan if she would like to go for a ride (I had a motorcycle) and after a few scheduling problems we finally found ourselves setting out one fine summer Saturday morning. I picked Susan up at her apartment. I had carried passengers before,...
Kathy cackled as Daddy and Grand Dad wrestled Billy into position bottoms up across the leather-covered horse. "He's all your," Grand Dad told Mrs. Potter respectfully, "I've heard good things about your technique." "And I about yours," Mrs. Potter returned the complement. "It's an honour to be in the presence of such a grand master. Perhaps we can compare notes some time." "I'd be delighted, Madam." "Oh my," Mrs. Potter eyed the exquisite welt Grand Dad had tattooed...
And I was born ... the next of kin - The next of kin to the wayward wind “Joss, you need to take some of your money you’ve gained by working here and go outfit yourself with three or four suits of tough ranch working clothes. Get some boots too, instead of them gol-danged ugly-ass lace-up shoes you wear. And for damn sure, buy yourself a hat! You’re gonna keep on working out in the sun bare-headed and end up with a half-baked brain if you’re not careful.” After promising Polk that I’d stop...
The weather ruled the day. It had begun with hot steamy sunshine, but by noon the rain came down in sheets. Just as Diane had resolved herself to becoming soaked, the storm abated. Puffy clouds were soon all that was left in the sky. Diane was a reporter. She was a good reporter. She believed in the fourth estate as a branch of government. She was one of those true believers who thought everyone had a right to know everything, anywhere. Her beliefs caused her some problems. The worst...
Phil adjourned to the hotel’s pool while he waited for Hailey to get off work. His brief glimpse inside of the Carstairs house had shown immense potential. If the women enjoyed coming into the penthouse apartment he could imagine the looks on their faces when they saw the stately interior of that house. He could picture Hailey hosting the Beta Club for dinner or having a dinner party for Molly, Tiffany and Katelyn and their dates. The dining room had a long table with a chandelier above it...
Alice was feeling guilty. She had arrived in Cutter's Creek too many days ago and was no closer than ever to understanding what was costing her half-forgotten Department of Education a fortune in the strange little town. Well, she understood the "what" but not the "why." It was evident WHAT was going on: every female for miles around was pregnant or nursing or both. How could any female be otherwise, being in almost perpetual rut? And, men being men, they took advantage of the inevitable...