PASsport, Happening Encounters, Day 30 free porn video

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8PHE0030 word count 5958 ******** Day 30, Wednesday At two in the morning, Kinny rolled out the chair onto the floor. He didn't have words to describe the feelings, nor the pain, and couldn't have spoken if he did have words. He pulled himself to his knees, ignored the other views from his knees that Mem2 provided, and closed the console. Some time later, he was able to collect his thoughts. "Fuck me. I gotta stop doing this." He pulled himself to his feet. He swished gracefully down the hall to the shower. Kinny could feel the trainers moving him this way. He was grateful for it. He didn't think he could walk without help. At two forty-five he crawled into Anabelle's bed, holding Drake. He needed a real human touch, even if it was just from a baby. ******** At just before eight, Kinny woke to the smells of coffee. The baby was gone. This confused Kinny for a moment and then alarmed him. But then Kinny noticed that the car carrier and blanket was also missing. Kinny found the Hula Girl slippers. He wandered downstairs in panties and an oversized Army tee-shirt. His secretary notified him that he had a message from his mom. 'Working a full shift today. New client. Can you Debbie for me?' Kinny acknowledged the message and sent an autoreply 'Yes.' He now knew that it was rude to answer messages this way but his mom was accustomed to the way that Kinny texted. Joi and Jazz were at the kitchen table. The coffee was ready. Kinny smelled pancakes. He smiled. Joi was burping the baby. There was an empty baby bottle next to her coffee cup. "Good morning, beautiful," she said. Jazz had a different reaction. "Is that how you treat the hair I styled?" "Huh?" Kinny felt his head. "What's wrong with my hair?" Jazz snickered. "Go look in the mirror. Did you sleep with wet hair?" Kinny nodded. "No pancakes for you until you go back upstairs and fix your hair. Conditioner. Mousse." "Moose? I know conditioner but what is moooooose?" "Use my shower," Joi said. "Jazz, you're going to have to show Anabelle how to fix her hair. Here." She pressed a milker and two bottles into Kinny's hands. "Pump. We're out of milk again." "You just fed him." "He needs more. Aren't you late for work?" "I have a ten to two." "That gives you an hour. Hair care. Pancakes. Milk for the day. I'm recerted for home dairy. We're depending on you to feed the little monster again." Kinny nodded. He grabbed a third baby bottle from the dish drain. After a moment of thought, he grabbed a fourth bottle. ******** "I saw a milk parasite," Kinny said to Jazz while she fixed his hair. "You saw a leech." "No. I got a visit from Bureau 34 or something, from the FBI." "Not a Halloween prank?" "Pretty sure. I met the other agent in an official capacity a few days ago." "Really." "Ya. Some idiot in Swaziland created a monster. Let it out of the lab on purpose." Jazz sighed. "Thanks. I suppose I should apologize to Joi." "That's the rules." She smiled. Joi said, "Apology accepted." She presented a clear rain suit and a down vest. "Cancel the haircare tutorial. Anabelle needs the heated stay-ups. It's raining." ******** They dropped him off at work. Kinny got out of Joi's car and into a blast of cold, wet October. On the way in, Kinny noticed a construction spider installing bike boxes in place of the bike rack. Individual cages for bikes. They looked big enough to fit Joi's motorbike. Dbest. He clocked in. The receptionist was away from her desk. Kinny used the virtual screen there to call for a Debbie car. The Debbie car was busy. A taxicab arrived instead. Kinny recognized the driver. He'd served him coffee a few times. It was the same guy that Kinny had discussed the pros and cons of anime cab drivers with. What was the driver's name? Kinny queried his specs. His secretary program kept track of faces and biographical information. Kinny smiled. "Good morning, Gov'ner." The driver saluted with a coffee cup. "Respects," he said. Kinny looked around, startled. The driver winked. Kinny got into the passenger seat of the taxi. "Magpie Alley, please." "Working the financial district now." Gov'ner nodded. "Blue-collar workers tip better. Of course, you're cute. Could be you get tips that I miss out on." Gov'ner kept on with the chitchat as he drove. He didn't look or act like an anime. He was chatty, old, pudgy, and bald. Most people kept their medical clones in top fit. They rented them out only to defray costs. So.... Kinny wondered if he had misheard him, or maybe the 'Respects' greeting was more common than he thought. When the driver paused before driving away to get a good view of Kinny's arse, Kinny was sure of it. Gov'nor was a fully human taxicab driver. Just before he drove off, Gov'ner said, "And yet, she exists." ******** The growler bay here was a two-story affair. It also serviced businesses in Underground Fairview. There were only two working Debbie carts here, and one functional growler. That growler was busy restocking a cart when Kinny came up. "Is that one ready to go?" Kinny asked. The growler held up one finger in a 'wait a moment' gesture. Then it plugged in a coffee bean dispenser. "Ready one," it said in a machine voice, male. "I can take it?" The growler nodded. "Thank you." Kinny grabbed the coffee cart and pulled it. "Have a Debbie day." The growler held up one finger - the middle one. "Debbie day." ******** It rained in sets. Even when it wasn't raining, the wind blew water up Kinny's skirt and down into his cleavage. He was very happy for the heated stay-ups - when he wasn't worried that they might short out. Electricity plus water - bad? But they didn't short out and the temperature regulator seemed to know when Kinny needed a glow of warmth and when he did not. Kinny saw the Wild Coffee vendor across the alley. She was blowing into her hands to keep warm. Kinny made a bicerin. He paid for it and then walked across the alley. "Here. You look cold." She accepted the coffee. A look of bliss appeared on her face as her hands made contact with the cup. She smiled when she drank from it. "This is good," she said. "Probably shouldn't be seen drinking the competition's coffee, though." Kinny could see that she wasn't wearing a bra under her half-tee. Kinny smiled. He said, "Put it in one of your cups. If you blow into it, the steam rises. I'm told that attracts customers." "This is my second day on the job." She repackaged the bicerin into a paper cup. "How do you manage?" She rubbed her arms. Kinny watched her boobs jiggle as she did this. He smiled. "Heated boots. The leggings are electric, too." In a short conversation, he found out that her name was Noel, that she went to Girls College, was the granddaughter of Keisha, and that she recognized him from babysitting her cousins. "You filled out," Noel said. She made an hourglass motion with her hands. "Late bloomer?" Kinny smiled. "Always thought that you were a boy," she said. "Me, too. Imagine my surprise." He jutted his chest out. "Oops. Customers." Kinny scuttled back over to his own coffee cart. Kinny watched all three customers queue up in front of Noel's cart. Two male and one female. Probably drawn to the skimpier outfit. Or maybe they knew that she was Keisha's granddaughter. He set up a bicerin in its insulated clear cup. He cradled it in his hands and breathed into the cup. The woman noticed. She switched sides. "New product?" she asked. Kinny nodded. "Bicerin. It's Italian, I think. Or French. Can I get you one?" She dropped exact change onto the counter. Kinny nodded. He set her up. "This is quite good." Soon, Kinny had almost as many customers as Noel. The tip jar, however, was filling slowly. Tips here were slow. Gov'ner had called it. "Hi, I'm Debbie. Oh, hi Mom. Keisha." Linda was wearing the outfit from Abonne. Keisha was wearing something just as expensive, and just as rule-bending. Keisha did a double take, comparing Linda's hair with Kinny's. She elbowed Linda and gave her a searching look. "Mother-daughter day at Leaping Sally." Kinny noticed a piercing glare from across the alley. "Miz Keisha, I think you should - oh. I'm sorry. Don't bite me." He held up both hands and nodded over towards the Wild Coffee cart. "Keisha, I think Noel is going to chuck a plastic spork at you." Keisha glanced back. She smiled. "I've tried every menu item at her cart. What is this Blisterine I keep hearing about?" "Bicerin." Kinny made one for Keisha and one for his mom. He paid for them out of his tip jar. His mom dropped a couple of centurions into the tip jar. Keisha did the same. On that day, Kinny made about half of what he normally made in tips. Sales were down, too. Kinny didn't know if it was the location, or the rain. "You poached my grandmother." Noel waggled a finger at Kinny as they both slotted cash boxes into their respective bins. Kinny had to slot the thing in three times before the machine accepted it. He called it in. "Maintenance, please, for the growler bay at Magpie Alley." Noel said, "Little good it will do. They can't keep grumblers here. Something keeps eating them." "Really." "I've seen the bodies." "Ew. Maybe they need human techs?" "Maybe they need one of the combat models. You know, grumblers were originally developed for combat support." "Thought you only worked here two days?" "Four years in the Guarda. Crisis response. Something here eats biomechs. The small ones, at least." "Here, specifically, or here-in-general?" "This spot, and the alley under it. Gropecunt." "Did I hear that right?" "That's it's name. Gropecunt Alley. I hear a bit of history in that name." "None of it glorious." ******** Kinny walked back to the Two Debs building. Noel walked with him. At Main Street, they parted company. Noel walked towards 7th Way. Kinny walked towards 9th. After he clocked out, Kinny rented a Citi bike. He rode to the Swappery. He slotted the bike back into the CitiBike station there, and walked inside. Kinny tried every pawn broker and junk dealer he could find. Finally, he tried a booth called Book Town, Books by the Ton! "Hi, Debbie. I'm Lucy, what can I get for you?" The woman saying this had an easy smile and tattoos which covered both arms like an extra layer of clothing. Some of the tattoos were animated, interactive, or both. Kinny glanced at the name tag that he still wore. "Cute. I'm looking for a charger for old e-books." "Books by the ton. Chargers? Not so much. What model?" "Tareco? I think. Might be Balatronics. A 48 series, maybe earlier." "I have a Samsara. Supposed to be universal. What kind of e-book?" "Magazines." "What size?" "I dunno. Porn." "It was either that or Harlequins. They didn't publish anything else in e-zines then. Do you have a home fab?" "Sometimes. I've never tried it on electronics." "What model?" Kinny checked his Mem2. Grr. Full. He checked his specs. Tropic. The secretary had saved it. "PariCo 48." "This should work. I'll load a Muji fabblet to your specs. Forty-five dollars." "Do you have a player for old sensie chips?" "I'd have to see the chip." Kinny bumped a still that his secretary had saved over to Lucy's specs. It was of one of the chips he'd found in that box that was now on the laundry table. "What did you find?" "Somebody's old porn stash. I'm curious." "I don't have a reader for that. Check the nets." Kinny rented another Citi bike. He slotted the rental back into a CitiBike slot at the truck stop. Kinny jogged across the service plaza, unconcerned about high heels or bounce. He had to pee. He was pissing orange again. Not optimal. The color wasn't as vivid as before, though. Kinny looked at the music selection and generally just shopped. He could afford to buy things for the first time in his life. He wanted to see what was available. ******** (a short while later) Acting on impulse, Kinny slotted his bike in at one of the CitiBike stations. He'd just passed a building. Department of Health He signed in, A. Lee Parsian. Kinny dotted the i with a little heart without thinking about it. There was a glass window and one of those take-a-number machines. There weren't any other people in the waiting room but Kinny took a number anyway. The machine quizzed him about the purpose of his visit here. Kinny touched Other. A woman appeared at the window. "May I help you?" Kinny pulled the SWID card out of his purse. He placed it in the tray and transferred it over. "I found this card. Wanted to return it to its owner." The woman scanned the card. "Expired. You can drop these in any postbox. The post office will send it to us, no charge to you." She showed Kinny the message on the back of the card which said the same thing. She put the card back into the tray and passed it back to Kinny. "But if you have questions, a class just started." The woman buzzed Kinny in. "You can ask the social worker." "Um. I.... Okay. Ya. Sure. Thanks." Kinny found himself opening the door and walking through it. He followed the signs. Opened another door. There were four other women seated in this classroom, and a fifth woman standing by the whiteboard. Kinny took a seat in the back. "Hi. I'm Kleia. I'm a case worker with Department of Health. Some of you might have me as a case worker if you finish this process. I used to be one of you. So, the first thing I'd like to do, right off the top, is to discourage you from working in this field. It's not an easy job, physically, emotionally, or psychologically. It will wreck your social life. You will collect an STD, no matter how careful you think you are - or will be. Prostitution will put a stain on your job history forever after. Getting a security clearance? I needed six interviews. Most people get by with one interview. But." She gestured to herself. "There is life after prostitution. You can get a life and a real job. Even a family. But you can also get dead." Kleia launched into the education and training that the Western States required. She touched on Federal requirements. Then she put on a video. How to Test for, Prevent, and Recognize an STD. The whole presentation lasted about twenty minutes. Two of the women left immediately after the video, after signing paperwork. Two of them buttonholed Kleia, asking questions. Kinny waited his turn. "Sign out, please." "I'm not...." "If you want credit for this course sign out. If you're here by court order, sign out." Kinny signed. A. Lee Parsian obviously wouldn't do. He signed his own name. He presented the SWID to Kleia. "I found this card...." Kleia scanned it. "Expired. You'll need another physical before you can work legally." "No, hey, no. I found the card. I'm trying to return it to its owner." "Oh." Kleia scanned the card again. "I can't give out any personal information but I can refer you to the social worker who.... Oh. She retired. Or quit. Or something. Before my time. Inactive file. You can just drop this card in the post. Or the recycle. Miz Escholtz hasn't been in the system for eight years." "Thank you for your time." It annoyed Kinny to see this phrase on his specs, like a teleprompter. But he said it anyway, and, having said it, received a reward jolt. Kleia asked, "Why did you sit through the class?" "It was interesting." Kinny resisted the urge to adjust his shorts. He said, "Have a Debbie day." Another reward jolt. Annoying. Did he really need positive reinforcement to be polite? ******** Joi met Kinny at the door. She kissed him. "Your psych tech called. You have an appointment at the lab at Girls College on Tuesday." "Tuesday? Why did he call you?" "Clue nada. Did you give him my number?" "No." "Well, I wasn't going to give him your number without permission." "You can give Clyde my number. Especially for something like this." Kinny talked Joi into going to the gym. It didn't take much effort. Joi liked going to the gym. They brought the baby and worked on core. Kinny fed Drake in full view of the cameras there. ******** The baby fell asleep in the stroller on the way back. Kinny and Joi had sex in the shower. They also washed each other's hair, styled it, and pumped milk. Kinny found this all nicely erotic, especially now, with the special effects and feedback that the feelie suit added to every touch. It was raining again, so Joi took her car to work instead of riding the motorbike. Kinny ordered new maker stock for Joi's home fab. Then he fabbed an e- zine charger in it. He took the charger and the baby downstairs. He laid Drake on the bed. He paged through the magazines. Each featured a different woman, on her 'journey of discovery.' From virginal or shy college girl or housewife or high-powered attorney to reluctant and then fully inspired and energetic gang-bang queen. The details varied, but the story arc never did. Some of these women looked familiar. So did some of the men. Had he seen other porn featuring these actors? He tested each magazine. Eighteen out of twenty-two magazines accepted a charge. One of the e-zines that did not accept a charge blanked when he connected the power. At least he'd read the text and seen the stills. Kinny sorted them by date. He charged the first of the books. He popped a load of laundry in the machine. Then he did Joi's hand- wash. Laundry was a never-ending battle in this household. When the first magazine indicated full charge, Kinny charged up the next magazine. Drake woke up and got down from the bed. He made straight for the door under the stairwell. Kinny surprised Drake by producing the key for that door. He unlocked the door and showed the room to Drake. Drake hesitated for a moment. He looked up at Kinny. "In or out, child. I'm not holding this door all day." Drake crawled inside. He pulled himself up on the chair and walked around it. The chair had been moved. Kinny had left it by the other door. Now it was pushed against the stairs, at the other end of the cubby. Drake pointed to the other door. "Aba, umpa." "Open." "Umpa." "Say it in sign language." Drake signed, 'Open.' "Very good." Kinny made sure he had the key in his hand. He put that key in his bra. He let the door shut behind him. Kinny found the other key and opened the other door. He expected to see an empty room with concrete floors. Instead he saw a canopy bed, oval rugs, drapes, a dresser drawer and a vanity. Drake crawled to the bed. He pulled himself up on the lace coverlet. Kinny walked in absently. He heard the door click behind him. He checked his hand to make sure he still had the key, and put that key with the other in his bra. "Someone spent some coin," Kinny said. He looked around. He checked the wash room. The shower had a shower curtain now. There were towels hanging from the rings and there was toilet paper in the dispenser. Drake signed, 'Man-bed-push.' "Not understanding you, baby." 'Man-bed-push. Man-bed-car. Man-bed-house.' "A delivery man brought a bed in here?" Drake nodded. He signed, 'Spider.' "A delivery man and a cargo spider?" Drake nodded again. He opened the drawer on the nightstand. "No, baby, no. We don't open other people's drawers." Drake cast an annoyed look at Kinny. Kinny shut the drawer. "See? It's empty, anyway. Nothing to see. Let's go." He picked the baby up. They got out of the safe room with no troubles. Kinny put Drake down when the outer door had safely clicked shut. Drake made straight for the laundry basket on the floor. He pulled out a tee-shirt and a bra. Kinny started to object, but then he thought about it. Those were the things from the safe room. He didn't really know what to do with them. Kinny charged up another magazine. He let the baby play with the clothes. But when Drake pulled a floppy dildo out of the basket, Kinny rushed over. "Nope," he said. "Not for baby." He smiled. "Maybe to make babies, but not for baby." Drake signed, 'Make-baby.' He smiled. 'Make-baby, make-baby.' Kinny laughed. "Not today, kid." 'Make-coffee.' "Huh? I don't think that one is on your Baby Can Sign videos. Who taught you coffee?" 'Make-coffee, make-coffee.' "C'mon. I'm going to let Joi figure out what to do with this stuff." Kinny put the clothes on top of the toys. He put the baby on top of the clothes. He went upstairs. The doorbell rang. Kinny put the basket and the baby on the floor. He checked his specs. It was ... himself? Kinny saw the sim that the house used to represent him. Anabelle. "Eh?" He looked through the spy hole in the door. "Oh," Kinny said, laughing. He opened the door. It was his mom, still dressed for work. She opened her arms for a hug. She said, "Chastity!" "Star!" They hugged. He ushered her in. "Do you want coffee? Somehow the house knew to make two cups." "Hot and sweet." "Coming right up." "What is the baby playing with?" "Just some clothes we found down - aaugh, and some ... no, baby, no." Kinny picked up the basket. He dumped all the remaining clothes onto Drake. He took the dildo and put it in the basket. The basket went onto the kitchen counter. Linda looked at Kinny. She looked at the basket. "Not my toys. I found them and cleaned them. No judgment. I'm trying real hard not to ask who did what with whom." She laughed. They sat at the kitchen table. Linda cradled her coffee cup. "So," she said after a while. "You've been through a rejuve." "A little one, yes." "Did your breasts get sore? Did you pee colors?" "Orange? Kind of a glow-in-the-dark orange?" Linda nodded. "Calcium offload. You're getting shorter." "What?" "That's what it was with me. My hands are smaller, feet are smaller, jaw is smaller. All the long bones are smaller. The doc said to drink lots and lots of water. Kidney stones. Your boobs?" "Sore. Like period sore but more so." She took a sip of coffee. "This needs vodka." Kinny found the bottle of Dakila. He handed it to his mom. "Did your rejuve include a breast augmentation?" "I don't think so." "Read your contract again. Hey, hey. Ma?" He waited for her to look up. "If you don't want brittle bones, you have to start hitting the gym now. Serious. If you're shrinking, that's like osteoporosits come early." "Osteoporosis." "Right. A ten-cent word for bird bones. The best cure is prevention. Get a gym membership, a trainer, and work on increasing your bone mass. Instant. And a dentist. You're losing calcium everywhere. Even your teeth." "I see why you tune out, Kinny. This sucks." "It's not all bad. I can fit behind the water heater now. I haven't been back there since I was a pre-teen." He looked down. "Ruined a shirt. I didn't have these back then either." He hefted a boob. "Keisha's getting bigger boobs, too." "Keisha?" "She went up a bra size." "Check your contract." "She's not peeing psychodelic." "A wise bot once told me, truthiness varies. You look troubled." "Give me a moment. I'm reading my contract." Kinny watched Drake play with a bra. The baby was fascinated with the stretchiness of it. Linda grunted a few minutes later. She tapped her specs. "It's not there." "Side effects?" Linda checked. "Bingo. 'Other somatic effects may occur. These are benign and usually temporary. They may include soreness, swelling, discharge from the vagina or the nipples.' Okay. Thanks, son." She looked over. "Daughter." "At least you're not growing a dick." "Wouldn't that give Roy a thrill. I think that man's a closet packer. He seems inordinately fascinated with...." She stopped. Kinny cradled his coffee cup and leaned forward on both elbows. "Do tell." He grinned. "Porn. He really likes the in-and-out shots. Oral sex. Anything with a penis and a girl ... two penises and a girl. Three. Sometimes the girl doesn't seem all that necessary." "No lesbian porn? That surprises me." "He's fine with girl on girl as long as it involves a dildo." She rolled her eyes. "Speaking of dildos and gang bangs. I found Joi's porn stash." Linda looked alarmed. "No more. Nothing else. Say. No. More." She stoppered up her ears with fingers. "Some things, ya know? Should stay between consenting adults." They talked for a while. Eventually, Drake pulled on Kinny's leg. He wanted to be fed. Linda took that as a hint. She went to the living room and played PASsport. Kinny sat on the couch and fed Drake. From time to time, he watched his mom play. When she finally lost a combat round and the game switched over to combat-rape mode, Kinny left the room to give her privacy. Also to spare him from watching his mom have VR sex with a minotaur. He said, "I have to make bottles for tomorrow. I'll be downstairs." Linda nodded. Her eyes rolled. She glanced up to the screen. "Fuck," she said. "This hurts." Kinny shook his head. He grabbed the milkers from the kitchen, and also a few bottles. He unlocked the door to the basement and went downstairs. Kinny sat on the bed and finished feeding Drake. Then he took off his bra and handed it to Drake. Drake didn't know what to do with it. He looked up. "Ba." "Bra." "Ba." "Bra." "Baba-ra." "She's not here." Drake looked confused. Then he smiled. "Doi?" Kinny nodded. He wrapped Drake in a blanket and started milking himself. Drake watched and reached feebly for the milker but then fell asleep. Kinny filled two bottles. He checked the baby, then he went upstairs just long enough to put milk into the freezer. He checked on his mom. She was getting stuffed and folded in a different combat-rape scene. A werewolf, this time. She seemed to be enjoying herself. He went downstairs. Put the charger on yet another magazine. Then he started reading. These were interactive magazines - Choose Your Own Adventure. Depending on Kinny's responses, the actress ended up gang raped and sold off into slavery, she became a willing slut for all comers (pun intended), or she became a mama-san for several brothels, eventually running a porn syndicate. Every scene was acted out in live action with one or more actresses and one or several actors. Kinny had found three of twenty available endings. He knew some of these actors and actresses. He was certain of it. He even knew some of the 'stunt dicks.' Kinny hadn't seen that much porn. Had he? He didn't think he was widely exposed. Just the normal stuff, ya' know? Kinny searched his memory. And what little of his soul he believed in. Nah. These had to be, like, really famous porn stars. On all the common channels. Except that he didn't know their names until the credits came up. And he didn't recognize the names even then. They might be CGI? But, no. The hair. Animation engines were just now starting to be able to simulate hair realistically. He considered having his secretary look for the names on the nets to see what would come up. No. He didn't want the flood of penis-enlargement ads that would fill all his other searches. He'd learned that lesson. Be careful what you search for on your own machine. Besides, these were company specs. Monitored. The CSO was gleefully informative about that. They were happy to see his days as a coffee cart slut, to compare them with their algorithms. Which meant that, on some level, they were watching his choices now. Kinny took off his glasses. He shut them off. Then he opened the second magazine. All the magazines that would accept a charge were charged now. Kinny put the charger on one of the four balky e-zines. Maybe it would accept a charge over time. This magazine mentioned, 'Feelie chip available. Feel everything in AVS.' Kinny checked back. The other magazine had the same ad in the opening credits. "Ha." Kinny checked the box of sensie chips. Yes, there it was. Looked like about four sensie chips per magazine. Some of the e-zines had five chips. One had six. "I gotta get that reader." Kinny picked up his specs again. He searched ... and found the sensie player he needed. A Tareco Octapod. He could plug eight memory chips into it at once. Thirteen thousand dollars for a download. Fabblet not available. Oh. It used poison stock. It would poison a recycler and would probably poison Joi's maker if he loaded the special maker stock that was required. Plan B. Kinny checked the Dumpstores. He checked the mongers. He checked pawn shops and forums. Difficult to find, and way out of his price range when available. Shipping restrictions applied. Even the postal service refused to ship one of these beasts, unless the buyer or the seller purchased insurance - in case someone tossed it in a recycler someplace while en route. "Wait a mo." Kinny picked the baby up and went upstairs. He said hi to his mom, drinking coffee at the table again. Her hands were shaking. Must have been good VR sex. Kinny put Drake into the crib. He stood up and looked. "Okay," Kinny said, "I saw it someplace." "What are you looking for?" Linda asked. "A box. A few of them." Not on the promenade. Not in either of the cutout windows. Kinny had seen boxes when they were cleaning in this room. Someplace high. He looked up to the rafters, more than two stories up. There were attic spaces above both bedrooms, but he'd never been up there. Oh. Kinny turned around. There, on a ledge where the second floor would be, were a few boxes. Three that he could see from here. A small one that he could not see unless he was up on a ladder. Or on the promenade on the other side of the house. He got the step ladder. He climbed up to the top of it. "Kinny, get down from there. You're going to bust your coconuts." "I can almost reach it." "Down!" Ah. There it was. A cutout, an access panel. In the wall of his working bedroom. Kinny got down from the ladder and skipped up the steps. "What are you doing?" Linda asked. She followed. "In here. Someplace. In the closet. Watch where you step. Oh. Say hi to the camera. Wave. See? My secret's out. There's two of us." Linda shut the console. "Bye, bye." She leaned in and blew a kiss. "Good night." Kinny moved a few things in the closet. He pulled on the access panel. It wouldn't budge. He rotated fasteners and pulled again. "Ha! Victory points awarded. Achievement unlocked." Kinny felt Cookie step into his body. She said, in private mode, "Unnee, have you checked for curses?" Kinny smiled. "No cursed items in this world. No magic." "Are you sure?" Cookie asked. "No instant healing, either." He looked down to the living room. "If I get hurt, I'll be in the hospital for days; in a cast for months." "That sucks." Kinny nodded. "What are you doing here, Cooks? The console is off." He crawled out onto the ledge. Stood up. Cookie said, "Don't need a console. I'm in your Mem2 now." "You might want to go back," Kinny said. He held on to the handrail that ran along the wall at hip height. "I'm getting my Mem2 purged next Tuesday." "Tuesday. Tue is one of your gods?" She pronounced it Tu-eh. "Actually, yes, but we don't worship him anymore." He pulled each box over, stuffed them through the hole to his mom. He noticed an access panel on the other side, in Joi's working bedroom. "Think the spelling is different." "I back up to the game every time you log on. If you purge this copy of me on War-God Day, I'll still be other places." Kinny nodded. He said, "Anybody else in there with you? In my Mem2?" "Residents. Grandmother. She comes and goes. Ghosts. Why is Swish teaching you how to walk?" Kinny smiled. "Milestones." He crawled back into Anabelle's room. He brushed dust off of his blouse and skirt. Cookie said, "I could do that. Teach you how to fuck, too. And how to fight." Linda asked, "Who are you talking to?" "Cookie. She's in my Mem2." "Is she supposed to be in there?" Kinny shrugged. "Cookie says hi to Max's overmind." Linda nodded. "Hi, back." Kinny sighed. Another day, another wtf. He checked the boxes. They were covered in layers of dust. It looked like ashes. One box held photo albums, a wedding dress, yearbooks, and some jewelry. "Kinny, we shouldn't be looking through this stuff." The next box held cords, a charger, and a Tareco Octapod with eight chips loaded. Also a primitive set of VR goggles. Gloves. Booties. "Kinny!" "I won't go through the other boxes. I was looking for this." "Do you think Joi knows this is up here?" "We found a box in the pantry full of her father's tools. She sat and cried. It had been there for years. She'd stacked things on top of it but never looked. I cleaned under her working bed and found a few of Marion's things. Same thing. She lives here, but never investigates anything. No curiosity." "She's afraid of what she might find." Kinny dismissed that thought with a shake of his head. Linda said, "Not all the memories I have of this house are happy." Kinny considered that. "I'm not afraid to go in the basement because I might find Brennan's pistol. I know it might be down there but I'm not afraid to look - behind the water heater, for instance." "That gun is in the attic." "I'm not afraid to go in the attic, either." Linda pat Kinny on the shoulder. "We should put this stuff back." "No, I'll leave it out. I'll show it to her tomorrow." Reluctantly, he put the Octapod back into its box. "And I'll ask permission to rummage." "Good boy. Or ... girl. Good human." Kinny rubbed his boob. "A note from the cow." "A what?" "That's what Joi says when her tits are full. I got a note from the cow - I have to pump again. Or I'll soak the bedsheets."

Same as PASsport, Happening Encounters, Day 30 Videos

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 31

8PHE0031 word count 12619 ******** Day 31, Thursday Joi woke Kinny with a kiss. When he was awake, she said, "That's not my porn." "Huh?" "I don't have porn." She smiled. "Except for 3Ds that you and I starred in." "Oh. Okay." "Thanks for finding my mom's wedding dress." Kinny nodded. "Mom thought that...." Joi put a finger on Kinny's lip. "I heard what Mom thought. She's right. You're both right. But I don't care. Permission granted. Rummage at will, okay?...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 10

8PHE0010 Word Count 4996 ********* Day 10, Thursday Kinny woke up to someone shaking his foot. It was Jazelle. She was wearing running shorts and a sports bra. The bra looked sturdy enough to hold up Times Square. The downside of having huge melons, Kinny supposed. "Time to start your workday, Bo." Kinny got up on one elbow. He looked down. He was sleeping naked. He had an erection. Jazelle saw him look. She smiled. "I've seen it. No need to cover up." She tossed him...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 21

8PHE0021 word count 10820 ******** Day 21, Monday Kinny woke to his alarm. Neither woman had come home last night. Kinny checked his messages. Nothing. "Rude," he said. He texted both women. 'Hello? Anyone coming home today? I have to go to work. Hope you're okay.' He showered. Ate breakfast. Fed the baby. Pumped milk for the day. Got dressed. He'd waited as long as he could. He called Two Debs. "Hey, um. I'm babysitting and the mom? She didn't come home last...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 45

8PHE0045 word count 4925 ******** Day 45, Thursday Kleia sat on the other side of the desk. "Good morning, Princess," she said, checking her paperwork. "Erm, Chastity?" She stood again, hitched up her pants, and walked around the desk. She sat on a chair next to Chastity. "I hate barriers." She motioned to the desk. "A symbol of my office, a badge, a wall. I prefer face-to-face." Chastity shrugged. "Why am I here?" "Because the program flagged you as at-risk. You missed...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 19

8PHE0019 word count 4262 ******** Day 19, Saturday Joi crawled into bed and nested between them with her back to Kinny. He didn't mind. He knew where he laid in this triangle. Somewhere in Outer Yatra. But he was happy there. Him and the yaks. Joi woke him with a kiss. It was six-thirty. "Your specs are buzzing," she said. She rolled back over and faced Jazz. "Um. Thanks." Kinny got up. He'd slept without a bra again. And soaked the sheets. He pulled on a pair of shorts....

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 40

8PHE0040 word count 2378 ******** Day 40, Saturday Chastity bicycled home a few minutes after two a.m. It was just two degrees above freezing but the air was still. Her breath fogged. The bicycle seat was cold! So were the handles. She rode home on the sidewalks, not trusting the roads. Even in an era of autodrive cars, drivers at this time in the morning were a menace. The ones who were awake were often drunk. The ones not drunk were often sleepy. She rode past Drake's...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 26

8PHE0026 word count 9387 ******** Day 26, Saturday "Him," Cookie said to the group. "That's roofie man. Pretty sure that's the guy who roofied me." Grizzlil said, "What comes around, goes around." He held up a packet of white pills. "No," Max said. "Bad rat. Evil. Bad." She adjusted her armor. Grizzlil shrugged. "Do you know any rat paladins?" Cookie said, "I wonder if I can get him to accept a gold coin in payment?" "I dunno," Max said. "That artifact is...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 28

8PHE0028 word count 5768 ******** Day 28, Monday "What the fuck happened to you?" Joi looked concerned. "I opened the wrong IM attachment. What time is it?" "Almost time for your shift at Debbie's. I fell asleep waiting for you. What happened?" "It trapped me in a replay of Cookie's gang rape. A few times. Dream versions. Recalled versions. The aftermath. That damned dog." Kinny allowed her to pull him to his feet. "All of Cookie's customers and combat rapes." "It...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 50

8PHE0050 word count 1175 ******** Day 50, Tuesday The next three days passed in a similar way. Chastity got off work at 4 a.m. most mornings. She picked up breakfast at the Globe and Guard. It was on the way home, one of a few coffee shops open at four in the morning. It was a cop shop. Eventually Brennan would tell her to avoid the place but she figured it was safe. Who would assault her here? She brought home breakfast sandwiches and pastries and shared them with her...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 39

8PHE0039 word count 3383 ******** Day 39, Friday Chastity didn't have much appetite at breakfast. Jazz stole a sausage. She said, "If you're not going to eat it, I will." "I have some news about the baby," Chastity said. "It's not good news." Joi sat at the table with Baby Drake. "Out with it." "I might be wrong. But there's a little boy who's a regular at my coffee cart. He's sick." Joi made hand motions, 'Roll film.' "The baby is a blended bodice - can provide...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 57

8PHE0057 word count 2196 ******** Day 57, Tuesday Working at the Silver Lining was much like working at Jenni's Tea Cup. This was no surprise to Chastity. Brennan had imported the Jenni of Jenni's Tea Cup to run the brothel here. The biggest difference for Chastity, besides better wages, was that she didn't have to clean her own room. She could call for housekeeping. She also didn't have chores to do, such as kitchen work or scrubbing toilets. They wanted her mind and body...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 9

8PHE0009 Word Count 5962 ******************** Day 9, Wednesday He woke up with Joi over him. She lifted the baby from his chest and put it in the crib. Then she knelt between his legs and pulled his shorts down. Kinny smiled as she took him in her mouth. Her hands were cold but her mouth was warm. He really, truly enjoyed Joi's blowjobs. When she stuck a finger up his butt and massaged his prostate, he erupted. He hadn't schitzed this time. He was learning to associate that...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 14

8PHE0014 Word count 3188 ********** Day 14, Monday Sunday was a repeat of Saturday, except that Kinny changed clothes early in the day. Stretch jeans and a Gundaroo football jersey. He managed to brush his teeth, which was also improvement over the day before. And the stairs were a bit easier. Kinny logged on to PASsport long enough to hit the forum for employees. "How do I log in sick?" he asked. He spoke with a rasp. Barely a whisper. They wanted a doctor's...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 17

8PHE0017 word count 4782 ******** Day 17, Thursday Kinny received notice on his specs. It was from Bandersnatch Games. "A message from Harsh, CSO of Bandersnatch Games: "Social Event, 6 and 7 November, at the Convention Center. Required attendance. 4 p.m. to midnight on Friday AND Saturday. Two days of Required Fun, folks. Paid, of course. Employees will arrive In- Persona. Attend as your bio-avatar, your game avatar, or someone else's. Prizes awarded. Anyone who...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 46

8PHE0046 word count 6206 ******** Day 46, Friday At 3:15 in the morning, Joi woke Chastity up by taking the baby. "It's time," Joi said. "They're here." "Who?" Joi handed the baby to a man dressed in scrubs. Drake waved by opening and closing his fist. "Bye-bye, Aba. Bye-bye Doi." Chastity sat up, alarmed. She covered her breast. Tears formed in her eyes. "Is this...." She couldn't finish the sentence. Drake signed a message to her. 'Grandmother hug. Okay-I....

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 32

8PHE0032 word count 8066 ******** Day 32, Friday Kinny rolled out of the chair and onto the floor. When he could, he reached up and put the Piglet adhesive bandage over the camera on his workstation. New command. The workstation stays live. But he still had a mandate to not show penis. Thus, the Piglet bandage. New command. Game Cookie stays live. New command.... "Right," Kinny said. "Control-A. Acknowledge all." He toggled the keyboard. Hit Enter. Kinny...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 41

8PHE0041 word count 5082 ******** Day 41, Sunday Joi woke Chastity up by taking the baby away from her. She kissed Chastity on the forehead. "Off the couch, doofus. Go sleep in a real bed." Chastity wandered into the kitchen in her Gunderoo Bollocks tee. Chastity sat at the table and watched Joi with the baby. A short while later, she was asleep again. Joi nudged her awake. "Bed," she said. Chastity nodded. She stumbled into Joi's privacy bedroom. Then diverted for...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 36

8PHE0036 word count 4858 ******** Day 36, Tuesday Chastity woke up in a strange bed. She'd had sex - she could taste semen and smell shit. She was leaking from her vagina, arse, and tits. Her hair was matted with.... She didn't want to think about it. Her right wrist and left ankle were tied to the bed with gecko wrap. Her other wrist and ankle had been tied - they were sore and abraded. Chastity worked the gecko wrap, picking at it with a fingernail. She figured out which...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 24

8PHE0024 word count 5741 ******** Day 24, Thursday At 5 a.m., Kinny awoke as Joi and Jazz came in the front door. He waved from the couch. Joi held up a greasy paper bag. She mouthed the word, 'breakfast,' and glanced over to the baby, asleep in its crib. Kinny nodded, yawned, and scratched under his boob. He collected his things, nursing pads, nipple cream, unused baby bottles, a milker, and put them in his purse. He also collected a kiss on the nose from both women as...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 34

8PHE0034 word count 5058 ******** Day 34, Sunday Chastity woke up in a mess of blood and other fluids. Ugh. She'd forgotten. The comforter was probably ruined. She pulled all the mess into the big room of the basement. She scrubbed clothes and towels and sheets with prewash in the deep sink. And set them to soak in the other half of the deep sink. She let the comforter soak, too. She'd wash it, send it out for professional cleaning if the stains didn't wash out. She...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 44

8PHE0044 word count 3732 ******** Day 44, Wednesday The morning passed as many others. Feed the baby. Run to the gym. Run back. Feed the baby. Pump milk for the baby. Get dressed as a Debbie. At least Joi fixed breakfast and coffee today. And - Nine-Dot be praised! - Joi cleaned up after herself in the kitchen. Marion came down from her room long enough to eat breakfast. She dropped a basket of laundry in the kitchen and asked Chastity how much she charged to do...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 54

8PHE0054 word count 7815 ******** Day 54, Saturday Chastity woke to the smells of cooking. The monsters trilled at her as she rolled out of bed. "Camel milk for you," she said. She felt her boobs. "The wells are dry." They blew raspberries at her. She stuck her tongue out in return. Chastity threw on her Red Raiders jersey over panties and a bra. She softed upstairs. The floor was cold in bare feet. Marion was sitting at the table, waiting. Joi was serving...

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PASsport Happening Encounters FINAL CHAPTER

8PHE0061 word count 5231 ******** Day 61, Saturday and later.... Then the blackouts began. Chastity assumed it was because others were riding her in the same way that she had ridden them. Whichever or whomever it was, she was obsessively clean. Which was fine by Chastity. Some of her blackouts included truck work. The truck now ran and was titled in her name. All that remained was cosmetic work. There were dings to bang out and rusted panels to repair or replace. It also...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 27

8PHE0027 word count 4646 ******** Day 27, Sunday Kinny woke up in a familiar way. Familiar but different. He was getting a blowjob from Joi. But he was wearing a condom. "Hi." Kinny smiled. "Hi, yourself." She went back at it. It felt nice but it wasn't working for him. She pressed the button on his remote. Joi zapped Kinny's prostate twice, three times. Kinny didn't protest. He welcomed it. He sighed and basked in the afterglow. Joi stripped the condom off...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 56

8PHE0055 word count 4455 ******** Day 56, Monday Jackson made breakfast in Joi's kitchen. Chastity came upstairs, wearing her Red Raiders jersey and nothing else. She kissed Jackson on the cheek. "Morning, studly." He blushed and said, "Good morning." Marion came in the kitchen wearing Chastity's Gundaroo Bollocks jersey, and nothing else. Her nipples were clearly visible through the netting. Her cooter was also visible. Someone had shaved last night, Chastity noted....

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 15

8PHE0015 Word count 2453 ********** Day 15, Tuesday Kinny woke up at 2 a.m. with his arms around Joi. She had laid down next to him on the couch. At 3 a.m. he felt Jazz wedge herself in on the other side. Kinny held on to Joi so she wouldn't fall off the couch. Half an hour later the baby started fussing. Kinny got up, sat on the arm of the couch and fed the baby. When it needed to switch sides, Kinny stood and walked to the kitchen. He poured himself a liter of water, got his...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 18

8PHE0018 word count 2650 ******** Day 18, Friday Kinny woke to sunshine and an orgasm. He looked down at Joi. "I love your wake-ups. Oh, shit. What time is it?" "Six thirty." She crawled onto the couch with him. "I slept through my alarm." "Good thing I'm here." She kissed him. As always, he could taste himself in her kiss. He ignored the flash of memories this evoked and grabbed her boob. "It has to be fast," he said. "No. It doesn't." She positioned herself on top....

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 53

8PHE0053 word count 4795 ******** Day 53, Friday Chastity couldn't sleep. Her mind whirled with the possibilities that tomorrow presented. General Manager? Too good to be true? How many men would she have to generally manage? Fuck. She tried buzzing herself with a vibrator. That worked. Mostly. She did fall asleep but the dreams were a replay of last weekend. Each of the faces and dicks morphed into Brennan's. Exhausting. She was all too familiar with Brennan's dick....

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 25

8PHE0025 word count 6590 ******** Day 25, Friday The baby fell asleep a little after midnight. Linda took the baby and walked upstairs. Kinny followed. She walked into his room, opened the bottom drawer of Kinny's dresser with her foot, and laid the baby - still wrapped in its blanket - into the drawer. She said, "That was your crib when you were this small." "He'll be okay?" She nodded. "Dbest. G'night, Mom." They hugged. Kinny slept in his own bed that night....

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 12

8PHE0012 Word Count 4545 ********* Day 12, Saturday "And now I'm stuck with this fucking voice," Kinny said. He wasn't squeaking when he spoke, and there was no pain, but his voice was - seemingly - stuck in Anabelle's register. Jazz tried to look sympathetic. "Now would be a bad time to suggest bra shopping?" Kinny glared at her. "Look at all the sex you're having?" He sighed. He shook his head. "What did you do to me?" "Wait, wait. You still have an Adam's apple,...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 33

8PHE0033 word count 6654 ******** Day 33, Halloween Kinny heard Joi ride back on her bike at a little after four a.m. He slipped out of bed, washed up, and dressed in Army PT clothes and his Trapper boots. The boots still smelled of rat urine but Kinny didn't know how to fix that. He made it to the door just before Joi opened it. Kinny beat her to the gym. He surpassed her on every machine and every exercise. Core. "You're heart's not in it today," Kinny said, just...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 38

8PHE0038 word count 1972 ******** Day 38, Thursday Chastity woke up with acne. She had white-heads and inflamed bumps that would turn into white-heads in a few days. And not just on her face. She also had pimples in the razor burn. Down there. Her back hurt. She felt sick. Bruised. Like the aftermath of a fight. Had Jorry bruised her cervix? On top of it all, she was emotional. She didn't know why. She sat on the chair in the shower and tried not to cry. Joi came into...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 42

8PHE0042 word count 2834 ******** Day 42, Monday Joi had been assaulted. She had a black eye and a fat lip. Her hair had been shorn off unevenly. It looked like someone had given her a chop job with a machete. Jazz was in similarly bad shape. Both women had Piglet bandages where an IV had been. Chastity helped Joi out of the car. She looked more battered than Jazz did. Besides, Chastity already was on this side of the car. Roy tried to help Jazz. "Get the fuck away...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 49

8PHE0049 word count 4647 ******** Day 49, Monday Harmony? Princess? Wechuge? Chastity wasn't sure what was real and what was virtual anymore. The drugs didn't help. But her trainers were also working full-time now. Even with her glasses off - they were sitting on the nightstand, providing a remote view of some of the action - even with her glasses off, her internal mods provided a cartoonified view of the world. Overlays. Virtual Reality. Augmented Unreality. One thing...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 11

8PHE0011 Word count 1534 ******** Day 11, Friday "New rules," Jazz said, as she booted up the game. She held up a tentacle dildo. "Loser has to deep-throat the garglemeister. Garglemeister meistergargle." "You are so stoned." "You, too, Elsie." "Elsie?" "Because you're like Borden's cow. Ninety milliliters last feeding." "How can you tell?" Jazz looked startled. "Oh. Because, um. Ninety em el the last time you strapped into the machine." Kinny rubbed his...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 23

8PHE0023c word count 2174 ******** Day 23, Wednesday Kinny didn't count on it being him doing the exotic dancing and the strip-tease. At the end of it, he was eight hundred dollars richer. And humbled by the new experience of dancing in stripper heels. Joi gave him a hand-job and painted her face again. She taught him to say it as she rubbed some of it on his cheek. "Take a knee for acne." ******** "Officer. I'm Debbie. What can I get for you?" "You're a...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 4

8PHE0004 Word count 934 ******** Day 4, Friday He heard Joi open the front door at 4:30 in the morning. Kinny got up from the couch. "I'm horny," she announced. "I could fuck three men and their girlfriends." She cupped her boob with one hand and slapped her ass with the other. "I hope you didn't spend the night masturbating." "Maybe once." Kinny's voice still sounded like Anabelle. "Maybe?" She shut the door behind her. Kinny noticed, in that moment, that the lights...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 8

8PHE0008 Word count 406 ********** Day 8, Tuesday The baby fell asleep while Kinny was feeding him. Kinny turned off the Baby Can Read video and put the empty bottle on the lampstand by the couch. He checked the time. 10 o'clock. He considered putting the baby into the crib but every time he had done that in the last two days, the baby had woken up. Kinny didn't want to spend the next 45 minutes walking the carpet trying to console a colicky baby. His chest itched. He was...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 7

8PHE0007 Word Count 2350 ********* Day 7, Monday "That feels nice." "I feel guilty about pushing you at the gym." "I could get used to this." "I do give a good massage. You want to learn how to do this?" "Sure." "First lesson. Women require a lighter touch than men. Roll over. Second, this reaction is common." She tapped his erect penis. "Shorts, off." "Is that lotion?" "Mmn, hmm." "What's a sugar suit?" "Reading labels, now. Smart cookie. More than one...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 13

8PHE0013 Word Count 229 ********* Day 13, Sunday The next morning, Kinny felt more miserable and had less energy than before. He forced himself to eat and to drink water. He popped parasystemol until he became concerned that he might pass the meds to the baby. The grocery drone arrived at 9:45 a.m. Kinny pulled the box inside, checked it, and left it by the door. He fed the baby the old-fashioned way. It surprised him that he had energy for this but not for that. He fed...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 20

8PHE0020 word count 1990 ******** Day 20, Sunday Joi woke Kinny up in the usual way. He was learning to like this. He came in her mouth. She kissed him. They retired to the upstairs bedroom to have sex on camera. If it weren't for his boobs getting in the way, he might have forgotten about the transition. That, and her comments. "Are you getting bigger?" His penis did look bigger. And, wrong. Maybe a little bit purple? Also, puffy at the base. Very sensitive. And sore. His...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 22

8PHE0022 word count 2403 ******** Day 22, Tuesday Kinny woke up to a familiar face. He was getting a hand job from Joi. "Um." Kinny blinked in surprise. "Good morning?" He checked the time. 5 a.m. Joi grinned. "Did you miss me?" She stuck a finger up his butt. Kinny exploded in a shuddering orgasm. Joi let it paint her face. Then she smeared it on her forehead and cheeks. She tried to kiss him. Kinny wasn't sure about that. "That's where you draw the line?" Joi...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 29

8PHE0029 word count 3993 ******** Day 29, Tuesday At one in the morning, the game released him. "Ha." Kinny wobbled to his feet. He took a shower. Threw his clothes in the basket, along with a towel, which smelled mousy. Then, wearing his specs, panties, and an oversized Army tee shirt, he went downstairs. Drake was standing in his crib, waiting for Kinny. "Ba." Kinny nodded. He lifted the child out of the crib and fed him. Kinny didn't like the sexual charge that...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 35

8PHE0035 word count 3078 ******** Day 35, Monday Chastity woke up between Joi and Jazz. She smiled. Life was good. Individual moments sucked. But times like this made up for it. She got up and made coffee. Opened the fridge. Ordered groceries. Jazz stumbled into the kitchen at the smell of coffee. For the first time ever in Chastity's memory, Jazz had bed hair. Chastity said, "Cold cereal and coffee today." Chastity spooned frozen breast milk into her coffee. "You could...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 37

8PHE0037 word count 1042 ******** Day 37, Wednesday Chastity watched Keisha share a video clip with Noel. Keisha bought coffee at Noel's cart. Then she came to Chastity's cart. "You have to see this," she said to Chastity. She shared the video clip. It was Roy, posing with his Greatest Of All Time coffee cup. Chastity smiled. "Did he buy that cup for himself?" "No, some woman gave it to him. Your mom swears it wasn't her." ******** Chastity saw the woman before...

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PASsport Happening Encounters day 43

8PHE0043a word count 7262 ******** Day 43, Tuesday Joi woke Chastity with a touch on her shoulder. She put a finger on Chastity's lips and nodded towards the kitchen. The baby was in the crib. Either Joi had put him there or he had climbed down from the couch and into the crib by himself. Chastity arranged her top to cover her boobs and followed Joi into the kitchen. Jazz was already there, cradling a coffee. Chastity poured herself a coffee and sat down across from...

2 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 47

8PHE0047 word count 762 ******** Day 47, Saturday A little after midnight, Curtiss's dick came off inside of Chastity's pussy. Chastity pulled the still-erect dick out and showed it to Curtiss - now fully and irrevocably named Courtesy. Then she fucked the new girl with her own dick. Chastity collected seminal fluid from Courtesy's next ejaculation - she saw it spurt out from a small hole just under Courtesy's new pee hole. She dipped her finger in Courtesy's pussy...

4 years ago
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Passport Control

The trip started with us spending 3 nights in Florida before flying to the first stopover. We were told that it was better to take US Dollars rather than use the local currency. The flight was a bit scary as it was only a small plane but we finally landed in the Capital. While we were in the line for Passport Control we got chatting to the American couple in front of us. They explained that everything down here works on bribes. They said that we should put some money in our passport before...

4 years ago
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Random Encounters Ramyas Cousin Sister

This is a continuation of my encounters with Ramya. You can read the first part of it at Random Encounters 1- The Cute Bihari. Me and Ramya has been hanging out together for a while and we never really hooked up despite the lingering tension between us. I guess my efforts were half hearted and she was still hung up over her ex -bf. Anyway, it finally happened a few days before she was about to move out of the city and it was worth the wait. The long overdoses of the encounter spiced it up and...

2 years ago
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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

2 years ago
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Caribbean Encounters More

I couldn't believe my luck. I had finally convinced my wife to leave the responsibilities behind and take a well deserved vacation. Just the two of us this time. We were heading for an adults only resort in Jamaica and I was excited. The resort was noted for luxury, dining and its au natural areas. Beth was smiling as we descended into Montego Bay. She was aware of the resort , but it was not her first choice. She loves the beach and the pampering, but she is not as thrilled with the exhibition...

2 years ago
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Random Encounters 8211 Ramya The Incredible

This is the third and last part of my random indian sex encounters related to ramya. You can read the last part in “random encounters – ramya’s cousin sister”. I met riya, ramya’s cute cousin sister in bangalore and she was well acquainted with me as I used to visit often. She apparently used to jerk off to hearing us fuck and it was quite a turn on to hear the pretty little thing talk dirty. As described in the previous story, I was at their place for a house party which ended with me and riya...

3 years ago
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Hot Encounters Parts 9 and 10

This is the next submission in an ongoing story. For author's notes and disclaimers and to be fully up to speed, please read the previous first. Readers be aware that this material contains lifestyles and sexual acts that may be a turn on for some may also be offensive others. I am my own editor so please forgive me for any typos. ******************************************************************* After Jen left, July was a long month for me especially coming home to Jen's bed, TV, and...

2 years ago
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Abroad Encounters With Anamika 8211 Episode 1

Dear Indian sex stories readers and authors !! I am back again Vijay, who at the moment residing in Nepal. I have already told about myself in my previous narration “Pune History with Sanjana”…You can read the below and please give the feed back to or Any girls or ladies who would like to have a great pleasure can contact me. Secrecy and respect is well maintained You can read for my intro and how am I. I have already informed in my previous narration that there are many more to come all my...

4 years ago
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Close Encounters of the Second time TheermS

Well this sucked!The whole situation stunk worse than 6 day old fish.I collapsed into my friend's couch. I had just come off the phone to Ronni for some reassurance.I took a few deep breaths and tried to settle my nerves.About 10 minutes before I had had to end a disasterous encounter with a ghastly little wastrel called Dan. It had gone could have gone worse, but it seemed bad enough at the time.What happened was...and its all laid out in probably too much detail in the first...

3 years ago
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Goa Encounters The Malvika Diaries 8211 Part 1

Hi Guys! This is Malvika Kapoor from Mumbai. I know you all might be waiting to read my encounters but I had to do them so that I can write it for you all. I am going to share my Goa encounters with you all which I have written with the help of my friend Chetan. I am sure you will enjoy it in his words. Hello all you amazing readers out there on ISS. This is Chetan back again with the next part of my sexual endeavors with Malvika Kapoor. For all those who don’t know me or Malvika, please refer...

2 years ago
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Hot Encounters Part 1 and 25

The following is the first submission of a continuing story which chronicles an 18 year old around the 1980 time frame who, by his own choice, is introduced to sexual adventures beyond his wildest expectations. The events continue well into his early 20s. The sexual encounters are true; however, the character names have been changed and most locations and dates noted are intentionally vague as to not directly reflect any historical or geographical reality. This is about sexual encounters not...

4 years ago
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Random Encounters 1 The Cute Bihari

It’s somewhat strange to write regarding my sexual experiences. But having been an avid sex story reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net for a long time, I feel this is the right time to talk about my encounters. I am 36, 5”5 and educated at one of India’s best institutes (Indian women love fancy educational qualifications, trust me). Looks do land you girls, but then in India, so does being well educated and being nice. I lost my virginity fairly late when I was 25 and I always felt that the...

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