Playing Havoc With The Authorities free porn video

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1. Investigation Sean swivelled on his desk chair and looked at of the 5th floor window. From his corner he could look at either way to get a view of Edgware road, to the north or the south towards Hyde park. If he looked down close up from either window he would see the pub, news agents and the Bakerloo line tube station across the road. He was always amazed at how many red buses could be seen in each direction. A glance to the far right and you would see the large hotel across the A40 and just beyond that was St. Mary's hospital where Sean's current girlfriend Jenna worked as a nurse. Sean swivelled back, picked up his report and walked over to where his boses pidgeon hole was and popped it in. Having grabbed a coffee he started to tidy his desk and catch up on some filing. Only a few minutes passed when his desk phone went. The display on the phone showed 'William Langdon', Sean's boss. "Hello guv." "Sean, can you come and see me please?" he asked politely. He was always a polite man, but Sean knew it was an instruction, not a request. "Yes of course, be right there," he replied. Following a quick knock on the door Sean pushed the door open and stepped inside. "Ah Sean, take a seat." Sean did just that, taking the nearest of the two in front of Bill's desk. Bill, (William Langdon) was Chief Inspector and direct superior to Detective Sean Berry. Bill was in his late 50's, an experience head as well as a bald head. What hair growth was still active was shaved these days. Sean was half his age at 27, had risen to his current detective status just over two years ago. Sean had a full head of hair, a light brown that he kept tidy and had a side parting. Both men wore suits and shirts without the jackets. Sean would have preferred a polo shirt and jeans but Bill was what they called old school. He expected all of his team turned out professionally. "How are you doing on the Mullin's murder case report?" Bill started off. "Oh, just finished it guv. I popped it in your pidgeon hole not more than five minutes ago." "Well done Sean, I'm sorry you had all of that on your shoulders but with Derek in hospital it was key the report was drafted while everything was fresh in the memory." "It's ok guv, I understand," Sean replied. "Have you visited Derek yet?" Bill asked. "Last night guv." "How's he doing?" "Oh, he was still uncomfortable. You could tell, he's on pain releif but he put on a brave face. His leg is still swollen up around the break," Sean advised his boss. "Mmm, ok. I will have to pay him a visit myself in the coming days. On that note, I am struggling to get you a partner while Derek is layed up." "Oh," Sean said in dissapointment. He knew that with no partner he would be restricted in what investigations he could take on. "I know, I know, but there's just so much pressure on resources at the moment. There really is nothing I can do," Bill explained. "Ok guv, I gues it is what it is!" Sean thinking that was the end of the discussion went to get up. "Sean, there is something I want you to check out for me," Bill said. Sean sat back against the chair, waiting for some kind if brief. "Unform pulled in woman last week after two separate complaints from men. Both men gave statements, I won't go into the details I'll leave you to read through them," Bill explained. Sean nodded and Bill continued. "The two uniformed officers that interviewed her stopped the interview part way through, then released the woman without any further action." Sean was wondering why that was so unusual. "It was not until later that the Seargent wanted an update from the two officers about her that things started to look a little odd. Both officers claimed to know nothing of the interview, but they did then realise that they could not account for part of their shift." Bill placed a file on his desk and slid it across to Sean. "In here is the statements from the two male complainents, a statement from the Seargent and a flash drive with a video of the interview." Sean frowned at what he had been told, picked up the file. "Ok, I'll get my head around all of this and discuss any action with you later if that's ok?" "Yes, that's perfect. No running off without discussing this case first." "Of course guv." Sean returned to his desk and read through both statements. They both told a similar story, of picking up a woman. From the descriptions given it was the same woman. 'Small build, slightly olive skin complextion and long black curly hair. Estimated age between 28 and 36.' Both had been at the same bar in Camden when they hooked up with her. Then both remeber nothing after leaving the bar and both then later find there bank account has had a cash withdrawl of ?300, the maximum for the accounts in a single transaction. Sean strokes his chin, this looks fairly straight forward. He considered that perhaps both men thought they would be paying for some sexual services and got scammed by the woman. But would they risk getting charged themselves if it emerged what they were actually doing. Perhaps not. In both statements the men refute being heavily under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Both claim they were lucid. So how could they have not been aware of money being taken from there accounts? He plugged in the flash drive and started the interview file then watched as it progressed. The formal start for the records before the two unforms with their back to the camera started the questioning. They thanked for her voluntary attendance, she waived the right to any representation clearly very confident that she had nothing to answer for. Sean looked more closely at her, the long curly black hair was quite something. Her petite face was not overtly pretty but a clear complextion and she had a confident demeanor. She toyed and played with her hair sweeping it all to one side then shaking it free and running her fingers through it. The two uniforms had her confirm her name and address. 'Carmen Ineasi,' she told them. A flat in Marsden street, Belsize park. Contact details were added. She was asked to confirm if she frequested the bar in Camden. She freely admitted that it is a regular haunt of hers. Then the officers asked her about the first victim, they asked her to take them through the events at the bar when they had met. The woman leaned forward, looked the officer that had asked the question straight in the face. "Listen......" her hand appeared to reach out towards the officer. You could not tell if she actually came into contact with him. Her voice quite calm "Listen, listen......" she repeated, then stared at the second officer, her arm appearing to move across to him. "Listen, listen......listen" she repeated again then adressed them both. "I will leave now, I want you both to call me in 30 minutes. First you and then you." One of the uniforms formally stopped the interview and the three of them exited the interview room. It had only lasted just over three minutes. Sean replayed it again from the start, this time looking more closely. It looked to Sean like the woman had played some kind of mind trick, a form of hypnosis perhaps. If that was indeed what she had done then she would be in trouble for attempting to pervert the course of justice. He knew all too well though not to jump to conclusions. He ran checks on both mens bank accounts to confirm firstly that the cash withdrawls were made with the victims bank cards. Then further request was made to check the relevant ATM camera footage to check the visual identity of who made the transaction. That would not be ready until the following morning. Sean decided it might be a good idea to see if he could get a professional opinion on what appeared to be a mind control technique. However, that would need to be approved by Bill and would now have to wait until the morning. Most of his colleagues were out or had already headed home for the evening. Sean grabbed his suit jacket and slipped his arms in then headed for the lift. His thoughts turned to food as his belly gurgled. What would he do for dinner, he pondered the thought until the lift doors opened. Jenna was working today, her shift would not end until 7.30pm., on these occasions if he could Sean would try and make dinner for when she got home to their appartment. Home was in Finchley and was quite a small. Even with both of them earning they could not afford anything with reasonable space. But it met their current needs. Sean stepped out of the lift and made his way toward the exit. Having decided on a stir fry because it was quick to cook his thoughts had already flipped back to the case he was just getting into. He walked briskly down into the underpass that snaked under the road junction. The mini maze of tunnels even had a small retail outlet in the centre where the four exits / entries converged. He made his way through and out at the opposite corner where he continued on towards the Circle & Hammersmith tube station. His usual route home would be one stop to Baker Street and change for the Metropolitan line to Finchley. At Baker Street he quickly realised that he would not be making anymore progress very soon. A 'jumper' as they call them had stopped all trains further down the line. Almost at the point of acceptimg the situation; it did happen every now and then; his mind jumped back to the case. Perhaps he could use the time to go and check out the bar in Camden. Seconds later he realised the 27 bus stopped outside and although took a while went through Camden on its way to Chalk Farm. Within 10 minutes he hopped on a rather full bus and was heading towards the bar. It was around 30 minutes later the bus pulled up, right in front of the bar. He jumped off and stepped forward. At first glanes a single story building, the frontage all painted a dark green colour. The upper floor was set back from the front and was also painted in the same dark green. He pushed the door open and made his way to the bar while taking in the surroundings. It was pretty busy but not packed like some bars can be at this time of the evening. Getting the attention of one of the two barmen took a minute, but one came over lured by the ?5 note waved in Sean's hand. "What can I get you?" asked the man in his mid twenties. he was dressed more like a student and had tousled hair with blond highlights. "Half a lager please," Sean replied politely. "Coming right up." Moments later the ice cold beer was placed in front of Sean "thats two ten please," and he went to grab the ?5 note from Sean's hand. Sean pulled the note back "I need your help" and Sean pushed a print out of Carmen from the interview file under the mans gaze "Do you recognise this woman?" The barman looked at the image closely, then knodded his head. "Yeah, she's quite a regular hear. Is she in trouble?" "I'm just trying to find out about her background really" Sean told him. "Are you the Police then?" the barman asked. Sean pulled his ID out to show him. "Yeah". "That's still ?2.10 please," the barman pushed for the money. "Can you tell me anything about her?" Sean asked still withholding the ?5 note. The barman looked thoughtful. "Does she spend a lot of money in hear?" he asked specifically. "No more than most really, she quite often has drinks bought for her by admiring blokes," he told Sean. "So would you say she is quite promiscuous then?" Sean added. Again the barman paused before answering, "Perhaps more recently." "Thanks barman, keep the change." And Sean passed over the cash. The barman nodded. "Cheers." And he walked away. Sean sat at the bar nursing his half pint of lager half watching and half thinking about what he had leanred so far about Carmen. Checking his watch his guessed it was time he made a move to head back to his apartment. He picked up his glass and was about to neck the remaining contents when the entrance door swung open. His glass remained on the table as he the watched mass of black curly hair make it's way over to the bar. He had not yet seen her face to confirm who he assumed it must be. He took in the image that stood about 15 feet along the bar. Stilletto heeled calf length boots in black suede, blue jeans that clung to her slender legs and rounded backside.Most of her top half was obscured by her hair. It was black and had a gloss shine that caught the light. She was only 5' 6" with the heels, quite a petite woman. As he glanced up a bit further he relaised she was looking straight at him. It was obvious he had been caught staring at her. He averted his eyes. But that was enough to confirm her identity, it was Carmen. He was not expecting to see her, he knew his boss would not be happy if he engaged with the suspect alone. He decided to leave as planned just a couple of minutes ago. He sank the last of his drink and placed the glass down on the bar. "Hello." Before he could slip of the bar stool he turned his head to see Carmen smiling at him from just inches away. "Oh..errrr....Hello," he replied caught of guard. "Lager right?" She justured towards his glass. "Errr well, to be honest I was about to leave," Sean told her. "You didn't look like you wanted to leave a moment ago, stay for another so we can get to know each other." She looked up and spied the barman. "Jake, can you get me half a lager as well please?" She turned back to Sean "So tell me, what's your name." He was a bit flustered, he didn't want her to know his real name. "Oh....Jon....Jonathan." "Nice to meet you Jonathan," she said smiling at him. He felt her hand rest on his forearm. he could not help notice her eyes. Like her mass of black curls they shone like a high gloss varnish catching the light. She wore light makeup and although she was not sterotypically beautiful, she was quite attractive and was clearly very confident. "I'm Carmen." "Nice to meet you too Carmen." The barman appeared in front of them, Sean detected a knowing look from him as he placed the two drinks on the bar. Carmen hand over a ?10 note. "Thanks Jake." "So what brings you in hear then Jonathan?" Carmen asked him. "Well I...errr....just fancied a drink on the way home." "Lucky me then," Carmen replied with a broad smile. Sean was now weighing up his options. Should he use this situation to dig a little deeper or make his excuses after the drink and leave? 2. The horror of realisation Three weeks later....... Sean had just returned to his desk from his bosses office and was arranging his files when his mobile phone vibrated. Pulling it from his shirt pocket he checked the screen 'Carmen'. He swiped to answer and put it to his ear. "Hello?" he asked questioningly. He franky wondered why she was calling him. In fact he then realised he had no memory or reason to have her added to his contacts. "Hello Sean," came the calm sulty reply. "Is that Carmen?" he asked still unsure. "Yes my dear." "What can I do for you Carmen?" Sean asked. "Meet me in the pub Sean, the one we met in. Be there by 6pm." "You need to tell me why Carmen, I'm not going out of my way if you don't tell me what you want to meet me for," he told her. "Be there for 6 Sean, or you might just regret it." "That's not..." Carmen hung up before he could finish the sentenct. Sean sighed, checked the time. 4.20pm. If he was to do as she asked then he would need to leave by 5.10pm at the latest. He considered calling his girlfriend Jenna to let her know he might be a little late home as she was not working. Perhaps it would not take long and he could be home in good time so he decided to leave it for now. With his curiosity peaked he continued with his desk work until just after 5pm when he grabbed his suit jacket and left. Sean pushed open the door of the public house, his eyes swept across to the sparsley populated room in the direction of the bar. No sign of Carmen there. He scanned across the wide expanse of round wooden tables and chairs covering the centre ofthe room and the booths with padded green seating around two walls. That was when he spotted her. She sat in the corner booth, the only one that was round. He started to walk over and as he got closer he noticed another person sitting with her. He could not see their faces as he approached. "Carmen, what's all this about?" he asked now stood at the entrance to the round booth. Carmen looked up. "Sean, sit yourself down." Sean slid into the opposing side of the table. "So....." Sean stopped speaking the instant he looked up. Sitting next to Carmen was his girlfriend Jenna. Carmen smiled at him. "Jenna?" he called across the table. She acted like he was not even there. He turned to Carmen. "What the hell is going on?" Sean's girlfriend was a similar build to Carmen, but Jenna had straight brown hair that was parted in the centre of her head and hung around 6 inches below her shoulders. She had on what Sean would call her loafing around clothes. A loose fitting jumper, jogging bottoms and as was normal for home at least; there was no makeup. She would not normally go out dressed as she was now. "I will tell a minute." Carmen got up and stood to one side. "Jenna." Jenna's head darted round to look at Carmen. "Yes Carmen," she said smiling brightly. Sean looked on in puzzlement. His girlfriend who had just ignored him, sprung to life like an excited puppy to Carmen. "Can you go and wait at the bar for me please?" Carmen asked politely. Without hesitation Jenna slid out from the booth and walked over to the bar. Sean watched as she pearched herself onto a stool and just sat. As Sean looked back from watching Jenna, Carmen was sat across from him once again. He was starting to feel an uneasiness about the situation but he could not comprehend what it might be. "So Sean, it's like this," she started. "Let's start with you." Sean looked at her again wondering what was going on. "You cleared me of any accusations or criminal charges......" "Yes," Sean confirmed. Did she not trust him or something? "You did so because I told you to do it." She waited a moment for her words to sink in. Sean frowned at her, then shook his head. "Stop talking nonsense Carmen." "I can assure you it's not nonsense," she calmy put to him. "I cleared you Carmen, because you were not guilty of anything....There was no evidence to suggest you had done anything wrong," he stated clearly. "Ah, well you see Sean. That is where you are wrong. I am guilty, guilty of both of the incidents you were investigating and many more before them," she told him. "WHAT?" Sean replied incredulous at her statement. "So now you have decided to hand yourself in!!??" Sean added. "Oh hardly," she smiled, "but I can tell you what I like, everything.....and you won't be able to do anything about it." "This is not making any sense Carmen, what are you saying exactly?" Sean pushed for answers. "Ok, I will start from the beginning." "When I first met you in this very bar, you were investigating me in relation to two accusations of theft by deception." "Riiigghtt" Sean said. He was finding it hard to remember for some reason. "You lied to me about your name and why you were in this pub." Sean looked at her, clearly struggling with the facts. "At that point I had decided to scam you as well," she watched him frown. "Go on...." he replied. "So I put you under to..." "You hypnotised me!? have to be kidding me.......I would have realised at some point Carmen so stop giving me the BS. I am not easily fooled," Sean stated in a serious tone. Carmen knodded her head. "I put you under Sean and asked you to show me your wallet." Sean's mouth fell open. But Carmen continued. "And you did exactly that. That was when I first found out your real name and asked who you were and why you had lied to me. Of course you told me everything." Sean was again shaking his head in disbelief. He had no memories of any of these events. "So I then took you back to my place. That way I had some privacy and could work on you properly." Her smile broadened at this point. "Carmen......just stop. This is clearly an attempt to wind me up," he exclaimed. "Sean, I totally understand why you don't believe what I have told you. But can you explain why your lovely girlfriend is here and completely blanked you?" she asked him. Sean thought for a moment, he could not explain why Jenna had acted the way she had. But he then reasoned that she could be in on the wind up. There was a growing sense that something may very well be going on, but he could not explain, comprehend or make sense of any of it. "Let me explain Sean. I have total control over Jenna. She will do anything that I ask without question," she told him. Sean looked across at his girlfriend. She still sat on the stool like she was daydreaming. He looked back at Carmen who sat rolling her black curls around her fingers while smiling at him. "Shall I give you a demonstration Sean?" She didn't wait for him to reply. "JENNA," she called across to the bar. Jenna got up and came over to the booth. "Yes Carmen?" she asked her. There was still no sign of her acknowledging Sean's presence. "Jenna, slip your right hand into your knickers and pleasure yourself," Carmen instructed. Jenna, still standing with her back to the rest of the room did as instructed without a word. Her right hand snaked under the elasticated waist of the her jogging bottoms and moments later her eyelids fluttered a little then closed. Her lips parted a little. Sean looked at her in astonishment, was this actually happening he wondered. Her face showing all the signs of being aroused. She bit softly on her lip "aaaahhh" came from her now slightly contorted face. Sean's gaze switched to her crotch, he watched the fabric moving as she did her thing. Carmen's left hand reached out and stroked Jenna's arse as she watched her. Then she turned to Sean again. "Watch this...." she told him. "Jenna, you can cum now," she stated. Immediately Jenna's face grew flushed, her breathing suddenly frantic and heavy. "Ahhh....ahhh, ahhh, oooohhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm." Her hand remained hidden as she calmed and her breathing returned to normal. Sean looked at her, his mouth open in amazment at what his girlfriend had just done in a public place. He glanced around the pub a few of the other patrons were looking in their direction wondering what the noise had been. Had she really had an orgasm, that quickly he questioned and at Carmens command. "Jenna, remove you hand from your knickers and lick you hand clean," Carmen instructed. Again Jenna followed the instruction without a word. Sean watched his girlfriend, licking and sucking her hand and fingers clean of her own vaginal secretions. "Jenna, come and sit," as Carmen stood up and allowed Jenna to slide in to the booth where she had been earlier. "Do you believe me now Sean?" Carmen asked. " did you get her to do that?" Sean asked her. "Like to I told you, hypnosis," she replied. Sean looked over at Jenna. "Jenna, please stop this," Jenna paid him no notice. "If what you are telling me is real, I'm gonna do my best to get you prosecuted with the harshest sentence," Sean growled at Carmen. Carmen smiled at him, then broke into a little laugh. "Oh Sean, you really don't seam to understand." Carmen turned to Jenna "Jenna, trance level one". Sean glanced to Jenna, he saw her eyes blink. A tear sprung from the corner of her left eye. Her head dropped a little and her eyes were downcast. Her face grew red as she regained control over her emotions. "Jenna?" Sean called softly. Jenna looked up at him and whispered, "I'm sorry Sean," her eyes then looked down again. Her shame was evident and she hid behind a curtain of hair that had fallen forward. Sean turned his attention back to Carmen, his intention was to put a stop to this and take Jenna home. However, Carmen saw the look in his eyes and new what she needed to do. "Sean, trance level three," she said and his head slumped forward like she had just switched off a robot. "Sean, you can now remember the events of the last three weeks." "Sean, trance level one," she stated. Sean's mind was suddenly in a whirl as the memories drifted back into consciousness. Carmen watched him, his facial expression first showed signs of understanding, then surprise before a look of terror took hold. Sean now understood, he was able to recall being hypnotised. He remenmbered being instructed to clean Carmens flat. He now understood how Jenna came to be with them, he had taken Carmen to their Finchley apartment. He recalled the instructions to officailly drop the case against Carmen, to make it go away as she had put it. He also introduced her to his boss, Bill. This surprised him, but collectively these memories all meant one thing. He had been manipulated, played like a banjo. Fear spread through his entire body. This woman, Carmen.... was very dangerous and could cause untold problems. "So Sean, I take it you understand now?" she asked him. He swallowed involuntarly before knodding his head slowly. "Good..... Sean, trance level three," she said. Sean's head slumped forward as he lost normal consciousness. Jenna looked up in concern at what might come next. "Sean, place your hands palm down on the table in front of you," Carmen instructed. Without any movement from the rest of his body his arms lifted and his hands layed out on the table in front of him. Carmen produced a bottle of nail polish from her jacket pocket. "Jenna, I want you to paint Sean's nails." Carmen placed the bottle on the table. Jenna did not need to be in a trance, she had already submitted to Carmen and her control over the two weeks prior. She had been aware of everything but unable to speak a word of it. She knew there was no point in rufusing her wish, if she did not do this willingly then she would find herself put under once again and probably made to do another degrading act in public as punishment. Jenna picked up the tiny bottle, shuffled up in her seat to reach across the table. Then undid the cap and started to apply the varnish to Sean's nails. The vibrant red with a sparling silver glitter quickly covered his first nail on his little finger. It did not take Jenna many more minutes to work her way across both hands and she replaced the cap on the bottle. Carmen looked at her work- "Thank you Jenna. Such a shame his nails are not longer. They need to grow out a little and he definately needs a manicure-" Carmen picked up the bottle and tucked it away. "Sean, in a moment I will bring you back out to trance level one. When you become conscious again you will not be able to move you hands from the table until I say release and you will have no memory of your time in trance level three." There was a moments silence before she said the words, "Sean, trance level one." Sean lifted his head and opened his eyes, it was like he had nodded off for just a moment. Was he tired he questioned himself. Carmen caught his gaze. Jenna sat next to her looking decidedly sheepish, guilty. "What a lovely shade," Carmen said to him as she looked at his hands. Sean glanced down. "What .....the f" He stopped himself saying it too loudly not wanting to draw attention to himself. He yanked his hands to hide them but they would not budge. It wasl like they had been glued to the table. His mind was in a bit of a panic now as he realised his nails were about as bright and eye catching as anything in the room and he was displaying them openly. How had she done this to him in what he thought was just a moment of time. "Please......Carmen..." Sean pleaded with her. His face looking quite stressed now. Carmen smiled back at him. "Do you get it now Sean?" she questioned. Sean looked across at Carmen's smiling smug face. He didn't know how she had managed to get into his head. But she had, and he had a feeling of dread as he realised how out of control he now appeared to be. He looked back down at his sparkling red finger nails, he tried once again to remove his hands from the table without success. He felt accute embarressment, he could feel his face turning red and flushed as the seconds ticked by. "Well?" Carmen asked him again. Sean knodded slowly as he understood his predicament. "Good, so you understand....." Carmen paused a moment. "Look at me Sean." Sean did as asked finally pulling his eyes away from his pretty nails to look red faced at Carmen. "You are mine now, you will do as I say.....without question," Carmen expected a response from Sean. Sean, unwillingly knodded his head. "Now your lovely Jenna here already understands. I can put you under any time I need to, but I don't want to waste my time doing that every time I want your assistance. I have demonstrated what I can do, I can just as easily get you to commit suicide. You could take your own life if I want you to." Sean and Jenna both listened in horror at Carmens words. She had clearly demonstrated her influence over them both and neither would choose to take a chance. "But as I said, I don't want to spend all my time putting you in a trance. What I want is your obedience, your loyalty, your instant attention to my wishes." She then watched Sean for signs of defiance, rebelion. What she saw was more pitiful, signs of anguish. Carmen sensed he knew it was inevitable but still struggled with the act of submitting to her. Perhaps he needed a little more encouragement. Carmen paused for a moment to consider her next move. "Perhaps, Sean ...I need to emphasize the situation to you. Perhaps I should get your lovely Jenna to have sex with another man?" Carmen watched Sean's face stare back at her, his eyes pleading. Jenna looked over at Sean, her eyes pleading to him. Sean knew it was useless, that holding out was not going to work. Carmen clearly had the upper hand and he could see no way out. Maybe given time he would see a gap in her plan and be able to escape this nightmare. But right now, there was no choice left. "Please.....Carmen. There is no need to do that," Sean said to her calmly. "So you submit to me?" she pushed him. It pained him to do this, every part of his being wanted to rebel. But there was no choice. His gaze lowered then whispered, "Yes." "That didn't sound very convincing Sean," she countered. "I want you to prove it to me. Prove that you really are submitting to me." Sean wondered what he could do to prove it, and watched as Carmen produced a silver disc like object from her jacket pocket and placed it on the table, then added small black cylinder. He now recognised the two items, the lipstick was obvious and that triggered his understanding that the silver object was a mirror. "There you go, you will prove your submission to me by applying a coat of lipstick, right here, right now," she commanded. Sean nervously glanced around the large room, It was getting a little busier now. He could feel his embarrassment building already. He looked back at Carmen who sat there stoney faced. His girlfriend Jenna looked on a little sheepish, perhaps a little embarressed for him. "Please....Carmen, is there...." But Sean was cut off. "Submit Sean.....obedience, loyalty, instant attention to my wishes," she said quite coldly. "But..." "Perhaps I need to find a stud to take care of Jenna?" she threatened. Sean was near tears, his anguish building inside. "NOW Sean. I won't ask you again," she said. Then Jenna chipped in, "Please Sean, just do it," clearly worried by the consequences. Finally he went to reach for the items, his hands still stuck to the table. Carmen realised that she had forgotten to release his bond. "Release." Suddenly Sean's hands were free to move, and he reached for the mirror with his sparkly nails shining and catching the light. It took a few moments to understand how to open the compact. He then picked up the tube, pulled the lid off, twisted the base and watched the chisel shaped block of colour come up . His hands were a little unsteady as he tried to hold the mirror in his left hand and the lipstick in his right. He dare not look around him to see if anyone was watching as he carefully stroked the colour onto his upper, then lower lip. He added carefully where there were obvious gaps. It felt like his face was burning with shame. "Smudge your lips together, like this." Carmen mimicked what he should do. He did just that and checked his reflection in the mirror. He saw his face, now with obvious bold evenly coated red lips. He looked like a freak. With his head hung down he closed the compact, retracted the lipstick and replaced the lid. "Well done Sean, just remember the next time I ask anything of you. If you don't comply there will be consequences." Inside Sean was cringing, he expected anytime now that one of the partly inibriated patrons of the pub would notice him with the girlie enhancements and make a big show of him by announcing it to everyone or worse be openly branded as a fagot or similar. "Right, now that you both understand. You will carry on as normal and I will be in touch when the time is right. Both of you can now go home." "Sean, trance level two. Jenna, trance level two," she said. Without noticing any change, Sean and Jenna both exchanged glances and watched as Carmen got up and headed to the bar. "Come on, let's get out of here," said Sean to Jenna, "before someone sees me." And they both slid out of the booth and headed straight for the exit. Outside Sean asked Jenna, "Do you have any tissues, I really need to wipe this muck of my face." "Sorry Sean, I don't even have my handbag with me. I've only got my keys and Oyster card for the tube." In desperation Sean went to wipe his lips on the inside of his suit jacket. Jenna watched Sean bend his head down, but for some reason Sean sould not get the fabric to get any closer than around two inches from his face. He kept trying, but with no luck and quickly became frustrated as he did not understand why he could not get the jacket to reach. "Just leave it Sean, we can deal with it when we get home," Jenna urged him. Sean spent most of the journey home trying to shield himself from view by facing walls or closed doors and managed to get home with only a few double takes and knowing glances from members of the public. Once indoors there were no issues removing the lipstick and the nail polish. Then over a cup of tea they started to discuss Carmen. Or at least they tried. "How on earth did I let myself get into this mess?" Sean cursed himself openly. He went to form a sentence about Carmen but the words swam around his head and his mouth didn't respond. It was like his mouth had been disconnected from his mind. He grew frustrated quickly as he tried again but said nothing. Jenna noticed his expression. "If you have been trying to say things but they don't come out then I know already that some things will have been blocked," she explained. Sean looked at Jenna, dejected. His mind now seamingly unable to vocalise anything about Carmen. His thoughts were clear as day but he was unable to communicate them. He sipped his tea, his mind running around in circles. If he could not communicate with anyone, and it was clear that Jenna was under the same influence so she could not help him with anything she knew. It was clear he would have to try and find a solution all by himself. But right now he didn't know where to start. Perhaps after some sleep he might be able to rationalise the situation more clearly. Later that evening Sean lay in bed awake, Jenna had managed to nod off but Sean could not. His thoughts kept him awake as they continued to turn around in his head. At just after 2am he gave up trying to sleep and gently slipped out from under the duvet and went through to the kitchen area. He found a scrap of paper and a pen and started to write down what he was trying to say out load. The pen to his releif scribbled across the paper as he wrote down his thoughts, he felt elated at this breakthrough. It meant he could make a written statement and hand it to his colleagues at the station and Carmen would be apprehended. But then he suddenly stopped writting as he glanced back at what he had written and his heart sank and the feeling of being trapped returned. He tried his best to make sense of what he had penned but it looked like utter nonsense, gobbledeegoop. He thought he was putting down what was in his head but not one peice of the scribble resembled any words that he could recognise. He dropped the pen. He decide to try his laptop, but he already had doubts about having any success. Once the machine was up and running he tried sending himself an email. He typed his name first to test it and his hope returned as his name appeared perfectly. Then he tried to start typing what he thought he had written and the same problem occurred. He could not make any sense of it. He tried typing very slowly and deliberately but for some reason even though his head was telling his hand to strike a certain key it hit another. It was no use, he shut down the pc and his tormenting thoughts continued to keep him awake. Eventually too tired to stay awake he slumped on the sofa just after 3am as he slipped from consciousness. Jenna found him just a few hours later as she got ready to set off for the start of a 12 hour shift. She kissed him gently and draped blanket over him without him even realising. She completely understood his inner turmoil and left him to sleep as she knew he was not working that day. As the days rolled by they both wondered when Carmen might call although they said nothing to each other. Strangely they both experienced a feeling of renewed focus at work. It seemed that when working they focussed intently on work and not a thought was given to anything else despite what was hanging over them. The days changed to weeks and they both spent less and less time thinking about Carmen. Life was 'almost' back to normal. 3. A new start In St Johns Wood Carmen was being shown around a large detached house. The real estate agent showing her the three reception rooms, six bedrooms and three bathrooms across three floors, then there was a large cellar. The front perimeter of the property was lined with an 8 ft high brick wall and security coded large black iron gates. The extensive rear garden was also lined with a high fence behind a tall hedge. Carmen liked what she saw, the property was in near immaculate condition. There would be no need to get any trades in, even the floors were in great condition with downstairs having a mixture of wood, tile and carpeting and all of upper floors carpeted with tiles in the bathrooms. "I like it Mr Crompton," she told the agent. "It has everything I want in a property." The agent nodded his understanding. He could tell she was loving this and like everyone else she now came into contact with she had him under her thumb. There were none of the usual credit checks, she had seen to that. "So, does that mean you want it?" Mr Crompton asked. "Yes......yes I think I do. It ticks all my boxes and I don't want to wait any longer," Carmen replied. "Ok, but please understand it might take up to a week to arrange and have the keys released," he countered. She looked across the empty room at him. The agent stood with some papers in one hand and a bunch of keys in the other. He was in his forties, his slightly greying brown hair was becoming sparse at the front. He wore navy blue suit trousers, a white short sleeve shirt and a blue ziz zag pattern tie. He nervously glanced back at Carmen, she might be petite and some 4 inches shorter than him even with the spikes on her feet but she was dangerous. Like a black widow spider, her presence sent chills down his spine and he could not just stamp on her. This was far worse, this was like entrapment. Something he could not see escaping. After a moment he watched her slowly stride over towards him. Her trademark skin tight blue jeans and black suede high heeled boots. Her top contrasted with her shiny black hair, a white lace tank top that made her chest look large and prominent. There was no underlayer to the top and her white bra could be seen quite clearly through the lace. She stopped just in front of him, her hands found his belt and she tugged and undid it. He stood stock still, he knew better than to protest. Then the button was undone and she let go. He felt his trousers slip down his legs to form a puddle of dark blue fabric around his ankles. His fear rose and he now started to feel exposed. His shirt tails covered his private area, for the moment. "Lift up your shirt," Carmen commanded as she took a step back. Knowing he had no choice he quickly complied and his face filled with colour and a wave of embarrassment swept over him. Carmen smiled broadly as his underwear came into view. Pastel yellow lace bikini style knickers encased his boy parts. "Very does Mrs Crompton like your knew choices in underwear?" she asked him. "Sh...she...was not happy," he replied. Hating every second of this humiliation. "Oh dear, that is a shame," she said a little sarcasticly. Then she smirked a little. "Did she call you nasty names?" His anguish was clear. "Yes.......she called me.....a.......fucking pansy .....and she threatened me with divorce." He hung his head, visibly close to tears. "I'm so sorry to hear that," she replied sounding almost sincere. "So let's see if we can come to an agreement," she added. To him it sounded like she was going to give him some say in what was to happen next. "I'm not going to wait a week Mr Crompton. I'll give you 3 days, 3 long days to get it all sorted for me," she told him. He cringed, this was near impossible. "If you do this for me, then I will help you with the situation with your wife. Help you patch things up." Her tone quite serious, like she meant it. "But be warned, if you make me wait Mr Crompton..........just think how a matching bra would look under your shirt and perhaps you could shape your eye brows as well." Her tone this time very serious, and he knew she meant it. His fear ramped up at the prospect of not making her deadline. "So......we have an agreement......don't we Mr Crompton," she told him. The estate agent knodded knowing full well that he didn't have any say. He just had to make sure he got her what she wanted before the deadline. "Good. you can pull your trousers up now." With great relief he dropped his shirt tails and bent down to pull up his trousers. Carmen strode towards the front door as Mr Crompton followed still tucking his shirt. "Call me when you have the keys to hand over. Don't bother me with anything else, just sort it." "Yes Ms Ineasi," he replied. Sean stretched his arms then rubbed the corners of his eyes gently as he woke. He lay still under the duvet for a few moments to gather his thoughts. Today was one of those quite rare days that both he and Jenna were not working. He could hear her in the bathroom and he realised she was no longer beside him. A few minutes passed before she came back into the bedroom. He looked up to see she had on a black sports bra and loose black jogging bottoms. She quickly added a grey t-shirt and realising that Sean was now awake smiled. "Morning," she said as she knealed on the bed and leant over to kiss him. Sean was a little surprised, not at being kissed but the passion and forcefulness. Half straddling him she swooped down on him, her lips smothering his and her tongue forced it's way into his mouth. Her tongue tickling his lips as it slid across them. The sensation sent a thrill through him and he quickly stiffened down below. The fifteen second encounter ended with Jenna smiling down at Sean. Sean though looked back with lust and was breathing a little heavy. Jenna lept up from the bed. "I'm going to the gym. See you later." And she was out of sight before he could reply. As he contemplated getting up the thought struck him 'Jenna, going to the gym' made perfect sense but somehow unfamiliar. He brushed the thought aside and got out of bed. Brushing his teeth he pondered what he would do while Jenna was out. He remembered there was an aerobics class at 10am and he could still make that if he hurried. He had been attending a class twice a week for four weeks now and was really enjoying them. It was more fun than just pushing weights. He originally had just tried it on a whim and had not looked back. Following the second week he had bought himself some new clothing for his exercise class. A new grey vest top, it had wide shoulder straps that crossed on the upper back and was very close fitting, soft and comfortable. He continued to wear pale blue jogging bottoms but had realised that they could be a bit restrictive at times. In the back of his mind he was considering what to get to replace them. Something that would not gather or flap around, something stretchy perhaps. Jenna on the other hand had switched the other way. Somehow aerobics was just not enough and it was after a class a few weeks back that she felt the need for more. She decided to try the gym and found she could focus on what she wanted to do and for as long as she wanted to. She simpy had more control and was enjoying challenging herself to lifting more and making more repetitions. Her determination was getting results as each session she achieved a little more than before and this fuelled her determination to keep going. She too had changed attire recently, discarding the seemingly out of place leotard for the joggers and sports bra. ------------- Simon Crompton had been highly stressed the past couple of days. He had not been able to get hold of the property owner to confirm the acceptance of the rental proposal. Now that he had responded the landlord wanted to meet the proposed tenents. He had a choice to make now, present the propoerty owner with a ficticious family, perhaps someone from his family. Or present Carmen and see what happens. The later was a scary prospect and he was not at all comfortable with it. That said, making up a ficticious tenent was not what he wanted to do either. On day three he had hurridly arranged a meeting with his client to meet with his cousin and his wife who were to pose as the proposed tenents. It had cost him a lot of money to get them to go through with it but at last it was coming together. Hopefully the client would approve the 'tenents'. It was almost time to close the Estate agent office later that day when he was able to release the keys to Carmen. With a great sense of relief he called her mobile and as the dialing tone kicked in he hoped she would keep her word. She had said she would help patch up his marriage. To him that could only mean one thing, that she would release him from wearing the feminine underwear. "Hello Mr Crompton," came the answer. "Hi Carmen, I have good news," he said with a little confidence. "You can have the keys, it's all sorted." "Wonderful, just bring them home with you. I'm with your wife just now," she told him as she looked across at the woman on the sofa, her head bowed down and lifeless. " my house?" Simon spluttered. He was caught completely off guard. "Yes, that's right. Please don't daudle, be here in 30 minutes," and she hung up. Simon slowly replaced the receiver, his mind starting to work out why she would suddenly go to his home. He hoped it was to help with his marriage, perhaps she would release him as he hoped. Simon arrived home some 25 minutes later. Nerves had kicked in as he fubled with the front door key. The door opened before he could steady his hand and push it in. Carmen stood before him. "Mr Crompton, go into your kitchen." He strode past her. He noticed his wife as he passed the lounge door. She sat on the sofa, she appeared to be watching the tv but he could not hear it. In the kitchen he turned to face Carmen who had closed the front door and followed him through the hall. He decided the first thing he should do is hand over the keys. It was a large pack with keys to the various doors and windows and security codes for the house alarm and gates. He hoped this would get her off his back, for a time at least. "Thank you, now sit on the breakfast bar stool please." She watched him move nervously onto a stool. "Simon, trance level 3," she said and his head immediately slumped forward. Some 30 minutes later she finished her session with him. "Simon, trance level 2." His eyes fluttered and he lifted his head. Looking around he realised he had been put under, he hoped she had just removed his mental knicker prison. He hoped she had explined to his wife and smoothed things over. "So, Mr Crompton. I gave you three days to get those keys to me," she said. He waited, expecting her to say well done or something similar. "You took three days and just over four hours." "Wha....." His throat dried up and he began to perspire as what she said hit him. "I do hope you pick out something pretty from the bra section." She smiled at his crestfallen expression. "But it's not all bad Simon, I think I have helped with your marriage." And she walked out of the kitchen down his hall and into the lounge. "Sarah, trance level 2," she called out. The woman on the sofa turned her head. "Oh Carmen, I didn't hear you come in." "No problem Sarah, I was just saying goodbye. It was nice getting to know you," said Carmen. "Yes, you too," she replied apparently oblivious to all that had happened. "Oh Sarah, your husband is waiting for you in the kitchen," she added before she left the room and slipped out of the front door. Sarah's face lit up at the news and swiftly made her way to their kitchen where she found her husband looking thoughtful. It was all just sinking in. Would it be like last time he wondered. That first time he encountered Carmen just over three week prior she had entered his Estate agency. The first property he showed her round she had managed to somehow get into his head. She had asked him to check his reflection in a bathroom mirror. When he did he was at a loss for words, his lipsticked mouth just hung open in utter surprise. How had that happened......he had no idea. It was then she started making demands and at first he shrugged off her threats with a little unease following what had happened. Before they left the property Carmen had warned him that she would visit again in a couple of days. It was a bizarre encounter, the like he had never had in many years in the real estate business. At first he suspected that would be the last he saw of her, he put her down as a chancer trying to scam him. It was the following day when he called into a store to pick up something for his lunch. But he never made it to the food. The boutique two doors down had suddenly caught his eye as he got out of his car. One of the window's displayed lingerie on manikins. He recalled that is was like he had just walked into a tunnel. The backgound noise of passing traffic faded and all he had eyes for were the knickers on display. The tunnel only lead to the front of the boutique, he could not turn left or right and before he knew it; without consciously taking steps, he found himself inside the store. What went on in the store was all a bit of a blur to him. He could not recall what he or the sales assistant had said. It was like he was inside his own head observing what was happening outside. Then it was over, he left the boutique and got back into his car and made his way back to the office. It was like he was on autopilot when he arrived, like it was his sole focus, his top priority. He took one of the many pairs of underwear from the boutique bag laying on the front passenger seat and made his way into the office where one of his employees sat discussing the needs of the client sat across from her. They both noticed as he walked in and past them clearly holding a black lacey peice of material. Exchanged looks but said nothing. Simon Crompton was oblivious, made no attempt to hide what he was carrying. Finally in the toilet cubical he calmly removed his trousers, then boxers. He remembered that moment quite clearly, the moment he picked up the black lacey knickers. His heart rate suddenly increased, he could hear it in his own ears like it was beating in his head. The feeling of the delicate fabric as it tickled his skin as they were drawn up his legs and finally with a immense feeling of satisfaction they nestled into place. There was no sexual excitement, just a feeling that this was right, what he should have always been wearing. With his trousers secured he left the cubical tossing the boxer shorts into the waste bin and retuned to his desk. His head cleared at that point, now able to think straight he got on with his work. But without clouding his thoughts he knew just what he was wearing under his trousers. It was then that he knew that Carmen would be back. --------- "Hello Simon love," his wife broke his thoughts. To his surprise she came over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Can we talk?" she asked him as she took the stool next to him in their kitchen. "Er....yeah....I guess," still a little on his own planet. "Well honey, I think I need I want to apologise," she told him. Simon lifted his head up to see her apparent sincerity. "That lovely woman Carmen, she explained it so it made sense. I just don't know why I didn't see it like that before." At first Simon thought that Carmen had told her what she had done to him. That she was the reason for his sudden change to lacey underwear. "I now understand that it is part of you, not something you would do to hurt me or anyone. It is something I should embrace and enjoy with you. Something that can make our relationship stronger." 'Oh my god.' He realised that his wife had effectively been brain washed by Carmen. But in the circumstances he was not going to protest; even if he could; he was just glad he had his wife back and there was no bad feeling. He quickly accepted her apology. His thoughts momentarily turned back to this latest encounter with Carmen, the realisation that at some point very soon he would be wearing a bra if his experience with his knickers was anything to go by. His fear escalated, he knew that although the bra would be covered it was not so easily consealed. People would see the tell tale signs. His thoughts were interupted again. "Come to bed honey.......I want to apologise properly." Sarah took his hand coercing him to follow her. A few minutes later Simon stood with his wife, she had removed his trouser and socks and was gently caressing his cock through the ivory lace of his knickers. His arousal stretching out the material. Sarah had already stepped out of her skirt and Simon was now unbuttoning her blouse. As he slid the garmet back and off her shoulders her bra came into view. Simon felt it, dreaded it, but could do nothing to stop it as he slipped into his own world. His surroundings blurred out of focus and stared in wonder and fascination at his wife's bra. His eyes soaked up the outer layer of flower detailed gauze, the beautiful shape of the curves and the lace trim on the straps. He was transfixed. It took a few moments for Sarah to notice, she noticed that he had stopped removing her blouse. She could see him staring blankly at her chest. His look of desire evident on his face. "Simon.....?" He continued to stare showing no sign of responding. She stopped caressing him. "Simon?" she said again. Again he showed no sign of responding. Then she felt his hands move from her shoulders, they traced her bra straps slowly down to the edge of the cups. She watched his fingers gently move across the top of the cups then meeting at the little bow in the middle before caressing both cups. He had never done anything like that before, by now he would normally have reached around her back and unclasped the garment so he could feast on her nipples. Although a little odd it was nice to have such a gentle moment with him. With his recent choice of underwear she guessed that this might now extend to other items. "Do you like my bra?" she asked him. His eyes flickered at the word 'bra' and he looked up at her briefly before looking back down. Sarah proceeded to removed her blouse, then started to unbutton Simon's shirt. Still he stared at her bra, feeling the fabric gently. She pulled his hands away to slip his arms out of the shirt sleeves. Simon continued to stare seemingly oblivious to anything else. He watched his wife unclasp the bra, and remove the straps from her shoulders and down her arms before uncovering her breasts. All he saw was the bra hanging from her hand. That confirmed it for her, it should have upset her. At this time her body was not the focus of his attention but for some reason she understood, welcomed his interest in the feminine article and she could see the longing in his expression. He stared, wanting to touch it and not for it to be discarded. Then he took a sudden deep breath as Sarah took the shoulder straps and hooked them over his hands. She then slowly slid the straps up his arms and that now familiar feeling of euphoria started to build. The straps now on his shoulder he peared down at his chest as Sarah grabbed the chest bands and reached around him stretching them as far as they could go and just managed to hook them together. Despite how tight it felt on him it gave him a sense of belonging and of satisfaction. With his wifes bra on Simon stood now coming out of his trance like state. His own arousal coming back into focus he lunged for his wife with a passion she had not seen from him in many years. The following afternoon Simon Crompton sat at his desk at his Estate agency, conscious of the now comforting feeling of bra and knickers under his shirt and trousers. He suspected the outline of the bra could be seen under his white shirt. Deep in the recesses of his mind he fully understood what he was wearing was wrong but somehow those constant nagging thoughts were brushed aside as he felt the pull of the straps and tickle of lace that cut across his bottom cheeks. Following the events of the previous evening Sarah had insisted she accompany him to the boutique where he purchased his knickers. It was clear he wanted.....needed bra's and she wanted to help. Of course his bra's must match his knickers so she had quizzed him on where they had come from. This time it was much clearer, he was fully aware of what he was doing and where he was as his wife engaged with the sales assistant. In his own mind he knew this should be totally humiliating but outwardly he remained calm. Whatever Carmen had done to him spared his obvious blushes as he removed his shirt to reveal his wifes bra that he didn't feel he could take off after last night. The assistant swiftly removed the bra revealing the marks around his chest where it was too tight on him. He then went through the measuring process before his wife and the assistant went and selected what he needed to match his knicker purchases. He of course left the boutique wearing the matching bra to his teal coloured knickers. Later that afternoon Simon pulled up outside the St. Johns Wood property that Carmen now 'rented' through his agency. Without much choice in the matter he had to cancel an appointment to attend to Carmen's request. The gates were open and a box van stood in the drive as he walked up to the front of the house. The front door was open so he tentatively stepped inside. "Carmen," he called out. He waited a moment, then heard muffled footsteps and she walked down the stairs. "Mr Crompton, follow me," she spat with a little anoyance and turned around half way down and climbed back up. He hurried after her and followed her into what he recalled being the master bedroom. He thought he could here noises coming from another room, she must have someone here he guessed assuming it was the person or persons with the van. Carmen stopped close to the window and pointed to the floor. He walked over to take a closer look at what she was pointing at. There were three marks on the carpet. It looked like something had spilt a long time ago and not been cleaned up properly. "I'm sorry Carmen, I'll arrange for the carpet to be cleaned," he offered in hope that would be the end of it. "Mr Crompton....." she said now much more calmly. He looked at her questioningly as she paused. She appeared to be looking him over. "You didn't waste any time did you?" Simon raised an eye brow, not sure of what she was getting at. "Go and stand in front of the built in wardrobe," she then instructed. He stepped over a few paces but still looked back at Carmen. "Face the mirror Simon." It took him about 5 seconds, but he then noticed. The darker teal colour of his new bra was showing through his white shirt. Though not blatantly obvious at a quick glance a good look and there it was. The lacey detail showing up. The very subtle outline of the shoulder straps. Inwardly he cringed as thought about all of the people who must have seen what he was wearing. "Take off your shirt and trousers Simon," she ordered. Unable to do anything else he did just as instructed. He now stood in teal lacey knickers and matching bra. "Remove your socks as well, in ruins the look." And she smirked at the comment. With the socks off Carmen decided to have some fun with Simon. "Simon, trance exit." At that moment he gained full control of his thoughts and actions. He felt it, like a switch in his head. Then the emotions kicked in, his embarrassment came flooding in. His face burning with shame at what he was wearing and at knowing that others knew, had seen him. "Simon, in the kitchen is a plastic tub with cleaning products in it. There is also a bucket. Go and get what you need and get on your knees and clean the carpet. You will not be leaving until I am completely satisfied. I want it cleaned now so I can move in, not wait for a cleaning contractor. You should have made sure this was pristine before you handed over the keys," she lectured him. There was someone else in the house, he really didn't want to be seen like this. "Please Carmen," now able to speak untethered. "I will clean the carpet but please let me get dressed first." Carmen stared straight at him, then in a stern voice, "Absolutely not, you should think yourself lucky. I helped you with your wife and I didn't make you shape your eye brows as I had said I would. Now get the job done and stop whinging." He knew better than to push the woman any further. He hurried down stairs hoping he would not be seen. -------- Sean was running the vacum cleaner around the apartment when Jenna returned from work. It was almost 8.30pm, she was tired and hungry as was normal after a long shift. Sean switched off the vacum to greet her. A gentle peck on the cheek. "I have food ready, go and put your things away," Sean told her. She looked a little down to him, perhaps it was just a challenging day he guessed. They both sat down to eat. "How was your day?" he asked Jenna. Jenna put her fork down, took a deep breath. "Carmen called," she said. Sean stopped chewing his food for a moment, then continued. Things had settled down without her in their lives. He had just got used to not worrying about her. Once he had swallowed he replied. "What did she want?" "She wants us both to go and meet her," Jenna confirmed. "When?" "Tomorrow, midday. She texted me an address." "Oh, where is it?" Sean asked. "St. Johns Wood. I thought most of the places there were for the rich and famous? " Sean frowned, nodded his head in agreement and he continued to eat. "Is that it, just to go and meet her?" It was Jenna's turn to nod in response. The cloud hung over them once more, they both wondered what she had planned next fearing the worst. The following morning they both headed out to the gym and aerobics class. Annoyingly both were very busy, that was pretty normal for a Sunday when most people were not working. Sean returned to the apartment first and waited for Jenna to return from the gym. He decided to clean the bathroom while he was waiting for her. Not something he would normally have done a few weeks ago but he had noticed that morning that it needed doing. Jenna arrived back just in time for them to leave and head out to the address that Carmen had given them. They navigated their way from the tube station using Sean's phone. Once he had seen the address he was sure he knew where it was but decided not to take any chances. Getting it wrong and being late would not be a good start with Carmen. Once there they wondered what Carmen had been up to, as far as they were concerned she had a small flat. This was a huge step up if this is where she was now living. Jenna pushed the buzzer on the front gate and they waited. Moments later there was a crackle, then "Ineasi residence," came Carmen's unmistakable voice but imitating a posh accent. "It's Jenna and Sean," Jenna replied. "Oh how lovely," was all that came back, again in the posh voice. Then the two large black iron gates started to slowly swing open and they walked through once the gap was wide enough. Carmen opened the front door as they approached and she ushered them inside. "Follow me into the kitchen." And Carmen swiftly turned and walked towards the back of the house past a staircase to the right and doors to the left. The kitchen was expansive but appeared sparse. They both realised she had just moved in. There was a small table and four chairs that clearly were out of place in such a grand setting. Carmen sat and pointed for them to do the same. "Jenna, trance level one, Sean, trance level one," said before continuing. "The time has come for you both to join my family," she told them. Jenna and Sean looked at her and each other in turn. Jenna spoke up. "What exactly do you mean by that?" Carmen replied in a jovial sing song voice, "Nooowww don't you two go getting too excited!!" And she let out a little laugh. "You will both be moving in with" "But we have our own home," Sean piped up. "Yes, you do, don't you. So this is what is going to happen," she said all smiles. "As I said, you will move in here, you will help me take care of the house. Well...I say help me.....more like do it for me." "But we can't we have jobs," Jenna stated. "Yes, and you will continue to do your jobs as well," Carmen told them. "Please Carmen, that is just not can't treat us like slaves," Sean pleaded with her. Carmen's face went all serious. "I think you know very well by now, I can do what I want and I will do what I want. That is what is going to happen." It was clear to both of them that Carmen would not have it any other way and it was probably best not to antagonise her. They exchanged glances, both noting the others helpless acceptance. That afternoon Carmen sent Jenna and Sean home to pack. She had insisted they be ready to move by the following morning. It was all done in a hurry that afternoon and evening. Sean was allowed to attend work as normal the following morning leaving Jenna to coordinate and help the man in the van. When Sean finished work on that Monday he had already had the call to say the apartment was empty and to head straight to Carmen's new house. The St. Johns Wood property was much closer and quicker to get to than their Finchley apartment taking almost half the time. Over the next few days they spent all of their spare time unpacking, sorting and trying to settle in. Sean was pushed into cooking meals for the three of them and then tasked with clearing up afterwards while Jenna continued to sort and move the boxes and bags. By Wednesday their room on the first floor was organised and clear of clutter. The room was larger than what they had at the apartment and it was easy to fit everything in. The built in wardrobe was spacious and their own wardrobe unit was placed in the other bedroom on the first floor. The room also now contained an untidy pile of things that they had both decided they no longer wanted. On Thursday they both had to work leaving Carmen alone in the house and again she summoned Simon Crompton to her new home. He arrived on time and suitably nervous following his previous encounters with Carmen. She opened the front door after letting him in the front gate and smiled wickedly as he approached. With the sunlight slightly behind him she could already see his bra. She considered upping his instructions to humiliate him further. It was something she took great pleasure in doing to any male. Luckily for Simon she needed his expertise and decided against it and it was all business. He now had instruction to rent out Sean and Jenna's Finchley apartment. Before he left Carmen got him to empty the spare room of the discarded items and told him to dispose of them all. But as he was carrying it all out to his car she spied a couple of items that she took and put to one side. 4. Haunting memories, the catalyst and the skill Once Simon had left,Carmen sat in the kitchen with a coffee. She reflected on what she had done so far, she had a moment of almost panic at the enormity of her actions. She had dreamed of using her extraordinary skills for some years but had not had the courage to carry it out. But following the two complaints she had successfully manipulated the law and got them off her back she decided to go for it. She needed to be careful, she knew that. She had people completely under her influemce, with the keys to the large London home she had the foundations for what she was aiming for. However, it was not just money, power and the luxuries that went with it that drove her on. She had a strong dislike for men. They almost always occupied the highest positions of power but it was also her relationships with them as she was growing up that really festered and became the driving force for her actions now. At eleven years old Carmen was in a childrens home in Middlesex. She had already spent five years there without the love of her parents or her Aunty who had cared for her following her parents death in a car accident. Her Aunty eventually found her too difficult to cope with and took the tough choice of putting her own health before the young girl. It was here that Carmen suffered almost five years of abuse at the hands of her so called 'carers'........all men. The women that she came into contact with may not have been that nice in her opinion but they had not taken advantage of her like the men. At sixteen she left the care home to escape the regular assalts. But it had left an indelible mark on her. She rented a room in a shared home for a while, glad to finally be away from the care home she came to hate and fear. She decided to go to the police and report what she had been subjected to. She spent hours with them making a detailed statement. Reliving and recalling some of the worst elements of what she had been subjected to. Then she waited, expecting to be contacted by the police to tell her they had arrested the vile bastards. But weeks turned to months and nothing happened. She again visitied the police station to find out if anything had happened or if anything was going to happen. That was when she lost it, flipped out, slapped an officer before he could defend himself after being told that there was no evidence to be able to convict anyone. If she had reported it immediately after it had happened then they could have acted, but now it was too late. Any evidence would be circumstancial, no solid proof and seen as not worthy of police time. Luckily she was not charged for the minor assault but had been kept in a cell overnight before being released. She felt very let down. Abused by men, then let down by men. They were now the evil part of society that she would do almost anything to stab in the back (not physically mind, she knew that would only get her into more bother). It was during her time at the shared house that she met the boyfriend of Maisy who occupied one of the other rooms in the house. Peter, Maisy and Carmen happened to be sitting in the shared lounge watching TV, the comedy show they were watching ended and it was Peter that pulled a book out of his duffle bag. He suggested having some fun if the girls were willing as he showed them both the book. 'How to Hypnotize someone easily' - 'Discover the secrets of hypnotism and mind control.' Carmen was a little uneasy at the thought of being hypnotized and consequently controlled, especially by a man but Maisy was all giggles and redily agreed. What followed that day would lead Carmen onto the path she now walked. Peter had read a little of the book and attempted to put Maisy under. He made several attempts over the course of almost 2 hours. In which time Carmen had become a little bored and had started to read the book herself. Once Peter had decided to give up Carmen said she wanted to try. In short order Peter was amazed as he watched Carmen go through the routine the book explained and within 20 minutes Maisy appeared to be under. Carmen got her to do some silly things like taking her top off much to Peter's delight before bringing her back out of the trance. It was Peter's turn next as Maisy coerced the frankly unwilling young man to be the next test subject. This time Maisy watched as Peter slipped into a deep sleep at Carmens hands. They had a little fun with him as Carmen got him to crow like a cockrel, then bounce around the room like a rabbit. Then Carmen asked Maisy if she wanted to try again and she agreed again without hesitation. But Carmen left Peter sleeping while she worked Maisy into a trance. This is the point when Carmen felt it, the feeling of control, of power, of influence over them both. She could do what she wanted now. She revelled in those feelings and knew she wanted to practice this new found skill. The evening ended just before midnight when she bought them both out of the trance at the same time. She watched them both as they started to realise that they were now wearing the others clothing. Maisy with his boxers, black Sabbath T-shirt and black jeans and socks. But more embarrassing for Peter who now had on Maisy's white bra, cotton knickers, royal blue sleeveless top, black mid thigh flared pleated skirt and black tights. It was all laughed about at the time but Peter was now forever cautious when Carmen was around. Carmen pushed the musings of her past aside and downed the last of her coffee. She turned her thoughts back to her plan. Despite her confidence in her own ability she knew she could not control everyone, but she needed to secure income. She wanted to cut ties with social security as they are always investigating claimants to ensure fraud is not being committed. The income from Sean and Jenna was a good start but was not enough. She needed to drag in another sucker, but who? She had not yet decided. 5. Settling in to new routines Sean and Jenna, having no option did their best to settle in with the woman that held all the strings. But they were pretty much oblivious to the continued control Carmen was having over them. They had been convinced that all of the choices they made were their own. They still recallled not being able to vocalise anything about Carmen which prevented them from alerting anyone to their situation and had given up even thinking about it. They continued to work as normal but when at the house they took care of all the domestic duties at Carmen's instruction. They were of course all too aware of what Carmen was capable of and so made no attempt to challenge her. They had no alternative but to submit to her wishes. It was a few days later during Sean and Jenna's first week in the new house that Carmen returned home having spent the afternoon in the pub. She was not drunk, but definately a little merry and was clearly feeling like having some fun. Sean had as instructed prepared a meal for her and she devoured it in no time. It was then that she summoned both Sean and Jenna to the kitchen. Sean immediately collected her empty plate and cleared the table as he would normally and Jenna appeared as he was finishing off loading the dishwasher. "Come, sit here Jenna dear." Carmen pointed to the seat at the small table. "And Sean, you sit here." She pointed to the seat across from Jenna. She stood smiling for a moment, it was like she was weighing up what to do next as Sean and Jenna sat passively. "Jenna, trance exit," she said suddenly and Jenna shifted a little in her seat. Jenna felt a change, like a feeling of freedom. Feedom of thought! She had not noticed before, Sean sat across from her. It was different, she was not sure at first but it clicked after a moment. He just didn't hold himself in the same way. She noted what he was wearing, nothing too unusual she mused but again it was the way that he wore it. The white buttom up shirt with long sleeves with the top button done up snugly to his neck. The most surprising element was the black bow tie. She kind of recalled seeing it on him but clearly had not taken any notice of it. The black trousers didn't stand out at first. He was sat back a little from the table and she noticed the waistband. Firstly how high it sat, up to his belly button she guessed. Then she noted there were no belt loops, or any sign of pockets from what she could see. The waist band also looked to be quite wide, wider than she would have expected. She quickly glanced down to the side of the table where she caught sight of one trouser leg. It was sticking out due to him having his legs crossed at his knee. There was little surprise by now to see the flared material draped over his ankle. He had never worn flared bottom trousers or jeans. This was clearly an enfored change by Carmen. His feet were sock free and just wore a pair lace up black mens shoes. "Sean, trance exit," Carmen then added and Sean blinked and a moment passed before he looked first at Carmen, then at Jenna who both stared back at him. Sean also felt different, he knew something had changed and he knew who was responsible. What he didn't know was what had changed exactly. He now felt quite alert, and noted Jenna sitting across from him. She wore a loose fitting button up red, white and black check shirt. He noted the long sleevs rolled up to the elbows, the top two button's left undone. Not much evidence of her chest he wondered. Her hair was tied back into a low pony tail. Carmen then broke the silence. "I want to test you both," she said as both of them turned their heads in her direction. "I want you both to arm wrestle." They then looked back at each other. "Come on, I'm sure you have done this before. Get into position," she ordered. Sean realised how he was sitting, and with a little self conscious blushing he uncrossed his legs before turning to properly face Jenna who was now in position with her elbow on the table waiting. Sean followed and they clasped their right hands together. They both knew what to expect, Sean would easily beat Jenna. There was no chance that Jenna had the strength and it would be over in a few seconds. "On your marks.....get set........GO!" Carmen set them off. She then stared intently at the wrestling arms. At first Jenna thought Sean was playing a game with her. She pushed hard and although there was no movement in her favour she prevented Sean from making any ground. Sean was already thinking that something was wrong. He made the assumption that somehow Carmen had prevented him from using his strength. A scary thought. He then put all his effort in, he must be able to overcome Jenna. This was ridiculas, he had always been able to wrestle her into whatever position he liked. Jenna looked at Sean, his face contorted appearing to make a real effort. Still she held firm, preventing him from making any ground. "Hahaaaa," Carmen laughed. She had a broad smile across her face. In only just over a month Jenna was at least Sean's equal in upper body strength. She continued to watch a moment before she called a stop to it with neither gaining any ground on the other. Jenna and Sean both unclasped hands and shook their arms to release the tension. "I'm going to let you know now what has been happening," she told them both. Her heels started to click across the floor as she paced aimlessly around the large kitchen. "I am making some changes to you both." She stopped and turned to look straight at them before starting to pace back the other way. Sean nervously asked, "What.....are you ...change exactly?" Jenna looked across at Sean a moment, the worry evident on his face before turning her attention back to Carmen. "Oh Sean, it's not just a plan anymore. You have both been changing .....slowly......for the last five weeks," she grinned widely at them. "Is it something to do with the arm wrestling?" Jenna asked frowning. "Well done Jenna," she exclaimed in a mocking tone. "What ......what is it......what has changed?" Sean pleaded nervously. "Well......" Carmen started. "Sean, do you remeber when you used to stay fit and strong by going to the gym?" Suddenly Sean realised, the penny dropped. He now recalled attending the aerobic classes along with almost an entirely female group. He now felt very stupid and a little embarrassed that he would do such a thing. He hung his head slightly and a little colour rose to his cheeks. Carmen was loving this, the feeling of power and total contol over them was exciting and intoxicating. She was feeling the need to play with herself. "You understand a little now," Carmen then turned to Jenna. "And you..." "Been going to the Gym," Jenna finished the sentence for her as she now recognised the switch. Her face full of worry. "Take off your shirt Jenna," Carmen instructed. Jenna stood up and did as asked undoing the buttons and slipping the shirt from her shoulders. She placed the shirt over the back of the chair and looked back at Carmen. Only a sports bra on her top half, she was mostly exposed. "Try tensing your muscles for me." Jenna did as asked and noticed immediatly Sean's face. His jaw dropped open in total surpise as he looked at Jenna's byseps that now stood out on her upper arms. Her pectorals tensed at the sides now looking somehow larger as well as her shoulders. She was no body builder but her once slight slender frame now sported some noticable muscles. Of course that was why he could not beat her at arm wrestling. "Sean, can you stand up for me now." Slowly, still staring at his wife Sean got to his feet. "Jenna, can you describe what Sean is wearing," she requested. "A white shirt, a black bow tie..." Sean winced at that. He had never even owned a bow tie. "And high waisted ....slacks....." She coughed a little before adding, "Ladies...slacks." It was not until he heard her say it that he felt it. He was already comfortable and had not paid any attention to what he had on. His face now flooded with colour as he understood that he must appear to Jenna as quite feminine. "Why Carmen.....why are you doing's not fair.......I don't want to look like ......a ...a ...sissy." "Perhaps you don't, but that just makes the situation so much more enjoyable for me," she purred. "You need to stop this Carmen, before it goes too far," he pleaded again. "Trust me Sean, this has only just started," she said smiling. "But hey, it won't be all bad Sean. At some point I can make you enjoy it." His crimson face fell forward, fear swept over him as he now started to understand what Carmen was doing and he could see no way of preventing it. Jenna looked on, a few tears sprung from her eyes as she watched her man being humiliated. But she too was being subjected to changes as well. Her feminine essense was going to be, was already being challenged by Carmen's wishes. She so wished she knew how to stop her. She was already feeling a little odd at the thought of bulging muscles on her body, it just didn't feel right. How much further would this go she wondered. "Can you both sit back down again." They both took the seats at the small table once again. "Sean, trance level three." "Jenna, trance level three." They now sat with heads bowed down awaiting further instruction. 6. Her childhood nemesis Carmen strode out of Wood Green tube station and viewed the crossroads in front of her to get her bearings. She may only be short in physical stature but she now walked with a confidence and felt like she was 7 ft tall. She soon found the indenpendant cafe she was looking for and pushed open the door. She spotted him sitting at a table for four against the left wall nursing a hot drink. He looked a good deal older than she recalled. His hair was mostly grey, fairly long and unkept. He had a short cropped dark beard, but that did nothing to stop her from recognising him. She felt bad all of a sudden, her body reacted physically to seeing him. Her stomach tightened and knotted, cramping. She broke out into a light persperation. It was like a phobia, an inbuilt fear that she reacted to. She knew she needed to push on, get past these haunting feelings if she wanted to have her revenge on Gavin. Gavin Barton was Carmen's nemisis from her childhood. The man; amongst others, that was responsible for her care. The man who was responsible for years of torture. Her abuser. She stepped over to the table as he looked up and then took the seat across from him. There were not many people in the cafe, the noise level was quite low and he leant over the table a little and spoke quietly. "What's this all about then? If you want money then you're out of luck," he told her. "What makes you think I want money?" she replied. "Don't waste my time Carmen, if you want to try and blackmail me then do your best. You tried before to get me banged up years ago but it didn't work did it and it won't work now either," he almost snarled back at her. Carmen stayed as calm as she could. She so wanted to just punch him right now but she knew that was not the answer. "I want to understand why," she told him. He was about to tell Carmen to "Fuck off", he had no intention of discussing this subject, especially in a public place. He was distracted by the touch of her hand on his. He blinked his eyes shut for what felt like about 5 seconds and he could not here anything. He opened his eyes again, looked at Carmen as he wondered what had just happened. Had he just had a black out of sorts he wondered. "Let's go back to your place," Carmen suggested. Gavin got to his feet and made his way out of the cafe closely followed by Carmen. Why was he taking her back to his home, he was not sure. The thoughts ran around his head while they walked but before he knew it they were walking up the drive to his front door. Carmen spent more than two hours working on Gavin. Establishing her commands for trance status and then giving him her first instructions. When she left that evening, it was with a smug grin on her face. This man was going to suffer, she would have her revenge. -------- Life carried on as normal for Sean and Jenna, or so they thought. Work was great, but at the house they lived under Carmen's influence. Both were essentially running their lives under a trance and although they knew that Carmen was in control they could not recognise when they had been given instructions to change or alter their behaviour. It was just over two weeks since Carmen had enlightened them as to the changes they were going through when Sean answered the gate intercom. "Hello, can I help you," Sean said loadly. The tinny slightly crackly voice replied, "Yes, I'm here to see Carmen." "Can I ask your name please?" Sean asked. "Gavin Barton," came the reply. Gavin stood at the gate waiting, seconds passed but it felt like longer to him. "Come on up to the front door Gavin," finally came the reply. Sean and Gavin came face to face at the front door. They eyed each other a brief moment taking in the appearance of the other before Sean invited him into the hall. "Follow me please Mr Barton," Sean told him and led him through into lounge where Carmen was relaxing on the brand new cream coloured sofa. "Mr Barton for you Carmen," Sean announced then turned and left the room leaving Gavin standing still. Carmen checked him from head to toe to see if he had followed her instructions correctly. A smirk quickly appeared as her review began. The 50 something year old man who had mostly grey hair now sported a wavey curled bob that dropped to just below his ears at the front and rose up to the back in a wedge shape. The hair was now a rich brown with bright red highlights. He was now clean shaven, and his eye brows were thin arching lines. His faded grey polo shirt and jeans not really in keeping with his head gave way to his feet. They just sported flip flps, and vibrant red toe nails that matched his hands. It looked like his body hair had also been removed from what she could see of the mans arms. With initial satisfaction she ordered, "Take all of your clothes off." And he did, he knew what he was doing. He couldn't stop himself, like his own will had been disconnected from his actions. It was the same with everything else that had happened, he knew where and when to be somewhere and when he turned up it was like he was a passenger in his own body. He didn't recall what he said or what they said back to him. But when the appointment was over and he made his way home he discovered it. First the manicure and pedicure. A few days later another trip out and he had a full body wax. He started to apply body lotion to sooth his skin after that but that habbit has continued and is now a daily ritual. He had also removed and re-applied the nail varnish since the first one. After that came the small changes, well relatively small he reasoned. He arrived home to find his ears pierced and sporting gold studs and his eye brows had been shaped and were now so unmistakenly feminine. The last episode before he was summoned to Carmens house was the big one. If he felt any kind of anguish or embarrassment at what had already occured then this blew them out of the water. His reflection was dumbfounding, he was utterly speechless as he took in his reflection. The soft brown and red waves of hair that surrounded his face. His hand, red nailed hand came up to fluff and tease the curles instinctively to put them just how he thought looked best. He didn't even understand why he had just done that. But it kept happening day after day, he would now brush his hair out after showering and make sure it was just right and then check again throughout the day. His apprearnace was paramount to the controlling part of his mind. The real Gavin Barton could only look on from inside at what was happening and frustratingly could not speak up or put a stop to any of it. Just like now as he removed his boxer shorts and stood naked in front of Carmen. "Gavin, trance level 3." And she watched his eyelids drop and his head fall forward. "Gavin, you will find that from now on any physical discomfort or pain and any embarrassment or humiliation you feel with be double what it previously would have been." "Now tell me what I have just instructed." "Discomfort, pain, embarressment and humiliation will be double," he said in a drowsy voice. "Gavin, you will also find that you can now only use half of your physical strength." "Now repeat my last instruction." Again in the drowsy voice, "I can only use half of my strength." "Gavin, you will now find your reaction time for moving your arms and legs is delayed by 1 second." "Again Gavin, repeat my last instruction." "My arm and leg reaction time is delayed by 1 second." "Good. When I put you into trance level 1 Gavin you will remember being given these instruction but you are unable to speak of them or resist them in any way." "Gavin, trance level 1" Gavin lifted his head and his eyes flickered open. He was not sure what had just happened but he quickly realised he was naked and felt a jolt of embarrassment. His shame made him drop his gaze from Carmen. It was such an intense feeling of belittlement he could not hold eye contact. Normally such a confident man he would cope with this situation, so why did he now feel overwhelmed with shame. It was then he was able to recall Carmen's instructions. It was like he could suddenly remember being instructed but could not place when or where. The instruction was just there and he just reacted to it! "Hands by your side Gavin, and lift your head up," she ordered him as she stood up in front of him. He did as instructed without thought. He watched her carefully, she took a step back. Then she swung her right arm at him. He knew it was coming, wanted to defend himself but his arm just didn't move and he was rooted to the spot and 'BANG!' Her palm hit his already blushing cheek with a crack. Only then did his arms react but much too late and a second later the pain of the strike made it's way to his brain. "AAARRHHHH." His hand stopped short of touching his face. His face contorted from the pain and tears started to leak from his eyes. It felt like his skin was on fire, he opened his mouth but no sound came out. It hurt so much it took his breath away. His eyesight now misted and blurred from the tears and what followed was the humiliation of being slapped by a woman and now crying from the blow. The added emotion was just too much for him to bear and the tears turned into a full blown uncontrollable sobbing. Carmen was smiling wickedly as she took great pleasure in making her childhood tormentor suffer. But this was just the beginning, she had sufferred for years at his hand. Inside Gavin felt great anger and a need to lash out, but she had already conditioned him to not be able to strike Carmen and secondly there was fear. His fear had grown in the last few minutes, not only was he under Carmens influence but her added instructions now made him feel week, vulnerable and emotional. Things appeared to be completely out of control now, Carmen could physically abuse him without any real resistance, it felt like he was in a boxing ring with both hands tied behind his back and he was now at her mercy. Carmen allowed Gavin to calm down before leading him down into the cellar. The cellar contained two rooms, the first was the larger of the two at around 12 x 12 ft and was lined with beige carpet. The second room off of the first was approx 8 x 12 ft with a plale grey tiled floor. This room was empty but the first room had a metal framed double bed with a mattress. It had been made up with a pink floral duvet set and pink satin bottom sheet. Against the wall nearest the foot of the bed was a free standing wardrobe and dressing table in a cheap white flatpack style. Gavin was ordered to lay on the bed, still naked he did as asked and he watched Carmen go back up the stairs and out of sight. He lay alone partly releived that Carmen was no longer making him suffer. Still his face was red from shame and a little sore on one side where she had caught him with her palm. He was essentially now imprisoned, the four walls preventing his escape all in his head and he had no idea how to break out. His thoughts switched to the person that answered the front door and showed him in. He pictured that person in his head. It was a confusing image. It was a mans head he was sure, a mans hair cut at least. The top was white and at best unisex, it was the neck tie that pushed the image in the feminine direction. The tie fabric was black and about 2cm wide. It went under the collar and around the neck as normal, then was tied into the bow at the neck with loops approx 5cm long at each side then the two tails of fabric hung down about 15cm. The trousers came up high on the waist and flared out at the feet. He didn't recall seeing the feet. Was it a feminine man or a masculine woman he wondered. In the coming days he would find out. 7. Embracing a new workout Sean pulled open the draw to grab his workout gear. As he grabbed his joggers and top he noticed glossy blue material that had now been uncovered. He paused, for moment he didn't recognise what it was and picked it up with his free hand and it unfolded in front of him. Then his mind clicked, it was his excercise leotard and a further glance into the draw he could see the pastel blue tights that went with the leotard. His mind faultered, he knew what the items were but he could not recall actually wearing them. A new memory popped into his head, a memory of wearing the leotard and tights with the joggers and top over them until he got to the class. Now feeling sure of things again he placed the items on the bed and stripped out of his white shirt and trousers. He looked to the side a caught his reflection in the wardrobe doors. He admired his underwear a moment, the black satin brief was topped with a wide band of stretch lace that encircled his lower torso. They were pretty, but not right under his leotard, the lace would show.....he had to change. As he tugged them down his cock emerged from between his legs and his balls dropped back into place. He fished around in his underwear draw and found a thong. It was plain purple satin with a wide triangle at the front. On they went, moving them almost into position then pushing his balls up and folding his cock back before drawing the thong up snugly. Quietly satisfied he sat on the bed and worked the pastel blue tights up his smooth hairless legs and with the waistband around his tummy he slipped into the shiny royal blue leotard. He experienced a strange moment of comfort and familiarity. Moments later he had the joggers and top on and he was popping his feet into the white trainers. At the aerobics class the instructor Debbie complimented Sean on his outfit with a broad smile. Sean took it as a genuine compliment and the many stares from other women as either being pleased for him or scornful jealously. Either way he payed little attention to them. It was clear to everyone at the class that Sean was expressing his feminine side, not just by what he was wearing but also by the fact that he appeared flat at the front. A clear indication of what he was trying to achieve. Jenna spent more than twice as long at the gym as Sean at the aerobics class. She continued to strive for better strength and increased repetitions from one session to the next. She felt compelled to get stronger and fitter with no end goal, she just kept going. Both Sean and Jenna's roles within the house were now firmly bedded in. Jenna was tasked with taking care of the garden, emptying the waste bins, household maintainence and Carmen intended soon to get a car. Jenna would be learnign to drive and would share driving duties with Sean. Sean was the domestic help that would sterotypically been done by a female. He cooked, cleaned, and took care of the laundry. They both accepted the arrangement as they were conditioned to do so while under trance. Carmen would introduce changes and would add to their conditioning as neccesary so they didn't think anything was different. She planned on letting them out of their trance again soon and letting them see what she had done to them. She so enjoyed the first time she did this, next time she planned on getting off on it. ------- Simon Crompton sat in the private office at the back of his estate agency working on creating some adds when his mobile phone sprung into life. The screen displayed 'Carmen' and his heart beat and stress levels increased instantly. "H...hi Carmen," he answered. "Simon, I have a job for you." There were no pleasantries. "Ok, what can I do for you?" he asked tentatively. He knew all too well how Carmen could be demanding. "I have a property I want you to rent out. The owner is mortgage free so this is not complicated. It's a three bedroom terrace house." And she proceeded to give him the Wood Green address. "I'll have the keys dropped off for at your office." "Of course Carmen, I'll take care of it for you." With business taken care of she moved on to teasing the man. "So little Simon, are you wearing your pretty knickers and bra?" "Carmen, you know full well that I can't go without them. You have seen to that," he replied. "So what colour are they today?" she teased him further. There was moments silence before he replied, "Pe...peach." "Oh how lovely," she cooed. "Carmen, have you any idea what this is doing to my business?" he stopped a moment wondering if he should even challenge her but he was only trying to reason with her, to try and make her understand. "Potential clients are put off of dealing with me when they notice the bra through my shirt. My long term future is at serious risk and if you want me to continue helping you then I need your help," he pleaded his case in hope that she would see the sense in his words. "Hmmmm" was all that came from Carmen. A glimmer of light for him, he had clearly made her think about it so he tried to push a little further, just to get her on side. "I'm having to do all of the admin in the back office while Helen and Justine do all of the client meetings. It's Justine who I employed to do the admin," he stated. Again there was a little silence before Carmen responded. "So how is Helen and Justine doing, are they making a good go of things?" she asked him. "Not too bad.......I guess," he answered. "Let me give it some thought Simon." And before he could utter another word she hung up. -------- Gavin suddenly became conscious once again, he lay naked on his bed. The ceiling light was on, there were no windows so he could not tell if it was night or day. He sat up on his elbows, that was when he saw her sat on the stool in front of the dressing table. He didn't recognise her, she looked quite slender with long straight brown hair.From his view point he could only tell that she had a white vest top on. "Hello......err.....where is Carmen?" he asked. "Carmen is busy upstairs," came her no frills reply and she just stared back at him. "Who are you?" Gavin asked. "I'm Jenna......your dominator," she replied still staring intently at him. Did he hear right. " you mean?" he asked still laying proped up on his elbows. "I'm here to dominate you," Jenna stated. Gavin thought that she must be joking, he considered the fact that Carmen had limited his strength, still the smallish female didn't cut a very strong figure. He had his doubts that this 'Jenna' could actually dominate him. Jenna then stood up from the stool. She took in a deep breath as Gavin took in the sight of the rest of her. Below the hem of the white vest top was a black harness and Jenna's right hand was wrapped around the large black phalus that was sticking out. She still stared at him as he took in the sight. 'FUCK,' he thought. When she said dominate, she really meant it. He now felt quite uneasy about the situation. The sight scared him and as she took a step to the side of the bed he rolled over to the other side and fell onto the floor. As he scrambled to get to his feet Jenna quickly stepped round the end of the bed. Gavin darted for the open doorway into the room with the tiled floor. Realising the empty room had no other exit he turned to face Jenna. She stood still in the doorway. The black strap on cock jutted out from her. He looked at it, then noticed the signs of her upper leg muscles. Then up to her arms and now understood, with a sinking feeling that there was more to this young woman than he first thought. He backed away hoping she would at least vacate the doorway so he stood a chance of escaping her grasp. He backed into the far left corner. Jenna stepped forward slowly. There eyes fixed on each other try to second guess eachothers next move. Another step forward from Jenna and she was half way across the room. Gavin darted towards the right corner but Jenna jumped forward and grabbed his arm. Pulling him closer to her she quickly wrapped both her arms around his body pinning his arms at the elbow. 'Shit, she's strong.' was his first thought. She arched her back and his feet left the floor. 'Oh my god' was his next thought as she bear hugged him with the fake cock pushing into his thigh. In mear moments she had him back in the room next to the bed. Releasing his arms she quickly pushed him forward onto the bed and grabbed his ankles. He tried to kick and thrash around to get free but she quickly worked her body between his legs. In desperation Gavin reverted to pleading. "Please don't....PLEASE!!" She lifted her grasp of his legs a little, his body now sloping into the mattress and his face pushed up at an angle. She had him like a wheelbarrow. His arms spread out across the bed, he was then dragged back a little as she positioned herself at his opening. He felt totally helpless. "Jenna..Pleaasee," he begged once again in vain hope that she would relent. Then he felt it, the cold sensation between his cheeks. The pressure increased slowly, then "Aaaagh" as the cock slipped past his opening. He felt an aching sensation, like he was being spread beyond his normal limits. But it was only half in and as Jenna pushed further the aching increased and a sweat spread across his forehead. he felt like he had been harpooned. Unable to move, impaled. Then after a few second pause, Jenna drew back and plunged back in "Uurrgh" came from Gavin's mouth. Unble to silence himself he continued to "Ugh" as Jenna picked up a rythm of fucking his virgin arse. The assult continued with Jenna pistoning in and out of him for twenty minutes solid by which time tears dripped from his eyes and the 'Ugh' was now a high pitched whimper. Gavin was almost beyond thought as her relentless arse pounding continued. All he could think about was how foolish he had been to doubt Jenna's ability. He was just praying for it to end. It was after thirty minutes that his prayers were answed and she released her grip on his body and allowed the cock to slip out. He lay face down on the bed, his body sweaty and shaking. His face covered in tears and his arse aching terribly. "Very good Jenna. Go and clean up your toy and put it away." Carmen had been watching!! He had been oblivious to her presence. The arse fucking had been all consuming. "Gavin my little bitch," Carmen adressed him. Gavin looked up at her, his body a wreck. "Did you enjoy" she teased him. "I will give you thirty minutes to recover before I come back. You had better be presentable." And she strutted back up the stairs leaving him there. After some 10 minues he had stopped shaking and decided he should get up. As soon as he moved the pain in his bottom increased stopping him in his tracks. He shuffled slowly off the bed and stood up gingerly. He walked towards the dressing table like a frail elderly man. Sitting in some discomfort on the stool he looked into the mirror. He dabbed is eyes with a tissue then without thinking he picked up a brush and started to fix his hair. Teasing it into place. He still couldn't get how he could be made to do these things. But it got worse as he spotted a tube of lipstick. His thoughts were to ignore it but he picked it up and proceeded to stroke the colour across his lips. Before he knew it he was replacing the tube on the dresser and rubbing his reddened lips together. In the mirror his image seemed that little bit less masculine than before. Inwardly he cringed at what he had done to himself, he knew now that Carmen wanted her revenge and he hoped that now he had been subjected to the brutal arse fucking and humiliation of having his body waxed, his hair done as well as the other things that she would get bored with it and let him go. But that was just it, hope. Up to now he had seen no reason to believe that she would stop and let him be. He already reasoned that he probably deserved this revenge, but that did not make it easier. Just then he heard the door to the cellar open, someone was coming. Again he turned to the mirror and his palms patted his curled hair on each side. It was an instant reaction to a visitor approaching. Turning back to the stairs he saw Carmen and the person that had shown him in as they descended. Carmen walked over to him. "Gavin, trance level 3." Instantly his eyelids dropped and his head slumped forward. Carmen spent over 20 minutes giving Gavin new instructions, then she ran through them a second time just to make sure. This was the bit that she found boring but she knew better than to cut corners and was relieved when the task was complete. Carmen had already prepared Sean who was standing close by in trance level 2. Now was the time to enjoy the fruits of her labour. "Sean, remove your top, trousers and shoes please. Fold them neatly and place them on the floor next to the head of the bed." Without a word Sean stripped from his clothing as asked. Carmen watched him doing everything exactly how she had described. He now stood naked except for the sheer black material of the knickers he wore. His cock and balls visible through the hue of the material. She stood in front of Sean and turned around to face Gavin who was still sat on the dressing table stool. "Gavin, trance level 1." And she watched as his conscious mind sprung back to life. He felt a little different, more at ease. Just moments before he had an aching back passage from his assault. Now though, strangley he felt nothing. He recalled the fucking.... "You bitch," he said load and clear. Carmen smiled at him, as he realised that could verbally abuse her. Something that had been largely blocked. He thought perhaps she had released his mind completely and he started to contemplate what to do next. But then..... "Gavin, go and sit on the bed." And no sooner had she finished the short sentence he got up and did as asked. Now he knew he was not completely free. He felt no ability to stop acting out her instruction. Still looking at Gavin she said, "Sean, trance level 1." And at that she stepped away from Sean and sat on the stool waiting for their reactions. Sean was getting his bearings at first, taking in the fact that he was in the cellar. Gavin looked over at Sean and took in his near naked body. Like his own it was hair free even around his cock. But that was all he stared at now. He tried and tried again but his gaze was fixed on Sean's rolled up meat behind the front panel of his knickers. " fucking," Gavin spluttered as his mouth salivated uncontrollably. He sucked the drool in and swallowed. Still unable to remove his gaze from Sean's cock he stood up from the edge of the bed. Sean had taken in the image of Gavin whilst sat on the bed, but only to the extent of noticing his red lipstick. But as Gavin rose to his feet he took in the sight of Gavins cock. He watched it slowly extend and then rise. The sight itself now making him stiffen. He could feel it, his own cock swelling and growing until it forced itself straight stretching the knickers. Gavin in turn witnessed Sean's member grow making him harder still. Carmen eyed them both with great excitement as they both became erect at the sight of the others penis. Within a minute both were straining, stiff and fully upright. Sean's was now poking out the top of the elastic of his knickers. Then like an unspoken instruction both of them put their hands by their sides and slowly edged towards each other. Then it was Sean's turn to speak. "Carmen, what have you done?" still his gaze fixed on the stiff meat. His own excitement almost too much to bare. "Ahhhh, you both look a little excited," she mocked them. Now only a foot apart Gavin thrust his pelvis forward and leaning back, Sean reacted in the same way a couple of seconds later and their cocks rubbed together. "Uuuuurrggggghh," from Gavin, and, "Ohhhh my gooooddddd." Both shuffled a little closer and they continued mash against each other. With their cocks now out of sight they looked each other in the eye. The pleasure they both felt at that moment drove them on and slowly their bodies stopped leaning back. Their faces slowly edged closers to each other, their torso's now starting to press together feeling the heat from each others bodies. With a shaking voice and still staring into Gavin's eyes Sean forced out, "Ohhh....F..uck!" And suddenly like a powerful magnet their mouths were drawn together. Lips mashed together, excitement coursed through them both like electricity despite the mental anguish that they were now fully engaged in a homosexual act. The feelings and sensations were too great for them, cocks rock hard and rubbing together, lips sliding against each other and tongues now probed each other in wanton lust. Neither knew if it was Carmen's instruction or their own reactions but their arms drew up each side and enclosed each other in an embrace. They were locked together in physical excitement and mental torture. Carmen watched them for several minutes, her hand inside her knickers working at her wet clit. The power of making the two men act like this against their will was so intoxicating, thrilling to her. She took her time savouring the moment. She could take as long as she wanted, she had set their instructions so they could not orgasm from this no matter how excited they became. Sadly for Carmen her own excitement could not be held and she came after 6 minutes. The two men continued in their apparently passionate embrace as she calmed down. Then Carmen stood up from the stool and stepped over to the two men. She whispered loudly, "Now what was that magic number.....?" Both of them heard her, but neither had any idea what she was talking about. Not that they could ask her, tongues still lapping at each other and lips still pressed together with heads tilted to the side. "Ohhh, I remember now," she mock whispered again. Then in a clear loud voice "SIXTY NINE!" It took a few seconds, the passion lessoned and finally lips parted a moment before Gavin leant in to renew the contact before parting again. The embrace loosened and allowed space to open up between them. A pained look appeared on Sean's face, Carmen was not sure if that was caused by what he had just done or what he might know was about to happen as the instruction took a firm hold in his head. Carmen then saw Gavin's bottom lip shake, did he now know what was to happen next. They both stood a moment, Carmen started to wonder if they had managed to resist the instruction. But then Gavin;s knees started to wobble and a moment later they gave way like there was a pressure pushing him down. Before Gavin was at chest height Sean's knees suddenly gave way and he lowered toward the floor catching up with Gavin. Now kneeling on the carpetted floor they both leant over to their right until they were laying down and shuffled positions with only one target in mind. With each others hairless cocks now in sight they moved closer together and thrust their hips forward. There was a groan from Sean as he now stared at the glistening head of Gavins erection. Even though his conscious thoughts were of disgust his mouth salivated at the sight. Then he felt his knickers being pulled down and a moment later his stiffness was enveloped in Gavin's warm wet mouth. The sensation was exquisite and in that moment his hand grasped at Gavin's cock ready to guide it to his lips. It was hot, unyeilding yet soft to the touch and seconds later wet from his own drool. Once again they were both lost in the growing pleasure that they were eliciting from each other. The knew feeling of having a hot cock in their mouths, they felt larger than they looked and they concentrated on the head and giving the other pleasure. Carmen again sat back down on the stool and watched them. Now feasting on each other like hungry babies and the sound of slurping escaping every now and then. Then the hard pumping started first by Gavin who bobbed his head back and fourth while sucking hard. Sean let out a long moan through his filled mouth and immediately retunred the action with an intensity that made Gavin's eyes flutter and he faltered in his own efforts for just a moment. The room was now filled with the sound of them both working the others cock and continuous stream of moaning. Sean wondered how he had not shot his load, he felt like he had been on the brink for many minutes now and what of Gavin, surely he would have burst his banks by now. Carmen marevelled at what she saw, what she could make them do. Finally she though it was time. "Squirt," she said clearly. It only took a second, the moaning from both of them increased in pitch and were more strained. Both bucked their hips a little as they convulsed and spasmed, pumping their load and in turn continued to slide their lips up and down and suck in every drop the other dispensed. The release lasted around 20 seconds before the convulsions stopped but both continued to suck on the others highly sensitive member as their moans became less urgent, calmer and finally just a whimper. The tryst now over, they lay exausted and finally were able to allow the cocks to slip from their mouths. Breathing still heavy and covered in sweat. The slippery slimey taste and texture of seamen in their mouths. Totally dumbfounded at what they had just done. Acts that both would have deemed abhorrent to them had been committed. "Sean, trance level 3. Gavin, trance level 3." It was time to work on them again. Sean was delt with first and put back into trance level 1. He dressed and left to resume his household duties. Following Gavin's instruction session he was also put into trance level 1. Carmen took a satin robe from the wardrobe and draped it over the bed. He was told to clean himself up. Carmen advised him of the location of the bathroom and left the cellar. Both were allowed to retain all of their memories from the shared session although Sean still had a block on recognising changes that Carmen introduced. 8. Earning his keep Gavin first sat at his vanity table, grabbed a tissue and wipped away the smeared and smudged lipstick.. Parts of his hair were stuck to his skin from the perspiration. He clearly needed to wash. He picked up the red satin robe and slipped his arms in and tied the thin belt at the front. It only came to the top of his thighs. His legs almost completely exposed and he would say his genitals were at risk as well. He somehow felt more exposed than he did when he was naked. Since Carmen left him he noticed how his rear end ached again from the fucking he had recieved. Now his jaw ached and his lips felt sore as well. Gavin found trance level 1 quite frustrating, a state in which he knew what he was doing but seemingly not in charge of his actions. He emerged from the bathroom just over an hour later having washed his hair and bathed in bubble bath. An application of body lotion had followed and the scent of roses was now inescapable. Back in the cellar Gavin found himself drying and putting his hair back in order. He was actually getting used to seeing himself with this feminine style and found himself admitting that it looked good. Why he would think that he didn't know but the thought popped into his head all the same. His thoughts turned back to the session he had been forced into with the other man. He realised he was not even sure of his name but it didn't matter, he found himself becoming aroused as his minds eye pictured his cock in the little knickers he had been wearing. He closed his eyes and went to touch himself, but much to his frustration his hand just went to his waist. His other hand did the same, no matter how much he wanted to touch himself he found he could not. He knew that if he wanted any kind of relief he now needed someone else to help him. Carmen made her way down the cellar stairs to find Gavin sat on the dressing table stool. He now looked more presentable, still had the red satin robe. The narrow belt tied at his waist, she then noted his hands both propped against his waist. She knew from her instructions that it should mean he is turned on, and there it was. The head of his cock sticking up between the split of the satin robe. She grinned at him knowing his plight. He looked up at her without moving his hands, the look in his eyes spoke volumes to her. Sorrowful, beaten and pleading. Despite this Carmen still had a burning desire to see him suffer. Carmen lifted her right heeled boot onto the edge of the stool between Gavins legs. Then she gently nudged his penis with the pointed toe of the boot. "Uuurrrghhhh......Hhmmmmmm," came from Gavins mouth, still unable to make his hands move any closer to his erection. He arched his back, his need to be stimulated clear to Carmen. "Now Gavin, you little fucking weasle. You work for me now. It's payback time." Gavin's face looked up at her, the pleading look etched with a frown of concern at further punishment. "That's right, you will work for me and pay me back in cash, and you will be doing it for some time." His head dropped and he stared at floor. Carmen removed her boot from the stool. "Lay on the bed Gavin." As expected he obeyed, his hands left his waist and held out at his side with his hands straight and he made his way to the side of the bed and layed down on his back. "Gavin, trance level 3," she said, then watched him go limp. -------- Sean was in the lounge, it was still sparsely furnished but that left more carpet to vacume and he also knew he had skirting boards to wipe clean. It was after he had run the vacume cleaner around the room and he now kneeled on the floor with a cloth and a bowl of warm soapy water wiping clean the frame of the french doors that led out to the rear garden, he caught sight of Jenna. Jenna was wheeling a barrow across the lawn carring compost for a flower border. The weight of the barrow pulled on her arms and Sean could clearly see the muscle definition of her arms and onto her shoulders. Despite the overcast day she had worked up a sweet and only wore a white vest. He stopped his task to admire her, smiled to himself at how lucky he was. Still nothing appeared out of place to him. Moments later as Jenna walked back across the lawn it was her that noticed Sean. He was stood inside the french doors stretching up to wipe the tops of the frames. It was her turn to admire Sean as stretched up on tip toes. The dainty ballet flat black shoes, the flared black slacks that hugged him high on his waist. The smooth line of the fabric around his crutch. His white ruffled blouse with black bow at the collar. She wanted him, 'later' she told herself 'she would have him'. Gavins eye lids lifted up slowly at first, then he quickly he became fully alert. Suddenly he remembered, he needed to get ready. He sat up and swung his legs over the side, standing up he immediately pulled open the red satin robe and slipped if down his arms. Opening the wardrobe he found a spare hanger and placed the robe on it and hung it up. From there it was like he was on auto pilot, he knew what to wear and where to find it. Draws opened and closed, wardrobe doors swung open and closed again. All Gavin needed was layed out on the bed. There were no knickers. Gavin started with the tights, working the material into a doughnut of the right leg. With pointed toes he inserted his right foot and worked the black material over his ankle and a little way up his calf before repeating the process with his other foot. He then worked them each in turn up his legs taking extreme care to keep the back seems straight. Once he arrived at his crotch he pulled them up part way before using his right hand to push his testicles into his body cavities. His flacid penis then folded under before he pulled up the material to his waist. The back of the tights had a split that ran from the top of his bottom cheeks down to his perineum. His bottom fully accessable, his gentals tucked and flat at the front. He picked up the bra next, again black, the straps wide with frills and the cups expansive with translucent lace decoration. Once hooked and adjusted he inserted the D cup silcone forms. With them in place he could no longer see his nyloned feet. A black full slip soon drifted down from his shoulders and into place before he picked up the pale blue dress. With the zip open he pulled it over his head then worked his arms into the sleeves. The back zip was a bit of a struggle but was eventually managed. He smoothed his hands down the garment removing the obvious creases and checked his appearance in the mirror. At the vanity he went to work on his face with cosmetics. It was a little basic with face powder, mascara and lipstick in typical bold red. He primped his hair to make sure it was just so before picking up the cap that he clipped into place. In the bottom of the wardrobe he found the shoes. black leather T-bar strap that circled his leg above the ankle and had a 3 inch spike heel. Finally he clipped a name badge to his left breast that read 'Nurse Nancy.' Again he inspected his appearance in the mirror, fussing again with his hair. He was ready, he took his place at the bottom of the stairs and waited. He didn't move at all, it was like he was on standby. It was almost 30 minutes later when a slightly stocky built man slowly descended the stairs. Gavin stood motionless until the man spoke. He stood on the bottom run of the stairs. All the hair on his head was beard and jet black. He was a little puzzled at the lack of reaction from the mock nurse. He then recited the words he was told. "Nurse, I'm your new patient." He felt a little silly saying it and wondered if he had done the right thing. He hoped it would be worth the ?400 he had paid. The add sure sounded great. Gavin sprung into life, looked up at the man and smiled and in a huskey voice, "Can I ask your name sir?" "Oh..err Dougie...or Douglass if you prefer," he replied. "Well Dougie, come on in. I'm Nurse Nancy," Gavin told him, again in the husky voice. He took the mans hand and walked him over so that he could see himself in the wardrobe mirror. Gavin stood back from him a moment, and the bearded man noted the effort this man had put into his apperance. This was his dream fantasy, a transvestite nurse. He had eyed the buxom chest, the seemed nyloned covered legs and heels. Dougie was starting to relax and in turn he started to become just a little aroused. He came here to fuck, and now he saw what he paid for he was definately up for it. Gavin went through his instructions as he'd been given. he fetched an old fashioned thermometer and pupped into Dougie's mouth. "I just need to check your vital signs." He picked up dougie's wrist and pretended to monitor his heart rate. Releasing his wrist he removed the thermometer from Dougie's mouth and checked it. Placing it to one side on the vanity he turned around to face Dougie. He looked directly into the mans eyes. "Well Dougie, it looks like I need to take some samples from you," his voice now more sultry, low and soft. "Remove your trousers and underwear please Dougie," Gavin told him. "Nurse Nancy needs to take the first sample." With a slightly delayed reaction Dougie then fumbled with his belt, undid the button and pushed his jeans down. He stepped out of them before first removing his Denim jacket, then his t shirt and finally he removed his boxer shorts. Kicking them to one side he looked back up at 'Nancy', her gaze now fixated on his semi-erect cock. He watched her lick her lipsticked lips, he started to stiffen further at the sight and in anticipation of the pleasures to follow. Gavin was once again was drawn to the cock like a stong magnet. Tunnel vision made everything else around him dissappear and he sank to his nyloned knees. Dougie watched, admired the demure way in which Nancy lowered herself, knees together and hands placed on her lower thighs. Still she stared straight ahead, her eyes on his now semi-upward pointing penis. The head of which was only just visible to himself from under the profile of his belly. "Now Dougie," she said in what was almost mechanical voice, "I want you to be a good patient and be perfectly still while Nancy extracts your sample. Can you promise me Dougie?" Gavin's eyes still not moving away from the ever stiffening cock. Dougie swallowed. "Y...yes .....Nancy....I promise," he replied. "Good, then I shall begin." At that Gavin's instructed desires took a full hold and he lurched forward. His right hand wrapped around the base of his cock against his mass of pubes. A second later he engulfed the head in his mouth. "Aaahhh" came from Dougie. Then Gavin started to work the penis back and fourth as his tongue and lips lavished it with attention. Gavin himself then moaning as he felt the rigidity increase inside his mouth. He was not even sure if that was from instruction or if it was his own reaction. Deep inside the back of his mind there was a niggling concern, a real worry that he was actually starting to enjoy this act. After a couple of minutes of measured sucking and licking, Gavin moved onto phase two and increased the suction and increased the speed. "Oooaaahhhhh ffuuuucck" was Dougie's reaction. His eyes rolled up and his eye lids closed at the intensity of the sensations that nurse Nancy was administering. He recovered composure and glanced down to see the redish brown wavey hair darting backwards and forwards. He was getting close now after just a few minutes and was trying to hold it off as long as he could. But a further glance down to see the red lipsicked lips stretched around his cock was enough to propel him over the edge. He Instinctively put his hands behind the wavey curls and pulled Nancy's head in while thrusting his hips forward and he spasmed and shot the contents of his scrotum with convulsion after convulsion. There was no resistance from Gavin, at no point did he consider it. Gavin just took it, not even having to swallow as the head of Dougie's cock was intp his throat. His face buried in his thick mass of pubes he waited for Dougie's hands to relax and release his head. When Dougie had calmed and his hands fell away Gavin slowly slid back and sucked and licked gently for a few minutes. The cock remained hard for him and he backed off feeling an inner feeling of satisfaction at what he had done. Dougie remaind standing in the same spot in the afterglow of what had to have been the best BJ he had ever had. He watched Nancy get back to her heeled feet. Without a word she sat at the vanity and picked up a lipstick tube and reapplied a fresh coat. This act alone made Dougie's cock twitch. Nancy picked up a small bottle and used the pump to dispense a small amount of clear gel into her hand. Replacing the bottle she then stood and returned to Dougie. She proceeded to smother the cold gel to his cock until it was covered from tip to base. Then drying her hands on a tissue she stood at the end of the bed leant forward supporting her upper body with her hands on the mattress. With one hand she reached back and pulled the skirt of the uniform up onto her back. "Dougie, I need another sample..............I think you know where it needs to go," she told him. Dougie walked round behind the nurse and his cock twitched once again at the sight. He took in the sight of black heels then seemed hosery running straight up the back of the legs until they dissappeared. The target of his penis exposed by a purpose made split in the tights. A moment later he could wait no longer and got himself into position before pushing forward and finally with great pleasure he sank into the tight orifice. After a little shuffling and positioning to get comfortable he started a rythmic pistoning in and out. The feeling driving him on, slowly increasing the speed and force. Gavin was taking a real cock for the first time, it felt so much better than the fake one he had earlier. He realised what he had just thought, about it being 'better'. Why would he think that? He started to rationalise, it was not so harsh, a hot soft touch kind of sensation. It was then as the fucking crancked up a bit further and he started to feel a sensation, it was growing, down below from inside. It was like nothing he had felt before. It was like an intense feeling of excitement. Dougie was getting into his stride and started to drive in and out even harder. The feeling deep inside of Gavin was getting stronger, his body now being rocked at the force of Dougie's thrusts. Gavin was now starting to breath heavilty and the fucking just got harder. The sensation within grew further, it was making him pant. Then an involuntary "uuurrrr" slipped out. He tried to suppress it but another slipped out "Uuuurrggh". His inner most thoughts were of total shame at his reaction. It was all becoming too much, he could not help it several more gasps and moans later the feeling deep inside of him spread like a slow motion explosion as it spread accorss his entire body and he let out a long cry of ectasy. His nurses cries of passion were enough to make Dougie ejaculate for the second time. He held the nylon covered hips just below the cover of the dress as he pushed his cock as deep as he could. Gavin held his position, hands flat out on the matress, his back arching down from his shoulders and back up to his arse. He would not move until Dougie withdrew. His inner thoughts now having more time to fester, to ponder what he was being forced to do, at how much he had just enjoyed it much to his shame. He didn't want this, yet a part of him he felt was already lost to it. Dougie finally pulled out. Immediately nurse Nancy straightened up, grabbed a packet of wet wipes and approached Dougie. Extracting a couple of sheets she gently cleaned Dougies gentials for him. "Thank you Dougie," nurse Nancy smiled at him- "You can get dressed now." 9. Accepting his role Carmen sat in the pub nursing a vodka and coke. It was her third of that afternoon and she was now feeling just a little mellow. She had spent all afternoon sat on the same bar stool just thinking and having the occasional little chat with the bar staff. The place was pretty empty as was typical for a weekday afternoon. She had spent most of the time thinking over what she had done. What she wanted to acheive. She actually wondered if she would be content if she managed to acheive her goal. She was slowly becoming increasingly aware that something was still missing from her life. Perhaps she was not ready to admit it to herself, but she was lonely. She had never allowed herself to get romantically involved with anyone. She had put a up a protective wall around herself, not allowing anyone to get too close. The ultimate fear of being intimate with anyone was the result of being abused as a girl. Any intimate stimulation was done by the only person she could trust, herself. Now bored and feeling mellow and mischeivious she finished her drink and headed home. Carmen noted the front garden as she approached the front door. Jenna had been working away at both front and back gardens to make them tidy. Considering the size of the gardens she had done a decnt job so far. Inside she could immediately smell food and she headed straight for the kitchen. Despite the smell of food the kitchen was empty. On the kitchen unit sat the slow cooker, Carmen walked over and could see the stew of some kind bubbling gently. She had no idea when it would be ready and went in search of Sean. With no sign of him she became annoyed and yelled at Jenna from an upstairs window as she worked on relaying some paving. "Where the hell is Sean?" Jenna looked up a little startled then replied. "At work". "This was supposed to be his day off?" she questioned Jenna. "He was called in by his boss," Jenna replied. Carmen scowled at Jenna in annoyance, she didn't like surpises. She was expecting to be served her meal. If this what was going to happen then she needed to re-think how the house was set up. Gavin was going to have to work on the domestic duties alongside Sean. Her original plan was to keep him in the cellar and just rent him out as and when she got a client. However, she was in no mood to start training him or giving him new instructions right now. She would have Sean take care of his training when he was back. She stuck her head out of the window again "When did Sean put the slow cooker on?" she asked Jenna. "It must have been about 2 o'clock I think," she replied. Carmen thought for a second. "Finish what you are doing, I need you in the kitchen," she instructed Jenna. -------- Later that evening Sean returned home to the house. As he opened the front door Carmen appeared from the lounge doorway. She looked at him with a little dissapointment, he was wearing a blue button up shirt and dark grey suit. His shoes lace up and appeared to be buffed and shiny. "Get changed Sean, then come and see me in the lounge." And she turned quickly not waiting for any kind of reply. Carmen returned to watching the tv while she waited for Sean to return. It was a little over ten minutes later when Sean appeared again. "Yes Carmen, how can I help you," he asked. She turned to see him stood just inside the room. 'Much better,' she thought as he now stood before her with a lace trimmed blouse with the long black ribbon tye around the neck. The blouse was tucked into the black slacks high upon his waist. Hugging his midsection the slacks flared from the knee and partially covered the flat black ballet pumps. "Sean, I have decided that you will share the domestic duties with Gavin," she told him. Sean held a confused expression. "Gavin, from the cellar?" Carmen prompted. The penny dropped and a look of understanding took hold. Tomorrow you will start training Gavin in everything you do. When you are at work Gavin will take your place. "Yes Carmen, I understand," he replied. His inner thoughts flashed back to the haunting memory of the last encounter with Gavin. The sexual tension, the lust, horniness and desire for his cock. What would happen next time they met he wondered. The blow job was incredible he recalled with shame. Why could that not have been a woman he internally protested. "Finish up with the kitchen, then you can go to bed." "Yes Carmen," he replied again and left to complete his duties. -------- As Sean entered his bedroom Jenna was layed on top of the bed. Just a bedside lamp lit the room. She wore a white cotton vest and baggy shorts that tied at the waist. She glanced in his direction from the book she was reading. "Hi Sean," she greeted him. "Hello love" he replied. He started to undress and removed everything except the black underwear. The black satin bikini style briefs were pulled up snuggly holding his penis in place down between his legs. Jenna stole admiring glances of him before he slipped into a short white satin robe and dissapeared to the bathroom. While he was gone Jenna fetched a strap on dildo from a draw in her bedside cabinet. Pulling down the baggy shorts she attched it to the hidden harness before dragging the shorts back up and adopting a slight lean to one side to try and mask the bulge. She was already feeling horny and impatient for Sean to return. She got her wish a few minutes later when he returned. Still with the little back knickers and white robe tied at his waist. He sat at the vanity table and appllied moisturiser to his face, something he had been doing lately. He wanted to take better care of himself. He watched Jenna in the vanity mirror as she got up from the bed, her back to him. She placed her book down on the bedside then walked along the side of the bed and out of his mirrored view. He initailly assumed she was going to visit the bathroom until she came back into view directly behind him. They exchanged smiles at first before she stepped a little to one side and revealed the black dildo jutting from her harness. Like a switch had been flicked in his head he became mesmerised instantly by the fake cock. Not even looking up a second at Jenna's face he felt the draw of it, the pull of it like a magnet to his eye balls. Now nothing else existed, nothing else mattered. Inside his head he knew all too well what was to happen, what he needed to happen. Jenna moved foward a little and the cock now hung to the right of his face. Then Jenna spoke, it was a little agressive, demanding even. "Sean..... put your lips around my fucking cock." Her voice was different to him, he was not sure how. It was Jenna, but it was commanding. In an instant he swivelled his head and took the black tool into his salivating mouth. They both shifted to face each other without the cock leaving his lips. It was such a great feeling to have something in his mouth again and he licked and sucked it like his life depended on it. Jenna was engrossed by the view at her crotch. She felt so empowered at the sight of Sean giving head. His submission to her was intoxicating and thrilling. She allowed Sean the pleasure for around five minutes before she'd had enough. She wanted more, wanted to fuck. She ripped the cock from his needy mouth leaving an expression of utter dissapointment. She grabbed him by the arms and pulled him up from the stool, then swung him by the waist and pushed him onto the bed. Sean felt an element of fear, his own reaction was not what it should have been. His elbows tucked in and his arms pulled up to his chest. Why did he react like that? Jenna grabbed an ankle in each hand, Sean felt the strength of her grip. It sent a shiver down his spine. Sean's legs were lifted up by Jenna, dragging Sean on his back towards the edge of the bed. His hands desperately trying to grip the bed and prevent her. The white satin robe rode up leaving just his black knickers, he suddenly felt exposed, vulnerable. Then before he could even try and react the gusset of his knickers were yanked from his crotch and the feeling of a moist hard cock pushed against him. He felt powerless, his arms flailing to his sides as he braced himself for the penetration. Then with increased pressure from Jenna it happened. His behind ached at the feeling of the intruder as it pushed in. Jenna let out a triumphant growl as she sunk into his hole. Then taking a firm grip around Sean's thighs with her arms she began to fuck him. Slowly at first but it didn't take long for the intensity to increase driven by Jenna's need. Her need to dominate Sean. She had him now, the feeling of triumph radiating through her as she thrust out her chest and drove in even harder. Sean was lost to it, there was no fight in him anymore. It was like he no longer had the desire to challenge her. He submitted quickly, much to the anguish of his inner self. Now reduced to the one letting out little whimpers every time she slammed into him. It was Jenna who climaxed first, the feeling of dominating Sean really taking hold and pushing her over the edge. Panting and now a little warm and sweety she pulled out of him. She released his legs and stepped back. Sean lay half across the bed, his feet now on the floor. His breathing heavy, he just stared at the ceiling. His inner thoughts in turmoil as this new reality sunk in. He glanced up at Jenna as she left for the bathroom. Her back, shoulders and arms shapely from the muscles she had gained. Her walk somehow less feminine, there was a swagger. She walked with a confidence he had not noticed before. He took it all in, admired her and felt a feeling of being possessed. He felt like he belonged to her, a warm protective thought. Despite his inner thoughts screaming that this was all wrong, all fucked up, his emotions and feelings were strong. His penis stiff and lay on his lower belly, still wanting it's own release. For some reason he could not bring himself to touch his own erection even though it ached for attention. -------- The following morning Sean awoke at 7am from the sound of the front door closing. He assumed that was Jenna off to work. By 8am he was showered and dressed and in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. As he filled the kettle and prepared cups he felt bad that he had not been up to get breakfast for Jenna. It felt wrong to him and he resolved to put this right next time she worked. Carmen arrived in the kitchen for breakfast soon after 8.30am, this morning with Gavin in tow. Gavin and Sean exchanged glances, each smiled tentatively at the other given their previous encounter. This time thankfully they seamed to have more control over their actions. Sean observed Gavin's hair, he had clearly brushed it and made sure he was presentable despite just wearing a red satin robe. Sean served Carmen her breakfast of coffee, toast and scrabbled egg. Sean and Gavin stood and watched her eat. As she finished off and placed her cutlery down Sean went to clear things away. "Wait a moment Sean," Carmen told him and he stepped back where he was. "Gavin-" She paused to swallow the last mouthful of food. "Sean here is going to train you how to do all of the domestic chores around the house, how to assist me, when to assist get the picture." Gavin and Sean remained silent. "In addition to this, I have decided that Gavin needs to improve his fitness. So from now on, when Sean goes to aerobics class, Gavin will go too." She looked at them both for any kind of reaction. "Is that understood?" she asked. "Yes Carmen," they both replied. "Good. Sean, you are in charge of Gavin. I am making you responsible for making sure Gavin is trained correctly. His mistakes are your mistakes." "Yes Carmen," Sean acknowledged. "You can also make sure that Gavin attends aerobics with you. I have already ordered his kit which should be delivered tomorrow." "Of course Carmen," he reassured her. "One more thing, I want you to start taking care of the household bills. I will give you what you need later, you can make a start clearing up. I will take Gavin to get dressed, he will join you as soon as he is ready." Sean immediately got to work and Carmen got to her feet and left the kitchen with Gavin close behind. In the cellar she had him lay on his bed, and once again put him into trance level 3 where she could implant her instructions. Gavin's eye's fluttered open, he lay on his bed where Carmen had said to lay. She was just there a moment ago but now she had gone. His brain kicked into gear 'i need to get dressed and help Sean'. His train of thought now focussed. Gavin swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up. He removed the red satin robe, hung it in the wardrobe. Almost unconsciously he proceeded to dress himself, it was not until nearly 10 minutes had passed did he actually realise what he had been doing. He stood before the wardrobe mirror, his inner self was not surprised at what it saw. Black, lace embellished basque supporting his black lace top stockings. His penis stood out in front of him, emerging from the split crotch black lace knickers. He continued to dress and slipped a white blouse over his head. The shoulders and elbow length sleeves in large floral lace with a peter pan style collar. Below the straight line from armpit to armpit was plain satin. Next came the skirt, a long black pencil skirt with a split at the back. He stepped into it and shimmied his hips to work it up to his waist.He tucked the tail of the blouse into the skirt and buckled the narrow belt around him pulling in on his slightly rounded tummy. The skirt was a snug fit, and walking was hampered by the calf length hem. Three inch heeled pumps were next, black in suede. Gavin then sat at the vanity and proceeded to add foundation, face powder, eye liner, mascara and finally the bold red lip colour. He brushed his hair through again and made sure it was in good order before standing to check his full reflection in the wardrobe mirror. His inner self was pretty much resigned to his situation but he then took in the large bulge at the front of the skirt. For some reason he couldn't fathom at that moment his cock twitched. An involuntary clench. His unteathered stiff penis was pinned to his belly by the tight skirt. Depsite this the controlling part of himself decided he was fit to report for duties. Gavin entered the kitchen, his heels clacking on the floor making it obvious he was back. Sean was just finishing off at the sink. "I'll be right with you Gavin," he advised. A few moments passed before Sean left the sink and dried his hands. Then turned to see Gavin. for the first time he saw Gavin attired decently and in keeping with his hairdo. Gavin suddenly reacted to being checked out by Sean. Without a thought his right hand rested on his hip and his left leg shifted forward a little. He smiled at Sean. "Where do you want me?" he asked. Sean was not expecting this, he became a little flustered. It was as though Gavin was flirting with him. "Oh....eeeermmm....I..I...erm was going to show you around the kitchen." Sean, used to be a very confident man and it now felt very strange as he quickly became caught off guard. "Let me show you first where everything is kept," and he walked along to the first cupboard. As he opened the top cupboard he heard the clacking of Gavins's heels. He turned to find Gavin stood right next to him. Sean felt nervous, and what he was about to say got stuck in his throat. His mouth opened but nothing but a croak came out. The moment seemed to go on forever as hey both looked at each other just inches apart. Before anything could happen Sean snapped back to being business like, his instructions from Carmen were to train Gavin and that is what he must do. With a little clearing of his throat, "This is the where the tinned foods are kept," and blushing a little he closed the door and tried to move along to the next one. Gavin just stared at him, didn't appear to want to move. "Excuse me Gavin," he asked. Still smiling and looking straight at him. "Of course." And she then backed away. Sean carried on around the kitchen ingnoring anything flirtatious from Gavin. She then went on to explain when Carmen liked to have her meals. Her likes and dislikes along with her favourite snacks. After a while it became a bit more relaxed between them. They moved on to making beds and where clean bedding was kept. It was when they both stood either side of Sean and Jenna's bed to pull the covers back that Sean locked eyes on Gavin's skirt. His first view of Gavin from a distance, it was now that he could see the penis shaped bulge. He stopped talking and stared. He licked his lips. He tried his best to look away but could not manage it. Gavin's imposed personality knew what was happening. He reacted by arching his back and thrusting his pelvis forward. His desire to be touched was strong. Any attempt to satisfy himself seemed useless, his hand just would not do as he wanted. This was his only route, he yerned to be pleasured. He was so horny. Sean was doing his best to resist, he tried to break free of this unseen force. That fight was now getting twice as tough as his own penis swelled. His being tucked between his legs did not physically show but he squirmed where he stood. The motion rubbing against his sensitive head. He too had found the previous night that he could not satisfy himself even though he was desperate for it at the time. His mental conditioning and now his own body conspired against him. He felt weaker by the second as the now familiar tunnel vision took hold. He kneeled on the bed and crawled over. "Sean, you want it ....don't you?" Gavin breathed. Now getting a little excited. Sean now lay across the bed on his front with his head staring forward. Gavin started to slide his skirt up, bit by bit over his knees, then a bit more up his nyloned thighs. He started to struggle a bit with the tightness of the fabric. Again he adjusted it a bit higher up and pulled up a bit more and the delicious sight of the lacey stocking tops came into view. Another adjustment and he slid the hem up another few inches. It was now about as high as he could get it. Sean could now see the base of his cock just poking out from under the skirt. His mouth fell open and he edged forward in need. "Roll on your back Sean," Gavin told him. The increasingly submissive Sean did as he was told. Now laying on his back with his head half off the edge of the bed. Sean gazed up, the view of his hairless balls and his cock pushed up under the material of the skirt. Gavin lowered himself towards Sean's open mouth as Sean reached up with his hand to manoeuvre the hot hard flesh downwards. The head touched his lips, it was heaven to them both. He lowered further and leaned over Sean at the same time as his cock sank further into his warm mouth. Most of Sean's head was now under the skirt with just his chin visible. Gavin now wanted to return the favour, his position leaning over Sean put his gaze directly at his smooth crotched slacks. But the smooth front didn't fool him, he knew it was there and he wanted it. With a bit of a struggle he pushed the slacks down over his bottom and then at the front to reveal his black knickers. He quickly pulled the satin panel to one side and hooked the semi swollen penis from it's hiding place. He wasted no time in smothering the cock with his lipstick. They were both completely lost in the act of pleasuring the other. It was heaven, they worked each other over and over thinking they must be close to release but it just didn't come. Both cocks were as hard as they felt they could get and they continued to work at it. Still they could not get over the edge. It felt like it went on forever as the feelings hit the heights both had never felt before. Tiredness and fatigue started to affect them both as they continued to elicite pleasure from each other. After 50 minutes they lay motionless with a cock still in there mouths. Eventually they separated and stood up, both on shaking legs. Cocks still fiercely hard and needing release. Exhausted they leant on each other a moment. Soon hands snaked around bodies and they were in an embrace. Gavin the instgator and Sean accepting. But it was Sean who took it further, still so turned on he pressed his hardon into Gavin's and the feelings renewed. Sean's aching desire pushed him on sucking in Gavin's smudged lipsticked bottom lip into his mouth. That started a long deep kissing session as they rubbed against each other. After a full 30 minutes of snogging they finally separated. Tongues ached, lips now numb. Still no release from either of them as they had yearned but my god the pleasure had been plentyful and immense. Resigned to the fact that they could not orgasm they decided to tidy themselves up. They broke the embrace and Gavin took Sean by the hand and they went to the bathroom together. 10. It's getting brutal Derek sat back at his desk, his first day back at work for almost eight weeks following a leg break while chasing a suspect. Sean arrived and they shook hands. "It's good to have you back mate." "It's a releif to be back, have you any idea how boring it is sitting at home?!" "Yeah, I guess it must be." "You know, I thought you and Jen might have invited me over for dinner at some point," he said playfully, but really thinking it was odd that they hadn't. They were close. Sean realised it looked like they had neglected him, but how could they have invited him over. They no longer lived at the apartment. "Sorry's ....err.....just been a bit busy lately." It was both a lie and a little true at the same time. Derek was actually a little put out, but decided he needed to let it slide. He just wanted things to get back to normal. Derek Baxter was in his mid forties, a thick set man with blonde hair; though it was almost completely gone from the top of his head. He and Sean had been a partnership since Sean had been in this role. He had been Sean's mentor and very quickly solid friends. -------- Gavin was getting the hang of taking care of the housework without Sean. He efficiently worked away under trance level one. His inner most thoughts suppressed, hidden from the outside world were of anger, anguish, desperation and a little shame. There was part of him that liked the way he was, and he had no idea if that was due to Carmen or his real self. The creak of a floor board startled him, quickly turning to see Jenna in the doorway of Carmen's bedroom where she had been tidying and making the bed. Seeing her immediately gave him butterflies, an excitement that he didn't really understand. Perhaps he was mistaking fear for excitement? He froze on the spot and looked at her. The white vest top exposing her defined shoulders and arms. Jenna caught sight of him as she passed the doorway, her arousal was instant. Like a switch , her thoughts changed from her duties to her sudden needs. She took in the sight of the feminized man, his hair teased into position. Makeup highlighting his eyes and lips. The curve of his arse under the black skirt and his nyloned legs perched on the black heels. She was wet! "Come with me," she said bluntly and stepped away from the doorway. "I have to attend to my chores," he called back. He turned to resume his tasks. Suddenly there were footsteps on carpet. His forearm was grabbed, and he was pulled around. "I said, COME WITH ME!" her face stern. She yanked on his arm, pulling him along. Being suddenly propelled along he tottered on his heels to prevent him from being dragged over. Then another strong pull and again all he could do was take little steps to keep from falling. The third pull had him stumbling into Sean and Jenna's bedroom. A final short pull then push had him spralled across the bed. Now he was fearful, his heart rate increased. He watched mesmerised as Jenna slipped out of her joggers and underwear. Then retrieved her harness, and still he watched facinated as she slipped it on and in! Now the black cock stood proud of her pelvis. Gavin could no longer run, he stared at the fake organ with lust. His own cock now swelling and his own needs renewed. Perhaps it was excitment afterall. Moments later he was feverishly bobbing up and down on the cock with his mouth. His eyes straining to look up at Jenna, her face a picture of triumph. He knew the pecking order here. It was not long before she flipped him over and pulled up his skirt. His third fucking began, still he felt stratched and unable to take it. But he did; there was no choice; for some time until Jenna orgasmed. Once again he was left unsatisfied and desperate for release. He was used and then discarded. -------- Oblivious. That was the only word that could describe Sean. He had seen all the strange looks when they arrived for aerobics class, but he thought they were all directed at Gavin. He knew Gavin would raise some 'arched' eyebrows. But the two of them together made a bigger spectical. He thought nothing was out of place with how he was dressed. His pastel blue tights and royal blue leotard were perfectly normal. Of course the strange looks were because of Gavin, it was clear that he was a man. A man with a ladies hairdo, and makeup., not to mention his striking new glossy hot pink leotard and white tights. Gavin struggled to keep up, he was not used to the exercise and Sean gave him words of encouragement. Sean actually felt a little embarrassed at how Gavin looked, but he did his best to be supportive. Gavin's inner mind could see everything, although outwardly he had no control. He knew just how he looked, how he was dressed and how Sean was dressed. For Gavin it was now getting past the stage of caring. Things happened, and he had no influence over them. There seamed to be no sign of escape. This was his life now. Trapped. At the house in St Johns Wood Sean and Gavin worked together to complete the housework. Sean still having to instruct or correct Gavin on what was required. After they had both prepared lunch for Carmen, Jenna and themselves they sat in the kitchen and ate alone. "Do we have anymore housework to do this afternoon?" Gavin asked between bites. "I do, yes. But Carmen has other plans for you," Sean replied. "Oh......ok...any idea what it is?" "Sorry Gavin, I don't." It was then that Carmen appeared. "Gavin, when you have finished eating I want you in the cellar." "Yes Miss Ineasi," he replied as conditioned. While Sean took care of laundry Gavin was layed on his bed listening to Carmen's new instructions while fully under. He would soon be entertaining a paying guest again, this time as a secretary. Carmen sent her guest down into the cellar. They would be busy together for a while. Carmen called Jenna and Sean into the lounge. She had them standing facing each other about 8 feet apart. "Trance exit!" Carmen declared while sat on the sofa. She watched them both take in their surroundings and get their bearings before speaking. "So Sean," she said first, "you are not under any trance right now. Take a look at Jenna." He did as asked, took in the sight of his girlfriend. He noted her physique, her time in the gym was taking its toll on her feminine shape. Especially her upper body. He frequent and long workouts kept her muscles taut and it showed. Her hair was not flattering, just gathered bahind her head. Her clothing no better than before. A black vest top and grey jogging bottoms with Dr. Martin lace up black shoes. Her once lovely breasts somehow looked smaller, maybe now her ever increasing pec's made them look smaller by proportion. His gut twisted in anguish at what Jenna was now doing to herself at Carmen's instruction. He could not help a tear springing from both eyes, but he held it together. "Would you like to tell Jenna how she looks?" Carmen asked. Sean shook his head in refusal, no wanting to say it out load. "Jenna, you've had time to check out Sean. Tell him what you one word." Jenna winced at the prospect, not wanting to hurt him in any way. There were not many single words she could use to describe what she saw. Anything accurate would be hurtful to him, anything else would be a blatant lie. His button up white blouse had feminine ruffles down the front. The black ribbon neck tie with the long flouncy tales. His form fitting high waisted black slacks that flared out below the knee. His feet patially hidden from view under the flare of the slacks. But she could tell they were simple black ballet flat shoes. What words could describe him right now? 'pansy'? 'sissy'? 'feminine'? 'girly'? She dismissed 'androgenous' as too masculine. She too shook her head, she could not bring herself to say anything. "Oh you twooo......"Carmen said playfully. "You are no fun." There was a moments pause. Before she spoke again. It clear to both Jenna and Sean what they now looked like now they had time out of trance. They both felt pitty but also shame and embarressment in front of the other. "As you are making my little game boring, I won't play it anymore," she declared. Sean and Jenna looked at each other, both still with anguish on their faces. But for a moment they both thought that Carmen was going to stop what she had been doing to them both. Then she spoke again "Take a good look at yourselves," another pause before looking at Jenna. "Jenna, I will no longer keep you from understanding what is happening." She turned to Sean. "You too Sean. You will both be aware of everything." With a little confusion, but hope. Sean asked, "So we will not be kept under a trance anymore?" Carmen looked at Sean, then across at Jenna. Then slowly a big grin spread across her face. "You thought that I was ..........I was going to allow you to be out of trance. No way, what would stop you from bleeting and having me locked up. Oh no, it's business as usual. I just said you would understand what is happening, not that it would stop happening. And just so you fully understand, I said I stopped playing the game, no more pussy footing around. Jenna love, we'll get you on steroids or something and increase the time you spend at the gym." "NO....PLEASE NO," Jenna shouted out now understanding what was to come. "Quiet!!" Carmen barked back. She turned to Sean, more tears evident on his cheeks. "Sean.....if you think those slinky slacks are girly, just wait until I have added to your wardrobe. You going to be so pretty. Ha haaa!" "You've got to be kidding me?? Carmen.....this is madness. You can't do this to me. You won't get away with it. have to see sense. Carmen........" Sean trailed off. It was clear from Carmen's expression that she had no intention of changing her mind. "Jenna, trance leve three. Sean, trance level three." -------- Gavin was exhausted, Jimmy Ardman had just left. He had left the contents of his balls in Gavin's mouth, then his bottom and then his mouth again. Despite Gavin's conditioning to be polite and submissive, Jimmy treated him brutally. He was in pain. God he hoped he would never see him again. God he hoped this would end.

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edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...

3 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Athena Corp Chronicles A Mothers Love

As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...

2 years ago
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Sex Therapy 2 The Thert

PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

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Thevidiya Thangaiyai Oothen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 19 Cry Havoc

After saying goodbye to her human hosts, T'Pol walked out of the house towards shuttlepod 2, which was just landing on a field near the Tucker residence. The hatch opened and she stepped inside. "Welcome back, Captain," Travis said and her answer was a silent nod. As she moved to take a seat, she saw Hoshi sitting in the shuttle. Her friend looked pale, but otherwise much more alive than she did before she had left for Japan. "How are you?" she asked while Lieutenant Mayweather ran...

3 years ago
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Havoc in the Hurricane

One day, the phone rang and it was my buddy, Derek in Florida. I had no idea why he called me, but I was soon to find out."Hey Alan, could you come to Florida for about three weeks and watch the house, plus take care of Junior. Donna and I are going Europe, then on a Rhine River cruise. We need a house/dog sitter and Junior likes you," replied Derek.Junior is his big hound dog and I did not have anything else to do with my time. I figured it would be a great change of pace.Derek said, "I'll buy...

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The Murder of Sharon Weathers Slut Extraordinaire

My name is Rebecca. Everyone calls me Becca. I entered the police department right out of college. I progressed rapidly, through different divisions and assignments. I always had my eyes set on Robbery-Homicide and after six years of hard word and dedication, I finally made it. At age thirty, I was youngest female in the division for such a coveted assignment, but I was superb at my job. I made it because of my skill not my gender. It was Saturday. Dispatch called our number just after we had...

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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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College Pennai Toiletil Vaithu Veritheera Seithen

Hi friends, indru kathaiyil en nanbanai kathal seithu emathiriya pennai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En tamil kathaiyai inaiya thalathil pathivu seithatharku nandri, en peyar pradeep vayathu 21 aagugirathu. En nanbanai oru pen kathal seithu matter mudinthathum kayati vitu vitaal, athanaal naan avalai usar seithu hardcore seiyanum endru mudithu seithen. En nanban enaku nanban endru kanbithukolamal aval idam muthal muthalil pesi pazhaga aarambithen. Aval pathini pola en idam nadika...

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Kanavanuku Theriyamal Kala Kathal Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en kanavanuku theriyamal ilamaiyaana kaal kathalanai eppadi love seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, enathu peyar jaya vayathu 36 agugirathu. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan pinbu en kanavanuku vayathu 42 agugirathu. Naan santhoshamaaga thaan vaazhnthu vanthukondu irunthen, naan oru teacheraaga velai paarthu varugiren. Naan velai seiyum classku arugil oru veedu irukirathu, antha veetil oru...

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Becoming Anthea

My name is Anthony and I am twenty-two years old. I have extra-long dark hair and darker eyes. I tie my hair into a ponytail and have a close trimmed beard. I look handsome and enjoy keeping myself in shape. I am a lucky guy as I have a very sexy girlfriend who is two years older than me. Zoe and I met at a mutual friend’s party and hit it off right away. She has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Her small beautiful mouth sits beneath a cute button nose. All in all, Zoe is a goddess and I love...

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Danganronpa Trigger Havoc

Monokuma giggled. With this new power and technology, he could make the game a lot more pleasurable. With this, he could install any kind of trigger into anyone! Passive triggers, active triggers, he could totally change the behavior of anyone! But using it to make murders happen is a little too easy. Why not use it for something else... something fun? Maybe even subject someone to a brand new game? Note for incoming writers: I highly encourage you to add chapters to my story. If you are...

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Teresa Scalia Halloween Havoc

Many months had passed, in fact, nearly a year now since Teresa and Barbara clashed at the Woman of the Year Formal Ball. Terri's last humiliation actually had some beneficial effects on her personality. She was no longer the haughty, domineering, social diva that she had once been. She had actually become courteous and attentive to others in her social circle and no longer used leverage to gain her own way in matters. The change wasn't left unnoticed by others in this Connecticut town and...

3 years ago
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Life Diverted Part 1 ChildhoodChapter 24 Cry Havoc

September 1971, age 16 To quote Ernst Stavro Blofeld, we were about to inaugurate a little war. It would be brief and relatively bloodless. Hopefully. Perhaps more of a skirmish. Its purpose was to make the defence solution my company was providing to the Emirates utterly indispensable. It would take place on Monday 29th November, so we had the best part of three months. The villain of the piece: Iran. But first, the small matter of going back to school. When we got our new timetables the...

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Cry HavocChapter 2

"I guess you had a rough trip, Mr. Roaniki," the man said from behind his desk. Qi shuddered because the man looked like he belonged on the cover of Corporate Executive Zine and Letter. The blond hair, in a perfect, layered cut high above the ears, matched the genuinely insincere smile and the strong cleft chin. Qi wondered how much that surgery cost but he dropped the stray tangent immediately. He needed to focus. The man and his immaculate office had all of his internal alarms sounding....

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Cry HavocChapter 3

"Where were you last shift?" Kern demanded. The man was hovering over Qi as he sat at his desk. He had only been seated a minute and he hadn't had time to hit the power switch on the desk comp. "You disappeared into the dark for 17 minutes last night. Now where the hell were you?" "I can't remember," Qi said with fake confusion on his face. "Was I spewing dinner out my backside or was I jerking off? Seventeen minutes you say? I never take that long to jerk off. I'm an old pro at it...

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 4

Spacewalking was basically a "pay attention and don't fuck up" proposition Qi concluded. If the equipment was going to fail, you were screwed. If you could slap on a patch in less than 30 seconds, parts of your body would survive. As long as a person maintained the fact in the forefront of the brain that humans did not belong in space, the chances of survival were good. For extra excitement, gamma ray bursts were out there zinging about; they were the universe's version of Russian...

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Cry HavocChapter 5

Qi was fairly certain that he was laying on a firm but thin mattress. His head and neck ached. He tried to open his eyes, his face grimaced from the pain of light striking his eyeballs. He fluttered his eyelids a few times but that didn't help and he willed his lids to relax shut as his head leaned to the side. He heard two voices, both female, and they were arguing. He wasn't sure about the words for awhile and he let them wash over him as he tried to wake up. Then he heard his...

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Cry HavocChapter 6

"I am not a spy," Qi said for the second time. "I see that the Farendass worked you over pretty well. Your bruises are still healing and you have a tooth missing," the Volentin interrogator said. Qi rubbed his cheek. He said, "Funny, but this isn't from any interrogation. Yahvi has a peculiar taste in foreplay. Blood and violence gets her in the mood, if you know what I mean." The woman stared at him. She was older than he was but he wasn't sure it was that many years. There was a...

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Cry HavocChapter 7

Qi sat in a chair with his healing leg in a peculiar machine that facilitated the regeneration of bone and muscle. The itch in his leg became pain. The pain grew from an un-scratchable itch to jabs of stabbing pain only to lapse and wane into a continuous painful throb at the end of the cycle. He wasn't a prisoner but he was an outsider. People were nice to him. Those who were assigned to escort him to physical therapy were polite and friendly enough. They had no issues holding him or...

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Cry HavocChapter 8

Qi sat nervously fidgeting as he sat in front of the desk waiting for Kay to return. He had just learned that the ship would be docking at Callisto Space Station in twenty-four hours. For two weeks he had waited for an announcement of a destination and time, with no where to turn for answers. Quiyo had told him point blank not to ask her and that he would know when Kay decided it was time for him to know. His leg was mostly healed at the spot where Quiyo had shattered his tibia. Oh-Ho had...

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Cry HavocChapter 9

Callisto looked like every other space station as far Qi could tell from the outside. However, he was not accustomed to the backdoor entrance that he was expected to use. For reasons that he could probably guess, the ship didn't dock at the ring surrounding the central spindle of the station. Instead he was ferried across to the service entrance next to the giant maw of the dry dock entrance at the bottom of the spindle. Whatever dignity Qi hoped to retain evaporated in the vacuum of space...

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Cry HavocChapter 10

"Oo, exotic fresh meat," the woman said, eyeing Qi up and down. "It looks like Quiyo brought something yummy home for dinner." Qi looked at her with pure annoyance on his face. "That's it? You've had almost an entire shift to think of something to throw at me and that's the best you could come up with? Quiyo said you guys were smart. Which sister are you?" "Asshole," she said. "No, I'm pretty sure you're either Fatn or Lia, but if you want me to call you asshole, I'm game,"...

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Cry HavocChapter 11

"Where are we going?" Qi asked his two escorts, Quiyo and her sister Riata. "There is a bar on the mezzanine where Ferro likes to sit with the other geeks and drink. We thought we would introduce you to the geeks," Riata said. "They're normals but with a twist, though not as severe a twist as you." Qi shook his head as he tried to figure out if she was giving him a compliment or a slight. Ree, as her family called her, was a confusing situation for him. First, she was a dead ringer...

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Cry HavocChapter 12

Qi stood in a queue outside of the patriarch's door. The line had been ten deep and was now down to just one more. She was Gidjrath and was chewing a wad of gum as if her lower jaw was semi-detached from her skull. At one time Qi had cultivated a reservoir of patience but that time had long since dissipated. He was jumpy and itchy and anxious and barely able to stand still. At least he was not sweating and batting at biting insects like the old days. He hated waiting. Then Chemung passed by...

4 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 13

When everything was accounted for, all that Qi owned fit into a small pack that he slung over his shoulder, a couple of changes of clothes and an extra pair of boots. His new hand comp was clipped to his belt and his fuck bunny was standing next to him. She had a nasty looking weapon slung over her shoulder. Nonetheless, he felt as if he had more than when he left Earth. Qi was the odd man out in the group walking down the corridor. Quiyo's four sisters led by Ferro's fuck bunny Riata...

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 14

Benni declared a cycle of mourning and all non-essential personnel were ordered to stand down. Most people found a place to sit with handcomps set on streaming news. The best estimation was that whatever was not destroyed by the fusion beam would have been decimated by the blast wave or seared by the wall of radiation emanating from the implosion of the fusion reactors on Callisto. No one really knew what the final tally was. As Qi sat next to Benni, he fed the patriarch data. Qi learned...

5 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 15

"I need better information," Qi said. "I need access to a better, technically oriented database." Benni sat in a reclining chair with his feet elevated above his waist. A cannula wound around the back of his head and ran underneath his noise. A machine behind him was burbling as it pumped a wispy mixture through the plastic tube. Benni's breathing sounded slightly wet. "This therapy was invented by people who were enthralled with boredom," Benni said. "Sit and breathe, sit and...

3 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 16

Qi spent the night sleeping on a hospital bed, with his head elevated. The sensation of a full mattress under him was unsettling. As he lay there waiting for sleep to overwhelm him, the cushiness reinforced feelings of weakness and helplessness. His sleep was dreamless. Waking up was confusing. There was a body next to him in the bed and her breath was tickling his neck. He knew it was a "she" because her breasts were pressing into his arm and side. Tears started running down his...

4 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 17

The space-borne transport was huge. Its bulk blotted out the weave of stars behind it. Qi had been a tad nervous suiting up for another spacing but all of that internal nattering faded away as he tried to take in the size of the structure. Glancing past the periphery of the ship's beam, he strained to glimpse some of the other one hundred and twenty some ships that had gathered at this desolate spot far above the plane of a five planet solar system with no habitable planets. He could not...

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Cry HavocChapter 18

Quiyo was directing him as he attempted take her again. They were lying on their sides, facing in the same direction with Quiyo in front of him. She threw her upper leg backwards over his hip. With her opening herself in this manner, he had to force his hips forward to slide his cock into her pussy from behind. The only way to find leverage to thrust was to wrap his arm around her waist and press her firmly against him. The rhythm was awkward and his sensations were muted. Only seven or...

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 19

The anxiety running through Qi's mind was barely controllable. His fingers were flying over the keys as he kept an eye on five small boxes in the upper right corner of his screen. His spider programs were spinning through material at a furious rate but nothing of interest was popping up. Back doors were deliberately hidden but if the material had not been deleted, it was accessible by definition. The problem was they were thieves without context. When a TSC employee came to query the...

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Cry HavocChapter 20

A cycle and a half had left Qi precious little time to see his fuck bunny. Whatever she was doing, the task was sucking up all of their alone time. He knew she was working the ship to ship comms but she was sworn to secrecy just as he was. Whatever subterfuge the patriarch was creating, he was keeping as many family members out of the loop as possible. Not that the lack of information kept the rest of the family from speculating. Qi had been and out of Benni's office so many times that he...

2 years ago
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Cry HavocChapter 21

"Incoming communication from the satellite," the comp voice said tonelessly. "Left screen," Benni said and the senator appeared again. His hair was slightly askew. "What do you want?" the senator said. "We want a formal apology and reparations," Benni said. "We have acted in good faith but, time and again we meet arrogance, betrayal, and violence. Why did you order the Second Fleet to destroy us? Why do you, your interstellar corporations, and your space marines treat us like...

3 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 15 Cry Havoc

"Get a message to Bob Zaglinder. Tell him it's time to feed the ducks. Noon today ... he'll understand," Presidential Chief of Staff Barnes called out to his secretary in her outer office. "Right away, Chief. You've got that missile defense contract group coming in at 12:15. Do I cancel, or reschedule?" "Tell them to go ... oh, never mind. Reschedule. Tell them to make it dinner, a free evening next week, on their dime. A really big dime or it isn't worth wasting my time." "You...

4 years ago
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Theateril Auntyai Kaai Adithen

Hi friends, indru sex kathaiyil auntyai usar seithu eppadi matter adithen enbathai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Seenu. Vayathu 21 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathu kidaiyaathu. Naan engineering padithu varugiren, enathu nanbargal oru naal theaterku ennai azhaithaargal. Naangal neraga bar seithu saraku adithom, appozhuthu bagubali padam oodi kondu irunthathu. Naangal oru gramathil irukum theaterku sendru irunthom. Angu pothuvaga pengal athigam vara matargal,...

3 years ago
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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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