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Penance People Mal Bridge and his good mate Brett Carpenter. Later Melinda and Betty. Their parents Marie and Robert Bridge, Susan and John Carpenter. Next door neighbours in a duplex. Father Patrick Strong, nicknamed The Weakling The four girls:- Andrea Cooper, Valerie Swan, Jessica McCarthy, Ann Johnson Part 1 Mal Bridge was not really very religious. However he went to a Catholic school and his parents were good Catholics so he felt he had to conform. This meant going regularly to Mass, and occasionally to confession. At least in a few months he would be out of school and become a lapsed Catholic if he wished. Recently he had been making lewd comments and suggestions to a group of the girls and then his mate Brett Carpenter joined in to add his own cracks. Looking back, those were over the top. Some of the girls complained to their parents, and word got back to Father Strong. He was acting head-master and priest at the local church, which also served as the school chapel. He gave them a tongue lashing, then finished by saying that they should apologise to the girls, and also to God. A very clear direction to go to confession in the near future. Brett was waiting for Mal as he came out of the church. He was thinking how it was always Mal who got him into trouble. Certainly Mal was his best mate, but this was all too much. He was pretty certain that the penance imposed would be the same as the one he had to bear. Nevertheless he had to ask. "OK Mal, what has The Weakling told you to do?" Behind his back, almost every student referred to Father Strong as The Weakling. Not very original, and not even very appropriate as he was quite a solid, almost portly, man. Mal grimaced. "I have to turn up at Mass next Sunday dressed as a girl. Yuk! How embarrassing. Is he making you do that too?" Brett was not surprised, but nevertheless relieved to hear that. It was some cold consolation to have a friend to share the embarrassment. "Yep. Me too. I suppose we will have to tell our parents and get help with sourcing the clothes." The boys were next door neighbours. Closer even than that. Their two houses were a duplex with a common dividing wall and mirror image floor plans. Their bedrooms were either side of the common wall and they were so often in each others room that their parents had agreed to put through a connecting door. Before that decision Brett's mother worried out loud to his father. "Is this a good idea? Do you think Brett's gay? Or Mal?" To which he replied, "Well firstly I'm sure they aren't. We would have picked up the vibes long ago. And even if they were, so be it. You can't change peoples sexual orientation and you just make them miserable if you try." He was an unusually tolerant man. Which was just as well for what the future held. That evening Brett told his story. At first his father laughed, but his mother soon shut him up. "It's not funny. Brett's so upset he's about to burst into tears." Which was true. "The least we can do is to offer some sympathy and help." The story from Mal's house was similar. The two mothers got together and went to the school's clothing exchange. There there were uniforms and sports gear that kids had grown out of, or had lost and never claimed, or had donated when they left. They chose and paid for a couple of girls tunics that seemed about the right size along with shoes, socks and school hats. Once back home Marie, Mal's mother, said, "We're silly. On Sundays they don't have to wear school uniforms so we didn't have to get these clothes." Which was true. Almost all senior students wore street clothes on the week-ends and "Sunday best" to Sunday Mass. "Well, we've got the stuff now," Susan Carpenter replied, "and I doubt they would give us our money back. They would expect us to donate it." She went on, "You know Marie, Bob and I never had a daughter and we often wished we had and I remember you have made similar comments. I think I'm going to enjoy dressing up a daughter, albeit a pretend one, in some pretty clothes." Susan, who felt the same, agreed. In discussion they were able to convince themselves that the boys would be less embarrassed if they were able to pass themselves off as girls, rather than being obviously boys in dresses. A secondary consideration was that looking like boys in drag might seem to some of the congregation as disrespectful to a holy place of worship. That evening the two families got together at the Carpenter's place. Susan explained the strategy. "Boys, if you just throw on dresses to go to church you will look really foolish, which is probably what Father Strong wanted, and it would look wrong; as if you were mocking the church or the congregation. If you make the effort to look like real girls then I?m sure you will look less silly.? Mary supported her, ?I agree, and so that there is no backsliding we are going to get some pretty clothes for you.? The boys gasped and looked each other, but neither had the courage to say no. Not least because neither could think of a reasonable alternative. Marie went on, ?This doesn?t just happen next Sunday. You each have less than a week to learn how to walk like a girl, talk like a girl, act like a girl. So starting tomorrow, and every night, you dress up and start learning.? So that Monday whilst the boys were at school the two mothers went on a shopping spree. The next morning they telephoned the school, said that the boys had a contagious flu and would miss school for the rest of the week. Susan explained to the boys, ?Think of the next few days as dress rehearsals for a play. But instead of just learning lines as some actors do, we want method acting. This is taking on a mind-set and thinking and being your new character, not merely pretending.? It was a busy five days. From initially feeling awkward they rapidly got into the spirit of the play. They shaved their legs. They learnt to apply make-up, just lightly as suits a young woman. They wore brassieres with falsies. They got used to wearing a wig. Their shoes, sandals really, had low heels, but still took some getting used to. They had to pee sitting down and even to leave one sheet of loo paper floating as if they had just finished dabbing the wet spot. They adopted girls names, Brett became Betty, Mal became Melinda and they got into the habit of calling each other by their new names. Early on Brett commented to Mal, ?Melinda, Aren?t our mums going a bit overboard for just a two hour performance?? So Mal explained that from what he had overheard, their mothers were acting out long-suppressed wishes for the daughters they never had. ?We are sort of dolls for them to dress up.? That actually made Brett feel better. It made sense, he was fond of his mum and wanted to please her, so he felt much more at ease being a girl with that justification. That evening he half joked that to feel like proper girls they should have proper nighties. The next night, laid out on his bed was a long satin night-dress. It was pale blue, had short sleeves, and laced up in front. When he put it on it felt really sexy so naturally he developed an erection. He had the good sense to take the nightie off and go to the bathroom where he masturbated and cleaned up. Later, now limp, he put the nightie back on and went to bed. Smooth and shiny it still felt really nice. It was then that he wished he was a girl and had proper boobs to fill it out. Mal had a similar nightie and obviously he liked it. Father Strong was advised that they would be attending mass at the cathedral rather than their usual church. No excuse was offered, but the real reason was that too many of their school friends went to the local church and would probably recognise them. Come the Sunday, with their falsies giving an attractive shape to their dresses, they went to the cathedral. Walking towards the entrance, Mal whispered to Brett ?Betty, let?s hold hands, it looks more girly.? So they held hands. It took Brett back to when he was a small boy and his mother would hold his hand in moments of tension, like walking through a large and confusing shopping centre, or going to school for the first time. So holding each others hand tightly the ?girls? walked up the aisle together. It made Brett feel more confident and less afraid of being recognised as a boy. He was even able to enjoy the swish of his skirt around his legs. They sat down. Brett kept his knees together as he had been taught. If he rubbed them together he could feel the texture of his stockings. When they looked around it was no surprise to see Father Strong there as an assistant priest, obviously wanting to check up on them. Looking at them he had a funny expression on his face, and was his cassock showing an unusual bulge? Mal noticed, and commented later to Brett that perhaps The Weakling was a bit of a perv or pedo. Part 2 Over dinner that evening, both boys having now changed and racked their dresses away, one of the fathers said, ?Operation completed successfully. Congratulations boys, or should I say girls. Back to school and back to being boys tomorrow. I bet you?re looking forward to that.? The boys murmured agreement and the conversation moved on. That evening as they were going to bed Mal held up his nightie and said, ?I like wearing this at night, and actually I was rather enjoying being a girl. It would be nice to continue.? Then he looked at Brett. ?What do you think ..... Betty?? Brett agreed, but went on, ?I think we are locked into being boys as usual, at least until the end of term. Let?s leave it for a couple of weeks, see how we feel, and then talk to our mums about it.? The next morning they somewhat reluctantly packed their satin nighties away with their dresses and put on their old school uniforms. Brett walked through to Mal?s room. The interconnecting door could be bolted from either side, but neither boy had every felt the need to. Brett it was who asked first, ?Mal, why do you want to be girl?? Mal thought for a bit. ?It?s a mixture of things. Girl's clothes are sexy, especially the underwear and the swish of a skirt around ones legs. And girls are so defensive these days when a boy tries to make a move. They all think they are going to be assaulted. If I seem to be a girl then other girls will, I expect, be less defensive. Somehow I see it as a possible way to get really friendly and possibly into bed with one of them.? He looked a bit defensive. ?What about you?? Brett shared much the same view and said as much, but went on ?Also, as a boy I feel the pressure to be macho, to be aggressive. But that?s not my style. As a girl I don?t have to be like that. And I like being fussed over, having my hair brushed and face made up. It?s also that I don?t really understand girls. To a boy all the defenses go up or else they primp and pose. Either way it?s not relaxed, it?s tense. I think as a girl I could mix with them and, well, share thoughts.? Which really summed up the difference between the two of them. Mal was the aggressive, dominant type. His being a girl was a disguise. Brett urge to be a girl was less as a subterfuge, more as a sensory exercise and a voyage of discovery. Not least to discover himself. At school that day they approached the girls to whom they had been so rude beforehand and made their apologies. One of them, Andrea Cooper, said, ?You?re just saying that because The Weakling told you to.? To which Mal replied, ?True. He did. But actually we really mean it. Perhaps all of us could meet for coffee this afternoon and talk it through.? He looked inclusively at Andrea and the other three girls, all of whom looked dubious. Then Valerie Swan who was built like a runner with long legs and a rather flat chest, piped up, ?All right. I?ll take you at your word. Coffee it is.? and looked round at her friends. They shrugged, but duly agreed, so the arrangements were made. When they met the boys tried their best to be charming, and the girls suspicions, though not allayed, were at least diminished. The next afternoon was the history lesson. Mostly church history and taught by Father Strong. Mal just found it boring. Brett, who had done some reading outside of the set texts, wanted to ask about the various ?nephews? of the popes and about the daughters from high ranking families who were ?familiar? with the popes. He never did ask, but carried inside a certain cynicism about the various holinesses of the past. At the end of the lesson, The Weakling approached Brett and said, ?I want to see you now in my study.? That was an order, so Brett followed him. The Weakling closed the door, told Brett to sit down, and instead of glowering at him from behind his desk made him sit down beside him. He was seated close enough to make Brett feel uncomfortable; his personal space was being invaded. The Weakling turned towards him, put his hand on Brett?s knee, and said, ?I was pleased that you and your friend carried out my instructions on Sunday. How did you feel about it?? Brett made a non-committal answer, like ?It was all right.? The interrogation continued with The Weakling asking a range of personal questions and suggesting he could dress up again. All the time that hand on his knee was moving slowly up towards his crutch. Brett was desperately thinking how he could escape. Then he stood up quickly and said, ?Excuse me sir, I have to go to the toilet,? and rushed to the door. The Weakling had not locked it and Brett made his escape. He was quite shaken, and recalled Mal?s comment in the cathedral about The Weakling being a bit of a perv or pedo. When the six of them, Mal, Brett, and the four girls, met again at the coffee shop Brett was very quiet. It was Mal who repeated the apology. After a little somewhat stilted conversation Andrea spoke up, looked at Mal, and said, ?I heard a rumour that two boys dressed as girls went to mass at the cathedral last Sunday.? Mal was prepared. He and Brett had discussed it and agreed that someone would have recognised them and it was only a matter of time before the allegation surfaced. ?That was us.? he said, and went on to explain the penance The Weakling had imposed on them. The girls tittered a bit, but were actually fascinated. Then Brett, who had been so quiet, opened his mouth. ?Let me tell you about The Weakling yesterday,? and went on to describe in detail his meeting with Father Strong. Once he had finished Jessica said, ?I had a similar experience.? She blushed and looked at her friends. ?I should have told you guys before, but I was too uncomfortable. Now after Brett?s story, I should tell mine.? She went on to describe how, like Brett, The Weakling had called her into his study, sat her down too close to him with his hand on her knee. Then he started to discuss bits of the bible to do with nakedness. Eve in the garden of Eden, the bit about the lilies of the field, etc. There was a crucifix on the wall to their right and he suggested that to be truly holy she should stand naked in front of it to offer her body to Christ, or some such story. She wondered what excuse she could make. Finally she stood up, and said, ?No? very firmly, opened the door and left. There was never any follow up from The Weakling. It was as if the conversation had never happened. One of the other girls, Ann Johnson, said the she suspected he had tried his tricks on some of the other students, and perhaps been more successful. ?These guys always make threats that if you tell anyone something awful will happen. We need to spread the word around the school. If the kids are forewarned they are less likely to be conned.? ?What if he locks the door? What?s the poor kid meant to do then?? asked Andrea. Mal replied, ?Tell them to always make sure that a friend or one of us goes with them and waits outside. If the one inside screams or bangs on the door the friend can also make a fuss or call for help. Rocko for example.? Everyone knew Rocko. He was the biggest boy in the school and kept very fit by being into rugby in winter, and rowing in summer. He was one of those gentle giants, always helpful and friendly. So they set the matter of The Weakling aside and chatted about lesser matters. Part 3 Over the next two weeks the four girls and two boys became good friends. Often meeting for coffee after school. Eventually the subject of their cross-dressing in the cathedral came up. The girls were curious as to what the boys felt. Mal was forthright. ?Looking back it was a bit of an adventure. I think we both enjoyed the experience.? ?So, would you do it again?? asked Andrea. Mal hesitated, he knew the girls were reasonably on-side and would not rubbish him. Still, unburdening oneself in company is always a challenge. Finally he replied, ?Yes, I would. If fact I?ve been contemplating taking the big step and becoming a girl long-term. It probably depends on Brett. If he will, I will.? That left a huge question hanging in the air. It was Ann who asked it. ?Are you thinking only of cross-dressing, or the full-on sex change with surgery etc.? Mal was about to strongly deny any surgery plans but didn?t want to stress that. ?One step at a time. I just want to be accepted as a girl, but I?m not planning on anything irreversible at this stage.? Brett sought to change the topic ?Whatever we do, it won?t be till the holidays. You?ll find out at the beginning of next term. Now, what do you think of ....? He named a new teacher and the conversation moved on. Walking back home Brett said, ?Melinda...? stressing Mal?s other name. ?Thanks for raising the topic. I still want to try at being a girl. Shall we talk it over with our mums?" So before their fathers returned home from work, each boy had a conversation with his mother along the lines of: ?Mum, remember when we dressed up as girls and you were so happy to pretend that you had a daughter? Come the holidays we want to revisit that. To dress and look like girls for... well to the end of the year say. Will you help?? And of course both mothers agreed and furthermore agreed to make their case to their fathers. That evening the two families dined together, their proposition was discussed, and as expected the wives overruled their husbands objections. With two weeks still to go, the boys and their mothers moved into planning and research mode. At Mal?s suggestion his mother made an appointment to see their local GP and took him with her. She and Mal between them explained that he wanted to be a girl, and requested a referral to a specialist in ?gender adjustment.? Brett and his mother went down a similar path and got a referral to the same specialist, a Doctor Marie Baker. The boys explained, with their mothers there to give moral support, that they wanted to look more like girls, but no irreversible procedures. Some breast enhancement and hormones to soften features would probably be enough. They relayed concerns they had read about as to ill-fitting breast inserts, ones that burst, that got infected, etc. Dr Baker recommended an alternative to inserts, a way to actually grow breasts. It consisted of a device that looked like a miniature shower head. Under power it would inject a witches brew of collagen, hormones, and other stuff direct through the skin. A local anaesthetic as a cream should be rubbed on. The the first few squirts would carry it deeper so that the effect would be more than skin deep. Otherwise the procedure could be quite painful. Originally this treatment included stem cells, but it turned out that the natural stem cells in the skin were sufficient. It had to be done in a very limited way, not more often than every second day; preferably less frequently. She warned them that it would take several weeks to grow breasts to a medium size, and that they would slowly diminish over time if not topped up once every one to two weeks. It was possible to use the same procedure to enhance other parts of the body such as hips. Also the hormones would inhibit the growth of facial hair and generally soften their looks and raise the pitch of their voices a little. Again, it would take several weeks before the effects became obvious. Finally, as an option, she suggested a minor operation to the genital region to make it easier for the boy to push his gonads inside. Thus avoiding the distinctive male lump that spoils the look of tight clothing. ?The famous drag queens, Danny La Rue for example,? she commented, ?were able to push their bits inside prior to each show without hassle, I gather it hurts at first, but after multiple insertions it gets a lot easier. Brett expressed reservations about surgery, it not being easily reversed, and Mal said, ?We?ll think about that. If Danny La Rue could do that, maybe we can.? For three visits she carried out the breast enhancement procedure herself, and taught the boys how to use the ?shower-head? as they called it. First she put on thin rubber gloves. ?Else my hands will go numb and I won?t be able to feel what I?m doing? she explained. Then she rubbed some combined anaesthetic-antiseptic cream over Brett?s chest, inserted a capsule into the shower machine, stuck little thimbles over his nipples, placed the shower-head against his chest, and pulled the trigger for just one second. There was the expected ?Ouch? from Brett while she waited sixty seconds for his chest to get numb. Then she held down the trigger and worked it over one side for two minutes. The machine made a high-pitched humming noise as it injected incredibly fine streams of mixture into him. Then she repeated the procedure on the other side. Once finished there was a sheen of blood on each breast. She wiped them clean with a tissue, and then applied some soothing cold cream. They only needed to buy the one unit as they could share. She pointed out that it worked better if one used the ?shower? on the other because as the breasts grew it was easier for the second person to spot and adjust for any unevenness. She also recommended that if they were to try it on their hips, to wear a wide belt as spillage to ones waist would spoil the point of wider hips. They were so anxious to play with their new toy when they got home that they went straight upstairs to start. Although they had both had three treatments there was no apparent change in their breasts. Well, with some imagination perhaps a very slight enlargement. ?Betty, I?ll do you first? said Mal. So Brett stripped to the waist and lay on his back on the bed. Following the rules they had been taught Mal ?showered? him. The next day Brett took over and did Mal. After that they carried out the procedure every evening taking turn and turn about. Each getting the treatment every second day. Their mothers had both given them credit cards, and they had carte blanche. Well not quite as there was both a daily and a monthly limit on the cards. But there was more than enough for purchases of clothing, make-up, etc. So when Mal decided they needed cinch belts to get a more womanly silhouette it was easy to buy them on-line. They were flesh coloured so as to be discreet, and used laces rather than buckles. He justified the laces as being less obvious under clothes (?Buckles are lumpy?), were easier to adjust to the right shape, and could be made a tiny bit tighter each day. They found it easier to lace each other into their cinch-belts with the knots at the back. With a knee in the back they could be pulled quite tight. The laces were then finished off in a bow so that they were easy for the wearer to undo in the evening before putting on a nightie for bed. The cinch belts they put on every morning, each lacing the other?s as tightly as possible. They stayed on all day and acted as waist protection when they ?showered? their hips. This required the recipient to strip completely, which wasn?t a problem. The ?hip-showering? was however a tricky procedure as they gave smaller doses to bottoms and thighs than to hips so that the extra bulk would flow smoothly to the rest of the body. As the build-up was so slow it was not too difficult to keep everything in balance. Then school finished and the holidays began. Part 4 As soon as they were home that evening they stripped off their school- boy uniforms and stuffed all their boy clothes into storage wondering if they would ever be needed again. Then they changed into skirts and blouses their mothers had already bought for them. Their hair had grown over the past weeks and was now longish for a boy, but a bit short for a girl. Mal started to brush his hair. Brett watched a bit then said, ?Melinda, let me do that.? He took the brush and started on Mal?s hair. Mal stiffened a bit, then relaxed to enjoy the treatment. It was something special to be pampered like that. Later he returned the favour for Brett. Then they sat on the edge of the bed facing each other and helped each other put on just a little make-up. That was also a sensuous exercise. Best was the surprise and excitement when each looked in the mirror. They had the same colour lipstick and eye-shadow and similar hair colouring. Mal thought they looked like sisters. Just then on impulse Mal leaned forward, pulled Brett towards him and kissed him full on the lips. When they broke he said, ?Sorry Betty, you looked so pretty I couldn?t resist.? Brett grinned. ?Yes, it was nice. But I think kissing a real girl would be nicer. We look so much like sisters that I?m reminded of that old rugby description of a draw ? it?s like kissing your sister.? They went downstairs to dinner where their fathers looked at their ex sons, now be-skirted daughters. They had been told what to expect, but still pursed their lips and refrained from any negative comments. After a few days they had got used to having ?daughters.? The mothers doted on their new daughters. They studied fashion magazines together and commented on the clothes the models were wearing whilst in their previous life the boys would have been commenting on the models, oblivious of their clothes. They got their ears pierced and went back to shaving their legs. Their mothers were only too pleased to take them shopping for outfits and lingerie. Mal decided to explore pushing his gonads inside. One morning he poured himself a cold bath and even added ice-cubes to it. He then tried to push one of his balls inside. The process was getting more and more painful and he was about to give up when one slipped inside him. Drawing a deep breath and gritting his teeth he tried the same with his other ball. This too slipped inside. He dried off and put on a pair of tight bikini briefs which he judged would hold everything together for a while. Then he dressed in a tight pencil skirt. Previously both boys had always worn fairly full skirts so as to hide their boy lumps, now he realised he could wear tight clothes instead. He showed off to Brett and explained what he had done. The next morning Brett tried the same thing, but came out of the bathroom in tears. ?I tried really hard? he said, ?but I still couldn?t get them to push in, it hurt too much.? Mal thought for a moment, then said, ?Why don?t you try using that local anaesthetic cream that comes with the shower thing. See if that helps.? Brett said, ?I?m too sore now, but that?s a good idea. I?ll try tomorrow.? The next day with the help of that cream he was indeed able to push his balls in. After a few days he no longer needed the cream and from then on each morning they would push their balls in. At night they wore just their loose nighties and their balls would have dropped by morning. This gave them extra freedom. They could wear tights and go running in the park, they could wear maillots and go swimming. All that was missing was real breasts and sexy hips. A week into the holidays the swellings on their chests were quite noticeable. Rather like those young girls have when starting puberty. They had the symptoms that go with, very sensitive nipples. As Brett said, ?My nipples feel like they?re on fire.? They had to get trainer bras made of very soft cotton to replace the more conventional bras and falsies that they had been wearing. Two weeks later their breasts had grown some more, but at least were not so sensitive. When Brett was rubbing cream on Mal?s growing breast he found the feel under his hand, the soft mound and especially the tickle of the nipple in his palm, quite erotic. By the time he had finished the treatment and was wiping Mal?s breasts down he often would have quite an erection. One day, before starting, he bent over Mal, kissed him on his nipple, and gave it a little toggle with his tongue. Mal responded with an ?Ooh, that was nice.? From then on their evening ?Shower Treatment? included a certain amount of breast massaging and nipple teasing. Part 5 On the last day of the holidays they had their hair done by a proper hairdresser. They both had enough for it to curl around their necks, and enough at the front to make a fringe. The result was that when made up they were two really pretty girls. Just what they wanted to be. If the hairdresser realised they were boys she had the good sense not show it. They refurnished their bedrooms in pastels and lace; learnt new make-up techniques from the magazines; painted their finger-nails and toe-nails. There was no end of feminine skills to acquire. Then they were back at school. Their parents had written to explain that for explanatory purposes the two boys had been replaced by their sisters, Melinda and Betty, and hoped that they would be spared excessive embarrassment or teasing. At least their friends, the ?Gang of Four? were sympathetic and helpful. One Saturday, Brett was wearing a fairly light sort of shoe-string top singlet which was showing a reasonable amount of breast. They ran into some of the girls, including Valerie. Now previously Brett had asked one of the others why Valerie did not get herself a breast enhancement; she really was very flat-chested for an otherwise very pretty girl. The story he got was that her parents were dead against it. She was too young, she might grow bigger breasts later, implants were fraught with possible ugly failures, etc. As the small group chatted Valerie noticed Brett?s breasts. ?Betty?? she asked. ?Are those breasts of yours real? I thought you always wore falsies.? So Brett explained to her the ?Shower Treatment? they were using. So Valerie said, ?So I could grow bigger breasts without implants using this shower thing?? Brett, ever helpful, said why don?t you come along this evening and we will show you. So, leaving out the stripping for the hip enhancement, they showed her and she was fascinated. ?Can you do it for me too, please?? she asked. The answer was of course. She was really shy taking her top off, but they assured her that they were all girls together so not to worry. From then on she was a regular at their ?clinic.? Sure enough, after a week or so her boobs seemed slightly bigger. As was his habit with Mal, Brett would gently massage her breasts at the start of each procedure. She tried to object at first, but the cream had to be applied and this was the way they had always done it. After a few times she was used to it and rather enjoyed having her breasts massaged. Mal had the good sense to always make himself scarce during these sessions. One evening, more out of habit, Brett leaned over her and kissed her nipple. He thought Oh dear I should not have done that. He looked at her and she said, ?You shouldn?t have done that. But I liked it.? and smiled. So from that point she got the same treatment that he was giving Mal each time. A few days later whilst he was kissing and tickling her nipple with his tongue he noticed that she had one hand under her waistband and between her legs. Obviously pleasuring herself down there. The next time as her hand slid towards her waistband she obviously changed her mind. She pulled it back, took his hand and slowly guided his own hand down there. ?Your turn? she murmured. His fingers found her slit, which was moist and slippery, and feeling around he discovered a little lump which he guessed was her clitoris. As he played with her her breath came in short gasps and eventually she shuddered and writhed in pleasure. For his part it was very satisfying to bring a girl to orgasm. Thus it was that every second day she would get her breast enhancement treatment and a complementary orgasm. Brett wondered how to progress the affair, but as she had shown no interest in playing with his penis he decided that this was probably as far as it was going to go. At school and with her friends it was clear that they had no idea what she was doing every second afternoon. Hmmm, Brett thought to himself, most girls can?t keep a secret. But Valerie obviously can. One of her friends was heard to comment that Valerie was getting bigger boobs, but Valerie just said, ?I guess I?m a late developer.? Part 6 One evening after Valerie had left, they had had dinner and done their homework and were going to bed. They had put on their nighties, cool ones of fine semi-transparent cotton. Normally one could see the outline of a penis even though their gonads were still tucked inside. This evening though, Brett realised that Mal no longer had a penis showing, instead he had a dark triangle showing through. ?Melinda, you?ve got no penis showing. What?s the story?? Mal walked over and pulled up his hem to show more clearly his Map of Tasmania. ?They call it a merkin. Women get one if they don?t have enough pubic hair, or to disguise the fact that they have shaved their pussy. I?ve got one for you if you want it.? The merkins came with little plastic suckers. When licked and pushed against the skin the merkin stayed in place and even an erection would not pop it off. At worst a penis head would poke out below the merkin and between the legs. The advantage of wearing one was the excitement of wearing really flimsy sexy knickers without any give-aways. A few nights later Brett had a strange dream, probably stimulated by the merkin he was now getting used to. He dreamt he was an Arab slave girl complete with see-through harem pants clearly showing the dark triangle between his legs. Above he wore a tiny velvet waistcoat joined at the front with just a toggle and loop. It barely covered his nipples so that the swell of his breasts showed from the side as well as from overhead. He had big hoop earrings, a choker necklace, bangles round his wrists, wide ones above his elbows, and anklets. There were little loops on the jewellery and he realised that they were there for restraints to be attached. He woke up still with the sense of apprehension, expectation, and erotic stimulation he was having during the dream. In the morning he told Mal about it. Mal could only say, ?Wow, I wish I had dreams like that. Perhaps we should get you some of that gear. I think you?d look great.? He thought a bit. ?But you?d have to change your name. Fatima or Bethsheba or Aisha for example.? A few days later and after a few parcels from on-line stores and Mal said. I?ve got all the stuff, let?s dress you up. Sure enough he had sourced most of the stuff Brett had described in his dream. Harem pants in translucent pale blue silk, the waistcoat in dark blue velvet, lined with silk, and embroidered in gold thread. The jewellery was affordable, gold plated not solid. The anklets had little bells so that as he padded around in embroidered slippers with turned-up toes he tinkled as he went. He wore no bra under the waistcoat so that when he turned or moved his shoulders the silk lining slid across his nipples. It all felt wonderful. He almost wished he was restrained and being led to an auction room. Mal broke his reverie. ?We need the opportunity to show you off. You can?t just keep that stuff in the wardrobe and only dress for me. Let?s organise a fancy dress party with the girls; Andrea, Valerie and the others.? Part 7 Organising an opportunity for Brett too show off his harem outfit turned out to be harder than they expected. Eventually as a first stage they got the girls to come to an ordinary party. Not fancy dress and no harem pants. All wore variations on blouses or T-shirts over skirts. They took over both boys rooms and had nibbles, no booze, some pop music. It was mostly just chatting and telling stories. Completely non-threatening. Everyone thought it was good fun and agreed to do it again. The boys felt that they relaxed enough to come again, perhaps less decorously. A few days later Ann had a troubling report. One of the quieter boys at school, Jason Macgregor, was discovered sobbing. No-one could get him to tell what the reason was. Then someone recalled that The Weakling had spoken to him and later he was seen heading to the priest?s study. It was Jessica who sat down beside Jason, shooed the others away, and told him about her own unpleasant meeting with The Weakling. When she finished she said, ?And I bet he made you promise to say nothing or you would be in big trouble.? Jason just looked at her and nodded. ?You don?t have to tell me about it now,? she said, ?but when you do you will feel a lot better.? She told all this to the rest of ?The Gang of Six? as some of the other students referred to them. ?Right? said Mal ?We have to expose this piece of shit. We need a camera, a video recorder would be best, we need Rocko for a bit of muscle, and hardest of all we need a volunteer; someone for The Weakling to monster before we rush in and catch him.? Dead silence. Then Valerie spoke up ?I think I can do it.? So they made their plans. Nobody in The Weakling?s class ever asked him a question, least of all at the end of the lesson. But this afternoon Valerie went up to him saying ?Please Father Strong, could you explain ....? and she put some complex bible history to him. They had discussed this strategy, some thought he would be suspicious, but the consensus was that, as they say, his balls would trump his brain. So it was. ?That?s a very good question my dear,? he said. ?Come to my study where I have some reference material and we can go over that.? So she followed him to his study. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Mal with a video camera, and the hulking bulk of Rocko lumbering up the corridor with a sledge-hammer. She hoped they would not get too close and blow the game. They didn?t, and she tensed herself for what was coming as he closed the study door behind her. The Weakling picked a book, seemingly at random, from his bookshelf then moved his chair to sit close to her. Then he moved the subject to purity and to Adam and Eve, and how novice nuns have to stand naked in front of the Cross to offer their body to God. He said, ?Remember what our Lord Jesus said,? and he intoned ?Consider the lilies of the field. They sew not neither do they reap. But Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.? He stood up, went and locked the door. Hearing that her stomach tightened, but she knew her friends outside would hear the key turn and be prepared. Moving to behind her he put his hand on her shoulder. ?What He is saying is that you are more holy without clothes than showing off fancy regalia.? He squeezed her shoulder. ?You should do that now. Take off your clothes and stand in front of God there.? He pointed to the large crucifix against the wall. ?And if He wants you to be his bride you will know. He will speak to you directly and you will hear His words.? She thought to herself It?s not a bad line. Pity he is so ugly and nasty. She was facing the crucifix, his desk was on her right, the door on her left, and he was behind her and slightly to her right, near his desk. Very slowly and obviously reluctantly she unbuttoned her tunic and let it fall to the floor. She could hear him breathing heavily. Then began to unbutton her blouse. As she slipped it off one shoulder thus exposing her bra she turned to look a him. He was standing there with his fly unbuttoned and his hand around a huge erection. She screamed. A howling piercing scream that was heard over most of the school. Later she admitted that she doubted if she would ever scream as loudly again. The Weakling stood frozen. The others must have heard him lock his door for there was no attempt to turn the handle. Just a massive crash as Rocko slammed the sledge-hammer against it. A second crash and Mal was ahead of him into the study with video camera in hand. She could see the little red light indicating it was recording. She gathered up her tunic and fled. Mal kept recording whilst Anthea, in a very loud voice, was demanding he explain why he was masturbating in front of a student, and why was one of his students locked with him in his study and half undressed. By this time Valerie had returned and sobbing into the camera kept saying ?He made me! He made me! He made me take off my clothes!? All the school was drawn to the scream and the smashing. Anthea told everybody what had happened and what they were going to do about it. Eventually they left his study and the crowd disbursed. Mal made copies of the video and Jessica wrote up a report, including the previous experiences of other students including herself. She also included that of Jason who now had the courage to contribute his unpleasant story, and in the telling was able to put his fears if not his memories aside. They made sure that anyone of importance saw it. Senior teachers, churchmen, and parents. Before the week was was out the announcement was made that Father Strong was ill and on indefinite sick leave. Part 8 Life returned to normal and the Gang of Six were having their regular coffee. All the participants in the defenestration of The Weakling congratulated each other, especially Valerie for her bravery. She did commentm ?You know, when I was taking my clothes off, doing my strip- tease act, I did feel it would be fun doing it for... well, for someone I wanted.? Of course that led to comments such as ?We never knew you were a tease.? A little later Mal broached a new subject. ?Let?s have another party. But this time in fancy dress. I bet everyone hear has some outrageously sexy outfit they have never been game to wear in public. We all feel comfortable with each other and it should be a giggle. What do you think?? Now though the four girls knew that Melinda and Betty were really boys, they had been dressing and acting as girls for so long now that their memory was blurred. If any had doubts they had the support of the others and they knew that the boys parents were downstairs and could be called. It did sound like fun, so it was agreed and the date was set. Come the party the boys welcomed their guests with matching pink chenille dressing-gown covering their outfit. The girls had to laugh at how dated and corny those dressing-gowns were. One said, ?My granny still has one,? which summed it up. The girls themselves arrived covered up with trench-coats or long cloaks. Once all were assembled in what was usually Mal?s room, Mal said, ?Now all together. When I clap, everyone shows us their gear. Get ready now.? He waited while various buttons and belt were undone, then clapped his hands. Of course there were lots of oohs and aahs and comments like ?You?re brave? or ?That?s pretty.? Jessica had a baby doll outfit in bright red with matching bloomers. Ann wore a school-girl send-up, very short skirt in their own school check, underneath was a tiny white triangle of a bikini, she had white net stockings with matching suspenders extending well below the hem, and a too-small white blouse held together with just one button and no bra underneath. Anthea was a dominatrix. Thigh-high boots, black corset with black bikini, black choker. Valerie was a Pacific Islander with grass skirt, bare feet, flowers in her hair, no top ? bare breasts which the lei round her neck only sometimes covered. She was proud of her new boobs and wanted to show them off. Mal wore an all-over cat-suit in what looked like grey fur. It was a little while till they noticed he was wearing a black strap-on dildo as well. More on that in a moment. Brett was in his slave-girl outfit of course. But he was now restrained. A short chain to the bangles above his elbows pulled them back so that his breast protruded. His wrists were linked to his waist by chains short enough to prevent him from protecting his breasts. Anyone could fondle them if they wished. He had a gold choker with an attached cord hanging down his back. Just inviting one to lead him somewhere. He had little bells around his ankles and wrists, and his earrings were also bells. When he moved his little velvet waistcoat would flap open a little and one could see that his nipples underneath also had bells attached. The ankle and wrist ones were the closed type, the earrings and nipples were conventional open ones. He made a tinkling sound whenever he moved. There was one significant change from his original outfit. Over his merkin Mal had insisted on fitting a chastity device. A grid of gold wire over his merkin. It was held on by three cords, one between his buttocks and up to his waist-band, the other two diagonally up to and through loops in his waist-band and around to his back. All three were locked together in the small of his back by a combination bike lock. Brett had protested, but Mal assured him that this was really sexy and that everyone would be dying to take it off and explore what was underneath. Brett was not reassured, but reluctantly agreed. He forgot to ask for the combination. Each girl had thought that she was going over the top only to realise that others were even more so. So there was a certain amount of embarrassed giggling. Anthea as the dominatrix, she was usually the most forward, looked at the strap-on on Mal?s cat-suit. ?I thought about one of those,? she said, pointing at it, but I didn?t have one and I thought it would be a bit gross. Mal made a moue. ?You?re probably right, but I did have a second agenda apart from just trying to shock you all. You see, sooner or later each of us girls is going to find herself in a relationship with a boy we really like. The time will come when you are all turned on and want to have full-on sex. That?s when you need a condom, though the boy should bring one but I bet he hasn?t. Furthermore you need to know how to roll one on. It could be a turn-off fumbling around in the dark not getting it right. So I have some spares, and you can practice in safety here.? From the expressions on a few faces he could see he wasn?t getting much traction. He went to the side, opened a drawer, and pulled out a handful of strap-ons in various colours. ?You don?t have to practice on me. You can use one of these on its own or perhaps Anthea will change her mind and join me in wearing one.? He drew breath ?And there?s condoms in the drawer here too. I bought all this stuff in for this party so please don?t be too cross with me.? He turned, went into the other room, Brett?s, and sat on the bed looking quite crestfallen. He looked like one cruel word and he would start crying. Now that Mal, Melinda in their minds, was no longer strutting around with his dildo sticking out the girls started to investigate the contents of the drawer. Anthea was persuaded to strap one on and that broke the ice. The others experimented with taking condoms out of their packages and rolling them on. First on free dildos, then on Anthea?s. Jessica went in to Mal with a couple of condoms saying, ?Cheer up Melinda. You?re forgiven. We?re all playing with your toys now. Here, let me practice on you. And she did. But Brett in his restraints was unable to participate. Part 9 Once playing with their ?toys? had lost its interest the girls started to take an interest in Brett. It was Valerie who was the first to come up behind him, put her arms around him, start to fondle his breasts. The little velvet waistcoat provided no protection at all. He made the effort, or pretended, to push her hands away. Chained loosely to his waist they would not quite reach. Turning him around she grabbed his hoop earrings and pulled him to her to kiss. That was nice she thought. Dropping her hands she squeezed his buttocks, then explored his chastity triangle. She traced its cords and found the bike lock. ?What?s the combination?? she asked. He grimaced. ?I don?t know. Melinda never told me when she was putting all this stuff on me.? ?So,? she said, ?he?s the key-holder. We?ll have to see about that.? After a while she got a little bored playing with him, and some of the other girls who had been watching wanted a turn. So she handed him over, had some nibbles, then went to see Mal. He was still in Brett?s room but had clearly cheered up. He welcomed her with a big smile. ?Seems the party?s going well. I hear lots of laughter.? She grinned back. ?Yes. But tell me. What?s the combination on Betty?s gear?? Mal grinned evilly. ?Now that?s not free information. We might have to put our little slave girl up for auction.? Valeria thought for a moment. ?I?m not sure that anyone brought much of value with them so you wouldn?t get much at auction. Perhaps we could do a deal.? ?So what would you offer?? She went really close to him, bend down and whispered in his ear. He looked both surprised and pleased. ?It?s a deal.? So she went and closed the door and bolted it. It was twenty minutes or more until Valerie in her grass skirt emerged looking pleased with herself, with Mal behind her. One of the girls asked, ?What were you two doing in there?? But Valerie just laughed and said, ?Oh, nothing much.? It was obvious she was not going to give anything away. A short while later she went up to Brett and whispered to him, ?I?ve got the combination. Come into the other room and I?ll sort you out.? So they disappeared into Brett?s room and again Valerie bolted the door. ?Something to get everyone talking. I?m really taken with your slave- girl outfit; I think it?s really sexy. Let?s swap clothes.? Brett gasped, but was only too pleased to comply. They didn?t cuddle or kiss, just worked on the complex task of getting all the gear off Brett and fitting it to Valerie; right down to the chastity device. As least Brett could briefly enjoy seeing Valerie stark naked after she took off her skirt and lei. As he closed the lock on the chastity device he asked, ?What is the combination?? ?Not very original,? she replied. ?Sixty-nine sixty-nine.? When they emerged there was a cry of amazement, even from Mal. Brett was enjoying the swing of the grass skirt round his legs and the tickle of the lei across his breasts. Valerie had to endure having her breasts handled and generally being rubbed all over as the girls pretended to be evaluating her prior to an auction. Endure? Actually she enjoyed it. The party had been going for some time, and when one of the girls said she had to leave and go home. That triggered an exodus until just Mal, Brett, and Valerie were left. As the door to downstairs closed behind Ann, Valerie said softly to Brett, ?Follow me, and bolt the door behind you.? He did. Her elbows were still pulled back and breasts thrust forward, hands restrained and chastity device fitted. Her harem pants seemed even more transparent. She lowered her head, dropped her eyelashes demurely, and said, ?You can do anything you want to me.? Much much later he wondered if that was not an order, and just who the slave was.

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A nice little interlude and the county fair

The carnival lights and music filled the night. Tiny stars dotted the sky and the moon was full, glimmering silver white above. The sounds of people and animals, from the menagerie, were plenteous, but they hardly noticed as they walked. She carried a paper cone piled high with spun sugar, her arm linked through his, laughing as he took some of the sweet confection from her fingertips. An overly large stuffed pink hippopotamus under his other arm. He’d won it knocking over milk bottles,...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Brittany Bardot Nicole Love English Lesson Becomes a Lesson in Depravity for Innocent Czech Teen

Blonde Czech MILF Brittany Bardot has been tutoring curvaceous teen Nicole Love for weeks, but something’s been building between them for weeks. Could it be sexual tension?! Brittany loves looking at her perky little breasts and curvy ass wrapped tight in her short skirt, as well as her cute little laugh. The laugh of an innocent waiting to be corrupted! Once today’s lesson gets underway, it doesn’t take much to get the shy, submissive girl to submit to her advances. After...

2 years ago
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Sal the Super the Nookie King of the BronxChapter 22

Sal's two illegitimate daughters by two of the Conte sisters next door were almost nine years old now. Their grandfather the half Irish prick of a union boss had recently passed away and Sal was giving more of his income to help the family out. One of the five sisters was taken into a convent causing him no end of astonishment because of the five sisters; she was probably the most sex-obsessed almost to the point of nymphomania. Sometimes, she even climbed in his bedroom window with his...

3 years ago
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My Plump Aunt Neha

Hi everyone this is Shahid Saxena again back with a new story for those who are reading my story for the first time let me introduce myself I am a 20 year old Punjabi guy 6 feet 1 inch tall fair and having lean body living in Mumbai. This is my second story in ISS my first story was My Cousin Sis Riddhi Moaning and friends please do read it. This is a story of how I fucked my aunt. My aunt is a 29 year old lady having whitish complexion with a figure of 40 34 42 which I asked later. She is...

3 years ago
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CowboyChapter 8

It was night time; with the men at the head of the animals, Mrs O’Hara took a breath and started. “You should know, I am expecting again. I haven’t been checked, but I am sure. I can feel it, as I felt you. Two months” Mrs O’Hara started in on a difficult conversation. The girls calculated back and realised it had been the time they had settled for a short time, minding a farm whilst the family went back East. Their parents had risen late every day, and every night the creaking of their bed...

2 years ago
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We all stared open mouthed at the two girls. Our little village had never seen such... beauty. The eldest, who could have been no more then sixteen or so had long blonde locks, that seemed to cascade over her shoulder. The second was a sharp contrast, with jet black hair and pale skin but her eyes were a vibrant blue and danced with excitement as she stared at us all. They were both modestly dressed and smiled politely at us all, occasionally saying 'good day' to those who said it to them. All...

3 years ago
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Anju Ka Mast Saanwle Gadraye Badan Ne Pagal Kiya

Ye kahani hai meri aur meri office colleague anju ki hai, jiske saath maine department picnic ke duaran masti maari. Baad me hamara kuch din tak sex affair bhi chala jabarjast wala.Baat 2006 ki hai jab mai kareeb 25 saal ka tha, anju mujhse kareeb 2 saal badi thi yani kareeb 27 saal ki rahi hogi. Uski shaadi nahi hui thi abhi tak. Wo batsurat toh nahi thi but thodi saanwli si thi, shayad isi liye uski shaadi abhi tak nahi hui thi. Kuch log shayad use moti aur kaali bhi bol dete. Anju bhale hi...

3 years ago
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The Trail WestChapter 2

It had been almost two weeks since Joshua Kelly rode south from his family home in southeastern Missouri; leading his pack horse he was deep in thought. He had left the only home he had ever known because his father and mother didn't want him to become involved in the Bushwhackers Gang or the great Civil War that was raging across the country. It was especially dangerous to the families living in the border states of Missouri and Kansas. His father William, his mother Molly, and younger...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Amber Ivy Anal Yoga

Amber Ivy has long red hair and a skin tight pink outfit. She has her in home yoga instructor over. She explains that she likes this new boyfriend of hers but when it comes to sex, all he wants to do stick it in her butt. He is an anal maniac, and she is very reluctant to let him poke that nice round ass. Her yoga instructor kindly offers to show her some things with yoga that might help her get more acclimated to have her boyfriend’s meatstick in her asshole. Amber agrees and they begin...

1 year ago
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Company From Out of TownChapter 2

The next day I dragged my weary ass up out of bed enough to make a pot of coffee for our bleary eyed but blissfully smiling guests and toast some bagels: Just enough of a snack to give them the energy to drive over to the east bay for lunch. I knew that they might not be back until late and told them that the door would be open, or if we had to go somewhere, there was a key just inside the shed door hanging on a nail right to the right of the light switch. Jenny hugged me and gave me a kiss...

3 years ago
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Wife Tales Secret Rendezvous

No matter how hard I fight my sexual urges when I meet a stranger who gets my juices flowing, I find that I give in to my naughty side. Not that I actually fight that hard but I tell myself that I do. I’m sure we’ve all had these inner battles between our ‘good’ self and our ‘bad’ self so you know what I am referring to. Oh hell, just read my story and let your ‘bad’ self win.Cold air whipped across the snow covered parking lot. It was much colder here than I had thought it would be. I guess...

4 years ago
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Company Executive PT2

People do not change. They just don’t. At least she hadn’t changed. Not much that is and although like most people there were the little things which she did differently here and then, but nonetheless she always knew she wanted it all life and she felt it was time to pursue those after all these years had passed. See, Marielle was always a “closet” slut in a manner of speaking. No, she didn’t flaunt it or dress up and act it out like in her younger years, but even then when she was younger when...

2 years ago
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Five Nights Ch 04

SUE’S NIGHTWe had previously arranged that each person’s night would be in their own bedroom, and that they should be alone to prepare, so when Mike came back in we went upstairs to Mike and Marybeth’s room to shower. Mike went first. Sue had given us instructions on how to dress, just khakis and a tee shirt, and told us she wanted nice close shaves, and some cologne. Mike was dressed when I got out, and went downstairs for some water while I dressed. At about four-twenty she called down that...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Hes Still the One

He walked into the office building with determination. She may have thought she got away clean, but he had thought of little else other than her since their explosive meeting four days ago. It had driven Mark nearly insane, but he had finally managed to locate Clare, the woman who had completely rocked his world. When she walked away from him on Friday night he couldn’t believe it. Now here it was, Tuesday morning and if his research was right this is where he would find her. He walked up to...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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forced to fuck 2

so i meet tht guy again when i was sitting sitting outside getting high he walked over to me and said "hey get up its time for me to fuck" i said no and tht i didn't care if he told everyone tht i was gay and tht he's not going to fuck me again. he said no bitch get up know your going to let me fuck or im going to fuck u by force.i stood up and pushed him away and walked inside i really he to take a piss so i walked in one restrooms i didn't know at the time but he followed me and this time he...

3 years ago
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Naruto Lost in the Forest of Lust chapter 8

He had also heard that Anko was going to be training Hinata until the exams ended. Kurenai hand wanted to do it but somehow Anko convinced her that she should concentrate on Shino. When Naruto got to his place he opened the door and was shocked. The place looked clean! There was not a spot of dirt or empty ramen cups to be seen. Everything had also been rearranged so that there was now more space. “Naruto-kun, is that you?” asked Hinata from another room. “Hai,” said Naruto....

3 years ago
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No name nubile

Our hot affair of weekly meetings ended when I couldn't stop my curiosity and finally asked her name. She never came back. Depite coming so often with me.First our eyes met, well together with our smiles. We drank coffee at a terrace. Our tables not far apart. When she got up, I left some coins at my table and left as well. She smiled again as I took her hand. We walked to my place, close by. My smile widened when I watched her walk up the steep stairs, my eyes following her behind. My mind...

3 years ago
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Giving a Hand

Chapter 1 The year I turned sixteen, I acquired a girlfriend, my first one, and her name is Robin, and she was my age. My name is Mitt and about six months earlier Robin moved in across the street from us and soon after, my fourteen-year old sister, April, came home one afternoon to tell me that this girl had moved in across from us and was asking her about me, if I had a girlfriend, stuff like that. April told me that the girl really thought I was really cute. Well, there didn't seem to be...

1 year ago
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sisterly wake up surprise

One night after watching some skin flicks i went in to get some tissues for my mess. When i opened the cabinet door i noticed that Julie had left her cabinet door open and I could see clear in her room. That was the first time I started looking at my sister in a sexual way, she was asleep in bed and the covers were pulled down almost to her nipples, just far enough that I could see she was sleeping in the nude. I had never noticed how fucking sexy she was before. She was about 5'6" and...

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Lori and Jonah A Seduction Ch 02

Author’s Note: All characters in my story are the age of legal consent (18 or older). To better understand this story you may want to read the first chapter. Thank you to all my faithful readers. As always, please vote, leave comments, and send feedback. Please enjoy!! — When Lori woke the next morning, she found herself in unfamiliar settings. She was in a big bed in a blue bedroom. The bed was big enough for two, but she was alone in it. After a moment she remembered where she was: Jonah...

3 years ago
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Sucking Her Lovers Cock

One evening I came home from the bar to find that my wife Barbara had a friend over and they were naked in the hot tube. I thought it was odd that she had a naked man in our hot tub but I didn’t say anything.Barbara introduced him and asked me to join them so I quickly took off my clothes and slid into the bubbling hot water with them. Once in there I noticed that my wife’s friend Bruce was sporting a tremendous erection. I tried not to look but never having much time in gyms I’d never really...

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The Sex machine

The Sex MachineThe sex had been good but you were getting tired of the same old routine with John, His technique was very considerate and he always made you come before fucking you, But you had the urge for a bit of a change, You had talked about it together several times, but nothing had ever come of it.The chatroom held the answer, you had noticed a few weeks ago an ad for “the fuck room; we cum to you” Tonight it was going to happen, you had set up the video camera in the front room so that...

2 years ago
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Mere Mama Ki Ladki Ki Chudai

Hlo iss reader kaise ho aap sab. Main Iss ka regular reader hun aur iss ka bahut bada fan hun. Maine yaha par maximum stories read kar chuka hun. Maine socha kyn namain bi aap sab se apna experience share karu. Story shurukarne se pehle main apne bare me batana chahta hun. Mera naam Rohit hai. Main Jammu se belong karta hun. Yekahani mere aur meri cusion k beech hue sex ki hai. Uska naam Sonia(name changed) hai l. Uska size 36-28-32 hai. Gulabi hont, kali kali aankhein, shoti naak, chehra gol,...

2 years ago
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Bangalore Life

Hi everybody, this is shiraak 23 yrs hotttie call-boy from Bangalore. sex is my passion and IAm proud to say that IAM succeeded in. I believes in Youth is to taste not to waste. Life is to enjoy, we have one life and y think twice. I love this site because it provides platform for everyone to share and express their experience in sex. I am pretty much naughty guy, Any ladies or housewives or girls around Bangalore can contact me for secret relationship on this number ( nine nine one six zero...

2 years ago
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Seducing my Stepdaughter

My Stepdaughter Sara is just gorgeous and I started watching her naked at 14 through a bathroom door crack..She used to sit on the bathroom floor and shave her pussy smooth, but I could barely see it. Once and awhile I'd see your tiny slitted pussy right next to the door crack and even watched her sitting on the stool sucking her own nipples a little at a time. She always left her dirty stained and sometimes wet panties on her floor which I jacked off into all the time laying in her own bed....

3 years ago
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Neighbour hook up changing of hard drives

So the SSD came and I said to my neighbour that I could just remove her old HD and clone it to the SSD. She said that was OK with her and how long does that take. I said maybe an hour or two but depends on the speed of her old HD, all this went over her head so she said can I take late tonight and do overnight, I was very happy to do that as once I’d cloned it I was gonna snoop around on it and run a recovery program on it. I went back and she was in this stupidly small almost see through...

2 years ago
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A new Family Dynamic Ch 11 13

The next day, I thought a family meeting might be in order to see how everyone was really doing with this new dynamic we were pursuing. I wanted to make a change to how I wanted to be treated so I thought it would be good to give everyone a chance to air any concerns or changes they wanted to see as well. Beth was still with us when I suggested the family meeting and said, “Well, maybe I should go home so you guys can discuss what you want.” “Beth,” I responded, “I’m sure I speak for all...

1 year ago
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College Party Scene

Before we get started, I’m going to tell you a little about myself. My name is Marcus. I am 22 years old and in my fourth year of college. I am about 5'11", 160 pounds. I am well built and I tend to make friends with my female classmates fairly easily. I have had my share of sexual partners over the four years in college and I still don’t have any intention of finding a girlfriend. I mean, I do have some friends that I would love to go out with, but a long relationship has never really been my...

2 years ago
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Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth At the County FairI walked down a path between the two livestock stables to an old unmarked tent. The flap was open and I peaked in. A voice said, “Hi – are you here to make a donation?”“Ahhhh, Ahhhh, Yes….” I stammered.A pretty girl stood up saying, “Oh, Please come in. My name is Charity.” As my eyes got used to the dim light I could see her hair was long and lovely, her age a mystery and her smile genuine and inviting. She wore a long silky dress that buttoned down the front....

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HussiePass Paisley Paige 1st DP DVP

Petite ? Vietnamese coed Paisley Paige makes her 1st Hussie Pass appearance today and as you can guess by the title, that’s not the only 1st this cute little spinner is going to enjoy today! ? After we chat with the newbie for a little bit, in steps our very own Oliver Flynn and Jax Slayher to get her all lubed up ? because Lord knows she’s gonna need it! The guys take turns eating her out as she blows the other until it’s time for the customary ♫ Row Row Row Your Boat ♫ dual...


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