The Miss-Education Of Bruce Carson free porn video

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The Miss-Education of Bruce Carson By Serena Lawhead Chapter 1: The Last Straw. Nik was short and scrawny; he never managed to get dates with the girls and to top it all off he was a dweeb. No not dweeb, he was a nerd, for all his lack in physical build and stamina he was one of the smartest kids in his school, a 'brain'. And this is what was the cause of some of his problems. One person in particular always seemed to have it in for him, Bruce Carson. Bruce was one of the most popular boys in his school as well as one of the most feared, he was of Asian descent, the star player for the schools rugby team, he was of average height, not heavily built but he did work out so he had muscles where it counted and he was very hairy. Bruce was not exactly the brightest candle in the shop either, he was not really thick, he was just lazy. If it weren't from pressure from his teachers forcing him to make at least a small amount of effort (with the threat of expulsion over him) he would truly be as thick as a post. It was because of this that he picked on Nik so much, not to mention because Nik was so smart. He regularly forced Nik to do all of his homework under the threat of being beaten senseless. Bruce was also short sighted, and so always wore contacts to avoid looking 'nerdish' as he thought of it. Nik was standing in the hallway, putting books away in his locker and getting others out for his next lesson. He was ardently hoping that Bruce wouldn't turn up to give him grief. Just as he shut his locker and turned to go to his lesson he felt a hand grab him on the shoulder. "You weren't thinking of running off before you could give me my homework were you bookworm?" Bruce asked. "O... o... of course not!" Nik stammered. "And did you copy those CD's I asked for?" Bruce asked. "I... I... I... was hav... having problems doing them, my computer packed up just after printing your homework!" Nik stammered, handing over Bruce's homework. Bruce took the homework and then banged Nik's head into the lockers viciously, "Next time, I want my homework done sooner!" and walked off, "And don't forget those CD's!" As he was walking to class Nik rubbed his head and grimaced. One advantage of being smart was that when it came time to getting even he could easily out think people like Bruce. Right now he was awaiting a piece of software for his computer that would help him get his own back on Bruce. After two days of avoiding Bruce, Nik was caught on the Friday by Bruce and his group and given a good kicking for avoiding them and not having the CD's done yet. When Nik got home, nursing a black eye his mother saw him and immediately started fussing over him. "Nik, this has got to stop, you must see the principal about this bullying!" his mum said in a worried voice. "I don't think that's such a hot idea mum, I'd be finished for sure if I did that!" Nik said, "Besides, I may have a solution of my own!" "How so?" his mother asked, in a tone of voice that told him she was worried about what he would do. Nik just tapped his temple and smiled, "If I can't match his brawn, I'll out-smart him!" "I just hope you know what you are doing Nik," his mum sighed, "by the way a package came for you today, it's probably that software you've been waiting for." Saying thanks, Nik grabbed the packed and went to his room. Nik opened the package as he sat down and turned on his computer. Inside the package was a regular CD case with a simply designed insert with a logo on the front saying 'Mind-Works', pulling out the CD he put it into his computer and started the install process. This software was highly illegal, and very hard to get hold of. He had asked round some of his contacts on the Internet and detailed his problems and what he wanted to do and was sent this experimental program, at a slight cost. While waiting for the install, Nik opened another program and loaded up a file. The name Natasha Carson was displayed and numerous icons came up on the screen. This was all the information Nik had gathered on Bruce's sister, originally he had gathered this because he had a huge crush on her, but now proved to be quite a useful resource. He had information on most aspects of Bruce's sister, right down to a complete itinerary of her wardrobe and much of the contents of her room, right up until the point she left for Tibet to live a less 'materialistic' life as she had put it. Finally the Mind-Works program finished loading and booted up. MIND-WORKS 'Hypnosis and subliminal control systems.' The screen read. Before coming up with numerous options and commands on the screen. Using the mouse Nik clicked on a button marked voice synthesis, a small box popped up on the screen asking: 'Would you like to use a pre-generated voice pattern or generate a new pattern?' with two buttons underneath, marked 'Generate' and 'pre-generated'. Nik selected Generate and the small box was replaced by another screen, 'In order to generate a new voice pattern you must supply at least sixty minutes worth of vocal recordings of the desired voice you wish to simulate.' Nik specified several files containing recordings of Bruce's sister's voice, which came to a total of 120 minutes and initiated the pattern generation and went to watch TV for a while. Three hours later the program was done and the voice pattern was generated, selecting an option for a voice test the program opened an input box for Nik to type something in. Nik mentally crossed his fingers, hoping that it had worked, and typed in a sentence and clicked on a button marked 'Test'. Even though Nik was expecting it, he was still very much surprised to hear for what for all intents and purposes was Bruce's sister's voice coming from his computer. With the voice done, Nik started entering the information for the subliminal messages, loading in everything he had written for it so far, modifying some of the text. Nik chuckled a little while listening to the playback of all he had entered in Bruce's sister's voice, "I wonder what she'd say if she knew that she was kind of helping in the feminisation of her brother!" "Hmm, I think I'll keep back the second CD for a few days, after all, I don't want him to listen to the CD's in the wrong order!" Nik said quietly, "Just as well Bruce was after two CD's to be copied!" Nik now selected an option for burning a CD, loaded in the MP3 files of the first album Bruce wanted copied and started the burning process. As this was done the subliminal messages were blended in with the album music so they weren't audible on a conscious level. Nik also knew of another way to get at Bruce as well as to solve other problems, Bruce lived with his step-dad (his mother had died many, many years ago) who happened to be white, and a complete bastard (who taught Bruce everything he knew) who had caused problems for many women around town, Nik's mother included. Nik had decided to prepare an extra CD set that would be slipped to Bruce's father to ensure that things were extra distressing for Bruce at home. On the Monday Nik made sure he ran into Bruce, but at the same time made doubly sure that it didn't look like he wanted to run into him. "You better have the CD's for me squirt!" he demanded. Flinching, Nik handed over the first of the doctored CD's, "There is the first, but I'm still having problems, I'll get the second to you in a couple of days." "You had better!" Bruce growled, "And the latest piece of homework?" Nik handed that over and Bruce stalked off, leaving a relieved Nik behind him. That night Bruce sat down to copy his homework and put on the CD Nik had given him on his Discman, as he listened to the music Bruce had a nagging feeling he could hear his sister talking to him, from there he rapidly descended into a deep trance. "Bruce, from this moment forward you will no longer be the bully you are and have been in the past, in fact you are no longer a regular boy..." The voice of Bruce's sister began to say, outlining and impressing the many changes to happen to Bruce, also causing him to put the CD on repeat. Bruce's sister who was older than him had moved out some time ago, to live in Tibet and lead a less materialistic life (their father figured that she would get tired of her choice and return home). Bruce could never figure out why she wanted to do this, as she was a hit with the boys and one of the most popular girls in the sixth form. In the morning Bruce awoke from his trance feeling surprisingly refreshed and ran himself a bath, adding some of the scented foam bath which his sister had left behind and was never used as it was just him and his dad in the house, he then climbed in. As he relaxed in the bath he picked up his razor and began to work on his legs and then the rest of his body, systematically removing all body hair until there was no sign of hair other than his head and his genitals, which he had trimmed to a heart shaped patch of hair. Leaving the bathroom Bruce, instead of walking back into his room, walked straight into his sister's room without a second thought. The room was complete with most of her clothes and possessions, including make-up. Sitting in front of the vanity Bruce began to systematically pluck his eyebrows into a visibly feminine shape. With that done, he opened a draw to his right and pulled out a few items from his sister's make-up collection and applied a little eyeshadow and a light covering of a light pink lipstick. Getting up Bruce walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out a pair of panties and slipped them up his legs and tucked away his manhood so it looked like he had a flat crotch and pulled on a pair of nude nylons. With that done, he walked over to, and opened the wardrobe. Looking through the contents he pulled out a pair of slightly flared jeans with rivets all the way down the side of the legs and a two inch split on the cuffs and pulled them on, doing them up and fastening them with a belt that had a pink flower buckle. Going to another drawer an orange Tee was pulled out and put on. Sitting back down Bruce combed out his long hair, which was usually just tied back in a ponytail, and parted it, tying it into two high pig-tails, which in combination with his clothes and make-up made him look truly girlish. Pulling on a pair of pink trainers Bruce put all of his school stuff into the bag his sister used to use for school as well as a few items from the make-up drawer just in case he needed to touch up his appearance. Popping back into his old room briefly he grabbed the case of the doctored CD and went downstairs. Opening the CD case Bruce slipped out a previously unnoticed CD's that had a post-it on and left them by the kettle and left the house with his dad still in bed, unaware of what was going on with his stepson. When Bruce arrived at school everybody was staring at him, and he couldn't figure out why. Entering the school building Bruce checked his appearance, reflected in a window. Seeing that everything was in place and his make-up was fine he carried on, oblivious to the changes that had taken place in him. "Hi guys!" Bruce said to his friends, coming up behind them. "Alright Bruce, you'll never believe what we've heard people saying about you!" one boy said and turned around and nearly choked, "What the hell are you doing dressed like that man?" he spluttered. "Sorry, I don't see any problem with the way I look!" Bruce said. "Hey, have you checked the mirror dude?" another said. "What?" Bruce said, checking himself in a window again, "Nope, everything is in place!" he said. "But your dressed like a girl!" the third said. For a split moment horror and realization came over Bruce's face, but just as quickly it vanished "What's your point?" Bruce just said, "Anyway, I gotta run for class!" he said and left the group slack jawed. "What the hell is going on?" one of the bunch said, to no one in particular as he watched the feminised Bruce's ass swinging in a feminine walk. When his form teacher got to Bruce's name in the register she looked at the apparent girl who was answering to Bruce's name, in a slightly feminised version of Bruce's voice. "Well, I see Mr. Carson has decided on a new look today, or should we say Ms. Carson?" his teacher, Mrs. Stapleton, a large woman with a kind of dominating air said. A number of chuckles went round the class, "Yes miss, it's my punishment miss!" Bruce said, but didn't know why. "And who is punishing you by making you look so girlish?" Mrs. Stapleton asked. "I'm unable to say miss, but I am to request that I be placed on the girl's register miss, as that is what I am to be." Bruce answered, but still not knowing why. More giggles went round the class. "Okay, as you put it so nicely young lady I'll see what I can do." the teacher said, "But we can't very well have someone called Bruce in the girl's register now can we!" She was enjoying seeing that annoying troublemaker brought down a peg or five. "Why don't we give her a new name then!" Nik chipped in, enjoying what was happening with Bruce and knowing full well the torment Bruce was going through, trapped within his own mind as it were. "How about Emma miss?" one girl suggested. "No, Barbie!" another said. "Sandra is better than those two!" yet another said. "Mary!" a voice from the back called. "What's the name of the first girlfriend you mistreated Bruce? Nik piped up. "Brianna." Bruce answered. "Okay Bruce, time to pick a new name for yourself from those suggested." Mrs. Stapleton said, getting an idea about how this change might have come over Bruce. Bruce desperately wanted to tell them that he didn't want to change his name, but something was stopping him from doing so. "Can I be called Brianna from now on miss?" he asked, causing himself to feel sick and humiliated inside. A few days after Bruce, now Brianna's first change Nik gave him (now her) a DVD disc, he said to Brianna to just put it in her DVD player and to use headphones rather than just listen to it through the TV like normal. Nik said it was a preview of a new game coming out. Brianna did not question this, Nik also gave her another CD that he told Brianna was to be left for her stepdad to find. Nik was quite surprised that the first CD worked so well, or even that it worked in the first place as he had not actually tested it out first! At home Brianna went up to her room and placed the DVD into his player and plugged in a pair of monitor headphones, after turning the player he began to hear music that was hauntingly familiar, but could not place it. She was soon staring at the TV with a vacant expression on her face, her once more pliant mind soaking up every instruction, change and reinforcement of prior instructions. A silky and feminine, but artificial voice whispered things to her subconscious, made highly susceptible by the combination of audio and visual manipulation. She watched for hours as the stream of video and audio repeatedly impressed new thoughts, behaviour and feelings onto her mind, as well as the triggers to activate these new thoughts and feelings. All this went on into the early hours of the morning. In then end Brianna would never be the same again, would never again go back to being Bruce. All this could have quite easily been used to change Brianna overnight, but Nik decided to make the change over numerous days, in fact every two to three days Brianna would change a little more! Pulling the headphones off her head Brianna rubbed her eyes, "Oh man, I can't believe I fell asleep like that!" she muttered, getting up to go to school. When Brianna got home from school that afternoon she was wondering why she was getting so many odd looks around school and why she didn't feel the usual inclination to beat seven shades of shit out of those people. Walking upstairs she walked into her sisters old bedroom without thinking why, chucked her bag down and collapsed on her sisters bed and turned the TV on for a bit. She did not think it strange that she walked into her sister's room as supposed to his room. Although she did pop back into his old room to bring his DVD player into her sister's, now her 'new' room and set it up with her telly and infrared headphones. Putting on the DVD Nik gave him he placed on the headphones and lay back on the pink ruffled bed and soon all the instructions and programming once again washed over him, reinforcing the previous session. When the disc stopped Brianna was feeling tired so she stripped out of her clothing and chucked them into the hamper in the corner of her new room and put on one of her sisters satin nightdresses, a pink one in fact. Sliding under the pink satin covers of her sisters bed Brianna slipped into a world of truly girlish dreams, of boys, make-up and shopping. Chapter 2: More Changes (and not just to Bruce). When Brianna woke in the morning he looked around the femininely decorated room and for a very brief moment he wondered why he was in there, but that thought quickly disappeared and got out of bed, sitting at the vanity at the foot of 'his' bed he began rummaging in the make-up drawer he pulled out a tube of foundation and tried it, luckily the colour was just right and he fully applied it to his face, soon he had the appearance of flawless skin. Adding mascara he smiled at his appearance as he brushed his hair into a somewhat feminine look, he then went to get dressed. Going into his sister's underwear drawer he pulled out a pair of lacy high leg briefs and slipped them on, tucking away his bits so it looked like he had a flat crotch, he then pulled on a pair of pantyhose. After this he pulled out a pair of his sisters boot-cut jeans that had studs all the way down the trouser legs to the bottom. As he slid them up his nylon encased legs he found himself smiling as he felt the jeans clinging to his thighs and bottom. Going once more into the wardrobe he pulled out a bright multi-coloured halter-top and slipped it on. The top clung to his body tightly, making it perfectly clear that he was flat chested and definitely not a girl. Looking in the full-length dress mirror on the door Brianna let out a giggle. Sitting back at the vanity now Brianna started teasing his hair into a feminine hairstyle with a skill he didn't have a few days before. Once done Brianna grabbed a baby blue fluffy backpack and loaded all his school things into it and left. As the feminised Brianna happily bounced and jogged to school, inside his head Brianna's original self was trapped in impotent rage, forced to watch through his eyes as his new self became more girlish and feminine with each passing day. After Brianna had gone his stepdad came down into the kitchen, half asleep. He didn't know why he hadn't seen Brianna for the last few days, but decided to bother with it right now, what he wanted to know was why Brianna had apparently started using his sister's room. Spying the CD sitting by the kettle that he had missed the previous day he picked it up and looked at it curiously, seeing a note on it addressed to him. Reading the note he walked over to the stereo system in the lounge he put the CD in, slipped on a pair of monitor headphones and started playing the CD as he sat down. Before he slipped into a deep trance he heard the voice of a boy speaking to him. "Hello Errol, you may be wondering what has been going on with your stepson Bruce, well to pay him back for all the grief he's given me and many others over the years he is being changed into your new stepdaughter Brianna. There is nothing you can do to stop it, or to stop what is going to happen to you as well!" Nik's voice said, "All those years ago you raped my mother you bastard, she tries to hide it and usually succeeds. In payment for that act you are going to receive the same treatment as Bruce!" Errol tried as hard as he could to make his arms move, to take off the headphones but it was too late. He was totally ensnared and trapped by the subliminal recordings on the CD. While his stepdad was deep in trance, being changed as he had been, Brianna had arrived at school. Previously everyone had thought Bruce had been looking a little on the girlish side but still much like a boy in both speech and movement. But now it was plain that he was more girl than boy, with the exception of his chest Bruce looked every bit a girl, and his movements were more like those of a girl than they had previously been as well. Not only that, but Bruce's choice of a new name had spread too, everyone now knew he had changed his name to Brianna. As he entered the building he passed his former group who did nothing but make lewd remarks and make fun of him as he passed, moving in a feminine gait. Hearing all the calls from his so called friends started to upset him, but seeing him wipe tears from his eyes only made them worse and upset him more. Seeing makeup come away on his hand, Brianna made a beeline for the girl's loo to fix his makeup, thinking nothing of the loos he went into. Inside he went to the mirrors, pulled out the few makeup supplies he had with him and began to fix his makeup. There were a few girls in the loos at the same time, which instead of kicking up a fuss at the feminised boy coming into the girl's loo found the sight of the former bully looking totally girlish and fixing his makeup quite a sight. Candy, a blonde girl walked up to Brianna. "Say Brianna, I like your lipstick, can I borrow it for a few moments please?" she asked, loving every minute of this. "Of course, I love this lippy, it really suits me I think." Brianna said, much to the amusement of the others. "It sure does Bru... Brianna." one of the others said. The group of girls gathered together, "I think this too good an opportunity, what or whoever caused this change in Bruce seems to have done a good job, I say we take in 'Brianna' and help her be all the girl she should be!" Candy said. "Excellent idea, we can make her as girlish as possible!" Said a third girl, a brunette called Sally. "Hey, Brianna, why don't you hang with us in-between classes today!" Candy said. "That would be great girls!" Brianna exclaimed. "So Brianna," Terri (the second girl to have spoken in the loos) said, "have you got a boyfriend?" as they were exiting together. Within Brianna, Brian was feeling sick as he heard himself say "No, not yet!" Arriving home from school Brianna came in the door and slung her bag down.

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Sylvia teases Bruce in the library

"Bruce was hangin' on every word. I loved it............just loved it. I kept talking to him about doing another boy. Whey does that get boys so excited?'' I 'm going back to what I said to him at that table in the library": '' Bruce look at me while I tell you this, please? I put my hand on his boner, just like I'm doing now..............and squeeze and stroke him in his pants................and then I like to...............unzip him and.....................slide my hand in...

3 years ago
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Jasmine and I enjoy Bruce

I showered and shaved what little hair I may have had then ran a bath with smoothing oils. I relaxed in the hot water for about an hour then I got out and sat at my vanity table drip drying. I applied bright red nail polish to toes and fingertips. I plucked my eyebrows and then I applied my make-up. Yellow and green eyeshadow, black eyeliner, mascara, rose blush, bright red lip gloss and a dusting of my favorite perfume. Going through my closet to find the perfect fuckme outfit is always fun...

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Used By BruceCharlie and Daniel

It started on a Tuesday afternoon as I was heading home from track practice. Bruce and Charlie stopped me as I was a few blocks from my house. I was instructed not to make a fuss and to go put my books up and come straight back to them. I mustered an excuse ' ... I just finished training. I need to get a shower and rest. ... ' Charlie stepped closer and softly said ' ... yeah, we saw you out there running and shyt. That is why Daniel wants you to come now while you are all funky. ......

4 years ago
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Bruce is owning us

My sweet Ana had met a black guy in a date site on the internet.She had been dating him during a couple months. Every week he came to our house to fuck Ana in front of me. Sometimes this guy took my sensual wife out to dinner and he used to bring her back home absolutely wasted…His name was Bruce. He had a very huge black cock about ten inches’ long. His sticky semen was thick and the bastard could come sending several jets directly inside Ana’s stretched cunt…Sometimes Anita enjoyed watching...

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Bruce My First Orgasm

I was 20 at the time and although I certainly wasn't a virgin I was still a bit naive when it came to sex. I had never had a climax with a boy, only with my fingers. I didn't have a steady boyfriend at the time so I compensated for it a lot by masturbation. It was summer and I didn't have anything much to do. My neighbours asked me to watch their dog, Bruce, a five year old Alsation Cross while they went on holiday for a week rather than put him in kennels, they thought he might fret away...

3 years ago
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Sexual Delights with Bruce and Rachel

... I took my panties and wiped off his cock, his body, my face, and boobs, and I used it on Rachel too. This little boy was a cum machine. I had gotten a lot of it on my face and in my mouth, but there was plenty on him, on me, and some on Rachel."" I had an idea about him."" Bruce, eat my panties now. Eat them with the cum all over.........." "He didn't hesitate. It was strange to watch him with my gloppy underwear in his mouth, sucking and chewing, and then with Rachel's too, his face all...

3 years ago
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Lucy Bruce and Janie and me Pt1

Getting all my experiences for the first time in one weekend.....I was in the boys showers at school after Friday evening track practice. I'm not big, but I'm quick with endurance and, even as a high-school junior, I was representing the school in the 1500 and the 5000 meters. Training for middle and long-distance is a solitary endeavor and I was alone in the shower room. It was the end of the track season and the start of football so the football team had been out on the field running drills...

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Batman The Telltale Game Series Season 3 Bruce Wayne Becomes Mayor of Gotham

(Emergency Press Conference, Wayne Tower) ''Thank You all for Coming, as you all Know my name is Bruce Wayne, and this Past Year has been Trying not just for Me or for Gotham, but for every Man, Woman and Child who has Ever set foot in Gotham. I have Seen a Man I once considered my unofficial Brother Fall to the Allure of meting out Criminal Justice, I have seen this city betrayed, and in spite of it people like the Batman and his Team have shown that There are those who would Do both whatever...

3 years ago
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Sylvia Rachel and Bruce get down to business

He came over after school on Friday; Dad was down at Capitol Records, mom was somewhere, not home, Rachel was there with her friend, Eileen. Rachel said mom wouldn't be home till eight or nine, and for dad, it depended on how long the studio session went on.............this week it was Andy Williams, and he took forever....We studied and worked on our project, till 5:00, when Eileen went home.......I'm a hard worker on my projects now, I was then was all biology and no sex till we...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Fort Carson

Welcome to Fort Carson I was going through a divorce. It was just great here I was a forty-five year old mother with two college k**s and my husband decides to have a mid-life crisis and run off with his twenty-six year old secretary. Both of our boys were in college. But a good friend, a doctor from the hospital let me rent his vacant house so he could have someone living there to keep an eye on it. So here I was in Colorado Springs, Colorado right near Fort Carson. My husband hired a U-Haul...

1 year ago
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Bruce the Good Samaritan

I was on I-57, two hours south of Chicago, the city where I had started. I wished I hadn't, started that is. My watch said it was only four in the afternoon, but the clouds and the blowing snow made it appear much, much later. The going seemed to be getting worse. My vehicle was the only reason I even considered to stay on the road, that and the fact I had promised my folks in Florida that I would be there for Christmas day dinner. My vehicle was a late model Dodge crew cab, turbocharged,...

4 years ago
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Lucy Bruce and Janie and me Pt4

Next morning I woke alone. Lucy had got up without waking me. I could smell coffee. I guess she was making breakfast. I went into my bathroom did the morning rituals. As I soaped myself up in the shower I got a huge hardon. Remembering the sex I'd had. Images of a beautiful bald pussy stretched around a thick hard cock. A pussy I'd put my mouth onto and then emptied my cum into. There was no rush to do anything. No parental pressure to perform weekend chores. After I dried off I went back to my...

4 years ago
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Going freelance was the best thing I ever did. Granted, it wasn't a big bold choice on my part. My company _downsized_, and my entire department got _outsourced_. Once I was told these very words, I was glad to go. Who wanted to work for a company that used stupid made-up words like that! What happened when a company expanded? Could they be said to have _upsized_? What did _upsized_ really mean? Nothing! Or some sort of mild gastro-intestinal distress- -I myself rarely suffered from an...

2 years ago
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Bruce Takes My Cherry

I was 21. Worked for the telephone company at the time. Bruce, yeah that was his real name, was one of my best friends. We had dated girls who were roommates at the U. I'd known him for about three years. He was a funny fucker. Wild man, and we had a blast. When we broke up with the girls we kind of drifted. Diane was the girl I had dated. We got engaged when we were in our first year of college, but we broke it off later. Anyway, I called Bruce up because I had to go to a wedding in Bumfuck...

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Gayles CeremonyChapter 3 Bruce

Gayle Tansey stopped at the drugstore on her shopping trip in Millerville. After choosing a box of tampons, she picked up a dozen Trojans, and then thought again. She added a second box before going to the cash register. The druggist, Cohen, who was working alone in the store, looked a little surprised. She repressed an impulse to tell him that she was planning a busy night. The truth, that she was buying condoms as the start of the process of having a baby, would have been too complicated...

2 years ago
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The continuing saga of Bruce sucking cock

Here is my story as a cocksucker, beginning in 2014 with my friend Jack. Somehow one of our discussions involved sucking another man's cock. Jack said he wouldn't mind trying, which surprised me. It didn't take long before I was on my knees sucking his hard little cock. He seemed happy - he made a lot of happy sounds anyway. I enjoyed it. I ended up sucking him two more times in 2014. He also sucked me, but I think I scared him when I tried to stick my cock down his throat! (smile) Anyway,...

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BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in appearance and...

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Lucy Bruce and Janie and me Pt5

She came back in with her phone stood at the end of the bed and immediately snapped a pic. "No.. don't!" I closed my legs. Bringing them up so that my cock was hidden from view.She snapped another."Perfect!"Damn. She's taken a shot of my ass with the end of the butt-plug visible. That was worse than just me with my junk out. "I'm sending these to Janie." oh no! Her best friend. The one I had wanked off to on more than one occasion. Imagining fucking her."Please don't! I don't want her seeing me...

2 years ago
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Cockslave Bruce

Cockslave BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse. This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in...

1 year ago
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Bruce gets used like a true sissy boy

This time I have decided to go ahead and domme one of you !!! Bruce is the lucky sissy boy today . He wants to know that he is only good to clean up my used cunt after being fucked by my real lovers. So, I arrange to be gang banged and have Bruce there to fluff then clean me. First off is Cameron .. he knows how to fuck me well and he wants to show you how to fuck a woman right. Cameron starts out with many hot kisses and his hands go everywhere touching and feeling me. He pulls my top and bra...

2 years ago
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Meet the Carsons

"At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it? Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant to step the ocean and crush us at a blow? Never! All the armies of Europe, Asia, and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest, with a Bonaparte for a commander, could not by force take a drink from the Ohio or make a track on the Blue Ridge in a trial of a thousand years. At what...

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How Bruced tricked me

Bruce was one of the terrible three delinquents that took me and introduced me into sex, male on male sex to be exact. I had never even had sex nor understood the mechanics of the sex act, yes I had seen Playboy mags of naked women but not as to how the sex act was engaged.After that first encounter with them I avoided them at all cost, fringing sickness so I would not have to go to school that Friday. I would do all I could to avoid them, then one day as I was heading for the park, I ran in to...

3 years ago
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Submissives Education Center

The Submissive Education Center:An educational center where women learn to become perfect submissive sluts ...Education program:On their arrival at the Center, the recruits are tied up and undressed ... being totally naked is the only dress code of the Center ...Our instructors will then test their three orifices ...First their mouth ...Their vagina:Their ass:Then the recruit will be whipped ... as a demonstration of what to expect if she disobeys during her stay at the Center ...During the...

1 year ago
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Bruces Birthday Surprise

Introduction: Our baby girl is four months old, and finally sleeping through the night.. Bruce and i needed some time alone together. The last few months has been difficult. I have been very tired and an emotional wreck. My nipples were sore and sex was the furthest thing from my mind. Bruce was feeling neglected. We would occasionally have a quickie, but nothing like it was before the birth os our baby. He understood my lack of interest in sex, but he still wanted it and sometimes needed to...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS13E01 Christina Bruce 42 from Belfast

With series 12 completed, we roll straight through into series 13 - the same hosts, doing the same things all over again ... Aren’t we getting bored of this yet? Well, it appears not ... So... We start this week’s show with establishing shots of quiet suburban streets – semi-detached homes, very middle class and safe... And then, stepping into frame from the side, moving from behind the camera to infront - this week’s host ... Still the nation’s least likely sex symbol – short, fat,...

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Fiona Bruce

As you lay in bed you can hear the heavy rain pour down onto the street below. You are almost asleep when you hear a knock on your door. As you put on your dressing gown, you grumble to yourself over who could it be at this hour. Finally when you open the door you see it is the MILF newsreader Fiona Bruce. You take note of the drenched brunette's amazing figure, she is wearing a quite conservative jacket and shirt but her tight-fitting jeans show off her gorgeous arse. She opens her move to...

2 years ago
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First Do No Harm Winter JenningsChapter 3 George Bruce Cortelyou

The first thing I did was change the bedroom and bathroom linens in Matt’s apartment. Everything in the washer; then fresh sheets, pillowcases, towels. Kitchen napkins too. I wasn’t trying to remove the Matt-scent; that was baked into the condo. I just liked ... fresh. Clean. I didn’t even try to not think about the times, good times, that he and I had spent here. Laughter, bed, laughter, food. I got a little teary a couple of times, but my sobbing days were in the past. At least I hoped...

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Additional Education

Synopsis: Sarah comes from a low-income society and is aiming at higher education Synopsis: Sarah comes from a low-income society and is aiming at higher education. Unfortunately she lacks funds and sells her body for clothes, talking time refill for her mobile phones and expensive books for her education. For a while it works, but then there is the law to take into consideration.Additional educationMr. Ellis Sarah had for some time dated Mr. Ellis ? an unmarried wealthy businessman....

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Secondary Education Chapter 12 My Missing Pieces

Secondary Education Tyla Flowers [email protected] Chapter 12, My Missing Pieces Oprah's over, Rikki Lake's not on yet, and Dr. Phil depresses me. So I flick off the television. I pick up a month-old "Us" magazine: Lindsey's back in rehab, Paris is busted for DUI again, same old, same old. I throw it back on the table and wish I had something to do. I am a high school dropout. During my convalescence after being castrated, I missed the start of school at Hollywood...

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The Sexual Education BluesOpening Day Chapter Three

There were a number of indicators that should have told Bob that something odd was going on, but he didn't pick up on them right away. The first was that, as he ate breakfast by himself at a small table, he didn't see, scattered around the dining room, the couples that he usually saw, when one of his seminars was about to take place. He did see the group of nine people, sitting together, but didn't associate them with his group. His groups never started out sitting together. His groups...

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Sex Education In The Wake Of The Great Shift

Mindy may archive at fictionmania, others please ask first if you wish to archive so I know where it is at night :) All rights reserved, all copyrights apply, this story is not to be sold by anyone but the author who presents it for free for now, as of 7/4/99. If someone charges you to read this, let me know, please. Because it's time for a few more stories in this universe, I proudly present... Sex Education In The Wake Of The Great Shift By Caleb Jones "Good afternoon,...

2 years ago
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A New Style of Education Part 1

A New Style of Education by Karen Page Based on an idea in A Christmas Diary by Little Katie Part 1 "Time's up," informed the exam invigilator, breaking through the silence of the exam room. "Please put down your pens and close your answer books." A sigh rippled through the classroom, followed by the scraping of chairs as people sat back for the first time in two hours. "What did you think of that test?" I asked Richard as we left the exam room. "Very strange," he...

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Sex Education Single Parents Part 5

This is part 5 of a story of taboo sex being discovered by some and encouraged by others. Stop here if that is a problem if not enjoy. Here are links to the earlier parts followed Elly into the house and...

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