Bruce And Laurie Part 1 free porn video

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Note from the Author: This is the first story I have ever tried to write, hope you like it. Please let me know what you think.

Bruce and Laurie Part 1

Written By jacksolstice

Chapter 1

Bruce was a typical 13 year-old boy, who was shy around girls. He had very few friends, those who he did have, were like him, the outsiders; loners who really did not like people that much. He would spend most of his days in his room after school and if he was not there, he was in the garage working on his go-cart that his father had gotten him for his birthday last year.

Recently Bruce has found out how to masturbate and he wanted to have sex, but was shy around girls his own age.

Bruce had a problem though, he wanted to have sex so much that he masturbated four or more times a day.

Bruce also had a little sister, who was a constant pain in the ass, her name was Laurie she was 8 years-old.

Well he had been talking to his friends, and reading as much as he could in books, trying to find out information. Then he remembered his parents had bought him such a book that was for educational purposes.

He went after those books, two of them; one “What’s Happening to me?” was still in his parent’s room, but he knew where. He had one, “Where did I come from?” so he went to get the other, but had to be careful as he was not allowed in his parent’s room. Although he had to get the book… and he did.

So he began reading the book, it talked about how boys and girls both masturbated but he did not understand HOW, a female masturbated, that interested him immensely.

So he started to think of ways of how to get a look at his sister. He began to charting when his mom, gave his sister her bath, because she had hair to her ass; and Laurie could not get it cleaned by herself. Then about one week later Bruce got his chance, his parents where going out with friends, and family for some type of dinner, and he had to watch his sister. His Mom told him to help her get her bath, which he replied he did not want to do. She promptly told him he would, or would be grounded… so he agreed. Little did his mother know, this was exactly the opportunity that, he had been waiting for.

Chapter 2

Bruce’s parents left around 3:00pm and his sister did not get a bath until eight. His mom told him they would be back tomorrow; the food was in the fridge; and to call the neighbor next door if he had any problems.

He spent the next couple of hours in the garage fooling around with his go-cart. He had broken the frame last weekend, at his grandfather’s house. He was trying to get it cleaned up, so he and his father could weld it back together. About the time he finished Laurie came out and told him, she was hungry and to make her something to eat. He told her he would be in, in a few minute to heat up dinner; she then went back into the house.

He went into the kitchen and fixed dinner for both of them. Now he told her, since it was about seven not to get too comfortable, and that she would be getting a bath in an hour. She replied that she would prefer to take one now. He told her to go upstairs and start the water; he would be up after he finished the dishes, at which he was almost done drying them off.

Laurie went upstairs, and Bruce heard her start the water; about the time that he finished. The water shut off, and he went up stairs to help. Bruce thought to himself "now for the fun".

Now Bruce had on numerous occasions seen his little sister naked, but when he got up to the bathroom she was not there. He went into Laurie’s room to find she had nothing on, but a pair of white panties. Bruce was confused; she was on the floor with her hand in her panties and kicking her leg every few seconds.

Now Bruce wondered WHAT WAS she doing, but as she was facing the television in her room; all he could see was her doing something in her panties. Then it hit him… she was playing with herself. He couldn't be happier. See his mom caught him a few weeks before; and his mother had whooped his ass; he had a red ass the rest of the day. Now he had something on his “pain in the ass” sister.

Chapter 3

So Bruce seizes this opportunity to interrupt his sister Laurie by yelling,
“Hey Laurie what are you doing!!"

This startles Laurie at once starts crying saying "Please don't tell mom what I was doing. I don't want to get a spanking." While crying she had now pulled her hands to her face and was shaking, so hard she had started to hiccup. Because she was crying so hard finally he said… they would talk about it. He told her to “Go, get into the bath tub”. She meekly complied and stopped crying, thinking it would be ok.

Laurie ran to the bathroom… with Bruce following right behind her. When he walked in she had her back to him… showing him her panty covered ass. He watched as she pulled off her white panties exposing her cute white preteen ass to him. As she bent over he was able to catch a glimpse of her pussy crack. Bruce told her to get into the bath so he could wash her hair. Laurie climbed into the bath tub, when she did it gave Bruce a total view of her little hairless pussy. Bruce immediately got a raging hard-on which his little sister luckily did not see. He pushed it down his pant leg because he had a tent in his pants.

Now Bruce… was really looking at her, as a girl instead of his sister. She was very pretty.
She was about 5' 1'' and weighed about 65 - 70 pounds. She looked underweight, but Bruce new she had always ate more than he ever did. She had a very flat tummy; nice little legs that were very muscular for her age. You could see clearly defined muscles in her legs. She had a very, curved pussy… that was very cute, not like some of the pictures he had seen on the internet. She had a little more meat there and he loved it. For some strange reason he wanted to taste this forbidden fruit, but he would have to wait for the right time to do so.

Then he looked at her ass again it still had most of her baby fat on it, and it was small, but very nicely curved. She had a child’s bubble butt; small but she had an ass he wanted to squeeze. But he did not want to do, that just yet there would be time for that. Bruce now glared at her chest, very flat but Laurie had cute little pink nipples. Then he glanced at her face she was very cute, with little lips that he just wanted to kiss.

During all this Laurie became aware of his scrutiny, and did not understand but it made her feel funny to be looked at in this way.

She said, "Bruce what are you staring at?"

This brought poor Bruce out of his fantasy, and made his erection go down. He told her to pass the shampoo, so he could wash her hair. Laurie gave Bruce the shampoo… and he began washing her hair. Bruce was just about done with her hair… when the phone rang it was their mother, asking if everything was “ok”. Bruce assured his mother that him and Laurie were ok. Mom told him to tell Laurie that “She loved her” then said that “She loved him too” and she hung up. Bruce went back into the bathroom and seen his sister was waiting for something.

"What?” said Bruce.

"Who was that?" asked Laurie.

"That was mom, she said, ‘she loves you!’" Bruce responded.

"What did she want?" Laurie questioned.

"She just wanted to make sure we were ‘ok.’" Bruce stated.

"Oh." Laurie responded.

"Will you wash me? I don't wanna!" asked Laurie.

"Why, do you want me to do it?"

"Because, I want you to… mom sometimes washes me, and I like not having to wash myself."

"That was not the agreement I had with mom."

"Please, I want you to finish giving me a bath… pleeeeeease!!"

“Well, ok… I guess it won't kill me"

"Yay… Thank you, Big Brother!!!!"

Bruce could not believe his luck, he was going to be able to wash her… and he would be able to touch his sister, in places that he really wanted to touch, but would have never asked to do… because he would have been in loads of trouble, and then he would never had a chance.

He asked his sister to give him the soap… it had fallen into the tube. When she went to grab it, he was treated with a full view of all… of his sister’s hidden treasures. As she bent over her preteen pussy opened, just slightly, and he was given a quick glimpse of the beautiful pink, of some of her pussy.

He got an immediate raging hard on so bad… that it hurt. She noticed his discomfort, and asked “What’s wrong”… he responding “Nothing, I’m ok hand me the soap”. She did and he lathered up the wash rag, it was close to ‘thread bare’ he had picked this one on purpose… because it would give him the best part of his sister, while washing her, he would be able to feel her goods… he was ecstatic.

He started at her face, he told her to; close her eyes… so he could do her face. She did, and he got a good amount of soap on her face. He smiled now… his sister could not open her eyes without getting soap in them. He proceeded to wash her back… to just above her ass. “Such a cute ass,” he thought to himself.

He turned her around, and started on her chest feeling Laurie’s little nipples though the deteriorating fabric. He paid special attention to her little nipples… first the right then the left causing her to giggle, and exclaim, that what he was doing tickled.

So he moved to her tight little tummy and began washing it… her stomach was so smooth. Bruce then moved onto her legs, so nice and soft he almost lost his load in his pants, but he forced it back.

When he got to her little butt he knew he was going to lose it but it was fine with him… he would clean up with a shower, after she was done. He asked his sister to “bend over” so he could wash her butt. Laurie bent over at the waist, and he now had his sister's goods right in his face. Bruce was in heaven… he started washing her butt; it was so soft but firm, at the same time.

He knew he wanted to be touching her hairless preteen pussy when he lost it so he washed it quickly but firmly… reveling in the soft smoothness of her ass. Bruce felt the stirring in his balls begin… so he "accidently” ran his finger though the crease of her virginal vagina. She jumped a little at this contact, but let him and Bruce lost it… shaking in the first orgasm that he never had to touch himself for. To him it seemed to last forever… and he loved it. Although all this, he only gave a soft whimper that his sister Laurie never herd.

He quickly asked her to spread her self so he could do her butt and ‘buggy’ for her… she reached behind herself and spread herself. Bruce was once more treated to an even better view of his sister’s asshole. So pink it was… he ran the wash cloth over it and she giggled, again “that tickles” she whimpered.

He finished and asked her to spread her buggy so he could wash it too. Bruce for the first time, in his short life, was given a full view of a real live girl’s sex. He was hard again… he noticed the small opening that was her vagina. He had so wanted to rub a finger in it, but was afraid she would tell. So he gently washed her little puss savoring the ultra smooth skin that was her pussy.

He finished washing her and grabbed the shower head off the holder and turned the water back… on testing it because he did not want to scald is sister. He rinsed her off and told her to shake the excess water from herself before… giving her instructions to get out and dry off.

Laurie was thinking why her brother put his finger in her “buggy” as she called her vaginal area since she was very young. It shocked her some, but it felt good to have it there… although mom said, “no one” should touch her there, but Bruce was washing her. So she just put it out of her mind saying he was washing her down there. But she was not able it felt strange but part of her… wanted him to do it again, it felt better… no matter it was only there for a second. She wanted him to do it again… because that short contact felt better than what she had been doing; "Doing her ‘buggy’" as she called it.

She wanted him to do it, but it was wrong… Mommy had warmed her no one was “ever” to touch her privates, except for a doctor. She thought maybe even if it was wrong… “I can get him to do it again”. Then she looked at him and “gasp”… he had a big wet spot in his pants. She did not splash him… how did he get water on his pants, but evidently he did somehow.

She looked at her big brother and asked, “Bruce could you dry me off?”

Bruce was watching her trying to get as much of a view of her as he could… so he would have something to think about, as he beat off later that night. When she asked him that he thought well… “I can try to get another feel of her cute ass” but he wasn't going to give in that easily.

He said, "Why, you are old enough to dry yourself off?"

Laurie thought quickly, because some part of her mind wanted him to touch her again… but the other knew it was wrong. She was not going to stop this.

She replied, "Because you washed me at least you could dry me off. I'm getting cold… please!"

Bruce was now of two minds he wanted to, but the nut he shot in his pants was an unpleasant feeling. He thought about it and decided… “Hell might as well this might be the last time he get an offer like this”… although catching her masturbating he still had not decided what he was going to make her do for payment, to keep his silence so he thought “ok”.

He walked over to the toilet and told her to, “come here and give him the towel” she did… then Bruce started to dry her. He decided to save her puss for last. He finished drying her ignoring her puss… acting like he was done.

Laurie stopped him, “Hey you forgot my buggy it’s still wet and my butt is too, but be gentle you need to be careful… or it will hurt."

Now Bruce was planning on drying her buggy, but wanted to see what he was dying so… he told her to “move back, face the door and bend over and he would dry it for her”. She got a funny look on her face but complied with his orders, and moved, then bent over. He got as close to the corner of the towel and dried her butt.

Bruce still did not have the view he truly wanted, so he told her to “lay down” so he could dry her “buggy” she paused for a minute, but did what he asked. He gently spread her legs as far as he could, so he could see her pussy, and very slowly began to dry her most personal place. He was about to loose it in his pants again. He gently wiped the outside of Laurie’s very bald very pretty preteen pussy… when he looked up his sister was looking at him. She was red in the face. He did not care.

He softly asked her to spread her buggy… she responded, that since he was drying her it was… his job, to do so. Bruce could not believe it… he was going to touch her on her pussy, and she was not going to stop him, just that thought set him off. He carefully reached toward the forbidden place of his sister's child sex. As he got his hand to her sex he looked at her she was red faced; but watching very intently with a unsure look in her eyes, it was that very look that scared Bruce the most.

He looked down his hand was touching her pretty pussy, and when he realized it, he lost control. It felt like he dumped a bucket in his pants, and he was getting dizzy when his orgasm was over. Laurie was going to say something but stopped, before she let out a word. She didn’t want to ruin the moment they were sharing.

He gently spread her pussy reveling in being able to touch such a wonderful place. It was baby smooth. When he did this Laurie moaned… Bruce heard it and pulled his hand away from her like he was burned. He asked “are you ok”… Laurie smiled as said, “I am still wet there” he hadn’t dried her completely. Then spotting his pants she noticed the lump and an even bigger wet spot.

Then Laurie asked, “Did you pee yourself?”… Bruce told her “No, it is the water from the floor I just stuck my hand in, and wiped off on my pants.” She gave him a look as if she did not believe him, but left him alone.

He gently put his hand back onto her sex and spread the lips of her pussy, and he looked before gently drying her… it was so pink he wanted to touch it; but was afraid that she would tell. Bruce gently wiped off all of her buggy, slowly and softly making her moan again; this time he just kept going until finished.

Then Bruce decided to take a chance, and very gently ran his finger all the way through her crack; making her jump and moan, then go stiff and silent again. He jumped up and ran to his room telling her to get dressed.

Poor Laurie was confused now. She had pushed her brother to dry her buggy, and he got the strangest look on his face. When he did that she thought he was enjoying touching her. When he did touch her, she got the "willies" in her tummy down there like when she was, “doing her buggy”.

She was confused because she liked it, but was not allowed to have anyone to touch her there. She got up went to her room, because she had seen the look on her big brothers face. Before he left he looked embarrassed, she made her brother do something he did not want to do. As a result she thought he was going to hate her.
She did enjoy the look on his face when he spread her buggy open; it was like he had found a million dollars. She thought about what she was going to tell her brother, but he would have been mad at her, at school a few weeks ago.

In the girls bathroom Laurie had heard some older girls talking about how their boyfriend had licked their pussy’s dry; and that how it was just the best feeling ever. She had wanted her own brother, to lick her buggy dry. It was suppose to feel really good, but she decided not to ask him to at the last second.

Laurie then started to cry, because she just knew, her brother was mad at her. While she was crying she thought about how he had asked her, to open her buggy up; so he could dry it; and how he asked so softly that she almost couldn't hear him. This also confused her; “Why did he want her to hold it open, so he could dry it?” “Why had she told him that since he was drying her it was his job to hold it open?” Then she thought about how he so gently opened it, she thought she herd him gasp, but was not sure. Then she thought about how good it felt, and how she had moaned in pleasure, when his hand made contact with her buggy.

Laurie was balling now, thinking about how Bruce had a big lump in his pants; then he seemed to have wet himself. She was sure he had peed himself, because it was wet very quick like he was peeing. This thought made her feel real bad, she scared her brother. Now she was one hundred percent, sure that he hated her, and would never talk to her again.

So much had she looked up to him, all the times he stuck up for her, at great personal loses. Then when he took and ran his finger through her buggy she never felt anything like that before, even when she was “doing her buggy”. Then he ran to get away from her, she felt like the world just came apart, and started to cry uncontrollably. Still naked she could no longer stand, and collapsed on the bedroom floor.

Laurie then thought of how he had caught her rubbing herself, and now she was really scared he hated her, and he found her doing something she was told next time she'd be grounded for a month for. While this, could get her grounded for a long time if he said anything to her mother or father. She now felt like shit.

Bruce went to his room with hopes of getting cleaned up, he just got finished wiping all the nut off himself, with a tee shirt when he herd his little sister crying. He thought to himself, "Oh Shit! …Now I’ve really done it, I’ve hurt my baby sister" he then felt really bad. He put some boxers on and rushed out of his room to find out what was wrong and if he could fix it.

Knowing he had hurt her, she was going to hate him. She would tell mom and dad, he knew if she did, he would be screwed. When he entered her room, she lay naked on the floor sobbing, uncontrollably, ands it was his fault. Bruce now felt like shit, the scum of the earth; he went over to his baby sister and tried talking to her. Laurie just ignored him and kept crying. He felt he had to do something, so he left and went downstairs.
Downstairs he grabbed a movie that they both like to watch together, and ran back upstairs. Bruce threw it in his room and hurried back to his sister, who was still crying. He gently picked her naked body up, and carried her to his room and gently laying her on his bed. He then grabbed a shirt and tried to put it on her, but he could not get her to move, so he put the movie in. He thought they could watch the movie together and maybe this might help comfort Laurie.

He could she was watching him. He thought about it, and then he lay down on the bed next to her, and pulled her close to him. He hoped that her being in his room would help. She was not allowed in his room normally, it was his room and she knew she was not to go in there. He still felt like shit but cuddled with her anyways.

After about ten or more minutes, she started to stop crying and rolled over, in the process of doing so Laurie rolled right on top of her brother. Bruce was shocked she really never had been this close to him; and he loved the feel of her soft skin and of her long hair brushing against his skin; and the smell of her shampoo.

Bruce began stroking up and down her legs, loving the feeling of her soft skin. He then moved his hand to her back and just began holding her. He wanted her to know even though he had hurt her, he still loved her and did not mean hurt her. Although he knew he had, he just wanted to hold her hoping that maybe she would not tell, that he had hurt her, thus saving him from getting into trouble. But there was a catch he was still a teen so his cock became hard again, and came out of his boxers and pressed right next to his sisters ‘buggy’ and ass.

Laurie knew her brother came into the room to see what the problem was, but she was to far gone, crying. She was crying because she knew she had screwed up, and was going to be in trouble. She did not care, nothing mattered anymore, she had hurt her brother and she did not know how to fix it. Then she noticed the sad look on his face when he had left, and this melted her heart, and made her cry even harder. She heard him come back and go back into his room; she felt like the world had ended… now he was done for the night, she felt hollow.

All of a sudden, like out of nowhere he returned to her room, she did not hear him come back, he picked her up. She had no idea where he was taking her, or what was going to happen. She was really scared now, and started shaking. Then she felt herself be laid onto a bed and she thought, “Where am I, what is he going to do to me… because he is angry with me?” Now she is was terrified and is really bawling.

Then Laurie saw him put a movie in the VCR. The Movie was Forest Gump it was one of their favorite movies. She felt Bruce get behind her, and start to cuddle with her; she felt glad, maybe she would be able to work it all out with him. Then she thought “But what is he going to want?”

She was not sure, but was willing to do or give anything, even if it hurt her to get Bruce happy with her again. Then she felt the strangest sensation, she knew where both of his hands were. He was holding her close, they both were on her back, but something was sliding up between her legs. Whatever it was, it ran past her buggy making her Shiver, it tickled her buggy, and when it stopped it was resting in her butt crack It felt all hot and smooth, she was enjoying his holding her, but she wanted to know what was sliding on her butt and buggy.

It made her uncomfortable to have something between her legs; she looked back but could not see what it was. This intrigued the young girl, and irritated her at the same time, because it excited her and scared her at the same time.

Bruce was now scared, he knew his sister could feel his dick because she turned around to look. He knew Laurie had turned to see what it was that crept between her legs. He quickly thought of something that was vile, his own mother naked, his erection fell like someone had pricked a balloon. He knew it went back into his shorts as he could feel it. He shifted slightly so the hole would close in his boxers. He felt relieved that it had gone down and she just looked at him. Wondering what just happened but did not say anything.

Then Laurie laid her head on his chest and began to watch the movie, about half way though it she fell asleep. After she was asleep for about 15 minutes Bruce gently rolled over and cuddled with her. Then she decided to turn, to sleep on her back with her legs slightly spread. This gave him a heart stopping view of her virginal pussy. It was at that time when he decided he had to use the bathroom. He left the room quietly.

When he returned he stopped dead in his tracks, Laurie was laying in his bed on her back with her legs propped up, and completely spread, showing everything. Bruce quietly walked over to the bed to lie back down. Then he got an idea, if she was asleep. This was the perfect opportunity to look at her vagina maybe even get a quick taste, as she did not wake easily. He wanted to know if what he had been hearing at school was true, that a girl’s pussy tastes really good.

Bruce went over to the bed and gently sat down by her and called her name, “Laurie”. “She was not stirring” he thought, so he shook her gently, and when she did not wake he knew it was safe. He moved as quietly as he could hoping that he would have about a good twenty minutes to explore a real live pussy. He was so excited; he was so enthralled; that he got another hard-on. He decided to keep it in his boxers, this time. As he reached the end of the bed Laurie had not moved at all. Bruce gently sat on the bed and laid down six inches, from the most beautiful pussy he had ever seen.

He gently touched her above her slit; he wanted to make sure she was really asleep. She didn’t budge, he decided it was safe. Ever so gently he ran his hand over the smooth skin. Bruce was ecstatic he was finally able to touch a pussy up close, and not be judged for being stupid or foolish. He gently ran his finger through the slit not penetrating, just tracing it. Laurie never even moved; then he got bolder using both hands. He opened the forbidden, and unknown place, and he saw the beautiful pink, smooth skin of his sisters vagina.
Then Bruce looked and saw the little hole where the vagina was, it was pink but slightly red like; a red rose it was starting to change in color, in was turning to an even deeper red.

Now Bruce got a little brave and moved his face closer and inhaled deeply, he smelled the most wonderful fragrance, he could not describe. This smell drove him to next look at his sister, she was out cold. He gently stuck out his tongue and got close enough to lick her pussy, and moved forward inch by inch until he made contact. “Oh, what a taste”, he thought to himself, when his tongue touched her pussy for the fist time. “So sweet the flavor”, he began licking all of the pink skin between the lips of her pussy. He did this for probably five minutes; then a little bit a clear liquid came out of Laurie’s little virgin vagina.

He licked the juices up and he wanted to taste them forever, but it was not to last. As the liquid came out she began to move. He quickly moved next to her, in a flash, because he did not want to think of the trouble he would be in if he was caught with his tongue in her pussy.

As he laid there next his beautiful sister, he himself went to sleep; not caring about need to beat off but wanting to sleep next to his first girl; that he was able to lick her pussy. He fell asleep thinking about how good Laurie’s pussy tasted.

Laurie started to feel sleepy, safe that she was next to her big brother she drifted off, for a few minutes until Bruce decided to get up; that woke her up she could not get comfortable without him. So she laid back and spread her legs enjoying the cool air on her buggy when he heard her brother returning, she played asleep.

Laurie was embarrassed that she had her buggy showing, but the air felt good and she would have never gotten comfortable without it. When he came into the room she had seen him pause and glance over her. She was unsure of what he was looking at, but he stayed for a second, at the doorway then he crept back over, and said her name “Laurie” he said it softly but something in his voice made her stay quiet.

Then Bruce shook her gently, it took everything she had not to laugh, but she held it in, “this was fun” she thought to herself; then watched him he kneel down between her legs. Now she was confused again, she though “What was he doing between her legs, so close to her buggy?” it was making her uncomfortable again.

Then Bruce began touching it again, this scared her and she just stayed limp when he ran his hands over her buggy. Then he slid his finger gently though her crack, this sent her though the roof. His finger felt so good, but it was wrong no one was allowed to touch her there unless, it was a doctor. She felt the butterflies in her stomach, like when she was doing her buggy.

Then Bruce started holding her private place open and was looking at it. She could feel his breath on her buggy. The feeling of his breath softly blowing on her, sent goose bumps through her. Laurie knew she should be stopping him but couldn't bring herself to. It just felt so good, yet it was very confusing.

She wanted to cry, but did not when she saw him move his face closer. “What was he doing?” Just then she felt him inhale it began to freak her out. She became nervous and scared; and wanted to go into her room, but couldn’t till he was done. “Who knows what would happen if she said anything to anyone?” about the situation currently going on.

Then she thought she seen his tongue come out, “What is he doing?” then she felt it, he was licking her pussy. “Oh… god that feels, so good” she thought. It seemed like it went on forever to her, when he quit she was disappointed, because he had stopped. It felt so good, it was one hundred times better than when she did it.

Now she felt all wet in her buggy hole; she wanted him to lick it dry because it felt so good, but she had to move when she felt it start to become wet; she moved and it was all over.

He hurried to get next to her just like nothing had happened. Him cuddling with her, made her know, he loved her. She knew, “What he did was wrong”, but she really liked it. “Maybe she if played being asleep again”, he would do it again. She hoped he would but could never ask, he would be mad, she knew this. She had known it was wrong from all the talks she got from her mother and father. She thought, “If it felt this good… How could it be wrong?”; “How could she not be allowed to do this?”; “Why was it bad touch if someone touched you there?”

She did not have anyone to ask just yet, as she was going to "wake up" from her pretend sleep. Her brother had fallen to sleep, so she cuddled close and fell back to sleep. It felt good to sleep next to her brother; she felt his arm around her gently holding her. She enjoyed the feeling of his arm around her and this comforted her as she drifted off to sleep.

Bruce woke up a few hours later, with his still nude little sister next to him. He was groggy and was waking up, and then he realized where his hand was it was cupping his sister’s young sex between her legs. Laurie had closed her legs tight around his hand ad she was making short humping motions.

Then he whispered to her, "Laurie… you awake?"

He heard a gasp come from Laurie, and then she replied “sorry” and jumped up ran from his room crying. She ran to her room and slammed the door and locked it. Bruce now felt like shit, she had been using his hand to play with herself. He was at a loss, “Why did he have to say her name?” he thought. Now he felt bad that he had scared her after all she had trusted him enough to masturbate herself with his hand.

Bruce felt his hand, it and had some of the liquid from Laurie on it. He licked his hand and oh what great flavor, it tasted so good. He got up and went to the bathroom.
Bruce went to his sister’s door and tried the knob… it was locked, so he knocked asking her if she would open the door. Laurie just started crying harder now, he started to cry, tears running down his face. He went back to his room to get a screw driver to open her door. He found one and unlocked her door; she was lying on her bed ass up in the air, with her face buried in the pillow crying.

Bruce walked over to and got into her bed, he then tried to cuddle Laurie; she had seen him get red in the face and ran out the room. He called after her, “Laurie… I am so sorry, please come back… PLEASE!!!!” The last word came out as a wail, this stopped her dead in her tracks, and she stopped turned around and just held her arms out to him. He knew she wanted him to pick her up so he ran to his baby sister and picked her up.

Bruce then took her back to his room and just held the naked 8 year-old to his chest. He felt so bad for scaring her. He gently began stroking her back and she quieted down. He asked her, “Did you like using my hand?” She was starting to tear up again, he told her, “Don’t cry… I am not mad at you… if you want my hand back you can have it”. She just nodded to him. He was shaking with fear and lust at being able to touch his little sister down there.

“Can I watch?” Bruce asked. She went very red in the face with embarrassment and nodded, she took his hand, and placed it on the softest skin Bruce had ever felt, and started humping against it. He just watched during this time, his dick became rock hard and came out of his boxers; it took a few minutes for her to realize it, she gasped went stiff, shook a little, as her breathing became ragged, then had a big smile on her face until she had seen his dick. She asked, “What’s wrong with your pee-pee… it looks like it hurts.” He responded, “It does a little… and I usually play with it.” He very quietly asked, “Can I use your hand?”

She thought about it then responded, “Yes.” She held her hand out. He then realized he had some of her cum on his hand, and with out thinking about it licked it off.

“Eww… What did you do that for?” Laurie asked

“It tastes good… like honey” Bruce responded.

“That’s gross… Where did it come from?”

“Well…From your buggy.”

“What it never pees… its gets a little damp, but it’s never wet like that” she stated and then went on to say, “Why is my buggy all wet?”; “It feels like I peed my self” while running a finger though herself.

“Can I ask a question...? Would you be mad if I asked if I lick your buggy to clean all the wetness from it? ... PLEASE? “

“Eww… that’s gross, I pee from there… Why would you want to lick my ‘buggy’ hole?”

“Because… the stuff is not pee, but something else… I will tell you about later, but” “Please can I…Please.” Bruce pleaded.

Laurie thought about it, and then she remembered the girls in the bathroom, and earlier when he did. It now just seemed nasty, and she really did not want him to, but reluctantly she just said “Ok… be gentle… I don’t want it to hurt.”

Bruce was all smiles he thanked his sister, and asked her to lay down, and when she did he positioned her legs up and apart and began. Nearing her buggy he could see the fear and uncertainty in her face, he almost stopped, but he was consumed so by lust and he knew that he would do it gently.

As his tongue made contact, she jumped at the feeling, but tried to be brave; then once he started licking it began to tickle, and feel really good; better than when she did her buggy.

Bruce was in heaven, he was licking a real pussy, and it tasted so good. Then Laurie began to make little mewing sounds, they sounded so cute. She began pushing her buggy to his face; he decided before he was done, he wanted to stick his tongue in her vagina. She began gasping and moaning, “Oh” over and over, in quickening intervals.

Then she shook and quivered hard; arched her back and moaned, “Ohhhhhhh god.” Laurie went still and a little clear fluid started flowing out of her vagina. Bruce took this opportunity to start pushing his tongue up inside of her virginal vagina. Licking inside trying to find the source of her young nectar, then when it stopped he was disappointed it was over. Laurie was looking at him with a big smile, and said “That was the best tickle feeling I have ever had in my buggy.”

Bruce asked, “Can I use your hand now?” he moved over closer and took her hand in his. “I can help show you how”, he exclaimed.

“No… that’s ok I would like to try… myself”, Laurie replied.

Bruce was already close to cumming that he said “Ok… but I warn you some thick white stuff will come out” He thought a little and continued “Please don’t get scared of it and run off again”

She said, “Ok…I won’t.”

Bruce then guided her hand to his five inch hard dick, “Oh” was the first thought he had, god what a feeling he showed her, how to move it up and down his dick. This was so much better than when he did it, after about the tenth stroke he came… “Oh god” Bruce thought, “It’s so good.” Then he looked at his sister, she had his cum all over her, she got scared and was about to cry, he could see the tear forming in her eyes, so he scooped her up and held her close; thanking her and saying “It was better than I ever made it feel.”
She asked, “Why did you pee on me?”

Bruce told her, “It’s not pee… but cum that came out.”

Laurie asked, “What’s cum?”

Bruce exclaimed “I will explain later… but first we need to shower”

On a whim he asked, “Would you like to shower with me.”

Laurie now remembered, when she was younger showering with her big brother and how much she loved it, and missed all the fun they had.

To be continued in part 2 of Bruce and Laurie…

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Same as Bruce and Laurie Part 1 Videos

1 year ago
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Laurie at the Pansanjan Falls

Part 1 After a cold and rainy winter in Taipei, Laurie, my wife, convinced me to take her on vacation to the Philippines where she could warm up a little. After getting "massaged" to orgasm on the beach by a pretty little Filipino named Lupe, Laurie then fucked Lupe's friend, Rey in our room. Me? Well, I had lost a bet and was now paying off... I got Rey hard for her and then licked her pussy clean after he left puddles of cum in her cunt. Laurie offered me to Lupe for the rest of our trip,...

Wife Lovers
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Laurie and her Nephew

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Sexy Laurie is HELPLESS

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Laurie George

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Shrieks of feminine laughter and excitement emanated from the girl's locker rooms as the six male pledges ran through them wearing only their jockstraps and a mask covering their faces.Nick (wearing a classic Nixon mask) was trailing behind the other pledges and, being self-conscious about his nudity (especially with his obvious speedo tan lines – he was on the swim team), just wanted this day to be over.No such luck.Looking back to make sure no one was chasing him, Nick turned and was face to...

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Seduction Of LaurieChapter 3

Laurie awoke early Sunday morning still feeling a little guilty about her voyeurism the night before. She rolled to her side, her eyes slitted as she looked into her parent's bedroom. The door was still wide open and she heard the shower running in the master bath. Robert laid nude on the bed, his muscular legs spread wide and his now flaccid cock drooping forward across his hairy ball-sack. The morning light bursting through their bedroom window gave Laurie a much more detailed view of her...

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Laurie Ch 2

Laurie looked up at Daniel, with a smile. ‘Yummy,’ she said a moment before noticing some more cum slipping out of Daniel’s cock. She swooped in, and sucked on his cock some more, getting what she had missed the first time, her teeth rubbing at Daniel’s now sensitive cock head. She could feel the cock stiffen in her mouth again, and Laurie continued to bob her head, wanting to feel Daniel fuck her with it very shortly. The desire to be fucked flowed through Laurie’s veins, and once she was...

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Opening Laurie

Background Terri and I had been married for about seven years when, out of the blue, she left. I had no idea why. She returned about one month later. During the marriage counseling sessions that followed Terri’s return, she said she didn’t know who she was. She said, “I wouldn’t let her be her.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? During one of our sessions, I had told Terri, “...look on your driver’s license. That will tell you who you are.” I have what the psychologist called a "concrete...

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The Raping of Tessa and Laurie

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Laurie Ch 1

The open road had stretched out in front of Daniel McClintock for what seemed like days, but he knew he had only been driving for about six hours. A lot of his time, he found, had been wasted on damn road construction, where an already too small two-lane highway had been reduced to a single lane, with some construction worker waving him onwards after the opposing traffic had been allowed to pass. Had he known about this, Daniel was certain that he would have tried taking another route out of...

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The Raping of Tessa and Laurie

Sighing quietly, Tessa looked around as she shut her Psychology book and stretched. Looking around the library, she couldn't believe she had been in there for 6 hours studying nonstop from English to her Special Education class to History then Psychology. Tessa was a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin and she hoped to be a teacher when she graduated from college. Standing up, she stretched again then slid everything into her backpack and shouldered it then walked out of the library...

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The Raping of Tessa and Laurie Part Two

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It was a typical Saturday morning, Dad out playing his weekly golf game with his friends, Mom gone early to run her usual errands and do a little shopping, leaving my older sister Laurie and myself in the house. It was mid morning before I woke up, finding a small list to chores taped to my door from my mother, as I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and wake myself up.Standing under the warmth of the water, slowly washing away the sleepiness I felt from staying out late the night...

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Seduction Of LaurieChapter 5

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Opening Laurie

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© Copyright 1999 by E. Z. Riter. Dear Reader: This is a very significant rewrite of a story posted in April 1998 entitled Sugar Daddy and I consider this to be a new story. The old one was attributed to an unknown author and apparently buried in the sands of time. Bitbard (then Sandman), reviewed Sugar Daddy for Celestial Reviews and rated it 10,9,9. I've learned a lot in the past eighteen months. I like this one better. I hope you do, too. It's a male female inter generational romance,...

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From Donny to Laurie

Donny is your everyday average 18 year old high school student, he's not much for school but his parents insisted he at least finish high school. Luckily however, for the past month he had been dating the hottest girl at school, Laurie. She was your typical poster girl for beauty, at age 18, she is 5'4", 101 lbs, long black hair and superb lips. She had recently received a pair of 32DD breast implants from her parents for her birthday to help with her singing career apparently. Donny was the...

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Seduction Of LaurieChapter 4

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Looking for Laurie

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It was a typical Saturday morning, Dad out playing his weekly golf game with his friends, Mom gone early to run her usual errands and do a little shopping, leaving my older sister Laurie and myself in the house. It was mid morning before I woke up, finding a small list to chores taped to my door from my mother, as I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and wake myself up. Standing under the warmth of the water, slowly washing away the sleepiness I felt from staying out late the night...

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First Time With LaurieHell My First Time at All

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Seduction Of LaurieChapter 7

Rebecca and Robert were both a bit nervous as they sat in their reserved seats at La Petite. Rebecca took a quick drink of her vodka tonic as she stroked a single finger up the naked teenage thigh that was stretched across her lap. Trish winked at Rebecca and ran her soft wet tongue across her lips. She slid the hem of her denim mini-skirt a few inches higher on her legs to give the older woman a more lurid view of her silky young pussy as she parted her thighs. Rebecca couldn't resist the...

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Bruce Wayne Slaveboy

Bruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the Bruce's cock hardened more against Selina's traveling talons, the polished burgundy nails, a somewhat abrasive contrast to her soft, milky white fingertips.Bruce bit his tongue as Selina casually flicked one of the mousetraps that she?d placed on each of his nipples. It felt as if the tender nipples, which she?d tenderized further by rubbing in Ben-Gay, were to be ripped off by the harsh metal bars of the traps.Selina...

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As we all know the net has a wealth of information about all kinds of sexual practices. In the fall of last year I had began to read about things I never knew existed. I found myself reading about BDSM, cbt, tt, milking etc. It seemed that in any of these situations where someone gave up control to another person it exited me. I found myself overly excited actually. Although I had never tried any of it, just reading about it made my dick as hard as a rock. I know that I love getting fucked and...

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As we all know the net has a wealth of informationabout all kinds of sexual practices. In the fall oflast year I had began to read about things I neverknew existed. I found myself reading about BDSM, cbt,tt, milking etc. It seemed that in any of thesesituations where someone gave up control to anotherperson it exited me. I found myself overly excitedactually. Although I had never tried any of it, justreading about it made my dick as hard as a rock. Iknow that I love getting fucked and sucking...

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Bruce Charlie Daniel and My self

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Bruce suspects wifes infidelity

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As I'm sure was the case with most everyone, the first time giving head I was very nervous, but excited that it was finally going to happen. I'd never had any contact with a dick, although I thought about it through nearly every masturbation fantasy. I was thirty five and my wife Barbara and I had been living here for seven or eight years. I had a friend, Bruce who was an ex-landlord and a native of the area. We’d been friends for as long as we'd lived here and the three of us spent a lot of...

Oral Sex
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Bruce and His friends

As I left school for the day, the rains came, it was a terrific down pour. The water fell so hard and fast that I ran into the first door way I saw. The building was dark and quiet at first, I sat on the stairs and watched the rain tell it started to blow inwards. Moving back farther into the building I was startled out of my mind by hands grabbing hold of me. a familiar voice called out '...David, David it's me Bruce stop before you get hurt...' Scared witless I turned and absent mindlessly...

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Laurie at the Pansanjan Falls

Part 1 After a cold and rainy winter in Taipei, Laurie, my wife, convinced me to take her on vacation to the Philippines where she could warm up a little. After getting ‘massaged’ to orgasm on the beach by a pretty little Filipino named Lupe, Laurie then fucked Lupe’s friend, Rey in our room. Me? Well, I had lost a bet and was now paying off… I got Rey hard for her and then licked her pussy clean after he left puddles of cum in her cunt. Laurie offered me to Lupe for the rest of our trip,...

3 years ago
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LaurieChapter 3

Nine the next morning found me opening the iron gate of Danielle's place and walking around to the carriage house, wondering what was waiting for me. I knocked on the door, and Laurie opened it, dressed in what was obviously a painter's smock. She welcomed me in and directed me up the stairs, following behind and then leading me back to her studio. "As you noticed, I have a gift for nudes," she started as we entered the studio. "I've never had a chance to do a male. Will you sit for...

4 years ago
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Bruce is owning us

My sweet Ana had met a black guy in a date site on the internet.She had been dating him during a couple months. Every week he came to our house to fuck Ana in front of me. Sometimes this guy took my sensual wife out to dinner and he used to bring her back home absolutely wasted…His name was Bruce. He had a very huge black cock about ten inches’ long. His sticky semen was thick and the bastard could come sending several jets directly inside Ana’s stretched cunt…Sometimes Anita enjoyed watching...

1 year ago
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Bruce My First Orgasm

I was 20 at the time and although I certainly wasn't a virgin I was still a bit naive when it came to sex. I had never had a climax with a boy, only with my fingers. I didn't have a steady boyfriend at the time so I compensated for it a lot by masturbation. It was summer and I didn't have anything much to do. My neighbours asked me to watch their dog, Bruce, a five year old Alsation Cross while they went on holiday for a week rather than put him in kennels, they thought he might fret away...

4 years ago
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Laurie and me part 1

I was an early reader, and devoured all sort of reading material without much regard to what it was -- my mother's women's magazines, cereal packages, and of course comic books. One day in 1952 when I was very young, I was walking down the street the evening before trash collection in our neighborhood in Los Angeles and spotted a pile of discarded magazines sitting on the ground next to a garbage can. Most of them were sports and automobile magazines, so you can imagine my surprise when...

1 year ago
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Laurie and me part 2

Eighteenth century English literature class became something I looked forward to every week, and going with Laurie to her apartment afterwards became a regular thing. Our second and third times together, we continued to follow the hands-only "rule" -- but on the fourth visit she introduced a new rule. "Today I want to go down on you," she said, "but I don't want you to go down on me yet. Is that okay?" You bet! She had me sit in an easy chair in the living room which she first covered with...

4 years ago
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Laurie George

‘Laurie & George’ Laurie and I have been married about twenty-five years. We first met when I returned to college, at the age of 24, for a teaching degree and Laurie was enrolled as an undergraduate (19 years old). This was at a small but prestigious teaching college north of Chicago. I was there because, after a year on the road as a traveling salesman (really!), I met a couple while on Christmas vacation in Florida. George was a grade school principal in a Chicago suburb, and Jan, his wife,...

1 year ago
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Bruce the Good Samaritan

I was on I-57, two hours south of Chicago, the city where I had started. I wished I hadn't, started that is. My watch said it was only four in the afternoon, but the clouds and the blowing snow made it appear much, much later. The going seemed to be getting worse. My vehicle was the only reason I even considered to stay on the road, that and the fact I had promised my folks in Florida that I would be there for Christmas day dinner. My vehicle was a late model Dodge crew cab, turbocharged,...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

2 years ago
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Laurie Gets Even

Laurie wore a robe as she stepped out her back door. Underneath, she was naked. She stood there for a minute or two, checking out the view of her yard. She didn’t hear anyone outside so she dropped the robe from her shoulders and slid out of it. She laid it across the same chair that she had been fucked silly on yesterday by the two lawn guys. This morning, she discovered that neighbor Stan had seen the whole thing. He was now blackmailing her to keep it a secret. Laurie was a high school...

3 years ago
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Going freelance was the best thing I ever did. Granted, it wasn't a big bold choice on my part. My company _downsized_, and my entire department got _outsourced_. Once I was told these very words, I was glad to go. Who wanted to work for a company that used stupid made-up words like that! What happened when a company expanded? Could they be said to have _upsized_? What did _upsized_ really mean? Nothing! Or some sort of mild gastro-intestinal distress- -I myself rarely suffered from an...

2 years ago
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Bruce Takes My Cherry

I was 21. Worked for the telephone company at the time. Bruce, yeah that was his real name, was one of my best friends. We had dated girls who were roommates at the U. I'd known him for about three years. He was a funny fucker. Wild man, and we had a blast. When we broke up with the girls we kind of drifted. Diane was the girl I had dated. We got engaged when we were in our first year of college, but we broke it off later. Anyway, I called Bruce up because I had to go to a wedding in Bumfuck...

3 years ago
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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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