Winter Forest
- 4 years ago
- 29
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He sighed as he looked out the door of his camp-hut, and saw the snowflakes begin to swirl down in the fort’s open square and parade ground. It was a cold, dark and foreboding day deep in the Teutoberg forest along the German frontier, and Vespasian’s Roman legions had been having a hard time of it recently, constantly repelling the attacks of the barbarian hordes that called this god-forsaken country home.
His name was Marcus, and he was a 21 year old centurion attached, as a senior officer, to the Legate of one of the legions. It was nearly ten years after Quintus Varus had lost three full legions in these wilds to an ambush and massacre in these same woods to the German hordes. He had been stationed here, at the northernmost limit of the Empire for over a year, and longed for the warm, dry summer of the southern Italian boot where he’d been raised by his mother after his father had died in Judea.
He was tall for a Roman, nearly six feet, dark-haired and swarthy, reflecting his southern roots. His olive-skinned arms, chest and legs were covered with black, curly hair. He was very fit, a result of several years of army training and, more recently, the ferocious fighting on the frontier with his men.
He turned back to his desk and the paperwork and accounting that awaited him. His servant had banked up the fire in the hut’s fire-pit with a large log and the room was relatively warm and cheerful despite the gloomy cold day.
Later that afternoon, just before dusk, he heard the rumbling of wagons and the clacking hooves of mounted troops entering the outpost. He stepped to the door and watched as new recruits marched in after the cavalry. The wagons lurched to a stop in front of the barracks and men climbed down. He noted that they all looked tired and sodden, even the horse. It was really not a fit day for man or beast.
He noticed several women being helped from the back of one of the enclosed wagons. While not common in the camps, women were present at various times. Some of the senior officer’s wives would spend several months campaigning with their husbands. Others were camp prostitutes who were tolerated as long as the men behaved themselves and didn’t engage in brawls over them.
As he watched, one of the legion’s centurions accompanied one of the women toward his hut. She was wrapped in thick woolen cloak and the hood was pulled up over her head.
As they approached she reached up and pulled the hood back off of her head and the dark jet-black curls of her spilled out onto her shoulders, framing her pretty face.
Marcus was stunned. It was his mother, Julia Justa! He moved rapidly off of the porch and down onto the muddy ground to greet her.
“Mother, what are you doing here?” he exclaimed as he took her in his arms and hugged her tightly.
Her head and face were pressed against his chest as she replied, “Oh, darling, I couldn’t bear to go any longer without seeing you.”
He looked down upon his mother’s face and saw her tears glistening on her cheeks.
He kissed the top of her head, her wet cheeks, and then kissed her gently on her full lips.
His mother was short and dark-haired and skinned like he. She was a typical Roman matron, educated and fiercely independent. She was the only child of a brilliant military man who had spent most of life with the legions. In her 38 years, she had seen much of the empire at one time or another, most of it following her father from camp to camp.
With his arm tightly around her waist he guided her into his quarters and dropped the cow-hide door flap and closed the heavy wooden door. He helped her remove her heavy traveling cloak and inner wrap. A servant came in with all of her baggage and placed it next to the wall in a heap.
She ran her fingers through her long hair and pulled it back and fastened it with an ivory clasp. She moved over closer to the fire in an effort to get warm again.
He looked at her again, hardly believing that it had been nearly a year since they’d last seen one another. She was so beautiful, small, but full-figured, with large breasts and full hips.
He asked her why she’d come to Germania, particularly at this time of year, nearly the end of the travel season.
“My father, your grandfather, the general, died recently, and I needed to be with you. I just couldn’t stand being in the villa by myself any longer. I hope that you don’t mind?” She looked up at him with a concerned look on her face.
“Oh, my god, no, mother! Never, I am thrilled that you are here, but it scares me to think of the trials of the trip to get here.”
“Well, yes, it took a long time,” she replied, “Nearly three months in total.”
Marcus looked at her and smiled, “You know, Mother, that you are here for the winter. We will not be sending any troops or wagons south until spring arrives.”
“I know, Marcus, they told me the same in Gaul before we set out a few weeks ago.”
He chuckled, “I’ll get the carpenters in here in a few days and have them construct suitable quarters for you. Until then you and I will have to share my meager accommodations.”
“You’ll do no such thing, my darling. I am sure that those men have far more important projects that require their attention. I shall do just fine with what you have here.” She asserted with a twinkle in her eye.
“But, Mother, you’ll have no privacy at all, and I work miserable hours, what with the men coming and going…”
“Enough, Marcus, I have spoken. Remember, I am the daughter of a Legate and have been exposed to the privations of military life.”
She smiled at him as he raised his hands in acquiescence, “All right, Mother, I am sure that we will muddle along.”
“Fine, now that that’s settled; come over here, and help me unpack.”
After he had helped his mother unpack and stow her clothes and sundries, he asked her if she wanted to bathe prior to the evening meal.
“Gods, yes, Marcus! I feel as though I’ve not been truly clean, or warm, in weeks,” she sighed.
He helped her into her cloak and grabbed a kit bag of towels and a flask of oil, sponges, and two bronze strigils.
As they walked across the parade ground he stopped and pointed out some of the northern constellations in the crystal clear night sky. The snow had stopped leaving two or three inches that crunched dryly under their feet.
They entered the officers’ bath house and found it empty. It was steamy and warm, with several braziers glowing with coals. Steam rose from the smaller hot pool next to the larger cold water plunge pool. Rough hewn plank tables and benches ringed the pools.
Marcus opened the bag and removed the towels and bathing gear, placing the sponges next to the hot pool.
Both he and his mother began undressing without modesty in front of one another, it was the Roman way. Families and friends typically bathed together in informal situations, such as at home, or while traveling together.
He couldn’t help but look at his mother as she loosened her robe and let it fall from her shoulders, baring her large full breasts to him. Her olive skin was enhanced by the large dark brown areoles and nipples that capped her breasts. As the robe pooled around her feet he noticed the dark, luxuriant patch of thick pubic hair that adorned his mother’s genitals. A thin hairy line rose from her patch nearly to her belly button. Her stomach slightly protruded, the symbol of her motherhood twenty years ago.
She smiled at him as she noticed him looking at her, as he began shedding his outer wear and tunic.
“Marcus, I would almost guess that you’ve not been with a woman in a long time the way you were looking at your mother,” she smirked.
“Mother, you well know that I’ve not had the opportunity to lie with a woman since I’ve been in this hell-hole of a post; and I simply refuse to use one of these poxy, lice-covered whores that the rankers use.”
She laughed, “Oh, darling, I am just teasing you, and I am glad that you are so choosy. It just seemed that you were looking at me as a man looks at a woman, not like a son looking at his mother…”
He replied quietly, “Mother, you are, as always, an incredibly beautiful woman. It is hard not to look at you that way. In fact, ever since I was young man, I have greatly appreciated your beauty.”
He could she that she was blushing as she stepped into the hot pool and sank into the steaming water to her neck. Her jet-black hair fell from her loose bun and fanned out around her face in the water, making her look like a mystical sea nymph in the steamy room.
She watched as he unfastened his tunic belt and pulled the clothing over his head. His lean, strong body glistened with sweat in the warm room as she looked at her son’s hairy backside, buttocks and legs. As he turned back around and faced her she gasped as she saw his large, thick pendant penis hanging between his legs and the hairy testicles that swung between his thighs as he moved. She could see that her son’s cock head was exposed by his partially retracted foreskin.
They were both quiet as he moved toward her and stepped down into the warm water. He let out an audible groan as he sank into the hot water and quickly submerged himself. He came up and brushed his hair back out of his face and moved over and sat on the rock-lined shelf next to her.
They both leaned back in the water up to their necks and luxuriated in its warmth and watched the steam rising from the surface of the small pool.
Marcus told his mother that he often came to the baths just to relax, but more importantly, to simply warm up, as this country was always so damned cold.
She replied, “I know, darling, I don’t think I’ve truly been warm for weeks, until now.”
He watched her as she slowly bathed herself, carefully washing with one of the sponges, and scraping her arms and legs with the smaller of the bronze strigils. She dunked her head under the water, getting her wet. She sat back on the stone bench and ran her fingers through her, combing the tangles out. Looking at her, Marcus realized just how much he had missed her this past year and told her so.
He reached over and picked up one of the sea sponges, and after sinking it in the water began to rub his chest and shoulders.
His mother said, “Darling, give me that. Let me do that for you.” She took the wet sponge from his hand and began to squeeze the water from it onto his shoulders and rubbing his neck and back. He leaned forward and she briskly rubbed up and down his back.
When she’d finished his back, he leaned back against the flagstones lining the pool and closed his eyes. His mother filled the sponge and began to gently wash his face and upper torso. Her other hand began to lightly rub his chest, covered with the dense mat of curly black hair. She ran her fingers through his chest hair as she stroked her son’s body.
He groaned quietly, and told his mother how good that felt.
His mother’s hand continued down his chest to his belly and then into his groin, where she gently encircled her son’s magnificent penis.
His eyes opened and he looked at his mother’s face. Her eyes twinkled, and she smiled as she continued to boldly feel his thickening cock with her small hand.
“Hmmm,” she said softly, “I couldn’t resist touching your cock, darling. I simply had to touch this beautiful, masculine body that I created so many years ago.”
He was speechless as her hand continued down and she clasped his large hairy testicles. She rolled each of them in her fingers as she explored their shape and size. Her hand went back to his cock and she squeezed and fondled his organ as he thickened with her touch in the warm water.
He spread his thighs wider as his mother’s hands began to explore and roam through his genital region. The sponge floated, unused, on the surface next to them.
She leaned forward, very close to his face, and said, “My darling, I cannot begin to tell you how much I love you, how I have longed to do what I am doing to you right now.”
He said nothing, but leaned to her and brought his lips softly to his mother’s lips and lovingly kissed her. He kissed her again and then kissed the tip of her nose and each of his eyes, as he said, “Mother, I love you more than life itself, and I always have, and always shall.”
She kissed him and this time slid her tongue into his mouth searching for his. He clasped her head in his hands and powerfully kissed her in return. Her naked wet breasts pressed up against the hair of his chest as they kissed.
His arm encircled his mother’s slim waist as he pulled her to him. He kissed and licked her neck and gently nipped on her earlobe as she softly moaned.
“Mother,” he said huskily, “Let’s go back to my quarters. Let’s go now!”
“Yes, my darling, yes.” She moaned into his ear.
He stood up, his turgid erect penis swaying in front of his mother’s face as he stepped up and out of the pool. He reached down and helped her from the pool, gazing lovingly at his mother’s sensuous nudity, the water spilling down her pendulous breasts and glistening on her thick, furry pubic patch.
He wrapped his mother in the towels and her robe and outer garment. He briskly toweled himself dry and slipped his tunic over his head. Hand in hand, they set off into the cold night.
Marcus stirred the coals in the brazier and laid another log on. He lit an oil lamp and set it on the small table next to his bed. He noticed that his manservant had laid a small meal for his mother and he on the table. Several small pottery plates held thin slices of cold venison, cheeses, and dried fruits.
He looked over at his mother rooting around in one of her trunks. She turned around with a small clay amphora of wine.
“Darling, I brought you several jars of your grandfather’s Falernian. I think this batch was 30-something years old.” She smiled.
He broke the seal and poured two chalices, smelling the heady aroma of the old wine.
His mother had shed her robes and the towels and moved back into the light in front of him, naked. Her curly, black hair was down on her shoulders. Her breasts swayed back and forth as she moved toward her son.
He handed her the goblet and took her free hand and led her to his bed. He pulled back the furs and woolen blankets and they both sat down.
His mother turned to him, and raising her goblet, “My darling, this is my wish: That you know, understand, and share in my happiness at what is about to happen to us.”
She touched her chalice to his, they linked arms and drank deeply of the rich wine from the other’s cup.
She took his cup and set them both on the table next to the lamp. She looked at him coyly and said as she scooted under the covers, “Dearest, get out of your clothes and make me warm.”
He stood and pulled his tunic over his head, and naked slid into the bed next to his mother.
They each pulled the other into their arms and they kissed deeply. His hands roamed up and down his mother’s nude back and buttocks. Her hands searched and caressed her son’s broad back and shoulders as she kissed him.
“I love you, Mother, Oh gods, how I love you, Mother.” He moaned.
His mother takes his head in her hands, her face inches from his own and softly asks, “Marcus, my love, what we are going to do is considered an abomination by some. It is incest, my darling. You know that it is incest for a son to make love to his mother. Do you understand this? Is this what you want?”
He groaned, “Oh, Mother, yes, may the gods forgive me, but I must have you. I must love you, love all of you. I cannot turn back, I cannot turn away from you. I love you, Mother!”
She kissed him deeply on the mouth, her tongue probing, her lips sucking his lips into her mouth. Her eyes welled up with tears as she kissed her son’s mouth and lips. Her heart was pounding with the sexual passion she felt for him.
Marcus kissed and licked his mother’s face, kissed her chin and down her neck to the upper slopes of her breasts. He took both hands and cupped his mother’s beautiful breasts, he squeezed them, feeling their weight. His mother moaned appreciatively as he handled each of them.
He imagined feeding and nursing on his mother’s breasts when he was a baby. He squeezed and pinched the nipples until the nipples erected and stood up from the darkened areole.
He leaned down and took one her dark nipples into his mouth and sucked it in, taking the areole in as well. He gently chewed and rolled the nipple between his lips. His tongue swirled around the nipple and areole and breast flesh. The sensation that this was mother’s body, his mother’s nipple in his mouth, was almost more than he could bear.
His mother’s body writhed on the bed beneath him as he orally loved her breasts. She moaned and cried with delight as she grasped his head and held his mouth to her breasts as he sucked and licked and squeezed her flesh.
Marcus reluctantly left his mother’s breasts and continued kissing and licking his way down his mother’s body. He stopped and swirled his tongue in her belly button, eliciting a feminine giggle from his mother as she rolled under his touch. His hands swept up and down her sexy torso, he touched her breasts, her hips and slipped down her thighs.
His face neared his mother’s crotch and he could smell her sex. The odor of her feminine musk was overpowering, the smell of his mother’s cunt, he thought.
Julia Justa’s cunt was the most beautiful that he’d ever laid eyes upon. Her hair was thick, curly, and as black as the hair on her head. It spread onto the sides of her thighs at the junction of her genitals.
Marcus began to softly kiss his mother’s pubic hair, his lips reveling in the wiry brushy feel against his lips. His mother moaned as his hands held her thighs apart.
He kissed and nipped at her pubic patch, and kissed the join of her thigh and pussy lips. He slowly laid his mouth on his mother’s pussy lips and kissed her womanhood. He raised his head and looked at his mother and whispered, “I love you, Mother, I love your cunt. This is the cunt that bore me. The cunt that shall once again feel me.”
He repositioned his body so that he could continue to explore and love his mother’s sex, and inserted his tongue between her labia and began to gently lap her pussy.
Julia Justa groaned as her son’s tongue entered her vagina. At the same time she reached over and pulled her son’s hairy body closer to her face. She reached out and grasped his thick, hard cock shaft and with her fingers gently rolled his foreskin back and exposed the dark purple head of her son’s cock. Julia Justa leaned forward and kissed the head of son’s penis, the shaft quivering and throbbing in her hand.
“I have always wanted to kiss the head of your cock, my son. To kiss the tip of your cock from where your seed flies forth.” She said huskily.
As Marcus began to suck and lick his mother’s cunt, Julia leaned into her son’s crotch and opened her throat and took her son’s cock deep into her mouth. Both lovers groaned at the feelings and sensations that flooded their bodies and minds at the realization of the incestuous passion that had overtaken them.
Julia’s warm, wet mouth moved up and down her son’s rock-hard cock as she continued to fellate him, her hands cupping and squeezing his hairy balls. She was able, after a few minutes, to nearly take all of her son’s cock into her mouth and throat, her warm spittle running down onto his thigh and the bed sheets.
Marcus was completely consumed with the texture and taste of his mother’s sex. He licked and suckled her cunt lips, swirled his tongue in and out of her vagina, and nipped and licked her erect clitoris. His mother squealed around his cock shaft and her whole body writhed as he sucked her clit time and time again.
The two lovers, mother and son, were linked, mouths to sex, hearts racing, blood boiling. Their bodies were covered in a fine sheen of sweat, hands sliding up and down each other’s bodies as they devoured each other.
His mother’s body began to tense up and quiver and shudder. Marcus knew that she was cumming. It was an incredible feeling to know that he was making his mother orgasm. He began to pump his hips gently, moving his cock deeper into her throat as she sucked him. She began to squeeze and tug on his big balls harder, clutching them in her fingers, pulling on his hairy scrotum as she sucked her son’s thick penis.
All of the sudden, Julia Justa pulled her mouth off of his cock and screamed, “Marcus, I am cumming! Oh, yes, baby, suck me, suck my cunt, oh, baby, yes! God, yes, Marcus, darling, suck me, I’m cumming!”
Marcus buried his head in his mother’s sex, pushing his lips and mouth into her wet cunt hair and licked and swirled his tongue around her clit as she clamped her arms around his buttocks and buried her face in his crotch. She sobbed and groaned with ecstasy as her orgasm flowed over and through every fiber in her being. Her mouth and lips sought her son’s penis shaft and she kissed and licked the throbbing meat pressed against her face as she held him close.
As she slowly came down from her orgasm, lay back on the tangled sheets and reached down and ran her fingers through her son’s sweaty hair and said, “Marcus, my love, my son, come here. Come here, to your mother.”
Her son rose up from his position at his mother’s crotch and knelt at her side, his large red, swollen cock bobbed as he moved, the hairy balls dangling below the hairy root of his organ. The sweat rolled down through his chest hair dripping onto the bed and his mother.
He lay down next to her. Julia Justa reached up and caressed his face lovingly. She looked into his eyes and said, “Marcus, my love, do you realize how long it has been since a man did that to me? You have made me feel so wonderful, my darling son.”
“Oh, mother, my dearest, sweet mother, I love you so much!” he replied fiercely as he took her in his arms and kissed her mouth.
She pressed her hands to his chest and gently pushed him back, looking him in the eyes, “Marcus, I need to feel you inside of me again. I need to feel your cock filling my cunt, my son. I want you to fuck me. Fuck your mother, Marcus!”
Huskily he replied, before kissing her on the lips, “Yes, mother, I am going to fuck you. I am going to fuck my mother, my mother’s cunt.”
Slowly and tenderly he moved on top of his mother’s body. His arms on either side of her shoulders, her legs spread wider as he lowered his thighs and legs between hers. His throbbing erect cock rested on her hairy, wet sex.
His mother reached up and clutched his upper arms with her hands, and rested her feet on the backs of his legs. She looked up at her son and said, “Marcus, my love, fill me with your cock, fill me with your love.”
With that she reached down and grasped her son’s cock and guided the head to her wet cunt lips. She rubbed the purple tip of son’s organ up and down her hairy groove, mixing her son’s pre-cum with the slickness of her cunt juices. Her fingers spread her hairy lips open and the head of her son’s cock entered her vagina.
Marcus slowly sank his rigid penis into his mother’s warmth and wetness, feeling the silky smooth tunnel of her cunt swallowing his cock inch by inch. His whole body quivered with the feeling of being inside of his mother’s body again. The tactile sensation of her fluids, the rippling of her vagina as it accommodated the girth and length of his hard cock.
After a lifetime, it seemed, he was buried in the depths of his mother’s wet pussy, his balls rested against her ass. They both quivered with lust and passion as they gazed into each other’s eyes. His pubic hair was enmeshed with that of his mother’s. He was inside of his mother once again. The realization of their sexual union, their incest, their love for one another swept over them both.
Slowly he lowered his body down until he rested completely on top of his mother’s small body. He kissed her lips, his tongue sought her tongue. He gently moved his upper torso back and forth, dragging the hair of his chest across his mother’s erect nipples.
He whispered in her ear, “Mother, I am joined to you, I am joined to you again. I am part of you. I am inside of you again. Oh, Mother, it feels so good…”
He began to slowly move his hips up and down, pulling his cock in and out of his mother’s cunt. It was just an inch or two at first, in and out, in and out, up and down. He pushed the hard cock back deep inside her warm wetness. He could feel his foreskin retract as he went in and roll back over as he pulled out.
His mother’s thighs rose up from the bed as she hooked her legs around her son’s thighs and buttocks.
“Marcus, fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck your mother!” she sobbed.
He began to move his cock in and out of faster now, the sensations coursing through him, like the blood pumping through his heart. He realized through his lust-induced haze that he was inside of his mother, he was fucking his mother, his cock was buried deeply inside his luscious mother’s wet pussy.
He slid his arms under his mother’s sweaty back and pulled her to him tightly, her large breasts flattening against his chest. He kissed his mother’s mouth powerfully, his tongue meeting hers, dancing in their saliva.
Mother and son were joined together – cock in cunt, and mouth to mouth – in the small, warm, darkened room. The light from the single lamp glinting off of the sweat soaked bodies of mother and son as they made love on the bed.
Marcus drove his cock deep into his mother’s cunt, pressing her ass into the mattress underneath her. He could feel the head of his dick lodge against his mother’s cervix, which made her moan. He pulled back and withdrew his cock until he nearly came out of her completely. Her pelvis rotated upwards as she tried to recapture and take him deep inside her again. He plunged back into her wetness again and again.
Julia Justa slid both hands down along her son’s sweat-covered back to his hairy buttocks and clasped both ass-cheeks in her hands. She squeezed and pulled his ass as her son pistoned his cock in and out of her pussy. Her fingers roamed down the crack of his ass until she found his hair-rimmed anus. She pushed her finger into her son’s ass, at which Marcus groaned and pushed his cock deeper into his mother.
As Julia Justa finger-fucked her son’s ass, Marcus knew that he was close to cumming inside his mother. He grunted as he thrust his rock-hard cock in and out of her sopping wet pussy, his balls were banging against his mother’s ass cheeks with each down-stroke of his dick.
“Mother, I am going to cum! Should I pull out of you, Mother? Oh, god, Mother, I am going to cum!” he panted.
“No, my darling! Stay in me, stay inside me! Fuck me, baby, fuck your mother! Cum in me, baby! I want your seed, my son’s seed. I want all of your cum inside of me!” she sobbed.
She pushed her finger deeper inside her son’s ass even as she felt his entire body begin to quake and shiver. She looked into his face as eyes fluttered, and she knew that her son was beginning to orgasm inside of her. It triggered Julia’s orgasm, just knowing that she was making her son cum like that.
The two lovers locked together by their sexual organs and their incestuous lust and passion, began quivering, moaning, and groaning as their orgasms washed over them.
Marcus could feel his balls tightening up as the jets of thick sperm and semen began to squirt the length of his cock shaft deep into his mother’s cunt. He was balls-deep in her pussy and ejaculating wildly, almost as though he’d never had an orgasm before. His mother was panting and moaning below him as he filled her cunt with his seed. Tears of joy ran down her face as her orgasm filled her.
They both shook and clutched each other tightly as they slowly came to rest. Marcus began feverishly kissing his mother’s face, licking their combined sweat from her cheeks and chin. His cock still thumped with the last vestiges of his orgasm deep inside his mother’s spermed cunt. Julia’s finger was still buried to the second knuckle in her son’s clenching anus. Her legs still wrapped tightly around his thighs.
“Oh, god, Mother, I love you so much! I love you so!” Marcus sobbed into his mother’s wet neck and shoulder.
She reached up and held her son’s head to her neck as she kissed his forehead, “I love you too, my darling. I love you more than anything in the world, Marcus.”
He raised his head and looking into her eyes said, “Mother, I cannot ever bear to be parted from you again. You know that don’t you? Things can never be the same between us, Mother. They can never be the same again.”
She looked into his eyes and replied, “My darling son, I will always be with you, always, never fear of that. And I know that this makes it different for you, but it never did for me.”
Marcus looked at her quizzically.
She continued in a soft voice, “Marcus, I have imagined this happening ever since you were a young man, before you left for the army. You can have no idea the number of times I wanted to come to your room and make love to you, to announce my intention of making love to my son.”
“But I could never seem to find the courage to tell you how I really felt. Ultimately, that is why I came to you here. I knew that once we were together, it was inevitable. My darling, you are my life, my love, and now my lover.”
Tears filled his eyes as he listened to his mother’s words, they fell down onto her cheeks as she lay below her son, his tumescent penis still lodged inside of her semen-filled cunt.
She reached over and pulled the blankets and furs up over her son’s broad back and wrapped them in a warm cocoon. Marcus rolled onto his side, pulling his mother with him such that he was not dislodged from her womanhood. They kissed and snuggled under the blankets.
“Marcus?” she asked.
“Yes, mother?” he replied.
“I shouldn’t be at all surprised if you are not a father by summer, Marcus.” She giggled.
His cock began to swell and harden again inside her…
And, it began to snow again in the dark winter night.
The End…For Now…
Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...
Once there was a village on the outskirts of a vast forest. The people of the village had feared the forest for many many years now, for anyone who entered it had never returned. Once, the forest had been a source of herbs and fungi and other precious plants, but since people had started going missing, nobody dared to go near it. Three teenage boys: Chris, Roger and Paul had heard the tales many a time. Each came up with various imaginative reasons for why people had never returned:...
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THE FORESTThis is a work of fiction strictly from my imagination, the people are not real and the events are not real, please take this as a story and nothing more. Comments, are always welcome.Riding bikes through the forest seemed like the perfect start to their honeymoon. John and Frances had married and traveled to central France for a long peaceful break. The wedding had been a huge family event and had sapped Frances’ energy; there had been so much planning. The first two nights of the...
Papers are shuffled; the room is not air conditioned, the clock ticks very slowly, I keep glancing at it; the hands telling me I have 2 hours to get back to Balloch, just north of Glasgow. The hotel I have booked for us both is ok, I have used it before. The Shelly Inn; clean, good food, nice location with plenty of pubs and restaurants. It will be busy, it’s the tourist season and I want to meet you before you go in. My customer is droning on and on, I’m finding it so hard to concentrate I...
Margaret Wallace was your average, everyday housewife. She was born and raised in Queens, NY. She got married right out of high school at the age of 19 to her high school sweetheart, David. They were perfect for each other. They actually waited until their wedding night before they had sex. They were two young kids who basically did what they were told to do by their parents. Margaret was a sweet, young woman who was always willing to help out a person in need. David worked for his father in...
Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...
Once upon a time there was a king of a small land who had three beautiful daughters. He wished more than anything that each would marry a prince, and bring more fortune to his family. On the eighteenth birthday of the eldest daughter, the king invited the lords and princes of close by to a great ball. The first to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage was the eldest prince from the neighboring country. “Ah,” said the king to his wife, “He is the richest of all the men at this ball! Surely...
Love StoriesThey booked in Friday night and were alarmed when the receptionist told them not to venture too far into the forest. “Strange things happen in there” she said “several people have come running out, not saying what had happened”. Of course Sharon was disappointed as going into the forest was the sole reason for them being there. Discounting what they were told they decided to ignore the dire warnings. After all, it was just a forest. What could possibly be in there that would cause problems?...
After the divorce, I was unsure of what to do. I had my high-paying job, but without my family, and specifically without my daughter, I found no pleasure in the job. I had made my money already, and still had plenty left even after the divorce (thank goodness for prenuptial agreements), so I did not need to worry about having enough money to survive. Ever since I was a young child, I had loved auto racing. I would watch avidly, and I had spent plenty of time in the arcades of the 1980s and...
My Fucking Forest I needed some help and my sister-in-law needed a break from Beth. Well Beth is short for Bethany and she just turned fourteen and apparently gained an attitude. So it was, that we were stuck with each other for the entire summer. I was a confirmed bachelor as it was. Oh don’t get me wrong I have dated and once I even found the girl of my dreams, however I was too stupid to realize it. She found my brother. Yes, my sister-in-law is the girl of my dreams and has been...
Mona packed her backpack and test her SLR camera. She look bus timetable and hurry up her packing. She has tent and food for two days in her pack. Mona?s favorite genre in photography is wolves. She is 23 years old and have photographed wolves many years. Mona wait bus outside of old bus station. She look how small town wake up and peoples goes to work. Her bus come and Mona get in the bus. She give few dollars to the driver and sit down. Bus start and Mona see how it turn on very long and...
This happened a few years ago. It was getting dark and I was passing a popular cruising spot near Barton Mills. I drove down the quiet forest road and pulled up . I got lucky because a few minutes later a car passed slowly and flashed his indicator. I did the same, he took this as a sign that I was interested. I glanced at him in his car as I got out and walked into the wooded area. He followed quickly behind. as he got to me I was stroking my soft cock. with just my jeans unbuttoned and loose....
Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...
Its been a while since I posted on here, but having just returned from a contract in the UK, I thought id post again.The drive homeI purchased a motor home for a whilst working on a short contract in the UK, I found myself driving up to see friends after a weeks work on a Friday evening. Having finished for a 3 day weekend I started the drive north and found myself getting sleepy on the route. Not knowing the A11 too well I pulled over in a layby to look at the map, my luck was in, a food van...
Sean didn't like it when his sister Karen broke-up with a guy. Karen wasn't known for picking great guys to begin with and she was the type who always had to be attached to someone. When she wasn't she was known for making bad decisions and being, well, flighty. So when she called Sean on a cloudy Saturday and told him that she was going on a mountain bike ride in a local National Forest by herself, he tried to talk her out of it. Karen and Sean were the last two members of their family to...
Collin, Brand, and his Grandfather had just gotten settled in the library when the door opened and Trink sauntered in, "Didn't plan on having a meeting without me, now did yea." Brand and Collin just groaned, the old gentlemen grinned at Trink and offered him a seat. Trink opened his mouth to say something, when Brand quickly said "tea, we are drinking tea tonight, its good for the system." Trink just winked at the old gentlemen and muttered. Everyone sat in silence, finally the old...
MILF B and B (Naked in the Forest)For those who have read MILF B and B this is my first return after meeting Jill. For those who haven’t read my earlier escapade, Jill is in her late forties with a mature body kept fit by hard work. Her boobs are warm and squidgy with a forest for a bush, mounted below a trim waist and between two firm thighs.I arrive for a weeks work. Normally I would be away for five days and travel back Friday evening. However, Jill’s ‘going home’ sex had me eager to return...
Sara raises her gloved hands to her mouth, warming them through with her breath. Winter will soon be upon them, and desperately she walks through the forest, using the final moments of the fading sun to gather enough herbs to last them through. Those in the village relied upon her balms to cure their ailments, and unable to afford the medicine from the local physicians, they travelled the two hours on foot to reach her. She daren't risk failing them, and even as the last of the sun disappears,...
HorrorAbout a hour went by and I was considering to start my journey back when Ben raised his head and sniffed, obviously fetching the scent of something. One second later he started to sprint into the forest. I sighed and followed his trail slowly. I knew he wouldn't run far, nor really hunt any game so I wasn't too worried. But at least for a short time he would follow his nose and calling him wasn't likely to change his mind. A moment later I heard a happy bark followed by a surprised scream...
a walk in the forestIt was one of those early summer days when the air is warm and the sun is shining but its not to hot. I had just started my summer break and i did decide to take a walk just outside the vilaye I live in there are a forest that almost nobody spends time in. It was about ten O'clock so I did just pull on a light blue dress that was down to my knees and white sneakers. My long brown hair that almost look like gold in the sun was free and I started to walk and before i knew it i...
Thanks readers for supporting my first experience with in law am happy to share one more experience in a forest with a bus conductor and driver once I came to Coimbatore to stay with my parents as my mother was sick. everyday night i will reach my parents house and day time I will return to in law house i will get a pvt bus from Coimbatore by 8 pm from Coimbatore it will reach my parents house village by 9 30 pm on the first day I travelled with my father I found that my junior class mate was...
Shaving my S1ster Jane’s ForestI’m David, a horny 18 year old. Athletics has been my life so my body is in perfect shape. I’ve fucked many girls during my many competitions – all stunners. I have a steady girlfriend but I’m besotted with Jane. Jane is my step s1ster. Two years younger than me and totally unobtainable.I spy on my fantasy whenever I can. Jane sometimes leaves the bathroom door a jar. Tonight the bathroom light was off but the shower is backlight. The red glow shows her silhouette...
Hi, I am sam with one of my good gay experience in a forest. Me and one of my college decided to have a trip. We went to voganegal(near to Bangalore) in tamil nadu. Its the place famous for water falls .We planned two days and a night and planned to get into the forest to take some photographs of birds. Morning around 11:30 AM we reached booked a room and we got ready around 3:00pm to get inside the forest. We reached the forest area around 4:00. We took his camera and I took some food...
Gay MaleIt was early spring when I finally made my way through the mountains of Ered Luin and started my journey into Mirkwood, the elven forest. I had seen a few elves in pubs here and there, mysterious yet comforting folk they are, but strangely enough, through all my years of travelling, this was the first time I ever set foot on elven grounds. Something was different in this forest than any place I had been, as if a thousand spirits were living in the wind. The trees were ancient, almost as...
Valentine’s Day was a week away, and everyone thought Carlos was nearly over her. He thought he was nearly over her, too. Yet there he was, hiking up the overgrown trail at the back of Levy Park, up into the forest of tall old trees. He hiked for ten minutes, finally reaching the flat boulder next to that familiar crooked tree. He traced the heart he had carved into the side of the tree, and the initials it contained. CH + EG. Carlos Hernandez and Emma Gregg. At least it had been two weeks...
The silence of the 100 acre woods near Ocklawaha was broken by a steady cool breeze from the north which rustled the drying leaves on the elm tree that Jerry was sitting in. The breeze smelled like winter was on its way as Jerry shivered in the makeshift tree stand he was sitting in. The clearing that Jerry was staking out was empty with no sign of life. All of a sudden a doe glided into the clearing and she commenced nibbling at the lush green grass that was covered with morning dew. Jerry...
The bus moved slowly along the hair pin bends to reach the top of the hill station which was supposed to be the destination for our college trip. I was busy talking to my close friend Priya who occupied the seat beside me.”Hey Priya, why are you so silent,” I asked to which she gave a bored look.”I am so bored and my boyfriend is coming in the next bus. Who made this stupid rule to separate us boys and girls, Rani?” she blurted out angrily. I giggled and said, “You sure seem to have planned...
Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...
“How long have I known you, and I still don’t know how to ask you this?” Ness’ voice was agitated. Vanessa and I had been at teacher training college together in our early twenties. We were a couple of wild chicks then. Now, I’m married to a gorgeous guy called Justin, and have a toddler named Jack. Vanessa, despite having an insatiable appetite for cock at college, lives happily with her partner Eileen. “Not long enough I think. It still worries me then you say things like that,” I smiled....
SupernaturalPatra looked at the forest. It was dark. She didn't know what to do so she yelled she wanted to stop. They were lost. She could feel it. Ebony looked at Patra. She was sure her mother was lost. She narrowed her eyes and sat on a patch of grass a little away. "I'm resting!" she gasped. Patra sneered. Ebony had been saying that for the whole duration of the trip. That was how Ebony had lost the map - she had laid down to sleep and it had blown into a river. Patra shivered. Then she...
This place is familiar, so I know where to go. But I continue to lay on my belly with my hands behind my back. I have sense a nice wind goes from my legs to my shoulders. It`s so nice that I even feels like wind touches insides of my pussy. Sensation of been like this in night forest driving me on. I have a lot of fillings about it. Oh, looks like some insect goes up on inner side of my leg. This thing has lot of legs it tickling a little. Interesting, where do this thing goes then come to my...
It was christmas day and me and my family where walking out of the church. My cousin Aaron who was 13, Tanned, Didn't have abs yet but was well on his way and a 8 inch cock yelled out to me " Your it when we get back Chris! " I just smiled and got into my dads car. We where driving in the camry when I got a text message from Aaron " Hey man have you ever heard of Ill show you mine if you show me yours " I automatcly texted back " Yeah man why you ask? ". Aaron texted me back saying "...
Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...
IncestI was young for my post but I had been doing it as a deputy it for several years with the old sheriff's forester. My father was a baron but I was only a younger son so I was not going to inherit. I carried the heavy stag into kitchen and ignored the quiet that fell. I shifted it off my shoulder and onto the large butcher table, "I took this from a poacher Anna." She wiped her hands as she crossed the kitchen, "how long..." I snorted as headed into the Keep, "a half day." When I...
Hi everybody this is ris back with another story,thanks for all your support and comments ,regarding this story get to hear this from one of my friend i am going to narrate it from his perspective ,this is arav about me 5’10” feet 21 years old ,fitness freak apart from this mountaineer so naturally chiselled body ,i am always proud to show my body shape by wearing tight tees revealing my bi,triceps and it also got me attention i needed , Now coming back to the story this happened when me and my...
Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...
Hello readers. I am Gowri Krishnan, 43 year old woman, living in Mumbai for the past 13 years. My vital stats are 34 30 32, I have a fair complexion, my height is 5.7.The story which I am going to narrate happened in 1992. I was born and bought up in a small town called Srirangam in Tamil Nadu. I was bought up by a priest father and a housewife mother in a very conservative way, I grew up wearing half sarees, studying in a girls school/College, never interacting with boys etc. I was 20 years...
Hayley was lying spread-eagled on the bed, not having slept much as she had been thinking about the appointment later that morning that would once and for all set her free to enjoy a single life of a free spirited woman once again. As usual she lay naked, never having been one for clothes of any description against the skin, and whilst contemplating the rest of the day, her left hand had taken control and the palm was now pressing gently against her vulva, the soft down of her pubic hair...
The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...
Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...
You are Helika. A young pale faced women with long red hair flowing shoulder length hair framing a cute feminine face; Plump lips long eye lashes and shining green emerald eyes. Unavoidable are your more ''delicate'' features Large breasts barely contained by your simple leather corset light skin almost bursting out to the pleasure of all men and women alike, Plump round ass shaking as you approach the sign to the forest path ''Danger'' ''Turn Back'' ''Beware of ----'' The last sign has been...
FantasyDear readers, I am writing after a long break. About me, 6 ft, 32 waist, fair to wheatish color and around 36 years of age. I am staying in Bangalore. I am a bisexual and curious guy. I enjoy getting fingered and rimmed. BDSM and kink stuff kind of turns me on but not hardcore types. Off late, I have been exploring outdoor group nudism on the net when I came across a guy with similar interests (Ajay). Ajay was a business guy from Pune who visited Bangalore sometimes. We briefly chatted about...
Gay MaleHai iss readers this is my first story… I am Dick from Pune …5.7 feet in height fair handsome average built :)… Kindly regret if there any grammatical error :) I am going to express the wildest adventure i had with women i met in train wen i was in the journey of searching my job… In Delhi, She was divorced her name is Shikha. She is a sex bomb, fair looking curvy hips long hair, soft lips and chocolate brown nipples….Ummm thinking about that nipples always driven me wild… That i came to knw...
“Look at that. These cowards have closed shop early, yet again.” I said to myself while looking through a gap in the curtain of my window. “When are they going to learn? My way is the right way.” I shrugged out of disappointment. “Anyways, it only gives me more me time,” I said, caressing my half-erect cock. At that moment I wasn’t wearing any clothes. I walked from room to room in search of something. I tried rubbing my penis, but it wasn’t getting hard. I guess a hot memory of your woman is...
Here is talking not me, but one girl about her winter nude experience.In the middle of December my friend suddenly proposed that I could ski nude. My first reaction was: what are you talking about!? But then very quickly I realized that it is good idea. I can't explain why I liked it but when that day came when we drove to the ski center, I was overexcited and I really had irresistible desire to go there nude and start to skiing. All my life I had always proper clothing according to weather and...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
The tree’s leaves floated down the river bank, as the witch combed her long auburn hair with the pearl comb. Glistening blonde strands sparkled as she softly hummed an ancient song from her ancestors long ago, a beckoning song of lust, and as the tune raised and lowered the animals around her were enchanted by her presence. Her eyes were deep-set, with emerald jewel irises, and her reflection in the water mystify the fish that swam in the cavernous waters. One glance into her eyes can...
I was in a significantly bad mood. I was answering the phones. Mona and the rest of the staff were on strike. All the CSIRO staff were on strike. Chaz was minding the phones at Floreat. We were "management." CSIRO management and the union representing the agency's 6500 staff will meet today to thrash out differences over a new enterprise agreement that has sparked two weeks of industrial action. The CSIRO Staff Association warns the action, the first national industrial campaign at the...
My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Rain fell in big fat drops. It was a warm summer rain, the kind that people like to dance in. It offered relief from the heat of the afternoon. Lyna walked along the road in the middle of nowhere, heading west. Her short curly hair hung in ratty coils around her head. The thin strapped tank top she wore clung to her like a second skin. The dirt and grim that coated her body ran down her exposed skin in rivulets. Some people called her a hippie, though she wasn’t of that generation, nor did she...
“What the fuck is happening here!” I screamed. I was very angry while I stood at the door. There was a long pause as all three of us stood frozen in our respective places. “What are you doing here, boy? Go away! now is not the right time,” said he. “Can’t you see I’m busy with your mother?” “Please go away!” cried my mother while not looking at me. An hour ago, I was sent to buy some vegetables from a nearby store. My mother had sent me. I had told my mother that I’ll take two-three hours to...
IncestKaboom! The explosion of the Gate opening could be heard for a dozen kilos in every direction, not that I knew of this side effect. I stepped through into the early morning light drizzle, mostly shielded by the canopy of countless of massive trees. Each tree seemingly over thirty meters in height and over a meter in diameter. The canopy left little room for the sun to penetrate but enough did for easy visibility. The quiet, unusual for a forest such as this, was almost shocking. The noise...
When Julie walked through the school gates, she was surprised to see Grandad’s car parked where she expected to see Mom waiting for her. She ran to the passenger door and smiled at him through the open window. ‘Hi, Grandad. This is a wonderful surprise. Haven’t seen you for such a long time.’ He smiled back. ‘Sorry about that. I’ve been busy. You want a lift, baby?’ ‘Oh, yes please, ‘ she replied, pulling open the door and throwing her bag on the back seat. She crawled over the passenger...
Abby hurriedly pulls on her tennis shoes, grabs her camera and runs out the door to jump in Brandon's truck. They have been close friends for as long as she can remember. She never liked going on these adventures alone and Brandon has always been generous enough to devote his time to his favorite girl's hobby, which is capturing breathtaking nature scenes and turning them into photographic works of art. It's a gorgeous day in June and the pair take the opportunity to venture down to the expanse...
Quickie SexAn earlier worked posted here simply to see the reaction. The valley of The giants is the most wonderful patch of rain Forest on the face of the earth. As a child I had greatly explored this place and discovered a place I called Secret Falls. The forest opened up to the skies as the tree abutted a gorge. From the heights of the gorge a waterfall sprayed the trees with a cooling misty rain. There was a constant rainbow that gave this place a sense of magic of the unreal, you expected to find...
"You're making this all up, aren't you," Mom said, glancing over her shoulder at me. "Why would I make up these stories?" I asked her with a little smile. "Just to tease me," she said. We were stretched out on a blanket in the middle of a forest clearing and she was on her belly with her head resting upon her folded arms, while I stroked her ass which glowed in the late afternoon sun. Anal sex was still a verboten avenue yet to explored but that never stopped from fingering her asshole,...