Wild Child From Krypton free porn video

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WILD CHILD FROM KRYPTON It was the council chamber in the city of Kryptonopolis, on the planet Krypton, a large, heavy world orbiting a blood-red star. A pretty girl, who seemed to be in her late teens (in earth years) stood with her parents and an advocate, with a guard standing near to prevent any escape and to drive home her situation. She stood with her head bowed, her long dark hair covering her face, as though she couldn't even bear to look at her parents due to the shame she had brought upon her family. In a few minutes the city councilors would enter the chamber and render their judgement, which wouldn't be good for her. She was correct, the five members of the council entered and the head councilor addressed her. "Kyla Vor-Kar, you have been found guilty of the crimes of manslaughter and assault upon an innocent citizen. While the council recognizes your remorse, clean record to this point, and young age, these acts cannot go unpunished, not only to assign responsibility and teach you a lesson, but to give some measure of justice to the parents of the child you so thoughtlessly caused the death of, and the man you seriously injured. Therefore-the judgement of the council is that you be sentenced to the Phantom Zone for a period of five sun-cycles, with parole eligibility after three. Thank Rao that we were inclined to be merciful, you could have received much more. You have a moment to say goodbye to your parents before sentence is carried out." "Mom, Dad, I'm so sorry. I really should have listened to you and not been so careless with the flitter-I'll never do anything like this again after my release, I'll work so hard to re-earn my citizenship and never do anything to jeopardize it again. But I'm so frightened of going to the zone." "You should be, Kyla. You know who you'll be in there with: Jax-Ur, General Zod, Faora Hu-Ul, and Kru-El, Dev-Em. Plus a few dozen more. They can't physically harm you, but the mental torture will be excruciating. I'll do what I can to get your sentence shortened, but I don't know if it'll work. You heard the judge-they have to make an example of someone. You're it." "I know dad-and I know I can't personally do anything to earn parole, but if they do give me a hearing, I'll be the most penitent prisoner they've ever seen." The sobbing girl hugged her parents, they told each other they loved each other, and she stepped over to the wall upon command. "We don't need the chains, do we, young lady?" asked the executioner, a tall man in green wearing the "diamond-s" symbol of the House of El, one of the most noble families on all of Krypton. That meant he was Jor-El, her planet's greatest scientist. "No sir-I won't cause any more trouble in any way for the rest of my life-believe me, I've already learned my lesson!" "I think so too, Kyla, but this has to be done. Ready?" As he said this, he reached out and took her family emblem from her tunic, the bare area symbolizing her status as a convicted criminal. "Yes, Sir- Mom, Dad-I love you-goodbye for now." Jor-el pressed the black button on the red projector, and the girl faded out of existence, only to reappear in the Phantom Zone, her world's place of punishment for its criminals, and her home for the next few sun cycles. Her entrance to the zone happened to be near a bald fat man in yellow, and another man in a military style uniform. Near them was a woman with short hair in a green jumpsuit. The fat man began to laugh "YOU"RE what Krypton is producing for criminals these days? Zod-this child doesn't belong here. Too bad we can't do anything about it-though she is cute. But this is still going to be fun!" General Zod began laughing along with Jax-Ur, when the woman sent a thought to them. "Both of you-leave the girl alone. You know I'll always protect another woman against any man." Faora, just what will you do about it? Your martial arts expertise won't work here, and there's a lot more men than there are women. So girl-who are you and what did you do to get sent here, and for how long?" "Um-my name is Kyla Vor-Kar, and I'm from Kryptonopolis. I was driving in my grav flitter, and got a little wild speeding and swerving in it, and lost control. I hit another flitter, and accidentally killed a child, and badly injured the man driving. The family is still in shock- they wanted me tried for murder, but the council mercifully said no. I got five cycles for causing an accidental death." "FIVE cycles? Great Rao, that's nothing. Jax here will be in the zone for at least a hundred, so will some others. I got a hundred and fifty myself, Gaz-Or got eternity, he'll NEVER get out. Of course, he tried to kill off the entire planet!" "I just want to go home, I'm so frightened." "Girl, you ought to be. Everyone here is going to resent your short sentence, and everyone here is a real criminal, not a spoiled princess like you. Enjoy your stay ha,ha,ha." Kyla tried to stay away from everyone, but the lonliness got to her. She did float with a few of the other female prisoners, some of whom had left children and families back on Krypton, but their crimes put them here without regard for that. Faora Hu-Ul was the worst, but she at least sort of looked out for Kyla. She had set up a prison camp for males, and had systematically murdered over fifty of them. Jax-Ur had destroyed a colonized moon of Krypton, and General Zod had tried to take over the entire planet and rule it as a king. While her existence was difficult, she could detect some of the real world, and knew how much time was passing-it was almost three cycles gone on Krypton, and her parole hearing was coming up. She was praying to Rao that it would be approved and she could go home and get on with her life. Then the worst possible thing occurred. A few weeks before the hearing, her home planet exploded! She could see Jor-El (her jailer) arguing with the main science council of the planet to find a way to evacuate the planet, to no avail. She saw him and his wife, Lara Lor-Van, place their infant son into a trans-warp ship and send it away from the planet just before the end. Also, a large chunk of the world containing Argo City spun away from the catastrophe completely intact under a protective dome. Kandor had already been stolen and shrunk by a living computer from Colu, so no one knew she was in the zone. She was trapped-for eternity! She sunk into the depths of despair, along with many of the other prisoners, some of whom also had limited sentences and would have been released at some point. While the days were all the same in the zone, and no one aged, time did pass in the real world. She saw Jor-el's son Kal-el reach a planet called Earth and grow up to become its greatest hero, due to the powers any Kryptonian would gain there. While he was still a boy though, he had a strange experience. A ship bearing Kryptonian markings, bearing an unconscious young man in a red costume with a blue cape (the opposite of Kals) landed on earth. The two became friends, because it was assumed he was a Kryptonian due to his powers. As a result of an accident, it was discovered he was actually a Daxamite, and was affected by lead the same as a Kryptonian was affected by a mineral called Kryptonite-it would weaken and kill him. The effects of lead, unlike those of Kryptonite, were permanent, and Mon-el would eventually die. Kal-el chose to project him into the Phantom Zone to save his life. Kyla was there to meet him, she explained how the zone worked and why she was there. The two became friends, since they were the only two in the zone that weren't hardened or deliberate criminals. Years later, the two saw the chunk containing Argo City turn to Kryptonite itself, and begin to poison it's inhabitants, after a meteor swarm smashed the lead sheeting placed over the ground to protect them. Their greatest scientist Zor-El (brother of Jor) sent HIS teenaged daughter Kara to Earth where she also received great powers. By this time, Kyla had been a prisoner in the zone for almost forty sun-cycles, almost as much as the penalty for a simple murder. She was angry at the unfairness of it, but realized that had she been released and the explosion occur just a few weeks later, she would be dead. At least she was alive, and had hope that someday she could find a way to be released, maybe by the Kandorians or even Kal-El if he ever bothered to check the records of the prisoners. He was supposed to be a fair and just person, as his father was. In the meantime, she would wait, and spend her days with her friend Mon, whose real name was Lar Gand. While Kyla was an object of contempt to the zoners, and she was constantly mocked and ridiculed, Lar Gand was actually hated by them, since he wasn't a criminal at all, but a friend of Kal-el, their jailer's son. While he could project a thought shield as all zoners could, their sheer numbers often broke through and caused him mental pain. He tried to avoid them, but there wasn't much to do in the Phantom Zone, so they constantly tormented him. When he could, he just spent time (or it's zone equivalent) with his friend Kyla. By this time, Earth had begun sending probes to the outer planets of their solar system, including to the Oort Belt, out beyond the furthest planets. One of these was nuclear powered, and suffered a mishap. It exploded, causing a small, temporary rift to appear in the zone, right where Kyla and Lar were floating. "Kyla-go, get out of here, it might be your only chance. I can't go, I'll die, but YOU can get your life back!" Kyla hesitated a second, then went through the rift to the physical world, in the Sol system, home of two other Kryptonians. As she left, she telepathically sent a "Goodbye Lar-I'll never forget you." Luckily, the rift closed before any of the other prisoners could escape. Kyla Vor-Kar was in deep space, millions of miles from the planet Earth. She knew that when she got there, either one of the Els would know she was from the zone, as part of her punishment had been to have her family emblem removed from her clothing. She would have to earn back her citizenship and the right to wear it again. She sighed, and began the trip to the third planet, trying out her powers as she did so. To say she was nervous about meeting either Superman or Supergirl, or any of Earth's other heroes was an understatement. When she got to the third planets orbit, she decided to head for it's moon, Luna for a while first. She sat there, using her telescopic vision to scan the planet, especially the Els, and to get an idea of it's culture and laws. She wanted to fit in, and definitely didn't want to get into trouble again, even accidentally. She decided on an urban area called National City, home of Supergirl. While Kara was a little more volatile than her cousin, she was at least another female, so they started with that in common. "Maybe she can be reasoned with, or even help me get situated on this new world. But she'll obviously know where I'm from, because of my plain tunic." Kyla spent several earth days observing the planet, its laws and customs, and its total culture and scientific level. She learned that most people needed jobs of some sort in order to earn units of the basic medium of exchange, a monetary unit called a 'dollar' on the continent where Kal-El and Kara lived. Just like Krypton, with a different name. She observed how young women dressed and acted on that world (clothing was different, but activities were in many ways the same, with near equality between the sexes in that nation). She gathered up her courage and launched herself into the space between Earth and it's moon. She landed in a remote part of the mountains overlooking National City, the home of Kara Zor-el, aka Supergirl. She had observed Kara often wearing the clothing of an earth woman, disguising who she really was and going by the name 'Kira Danvers' for some reason. She seemed to have a somewhat menial job, though doing what Kyla couldn't fathom. It seemed to involve bringing beverages and food to another woman, obviously her supervisor, and doing some sort of paperwork, or working on a primitive computer. Kyla couldn't understand why, as a powerful Kryptonian, Kara wasn't doing more than that, if she needed to do anything at all. She took a deep breath, and sent out a verbal message, at a frequency only a fellow Kryptonian would be able to detect, as it was so far above the normal hearing range of a human. "Kara Zor-el, my name is Kyla Vor- Kar, and I'm a fellow refugee from Krypton, recently arrived on earth. I'm in the mountains above your city, and I need to speak with you. Please come, I'm not hiding. If you wish to bring your cousin, please do so, I have nothing to conceal from either of you." Kara and Kal both heard the call, though since it was sent to his cousin and was from another female, Superman chose not to respond, as Kara was capable of taking care of herself. He would join her if necessary, but wouldn't interfere otherwise. He sent a message to her saying that. Kara thanked him, changed from her rather nerdettelike office dress into her uniform, unbound her hair from its work bun, and took off for the mountains. She saw what she expected to see, a young woman standing there dressed in Kryptonian style clothing. What she didn't expect to see was that the girl didn't have her family crest attached to her attire, which signified her status as a convicted criminal, sentenced to the Phantom Zone. Obviously an escapee, and probably a dangerous one. Kara was immediately on her guard, ready for a fight, and sent a quick message to Kal-el informing him of the situation. "I'm here, Kyla. What do you want? I don't want to fight you, so why don't you just surrender and let me lock you in a sciencecell until Kal and I can find a way to return you to the zone to finish your sentence with the rest of the villians there!" She got into an on guard stance ready to punch the other girl from there to Alpha Centauri. Surprisingly, the other girl cringed in fear, started crying, and begged Kara not to hurt her. She also winced when Kara used the term 'villian' to her. "Kara, please. I'm not a villain-well, yes I was in the zone and escaped through a rift. But I'm not a criminal, well, yes I was convicted of a crime, but it was my first, and I didn't mean it, and I'm so sorry for what I did, please believe me!" Kyla sobbed. "Slow down girl, not that I do believe you-but tell me the whole story. I don't know if you're lying because you don't want to face two Kryptonians plus a few other powerful beings here on earth, or you mean it. We'll find out." Kyla sobbingly told her whole story, her foolish driving and subsequent crash resulting in a dead child and crippled father, her imprisonment in the zone, and her friendship with Lar Gand while there. The last part almost convinced Kara that Kyla was telling the truth. Kara called Superman to come and discuss the situation with her, to decide what to do. They couldn't leave a super powered ex-convict free to run amok on earth, but since she had committed no further crime, and her sentence was long since completed, they had no authority to imprison her again. While both had law enforcement powers from Earths United Nations, neither had been granted judiciary authority, though as members of the El family, they were members of what passed for nobility on Krypton, and could assume leadership in an emergency. Besides, Kyla had committed no crime on this planet (except for the technical matter of illegal immigration, which was waived for extra-terrestrials provided they registered with one of earths nations. And she had some time to do that). Neither had enforcement authority from Krypton, neither was a council member from there either. They couldn't just resentence her to the zone, especially as she had completed her original sentence long ago. Escaping from the zone wasn't a crime either, again, especially in her case. Locking her in a cell in the Fortress of Solitude wasn't an option, either. They thought about setting her free after exposing her to Gold Kryptonite to destroy her powers, but not having committed a crime on earth, that also wasn't justice. They realized they couldn't force her to do anything, so they put their suggestion in the form of a request. Kal-el had a small store of a weakened isotope of green kryptonite at the fortress. He could fashion a band in the form of a bracelet with an emerald or jade stone, actually a chunk of the kryptonite. It would be locked to her wrist to weaken her, and she would be set free on earth, but monitored. "All right Kyla, how does that sound to you? Free, but powerless, at least for the foreseeable future. We can reduce the isotope's power gradually." "Thank you Kal-el, Kara. I agree, reluctantly. I just want a chance to prove myself and get on with a regular life. While I don't want to permanently lose my powers, living without them will give me a chance to live normally, as I did on Krypton before I was so stupid. But I do have a request, Kara." "A request? Go ahead and ask, can't promise I'll grant it, especially to a former zoner," Kara said somewhat condescendingly. Kyla again flinched at the word. "Kara, I don't know this world, or how to act, and especially how to stay out of trouble. Would you please mentor me, kind of like a big sister? Show me how to dress, act, how to get an education and a job, maybe help me cash in this gold I mined on the moon? I didn't steal it, I swear by Rao, but I knew I'd need some resources to get started in a new life." Kal-el spoke up "Cousin, it's a reasonable request. She'll need guidance and I cant do it-but another woman wouldn't attract suspicion. If it doesn't work out, we'll think of someone else-but who better than a girl who also grew up in a Kryptonian environment?" "Ok, you two, we'll try it. You can live in my apartment for now, on the couch. You do NOT give away our identities, or who you really are to anyone. You'll need a name-Kyla still works as an earth girls name. Surname- how about Vorkar? You can be a refugee from eastern Europe (another area of this planet) and we'll vouch for your green card, which will allow you to stay in this country. It looks like we can get at least 2 million dollars for your gold, which you can have complete control of when we eventually cut you loose, if we do. In the meantime, we go shopping." The two flew to Kara's apartment, at a velocity so high that no one could see them enter. Kara changed to something more trendy than her work dress, and lent her young ward a miniskirt and cami top. The first stop was to an assay office to cash in a few grams of her gold , enough to give her a cushion of almost ten thousand dollars. Then off to the mall. Kara and Kyla entered a rather large enclosed shopping center, one which contained almost every store imaginable that the young kryptonian would need, ones that were found in almost every mall in the United States. Kara cautioned her that she couldn't get her ears pierced just yet, though after her powers were controlled, she could and no one would be suspicious. Throughout their trip, they appeared to be just two young women enjoying a shopping excursion together. "Kara, I know I agreed to do it, but is it necessary to weaken me? I want to fit in-but I am a Kryptonian, just like you. Ok, I made a mistake, but I paid for it. Don't I deserve a chance to live as one? I certainly wouldn't try to be a hero like you two are, or show off with my powers. But I would like to at least try to keep my abilities." "Kyla, the thing is, you aren't like us. Ok, I'm sorry I used the terms zoner and villain, but facts are facts-you did commit a crime, and got yourself sentenced to the zone for it. Do you really expect us to trust you with Kryptonian powers on a defenseless earth?" "Kara, when he sent me into the zone even Jor-el your uncle said he thought I had learned my lesson and could be safely set free. As part of my training from you, can't you teach me how to use my powers safely? That can't happen if you keep me weakened. And again lets face it, legally neither of you have any real authority over me unless I commit a crime. I just want to basically be cooperative and prove myself." "I'll think about it Kyla. We'll probably try to talk to Kandor about this, and see what their council says. Though they technically don't have any jurisdiction over you either now that you're out of the zone, and have never lived there, since you're from Kryptonopolis. We can send you there if you'd like, that might be the best solution, you'd be among your own people, and all of you powerless." "With this bare tunic? I'd be an outcast, with no family or friends to help me reintegrate back into society, and no one to advocate for me when I re-apply for citizenship and a pardon. You couldn't do that to me, it's just cruel." "Kyla, you do have a relative there, Zan-Kar. He's well known in Kandor, and is well respected. You're family, so he'd probably take you in and work with you on your pardon. You'd be the same as everyone else, and could receive official permission from their council to put your family emblem back on." "Kara, let me think about it for a while, ok. I probably will, but I want to live on earth for a while first, and if I can prove myself here, it might help with my petition to the council in Kandor. Wait a minute, as I remember, Kandor was shrunk and stolen while I was a child, by that green alien Branik or whatever his name was. You rescued and enlarged it? Wow!" "Actually, his name was Brainiac, a living computer from the planet Colu, where computers and robots rule the organics. Kal and I did rescue the city from him, but for a long time we couldn't enlarge it. It sat in Kal's fortress. Then we did find a way, but needed a place-a Kryptonian city on earth wasn't feasible. A whole city of beings with our powers? Earth wouldn't stand a chance to live on it's own. Then we found an uninhabited planet in a nearby star system-one which could support non-super Kryptonian life. We took the bottle there in a warp- ship we built and enlarged it. We took the ship because it circled a red sun and we lost our powers too. The planet has a problem though-it disappears into another dimension, and only reappears every decade for a day or so. We can visit then, but have to leave before it slips away again. It will be back in five years more or less,so we can take you there at that time. If you stay out of trouble and aren't back in the zone." "So I have to live here until then? And you want me to not have my powers? I still don't think that is fair, it'll be easier to prove myself to you with them. But I promise I won't show off or misuse them, if you give me a chance." "Kyla, we'll see, that's all I can say. By the way, the planet isn't called Kandor, that was the city on Krypton. They were going to call it New Krypton, but chose Rokyn instead." "Rao's Glory? How appropriate, to give thanks for their salvation and eventual rescue, plus the chance to settle new world and keep our culture and race alive. I hope I can get the chance to be a citizen there." "That's up to you Kyla",replied Kara . The two girls hit the mall, going to a lot of the stores catering to women of their age. HM, Aeropostale, A and F, Wet Seal, Kyla had a ball, as there was nothing resembling a mall back on their planet. She stocked up on tight jeans and shorts, miniskirts and dresses, lingerie, lots of shoes (walking in 5 inch heels was obviously no problem for her), and Kara treated her to the fun of a full makeover at one of the salons. Hair, finger and toenails, makeup, everything. Kyla bought herself a full selection of the MAC makeup they used on her. Shopped out, the two returned to Kara's apartment. To blend in, instead of flying, they took a cab, as Kara didn't have a car, and really never needed one. Kyla remarked "I don't really know how to ask this, but why haven't you and Kal done anything for yourselves? I mean, with your powers, and all the minerals deep in the planet, you could live lives of luxury" Kyla asked. "Kyla, Kal was raised here, on a farm in a rural area. I got here at the age of 13 earth years, after living in Argo City, which might as well have been Krypton. But this is our home, we also just want to be normal people in our off hours. Could we be wealthy? Of course, it would be simple. But we've found that it's better to work and earn our way in life rather than use our abilities to get things and status." "Well, I don't understand, but I'll try to follow your lead. I have a lot to learn." The girls returned back to Kara's apartment, spent an evening talking, with Kara explaining to Kyla many of the things she needed to know as a young woman in National City. After dinner (they didn't need to eat, but enjoyed it, and Kara was an excellent cook, plus white wine was another new experience for the young kryptonian), they got ready for bed, even though they didn't need to sleep. Kara explained that to blend in, it was best to keep to a regular human schedule. The next day, they woke up, showered, and got dressed, Kara in one of her rather conservative work dresses and low heels, Kyla in shorts and a tee with sneakers, both applying makeup appropriate to their ages and planned activities. "Kyla, I'm trusting you to be on your own. Kal isn't monitoring you, but I would like you to wear this GPS bracelet, it'll let me know where you are. But no restrictions, you can go out, talk to people, shop some more, see a movie, whatever. Please don't let me down." "I won't, Kara. I appreciate you giving me a chance, and I won't betray you. Again, my offense was due to stupidity, not malice. I really want to redeem myself before I go to live on Rokyn. Sure, I'll gladly wear THAT bracelet, rather than the other one." "That's not off the table yet, Kyla. It depends on how you act and how well you fit in here on earth. Kal wants you to wear it and be weakened, but I'm on the fence, willing to give you a chance first. Prove me right." Kara left the apartment, and headed for the subway station, as she took it to work rather than fly when she could. Kyla decided she would take a walk to see the area where she would be living for the foreseeable future, and get to know some earth dwellers. She so wanted to fit in, and prove herself to her benefactors. She passed people going to work, young people obviously going to school, young mothers walking their babies, and a host of others. Some greeted her (especially the women), some ignored her, and others (mostly male) openly or not so openly 'checked her out', as she was an extremely attractive girl. Her first chance to do something nice for someone came almost immediately. A little girl about 4 years old was standing outside her house playing with her cat, with her mother nearby looking on. The small animal jumped from it's owner's arms and dashed up a nearby tree. Unfortunately, it couldn't climb down. The girl was crying, and was on the verge of hysteria with fear and worry over her pet. The mother tried to calm her down, but to no avail. "Streaky, Streaky" the little girl kept crying. Kyla stopped her walk and spoke to the mom. "I did gymnastics in high school for several years, and I think I can jump up and grab that branch. If I really try, I think I can climb up and get your pet. Does that sound acceptable to you?" "Oh yes miss, I would love it if you could get Streaky down from the tree for us." Kyla of course had no trouble reaching the branch, which was about ten earth-feet above the ground. She crouched down and sprung up with her arms extended as though she was truly trying her best to jump up to it. Naturally, in reality she used her flying ability to make the leap, and firmly grasped the branch. She pulled herself up and began to climb, easily reaching the place where the cat was. She grabbed it, ignoring the scratches it attempted to give her, and carefully began to climb down, using only one arm. The hardest part for her was not showing off any of her powers, she had been firmly warned by Kara not to use them, and to be sure she kept herself and her origin hidden. She had every intention of obeying that command. She received gushing thanks from the little girl (named Missy) and her mother, passed it off as being nothing really, she was glad to help, and continued on her walk. She felt good about herself-while she wasn?t rescuing worlds or saving people from disasters or even stopping real criminals, she had made a little girl happy. ?Ok, maybe I was spoiled, and deserved what I got. But helping that kid made me feel good, not for a reward, just for doing the right thing. Great feeling? Kyla thought to herself. ?Wonder if Kara or Kal saw it, and if they?ll get angry becaused I used my powers just a little bit?? Kyla continued her walk around the city. She saw a lot of people, including some unsavory characters who she just knew were up to no good. ?Some of them look like they belong in the zone, even worse than some that are there. Doesn?t this planet have a method of detecting criminal behavior? Some innocent and helpless people are going to be hurt, but who am I to talk? I?ll let Kara and Kal handle things like that, I?ll just try to be nice and do favors unobtrusively? Kyla thought to herself. A little while after that she stopped for something called a ?latte and a scone? at a small coffee shop that seemed to have a large clientele. ?Wow, this is great! Maybe this world isn?t as backward as was thought back on Krypton.? She paid her check and left a somewhat larger than usual tip in the jar, a five dollar bill. ?They need it more than I do.? She had just had her makeover the previous day, so stopping at a nail salon was out, she was rather wealthy, but didn?t want to waste what she had-or seem to be the vain, spoiled princess type that had gotten her into trouble in the first place. She stopped off in a large building with a sign that read ?National City Public Library?, which she had learned was a place where people could go and read, use what passed for computers on this world, and even borrow reading material with proper identification. She decided to stop in and see how she could get herself some properly documented education here on earth, though her Kryptonian basic classes were far in advance of even a Doctorate Degree here. She discovered the wonders of something called ?on-line learning?, which she decided was just right. She had the money to purchase a top of the line computer system, and could enroll in any of several schools. Once she had a ?bank account? with the ability to write something called a ?check?, that?s what she?d do. Perhaps a degree in what they called ?Physics? here would fit the bill-she had probably finished most of the work by the time she was six or seven sun cycles old. When Kara got home from her job, they had a short conversation about Kyla?s activities of the day. Kara approved of how she had handled the cat rescue, and complimented her on how she had hidden her powers while she did so. Kyla mentioned trying to get an earth education, and Kara approved of that, also. Kal chimed[s1] in via super ventriloquism, and both of them said she seemed to be sincere in her desire to reform and prove herself, but cautioned her that she had just gotten there, she still had a long way to go before they would trust her fully. The next day Kyla actually applied for a job herself, both to legitimize her finances and to give herself something to do with the bulk of her time. As a quick learner, she applied for, and was hired as a salesgirl at a large store (part of a national chain) aimed almost exclusively at women that sold all sorts of beauty items such as makeup, nail polish, hair care products and perfumes, and also performed beauty services for customers. She was required to wear either all black or a combination of black and white while at work, but the exact form of earth clothing didn?t bother her. The only thing she cared about clothingwise was permission to place her family emblem back on her kryptonian garb. Nothing mattered until she could do that. Time passed rapidly for Kyla and her friends Kara and Kal (for that?s what they had become by this time). She discovered that she loved what she did for a living, especially working with young girls just starting to learn about makeup, older girls getting ready for prom and homecoming, and young brides who wanted to look their best on their wedding day. She stayed out of trouble, went out of her way to do nice things for people, and completed several courses on the computer system she had bought herself. After several months of living with Kara, the two girls decided it was time for her to get a small place of her own. As a salesgirl, she couldn?t live very ostentaciously, but an efficiency apartment would be just right for her. Kara also warned her to take her courses at the same rate an earth girl would,or just a little faster, so as not to arouse suspicions. Kara followed her advice to the letter. Due to her hard work and pleasant attitude (not to mention her Kryptonian abilities, which she only rarely used), in six months she was promoted to assistant department manager of a company called ?Clinique? at her store, with a substantial raise in pay, though she chose to stay in her efficiency- what more did she really need? She did create a screen saver for her computer, one that was deeply meaningful to her-a lozenge with a stylized helium atom contained inside it. Her family crest, which she was still forbidden to actually wear. Unknown to her, however, Kara and Kal had discussed her several times and having one of them assume the authority to grant her a pardon. They hesitated to take that step, though, because neither of them wished to be a ruler. They hoped the Kandorians could take that burden from them. Unfortunately there were nearly four years to go before Rokyn?s appearance. But they had both often seen her looking at her computer screen and crying. They both felt extremely sorry for her, and felt that soon they had to do something to help her. As part of her schooling in Earth culture, on one of Kara?s days off from work, the two girls went to the beach. Kara, being a little older (apparently, though Kyla had actually been born 20 cycles before Krypton exploded, her time in the zone stopped her aging) wore a modest one piece suit, while Kyla could and did pull off a skimpy bikini. While there, a child became caught in a strong riptide. Kara prepared to rescue the child, but Kyla stopped her, ?I?ve got this, don?t worry!? Kyla swam out, at a pace equal to a college swimmer, and dove under when she saw him disappear under the waves. With her super-vision, she easily found him and brought him to the surface. Knowing that a human couldn?t fight a riptide, she swam parallel to the shore until they were out of the current. She then turned towards land, holding the boy in a cross chest carry. She was embarrassed at the attention she got from the people on shore, and the grateful parents wanted to have her interviewed for the paper as a heroine. She declined, saying that it was only what any trained swimmer would do. Kara congratulated her, and said ?Great job, Kyla. I couldn?t have done it any better or more stealthily myself.? Kyla by this time had discovered something called ?dating?, which was unknown in that form on Krypton. There were arranged social events, where groups of young people of similar status would gather to meet and eventually start a courtship, and couples who had known each other for years and had families that were friends would occasionally spend time together (that was how Kyla had gotten into her difficulties, she was with a group of similar ?wild children? letting off some steam. However, because she was driving, she was the only one who had gotten into real trouble). She met several young men at places called ?clubs? and ?discos?, since it was hard to meet males at her place of employment (ones who liked women anyway, though in this part of the planet that wasn?t very important to most people). She went out with them to dinner or dancing, or to ?amusement parks?. Her escorts assumed that she would be afraid of the thrill rides and such, and expected her to cling tightly to them. She did, for appearances sake, but obviously a roller coaster held no terrors for her-she who had flown from Pluto to Earth, with a stopover on the moon. But she enjoyed her life, and even on occasion spent the night at her date?s apartment. She asked Kara about that, and was told that as an adult, it was up to her, just don?t hurt anyone. Kara had had several human boyfriends whom she had slept with, and one Daxamite, who had been forced to leave Earth due to a lead bomb weapon employed when an army of other Daxamites had invaded the planet. Kal-El was living with his long-time girlfriend Lois Lane, so it wasn?t a problem with him either. Coincidentally, the genetic codes of Kryptonians and Humans were close enough that pregnancy WAS a potential problem, so she had to take the same precautions any earth girl would have to, though disease was not a worry to her. Her life went on blissfully for almost another four years, with only one thing depressing her, her emblem. While it didn?t mean anything to the humans she interacted with (they didn?t even know she was an alien), it did humiliate her every time she came into contact with Kara or Kal while in their uniforms, or her in her own Kryptonian clothing, when they gave her powers practice. The one thing she wanted in life was her pardon, citizenship (even of a dead world!) and the right to wear her crest. But Kyla knew better than to ask. If they were a legal city or district council, she could get an advocate and file a petition. But they weren?t. Kara introduced her to one particular bar in National City, one that catered almost exclusively to Extra-Terrestrials, with only a very few brave or exceptionally adventurous Terrans patronizing the place. On any given evening, representatives from a dozen or more species could be found in attendance, seeking to spend time with (more or less) their own kind. Kara always wore her uniform, or other Kryptonian styled garb when she went there, and cautioned Kyla to wear her Kryptonian clothing also. Of course, Kyla found this extremely humiliating, since most of the aliens knew what her lack of emblem meant. On the other hand, some of the patrons were rather rough themselves, and being a ?zoner? gave her the alien equivalent of ?street cred?, which she needed, because even with her abilities, the place made her nervous, since some of those aliens had powers of their own. But a Kryptonian with no emblem? They left her alone, so she never had any trouble. However, she almost never went there without Kara. Unfortunately, a year before the scheduled re-appearance of Rokyn, disaster struck the planet Earth literally on a cosmic scale. Several astronomers, University, Government and Amateur had detected a large body entering the solar system from deep space, travelling at a very high velocity. Radio telescopes detected strange radiation being emitted from it, and one laboratory matched the radiation with a known sample of Kryptonite. There was very little any human government or organization could do about it, since it was almost one hundred miles in diameter. Later measurements proved that the mass was on a heading that would result in a collision with Earth, and an impact with an object of that size would extinguish all life on the planet no matter where it hit. While there had been several fictional movies released covering that exact same scenario, none of them were possible for Earth technology at the time. Earth?s super heroes met to discuss the situation, and what they could do. The question came up as to whether one of the more powerful (excluding the Kryptonians) could fly out and redirect the trajectory just enough to cause a miss. Earthquakes and such might have to be an acceptable risk from the gravity, but at least the planet would be saved. Green Lantern, Wonder Woman and Jonn Jonzz all volunteered, but an analysis showed that even their powers were insufficient, even in combination to divert the body. Diana was strong enough, but couldn?t fly in space. Hal suggested that a group of his Green Lantern comrades together might be able to do it, but getting them there in time would be a problem. Jonn was powerful, but not quite enough. It came down to the fact that only Kryptonian power could deflect the body, and exposure to that much Kryptonite would inevitably be fatal. Earth would lose either Superman or Supergirl. The two cousins retired in private to discuss who would go, with each insisting that they should be the one. Into this private conversation, held in Superman?s Fortress of Solitude at the north pole, flew a third Kryptonian in Kryptonian garb without insignia. It was of course Kyla Vor-Kar, the escaped Phantom Zone exile, still on parole. ?If this is a meeting of Kryptonians to discuss how to save the Earth, I have a right to be here. I may not be a citizen of Krypton, but I am one on Earth. This is my home too, and I want to be part of any decision that has to be made.? Neither of the El cousins had ever seen Kyla so forceful or insistant on anything. ?Kyla, you don?t understand. Whoever undertakes this mission is going to die, that?s for certain. Kara and I both have Law Enforcement authority, you don?t, and you?re right, as a non citizen, you also don?t have any responsibility to do anything, especially risk or lose your life. Let us handle this.? ?Kal-El, Kara, again, you?re right, I?m still not a citizen of Krypton. But as I said, I do live here, and I owe a debt of gratitude to this planet. I may not be the one chosen to carry out the mission, but I definitely insist on being included in the discussion and planning.? There wasn?t much the cousins could say to that. Since each of the three insisted on being the one to carry out the earth-saving mission, it was decided to choose by lot. Into a lead container (so their x-ray vision couldn?t be used) was placed two white balls and one black one. Each would choose, and the ball hidden in a closed fist, to be revealed simultaneously. The one with the black ball would go. Kyla of course drew the black ball, to her would go the honor of saving their adopted planet. The other two comforted her, and Kara even started crying. ?Hold on a minute, Kyla, I have something for you.? Kal went to his replicator and created a patch containing the Kar family crest. ?Put this on, you deserve to make your sacrifice as a free Kryptonian. As a councilor of the House of El, I authorize it. Kara, please perform your duty.? ?Kyla Vor-Kar, as a woman born of the House of El, I?m a hereditary priestess. I will now give you Rao?s Blessing to send you on your way.? The three were speaking in Kryptonian at this point. She gave the blessing and hugged the girl. ?Kyla, Earth will never forget you, you?ll be one of it?s greatest heroes. We?ll tell Rokyn of your heroism when it appears, and it?ll appear in the Annals of Krypton also. Your emblem will be seen all over Earth forever, Kal and I will make sure of it.? ?Thank you Kal-El, Kara for everything. My life would have been so different without your help and teaching. And thank you both for giving me my honor back. And now, I guess it?s time. Goodbye Kal-El, Kara Zor-El.? ?Farewell, Kyla Vor-Kar, Daughter of Krypton, may Rao go with you, and may you bask in His light.? It was the first time in almost fifty years that she had been entitled to be addressed as ?Daughter of Krypton?, and she began weeping when she heard it. Not at the thought of dying, she had accepted that, but at the honored form of address she thought she?d never be allowed to use again. Kyla took off towards the asteroid (for lack of a better term), accompanied by Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Earth. While he wasn?t powerful enough to complete the task, he could return her body to her adopted planet for a State Funeral, with full honors from every nation on Earth. The two flew through space past the orbit of Jupiter towards the deadly missile. Kyla drew up just before the Kryptonite radiation threshold, waved towards Earth, and dove towards the precisely measured spot. It had been carefully calculated to allow Kyla to change the body?s direction by one degree, which would allow it to miss Earth by enough distance to avoid complete destruction of the planet. She was in extreme agony, and could feel her powers beginning to wane. She didn?t have much time. The Kryptonite began to turn her skin green from the poisoning while she pushed the rock further and further off of it?s course. It wasn?t quite enough, and she could feel herself dying. She couldn?t fail, Earth and her Kryptonian friends were counting on her. With the last vestiges of her unearthly strength, she put everything she had into one final monumental push, screaming silently (no air in space) with the effort. The rock had changed it?s course almost a degree and a half by the time her effort was finished. Unfortunately, as expected, not only her effort, but she herself was finished. With the push, her entire body turned bright green from Kryptonite poisoning, and Kyla Vor-Kar, convicted criminal, Phantom Zone escapee and savior of the planet Earth died a hero, and a Free Citizen of the planet Krypton. All her escort could do for her was to use his ring to create a capsule for her and return her to the planet she had given her life to save. EPILOGUE Kyla received the most lavish funeral anyone on Earth had ever received, with the Heads of State of all nations in attendance. Statues of the heroic girl were erected in the Honor Squares of every country, by whatever they were named. Kal-El placed one in his Fortress. Her coffin was draped with a flag emblazoned with the Kar family emblem, the stylized Helium Atom, with the flag of Krypton leading the procession, and the flags of the world following after. Kara, dressed in the robes of a priestess of Rao, conducted the service. Several conservative American religious leaders protested the worship of what they considered a false God, but they were quickly shouted down, with many of their followers leaving them and donations vastly decreased. All over Earth, the Kar emblem flew in places of honor, including the United Nations Plaza in New York City. When Rokyn reappeared, their council was notified, and Kylas name was re-written in the roll of Kryptonian Citizens, her greatest desire. Her relatives there entered the prescribed period of mourning for her. Her tomb on Earth was ceremonial, though she had originally been interred in it, but with Rokyn?s reappearance, her wish to sleep with her own people was granted by the El cousins. They transported her remains to the new planet, where she was placed in the Kar family crypt, with her distant relatives. The odyssey that had begun in the Kryptonopolis council chamber so many years before was finally over. Kyla Vor-Kar was home.

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The Lost Child

I had been looking forward to this weekend for weeks. Seems nothing had been going right since I’d graduated. I was able to take the reins of the company, under the watchful eyes of my father’s executors, once my MBA had been achieved, but I was still in the process of getting myself up to speed and working to make things better. I had been able to get my degree, then do a few years in the service, but when Mom and Dad were killed, I pretty much had to change course and go back to school....

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There and BackChapter 67 Child Protection

Without a purpose, I wandered the castle aimlessly. I found Connor, excitedly talking with a Circle mage I vaguely recognised from the ritual that had saved the young mage. I left them alone, as it seemed the mage was teaching Connor, and I didn't want to interrupt. I then ran into Teagan, who pulled me aside. "Dare I ask what my sort-of nephew did?" "Pardon?" "I'm not an idiot. I see the guilt in his eyes when he looks at you, and you avoiding eye contact. I know how you feel about...

3 years ago
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Child of the Theater

INTRODUCTION The assistant director called ‘Next’ and a six-foot-three slender guy with dark-eyes and dark hair slicked back was pushed on-stage and the assistant director sighed and patted her pussy and whispered, ‘Down girl.’ ‘Name?’ ‘Eugene Ejack.’ Those around her laughed but Pauline kept a straight face never knowing when and where a union spy was hovering with a desire to close down the theatre while an investigation into alleged abuse of the civil rights of a minority race person was...

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Problem Child

More than any one other thing, I blame my husband Donald. We got married at 18. I was pregnant with our first by 19. We were young, but we had each other and had known each other since middle school. Donald was reasonably smart and more importantly he was steady. He studied early and late, he got straight A's, and he went for a financial career after high school and graduated a year early. Our parents supported us until he graduated, and Donald went to work for the local grocery mega-chain. It...

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Child Brings Huge Property

I am 34. Married for eight years to a big business man who loves to live in suitcases, sleep in flights and just make money. There was no dearth of gold and diamond with me. Had big house. But I had no life. In eight years only my upper and lower body has put on flesh but nothing in between. No baby bump. I was coming to conclusion that adopting a baby is the only option left and was persuading my husband. One day suddenly my hubby told that his father if in ICU and he has to rush to Bengaluru...

3 years ago
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Mother and Child Reunion

Mother and Child Reunion By Heather St. Claire Will Bates sat in a huge leather swivel chair in the study of his palatial home overlooking San Francisco Bay. He impatiently leafed through a magazine, but was as unaware of its contents as he was of the spectacular view that the panoramic windows revealed, or the priceless books and manuscripts that surrounded him. It was one of the most expensive homes in the country, a fitting monument to the man who had single-handedly built...

2 years ago
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Sex With Swamiji To Get Child

I had the chance of surfing this wonderful site of story collection. Many of them shared their experience. I would like to share my experience which happened six years ago. My name is Aruna aged 31, working as a secretary to the CEO of a MNC. My husband Suresh is working as Area Sales Manager for a pharmaceutical division of reputed company. I got married at the age of 21. At the time of marriage he was Sales Executive. He was mostly on his wheels. Almost twenty days out of house. We always...

3 years ago
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The Second Child of Lisa Sarah and Greg

PREVIOUSLY IN THE SARAH AND GREG SERIES Sarah, Greg, and Lisa have a very non-traditional marriage. Sarah is a pre-op transgender woman, and they have a marriage of three people. ("Lisa Visits Sarah and Greg" and "Lisa Moves in with Sarah and Greg") Although they all believed that Lisa was not capable of having children, she got pregnant anyway, and now the three are parents to a beautiful baby girl, Amy Jillian Booth ("The First Child of Sarah and Greg and Lisa") A FEW MONTHS INTO...

3 years ago
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Love Child

[June 1951 — Pittsburgh, PA] The final bell of the school year rang. My best friend Ricky and I jumped up and raced out the door, with the traditional schoolboy chant. ‘No more classrooms, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks!’ Ricky turned to me and grinned. ‘Guess what, Timmy? When school starts again, we’ll be seniors. We’ll finally be on the top of the totem pole!’ I grinned back. ‘Right on, Ricky! I can’t wait!’ When I got home, there was an air of excitement in the house. ‘I...

3 years ago
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Helping Family Girl To Get My Child

Hi friends and fans of sex stories. This is true my story which happened 14 months ago. Let me start with my introduction. My name is Tirupur trouser[Name changed for safty] I can speak Tamil,Malayalam,Hindi,English& Swahili[Kenya I worked around 12 years] This is my 1 st story in ISS I am 36 yr old[Married].I hv registered my profile in all web sites[Free web sites only] After a couple of days I received a mail from a lady from Kerala. She is staying in Coimbatore She introduced herself as...

3 years ago
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A Mother Knows Her Child

Tonight was Halloween night, and it would mark a year since Linda Ewing changed her boyfriend Michael Caliguiri, into Michelle Caliguiri. Linda gave the boy, who was expecting a treat, this trick because the former football player cheated on her with her best friend, Sophie Lawrence. The scorned high school sophomore held no ill will towards Sophie. According to Linda's BFF, that scoundrel lied to the drunken girl about those two being broken up over Fred Foxx. Linda did kiss Fred, but...

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The Spoilt Child

THE SPOILT CHILD Kenneth Masters was in big trouble. He couldn't work out how or even why he got into it and he certainly didn't know how to get out. It all started with the night away. Well no, actually it started three years before that, when he married Samantha Toller, who everyone knew as Sam. She was a widow with a ten year old daughter, Kiera, whose husband had been killed four years before that, in boating accident, at least that was presumed as his body was never found. ...

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My Child

                                                                 MY CHILD  Once again I woke up screaming and in a cold sweat, the thin gown clinging to my pain ravaged body.  And as before the nurse rushed in to sedate me and hold my hand until I calmed down. A tearful drama repeated several times so far. The needle pierced my arm and she held me tightly as I cry incoherently in her arms.  ?Oh Jessica? she would whisper as I cried silently in her hair, ?Its ok I’m here baby.?    Her name was...

4 years ago
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The Foster ChildChapter 1

I love my sister. Cassy and I were never really that close because of the difference in our ages. Not as close as most sisters. Not at first anyway. I was a late and unexpected arrival. My sister was already eight years old when I was born. Until I arrived she was an only child. Cassy was always more of a mother figure, or at least a babysitter than a sister to me. It was a long time before I was anything but an added responsibility to her. We very seldom played together, or at least not...

4 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 276 With Child

"Dani? Are you telling me... ?" She was nodding her head. The right side of her mouth curled up in a smile. I suppose it was pretty hard to work the left side of her mouth with the stitches, bandages, and wiring. "I'm with child," she said through her teeth. If I didn't know she was wired shut, I'd have been worried about her saying that through her teeth that way. But I still needed to make sure. "Is it ... Is it okay, sweetheart? Can I ... Can I be happy about it?" I said. She...

5 years ago
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From Childs Play to

Chapter 1  FROM CHILD?S PLAY TO???.?ByBondoy   I lay panting on the bed wondering, as usual when I was in this or a similar situation, who the hell in their right mind would allow themselves to get as frustrated as I was in my current position!? That position was being tied in a very strict hog-tie and trying to get enough air after my efforts to escape even though, from many previous experiences, I knew it was futile to try. My rope bonds had been very professionally applied.? Ankles...

2 years ago
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Wild Child

This trip had been in the planning for months and I was finally ready to take on the Appalachian Trail. Ever since I read the book "A Walk in the Woods" by Bill Bryson I had been promising myself that I was going to do it. I used part of my savings to buy the gear and had even bypassed the spring term at the university to get a start in early April, hoping to make it to the other end by October. I'm an experienced hiker but I had never tried anything even close to this. I hugged my dad who...

5 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 1

Familiar stomach cramps woke her from a light doze. They signified the onset of her menstruation and a week of being pestering by the males of the troupe. Slowly, with infinite care, she climbed down from her bedding of twisted and bent branches, dropping to the forest floor soundlessly. Mist still hung around the trunks and underbrush, waiting to be burned off by the shafts of searing sunlight that penetrated the canopy. She stretched sinuously, feeling the surge of life flow through her...

4 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 2

For some inexplicable reason, a black market trade had sprung up fairly recently which meant the death knell for Forest Gorillas. Bizarrely, the discerning word had grown a passion for ashtrays made from the black skin of dried gorilla hands. Each would fetch more than a month's wages for the bush tribes so the incentive to find and slaughter the endangered species was high. Added to this strange fad was the ancient Chinese medicinal belief that dried and powdered gorilla testicles bestowed...

4 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 3

Juli was elated. She was finally going to get her motor scooter after wishing for one all these years. She just knew she and her friends would have the best of times riding and flirting and showing off their hot bodies in front of all the boys and men. She dressed quickly in a tight pullover shirt and her pleated white miniskirt that she loved so much. She always loved to wear it with white panties underneath and wondered if anyone could see them as she bent forward or squatted. Today would...

3 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 5

‘Honda Powersports’ Ridgeway Honda 2010 Ridgeway Drive Sal Saldona, Sales Manager Juli looked the card over and wondered what kind of ‘Power Sports’ they sold. She wished she had seen this before, she could have asked him, but they were having too much fun anyway. She ran to her room and looked at in the phone book. There it was:. Ridgeway Honda The best in powersports on the water and on the land. See us for Honda Motorcycles, scooters, watercraft, ATVs, generators, and power...

4 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 7

After class, Cali spent a few minutes with Sal to go over some things in depth while Laci and Juli ran to the restroom then to their Daddy’s office to tell him about Juli now being his daughter too. “Juli, please come sit on Daddy’s lap and let me hug and kiss you like Laci and I do. I’m so proud to have another adopted daughter. We’ll have lots of fun in the coming years as you sexy young things grow up with the way your bodies have already started blooming.” “Daddy, do we still get to...

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Wild ChildChapter 10

Juli pulled a tee shirt over her head and sat on the side of her bed watching as Darin did his wizardly tech magic with her new PC. When he turned it on, it came on with a flash of light and was instantly loaded. “You’re pulling 19.8 mbps, that is HOT, Baby.” “Good, I want to be a HOT BABY for you too.” “You are, for sure; you got a hot pussy too.” “Thanks, I want to be the best ever at fucking and sucking.” “You’re on your way, you sure sucked me dry.” “I bet you’re hard again already...

2 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 11

“I sure wish I could be there just to see him get that big cock in a young girl’s pussy. I know I’d get a cum just watching. I’d really love to be the one to help him get his cock in a pussy for the first time.” “Darin may have to settle for a woman for his first time. I’m not sure it would be a good idea for him to try to get that big fucker in a young, inexperienced pussy the first few times, really.” “I have some friends that may help us. They have sugar daddies and they know all about...

4 years ago
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Wild ChildChapter 12

Cali came to the drugstore early the next morning so they’d have time for a soda before going to scooter’s-ed classes. Juli told her all about meeting Darin and how big his cock was. She told her about her making money sweeping and sucking cocks with the local shop owners too. “You didn’t let them have that sweet cherry, did you?” “No way, we both know I’m saving that for the highest bidder. I want lots of money like you get.” “We’ll get it for you too, Baby.” Laci met Juli as soon as...

3 years ago
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Once again I woke up screaming and in a cold sweat, the thin gown clinging to my pain ravaged body. And as before the nurse rushed in to sedate me and hold my hand until I calmed down. A tearful drama repeated several times so far. The needle pierced my arm and she held me tightly as I cry incoherently in her arms. “Oh Jessica” she would whisper as I cried silently in her hair, “Its ok I’m here baby.” Her name was Jennifer, an older sexy black woman with a heart of gold. She has pretty...

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