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AN EASY MISTAKE Greg Walker was glad to get home. He had been round the world, literally. He was being primed to take over the running of his wife's family business, supplying printers to many customers in diverse countries. These weren't your little printer/copiers that people have in there homes, these were the sort that were used for printing newspapers and magazines. Seeing the way the wind was blowing, they were also getting into commercial 3-D printers in a big way and that had been the reason for his trip. Greg started working for the company straight from school and Paul Vincent, the head of Vincent Printers Ltd, quickly recognised him for his business acumen. He was able to pin point exactly what the customer needed even before they did. Paul was the last male in line to carry on the company, started by his grandfather and he had worked with his older brother Peter, until he recently died without children. Paul was sad that he never had a son and even sadder when his daughter, Sophia, told him of her aspirations to enter medicine instead of the family business. Her mother had died when she was still at university, so the family business was his life, apart from his daughter. Imagine his pleasure when Greg started dating and then married her. He would have an indirect heir and he ventured that perhaps at least one grandchild would come along to succeed Greg. He was disappointed that they had been married for nearly ten years and still no sign of a baby on the way. It wasn't really such a surprise. Sophia had become a dedicated surgeon and had started her own private plastic surgery clinic, where she charged huge sums of money for rich people to look, in their own eyes at least, beautiful. With the money raised she did a high percentage of free operations on children or those scarred in accidents and so on, who couldn't afford to pay and for whom the health service either was taking too long, or wouldn't treat. She had started this three years ago at only thirty years old, so had no time to consider starting a family herself. Greg took an optimistic look round the house. It was eight on the Thursday evening and he had hoped that perhaps Sophia would be home but a note under the landline telephone dashed those hopes, confirming that she would be working late. He was not only tired from a long sales trip, he was badly jet lagged, not hungry he decided to go straight to bed, leaving both his suitcases where they were in the hall. He scribbled a note to that effect and replaced hers with it. He reflected that this was all too frequently their means of communication. It was only about forty minutes later that Sophia arrived home and was disappointed that he hadn?t stayed up for her. She took his cases into the laundry room and tried to open the first one. ?That?s odd,? she thought, ?he never locks his case.? She wasn?t just a skilled surgeon, with a deft flick of the end of a corkscrew, the catches flew open. The contents were a surprise. Instead of dirty shirts and pants there was a substantial number of items of women?s clothing. She tried the other case, which wasn?t locked and contained no surprises. She returned to the first one. At the bottom was a pair of what she knew were top of the range silicon breast forms. They were nestled among three pairs of shoes, all with five or six inch heels. She examined the outside of the case again. It was not only very familiar, light blue with a dark blue band round it, an airline label clearly read ?G. Walker?. She noticed that the trip hadn?t been kind to it, more worn than she remembered but there could be no mistake, her husband was a cross dresser, perhaps even transsexual. She got herself a large scotch and sat down, staring at the case?s contents. She became so sad for him. She had met many transsexuals in the course of her work, even operated on them for cosmetic improvements so she knew how they had suffered, keeping such a personal secret from everyone, even those they loved the most. They were frightened to say anything for the possibility, perhaps even the probability of losing them. She thought about Greg, how he always liked to keep his hair quite long for a man and he certainly didn?t have a masculine build. She remembered he shaved his body when she first dated him, claiming that it was because he swam competitively, now of course she knew differently. That was why he was quite happy to go off on these long trips, so that he could indulge in his ?hobby? and get at least a temporary release. Surely he should know that she loved him unconditionally, she would accept him the way he was, whatever that was. She threw his dirty washing from the other case into the machine, turned it on and got herself another drink. Once more doubt crossed her mind, she checked the sizes of the clothes and the shoes. They all fit him and she remembered that once he pointed out that they were both the same size, the most likely reason he knew was that he had tried on some of her clothes, although she had never noticed anything out of place. There was no more room for doubt. She carefully replaced all the items, noting that the breast forms were a ?D? cup size, then relocked the case by the same method and placed it on a shelf in their utility room. She ate some cold chicken and salad, washed down with a generous glass of Chardonnay and decided to turn in herself. He could iron what needed it from his wash in the morning, it was Friday but he wasn?t expected to go into work until Monday. Although she had surgery early in the morning she knew it wouldn?t take long, so she had the rest of the day free. She lay in bed , tired but not able to sleep, thinking of what her husband was going through, carrying his secret. She desperately wanted to show him that it didn?t matter but couldn?t think how. Then it came to her. She would give him a present, but she would have to be careful, there was no way after nearly ten years of marriage that he was going to be able to admit he had been living a lie all that time. She wouldn?t press him on it, he would only feel worse afterwards, when he had to tell her that he?d been maintaining the denial. With that decided, she slept. When she woke in the morning and went to the kitchen, it was obvious that he?d been snacking in the night. His jet lag was obviously causing him problems, but he was asleep again then, so she let him be. She left a note to tell him to meet her at the clinic at twelve thirty and not to eat beforehand. After a restless night Greg woke eventually at nine and felt better. He got up, saw Sophia?s note and the ironing that needed doing so got straight on with it, just a coffee to accompany it so that he was hungry for the promised lunch date with his wife. At ten there was a knock on the door, when he opened it an unfamiliar woman was standing there. ?Mr Walker?? He answered in the affirmative. ?My name is Sandra Walker, my husband is George. Did you by any chance pick up a suitcase at the airport with ?G. Walker? on it?? ?Yes, it was mine.? ?Just a moment please.? She walked back to her car, opened the rear door and pulled out a suitcase that he saw immediately was exactly the same as his. She bought it over to the house and showed him the label that also read ?G. Walker?. ?Would you like to check the contents, I think you?ll find this one is yours.? He opened the case to find indeed that his clothes were inside. He went into the house and looked around to find where Sophia must have put it. He followed her likely moves, decided that she would have taken it near to the washing machine and there he found the identical case, in the utility room, but it was locked. ?I?m most terribly sorry, I don?t know if it was my fault.? ?Don?t worry about it,? Mrs Walker told him, ?it was just lucky that we found an envelope addressed to you in your case. You haven?t opened my husband?s, have you?? When he assured her that he hadn?t, she was obviously pleased. ?I?m afraid my husband had some rather personal things in his case, that?s why he didn?t come himself. I?m afraid the idiot was too embarrassed to face you if you had seen them. Anyway it?s all sorted out now, thank you so much.? He pondered on the extraordinary coincidence, not only of the names but the design of the cases. He did his ironing, putting the contents of his real case away or in the washing machine for a second load. He broke off in good time to shower and change into something respectable for a decent restaurant, if she was doing more than snacking on a sandwich his wife always like to eat in the best. When he arrived at the clinic Sophia was waiting for him in one of the treatment rooms rather than her office. After a warm mutual greeting she had him sit on the bed. ?Greg, I?m going to give you a present to show how much I love you, will you slip your coat off a minute?? Puzzled he complied and watched as she plunged a hypodermic needle into his arm. ?Now just lie back and relax, you?re going to get something that I guess you?ve wanted most of your life.? He felt the room start to spin and before it had completed a circuit, he was asleep. * * * * * He was only half awake. He tried to move but it was so hard he quickly decided that it wasn?t worth the effort. A woman?s face loomed over him. Although he didn?t recognise her he tried to say hello, his mouth moved but nothing came out. He could hear the steady beeps, it was a heart monitor but it was from another world, one he couldn?t relate to it. ?He?s woken up,? he heard someone say. He was aware that the skin on his face felt somehow taught and parts of it ached, not painful, but enough to know that something wasn?t right. The same with his body but he couldn?t understand it so gave up trying. ?Don?t try to speak, you could damage your voice.? Somehow the bedclothes were heavy on his chest, he didn?t ever remember them pressing down like that before, then he realised it was bandaged. Memory. Was he in an accident? It certainly seemed like he was in hospital. A familiar face drifted over his head. Sophia. ?Hello beautiful, are you ready to wake up?? No. He wanted to go back to sleep. Body too tired to move. ?Now listen my pretty one.? Sophia was talking to someone she called ?beautiful? and ?pretty? but why was she looking at him when she spoke? ?I found out your little secret.? She hesitated to see how bad the reaction was to his breathing, blood pressure and heart rate, she had to take it slowly, she didn?t want him stressed. ?I want you to know I don?t care, if you?d told me I wouldn?t have minded.? She paused, still no reaction. ?I found out when I opened your suitcase.? He wondered why that would be a problem, she did his washing, so what? ?I found your clothes, your hidden stash.? She was puzzled, she would have expected him to show that he was worried, ashamed, something to register on the monitors that she had found him out. Nothing. He was able to move a little more now and the effort showed on the read outs, nothing unusual. ?I found out that you wanted to dress as a woman.? There, she?d said it, she had a sedative handy in case he got too animated. Instead he looked at her with a sort of squint with a frown, as if he didn?t understand what she was talking about. He was able to lift an arm and made a sort of writing motion with his hand, somewhat hampered by the thick bandages round his chest. ?You want something to write with?? she asked and picked up a small white board and washable marker pen. With great difficulty and barely legibly he wrote on the board. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? ?Your suitcase, the one that was locked.? NOT MINE - GEORGE WALKER - COINCIDENCE ?Don?t tell me fibs Greg, it was your case and your name on the label." MRS WALKER COLLECTED IT THIS MORNING - WHAT WAS IN IT? ?It was your suitcase, I recognised it.? THAT?S WHY MISTAKE - NAME G. WALKER HE IS GEORGE ?It?s not true Greg, how can you make up something like that.? The monitors suddenly started jumping, his heart rate increased and his breathing. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? She didn?t answer him. She suddenly wondered if it could possibly be true then dismissed the very idea, it was ludicrous. With him getting more and more agitated she injected his IV line with another sedative and left him to sleep. She had to have a look at that case and find where he?d hidden the contents. She rushed home. When she got there she saw that another load was in the washing machine, she looked at the contents and realised that she?d already done all his washing. Then she realised his cunning plan. He?d washed some clean clothes out of his drawers so that she would think that there were more of his than she?d seen. She looked for the suitcase and found it put away in the top of his bedroom closet. As she got it down she could feel that it was empty, she examined the label. It certainly said G. Walker but suddenly she felt sick. The handwriting was different, this was in block capitals and she was sure it was in joined up handwriting before. She had to sit down, she felt faint. It couldn?t possibly be true, could it? She looked again and she felt even worse. The label last night had one corner torn off, this one was complete. She started to cry. Then she noticed the top of the case was pristine and she remembered wondering how it had got scratched. She felt herself close to being hysterical. She had never felt like this before, she was always the calm unflappable one, essential when doing delicate surgery. She did the only thing she could think of, she went to see her father. ?What exactly have you done to him?? was the first question he asked after she had told him the story. ?Well, remember I thought he wanted to look like a woman.? She sobbed. ?You haven?t cut his thing off have you?? he practically shouted. ?No, but not far short.? She counted the procedures off on her fingers. I?ve made his face more feminine, his eyes look larger, his eyebrows raised, nose and chin reduced, beard lasered off and lips plumped.? ?Oh my God!? he exclaimed. ?I?ve given him ?C? cup breasts but they will get larger with the hormone implants, a narrower waist by removing and shortening ribs as well as liposuction, and given him a plumper bum.? ?Is that all?? He was being sarcastic. ?No, I?ve shortened his Achilles tendon so he can walk in heels without pain and his vocal cords so the pitch of his voice is slightly higher. I forgot, I shaved his Adam?s apple too.? ?What about the hormone implants? Will what you?ve done effect his performance in bed?? ?Yes and it will be a long time before the oestrogen wears off.? ?What isn?t possible to reverse?? ?Most is reversible, but a couple of crucial ones aren?t, it will be possibly years before he?s able to walk in flat shoes, the shorter tendons have to be stretched over a long period and that will be painful and his voice will always be at the very least androgynous. The real answer is that even what I can recover, and that?s going to be mostly be slow and painful, he?s still going to have a very feminine face.? He watched his daughter?s face and profoundly wished he could say something to ease her pain. All he could do was to state the obvious. ?Well my dear, your just going to have to face him and take the consequences I?m afraid, they will probably include being struck off. Do you want me to come with you?? ?I have to do this on my own Daddy, but he might need someone to talk to afterwards and it certainly won?t be me.? Sophia returned to the clinic and sat at his bedside for much of the night until he woke. He looked at her with tears in his eyes. ?My darling man,? she sobbed, ?you know I?d do anything for you.? She wiped both their eyes. ?Whatever you do don?t speak louder than a quiet whisper, preferably use the board and I?ll do my best to explain what?s happened.? She detailed opening the suitcase and what she found inside and her certainty that it was all his. She then told him what she?d done to him, thinking it would fulfil his deepest desires. Then she detailed as far as she could go putting things right, but she couldn?t even be started on that until he?d recovered from the procedures only just done. The next thing was for her to report herself to the medical authorities which will result in being struck off. When she said this he wrote one word: NO. He pulled her close to his face and whispered in her ear, ?We?ll get through this somehow.? Then, ?How long before I can speak?? ?Tomorrow, your vocal cords will have healed by then but try not to shout the house down for a couple of days.? ?You look tired,? he whispered. ?Get some rest and we?ll talk properly later.? She kissed him passionately and left him to the nurses care, one had just arrived with a throat soothing iced lolly for him to suck. After that Paul Vincent put his head round the door and asked if he could come in, to which he nodded ?yes?. ?My daughter?s told me what she?s done, I?m terribly sorry.? he said, looking at Greg?s bruised face and bandaged chest. ?Is there anything I can do?? He got writing. IN MY BRIEFCASE AT HOME - ORDERS TO GET OUT. ?How can you think about work? I meant is there anything I can do to help you right now? She mentioned to me that you should make a complaint to the General Medical Council, do you want me to find out how that?s done?? MY MISTAKE WITH CASE, CAN?T BLAME HER FOR SAME Then I DON?T KNOW WHAT I?M GOING TO DO - HALF MAN HALF WOMAN ?She can undo a lot of it Greg, I don?t know what else I can say.? he replied. ?I do know there?s nothing either of us can say to my daughter that would make her feel any worse than she does already.? Paul spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening with him. After establishing that there was nothing he needed, they mostly talked about work and how his trip had gone. The answer to that was very successfully, he had got them enough business to fill their order books for months if not a year. It seemed that neither of them wanted to speak about the elephant in the room. Once Greg?s evening meal arrived, a plate of soft food, Paul took his leave. ?Greg must love you very much Sophia,? he told his daughter later when she phoned him to find out how his visit had gone. ?He?s in a bad way, but he refuses to blame you.? The next morning she sheepishly put her head round his door. ?My love, how are you feeling, physically I mean, I know you?re terribly depressed about what I?ve done. I?ve been so stupid.? ?Getting used to things.? He smiled although she could see that his eyes were wet. ?I never realised what a weight you have to carry around on your chest every day.? ?Your voice isn?t as high pitched as I thought it might be. Oh, Greg, you have to believe me when I tell you that I feel like cutting my throat.? She was crying again. ?Come here.? He opened his arms and she rushed to him and hugged him so tightly she was squashing his breasts. ?Careful, I don?t want you to burst my balloons.? ?Silly, they won?t burst like that.? Tears were rolling down her cheeks as she unwrapped the bandages round his chest. ?I?m sorry but you?ll have to wear a bra until there?re healed or you?ll end up with the biggest kneecaps in the world.? She gave a half hearted laugh which only served to emphasise how distraught she was. Sophia broke away from the hug and opened his bedside drawer. She fitted a very utilitarian white cotton bra round his chest for the first time in his life. They could only look at each other as she realised how humiliating it was for him. They took one day at a time for the next week, neither of them able to raise the other?s spirits to any great extent. Paul was a regular visitor and insisted that he take at least a month off work to recover and work out what he was going to do, not only about his appearance, but also the future of his marriage. Both Sophia and her father wanted him to see a councillor, but he was concerned that her mistake would become public and he didn?t want that, both to avoid his embarrassment and not wishing his wife to have light shed on what she?d done. After a week his bruises had gone and he was exercising more, each day walking circuits round his room. He should have gone further but he couldn?t face leaving his private space. On the Thursday morning Sophia had come in to see him. ?You can be discharged today if you like, I?ve got no surgery tomorrow or all next week, there?s a locum coming in to do my list. I want to look after you in our own home.? She placed a large holdall on the end of his bed and started taking some items of clothing out. She helped him on with a slightly lighter but still plain bra, then one of his shirts but it wouldn?t do up and it did nothing to disguise the contours of his chest. He was still sitting on his bed when he asked to see himself in a mirror. The clinic specialised in helping people improve their looks, so it wasn?t long before a full length mirror was in front of him. He was shocked. ?There?s no way I can pass as a man is there?? He started to cry openly. ?I?m afraid that at the very least I?ll have to do some work on you for that, but I want to try.? She hesitated, then, ?Don?t take this the wrong way, I?m just thinking of making sure you?re embarrassed as little as possible, but do you want to try some women?s clothes? They?d fit your looks better.? ?I think I?d better, I look stupid in this.? She dug deeper in the bag and pulled out a skirt, jumper, a lightweight jacket, pantyhose and some wedge heeled shoes. She first handed him a pair of light control panties. ?Sorry, but even if you don?t poke out under that skirt, you still don?t want your extra bits jumping about. These will keep him under control.? When it came to putting them on, he stood down on the floor for the first time, winced and got up on his toes. ?Sorry, remember I thought you would want to be in heels all the time, so that?s the way your tendons have been shaped. We?ll work on some exercises to stretch them again but in the meantime you?ll be more comfortable wearing these.? She handed him the wedges. It was certainly less of a strain on his ankles when he stepped onto the heeled shoes to pull the panty up over his body, but his next battle was with the pantyhose. First of all he tried to pull them on, then he remembered how Sophia pulled on the rolled tops but only managed to get them a little higher than his knees. ?I was afraid of pulling them too hard,? he explained. At least with something else to think about he had stopped crying. Finally he had them on and the rest of the clothes were more straight forward. She brushed his hair, remembering how he had remarked that he would have to get it cut as soon as he got back from the trip. ?Darling, I know it goes against the grain, but if you look like a natural woman, you?ll attract less attention than if you are androgynous. Do you mind if I put a little lipstick on you?? He told her that he would go along with whatever she suggested and soon he was fascinated by the creamy, distinctive taste of it round his mouth. He heard his wife arranging with her father to pick them up to drive them home and shortly a nurse arrived with a wheelchair to take him outside. At first he was worried that everyone would laugh when they saw him, but as he was wheeled to the car they passed several people who took no notice whatsoever. It calmed him down so that he was able to return the greeting from his father-in-law in a fairly relaxed manner. He was nevertheless pleased once he got into his own home with the front door closed behind just him and his wife. She had agreed with her father that they have some privacy to settle in and he would call the next evening to have dinner with them. ?Are you still feeling a bit shaky?? she asked. ?Not too bad but I don?t think I?m up to a marathon this afternoon.? ?At some stage we have to talk about the next few weeks. It?s going to be that long before we can get you back under the knife.? She sat next to him on the couch and hugged his arm. ?I think it?s clear that I?m going to have to present myself as a woman if I don?t want to get some strange looks. I?ve given it some thought on the way home and I?m reconciled to that, what I?m more concerned with is that it doesn?t matter how close you hold me, I can?t feel any reaction where a husband should. How long do you think before I can get hard again?? ?It?s difficult to say, I counteracted the hormones I gave you pretty quickly but it?s bound to be a while. The only consolation is they should have made another part of you quite sensitive, let me try something.? She reached across and gently rubbed and tweaked his nipple through his clothes. ?Ah! Oh my goodness, that?s wonderful.? He shuddered with pleasure. ?Come up to bed my love, let me show you what I had in mind when I was working on you.? She took his hand and led him upstairs to their bed. She kissed him passionately as she was undressing him, then slipped out of her own clothes and lay on the bed beside him. She continued to kiss him but slid down his body until she gently kissed and sucked his nipples, her hand running down to caress his stomach then returning to pay attention to his breast. His breaths became more rapid as she played his body, her hand once more descending to his stomach and then on to his still soft but rapidly sensitised penis. He couldn?t believe the feelings from his breasts and especially his nipples, they were overwhelming him with the feeling of pure lust. While gently rubbing it with her hand, she slid down further, then with her other hand massaging his breasts she took his penis in her mouth. In only seconds he arched his back and felt one of the most powerful orgasms of his life. It passed through every fibre of his body and went on for what was really only a fraction of a minute but seemed to him to be forever. Even she was surprised by his reaction, she had been more successful in that respect than she could have hoped. ?That?s the nearest you?ll ever come to a female orgasm,? she told him. ?My God Sophia.? He was having trouble getting his breath back, ?how come women aren?t all sex maniacs if they feel like that every time?? ?It isn?t always like that,? she giggled, making him laugh and they realised that this was the first break from the mood they?d had since his operation. In only a very short time he started to return the favour, suckling on her nipples and stroking her the same way she had him. He was proving a fast learner and found the desire was rising in him again. He didn?t believe it could be happening, it always took him a while to recover each time but not now. Sophia spun round so they were soon in a sixty- nine position, he started to work his mouth into her, playing her clit with his tongue at the same time she was once again sucking on him. In only a very few minutes they had simultaneous orgasms, their cries muffled out by the occupation of their mouths. Sated, Sophia crawled up the bed and they wrapped their arms round each other and slept for an hour or more. ?How are you feeling now?? she asked him when they woke. ?That was an amazingly efficacious treatment Doctor,? he said with a smile. ?Can I have a regular prescription?? She jumped out of bed and got two of her best nightdresses out of her drawer, she put one on and handed the other to him. These were followed by the matching negligees, hers was predominately pink his pastel blue. She also gave him some fluffy, three inch heeled mules to wear. He looked at himself in their wardrobe mirror, noticing that his breasts and especially his nipples, were clearly defined under the almost sheer garments. ?I?m glad you gave me the blue for boy colour,? he was laughing as he spoke, ?I?d hate to look effeminate.? They were both still laughing as they went downstairs to get something to eat to for their evening meal. Greg took the lead, as he often did when they cooked together and in no time they were sat down at the dining table. When they were eating some ice cream for desert, Greg became serious. ?Darling, if it?s going to be a while before we can have normal sex, aren?t you going to miss it?? ?You must be joking, after the afternoon we?ve just had?? Then she became worried. ?You did enjoy it, didn?t you?? ?Of course I did, but I worry that it?s not enough for you.? He thought just for a moment. ?Perhaps we could get a toy for you to have, you know, a vibrator or something.? ?My love, nothing or nobody could replace you.? She laughed. ?Mind you, if you want to experiment I wouldn?t stand in your way.? ?What do you mean?? He was curious. ?Have you wondered what it would be like to be penetrated? You know we could both play if you want.? He wasn?t sure about that, it wasn?t a step he had ever considered, but they retired early that night and after another two sizzling sex sessions, she brought up the subject again. They decided that they would visit one of the adult shops the next morning. ?We?re going to have to get you some more clothes anyway, Greg,? Sophia reminded him over breakfast. ?You do realise that when we go out in front of other people, I?m not going to be able to call you Greg, don?t you?? ?Oh, no. I suppose you?re right, it would be embarrassing,? he suddenly told her. ?Mind you, if anyone that I know saw me right now I?d be embarrassed, sat at the breakfast bar like this.? He?d suddenly realised that they were both there in their nighties and negligees. ?What name do you fancy then?? ?I don?t know, I suppose it would be best if it started with a ?G?, then I wouldn?t have to think about my signature.? He thought for a minute. ?I can?t think of a single girl?s name starting ?G? except Gigi and I?m not having that.? ?Well there?s Geraldine, Gemma or Grace, I?m sure there are a lot more.? She thought a while then added, ?The way you write your signature, the ?G? could easily be a ?C?, that would widen your choice if you don?t like those. What about Caroline or Catherine, I could call you Cathy?? ?I?m not really as fussy as it sounds, Catherine or Cathy would be fine.? He was suddenly more aware of the delicate clothes he was wearing. He spoke then, without thinking what he was saying. ?Do you know something? I love the feel of this nightdress and I loved what I realise was really lesbian lovemaking.? He suddenly thought about what he was saying. ?I?m sorry, are you disappointed in me?? ?No my darling little lesbian.? She spoke quite deliberately. ?I think, no, I know now I have a certain amount of lesbian tendencies myself.? Sophia eyes started to leak tears again. A thought had struck her. ?You don?t think that I did this to you because of a deep psychological desire for a lesbian relationship I knew nothing about, do you?? ?No.? The new Cathy took her in his arms. ?You did this for me, not to me. You thought I wanted it so you didn?t think of yourself at all. It was an entirely selfless act and that?s why I love you even more. I didn?t want this to happen and at first I was distraught with how I looked. Now I?ve come to the conclusion that it isn?t so bad, especially since yesterday afternoon. In any case there?s nothing I can do about it so I?ll just play the cards I?m dealt.? ?Oh Gre... Cathy, do you really mean that? I still don?t know how you can ever forgive me. We must get you some more clothes, but first things first, my love.? Sophia telephoned her hairdresser, Tina, and was able to get him appointment almost immediately. Nervous as he was arriving at the salon, Tina soon put his mind at rest. She didn?t seem to have the slightest idea that he was a man. His hair was long enough to take a perm so with the addition of highlights and a cosmetic makeover, he came out looking even more all woman. ?What did you think of your first salon appointment?? Sophia wanted to know. ?I enjoyed it, they really pamper you don?t they?? She noticed the smile on his lips. ?What about the nails, they?re not too long are they?? She had warned him that she?d ordered some nail extensions for him, but they looked rather larger than she had expected. Because of her work she wasn?t able to use them herself, however much she fancied them. ?I don?t know, but they make my hands look much more delicate and the pink goes with my lipstick and my toes. If I?ve learned one thing, it?s that being a woman is far more complicated than I ever imagined.? Sophia laughed and that set them both off but a certain amount of it was still Cathy?s nervousness. As they shopped though, he became more relaxed and was actually starting to enjoy the experience. ?I never realised that we could go into so many shops and examine so much stock minutely, then walk out after buying nothing or next to nothing at all.? ?There?s something that I hadn?t thought of,? she replied, ?you have almost no knowledge of women?s clothes, even the basic ones.? ?You?re just trying to confuse me with all these names of different things, aren?t you?? he replied. ?Whose Empire are we celebrating with that last dress for example?? ?It?s the waistline, silly, that?s what?s referred to as an Empire waist, I think it was popular in the French court, when Napoleon was Emperor and Josephine wore her dresses in that style.? Privately Sophia realised that poor Cathy had an awful lot to learn before he would be able to blend in with women?s conversations. Things that girls pick up all the while they?re growing up come naturally to them, he was going to have to do a great deal of ?winging it? if he was going to socialise at all before she could operate on him again. The alternative was to become a hermit and for a social person like her husband, that would be hard on him. What surprised his wife most of all was when he started to look at some really sexy undies. Conscious of how difficult it was for him when she first gave him women?s clothes to put on, she had chosen the plainest bra and panty set she could find. Now he needed more he was looking at the sexiest he could find, more lacy and provocative than she would choose for herself even. ?They?re a bit racy, aren?t they?? she asked him as he held up a black and pink confection, purporting to be a bra and panty, although there was very little of either. ?I?m sorry,? he responded, for the first time she noticed that he was blushing, ?I was curious.? ?Don?t be sorry, buy them if you want to try them out, the only trouble is I think you?d look too sexy in them for me to keep my hands off you.? She giggled and he joined in. She realised that it was a breakthrough point for him. He was actually starting to enjoy himself. She didn?t kid herself that everything was OK, but she was relieved that it was at least a start. He went to put the set back. ?Oh sod it! In for a penny in for a pound,? he muttered and placed them in his basket. It wasn?t long before both of them understood that a little giggle was worth a thousand shrinks. It wasn?t until nearly four in the afternoon that Cathy had to call a halt. He was just too tired to continue. Sophia was amazed that he had been able to stay on his feet that long, he?d had little real exercise since his operations, so was feeling very unfit. They bought some steaks to griddle for the evening meal, when her father was due to come round. Cathy had time to rest for an hour before coming down to the kitchen to prepare a spicy pepper sauce, peel some potatoes and make a salad dressing, when Paul arrived dead on time at seven. He had just handed over a bottle of Chateau Margaux and a half of Chateau La Mothe Sauternes to Sophia, who had let him in, when he caught first sight of Cathy. ?Close your mouth Daddy,? she told him. ?You?ve seen someone in a dress before.? He was going red in the face. ?I?m sorry.? he said. ?It?s OK Paul,? Cathy told him, ?I know I?m a testament to your daughter?s skills with the knife. If I have to dress like this I?m just pleased that I don?t look like a man in drag.? ?I?m sorry,? he repeated, ?it?s just that I couldn?t have imagined that you would look so...convincing.? ?Daddy, let?s talk about this now, then we can drop the subject. Greg is going to go by the name of Catherine, Cathy, until we can do something about restoring his body to something like it used to be. We?ve been out today and he?s been to my salon for a makeover, then we went shopping and bought clothes that he?s going to need, including the dress he?s wearing.? Cathy was wearing a shimmering gold silk dress with a low bust line which flowed over his body like water, down to just above his ankles. It really didn?t leave a great deal to the imagination as far as his curves were concerned. He actually laughed at the reaction Paul had shown and that became infectious, successfully breaking the ice on which could have been an embarrassing evening. They each settled down with a gin and tonic, Cathy leaving them when it was time to devil some chicken livers to have with the salad for their starter. ?He seems to be remarkably chipper,? Paul commented to his daughter. ?He is a truly remarkable man Daddy, why do you think I married him?? They talked along the same lines until he called them in to start the meal. The evening?s conversation then kept away from personal subjects, Paul praising him for the magnificent selling job he?d done while he was away. With what they felt previously was a future of decreasing sales of hard print newspapers and magazines, the outlook looked bright, now that they were at the cutting edge of 3-D technology. After they had started to go too far into the technical aspects of their designs, Sophia made an exaggerated yawning movement, successfully drawing a close to the evening. ?I?m sorry I called a halt to the evening,? she told Cathy once they were alone, ?I?m just impatient to get my hands on you.? They left the clearing up and practically ran up the stairs to their bedroom and for most of the following hour they indulged in each other?s bodies without another care in the world. About half time, Sophia kissed Cathy deeply, holding his face in her hands. ?I did a bit of shopping myself while you were with Tina, being pampered. Would you like to see what I bought?? He smiled his approval, not knowing what it could be. She jumped out of bed and went to the bathroom, returning in a few minutes holding a towel in front of herself, only discarding it as she slid back under the bedding. When she guided his hand to her pubis he got a shock. A penis seemed to be coming right out of her. ?I think it?s time my wife gave me a blow job, isn?t it?? she told him. Obliging he sunk down her body, kissing it all the way. He took the fake penis in his mouth, trying not to imagine it was the real thing, something he could not bring himself to want. Then he noticed that if he moved it, the other end that was buried deep in his wife was stimulating her more than he would have expected. By gripping it gently with his teeth he could move it in and out of her, extracting moans with a breathless reaction. After only a minute or two she pulled him back up the bed, then turned him so that his legs were over the side. She got out and he could feel her rub a lubricant over and into his behind. One and then two of her fingers were replaced by what was obviously the end of her penis but he could only feel pain as she entered him. She withdrew a little and then pushed again. The pain was soon replaced by a sensation of pleasure and it wasn?t long before he was reversing towards her as she went forward. In a few minutes she reached round under him and squeezed his breasts and at that moment they both climaxed together. It occurred to them, as they lay back in a gentle, satisfying glow, that they were behaving like newly weds and they supposed in a way they were, after all, one of their bodies was new to them. It started them both giggling. Once they were finally sated, Cathy lay there listening to the steady breathing coming from the other side of the bed, wondering about his future. From very nearly having a nervous breakdown, in spite of what he showed the world, he had now turned full circle. He loved what he could do with his new body. The serious worry he had, however, was still whether Sophia would be satisfied for very long and would want a man with a penis. He didn?t know how to be sure that her answer wouldn?t be shaped by her feelings of guilt over what she?d done. Suddenly he became conscious of the way he was thinking. It jolted as it dawned on him that he wasn?t thinking about what she could do to restore his old body, rather he was contemplating a future with a body at least this feminine. Was he considering a full gender reassignment? Have his own pussy between his legs? He thought again about being with a man, but try as he might it didn?t attract him. Exhaustion then overtook him and he fell asleep. The next day he left it until lunchtime when he cooked scallops in a creamy mushroom sauce, one of Sophia?s favourites. ?If you operate again on me, being realistic, how much of a man will I look?? he asked her. ?I?m sorry my love, but I thought I?d already explained,? she was close to tears, ?at best you will look androgynous.? ?What would you say if I told you that if that is the case, perhaps it would be better looking decidedly like a woman instead?? ?I?ve told you that it would make no difference to me. You would still be you and I would still love you. I think we?ve proved that it wouldn?t effect our sex life. What I don?t want to do is influence you in any way, it?s got to be your decision.? ?I was thinking about it in bed last night.? He went on to describe his feelings which in present circumstances were more akin to being a lesbian than anything else. ?I suggest that you don?t come to any hasty conclusions, you have lots of time and it?s probably the most important decision of your life. Am I to take it that you?re considering going all the way?? ?Only if I can keep you, but it must be a choice for you that?s free of guilt. Something that?s occurred to me is that the reason we haven?t got a family is that you can?t take the time off to look after a baby. I couldn?t have the child, you?d have to carry it, but I?m sure that with the right hormone treatment, I could nurse it afterwards.? ?Oh Darling!? Sophia exclaimed. ?Would you seriously do that?? He looked at her face and she was beaming ear to ear. He realised that no one could fake enthusiasm like that. He knew that she wanted children, but her devotion to her patients was always her priority. ?It would certainly be a bonus, wouldn?t it?? By the end of that week his sperm count had risen and they chose to have some frozen. That would leave all options open, but in truth they had already decided what he was going to do. Three months later Catherine Vincent, Sophia?s wife since their re- marriage two weeks previously, joined the company of Vincent Printers as Sales Director. Of course they didn?t hide her operations from the staff, who were told that as Greg he was unhappy and had chosen gender reassignment. No one caused any problems for her, she was good at her job and in any case Paul Vincent would have sacked anyone who couldn?t work alongside her. Cathy had to take maternity leave when their two children were born, one of each, boy and girl, but later she was able to work part time to fit in with domestic arrangements. Sophia had to take a month off in each instance, but her surgery went from strength to strength. She assisted the top surgeon in the country with Cathy?s main operation, but afterwards expanded her services to include treatment gender dysphoria, taking on a counsellor to make the whole procedure in house. Her father was over the moon when they told him their plans. As the years went by he was able to see a new Vincent boy growing up and eager to join the family business, even though his granddaughter wanted to follow her mother?s calling.

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Megans Mistake

Megan's Mistake Prologue This was supposed to be the greatest year of Megan's life. It was her senioryear of high school, captain of the cheerleading team, envy of all the othergirls, and wettest dream of all the boys. Nothing but good times lay aheadfor the prettiest girl in Lakeview High. Sometimes though, life throws youa curve and things don't always turn out the way they are supposed to. It was April now, a particularly cold and rainy day. Megan was sitting ona bus headed to the...

4 years ago
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Forced Mistake

Mina was bored. Her parents were gone on another business trip, and classes had just ended for the term. If she was like her friends she would try to get a job, or go to the beach or even hang out at the mall and shops. But no, Mina was at home, bored and frustrated. By choice. Mostly. By mistake really. A mistake she forced on herself. Mark brought Ruth over for the first time just before spring break. She was a decent girl, pretty enough. But Mina was instantly jealous of girl. Her father...

3 years ago
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Wifes Weight Loss Mistake

My world fell apart several months ago and after I managed to control my hurt and anger I began to retaliate against the cruel, unnecessary attack I suffered through. Like most mid aged persons I (more than my wife) have that roll of fat around my waistline. My wife Ann and I have discussed toning up and losing weight for a couple of years but c'mon. Life is good and we love to eat and drink. Finally, I hit 250 and the crap hit the fan. Ann and I had begun going to the YMCA to exercise and...

1 year ago
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Memories of a mistake

A memory filled her mind and she felt a smile come across her face…. “Mmmmm… Mike…” she thought to herself. She remembered Friday night and it made her quiver just a bit. Her soft hand moved under the sheet… feeling her tender naked skin. She felt her hard nipples… pinching and pulling them gently… wishing it was Mike’s hot mouth on them. It was Monday morning and for some reason Molly was already awake. Rolling her head over to the side, she could see darkness still spilling through the...

2 years ago
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RansomeChapter 13 Punishing A Mistake

“What do you think this is?” David demanded, staring at the mess on his plate. “I’m sorry, Master. It was supposed to be a soufflé but it fell as I took it out of the oven.” “You mean you dropped it?” he asked, knowing full well the answer and thinking, Just the chance I’ve wanted. An excuse to spank her. “No. I didn’t drop it. It just collapsed on the plate. I’m sorry,” she apologised, looking a little fearful. “Did you try to make a soufflé before?” “No. I thought it would be a nice...

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ANNES Aunt Makes Many Mistakes


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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 3 Modifying a Mistake

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Part Three: Modifying a Mistake By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this. Steve Davies I marched behind President Atterbury, fear twisting through my guts. Kyleigh struggled in the iron grip of the older man, her black hair sweeping about the shoulders of her white blouse, her too-short, gray skirt swaying about her nineteen-year-old thighs. She looked at me, confusion on her face. I'd edited reality, modified how...

4 years ago
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Dereks Mistake

Introduction: (This story may contain some misspelling and mistakes. I re-read everything too fast to catch a simple mistake, so sorry.) This story is based on the 1800s even though it doesnt REALLY seem like it. I hope you enjoy. Ill start on part 2 immediately. ^_^ Dont trouble yourself, sweet heart, Derek watched as one of the house maids roughly scrubbed the kitchen floor. She was hired 4 months ago and was paid so little even though she worked harder than anyone else in the house did....

4 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 94 Shocking Mistake

Greg wondered how things would change, now that Crystal had sucked him off. She had been flirting with him like crazy this past week, and he had mostly just taken it as her usual teasing. But she had taken it to the next step, so maybe there was something more to it after all. Maybe she really was attracted to him like she claimed. If anything, for the rest of the evening her flirting increased. After the incident in the rec room, she wasn't just content to flaunt her body in front of him...

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Easydescent makes Sarahbeara obey

                                                          Hey guys!!!  A while ago i had come up with the idea to write a story with my good pal Easydescent. So, we put our two very different writing skills together and wrote this. So, not all the credit goes to me guys’s.  All the parts that says Sarahbeara is what i wrote and all the parts that says Easydescent is what he worte.  I thought that maybe Lush needed a little bit of a change and i thought Why not have two authors come together...

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Easydescent makes SarahBeara Obey Pt 2

*~* Joanne *~*       My day started off pretty good. I got up extra early, and had a nice quiet cup of coffee. The only sounds that interrupted my peace was the constant slap of the river against it’s banks. But that was more beautiful than anything. You see, in the cities you cant see the stars at night. You dont see trees swaying in the breeze, or the eagles taking flight. Looking beautiful against the backdrop of the sky. I finished my cup of coffee and decided to pay Lee a little...

2 years ago
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Easydescent makes SarahBeara Obey Pt 2

~ Joanne ~       My day started off pretty good. I got up extra early, and had a nice quiet cup of coffee. The only sounds that interrupted my peace was the constant slap of the river against it's banks. But that was more beautiful than anything. You see, in the cities you cant see the stars at night. You dont see trees swaying in the breeze, or the eagles taking flight. Looking beautiful against the backdrop of the sky. I finished my cup of coffee and decided to pay Lee a little visit. He...

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Easydescent makes Sarahbeara obey

                                                          Hey guys!!!  A while ago i had come up with the idea to write a story with my good pal Easydescent. So, we put our two very different writing skills together and wrote this. So, not all the credit goes to me guys's.  All the parts that says Sarahbeara is what i wrote and all the parts that says Easydescent is what he worte.  I thought that maybe Lush needed a little bit of a change and i thought Why not have two authors come together to...

1 year ago
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Easy Gals is an awesome porn tube that requires no introduction to be honest. The site allows you to choose your favorite fap content from a ton of videos running into 47,849,074 videos with this splendor available for fucking free. Blondes, redheads, petite girls, fat women, BDSM, teen, MILF, and granny are just but some of the niches you will find on this site, and from such a massive collection, it is safe to assume that this is one tube that takes care of all your twisted needs.You see, the...

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Have you ever met an easy-going girl who seemed to be down to fuck the moment you start talking with her? Well, I think that I can one up you on that one since I found chicks who are so easy-going that you can fuck them whenever you want and they wouldn’t bat an eye. They could be cooking, playing a video game, reading the news, or even working hard at their job trying to make a living, and they would never say no to a dick penetrating them at any moment. So yeah, I had a few fuck buddies who...

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Easyladybeconing hubbys slut wife

This is a continuation of how it all started with me becoming my hubby's slut. After the first initiation into fucking another dick besides my hubby's he started telling me how he about how he thought I would love being fucked by more than one at a time. I asked if he meant fucking one and then fucking the other and he said no. He wanted me to have both of them at the same time. He said one could be fucking my pussy and I could be sucking the other one's dick. This was sounding good to me and I...

Cheating Wifes
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The Futas MindControlling Panties Chapter 9 Futas MindControlling Mistake

Chapter Nine: Futa's Mind-Controlling Mistake By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Chloe Quick Panic swept through me. Sasha Ford, a new dickgirl, was atop Kendall, poised to take the Black girl's virginity. I was saving Kendall's virginity for the amazing Mildred. The original futa deserved to get Kendall's cherry, not Sasha. Sasha should understand that. My mind-control powers weren't working on Sasha, either. She was disobeying me, pushing...

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Futa Naked In School 08 Naughty Futa Bake Sale 1 Leanns Big Futa Mistake

Chapter One: Leann's Big Futa Mistake By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Ji-Min Song's Week, Friday After a week of going naked at my college, I was relaxed. It was the first week back from Spring Break, and I had a great time being enrolled in the Program for the last five days. It had opened my eyes to my sexuality. I had learned so much about it. Shame tomorrow's student council sponsored bake sale would be my last chance to do it officially. Sure, I could go naked if I wanted to....

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Big mistake

I'm an older white male, retired from the Army after 21 years and also from an animal clinic after 28 years. I still do volunteer work at the clinic one day a week. One evening about 7:00 as I was driving home I had a flat tire. I pulled over to the curb and planned to change it. When I finally was able to get the spare out it was flat too. It was still quite warm and I had started sweating so I took my shirt off to cool down. As I stood there bare chested a tall black man stepped from a...

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His fantasy comes true by her mistake

"How bad can this be I'm sure one pic won't do any harm plus he wouldn't even know who I am, my face isn't going to be in the picture." Thought Amy. She got up of her bed with her phone in her hand and went towards her mirror and stripped off her silk night dress tossing it on her bed. There she stood naked in front of her mirror. Her eyes roamed all over her own reflection. She was sexy indeed with her firm not too big and not too small tits. Her milky white flat tummy, her long...

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