- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
(Everyone in this story of legal age 18+)
(This Story Is Purely Fictional. The characters in this story are not real. This story is made up and in no way a re-telling of events. Because they never took place.
Thank you and enjoy.)
‘What do you mean I can’t check in to my room? Its’ my room, I paid for it!’
There Lizzy was, bags lying on the floor in front of the front desk counter of a hotel in Vegas and she couldn’t get into her room on a technicality, some one’s mistake.
The clerk behind the desk cleared his throat his long fingers slammed on the keyboard working quickly double checking all the facts. Looking at all the small details making sure he had not missed anything that was no mistakes were made.
‘Ma’am, the room and credit card is registered under a Tanya-‘
The young lady who was now furious at the counter interrupted the clerk, a friend and co-worker of hers stood in line waiting for his turn.
‘-Yes it is, because she is staying with me in the room, she is my colleague and is not coming till tomorrow night. I need the room to get our preparation set for this week when she gets in.’
The clerk sighed
‘Ma’am can you call her and get her to add you into the room as part of your reservation so we can check you in?’
The young lady sighed, her anger quickly faded and depression finally hit her. She sighed as her head tilted down. She replied in a soft tone, ‘I don’t think that will be possible, She traveling in tonight from over sea’s. I can try, but I don’t think it’s possible
She was a beautiful girl, dark brown hair, and a great body. Her chest was nearly bursting out of the tank top she wore. The clerk who was trying to get her a room couldn’t help but sneak a peak from time to time, he was probably star struck by this ‘very gifted’ lady.
The friend in line walked up to the counter.
‘Lizzy, take my room…. Can I add her to my room reservation and just get two beds until Tanya gets here tom?’
The clerk snapped back into work mode as he went back to his computer.
‘Name sir?’ The clerk asked looking down at his work station.
The man replied back’ First name L like love, last name is J, like July.’
The clerk typed away as Lizzy looked up at L.J. He was a tall guy, very well built and extremely handsome with jet black hair. Lizzy was the girl who got him the job at her advertising company she worked for. Best referral she ever made. L.J. was a smooth talker and could sell anything to anyone and mostly was the face of their little group of misfit co-workers.
She had to admit being with him would have been great, he was always sweet and was always that knight in shining armor quality whenever things go wrong. She was worried though, any hint of romantic involvement and it would be both of them out of a job. No tolerance for inner dept. romance especially since she was his gateway into the business.
L.J. looked down at Lizzy, she was stunned, he guesses from being left out in the cold by her roommate. He tried to snap her out of the trance with a nudge of his elbow. ‘So yeah you take my room. I’ll be on the table’s anyways. It’s my home town, how can I not drop a couple grand here?’
Lizzy collected herself as she protested’ No L.J. I couldn’t take your room, it’s unfair when you had nothing to do with this stupid mistake.’
The clerk behind the counter who had been checking in L.J.took his credit card and I.D.
‘Lizzy, I’m not twelve, were both grownups. Send me a text before you fall asleep and I will just sleep in my clothes for the night. When you leave for the conference setup tom I’ll shower up and get ready. You’ll owe me, again’ he laughed a little as the clerk passed back an envelope. L.J. extracted two room keys.
‘L.J. you know this is going to look bad for both of us.’ Lizzy had an undertone of fear in her voice.
L.J. turned to her now. He stared directly into her eyes and will all seriousness said to her. ‘Fuck um, and what they may think. You need help, that’s all that matters to me.’
Lizzy blushed lightly as her tan olive skin covered most of it. L.J. turned as he grabbed his large military style sack and Lizzy grabbed her bag. They both walked up to the room. The walk there was long and very awkward as L.J. and Lizzy never even turned to each other the entire walk. Just more awkward moments of the fact that they would be sharing a room, this feeling that was in the air was thick and they both knew what it was. It was the sexual tension between the two it was always around between them but this time it was in the front of their thoughts. But after roaming the halls a bit they finally found the room. L.J. popped in the electronic key card and popped the door open. To their surprise the room was a single king.
L.J. walked in completely to the room, ‘Dam idiot at the desk still gave me a king.’ He said almost happy that it was just the one king but trying to sound annoyed. He sat down on the edge of the bed grabbing the house phone and dialing the operator. ‘Yes can I get the front desk please’ Lizzy took the chance to relax. She put her bag down on the floor and laid down across the huge bed her arm brushing past L.J. She felt a little dirty doing it, but she had to seem like business as usual, and flirting was apart of their daily rituals.
L.J. was too involved with front desk to return the gesture or even give a witty comeback. He smiled as he leaned into the bed frame and laid back. ‘No I don’t believe you understand me, I asked for two beds. I know I requested a king when I made the reservation, but I need two beds. You’re sold out. Not possible it’s……’ L.J. paused. The discussion continued for a few minutes back and forth. Finally L.J. wrapped it up ‘Please, if you can, I will be coming down stairs in a short while. The person sharing my room will be in here though. She will be in the room until we can get the change. Thank you.’ L.J. turned to face Lizzy as he scratched his head in frustration.
‘Lizzy front desk is going to call back when a room opens up in an hour, they will send a bag boy for our inconvenience, and he’ll take our bags to the new room with new keys. I’m going to head down stairs though going to play some Blackjack.’ L.J. stood up as he walked in to the bathroom briefly to splash himself with cold water.
Lizzy stretched out across the bed. She had a lot of work to do, but she would do it quickly. The boss and all the rest of the group were flying in tom and Lizzy was the queen of getting work done early and relaxing afterward. ‘L.J. I might take a long bath in a while after I get everything done, so please knock if you need to get back in.’ The sink in the bathroom shut off as L.J. emerged his hair moist from splashing it.
‘Of course, you need the rest though, enjoy the room as long as we have got it for now…’ This calm mentality sickened them both. There were both dieing inside for each other. L.J. walked over and searched through his bag on the bed for his wallet and put it in his back pocket. He leaned back up and looked down at Lizzy for a moment the idea of just taking her right then and there came into his head. He was getting excited at just the thought. He shook the feeling and walked for the door.
Lizzy’s heart started to race though, she didn’t want him to leave. She just watched him walk to the door almost in slow motion. L.J. himself felt like he walked away a little slower, his mind was obsessed with turning around and just filling his desire, and just being with Lizzy. He was longing for her touch, but he still continued on. His hand slowly reached out for the door. The cold door knob sent a large shock to his body. Time slowed down to a slow crawl for the two. Lizzy was dying of heat though her body yearned for his touch she was literally melting in her own skin, she gripped the bed sheets tightly with all her strength her body tensed up. L.J. felt frozen by time. A
lmost turning back every single moment to give in to his animal instinct, his hand turned the door knob. Lizzy took a deep breath, her body was ready as she shivered. She started to breath heavily….’please’.
Her body shouted ‘Please!’, ‘Please take me!’ she remained silent though. L.J. took a deep breath as he walked out of the room. His body felt in pain, his mind raced now rather than seconds, he felt the world pass by in minute intervals. He slowly trekked down the hall his feet felt heavy, he walked and his body felt even heavier, if he wasn’t too careful he would faint. This continued till he got Lizzy’s naked image from his head and finally went down to the main casino floor.
Lizzy heard his footsteps, she felt very alone for a moment, and her mind wandered, and everything went through her mind. The thought of L.J stayed with her. She slowly released her grip as she sat up. She just stared blankly. The house phone suddenly rang and Lizzy snapped out of her trance. She leaned over and grabbed the phone.
‘Hello this is Lizzy:’
The phone sounded very static as a feminine voice emerged over the line’ Hey Liz, it’s me Tanya.’
Lizzy surprised answers back ‘Hey babe, how did you know I was in here?’
‘L.J. called the embassy here and relayed that they have them relay a non emergency…um… urgent response relay message thing.’ That was Tanya for you, always that scatter brain Lizzy thought. Never details only the general warped picture from her.
‘Well whatever they got a hold of me and I am calling on a S.A.T. phone which some how stands for satellite phone.’ Tanya was a very tall red head with very long legs. She was in the country Brazil at the moment. She was researching a product they were going to be advertising very soon. Her business there was talking to the company that had hired their firms services. She was the other pretty face that got the products into our hands to work with.
Tanya continued ‘So I heard you’re shacking up with L.J. for the moment.’
Lizzy was silent on the phone. She gripped the bed sheet again out of pure embarrassment. She closed her legs as tightly as possible she didn’t really know how to respond to that. Maybe it was because of what she had felt just a few moments ago, she didn’t want to seem odd so she played it off as best as she could.
‘Oh, no L.J. has been that gentleman he usually is. I can’t say that I didn’t think about it, but he and I are way too professional to get something like that going between us…regardless of how much I want too.’
There was a pause over the line followed by a long moan of pleasure from Tanya. Tanya also at that moment happened to be lying in her hotel room bed as well. Tanya always had a knack for finding her own little piece of heaven in places, she enjoyed everything, especially the people, she loved them the most, and they loved her too. Tanya giggled over the phone. ‘Oh Liz, I’m sorry,’ She said very happily ‘One of the natives and I are getting really friendly, and showing me how they treat business women down here.’ Tanya had a large bed sheet covering her bottom half that had a lot movement underneath that suggested more than was going on. Tanya had one hand on the phone and the other over a figure of a head rubbing it gently. Tanya had smaller breasts that fit her muscular stature. She had a very desirable beautiful face. Full lips, good facial structure, and a small beauty mark on the right side of her neck that had a heart shape familiarity to it.
Lizzy sighed on her side of the line ‘So you’re getting some while I am stuck here in the no fly zone. Just perfect.’ She answered in a depressed tone trying to still play off her situation. Last thing she needed was problems at work
Tanya moaned lightly again. ‘Well hey you’re on our reservation now, if you want you can get into our room, and not ruin L.J’s hospitality, but…’
The line went quiet. Lizzy’s heart started to beat at a faster pace she was still feeling embarrassed by the whole situation. Tanya continued ‘I say you stay… treat the man right. Nobody else is going to be there at least until tomorrow afternoon. Give it a chance girl. Go wild.’ The phone clicked off. Tanya smiled as she put the phone at her side and removed the covers from her lower half to reveal a dark haired young girl eating her sweet nectar filled pussy with much enthusiasm. The young girl slowly stopped and looked up and smiled her mouth dripping in cum.
‘So Tanya, you think that she will do it?’ She went down and slurped a few more times before stopping again to take her breather.
Tanya smiled back at her. ‘If she does then things can only get better around the office for me and you. Now who the fuck told you to stop?’ The young girl only smiled back as Tanya continued.’ And be ready, were leaving for the airport in a half hour. You and I are going to drop in on Lizzy and her new bed buddy when we get to Vegas later tonight.’ The young girl only nodded gently now utilizing her fingers one at a time and inserting them one after the other into Tanya’s pussy.
Tanya moaned as the young girl started to ram the one finger deep into her. The young girl was such a hungry little girl, Tanya could barely contain her self as the young girl worked her pussy feverishly. Tanya could barely contain herself as she grabbed the young girls’ long dark hair, which gave that gave the girl a burst of energy making her dive deep with her penetrating finger and tongue. Diving her young face deep into Tanya pussy, and in a state of ecstasy spit into Tanya’s pussy giving it a rough rub, and then back to eating her without hesitation, Tanya yanked more as the girl dived deep running out of breath and making her way back up to work Tanya’s sweet spot.
Tanya cried out gleefully as she was approaching the climax. ‘Don’t you fucking stop, your going to let me finish.’ The young girl more than gladly obliged as she pulled out her finger and patted and rubbed Tanya roughly again, taking the time to take a deep breath, and then continuing on. Tanya grabbed the sheets as she felt her body tensed up, her face became red as she finally climaxed, and a flow of juices drained out, and to the one girls hungry mouth. The young girl sealed her mouth around the flow of juices and did not let anything go to waste of the very tasteful nectar. The young girl sat up on the bed as she licked her lips several times over. Tanya laid flat on the bed in a climaxed daze. The young girl scooted over and leaned down as the two embraced in a sloppy kiss. The young girl pulled back to catch her breath.
Tanya grabbed the girl by her left breast and massaged it roughly. The young girl was very much stacked. She back was very much well rounded as well and she petite so these good features all wrapped into one small package made her Tanya’s favorite pet. She was nineteen year old intern, now turned lesbian sex slave. The girls name was Juana, it was lust at first sight for these two. Juana on her day of the job was grabbed by Tanya dragged back to her office as was striped bare. They went at it for hours, and would continue there daily meetings at each other homes, work days, work trips, company parties, meetings, conventions, or anytime Tanya deemed it her ‘pleasure time’
The two broke their lust filled pleasures and started to pack their things and ready themselves for the long flight back.
Lizzy sat there in the room alone her suitcase cracked open. She had already almost finished her preparation for the conference. She had nothing to distract her, and she wanted to focus as much as she could on other things that didn’t include the chance of her losing her job. She allocated files, inserted promotional fliers, and finally signing all the thank you cards to their partners and business owners and affiliates. She smiled at the job well done as she packed up and the thought of L.J. retuning to her mind. She shook her head gently trying to block the thoughts. She sighed as the house phone finally rang. Li
zzy leaned over and picked it from a sitting down position. ‘Hello, this is Lizzy.’
The young mans voice from the front desk emerged on the phone. ‘Hello ma’am this is the front desk calling for a one L period J period’
Lizzy laughed a little. She never heard it pronounced like that. ‘Yes I am, the other guest sharing his room. Is the other room ready?’
‘Yes ma’am it is,’ The young man proclaimed.
Lizzy bit her lower lip. She took a chance, If it was there she would take it, if It wasn’t she would see it as a sign, that now wasn’t the time.
‘Well we don’t need it anymore, I was wondering though. If we could, upgrade to something nicer and bigger. I don’t mind paying the difference.’ She held her breath for a moment, the anxiety returned as she continued. ‘And that one, if it could be one king, would be great,’
She heard as the agent typed away on his console as small ding noise was heard as the young man returned to the phone call. ‘Actually……’ The young man paused in his sentence. ‘I do…but only for tonight.’
Lizzy exhaled happily. ‘We’ll take it.’ She couldn’t believe it, she bounced on the bed gently as the agent worked momentarily. She smiled widely as she started to plan the night out in her head. ‘Oh and the reservation for my room I need to check that one for Tanya in is as well.’
The young man was quick, he worked very precisely as he returned within a brief moment ‘Ma’am you are all set… I will have the bell hop come up to your room to get your bags and transfer them to your room with Tanya and have room keys for your new room.’
Lizzy bit her tongue lightly as this would be the deciding factor here.
‘Oh and can I have a key to L.J.’s suite as well. I want to setup something special for him in there if possible chance to do that.’ The line went quiet.
‘Yeah that’s fine ma’am, I will setup a key for you as well.’ The man said calmly
Lizzy bounced out of the bed as she packed her things quickly her mind started to race again. ‘Ok well then I will wait for the bell hop. Thank you so much!!’ she said as she heard the front desk agent give the details and prices’ and protocols for the suite. It mainly seemed like a blur to her filled with details she obviously didn’t care about almost like old rerun the peanuts gang with Charlie Brown. The last thing she remembered him say was the thanks for choosing this hotel closing statement and she slammed the phone down.
Lizzy had a large grin across her face. She was going to do it, she was going to take a chance and put her self out there for someone she really did care about. This was a love story to her, and it was finally coming to its climax in more ways then one for her. She wanted her happy ever after for so long and she hoped that this would be that moment. She was overly hopeful, but she didn’t care and maybe a little quick to plan out her future may be like, she was on cloud nine and nothing could hold back her anticipation.
Before she knew it the bell hop knocked on the door and grabbed her bags along with L.J.’s. The rest of those last few hours were filled with preparations for the big surprise. She bought candles, rubbers, and set the suite up so that when he would walk in would be completely normal, but the room would be a total different experience. She didn’t decide to dress up though. What she did instead was grabbed a shirt L.J. had once told her was his favorite lucky shirt of his. A royal blue work shirt that he considered was the reason why he got his job, the reason why he was such a good sales man, why he was a hit with the ladies, and so and so forth. She slipped into the shirt while slipping out of everything else. She then waited in his bedroom cracking open a romance novel she had waiting patiently for L.J.
L.J. was sitting down, he was up a couple hundred on the blackjack tables and a couple of young ladies playing beside him had pulled him into their conversation. Both of these girls were pretty, but nothing about them stood out from others he knew.
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xmoviesforyouAmsterdam, April and May is cold and wet. Back when I was there in 1976, there was no way I was going to let the weather dampen my spirits. It was my second visit to this great city so I considered myself a seasoned veteran who was eager to experience all that it had to offer. On my first visit, I discovered the red light district. Canal Street with its rows of shops and bay windows. In each window sat a scantily-clad lady selling her sexual wares. I found numerous porno shops with...
Diane moaned loudly, cupping Madison’s head, she lifted her face and kissed her open-mouth, sliding her tongue inside Madison’s mouth and stroking her tongue with her own before kissing each lip. Madison smiled as she picked up a bottle of body wash and squirted a good amount into her hand. She held her hand under the water for a second before lathering it together and began sliding the suds along the curves of Diane’s breasts, pinching and twisting her nipples slightly. Running her hands...
Now Put Your Nurse's Uniform On…By ManndeePart 1I guess when you start a diary; you should always start at the beginning. It is not my intention that anyone ever reads my diary, but I guess I have had some rotten luck as the years have gone by.My real Mum died; well that's what I tell myself, but to be honest, I don't even think of her as my real Mum. My step Mum was called Ruth. She was not my biological Mum, but if they hadn't told me that I was adopted at the age of 9 months, I would never...
"Can I ask you a question?" I was sitting in my favorite breakfast restaurant when Allison asked me that question as she refilled my coffee cup. "Of course you may, but I don't promise to answer it and depending on the question even if I do answer it I reserve the right to lie." "You have been coming in here almost four years now and not once in all that time have you made a pass at me or even flirted with me and I'm just curious as to why." "Why would you be curious about...
It wasn’t until we were at dinner later, that I found out that my 20-year-old sister, Tiffany, wasn’t on the pill. She didn’t seem to care either. During this conversation over dinner, Sammi took my hand as a form of reasserting her place in the Robert Hierarchy. Emma realized she was the only one I hadn’t yet made love to, so I asked Sam if it was OK, if we were able to ‘do the nasty’ or not? Her answer was a simple and logical plan: First, I move into her room, and we have all the fun...
At least once a week I make a point of blowing him. He has the biggest cock I have ever had, eight inches and thick and at other times I suck his cock as foreplay before we fuck. “I really would love to watch another male blow you,” I whispered as he was about to blow while we were holidaying in a five-star hotel in a tropical paradise. “Make it happen baby, would love you to watch,” he groaned as his breathing quickened before he shuddered and had a huge climax. I made some discrete...
Long Gone Lonesome Blues Written and recorded by Hank Williams. Copyright, Acuff-Rose Music, Inc./Hiriam Music (BMI) Author's note: I was sipping on a scotch - Damn, I gotta stay away from that stuff - last night while working through my email. I was playing my Hank Williams playlist on iTunes, and one of the songs caught my ear. It was of course, "Long Gone Lonesome Blues." This is not as well known as many of his other songs but it has always been one of my favorites. Like many country...
Lark lived in the woods, although there were roads; and, on these roads, she walked her dog daily. She was a sleek 5'7" with long red hair that, when she wore it down, would reach past her ass cheeks. She wore baggy clothes all the time because she was embarrassed by her body...she used to be hugely fat and wore sweat pants and baggy shirts only, and now that she had reduced herself down to 120 lbs., she still felt big. Her breasts, which were always the first place to go, when she dieted,...
I awoke the next day after having the best nights sleep ever. I tried to open my eyes but they were stuck together from the night before. I finally got them open and looked at my wife who also had cum on her face and in her hair. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to drink when I heard someone say is that you Stacy. I immediately recognized the voice to be Rods’ but my wife’s’ name is Samantha so I answered no. Rod got up and came to the kitchen and said yes you are Stacy...
Group SexHi all, my name is Kumar (original) 28yrs old from Hyderabad. This is my first story sharing in ISS. At First I would appreciate and thank ISS for this website where we can share our personal feelings widely. Let’s come to story this was happened with my lady boss 3 months ago. We were working in Govt sector in A wing and my fuck partner working in B wing in the same room, she got transferred from other place to my building. I got attracted towards her dressing and talking sense, I got...
Hi friends naa peru arveen raju, age 24, naa lifelo jarigina stori okati meetoo share chesukovalani story rastunna chadevi mee openion mail cheyandee maa father transfor kaavadamto meemu vunna flot khali chesamu perents chennai vellepoinaru neenu maatram studies kosam ekkade vundepoinanu single room flot okati rentku teesukoni vunnanu.sudenga flat change kaavadam valla ekkada andaru kotta emi artamkaaledu.college lo antta kotta ammaielu appude close avutunnaru anta tondaragaa dengichu koru...
You wake up. You look at a picture of your family, which is placed on a nightstand next to your bed. You are an adopted child with two sisters (not related by blood). You are single and you want a girlfriend badly! That is your mission for the day. Will you be able to accomplish it? You make the choices, so your destiny is in your hands. Your stepmother, Christine is an attractive twenty-year-old woman whom is unmarried. She took you in when you were twelve. You were accepted into her household...
It was a huge storm we could tell from the satellite screen , our job in the east cost would be extending at least a week , the airport shutdown no way of leaving anytime soonMy boss was upset and just wanted to go homewe drank too much that dinner and he started asking me weird question about me having no girlfriend ''maybe you like cock , you ever tried sucking ?''i laughs sipping my beer and him looking at me made me nervous his ''joke'' wasnt one but a real question''off course not''i...
There was a woman at work that everyone liked but she was really plain looking. Jane was in her late 20's and dressed like a much older woman. Her dresses were baggy and her hair was an unattractive shortish curly mop. She never wore make-up and her face was unremarkable. However she was friendly and had a cute smile.One day she came with a bunch of us for an end of week drink and I offered to see her home. It was about a mile to her place and we decided to walk. The winter night air was...
“I want you to fuck me,” is all I said, looking me dead in the eye without blinking. We kissed again, and You picked me up and threw me to the bed. I layed there and spread open my legs then just looked at I as she rubbed my clit. You slowly made your way over to me. You got between my legs, lowered yourself down, holding yourself up with your arms. My legs were flat on the bed. I grabbed my cock and slowly guided it towards her pussy. “Just fucking put it in.” I yelled. I couldn't...
Author’s Note: Sorry for the slow update. I thought I had an editor but it didn’t work out in the end hence the delay. I’ve tried to edit this to the best of my ability. Please do vote! Thanks and enjoy! *** Chapter 3 After Elle finished her shift at the diner on Sunday, she headed to the local animal shelter where she volunteered once a month. While on the train she decided to call her mother. It had been a while since she heard from her anyway. ‘How is work, Elle?’ Laura asked after the...
Kenzie Madison and her Husband Dante share with us their relationship dynamic and Kenzie wears the heels in this relationship. Her Husband Dante just can not live up to the his duties as a man with his little tiny white dick. Kenzie has found it has a much better place for it living in a chastity device with the keys around her lovely neck. On this evening Kenzie explains to her helpless little hubby that she has real Men coming over to service Her needs. Real Big Black Men of course to take...
xmoviesforyouLife was relatively calm for the next couple of weeks. The construction downstairs was completed in record time and with a minimum of screw ups. The staff was settling into their jobs with a preternatural smoothness. And all of my ladies were happy and contented. It was entirely too good to last. 3 weeks after Mieko left us, the Enemy made their next move. Kiki had gone out shopping with Maeve for some odds and ends for the apartment, and I was sitting in the kitchen working on another...
Part fifteen. Our marriage was scheduled to be dissolved in four weeks and she had agreed to allow me to share her bed for one last night. The conditions were that I had to wear my boxer shorts and shorts, she was to wear her underwear, teeshirt and shorts and it was purely to sleep! The Friday had arrived and I was excited about sharing her bed for one last time. The wine flowed throughout the evening and it was after midnight before we all decided to head for bed. It was strange when she...
CuckoldThis story starts like many others, it has a beginning, middle and end. This is the beginning! (Obviously) My name is Saul. My parents were Believers and loved the story of the apostle Paul and how he used to be known as Saul before a miraculous name change. Why they didn’t just name me Paul is beyond me, but it’s my name, so there ya go. Most of my life was uneventful. I lived away from civilization and no matter where I needed to go, had to drive about 30 minutes to get there, no matter...
The Ancient One had been existing in the run down house for almost a year, having arrived from Romania. With the help of his insane assistant, Gunther, and his two undead brides, he had come here to make a fresh start and find refuge from the old world. The local authorities were asking too many questions now, and once again it was time to relocate. The house had been purchased legally, Gunther telling the locals that a European millionaire recluse was moving in. The property had been ...
When he returned he was carrying at first what looked to be some kind of necklace. It was black and silver. He smiled as he walked up to her lying on the bed, a vision of loveliness spread eagle on his king sized bed. He pulled down her top and her full breasts spilled out, her big pink nipples exposed to him. He had never seen such big nipples before in real life, only in photos and movies. She looked up at him and he said, "I have a gift for you my dearest." He bent his head down and...
Evelyn Petrovich is a Ukrainian born woman who over the period of her early life has seen crime almost constantly. Learning how to manipulate people and to use her wiles to obtain wealth and power in a criminal underworld, she got the nickname of "Ms Decadence" because she typically is seen wearing lavish clothing, such as a shiny gray dress, opera gloves, and smoking from a cigarette holder. Late in her adolescent life, she began to discover that she had control over the smoke from her...
It was a beautiful Sunday morning when Jenny pulled into a picnic area at the local lake. Jerry still couldn’t drive and it was beginning to frustrate him. It was hard to accept that he couldn’t take care of himself or do any of the simple things that he had always taken for granted. His leg had healed and he could walk without the cane, but he still wore a cast on his shoulder and left arm. The cast made it impossible for him to steer and shift at the same time. It was one of the downsides...
When Bobbie and the children arrived at the circus it was still early afternoon. Tom had a couple of calls to make for PHA and had told Bobbie he would meet her at the circus later. In response to a strong suggestion Bobbie made to Joyce Collier, the woman was planning on making a stop on the way, too. On being informed of their arrival by a uniformed security guard, both Gabel-Williams and the circus general manager came running. When Gunther met Bobbie, he just stopped, whistled softly and...
Author's note: This story is completely fiction. Should any name used inthis work be the same as that of a real person, it is pure coincidence. Theauthor in no way condones the use of violence, torture, or capital punishmentby individuals or governments. - Jill
You had just came home from work, and were taking your heels of in the hallway after you walked into the kitchen to find nobody there so you began to look all around the house to see if anybody was in the house, but to your shock no one was home even though it was nearly 12:00 am. but you payed no mind to it, and just went up to your room, and fell asleep on your bed what you didn't know was that an hour or two after you fell asleep your husband came back home with a woman behind him as both...
This is an Excerpt from My Life. I went hopeless and depressed due to a huge Loss but recovered from the trauma and got really adventurous and lucky. [email protected]
IndianHi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...
Costume Gun: Never Use the Gun While High By Heather St. Claire Brittany Kroger paced back and forth in her living room. Every couple of minutes she would peer out from between the stained Venetian blinds to see if her best friends had arrived yet. She had quite a surprise waiting for Ashley and Brad. She found herself growing increasingly fidgety, twirling a section of her shoulder length-hair between her fingers, nervously tapping on the wall when she snuck a look between the...
Fixed PenaltyA look into the future …….The year was 2125 and the European Commission had a real dilemma.It had started in Estonia and quickly spread into the other two Baltic States.Poland and Hungary had followed suit and France and Germany were having heated debates in their respective parliaments.The E.U. Commission had declared it to be i*****l and eight member nations had threatened to leave the community unless they got their...