Endstation F?r Schweinchen free porn video

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"Endstation f?r "Schweinchen"

(C) 2014 by Masostud

Vorgeschichte: Der homophile Tom  begibt sich ?sehenden Auges? aus purer Geilheit in die F?nge eines sehr dominanten Mannes, der sich Mike nennt. Als es zu sp?t ist, muss er feststellen, dass er in die H?nde eines skrupellos sadistischen Menschenh?ndlers geraten ist, der seine ?Handelsware? nach den W?nschen des k?nftigen K?ufers zurichtet. Dabei wird er von seinem ebenfalls versklavten Luke als willigen und total h?rigen Luke unterst?tzt.

Im Verlauf seiner Dressur als k?nftiger ?Hund? macht Tom die Bekanntschaft mit einem anderen Mann, der als Sklave von Mike als Schwein zugerichtet und umgewandelt wird. Mike nennt dieses ?Objekt? nur ?Schweinchen?, es tr?gt einen Ring durch die Nase und einen schweren Ring um den Hodensack; So muss es sein Dasein in einem echten Schweinekoben fristen.

Nachdem Tom dann als ?Hund? an seinen neuen Besitzer ausgeliefert worden war, wird ?Schweinchen? noch weiter abgerichtet, um den W?nschen seines K?ufers in Arabien zu entsprechen.

Und dies ist ?Schweinchens? Geschichte und Werdegang:


       Was geschah mit "Schweinchen"? Ja, diesen versklavten Mann traf ein noch schlimmeres Los als den "Hund".

Sklavenhalter Mike hakte eine F?hrungskette in den schweren Hodensackring des Sklaven ein und pr?gelte den dicken und zwangsgem?steten Mann auf allen Vieren in den gefliesten Operationsraum.

Dort wurde er auf den Operationstisch geschnallt und wirksam geknebelt.

"Wir werden dir jetzt Schweinepfoten aus deinen H?nden machen und auch dein Maul ?hnlicher dem eines Schweins machen. Narkose gibt's hier nicht, bei?e halt die Z?hne zusammen, solange du noch welche hast." Verk?ndete Mike seinem Opfer.

"Luke, du wirst mit der Gartenschere die Finger an den Fingerkn?cheln abtrennen, w?hrend ich gleich danach die Wunden mit der restlichen Haut vern?he. Mache die Schere vor jedem Abtrennen eines Fingers richtig hei?, dann blutet es weniger!"

"Jawohl, Sir, danke Sir!" sagte Luke und erhitzte die Schere.

Bei vollen Bewusstsein musste es das wehrlose und geknebelte "Schweinchen" ertragen, wie ihm nacheinander alle 10 Finger seiner beiden H?nde abgetrennt und die Wunden von Mike vern?ht wurden.

Nachdem die operierten H?nde steril und dick mit Mullverb?nden versorgt waren, wurde das vor Schmerzen schon fast bewusstlose "Schwein" vom Bauch auf den R?cken herumgedreht und insbesondere sein haarloser Sch?del sicher und stramm auf dem Tisch fixiert. Dann wurde den Knebel entfernt.

Luke zog das Maul des Sklaven am Nasenstegring r?cksichtslos weit auf, damit sein Master Mike mit einer kr?ftigen Brechzange alle Schneide- samt Eckz?hne aus dem Maul herausrei?en konnte. F?r das r?chelnde "Schwein" eine uns?gliche Tortur! Nur die Mahl- bzw. Backenz?hne wurden belassen.

"So, das w?re geschafft, jetzt nur noch die Stimmb?nder, Luke, dann sind alle Vorbedingungen bis auf die Mast f?r die Verkaufs?bernahme an seinen neuen Besitzer erf?llt! Rei?e das Maul, so weit es geht,  auf, Luke!"

"Yes. Sir, danke Sir" intonierte Luke monoton und riss dem armen Sklaven fast den Nasenring aus der Nasenscheidewand, so brutal zog er daran.

Bequem konnte Mike mit einem gebogenen Skalpell in den blutigen Rachen hineinfahren und die Stimmb?nder durchschneiden. Jetzt kam nur noch ein R?cheln aus dem Hals bzw. aus dem Mund, nachdem Luke den Nasenring losgelassen hatte. Fast klang es wie das Grunzen eines schmerzgepeinigten Schweins.

"Luke, hast du gut gemacht! Darfst sp?ter, wenn du willst, das Schwein in die Arschfotze ficken. Jetzt nimm ihm den Arschpflock heraus. Knebel braucht er keinen mehr. Dann treib' das Vieh in seinen Schweinekoben Nr. 4, den ich schon f?r es hergerichtet habe. Wenn er Sperenzien macht, zieh' ihm ohne Mitleid den Rohrstock ?ber!"

"Yes, Sir, danke Sir!" best?tigte Sklave Luke den Befehl seines Masters und trieb das frisch operierte und ersch?pfte "Schweinchen" an der Hodenkette haltend mit saftigen Stockhieben vor sich her in Richtung zu den Viehst?llen. Das schmerzhafte Gegrunze st?rte ihn mitnichten!

Am Schweinekoben Nr. 4 wartete bereits Master Mike. Koben

Nr. 1 war von einer hochtr?chtigen und sehr fetten Mastsau belegt,  Nr. 2 beherbergte einen fast 18-j?hrigen Negersklaven, den sich eine blonde Frau eines Oligarchen aus Wei?russland bestellt hatte, und Nr. 3 war von einem auf wahnsinnige 160 kg gem?steten "Eber", ein 26-j?hriger, braunh?utiger Portugiese, den sich eine reiche H?uptlingsfrau aus Simbabwe, dem ehemal. Mozambique, f?r 50.ooo US-$ bestellt und gekauft hatte. Sie wollte das "Tier" zur Sklavenzucht verwenden.

Koben Nr 4 war mit S?gesp?nen frisch eingestreut. Luke trieb das nackte St?ck Vieh ohne langes Fackeln brutal in den engen Koben; der hatte die Ma?e 1.20 m L?nge, 90 cm Breite, und war in 1.30 m H?he durch ein Stacheldrahtgeflecht begrenzt.

Somit konnte sich das "Schwein" nicht stehend aufrichten, sondern musste am Boden knien bleiben.

Daf?r sorgte auch die Ankettung hinten mit einer im Bodenring eingelassene Kette von 50 cm L?nge zum Hodensackring und vorn mit einer nur 30 cm langen Kette, die den Nasenring mit einer ?se am Grund des steinernen Fresstrogs verband, der direkt unter dem Kopf des "Schweins" stand.

Durch diese Art der Ankettung war die Beweglichkeit des Mastschweins auf ein Minimum begrenzt, was beabsichtigt war, damit das Tier recht schnell an Gewicht zulegte, wie es der K?ufer w?nschte. Bewegte sich das "Schwein" einen halben Schritt nach vorn zum Trog, riss die Hodenkette das "Tier" am Sack derb zur?ck, wich es einen halben Schritt zur?ck, zog die Nasenringkette empfindlich am Nasensteg.

So blieb dem zum Schwein degradierten Mann nichts anderes ?brig, als auf H?nden und Knien im Koben knien zu bleiben und den ganzen Tag nur in seinen steinernen Fresstrog zu starren. Der wurde von Mike oder von Luke f?nfmal am Tag mit einem breiartigen, graugr?nlichen Schweinefutter gef?llt. Die Ketten an Nase und Hoden waren genau so lang bemessen, dass sich das Schwein des Nachts wenigstens auf die Seite niederlegen konnte. Zum Ausstrecken der Beine aber was der Koben zu kurz!

Nun kroch Luke nackt mit steifem Schwanz in den Koben und machte von seinem "Recht" Gebrauch, den neuen Bewohner von Koben Nr. 4 anal zu vergewaltigen. Ohne Gleitmittel drang er in den festgeketteten Unterleib des "Schweinchens" ein, ohne sich an dessen Schmerzgegrunze zu st?ren. Als Luke abgespritzt hatte, zog er seinen "L?mmel" aus dem Enddarm heraus, reinigte ihn und ging wieder seinen Aufgaben im Stall nach.

Kaum war der Trog mit einem 5-Liter Eimer voll Schweinefutter vollgesch?ttet, streckte der resignierte Sklave seinen kahlgeschorenen, bei?zahnlosen Mund in den Trog. Allein schon der Geruch war widerlich, der Geschmack salzlos-fade und fettig-ranzig. Das "Schweinchen schl?rfte drei - vier Schluck in seinen noch wunden Rachen, dann wurde ihm ?bel, und es stellte das Fressen.

Doch da hatte es "die Rechnung ohne den M?ster Mike" gemacht! Denn als Mike die Hinterseite des Kobens Nr. 4 betrat und den noch gut gef?llten Trog sah, wurde er zornig und rief nach Luke:

"Die Sau will ihr teures Futter nicht fressen, Luke. Nimm die Reitgerte und schlage dem faulen Dreckschwein satte Hiebe genau in die Analkerbe - m?glichst direkt auf die Arschfotze - so lange hinein, bis der Trog leergefressen ist!"

"Jawohl Sir. Sofort, Sir!" Antworte Sklave Luke und ging die Reitgerte holen.

Und zum "Schwein" gewandt sagte Mike: "Du hast gef?lligst deinen Trog komplett leer zu fressen! Dein K?ufer w?nscht, dass du dir mindestens 150 kg Gewicht anfrisst! Du brauchst Reserven, denn bei ihm wirst du dich haupts?chlich von den k?rperlichen Ausscheidungen von ihm und seinen Frauen ern?hren m?ssen! Ginge es nach mir, w?rde ich dir deine fetten Hoden abschneiden, damit du schneller an Gewichts zulegst. Aber das will dein k?nftiger Besitzer nicht. Also bleiben sie dran, und du hast zu fressen, bis das gew?nschte Gewicht erreicht ist!"

Mittlerweile war Luke wiedergekommen, kroch von hinten in den niedrigen Koben und drosch dem wehrlosen "Viehst?ck" die Gerte ohne Mitleid in die Kerbe. Vor Schmerz schob das "Mastschwein" sein Gesicht in den gr?sslichen Brei und beeilte sich, den ?blen Fra? m?glichst schnell in seinen sich aufbl?henden Bauch hinein zu schl?rfen.

Seit dieser Abreibung fra? das "Schwein" seinen Trog f?nfmal am Tag komplett leer. Schnell wurde es rund und fett, auch infolge seiner Bewegungsarmut. Nach einer Woche konnten die Verb?nde an den H?nden entfernt werde. Jetzt hatte das arme "Tier" tats?chlich nur Pfoten stat H?nde mit Fingern. F?r "Schweinchen begann eine qu?lend lange Zeit der Mast, nur fressen, schei?en, schlafen fressen und Langeweile ohne Abwechslung und mentaler Besch?ftigung. Wie ein geistloses Tier, das es nach dem Willen seines K?ufers werden sollte.

Nach sechs Wochen tauchte der vorgemerkte K?ufer des "Schweins", ein arabischer ?lmagnat, bei Mike im Stall auf und begutachtete sein bestelltes Kaufobjekt. Mike kettete ihn ab und schleifte ihn am Hodenring auf die Viehwaage. Der Araber war beeindruckt: 152 kg.

"Ist sein Maul ohne Frontz?hne, damit die Maulspreize gut anwendbar ist?" fragte der K?ufer.

"Selbstverst?ndlich, Eminenz, und seine Stimmb?nder sind auch gekappt!" Erkl?rte Mike nicht ohne Stolz.

"Sehr gut, und sch?n dicke Hoden in einem tief h?ngenden, schweren  Sack hat er auch ..." lobte der ?lmagnat und griff dem "Schwein" ungeniert an den schwer baumelnden Hodensack und walkte die Eier pr?fend durch. "Und wie lange und wie ausdauernd kann das Mastschwein lecken?" wollte der K?ufer noch erfahren.

"Je nach dem, wie gut Ihre Peitsche durchzieht, Eminenz, dann wird das Schweinchen stundenlang alles durchlecken, was ihm vor sein zahnloses Maul gehalten wird!" Lachte Mike frohgelaunt.

"Die Reise nach Katar wird gute 7 Stunden dauern", erkl?rte der K?ufer des Schweinesklaven, "ist er getr?nkt und sein Hinterausgang zuverl?ssig gepflockt worden, Mister Mike? Ich w?nsche nicht, dass der Frachtraum meines Jets verschmutzt wird!"

"Nein Eminenz, weder getr?nkt noch gepflockt," antwortete Mike etwas verlegen.

"Gut, dann werde ich ihn tr?nken und Sie, Mister Mike, pflocken ihn bitte mit einem 3 inch Pflock, das ist sicherer!"

"Hast du geh?rt, Luke, hole einen Stopfpflock der Gr??e 8 her." befahl Mike seinem Sklavenhelfer.

"Yes Sir, sofort, Sir!" sagte Luke dienstbeflissen.

W?hrend Luke davoneilte, schob der Araber seinen schneewei?en Kaftan im Schritt zur Seite und zog ohne Scham und Hemmung vor Mike sein Genitale hervor. Er hatte einen enormen Sack und einen kurzen, aber unglaublich dicken, beschnittenen Penis.

"Sir, w?rden Sie bitte das Maul des Schweins gut offen halten?" bat der Mann im Kaftan. Mike griff die Nasenringkette des knienden Sklaven, zog sie derb nach oben und zwang somit das Schwein, seinen Mund weit zu ?ffnen. Ohne Z?gern schob der Araber seinen dicken Penis in das zahnlose Maul und pisste ungeniert drauflos. Dem Sklaven blieb nichts anderes ?brig, als die hei?e, saure Pisse schnellstens hinunterzuschlucken.

Gerade als der Araber sich fertig ausgepisst und seinen Penis wieder unter dem Kaftan verstaut hatte, kam Luke mit einem 8 cm dicken, konischen Stopfpflock aus Hartgummi dahergeeilt.

"Luke, klemme den Leib des Mastschweins zwischen deinen Beinen ein und ziehe ihm die Arschbacken weit auseinander, damit ich den Arsch pflocken kann!"

Luke musste seine Beine weit auseinander stellen, um den dick aufgem?steten Leib des "Schweinchens" fest zwischen seinen Oberschenkeln einzuklemmen. Dann beugte sich Luke vor und riss die prall-fetten Backen energisch auseinander, so dass der Analring sichtbar wurde, in welchen Master Mike den leicht eingefetteten Pflock hineinrammen konnte.

Der Pflock war an seiner Spitze 8 cm dick und verj?ngte sich nach unten auf 7 cm bis zu einer kreisrunden Grundplatte mit einer ?se, von der ein d?nnes, 10 cm langes Kettchen herabhing. Nachdem der Bolzen unter dem gequ?lten St?hnen und ?chzen des Sklaven voll eingetrieben war, verband Mike das Kettchen des Pflocks mit dem Stahlring um den Hodensack, so dass der Pflock nicht unbemerkt herausgedr?ckt werden konnte. Das St?hnen und Knurren des stummen Schweins beeindruckten keinen der M?nner. Dann lie? Luke die Arschbacken wieder los und gab den eingeklemmten Festwanst frei.

"Ich bin mit der Zurichtung meines Schweins sehr zufrieden, Mister Mike", best?tigte der arabische K?ufer,  und 80.ooo Dollar wechselten den Besitzer.

Das fett gem?stete "Schweinchen" wurde an seinem Nasenring in den wartenden Viehtransporter gezerrt. Weil es dem Araber zu langsam ging, denn das Mastschwein konnte mit seinen 152 kg nicht mehr flink genug auf seinen schon wundgescheuerten Kniegelenken krabbeln, half Mike mit saftigen Stockhieben auf den "Ballonarsch" des Sklaven unbarmherzig nach, die Rampe hoch in den Transportanh?nger. Stimmlos konnte es nicht einmal seine Schmerzen artikulieren!

Von dort ging's zu einem kleinen Flughafen, wo der kleine Privatjet des ?lmagnaten stand. Der Lebensweg von "Schweinchen" endete in Katar. Dort erlebte es die "H?lle auf Erden" und sehnte sich schon bald nach dem Maststall von Mike zur?ck. Nat?rlich wurde seine Sehnsucht nicht erf?llt. Es wurde nie mehr in Europa gesehen ?

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Sharing really is caring

It is well over a quarter of a century now since we first got to know Tim. He and his wife Jenny were very kind to us when we moved in next door with a young family, and Jenny would often babysit for us if we wanted to go out for the evening. Sadly, Jenny died five years ago after a long illness just ten months before Tim’s seventy-fifth birthday; however, Tim felt that she would still want him to continue with the planned celebration, although it became more a memorial of their fifty years of...

3 years ago
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The Taxi Controller fucked both of us

I find sex such a powerful rush, that even when I don't care for a fuck, I can't resist watching others do it.Michele was celebrating her 21st birthday bash, just three months before her wedding. She was staying over at mine so we got dressed there and went out on a bender with another ten ladies, all dressed like sluts, in the teasing mode style of dress.Our skirts were ridiculously short enough, to let a man touch our bare thighs above our stockings tops, and see our panties disappear into...

2 years ago
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How Far Would I Go For Love 2

Chapter 2 JERRY- “Just by talking with us about it, you’ll make us happy," Julie said as she walked over to me and took my hands in hers. “Tell us about the first time you saw the bruises on Hanna. I remember very well the look on your face. Please tell us not only what you saw but what you felt and thought. Look at us as you do. Can you do that?”“Yes.” I looked at both of them and began."It was about six weeks before Julie’s birthday. My Thursday gaming night and my guild was doing some...

Love Stories
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The Encounter A Short Story

Important-read first! This story was written by a female friend and former coworker of mine. It involves herself with another female friend, who was also a mutual coworker of ours. I have changed the name in the story for obvious reasons. "Amanda" is married, bisexual and they have an open relationship. When talking with the girl who wrote this, she revealed being very kinky herself and always wanting to be with a woman. It turned out both girls liked S&M and were very submissive. Over time...

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The Millionaire Next DoorChapter 39

It was a few minutes before noon on Wednesday, when Dan looked up at the door. Surprised, he saw there was a rather large crowd of people gathering in front of the pizzeria. He estimated that there were fifteen people, and that more were coming. The average age of the crowd was looked to be around seventy. He recalled that the landlord had mentioned that there was a retirement community nearby. For the next twenty minutes, he was extremely busy cooking pizzas and spaghetti. The two...

4 years ago
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A Bizarre Corporate Takeover Ch 03

Author’s Note: I wrote this story based on another request. I requestor provided me with a detailed list of talking points to use in the story. Since the story covers so many aspects of sex I decided to list in under the novels and novellas category. I changed all the names of the characters and all characters are at least 18 years old. The story will be submitted in several chapters as it would be too long for one read. In chapter one Sharon unveiled her plan to take over the company so that...

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Moms Laptop Part 5

I sat in front of my laptop. Katie stood right behind me and bent down to see the screen. I brought up Bongacams.“This is what Toby was looking at,” I said. Toby is my sixteen-year-old son.“Wow,” Katie answered, peering at the screenful of cams, all women older than she. We clicked “couples” and “guys” and got what you’d expect, including a few cams with actual sex or masturbation. “I knew he watched porn, like anybody, but not what he looked at. Let’s try Chaturbate.”It was hard to believe:...

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At 45 years old, Doris was a successful businesswoman. She built her Amazon Executive Women's consulting company from nothing to a thriving business with six great women employees. Doris loved being in charge whether it was her business or her personal life. She was going to hire her first male secretary, who would open her mail, screen her calls and assist the other employees if needed. In reality, he would be used as her own personal oral sex slave and face seat.There was nothing small or shy...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 191

Saturday morning at 5 - things were humming. The 20 were in the meeting room getting the handouts with the directions and GPS units. Marcy issued the company credit cards that had arrived by special messenger yesterday and explained the record keeping that was required. The four couples who were going to stay in Rochester each took a personal car while their mate drove one of the company marked cars. The North six had left yesterday at noon, each driving an unmarked MAAR rental car that had...

1 year ago
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Undercovers Detective chapter 5

Frank I suddenly awoke from my dream in the most erotic way, with a head bobbing on my morning woody. My eyes were slowly coming into focus, and I saw was Alexia's mouth eagerly slurping up and down like she was trying to consume me whole, not quite achieving that, but I was truly appreciating her effort. It was so sensual watching her tits swaying side-to-side, poking my thighs with her erect nipples. This was confirmation to me that last night was not just a dream. "Well, good morning to...

Love Stories
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Bathtime with Daddy Part 12

"Daddyyy! Bathtiiiime!!" my daughter yelled from down the hall. I got up from my office chair, closing my work documents. Taking care of my angel was far more important to me than paper documents or work. Since my wife's passing, I became a tragic wreck. I was forced out of my old job, because I couldnt show up to work from being so brought down and depressed. I stopped eating, stopped doing really anything until my daughter came back from her grandparents house one evening. She went...

2 years ago
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How Could You Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Leah Crosby woke up on Sunday feeling better about herself. Not being as down as she was the last couple of days and beating herself up did not stop the woman from spending some time in bed pondering why she doubted her Ron. The mother and son had a close relationship so it could not have been that she mistrusted him. Her belief in the lie about him was not about him being socially inept. People saw Ron that way, but that perception of him was for he did not let being liked...

4 years ago
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The Lost TribeChapter 8

“Daddy! Daddy!” Jason turned from his usual evening vigil sitting on the beach to regard the young blond blue-eyed boy as he ran up. “Hey, Al ... what’s up?” His son was visibly upset. “Jasper said I’m not really part of the family because Makayla’s not my mom!” Jason cursed under his breath. Allie had passed away from an infection after giving birth to the little boy, and Jasper had arrived a few weeks later, named after Makayla’s favorite uncle. Al was, of course, named in honor of his...

1 year ago
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The Eleventh Elven Elevation Chapter 4

******** The Eleventh Elven Elevation Chapter 4 Interlude ******** “Can’t you find anything in the instructions? Seattle, that’s where we need to go. How hard can it be?” “Just shut up for a moment Cindy, will you. I don’t know where we are. I don’t know how far to the north Seattle is. All that is in these instructions are something about trains, whatever they might be and sailing ships of which there is a picture here, see?” “Let us first find out where we are, there is something over...

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Destinys RoadChapter 27

With all the excitement from the previous few weeks, I was happy that the week following our mini-vacation was fairly calm. Coach was really pushing me in practice, to get me up to speed with the rest of the team. Honestly, I was looking forward to playing in my first real game, that weekend. It did help to keep my mind off the fact that Mrs. Bell and Doctor Chang would be sitting down with me and the girls, to go over what they had learned over the weekend. That isn't to say nothing...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Tristan Summers School Just Started But There8217s A Test On BBC Today

I can’t believe they got us back in this boring ass school already! School JUST got out a few months ago and now we gotta go back??? Bullshii. I miss all that virtual stuff where I could just stay home. But nah, we got real school again. Yay. And because we got real school, that mean we got real work to do. After the 2nd day of class this bitch ass teacher Miss Newton talmbout “Lets see wat you learned this summer!” Bitch I sure as hell ain’t learn about The Era of Good...

1 year ago
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Kris Juliet Ch IX Holiday in Hamilton Pt3

My dream was so vivid -  I felt her hot breath radiate to my inner thighs whilst she took large licks on my swollen pussy lips and swirling her tongue inside of me. My moans were slowly bringing me to consciousness, slowly letting me feel her truly on my flesh making love to it. I peered down into the darkness and could barely make out the shape-shifting sheet below me and my lack of sight only magnified the exhilaration of her mouth travelling through my wet pussy. As she felt me cum, her...

3 years ago
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What are friends for

Well my buddy and I hooked up again but for the last time... When I arrived at his place to help him with his computer. as I was working on the problum another one arose. as he stood next to me his crotch was close to my face so close I can smell the musky smell from him. so raw and sexual as I was waiting for the program to load my wanting his cock was loading also. after a few min. as he watched what I was doing I reached out and reached up his shorts and rubbed his soft cock. he took a deep...

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Laura and Davey2

Things were working out fine for me and Laura. She knew a lot about sex, and somehow, even though I was a boy, I had missed out on so much. Maybe because at fifteen, one year older than me, Laura had passed onto some higher plane of knowledge. We were able to have mornings together when my parents were gone. Some days we only had time after school, but we made the most of it. "Laura," I asked one afternoon after we got off the school bus, away from the big ears of the other students, "how is it...

First Time
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Who Do You Want to be Today 2

First, thanks for reading my writing; and second, thanks for taking the time to write a review. I read every one, from everyone and take them seriously. I want to incorporate, to the best of my knowledge, each suggestion that is offered. However, please feel free to come to your own conclusions, or endings, as you wish to see, in my stories. I emphasize YOU. Everyone is different. I may pick up where I left off, in another phase, at a later date, these stories I concoct in my...

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ModernDaySins Jennifer White Mad Fuckers Neglected Housewife8217s Needs

Jennifer White has a busy weekend ahead of her. She is pregnant (but not yet showing), and wants to work on setting up a room for her future bundle of joy while her husband is away on a business trip. Suddenly, she is surprised by a knock at her front door. Her visitor turns out to be her neighbor, Jay Romero, who says he’s here to help with setting up the room. Jennifer looks confused, asking what he’s talking about and how he even knew about that. Jay looks bashful, explaining...

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Adventures of DonnaPart 2 Little girl swallow

Adventures of Donna–Part 2 (Little girl swallow) Donna could feel his large hands pulling her face down on his penis, forcing the huge member down her throat. She started choking and her natural reaction was to resist the f***e of his hands. There was nothing she could do to stop him, he was too strong. Besides Donna was gambling that the mystery man was determined to make her eat this entire length. He did not reduce the pressure on her head, either she managed her breathing and opened her...

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Not What I Would Normaly Do

I was ready to go home and be with my k**s and husband. It had been a long week for me as I had to work out of town doing sales and was now completely worn out. As I drove along the highway thinking of my next few stops I came upon these two boys hitch hiking. I pulled the car over and offered a ride. They were not bad looking boys, in their mid teens. I told them I would take them to their house thinking that is what I would want someone to do for my k**s if they were out like this. Their...

4 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book TwoChapter 4 New Castle

The drive to the storage unit took over an hour. Staring at the fields on the edge of town, Beth couldn’t fathom why Emily would insist on a storage unit so far away from civilization, especially when there were several good ones within fifteen minutes of her home. “Fries,” she said, and Lily, acting as her copilot, held up the small red fry cup like an offering to the gods. Beth grabbed a few, stuffing them in her mouth carefully to avoid smudging her lipstick. They had grabbed a bite to...

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HotwifeXXX Celestina Blooms Only The Best Black Cock For Wife Celestina

Sexy cute blonde wife Celestina is ready to go in her lingerie as her hired black stud Jax arrives bearing gifts, one for her ankle and the other for her hungry mouth and pink wet pussy. Jax dives right in enjoying the sweet taste of her tight little pussy and ass before his big black cock flops out and into her hot mouth sucking it and rubbing her pussy to orgasm. Now in full shared wife bbc slut mode she bends over the tub taking his throbbing cock balls deep for a pounding her hot dripping...

2 years ago
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Joey and Susan Naked in SchoolChapter 2

Joey I made my way to the head master's office and the headmaster and he indicated for me to take a seat while I waited for my partner and wondered what her reaction would be. To my surprise, when she entered instead of being agitated at the prospect of going naked she seemed quite calm, I even though I saw a hint of a grin as she looked at me. "She probably thinks that she will be able to ignore me and the buddy system without me causing her any problems and she is right," I thought....

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Copyright transfemme 2000/2002. Permission granted for private reproduction and internet publication. All characters and events depicted herein are purely fictional. PALAIS By Transfemme 1 Standing in a pool of moody backstage lighting, Charise Granger drew her T-shirt slowly over her head, revealing a shining white satin bra, the kind with detachable straps and tiny lace trimmings around the cups. She paused a moment to shake out her strawberry blond hair and moisten her...

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Strip Club

You had recently won money. A lot of money. You were going to spend it on college or your finance future. Then you figured why spend it on something stupid like that. Why not have to the local strip club and get yourself a dance. You go to the strip club at night. You spot a couple of strippers you recognize. Xenia was Russian MILF beauty. She pretty hot and older then you. She very busty with blond hair and blue eyes. She has a playful attitude and sexy red lips. Xenia also has a pretty big...

1 year ago
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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 9

“Okay Kara do you remember what I told you and why?” asked Suki. I didn’t even hesitate. I had been thinking of what she told me over and over again so many times. I said, “Christ would like to do something special with me after the musical is over. But I can’t let him know I know, because he wants it to be a surprise.” I almost giggled with glee and wonder. “Good.” Suki hugged me. “You can’t know how happy I am for tonight. For you.” I gave Suki an extra hug, “I’m not sure if I can go out...

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My Black Master and a doggie surprise for me

My Black Master Jerome knew I would be home alone on that weekend; so he called me to say he had a surprise for me.I did not like Jerome’s surprises; since mostly of them were about huge black cocks in a brutal gangbang and I did not want to feel my cunt and ass sore on those days. So I asked what surprise was.Jerome called me a bitch and a bitch could only be fucked by dogs.So I laughed and said I would be at his place in less than an hour.Jerome ordered me to go dressed like a slut, with no...

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TeamSkeetLabs Macarena Lewis Concept Timestop

What is timestop? It’s the idea of playing with the laws of time usually with the purpose of taking full advantage of a sexy situation. In today’s update, Macarena Lewis calls repairman Jesus Reyes to help her fix a broken light, but while he works, she starts changing outfits trying to figure out what to wear for her party. Jesus can’t stop noticing how hot she is and assures her that anything she wears will look flattering. Once the light is fixed, Jesus takes out his special stopwatch and...

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Eskort Spezial

Kaitlyn hatte fast alles was Sie sich wünschen konnte. Mit ihren 25 Lenzen hatte sie es geschafft. Sie hatte einen gutverdienenden vermögenden Mann geheiratet der Ihr alle Wünsche erfüllte. Ein großes Haus mit Garten, Pool, Sauna und allem anderen Schikanen. Kleider, einen Sportwagen und und und... Und dennoch fühlt sich Kaitlyn unzufrieden. Vielleicht lag es daran das ihr Mann zu wenig Zeit für sie hatte, vielleicht das Kaitlyn keine Lust mehr auf Tennis, Golf etc hatte... Gelangweilt...

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Protection and Preservation Book 03Chapter 11

[Preservation – Jim in North Carolina] While I was in Concord, I went to a big box store and picked up a new laptop with all the goodies including wireless internet and Wi Fi connections of a couple of types. I used my credit card to connect and get them approved. There was no one to pay and, apparently, there was still some room on it. I had not used it since the Day for anything except activations. I filled up on gasoline and used my new laptop to find a campsite for the afternoon and...

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The housekeeper that gets revenge and has a large secret

I called a service and they sent over a woman named Tessa. Tessa was a woman from from Ecuador who needed a job. She was not most attractive woman that I had ever seen as she was about 5'7, black hair. She had small breasts. I guess that I was not hiring her for her looks but rather to clean the house. About six months later, I came home early from work. I was very horny that day so I put on a porno movie. I began to pleasure myself and I realized that Tessa was in the other room. She...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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