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I'm a 23 year old guy who likes writing slow stories that include actual characters and not just good looking bodies. I enjoy slow build-up and dramatic sequences. I'd say my work is more "erotic" than "sexual".

I in no way condone sexual or any other slavery. Any form of play should always be consensual. My stories are a work of fiction and fantasy - and it should stay that way. My stories might include characters below the age of 21, but never in a sexual situation. I am strongly against child abuse and rape.

Please be reasonable.

Andrea was tired that day. Five clients came and left and she felt like she didn’t really help either of them. Her job was difficult and tedious, but sometimes it paid off. She changed one young girl’s mind about suicide and helped one old trucker to hold his family together. Those were the highpoints of her career as a psychologist. Then there were countless drug addicts, abusers, couples therapies and divorce sessions with children. Now with the ongoing recession, she also had to talk to people who lost their jobs or had their houses foreclosed. When her workday was nearing its end, she often removed her shoes and placed her feet on a high glass table in front of her chair to relax a little bit. Chances of someone coming just fifteen minutes before the end of her working hours were very slim. In those last few minutes of her shift, she was considering the options. ?Should I quit this job and do something else?? Andrea was 32, divorced. Her life was under control just a couple of years ago but now it seemed like everything got derailed. She wasn’t really happy and she was rather grateful that her first marriage was childless. She couldn’t imagine caring for an infant.

Andrea was a young woman. Her face was still very smooth, her lips thick, her eyes blue and her nose small. She looked younger than 32 and most people complimented her on that, despite the fact that it was clearly not a result of any effort on her side. Her long legs and beautifully shaped hips were another feature that grabbed a man’s attention. When she waived her dark blonde hair, men were assembling. Unfortunately, as is the case of most pretty women, they really only wanted one thing and not the other. ?I wonder if there was ever a man who saw more in me,? she thought as she adjusted her business skirt around her hips and crossed her nyloned legs on the table.

Instead of worrying about her relationships, she was unhappy about her location. She was considering leaving for a different country. She was bored of American men and their corny pick-up lines. She thought men in different parts of the world were different. Her dream cities were Milan, Paris or Rome or elsewhere in Europe. Just when she was daydreaming her life in Rome, someone knocked on the door of her office. She put her shoes back on, stood up and opened the door.

In the door was a middle aged man, clean shaved and with short brown hair. His eyes were dark and on his face was not even the slightest hint of a smile. ?You’re Miss Peterson. Can I talk to you for a few seconds? I’ll pay, obviously.? The man was wearing a black jacket and black jeans. One thing Andrea always had to do before starting a conversation with a client was to try to assess him. He didn’t look emotionally unstable or stressed. In fact, he seemed absolutely calm. It seemed unlikely that this man would request any psychological help. Appearances can be deceiving though. That was another rule in Andrea’s profession. Andrea shook his hand and invited him in.

The man sat himself comfortably in the sofa and looked at Andrea, waiting for her to start the session. ?So, what is your name and age?? Andrea asked. Age wasn’t particularly important, but many people with a midlife crisis – which was what she assumed was this case – wanted to talk about it, so why not get it out of the way first.

?Patrick. I’m 42,? the man said calmly.

?How can I help you?? Andrea replied with a bit of confusion in her voice. Patrick seemed confident and totally content with his age and looks. He was very comfortable. She was stunned and also a bit curious. This guy was not her typical client. He looked way cooler and less miserable than that. In fact, she liked him. His face was dark and mystical and the energy he was emitting was negative but exciting.

?Listen to me.?

Andrea sighed internally. It’s one of those? those who like to talk for hours and need someone to listen. They are the worst clients. It seems like an easy job to just sit and listen, but it really rather isn’t. Andrea took a deep breath. ?What do you want to talk about?

The man’s face darkened as he tilted his head forward. ?You.?

Immediately, Andrea scanned her memory for anyone looking at least a bit like the man in front of her. Did she meet him before and perhaps made him come to ask her out? What was this?

?I just want to inform you that you will not be free anymore.?

Andrea gasped. What? ?What do you mean??

?What I said.?

Patrick certainly wasn’t the most talkative man in the world.

?What you mean I won’t be free anymore?? Andrea asked the man. She was used to various weird people. She was a bit stunned that such unreasonable words came out of the mouth of a relatively reasonable looking man, but oh well. Men who were okay didn’t come to her office.

?You have two options. Turn yourself in willingly or we’ll take you. Call this number if you want to know more.? Patrick extended his arm to place a business card on the glass table before him.

Andrea immediately recognized the danger. For a second she thought that someone was offering her S/M services. However, Patrick’s gaze was very serious and his eyes were burning right through her. ?What? is this some kind of a joke?? Andrea said with a shaking voice.

?No. I don’t tell jokes. If you want to know more, call the number on the business card. Otherwise you can start preparing yourself for some serious discipline,? Patrick said and then he got up from the sofa and aimed for the door.

?Wait?? Andrea uttered when he was almost at the door. ?Who are you??

?You don’t need to know.?

Patrick left Andrea’s office without a ?goodbye? and Andrea’s phone started ringing. It was her alarm clock to remind her that her shift was over. It was time to go home. Andrea’s life was basically one ring after another. It started with the alarm clock in the morning. Then it was the kettle which was signalizing boiling water with a beep. Then it was her car, reminding her that she should fasten hear seatbelt.  Beeps were present throughout Andrea’s life, so she thought she might as well set an alarm clock for the end of her shift to have a clear signal her day’s work is done.

Andrea was sitting in her office chair completely stunned. She didn’t know what to do. Was this a threat? Was it just a sick joke? Eventually, she dismissed all these thoughts by convincing herself that this guy was just a crazy lunatic, who is aroused by telling women they’re objects. There must be some kind of a disorder like that.

On her way home, Andrea was thinking about a party she’s throwing in her house in a couple of days. She invited all her friends from university plus a few fellow psychologists. Her ex-husband left her a nice house in the suburbs which was very spacious and cozy. It also had a bathtub and a swimming pool. Andrea didn’t utilize these luxuries very often though. She was mostly to be found in the living room. It was undergoing a reconstruction, but since there was no man in her household and she couldn’t do it herself, she had to pay for a professional to do it. Andrea wanted to change the colors of that room to forget her past.

At home, Andrea started her routine – undress, shower and TV. Sometime close to midnight, she would always crawl under the blanket of her bed and if she was in the mood – usually about twice a week, she would touch herself. In her dreams were usually intelligent high class men. She spent her whole life surrounded by businessmen or athletes. Unfortunately they were usually her clients and they revealed their weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Andrea considered this the end of any chances for a relationship. It would not just be unprofessional to have an affair with one of her clients – it would also mean she could make use of her knowledge of that man’s secrets and weaknesses. It would be most unfair. In a world full of people with one or more problems, she was looking for a man with none or at least a man who’s not so vocal about them. Her fingers would slowly circle her clit at the thought of a very confident and cool guy, who has clear goals in life and is doing all he can to achieve them. She was looking for someone crazy enough to have no issues in his life whatsoever. Some days she would explode around the thought of such a man being right in front of her and gently rubbing her clit, other days she would fall asleep unsatisfied.

Tonight, it was different. In her vision was a dark stranger. She couldn’t see his face. He was standing on a bridge with fog on both sides of it. He was coming closer to her as she was naked and helpless in front of him. There was no space for her to move – she was completely immobile. She couldn’t see his face but she could imagine his touch and was waiting for it like a flower waits the whole night for the sun. Her heart was beating like hell and her throat was getting dry. Just as she could feel his chest hair tingle her nipples, she heard a beep and she woke up.

?Ugh? what was that?? Andrea was in her bed and sweating. As she gently pushed her hand against her crotch, an alarming truth was revealed to her – she was soaking wet. ?What was that beep?? she thought and looked at her phone. It was 3AM and the alarm was set to the typical time of 8AM. ?I’m getting crazy,? she thought. She got out of the bed and went into her walk in closet. She grabbed a clean blanket and threw away the wet one. Then, she went for a shower.

As the warm water was pouring down her beautifully shaped back, her brain finally came to life and she realized that the dream was her reaction to that strange encounter yesterday. ?That asshole ruined my sleep,? she thought. ?Well, ruined?? She looked at her still red crotch. She didn’t want to admit that this whole encounter would be in any way arousing. Yes, he seemed to fit the description of her dream man, but he was too old and also not very well spoken. And that’s a turn off. ?What a weirdo,? Andrea thought before she dried her body with a towel and went back to her bedroom. As she covered her body with a blanket, she started thinking about this encounter. ?What was that guy trying to do? Is he trying to abduct me? Shouldn’t I contact the police?? Then she realized that it’s probably for the best to cut him some slack and let this whole thing rest. As a professional psychologist she shouldn’t be running around pressing charges. She needs to maintain a certain level of confidentiality. As long as no one grossly breaches her rights, there’s no need to act all offended and go talk to the police. ?Was this a breach of my rights? A threat? It was? but I don’t think it was meant seriously.? Someone else would probably be scared to death by such a threat, but as a psychologist, Andrea knew better than to take everything people say seriously.

Andrea couldn’t sleep. Her brain was full of what just happened. She knew there was something inside of her but she didn’t want to let it control her. She knew that it could completely devour her. Clearly, the whole situation was arousing her. It was not her typical form of arousal. It was a taste of the forbidden and inappropriate. After a few seconds, it became clear. She won’t fall asleep unless she releases this energy. Andrea touched her clit gently again and started rubbing it. She was imagining the man from her dream, his dark mysterious face and confident stare, his strong muscles and the effortlessness that surrounded him. He was right next to her, breathing warm air onto her neck, slowly whispering into her ear. She could feel the energy building up inside of her until she felt her final little jolt that preceded the big flood of energy. After a very short time she brought herself to an orgasm. Her mouth was forced open by the inescapable joy of the moment and her mind became clear again. She didn’t even see the face of that man, she didn’t know who he was. That alone was surprising, because her sexual fantasies usually revolved around very detailed characters she made up. This was different. Something else made her aroused. As a psychologist, she fought the urge to try to diagnose herself and instead she let all her thoughts go. Several minutes later, Andrea fell asleep.

The rest of the week was relatively uneventful. Andrea gained a new client – a man who’s filing for divorce and is afraid his daughters will hate him. Andrea spent the whole week preparing for this man and trying to help, but it seemed impossible to get him to open up and release the anger he feels for his wife. On Friday, Andrea went to a bar with other girls and discussed the party on Saturday.

?I’m definitely coming,? Jessica confirmed her appearance and patted Andrea on the back.

?I’m happy to hear that, J? Andrea smiled. ?I hope I’m not going crazy, but I was considering cooking something. Should I??

The girls laughed. ?If you dare??

?Is Matt coming?? Pauline asked out of nowhere. There was a connection to cooking, though not an immediately obvious one.

The whole table got silent. ?I? hope not,? Andrea replied nervously. ?I mean? I haven’t seen him for a while.?

Matt was a good friend of Andrea’s ex-husband Jeff. They used to drink together and hunt together. The only problem was that one day, he started hitting on Andrea and her ex got mad at him. They had a fist fight which pretty much ended their friendship. Andrea liked Matt, but didn’t like the way he behaved. He was very confrontational – if things weren’t under his control, he was furious and easy to irritate. His somewhat commanding tone was another feature that made Andrea a bit mad. Considering the fact that she wasn’t even his wife, she didn’t have to put up with this, but she did, because she loved her husband and knew the two were friends. After their fight and end of friendship, she felt relief. Matt was good looking and certainly smart and educated, but he was simply too much for Andrea to handle. The word ?overwhelming? seems to be fitting.

?You think he still likes you?? Pauline asked.

?Probably. And the answer to your next question is no.? Andrea replied, now in a visibly worse mood than before the question was asked.

Pauline chose to move on and the discussion continued.

The next day, the weather was great. Sun was warming the air and summer was in full swing. Andrea chose to wear something nice for the party, so she but on a blue short dress and a pair of heels. Generally the party was supposed to be more of a house party than a serious high class event, but there’s never enough glamour. Andrea wanted to look happy to prevent people from asking her questions about her ex or her non-existent relationship with a man. She wanted to avoid these topics altogether. Instead, she was ready to talk about her trip to Canada last week.

Around 8PM, Andrea heard someone talk in front of her house, so she went out to greet him. In a few seconds, she froze. In front of the house was Matt. He was leaning against his sports car and smiling at her. Andrea didn’t want to talk to him. She turned around mid-way and started walking back to the house, hoping he’d get the message and leave. He didn’t. Instead, he ran to her and grabbed her shoulder.

?Stop,? he said while holding Andrea’s bare shoulder. ?I want to talk to you for a second.?

Andrea was really mad. ?I don’t want to talk to you. You are a part of a life I’m not living anymore and you don’t belong here.? Andrea was surprised by how straight she was with him. This was the most honest thing she ever told him.

?Whoa, that’s cold. I was just trying to be nice,? Matt said in a clearly sarcastic voice. His confidence was unshaken. ?You are such a nice woman and yet you are unable to accept the fact that I’m not on your ex’s side in this dispute.?

?I know you’re not, but that doesn’t change anything. Look, it was nice that you helped me after my divorce, but I really don’t think we’d work. I’ve given it a serious thought and I think you are way too? controlling.?

Matt cleared his throat. ?Yes? but it’s all for a good cause. I have good intentions.?

This line resonated with Andrea. She remembered the man in her office earlier this week, who told her that she was an object. Now that’s controlling. This wasn’t that bad. ?Uh, you know Matt? I’m sorry if this is hard for you, but it’s hard for me as well. Jeff? he left me and? I know he’s given me a lot?? Andrea was pointing at the house and slowly losing her voice.

Matt stepped closer to her and held her arms. ?I know.?

?He? he? I thought we had something and now it’s all destroyed and you’re a constant reminder. That’s why? we? I mean I wish? but that’s why we can’t work??

Matt took a deep breath and whispered into her ear: ?Don’t worry about it. No matter much you want to forget me and your previous life? you’re mine. Head to toe. Mine. I’ll always be here. Don’t forget that and stay strong.?

Andrea started crying. Matt’s words were perhaps another expression of his control and he didn’t sound particularly compassionate, trying to make use of the situation, but he was here. If he considered her ?his?, it was a completely different type of ?ownership? than the one this weird guy was informing her about earlier this week. ?I need to? talk to you about something,? Andrea whispered.

?Sure, what is it??

?On Monday? some weird guy went into my office and was talking about me being property and?I don’t just weird stuff. He said I could turn myself in or they’ll take me.?

Matt’s face darkened with concern. ?Oh? Hmm. What did he look like??

?He was 42? brown hair, brown eyes... I think? I don’t know.?

?Did he give you contact information or something? I could visit him.?

?No. He only gave me his number.?

?Have you dialed it??


?Why not? Maybe it’s a joke or something. Guy wants to hook up and wants to be unique. Hell, maybe it was just a prank and you didn’t call the number so it failed.?

?Well? he seemed serious.?

?Yeah, but? it’s probably not very likely that someone would tell you something like this.?

?You did a couple of seconds ago.?

?Yeah? when I say it, it’s different.?

?How is it different?? Andrea asked, knowing the answer.

?I care. He doesn’t. Just call the number and you’ll see. If it’s still a problem, just call me and we can try to get some information on him and confront him?or them?or whatever.?

?Thank you Matt.?

?No problem. So, I’ll be gone then. See you later and please?just?try to think about me and ? us.?

Andrea nodded and felt relief that Matt was leaving. She really didn’t want him on the party. Having said that she also felt like he was a little more mature and serious this time. No joking around.  For the first time in ages, Andrea thought that maybe there was something about him. Maybe there could be some future for them. All Andrea was certain about was that the time wasn’t right.

?Okay? handle this professionally,? Andrea thought as she picked up the business card that the weird man left in her office. The only information on it was a phone number. 

Andrea took a seat in her comfy couch and dialed the number. Her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry. This was a crazy moment. She was going to call someone who was threatening her. After a few seconds, someone picked up the phone.

?Miss Anderson. Took you a while to call,? a male voice said on the other side. It was almost certainly the voice of Patrick.

Andrea’s voice was shaking. She was scared and nervous, but also curious. She wanted to know what was going to happen to her. Clearly this wasn’t just a joke. ?So? what were you talking about ? in my office?? Andrea could barely string a sentence together.

?I thought you understood. You have two options. Either you’ll turn yourself in willingly, or we’ll take you. When and how I’m obviously not going to tell you. If you wish to turn yourself in willingly, then here’s how you do it. I’m going to send you a message with instructions. Follow the instructions. Thank you for this lovely conversation Miss Peterson, but I’m a busy man. I hope you’ll understand. One more thing. Don’t worry about police or FBI. They can’t get to us. Not even if you let them read the SMS I’m going to send you. You might try to ask for police protection, but I certainly wouldn’t. It would make our job easier, not harder. Bye Miss Peterson.?

That was it, the end of the phone call. Andrea didn’t even get to ask another question. She placed her phone on the table in front of her, stunned. This whole thing was real. Was the man lying about his connection to the police or was he serious? Who knows? It was impossible to tell. What was she going to do? There was really only one solution. Andrea picked up the phone.

?Matt? I? I just called the number and ? he? or they? are serious.?

?Fuck? that’s really bad. Have you called the police??

?No. Not really. They say it doesn’t matter whether I do or not.?

?They could be bluffing.?

?Yes, but? I don’t know. Could you maybe? come over for the night? I’m scared to be alone in this house. I see that man everywhere.?

?Yes. Sure.?

?I can cook you something??

?You don’t have to. I’ll come for you, not your cooking. I’ll be there in a minute.?

Andrea had to cancel the party. She wrote a message to all the invited guests, telling them that she’s tired and would like to postpone the party. In a few minutes, she received messages from the invited guests, stating that they’re okay with it and that she should get some rest.

Among the messages was one which was from an unknown number. In it was a link to a website and a message: ?YOULL NEED TOR BROWSER.?

Andrea went to her computer and installed ?Tor? browser. It apparently could access the so called ?deep web? – a set of websites that are unavailable for normal browsers. Then, she carefully copied the web address she received in the SMS.

The website was basically just a black screen with a white window in the middle. In the window was the following text:

Our pickup point for your area is on the corner of Carson Street and Cherry Avenue in Long Beach. Full address is below. Go to the pickup location, ring the bell and wait for the door to open. Once it’s open, enter the building and follow the arrows. The arrows will lead you to a white room. Drink the prepared liquid and lay down on the bed.

That was all the information Andrea was getting out of this. Naturally she was mad. This whole thing was not just a serious shady operation, but it happened on a global scale. The line ?our pickup point for your area? meant there were more pickup points for various places around at least the US, maybe even the world. This was a global crime and somebody had to do something. It was time to start thinking.

?There must be a way to figure this out,? Andrea thought. ?They told me that I can’t call the police. No, they said I can, but it will make it easier for them. Are they with the police? Do they abduct people while faking injuries or crimes? How could something possibly be easier to do with the assistance of the police?? All these thoughts were gathering in Andrea’s head when she heard yet a ring. ?Ah, Matt is here.?

Andrea opened the door and saw a familiar face. For probably the first time in her life, she was happy to see him. She immediately hugged him. ?Thank you so much for staying. I? I know that things are complicated between the two of us, but??

?Not on my side. For me it’s really simple.?

?I know. It’s just? ah, let’s have a nice evening and talk about it tomorrow.?

Andrea turned on the TV and popped in a DVD with Love Actually. After a few moments, she fell asleep. It was a long and exhausting day and especially the drama of the last few hours made her really tired.

?You’re listening to your mind, but not your body, Andrea. Aren’t you sick and tired of asking people questions? Don’t you want to be asked? Don’t you want to be desired?? a man with a darkened face said in a deep voice, looking at Andrea from across the alley. Andrea was unable to move, trying to run away from him, but her limbs were not moving, despite not being attached or tied to anything. ?You don’t really want to run away, do you?? the voice said. ?The only way for you to run away is to suppress your own sexuality. We both know what Freud said about that, don’t we? Don’t we??

Then Andrea woke up about. She slept for about 2 hours, leaning on Matt’s shoulder. Matt was watching some documentary about fisherman on the open sea.



?Do you know what to do with this whole situation? I really need your help.?

?My friend works at a security firm. I could ask him to protect you over the course of a few weeks.?

?That’s not going to help. They could wait for me for years. I need to deal with this or I won’t be able to sleep at night.?

?You were sleeping just fine a couple of minutes ago. Let me say this. I honestly believe it’s all just a sick joke of one of your former clients. Maybe you made someone upset and he asked someone to come to your office and tell you about the abduction or whatever. I don’t think it’s anything??

?Brett? Yes, there was a man named Brett Poltsky. He was an IT specialist. Maybe he’s behind this website.?

?Website? Do you already know how to turn yourself in??

?Yes, he sent me a message.?

?So why don’t we go to that place tomorrow. I’ll come with you. I’m sure nothing bad will happen to you.?


Andrea knew this was dangerous, but the presence of a man next to her did give her a degree of security. She wanted to know who was behind this and if it was a real thing. Brett Poltsky was a very mentally ill and weak person. She knew how to confront him, should he be there.

The two spent the rest of the evening watching shows on TV. When Andrea fell asleep, Matt brought her to her bedroom and covered her with a blanket. Andrea woke up midway, but pretended to be asleep and enjoyed Matt’s care. Matt spent a few seconds sitting right next to Andrea’s bed and stroking her blanket covered body. It felt as though he was apologizing for something. ?Maybe it’s he feels guilty for ruining my marriage,? Andrea thought before she fell asleep.

The next day, Matt was making breakfast and Andrea was preparing for her confrontation with the captor. She put on her best clothes for some confidence boots – a tight hugging knee high dress, stiletto shoes and a necklace. When she appeared in the kitchen, Matt was beside himself.

?Wow. Are you sure you’re not overdressed? I almost want to drive you to my house rather than that pickup point you mentioned.? Then his face lightened up with a smile. ?You look gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. That’s all I’m saying.?

Andrea’s face was still full of concern. After a week of stress and uncertainty, she was now going to learn about that weirdo who went into her office without an appointment and had all the wrong things to say. ?Thank you Matt. Do you think we’ll make it??

?What do you mean??

?Matt, someone threatened me with kidnapping. I’m obviously stressed!?

?I know. It’s just so unlikely to happen, especially this way. I know you think I’m not taking this seriously and that’s not the way it is. I just think that you should calm down a bit and enjoy the ride with me. In a few hours we’ll both be laughing about this. It’ll just be a story to share with other people over a beer or martini or whatever you drink.?

?I don’t drink? not much anyway.?

?Whatever. Here’s your breakfast.?

?I’m not hungry. My stomach is knotted.?

?Come on. You need to eat something. I’ll force it in you if I have to.?

?Okay, since you’re so insistent.? Andrea took the knife and fork and started eating the omelet.  ?Is this enough?? she asked about midway through.

?Well, I probably won’t be able to convince you to eat more, so yeah. You can stop if you want.?

?Thanks for the permission,? Andrea replied with obvious sarcasm in her voice. ?Can we go??


Matt helped Andrea crawl into his Porsche and the two began their relatively short trip to Long Beach. On the way, Matt chose to play some nice music through the speakers to calm Andrea down. ?If you should fall upon hard times, if you should lose your way, there is a place here in this house, that you can stay,? a male singer was singing on the radio.

?Okay, maybe a little bit too depressing,? Matt thought but as he reached for the radio station knob, Andrea stopped grabbed his hand.

?Leave it on. I like it.?


?It’s so soothing, isn’t it? to have someone to live for,? Andrea asked.
?I never had someone to live for. For me it was always just a necessity to feel socially accepted. I’m close to 40. I can’t run around chasing women. I need a relationship, but it’s only because the society wants me to. I wish there were a way to escape it.?

?With the right woman you can,? Andrea said. Immediately she regretted it, hoping Matt didn’t take this the wrong way – as a sign of her affection.

After about an hour drive from central L.A., Matt parked his car near the pickup location.

?Okay, this is it. Should I go to that building with you or should I observe here??

?I don’t know. I suppose it’s for the best if you come with me.?

The two walked to the building that was supposed to be the pickup point but almost immediately recognized a problem.

?There’s a camera over there. They won’t open the door while I’m here,? Matt said in a calm voice. ?I think that I should step back and observe. I can hold the door for you if you want, so that you’re not locked in.?

?Yes, do so please,? Andrea said, her face white as a wall.

Once Matt stepped back, the door opened and Andrea could walk in. Matt then jumped in to hold the door. Andrea was walking up the set of stairs to the first floor. On the wall there was a red arrow pointing to the left. When Andrea turned left, she saw a long walkway with walls on both sides. There were CCTV cameras everywhere. ?I hope this is some kind of a prank,? she thought. The one thing she was hoping for was to see Brett. If he was behind this, she was prepared to teach him a lesson.

At the end of the walkway was a room with no door. On the ground was a red arrow pointing in the room’s direction. ?Okay, stay strong,? Andrea thought and looked into the room. In the middle of the room was a table with a glass full of some liquid. The floor in the room was very soft – almost foamy. ?Okay, let’s figure out who’s behind this,? Andrea thought and walked into the room. Once she cleared the door area, the door closed itself and she could hear the lock. Apparently it was a sliding door hidden in the wall. Her fate was sealed. ?Oh no, what have I done!? Andrea shouted and her legs started to tremble.

?Matt, can you hear me?? she shouted, hoping her friend could come to her rescue. He couldn’t. The room was very well isolated. ?Matt,? she shouted desperately, knowing that she just lost her freedom. The man who entered her office was right. Still, despite her fear and sadness, she could also feel a brand new emotion building up inside of her – excitement. She was going to find out who this man was and what he wanted. It seemed somewhat crazy, but there was a certain relief to be felt when she realized that she now at least has a purpose in life. She will learn what this whole thing is about and maybe even escape and prevent this from happening in the future.

There was only one thing to be done. Andrea grabbed the glass on the table and drank the liquid. ?It’s just water?? she thought, but she was clearly wrong. In a few minutes, she started feeling really tired and so she lay on the floor. Within a few seconds, she was asleep.

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Tick tock goes the clock

Tick tock goes the clock By SG [email protected] 1: Preparations        Some days I really have to question my sanity. Everybody sees the world a little differently but I seem to see it in entirely different dimensions. Most people would look at a laptop with a wireless connection to the world wide web as a convenience or a luxury. To me it was a tool for my dark submissive desires.        The thought came to me one night while I surfed the net for arousing pictures of damsels like...

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Two o clock

I sighed as I heard another knock on the door. Surely this wasn’t another interview? My nextone wasn’t due until two and I wanted a quick rest. I’d been interviewing for my new assistant all morning and Iwas absolutely exhausted. “Come in” I said reluctantly, glancing at my clock. Twentyto two. Whoever it was had better make it quick. In stepped Jared. Tall,muscular and such a player. We’d had a steam quickie two weeks ago in thebathroom at the Christmas party and I have to admit I...

Quickie Sex
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The clock

The ClockProvided By: BDSM Librarywww.bdsmlibrary.comSynopsis: 13 stunning female models are k**napped and tortured. The finale is the infamous clock!As I walked into the dungeon I was confronted with a wonderfully erotic sight - 13 stunningly attractive young models hanging from the centre beam by their manacled wrists. Every toned muscle was painfully stretched as the models scrambled to gain any purchase on the floor with their toes to take some of the weight off their abused shoulder...

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He Had a Big Clock

I sat alone in the lounge, waiting for the clock to strike nine. Really. I just sat there, getting wetter and hotter the whole time. I damn near came on the spot when the clock chimes began. I had promised I wouldn't touch myself until they started, and I didn't. But as soon as that little hammer dinged the bell for the first time, the hand was indeed faster than the eye. My fingers shot down my pants, and I began caressing myself frantically, moaning and gyrating on the sofa, urged on by...

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Two o clock

I sighed as I heard another knock on the door. Surely this wasn’t another interview? My next one wasn’t due until two and I wanted a quick rest. I’d been interviewing for my new assistant all morning and I was absolutely exhausted. “Come in” I said reluctantly, glancing at my clock. Twenty to two. Whoever it was had better make it quick. In stepped Jared. Tall, muscular and such a player. We’d had a steam quickie two weeks ago in the bathroom at the Christmas party and I have to admit I...

2 years ago
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Mia Martin Beat the Clock

For a description of Mia and Martin and the formation of our relationship please see Mia & Martin – Party of the YearMy name is Martin, I'm 35 years old and have recently found myself with a great deal of time on my hands. I thought I would reminisce about life during my sophomore year in university. While this story is true, certain details have been changed or left obscure to avoid identifying anyone involved.The year was 2005.At the start of sophomore year Mia rented an apartment off...

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Three OClock

She remains naked in the open window, just as he left her hours earlier. Her wrists in cuffs attached to the hook in the ceiling. The curtains drawn for the neighbors to admire her, a cool breeze blows against her skin. She's embarrassed; today there seemed to be a lot of extra people outside enjoying the nice weather and she had been placed on display by her Master.Her shoulders ached from being left in such a position for so long. Her clit swollen with anticipation. Her juices flowed, she...

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Biological Clock

After years of enjoying other people's awesome works here I wanted to return to the community. I only hope that my story lives up to the incredible reputation of this site. October 13th 2008 SRU: The Biological Clock By Orthagyn For the last year every month it's been the same argument and Amanda was getting sick of it, she wanted a family and her husband John just wasn't willing to provide much to her disappointment. "I thought we have been through this already. Why do we...

2 years ago
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The Clock

As I walked into the dungeon I was confronted with a wonderfully erotic sight - 13 stunningly attractive young models hanging from the centre beam by their manacled wrists.  Every toned muscle was painfully stretched as the models scrambled to gain any purchase on the floor with their toes to take some of the weight off their abused shoulder sockets. There was no relief of course.  I had carefully adjusted the length of the manacle chains whilst they had been unconscious so that the most that...

4 years ago
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Chapter 5 Running Out The Clock

Finally, the clock hit 4:30 and as luck should have it Stan was too busy to meet with me again.  It was probably for the best since I doubt I could have held back the burning lust and desire inside of me that the creature had both created and spread the flames of.  I popped the top off of my travel mug to ensure that the slime was still there.  The residual slime from this morning was still safely stored in the mug. I began to pack up my things at my desk.  When I reached to unplug my laptop...

Monster Sex
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ConvergenceChapter 25 Racing the Clock

“What do you mean, there’s nothing you can do?” Caleb demanded angrily. “Would you understand it better, if I said it slower?” Bran shot back in frustration. “There’s nothing we can do! We don’t know how to undo what your armor did, and we don’t know what will happen if you upgrade. There’s a very high probability that an upgrade would kill you! Your current armor has over-integrated into your biological functions! It isn’t supposed to do that, but your armor did it anyway. Based on your...

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Sex on the clock

It all began one day at work. Im not an amazing looking person. Yet i feel as if im above average. At 6'1" 230 and a huskier frame. With dark hair and eyes and a trimmed full beard. i could find my fair share of attractive women. Then one day as i worked at my job for the city patching the road......

3 years ago
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Blowjob on the clock

As you know I'm married with a mistress. I have a beautiful wife (her in my fj vids) but we have been in a dry slump for some time now. Gradually coming out but still not where I want things to be. Sex twice a year and footjobs all the time gets old at times. But anyways my mistress has a very high sex drive and is very freaky. Once I fuck her anally and get a fj I can say I've done it all oh and maybe a facial if she's buzzed lol! So earlier this week her cycle came and normally I take...

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Dream MasterChapter 25 The Ticking Clock

Tuesday morning the pressure went up when I got a call from someone wanting to see me about locating a missing person. I agreed to meet them for lunch to discuss the details, and we met at the Pink Taco, which is one of the restaurants inside the Hard Rock. As soon as I saw where the hostess was taking me, I knew I was in trouble. The person I was meeting with was a board member of my favorite church. In fact, it was the lawyer who had shown up to ruin Steven Hendricks' life the morning...

3 years ago
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Adams ApplesChapter 5 Beat the Clock

“RAMSEY, THIS IS DOCTOR SIMPSON. Do you have a minute to talk?” “Sure, Doc. Am I late for a checkup?” I sat up straight. There’s nothing to get your attention like having your doctor call out of the blue and say, ‘We need to talk.’ It was a slow news day and I couldn’t figure out why Doc Simpson would call me. “We’ve had some interesting developments over at the hospital. You’re the only person I know with an eye for real news. It has to do with dropping birthrates. I think we’re onto...

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This Is Going To Be Pretty

Kate sighed, staring into the reflection. Barely clothed she let her hair fall to the sides of her neck, her makeup remained content upon her skin although her lipstick was smudged near her cheek. Before she could lift her hand he was already behind her; wrapping his arms round her bare waist. "I read in between the lines," he sighed, nuzzling his nose into the cave of her neck; his fingers twiddling beneath her bra straps. "You do that a lot lately," she sighed. Her life with him had barely...

Straight Sex
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sandis world of fashion pt 7

Oh god no, honey. Not at all. You've given me so much courage and self confidence. You're my angel, darling. Don't blame yourself at all. I owe you everything.""You don't owe me a thing, Edie. You were in there all the time. You just needed someone to let you see the really beautiful woman that you are, that's all. Call Mrs. Walker though to let her know what your plans are so she doesn't think I wasted her time.""I will," she said. "Now I have to get on my way and you have to get back to work....

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Secret Affairs With My Friends Son Part 24

It was a rainy day. Last week, I had a small accident, so my car was in the garage. It was 7 p.m. and I was standing outside my office, waiting for a taxi. I didn’t even have an umbrella, and I regretted wearing this white shirt, which had become transparent now. Everyone could see my white bra through my wet shirt. Seeing this heavy rain, I remembered the day when I had sex with Adam for the first time. A smile came on my face, as I remembered how innocent and shy he was, the first time he...

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Webbs Wonderful Web Book 2 ResistancePart 5

Alice closed the door behind her quietly; the room was too dark to see, but she felt the fetid heat wash over her. Alice waited patiently for her eyes to become accustomed to the dingy bedroom, aware only of the subdued groaning and furtive movements but little else. Her hand snaked along the familiar wall, and located the brass toggle of the light switch. She hesitated. "June, June, you awake? It's only me - Alice," She breathed into the darkness. "Alice, Oh shit... Wait, god wait..."...

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We Were Blindfolded He Wasnt PART FOUR

This is the final part to my 100% true story. Check out the Prologue and Parts 1, 2, and 3My dominance kicked in and I grabbed the twink and pushed him to the ground so he was lying on his back. I stradled his face and I dropped my cock into his mouth. I steadied my hands on the ground above his head and I began mercilessly pumping my cock into his mouth. He let out some girly moans as I fucked his throat hard. My heavy balls slapped against his chin with each thrust I made into his face. I...

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Chrissys UnveilingChapter 8

The next morning, Chrissy was still in bed asleep when I got up and prepared breakfast for my three friends. I knew she was literally fucked from the night before’s activities, so I left her to recover. The delicious aroma wafted around the house and the men came down shortly afterwards. They tucked in hungrily to the bacon and eggs and toast I’d cooked. Before they left, we discussed a plan to get the awesome wench’s virgin arse fucked. I told them she wasn’t a fan of the idea at all. The...

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Halloween Pool Party Part 4

Halloween Pool Party, Chapter 4 by Brenda Monday morning I was awakened early by Miss Annie releasing the air from my plug and swiftly pulling it from my bottom. I cried out from being so crudely awakened from my slumber and that got me a quick but hard smack on my already bruised bottom. "Good morning Brenda, time to shower and get ready for a big day," she informed me. "Thank you Mistress," I answered reaching down to try to alleviate the pain from by morning wood being punished...

2 years ago
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Wanting What I Cant Have Chapter 1

I got out of my car and I saw her waving at me from the front porch. I sighed as I started walking towards her. My name’s Anna. I’m twenty years old, 5’7′ tall, with green eyes, long straight black hair with brown highlights. I have a very nice body since I’m a dancer and an athlete. I have 34C cup tits. I bet you’re wondering who’s the girl standing on the porch. Well, that’s my cousin Lisa. She’s twenty-three years old, 5’7′ tall, with brown eyes, long curly dark brown hair, a thin body, and...

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Club initiation

Not my story - see end for credit and sourceMy wife Gwen and I sat nervously in our car, anxious to go inside, but with butterflies in our stomachs. We had been with another couple one other time, and that had been on vacation on an island and we had quite a few drinks beforehand. Obviously, we had greatly enjoyed it, thus leading to our current endeavor.A friend had sponsored us for this private swing club, and we understood that the first night we would be at everyone's disposal, sort of an...

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My first experiences page 8

It has now been many years since I saw Patrick. I reached out to him afew times over the years but never had the nerve to go see him again. I think I was just too nervous as to what might happen at our next encounter considering how intense the first time was. Maybe I was afraid to give myself to a man. I don't know why, but it just didn't happen again. Now I'm a little older, my lady is out of town, and I again find myself wanting more. I met a guy on a gay phone chat line and when I found out...

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The Birthday Present

Sitting on the end of the bed Scarlett reached down to slip on her black stilettos, then standing up she looked at the mirror. Gazing at her reflection Scarlett couldn’t help but admire how sexy she looked. Dressed in her favourite red corset her firm 40DD breasts strained against the silk and lace eagerly wanting to escape. Scarlett looked every bit the sexy siren, right down to her matching lace G string that barely covered her modesty and her sexy red fishnet suspenders covering her lovely...

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Catching More Than Sun

As you open the door you feel the warmth cling to your skin. You leave the safety of your air conditioned room behind and close the door. Making your way through the hallway towards the elevator you come across a man going the opposite way. Passing each other you hear his cadence change and suddenly become more aware, as if he’s looking back, staring at your behind. “Maybe I should’ve wrapped the towel around me,” you say to yourself. “Ah well.” Holding the book that you’re hoping to finish...

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Black Mens Revenge Against White Klan GirlsChapter 4

That night the girls were left outside, gagged and tied up naked to trees, while the men had a good night's sleep inside the cabin in their comfortable beds. The next morning the men were amused to find the girls covered in mosquito bites all over their bodies. All three girls had moved their bowels during the night, unable to wait longer and unable to move about much. Shit was smeared all over their bottoms. Johnny got a bucket of water and the men scrubbed the shit off of the girls, using...

4 years ago
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My Trip

It was a couple of weeks later when Lillian informed us that her meeting in Edinburgh had been arranged for a Friday, and was looking forward to us taking her there. That week Catherine phoned her to apologize, that due to staff shortages at the library she could not take the time off. They chatted for some time both expressing the usual disappointment at the change of plans; Lillian said it would be a problem for her to reschedule the meeting for another time. However Catherine went on to let...

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Sucker For MomChapter 3

"You gotta be kiddin'! We can't do that! Jesus Christ, Wendy! I can't fuck a girl in my mother's bed! I'd feel... kinda..." Terry stammered, feeling a strange stirring in his nuts when he thought about her suggestion. "Don't be silly, Terry. I think you'd like to fuck me in your mother's bed. I'll bet Sheila's bed is softer than yours, more comfortable. I prefer nice silk sheets, Terry. And besides, doesn't it turn you on just thinking about it? Wouldn't it be nasty?" Terry...

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Sexy Truth or Dare

Note : This story is completely fictional! It had been quite an exciting and lively weekend for forty year old Cybil and her nineteen year old son Matt. Of course, things were always so when Cybil’s sister Amanda came to visit. She had always been a bit of a ‘wild child’ ever since her teen years. In her adult hood she had learned to be a bit more in control, not getting into so much trouble, but was no less wild. The last few hours however, had been quite uneventful. It was as if the three had...

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First Time With My Teacher

Im, 18 years old. You are my 40 year old teacher. Every day in class, i sit in the front row. You always see that I am hard every day. Always fidgeting with it. Today, you decide to tease me so during the test, you are sitting at your table in front of me, wearing a very sexy skirt. U see me peeking at your legs and cleavage and slide one leg high while they are crossed, giving me a peek at your garters and bald teacher MILF pussy. Nibbling on a pen and playing with your shirt, exposing more...

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Mandy and Bob

Chapter 1 Bob held Mandy tight and whispered into her ear, "I need you too Mandy. I want you to stay forever. Please stay forever!" Mandy sighed, kissed Bob's ear and softly whispered into it, "Yes!" They were sitting in the warmth of the tub. Safe. Secure. His arms wrapped around her and he sighed, thinking, "It has been so long since I have been with a woman. So long." Bob had never been with anyone as young as Mandy. Never had sex with anyone so young. He had been in his mid...

2 years ago
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Didir Bibahitoh Bandhobi Keh Chudhlam Didir Bieh Teh

Hi ami krish kolkatai thaki age 25 ami ek jon computer hardware engineer ami amar prothom sex experience tah share korchi apnader sahtheh r setah holo amar didi r bandhobi jar naam soma ami didi bollei dakhtam prothomeh kintu ahkhon seh amar sex partner r tar figure tah bolleh di 28-30-38 ehbar asol gotnahtah bolli ami prothomeh soma keh khubh sonman kortam karon amar didi r bandhobi r woh der barir sahtheh amader khubh bhalo somporkoh chilloh prothom amar moneh wor protti chintah dharonatah...

1 year ago
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Have you ever tried Jerkaoke? Before you answer, I guess I’d better explain a little more about what I’m talking about. This ain’t like the time you got really drunk at the bar and screamed half the words to Sweet Caroline into the mic before puking on yourself and cussing out the girl who didn’t want to go home with you. That kind of experience is technically referred to Assholaoke, which is not to be confused with the anal stuff you’ll find on this next website. Nah, the jerks here are...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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My Plan Ruined My Night

Hi Guys, Good day! I’m happy to tell you that I received a good response to . You can find it here. You know what? People can easily get the one who talks, is a real or a fake. They appreciated me and also suggested me to try different positions. But, just to tell them. Many thanks for supporting me and for your valuable suggestions but I couldn’t try all the positions as I was afraid of her. Hope you get me. Before I begin, let me tell you all again that this is my real story. Please pardon me...

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It's Game Day! The Producer's never got back to Johnny about the final approval of the rules nor had they told him who the third contestants were going to be.Maggie and Adam were still staying with us. It's early 7 a.m. on game day and Johnny finally gets a call from the Producers. The Producer Alex told Johnny that they changed the concept of the show a little bit and wanted to know if It would be okay to film the show at their house? Said, wanted more of a Reality TV feeling. Johnny agreed....

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There and BackChapter 193 And Puppies Made More Than Three

Our period of calm couldn’t last, of course; it never seemed to in Thedas. Blessing and a curse, I suppose. The next thing to disrupt our orderly lives couldn’t be just one thing, though; it would have to be two, happening at exactly the same moment. It started with barking. I was sitting in my office working on the never-ending stacks of paperwork Levi kept finding me – half the time I wondered if he was just trying to keep me busy rather than actually giving me anything useful to do – when...

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The Stanley Room 217

The Stanley, Room 217 I finally managed to earn the copious amounts of money required to book a night at the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Being a horror movie buff and a recreational ghost hunter, room 217 at the Stanley was the ultimate haunted room. Even though I had to book the stay six months in advance, I was beyond excited knowing I'd be able to stay there on June 25, the one night per year that paranormal activity was supposed to be at its highest at the...

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Life Is a Soap OperaChapter 22

The next six months passed in a blur. Gabe returned to New York to work. His part on the show was expanding and he was working nearly every day, a blessing in his business. In the evenings, he did some voice-over work and a few small off-Broadway projects. As soon as shooting ended on Friday afternoon, he made time for Bailey. Racking up frequent flyer miles left and right, Gabe went to see her at least every other weekend. When he was in college, there was a guy in his dorm who was...

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Forbidden Fruit 1 The Beach House Meeting

Introduction: The following is a story about a forbidden romance of a man 33 far too old to mess with a teenager girl. But their paths cross and they feel a forbidden attraction that neither should act on. The first two chapters were written together as one but it made too long a chapter so I broke it into two. I wanted to build the story with detail to share their thoughts and emotions and it is pretty long and detailed for two chapters. So please read them both and I hope you will enjoy the...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 548

A 5-year-old boy went to visit his grandmother one day. Playing with his toys in her bedroom while grandma was dusting, he looked up and said, ‘Grandma, how come you don’t have a boyfriend now that Grandpa went to heaven?’ Grandma replied, ‘Honey, my TV is my boyfriend. I can sit in my bedroom and watch it all day long. The religious programs make me feel good and the comedies make me laugh ... I’m happy with my TV as my boyfriend.’ Grandma turned on the TV, and the reception was terrible....

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Fucking Politics 8211 Part 3 Threesome With My Wife And Her Boyfriend

Room 609, Velvet Pleasures hotel, Goa. “I am sorry Disha. I am really sorry for the humiliation you had to endure in the last couple of hours.” I said seeing my wife lay naked on the floor bathed in cum. She was drowsy and almost unconscious. That’s because I drugged her before she got fucked by four horny old men. I carried her to the bathroom to clean her. Resting her by the wall I took the handheld shower and started cleaning the cum off her chest. Suddenly I had the urge to slap her...

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Adas Enthrallment

Ada Briggs knelt in the weeds and gravel around the side of a renovated Victorian mansion, hiding behind and overgrown hedge and wondering for perhaps the dozenth time that evening if she really planned to go through with this. Thing was, she needed money. Needed it bad. Despite all her scrimping and saving and practically living on Top Ramen, the inevitable had finally happened as she’d failed to make the rent on her rathole apartment this month, and she couldn’t get kicked out on the...

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Camping With My CousinsChapter 2

My opening salvo of humping activities with both Mary and Sally was quick to make the rounds with the other three sisters as the two girls bragged about how much they enjoyed taking my cousinly salami between their legs. I could see how the other three sisters looked at me speculatively and with lots of giggles and suggestive motions when their parents were not looking. I was starting to get a swelled head but I am sure deep down inside I knew it was just because I was handy and available and...

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Desperate Times Desperate Measures

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures "Man I hope this works out well" Kevin heard his partner state as he was sitting down in the bedroom the two share. He was glad his partner was up for this, as his parents were eager to meet him and his recent partner. Kevin himself was wearing a nice dress shirt and slacks, with his short sandy hair slicked back, framing his stocky face punctated by light blue eyes. He turned towards his partner. "Didn't figure your folks would be that...

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The Runaways

Every story must have a beginning, middle and an end; a universal rule that will seemingly never change. However, one can always control how they read a story, or rather exactly where they start. Typically you would pick the first chapter of a narrative, but perhaps you'd rather skip to the good stuff, or maybe you already read and want to start somewhere else. The Runaways is an episodic series that follows either Marty or Bethany Wright. A Brother/Sister from England who moved to the United...

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A night with Cat

As I walk into the club that night you spot me like a lion spots dinner. Little do you know that not only do I spot you, but that it's very much the other way around. I stand at 5'11'', with black hair with a hint of blue. Peircing Green eyes with a hint of gold near the pupil. I'm wearing blue jeans, a white dress shirt, with a couple of buttons undone, revealing my pendant of gold and lapis lazuli, and a black leather coat.I slowly make my way to the bar, smelling the rush of blood in every...

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This story takes place in the same universe as my Were stories, the Academy, and Touching the Moon. The TG elements of this story are much lighter than in most of my other stories. Sier By Morpheus Mrs. Dieter stood by the chalk board in front of the classroom, silently glaring at each of the students with a dark malevolence. She looked to be in her late fifties or early sixties, with her dark gray hair tied back in a strict bun. None of the other students noticed Mrs....

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Ultimate Full Body Massage

You meet me at the door with a loving smile and a question in your eyes as you notice the bag I'm carrying. "What do you have in the bag?" you ask me as we reach and embrace, sharing a passionate kiss. "Just something to make this a night for us to remember," is all I say. Placing the bag down we sit and make small talk for awhile. It has been almost a month since we have seen each other, and the time apart only makes our passion more alive. "How about dinner?" I ask with a smile. "Sure, what...

Straight Sex
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Anger Management

Fiction. Authored by pobox731 with contributions from xtiiineee."Anger Management"Interior: typical home foyer. Early evening, just after work and before dinner.She arrives home before he does. She is still in her work clothes, sorting through the day's mail. She's wearing a modest blouse, skirt, pantyhose and comfortable heels.He enters, a scowl on his face, and tosses his keys in the bowl beside the door with a little too much enthusiasm."Careful, sweetheart." she says, lifting an eyebrow....

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I didnt knew my regional director was into thisall i tough about was my promotion once it was Christmas i had met him maybe 4 times, he was the regional director and wasnt here that muchi was tipsy about to leave the partywhen he salute me shook my hand with his big black hand ''congrats for the raise boy''''thanks Ed''''im going out where do yo live?''we were in his bmwhe was nice and cool for a 50yr old''this gonna sound weird but im divorced and i like cute white boy likes you very...

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At Long Last We Do Our Hotel MMF Fantasy

If you have read our stories then you have read what we have been heading for. There is always going to be a next time. There is always going to be some new thing to try. This is a story that I (the guy) have fantasized about for a long time and have just been waiting for the right conditions. Finally, a few weeks ago, we had the opportunity. In order to do this, my wife and I needed to get far away from our own neighborhood. My wife had insisted on at least a thirty mile distance, so we...

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Getting Some Mommy PussyChapter 5

One episode with Emily hadn't been nearly enough to suit me nor her I could tell as she'd said goodbye and gone off down the hall to feed her newborn baby while I got dressed to leave her house that afternoon. I managed to get back around to Emily's again about three days later, and this time our sex session was much much hotter than the first had been. The first was in the "lusty quickie" style but this one went on for two hours and I could tell there was "a pregnancy's worth" of...

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A My Name is Alice

This story is taken from another site, it was so good that i felt compelled to share it with all of you. Please dont forget to thank the original author a big guy with a rubber mallet in your chest and he's banging on a steel drum. That's what it felt like the first time AJ touched me. I didn't feel it with my first boyfriend and I sure didn't feel it with my husband the first time. I was sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper. My son...

1 year ago
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Unplanned LayoverChapter 8

At dinner Monday, Mom told me that the Phoenix trip was on for sure and that she would leave Tuesday before noon return late Friday night. "You'll have to go to the market and get some food. I made a list, but you may need things I don't know about." "I'll be OK. Gotta' work. I'll see you later." She looked over her wineglass flirting, "Maybe go to bed earlier tonight? You may have a visitor and you also need sleep." She pouted her mouth smiling. "Ten it is!" I went...

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