Blazing AngelsChapter 5 free porn video

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Vin did a good job on the doors. Katrina thought with amusement. Katrina's brain whirled with the possibilities of lost tech far in advance to what they had now. It would be so good if I was able to realise my dream with a working production facility. I mean it is in a mountain and could have been burrowed down and have automated mining... Moving her light around she saw the looming hulks of the HAMrs in the large dark bay.

"I thought that the facility was functional and that's how Vin got out."

"I think it was Aliya." Great! A was previously functioning facility, now not. I hope that Vin didn't destroy everything, but the HAMrs. Katrina let out a big sigh. Still even a non-functioning UN facility is worth more than nothing. Flashing her light over the mothballed HAMrs. "Still at least these are intact ... so far as we know. We will have to look around more and see if we can get power."

"Katrina, there is a doorway over there. It could possibly lead to a control room."

They started walking towards to the doorway which, as they got closer could see was only partially open. Checking the other side, when they went through, they saw that one of the side panels was open from which a crank handle emerge. There was also some blood.

"Looks like it wasn't as fully functional as we would have liked." Katrina commented. "Still it must have some things worth salvaging."

They followed Vin's footsteps in the dust and came to the storage room, where they had a good look around. Taking the canvas off all the crates and opening more than a few. They found mostly supplies of the non-military kind. What ever they have in the way of weapons they must have hidden well. Still best to keep looking. Katrina thought to herself. They exited and continued to follow the footsteps to what looked like the mess. After a cursory glance Katrina continued on.

"Wait! Don't you want to have a look inside?"

"No, I am after something more than food," Katrina scoffed. The very idea that poking around in a mess was ludicrous. The store room, okay, the might have found something in there, but a mess? "but if you want to poke around some mouldy cupboards be my guest."

Aliya frowned not too happy with being passed off like that. Even if there was more to find it wouldn't hurt for a cursory glance. After all it's not like it has gone anywhere or will for that matter. Still she tramped after Katrina determined to cover her, whether she cared or not. They entered the control room that Vin had previously been in. The once illuminated screens were blank.

"It's a pity they aren't working," Aliya couldn't resist saying.

Katrina frowned looking more closely to see that a large bit of material on the floor, looking more closely at the terminals to see that they weren't as dusty as the rest of the place. Vin must have taken the cover off and tried the terminals. Now, which one did she try? She managed to locate one terminal that had fingerprints on the screen ... looking at the keyboard, the enter key had also been pressed. The others were untouched.

"I think they were. See here and here the markings." Katrina breathed excitedly. "I think they were working, but for some reason now they aren't. Most likely the power. After all no-one has been here for ... well I don't know how long ... but a long time."

"Luminae to Walker, come in."

Both Aliya and Katrina couldn't help but jump at the loudness of the comms in the quiet and darkened room. They both laughed and grinned at each other at their find and their nervousness. Katrina shook her head as if trying to clear it.

"Walker here, Luminae. What's up?"

"Where are you?"

"Inside my salvaged base."

"Right we're landing just now. I will see you soon."

Oh Stars! I was hoping to have more time ... on the other hand it will be quicker with their help. Still...

"Aliya, this base and everyting in it is our salvage... 100%," Katrina stressed. "We're going to meet the rest of the company and with a find this big I imagine that the scientist will want a piece of this and won't be going out on surveys. So ... I want you too look after the HAMrs, make sure nothing dodgy is going on ... and I will keep an eye on this room to ensure that no data is removed without my knowledge."

Aliya nodded and agreement and followed Katrina out as she practically ran out to meet Captain Luminae and the salvage crew.

As the transport carrying Vin was zooming back to base, the doctor was issuing order over the comms.

"I need basic plasma ... No, no shots ... I don't know what diseases or infection she might have ... We will have to do a blood work up or we risk killing her injecting her with the wrong thing ... do a search over the NetVerse for more information about Ekstsis morphology..."

Why don't they just ... sigh! That's right, they don't have that tech yet. Still they should be able to find the answers they need on the NetVerse.

"Vin! Hey wake up!"

Vin felt a cool rubbered hand on her cheek, the fingers tapped her then smartly causing her head to ache suddenly. She grabbed the wrist, firmly pulling it away. Looking into the doctors eye she said, "Doc ... I hit my head pretty badly, so it's best not to do that."

"Verses! Why didn't you say so! Let me take a look" the doctor ordered. Vin was amused at the request turned order and painfully rolled to her side to allow the doctor access to the back of her head. He gently probbed it seeing a large lump, but no blood. "Have you taken anything for this?"

Vin rattled off the name of some of the drug that she had taken, how many and when, plus any effects. The doctor shook his head in disbelief.

"What? Did I do something wrong?"

"No Vin ... It's just that that drug should have put you to sleep. Not just taken the edge off the pain."

"Well ... it could have been really old and out of date."

She gave him the best smile she could in the state that she was. He continued to look at her, his mind weighing up all the implications and possibilities. Finally, he got out a syringe.

"I am going to need to some blood to analyse so that we can do a work up if you get an infection or something."

"Sure, Doc ... on one condition." The doctor stopped, surprised. "Only you will analyse my blood and you can tell anyone what you see without asking me."

"Come on, Vin. No time for games." He moved to take her blood. She grabbed his wrist again firmly. "Look, this is needed. Let me go. I can assure you that patient privacy is assured."

"Doc, you know that blood is sacred to my people."

"Yes and you have spilt so much sacred that I fear you have very little left and that is impairing your judgement."

"There are very good reasons for this, not just tradition." She looked in his eyes, drawing him into her own, conveying her will. "Promise me on your career as a doctor that only you will analyse my blood and you will not tell anyone anything about it without asking me first."

The doctor could see that this meant a lot to her and that he wouldn't be able to get a sample of her blood otherwise. This just made him even more curious about Ekstasis morphology. His first Ekstasis patient! The ambassadors that travelled throughout The CORE always travelled with their own phyisicians and so no one knew much about them except they at least sexually compatible with humans. A few Ekstases had taken human partners. "I promise" the words were out of his mouth almost before he knew it, his wrist was suddenly released and he had a complacent patient once again.

As he took her blood, he pondered on what he might, the significance of their blood to their culture being more than they had been led to believe. The curious condition Vin had imposed upon him. He just had to ask, "What are the good reasons?"

Her eyes twinkled as she replied,"It's a secret."

"Right Doc, we are landing now ... I can't hang around ... I need to get salvage crew and the Captain back there."

The doctor was once again all business as he help remove Vin from the transport to allow the salvage crew and the Captain to board. As the salvage crew were loading their gear, along with a few extra scientists excited with the find of a mountain base, Captain Luminae went to check on Vin's condition.



"How is she?"

"I'm fine Captain. Although, I have had better days."

Luminae kicked her an amused glance, the corner of his mouth almost tweaking in a smile.

"From what I can assess at the moment: Severe lacerations on the leg, stomach and arm, massive blood loss, some head trauma, possible concussion and over exposure to cold as well as severe bruising. I won't know if anything is broken until I get her back to the bay, but there doesn't appear to be any internal bleeding."

"See fine!" Vin piped in.

"I don't think you realise how badly you look."

"Hey, I am still alive."

A brief flash of anger came across his eyes ... so quick that Vin wasn't sure that she had seen it. Captain Luminae turned then to board the ship which lifted as Vin was being wheeled away to the medical bay.

Aliya stood a little behind Katrina who literally planted herself at the open doors to the mountain base, as if her very presence would stop anyone from trying to take her salvage. Aliya was a little anxious to find out about Vin, she looked awfully pale when she was flown out. I guess she did lose a fair amount of blood.

The transport landed in a flurry of snow, technicians, scientists and half the company seemed to bubble out almost before it had settled. They were busy unloaded all sorts of diagnostic equipment as Captain Luminae approached Katrina.

"This is quite a discovery."

"Indeed," Katrina replied. "And I have full salvage as per our contract."

"Quite, and I will honour it. It will be hard for you take the whole base with you or maintain it yourself with just 3 in your company. However," he held up a hand to stop Katrina's protest. "our employer is willing to pay you handsomely for everything."

He has a point. The three of us can't keep something like this running, let alone protect and fix anything that needs doing, Aliya considered.

"First I'll have to take an inventory of everything and then decide what, if anything I don't want."

"Very well. We will help ... and don't worry it is in my best interest to help you as by mediating I get a negotiator's bonus ... which is a percentage of what he will have to pay." Luminae gave her a small smile. "That is in my contract." He lifted his hand and all the personnel teemed forward to check out the base, Katrina leading the way to the control room. Aliya stepped in to watch those that started to get busy with the HAMrs inside, whilst keeping an eye on the one outside. She felt Captain Luminae nearby looking at her.

"Um, Captain? I was wondering ... about Vin."

"Ah. From what the Doc could tell me at the time is that she is okay, but she has been badly injured and lost a lot of blood. He will do anything he can to help her."

"Oh, thank you, Sir."

The silence was full of contemplation as they both watched the technicians do their work. Aliya looking outside and Luminae looking in. Aliya crossed her arms, her finger absently playing with the cool bead of her charima. Captain Luminae studying her out of the corner of his eye. Her lithe figure a little tense under whatever thoughts were clouding those deep viridin eyes, her long mahogany hair lightly flexing itself in the shallow breeze.

They could be a formidable company some day. It wouldn't do to cross these women individually, let alone as a group. Mentally Luminae went over all the information he had on them. Katrina from the FPA (Federated Planets of the Americas), one of the original founder of The CORE. Eyes always on the money and ready to fulfill her own agenda, her way no matter what. Vin, an Ekstasis. Previously a race known only for their reputation as Eros peddlers and for their lose moral standing ground, but now? Who knows why Vin is travelling in CORE space and for what purpose? She hasn't caused any harm to any in his company, just what is her agenda as well?

And finally Aliya from the Empire, another founder of the CORE and a Noble no less, whom despite Katrina being the smallest physically is not the frailest. Katrina had a specific goal, Vin didn't appear to have any, but Aliya was searching for something and was unsure where she should look. She did appear to have at least found a friend in Vin and Katrina.

"Aliya, I am just as unhappy about the turn of events as you are. Katrina is right to concentrate on the salvage as there is nothing to be done for Vin at the moment." Luminae looked deeply into Aliya's eyes.

Is he coming on to me? Aliya blushed at the thought and averted her eyes in confusion. I hope not ... I am already betrothed. What if he is? What should I do? Best to ignore it...

Her dilemma was solved as a tech called to them from Scotsman outside. They both walked over as the tech reached the ground from the HAMr's cockpit.

"Captain, we have a problem. Vin has encoded this HAMr via a Neuromet."

"Hmmm, so no one else will be able to pilot it and it's too heavy for the transport that we have here to lift."

"Well, we wouldn't be able to get it into the mountain base anyway, the doors are stuck." Aliya put in. "If we just close the cockpit, it should be fine until Vin recovers enough to pilot it in. Provided that the weather in the Zone is okay for the next few days."

"Actually," put in the tech. "the weather in the Zone is now the same as the rest of the planet."

"What?" Aliya blinked. Now that she thought of it, looking around she realised that he was correct.

"Curious," Luminae commented. "Okay, lock it up and let's go inside, we should be able to find some answers there."

Aliya said that she would stay in the bay as instructed by Katrina whilst Captain Luminae went to the control room. Katrina gave him brief directions saying that it wasn't hard to find. The techs had managed to find out that there was no power left. They had managed to rig up a portable generator someone had the forethought to bring, to one terminal. They were about to power up the terminal when Captain Luminae came in.

"How is it going in here?" Captain Luminae queried

"We have just hooked up on of the terminals since this place has no power left." Katrina said before anyone else could reply. "We are just about to try it now." So saying Katrina hit the power key on the terminal. The screen went green for a minute listing the diagnostics, with most of the status reading as non-functioning or sectors missing, it then went blank the green cursor blinking. All were waiting breathlessly. a picture of a sword and shield surrounded by a laurel wreath faded onto the screen.

"YES!!" yelled one of the techs in the background.

"I don't believe it!" Katrina breathed as she pushed everyone aside to take a seat in front of the terminal. "The Old UN symbol."

Around her there was laughing and pats on the back. Katrina called for them to be quiet. She typed into the terminal.

Run brief status report.

Overall status of base: Non-functional

Base security: Comprised

Security protocol: Executed

"Oh, man!" Katrina heard behind. "The security protocol has already been executed."

She heard a variety of curses and turned around in the chair to face the techs. "Does anyone know what the security protocols for the Old UN were?" She saw a lot of blank looks and shaking of the heads. Oh great! A room full of techs and not one of them with a clue.

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Introduction: I know nobody really talks like this… but it’s a story. Enjoy! Soft music played lightly as we slowly moved across the dance floor. She softened and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist, and her body felt supple and sensual. She placed her head tenderly on my chest, and I buried my face in her fragrant hair. It felt tantalizing as her body moved in tandem with mine to the music. Curiosity of this unexpected warmth began to nibble at my thoughts. She certainly wasn’t this...

2 years ago
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Transformations DiversityChapter 24

[Muriel & Clark] Early December Clark was elated when Muriel told him about their weekend. He had loved her deeply since he first met her. She had been married, then, and his sense of honor had prevented him from ever revealing his feelings. When she became widowed and penniless, he helped her and Dale out of natural human concern and kindness. At the same time, he had hoped that someday he might earn her attentions. Although he had never married, Clark had been in an eight year...

2 years ago
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Abbey the Pinay Sex SlaveChapter 13

While Abbey was standing with her head bowed, the construction workers were staring at this unexpected spectacle of an almost naked woman who had appeared in their workplace. Joe could see that they were afraid that this was some kind of trap, and that perhaps several policemen would suddenly spring out of hiding to arrest them if they touched the woman. “Tell them that this is their reward for their hard work, and tell them not to be afraid to enjoy her,” Joe explained to the gang...

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Me and a couple of the girls from the office had decided Friday night to go out to a nightclub after work. "Corporate" had sent some people to our branch office to do a review of our office, and we had been busting our collective asses to make sure we looked good to them. They had been with us reviewing our records and policies all week, but on Friday morning they had left to head back to Chicago where our corporate headquarters were. We had decided Thursday morning that we would go out...

1 year ago
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Ranu randi

Dear readers, I want to narrate a story to you all, which is based on a real incident that happened to me last year. Though every author claims his story to be true, but many I am sure are not real. Mine, is a story, based on real incident that was my first and only experience. I am a quite ok looking smart guy with good height (6 feet) and good physique (70 kg) with stylish hair and brown eyes. My fair complexion and my personality always catch an eye of other girls. But somehow despite of...

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Sleeping With A Hot Indian Married Lady

Hello friends, this is Aryan Khanna back with another sex encounter of mine. Before that, I will like to thank all my readers for your feedback. This kind of feedback is all a writer needs. This short sex story is about how I met a married lady on the flight. I was travelling to Bangalore for an official trip, I took my seat on the flight. I was quite disappointed when I saw it was a man who was sitting beside me. But later I found him speaking to a lady who was sitting a few seats ahead of us....

2 years ago
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Emma Watsonrsquos Big Night

Emma was just about ready for her evening stroll through her local streets. Her Flat was in a very upscale area of London, which was almost always populated by other walkers just like her. Well, not just like her, because she was one of the most beautiful women in the world!It promised to be a warm, dry night and she dressed accordingly. She wore tight black leather full length pants, an armless clinging thin ribbed top, which accentuated her tits! She wore chic running shoes which were very...

3 years ago
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Flow The Night

His steamy silhouette beckons her further in. She knows how he likes to "prepare" himself for her advantages prior to allowing her access. She quietly enters and sits, having changed into something more appropriate for her own access and surrender to a self-satisfying caress, while she observes.His strong hands attend to his every quarter, making sure her near future and thorough explorations of him will be met with calm and cleanliness. She is well prepared in advance, for the same reason. She...

2 years ago
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BlendersChapter 38

George Matthews lay on his back in bed with sky blue satin sheets as Katie was giving him a great blowjob. Julie hardly ever agreed to give him oral sex but it didn't seem to bother Katie. Her long silky, sweet smelling, hair tickled his thighs as she bobbed her head up and down. She'd deep throat him, take his penis out of her mouth, lick it like an ice cream cone, then deep throated him once more. He was really enjoying her ministrations as she cupped his balls rolling them in her one...

2 years ago
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Fucking My Madam Part 8211 1

Hello there everyone, my name is Rahul. In this story, I am gonna describe how did I ended up banging my ma’am and trust me guys this is a true story and it happened up with me 2 weeks ago. Due to Academics, I was not able to complete up until the story and so I am finally writing it down. So coming to the story I am studying as a Computer Science student at XYZ University (sorry guys can’t reveal the name). I am that kind of person u know doesn’t run behind books to study or understand the...

4 years ago
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My Ghost with Benefits ch1

I flung my bookbag across the room. Another shitty lecture.It was my second week of college, and it was not going well at all. The few friends I had come from high school with had immediately fit in with the other students, leaving me in the dust. I couldn't grasp any of the content that the professors were teaching. No luck finding a part-time job, and to make matters worse I was still a virgin.I know, I know, people say that it's not a big deal, that it doesn't really matter but...well it...

College Sex
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RigbyChapter 6

Rigby volunteered at the Red Cross-sponsored Jeep House one day each week, usually on a Wednesday that summer. Most of the time he was sent out to work in somebody’s Victory Garden as part of what they called the “weed brigade.” Now that school had started, he was only able to work on Saturdays. This day he was sent to an upscale neighborhood just off old River Road. He parked his bike and went to the back door of the big, brick home. A white-haired woman opened the door, and he told her who...

2 years ago
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Vampire Fledgling

3:15am... You both fall through your apartment door without parting lips. Dropping your keys on the floor, you kick the door shut, simultaneously running your fingers through her almost black hair. You pull her into your mouth even tighter. She pushes your jacket off your shoulders and you bring your hands away from her for an instant to let it slide down your arms. It falls into a crumpled heap on the floor. Your hands instantly race back to her, grabbing her tits then pushing her low-cut red...

3 years ago
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I change them from Wimps to Woman

I change them from WIMPS to WOMEN By: TV KRISY It only took a few days on my new job before I had one on the line. His name was Chris and He was the assistant to VP of the loan department and looked to be around 25 years old. He fit the profile of the kind of guys that were infatuated with me. His personality was very passive and he acted kind of wimpy. He was your typical geek in school that now had a job with a little authority so people that never would have talked to...

1 year ago
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The transformation of me

TG fiction by [email protected]. This contains very graphic adult sexual content. If you are offended by transgender, crossdressing, or other themes, I encourage you to read something else. Feedback is always appreciated. Story requests are sometimes granted. My email address is above. - Copyrighted 2015 by George Wilson ============================================================== My top is making me write this history, in hopes that some other boy will be inspired to carry...

1 year ago
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Vixen Crystal Rae My Friend8217s Little Sister

Cyrstal is on summer break. Sometimes, her brother brings his friend Jean to the house to hang out by the pool, and for a while now, Cyrstal has been admiring him, gazing at him every chance she gets. But there is one obstacle – her brother. While her parents are out of town, her brother and Jean are enjoying drinks by the pool, resulting in her brother becoming very drunk and falling asleep. This is when Cyrstal sees her opportunity. She puts on her sexiest two piece, and joins Jean in...

3 years ago
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BethChapter 141

February 7, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, Like two Wednesdays ago, Jim would be arriving this evening. He and Meka would spend the night at the W, because, although the J remodel is nearly complete, important bits of it are not. Meka threw herself into lifting to keep her mind from dropping her into unfocused excitement. She was a madwoman on the machines. Also like two Wednesdays ago, Meka had invited the whole group, this time, including Brett, to dine with them tonight, again in skimpy...

2 years ago
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Watching Girlfriend Being Anothers Slut

Disclaimer:another one of my favourites all ccredit for writting goes to Mr Rojan Khoteja.. this can be found on ENJOY!**************************************************************************Watching girlfriend being other’s AUTHOR: Rojan STORY RATING: Loading ... “Come on in,” Ann said. “It doesn’t look like anyone is here.” “Whacha mean? I thought ya said ya lifted alones.” I heard her quest say with a very southern drawl. I thought it sounded a lot like the...

3 years ago
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There was literally not a moment of the working day that I was free of the threat that she might suddenly drop by to “check the accounts”, or issue some pointless orders as to what we should do (inevitably countermanding my own), and then blaming me when things went belly-up, as they inevitably would. Since she does not play any kind of major role in this story, and since to this day just thinking of her fills me with contempt and disgust, I’m not going to bother inventing a name for her. You...

1 year ago
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A meeting in Leather Part 19

"A hot night at the Club."#English translation- A sequel to: - Or start at the beginning: sat down on the edge of the sling and looked around him. He wasn't sure how to start. A few whips and paddles hung on the wall. There were also Leather hand and ankle cuffs hanging on the walls and a few dildos and other sex toys lay in a cupboard. He looked questioningly...

2 years ago
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Modern Farm Chapter 5 session 31

The big ass of slutty Katin is hidden in a very sexy with an black, skin tight and net like underbutt hotpant which emphasizes her monster ass properly. Furthermore her football sized silicon tits are put into a black, skin tight and net like shirt encases these massive boobs perfectly. Katin is fully body shaved, except the hairy trapeze above her pussy. The edges of the trapeze she shaves. # Katin is ready for my cock Sexy Katin is laying with her back down on an usual bench to sit, which...

1 year ago
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Ride Along Part 1 of 3

Everybody liked Bernie. Her given name was Bernadette but everyone called her Bernie. She was a hard worker, a live wire and an inspirational leader. People loved being around her and worked hard for her because she busted her ass, was always positive and enthusiastic, had a great sense of humor and could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo in February. Oh, and she was also hot as a firecracker.Bernie was in her early forties but looked ten years younger. She was of medium height with light brown...

3 years ago
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Daddy Knows Best

I woke up, hearing the shower turn on. Hmmm, I guess it's Daddy getting in the shower to get ready for work. I smile to myself, rolling over onto my tummy in an attempt to go back to sleep. Winter break is always so long & there's nothing to do during the day, it's too cold outside. Mom wouldn't let me get my drivers permit, so I couldn't even drive to my friends house. Being a teenager sucks! I can hear Daddy humming to himself in the shower. Suddenly, the sound of the water...

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The ShootistChapter 9 A train robbery

Jake had other plans that required him to leave Hips Junction the next day. I had a feeling that I would be seeing him again one of these days. Anyway, I remained at Hips Junction for a total of seven months before I ran out of things to do. Mr. Hopkins canceled my contract because I had done such a good job that rustling had become a great rarity for the members of the Cattleman's Association and my services were no longer needed. By this time, I had accumulated a great deal of money and...

2 years ago
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A Second Chance to Make It RightChapter 14

Track was going well. I was winning every event I entered. Colleges were sending scouts to observe our meets. I was already getting promises of scholarships if I would attend their university. I even had the coach from the previous year's Olympic team come to speak with me about trying out for the next games which would be held in Munich. I froze with fear. Munich was the scene of the massacre of the Israeli athletes in 1972. I wanted so much to warn him about it, but of course I could not....

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Interview With a Shrink

Shrink By Cassandra Morgan It wasn't just that his beard was gone, although that was shocking enough. Ever since I had known Phillip Lawrence, he had a beard. It made him look wise. It made him look distinguished.It was his trademark. You have known men, as have I, who shaved their beards, and you barely noticed. Not Phillip. His beard was like Freud's. You could not imagine him without it. And it wasn't that the way he carried himself had vanished, too.. This was no longer a...

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Behind the tapestry Part one

 Part 1The king and queen sat on their thrones and watched the last of the court exit the large wooden doors.  The doors closed with a resounding boom that echoed through the throne room.  Once the echos faded away, the king's shoulders sagged and his chin fell.“My queen.”  The king said as he turned his head and looked into her eyes.  “I am weary, I have taken the weight of the land upon my shoulders.  I will ride out tomorrow and will be away for three days.  I need to see the people and let...

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Reconnecting the Past With the Present Chapters 56

Chapter 5 After the phone call had ended, all three of them in the truck were contemplating, not only the prior conversation, but also the plans for the evening. Both of her parents had no idea what had transpired to their child between that fateful night and till now. Just the hardships that she had faced those few days on her trip to Tallahassee felt like a knife in their heart, but knowing that April had been there for her gave them some relief. Until now they had imagined almost...

3 years ago
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Prelude to a Cruise Chapter 1

Michelle called me a little after noon and said she was on her way home. I asked her how the dance was, and she said she’d tell me about it when she got home.I’d been anxious ever since she left the day before. Today was the first day of our forced abstinence and if she had a seriously sexy story to tell me, I knew that I was in grave trouble already. It’d been five days since we made love and I was already seriously horny. I had no clue in hell how I was going to survive the next thirty days...

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