Blazing AngelsChapter 4 free porn video

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Who left the water running? Oh and WHO kicked me out of the bed? Whu?... That's not right. Vin slowly took stock of the situation. Ah yes falling. I remember that. She wiggled her fingers and toes. No permanent damage as yet. By the light of the Glo stick she could barely see beyond a few meters up into the shaft from which she fell. I don't want to know how far I fell. Around that shaft was a plasteel roof. At first she just looked around with her eyes, then used more of her head. Can't be too careful of something being hurt, especially since the groovy drugs are still working. She eventually got around to sitting up, a little unsteady considering she still had her pack on and was also sprawled on part of that fan.

Good thing I landed on this ... whatever it is that is soft. Bedding? Oh by the verses! Vin felt a slight wetness trickle down her leg, looking down her bandages were seeping. She appeared to be a store room and sneezed as she slipped off the pile of bedding. Everything was coated in thick dust, indicating the long absence of any living beings. Except for her breathing all she could hear was slow and steady drip coming from somewhere. Now what can I use to fix up my leg? Appears to be mostly bedding and not first aid supplies. Ah! blankets! The blankets were still in good condition having been stored in a fairly dry and cold place.

Vin set to work replacing her blood soaked bandages with bits of torn blanket. She didn't take off all the bandaging as she didn't want to rip off anything that had started to scab. Only the bandages that came off easily were replaced. This was made difficult as she didn't want to take off her new found 'coat' as the temperature, though warmer was still cold enough so that her breathe frosted. Right, that is fixed ... I may have concussion ... I will just have to watch myself. Now, to find a door. This wasn't hard as the room was only 20x20 yarn in area. Unfortunately the door was locked. Vin sighed, At least it is a mechanical lock not computerised.

She put the light up to the lock and saw that it was fairly sturdy, but she should be able to cut through it, hopefully. Retrieving the cutter form her pack, she saw that there wasn't much left. There's nothing for it. I can't stay in here. She set to work cutting the lock away. Verses! I had almost cut through. The cutter spluttered and was still. At least it opens out. Vin tested the door and pushed hard a couple of times, to no avail. This is going to hurt. She put the Glo stick down and checked her slug thrower, seeing it was out of ammo and not wanting to risk using any of the suspect round, she took the knife in hand.

Walking about 5 yarn from the door, she psyched herself up. Taking a deep breathe she slowly let it out and crouched into position. She closed her eyes, took a few more breaths, then open her eyes. Vin charged the door, launched herself at it using her good shoulder. For a split second it held, then gave way under the force and weight of her charge. She ended up sprawled once again, she checked quickly around her knife in hand for anything.

If there was anything here that would have definitely brought them running. She was greeted only by that same steady dripping. Oh! argh! ... I hope that they don't expect me to go out on patrol anytime soon when I get back. She retrieved her gear and Glo stick, rubbing her now bruised shoulder. Choices. Choices. Left or right? The dripping appears to be coming from the left. Well if anything is more is wrong, then I guess it would be better if I found out now.

She turned left going down the corridor, knife still in hand, her footsteps the only ones for stars knew how long. At the end there was a doorway and the corridor turned off to the right where it went for a few more yarn and had some stairs going up at the end. Through the doorway she could see is was a mess. Bench seats and tables, for comrades to sit and eat together, the sink was the source of the drip. Vin thanked the Verse that she wasn't stuck in some underground bunker that was slowly being filled with water. That's something at least.

Vin checked her timer. It had only been 4-5 hours since she had last eaten, so she was out for quite a while. She decided to sit and eat some of the rations that she had. As she ate she mentally went over what she had seen so far. The store room had been packed quite neatly, at least until I fell through the roof. Almost all of the mattresses and sheets were the same size, same basic good quality. The mess is pretty stock standard, at least for a military compound. Civilian messes usually have individual seating. Am I in some hidden military base? I haven't see a weapons store as yet.

She finished her meal tube. Now, to check the stairs. She climbed up the stairs which spiralled around into another room. This one was maybe 5x5 yarn in size. She saw that cloth sheets covered what was in the room. Slowly she grabbed the end of one and dragged it off. Oh my Stars! She uncovered computer panels the lights of some were still blinking.

Vin studied one of the terminals. The input device looked like a standard CORE keyboard. The blinking lights were under the status indicator of "Standby Mode". She hit the "Enter" key and waited. Clicking and whirring sounds from the computers filled the room as one by one the monitors lit up with green scrolling text. She managed to read the words, checking, verifying and a whole lot of status inactives or non-functionals. That may not be good if most of this place is non-functioning. Now what?

The scrolling had stopped. On all the screens was just a green blinking cursor. Verses! Vin covered her eyes, with her other hand going to her knife that she had sheathed as the lights came on. She whirled around to the entrance, blinking rapidly. There was no one there. Slowly lowering her knife she turned an once again looked at the screen.

Emergency Systems: ON


Back up power: 10%

Environment: COMPROMISED

Enter password for full diagnosis and control:

Verses! It wasn't the fact that the environment was comprised that caused Vin to curse and catch her breathe and out of all the dumb luck that the power plant was not working or that the back up power was at 10% that made her pulse race. Heck, even the fact that she needed a password to be able to access the computer mainframe didn't come close to making her palms sweat.

It was the symbol above the text, slowly rotating that made her take a few steps back. She had only read about it in the history subjects about the CORE. The old UN shield. Vin stepped forward and she reached forward, her hand hesitating briefly as if by her very presence the symbol would vanish. She touched the screen and almost laughed when it didn't. Her mind raced with the possibilities. Recently, the CORE had 'rediscovered' some old UN facilities, though they claimed that the technology was broken and non-functioning.

Yes, mused Vin. CORE technology was very fragile and whilst a few thousand years is a long time to a short lived race like humans, for us ... still with the bans in place, this will be useful.

Despite the spirit of sharing that the CORE espoused, the reality was far from the truth. That incident at EU was a prime example. Vin's throat closed with emotion as her thoughts went back the incident, all her emotions hit the walls she had erected around herself. She quickly drew in a deep breathe through her nostrils and concentrated, calming her mind. She didn't want to take the risk that she might be pulled back to her people, especially since she was not long in leaving.

Ah yes the CORE. We were quite willing to share technology, but we don't tolerate stealing. In the eyes of the Elders this more than illustrated that a "tech-ban" should be put in place. Though not only against the CORE. After the EU incident the Elders were kept busy for a while re-negotiating all of their alliances and treaties, factoring in new information that came to light with the presence and influence of the CORE ... Admittedly it was not to the Elders' disadvantage that events unfolded as they did.

So, we share without sharing, just enough to keep the peace, but not enough to be helpful ... well not as helpful. That will all change soon enough. Vin sighed at all the politics, just like being with her Dyarae. It was easy to get lost in the intricate web of relationships just as it was in espionage. And with the arrival of the Tribe to hassle the CORE they might even get desperate. The Verse is so much larger than what the CORE think it is.

She smiled a little thinking of the interaction that she had so far with the people of the CORE, they were as different as could be and yet the same. But then isn't that always the way? Oh well, better to get back to business. Now, from what I remember the old UN tech was fairly good, so trying to crack the computer is definitely out of my league. Since the lights are on I may as well look around a bit to find a way out, especially as the environment is possibly compromised.

She went down the stairs and back the way she came to investigate where the other end of the corridor would lead. I came across a door that was shut tight. There was a monitor there as well, also displaying the message that it required a password for a full diagnostic and control. Huh! There has to be another way through. There was always a manual override. It was just not obvious. I guess the UN technology was reliable if they didn't have to know where the manual overrides where all the time. Plus, whomever is supposed to be here is supposed to know the password.

Gently she felt around the door and then the walls on either side taking her time. Fingers tips probing and measuring the way all the panels were linked together. Aha! She felt one move a little. She pressed the panel, heard a click and it opened. Now lets see. Spokes, wheels, going ... ah here is a crank handle ... now ... here we go. Vin have managed to find the manual override. Nothing like the basics.

The manual override consisted of a good old fashion crank handle to be attached to the various cogs in the wall beside the door. She attached it the handle and started to turn. At first it wouldn't budge, so she removed her wolf 'cloak' to allow more freedom of movement, took off her pack and found a position with better leverage. She pushed as hard as so could using her whole body, ignoring the the pain in her wounds, which she was sure had yet again opened a little. Finally, it started to move, like a glacier in winter and then gradually like honey in winter. That's it keep cranking. Slowly cen by cen (equivalent of centimetres) the door grudgingly opened. Then stopped again about a half-yarn wide. No manner of straining, kicking or yelling at the crank would move it any further.

At least there is light in there. Vin was leaning against the wall, catching her breathe, her injuries screaming at her. She had felt them tear and now that she had finished her task, all the events were starting to catch up with her. That and she believed that the drugs were starting to wear off. Glancing at her watch she saw that they would wear off in a few more hours, she was already starting to feel more pain than a few hours before. She couldn't hold back a painful groan as she retrieved her wolf 'cloak' to drape around her again. Now, that she had stopped exerting herself, she was starting to cool down rapidly.

At least there is light in here as well. She thought as she stepped through the door and once again came to a sudden stop. In fact, she almost had to sit down, where she didn't know. I guess this make up for all the trouble that I have been subject to for the last day or so.

At least this company isn't boring, Aliya mused as she adjusted her altitude to go over the mountains towards Vin's last known co-ordinates. Come on Vin, you scored high in extreme environment survival. Aliya slowed the LAM down as they neared.

"Can you see anything yet?"

Stars! I forgot all about Katrina! Aliya's brow furrowed in slight annoyance. She didn't want Katrina in Wysp, but if Vin was out there she didn't want to argue or waste time. Aliya slowed as they approached, her feet lightly adjusting the thrusters and hands automatically compensating speed. "No, nothing yet."

The valley that they had just entered appeared pristine and untouched. Sunlight winked like an infinite blanket of diamonds of the snow and of Vin or the jeep, there was no sign. Aliya heard Katrina puff out a breathe. "Can we use the sensors to detect the jeep?"

"I can try," Aliya check her sensors and frowned. "There is a bit of interference."

"Here, let me see if I can clean it up." Katrina tapped busily on the controls. "Darned forbidden area." More tapping accompanied by many curses. "I think I have something. Wait a second ... herm that is interesting. Aliya relay me the co-ordinates of that other anomaly."

Aliya relayed them to Katrina. "What is going on? Did you managed to find Vin?"

"No, something far more interesting. I think that that anomaly that was detected earlier is moving. We should check it out."

"What about Vin?"

"Hopefully, it may very well be her and hopefully she has found something interesting." Katrina could not keep the glee out of her words, was not entirely insensitive though that she could not detect a slight consternation in Aliya. "Look, I can't find the jeep and Vin is trained in Extreme Enviro survival. She wouldn't have stayed with the jeep, she would have found some place safe. That anomaly is giving off a large heat signature and it is only in the next valley over the ridge."

"Aye, Captain." Aliya smoothly veered towards the co-ordinates that Katrina sent to her. If that was the anomaly, it was moving. Albeit slowly. Please be Vin. Not for the first time she contemplated the irony of their Captain's nature matching perfectly with their chosen profession. Her sensors beeped, letting her know that something unidentified was within the programmed notification range.

"I am trying to get a visual." Aliya readjusted the sensors for visual. "Katrina, you won't believe this."

"What? What is it?"

"It's a Stars blasted HAMr!"

"YES!" Katrina crowed. "What type? Is it Vin? Can you open comms to it?"

"We are too far away at the moment to confirm the type and comms are still patchy."

"Well approach slowly, just in case." You don't have to tell me twice. Aliya thought. The very idea of coming up against another group trying to stake claim on this planet would be daunting, especially as this planet was supposed to be open only for exploration. Companies fought viscously in the race to claim new planets and strip them of resources as vigorously as The CORE. The last thing they would want is for their small group battle against well funded opposition. I will have something exciting to tell my sisters, should I return to base from this messed up mission. Please be Vin.

Looming far above her were 4 HAMrs, coated with dust of course and goodness knows how long they have been there. Still this is a great find for a small company like ours ... I don't now what salvage Katrina has negotiated with Captain Luminae, but at least it will help some. Perhaps it will give us a bonus. Scratch that... 3 HAMrs and one rust bucket.

Vin walked forwards her gaze running over the 3 HAMrs that looked old, but promising. A shiver ran down her spine as her eyes fell over the A-Class HAMr known as the Black Watch or more commonly the Flying Scotsman. So known for it's booster jet allowing it to "jump". It had a rail gun replacing one hand. Excited she ran up the stairs beside the HAMrs to get to the loading gantry. She was vaguely aware that her injuries were screaming at her trying to force her to stop.

She was dizzy by the time she reached the gantry and opened the cockpit of the Scotsman. This is definitely one of the old UN type HAMrs. It's amazing how little the designs have change. Vin started stripping off her clothes so that she could fit into the pilot's seat. She was briefly concerned that blood was slowly flowing from all of her wounds. I guess decades of war and espionage means that a lot of things were forgotten or not progressed. I definitely won't need my cloak.

She eased herself into the seat, half expecting to be violently ejecting, laughing when she wasn't. She initiated the start up sequence, allowing it to warm up. By the Stars! Is that? Vin picked up the helmet she noticed just to the side. It is! One of the Neuromets. Let's see if it will work. Vin plugged the neuromet into the HAMr and place it on her head. On the visor a HUD (heads up display) of the HAMr appeared.

HAMr Type: Assault Class

HAMr Model: Black Watch

The HUD of the HAMr disappeared.

Commencing Scanning...

Vin saw a progress bar starting.


Vin stared stupidly at the question. There wasn't a keyboard in the cockpit to be able to enter the information. Perhaps? "Private."

Rank: Private

It amended itself.


"Lavinceer Tavrog"

Name: Lavinceer Tavrog

She could get used to this.


Ah now here is th kicker ... is it the password to access or a password for me? I have heard of one person who had tried to hack one of these things and got fried ... not a thing I want. I guess in for win.


Vin held her breath, ready to try to take the Neuromet off if it was going to fry her brain.

Password updated.

Scanning complete

Downloading data to HAMr.

The visor of the Neuromet cleared then and she could see the HAMrs HUDs. There she could not only see the 360 view of the HAMr bay, but the progress bar indicating that it was downloading data and the system checks that the HAMr was going through. The cockpit was starting to warm up. The progress bar moved slowly.

She grabbed her pack to take some more food tubes and water as well as drugs. Now that the initial flush of excitement had passed a wave of pain hit her protesting at the abuse that she had put her body through. Well, it's not over yet. I have to try to get this puppy out of here and find the rest of the company before I can pass out.

The increasing warmth of the cockpit and the events of the day were starting to catch up with her. She felt her eyes starting to close as she watching the progress bar creep up to 50%. NO! I can't fall asleep. I've got to keep awake. She busied herself scanning through the displayed systems checks that the HAMr was going through. Interesting ... It seems that this HAMr was new. As new as it could have been when it was first here. All the programs are being loaded. Looks like a lot of maintenance needs to be done.

It wasn't surprising given how long the HAMr must have been mothballed for. Vin found that all the motor functions were operational, though in need of maintenance and most of the weapons were offline due to deterioration with the exception of the Rail gun. Sensors were functional and communications as well.

The cockpit turned green with the words "Download completed. All systems Active". ALRIGHT! Vin fitted her feet on the pedals and her hands gently clasped the controls. The moment of truth. Vin used the controls to gentle get the HAMr to take it's first step. Oh STARS! Vin quickly adjusted as the HAMr stumbled and crashed into the one on the left, knocking it down. Thankfully she stayed upright. Ok, I got it now.

Gaining confidence she moved the Scotsman forward following the arrows on the floor towards the exit.

"Wysp to unidentified HAMr, please respond."

"Try again, Aliya." Katrina urged.

"Wysp to unidentified HAMr, come in."

All she could hear was dead air and static.

"What's it doing?" Aliya could hear Katrina whisper from behind her. Although why Katrina was whispering she didn't. She check her visuals.

"It appears to be turning."

"Well, keep going forward and try not to look threatening." Try not to look threatening? Sure, let me just paint a smiley face on my HAMr right now. How the heck can I do that? Maybe this. Aliya stroked the pedals and gently moved the controls, playing with Wysp and lightly buzzing the HAMr, which when got closer noted that it was a fairly heavy class. "Now what is it doing?"

Aliya checked the edge of the HUD which displayed what it was behind her and saw the HAMr raising it's arm. "I think it's waving."

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Ever dream of going to the moonlit streets of Akihabara and visiting one of the many, many Doujin manga shops like Melon Books, Comic Zin, or Love Merci? Rows upon rows of books to check out from the tame stuff like Ecchi or Yaoi to the more extreme shit like BDSM and Incest. Imagine having such a collection at your disposal. I know I felt like I was in a candy store. I left there with an armful of glorious Doujin and an empty wallet. But not everyone has the luxury of bringing back the best...

Hentai Manga Sites
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Super Market Stalker

I am a 66 year old man. Not the most handsome man but I do look like Santa Claus. I am out going and friendly. So I guess I appeal to a certain type of woman. I am 5’ 10” inches tall and I spend a fair amount of time out and about. I am married and have been for 42 years. My wife and I have an open relationship. She keeps telling me I should find a new model and replace her. I had something happen yesterday afternoon that I had to write about because it has happened a lot. I do all the...

3 years ago
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Mazi navin goshta 3

Mala kahi samjat navte. Mavshila nakki kay karayacha hota? Pan tila kay karnar aahe he mala janun ghyaach hota. Me room madhe aalo ani laptop ver internet chalu kele. Me ek sex vishai mahiti karun denari site open keli ani tyan mavshiche mansthiti che varnan kele. Ardhya tasane mala tya site kadun e mail ala. To vachun mala thoda aanad zala. Tyat ase hote ki ha sex cha ek prakar aahe. Yaat vyaktila sex karnyachi aavad tashi naste. Asha manovriti cha vyaktina ekantat aaplya avdiche madak(sexy)...

4 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 15 The Filthy Tramp

Harriet froze. She was trapped. She was squashed, breathless, bemused, unable to move. Fuck. There was a sooty black building behind her and below, somewhere, was the river, full of endless foam and icy noise, gurgling and rumbling, and beckoning that she jump. And here, in her face, was a tramp, and she was sandwiched between him and the building. He was holding her jacket and his hot burning eyes was traversing her clothes. First, he looked at her chest. He stared at her jacket and her...

3 years ago
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Slutty Telugu Wife8217s Insane Double Anal Penetration

Hey guys, I am Mahi (Maheshwari) back with a on ISS. If you guys are new to my stories and want to read my first story, . I am a government school teacher teaching maths to high school students in Hyderabad, India. I am 47 years old now. The first part of my story goes 9 years back, so I was 39 back then. My stats are 36-34-38. Let’s get into the story straight away. After my first threesome encounter on my birthday, my hubby and my neighbour were both tired and slept on me. I was sandwiched...

2 years ago
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Sins of A Father Part 1

Introduction: This is the story of a very naughty daddy Dean: I know I have a problem. I knew that I had a problem from the time that I first saw her, right after my wife Janet gave birth to her. I knew that I was going to love her more than any father had ever loved a daughter before. We named her Sarah, it means Princess. She was my Princess. Janet and I had been married for only about 6 months when she told me she was pregnant. At first I was scared and pissed off that I was going to be...

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Throughout all the trials life has brought me I have maintained an interest in symbols. In my adolescence, my friend Oscar pointed out to me markings on a gravestone, and told me they were the marks of a Mason. He had been told by his father, who was himself quite highly regarded amongst the county’s Freemasons and a member of many years. When we reached the appropriate age of twenty-one he signed us both up. We took in the lectures and the lessons, and memorised the plays and the words we were...

1 year ago
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When Mistress Shoheli Decides To Be Kind To Her Slave

This is a somewhat loose continuation from my previous stories involving Smriti and Kritikaji (). “Loose” because after three months of being their rent-a-slave bitch, Smriti sort of lost interest in me having seen much worse depravities and much richer men at the club. Soon enough, she ditched us for a nice, rich businessman who had a tiny penis and was willing to let her dominate him. Kritikaji had a couple of more weeks of depraved and exclusive sex with me before she too decided to move on...

2 years ago
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Day Dreaming

Fiction with a base in truth Day Dreaming I lean against the wall, ankles crossed and hands shoved deep in my jeans pockets. My short cropped auburn hair shines softly in the light as I take one hand and run it through the soft tresses. I’ve found of late that I need to fuck, but since I have no partner I often end up just pacing the room day dreaming of fucking. Just these thoughts draw my nipples tight under the cotton of my t-shirt and with a soft laugh I run a palm over first one and...

3 years ago
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Intrusive DelightsChapter 26 Room 1

It was Arin who was the first to be taken in an abaya into the Ruby Palace and led through passages and down stairs until she came at last into a small room where there was an odd sort of bench to which she was shackled, naked and lying on her back, arms above her head. The metal of the bench was cold at first, but her body heat soon warmed it and she lay quite comfortably waiting for the Emir. If her Master, may he live for ever, wished to chastise her, then it was fair and just. None of the...

3 years ago
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Dear Diary At the Hop

Cousin Marlene (have mentioned her a few times before in my post) calls telling me they will be having a retro style dance on Saturday night at the dive in movies that is located a few towns from us. I was not old enough to drive as of yet and she wanted me to go with her. Of course I said. For the next few days (if I my teacher did not need me) she picked me up from school and we went to thrift and second hands stores looking for retro style outfits. I found a cute pink "poodle skirt and pink...

3 years ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter IX Yum and Yee

“You drank the tea,” Yee and Yum giggled while resting their hands lightly upon Alice’s bare thighs. “The special brew.”“Yes,” she admitted, quivering as they ran their nails idly over her flesh. “And now?” Alice wondered if they always spoke thusly, in unison, their voices blending together perfectly.“And now, sit perfectly still for us. Until it wears off, you’ll do anything anyone tells you to do. You should never drink anything without knowing what it is.”“Anything?”“Yes, anything,”...

3 years ago
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Roughly on the Stairs

I lean over the kitchen table, the vein in the middle of my forehead about to burst. An old t-shirt covers my agitated muscles and blue jeans hug the lower half of my body. You stand across from me, your arms folded over your chest, your weight shifting to your right leg. Normally, I would notice your tight, blue top and short skirt, but not right now. "I told you we couldn't afford it, yet you bought it anyway," I glare. "Yes I did," you shoot back. "You never listen to me!""Whatever you...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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My Best Friends Ex Ch 2

I strolled along the sidewalk window shopping with a smile on my face. Sure I looked ridiculous but what did I care? Ed was mine at last and it elated me to no end knowing that. It’s been a couple of weeks since I seduced him at my apartment which, I might add, was the hottest night of my life. Before I go on about how happy I am let me fill you in on Amy’s reaction when I told her about us. That following evening after I had invited Ed over for, ahem, a little (cover your innocent eyes) hot,...

3 years ago
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Alex and Justin discover their love for each other

Introduction: Story is by no means true, but Justin is based on me and Alex is based on a friend I know It all started about two years ago when Justin was a sophomore in high school. He just got his license and was stuck driving his younger sister, Carla, around. She was in the 8th grade and was just like any regular 8th grade girl, bubbly, full of life, and always hanging out with her friends. Part of the agreement Justin had with his parents was that if they bought him a car, he would have to...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Carolina Sweets Dark Cage

When Carolina Sweets is a bad girl, she must be caged. Carolina does not want to listen to her owner, so he has no choice, but to lock her in his slut cage. If she is a good girl, she is allowed out for a little bit. Being a good girl involves a lot of different things. One of those things is sucking his cock. If she can suck his cock through the cage the way a good slut can do, then she is allowed out. She complies with that request, and then is let out. After being let out, he unleashes his...

2 years ago
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My sissy son by his dad and lover Part 5

Well...what a few months it's been since i/we last spoke to you.Many thingshave happened,some of them great,some fantastic..some not so good,best tell you!Lucy and i are in love,no two ways about it,we found out how to change her name by deed poll(to legally change your name in the UK)So she's now,legally..Lucy Alice Andrews and she wears a matching wedding band and engagement ring like mine.I wear just the band when we go out together,as i said..she passes for a woman no problem.So people just...

2 years ago
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Last Call Bar PickUp

Dan had worked over on the 4-12 shift and walked in the bar at 1:45. The Bar tender looked up and said last call, Dan smiled and said give me a glass of whatever you have on tap. The bartender sat a foamy toped glass on the bar, Dan sat down paid for his beer, and looked around there were three couples in the bar one at the bar two at tables, and an older woman in a short little black lace dress. They all looked at Dan and thought he looked very young and they were right as he had just turned...

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Black People A Superior Breed

My name is Patrick Alexander Perth. A six-foot-one, dark-skinned and ruggedly handsome Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’m a student at the University of Massachusetts. Majoring in law. Folks, I’ve got something to confess. I’m a racist. I just don’t like White people. Seriously. I can’t stand them. They think they’re all that. They act like they own the place. And they’re more treacherous than most Black folks realize. I honestly think the world would be a better place...

3 years ago
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Outcasts Revenge

I open my eyes staring at my ceiling and the bright morning light shining in my peripherals. "Myself." What a crock of bull! No one could accept my true self, I thought as I looked between my legs to see her kissing the head of my cock then slowly running her tongue up and down the shaft. She eagerly straddled me placing me inside of her riding me. She slowly pulled my black inside her and it wasn't long before it bottomed out in her pussy. Once see was adjusted to my size she picked up her...

4 years ago
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Perfect PairChapter 6

Kaci couldn't believe the change that had come over her new girlfriend. Alicia had refused to allow Kaci to clean herself in the shower, instead taking that responsibility, soaping her up, washing her off, and even helping with her hair. Afterwards she had Kaci decide what they were going to have for breakfast while throwing on some basic clothes. Good thing too, Kaci had always been decisive, just too shy and scared to express herself. Now, her confidence was growing by leaps and bounds and...

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fucking for money

This story was shared to me by one of my friends. She is a tall busty blonde, she has a nice ass and a pretty face.She was forced into marrying someone she did not love for financial profit. Her father established that she'd marry one of his business parteners.She found out this about a year before the wedding. Her parents left her to finish her studies and even gave her total fredom. At first she was just partying with her girlfriends but one night she met a guy. He was a rich guy, a "bad...

1 year ago
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raised as a daughter II

Rebecca told me to go to my room and undressed and wait for her. I ran upstairs and pulled everything off. I looked in the mirror, starting back at me was a cute girl from the waist up. Skinny body, small but firm breasts, and a pretty face. Below is a small somewhat useless penis, no more than three inches and thin with a tiny bulge of skin, and shapely legs. I turned to the side and seen a firm round ass. Not small and not big, just a beautiful round ass. I tucked away the useless appendage...

3 years ago
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Georgia Goes to UniversityChapter 9 I Was a Public Disgrace

Just as the Saturday night party at the end of November was starting, Matt asked me if I was still interested in being abused somewhere very public. I hadn’t thought much about it since that Truth or Dare night and I’d confessed to one of my fantasies, but it soon all came back to me and I replied that I was. “Right, everyone up to their apartments and get dressed as we discussed. Georgia, I’m coming with you and sorting out what you are going to wear and put a few of your toys into a bag....

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Manju Ne Devar Ko Choda 8211 Part II

Hello mere pyare dosto, kese ho aap? aap sab logo ko mera pyar bhara salam. mera nam raj he or me aap sab logo ko mery pehly story “manju ne devar ko choda” read karne ke liye or mery pe coments bhajne ke liye me aap sabko mera pyar bhara salam karta hu. pehli story ke bad muje kafi sari ladkiyo ke mail aye or kafi sare logo ne koments bhi diye.agar koi bhi mujse freandship karna chahti he to muje mail kare .ab me mery dusry ghatana apke sath sheir karna chahta hu.huva yu ki…. Pehle din mery...

4 years ago
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A Sexy Wife and Mother Ch 4 6

That night, I decided that I would spend the night with one of the boys. The one thing I was trying very much to do was to spread our sexuality as equally as possible between the boys so that neither one of them felt I had a preference. Although, if I was totally honest with myself, I really did enjoy being with Ethan more than Sean. He just seems more loving and adventurous. Sean seems to just be enjoying the sex and the wonder of it and is less likely to try new things without some...

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Moms Special Christmas Present

The following story is a complete work of fiction and fantasy. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Note that as opposed to most of my posted works, this is a stand-alone story, offered as a holiday thanks to all my loyal readers. Keep that in mind when reading—I hope you enjoy it. And please take the time to vote or leave a comment, the authors do appreciate it. "Jake, I can't believe you went to all this trouble!" Tanya Nolan said as her son took his hands...

2 years ago
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Our life turned fantasy

You come home one day when the k**s are with a friend or family expecting to spend time with me but you see I'm watching fights or sports with a guy friend so you come to the living room to have drinks and try to hang out. Eventually you go to the bedroom because you were expecting us to spend time together. I follow you in to the bedroom and see your upset but instead of letting you say anything I throw you on the bed and rip off your clothes. I put you on all fours and start taking you from...

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Undercover RoseChapter 37

When I awoke at home, it was Saturday at 10 AM, almost lunch time. The sun was shining through the patio doors. I managed to make it up to light the fire ring and heat coffee in the microwave. I sat down carefully to stoke the fire. The pain in my butt made me wonder if it had been worth it. After adjusting to the burning sensation and the sensation that I needed to use the bathroom, I decided it had been worth it. I had a huge orgasm from the actions of Harold's wife Jen, the aging trophy...

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My ex girlfriends first big cock

Me and my ex girlfriend were madly in love and we were each others first. She was beautiful looking girl, athletic size 10 with 34E breasts and long brownie red hair. We were quite experimental in the bedroom, however she was a shy girl. Her confidence grew the longer we wear together but she never really wore sexy underwear or dressed provocatively in public and lingerie and dressing up in the bedroom was also a no no. Even when we went out clubbing she would never grind on me. However I only...

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Great Start To a Weekend

After the short conversation with my mom I go back and figure I have nothing else better to do so I flick on my TV and Xbox. In the middle of a match of Call Of Duty I look down to see that I had a text message on my cell. “Hey, was just wondering if you were busy this weekend?” It was from my good friend Christina, her and I had become really close over the past year after my sister and her stopped hanging out too much. She was one of the only girls that I didn't mind having...

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With My Hot Sister 8211 Part 2

In this part I will tell about my sister’s confession towards my love and surrendered herself as my birthday gift. As a continuation of my last story, bindu showed positive signs towards my confession. After last night chat bindu was behaving like a girlfriend and she started teasing me with her slutty body. My mom was cooking in the kitchen. Suddenly I heard my sister entering hall and started sweeping the floor with a numb smile. She was wearing a t-shirt and short skirt. While sweeping she...

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Second ChanceChapter 10

Jeanette rushed to the phone as it rang for the third time. Surely it would be Brent. It had to be Brent. "Hello?" she said, expectantly. "Jeanette, it's June Francis." "Oh ... hi June." She was afraid to ask her if she had heard from Brent. "Are you OK, Jeanette? I know what happened. Brent was here. He wanted to talk to Walter. He's very upset and uncertain right now. He doesn't know what to say to you." With that, Jeanette broke down and began sobbing, tears streaming down...

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The War with the GodsPart 1

Smoke from our campfires hung in the air, stubbornly refusing to rise or disperse. I knew how it felt. The weight of so many lives depending on me... I glanced around the quiet camp. A dozen Zibong Reborn lay sleeping on makeshift bedrolls they had crawled into who knows how late last night. They weren't bothered in the least by the early morning sun, washing over the rocky terraces of the Wilderness Highlands. We had held these Highlands for a week, with no place else to go some of us...

1 year ago
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Roll Reversal

“Happy birthday to me.” Samantha Baxter sighs at her reflection in the ladies’ room mirror. It is Halloween, and her birthday, but she is stuck at work at the museum chaperoning a bunch of middle aged men gathering to play Dungeon & Dragons; thrilling. Not that she minds old style pen & paper role playing games; in fact it is one of her favorite hobbies. What bothers Samantha is that playing D&D on her twenty-second birthday, and in a costume no less, only confirms how much of a social misfit...

3 years ago
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Journey Of A Lifetime With One Of My Sexy Readers 8211 Part 2

Hi all, First of all I want to apologize for being so late in posting the next part. I have now moved to Delhi. Above is the link of the first and previous part of the story. We both slept late last night. I slept on lower berth and Aakriti went to the upper berth. We both were tired and didn’t had any energy left in us. We ate and went to sleep. Next thing I know someone is knocking on the door. The night was over just like that. I opened it. There was a lady at the door. She was beautiful,...

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