Blazing AngelsChapter 2 free porn video

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March 17, 3049 to July 31, 3049

Both Vin and Aliya were left at the steps of the hiring hall in bemusement as they stared after their new boss. Vin turned first to Aliya with her hand out and a grin on her face. Aliya took it and couldn't help but return the smile.

"Well let's welcome ourselves to the Blazing Angels. I'm Vin..."

"Vin the Viscous." Aliya interrupted,"Your reputation proceeds you and I have also seen you around campus"

Vin let go of Aliya's hand and let out a hearty laugh that boomed half way across the square. More than a few turned their way to see what was going on, Aliya obsrved that Vin took no notice of their looks.

"Mine isn't the only reputation to proceed, Aliya Askani the Angel of the Skies." Aliya blushed at the nick name she had been given. "You have at least joined the right company."

Aliya grinned ruefully, "I have at that. Look I have to go to arrange space for my HAMr and finalise everything. Meet you at the ship?"

Vin waved her her off and turned to go back into the Mercenary Hall. Barring of course anything with privacy and contractual issues the Mercenary Hall had all sorts of information regarding planets and Verses. She didn't find much on the planet that they were going to, but that particular system was reputed to be rich in minerals locked under ice planets.

Coming from a jungle planet, ice was rare except during the rare eclipses. Well if she wanted to get away from home, it would definitely be one of the last places they would expect to find her. She also needed more appropriate clothing, which would be difficult considering she didn't have much money. She did have access to something which was worth a lot of money.

She found a few stores that had what she wanted and left to find a Medico shop. She bought a couple packets of headache tablets, Phara powder and a small vial with a stopper. After thanking the young man behind the counter and giving him a wink, she left to go a more appropriate place to complete her task.

Aliya immediately got her datapad and sent a message to the facility that was storing her HAMr to finalise her account and to get it transferred to ship that was to take them off planet. She was just about to get up and leave when a bird landed near her. It regarded her closely as if trying to figure out who she was. At first it appeared to be a plain bird with dowdy grey feathers, until it puffed up and started to sing.

Colours gradually bloomed and blossomed from the bird's chest radiating out. Emerald green, golden yellow, saphire blue and ruby red. Varying with each note that the bird sang. The music itself light and airy, poignantly reminding her of her home and the sweet caress of the breeze.

All too soon the bird stopped, it's voice fading, colours dying down back to the dull grey a fitting representation, perhaps an omen of what sort of life she was now going to lead. Away from her family and friends, searching for that which might be gone forever, a legend. She watched the bird fly away as she had done so many times when she was a child, wanting her dad to take her up in the sky.

Well, she thought, I will now have little time for that. Time to get to work.

She took a conveyance back to University dormatory to collect the rest of her gear. She just packed the bare essentials that she thought that she would need, the rest she would send back to her family. The dorm was busy with the new graduates packing and leaving most of them were already signed up before they graduated, such was the reputation of the Ekstasis University only the best.

More than a few of the graduates were running amok and quite a few doors were closed in last farewells. Aliya shook her head in bemusement. The Ekstases were an odd bunch. They were so secretive and yet they ran the best university in the Verses, endorsed polygamous relationships and were willing to well you know anywhere almost at anytime, but they punished lack of discipline severely.

I suppose though it is not as if they interfere with anyone who is unwilling. Not that they need, they seem to have an uncanny ability at seduction. At least they are not without their morals though.

She distinctly remembered a few times at the university where some new students were having affairs with some of the Ekstasis teacher and tried to blackmail them into passing. Until it was pointed out in their contract to attend the university that any fratinisation would be wholly consenual. They tried to counterclaim that they had been forced.

Their governments would not back them up, especially when it later revealed that they had lied. Afraid to damage their relations with the University and the Ekstasis in general the governments left the once promising students to their own punishment without help or interference. They were summarily expelled from the University and one of them who became pregnant had to give up the child and all rights to be raised with the father's family.

She had at least learnt that much from doing research, the subtle intricacies of relationships between and within the Ekstases were a mystery at best. One thing she did find was that make a friend of them and they will help you as best they can.

"Sure you don't want to farewell me?" A plain looking man with an emerald green triangle tattooed at the corner of eye like a tear, grinned cheekily at her, she felt the corners of her mouth tugging in response, but managed to suppress it. Damn Ekstases!

"I'm sorry, Nyalo" I just couldn't bring myself to get involved. It was all very well and good for most people especially when in university, but after? Well, that is a different story. Nyalo reached out and touched her face where she too had a tattoo, pretty much everyone who went to the Ekstasis University got one. It was pretty much a badge of honour and rank. She felt a tingle at his touch, steeled herself and stepped away.

"Ah well, your last chance for a real Ekstasis, Aliya. We are few and far between in the Verse." She just smiled and walked away. "You know you're an interesting lady Aliya. When I get out from service I just may hunt you down and show you what you have been missing."

Ah, I guess they don't mean any real harm. Still I do wonder how they can actually manage to run this University with so much prestige. Better get my mind on the job, my first real job.

She wasted no time in hailing another conveyance to take her to buy some clothes that she would need for an ice planet, considering she was going it alone in her mission her funds would be tight. Instead of going to one of the more expensive places she opted for a surplus store. She paid the driver when she arrived in the seconds shop part of the city centre and cast her gaze around all the surplus stores.

She wasn't quite sure which one to go to, then through a store window she saw a familiar tall figure emerging from the backroom of one of stores. Well, I guess if it has good enough equipment for Vin it should be good enough for her. She made her way over to the store and entered just as they finished the transaction.

The storekeeper looked quickly her way and nonchalantly placed something in his pocket. Humpf, I wonder? Aliya mused to herself, she looked to Vin who turned and just grinned at her.

"Hey! Here for supplies as well huh?"

"Uh, yeah." Vin appeared normal and put what looked like a credstick in her left breast pocket. "I saw you and I thought this would be a good place."

Vin raised an eyebrow at that comment.

"W-well, I remember around the campus that you took many majors, one of which was extreme enviro survival. So I kind of figured that you might be gearing up for our contract and..."

"Well you have come to the right place!" interrupted the storekeeper. "I can work you up the same package that I did for Vin for the same price. How is that? One thousand five hundred credits!"

Aliya winced a little at the price, it would put a large dent in her savings, but as she was employed now maybe it would be good to spend a little money on staying alive in sub-zero temperatures. Besides she had only read and studied about that sort of environment, coming from a fairly temperate world where it occasionally snowed didn't really count.

"Well look, how about I knock it down to, uh..." the keeper glanced quickly at Vin, whose head was tilted to the side and indulgent smile on her face, then back at Aliya. " ... thirteen hundred? How's about that?"

Aliya glanced at Vin. What that was about? She managed to bring up a tentative smile. "Uh, sure. It sounds fair enough."

"Excellent! I will get started on it now. ROMAN! Watch the store!" the man bellowed as he headed to the back and gestured Aliya to follow. Aliya paused unsure, not wanting to be alone with a strange man. She turned to her new comrade in arms.

"I ... um."

"Sure." Vin shooed her back and followed her. "A girl can't be too careful these days, even a HAMr pilot."

Aliya relaxed, "Thanks."

They moved into the back storeroom where the keepers already had a small pile of clothes. He was busy opening up shelves and boxes, collecting who knows what. "Just try on those will you for fit. I am generally good at guessing people's measurements, but I always like to make sure."

Vin perched herself on a crate and Aliya pick up the pile of clothes and looked for a changing stall. Not finding one she moved behind some crates to partially hide herself and started to try on the clothes that were selected. They fit surprisingly well. With each set she tried she walked out, stretched and did some squats to make sure that they were roomy enough for her to move.

"How are they?" She heard his voice muffled by the dropsheets and packed shelves. Vin appeared to to be asleep perched on a crate and leaning against something draped in canvas. The only indicator that she wasn't was the movement of a piece of straw that was in her mouth. She had a small smile on her face that didn't detract from her extensive facial tattooes.

"Oh, the fit nicely thanks."

"Good to see I haven't lost my touch."

"Romulus!" They heard from the shop front. "Delivery here for you!"

"Ah," Romulus the shopkeeper emerge seemingly from no where amongst the shelves. "That will be the rest of the gear for you Vin."

Vin just opened up one eye and smiled more. Romulus? Roman? Odd names. Thought Aliya.

Romulus came back carrying a box and Vin leapt off her crate. Her face eager like a kid with a present. The first thing to come out was a backpack, which Vin checked over thoroughly, she then began to stuff it with all sorts of things from the box and another pile of clothes which she had just notice beside the crate the she was sitting on previously. Romulus then started putting the items of clothing into a similar bag. She already had a bag with all of her stuff, but she supposed that having a spare on wouldn't hurt. Aliya moved back behind some crates to get back into her own clothing, she was about to remove the thermal undergarments, but then decided other. It will be useful on the journey there and it would save a lot of trouble later getting changed, if it really is as cold as I have read.

She was just about to emerged from behind the crates, when she noticed in a reflection Vin glancing at her. Seeing her back was turned she removed a small metal box from the crate. It was dull, with a strange symbol etched on the top. Vin checked it over and put it in her backpack, checking once again that Aliya was occupied. Aliya made movement as if she had just put her shirt and came out from behind the crates. That symbol seemed familiar, though she couldn't quite place it at the moment.

"Right! Everything here and pack for you Miss." Romulus patted the pack. "Now let's complete the transaction."

Aliya picked up the now heavy pack along with her own gear and followed Vin and Romulus out. In the shop front was another man, whom she could have only assume was Roman, who was helping another graduate get some gear. Oh great! she thought Nyalo, of all the luck. I can only hope that...

"Aliya! Fancy, fancy," Nyalo pleasure marking his words, his eyes easily appraising her form. He held up a finger to Roman silencing him as he swaggered over to her. "Still here, hm? Have you reconsidered my offer?"

Aliya shifted uncomfortably and glanced at Romulus, who was frowning a little glanced to the side of her and then hurried to tally up her purchases. Romulus nudged Roman who moved out from behind the counter. Nyalo seemed to ignored everything around him and stared she guessed what he thought was intently into her eyes. It just made her feel more creepy and she pointed took a step back.

"No, I haven't"

"Excuse me sir, if you please..."

"No I won't please, this is none of your business." Nyalo grabbed at Aliya. The sound of her palm hitting Nyalo in the face was like a whip cracking and everyone in the store was so still and tense. Her gaze flicked around as Nyalo touched his face where she had struck him. She noticed that Vin didn't have a smile on her face for once and a small frown furrowed between her brows. Nyalo lunged at her and she reflexively ducked and spun out of the way. She was about to grab for her gun, but then hesitated, she couldn't very well shoot him in a store. He looked excited and angry, not a good combination. Roman and Romulus moved on either side of her.

Nyalo laughed, "They can't protect you. Do you know what I am?"

"Desperate all day?" quipped Roman drawing a sword.

"I am an Ekstasis. I am law here and no matter what you say the guard will believe me!"

This statement made them all hesitate a little. They knew that Ekstases had their own way of dealing with each other and the contracts for the university extended out until they actually left the planet. Nyalo laughed again at their insecurity and drew out a gun. "That's right. No sexual contact between staff and students is deemed forced at all ... so why don't you two go about your business and let me take care of this one? Huh?"

Nyalo was so intent on Aliya and the shopkeepers that he failed to register Vin's prescence until she grabbed his gun hand in a firm grip. Fear flashed on his face briefly, then arrogance reasserted itself. He had to look up at Vin and tugged to get his hand free, annoyed that he couldn't, he slapped her as hard as he could. Aliya saw the look of pleasure on Nyalo's face as struck Vin. This quickly dissipated into uncertainty as the force of the slap didn't send Vin reeling back, but merely turned her head. Vin slowly turned her head back revealing a very angry hand print on her face and and amused smile?

"Have you quite finished?" Vin queried absently as she raised a brow.

Nyalo growled, balled his free hand into a fist and was suddenly on his knees on the floor in what looked like immense pain. His gun dropped from a hand that was now turning white. He was also cursing words that made Aliya blush. Vin crouched in to whisper something into Nyalo's ear, he swore at her and struggled. She used her finger to move his chin so that they were looking eye to eye a gesture gentle in stark contrast the obviously painful grip she had him in. She then said something to him in another language, which made him pale, then his skin turned translucent as they all heard a sickening wet cracking sound. Nyalo was limp on the floor unconscious.

"Well, are you ready?" Vin looked directly at Aliya. Ignoring Nyalo's comatose form.

"I, um, have to pay yet." She turned towards the counter as Romulus hurried and got out the reader so that she could transfer her money across. Roman moved to Nyalo, giving Vin a wide berth. Vin approached the counter, grabbed a piece of paper and started scrawling on it. "Is he going to be okay? I, I mean ... will there be any trouble."

"Hmm?" Vin looked entirely unconcerned. "Oh, him..." she looked at the crumpled heap that Roman was shaking," ... don't worry I just broke his wrist. He will be fine and there won't be any trouble. Trust me."

A receipt printed out for her purchases. "Trust you?" What in the stars kind of company have I gotten myself into?

"Here," Vin pushed the paper towards Romulus with a com number on it, something else written there that she couldn't read and a bloody thumbprint. "Call that number when we leave and give them this piece of paper. He will be taken care of appropriately. Ready now?"

They all nodded numbly, Vin picked up her gear and walked out. Aliya ran out after her with her purchases heading towards the spaceport to meet their ship. They walked in silence for a while. Aliya thinking, there were so many questions. She was about to ask, but then thought perhaps the middle of the spaceport was not a good place for this kind of discussion. Vin is an interesting person. Most unusual. I think that I have some research to do.

Vin dreaded that Aliya might ask her some questions about herself and was glad that she didn't. Those questions would be best left for when they had evacuated from the planet and were safely away on their journey.

Katrina knew that she would need to get some cold weather gear and went to an adventure shop in the Neral district, where they had the BEST. As she tried on some clothes made out of various hi-tech materials and of course fashionable colours, she did some research using her datapad. I'll be damned if I am going to have some stupid clerk know more about my company than I do. Now, contracts, blood, signing. Ah, binding. She entered those search parameters into the NetVerse. "Oh do you have this in Canary Yellow?" Her data pad beeped at her to say it had finished her search. She glance at the first few. UGH! the things people put on the NV. How COMMON!

"Will that be all ma'am?" enquiried the shop assistant a drab girl dressed in last seasons' clothes.

"Yes that will be all, ring it up and send it to the spaceport on this ship," Katrina transfered the money with a large tip and the ship details. "and make sure it gets there within the hour."

"Yes, ma'am," the girl bobbed.

Katrina then picked up her data pad and took a conveyance to the spaceport. On the way she read through her search... no, no, no, ah this must be it. blah blah blah, Shiv! She is actually an Ekstasis. Let's see. Ekstases, Ekstases. Found in only one system, Religion based on carnal pleasures, top university, create binding agreements traditionally by exchange of blood ... ugh, primative. Well, just as long as I can set her straight on not trying to turn my company into a brothel.

Now let's see if there is anything else ... hmmm ... tattooes ... signify graduates from Ekstasis University ... Oh great! Two of them. Well, they are supposed to be the best ... If they can keep their libidos undercontrol. It may work out. Seriously how disgusting! It is a good thing that I didn't recruit anymore.

She consulted her datapad, make a few entries and adjustments... Hmmm, my plan is forming perfectly. I would say that it's a great start, now to see how well this first mission pans out.

"We're here." said her driver. "25 credits."

"Oh, yes." She looked at the driver expectantly.

"Ah, miss. 25 cred."

Katrina frowned. "What is you PID? So, that I can transfer the money."

"Hard Credit, miss. I haven't got anything as fancy as that."

"Haven't got a ... such a primitive world." She muttered rummaging around in bags, sure that she had some hard credit somewhere. She was completely oblivious to the fact that the driver had heard what she had said and was looking daggers at her. Katrina managed to scrape up about 26 credits dumped it in the payment tray and got out. "Keep the change, you will need it to upgrade. Hard Currency seriously."

Right! Now to make sure that everything is in order!

Katrina strode into the space port and made her way to the Persephone. What an odd name for a ship I would personally name my ship something with more prescence, like the Titan or something similarly impressive.

The loading dock around the Persephone was abustle with last minute preparations and checking of the ship, HAMrs and supplies. She couldn't see a person in charge at the moment although she did see Vin. Vin was standing around a pile of bags watching the loading of a LAM. Katrina frowned, this just wouldn't do if her employer were to see one of her own not doing anything but standing there gawking. The loading of a LAM, however fine, is not something that she should be doing.


Vin turned as Katrina strode over chin up in the air. She stopped a distance from Vin, not wanting to tilt her head too much to address. "Have they not given you anything to do yet?"

"We have just got here, Miss Walker."

We? Aliya was here early too? " And where is Miss Askani?"

Vin turned around and looked at the LAM which was now safely tucked into a bay, the pilot climbing out. "She is securing her LAM." Aliya removed her helmet and walked over to where Vin and Katrina both stood. Katrina saw her gaze flick between her and Vin trying to figure out if she missed anything important.

"Thanks for minding my gear." Her face was flushed a little and she gave Katrina a small smile. "Wysp arrived earlier than I thought."

Uh-huh Wysp another strange name. Interceptor would have been better. "Right have you both read the mission brief?" Both of them nodded which was good. "Excellent! Right, we have mission meeting soon to be full briefed by the gentleman in charge. Now I expect you both to be on your best behaviour whilst you are working for me, I can have both of you doing things like in the University and embarassing my company name."

They both looked at each other a confused look on their faces. "Look," Katrina lowered her voice. "I know that you are both Ekstases and that they are generally fairly liberal when it comes to moral matters ... What! is so funny" Katrina demanded as she felt her ears burning as Vin laughed heartily and Katrina had a very wide grin on her face.

"What made you think that we were Ekstases?" Aliya asked.

"Well the facial tattooes."

"Those don't mean that we are Ekstases, just that we graduated from the Ekstasis University having done a full course there." Aliya informed her.

"OH" Katrina mentally cringed, she had just skimmed the information about Ekstases and didn't really take the time to absorb it properly.

"Speak for yourself, Aliya." Vin had recovered and had an amused look on her face. Does she always look like that? Katrina wondered. "I am an Ekstasis. I can assure you though, that a lot of what you hear is an exaggeration. A mere wink from me would not cause any humanoid to crumble in fits of pleasure and as you can see, I am fully clothed."

"Just make sure that you act appropriately at all times..."

"Excuse me. " A man about in his mid forties, dressed in a dark green military style uniform, was suddenly standing behind Katrina. It was all she could do to affected an air of confidence, not having heard him approach. She hoped that he had not come in to early on in the conversation. The last thing she needed was a bunch of male mercenaries finding out that one of them was an Ekstasis, no matter how much Vin assured her that she could act accordingly. The man measured all of them in one practiced look. "Which of you is Katrina Walker?"

"That would be me." Katrina lifted her chin, well aware of short stature.

"Ah, yes. I am Bowman, in charge of logistics and supplies co-ordination. The briefing will be held in a half hour after we leave the space port, your quarters are in the lower deck section D." Vin and Aliya gathered up their things. "If you will follow me I will show you where they are."

Bowman set off, Katrina breezing after him with Vin and Aliya left to follow behind them. They exited the HAMr dock turned left and walked about 100 yarn (equivalent to metres). "Right here are your assigned quarters," Bowman indicated to a room with 4 bunks, two on each side table and chairs in the middle and 4 locker spaces in the wall facing the doorway, which didn't have a door. "The unisex is just down the hall a little further to your right. See you in the briefing, which is back the way we came, up the elevator to level 15."

Bowman set off and was gone before Katrina could recover. Live here in the same quarters as her employees! This was not how a leader, no Captain of the company is supposed to travel or live. Gods knows what they will get up to. Vin and Aliya had moved to one side and were checking out the beds. Well at least they have the sense to give me more room. Katrina went and dumped her suitcase on the lower bunk on her side and proceeded to unpack some of her things and toss them onto the upper bunk. "Right you heard Bowman, you are free until then. I have to finish some things up and collect a package before we leave." Katrina then left to await the delivery of her newly bought clothes, her items strewn all about one half of the room.

I guess Katrina wants that half of the room. Aliya mused. Far be it for me to deny her that. Besides the dorms in first year at EU were little better than barracks anyway. Vin she saw was sitting on the lower bunk and removing some things from her back pack. Aliya noted that the only other fixtures in the room was a small sink to the right of the door as you walked in with a polished metal mirror. The only things that Vin removed from her pack was what looked like a set of work out clothes, some toiletries, a wash cloth and a towel. The rest of the backpack, she just shoved into one of the closets.

"So you want the top bunk or bottom?" Vin asked. She didn't even look at the other half of the room, as if it didn't even exist.

"Oh, the top if you please. That is unless you would like it."

"No problem. A rack's a rack." Vin tossed the items into the shelves at the head of the lower bunk. "Right that's me unpacked. I'm going to check out the unisex and see if there is a workout room here. See you in the briefing?"

"Uh, yes. See you then." Aliya contemplated Vin and Katrina as she carefully unpacked enough gear for the journey, leaving the rest for when they actually reached their destination. Katrina definitely appeared to come from money, she had that attitude, like she expected people to obey without question. Vin, well, she would have to go through her datapad to revise all the studies that she had done on the Ekstases. That would explain the bloody thumbprints. Only given in serious matters where a person's testamony or word is binding. Although most scholars believe it to be evolved from their more early ancestors, where they would swear on their life and would kill themselves for false witness, Aliya was not so sure. I mean I know that they rarely use a bloody thumbprint unless they mean business and doubtless it has evolved from that ritual, but I can't help thinking that there might be something more. After all people do visit their homeworld, but rarely are they allowed out of the one section.

She finished unpacking and decided to sit down and read back through her notes.

Ekstases - Summary

Form: Bipedal-humanoid

Biology: Carbon based

Society: Appears to be Capitalistic and is unusual that it is neither matriarchial nor patriarchial.

Brief History: The Ekstases were first encountered by the Core a little under a hundred years ago. Despite the invitation to join with the Core the Ekstases have continually held themselves as a neutral sub-species of human. However, in spite of this relations with the Ekstases have introduced the Core to other sub-species of humans which have formed alliances with the Core.

Homeworld: On the Ekstases home world of Pryon visitors are restricted to one sector, this does not seem to deter visitors at all as they appear to have everything they need there. Their main money making export seems to be tourism with a definite lean towards the pleasurable side of things. To be put plainly, if you have the money they can get it for you. Brutal stadiums of death seem in stark contrast with the living architecture of this jungle world. One of the more sought after products that are exported are Eros pills. This is a legalised drug, produced by the religious orders which enhances pleasurable feelings. There have been attempts to synthesis this drugs and though many have come close, the Ekstases still hold the monopoly for pleasure pills.

Religion: Ekstasy a religion which condones polygamy and though the adherents marry, any male or female can marry any number of males or females. They do not appear to distinguish the difference between homo or hetero sexual unions, seemingly to be bisexual by default. There are varying degrees of union or marriage in the religion from the most casual of relationships to the extreme of one person forsaking all others but one, even if that one has multiple partners already, with many combinations in between. The core of the religion or focus is on a dual nature god. There is very little that has been recorded about the religion except for the basics, though there have been accounts of religious sexual orgies, these have not been fully substiantiated, but also never denied.

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Blaze Part 4

Part 4 "Jack, I don't think I'm ever going to get this," Jess said dejectedly, "We've been at it for a month and I'm not any closer now than I was the day I woke up." That statement wasn't entirely true. Jess had made great strides in figuring out what she was capable of. She had mastered control of drawing in energy and, as far as they could tell, she could hold it as long as she wanted or until she fell asleep. Without her conscious effort to hold onto it, it would slowly...

2 years ago
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Blaze Part 5

Blaze Part 5 By Maddie Valasek Jess had always felt that Nexus Technologies was a foreboding place. The efforts of the landscape and lighting designers' had fallen far short of giving the building a warm welcoming feeling even in the brightest of days. The hard square edges and solid granite walls left it feeling more like a modern day fortress. The situation only served to give the structure an even more oppressive sense of doom. Jess couldn't escape the feeling of...

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Blaze Part 2

Awake again Unlike her previous awakenings, Jess regained consciousness in a single moment. Her mind was remarkably clear and there was no confusion as to where she was. The now familiar green glow was all she needed to know that she was back in her hospital room. The memory of the attacking Lycans and Vampira were still fresh on her mind and the fears and remnants of the pain that had nearly undone her came rushing back. She felt totally defenseless and alone. Depression, her old...

4 years ago
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The Island Chpt 5

Chapter 5 "Now see here ...! Dorinda sat up straight pulling futilely at her imprisoned wrists in instinctive anger. The motion thrust her breasts into a flattering prominence. She bore Mark’s appreciative scrutiny with flushed cheeks and an inward tremor. "I do not wish to be whipped," she assured them with flat finality. "Or anything else either," she added without being quite sure what she referred to. Having enjoyed her breasts, Mark’s eyes raised to meet her own angry stare. He was...

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Donalds PathChapter 6

Two days later, a nine page report arrived for Diane. One short paragraph from the head Princess and a very detailed report from each of the five watchers. Diane read the report through three times and then took it to Abby's room. She had Abby read through the whole thing sentence by sentence, aloud. At the end of every line, Abby stopped, closed her eyes and seemed to relive what they had seen. Both Abby and Diane were wet and sweaty when she was done. "Well, Abby, is that just about the...

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Camilla Ch 095

On the seventh day of Camilla’s predicament in the public aquarium in Montreal, she was being gang-banged by two spirits: those of a younger man and an older man she’d met one night thirteen years before, while visiting another strip joint in Toronto, called the Solid Gold. The boy’s invisible cock was in her ass, and the older man’s was in her pussy. Cell-phone cameras never stopped getting video of those two gaping holes as her naked body continued to hover over the water tank. Since Camilla...

4 years ago
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I hardly drink alcohol, but when I do, it’s cocktails. Not a good combination really, the hard stuff and not having a practised head for it, but – what the hell. That meant that for my birthday the place to go was a no-brainer: Bootleggers – a cocktail bar in Lynnwood with a cult-following because it had an original way of running things. We were quite a big crowd and easily took up a quarter of the place, so we felt quite free to give ourselves over to being raucous, especially as some of the...

Love Stories
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Mixup at the Gynecologists Office

“Mom, I’m not a little girl anymore, gosh!” Despite her feisty temper, the young teenager was anything but grown up. If anything, recent events had pushed her into a spiral of bad decisions. It happened barely a month ago that her father got into a car crash and passed away, an accident that many blamed on his alcoholism. However as far as his daughter was concerned, it was a well-deserved twist of fate that he had coming. She never really liked him all that much. There wasn’t a week when Sara...

2 years ago
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Maid In India 8211 Part 1

Hi folks, This story is about me (sam) my wife kavya and our maid arti.I have been married for past 10 years and have a healthy relationship with my wife but we have an exceptional twist in our married live.After marriage for few months, we had a normal sex life but my wife was never comfortable with it.She actually realized after marriage that sex never enticed her as she was a virgin when I married her and of course I was the one who took her virginity. Later on, she started feeling more and...

1 year ago
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Sow and ReapInterlude 2 Mokubas Perspective

My name is Morio Abdulatem. Actually, it's not but that's the name I signed on the convention register. Mai and I grinned at each other as I handed the pen to her boyfriend Yugi. I don't use my real name anywhere but at home. I have a passport issued in my false name by special Government request. I also have a concealed weapons permit. Both will tell you who I really am if you have the security clearances to find out; not that it ever gets that far. Usually, I get caught with a knife...

1 year ago
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My Birthday Surprise Part Three

Part Three The operator led me back to my chair. As I was sitting down and getting comfortable, my wife moved to my side. She smiled at me. "Are you enjoying your day?" I started nodding with a smile on my face. "You may talk now. Enjoy your new voice." I laughed and was amazed at the musical sounds that came out of my throat. "Yes, oh yes. This is an amazing day." But a thought made me frown. "What's the matter?" "Everything we're doing sounds so permanent." My wife...

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Loris and MorgChapter 17

Loris and Morg: The Patrol 1 "Will the rest of you just shut up!" he shouted. "How can I find out what happened if you confuse her?" It took a few heavy blows and more than one toss in the river (Never make a fuss at a party.) before they let the two of them be. "They ... they ... they ... came from ... from ... Oh ... you'll think I'm cr ... cra ... crazy or ly ... lying." She shook herself ... shivering. "Tossing me in the water wasn't very kind." "It got you out of your...

1 year ago
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A Planet Is BornChapter 14

The temperature began to drop quite dramatically over the next five or six weeks. There was still a lot of rain, but now it was beginning to turn to sleet, with the promise that snow wouldn't be long in making an appearance. The twins had done well in those weeks, adding significantly to their store of meat to see them through the winter. They had also managed to replicate some thread and a pair of scissors and the girls had grown adept at making rough clothing from the animal skins. The...

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the true story of gs4love

for a long time I look at all the horny women here on the forum and rub my little willy in front of the monitor. Since no one can suffer me, my mother had always hung me as c***d sausages about the neck so that at least the dogs play with me. Now, I wanted to play along here so gladly and post also horny picture on the hamster. But from where should I take them? Not a single healthy woman wants to have me however. Therefore, I have ordered a whore from the lokal advertising. My Harz4 money has...

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The Legend of Eli CrowChapter 108

Crow Ridge September 1, 1896 “Come on in, Ezra. Your dad and I wanted to talk to you before you head back to Crow Valley,” Rose told her son. Jefferson was sitting up in bed with the covers pulled to his waist. “Dad, are you feeling any better?” Ezra asked as he walked over to sit at his bedside and lay his hand on top Jefferson’s right hand. “I feel better today, Son. This has actually been one of my better days in the past few months. “Dad, I suppose I’ve always taken for granted that...

3 years ago
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I Bet My Wife

Helga, my wife, has an incredible body. I mean her body is absolutely perfect. Beautiful long legs, an incredible bubble-butt, soft and smooth. Her tits, oh sweet Jesus, her tits are a work of art. Perfectly formed, sitting high up on her chest with perfectly round areolas and pencil-eraser sized nipples. She's 5'6" and her measurements are 34D-24-34. Perfect. Helga's face is a little different. Oh, I don't mean that she's ugly or anything. I've heard Helga described as "plain," and I...

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Walos MistressChapter 3

The young helpless girl whimpered in seeming despair, the almost wailing sound causing Lynn to shudder in a sudden strange, unwanted prurient fascination while Walo got to his knees and crawled between the wide held legs of the spread-eagled girl, his inhuman penis swinging like a wagon tongue as he situated himself between her opened thighs, the twin redheads letting free of her limbs once he was securely wedged before her defenseless, hair- fringed little vagina, Annie quickly moving behind...

1 year ago
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The Hardest Answer Lauren Julia

Lauren was puttering around on her computer when the phone rang on a Friday mid-morning. Nothing incredibly important occupied her at the moment: just a favorite video game. She lunged for the handset while placing the game on ‘pause’, a lock of ungainly wavy brown hair fell in her face. It was August cool in the central valley of California and there was some hope of an internship in Long Beach, California. She prayed it was the project manager she had so hoped to hear from and answered. Even...

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Run and HideChapter 5

"Get up on your knees, slut." Another order from Chris. I didn't move. I didn't have it in me. "I said, get up on your FUCKIN' KNEES." He grabbed my left arm to pull me up and I shrieked in pain. That was the arm I fell on earlier and it was still terribly sore. I could tell it wasn't broken, but something felt out of place. He positioned me on my knees in front of him and I felt my long sleeved shirt slip down over my breasts again. They hadn't taken it off when they zip tied my...

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Gay Sauna Sweat Heaven

Gay Sauna StrategyAged 50, I really started to open up my gay side even though Ive known I had bi feelings for years. I tried all sorts of ways to explore it such as Skype, GayChat etc but none felt rewarding and I couldn’t bring myself to do anything more open which would get me physical contact. However, I discovered a gay sauna in my home town and this has proven to be such a release and relief. I have had many encounters there, wanking, sucking, kissing and finally anal penetration. Success...

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Damn grandma

Hi my name's is Greg Smith and this is the story about how finding out that my grandma is a porn star was the best thing to ever happen to me. Ok here is a little bit about me I've lived a sheltered life for the past 18 years I had no internet only TV only 2 friends since I have been home schooled and because they are the only other people around for miles yes I live in middle of nowhere, I've also never met my grandma, my mom's mom and soon I will find out why and that it was my dad's decision...

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Judy Chapter 2 repairs to her oven

To better understand this story; please refer to the first two chapters. It has been almost two weeks since Judy’s dalliance with AJ the stove repairman. Tim, her husband, almost caught them; but he didn’t seem any wiser to it. She had unleashed her inner slut and her husband Tim was unaware. The only problem was that she was horny and it didn’t seem like Tim was going to satisfy her wants; no her needs. She initiated sex two nights ago and fucked Tim in one of his two his usual positions....

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MissSpelled Part 4

Miss-Spelled (Part 4) I was still curled up in a ball when my intercom buzzed. "Hello?" I asked cautiously, Richie could still be around. "Sophie, it's Sarah, I'm here with Mikey." Sarah? I phoned Becca. I buzzed her in. When Sarah saw the state of me she rushed straight over to give me a huge cuddle and stroke my hair. That made me feel so much better already. "His car isn't here so I`m think he's gone." Mikey said "Becca phoned Sarah to tell her what had happened. I...

4 years ago
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Service With a SmileChapter 11

"Damn college kids!" I paced back and forth in the spot where my coupe had been parked and locked. My car keys were missing, probably taken by one of the girls who'd teased me into undressing and foreplay. But why? Couldn't they have asked? I was so busy penetrating them and Inga that I probably would have agreed to any reasonable request, even borrowing my car. But under these circumstances, it was grand theft auto! And I was stranded. I marched back to Annie's room. It was the Monday...

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I Want My MummyChapter 5

"Damn." Tamara muttered to herself as she heard her sister rouse in her bedroom. She was not yet strong enough to carry out her idea on her sister while she was awake. Still, the morning need not be a total loss. She waited until she heard Debbie dash across the hall to the bathroom and close the door. A few moments later, the shower came on. Tamara always hated her younger sibling's long showers, but now they would serve her purposes well. Stepping out of her bedroom, she walked over to...

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me and sister in Holland

Amy has worked for several years for a firm which has dealings with companies in Holland requiring her to talk on the phone to them. She has had to learn conversational Dutch at classes. We were both due for some leave so arranged to go to Amsterdam. She wanted to visit the town of some of her contacts. We booked into an hotel there before we left England. We would have separate rooms. It was just as well that she was pretty fluent in Dutch because mine is non-existent. We went...

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The Accidental Nudist CabinChapter 2

Vandals had broken in through a window on the far side of the cabin. There were beer cans all over the place, piled up dirty bed sheets on the two beds, and water was pouring in through the broken window. Critters had been in the house, and a dead bird was in a corner, with feathers all around. Animal feces were scattered all around the kitchen area. Couches were overturned in the sitting area, their pillows scattered. I watched Jack turn and head back outside, and a few seconds later he had...

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Traveler Copyright 2000 by Samantha Michelle. Permission given to post on FictionMania and Crystal's, and Sapphire's. Standard warning and disclaimer: All characters are fictional. If you see yourself, buy a new mirror. Contains subjects some people may find offensive. If you are one of them, why are your reading this? Protect your kids. If you are worried about them reading this sort of material, please censor free speech and use a safe surfing program such as net nanny. Or...

1 year ago
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HelplessTeens Mi Ha Doan E60

Sexy Asian tatted teen Mi Ha Doan has been abandoned by her so-called friends in the middle of nowhere. Things look bleak for her until Bruno suddenly appears in his white vann and agrees to help her. A little down the road she reveals that she can’t pay him cash for the trip. don’t worry slut, Bruno accepts ass and pussy too. Afraid of having to walk home she submits to him and is quickly tied up and sexually dominated. Bruno brutally fucks her poor little tight pussy in his van...

2 years ago
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Ceciline Part 1

"Can I help you?" he asked me. "mmm?" I just looked at him. "How about we go to my car?" he asked, reaching his hand out to mine, his fingertips barely touching the back of my hand. "oh um hm." I mumbled under my breath very quietly, unsure if the man could hear me. I didn't really know what I was doing there in the parking lot that late at night or what he wanted from me. I grabbed his hand, linking my fingers with his and followed him to his BMW. It was parked in the far corner of the dimly...

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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 26 Montana

After seeing Yellowstone National Park, I knew that I wanted to come back in warmer weather. A few of the side roads through the park that looked interesting were closed to traffic. I headed for Livingston, Montana for an overnight stop before getting on Interstate 90 and heading west to Coeur d'Alene where I had an ex-Army friend. The day had started sunny, and according to the forecast, clouds would roll into the region before a small front swooped through with a chance of light snow...

3 years ago
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Meeting for the first time leads to all night long sexual frenzy Part 1

One way things could happen when meeting a local friend for the first time after more than a month of sharing stories and messages with each other. It is a fantasy that hopefully comes true sooner than later. Things get hot and sexy within minutes after we meet and last all night long. * After many conversations and chats, we decide to meet and I show up at your ranch after supper time. You meet me at the door wearing tight jeans and a nice sexy T-shirt that hugs every curve of your body. I...

First Time
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Trapped on Nirn

"Hey, Al, what's this?" You point to an oversized tanning bed that's hooked up to an array of monitors, desktops, and a large generator. "Hmm?" He didn't look up, nor did he stop typing away at another monitor that was a few feet away. "You asshole; this thing!" You're tempted to kick it, and him. He doesn't answer until a disc pops our of something that looks like a modified toaster. "The hell did'cha do to your toaster?" "Nothing, that piece'a shit's still over there" he comments as he fires...

4 years ago
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Naya Tareeka Chudai Ka

Mera naam nishant singh hai mai rajasthan ke alwar distt ka rahne wala hu aur ek rajput family se hu, meri wife ka naam neelam hai, meri age 28 aur uski 27 hai, meri wife ek bahut hi khubsurat,sexy aur modern aurat hai, iska pata mujhe meri shadi ke kuch samay baad hi chal gaya tha, wah bed par sex ka bharpur maja leti hai aur mujhe bhi khub enjoy deti hai, wah ek din bhi bina sex kiye nahi rah pati hai, yaha tak ki kai baar to wah din 2-3 baar mujhse sex karwati hai, kyuki hum ek rajasthani...

1 year ago
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Mothers Room

Prologue A "Mother's Room" is a room where new mothers can get some privacy to relieve the "pressure" of being a mom. In other words, they can use a breast-pump to milk themselves like a cow, with little chance of being disturbed. Chapter 1 Rich was in his office participating in a teleconference with the Customer. These conference calls are the bane of his existence as an average, white, 59 year-old, over-weight, facilities manager. The customers never seem to be able to explain what they...

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Shy Boy Lost Virginity To His Aunt

I have been a regular reader of ISS so I finally decided to share my first experience. This is the real incident that happened to me when I was in 2nd year of my college at the age of 20. So just like every other young guy, I was craving for sex. I used to fantasize about girls, elderly milfs and what not. First, let me tell you about myself. I am Harshit, age 22 from Delhi. I am not very fair but not too dark in complexion either and with a height of 5ft 10in. So, this all started when there...

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Bend Me Over

Author’s note: It seems some readers don’t understand Flash stories and complain because they are too short. They are SUPPOSE to be short, encapsulating a little tale with relatively few words. If you prefer long stories then close this one otherwise pay attention to the storyline and presentation. Thanks. Marnie found herself singing a tune she hadn’t thought of in years - “Bend me over in the clover; lay me down and do it again.” The words weren’t exactly the same ones in the Limeybirds...

2 years ago
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Inability And Fantasy 8211 Part 1

Hello guys, My name is Rohan. You can contact me at ,I am an unmarried guy from Pune, I am 26 years old engineer and work for a reputed MNC firm here. I have normal physic and I keep myself healthy by jogging and little exercise in morning. I live in a apartment at posh society which is somewhat away from the city. I used to participate in local body meetings at society so everyone in society personally knows me. In my apartment very few flats were actually used by owners for living otherwise...

2 years ago
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kates master xx

Her master opened the hotel room door and Kate felt her heart beat faster...this was going back, she watched her master look her over and smile at her as he pulled her inside...she had dressed one seeing her walk through the hotel would have ever guessed what she had planned that day, her hair was pinned up, her dress simple, with a belt round her waist, accentuating her curves, the ones her msater was going to lick and suck and fuck for the rest of the day.Her master...

1 year ago
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Thot Packs can be a good way to liven up the day, to introduce a bit of sensual stimulation to an otherwise boring grind through to the weekend. There’s something truly magical about a pretty face, a big-ass pair of titties, and a nice ass shaking in your face. We’ve got an evolutionary imperative to gawk at this stuff, my dudes, and the monkey parts of our brains don’t care whether it’s a real, live girl in front of you or just a sexy thot on the screen. Either way, you’re going to go into the...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Saturday was a day of enlightenment, a day of discovery, a day when I learned the cost of being complacent. The day started the same as any other Saturday. Marge and I got up, had breakfast and read the morning paper together; I cut the grass and washed Marge's car and by then it was 10a.m and Tom arrived to pick me up for our standing golf game. I kissed Marge goodbye, threw my clubs in the trunk of Tom's car and we headed for the golf course. We were in the pro-shop buying golf balls when...

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Out Of The Closet

Out Of The Closet by Suzi (Johnson) Thomas When I got home from work, I could tell from my wife's attitude that something was wrong, but when I asked her, she said that it was nothing. "Why don't you go upstairs and change, Dear?" was all she said. I did, but when I entered our bedroom, what I saw on the bed, explained the vibes I'd picked up. Lying on the bed was the suitbag I'd kept hidden in the back of my closet - full of women's clothes! For all the time we'd been married, and...

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Tranny Pickup

on Chicago's state street. At the moment his trousers and shorts were around his ankles, his dress shirt was pulled up and he was reclining in the girls couch. But something wasn't quite right. He was beginning to suspect that the she whose mouth was engulfing his cock was really a he. Paul was in the bag thought, and after all 'lips are lips.' What ever the gender Paul was getting the blow-job of his life, she was sucking his nuts, alternately with deep throating him. The...

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Three to Get Off of DespairChapter 8

We saw Michael and Joan frequently after that first evening of group sex and the sex became better and better, free and easy; it reached a point in which we had to plan our evenings carefully so that something more than sex happened. We went to movies, plays and bowling, then we went to either their apartment or our house and fucked. And always when we returned home after we have switched and fucked and each couple went to our respective homes, Lizbeth and I would make love, these times more...

4 years ago
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Living the Dream part 13

Living the Dream, part 13 By: Malissa Madison Note from the Author: No doubt many of you have noticed the changes in style, as well as the shifts from third person to personalization of the story. This is Due to the number of personalities who surface to help in writing it. I hope you can understand how it is to try and edit someone else's work, and just take joy from the tale as it unfolds. Thank you all so much for your comments and reviews. Malissa and the Gang Andre's...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Jill Kassidy Brunette Super Slut Jill Kassidy Cums Back For More

If you don’t know her name, then get out a pen and right it down…JILL KASSIDY. This stunning brunette hottie is back for her long awaited return to In sexy, pink lingerie and a tight pink pussy, this stunning babe is dirtier then she looks. Watch as tears roll down her face from taking cock deep in her throat and cum drip down her leg from her wet ass pussy. She gets fucked in every position you can think of to reach her climax over and over. But she isn’t satisfied until her...

2 years ago
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Bill and Amber The Reunion

Introduction: The last chapter about eternal love For those who were kind enough to read my story, Bill and Amber, but were disappointed in the conclusion, I have added a fourth chapter. It can probably stand alone, however, if you havent read the first three chapters I believe this will make more sense to you if you do. I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and...

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She didnt know that I knew Part 1

My wife had been flirting with a co-worker for some time. She was trying to be discrete, yet I knew that there was some real attraction. He was married as well and had no intentions of leaving his family. He was not only a co-worker of hers, but traveled within our same circle of our friends, so it was not uncommon for us all to be together at parties, social events etc. My wife was in her mid 20s, was very shapely and had breasts and nipples that screamed for attention. He was in his early...

3 years ago
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Smile on my Face

I woke up with a smile on my face, at first I couldn't identify why I felt so happy, then it hit me; I turned my head and there she was. She couldn't be described as a pretty girl, but to me, she was beautiful. Her light brown hair cascaded over the pillow framing her sleeping face. Carefully I pulled the duvet down, exposing her naked body to the early morning light. If she didn't have a pretty face that couldn't be said about her body. My eyes moved down her taking in her perfect round...

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