Blazing AngelsChapter 2
- 4 years ago
- 32
- 0
Redman Gallagher and wife Drew kept putting off the decision but finally the twins pressed them for the verdict: Who would go on to college.
The parents argued, shouted, slammed doors and swore at each other.
‘You’ll be going to college Danny,’ said his sister. ‘Dad will wear mom down.’
‘But Blaze that’s not fair. You are my academic superior and dad and mom have to admit that.’
‘To misquote, nothing is fair in love and war. We agreed not to negotiate with them and to accept their decision Danny.’
‘But you know dad favors me getting my degree in engineering design to work my way up in the company where he’s a draftsman.’
‘Yes and what’s so wrong with that? I’m supposed to graduate high school and go out and work and meet a rich guy eventually who’ll support me while I sit at home and sew and read books.’
‘Yeah living mom’s dream instead of being a cashier in the café like she has been for fifteen years.’
Their mom came out of the dining room looking exhausted and crying.
‘Go to your father please,’ she sobbed.
Their dad could capably act the role of tough guy and didn’t mince words.
‘You mother and I regret this decision but I feel we have no choice,’ he said. ‘Blaze I’m sorry but Danny goes to college.’
‘That’s fine daddy. One of us was always going to lose.’
She ran from the room and locked herself in her bedroom and began phoning her college-bound friends. High school graduation was seven months away.
The day after graduation Drew Gallagher went to her daughter’s bedroom to find why Blaze (named Pansy at birth) had not answered the call to breakfast. She ran back to the kitchen waving a piece of paper and cried, ‘She’s gone. She left to catch the night bus coming through at 5:00.’
Hands shaking, Redman read out the note:
‘Dear family. It’s time to say goodbye. I’m off to make a career for myself. I’ll be in touch, sooner or later. Thanks for everything guys. Actually mom and dad you made the right choice by sending Danny to college. He’d find it harder to make a success out in the big world alone than I will. Study hard and successfully Danny, mom watch your diet and dad stop drinking so heavily. Bye. I love you all. Blaze.’
‘She’s one tough female,’ Danny said. His father nodded and her mother wept.
* * *
A little over two years later Blaze graduated with an online associate degree in basic journalism while working in Minneapolis as a personal trainer in a leading women’s gym. She was thoroughly conversant with all the programs the gym delivered to promote women’s health and fitness training and dieting and had continued with swimming to build stamina.
Eight weeks later she was called to Chicago a few days after applying for a magazine writer’s job on women’s fitness and health.
The editor was almost rude to her.
‘We don’t recognize an associate degree in journalism, regarding a bachelor’s as our minimum standard. Why you are being considered is because your involvement in fitness and women’s health is rather impressive. Frankly you are the outstanding applicant for the position.’
‘Then hire me.’
Mrs Curtis frowned and said that was rather impertinent.
Blaze made no effort to apologize.
The editor looked at her thoughtfully. ‘Give me one top reason why this magazine should hire you.’
‘Because as a writer I’d fit your readership profile. I’ve noted 27% of your readership falls in the 14-24 age group. That’s exceptionally high and reflects the growing trend of younger people, principally females, to prefer power exercise and good nutrition over fad dieting including bad dieting like eating practically nothing.’
Rachel Curtis worried about her 24-year old daughter’s appalling eating habits, knew only too well was this young woman was on about. She said she couldn’t fault that response as a persuasive answer.
‘Look read our latest issue about to be distributed while I check with the group editor.’
Fergus Hamill listened to Rachel present her dilemma about hiring this applicant who appeared to have everything going for her apart from the required level of education.
‘Yeah well ask yourself why we have minimum standards.’
‘I have and that’s why I’m here. It’s rare for me to throw a recruitment poser at you.’
‘True and so handle it. Break the rule and go with instinct if that’s how you see it. I must go, I’m late for a meeting.’
‘Thanks,’ Rachel said and almost added ‘for nothing’ but returning to her floor she realized that Fergus had steered her into the decision she should make. She entered the office and the attractive shorthaired blonde looked up.
Rachel smiled and asked, ‘When can you start?’
Drew Gallagher raced out to meet her husband who on the drive home had diverted to pick up Danny from college swimming training.
‘Mom looks excited, she must be pregnant.’
‘Jesus Danny,’ snapped his startled father.
‘Blaze is on her way home!’ Drew yelled. ‘She’ll stay three nights before starting a new job in Chicago as a magazine writer.’
Drew soon had the two guys aware that no it wasn’t a trashy women’s magazine as Redman had alleged. It was an influential magazine on personal living options and she’d be making two contributions for each monthly issue on fitness and nutrition plus assorted articles as assigned. Her pay as a new-start writer would be $33,000 plus annual bonus. Also she’d enrolled to convert her two-year degree into a four-year degree in media communications and might even continue another year for a master’s.
The guys were impressed.
For two years Blaze had emailed her mother weekly and called once a month so they’d been aware she was safe and knew what she was doing. They had all gone to the airport to greet her early flight that morning and only Drew recognized her. Initially the guys wondered why Drew was yelling while running to a sweet looking blonde with a great body.
‘Jesus,’ said her twin while her father was more genteel with, ‘Wow is that my daughter?’
* * *
‘Slick Living Magazine’ had five other staff writers, all female, and a dozen contributing writers. Still three months away from her 21st birthday, Blaze was the youngest on the payroll by nine years.
Those older people gawked at the racy-looking blonde in a forest green designer-copy dress. Only the fashion editor was better dressed and she smiled approvingly at Blaze.
Editor Curtis told Blaze to call her Rachel and took her around introducing her to the twenty-one people who worked in the office who included sub-editors, layout designers, computer graphic artists, general production people and advertising and accounts personnel. The magazine operated as a self-supporting unit to the point of printing in a complex business that including two radio a TV station, five regional community newspapers and nine magazines.
Blaze spent the first two days reading the office manual, reading articles in the computer archives of recent copies and talking to other people about what they did to familiarize herself with the magazine operation. Three issues were in various stages of production and on Blaze’s third day she attended a meeting chaired by Rachel with the other five writers attending plus the chief sub-editor Gloria who was also the magazine’s deputy-editor.
Blaze had picked up quite good knowledge of what was involved in an editorial planning meeting from her studies. But she found being in the room during a planning meeting was far more interesting that descriptive detail gleaned from study papers because of all of the interaction that at times became somewhat heated.
‘Now Blaze your two assignments,’ said Rachel. ‘We have cooking pages of course, heaps of them, but we’ve not covered nutrition before so the field is wide open for you. Can you tell us what you’ll write abo
‘Pardon me?’ Rachel said, lifting her head sharply.
‘I’ll write about the wonder food for people who care for their bodies. There are many such foods and so I’ll start with bananas.’
Rachel smiled, ‘Oh I’d thought you were telling me to go bury my head.’
Everyone laughed loudly.
‘Oh no, if that were my intention I wouldn’t have been that obscure,’ Blaze said and people looked startled but Rachel chuckled.
‘And what about fitness?’
‘I’ll begin at the beginning with walking and include the latest in research findings and opinion and well-reasoned tips from experts. It will be probably a three-part series covering walking generally, techniques and finally clothing and footwear and choosing terrain.’
‘Gosh I hadn’t realized walking could be approached in such a complicated way,’ said the over-weight Gloria.
‘Everything we do is somewhat complicated,’ Blaze said lightly, and a couple of the women nodded.
‘Well obviously our youngest team member by far is out to keep us on our toes,’ Rachel said with an intended pun and people laughed politely but looked at Blaze as if wondering could the flashy-looking kid with her fearless manner deliver or was it all mouth?
Blaze knew she could produce both articles with one hand tied behind her back although in both cases she would look on the web for latest information and talk to nationally recognized experts for both articles.
Mid-afternoon Rachel called Blaze to her office.
‘Hi am I fired already?’
Blaze then saw a guy stand up and heard Rachel say, ‘Blaze has a rather irrepressible spirit Fergus.’
‘Oh hi Mr Hamill.’
‘You know me?’ he said in surprise.
‘No but you are the corporation’s group editor and feature on the corporation’s website and are the person who’ll tick off my future salary increases and bonuses.’
He smiled and held out his hand to shake and said welcome to the company and it was great to have someone about who appeared to be bright with a little fire.
‘Yes it would appear great providing you are on the right side of me.’
He grinned. Rachel looked appalled.
‘Your name. I can’t image a mother choosing to call her daughter Blaze.’
‘Oh very good. Actually thanks to mom I was called Pansy but at eight I rebelled.’
‘Pansy? Yes I can imagine how unsuitable that would seem for you and how you rebelled and went to the other extreme and chose Blaze. I had thought Blaze would be more suited to a redhead.’
‘Give me time Mr Hamill. Colors can change.’
He laughed and invited Blaze to call him Fergus. ‘I regret not rebelling over my name.’
‘I find it much more acceptable than Pansy but of course I’m not the one pinned with it. Have you anything you wish to ask or may I go? I have a call to a Dr Eric Goss who may call me between lectures and…’
‘No there is nothing else. I just wished to meet you wondering what a young woman called Blaze would look like. I didn’t wish to be rude and stare at you from a distance. Rachel has good vibes about you. I find I now possess similar feeling.’
‘Why thank you. I’ll work to not disappoint. Bye Fergus. Rachel should I send Louise in with coffee?’
‘Yes please.’
When Blaze had left the room Rachel said, ‘Obviously she hit you with a thump.’
‘And what makes you think that?’
‘Only Gloria and I in this department call you Fergus.’
‘Well yes but both of us have a feeling about that young girl don’t we?’
‘God she really has hit on you.’
‘Shhh Rachel. I don’t wish your outrageous allegations to reach the ears of my wife.’
‘Omigod. You are thinking about her as the inaugural editor of ‘Undeniably Young Magazine’?’
‘Actually the planning team yesterday opted for a name change to ‘Celebrating Youth Magazine’.’
‘Oh great, that’s an improved title Fergus. I had advised in feedback that the word ‘undeniably’ is an ugly word and has negative connotations.’
‘Yes and you were not alone in that thinking and that’s why we invite feedback on our initiatives. Where’s the fucking coffee?’
‘Patience please, here’s Louise now.’
‘Good. Please bring our prospective editor along as fast as you can. I’ll need her involved in planning in two months from now if her potential becomes apparent by then otherwise we’ll look elsewhere.’
‘And I have to find a replacement.’
‘Yes it’s tough being an editor isn’t it?’
The young office assistant entering said, ‘Good afternoon Mr Hamill.’
‘Oh hi Louise.’
The receptionist looked startled that the boss editor knew her name.
* * *
Blaze Gallagher was introduced to readers inside the cover of ‘Racy Living Magazine’ as a new staff writer with pointers to her two contributions. Other people in the office had already congratulated her for the readability of her features. At Rachel’s request Blaze had researched and updated a main feature article on eating disorders of the young and had almost completed a follow-up on eating disorders of the elderly.
Rachel invited Blaze to her home for a Sunday lunch with her husband and daughter Pru and Rachel had started a conversation about healthy eating.
Pru had stood and asked to be excused, saying the conversation was making her feel sick.
‘Sit down Pru,’ Blaze ordered that the startled woman sat down before her brain had called ‘Rebel.
‘You can’t order me around like that in my own home.’
Blaze motioned to Rachel to stay out of it.
‘Pru I’m sorry. Obviously I’ve been set-up being invited here because I know a lot about nutrition. But listen, I’ve noticed you have eaten virtually nothing and if you eat the same way over breakfast and will only pick at dinner you are long-term doing irreparable harm to you body although your mind rejects such comment when people tell you that.’
‘If you say so.’
‘Pru do you wish to marry one day and have children?’
‘Would you accept that if you continue to starve your body like you are doing now there’s a chance that your expected child will die in the womb?’
Pru burst into tears and Rachel, tears in her eyes, said, ‘Omigod, you can’t tell her that.’
‘I just did Rachel. Please stay out of this.’
‘Pru I’m just an everyday 20-year old. You’ll know more than I do about most things but I know about body and nutrition. I can’t force you to change but I can give you information that could change the way you think about yourself and that could change your eating habits for the better. If you accept me as your adviser I promise you there is no way you’ll get fat. You’ll just become fit and healthy and LOOK fit and healthy. At present you look almost unwell, with an unhealthy pallor. You must know how you look. I want you to join the gym I go to and it’s not far from here. I suggest you and join me there three mornings a week at 7:00.’
‘Then you’ll have breakfast at the gym with me and eat what I say. And then for the rest of the day what you eat or don’t eat is your choice, at least initially. This is only the start. Eventually we will meet at the gym twice a week and go on runs three a week or swim when the weather deteriorates. What is your response to that?’
Pru looked confused and finally said, ‘Yes I will try to do what you ask. I want to bear healthy babies.’
Blaze said, ‘Good. So it’s gym from this Saturday. I’ll book you in for your assessment.’
‘But tomorrow morning I shall arrive here in running gear and we’ll go on our first walk-jog together, right.’
Pru nodded firmly and said yes.
‘And I have your word on that?’
‘Yes absolutely.’
‘Good girl. Now let’s talk about sex or if that’s too radical then let’s discuss films.’
By the time the update on eating disorders of the young was published, Pru was eating with great self-
control and the walk-jog routine had become all jogging and at the gym she was on her fixed cycle as long as Blaze was and was working out on light weights and loving it.
‘God I feel good,’ she’d told Blaze only yesterday.
Blaze had gone out to dinner with Pru and her charming accountant boyfriend Jerry and the next time they went out together Jerry brought along Steve, a pal from his office, and suddenly Blaze had a guy she liked, breaking a long sequence of duds that she’d forged into dates herself.
Life had become good for Blaze. She was now writing a major feature in each issue and whispers in the office about Blaze possessing only a 2-year degree (stated on her web-page profile on the magazine’s website) had long been buried by the accolades she was receiving.
She went home for her 21st birthday and told her very impressed parents that it was likely she’d complete her two-year studies inside eighteen months. She and her twin brother were so happy to be reunited again.
‘And what about romance?’ asked her mom. ‘You never talk about it.’
‘His name in Steve.’
‘Ah Blaze and Steve, that sounds good together.’
‘Mom it’s not THAT serious,’ Blaze protested.
* * *
Rachel arrived at Blaze’s desk and said, ‘Please down tools and come with me.’
They went up seven floors to the executive meeting room where Fergus, who was alone, said hi to Rachel and kissed Blaze.
‘Are you aiming to seduce me?’
Rachel looked horrified. Fergus just smiled and said, ‘I’ve had good reports about you, very good reports. That greeting was a congratulatory kiss.’
‘Thanks. May I go now, I have work to do?’
‘Sit down please ladies. Now while this unedited DVD video is running I’ll pour coffee.’
The film introduced the planning group, showed then at meetings, and then ran through story-board presentations that outlined the concepts of a new magazine code named ‘Fergie’s Mag for the Young.’
The DVD ended with a team meeting where the name for the magazine was to be decided.
‘I believe ‘Undeniably Young Magazine’ has a quality ring to it,’ said the director of group advertising.
‘Oh god,’ Blaze cried.
The debate over name continued with Fergus entering to join in discussion. Finally he asked were they are agreed to changing the name to ‘Celebrating Youth Magazine’ and they all smiled and said yes.
‘Oh god,’ Blaze groaned. ‘What a patronizing name.’
Rachel nodded to Blaze when she found Fergus wasn’t looking.
Fergus switched the electric motors on to roll up the blinds. ‘And what’s wrong with that name?’ he asked, appearing a little rattled.
‘It’s so patronizing, obviously coined by a committee of older people.
‘Then what do you suggest?’
‘Give me a moment,’ she said, walking to the windows to look out at the cityscape.
‘I’m sorry Fergus, on of Blaze’s qualities is her ability to be challenging.’
‘She’s a fucking tough bitch that’s all. I don’t want her tamed.’
Blaze returned. ‘The best I can do is to borrow from film and music, ‘Forever Young Magazine’.’
‘Omigod Fergus, it has that timeless quality magazine tittles must have and the word ‘young’ signals where in the marketplace the magazine is positioned.’
‘I agree and also it’s ambivalent about young as an age group. I’ll get our legal department to check out on any rights to that name and if we can register it. Oh boy this is a big leap forward. I had worried about that other name after agreeing to it. What do you think of the magazine concept Blaze?’
‘What I’ve seen is okay but a little honeyed. It needs to project a more decisive, hard-hitting image if you want it to really sell and be passed around.’
‘We do. Will you accept the position of foundation editor?’
‘Now you really are trying something on,’ Blaze grinned.
‘Blaze I’m only recently married to my second wife.’
‘I know,’ she smiled. ‘Actually right now my first loyalty is to Rachel.’
Rachel responded instantly. ‘Accept darling. Big chances like this don’t come up often.’
For five seconds Blaze stared at them both and then, ‘Okay you guys appear confident in me. I accept.’
‘Right thanks and thanks for supporting me in this Rachel. You start Monday Blaze. Call Mrs Oaks in corporate HR for an appointment time. She will brief you about everything and then call in one of our attorneys to negotiate job conditions and pay. We think a base rate of $60,000 sounds about right with your lack of experience. As sales build so will your salary.’
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I lost my job and couldn't find another straight away. We realised that we couldn't keep up the mortgage payments and had to put the house up for sale. Fortunately, it sold quickly and we moved into my mother-in- law's house. Did I say FORTUNATELY? I don't think my wife's mother ever really approved of me and was never slow to criticise. However she had a large enough house and had never remarried after my father-in-law died. My wife Helen got a part-time secretarial post, so at least...
As time went by and those of the customers who had doubts about their true rôles settled down, it proved that Jacqui's Place was a real little earner. The swingers even settled down. Karl whipped at home and was whipped at Jacqui's Place. Jason found it easier and easier to make it last and then, when he was ready, to come in quantity and with great pleasure, though Greta found it harder and harder to bear his floggings. Jacqui's next purchase was after two months when she bought her own...
Midshipmen Kim Nguyen and Sara Crews had no difficulty passing their high-school equivalency examinations when they returned from Dargo. The sleep trainer had packed four years of schooling into a year. They were a little behind on history, art, and literature but neither one sat on her laurels. Both were absorbing William and Leonardo while backfilling the gaps they had in the evolution of human societies. They no longer looked like school kids, having used the medical tubes on William Penn...
After Roban had left the dinner table Athea took Rhabina, Hassika and Leandris aside. She had noticed their drawn faces and their uneasy movements throughout the meal. “What happened?” She asked the trio. “I followed Roban like you told me to do. He was at the smithy again, and at the market place. On the way back home he went inside a barn. When he didn’t come out again, I wanted to peek inside to see what was going on, and he noticed me.” Rhabina reported. “And you two?” Athea questioned...
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); Ever since the group had decided last month that it would help Allen Spencer give his wife Helen a birthday present that she would never forget he had been looking forward to the party. When the original arrangements were made, Vicki Holman’s presence wasn’t anticipated and no one knew that the party would go on all night. A few weeks ago when Allen asked if he wanted to contribute an additional two hundred dollars...
I was laying in bed watching youtube when all of a sudden i heard a voice, The voice tells me that i have been chosen as God's successor and therefore have been granted god like abilites to do with what i please. I lay there in my bed not really questioning what just happened but instead deciding what i should do first now that i have the power to do whatever i want, walking over to my laptop opening up a word document and get to work.
by Cindi Barton with Holly Rennick GHOSTWRITER’S NOTES My friend Cindy Barton, supporting character in my fledgling “Writer’s Notebook” may have usurped my role as leading lady. Her science-teacher flippant friendliness was, I’ll admit, sometimes a challenge to transcribe. But readers seem to appreciate frank advice. At the request of the critics (plural being a possible inflation), I’ve collected her “Notebook” insights on brotherly love and added what didn’t make...
Being a helpless control freak and completely obsessed with the idea of watching my girlfriend having sex with other men, we set up an erotic massage for her several months ago. Although the thought really excited her I did have to twist her arm a little. I convinced her that it would be something that we would both really enjoy. Funny, but once she got through this first time, she jumps now at the chance whenever I bring it up again. After our experience I think all couples should try it at...
VoyeurThis is a complete work of fiction but I have always fantasized about it. Before I start I should tell you a little about me. I am 5’9” about 210 pounds with an incredible upper body from body building for the past 5 years.I have been anticipating tonight’s events for a few days. A couple nights ago I had posted the following ad on Craigslist.Looking to get face fucked for the first time. 8+ cocks only race not important. Will swallow or let you cover my face.It took a few replies before I...
Hi I am Appu, I am back with another fantasy of mine that will urge your penis to tear your pants or wet your panties, in such way that the overflow can be visible on your dress. Feedbacks are welcomed——->> This a story of a virgin boy who lost is virginity unexpectedly but helped him gain confidence and pursue his life in a more effective manner and also helped him to get out of his low self-esteem and build a proper career. Hi I am Appu, 5 ft 10” normal figure, not muscular, black hair,...
After splitting up from my ex, I decided it was time to move on. I joined a dating site, completely open minded about it. After a while I started to really get into it, chatting to a few ladies and getting on well. I met a couple of local ladies (not at the same time) for drinks, and all was friendly. I started chatting to a lady called Julie from Chester. She was pleasant just like the rest, but as time went on, our chats go more and more flirtacious. Eventually we agreed to meet, as she didnt...
It was a couple of days after Ned's encounter with Gillian that he was again riding towards home. He had taken his last exam and was now a free man. Since the exam was in the morning Ned had ridden his bike to Pashmoor to catch the school bus there. He left the bike there so that he could ride home when he returned on the service bus at lunchtime. Gillian, he thought. Now there was a narrow escape, she had done her best to get him to screw her, so that he would take the blame for the baby...
Chapter 1 I was 17 and a senior in high school at the time. I was well known and liked by many and had been elected as the student body president. One afternoon, while walking home I spotted Pam and her identical twin Peggy riding their bikes. I didn't really know them, since they had just moved to town over the summer. But I had seen them around the school on several occasions and knew that they were sophomores and about 16. They had on some kind of spandex type riding or exercise shorts...
The first of the girls to come in with Sarah was Rosie, now the longest serving member of the staff of working tarts. She had arrived on the opening day, according to her file, badly injured by Karl and had not actually started to work for three weeks after that. Of the others who were auctioned that day, Linda had died of a mysterious fever some years earlier, Sancha had been sold to a mine manager and had ended up in a dormitory when he tired of her, Carol was sold to Arthur but was now...
Principal Birdie McTaggart, Friday The students surged from their seats. Clothes were flying off in a wild disregard. The cheerleaders were mobbed in a rush of wild passion, their gasps rising in bliss. Heady, wild, and uninhibited frenzy descended. From a side door, the coaches of the various teams wheeled in vast kegs of Gatorade to give the electrolytes to keep this wild orgy going. The last day of the school year was upon us. The first-annual, end-of-the-year Rogers High orgy was...
We rode to the Buck Horn in the garbage truck again. I figured it would be safer than Homer's old van. There was a fresh crop of screwballs waiting with their pickets. Two motorcycles parted the crowd and we followed them. The other two bikes came along behind. These nuts were a different brand of screwballs. The newspaper owner's wife led the bunch this evening. She had a face what made Janet Reno look downright sexy by comparison. Two of them tried to lie down in front of the truck....
The next morning Fred had to leave early to return to Brisbane. He made the promise to call her later. Just as Fred left, Suzanne rang with a bubbly voice. “What are you doing now?” “I was waving my boyfriend off to work and about to get some brekky. Why?” “How would you like to join me at Nobby’s and its my shout for food. I have some brilliant good news for you!” Suzanne asked. “OK see you in 15 at the cafe we met in.” replied Helena. Collecting her handbag and an additional $10,000 in...
In 2014, we had two children in high school and Emily was graduating from college. The triad of Emily, Lisle, and Carl lasted only until Carl left for Yale in August after they graduated from high school. I think he had a smile indelibly engraved on his face right up until the morning he left. For that matter, Lisle and Emily were happy campers as well. Both, however, were thrilled to head to freshman orientation at the University of Minnesota. They rented one of the small apartments in...
The Sarasota weather had started to moderate with the daytime ninety to one hundred-degree temperatures finally lowering into the eighties. At eleven thirty at night the outdoor temperatures were very pleasant, especially if there was a breeze. Dave had been in the gazebo with Nancy Mason, the woman he’d mentored at the public utility he’d worked at before taking over the fledgling state of the art battery company for Mark Worthington. Given the hour and the expectation that no children...
The greatest upset in your short life has happened. Your older brother, chosen to be the heir, has perished. Shortly thereafter, your father, the king, died of grief. You have now been hastily removed from your church education, the traditional upbringing for the second son in your kingdom. One long and bumpy carriage ride later, you arrived at the castle where you spent the earlier days of your childhood. Sent away at age 7, there was a lot that you missed while studying scripture with the...
The greatest upset in your short life has happened. Your older brother, chosen to be the crown prince, has perished. Shortly thereafter, your father, the king/emperor, began neglecting his duty due to grief. You have now been hastily removed from your bureaucratic education, the traditional upbringing for the second son. One long and bumpy carriage ride later, you arrived at the capital where you spent the earlier days of your childhood. Sent away at age 7, there was a lot that you missed while...
Having recovered from the springburn sickness, Noah and Tin set out early on a beautiful day. Summer was approaching, so the mornings lost much of their chill, though everyone paid for it in sweat later in the day. Instead of roaming through the woods to hunt monsters, they had a specific location in mind. Noah had heard rumors of an abandoned mine, now taken over by goblins. A hive, a nest, a colony; whatever it could be called, it spelled trouble for the village. Goblins ate and bred like...
The world of Ethosis has entered a very sorry state, the five noble houses that controlled the continent have fallen on severely hard times, namely because the rulers of each have died and now their heirs are all that remain. These successors were not ready to fill the shoes of their late father's, most just barely of age. Worse yet, they also inherited all of the complications and delicate situations that their lord fathers were handling. Not to mention, they now need an heir of their own less...
FantasyShe was nervous as she walked up to the large, wooden door that was sat in the middle of a perfectly normal street and tapped on the faded brass knocker.“Name?”The phantom voice was deep as it vibrated through the timber, whirling the waves of tension and excitement around her torso, like dandelions on the wind.“Voluptas.”The nickname she’d been given seemed oddly fitting for the role she had planned for the evening. It had hung on her lips, erotically, since she had been sent the details in...
Group SexBlaze Maddie V ?Hey, Robert, can you take my Med Runner intro class this afternoon? I have a lunch date with Heather,? Dr. Smith asked. ?Sure, but you owe me one, Jack,? Robert answered. ?Just add it to my tab. I?ve lost count how many I owe you.? ?Don?t worry, I?m keeping track.? ?I wouldn?t expect any less from a friend,? Jack grinned then left. Dr. Robert Stevens is the head of Skycenter Medical?s metabolic transformation ward. He was one of the pioneering...
Authors note** Just wanted to thank Steffen for helping me get this story back on track. I was dangerously close to giving up on it but with some excellent suggestions we were able to bring it back from the brink of death. Thanks, Steffen!!! Blaze Part 3 "Here are the test results you wanted, Robert," Sandy said as she handed him a thick packet of papers. "I think you might want to run her AS charts again, they can't be right." "They probably are...
Part 4 "Jack, I don't think I'm ever going to get this," Jess said dejectedly, "We've been at it for a month and I'm not any closer now than I was the day I woke up." That statement wasn't entirely true. Jess had made great strides in figuring out what she was capable of. She had mastered control of drawing in energy and, as far as they could tell, she could hold it as long as she wanted or until she fell asleep. Without her conscious effort to hold onto it, it would slowly...
Blaze Part 5 By Maddie Valasek Jess had always felt that Nexus Technologies was a foreboding place. The efforts of the landscape and lighting designers' had fallen far short of giving the building a warm welcoming feeling even in the brightest of days. The hard square edges and solid granite walls left it feeling more like a modern day fortress. The situation only served to give the structure an even more oppressive sense of doom. Jess couldn't escape the feeling of...
It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old. Always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. One of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains near our house. Ever since I was born, our family would always take trips up to the mountains to hunt & fish. We would spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake. This year we didn't get to take our usual trip due to my dad's job. My mother could tell I was depressed because I looked forward...
Well, anyway, ol' Connie proved big time she had something to contribute to our happy little house besides her great ass, which was always available for love. She couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, her singing sounded like two cats fucking in an echo chamber. And on top of all everything else, she'd rather listen to some dead guy named Glen Miller instead of some fine, modern, old fashioned and authentic country music with all those social nuances as one arty farty critic called it. What...
Awake again Unlike her previous awakenings, Jess regained consciousness in a single moment. Her mind was remarkably clear and there was no confusion as to where she was. The now familiar green glow was all she needed to know that she was back in her hospital room. The memory of the attacking Lycans and Vampira were still fresh on her mind and the fears and remnants of the pain that had nearly undone her came rushing back. She felt totally defenseless and alone. Depression, her old...