Blazing AngelsChapter 7 free porn video

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Captain Luminae sat back after talking with his employer, pondering the options that lay before. It was clear what the employer wanted, but he had more to think of than just pleasing his employer. Employers after all come and go, but a company needed to stay together. A notification for urgent medic attention at the mountain base popped up on his data pad. That shouldn't be. His hand brushed over the controls to open it up. He watched the relay information being added. Gods and Verses! He had to resolve this. He notified the command centre to gather as much information as possible and waited for the information, the injured and Katrina to arrive.

Katrina changed clothes and freshened up in prospect of the negotiations. She had hoped that she could keep the fact that there was no real information to speak of under wraps. Yeah right! No doubt Luminae's people would have already told him. How can he inspire loyalty like that? I don't see what he does is any different from what I do. She pondered on his previous words to her and the dynamics of relationships and leadership in the FPA.

In the FPA (Federated Planets of Americas) the fact that Katrina was a Captain would have spoken volumes. Especially as she was fairly young and not in some small part to her last name being Walker. The Walkers though a relatively small family owned company, had a substantial amount of power from being the only company to own all the LAM (Land Air Model ) HAMr factories. Katrina's mother Katherine was the current ruling Matriarch and President of the company and she, Katrina was the youngest out of her 12 children.

Unlike her other siblings Katrina had ambitions beyond going to work for the family business. She herself wanted to own and run her very own HAMr factory. The fact that no one knew how the HAMr plants worked beyond maintenance and a few set configuration was beside the point. Katrina was convinced that she would be the one to crack the plans and build the first new factory in centuries.

But in order to do that she need some serious money and to find out more about the old UN technology and since she had now in her employ an Ekstasis, she could very well gain access to any of their technology, if it was more advanced than theirs and utilise it to her advantage. Plus I will need a loyal company and scientists. I should be able to acquire these fairly easily once my reputation starts to grow. After all I am a Captain already and soon to be quite rich.

She added a dab of perfume before she left to go outside and wait for the transport. On the way she stopped by the comms centre to grab a copy of the layout plans for the mountain base. I could use this for more leverage, so it's not the plans for any new technology, but it's better than nothing. All that she passed noticed the distinct smell of perfume and a few scowled at her back as she passed, thinking of how inappropriate it was for her to wear such a thing on an assignment. Let alone after having just caused one of their comrades such severe injuries.

Had Katrina been privy to their thoughts she would have discounted the blame, even though she was technically in charge at the time, they she could argue, could not follow orders or were incompetent in their communications.

Outside, she could see the field medic on one end of a primitive stretcher, looking out from the doors of the HAMr bay for the transport. Katrina turned her attention to the sky and could see the transport rapidly approaching. She tapped her foot, patience not being one of her virtues. Almost as soon as it landed and the gangway was cleared and down, she strode into the transport ahead of the field medic and his patient. She found a seat, strapped in and got out her datapad to analyse the layout, thinking about what other angles she could possibly play on.

The field medic and the co-pilot quickly strapped in the stretcher and okayed the pilot to take off. Katrina was so busy that she didn't notice the silent communication occurring between the co-pilot and the field medic. The message was passed between them with head jerks, raised eyebrows and rolled eyes, after which the co-pilot went forward.

Vin fought through her haze of pain and memories to slowly regain consciousness. She felt a little queasy. Looking narrowly through her lashes around the room, she could still see Jenna was unconscious and Doc was busy running around gathering items, muttering to himself. Something about rain and floods? I wonder who needs his attention now? I hope that it isn't Katrina. It would be a fine thing, if on our first assignment, we all got laid up.

Vin concentrated on relaxing all the muscles that were tense with pain and gradually too the pain subsided enough that she was able to breathe deeply and slowly. I should never had tried that, Vin chastised herself. I have only done that once before, it nearly killed me. It is lucky that I am so far away or else it might have.

She couldn't help but wonder about her Dyarae and how they were doing. It was not the first time that she had pondered on her feelings for them and how genuine they were or if that was a result of how they had become her dyarae. Those events at the EU (Ekstasis University) threatened to rise like a dark tsunami. As she fought to subdue them, she was dimly aware of heavy footsteps approaching and Captain Luminae's voice talking low to Doc. The Captain's footsteps approached her bed, paused and then went to Jenna's.

Vin gave a final shove to years old, but still too painful memories of that incident at the EU and her accumulation of her dyarae. Gradually opening her eyes she was greeted by the Captain's back. He was looking over Jenna and she could only wonder at what was going through his mind. She could imagine it soften as she saw his hand come up to gently brush a lock of hair away from Jenna's face, tucking it behind her ear his fingers trailed lingeringly along her jaw.

"Jenna means a lot to you doesn't she?" Luminae whirled abruptly, any feeling that might have been there was not now.

"Regardless of what she means to me or the company, she violated our laws. She is therefore subject to them as any other." He recited flatly.

She looked into his eyes searching. Verses he was good! Though she searched, he did not give anything away. Eyes still meeting he said, "Katrina is coming henceforth to discuss the terms of the sale of the mountain base. Do you wish to also combine it with our discussion of what you wish to happen with Jenna?"

"Well, yes. That would be good. We can get it out of the way and settled." She had a feeling that Jenna's actions and the decision here today, may indeed divide Luminae's company.

Mercenary companies were often thought to be a law unto themselves. The reality was that they had laws, just not the same ones as The CORE. There were a few basic rules that the Mercenary Guild had set out and could be modified. Murdering one of your company without just cause definitely went against the rules.

"Excellent. She will be here soon. Now if you will excuse me, I will need to get some things." Luminae gave her a slight nod and was about to leave, when she called out his name.

"I, uh, I was wondering ... if I might get something to eat?" She grinned at him sheepishly. "I haven't had anything decent since ... I don't know when."

Luminae's eyes softened a bit. "Of course. In fact, I will order a few meals to be eaten here and we can negotiate over dinner."

Vin leaned back into her bed. Well, that solved the problem of my tummy being angry with me. This should be one interesting meal.

Katrina was impatient to get the negotiations over with. Mentally, she calculated that the mountain base would be worth millions of dollars. As the transport was descending, she unbuckled herself from her chair, closed her datapad so that she could check her reflection. By the time that the ramp was being lowered she had smoothed her clothing, flicked her hair, took a deep breath and was ready to seek out the Captain to begin negotiations.

She stepped off purposefully to locate Luminae, she need not have bothered as he was standing at the foot of the ramp waiting.

"Ah, Captain Luminae, are you ready to begin with the negotiations?"

The Captain glanced at her and then looked up to the ramp, where the stretcher was emerging with it's latest patient, still knocked out. They pasted the Captain whom they only acknowledged with a nod and keep going to the infirmary. Luminae followed after them. Katrina frowned at the lack of respect his men had just shown him and trotted after the Captain.

"Captain?" Verses was he or wasn't he ready for negotiations?

"Miss Walker, the negotiations will begin in an hour." Luminae didn't even stop following the stretcher as he answered her. "I have arranged a meal before hand for all of us in the infirmary, which will be ready in half an hour."

"All of us?" Who the heck else was coming? The whole company?

"Yes," he stopped then to face her. "you, Vin and I will be dining prior to the negotiations. Now if you will excuse me." He whirled then to continue on to the infirmary.

Katrina stood there like a stunned mullet ("stunned mullet" an aussie expression. A mullet is a fish and obviously stunned well you get the picture). She had fully expected to be taken directly to a room to begin the negotiations and now not only was she apparently not to start negotiations immediately, but Vin was to be there as well. He had managed to combine both the compensation/trial/hearing of Jenna with her reward negotiations and a meal to boot.

She was not prepared for this. Has he done this deliberately to thrown me off? Get some more leverage? Well! I guess I had best be prepared then. Then Katrina's stomache grumbled painfully. She was so engrossed in trying to get the systems at the mountain base online that she had forgotten to eat. She checked her watch. I guess I could eat ... after I have freshened up a little to be more presentable.

Katrina briefly noted that Aliya was in her bunk still sleeping soundly, despite the noise that she was making tossing her gear off and rummaging through what was left of her personal items for a new outfit. She quickly had a shower to wash off all the dust and cursed herself that she didn't order the remaining men to clean up the base from the ages old filth to make it more appealing. Oh well. I will have to remember that in future, when I discover more of the old UN stuff. She zipped up one of her new outfits and checked herself out in the mirror. Not too bad, business-like and yet provocative enough.

Her outfit was a navy blue cargo and jacket combination in heavy cotton and real leather. To the average worker it was obviously some designer's attempt to make his clients look like they might actually work for a living. It was cut to fit the figure in all the wrong ways to be practical, but in all the right ways to display her figure underneath whilst not being too obvious.

As Katrina made her way to the infirmary she mentally went through her list of demands. She increased the price that she was asking by a few hundred thousand dollars. For the inconvenience. Katrina justified to herself as she approached the infirmary. She saw that Vin was already sitting up expectantly. She went to stand next to Vin's bed, noting Jenna's prone body in the next bed.

"So you are awake then?" she crossed her arms studying Vin, trying to work out if she could use her condition for more leverage.

Vin grinned at Katrina's ability at stating the obvious and gestured to the seat next to her bed. She saw Katrina hesitate. I guess the power play has already begun. She had guessed that having her sit in on the negotiations between Katrina and the Captain would serve to at least make Katrina a little uncertain. Katrina sat down stiffly.

"So. You are fine then?"

"Well, as much as I can be with all that has happened to me."

Katrina was again silent obviously thinking long and hard about the negotiations. She was about to say something when Brother Sky one of the Inuku came in. Vin's eyes lit up.

"Brother Sky!"

"Sister!" He came around to the other side of Vin's bed, leant in and touched his forehead to hers. They stayed like that for a few seconds looking into each other's eyes and then the Inuku straightened. He then proceeded to haul something large and furry over the side of the bed. "Sister, It was close, but we managed to save the skin of the Diwuf."

Brother Sky proudly and gentle spread the pelt of the large wolf-like creature that Vin had killed over her legs for her to inspect. Running her hand through it, she marvelled at how soft it now was and there wasn't any sign of blood on it.

"The Elder said that it indeed a worthy kill. I have taken the liberty of making a cloak of it for you." She only now noticed that indeed it had been made into a cloak, though it had no lining.

"Thank you my dear Brother Sky." Vin replied demurely as she clasped his hand in gratitude. It was indeed an honour to be able to have any clothing that was made by him. Brother Sky was the most famous Inuku in his tribe in creating clothing out of animal skins. He proceeded to carefully fold it in half so that the insides touched each other completely. Then rolled it tightly and bound it with a long strip of leather.

"It is still curing and will take a while to be properly settled. The longer you can leave it the better." The then grabbed a bag and looked uncertain. Brother Sky then started to spread out more bits of skin from the diwuf over Vin, like a merchant setting out his wares. "There was quite a bit left and I was not at all sure what you would want to do with them."

Katrina was agape at all the bits of fur Vin was almost buried in. In fact, she looked a little bit put out. Vin caught her eyes and minutely shook her head. This was a part of a ceremony of sort for the Inuku. Tested warriors who brought home a kill had clothes make out of them, keeping all the best bits really and redistributed the rest among their tribe. Though she technically didn't bring back anything edible, which was usual, it was her first predator kill. She looked at the bits of fur spread over her legs.

Her cloak was made with the more rough topside of the diwuf's skin. The softer underbelly was still unused, as was the tail, paws and legs. The head had the skull taken out and made into a hood, and the skull was also on the bed. It was really rather more than she would use.

"Brother, I have only need of this piece, " she indicated to the soft pelt from the underbelly. "So that I may have something on which to lie. Please feel free to spread the blessings of the diwuf as is most needed."

Brother Sky nodded. He already had in mind a family in the tribe who had lost their hunter and could do with some blessings to protect their offspring. He quickly gathered up all the skins.

"Brother Luminae will be here soon for the meal. I will put these away for you and gather the food." He touched foreheads with Vin again before walking out briskly, not even glancing in Katrina's direction. Katrina harrumphed at this.

"HE is in charge of getting our meal?" Katrina looked after the "ice ape" in slight distaste. Vin was amused at Katrina's dislike of the Inuku.

"Yes, and he is an excellent cook, Katrina."

"No doubt."

Katrina was once again silent. Vin wondered at what was going through Katrinas mind. Since she didn't want to share Vin turned her mind to what she had sensed before she blacked out before and what she should do about it. They sat there silent for a few minutes. Katrina seemed about to speak when Brother Sky came back a yoke over his shoulders, with containers suspended from each end.

He set these down when he reached the end of her bed. Looking a little perturbed he cast a questioning look at Vin. There were no other tables in the infirmary, so Vin moved her injured leg to one side and tuck the other one in closer to her body, leaving a large space at the end of the bed. Still ignoring Katrina he then proceeded to unpack various containers of steaming food, laying them over a piece of what looked like cloth to protect the blankets of the bed. Brother Sky was just placing some irregular off white bowls in place, when Captain Luminae appeared.

"Ah, right on time, Brother." Brother Sky smiled, showing his long canines at Luminae. Luminae nodded to the Inuku, "Brother Sky, thank you."

The Inuku nodded and left taking the yoke and the containers with him. Captain Luminae brought over the other seat next to Jenna's bed to place it opposite Katrina's and in so doing, pulled the curtain across as if in an effort to his Jenna form our discussions. No sooner did Captain Luminae start to seat himself than Katrina spoke.

"Right! Now that we are alone, as it were, can we begin the negotiations?"

"Try these, Miss Walker. They are an Inuku delicacy." Captain Luminae deftly moved the hot bright green ball to the bowl in front of Katrina. So he wants to play it like that does he? Katrina fumed internally at what seemed like the continual delays in starting the negotiations. Well, I gained the very highest merit at the FPA's best university in diplomacy. I am NOT going to let some back water Captain get the better of me. so she blew gently on the strange green ball too cool it down a little before taking a small nibble.

It had a rather strong flavour, slightly sweet, but still meaty at the same time. She toyed with the small piece that she had trying to decide what it most tasted like. She watched at both Vin and Luminae tucked into to the meal that the "ice ape" had brought them. They did not gulp the food down, rather they savoured eat bite. She swallowed the small bite that she had and started to place some more of the food into her bowl so that she could consume them as appeared to be the etiquette.

Luminae saw this and nodded his approval and in spite of herself, Katrina felt happy that she was doing something right. So they ate and commented on the taste of various dishes, declaring which ones each should try, if they have yet to try it or what they thought. Most of the food tasted fine and Luminae was right about those strange green balls. She made a mental note to ask Luminae later about them. Perhaps later on, when the planet gets released for commerce she could start exporting them or at least find out how they are produced to so that she could make more money.

Katrina didn't eat much, just enough to be polite. She didn't want to be caught off her guard again with Luminae. He had a habit of doing that in the most unexpected ways and she didn't like it one bit. Finally, the Captain seemed to have finished eating and he and Vin started gathering up the containers into a neat pile. Humpf! Why are they cleaning up, shouldn't that ice ape be doing this? SIGH! The things I do. She also piled up the containers nearest to her as well as her own irregular bowl.

"Miss Walker, Miss Tavrog, the reason that I have asked for this negotiation and trial to be together is because I believe that we can all reach a mutually beneficial decision as the issues are related."

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Anna’s Punishment, Part 1 - The Takingby Alina Aamustorycodes: F+/f, bdsm, D/s, bond, gag, reluct/cons, XIt was supposed to be just a quiet, ordinary evening at home. Naturally being Taken was always a possibility ever since the law had been ratified over 30 years ago in 1977, but you never plan for it to happen. You don’t plan for it, even though it happens to at least once to 85% of all women in their lifetimes. But you just don’t talk about these things, so you never think about them...

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The Amulets of Power IV the Burma ConflictChapter 22

Just after 1600 hrs a call come in over the radio. "Old Hand, Old Hand, this is Red Tiger 110. We are zero five out from your landing pad with a visitor. Over." "Red Tiger 110, this is Old Hand. Roger. Will advise Red Tigers here. Will you need fuel? Over." "Old Hand, Tiger 110. Negative. We're just on a short hop, and will be waiting to return the visitor. Out." I called the Red Tigers on the land line to advise them of the arriving bird. "Who's coming?" Sergeant Lee...

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My new wanking buddy

Watching Porn is awesome, I love pleasuring myself whilst watching beautiful women pose, play, suck and fuck, what could be better than that? Having a friend with the same tastes in porn to watch it with of course... My first experience of this started in my teens, when one of my friends came round to my house with a porno he had gotten, we watched it together, got horny, and both decided it was no big deal to masturbate ourselves. This was the first of many wanks we shared while in each...

2 years ago
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Damsels in Need Anna and Vicky

“Let me get this straight mister ... I get to use your car for my wedding if I fuck you” Anna the leggy strawberry blonde repeated back to me. “Yep ... two fuck sessions ... no condoms” I replied then added “First one ... right here and now ... and the second one on your wedding night”. She looked back at me with a mix of horror and curiosity on her face. “And you want to fuck my mother too before the wedding” Anna asked for confirmation. “Yep”. “And how do you expect me to get her to...

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The Cougar Within Another Hot as Hell True Story

Last summer, I made a decision that shocked me and changed me. I will not go into detail as to why I am making a confession of sorts by putting my story on paper for others to read, but I hope you understand me a bit more and understand how I’ve arrived to where I am now. I will tell my story from the view of how it happened last summer.I am in my late forties, married to my husband for over twenty years. We have a daughter a freshman in college and a son who finished his junior year. Our son...

4 years ago
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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 13 Retribution

Ben entered the room followed closely by an officious looking man in a suit. Ben looked angry. The man in the suit looked smug. "Seth, I need your paperwork again," Ben spat as he stomped into the room. "This pinhead wants to play games. We have to play his games, but I'll get a lawyer and sue his ass and the hospital. Do you have..." He stopped abruptly as the crowd around Udit's bed registered with him. Everyone turned to look at him. "There's no need for name calling," the man...

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Where the Hell Am IChapter 6

This had been a wonderful summer, except that it had been even drier than normal. It almost never rains around here in the summer time, but I can't remember the last time it rained. The grass was browner than usual and the ground was cracking in places from being so dry. Erkla had to haul in water for his garden; otherwise, all of his hard work would have gone for naught. We all pitched in and got the harvesting done so that nothing was lost to dry weather, but it was a close thing on some...

1 year ago
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The most exciting night of my life 3

Waking up next to Tracy is any man's dream. she is beautiful, dark with a great sex drive and abody that keeps you hard just looking at it. But when you touch her, you can feel the heat coming off of her. I believe she has a temperture of 99 or something higher than the normal 98.6. She is always ready to give her lover every pleasurer. here's the next part of my true story. "The next morning." As she lays there in front of me asleep, I look at her body and see her brets rise and fall. her...

2 years ago
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Band Geek DiaryChapter 31 March 14 15

March 14 I kind of slept in today, since I knew Becky wasn’t going to pick me up until ten or so. At nine, I grabbed me a shower and was in the kitchen having a bowl of cereal when Mom came in carrying two coffee mugs. It must have been their second helping. “Looking forward to another day with Katie?” she asked as she came over to where I was sitting and bent down to kiss my cheek. “Yeah,” I nodded, “I hardly get to see her during the week at school since our schedules are so...

4 years ago
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The Bearded Clam MysteryChapter 2

“If I ever meet up with that guy again, I’ll knee him right where he lives,” George exclaimed. Nancy had just finished relating the conversation she had with her father the previous evening. They were discussing it over coffee at a nearby diner. “But you don’t know where he lives,” Bess objected. “Do you?” “I most certainly do,” George replied. “Well fine then,” said Bess. “We’ll just go there and when he leaves we’ll follow him. He’ll lead us straight to Brianna.” “That’s not what I...

2 years ago
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Penny Meets the Neighbors Pt 08

On Sunday morning Marina returned home, determined to make the best of her situation with Steven, invigorated by a new confidence founded on the relationships and friendships built over the previous days. Both Alyssa and Penny asked Marina to return the following week, although neither of them mentioned that the upcoming party would be somewhat different. Thinking only of the lesbian sex she anticipated would be on the menu, Marina happily agreed to visit Penny again in a week’s time. The two...

4 years ago
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My Stepson the PsychopathChapter 14

We awoke the next morning just as we did yesterday. Dave and Casey were standing beside our bed with erections and full bladders. Without even waiting to be told, Kenzie and I knelt at their feet. Dave ordered Tempe to kneel between us and keep her mouth open. Yesterday, Dave amused himself by pissing in my mouth while Casey used Kenzie for a urinal. They switched today. But before their bladders were completely drained they both managed to save a few last squirts for Tempe. It wasn't easy...

1 year ago
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Marissas Story

This story is completely fictional, made up by my imagination. I'm Marissa, I'm 19, and I had secretly lusted after my brother for years until my 18th birthday. Joey is six years older than me, he's 6'2", and works out alot. I'm not so bad myself, I'm 5'5", weigh about 110, 46c breasts, and a great ass, and I have long wavy brown hair. But anyway, I'm here to tell you how I finally seduced Joey. It was hot as hell! Of course, we do live in South Florida. So naturally I was lying around in my...

3 years ago
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Andrew to Andrea Part One

Hi, I’m Andrew, at least I was Andrew full time until about a month ago. I have always been fascinated by lingerie: its feel, its appearance, how it just makes a body look that much more sexy. Like most curious types I started young (at sixteen, so not all that young), swiping what I could from my sisters or cousins when I could and squirreling my prizes away until I could find time for them. I will always remember the first time I put a pair of lace panties on, my erection was instantaneous! I...

2 years ago
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Maryland To India

I graduated from college and got my dream internship in university of Maryland. Just what I wanted. An hour away from DC a couple of hrs from new York It all looked perfect . As I flew back home to Bangalore after a couple of drinks I started thinking about the two most beautiful years of my life and of course the best night iv had till date, I started to walk home, and it then I get a call from Rohit, my colleague “ a few of us are going for drinks, it jennies farewell”. Well I was in no mood,...

2 years ago
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Holiday with Mom Part 2

Continued...2nd day:[/b][/i]It was Christmas Eve had a great sessions last night, mom & me got up late from bed. We were expecting some guests, family relatives & mom's friends coming over to our house for a get together. Dad was coming back from his Mumbai business meeting and will reach home by 1pm noon before the guests arrive. Mom had said me that we will get back to our normal life style for next 2 days, since people and family are gathering. It...

2 years ago
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Fist time giving blow job

I'm bisexual and have always felt that there was something different about me. I've always had an affinity for both girls and guys although the latter really accelerated when I was in college. I found myself staring at cocks every opportunity I had and would even steal copies of my Aunt's Playgirl magazine to admire the well hung hunks on its pages. My roommate in college was Billy, a somewhat effeminate guy, but one who was a good friend nevertheless.I came back to the dorm room early one...

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The Trailer Park The Fourth YearChapter 41

The Fall Concert had been rescheduled four times before we finally got it done on Monday. Between the plays, the football team making the play-offs, and Mr. Wade, the band teacher, breaking his foot, it was beginning to look like we'd have to combine it with the Spring Concert. The show started out with the beginning band. It was weird to watch Mr. Wade conducting them without tapping his foot in time to the music, but it was still wrapped up in a big walking cast. He told everybody that...

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Sweet Tara

I. The Story Of Alice Alice Grey was a dear little thing, she lived with her parents and worked hard every day at her job in the local drapery store. Her family may have been poor, but they got by, paying their way in the world and earning respect for their dutiful efforts and high moral standards. Alice was a fanciful girl, always dreaming of love and raising her own family, a dream that appeared to be coming true when a handsome young gentleman took an interest in her. This young man came...

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Watching A Couple Sex And Mating With Wife

Hi this is Vikram 27 years old from Chennai, working for a MNC. In this story I am going to narrate you about the sex story which happened long back during my UG first year which is still continuing now. I was a normal guy in studies right from school till my PG. I will start from my teenage, everyone knows how tuff it’s for a guy to cross his teenage life. I was in 1st years ug and am poor in mathematics, my parents arranged a tuition with my cousin mean she was my distance relative I mean...

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GirlsWay Angela White Whitney Wright Lady Boss The Research Assistant

Whitney Wright is still at home getting ready to go to work and her boss Angela White is already sending her emails. When she realizes they’ve had a breakthrough with the trials for the new pill, she calls Angela immediately. Angela has heard this song before and is not impressed: she has bigger commitments to worry about. Whitney insists that they should meet at the office and Angela reluctantly complies. Once Whitney enters Angela’s office, she can barely contain herself. She...

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Feminist and Proud

"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" The amplified voice booms over the massive stage and the packed audience as its owner, an immaculately dressed middle-aged man strolls out into the view, followed by the spotlight. "To our returning guests and viewers, welcome back. To those joining us for the first time: it will be worth your time. Just a quick reminder for all; in a moment I will be joined by lovely ladies who have shown themselves, in social media or in person, to be vocal supporters of feminism....

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The Master WarriorChapter 17

We were joined shortly after that by the Leader of the Grroz. He appeared much younger and more spry than earlier. “So much wasted dead meat, though you did leave a couple of them just barely alive. They were very tasty,” the Grroz leader told us. “I have stopped my warriors at the road leading in here. They are all sated for now. Some of them even caught two prey. If you are finished, we are ready to return. Many will be looking for mates and will be anxious to be about that,” he finished...

4 years ago
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Kate and I Ch 6369

I like to think sexnovella for being my editor, and helpings reading my junk. Each chapter for me is considered a scene, and several chapters equal an arc. Thank you it reading any questions, comments, ridicule, hatred please email me at via the CONTACT tab on my profile. Thank you. * 63. What have I done? I ask myself, as I lay there on the bed after Kate has walked out of the door, and towards her room. What have I done for her to take such an interest in me? I finally decide to get up,...

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Annes Balcony

Anne loved her new apartment. The movers had taken great care with her stuff and the view from her balcony was wonderful. From her third floor perch she could look out over the other apartments and the city lights beyond. She made coffee even though it was late. She had a few days off work in the engineering department. Sitting on the balcony the soft summer breeze felt wonderful. People came and went, children were put to bed and she watched one young couple put their two kids to bed for...

2 years ago
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Shaila turn into a 100 euro slut

Hi readers this is Amit again, haven’t posted for some time since “Shaila and the Sex Cinema”, but have been keeping up to date with all the stories posted. We have now been married for 21 years and during that time have enjoyed a strenuous sex life. Shaila is a very beautiful pale skinned Indian 42 year old 36/27/38 48 kilos and is always being leered at by other men. Just thought I’d let you know of a recent experience whilst we were on a short city break. We were in Hamburg, Germany for a...

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Smoky Fling

The trolley let Jack and Roxanne off a block from the Barcode Bar & Grill. They stepped into the balmy night. Roxanne lit a corked cigarette and grabbed jack’s hand, pulling him toward a half-built Uptown home. It was one of a few new constructions going up on the street. No doors or windows yet, but the house had a roof and walls.Jack smelled a mix of fresh paint and the trailing smoke of Roxanne’s square as they entered. Stepping over some ruble and pulling Jack off to a corner lit partially...

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Cumlord Stories A Morning With the Cumlord

--- I awoke to the playful teasing of a tongue on my balls. It traced all around the outline of my scrotum, momentarily cradling each testicle in a careful embrace. Each ball was briefly sucked into the inviting mouth, and rolled around lovingly between her tongue and soft inner cheek. I slowly pried open my eyes to see which if my girls had won the chance to wake me this morning. Propping myself up on my elbows I glanced down to see my naked body, uncovered by sheets, and a small head...

4 years ago
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My sis is irresistible Chapter 2

Anyway, I knew there was going to be hell to pay when I got downstairs, there is no way that anyone missed the fact that Carly and I were both missing for almost an hour and a half. So I pulled on some boxers and a pair of shorts, picked a nice casual button up and made my way downstairs. Just as I reached the top of the stairs though, Carly was there and walked with me. When we reached the kitchen the mocking started. "Look who decided to finally join us..." Michelle stated...

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First And Memorable Time With Aunty

Hello friends I am suhan, and aaj mai aapko ek story sunaunga, app padhiye and khud judge kijiye ye real hai ya fake. At present I am 24 years old, before 2 years mere dad ne ek couple ko ghar rent pe diya tha, that time I was in 3 year of engineering, kuch din beete aur aunty ka mere ghar pe ana-jana chalu ho gaya, dhire dhire she became familiar to my mom and sister, she used to sit in our house and watches TV shows with them,dhire dhire mere se thodi thodi baat chit start hui, mujhe tv shows...

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BellesaFilms Abella Danger I Wont Tell

When Abella finds herself unexpectedly alone with her friend’s dad Ryan at their country house, she can’t help her mind and heart from racing. Though he’d never reciprocated in any concrete way, Abella has had a crush on him for ages. Something about this older, successful, confident family man…she had always been drawn to Ryan’s calming energy. It had been more of a quiet fantasy of hers, rather than anything she ever realistically foresaw happening. But being up here, all alone, so...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 21

NOV 1940 ITALIAN FLEET CRIPPLED AT TARANTO, ITALY Nighttime attack by British torpedo bombers cripple an Italian fleet in the Mediterranean Sea. A surprise raid by World War I British naval aircraft on the Taranto naval base in 1940 crippled several Italian warships and it marked the first time that carrier launched aircraft had attacked in such a manner on other ships in the water. The notoriously slow “Fairey Swordfish” biplanes launched from the British carrier Illustrious and flew at...

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A Day at the Races

I don't know why he convinced me to come to the racetrack with him, but I was feeling generous and decided that watching all those horse muscles and sweat could be interesting for a change. Matt and I had been together for about three months. Before him was a string of lovers that kept me amused and satisfied after my husband divorced me. I was enjoying all of the attention I could receive of the male kind. The sun was shining, and we paid the extra money, well Matt paid, since he had the...

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