Blazing AngelsChapter 6 free porn video

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Aliya was flying over the lush green jungle again. It was so boring. Wait! This is familiar. Aliya circled Wysp around, searching now. Ah there it is. She found that break in the trees and headed straight for it. Eager to see her father once again, even if it was only in a dream.

No sooner had Wysp landed on the massive bough than she had shut it down and was getting out of the cockpit. She saw the fire inside the trunk of the tree flicking merrily.

"Daddy! Daddy! I found my friend. I found Vin," Aliya reached the opening of the abode. "Daddy?"

The brightness of the fire barely warmed her as the emptiness greeted her. Her father was not here. She could feel the tears welling in her eyes., her feet dragged as she approached the cot along the wall near the fire. His bed. She sat on the rumpled bed, pulling the blanket to face, crying as she breathed into his blanket.

Sobs of despair wracked her body at the thought that she had once again lost her father. How close? How close? Was I. Oh daddy! Aliya cried until she was exhausted and was reduced to a few hiccups. She lay down on her father's cot to stare at the fire and emptiness starting to creep into her soul. As she lay her head down, she heard an odd crackling sound. Like paper? Paper!

She reached under the pillow, her questing fingers found something and she withdrew her prize. She frown looking at the thick folded paper. She saw the drawing of a humming bird on it. She sat up abruptly a small beacon of hope starting like butterflies in her tummy. Slowly she opened it and recognised her dad's handwriting.


Please don't be sad. I have many things to do as do you. Keep searching, don't lose hope. One day I will see you again.

Remember that I am always with you. Good luck, baby.

Love Daddy.

One of the logs on the fire snapped, startling her. It was then that she noticed a single candle burning on the table. It's flame an eerie green. Frowning she studied it's odd behaviour. It did not dancing lazily as a flame inside would want and on closer inspection there seemed to be something in the flame ... No it was the flame itself ... a symbol green and spinning. Aliya stared mesmerised. She felt another prescence in the room with her, watching, but she couldn't bring herself to move her eyes away from rotating symbol.

Hands were placed firmly on her shoulders. Aliya? Aliya? Aliya!! She woke to see Doc's concerned face close to hers. She blinked rapidly a few times before she realised that she had fallen asleep. All the events of the day, the long hours she was pulling on maintaining her own HAMr must have caught up with her.

"Come over here." Doc ordered. He gave her a once over and asked her a few pertinent questions as he confirmed her own assessment. "Your overworked, you can't keep doing this. Let someone help you with your HAMr."

"I was, but she is in that bed now recovering."

"Regardless, I recommend that you rest today."

"I can't I need to take supplies back to the mountain."

"Aliya, as good as your HAMr is ... it can't take everything to that base ... let the regulars handle it okay. If you don't I will call up right now and have them impound your HAMr." Doc added as she was about to argue.

She could hear voices. Aliya? She concentrated on the feel of the atmosphere ... well she wasn't in that mountain. Ah, yes. I remember being rescued and coming back to base. Vin could hear Doc threatening to impound Aliya's HAMr. Both of them in black hole condition ... not good. She remembered all this from learning battle injuries and prolonged battle fatigue. Though they weren't technically in battle, long periods of being alert and awake without proper rest does strange things to people. The few simulated scenarios at EU were just a taste of what could be expected. Welcome to the real Verse.

"You had better do as he says." She heard them both gasp and smiled a little, cracking open the eye nearest to them. "Or else he might just sneak up and tap you one with a tranq."

"VIN!" Delight and relief played over Aliya's face. "Glad to see you are awake."

"Oh, I wish I weren't," Vin groaned as she struggled to sit up. Both Aliya and Doc rushed to help her.

"Hey, hey, easy now" The Doc exclaimed.

"I am not a wild animal."

"No, but you were severely mauled by one, or do you think I like sewing up gaping wounds for fun?"

Vin felt a bit of pain right in the centre of her chest. Looking down she saw that it was bandaged and sent the Doc an impish smile. She stared long enough at him to make him turn a little pink.

"Yes, well obviously that one isn't." and he busied himself studying some charts.

Vin redirected her query to Aliya raising an eyebrow, who sighed shaking her head. "Jenna ... she..." Aliya took in a breath and let it go. "She tried to kill you. She blames you for Crenshaw. I know it seems silly, but I think that she is not all there."

"Where is she now?" Vin queried. Aliya looked over at the bed next to hers. Poor thing, Vin thought. To be haunted so. In reposed Jenna's face held none of the harshness that she had been the brunt. Instead, Vin only saw a lost girl haunted by something she could not voice. She guessed that most if not all of the Lightening Bolts knew or guessed at what tortured Jenna so, but they didn't know how to help her. If only The CORE were fully integrated and dancing within our political circles in full. She might be able to gain some peace.

" ... accordingly her fate will be in your hands as it were." She just realised that Doc was talking to her. Oh stars! I missed my cue.

"Sorry Doc, could you give that to me again."

"Vin I realise that it maybe too soon for you to think about, but Mercenary Laws and Code apply here. Because Jenna attempt to kill you Corporal Punishment applies. She can be shot if you so wish."

"How archaic!" Aliya exclaimed.

Looking at Aliya as one would a naive child. "That is the way the system works and like it or not you are now operating in and are a part of it. However, getting back to my original statement. Bed. Rest. Now! Vin has a lot to think about. Doubtless the Captain will be by to see you in a few days to talk to you about Jenna, Vin."

"But Doc I have too..."

"Ah! I will escort you to your room and see that you are put to bed ... And yes Katrina will get her things..."

After they left Vin lay there musing about this turn of events, wondering what to do. I don't want to end her life. Besides the ill will that that will cause, she is obviously defective in some way that they are unable to help with. Still she did try to kill me. The Captain must think highly of her or she would have just been put into confinement. I wonder what the relationship is? She continued to ponder on this point for a while, replaying in her mind snippets of scenes, with the Captain in the background watching Jenna. Vin sighed as another thought intruded. Katrina. She is without a doubt busy with the mountain base. It is a very big find. Still, she will not be pleased when she hears of my attempted murder. I must find a solution to this.

Vin played out all of the angles in her mind as her would be assassin occasionally moaned and shifted in her restraints beside her. Finally coming to a decision on the best coarse of action, she settled her mind down to meditate. She let her aches and pains float away, felt her body lift and every particle of the air moving around her skin. She felt so relaxed whenever she did this.

She could feel a tentative tug on the edge of her consciousness, curious she went to investigate. Verses! That is interesting. I wonder if she knows? She gently brushed the small globe, soothing it of it's jagged edges. Apparently not. Satisfied that the globe of human thought was restful she then sent out a small thread to search for Vaya. The connection was brief. She sent her affection and then broke it off. Gasping as she was suddenly awake and in her body the pain flooding back.

She was under too long. Blackness engulfed her eyesight.

Aliya was a little annoyed at being escorted to her quarters, but she could see the validity of the Doc's recommendations. After all it wouldn't do for her to crash Wysp, her only keepsake from her father because she was too tired from maintaining it. She managed to throw all of Katrina's things into their bags and left them near the entrance, where Doc said that he would arrange for them to be picked up and sent out with the rest of the gear that Katrina asked for. She was going to press the point with Doc, but he stayed until she lay on the bed and promptly fell asleep.

She dreamt again of finding her father's home, but always he wasn't there and there was something, someone watching her while she watched that symbol slowly turning and turning. Mesmerising in green and gold. She then felt another someone. Watching as well. She felt more anxious ... she was unable to move mesmerised by the glyph, she wouldn't be able to defend herself. She felt the first prescence fade away as the second made itself more known. It called to her kindly. Kindly? What gave her that thought she didn't know, but she felt as ease. The room faded away into a velvety blackness, the glyph turned one last time branding itself in her mind's eye before it too faded away.


She yelped as the radio squawked at her. Looking at the time she cursed. She had been so engrossed in trying to retrieve the data with the techs that didn't notice that it was way past the time that Aliya should have been back.

"Aye, Captain. Where is Aliya and the rest of the gear?"

"Come down to the bay, the gear is here and I need to talk with you."

Katrina let out and exasperated sigh as she got up stretching out muscles that had basically been locked in the same position for hours. "Keep looking at it and run through with a Base 12. It might turn up something." She told the techs as she left. What on earth! could be going on now? As if having 1/3 of my company out of commission isn't enough when I am trying to crack into this system. On her way to the bay she ran her fingers through her hair to make sure that she looked presentable.

Katrina got to the bay to see people already starting to repair the door with the help of a few HAMrs. Captain Luminae was standing there watching all that was going on with only a few nods to some people. How does he do that? Katrina mused. They must be a well trained and have worked together a lot. Most of his company seem to be able to get things done without him. She was about to call out to him when he turned around to face her. As if he knew that she was there all along. Straightening her shoulders she walked confidently towards him.

"You wanted to speak with me, Captain Luminae?"

"Yes, Katrina. Please let us go to the mess." Katrina nodded, turned around and led the way. Stars! it must be serious for him to want some privacy. I wonder what it is about ... ooooh does he have a thing for Aliya? Is that why she is not here? I hope he is not thinking of taking her away from my company. They had no sooner reached the mess then Katrina started. "So what is it that needed privacy for? Oh STARS! Vin isn't dead is she? She appeared fine when she left ... she isn't?"

"No, she is quite alive. However, you remember Jenna?"

"Jenna, Jenna ... isn't she the one follows Crenshaw around like a sick pup?" She could have sworn a brief look of anger or annoyance flashed across his eyes.

"She is infatuated with Crenshaw, yes." He paused then weigh up his words. "Jenna has tried to kill Vin."

"WHAT! How? What happened? She had better not be dead or you have had it!"

"Katrina! As I have said, Vin is still alive and well. However, accordingly to Mercenary and Our company Charter, Jenna must face a hearing."

"I hope that she is bloody well clapped in cuffs and tossed into a holding room."

"You, do not have to be there as you were not directly involved. I am letting you know that there will be one out of courtesy from one captain to another. As for Jenna she is currently sedated and will continue to be until the hearing in a day or two."

"You know ... Vin was supposed to be under your protection and this is what has happened." Katrina said slyly. "I will expect to be negotiating some sort of generous settlement in this regards as compensation for such negligance."

Captain Luminae clenched his jaw. "The hearing will be soon and all discussion about such matters will be done then. I will send a shuttle out to get you should you wish to attend."

"And what about Aliya? Why is she not here?"

"Aliya is not here on orders from Doc. Both Vin and Aliya have been pulling double shifts for the past month and quite frankly they both deserve some time off, which you should have ordered them to do." Katrina turned pink with embarrassment and then red in anger. Holding up his hand to still her forthcoming tirade, Luminae continued. "Katrina the three of you will make a most excellent company one day, but you need to focus and be aware of them. They are not the type to complain, you must be aware of their strengths and weakness, find compliments for them and know when the time is right. Yes, this is an important find, but you must also consider the well-being of your men."

Katrina's mouth opened and closed a few times like a freshly caught fish. She was angry at being told basically how to run her own company, but she guessed that Luminae had a valid point. She would not have a company if both of them died or left and her dreams for her own facility would be left for star dust.

"Now, Katrina. We have your supplies and gear and the personnel you asked for. At the moment they are trying to track down the self-destruct mechanisms and de-activate them. They have their orders and will follow them to the letter. I have started negotiations with my employer and we will be discussing the terms shortly."

"I would like to discuss the terms during the hearing." Hopefully that will give me more leverage to bargain with.

"As you wish. Now, I must get back and see to the packing up of the base to be moved here. If you'll excuse me."

Katrina continued to stare at the vacant doorway thinking about what the Captain had said. Those thoughts promptly fled as one of the techs rushed in with an excited look on their face. "We did it! Your suggestion for a base 12 was the key. We have a program running now to try to rebuild the system!"

"Yes! Oh! The self-destruct!!!! Oh Verses!!!!"

The tech paled. "Oh my Stars!!!! We can't stop the rebuild ... if it completes and the self-destruct is still intact!"

"How long for the rebuild to be completed... ?"

"Um, at its current rate, possibly a day..."

Katrina barged out of the mess and called over her radio to locate the team searching for the self-destruct.

"We are down near the power source. Why what is up?"

"We have started a rebuild of the system which will be completed within a day and so everything that it can rebuild will be going online, including the self-destruct!"

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By Louis van Amoren The story was in the Dutch language. NOT all words translated. (With thanks at Jose, perhaps the stories also?) As all my stories is also this tell defense of A till Z invented. The persons that are named consist thus in reality totally not. Chapter 1. Pleased I run to my appointment. Relieved and cheerfully anyhow. Until now closed lapses really eigelijk everything superbly. First of all I found a job. Well far from house, in the hague. ...

1 year ago
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Brain Development EnterprisesChapter 2

Dinner was surprisingly normal. I wasn’t sure what I had expected. Maybe for my wife to come home and immediately realize that I had been screwing my stepdaughter all afternoon. Maybe for her to notice that something was different about me: that I had a silent, unspoken air of confidence or something. But no, Barbara clicked into the house on her high heels — late, she’d been working late a lot recently — wearing her tight little pencil skirt and cream-colored blouse, looking like a million...

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The Masked Ball

It had been months since we had last seen each other. That chance meeting in London, another stuffy conference, full of business suits and grayness, the air stale and artificial, the lighting just as fake. It had been a long boring day, nothing new learnt and I had been keen to get out of the room, out of the hotel and go home to my little cottage tucked away in the outskirts of London where it felt as if you were deep in the countryside. I had brushed past you in my usual slightly clumsy...

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Wanting Elvis

There were a few gray clouds left while the sunset started turning into a blue and then black sky. It is dark now with a few sprinkles of rain here and there and the birds that were singing during sunset are now completely silent. I think about what to wear to dinner tonight. I want something sexy and cute for my crush in a few hours. I pick out a black dress with an open back, covered only by a lace floral design, that is slightly short. And I put my hair up in a high pony tail so my pearl and...

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Dark World

There seems to be a sense of dread, the smell of death heavy on the breeze as it rushes past. Time is rushing forward, nothing can slow it down, the pulse races, the heart pounding hard in your chest as the panic begins to rise. Adrenaline floods through your system as you frantically search for a way out, there is open field for miles before the trees begin. The blood red sky flashes as if split open by a deep purple bolt of lightning. The wind picks up, beginning to howl across the whole...

2 years ago
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Will You Do This for MeChapter 8

Everyone busied themselves downstairs, and then we hauled their bags up to one of the upstairs bedrooms. Before long a caravan of vehicles arrived with two dozen people from Camp Verde, including the woman from the filling station. She shook my hand and then hugged me. "Now, Brother David, Brother Chris has a panel van; we'll load suitcases in there and he'll leave at once. The statists are about an hour behind us." I shook the man's hand as well. His grip was firm and confident. It was...

2 years ago
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A Soft Surprise

It was a cold wintry day in Chicago, and I had a job interview. As I started out to the interview, it started snowing. I was waiting in the waiting area and was called in to meet my future boss, but the interview didn't pan out that well, so she asked me to wait in the waiting area again. As I was walking there, I saw this black girl with the softest angora sweater. It was beautiful. I looked at her right in the eyes. I got to the waiting area, and she walked out walking past me. We locked...

1 year ago
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Sex adventure of Nirvana

Hello readers, I am Nirvana, 36 year old divorcee living with my 10 year old son in Pune. I got married at 22 to a real handsome and charming person Vidhur. He was 26 working in marketing for an MNC. Ours was an arranged marriage. I was an outgoing girl. To impress me all it took was good look, good manners, sweet talk and a stylish sports bike and he had it all. How typically immature girl I was, I now realize. Our first 3 years of marriage were simply amazing. It was almost like a Karan Johar...

2 years ago
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Marrying The Right Man

“Gwen you can’t be serious?” I replied in shock at my Fiancée’s revelation.“Yes I am Grant. I know George is not the type to be married and tied down, as he puts it, but he says he wants to be sure I marry the right guy. He says that if you love me you’ll accept me just the way I am now and won’t be offended because I’m this way.”“B-But Gwen, would he accept you the same way?”“Probably not, but he’s not the one saying he loves me so and wants to marry me. Didn’t you also say that it wasn’t...

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My Best Friends Dad

“I’m 18, and a senior at a parochial high school. I have a boyfriend. We’ve been with each other since I was 15. I actually lost my virginity to him.He is a year older than me. He graduated last year from public school. I love him so much. He’s always been good to me. He likes my friends, and Ilike his. I friended a new girl at our school. She was from out of state. I kinda felt bad for her. I just figured it would be so hard for me to leave the kids that I grew up with only one year left...

3 years ago
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Bar Hopping with my sisters

My two older sisters asked me to go to the bar with them which is always cool considering i am Transexual and they are not, course i always felt the reason they always asked me to go with them is because i had a way of drawing men to our table like bears to honey ha ha ha.(not that i think i'm all that and a bag of Salsa Doritos, but i'm alright looking i don't scare c***dren and dogs so i must be doing something right XD It was Friday night and i decided to wear a purple mini dress with 3/4...

2 years ago
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my mum and her pakistani boyfriend

my mum is 49yrs old , 5'3 , blonde hair , blue eyes , slim and smokes her name is ann and recently she has been dating a pakistani , one night he stayed over and i was going to the toilet i heard them having sex , now my mum is a good lady and has not had sex since my dad and that was 8 years ago , so anyway as i went to the toilet i heard them "oh ann you vagina is so tight mmmm" "yes pump me chand ejaculate in that condom baby mmmm" and so on , i got so turned on all i could do is whip out my...

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City Lights Country Nights

Author's Note: DG Hear, MistressLynn and myself are doing a mini writing invitational. We are each picking one song from Ray Price and using it as the basis for a story. I've picked "City Lights," DG Hear, "For the Good Times," and MistressLynn (aka MissLynn), "That's All That Matters." I will also be doing "A Girl in the Night." We hope you enjoy the stories — Jake Rivers "City Lights" has always been one of my favorite songs by Ray: A bright array of city lights as far...

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me and userisabella28user

just by watching your pics, you made me so horny and my immagination just came to life :P so here it cumms :P:) "Damn, could it get any hotter?" Going for a walk seemed a good idea, but we underestimated the temperature and were melted. "I'm going to just fall in the pool," I said. "I'll grab something cold for us and meet you," you said, and ran into the house. You turned the yard lights off on the way in; the moon was bright enough to swim by. I stripped my sweaty clothes off and dove into...

3 years ago
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Stelanias Revenge Fuck

She always knew. Everyone knew. Ronald Pump was a scumbag, a horndog. A low-down, filthy, skirt-chasing weasel. She knew what she’d signed up for. She was to be the trophy wife. Smile. Look marvelous, be fabulous, maintain her perfect figure and impossibly high cheekbones. Be eye candy, awe cunty cabals of the rich and famous ... Dress elegantly and catwalk through glitzy locations across the globe... Posh hotels, Rolls Royce limousines. Shopping sprees at boutiques with one...

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Your name is Eric Godfrey. You are a freelance engineer working for the Republic of Vallian. While mining asteroids for rare materials on the outskirts of the known galaxy, your shuttle became seperated from the main cruiser during an ion storm and you are forced to make an emergency jump. Your shuttle emerges from hyperspace badly damaged and running out of fuel. A single habitable planet shows up on your scanner and you just manage to make a hard landing on it's surface before you lose your...

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Shadi Mein Asha Ki Chudai 8211 Part 1

Shukravar ki raat thi, Asha aur meri phone par baat hui. Asha ne bataya ki Mohsin ne uski sister Nusrat ki shadi ka card diya hai. Hum dono ko invite kiya hai kyunki humne bhi . Shadi June last week mein college exam ke baad Jaipur mein thi. Us samay garmi apne peak par hoti hai isliye humein jane ka na mann tha na plan. Par shadi se 4-5 din pehle tak Mohsin ne Asha ko kisi tarah mana liya. 2 night stay ka programme bana aur marriage ke next day lautna tha. Hum dono shadi se 1 din pehle subah...

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Strange temptations 8211 2

Sameer looked across the dining table where his mother and his younger cousin Ashim were sitting… Discussing something in very low voice while eating their dinner. He felt jealous of his cousin. He was aware that Devyani was not happy when Subodh told her about Ashim’s staying with them. She even had a big fight with Subodh opposing his decision. Even after she failed to persuade Subodh to give up his idea, and Ashim joined them, she always resented his presence. Sameer was surprised at the...

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Summer StormsChapter 4

The next morning, I woke up bright and early and stared at the ceiling. Outside the cabin, dawn was just breaking, and the world was awash with the usual muted forest noises. I listened to the sound of the birds for a few moments, and had just decided to get up, when I heard a soft whimper. I blinked (as if blinking would make me hear better), and strained to pick up the sound over the birdcalls. Quietly, very quietly, I rolled to the edge of the bunk bed and peered over. It was just barely...

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Commercial Product

She awoke in a daze. Slowly she wiped the sleep from her eyes and stumbled towards her vanity mirror. Hesitantly she took two pills from a container on the nightstand. Holding her nose and closing her eyes she swallowed the pills whole. Next she pressed play on a tape recorder. In moments her eyes glazed over. The tape recorder hissed for awhile then an annoyingly high pitched voice began to speak. [Hiya. Okay. Your now, like, in a deep, deep, mega deep...

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Was She

I found a great spot to park in Tuscaloosa AL. just off I-20 at an old Huddle Host. Surrounded by a gas station, burger joint, hotel and a grocery store. It provided great entertainment watching as people would come and go from the hotel and gas station.I walked over to the gas station bought a coke and to use the restroom. The restroom is around back and outside, I grab the door and in I went, there was a cute little blonde pulling up her panties. I apologize and turned and walked out. I...

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Mom May Get Pregnant With My Cum

Hello everyone, this is Vikas. I am 24 years old and live with my father and mother in Mumbai. My dad is a Muslim and my mom is a Hindu, so we are isolated from relatives, but we are a happy family. My father was recently promoted as a manager for a foreign company. This story happened after he left for Dubai. Let’s talk about my mother. She generally wears a gown when she does her daily tasks. She is 5 ft 4 in, pale brown/tan skin color, with a body measurement of 34-30-35 and she, is 35 years...

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The Seduction of Kate

The Seduction of KateMy wife and I had been invited to the wedding of a distant relative of mine, I felt I had to make an effort to go and represent my side of the family, unfortunately my wife had another commitment and was unable to attend, so I had to go on my own. I had booked into the hotel where the reception was being held, when I arrived I went to my room and got changed ready to go to the church for the ceremony, as I didn’t really know many people that were there, I sat by myself in...

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The shopping trip

As I walk down the streets of the local town I spy an attractive woman casually window shopping. There is an air of mystery about her, which intrigues me, draws me in. I decide to spend some time in her company even though she is unaware of me. I observe her every move, the gentle sway of her hips as she moves from shop to shop… * Finally, she stopped outside a clothes shop and walked in. I was undecided whether to follow but my curiosity got the better of me and besides I was now under her...

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The FreshmanChapter 18 Jasons Ghosts

There was no question that Cecilia needed to talk to Jason about Heather Jones. However, that would not be until she had some time alone with him, which wouldn't be until after Thanksgiving dinner at the earliest. Thanksgiving dinner was the next hurdle everyone had to get past. Cecilia prepared herself psychologically to face the upcoming ordeal. She no longer was concerned about another fight with Jason's father. She knew that at least it was possible to talk to him in a civilized...

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I watched him pleasure himself

My most amazing sexual experience all started because of a simple act of forgetfulness. My older Brother Jamal was staying over at my place while he visited mumbai for the first time. I was so used to being a single woman that I had forgotten he was there in the morning. We had gone out drinking the night before and I guess the alcohol had me a bit cloudy. I walked out of my bedroom stark naked, as I usually do. I opened the door to the living room and the vision that greeted me left me...

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Ericas Sexual Transition 2

Mike and I continued to date for about a month after we first had sex. Our relationship changed afterward. A stronger emphasis on sex grew and I felt like I had to give myself to him whenever he wanted it. If I was not in the mood and tried to say no he would get upset. I also wanted to give sex a try because I just did not feel how great it was. All my friends were saying how sex felt great and I was bombarded with images in movies and books.Numerous times I would just go through the...

3 years ago
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My first threesome

This all happen back when AOL(lol) was the thing to have. One night i was bored a little lonely i hope on AOL and enter an adult area chat room. I started to chat with this girl lets call her Katie. Well Katie and I chatted for an hour and then agreed we should meet if i could come to pick her up which i glad agreed to do. Well on my why there she called my cell and asked me to park the car on the street and go to the back yard by what she call a hot tub(was just a little k**s pool). So when I...

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