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An ADULT female domination tale from the pen


Miss Irene Clearmont





Pink blossom

with pain

clear air.


The Room


The room had a particular scent.

Roses and fragrant apple blossom.

It hung in the air, an almost palpable bouquet that wafted with the light breeze through the paper walled room.

There was light aplenty.

The wan light of the sunset that lingered in the west over the China sea. It was a light that was yellow with that purple-grey tinge that warns of oncoming heavy rain. It clarified the air, making it fresh and clear, but that was outside. Inside it lit the room in lurid yellow that cast deep shadows over the low furniture that clustered in the centre of the room.

There was sound.

The sound of clippers trimming the hedges and trees with a slow cadence, a click that sounded every half minute or so as each cut was carefully applied and the dropping cuttings caught in the hands of the gardener. A slight susurration of the air through the gaps in the panels of wood and waxed paper and the distant trickle of a fountain that flowed many metres away.

But those delicate sounds was mixed with the laboured breathing of the man that was stretched on the low frame in the centre of the room.

He was bound and contorted.

Careful knots, lacework of rope held him immobile bent over a stanchion that supported his back while his wrists and ankles were knotted to the frame of the trestle that supported his weight. Each knot had been tied with great care in the ancient way. Designed to hold him fast, to add to the attraction of his naked body as art as well as to cause the maximum discomfort while allowing the blood to reach hands and feet without hindrance. That was as long as he strained to relieve the pressure, a battle that he was losing after just four hours on the frame that held him fast.

The highest point of his body was his hips and the erection that pointed in the air like a candle while his head was held with cords that grasped his hair and forced him to contemplate the cloth on the floor that was carefully arranged with the instruments that would soon be at the disposal of his mistress.

Around that fleshy pole that stood so arrogantly was a leather tube laced to hold him erect and impressive, because he had much to be proud of. Nine inches of substance with a purple smooth head that bulged from the leather and was tied in that groove with a fine pink ribbon that emphasized it?s dignity.

Criss-cross across thighs and back, the cheeks of his ass and his calves were the stripes from yesterday. Each welt parallel to the ropes that held him to form a lace pattern in blue and yellow that completed the decoration of the cords that bound him. perfection in art and the conception of inflicted pain.

He could close his eyes.

It was the only movement sanctioned?


The Woman


In a kimono.

Bound with light blue that signified the dignity of evening, a broad belt that swathed the wide hips and emphasized her pronounced rear with a delicate curve. Her feet were clad in silk socks that covered her calves, neatly disappearing under the hem of the kimono and a single iron ring adorned her little finger.

She knelt at a low table with her eyes closed and waited while the tea was prepared. Jasmine for evening with apple blossom to compliment the aromas that filled the room. She was at peace and enjoyed the subtle sound of the china being moved, rubbed clean and then replaced with artistic care.

She opened her eyes and watched the preparations with concentration.

The pot held just so, at an angle to compliment the breasts of the young woman who poured. The man behind, dressed in black to contrast the young slave?s rose skin and twining tattoos and the curve of the tea as it flowed in a gentle parabola that ended when the pot was smoothly levelled and replaced with the handle inclined to the mistress? hand.

The tea steamed, the cup was hot, but she picked it up between finger and thumb to sip delicately. There was slight pain in that grasp, but it made the taste of the tea all the more exquisite to her lips. A contrast of perfection of aroma, bitter fragrant savour and the heat of the crystal fluid.

A small motion dispensed with slave and guardian to leave her alone to savour the tea, the perfection of the moment and the mental preparation for what lay ahead.

She looked at the blossom, visible in the shadowed garden and felt a surge of poetic rapture. A Haiku for the moment that was now.

Pink blossom

with pain

clear air.

The poem came to her in an instant, perfect in composition, that overt contrast of beauty, agony and the ambience of the evening that darkened around her.

A slave came bearing a single candle lantern and placed it discretely in the corner. The lamplight flickered and then steadied and the mistress decided what would be her pleasure tonight. A choice of gratification awaited, but she was in no hurry.

Time was also to be savoured.

She stood.

The female slave by the lantern emerged from the shadows and bowed to her mistress before prostrating herself on the hard ebony floor and kissing her feet lightly. Three kisses on each toe and one on each ankle to bring good fortune in the night?s pleasures.

All was perfect.

The slave started to disrobe her mistress. Piece by piece, each folded carefully she undressed the woman who could mandate life or a painful death. No ceremonial was forgotten, there was a bow for each carefully folded piece of stiff cloth and finally the yellow socks were slipped off those heavy feet.

When mistress was disrobed fully, the slave kissed each nipple on the pendulous breasts and then planted a small kiss between the rounded thighs. The scent of passion was wrapped in that triangle of clipped hair and its origin, the oozing passion was delicately licked clear to finish the rite.

She bowed and waited until mistress waved her from the room and she backed carefully into the shadows marvelling at the erotically entrancing revealed opulence of mistress? corpulent body.

Heavy breasts that hung like ripe fruit, thighs the width of the servant?s waist and smooth waves of flesh that moved as she breathed.

A goddess in truth, a divinity of sexual pain incarnate.


The Commencement


He heard the footfall, a slight creak of the boards in the floor, but she was out of his sight. He knew that she would take her pleasure for this evening and then retire. It would be a slow process, mandated by her need and the self-control that she had showed the last two nights.

His vision was fixed on that cloth and the objects that she would choose from.

The short canes, bamboo and stiff with small iron rings around the knots of its form. Plain bamboo, those he had experienced, lightly used last time, but savage if used sternly. The carved wooden prods. Each the shape of a gnarled prick in sizes that went from the thickness of a little finger to the breadth of his arm. Those, he had not tasted the use of. Then there were the whips. A western tool of agony that lay curled in sinister sleeping serpents. He could see the glisten of the metal beads that adorned the final strands of their tails. Finally was a box that hid its contents from his eyes. What was within was a mystery, but he dreaded it being opened and the contents being revealed.

He felt a strong hand on his skin.

It smoothed over his waxed chest and then made its way to the leather bound erection that stood waiting to be teased. It was at once threatening and erotic. A touch of gentleness before the storm of her loving that would tear him apart.

Mistress muttered words in Japanese that he did not understand and then gently untied the leather restraint with exaggerated care. Lace by lace until it stood naked with just a steel ring embedded deep around its base. This, he knew, was preparation, a heady touch that would soon turn to agony.


A hand came within his vision.

It seemed uncertain which tool it would pick first. Playing its fingertips over the grotesque phalluses that threatened with static bulk. Finally the hand settled on the second largest one and picked it up and out of his field of vision.

The gag in his mouth did not stop him sounding his fear it just stole the words from his throat and made them gasps and grunts that ensured that he was nothing but the man-animal that would suffer for her pleasure.

Mistress did not appreciate allowing pleading and speaking!

A pulling in his ankles, upward and outward stretched his joints to their limit as Mistress allowed herself access to his rear. The ropes creaked, the knots shifted a little and in moments he was ready for her enjoyment.

She spoke a command in Japanese.

A command or a warning?

He felt a finger run down his back; it traced the course of his spine to pause slightly at the crease of the valley that led to her objective. It stopped just short of touching the bud of his sphincter as her hand held him slightly open while she placed the intruder ready to violate him.

The first push, when it came, was almost gentle.

She knew that he was virgin, that this was the first time that he had ever been breached and permanent damage was not her object, at this moment in time. That would come on another night, when the storm of reckless craving would constrain her to outrage, but tonight was not yet that time. Tonight was a darkness that required art and pain for pleasure and not the longing to extinguish her restrained and constricted creature.

It entered and it stretched him to his limit, just as she had intended.

The discomfort would be the sensual background to the agony of punishment.

A humiliation and degradation that would fill his mind with suffering and mortification.

Slowly, with twisting movements, Mistress pushed the penetrating wooden prick home until just the broad stopper and the groove in the form fixed it in place. The man who had just been violated moaned with the distress and Mistress cooed soothingly as she returned his ankles downward to close his thighs and increase the pressure.

He whimpered with anguish and she felt herself reach that elevated state, that golden place that had to be achieved before she could begin to satisfy her lust to master this foreigner whom she had paid so much to devastate. Drool dripped from his open mouth and splattered on the floor.

Mistress inspected it and smiled.

Her finger entered the gag and ran over his tongue.

A touch of erotic comfort with sinister overtones.

There was so much yet to enjoy, so many challenges that her poor little creature had yet to experience and discover at her hands, she thought to herself as her fingers ran over the teeth and tongue that obstructed true, unprotected access to his mouth. She could feel all that expensive bridgework and artistic capping and wondered what the expert who had engineered that handiwork would think if her could see how she would demolish it all. Surely her victim had been a man in high estate to afford such work. All the sweeter then, to reduce him to an animal of impulse, pain and terror. Her hand moved over the stricken animal?s face and savoured the smooth skin that had yet to receive the attention of the tattooist?s needle.

She looked down at the tools at her disposal and watched the way that the man?s eyes moved to watch her hungry slit. As a drop of clear liquid dripped he watched it fall out of sight with a flicker of his eyes and moaned in anguish. Mistress was minded to compose another poem, but it took contemplation and calm, both of which were not now in her grasp.

This was all about her moment of gratification.

But a transient moment of pleasure for her, an ending and calamity for him. He would pay for the rest of his short life for this, her passing instant of sweet carnality.

She bent and her fingers brushed every object on the cloth as she watched his expression to see which item he feared the most. Of the canes and whips, it was the banded cane that most distressed him and she lingered there a moment to ensure that her instinct was accurate.

The box of pincers and irons, needles and knives was an unknown to him and she decided to allow him a brief preview. Fear was such a nurturer of anguish, it would be exquisite to linger over the possibilities of future encounters to instil true horror, before she took her pleasure and finished with a finale that would create the perfect balance and harmony that Mistress needed to be able to climax fully.

Her hand opened the box and tipped it to allow him to see the racks of needles and the pincers that he would come to fear as nothing else in the box. She bent to put her face close to him and smiled before opening her mouth and touching her teeth with a gentle fingertip. Then she took the pincers with their clawed grips and rotated them to allow him to see all their possibilities.

He cried out in trauma and a skein of saliva escaped his mouth as his own tongue caressed his teeth.

He knew now what was in store, he just did not know when it would happen, that was the perfection.

Tomorrow his fear would show that the box was the confirmed terror in his mind?

She carefully replaced the pincers and smiled before she chose the banded cane. Last night the pain had been administered with a straight bamboo switch, tonight he would savour the delights of the weighted cane and scream as never before.

Mistress stood and weighed the cane in her hands. She had used it many times before and loved its weight and potential. She regarded the prick and placed its location in her mind before closing her eyes and delivering the first blow across his groin, missing that stiff flesh by a hair?s breadth.

Such refined skill in the use of the punishment cane.

Mistress was rewarded by a scream that rent the still of the room with its violence and animal wail. For a moment there was no sign and then the red and blue appeared. A line punctuated by the deeper round bruises of the rough iron rings that punctuated the cane.

She could almost smell the fear and pain mingle in the air as she mounted him.

The Kanji come to life.

Ropes creaked, the wood of the frame that held him groaned as she bent him out of shape to sit on his thighs facing his feet. Sitting on the newest welt with his prick standing before her groin and open cunt she was an almost unbearable weight that pressed the wooden intruder deep into him and forced his hips to bend to their limit.

Two more sharp blows!

Each perfectly placed to leave a stripe along each thigh. Then she moved. He was still crying, sobs racked his body as Mistress allowed him entry into her with a slow lowering of her hips until the ring around his cock pressed into her open pussy, pushing against her exposed clitoris, the position that she had chosen for her pleasure.

His last ever complete fuck.

Or perhaps just the last where he was complete!

Every grind of her weight forced her partner to be fucked deeper in the rear, every twist of her hips as she ground against him, caused tremors of agony as his joints flexed and his back was bent over the stanchion that held them both.

He cried out in agony as Mistress experienced her first delectable orgasm.


She ran the cane through her fingers, enjoying the feel of the cold metal and ridged bamboo before reaching down and tapping the exposed balls of her lover with short taps that brought his hips into motion to thrust ever deeper into her despite the weight that he was bearing. His cries, staccato and filled with sobs and choking coughs of breathless fear and agony filled her with renewed lust and she allowed herself acquiescence to punish him harder to give her a second preparatory climax.

Sheer pleasure filled her as her own cries of delight created sweet melody in her floating mind. Her tenor and his contralto, his gasps and her moans, the creak of the frame and the shudders that fought helplessly against the ropes that bit his body.

Poetry and sex, music and suffering combining so artfully towards a culmination as Mistress used the cane as it was meant to be used and punished his thighs with a series of blows that turned her fuck- toy to quivering spasms that took even his breath away.

Mistress orgasmed again and helped herself to climax with slow delicate strokes of her fingers.

She dropped the cane with a clatter and grasped his balls for the final round.

Nails bit him, scratched and scored him, long nails sharpened to points that slashed the soft skin of his inner thighs until she was sated and gasping with the gratification that only his anguish could satisfy.

It was still, finally there was quiet and just the sobs and the rasp of the breeze through the partitions could be heard. Mistress licked the blood from her nails and felt complete. Elated with the man that she had bought from the kidnappers that operated from the slums of Osaka.

Mistress could see her handiwork in the flickering of the candle, the Kanji characters that scored his thighs, the brutal knotted marks of the cane and the sticky flow of her own sweet juices that glistened on his balls and prick.

Sheer delight in the moonlit shadows.

In her head she too the time to compose a poem to commemorate her second night of passion with this sensitive partner. Now was the moment of breathless calm after the small storm of her passion.

A delicate Haiku to celebrate her sensuality.


of sobs

passion?s lust.

Not perfect, but surely the start of a beautiful few days that she looked forward to with self-indulgent anticipation.

Tomorrow would bring the white heat of the branding iron and another sweet series of climaxes that would be so very blissful as she moved towards the night when she would render him down to pure fear and agony with consummate skill. Tomorrow he would come just a little closer to the contents of the box as she showed him the endless possibilities of its contents. Fear, the mind killer, would fill his days while she would realise that terror each evening and gorge on his vigour until he was rendered down to pure agony.


The End Game



When Mistress was finished he would be soft and ready to be bought by the Yakusa thugs who ran the corrupt brothels in Osaka. They were civilised, yes, so very refined!

They knew how to give ecstasy and pleasure for a little contribution, for those that could afford the high price? The Western savage would be tattooed by Mistress to raise his price; he would be used by those sophisticated men who liked Western men as fuck-dolls, before he was finally consigned to shadowy infernos that even Mistress could not imagine.

But, for now, she felt so very generous towards her lover. He must be so parched after all that joy?

He would be permitted to drink from her and then he would be prepared for tomorrow night?s love.

An honour that few were lucky enough to enjoy.

Mistress alighted.


Petal torn


broken bloom.


The End



Miss Irene Clearmont can be contacted at:

[email protected]

Her Website is at:


Her publisher is at:


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My husband and I have an arrangement that seems to be different than any we have read about. It started about a year ago when we were talking about getting more excitement in our sex life. We are in our early thirties and have been married about 10 years with no children. Both of us are fairly average looking and had a few lovers before we met. After trying the usual fantasies during sex and doing it in different places and positions, we were running out of ideas. I was sort of complaining to...

2 years ago
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A Broken Heart Gets Mended

The sun had already begun to warm. There was not another soul in sight, except for one fishing boat, way off the shore. This is Mauritius, one of the most beautiful places in the world. I should be feeling ecstatic to be in a place like this. ........... The tears rolled down my cheeks, as I sniffled. It wasn’t fair, why had she dumped me? What had I done wrong? The thoughts tumbled through my mind. I came to a fallen coconut tree, collapsed down onto it, and wept. My body shook, my grief...

3 years ago
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Moguls Creepin Background

Travis Jackson was a maintenance worker at a ball bearing plant. The handsome dark-skinned man had been married to Sheila since he was thirty. That had been eight years. They had a daughter, McKenna, together. His wife also had two sons from previous relationships. The oldest, Drake, was a thug and in and out of jail. The other, Sirvaughn, was a star basketball player with a chance to hoop at a Ju-Co in Illinois. His wife was in the shower as he texted his coworker Parris.Parris Lawrence was...

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Julie a Willing MotherChapter 4

Before dinner time her husband phoned, "Sorry dear, I'll be a little late. I'm going out for dinner with Mr. More. You and the boys eat first... don't wait for me." "Alright, Brad." "One more thing... I'll come and decide what you can wear for tonight." "Meanwhile, can I wear something exciting for the boys to see?" "Of course... what have you in mind?" "How about the halter and half-cut-off shorts that you used to like years ago?" "Great! That will be fine for now......

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RECAP: I’m staying with my Mom’s Best friend while she’s away on vacation, and we’ve ended up in a strange sexual relationship which is in jeopardy of being exposed by her shrewish bitch of a daughter … Tina, my Arch-enemy of sorts.“GET YOUR FUCKING CLOTHES ON BOY!! IT’S MY DAUGHTER TINA!!”I’m jarred out of a blissful sleep by Etta’s...

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Taffeta Torment VII

George felt nervous. He was sweating as he walked up the drive to the Taffeta Torment mansion. He felt all alone but most of all he felt ashamed. Since what he thought would be his perfect marriage to Margaret, she had hardly deigned to speak to him. At least before they had common interests in opera, theatre and the cinema and how George loved it when she made the effort to dress for the occasion. Once, when they were attending a Puccini opera at the local theatre, she had knocked him...

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MEMORIES 10 Subby Solagge1

First seven sexy MEMORIES were letters from readers ranging from soft stuff to tough treatsAll were very well read - between 4.000 and 7.000 times, and got lots of likes and commentsLast three are my private MEMORIES of friends from here visiting me in old AmsterdamThese last one are extremely well read: between 6.000 and 10.000 at the moment I writeLike this one of sexy Solagge, which started out as a fantasy fuck of old friendsA sexy story aiming at getting her wet and hot, rubbing off as she...

2 years ago
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Saturday Morning

Oh, what a dream! I knew I was dreaming because I could feel the cool, crisp sheets and the fluffy pillow under my head. Someone was softly caressing my body. I could feel the small hand working its way across my chest, down to my belly and played around the top edge of my boxers. The soft hand carefully moved on top of the material until it found my cock. I twisted around in the bed until I was more comfortable and thought to myself,’ Please , God, don’t let me wake up until this dream is...

3 years ago
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In Loco ParentisChapter 27

Being able to go to the school and watch the pageant practice brought home the differences for Joyce Jenkins. The play had been a disaster. Lines had been forgotten, a few times the little actors bumped into each other. Oohs and aahs from the observing families punctuated the action. Joyce had parleyed the school visit into an afternoon off. The midwives wanted her to come into the birthing center to have her check up using the birthing med tube. They claimed it was to familiarize her with...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 60 Dave and Julia

August, 1985, Chicago, Illinois On Monday, Mario Gage arrived for his first day of work and sat in on our staff meeting. Julia reminded everyone that she and Dave would be gone for their wedding and honeymoon from the 8th until the 22nd, and that in the interim that I would be running things. I got some good natured ribbing about not letting the company go down the tubes, but we had our laughs and carried on. When that meeting ended, Dave pulled Dany, Penny, and me into a short development...

1 year ago
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The London Underground

Jon sprung yet another surprise on me when he came home from work one Tuesday night and told me that he had a business meeting in London the next day. He'd decided to take me to London with him and leave me to fend for myself while he went to the meeting, but have a bit of fun with me before and afterwards. We quickly packed a bag and caught the 7 something train. The journey down wasn't anything special and there were very few people on the train. Jon had booked us into the Regent Palace...

1 year ago
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Naught Good

I tried to keep the inflection out of my voice as I said goodbye, but he caught it anyway. Something about my tone or my expression, body language—whatever. My composure amazed me as I watched my stoic self from a distant emotional perch. I promised that self, that hurt and angry woman, ample time to deal with the raw feelings later. Alone. At that moment, I simply wanted to get the hell out of there before things went from bad to worse. I almost made it, too, but in the split second between...

4 years ago
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Something Old Something NewChapter 7

Right before Clarissa’s eyes, the dog that she had known since the family adopted him, grows far larger than he should be. What she sees before her is not a tall what she expected, and sitting between his strong thighs is that red tool that has brought so much fun and satisfaction and the two sisters together. It is leaking precum like crazy with his anticipation. “Wow...” Clarissa breathes. “Can he talk too?” “That’s the unfortunate thing, he can’t,” Jewel confirms. “But with that big dick...

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In Peters Arms Ch10

One night I was at my house taking a shower when my father knocked on the bathroom door and came in. I told him I was taking a shower and ignored him. The next minute I heard him getting in the shower with me. I was about to scream when he covered my mouth with his hand and yanked on my ginger hair. "Be quiet," he hissed. I sobbed quietly as his hand drifted down to my breasts. His finger circled my nipple, and he could tell it wasn't becoming erect. That just angered him, so he...

2 years ago
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Interessante Autofahrt nach Hause

Übers Wochenende waren wir Freunde und Bekannte besuchen, die weiter weg wohnen. Es waren schöne, gemütliche und lustige Abende. Gestern war noch länger als geplant und so sitzen wir heut morgen im Auto, lauschen der Musik und schweigen. Du siehst mich von der Seite an, kurz aber intensiv. So durchdringend, dass ich es spüre und meinen Kopf zu dir drehe. Ich hebe eine Braue. Du schmunzelst, siehst zurück auf die Straße und sagst: "Ich bin geil." So simpel, so wirksam. Doch statt mich...

3 years ago
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Danielles New Life

Danielle's New Life By Scott Wilson My name is Danielle Patricia Ricci. I live just outside Milan, Italy with my husband Carlo and our two daughters, Maria (5) and Sophia (3). Carlo and I have a small, but high end, fashion design house. We sell our fashion designs all over the world, to some of the most exclusive fashion houses. My story actually starts much earlier. I was born on July 6, 1990, as Daniel Patrick Murphy, to my parents John and Susan Murphy. I was named after Daniel...

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The Century ClubChapter 4

At Julie's home the trap had been set and everyone was in place. The five schemers were dressed appropriately, scanty and sexily. They wanted to set the mood to entice and lure Lolita into committing herself not only to the Century Club, but to humiliation beyond her wildest wet dreams. Two of the girls would be upstairs acting as Lolita's escorts to bring the 14 year-old down into the rec room where the other three Club Sisters would be lying in wait. Timing was everything to pull this...

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Bi foursome

We had a bi black couple Samantha and Ben over last night. She is about 4'5 200 lbs huge tits very dark skin hairy pussy. He is about 6'1 220 lbs light skin 8 in cock thick. We talked and had some drinks and flirted. After a few drinks me and his wife went to the bed room while my wife and him made out on the couch, we made out and felt each other for a while she was so wet I had 2 fingers in her while she stroked my cock n sucked my tounge. I moved to her tits nod sucked on her big nipples,...

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Incessantly Incestant Son

Insidiously & insisting, inserting insinuously my member, I seduced mother and made her my incestuous mistress! by Oediplex 8==3~ Would mother kick me out of bed? It is an early June morning, 1973, in Connecticut. I am home from graduate school, for several weeks now. My sister is living in Boston. My father is on a business trip this week. A lazy Tuesday morning, my mother is still in bed, it's only seven thirty. She and I are the only ones in the house. I have decided it...

1 year ago
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Sophomore Summer Kickoff Party

This was going to be a blowout to start the summer. I invited everyone. My friends, their friends, pretty much anyone who wanted to come was welcome. I had recently broken up with my girlfriend of most of freshman year, so naturally I encouraged all my female friends to bring all of their female friends as well, and they did! There would be other guys there too of course, all my friends from the gym and such, but as far as I was concerned, this was going to be a summer buffet just for...

4 years ago
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fluky dogs Part 01 Perfect Plan Gone Wrong by Mogrim

[Chapter 1] Bill, Haas and Kenny are closest of friends. Bill and Haas both are 21, Kenny is one year younger. None of them were any good at studies. They always came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in school, if you count from behind. It’s no wonder, none of them made their way to a college/university and none of their parents wanted to invest any big money on their education. These days Bill works with his father in his hardware store. Kenny and Haas both worked in a restaurant till the week before. They...

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Mind Control 101

I was 21 and just entering my fourth year of college, a dull prospect I'm sure. I have been a Sociology Major so that I could advance in a failing drug and alcohol counseling company. I will tell you though, my real interest was learning how to get people to do anything I wanted them to do. Take Tara Jones for example, a cute little cheerleader that had no time for any male that wasn't a jock. She has DD+ tits and a nice round, plump ass. God, What I would make that girl do! I digress, because...

Mind Control
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Daddy Urges 3

Words spoken by Jenna's mom as I walked into our bedroom. Fear erupted in me with a mixture of confusion, mother and daughter had previously had a conversation. Jenna had smiled at me as we past each other on the stairs so I was caught off guard by my wife request. "She told me she had a great weekend, especially on Friday night." said my wife. "That's great, I am glad she did!" "Did you have anything to do with it?" Alice said. That was a loaded question I thought. "What...

2 years ago
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Sissy Emma is Turned Chapter 7

Steve unlocked me from the cage and handed me over to Master. I went to wipe Steve's cum from off my face but was told to leave it.'So Sissy that's 3 serious demerits you've earned for that little escape attempt. I warned you not to mess with me but you just couldn't help yourself could you?'No Master' I said sheepishly.'Right well get yourself home and learn to follow orders' he said. 'I want you to have an early night and watch the videos I have given you on your ipad. And don't forget to...

3 years ago
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Waylaid Business Trip

My boss stuck his head in the door and told me to pack my bags. Sales had hooked a big fish and wanted someone from Tech Services to come to the final pitch to answer all of 'those' questions. Apparently it was my turn and no amount to complaining was going to get me out of it. The sales team were insisting on leaving in the afternoon so that they could have the evening to cram and prepare. I arrived at the parking lot in a tie with matching socks, which was a first for me, and met the...

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Shooting the MoonChapter 5

We were busy thinking up various plans or possible scenarios for revenge against Arlen and against Dana’s mother when I got a call from Ruth, and her voice was not happy at all. In fact, I could hear the sobs and I guessed the reason before she could speak it. There was only one possible reason that occurred to me for her being sad all of the sudden. It was her father and the news wasn’t good. “Ruthie, dear, what’s the matter?” I asked her, not giving up the game just yet, but I already knew...

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Selena and JoeChapter 28

The weeks of the lovers Summer of Love seemed to whistle by. From the moment Selena finished her last exam she melted into the cozy confines of co-habitant living. After a few weeks it seemed that had always lived together with life going on like a well-rehearsed symphony. Most days were spent with mornings devoted to the business of investments and sharing household chores. Many of the afternoons were packed lunches and off to local parks and beaches for picnics, and sometimes the rest of...

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Rest Area Encounter

It was Thursday night and I was driving back from New York City to Harrisburg, PA. For those of you who have taken this route through Pennsylvania, you know how boring it can get. When I'm trying to stay awake on this stretch of road I drink a lot of coffee and think about sex. That night I was thinking about what to tell Diane when I saw her the next evening. Diane is my girlfriend who I am thinking about popping the question to. One of the reasons we work so well together is we are totally...

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New Beginnings Pt 3 Ch 10

Béla, surprisingly, had been one of the last to arrive, having spent the last three hours in attendance with her old friend, the Great Bard Geoffrey and his wife, Terri. She had wanted to introduce them to her own lifemate, but he had been shepherded into the dining hall by Annalisa only moments before her own arrival. Béla smiled, seeing him seated next to her empty chair and looked around to see who else was in attendance. As she gazed raptly around the hall, she realized that all of...

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I gave my Daughter up

The wife and I were on holiday and we love to share with the BBC but this holiday we took the daughter so we decided to keep ourselves to ourselves!. we went to a resort in Jamaica where you stay on site and all you need is on your door step. the wife Sue was on the beach with the daughter Jane and Sue is a big girl all parts of her are big, Jane is a chunk as well she is a size 16 and has a great body with big tits, Sue came back to the hotel where I was chilling round the pool with a lad I...

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Stolen Chances On A State Bus

My married life is going thru lot of stress recently. I am 35 yrs old, fair, educated & middle-class working woman married to an Accountant 9 yrs ago. Lately, I have been feeling that my husband was spending less time at home due to secret rendezvouses. Like all middle-class women, I was feeling trapped between my values & inner desire. I was feeling lonely & ignored, but my middle-class values were preventing me to stray out of my marriage & start an affair, which could break my family. And...

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A Sub Boy Meets His Dom

A Sub Boy Meets His Dom By Datdagen Chapter 1 - Master D The day the third and final package arrived was easily the most long anticipated of Eric's life.  The package was about the size of a suitcase, quite a bit larger than the others had been.  He had no idea what it would contain, but he did know what its arrival meant.  Tonight he would finally meet Master D.  Tonight he would be dominated and ravaged in ways he had never known before.  Tonight he would feel the hot spray of his Master's...

4 years ago
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Campus Life Slut WeekChapter 2

Wow, thought Brooke Cavanaugh to herself; it's Sunday afternoon and I'm really back at the Sigma Lambda Tau House. She had spotted Trevor's large shoes among the clothing hanging in the first of the ornate hardwood lockers she had tried before finding one that was empty for her to use. So her assigned roommate for this week was already back as well. Brooke had undressed completely and placed every stitch of her clothing in one of the empty lockers with the ornately decorated wooden doors,...

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