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Where do I start, I'm not sure? Maybe by explaining that I was away at one of those damned seminars on environmentally-friendly disposal of industrial waste. We're talking a few years ago now, before what could be described as the environmental revolution — or re-evaluation - that's overtaken the world. I can't say that I was particularly enamoured to have been picked-out by my boss to look into our company's waste policies, and generally clean up the company's act in that area.

However, I can't say that I had objected to either kudos I'd gained by the promotion amongst my fellow workers, or raise in pay. The travelling involved — around all the company's different plants — was turning out to be a real pain in the arse though.

Much to my surprise, Maureen took my sudden need to travel in my job in good heart. She understood that it wouldn't be for very long and agreed that - with two young children and a mortgage to pay - the extra cash coming in would prove very useful to us. There were the odd times when she'd have a little gripe but they weren't very often.

Actually I got to enjoy my trips away ... well not so much the trips away, but the coming home again. The kids would be over the moon on my return, and Maureen would try to love me to death on the night of my return and for several nights — well we couldn't behave like that whilst the children were up, could we — after my return.

I must admit that I thought my three or four nights away every week, had given Maureen's libido a bit of a boost. As it does after children - in our case twin girls born within two years of our wedding - come along, our sex life had fallen into a bit of a rut. Even more so after she'd gone back to work (part time) when the girls' started school; we'd been a bit strapped for cash and living a little close — or maybe a little beyond — our means for a while there. So, the moment she got the chance, Maureen went out to see her old employer and then went back working for them on a part time basis. As the children got older, she'd increased her hours until she was almost working full time again.

I can't say that I very much liked idea of Maureen going back working for Norman Coolidge again. But Maureen had a gregarious nature and she hadn't enjoyed being cooped up in the house so much whilst the twins were little.

Oh, Norman Coolidge was all right — well, I thought he was at the time — but his wife when we met her on the odd social occasion — Norman and Greta had both been at our wedding — well, she always struck me as a bit of a weirdo. You know, she always had a strange look about her eyes, kind of unsettled me some. Whatever, Greta Coolidge didn't actually work for the company and from what Maureen told me I gathered she rarely visited the office. Maureen knew her old job well and really enjoyed working with the other girls.

Anyway, that was the state of play, when I went to that five-day seminar in Manchester. I've got to admit that for the most of it I was bored to tears. I'd actually met most of the people giving the presentations and discussed in person with them what they were trying to put over. But there were a couple that were of some interest to me.

It was late that night and I was sitting in one of the lounges discussing the relative merits of different boiler exhaust sulphur scrubbing systems with a couple of guys I'd got to know quite well over the previous year or so when one of them suddenly pointed that the bell boy was wandering around calling out that there was a message for me. You know the sort of thing the lad was apparently touring the public rooms trying to say "Message for Mr Broom!" loud enough to be heard but not too loud as to disturb everyone else.

"Here!" My friend called out and pointed to me.

"There's an urgent message for you at reception, Mr Broom." The young lad said when he reached our table and then he stood there expectantly.

I slipped fifty pence — can I help it if I'm a cheapskate - into his hand and then, telling the guys I'd be back soon, I headed out of the lounge. I figured that Maureen, who for some reason hadn't been in the house when I called earlier, was returning my nightly call home.

It was as I approached the desk, that I began to get a bad feeling in my stomach. Standing nearby waiting a little impatiently — or they were looking uncomfortable about being there anyway - were two police officers.

"Broom room 268. You have a message for me?" I said to the young woman stood behind the desk.

As I feared that she was going to do, she took a quick glance towards the two uniformed police officers and then said. "These gentlemen would like a word with you sir!"

My heart sank further, remember Maureen hadn't been home when I'd called and now there were two policemen at the hotel looking for me. I instantly assumed there'd been an accident of some kind and I feared for Maureen and the children.

"Would you mind coming with us sir?" One of the officers said. Immediately heading off towards the managers office.

I followed without answering, dreading what they were going to tell me once we got inside.

As we walked into the office, the manager himself left, closing the door behind him.

"Would you like to take a seat sir?" the first officer said.

"I don't think so; I'd rather know what it is you are putting off saying if you don't mind. Has there been an accident or something? Are my wife and children all right?"

"Your children are fine sir, as far as we know. But I do think you should sit down." The officer replied, physically guiding me towards a chair as he spoke.

Why is it that people think you needed to be seated to receive bad news? Well, he'd said the children were fine; that could only mean that Maureen wasn't, and that she had been involved in some sort of an accident, couldn't it.

"I'm afraid we have to inform you that your wife is in hospital sir. She has sustained some serious injuries and we believe she is being operated on as we speak. The Met has asked us to inform you that you should return to London immediately."

"What sort of injuries; how seriously hurt is she?" I demanded, jumping up from the seat that I'd unconsciously taken.

"We don't have the details sir, other than that your wife is apparently suffering from several bullet wounds."

"Bullet wounds ... what, are you telling me, that she's been shot?" I demanded.

"Apparently so, sir!" The officer replied.

"How? Why?" I said, really not believing what the officer was saying.

"I'm afraid we aren't aware of the circumstances, sir. The Met just asked us to find you, and assist you in getting back to London as soon as possible. There are police cars and drivers waiting to escort you all the way to the hospital sir."

"My children?" I asked.

"They are safe and well, sir, of that one fact I can assure you. I'm sure that the Met officers will have all that in hand. Now, we'd better get moving, there was a distinct sense of urgency in the Met's request." The officer said as he opened the door.

Things certainly got hectic after that, we left the manager's office to be met by a female police officer and one of the hotel staff carrying my bags; it was explained that they'd packed my stuff for me. Then I was bundled into a police car and driven at breakneck speed to somewhere where a helicopter was waiting. I learnt later that the chopper had been laid on by my employers, after the police had got in touch with them asking about my whereabouts.

I'm not sure where the chopper landed in London. But wherever it was, a limousine (also laid on by my employers) was waiting and under police escort I was rushed to the hospital and up to the intensive care unit; where I found an unconscious and very pale looking Maureen hooked up to all the paraphernalia we are so familiar with from all those TV hospital programs. Even down to the beep, beep, beep of the heart rate monitor.

I think it was a doctor who told me that they thought Maureen was going to make it, only not in those words of course. He told me she had sustained six bullet wounds, four that he said had only caused minor injury; but two more that - but for the fact that a Hems unit had been in the vicinity - would most likely have proved fatal.

I'm not sure how long it was that I sat there staring at Maureen's inert body, whilst listening to the incessant beeping of the machines and holding her hand, before a nurse came over and told that there was a police officer waiting who wished to speak to me.

As soon as the officer had introduced himself as Detective Sergeant Sharp, I asked him what had happened.

"I'm afraid that we don't really know, sir." He replied. "About three this afternoon, a neighbour of yours heard some shouting out in the street, followed by what he correctly assumed were a series of gunshots, and then the sound of tires screeching as a car drove away. When he went outside to investigate, he found your wife lying in the road at the rear of her car; he quickly ascertained that she had been shot. Although several other people heard the gun shots no one actually saw who fired them."

"Where did this happen?" I asked.

"Outside your house, sir. We believe that your wife had just returned home and that she was getting something from the boot of her car. Apparently another car pulled up and after a heated exchange someone in that car shot your wife; we believe from the driver's seat."

"But why?" I asked.

That's what we are trying to ascertain now, sir. At the moment, we don't know if it was a random drive by shooting; a road rage incident that got completely out of hand, or if she was targeted for some reason. Have you or your wife got any enemies who would possibly want to harm her?"

"Not that I'm aware of, Sergeant. We're just your average suburban family. You know, two kids and struggling to make ends meet."

"So there's no problems in the family?" He asked.

"What do you mean by that?" I demanded.

"You and your wife are happy, sir! No ... er, interests out side the home."

"Of course not, Maureen and I have been happily married for fourteen years."

"And you've never..."

"How dare you, of course I haven't! I'm a happily married man with two wonderful little girls."

"I'm sorry, sir, but we have to ask these questions, it's our job. And your wife, to your knowledge she's as happy with the status quo as you are?"

"What the hell do you mean by that?" I demanded.

He could obviously see the angry expression on my face.

"I'm sorry, sir, but these are questions that we have to ask. Someone has seen fit to try to murder your wife. It's our job to find out who and why, and that means we have to ask a lot of unpleasant questions. I don't enjoy asking questions like this, but I have my duty to perform!"

"Well do your bloody duty and find out what nutter shot my wife, but I can assure you that Maureen and I are happy in our marriage." I replied and at that the officer appeared to be satisfied.

Only he wasn't of course, what policeman takes your word for anything? Over the following weeks and months, I learnt that Detective Sergeant Sharp takes no one's word about anything. But I'll get back to that later.

When I asked him about my children, the Sergeant told me that my sister-in-law, Annie and a WPC were at my house looking after them. It was only after the doctor assured me that Maureen was stable and in no danger of dying on me, that I agreed to go home and see them.

The children took it much better than I expected. They'd been worried of course when the police collected them from school that day, but once Annie came on the scene they'd calmed down a lot. Of course, they were never told how close to death Maureen had been, just that she'd had an accident and was in hospital. It didn't take them long to put two and two together once the shooting was reported on TV though; what with all the reporters hanging around near the house. Eventually we moved them to Annie's house and they stayed there for two months, until Maureen — after several operations - was eventually released from hospital.

When I — and the police I suppose — asked Maureen, she told us that she had no recollection of the day she had been shot at all. She definitely could not understand why she'd taken that particular afternoon off work and been arriving home at the time of day she did. Usually Maureen left her office just in time to collect the girls from school.

The only explanation we could come up with was that she'd gone shopping that day. However, no one could work out what she had gone to buy, as there was nothing in the boot of the car when we looked. Although at one time one police officer did hazard the theory that maybe the person who attacked Maureen was a mugger. He put forward the idea that she had been shot for whatever she was removing from the boot of the car. I'm not sure whether DS Sharp ran with that idea though; he appeared to me to be spending all of his time investigating me.

As the weeks turned into months, it slowly got back to me that DS Sharp had interviewed just about everyone I'd ever spoken to, down as far as the cashier in the garage where I usually fill-up with petrol, and every damned regulars at our local pub. That's not counting every employee where I worked and the staff at all the plants I was charged with looking after; even the guys I'd been chatting with in Manchester, the night I'd been told Maureen had been shot.

We also learnt that he did the same with all Maureen's acquaintances, our neighbours and the people who worked in her office. Not that Maureen ever went back to work there, but some of her friends from the office turned up at the hospital and visited her a few times at home, once she'd been released.

I also gathered that the police — I assume in the person of one DS Sharp — on occasions visited the house when I was at work, to ask Maureen whether she'd managed to recall anything about that day. Sometimes Maureen told me he'd called in that day, but other visits I learnt about - through hearsay - from the neighbours.

After what DS Sharp had said to me about checking everything - and having no cause to be worried personally - I felt no real animosity towards him about his poking around our private life. Although I did get uppity with him a few times, because I thought his time could be better served elsewhere, finding out who had shot Maureen. Yeah, I took to calling and bugging the guy on a regular basis for about a year or so.

For some inexplicable reason, Maureen showed little or no interest in the investigation, insisting that she'd rather try to forget that it had ever happened. Although her reluctance to go out of the house on her own or return to work, lead me to believe that the shooting had had a far bigger impact on her psyche than she admitted.

After about a year DS Sharpe informed me that the investigation was being wound down. Although he wouldn't say, I got the distinct feeling that he knew - or at least suspected he knew - who had shot Maureen, and I suppose why. But, he also hinted that he had no evidence he could make an arrest on.

I did try to discuss the shooting with Maureen on several occasions, but with little avail. As I have said, Maureen appeared to wish to put all thought of the incident out of her mind.

After about two years went by and Maureen had completely recovered physically from the shooting, if not mentally; she would almost never go out of the house on her own. The children, her sister Annie or I, had to go with her even just to buy a pint of milk from the local shop.

I think it is possible that my worries about her mental condition, had led to me not pushing the subject of the shooting.

Our love life - that had been somewhat curtailed by one of her injuries - returned to about what it had been when the children were young. Although I'll add that after the shooting, I'd refused to travel very much — if at all — for my job. The odd time I did go away, well, eventually Maureen got back to welcoming me home as she had done; although maybe without as much enthusiasm on Maureen's part as I remembered.

Another five years had gone past and our two girls were by then off at university, when everything fell apart. Maureen was home everyday on her own and I had begun to worry about her. When she was younger, she'd been a people's person; I had been worried about her mental condition since the shooting and I couldn't see that being alone in the house all day, everyday, was going to do her any good. But she adamantly refused to go out and find herself another job, even a little part time one.

Then one day I'd just got back from lunch when yet another policeman came into my office to see me. No matter how he tried to hide it, I knew from the expression on his face that he was not the bearer of good tidings; remember I'd seen that expression on a policeman's face before.

"I'm afraid that your wife's had an accident, sir." He explained.

"What kind of an accident? How bad is she injured and where is she now?" I demanded, grabbing my coat.

I'd been there before and was not interested in the niceties of life; I wanted the facts so I could get to the hospital as soon as possible.

"She was pulled out of the Thames near the Albert Bridge about an hour ago, sir."

He was still telling me what hospital Maureen was in, as I raced out of the room. No police escort this time as I raced through the London traffic, paying scant attention to traffic laws or speed limits. It surprised me to learn later that I hadn't been caught by any of the speed camera's I'd raced by. Although it's quite possible that a certain police officer had fixed them for me.

At the hospital, I found Maureen in an ICU unit again.

"We lost her twice, but we managed to restart her heart again." A doctor explained, "they believe that her heart had stopped once already when they pulled her from the water. The River Police got her breathing again." He went on.

"Her long term prognosis?" I asked.

"Difficult to say at the moment, Mr Broom, it all depends on how long her brain was starved of oxygen. She could have sustained some brain damage; we'll get a better idea after we've done a CT scan later. But we won't know for sure until she wakes-up; if she wakes up."

"She might never wake up?" I asked in shock.

"We'll know more after we've done a CT scan! We are waiting for a slot now." He said, and then he left the room, I assume to chase that slot.

I sat by the bed and listened to that damned beep, beep, beep, again. Also taking a little solace in the fact that I could see plenty of squiggles being printed out on some kind of machine on the other side of the bed. I assumed that related to Maureen's brain activity.

I wondered whether to try and contact our girls, but eventually decided that I'd wait until after their classes were over for the day. If Maureen woke up without any long-term ill effects then there was little point that I could see in worrying the girls too much. That decision was probably down to cowardice on my part; I put off telling the girls about their mother's obvious attempted suicide as long as I possibly could. Maybe I hoped someone else would explain to them why she had done it, although at the time I had no idea myself.

A little later, the doctor returned with a couple of nurses and they began to prepare Maureen for the Cat-scan, suggesting that I go and wait in the family room.

When I entered, there were several other people sitting around, one of whom was watching the TV in the corner. For want of anything better to do, I wandered over to the beverage machine and was still trying to fathom the machines workings, when I sensed a presence at my shoulder. Turning I found DI Sharpe standing beside me.

"I'm sorry I should have realised that Maureen might do something..." His voice petered out as he realised that I was no longer looking at him.

My eyes — and ears - had become glued to the television set in the corner of the room where I could see pictures of two faces that I recognised being displayed on the screen. One was of Maureen's old boss, Norman Coolidge; the other was of Audrey Temple one of Maureen's one-time work colleagues.

The newscaster was saying something about Norman and Audrey having been shot dead in a room of a hotel near Heathrow airport the previous evening. He went on to say that a female - reputed to be Norman Coolidge's wife Greta - had been detained at the scene and was helping police with their enquires. Then he added that it was rumoured that Mrs Coolidge was also being questioned about an earlier shooting of a female in West London, and that urgent forensic tests were being carried out on the weapon used to kill Norman and Audrey.

I looked from the television back at DS (by then DI) Sharp.

"I'm sorry but I felt that I had to warn Maureen before it hit the media. I honestly had no idea that she'd react as she did."

"How long?" I asked.

"Have I known? Well, I worked it out eventually, but I couldn't find the damned gun. I've got to assume Greta Coolidge used the same one to kill them as she did to shoot Maureen. From what she's been telling my colleagues, Mrs Coolidge caught him with Audrey and she decided that he wasn't going to do it again." DI Sharp replied.

"No, how long did Coolidge and Maureen's affair go on for?"

"To be honest with you I'm not sure; not for very long I don't think. I got the impression that they only had the opportunity of consummating it once, and I've no way of knowing whether Maureen actually went through with it or not. Coolidge kept his mouth tightly closed about it and Maureen has always claimed that she couldn't recall what happened that day she was shot. It appears that Mr's Coolidge has always kept a very close eye on the bugger though.

"Are you sure?"

"About the one opportunity? Yes pretty sure! That was the only afternoon that Maureen ever took off work that I know about; we went through company records with a finetooth comb and questioned all of the staff thoroughly. Few had any inclination that anything was going on between Norman Coolidge and Maureen, but a couple were suspicious. I really don't think that Coolidge could have got away from his wife's surveillance any other time that I could find out about. Mrs Coolidge had spies all over that Company. It's probably how she knew about Maureen and Coolidge so quickly, and about him and Audrey Temple last night."

"But there were evenings when I was away, that Maureen wasn't home."

"All accounted for Mr Broom, I can assure you of that. She was either with her sister or her mother where she told you she had been."

"One of them could have lied." I suggested.

"They could have, but I didn't get the impression that they were lying. You know we get a kind-of sixth sense about that kind of thing after a time. All I needed was to be able to prove that your wife and Norman Coolidge had met out of the office just once, and that would have given me a motive for Greta Coolidge to have shot Maureen. Then I'd have been able to get the search warrant's I required. It is common knowledge that Mrs Coolidge was very possessive of her husband and a bit of a nut case as well on the quiet. She's also shown a tendency towards violence in the past. To be honest, I very much suspect she'll be judged unfit to plead and will be sectioned to somewhere like Broadmoor or Rampton. I was always convinced that the gun was in their house somewhere; I just never had just cause to get a damned search warrant."

"So what happened this morning then? From what you said when you walked in here, I gather you saw to Maureen."

"When I signed on this morning I heard about the shooting. I knew that no names had been released because the bodies hadn't been formally identified at that time and all the next of kin hadn't been informed. Anyway I knew that Maureen had always been a little paranoid..."

"Not a good choice of word!" I interrupted.

"No sorry, but Maureen's silence about whatever had gone on between her and Coolidge led me to believe that she had kept it secret from you. Really, I should have minded my own business, but I got very fond of your wife and I knew that she loved you very much. It was obvious to me ... well I feared that Greta Coolidge had used the same gun to kill her husband and Mrs Temple as she'd used to shoot Maureen. And that very soon it was going to become common knowledge. So I went around to your house this morning and forewarned Maureen about what the fallout might be."

"What did she have to say for herself?"

"Very little, she cried a lot because she knew as well as I did that very soon you'd work everything out. She loves you very much and she was scared that you'd leave her. When I left, she was going to call her sister Annie. The next thing I hear, Maureen and your names are tagged on my computer; the moment anything concerning either of you goes in the system, I know about it. Anyway when the river police identified Maureen I heard about it straight away and came down here."

"Did she jump?"

"Yes, she was seen jumping off Battersea Bridge on the CCTV cameras. What she didn't know was that a River Police launch was a few minutes up-river. They fished her out quite quickly and identified her from her car that she'd left on the Bridge. Probably that launch being so close, is what saved her life. The question now, sir, is what are you going to do?"

"I really have no idea, detective. You're right I would have been able to put two and two together, and I'm very disappointed. Whether I can get over it or not depends though. I love Maureen, I always have, but to find out that she had an affair; I'm not sure how that's going to affect my feelings in the long term. It's all been a bit of a shock to me."

"Well please take your time before you make any decisions. At the moment, Maureen is going to need you, you know. If you walk out on her now she might well not make it, think about how your children will feel as well."

"Don't worry I wont go jumping the gun." I told him.

Maureen hadn't suffered any discernible brain damage from lack of oxygen, and she was released from hospital three days later. Whilst she was in hospital, I said nothing about Audrey, Coolidge or his wife to Maureen, but she obviously knew that I was aware of events and there was an awkwardness about our conversations.

Of course I didn't ask her why she'd tried to commit suicide, I believe that — with DI Spark's help — I'd worked that out. Maureen just couldn't face up to fact that the girls' and myself would put two and two together regarding her affair with Norman Coolidge. Having explained the situation to the shrinks, I was advised to leave that to them for the time being.

Regretfully, during those couple of days Maureen was in hospital, I worked out that her sister Annie must have known about her and Coolidge's, little fling. Moreover, I'll add that I suspected that Annie might have even encouraged it. She definitely helped to hide it. But then, Annie had never been a member of my fan club, nor I of hers. It's a fact of life, that we can pick our spouses but we can never pick our in-laws. Annie and I had tolerated each other for Maureen's sake from our first meeting.

How did I know of Annie's convenience? Well, one question that had bugged me ever since Maureen had been shot - because it had never been answered - was, what had Maureen been getting from the boot of her car the day she'd been shot? I believe that I've worked out that it was an overnight bag, most likely containing a change of clothes. There was nothing in that boot when DI Sharp and — later - I had looked in there; but the first neighbour on the scene mentioned that he he'd noticed something that he thought was an overnight bag in the boot.

After thinking long and hard on the subject, I could not recall seeing one of Maureen's bags in the cupboard until several months after she had been released from hospital following the shooting. I'd looked for the damned thing to pack the gear in that she'd accumulated in her bedside locker and pack the clothes that she needed to wear on the way home in.

On reflection, it stood to reason that Annie must have removed that overnight bag from the car when she'd arrived to look after the children that day. For her to have done that, surely implied that Annie knew what was in the bag and understood its significance.

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 28

I borrowed our tapes of the Tulpehoken Raiders and watched them again on Saturday afternoon. The Raiders had three losing seasons previous to starting out 0-1 this year. Their passing game looked very simplistic. I couldn't be sure after Friday night, but they didn't look like they should challenge us. Zack Hayes called me on Sunday afternoon. As soon as I answered Zack asked, "What the hell happened? How could you guys lose to LS?" "A lot of little things – too many penalties,...

4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 14

Ed and Jeremy met me at the bus stop early on Monday morning. They bombarded me with questions about my visit to Penn State and what Joe Paterno was like. I filled them in on all the details of my visit. Andy finally got to hear about the team party and Johara. I left those details out when I talked about the visit with my family at dinner last night. Ed filled me in on his weekend. He flashed me his brand new driver's license. He passed his test on Saturday afternoon. I congratulated him,...

2 years ago
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When 3 of the older boys from the high school down the block from me, told me that they were going to the drive-in movie that weekend and asked me if I wanted to come along, I didn't think anything was wrong. But when I asked my step-uncle later that night if I could go, he gave me a strange look but finally gave-in because one of the boys only lived 2 houses away and said, " Ok ". Did he already know why 3 older boys would want to take a 5th grader to the a drive-in movie with them, when all...

3 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 31

Ed caught up with me before First Period in Graphic Arts. Ed greeted me with a huge smile. "I've decided. I want to go to Florida to be a Gator." "The Gators? Don't they run that gimmick offense?" I asked. "No. It's not a gimmick. They are pass first, run second. They do a lot of work with a single back and three or four receivers. They run a more sophisticated version of the spread offense that we run." "I didn't realize that." "You should check these guys out. They could be...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 17

Matt Horn started me on new exercises on Monday morning. He had me using an exercise bike set on the easiest setting for half an hour. My goal over the next four weeks was to increase the flexibility of my knee and to start to increase the strength in my knee. Matt wanted me to put in an hour a day on an exercise bike. Mom had one in the basement so it wasn't going to be a problem for me to do that. I asked when I would be able to start lifting weights again. Matt told me that would wait a...

4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 18

I met Ed at the bus stop on Monday morning. Ed slapped me on the back and said, "What do you think, Kyle?" "About what?" I asked. "Our opponent next Saturday, Upper Moreland." "Oh, is that who we're playing." I paused to remember them from the videos. Oh yeah, that team. "I'm not surprised. They are a strong team. They run a spread offense like us. They are going to be tough." "We'll beat them, Kyle," Ed said confidently. "Count on it." Penny joined us. I gave her a hug...

4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 30

Liz joined Venturers at the October meeting on Tuesday night. The meeting was devoted to a slide show of the crew's last trip to Algonquin. The crew was going again next summer. Liz planned to go on the trip. I would have loved to go back to Algonquin for a third time. I would be in football camp somewhere then. Who knows when I would be able to go there again? Coach McCarthy, the wide receivers coach at LSU, called on Wednesday night while I was studying with Penny. Coach Miles had...

3 years ago
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The Mafia And The Journalist Of Seduction 8211 Part 3 2 Guns Shooting

“Who are you?” Alisha asked, still recovering the tiresome orgasm. David sat there, sucking of Alisha’s juices from his fingers. He grinned, there was more to do with her than just fingering. Alisha woke up abruptly when the driver halted the car. She was sweating and wet! Still unable to comprehend things, she had no choice. David seems to be a gentleman as he offered his hand after he opened the car door. But he wasn’t gentle when his fingers rolled her insides. Alisha turned to her side to...

3 years ago
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Gangbang shooting

Hi dosto me vicki 21sal ye bat 3 din pehle ki jab mere dono dost bilal 21sal or zedan 20sal dono farm house gay the unho ne mujhe bhi invite kia tha be bas janeki tayari hi kar raha tha ki meri choti sister zara jo ke 18 sall ki doll hai wo mere gale per gai ke bhi ap ke sath jao gi uski bohat zid karne per me man gaya q k meri behan ki jawani or uski sexy harkatoo ne mera dimag kharab kardia tha or me usse chodna chahta tha . Mene dil hi dil me usse chodne ka plan bana lia bas mene gari starte...

4 years ago
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Drive in Mom

I had never been so pissed. I really thought that tonight was the night I was going to score. Her name was Tami Johnson. She was a cheerleader with long legs and probably the biggest breasts at our school. We had plans to go to the drive-in, where I was sure to be balls deep in her sweet little pussy, but she stood me up. That bitch!!! I arrived back home and entered the house with my head hung low. I had just turned 18 and it looked like I was gonna be the worlds oldest virgin. Mom and Dad...

5 years ago
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DriveIn Movies

It was 1968, and Cheryl and I had been best friends since third grade. We had done everything together it seems. Sleepovers, experimenting with make-up, we even had our first periods a month apart. The only thing she got first was boobs. Of course, now that we were both 18, she was a buxom brunette and I was still a willowy blonde.But that did not get in the way of our being friends. We even double-dated once we turned 16. Depending on who the boyfriend was at the time and which one of them had...

4 years ago
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Being raised in eastern South Dakota from 1949-63 it was a tradition that when summer arrived the local Drive In Theatre would open and show movies in the evening. In those heady days of the 1950s all the family went as it was cheaper that way(that very same theatre still exists). It was lovely as a k** to play on the swings, slides, etc till it was dark enough to show the movie which always began with a Disney cartoon then it was a race back to the car to see the rest of the cartoons before...

3 years ago
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Drive in Mom pt 2

It all seemed so surreal. Here I was at the drive-in theater with my own beautiful mother snuggled up next to me. We were parked in a dark corner at the rear of the lot with no other cars around. It was like we were in our own little private world for two hours. Being Mr. inexperience, I started to watch the movie, but mom had other ideas. She had just tossed the audio-box out and rolled up the window. Her long, milky-white legs were thrown across my lap and her enormous cans were pressed...

4 years ago
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Drive To The Mountains

It was late afternoon when we left for the cabin in the mountains. It had been one of those glorious autumnal days that began with a frosty morning and then warmed up perfectly not to have to wear a coat. The sky had a very light cloud cover towards the west that was promising to make for a wonderful sunset.We had about a one and a half-hour drive to get the cabin and would make it time to see the sun disappear over the horizon. Our drive into the sun that made it difficult with sun glare at...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 24

I headed for the shower after Penny left. I took a leisurely shower since I wouldn't have time to go to church that day. Ed, Andy and I were leaving at 11 am for scout camp. Andy was standing outside the bathroom door when I finished. I dressed in my scout uniform and went downstairs for breakfast. Mom, Dad and Liz were getting ready to leave for church. Mom greeted me with a kiss and a hug. She said, "Have fun this summer, Kyle. Be careful." "I will be, Mom. Remember I'll be home...

3 years ago
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Drivein Rape Chapter 2

As I pulled out to the highway in front of the drive-in, I had a decision to make. Although it was fun ravishing my young victim in the generous back seat of the Buick, I wanted somewhere we could have more freedom of movement and where I could enjoy her screams and cries without worrying about any interference. Immediately I though of an old gravel road I had scouted for just this very purpose. It was about an hour out of town and went for some distance back in to a logging area. It...

2 years ago
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Drivein Rape Chapter 1

This is a story I had previously written for another site, but I have rewritten it a bit for this submission. This is a distinct story arc from my other ones and will only have two chapters. I am still working on the other arc ( and will finish up the next chapter of that in the next few days. [Introduction] Rape was a part of my psyche from the very beginning. At an early age, I found a bunch of BDSM...

3 years ago
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Drive in the country

Drive in the Country: You both have a day off and decide to go for a drive in the country, Debbie likes speed and to be driven fast and your sports car thrills her and if she were honest it gets her excited, turned on and her pussy wet………….before you set off you say if she wears your favourite sheer crotch tights you will drive even faster than usual….she excitedly agrees her heart racing as she goes to her tights /stockigns draw and pulls them on whilst sat on the bed…..low heels on and jacket...

2 years ago
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Drive in the country

Drive in the Country: You both have a day off and decide to go for a drive in the country, Debbie likes speed and to be driven fast and your sports car thrills her and if she were honest it gets her excited, turned on and her pussy wet.............before you set off you say if she wears your favourite sheer crotch tights you will drive even faster than usual....she excitedly agrees her heart racing as she goes to her tights /stockigns draw and pulls them on whilst sat on the bed.....low heels...

3 years ago
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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 1 Negotiation

“Hey, Sal,” Lenny said as soon as the door was opened. “You look nice.”“Hi, Lenny,” Sally said, smiling broadly, then instantly looking away, feeling herself blush. “He ready?” Lenny and her brother, Rob, had planned on going to the local drive-in movie, to hang out with everyone else who would be there on this hot Saturday in July. Sally stepped aside to let Lenny in. “Not quite.”Rob and his mother were yelling over each other so loudly that no one could understand a word either was saying....

First Time
3 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 35

Andy was in an extremely good mood on the way to church. I asked, "What's up with you?" Andy held a rectangular piece of plastic in front of my face. It was white with a blue stripe on the left and a yellow stripe on the right. It had a really ugly picture of Andy on the front. "You got your license!" I declared. "Yep. Dad took me for my test yesterday morning. I passed!" "Congratulations." I was happy for Andy, mostly because I wouldn't need to haul him around so much. Tuesday...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 19

I called Zack Hayes Sunday afternoon. I said, "Hello, could I speak to Zack." when someone answered the phone. "Hey, Kyle, it's Aaron. Congratulations, man. I hear you guys won the state championship yesterday. That's outstanding." "Thanks, Aaron." Zack answered, "Hi, Kyle. I wanted to talk to you. I want you to know how proud I am of all of you back home. This is fabulous. Tell me all about the game." I related the happenings in the last two weeks. Zack complimented us on...

4 years ago
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Drive Time

Drive timeThis goes with the Drive Time gallery photosLast year, in the summer, I fancied some fun, hubby was at care home working, I had some free time, so phoned our good mate Dave up and asked if he fancied a drive out, knowing what I’m like, he agreed instantly, so met him in car park inCroydon, I had a very short loose fitting dress on with a button front, bare underneath, it was a warm day lol.Luckily I did not have far to walk to meet Dave, cause walking thru Croydon in a dress like I...

4 years ago
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Drivethru Abduction

Drive-thru Abduction Drive-thru AbductionPart 1by bondage_man69?????? I was out looking for a woman to kidnap and make my sex slave and I decided to stop at a popular fast food place for a burger and fries.? It was close to midnight and only the drive-thru? was open.? When I pulled up to the window to pay I was greeted by one of the most beautiful young women I have ever seen. I knew instantly I had to have her somehow.? She is 24, has blond hair that is wavy and comes down to her...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 32

I found out about the play off rankings on Monday morning before first period. Ed, Hal, Jeremy, Drew and I had Graphics Arts together. Central Dauphin High School took the top spot in central Pennsylvania's group of sixteen teams. Central had the #2 spot in the playoffs. Both teams were undefeated. We were ranked #7, behind four teams with a single loss on their record. Our first opponent was going to be Gettysburg High School. We would play them Friday night at Elizabethtown College. Two...

4 years ago
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Drive in Mom pt 5

I gazed down at my cock. It was sticking straight up, still bone hard and coated with mom's saliva."So, son of mine...still upset that your date stood you up?" Mom asked."No way." I signed.Mom smiled, her big tits giggling, as she ran her fingers through my hair."Top or bottom?" She asked."What?" I asked."Time to cash in all those points, sweetie-pie. Top or bottom?" She smiled."Bottom." I said.Without hesitation Mom threw one of her long legs her leg across my lap and straddled me. I gazed up...

3 years ago
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Drivers Deliver

Delivering pizza is a job you can make a living from... if you have room mates, and as long as the tips hold out. You need to have a beater that you can repair yourself that also gets decent mileage. It can't be too nice looking and the side that faces the customer's house or apartment has to show that. Some people won't tip if your car looks too nice.The evenings are the best shifts because they are the busiest times and tips are generally bigger due to the bigger orders. Late night orders...

3 years ago
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Drive My Car

She paced back and forth, shooting quick glances to her mobile, reaching for it, but turning back away. She'd been wanting to do this for quite some time, she just didn't know how to ask. "Fuck it," she mumbled as she picked up her mobile and pressed the speed dial for Miranda."Hello..." came a man's voice."I'm sorry, I'm trying to reach Miranda...?""Yeah... okay. She's in the loo. D'ya want to call back?""Well..." she said, relieved and disappointed at the same time."Who's calling?" he said,...

4 years ago
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Drive In

It was deep in summer now and the katydids sang every night, it seemed.  The air was thick and humid on the night.  The coolness only came to the earth in the late hours of early morn.  Often, a faint, gentle fog would settle along the ground of the drive-In.They were in Rick's turquoise and white '56 Chevy.  Even in the dark, it was radiant.  The pride of his life, it was.  She was fairly certain that he loved it more than her.  Yet he was good to her.  She wondered if that was love... being...

First Time
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Drive In Movie With Kelly

It was a Saturday in the middle of August of 1978. The movie Animal House had been released a couple of weeks ago. It was clearly the best movie ever made in the history of all mankind! Kelly and I had been to see it at the theater right when it came out. She loved it as much as me.Yvonne thought it sounded like it was a stupid movie. Which is exactly what it was! She wasn’t getting the point. Nonetheless, we had made a plan for the four of us: Yvonne and Patrick and Kelly and me to go see it...

Group Sex
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Drivein Anal

Judging from the comments, you like my stories recalling my early years of sex. I guess I can continue with another one from that fall in the early eighties.I saw my friend Kathy at school and she wants me to double date with her current boyfriend, Bill. He has family coming in for the big football game this Saturday. His cousin Jake is coming and he wants us all to go out Friday night. We live in a mid-west college town, and football is everything on weekends here.The three of them pull into...

4 years ago
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Drive in the Cuntry

“Fancy a drink?” I say as we get into the car.The smell of the blossom fresh on my senses as I step out of the car moving aside it and the door closing behind me. You spring out of the passenger door looking across the top of the car smiling and eyes sparkling.Outside a countryside pub we walk towards each other moving away from the bonnet of the car and my hand slides into the small of your back, touching you and gently rubbing up and down your lower back. You are dressed immaculately in a...

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Drive to the beach

I drive to your workplace in my BMW and as I pull up I see you are waiting for me at the curb side. I get out of the car and open the door for you helping you into the car. I go back around and get in. Turning towards you, I place my hand behind your neck, pulling you towards me as I give you a nice big passionate kiss. I continue to kiss you, feeling our tongues moving about in each other's mouth. I tell you to go in the back seat and change your clothes as I pull out of the parking lot and...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Drive Me Crazy Baby On Scooty

Hi Guys and girls. I am writing my first story on ISS.I have read so many stories on ISS but today I am posting my first sexual experience. Myself Rahul(name changed) from small city of Haryana. My age is 23 years and height is 5’10. Currently I am doing job in MNC. But the experience which I am sharing with you happened last month with me. Name of the Queen of the story is Isha. She has very fair colour, average height with big boobs and big ass. She is just 20 years old. We both lived in the...

3 years ago
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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 9 Motivation

He heard her shuffle around next to him, but kept his word, and left the blindfold on. “I meant it, y’know,” Sally said. “When I said you looked delicious.”“I believe you,” he replied. “And when I was rubbing you with the ice, I had an idea, but the lights went out first, so I just pounced, y’know?” Sally reasoned. “But now…” she held his dick upright. “Now I want to do it right.”Lenny felt something cold and thick being poured on his dick, slowly trickling down the sides. “What…” he...

First Time
5 years ago
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Drive By

She knew she shouldn't be doing this, but she just couldn't help herself. She turns to drive past his house again, unable to ignore the pounding in her heart and the dampness between her thighs. She knows she can't see him - shouldn't see him - but lust is winning out. Her brakes seem to press themselves, stopping her perfectly along the curb to park. As if moved by some unseen force, she gets out of the car and walks up the path to his house. Her heels click up the cement walkway,...

3 years ago
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Drive My Car

We sat at the kitchen table, having a quick breakfast before we left for our respective jobs. Patti was checking her make-up and I was trying to finish my coffee, as well as the sports section, before I hit the road. "How long is your cock, Matt?" she asked. I avoided the spray of coffee all over the table like you see in the slapstick comedies, but some caffeine did dribble out my nose as I tried to stifle my reaction. I cleaned my upper lip with a napkin and stared at my wife. "What the hell...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Drivers Dreams

Driver's Dreams My name is Nick and here is my story of my first gay sex. It all started last summer when I was taking driver's ed. There was this one boy who was very cute. His name was Manuel and he had dark chocolate brown skin with hazel eyes. He was at least 6' 9" and very sexy. It was our first day in driver's ed and it was in a trailer way far away from the school. I sauntered to a seat in the middle of the room. Manuel was in the first row all the way in the back. Class started at 8:00...

3 years ago
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Drivein Memories part Seven

I started my kissing her tenderly passionately as my hand caressed those nice breasts my thumb and fore finger tenderly pulling on her nipples as I tenderly kissed her deeper more passionately. She took off her blouse and bra as we were tenderly passionately. She opened her mouth thus letting my slide in to meet hers. I then started working my way to her neck tenderly licking and kissing her earlobe, she let out a soft moan ooooo . Just like the ones I heard that night Cumming from her...

4 years ago
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Drive Down PCH

As we drive along the Pacific Coast Highway the sun begins to set over the horizon lighting the road with an orange, red, and purple glare. The road winds threw the mountains on the right and the sandy beaches on the left. Every so often there is one of those turnouts where you can stop and watch the waves crash on the shore. As one of the turnouts come up on the left you motion for me to pull over and we do, parking my truck with the bed facing out towards the ocean. We both walk around to...

2 years ago
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Drive in Mom pt 4

I was on my knees on the floor of the back seat. Inches from my face was the most beautiful pussy I had ever beheld and it belonged to my own mother. It seemed so large and intimidating. Peering down between her legs, mom smiled at me as she watched me study her amazing muff."Would you like me to open it up for you, sweetie?" She asked.I nodded and mom used two of her fingers to splay apart her large fleshy cunt-lips. Mom's twat opened up like a shiny pink blossom coming to full bloom."Wow." I...

4 years ago
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DriveIn Seduction Chapter 7 Escalation

Lenny tried teasing her first, spreading her legs wide, and gently kissing her inner thighs, but Sally would have none of that, and roughly pulled him by the hair to her sopping wet gash. “Lick me… please…” He rewarded her moxie by doing just that. He started at the bottom, and in one wide swipe of his tongue, licked all the way to her clitoris and beyond, tickling her sparse downy fur. Sally gasped at the sudden sensation of feeling his hot tongue in her honey pot, swooned as he made that...

First Time
3 years ago
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Drive In

Taking Her Virginity I was passing through this small town in Kentucky. I was 27 years old just out of school after, finishing a tour in Vietnam. The GI bill had paid for my school, now it was time for me to find a job. I had a job interview with large company in town the next morning. I stopped at this diner to eat. This beautiful, young, blue-eyed waitress came to my table to take my order. She was much too young for me, I was 29, she didn't look like she was 18 yet. She was tall, large...

4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 26

Bzzzz ... Bzzzzz ... Bzzzzz ... Damn! It's too damn early to get up! I opened one eye and stared at the clock beside my bed. 6:30! Five hours of sleep just isn't enough when you have go to two-a-days for football. I dragged my tired body out of bed, across the room and down the hall to Andy's room. I could hear his alarm buzzing too. I called, "Andy?" Silence. I called his name again. Nothing. I went in Andy's room. He was dead to the world. I shook Andy and called his name until I got...

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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 29

Andy just stood there and stared at me after he managed to get the words out. Tears started to run down both cheeks. "Www ... What am I... [sniffle] going to ... do?" I stood up and pulled Andy over to the bed and sat him down. I put my hands on his shoulders and said, "Look at me, Andy." He sniffled and stared into my eyes. "We'll work everything out. Tell me what you know." "Crystal missed her period ... How can this... [sniffle] be happening ... to me?" "How long ago should...

4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 33

I found Ed, Hal and Jeremy half way between our bench and where the line of scrimmage had been. I joined them. We commiserated with each other about our fate. Penny, Kathy and Tammy came down from the stands to join us. Jeremy, Hal and I got sympathy kisses and hugs from our girlfriends. Penny gave Ed a kiss too. We talked about the missed opportunities in the game for a few minutes. Chip came by to see me. He asked, "Are you OK, Kyle? Robbie really nailed you on the last play." "I'll...

4 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 34

The day after the troop banquet I got an e-mail from Zack Hayes. It said that Mrs. Paterno had been rushed to the hospital last night. Zack didn't have much information. He suggested I should send Mrs. Paterno a get well card. Zack said I could send the card to him since he didn't know the room number of her hospital room. I got the card later in the afternoon and mailed it to Zack Hayes. A small article on the back page of Monday evening's paper indicated that Mrs. Paterno was in the...

3 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 36

Most of the wedding party ended up at our house for breakfast on Sunday. Mom out did herself with the food. Abby and Will came too, before they headed to the airport for their honeymoon. Mom and Dad's wedding gift to them was five days in the Virgin Islands. They planned to spend time soaking up the sun on the beach, snorkeling and scuba. Of course all of that would come after they spent some quality time together in bed. Before they left for the airport Will teased Mom, "Who knows, maybe...

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