Babe In The Woods Back Story free porn video

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Paul Williams was a highly educated, mature single man, a well-respected senior director with the local council, but beneath the professional exterior he was a sexual predator, a scheming, conniving dominant gay man. He had first seen William when he was a boy at the beach with his mother and father and he was attracted immediately. He knew that here was a prime candidate for his games. Of course, William had taken little notice of the man then, he was too involved in setting out a deckchair and picnic rug for his mother, but Paul could see how she made him behave and it excited him. Time went by however and whilst he met William's father in the canteen or during meetings at work, he never saw the boy when he was out. Each time he saw William's father, however, he would always bring the conversation around to his wife and his son, probing for any news or gossip. it was during one of these conversations that William's father had shared his concerns with his boss. He was worried about the boy's future. He explained to Paul that the boy was very shy and hadn't fitted well into school, he had done his GCSE exams, but his qualifications weren't brilliant and William's father was at a loss at to what he could do next. Paul saw this as the opportunity that he had been waiting for, for the past few years and immediately suggested to William's father that the boy could work there in one of the departments in the council. William's father was delighted, but sceptical, he didn't know what the boy could do. Paul told him to leave it to him and he would get back to him later that week. William's father kept this all to himself, but he was hopeful. On the Friday of that week he received a phone call from Paul. "I've been giving your son issue some thought, we have a recruitment going on in the clerical pool and I have had a chat with Mary Gates the manager there, she is willing to take him on and I have signed off a series of courses he can take to get his skills there up to speed. Can he come in on Monday to see her? If she is happy, and I'm sure she will be, he will be expected to start on the Tuesday?" William's father was overjoyed and agreed to all Paul's suggestions, readily signing the required forms for his son. Getting home that evening he apprehensively explained to his wife what he had done for William. She was furious, annoyed that he had gone ahead with this without discussing things with her. She had wanted William to live at home with her and to help her around the house. They had had a huge row, but William's father had nervously settled it by saying that it was too late and the boy's employment in the council had been arranged. She never forgave William's father for that; she liked to control the boy and she wanted him under her thumb and not dictated to by a public service job. Over the next few months William was trained by his supervisor, he was employed as a clerical worker, he didn't argue about the courses and she saw that his training was relevant to his job. He learnt typing and shorthand, where he was the only male on the course and he was taught how to file and take notes for the officers. Because of his quiet shy demeanour he was kept away from the phones. Paul Williams kept a close eye on things, he would have liked to step in and 'play' with the boy, but things were becoming busy and heated in the council, with lots of finger pointing. If nothing, Paul was a patient man, he just planned quietly to himself, waiting the right moment which he was sure would come along one day. William's father's death was a shock to everyone, it was sudden and tragic and the repercussions frustrated him even more when William went on long term sick and then eventually left the council to look after his mother. Paul ground on, taking his frustrations out with the help of his lesbian friend Mary, on other unsuspecting men, but it was this lack of self- control that led to whispers that looked as if they would develop into a serious problem. Paul was of the right age to take an early retirement and after a discussion with the leader of the council it was decided that this was his best option to avoid any public outcry. In reality, Paul was fed up with the council, fed up with the constant back biting, suggestiveness and personal issues and he was glad to leave. After all it would give him a chance to do what he liked to do most! After a few moths of his retirement Paul began to feel bored, he had sorted out his house, had a few holidays, spent time with friends, but now he was bored. It was at that time that he suddenly came up with the idea to make a friendly call on his old employee's widow, she had intrigued him that time and he was quite keen to find out what was happening with William. First, however, he would do a little spying on them, he knew the house and its location, but he wanted to find out as much about them as he could. With his lifelong patient approach, he explored the surroundings of the house, finding the back gate onto the path in the woods. As coincidence would have it, one morning whilst he was nosing around in that area that he saw William coming out of the gate. He followed him discretely and watched his movements. Over the weeks that followed he saw that it seemed to be a regular habit and in so doing saw several opportunities. He planned his next move that weekend and on the Monday morning after seeing William head out on his usual morning walk, he went to the front door and rang the bell. She answered, there was no doubting the fact that she was a good looking woman in her forties, with a special sex appeal, but this morning as she answered the door she looked a little stressed and annoyed. "Yes." She was abrupt and she obviously didn't recognise him, after all they had last met at her husband's funeral. Paul introduced himself in his very best coaxing supportive manner, he was a past master at dealing with aggressive people. Her face lifted almost immediately, yes she did recognise him and she actually apologised for her poor welcome, she invited him in. Paul had rehearsed his introduction well. "How are you Barbara? I do apologise for not coming to see you sooner but I had some issues of my own to contend with before I retired." She made him a coffee and they sat chatting, him leading her gently until eventually touching on the subject of her son. She didn't seem happy on the subject however and Paul suspected that there was some underlying tension, but now was not the time to ask. At the end of his visit he left her with the distinct belief that there was an opportunity for her to move on after all and he arranged to see her again. Patiently over the next month he began to call regularly, always after William had left for his walk, it was almost as if he was wooing her and in a way she was responding to his supplications. Eventually he began to ask her out to lunch in town and she readily accepted seeing it as a chance to change the mundanity that she had slipped into and get her life back. She became more relaxed in his company and opened up more to his questions. One day he told her that he thought that something was bothering her and he asked her was there anything he could do to help, after all a trouble shared was a trouble halved. After their meal that day and after her second glass of wine she came out with it. She explained that her son was living with her and helping around the house, but she was unhappy on two fronts. First, she thought that he was becoming lazy and slipshod, not doing what she told him to do and second.... She explained that this was a little more difficult to talk about, but Paul quietly put her at her ease. "Well secondly, he is twenty one now and though he is a quiet and shy boy (she omitted his submissive streak) I am beginning to feel uneasy about an adult male possibly questioning my authority in my own house." "Does that make sense?" she asked him. "Perfectly Barbara, you are a strong woman in your own home and I fully respect that, in fact I have a friend that I am sure you would get on very well with, but that's besides the point. Now as for your son." He paused. She stayed quiet as she watched him thinking. "You need to reassert your authority in your home Barbara." She nodded. "Yes I agree Paul." "In order to do that, the best way is to emasculate him." She looked as if she didn't fully understand. "What do you mean." "What I mean Barbara is to deprive him of his male role and identity." A wicked smile began to grow on her face. "You mean feminise him?" Paul was delighted with the way this was going. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. By doing that he will loose confidence, become less of a threat to you and be far easier for you to control." She was excited now, he could see it in her face. "That sounds exactly what I want, but how would I do that though Paul?" He looked at her thoughtfully, this was just what he wanted, everything was slipping into place exactly as he had hoped. "Well Barbara, you have to take things slowly, gently, don't rush it. The first thing that I think needs to happen is to remove any male appearance. What I mean is you have to get him out of his trousers." She looked at him smiling. "You mean get him into a skirt Paul?" "Eventually yes, but for that to succeed without him revolting against it and giving you more trouble than you already have, we must take things slowly, a stage at a time." "What do you mean?" She looked quizzical. "I think that to start you must force him to wear shorts all the time, that will do two things, it will make him feel more childlike and it will remove the masculine appearance of his trousers." She smiled openly. "That sounds a wonderful idea Paul, thank you so much." He smiled back at her, a further thought coming into his head. "I don't think they should be ordinary shorts either Barbara, after all a man has a fly on his trousers, or shorts so that he can go to the toilet easily. That fly is a male symbol Barbara, it would defeat the issue if he wore shorts like that. No, the shorts you must make him wear must have no fly, he must have to pull them down to go to the toilet, that will enforce his emasculation." She was delighted, her head buzzing at the thoughts and ideas he had planted in her mind. After their meal they both went around to the shopping centre looking for appropriate shorts, which he helped her to find and choose. When they next went out for lunch Paul could hardly contain himself and questioned her on the success or otherwise of their plan. She told him that she had cajoled William into wearing the shorts, letting slip that he was really a very submissive boy. She explained that she had now removed his trousers and that she was already delighted with the results. Later, once again at the end of their meal and after several glasses of wine Paul told her that he had something he wanted to share with her too. She smiled, curiously wanting to know what it was. Paul told her that he hoped it wouldn't upset her, then explained that he was a gay man. She smiled. "Of course Paul, I knew that already, after your first visit, I found out all about you." He smiled back at her. "And if I am not completely mistaken, do I assume that you too have, shall we say some tendencies?" Her smile was one of sadness. "You are right Paul I did explore that side, but that was before I was married. Since my husbands death there has been no opportunity to do such things and, after all, where would a middle aged woman with a son find ...." She let the words hang. His smile was wide now. "I am so glad you told me that Barbara, I mentioned to you some time ago that I have a friend, Mary, that I was sure you would like, she is older than you, closer to my age, but I'm sure she might be just the sort of person you need!" For the first time William's mother actually looked a little shy, blushing slightly. He smiled at her reaction. "I will be asking her along when we next go out for lunch, I am sure you two will get along like a house on fire. Now I must ask you something and again I don't want you upset by this." She nodded, her face pink, for the first time he could almost detect a slight vulnerability, he was sure that his friend Mary would love taming her. "As I said Barbara, I am a gay man and I am, let us say drawn to your son. How would you feel if I took part in making him a sissy and feminising him?" He could see the gleam in her eye, that wicked look cross her face again, her reply swift. "I would very much like that Paul, it would be a great help to me and it would do all that I might have hoped for." "There, then it is settled, I intend to start meeting him on his walks and between us we will get him into skirts before he knows it." Paul arranged to send regular texts to Barbara to exchange updates and discuss the boy's progress, though he did not to tell her fully about his plans. He knew now that between him and Mary, they would slowly groom her until she was completely enmeshed and under their control. Their next lunch date occurred after Paul had started to regularly 'bump into' William at the beach toilets. This time he brought Mary along with him. Mary had been the head of the clerical division at the council and she had 'retired' at the same time that Paul had. She was a lifelong, lifestyle lesbian, she wore her hair aggressively short and always wore trousers. Her demeanour reflected her looks, she was assertive to the point of aggressiveness and had a reputation for bullying the young female staff when she was working. She was like that with her love life too, bullying and controlling her conquests and always thinking up ways to feed her voracious sexual excitement. She had been William's overall boss in the council and from first meeting with him, had agreed with Paul on his assessments. She had been perfectly willing to help Paul out with his plans for William, but whilst it amused her, she was not particularly aroused by it. Now, however with the information Paul had given her about Barbara, the whole thing knitted together in the most exciting way and her mind had suddenly been working overtime full of thoughts and ideas. Paul had chosen a quiet corner of the restaurant, with Barbara sitting opposite him in a corner booth looking slightly nervous, a free seat beside her and one beside him. She was dressed prettily and quite conservatively in a mid length beige skirt a cream blouse and a matching light brown cardigan, her makeup was light and minimal. She was sipping a glass of wine as they waited, his glass as yet untouched, the bottle and another empty glass waiting on the table. Mary's arrival was dramatic, a patent view of her dominant character and her assertive manner. She spoke loudly and sat robustly beside Barbara, almost squeezing her into the corner and trapping her there. "Hello Paul and you must be Barbara." She held out her hand, her grip strong, then she looked across at him again. "Come on Paul, don't dally, pour me some wine and it looks like Babs here needs topping up too, don't you Babs?" She didn't wait for an answer. "Some host you are." Her smile lightened her authoritative words. They ordered their food then chatted aimlessly throughout their meals, Barbara was feeling quite intimidated by Mary, yet there was a magnetism that was drawing her to her. She was a muscular, powerful and overwhelming lady and she seemed to dominate the conversation with her loud voice. For some reason Barbara's glass never appeared to be empty and the empty bottle replaced by another. When Paul finished his food he looked at his watch. "Well ladies I will have to leave you to it now, unfortunately I have an appointment elsewhere. Don't worry about the bill, it is on my account so take your time and enjoy and I'm sure if you ask Mary nicely she will give you a lift back home Barbara." He smiled, then rose to leave. Barbara smiled nervously at him, about to say that it was alright as she had to go too, but Mary interrupted. "Don't worry Paul, Babs and I will have a nice girly chat and if she does ask me nicely I'll make sure she gets home in one piece." Her loud voice made Barbara squirm, she felt as if people were looking at her as if she was just a young girl and In reality she felt quite tiddly and for a crazy reason she wanted to giggle. When Paul had left, Mary turned to her, once again filling her glass. "We need to talk don't we baby?" She slid her hand over Barbara's knee as she spoke. "But tell me darling, why is a pretty thing like you dressed so drearily to meet your new girlfriend?" Barbara looked at her wide eyed, wriggling against her hand as she tried to find the words. "I, I don't know." It was a poor answer she knew, but she hadn't been treated like this since she was a girl. Her husband had been a soft thing and she had had to be strong to take control of her family. Now she felt the years of controlling assertiveness being peeled away by Mary's powerful dominating personality. Mary laughed aloud. "Well we are going to have to change that aren't we girl?" Barbara blushed, struggling to find her voice. "Let's go back to my place for a coffee Babs, finish your wine and we'll go where it's nice and private." Barbara looked at her nervously then at her insistence drank down her wine then struggled to stand up straight. Mary chuckled and held her arm leading her out of the restaurant she had obviously drank too much. They stopped on the pavement and to Barbara's surprise she kissed her, there and then in public, she kissed her directly on the lips, a long lingering kiss which embarrassed her immensely. "Come on baby, let's go find my car." It all seemed a whirl which Barbara hardly followed, feeling slightly sick and unsteady. How she arrived in Mary's front room she didn't know, but the next she knew she was sitting beside her in a shaded room on a soft deep sofa. Mary kissed her again and Barbara did nothing to stop her, the lip mashing kiss making her turn to jelly, it was something she hadn't had or felt in years and now it made her heart pound in a sort of nervous excitement. "You're going to be my girl aren't you baby?" Mary nuzzled her ear as she murmured into it. Barbara gasped, parts of her body more excited and aroused than she had ever felt. "Aren't you baby?" "Yess Mary," she whispered back, her face heated as she spoke, her own words making her tingle inside. "Good girl, yes of course you are Babs. Now let's chat about this sissy boy of yours." Slowly and persuasively May got Barbara to tell her everything, as she relaxed to Mary's gentle ministrations . She told her, her life story, about her childhood, schooling and her loveless marriage. Eventually she told her about William and her eternal wish to control and dominate him, how it had probably stemmed back to her desire to punish her husband for the meek quiet way he was, but now she wanted so much more. Mary listened intently as she kissed and cuddled her, her replies understanding and sympathetic, she wasn't worried about missing anything because she was recording their entire conversation. It had all been planned, Barbara's every word could be used as a useful aide memoir and a useful reminder if she became hesitant later. "So where have we got to with sissy darling?" Mary kept her voice soft and persuasive Barbara explained about Paul's idea, getting William into shorts, she looked at Mary's face as she told her and could see that she wasn't impressed. She went on hurriedly, telling her the type of shorts and how she'd succeeded in taking away his trousers, but she still saw no sign of impressing her. So she told her about the hormone tablets Paul had suggested and which William was now taking, somehow she felt that she wanted to really impress her. "Hmmm, well it's a start sugar, tell me where did you get these hormones?" "At the chemist in the mall, they are for women going through the menopause." She spoke earnestly. "Tcha! They are no good, they are a mere weak mix, they will take forever to have any real effect Babs, but don't worry, leave that to me, I'll get some proper hormone tablets for sissy." Barbara blushed. "Thank you Mary." "Now these shorts you got him, well it's time we moved on, he shouldn't be wearing make clothes at all, should he?" Barbara knew she was blushing, her face felt hot. "Yes Mary." "For now we will keep the shorts theme, but let's get him into girls shorts, that's far more suitable isn't it?" "Yes Mary." Barbara felt a buzz of excitement inside her. "What tops is he wearing?" "Umm he's only wearing t shirts Mary." "Boys t shirts? Well that's no good is it Babs? No we will have to get him a selection of girls tops too won't we?" "Yes Mary." Her excitement was growing already. "I'll get my laptop and we'll go on line and see what shorts we can get him, have you got an Amazon account Babs?" "Umm yes Mary, I have." "Then we will start there." Mary got her laptop and they were soon going through pages of girls shorts until Mary eventually suggested a few options. Barbara was a little sceptical, they looked very effeminate and even slutty, but Mary was assertive, this is what your sissy needs and as soon as possible. Barbara realised then that they had been ordered before she could say anything else. "The next thing is we have to get sissy into chastity, that will help us control him, I'll ask Paul to sort that out and get her into chastity as soon as he can." Mary was very matter of fact and direct. But Barbara, did like the sound of Mary's idea, after all, William couldn't be a man if they had him in chastity, could he? "Now what about discipline sugar?" Mary was getting into her stride now "What do you mean Mary?" "Well do you discipline sissy Babs?" Barbara blushed again. "I used to use my little crop on him," she admitted. "Good, when did you last use it sugar?" Barbara thought a second. "Well probably when he was still in school Mary." "Have you still got it?" Barbara nodded "Yes Mary, it's in my wardrobe." "Good, then it's time you got it out and started using it again, regaining your authority and making him know whose the boss and that you mean business." "But, I, I'm not a sadist Mary." Barbara looked worried. "No darling, don't be silly, you use the crop to tease, yes it will sting and warm sissy's bottom, but it will also make her completely submissive to you. Look let me demonstrate." Mary left the room a second and came back brandishing a crop, it was longer and whippier than Barbara's and she was swishing it in the air. "See just by me swishing it like this, it makes you nervous doesn't it?" Barbara nodded, unable to take her eyes off the crop. Mary sat down on an upright chair in front of the window. "Now come along sugar, lie over my knees." Barbara's eyes opened wide, she felt herself trembling, yet seeing Mary sitting there, the crop in her hand, she felt a pulse begin to throb in her sex. "Come along now, you'll never know what it will feel like for sissy unless you experience it yourself sugar." Barbara stood slowly and with a buzzing nervousness went over to her. "Come on over my knees." Mary was sounding more and more dominant by the second. Barbara slowly, awkwardly got herself across Mary's knees until Mary's strong hands adjusted her into a stable position. "You will really have to do something about a better skirt than this old thing won't you?" Barbara mumbled head down. "I expect you to be much more slutty when we go out together next, I want you to be in a miniskirt, that will be much better to adjust, understand?" Barbara was feeling a heated embarrassment, being humiliated like this, yet her sex was wet she knew it, an arousal, a foolish odd arousal was growing inside her as she heard Mary's words. Mary held her on her lap with one hand, her legs spread slightly and she began to use the crop on Barbara's quivering bottom. Of course it was through her skirt, petticoat, tights and panties, but she knew that next time it wouldn?t be. Nevertheless Barbara wriggled and whimpered, the emotion caused by this humiliation bringing her close to a climax, the gently increasing heat in her bottom feeding her desire. Mary stopped a second, her hand on Barbara?s bottom, the crop against her leg almost tickling it. ?You like this don?t you girl? You love having your bottom spanked like this don?t you?? She paused letting her words sink in. ?It excites you, doesn?t it, you want more.? She paused again. ?You?d love to feel it on your bare bottom wouldn?t you girl?? Mary ran the end of the crop along the hem of Barbara?s skirt as she spoke, tickling her legs beneath it. Barbara wriggled on Mary?s lap, she was completely humiliated yet highly aroused in a way she never thought possible, the end of the crop teasing her as her pussy pulsed stupidly. ?Yess.? She finally let out a whimpered gasp. Mary smiled to herself, this was easier than she had thought it would be. ?We will have to choose some things for you to wear for me won?t we girl?? Barbara was so aroused, she would agree to anything. ?Yess, yes, Mary.? ?Good girl, now go and sit down on the sofa and we will have a look to see what we can see.? It was a lesson learnt by Barbara, she could see now how she could control William and bend him to her will, yet in the back of her mind, she tried to ignore the fact that she was also being bent to Mary?s will. After all it as only an example wasn?t it? However she still sat meekly by Mary and allowed her to choose the outfits that she wanted her to wear for their future meetings. Barbara was still aroused when Mary dropped her off at her house. Mary parked outside the gate and Barbara opened the car door ready to get out, turning to say thank you to Mary. ?Haven?t you forgotten something sugar?? Mary pointed at her lips. Barbara looked about nervously, then sitting back down she leaned over towards Mary. Mary gave her a long lip bruising kiss. ?That?s better, now don?t forget, next time, see you soon sugar.? Barbara found herself standing blushing on the pavement as Mary drove off, then with a silly girlish reaction she waved after her before turning with a light heart, to go up the drive. A few days later William?s new shorts arrived at the same time as the new outfits Mary had ordered for Barbara. For some reason she felt that she needed to tell Mary and she rang straight away. ?Hello Mary, the shorts have arrived.? She was breathless, trying to suppress her excitement. ?Good, I?m glad you?ve told me, I?ve just heard from Paul, it seems that he has made a promising step forward too. Meet me today in the caf? at the mall.? She paused a second. ?I expect your new outfits have arrived too, haven?t they sugar? I want to see you wearing one for me this afternoon.? Barbara blushed just at the thought, yet her heart was pounding. ?Meet me at 1 sugar, got that?? Barbara could hear the authority in Mary?s voice, it brought her mind back a few days to her house. ?Yes, Mary.? She tried to keep her voice even but her soft reply told Mary everything... ?That?s a good girl, 1 o?clock it is then, I am looking forward to it.? Barbara?s mobile went silent, Mary had given her orders and finished their conversation, leaving Barbara looking nervously at her phone. William arrived home from his walk as usual, just seeing him was frustrating her lately, she wanted to get going and start doing what her new friends suggested. She gave him his daily chores and told him she was going out after her lunch. She planned to leave it to the last minute to change into one of her new outfits, when he was busy cleaning the kitchen, she didn?t want him to see her wearing it. Choosing the outfit was another thing however. She unpacked the things Mary had chosen for her, each item making her gasp in embarrassment. Eventually she dressed, the black silk panties with the tiny red rose at the front, made her feel sexy. The suspender belt, black, was something she rarely if ever wore, the suspenders tickled her legs now, the black stockings increasing her sexy feelings. The new black bra was half cupped, lifting and enhancing her small breasts, she looked at the black blouse, it was quite sheer, too sheer for her. That?s when she decided to add something to give her at least some dignity. She found her black petticoat and put it on, hiding her bra, the black sheer blouse now only revealing that nylon garment. The black skirt was tight, the petticoat again preventing it clinging to and revealing her body. The black heeled boots were ludicrous and higher than anything she normally wore, she immediately decided that they were impractical for driving, finally deciding to wear her flats whilst taking the boots with her to change when she got there. She looked at her watch, time was rushing by, hurriedly she did her makeup, a bare touch to her cheeks, a little mascara and a light shade of lipstick. That would do. She left without him seeing her, just closing the front door and jumping in to her car, placing the boots on the passenger seat before starting. She was early at the mall even then. She parked up then changed her shoes for the boots, a little buzz of inner arousal as she zipped them up her calfs. She found them strange to walk in, the boots and the tight skirt causing her to have a pronounced wiggle as she walked, her progress slow as she made her way to the caf?. Mary wasn?t there when she arrived and she gave a little inner sigh of thanks that she hadn?t been late and kept her waiting. She sat at the only empty table, it was in the window and she ordered her coffee. There was a man at a table across the caf? from her, his eyes seemed glued on her, making he blush in nervous self consciousness. She tried to ignore him, but out of the corner of her eye she saw him get up, making his way towards her. Mary?s arrival was fortuitous, she thundered into the caf?, her powerful presence noted by everyone. She immediately walked over to Barbara?s table, Barbara standing to greet her. ?Hello sugar.? Her voice was loud, dominant and her kissed greeting immediate and intimate. The man sat back down, opening his paper in embarrassment. Mary?s coffee order came without her even asking, a meek faced girl blushing as she brought a tray with hot milk and a scone with jam and cream to accompany it. ?Here?s your coffee Miss.? She sounded shy and nervous. ?You know I don?t take milk girl, take it out of my way, come along quick about it.? The girl blushed again, Barbara was shocked to see that she actually curtsied to Mary. ?Yes Miss, I?m terribly sorry Miss.? Before she hastily retreated back to the kitchen. Mary?s voice moderated slightly as she turned to Barbara. ?I can see you?ve tried a little better, but we didn?t agree that petticoat did we?? Barbara blushed to her roots, glancing round to see if anyone else had heard. ?No, I, well this blouse is so sheer...? she started in a whisper. ?And?? Barbara couldn?t look at her, instead she glanced down a nervous tic developing in her tummy. ?I?m sorry Mary, I, I just thought.? ?Well don?t think, I hope I don?t have to tell you again, in future just wear what you agreed.? Her voice was too loud and clear for Barbara?s comfort. ?Ys Mary, I?m sorry.? She felt weak even as she whispered it. Mary spread the jam and cream on her scones. ?Now, let?s discuss our sissy.? She took a big bite of the first scone, taking almost half of it, savouring it as she chewed before carrying on. ?I just spoke to Paul and he tells me that things have progressed very nicely. He is preparing a neat little trap tomorrow morning which will be our sissy?s first gay encounter.? She finished the scone and took a large gulp of her black coffee, it was almost as if she was in a business meeting. ?Now depending on how that goes and what he tells us, our sissy should be in a state of shock and feeling vulnerable. In which case it will be the perfect time to get sissy into his girly shorts won?t it? She began on the second scone. Barbara felt a twinge of nervousness. ?Do you think we?re doing the right thing Mmary?? She knew she sounded unsure and timid and she knew that she liked controlling and demeaning her son, but she was suddenly worried about what they were planning. There was no way Mary was going to loose this, she had already spent time and effort on this whole idea and in truth she was very excited by the whole thing. She smiled at Barbara in a supportive friendly way. ?Of course we are doing the right thing sugar, you don?t want him to be ruining your life do you? This is the best way to deal with him believe me, so don?t worry, Paul and I will be with you helping and guiding you all the way.? Mary sounded confident and decisive. ?You want him to be loving and helpful to you, don?t you sugar?? Barbara gave a little nod. ?Yes.? ?By the time we finish with him he will love you completely and do anything for you, regardless of what it may be, now that will be wonderful won?t it sugar?? Barbara?s worries subsided, her imagination drawing an exciting and arousing picture. She didn?t realise it but Mary was cleverly bringing her under her spell, slowly, gently grooming her, bending her to her will. ?Yes Mary, yes you are right it it will.? ?If all goes well tomorrow we will get him wearing girl?s shorts, then tomorrow afternoon we will go and buy some suitable female tops for her and by tomorrow night she will be almost fully dressed, just imagine that Barbara.? Barbara could and she smiled in a growing evilly excited anticipation. ?Now have you found your crop and put it somewhere visible as I told you sugar?? Barbara nodded again. ?Yes Mary.? She felt some curious delight at pleasing her. ?It?s on the dresser in the kitchen, in full sight.? ?Good, good girl.? Mary finished looked at her watch, then finished her coffee quickly. ?Come on, finish your coffee sugar, I want to take you to Victoria?s Secret.? And she stood up ready to go as Barbara hurriedly drank down the remains of hers. Mary rushed her along out of the caf? and began to walk purposefully towards the mall. Barbara stopped on the pavement, looking behind her nervously. ?We, we haven?t paid Mary,? she mumbled. ?Oh don?t worry about that sugar, they know me there, now come along girl.? And she made Barbara put her arm through hers and marched off, poor Barbara tottering along her best, trying to keep up on the high heels. Barbara had never been into the Victoria?s Secret shop before and she blushed as she looked nervously around her, quite shocked by what she saw. Mary made a beeline for the underwear and loudly pointed out various sexy pieces. ?Look darling, this thong is really sexy it will so suit you.? Barbara felt her face burning, she didn?t know where to look. ?We?ll take two of those, one red and one black darling and oh my god look darling, split crutch panties, they are so sexy, so easily accessible, you?ll love them let?s get two of them too.? Barbara could have died of embarrassment, but Mary kept on, going through the underwear, choosing matching bras, basques and suspender belts, each time handing them to Barbara to hold. Finally she headed across the store towards the desk with Barbara nervously following behind her. ?Look at these dildos darling, have you got a dildo?? If Barbara had been embarrassed before she was completely so now, her face burning brightly as she whispered her reply. ?God noo Mary.? ?Then you simply must have one darling, you will have so much fun with it, look let?s choose a nice one together, I?ll buy it for you then you can think of me when you use it.? Barbara just stood there unable to speak, the humiliation pulsing through her veins as Mary made a big thing of choosing a heavy latex realistic vibrator. Barbara was glad to leave the shop, laden with bags as she was. ?Where?s your car sugar?? Barbara told her, answering in a quiet voice. ?Mine is there too, you must follow me back to my house and we?ll have a nice chat.? Barbara didn?t have a chance to argue and she wasn?t quick enough to think of an excuse but if the truth be known, she was really quite excited to be going back to Mary?s house. The first thing that Barbara saw when she went into Mary?s front room was her crop, she couldn?t take her eyes off it a nervous pulse twitching inside her at the sight of it. ?I?m very cross with you Barbara.? Mary?s voice was suddenly hard and angry, it totally surprised Barbara, she had been such fun and so nice only moments before. ?We didn?t choose that petticoat and yet you wore it to meet me anyway.? Barbara blushed puce, looking down at the floor unable to face Mary. ?I?m sorry Mary.? Her voice nothing more than a whisper. ?Well you can take it off girl. Take off your blouse and skirt, then take it off this instant.? Mary sounded suddenly fierce. Barbara was shocked, yet that pulse down in her tummy was growing and before she knew it she was undoing the buttons on her blouse. Slowly, nervously, she took the blouse off and then her skirt until she was finally able to remove her petticoat. She slipped the straps nervously off her shoulders then in a growing embarrassment slid it down to the floor, finally stepping out of it. ?Now let me see you properly girl.? Barbara stood there, not knowing where to look, as Mary looked her over, her thick tongue licking her painted lips as her eyes greedily roamed, taking in her marble skin encased in the sexy black underwear. Barbara, looking for anything to distract herself from this embarrassment finally locked her gaze onto the black shining crop on the table. Mary noticed, she noticed everything. ?You love that don?t you girl?? Barbara gave a gasp, had Mary seen what she was looking at. ?You want it don?t you?? Barbara couldn?t find her words. ?DON?T YOU GIRL?? It made her jump. ?Yes.? Her sex pulsed even as she whispered the word. ?Pick it up and give it to me girl.? Barbara nervously picked the crop up, her hand actually trembling as she gave it to Mary. Mary took it and walked over to the chair, sitting on it she looked Barbara in the eye. ?Come along then girl, over my knees.? Barbara was in a confused arousal, she somehow wanted to do what Mary said, she couldn?t stop herself and slowly, nervously, she slid herself over Mary?s knees. Mary smiled in glee her left arm curling over Barbara?s naked waist, pulling her too her, she felt highly aroused with the sexily clad woman under her control. The little flicks from the crop, stung lightly, making Barbara jump. The thick, stiff, fingers of Mary?s left hand snaked between her legs, sliding under her pretty black nylon panties, gently down until they slipped between her lips, finding and rubbing her already erect clitoris. Barbara gasped, then moaned softly, the little stinging strokes driving her against Mary?s fingers, the mixture of feelings gradually bringing her closer and closer to her desperate needy climax. Mary played with her keeping her on an edge then, her words sinking into her mind mixing with the sexual feelings that were throbbing through her. ?You love this don?t you sugar? Love me having you.? Barbara was moaning, gasping. ?We are going to have your sissy too aren?t we?? She paused for the reply until Barbara in her desperation gasped ?Yess.? ?You?re going to show yourself to him aren?t you sugar? Tease him, taunt him?? The pauses only increased her excitement and desperation. ?Yess Yess,? she hissed in needy want. ?Don?t worry sugar we won?t let him have you.? She paused as Barbara moaned, so close so close, keep rubbing, keep rubbing, the only thoughts going through her head. ?At least not yet sugar, perhaps if sissy?s very good she can later.? Barbara mewed, her senses overloading almost there almost there. ?We will keep him in chastity, keep him desperate and begging until he?ll do anything we want, won?t we sugar?? ?Yess yesss ohh ohhhh yesss yesss.? She was so close, about to come. ?We?ll have him in dresses and feminine undies worshipping and licking in no time won?t we sugar?? ?Yesssssssssssssss,? Barbara came with a loud trembling moan and Mary knew, she was hers now. The rest of the afternoon she played with her, they sat on the sofa kissing, Mary slowly kissing her neck and teasing her nipples before gradually finding her way back into her moist panties once again. ?Let?s try out my present, shall we? Your lovely dildo, sugar,? she whispered directly into Barbara?s ear, sending an erogenous tickle through her. Barbara could only whimper against her fingers. Mary hadn?t allowed her to come down since her erotic spanking. Mary had it unwrapped in seconds, the batteries inserted, the lubricant lewdly rubbed into it as Barbara watched in quivering arousal. The vibrations through her panties turned her into a quivering jelly, unable to think, as Mary manipulated her pulling her panties down and spreading her legs, before slowly teasing her, sliding the lifelike, soft feeling, cock between her lips. Mary took her time working Barbara up until she was almost begging, before beginning to slip the stiff vibrating intruder into her soaking heated canal. She came again then and several times after at Mary?s insistence, persuading her to enjoy the multiple orgasms which she never wanted before. She was lost in thought on her return drive home, her petticoat pushed in with her shopping, her body still tingling, she could hardly wait for tomorrow.

Same as Babe in the woods back story Videos

4 years ago
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Babe in the woods ch 4

He woke up in the morning, another day, another hell. William did the tea thing, even seeing her sitting in bed, her boobs half uncovered didn't detract from his thoughts of the morning, it was only the man who seemed to be dominating his mind right now. Breakfast and clearing up was over all too soon and before he knew it, he was steeling himself as he made his way to the shed. He had devised a little plan however, he decided that he would carry the skirt in a bag and wear his shorts....

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Babe in the woods ch 3

He awoke to the alarm with a thick head and feeling quite exhausted, he just wanted to go back to sleep, but he knew that she would be calling soon. He got out of bed and glanced in the mirror; the nightie was clinging to his hips just revealing the White panties which he had actually worn all night. He was confused why had he done that? It felt weird yet as he looked at himself his stupid locked up penis was eager to start to pulse again, until hearing her movements in her bedroom...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

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Babes In The Woods

Since it was such a glorious day, Principal Pulaski decided to take a stroll during his lunch break to the nearby woods. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a ferret carrying something in his mouth and decided to see what the little chap was up to. As he drew nearer, he saw the ferret attempting to bury some small piece of jewellery in the ground next to a large old oak tree. Carefully edging towards it, suddenly both of them froze as the sound of a girlish laugh rang out amongst the...

1 year ago
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I fucked my mother in law in the woods

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Wild WoodsChapter 2 Mourning After

Karen and Gee stumbled into Jitterz at eight-thirty. They hadn’t been home yet and weren’t headed there now. It had been a long night, dealing first with the discovery of the body, then the police, and finally, the Family heads. “Oh, my. You two look wrung out. Double Birdie’s Special coming right up. What would you like to eat?” Violet asked as they reached the counter. The contrast of her ginger hair with her light caramel skin never ceased to intrigue Gee. He forgot to answer. “Thank...

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The Woman in the Woods

Most folks avoid the woods. Strange things lurk there. That's probably why they feel like home. I never truly fit in, always felt a world apart even when among my few friends. I've never been able to express just why that is, but it's haunted me my whole life. Like many misfits in this corner of the world, my differentness resulted in a career as a mercenary, adventurer and professional misanthrope. I don't regret my choices, or lack thereof. I saw a good portion of the world as a...

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My Day in TheBluebell Woods

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A Cabin in the Woods

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Lady of the Woods

The Western Woods near Alverone had long been known locally as the Blighted Wood. The reason was obvious as one drew near the forest. Most of the trees were grey and leafless. On the few trees that retained a semblance of life, the bark was grey and brittle, the leaves strange hues that did not appear at all healthy. Even in the wet, fertile spring, the trees remained grey and the soil was parched and devoid of undergrowth.No one would cut wood or hunt in that forest, nor would they even enter...

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Thelma and her brother

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Mr Woods are you okay

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Babette Johnny And Me

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Gee picked Karen up and carried her to the sofa in Wayne’s living room. “What on earth happened?” Jo asked, coming in from the kitchen. “Gee, let us take care of Karen so you can tend to Nina. She’ll trust you more than me.” Wayne directed. Gee reluctantly gave care of his lover over to Wayne and Jo as he ran outside to see Nina now swinging quietly on the rusty chains. Gee approached her slowly. “Nina? Are you okay, honey?” She looked up at him with eyes gradually focusing. “Gee? I had...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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If You Go Down in the Woods It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little. Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t...

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Wild WoodsChapter 14 Eighth Family

“The first children have arrived,” Adam said when Gee answered his phone Sunday afternoon. “We’ll need volunteers soon.” “How many children?” Gee asked. “So far, we have twin girls, about six years old. They have a little language skill but it has mostly been used to ask where Aunt Ann is. The feds compiled a dossier on the children from what they could locate and were kind enough to include a couple of toys from the girls’ room. These two were being raised by a couple in Ohio as their...

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True story of an old man in the woods

I was just a young lad the first time i did any thing with another guy, i was still living with mom in the house she inherited from her father after he died in a small village that mainly had elderly people living in it.There certainly wasn't any one my age about so contact with other youth's was limited to school.Most of my time was spent playing alone or helping mom about the house, then some thing happened that was to change me for ever.It was a Sunday morning and mom was home doing some...

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Wild WoodsChapter 10 436 Peach Street

“This has been an exciting week from what I hear,” Dr. Poltanys said as he clipped the stitches from Gee’s leg. “The children have finally begun to vocalize. Not all words but they are getting very good with ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’,” Gee said. Whenever someone mentioned things being exciting, Gee thought of the children. “I’ll bet that thrills Laura and Jude,” Adam chuckled. “Yes. There was a little confusion when Devon called Marian ‘Mommy’ but it didn’t take them too long to sort out the...

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Wild WoodsChapter 12 On the Run

“Adam!” Gee panted when he found the doctor. Adam looked up from a cup of coffee in the hospital cafeteria. Julia and Mead sat with him. “Are you hurt, Gee?” Adam asked as he started to stand. “No. Winded. Ran from the Woods.” “That’s ... about three miles,” Mead offered. “Why are you running?” “No driver’s license. The children, Adam. They’ve been eating nuts in the woods.” “What? That’s not possible. Their blood tests showed markers for RDH in their system but they’d get that from...

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adult theater short storys

GLORYHOLEI'd love to be in a booth with a woman while she does her thing to all of those unidentified cocks! I have taken my wife to a local porn theater and made her take off her bra and pantyhose. She was wearing a very short skirt so hiking that up was no problem. I had her unbutton her blouse so the guys in the row we were sitting in could see her tits. They would move close to her and in the beginning she would panic but I held her there and told her to settle down and go with the flow....

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

4 years ago
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Through the Woods

Scott was scrawling away when the bell on the cafe door jangled. He was surprised to see the girl from the stationery shop step in. She scanned the room as her eyes adjusted from the summer brightness outside. The moment she saw him, her face lit up and she strode to his table.“Eager to get started, huh?” She hovered, clasping her forearms. “I love a man who gets straight to things.”“Uh, yes, miss. Just ducked in here to get out of the heat and get the hang of this pen.”Scott rose and offered...

3 years ago
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A bit of fun in the woods

Most of what follows is true. I've changed the names to protect the real 'Gary' and 'Jessica'. L.J. 11/08/2009?Hi Gaz, how’s tricks? Archie's voice boomed out as he approached across the saloon bar of the Rising Sun.?Not so bad. I got one in for you.? Gary indicated a pint of Boddingtons waiting on the table ready.?Good man. I'm surprised that new girlfriend of yours has let you out.? Archie sat down and took a long pull at his pint. ?You seem to be spending all your time with her, completely...

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The Woman in the Woods

It is said that there is a woman in the woods, a woman who lures men with her lullaby to then spirt them away. On occasion parts of them are found spread through the woods, others remain missing forever. People say they have seen her walking with a basket of grass, or gathering water into a flask by the stream. None have stayed longer than a few seconds, fearful of what may happen to them. Children dare each other to stand on the edge of the boundary and call out to her, they make it to the...

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I took a walk almost every day in the woods that surrounded my house. I lived far out in a cabin I had built when I retired from the army. The only way to get to my cabin was a dirt road that ran off the main road a couple of miles away. There were paths and trails in and out of the woods and I would walk them almost every day. I was on a path when I heard someone cough. I moved off the trail and hid in some bushes near the path. A young woman came into view about a hundred yards down the path....

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Babette By Margaret Jeanette Holly Hunter sat in her dad's office She had stopped in to visit with him as she seldom saw him. Their conversation turned to an area Holly dreaded. Her dad was a successful contractor who had built his business up being fair and honest with his customers. Jim Hunter was a workaholic who wasn't happy until a job was done. He said, "Holly, I love you but you are twenty-five years old. When I was twenty-five I was already married three years. You...

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The World Of Eros Into The Woods

I slowly rode my horse through the forest enjoying the cool breeze. I was farther in the kingswood then I had ever been as I traveled along the trail heading back towards the small town known as huntersrest. Though I had been living in the city for a month now I still felt more at home out here in the wilderness. City life was growing on me a little each day. It was nice to have everything one could need only a few blocks away instead of having to ride miles to the next town to buy something....

2 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 12

Kelly and I got up early the next morning so we could work out before breakfast. Our parents were in the kitchen when we came up from the basement. Stopping to tell them good morning, Kelly and I told them we would be back in a few minutes. I showered with Kelly, a routine we came to enjoy. Sometimes we played around and made love in the shower, other times, we only took our showers. Today, Kelly and showered quickly. I knew she was anxious to get going so she could take pictures with her...

4 years ago
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Perversions In The Woods rewritten

I wrote this story a few years ago. It was originally called Perverted Kids. I have edited it a few times, and I didnt like that title, so now I call it Perversions in The Woods. Since XNXX allows you to delete and edit your stories now, I want to submit the stories that I have changed. Im sorry to keep posting but I am never happy with my storys and I always want to change them, and I want them all to be available on one link. Perversions In The Woods by Britney I was out on a jog one...

2 years ago
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Rubbing in the woods

I like to masturbate outdoors, and I know other men who share my passion. But until recently I never thought it was something females did very often. Turns out they do from time to time, you just have to be very quiet, and lucky, to catch them at it!I'd been going to some woods near work on the odd lunch break through the summer to get my pants down and wank off in the trees. I hadn't been doing any dogging, I was just enjoying my time alone. I'd get well off the beaten track before taking my...

3 years ago
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Rectal thermometer suppository story

Part 1Well, this is it. A while now i was thinking of writing a story, and i guess that time is now.I post my story here, and not in the blog. Due to the fact that is’t a true story, it happend to me a few years ago… over 15 to be exact…but i still remeber it as if it happend yesterday. One last thing, if you’r not into medical stuff, you probably won't get much of a kick out of it, but for those out there who do, just like me, here it is…When i was 19 years old, i was going to nursing school...

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BackWoods Boy Episode One

It all started when I was about 12 years old. I was an average boy, meaning I was not well endowed, nor was I into sports or school. When I was 1 year old, our family moved to a remote mountain town. The nearest neighbor was literally over am mile away. Tall pine trees littered the landscape that made for a great playground for a young man to grow up in. We hardly had any visitors to this remote homestead, but when we did, it was memorable for me. My mind floods with my early visions...

3 years ago
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The Lady Past The Woods

NOTE: This is much longer than my normal stories. The Lady Past The Woods When I was in high school I got an idea for my photography class from a Relaxation CD that Mom had given me a few years ago. I would lie in bed not being able to sleep and listening to the babbling brook. Eventually I was relaxed and asleep. When I told my teacher about my idea she was excited that I had envisioned a scene to go along with the sound and now wanted to marry them into a movie. There was...

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Lost in the Woods

Getting lost in the woods has always been a favorite past time of hers.  She would often drive until she found a trail access park and head off for hours.  Mostly she stuck to the trail; rarely did she cross someone else and usually never another solo hiker.  Today was special; it was the first hike of the year for her.  Once she was a considerable distance off the trail she removed her top breast free to what ever sunshine may find its way through the canopy.  Her Tuesdays off were often time...

4 years ago
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In the Woods

It was always a home away from home.  Then after about three years at my current job, the weekend cabin finally became home to me. It was a couple of acres with just a cabin & small lake. Once the deed was transferred into my name, I upgraded everything in the cabin.  From the water, solar power, furnishings and I even installed WIFI, so I could even work from home in the event of an emergency.  The cabin was surrounded by tons of trees.  I had a path made from the cabin to the main highway. ...

2 years ago
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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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MILF in the Woods

100% fiction! It was a bright sunny day in July, my relatives and me just arrived around noontime at a state park in New York. Our plan was to have a nice Filipino style family picnic. We set up quickly and people started eating and drinking. It was getting boring for me after awhile, I only had my little cousins around. I am in junior high and wouldn’t mind drinking to let time fly by, but I was with family. So I was bored out of my mind and was hanging around my mom. Then I noticed a Spanish...

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Peeing in the Woods

My brother and I grew up playing in the 10-acre woods behind our house. Scott is a year old than I, actually 14 months, older, and we were like regular siblings. We would fight each other tooth and nail one minute and comfort each other the next. As soon as mom trusted us, we spent all our time in those woods, well, except when we played on the swings and sliding board. We built forts in the woods, made bike trails, built tree houses, dammed the small stream hundreds of times, and even camped...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Dont Go Into The Woods

Don't Go Into the Woods By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. I am sorry to those who wish me to write a love story and this is in no way meant to deride anyone's sexuality, gender preference. But, this is a very raw and hard piece. So, if you read it I hope you like it and if it's...

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Donacutet Go Into The Woods

Dont Go Into The Woods!The tears in my eye were overshadowed by the sound of a vehicle, the first in a month. I was hoping it was someone coming to rescue me. But I knew it was just the opposite. I was afraid, nervous, apprehensive, and submissive about what would be next. “Here come the men. Go open the door. ” he said. I walked obediently towards the door and although the plug wasn’t that big I could feel it every step. Between the walking lessons of short steps foot in front of foot...

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Wild WoodsChapter 6 Runaway

Gee went to the woods Saturday morning seeking both the camaraderie of his team and the peace of the Forest. The long day Thursday, waiting for Ben to die, followed by the long day Friday, dealing with the funeral and family, had been mentally and emotionally draining. The weather was crisp but the sky was clear. He thought it might make it above freezing by mid-afternoon. “We only have two crews today, Gee,” Jessie said. “Jonathan is sick in bed. That means I’ll probably be sick in bed...

4 years ago
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Wild WoodsChapter 8 Troubled Waters

“Sick. It’s just sick,” Mead muttered as Nina left the room. At a few minutes before nine o’clock, she stood and asked if she could go to bed. The poor girl looked like she was still in shock but had answered all Mead’s questions. “Not only the people who bought her but that she was ... erased ... made ... created ... here. The cabins. The children. The doctor. It’s all too much. That our town has been a hub of child trafficking.” Mead shook his head and stood to leave. Karen and Gee walked...

3 years ago
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collection adult theater short storys

I love going to the local movie theater. my husband and i will go at a time that is not to crowded. normally there are a few couples there. we sit in the middle of the theater and begin kissing ... we get a few lookers. then i will pull up my skirt ( no panties - for easy access) and sit on his dick and ride him up and down. before you know it, we have people watching and wishing. it is amazing how hot that is. some have asked to join, but we tell them no, but are welcome to watch.Me and my...

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A Quickie in the Woods

If you have read my other stories, you know that I only post 100% true accounts of my Bi live. Here is another time I had in the woods with a young stranger.I had just parked my van at a well known cruising spot by the river. I was really horney and had not touched myself, or had any contact with either my wife or anyone in about a week. I was just sitting in the van and was noticing guys parking, and then walking off on the various trails made by the many guys looking for fun in the woods.I...

3 years ago
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The Dare Book 2Chapter 18 Back to the Woods

“Enough. We are getting close, and this is not how I want to cum. Though I completely support your initiative, little Niki.” He stroked her head as she lay there a moment, before she sat back up, glancing around and realizing they had left the highway again, and were indeed near the dirt road that led to the park. She sat back up, remembering to keep herself observable, and was just looking at the tall pines and other trees that lined the narrow roadway, her mind going back to the previous...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Summer Woods CD

School was just out. My mother and father worked and my sister was older than me and slept most of the summer it seemed. She would get up late and i spent many summer days dressing in her panties and bras, experimenting with her makeup and acting the slut. I was settling into the summertime vacation routine.This summer though i started riding my bike to the state park that was a few miles away. I stashed a box in a secret place deep in the woods by the river bank. Well away from all the trails...

2 years ago
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House in the Woods Kelly Anne

© Copyright 2003 The fish had not been very cooperative that day, but then, catching fish isn't really the point of fishing for me. I was heading back through the woods to my house, when Caesar and Czar took off like bats out of hell. From the way they fled silently between the trees, I knew there was someone on my property who shouldn't have been. When I go far from the house in these woods, I carry a Super Blackhawk in a belt holster. A.44 Magnum is a bit heavy for use on humans,...

2 years ago
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Girl Cop in the Woods

Girl Cop in the Woods Ch 1. Should’ve Had Backup. (M/f, bondage, nc, rape, humil)Annie saw the smoke coming out of the woods as she patrolled along the mountain road. She grumbled to herself. There was always some yahoo out violating the no burn alert. There’d been three days of rain, but the forest service still had a burn ban in effect, rain or no rain. She was about to call in when she paused. Several times she or one of the other officers called in upon seeing smoke, and always the scene...

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Into the Woods Into a Witchs Bondage

It was a small village in the big woods called the Vasty Forest. He was a young man having reached the maturity of 18 years. It was his time to take over his father's business of working the forges in the smithy. He had apprenticed since his 8th year. Now he was to be the breadwinner for the whole family as his father rested and awaited death. It would not be long. No one lived past their 50th birthday in this village. It was stark and lacked the healthy air and fresh food a people needed to...

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Lost in the Woods

Introduction: One night in the woods can change an entire life Dammit Lucy! I told you to stay out of my stuff! I was screaming at my younger sister who I told numerous times to keep her hands off my shit. But did she listen? Nooooo. And whenever I complained to mom I got the excuse Shes only 6. It was so annoying. I shoved her out of my room, slamming the door behind her. I hit play on my remote and Taylor Swift began blasting through my iPod speakers. I flopped back on my bed and grabbed my...

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