Training Big Brother Part IV free porn video

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Sunday morning came and Tom dutifully put on his panties when he got dressed. Again, he was up early so he could empty the dishwasher before their mom came downstairs. Karen came in just as he was finishing up. "Good morning," she said pleasantly. "Oh... hi," Tom replied, a little surprised as he'd not heard her footsteps. "I see you've emptied the dishwasher already." She smiled. "That's good. I like to get my chores over with early." Tom gave her a look. Her chores. Ha! "You know, mom's still sound asleep. Let's do a panty check now." "Fine," Tom muttered, feeling somewhat humiliated as he started to unzip his pants. "No Tom. You don't say 'Fine'. We had this discussion last night. Now what do you say?" Oh Christ! He remembered how she hadn't liked his comment after last night's panty check. "Yes... Yes ma'am." "Good. Now let's try it again. Are you wearing panties?" "Yes ma'am," Tom replied, his humiliation growing. "Good. Now drop your pants and show me." Tom started to undo his belt. "Uh uhh. You're forgetting something." "Huh?" Then he realized what she meant. "Yes ma'am," he added as he undid his pants and pushed them down so she could see the white panties he'd chosen for today. But Karen wasn't done yet. She was enjoying this. Plus, it reinforced that she was in charge now. "All the way down," she directed. "To the floor." "Yes ma'am." He'd caught on. Down went his pants as he obeyed her. "Pull up your shirt and turn towards me." "Yes ma'am." Karen smiled. Her brother was sporting an erection. Again. "Ok Tom. You can pull your pants up now." She watched as he made himself presentable. "So, Tom. What have you learned this morning?" "Huh?" Tom was momentarily caught off guard by the question. "Uhhh... to say 'Yes ma'am'?" "That's right. When I tell you to do something, you say 'Yes ma'am' and do it. I think we'll make that rule number five. Ok?" Tom nodded, not really having a choice in the matter. "Yes ma'am." "Good. Now why don't you go upstairs and make my bed before mom wakes up." "Huh?" Bed making was just to be on gym days! However, the look on his sister's face made it clear what was expected. "Yes ma'am." Tom headed for the stairs cursing under his breath. Christ! He had to make her bed today! And he had to say 'Yes ma'am' like he was her maid! If only she didn't have all those pictures. But she did. Tom quickly checked that their mom was still sleeping and then got busy making his sister's bed for her. He was tempted to do a half-assed job but knew she would check. Instead he fluffed her pillows and straightened the sheets and blanket so she couldn't fault him. "I kind of like rule number five," Karen said with a smile after her brother came back downstairs to tell her he'd finished. "Is mom still sleeping?" "Uh huh," Tom replied. "Oh Tom," Karen exclaimed. "If I ask a 'yes' or 'no' question you can answer 'Yes ma'am' or 'No ma'am'. We'll tack that onto rule five." She smiled. "Let's try again. Is mom still sleeping?" "Yes ma'am." "Good. You're learning. Now let's try a few more. Is today Sunday?" "Yes ma'am." "Is tomorrow Tuesday?" "No ma'am." "See... That wasn't so hard, Now was it?" "No ma'am." It wasn't. It was just humiliating; having to address his younger sister like that. She looked down at the table. "Ok Tom. I finished my breakfast while you were upstairs. These dirty dishes need to go into the dishwasher." Now it was back to waiting on her. Make her bed. Clean up her dirty dishes. He definitely didn't like this new rule of hers. "Yes ma'am," he said as he gathered up her cereal bowl, silverware and glass and took them over to the dishwasher. "I'm going upstairs to get dressed now," Karen said when he finished. "I've got to write up a report for homework today so make sure there's plenty of paper in the printer." "Yes ma'am," Tom replied. While his sister headed off to get dressed, he went over to the printer. It was empty. The closet where they kept extra paper had only a couple of sheets; not enough for any decent sized report. Damn. He headed upstairs to break the news to his sister. At the door he knocked politely. "What's up?" Karen asked, letting him in. "We're just about of paper," he explained. "Only two sheets left." "Darn," Karen exclaimed. "Maybe Becky has some I can borrow." She picked up her phone and dialed her friend. "Hi Becky. It's me, Karen." She paused for a moment and then continued. "We're out of printer paper. Do you have some extra?" "Oh, that's great," she said. "Tom will be by to pick it up." She laughed at something Becky said. "Of course, he is." After a moment she handed the phone to Tom. "Becky wants to talk to you." Tom took the phone. "Hello," he said warily. "Hi Tom. Karen says you're wearing panties already. Are you wearing one of your new bras too?" "No." The conversation was embarrassing and Tom felt his face flush. "Well bring one with you when you come over. Maybe the cute one you wore yesterday." "Becky! No!" he protested. Christ! "No bra, no paper. I'm sure your sister won't be too happy about that." Damn! She was right. Karen would be pissed at him. "Ok. Fine." "Good. Come by around eleven. My parents should be at church then. Now hand the phone back to your sister." Taking the phone, Karen waived him away. He headed for his room, saying 'good morning' to his mother who was heading to the bathroom. He had an hour to kill before going to pick up the paper so he decided to tackle some of his homework. At quarter to eleven he put his books down and fished yesterday's bra from the drawer where he had hidden it. Stuffing it into his pants pocket he thought for a moment and decided it might be best to check with Karen before heading over to Becky's. Again, he knocked politely on her door. "Come in," came the reply. "Hi," he said, poking his head through the doorway. "I'm heading over to pick up the paper now." "Just a moment," Karen said, turning to face him. "Are you bringing a bra like Becky told you?" "Yes... Yes ma'am." Karen smiled. He remembered. "Ok. I'll see you when you get back." Ten minutes later Tom stood on Becky's porch ringing the doorbell. She answered the door and let him in. "My folks just left. We've got the house to ourselves." "Your sister's not here?" Tom asked hopefully. "Nope. She's at church with my parents too. I said I wasn't feeling well so it's just me." Becky smiled. "Karen wishes she could be here but that report of hers is due tomorrow so she's got to finish it. I hope you brought a bra, otherwise you're not going home with the paper she needs." "I brought it," Tom muttered. "Let's see it." He pulled it out of his pocket. "See," he said. Becky smiled happily. The fun was about to begin. "Well get out of your boy clothes and put it on." Knowing he didn't have a choice, Tom stripped down to just his panties. The bra went on like he'd learned the day before. He got it hooked behind his back with a little bit of trouble. Nothing a bit more practice wouldn't resolve. He stood still while Becky looked him up and down. His penis twitched and started to stiffen as she inspected him. It wasn't an ideal time to be getting an erection and he was a bit ashamed that his penis was betraying him. He groaned when she took out her phone and snapped a couple of pictures. "To capture the moment," she said with a smile. A moment later her fingers were busy typing away. "Karen and Jill. Because they couldn't be here." "Karen says she made a new rule for you this morning," Becky said after putting her phone down. "Tell me about it." Tom's face reddened. "I... I have to say 'Yes ma'am' when she tells me to do something." "Ooh, I like that rule," she exclaimed. "I'm not sure I like ma'am though. How about 'Miss Becky' instead?" She smiled impishly. "Can you say 'Yes Miss Becky'?" With a slight gulp, Tom nodded. "Yes Miss Becky." He could see where this was going. "Say it again." "Yes Miss Becky." "I like that. Keep saying it." "Yes Miss Becky... Yes Miss Becky... Yes Miss Becky." Tom paused. "No. Don't stop," Becky said. "I want you to get used to saying it." "Yes Miss Becky... Yes Miss Becky... Yes Miss Becky," Tom continued. He kept at it, repeating 'Yes Miss Becky', probably twenty times before Becky said he could stop. "That was good. I've got a couple more you're going to be using. Try 'Please Miss Becky'." Jeez! This was worse than Karen and her 'Yes ma'am's. "Please Miss Becky." "Thank you, Miss Becky." "Thank you, Miss Becky," Tom repeated. "And finally, 'I'm sorry Miss Becky. It won't happen again'." "I'm sorry Miss Becky. It won't happen again." Becky smiled happily. "Do you think you can remember those?" "Yes Miss Becky," Tom replied unhappily. "So," she said. "How are you going to ask me for the printer paper?" This was humiliating. "Please Miss Becky. May I have the printer paper?" "No no, Tom." Becky shook her head. "When you want something from me, the proper way to ask is to be on your knees. Otherwise I won't think you want it very much." Oh Jeez! Becky was turning into a real little bitch. Tom cursed to himself but dropped to his knees. "Please Miss Becky. May I have the printer paper?" "Much better," she said with an approving smile. "That's the way I expect you to ask me for things from now on. Understand?" "Yes Miss Becky." It was humiliating, having to show deference to her this way but thinking it was over he started to get up. "Uh uhh. Stay on your knees. We're not done yet." "Huh? What do you mean? I said 'Please Miss Becky' like you wanted." "Now Tom," Becky said admonishingly. "It's not what I want. It's what you want. And you want the printer paper so Karen won't be angry. Am I right?" Tom nodded, not sure where this was going. "Answer me, Tom. Use your words. Am I right?" "Yes Miss Becky." "So, you have to ask me nicely." She smiled. "Let's try again." Oh Jeez. "Please Miss Becky. May I have the printer paper?" "Why do you want it?" "My sister needs to print a report and we're out of paper." "How did that happen? Weren't you checking that there was paper?" "Ummmm... No." Tom looked up. Becky was waiting expectantly. "No Miss Becky." It wasn't all his fault. "But she didn't check either," he added. "So now it's her fault?" Becky asked, incredulously. "No," Tom was quick to respond. "No Miss Becky. That's not what I meant." Christ! "Well whose fault is it?" Oh God! He couldn't say it was Karen's. That would probably get him into more trouble. "I... I guess it's mine," he said, not wanting to antagonize her. "Well, I would think an apology is in order." "Yes Miss Becky." His humiliation made his penis twitch. "I'm sorry Miss Becky. I should have checked the paper. It won't happen again." "I'll be sure to let Karen know you'll be taking care of that from now on. She shouldn't have to worry about it." "Yes Miss Becky." Was she done? "May I get up now?" he asked hopefully. "It's up to you," she replied, an impish smile on her face. "But I would think you may want to get on Miss Becky's good side. She likes her little sissy boys to show respect." Oh Christ! He didn't like being called a sissy and his face reddened. But she was right. He also didn't want to be on Miss Becky's bad side. That was for sure. "Yes Miss Becky," he said and remained kneeling on the floor where he was. "I think you made a smart choice," Becky said after waiting a moment to be sure Tom wasn't getting up. She smiled to herself. She had a sixteen-year-old boy, wearing just a bra and panties, on his knees. Having all those embarrassing pictures made it rather easy. She almost felt sorry for him. But it was his fault really; being caught trying on his sister's underwear. Now he was paying the consequences. "Unfortunately, we've only got a little more time before my folks come home," she said. An impish smile had crept onto her face. "I don't want you to forget what you've learned so I'm going to give you some homework. Ok?" Homework? "Yes Miss Becky." "I want you to write out the four 'Miss Becky' sayings you've been working on. 'Yes Miss Becky', 'Please Miss Becky', 'Thank you Miss Becky' and 'I'm sorry Miss Becky. It won't happen again'. Five hundred times. By hand." She smiled at the look on Tom's face as he did the math. That was two thousand lines of writing. "I expect you to get it done tonight. Give it to Karen no later than ten o'clock. She'll bring it to school tomorrow and I will double check it." Oh Jeez! That was going to take several hours. Plus, he still had homework to finish. "Please Miss Becky. That's a lot of writing. I've still got homework to do." She gave him an uncompromising look. "You can choose whichever is more important to you. Just remember that failing to pass in your schoolwork may earn you an F but failing to pass in my homework will be worse. I know just the pictures I'm going to start circulating." Oh Christ! Becky's homework had to come first. No question. "I thought I was getting on your good side, Miss Becky." Becky laughed. "You are," she replied. "You don't want to see my bad side." "Now come over here," she directed, pointing to the floor in front of her. Still reeling from her homework assignment, he didn't want to appear uncooperative. "Yes Miss Becky," he replied, scurrying over on his knees. "Repeat your homework assignment. I don't want any mistakes." "Yes Miss Becky. I have to write 'Yes Miss Becky', 'Please Miss Becky', Thank you Miss Becky' and 'I'm sorry Miss Becky. It won't happen again' five hundred times. I need to give it to my sister no later than ten tonight. She'll bring it to school tomorrow for you to check." "Ok. I think you've got it." She glanced at the clock and saw it was getting late. It wouldn't do to have her parents find Tom here in a bra and panties. They just wouldn't understand. "It's almost time for my folks to come back but, before you change, I think Miss Becky deserves a big 'Thank you' for everything she did. Don't you?" No! Definitely not! That went through his mind but wisely didn't come out his mouth. What did was, "Yes Miss Becky." "Thank you, Miss Becky. Thank you for the printer paper." "That's not all she did for you, Tom," Becky said, sensing he thought he was done. "You would have left your bra home if she didn't tell you to bring it. And I know you're looking forward to your homework assignment." Oh Christ! He had to thank her for humiliating him? The look on her face told him he'd better get started. "Thank you, Miss Becky, for telling me to bring my bra." He was about to continue when Becky interrupted him. "And for letting me wear it." "Thank you, Miss Becky, for letting me wear my bra." Christ! This was embarrassing; being on his knees in girl underwear and thanking her. His penis twitched. It was humiliating. "And my panties," he added before realizing it. "Thank you, Miss Becky, for letting me come over to dress up in my bra and panties." Oh God! Did he just say all that? Then he remembered the homework. He wasn't done yet. "And thank you Miss Becky for giving me homework. I know it's a lot for me to do. But I'll get it done for you even if it means skipping my school homework. Your homework is much more important." "That was pretty good. I'd love to hear more but you'd better get changed." "Yes Miss Becky." Tom got up and retrieved his clothes, quickly pulling on his pants and shoes. After unhooking his bra, he stuffed it back into his pocket and then slipped into his shirt. Becky got the printer paper and held onto it when she handed it to him. "What do you say?" she asked with a smile. "Thank you, Miss Becky." "Uh uhhh. What comes before 'Thank you'?" "Please?" She nodded and Tom, remembering his earlier lesson, dropped to his knees. "Please Miss Becky. May I have the paper?" "Sure, Tom." She let go of the paper. "Thank you, Miss Becky," he said before rising up. With a goodbye, he headed out the front door and onto the street, breathing a huge sigh of relief. That was one thirteen-year-old he didn't want angry with him. But he had the paper. That was important. Karen would never forgive him if he'd caused her to miss her report deadline. Meanwhile Becky was on the phone with Karen and gave her a synopsis of what she made Tom do. The girls decided that, in addition to Becky's homework, Karen would also give him some. This should keep him very busy and hopefully he would miss Becky's deadline. That would turn out to be a lesson he'd not soon forget. After arriving home, he filled the printer tray with paper and made sure the printer was ready. He headed upstairs to tell his sister. Her door was closed so he politely knocked. "I'm back," he said when she opened the door. "I got the paper and filled the printer. It's ready to go." "It's about time," Karen replied. "You were certainly gone long enough." "Becky had some things she wanted me to do," he said. "So, I heard," she answered with a smirk. "And I also heard she gave you some homework to do." Tom blushed somewhat. "Yes." Then he remembered who he was talking to. "Yes ma'am," he added. "I hope you have enough paper. Becky says it should be lined, three hole punched and in a plastic folder. Not more than twenty-seven lines per page." "Huh? She didn't tell me that." Christ! He'd have to see if he had paper and a folder like that in his room. "Well," Karen said. "I'm not going to accept anything else." Then she shut the door in his face. Oh crap! This was just what he needed. He rushed to his desk and grabbed his notebook, flipping it open. By his count there were thirty- three lines on the page. Damn! He rustled through his desk drawers hoping to find other paper. Unfortunately, what he found had the same thirty-three lines. He returned to his sister's door and knocked. "All my paper has too many lines," he said. "Do you have any with only twenty-seven lines on it?" "I don't know. I never counted them." "Can I?" Then he added "Please?" "Sure," Karen said, rolling her eyes somewhat. He followed her to her desk where she was working on her report. "Here. Count the lines on this." She handed Tom a blank piece of lined paper. Tom quickly scanned it with his finger. Damn! Thirty-three. Just like his. "Do you have any other paper?" "Nothing any different than this," she replied. "I guess you better get mom to drive you to the store." "Oh Jeez," he muttered, realizing it would take precious time to go shopping for paper. Maybe he could talk to Becky and change her mind. "Do you have Becky's phone number?" he asked. "Maybe I can talk to her." "Sure." She got her phone and texted him the number. Tom headed to his room, dialing as he went. "Hello... Becky?... It's Tom." "Ummm... Aren't you forgetting something?" It clicked. "Miss Becky. It's me. Tom." "Yes." "Miss Becky. Karen just told me you want my homework on paper with no more than twenty-seven lines. And it has to be in a plastic folder." "That's right." "Well all my paper is thirty-three lines and I don't have a plastic folder." "That's too bad. I'm sure you can find what you need at Staples." "Please Miss Becky. Please may I use my paper instead? A trip to Staples will take too much time. And I've got a paper folder that could work instead of plastic." "I'm sorry Tom. Too many lines make it difficult to count. By the way, I only want you to write on twenty five of the twenty-seven lines. That makes for an even eighty pages or forty if you write on both sides." "I could just write on the first twenty-five lines of my pages. That would work, wouldn't it Miss Becky?" "Then I'd end up having to count lines. With twenty-seven lines I just have to see that you left two blank lines on each page. Trust me Tom. You don't want to make this any harder for me." Tom could see he wasn't going to get anywhere arguing. He was a little annoyed that she'd tacked on these additional requirements without mentioning them to him. He'd better double check. "Miss Becky. Is there anything else about my homework that you haven't told me?" "Hmmmm... Let me think." There was a thoughtful pause. "What color ink were you planning to use?" "I don't know. Blue or black. Whatever is on my desk." "Why don't you use four colors: blue, black, red and green. A different color for each. Let's do blue for 'Yes Miss Becky', red for 'Please Miss Becky', black for 'Thank you Miss Becky' and finally green for 'I'm sorry Miss Becky. It won't happen again'. Do you have that?" "Ummm... Yes Miss Becky. I think I do." Tom was hurriedly writing down the colors. Christ! He was never going to get to his schoolwork. "I think that's all. Aren't you glad you called so we could get it all straightened out?" Before Tom could reply, she hung up the phone. Damn! That hadn't gone as planned. Now he had to buy pens too. He looked at his alarm clock. It was almost one o'clock. It would take at least an hour to get to the store and back. He'd better get started. He went downstairs in search of his mother, finding her in the kitchen. He needed some school supplies. Could she drive him to Staples? Sure. But not right away. How about in an hour? He hated to waste another hour but what could he do? Back in his room he figured to start on his schoolwork while he was waiting. That is until Karen walked in. She had finished her report. All that was left was the printing. "So how did your conversation with Becky go?" She smiled. "Or should I say Miss Becky?" Tom blushed at the mention of what he was to call Becky. He shrugged. "Not particularly well." He looked at his sister. "She won't let me change the paper and now she wants me to use four different colored inks. I probably shouldn't have called." "Becky can be a brat sometimes. Unfortunately, it looks like you'll have to put up with her. For your sake, I hope you get her homework done on time." "Yeah well that's another thing. Mom can't take me to the store for another hour. I'm never going to get started." "What's mom doing?" "I don't know. She said she had some work to do. She was headed to her desk last I saw." Karen thought for a moment. She could see Tom was trying to get his schoolwork done while he was waiting. His time would be better spent learning that what she wanted took priority. Besides, it would be more fun to watch him scramble, trying to get all his homework done tonight. "So she's busy. She probably won't hear us then." She turned and shut Tom's door. "Where's the bra you took to Becky's?" "In my desk. Why?" "Because." She smiled impishly. "I want you to put it on for me." "Oh Jeez, Karen! Mom's downstairs. What if she comes up here?" "That's a chance you'll have to take," she said, a no-nonsense tone creeping into her voice. "Remember my rules, Tom. I expect you to obey them." She gave him a determined look. "And you can start with the latest rule I made for you." Tom gulped. He was being put in his place. "Yes... Yes ma'am." "That's better. I don't think you want your pretty little pictures showing up on my friends' phones." She paused to let her warning sink in. "Now do you remember rule number three?" Tom nodded. "Yes ma'am. I do" "Well?" Karen waited expectantly. "I... I have to wear a bra whenever you tell me to." Realizing he wasn't going to get out of it, he opened his desk drawer and retrieved his bra. "Now put it on," she directed. "Yes ma'am." Reluctantly Tom took off his T-shirt and slipped the bra on as he'd been taught. Christ! Hopefully their mother stayed downstairs. He'd just die if she caught him like this. "Take your pants and shoes off too. I want you wearing just your bra and panties." Karen knew that this would make him very nervous and more reliant on her." "Oh Jeez, Karen." He looked beseechingly at his sister but she was having none of it. His hands went to his belt buckle. "Yes ma'am." A few moments later he was sitting at his desk, his pants, shirt and shoes on the floor. Karen stood over him. "So... How was your little visit with Becky?" she asked conversationally. Tom shrugged. "Ok, I guess. I got the printer paper like you wanted." "That's not all you did," Karen said with a laugh. "Becky sent me a picture." "I... I had to get out of my clothes and put my bra on." Tom glanced up at his sister. "Kind of like what I'm doing now." His sister smiled before continuing. "And she's no longer just Becky to you, is she?" "No... No ma'am," he replied, his face reddening somewhat. "I... I have to call her 'Miss Becky'." "Well I think that's cute. And the homework she gave you will help you remember, won't it?" "Yes ma'am." Tom glanced over at his clock. Time was passing by. "Speaking of homework," he said. "I really need to get going on my schoolwork." "I'm sure you do," Karen said. "But right now, we're discussing your visit with my best friend. I'm more interested in that." Tom knew better than to argue. "Yes ma'am." He'd have to get used to Karen's wishes coming before his. He just hoped there would be enough time left to get everything done. "Now I understand you learned all about 'Please' and 'Thank you' among other things." Tom nodded. "Yes ma'am." He knew Karen expected an explanation. "Whenever I ask her for something I'm to say 'Please Miss Becky' and then I say 'Thank you Miss Becky'." He paused and decided Karen probably knew everything anyway. "I... I also have to kneel when I'm asking." "I told you Becky could be something of a brat at times. It looks like she's put the screws to you." Karen laughed. "But I kinda like her ideas. Making you kneel for her makes it quite clear that she's in charge. I like that." She smiled impishly. "Guess what you're going to do now." Oh Christ! He should have suspected this would happen. He pushed himself off the chair and reluctantly dropped to his knees in front of his smiling sister. Karen nodded appreciatively. "Perfect," she exclaimed. "I didn't even have to spell it out. You're catching on." Then the ruler on Tom's desk caught her eye. That gave her an idea and she glanced down at Tom's crotch. She smiled; he was hard. "Tom," she said. "Push your panties down." "Huh?" He'd hoped he'd heard her wrong. "I want to see your 'pee pee'. Now push your panties down." She waited for him to comply. "Tom," she said rather sternly. You'll regret it if you disobey me." Oh Jeez! He hated having to expose himself to Karen. It wasn't right. She was his sister. But he suspected what his regrets would be if he didn't do as he was told. The obligatory 'Yes ma'am' came out of his mouth and down went the panties. His erect 'pee pee' popped up. "Tom. I'm not happy that you balked at showing me your 'pee pee'. Rules are rules. I know these are new to you, but you have to learn them and, most importantly, obey them. I think Becky has the right idea; a homework assignment might reinforce them for you." Oh God! He couldn't afford any more homework! "I'm sorry Karen. Please! Please don't give me homework! I barely have enough time to complete what I have! Please!" Karen heard the panic in his voice and decided to toy with him. "We'll have to see. If you manage to obey them, it probably means you won't need too much reinforcement." She smiled impishly. "Let's see... Five rules. Maybe writing each one fifty times would be enough. That's a far cry from Becky's five hundred." She almost laughed at the look on Tom's face. "However, if you don't obey each and every one of my rules, you're looking at another five hundred. Understand?" "Yes ma'am!" Fifty times was two hundred fifty more or another ten pages. He didn't even bother to compute the other one. Adding another ten pages to Becky's eighty made ninety total. Maybe ninety was doable. He'd just make sure to obey his sister until this nightmare was over. To make matters worse, she added: "Oh. My homework needs to be done before you start on Becky's." "Yes ma'am," Tom replied with a gulp as he recalled that Becky's was to be done no later than ten. Karen then reached for the ruler on his desk. It wasn't a big one; just six inches. But it would do. "Now Tom. We're going to measure your 'pee pee'." Her impish smile widened. "What do you say to that?" Oh Christ! He knew what he wanted to say! This was more than embarrassing. But not obeying Karen's rules would get him into serious trouble. 'Yes ma'am', was the only thing he could say. And he did. "Yes ma'am." Karen sat down in Tom's desk chair and motioned for him to turn to face her. His erect penis pointed directly at her. Holding the ruler in one hand, she reached down to grasp his penis with the other. Tom flinched and started to pull away. "You just added ten more times to your homework. That's sixty. Want me to add another ten?" "No!... No ma'am," Tom quickly replied. Christ! That was another two pages! This time he stayed still when she reached for his penis. Holding it with one hand, she smacked it lightly with the ruler, smiling as Tom gasped. "Is this as big as it gets?" she asked. "Yes... Yes ma'am," Tom replied, feeling his excitement growing. Karen hadn't let go. Then smiling, she placed the ruler alongside his penis. "Oh look!" she exclaimed with an impish laugh. "Four... maybe four and a quarter inches. I've got to get a picture of this!" Tom was torn. He knew his penis wasn't all that big and he certainly didn't want that fact immortalized in a photo, probably to be shared with Becky! But Karen had made it very clear he had to obey her rules; or else. His sister was turning into a strict disciplinarian and he couldn't afford any more homework from her. "Here. Hold this for me while I get out my phone," she said, handing him the ruler. "Yes ma'am." Tom took the ruler, wishing he had the guts to defy her. Karen retrieved her phone from her pocket. "Hold the ruler against your 'pee pee'." Tom groaned but did as directed. "That's it. But stop pushing the ruler into you. It's not going to make it any bigger." She giggled. "I want to see the zero mark." Tom inched the ruler down and away from his body until the beginning of it was visible. The tip of his penis barely passed the four-inch mark. He heard the unmistakable click of her phone's camera. Christ! Then came several more clicks before she put the phone down. "There," she exclaimed happily. "Want to see?" Tom shook his head but Karen held her phone up anyway. He couldn't help looking at the damning evidence of his small size. "I'm going to share this with Becky," she said as she began composing a txt. Then, as if daring him to argue, she added, "You don't mind, do you?" Tom knew what he had to say. "No ma'am." "Good." She hit Send and off it went. "Because you know what would happen if you did mind, don't you?" "Yes ma'am," Tom replied. "I'd get more homework to do, wouldn't I?" "That's right," she said with a smile, happy that Tom understood the new position he was in. It hadn't taken too long; less than a week. Obviously, he wasn't too happy about it but he didn't really have a choice. With those damning pictures she had the upper hand. And this latest picture was priceless. Tom would do anything to keep her from sharing it. Unfortunately for him, she'd already shared it with Becky. She'd have to make sure she didn't spread it around just yet. Well maybe to her sister Jill. After all that's what sisters did. Her thoughts were interrupted by her brother. "Karen. It's almost two o'clock. Mom's going to be ready and I need to get dressed." "Is that how you ask permission?" she asked with a laugh. "Shouldn't there be a 'Please' in there somewhere?" Oh Christ! "Please Karen. Please may I get up and get dressed?" "Good boy," she said with a smile. "You're learning. Ok you may get up." Tom pushed himself up. So much for getting a start on his schoolwork. He pulled up his panties and reached behind to unhook his bra, tossing it onto the bed. Then he picked up his boy clothes and put them on. Looking around, he saw his bra on the bed and stuffed it under his pillow before following his sister from the room. o o o o o o "So, what are these supplies you waited until the last minute to get," his mother asked as they drove to the mall. "Oh, just some report covers, paper and some colored pens." "Ok. You shouldn't wait till the last minute, you know." "Yes mom," Tom replied. They rode in silence after that; Tom thinking of the hell his little sister had just put him through. After being put into just his bra and panties, he'd been terrified that their mother would come through the door and catch him like that. He couldn't believe Karen would take that chance but he didn't dare disobey her. Of course, she had nothing to lose. And the picture! Christ! He knew he wasn't very big down there but having it measured so Karen would know was very embarrassing. And to top it off, she?d already shared it with Becky. Now though, he was worried there wouldn?t be enough time to finish Becky?s homework since Karen had added her own. He just knew Becky would share some of his embarrassing pictures if he didn?t complete her assignment on time. He wished the mall wasn?t so far away. When they finally reached the mall, Tom headed for Staples while his mother ran her own errand with plans to meet back at the car in half an hour. He found what he needed without too much trouble. To be on the safe side, he bought two packages of twenty-seven lined paper; one hundred sheets each. Two hundred sheets should be enough he thought. He was at the car waiting when his mother called. Her errand was taking a bit longer than expected. She?d be another half hour. Christ! Tom looked at his watch. It was already three o?clock. Another half hour plus a half hour to get home. It would be four before he could get started on his sister?s homework. But there wasn?t much he could do about it. Finally, his mother showed up lugging a package. It was some flyers for work she explained. After putting them in the back seat, she started the car for the drive home. "Oh dear," she exclaimed. "I?m low on gas. I?ll stop at the next gas station." They drove on and found a gas station. After filling the car, they continued on. Tom was counting the minutes. "Where are you going?" Tom asked when she made a turn off the highway. "Oh, I?ve got to pick up a prescription at CVS. It?ll only be a couple of minutes." But it was a fifteen minute ride to the drugstore, and the couple of minutes turned into a half hour as everyone else in the world seemed to be picking up a prescription. It was after five o?clock before they returned home. Tom was beside himself and rushed up to his room to begin his homework for Karen. His sister heard him and came into his room carrying a piece of paper. "Just so there?s no misunderstanding, I?ve written out the rules the way I want you to write them." She handed Tom the paper and smiled at his expression. She?d purposely made each rule lengthy, detailing exactly what was expected of him. All in all, the five rules took about a third of the paper. That would take at least twenty sheets of paper to complete her assignment; if his writing was neat and legible. More if she had to correct him. "Don?t forget. Each page should have a title and a page number. Ok?" Tom looked up from reading the rules. "Yes ma?am," he said with a groan. He took out the first of the many sheets of paper he would be using tonight and began to write. Karen watched. "That?s good," she said when she saw the title, ?Karen?s Rules?. "But why don?t you add ?for my Big Brother, Tom??" "Yes ma?am," Tom replied and proceeded to add them to the title. "Is that ok?" "Yep. Don?t forget ?Page Number 1? at the bottom." "Yes ma?am." Tom dutifully did as she directed. Satisfied, Karen turned and left for her room. Tom immediately got to work copying the rules, word for word. He was angry that he had to do this. Between Karen and Becky, he?d never get his school homework done tonight. After three pages his fingers were getting tired of holding the pen so he took a moments rest. He?d been at it for fifteen minutes already. A quick calculation said it would be eight o?clock before he was done! Christ! How was he supposed to get Becky?s done in the remaining two hours? He picked up the pen and began writing furiously until his mother called him for dinner. Downstairs, he rushed through his food and, pleading lots of homework, left the table to get back upstairs. He worked straight through and miraculously, by seven thirty he?d finished Karen?s assignment. After making sure the pages were in order, he put it in a folder and took it to his sister?s room. "Karen," he said, knocking on her door. "I?m all done." Karen turned and, smiling sweetly, motioned her brother over. So, he thought he was done, did he? It was only seven thirty. "Let?s take a look," she said, holding out her hand to take his report folder. She started slowly going through the pages, knowing he was in a hurry to get back and start on Becky?s assignment. Halfway through she picked up a red pencil and placed a big X on the paper. Tom gulped when he saw that. Karen continued along not bothering with an explanation. Twice more she X?d out a particular rule before looking up at her brother. "You made some mistakes. I want you to redo the pages with an X." The look on her face dared Tom to disobey her. Tom gulped. She?d spent fifteen minutes reviewing his work and now he had to redo three pages. That was another fifteen minutes. It would be eight o?clock before he could start Becky?s homework. He wanted to say something but suspected it would just get him deeper in trouble. "Yes ma?am," he said quietly, taking his homework from her and returning to his room. Fifteen minutes later he was back. Again, Karen slowly reviewed his corrections. Thankfully the red pencil stayed on her desk. "Better," she said, looking up at him when she finished. "So did this help? Are you going to obey my rules now?" "Yes ma?am." Tom glanced at her clock. It was five after eight. "May I go and start on Becky?s assignment now?" Karen nodded and Tom hurried back to his room. She picked up her phone and dialed Becky. "Hi. It?s me." She paused. "Yes. He just started your homework. I?ve kept him quite busy so he couldn?t get to it." Again, she paused while Becky responded. "Don?t worry. He?s got less than two hours. He won?t get it done." She laughed. "And if he does manage to, l?ll make him redo a few pages. He?ll be begging you for a reprieve when he misses his ten o?clock deadline. He?ll never get to his schoolwork." They chatted some more before hanging up. Then Karen headed downstairs to watch some TV. Tom was going to be quite busy for the next two hours. She switched on a channel and sat down to watch. The show wasn?t all that interesting and she found herself thinking how to further cement the change in her relationship with her brother. Today?s events had certainly gone a long way. Having to say ?Yes ma?am? to her and call Becky ?Miss Becky? was an ongoing reminder to him that his thirteen-year-old sister and her friend The girls? homework was certainly a reinforcement. They would have to do it again. They had poor Tom writing furiously, hoping to complete Becky?s assignment on time. He wouldn?t, of course. They?d planned it that way. In order to earn a reprieve, and not have his pictures shared, he would have to agree to more sissy training. It was going to be fun, at least for her and Becky. At nine thirty Becky called, wanting to know how far along Tom had gotten. Karen took the phone and went into her brother?s room. "Becky wants to talk to you," she said, handing the phone to him. "Hi... Hi Miss Becky," he said cautiously, not knowing what to expect. He still had a long way to go on her homework and knew he would not meet her deadline. "How far along are you? Are you going to be done by ten?" Oh Christ! He had to tell her the truth. Karen was standing over him and would know he was lying. "I?ve done about two hundred Miss Becky. I... I?m not going to be done by ten." "You?re not? You?ve had all afternoon and evening to do this. Didn?t you think this was important?" "Please Miss Becky! I... Karen had me doing homework for her. I didn?t get started on your homework until after eight. She made me do hers first. But...But I?ve been working very hard to do yours!" "So you didn?t even start till after eight? I gave you that assignment early today so you could be done on time. The fact that you wasted the day is not my problem." She paused for breath. "I?m going to have to punish you and I?m pretty sure you know what that punishment will be!" Oh God! No! "Please Miss Becky! Please don?t do that! I?ll do anything else for you! Anything! Please Miss Becky! Please! Please! Please!" Tom was panic stricken that she?d share the embarrassing pictures. "Put your sister back on," she directed, ignoring his frantic pleas. Tom gulped and handed the phone back to Karen who stepped out of his room to continue her conversation in private. Tom wanted to cry. Becky was going to humiliate him. He wouldn?t be able to show his face after those embarrassing pictures got out! Two minutes later Karen returned and handed him the phone again. "Becky wants to talk to you." "Hello Miss Becky," he said, his voice quavering a bit. "Ok Tom. I?m going to give you a break." "Oh, thank you. Thank you, Miss Becky," Tom interjected; the relief evident in his voice. "I?m not finished," Becky said, cutting him off. "You have all night to finish my homework. Just give it to Karen before you leave for school tomorrow." "Yes Miss Becky!" "And tomorrow, after school, you?re going to come over to my house. I?m still going to punish you. Just not by sharing pictures. Yet." "Yes Miss Becky," Tom said, thankful he wouldn?t be publicly humiliated. "I want you to be wearing a bra and panties under your clothes when you arrive. Wear just a T-shirt. Don?t even think about covering up with a jacket. Understand?" "Yes Miss Becky." Tom gulped, realizing it would be fairly evident to anyone that he had a bra on. Becky hung up and Tom returned the phone to his sister. "She?s going to let me give you the homework in the morning," he said. "Well you better get back to work then," Karen replied. "Yes ma?am." He got back to work, feeling much more relieved. Still, he had three hundred more to go. It was going to be after midnight before he was done. There was no chance he?d get to his schoolwork. It was almost one o?clock when he finished and put the papers into the folder. Both his mom and sister were already asleep.

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My BrotherInLaws Big Rican Cock

I have always thought that my sister Denise and I were lucky to be raised by parents who taught us to be unprejudiced and accepting of all ethnicities. We grew up in the suburbs near Philadelphia, which has a sizeable Puerto Rican population, and we had a representative mix of Caucasian, black, and Latino friends. My name is Ed, and this story takes place when I am forty-two years old and Denise is forty-three. But first, it will be helpful for you to understand a little about our pasts.Denise...

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Mom Invites brother For Sex Party

Yesterday evening my Mom said to me, "Melissa, my brother Paul, his wife Cindy and their son Andy are coming over at nine o'clock for another sex party like we had last month. Make sure there is plenty of ice in the recreation room bar because you will be making drinks for everyone again. Your brother Michael should be just about done setting up the video cameras so we can make another DVD.""Mom, can we switch partners this time? Last month I was with my cousin Andy and you were with your...

3 years ago
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Brother Loves Married Sister8217s Big Lactating Boobs

Recently, I started reading stories on this site and became a fan of them. This is going to be my first story writing here and every single incident that happened in my life with my sister will be portrayed. Since these are real incidents, I am going to change the names of the persons involved in their privacy. This series of stories is going to be a little long. Please be patient while reading them. Please bear with my writing skills as I am new to writing stories. The family consists of daddy...

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A little big brother time Part 1

I would like to ask for feedback, thanks! First, I'd like to tell you about myself and my brother. My name is Daisy, I'm 17, I have dark brown hair that flows wavy to my breasts, which were a D-cup, and dark brown eyes that could get me anything I wanted. I'm about 105 lbs and I'm 5'0, short and petite as my mom always tells me. My brother, Alex, is 19 and he has short brown hair that he always covers up with a hat and has green eyes that I could stare at for hours. He's about 5'11 and is very...

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Training Rose

                                                       Training Rose by Angie FRose has become something of a living legend around Saddleworth so I persuaded her to tell me her story for a small, or actually not so small, fee. I had to edit some of it and change a couple of identities but I hope you enjoy it.    Angie.                                                            Training RoseI cowered in the corner protecting my face as best I could as the blows rained down, five, six, I counted,...

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Thank You Big Brother

(A fictional story for some) By: A W C Stella was already a junior at high school. Although she was fully grown on certain very obvious parts of her body but she did not have much muscles on her but still looked the most beautiful with her dark black shoulder length hair, blue eyes, full lips and very-well grown boobs showing perky, pointed nipples on the most fitting sized tits hidden in her bra. Somehow she had grown tall like almost 5’ 6’’ with a very slim body of no...

4 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Training of Shauna the Pet

WARNING!  THIS IS A WORK OF EROTIC BDSM FICTION.   IT IS ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL OF A SEXUAL NATURE.   DELETE NOW IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO VIEW THIS TYPE OF MATERIAL.The Author does not condone any of these actions, this is fantasy, make believe, ya know day dreaming. COPYRIGHT 2006:  This story is copyrighted by the author, Stillbehindblueeyes. I?d love to hear from you Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) comIf you post this story else ware please let me know and give me access to it....

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Training a Rich Bitch Part 1

serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now, three years later, Natalie had obtained a user contract with a local private kennel to act as an animal obedience instructor. During the intervening years, Natalie had gone to the excellent little library that Dewberry Place boasted and had read extensively both on...

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Training a Rich Bitch Part 1

Introduction: Natalie is an ambitious young dog trainer with a taste for the finer things in life Natalie was a dog trainer living in Dewberry Place, a wealthy suburb, while she and her widowed mother lived in a trailer park at the edge of town with all the other help that serviced the wealthy residents of Dewberry Place. Natalie liked training dogs. She really did. She had started working with dogs when she was thirteen years old as a kind of gofer/volunteer/intern with the town vet. Now,...

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Training of Masters Girl

Book ISYNOPSIS : Master Jonathan decides that it is time for His slave girl to become a pain slut.  Her journey into the world of pain begins with unique training sessions conducted by multiple sadistic Masters, each man using her body to inflict His perversions and predilections for pain.  The pain administered to her body is beyond anything she has experienced or could imagine.  But in the end and after several days of excruciating training sessions, she learns that pain can be an...

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Abigails End

Abigail's End In the Presidential Palace, there is a dining room where only the most trustedand honoured of the dictator's guests are ever entertained. Here are the mostdecadent and opulent symbols of his power. Perhaps the most decadent and opulentsymbol of all is the white statue holding a finger-basin by the entrance. On the wall behind the statue, in an arc over its head, the inscription reads, "Tothe twin virtues of humility and obedience." It is a naked woman, and her namewas once...

4 years ago
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Oh Big Brother

Introduction: What are you supposed to do when your brother makes you so wet you go weak at the knees? Before all this, I barley even knew what incest was. But now, I dont think I could live without it. My brother used to just be my big brother Nathan. But after that day, it was never the same. Before all this we were just like normal siblings, teased each other occasionally, aggravated each other, just your normal brother/ sister relationship. He was a senior and I was a junior, but it was so...

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Ed BiggersChapter 1

Infant, toddler, child, adolescent, adult, and geriatric reflect the changes in the physical body over the course of a full lifetime. More important than changes in the body, are the different roles a person plays in the theater of life. A small sample of roles a person can hold include friend, employee, boss, lover, spouse, leader, follower, parent, grandparent, consumer, producer, and provider. A life isn’t being lived, unless a huge number of roles are being played. As the number of roles...

2 years ago
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The Night of the Bigfoot Part 1

Lindsey tossed and turned in her bed and found sleep difficult which was unusual for her as she normally just crashed when she hit the pillow. Tonight she had just finished watching a documentary about the truth and fiction behind the bigfoot legend. Her thought was awash with all sorts of fantastic scenarios both romantic and fearful. Every continent around the world seemed to have its own stories of large hairy ape-like animals that inhabit the deepest forests or highest mountains of...

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Training Allie

Training Allie part 1, revised and extended {Les Evans} [1/2]  ?Training Allie? was originally posted as ?Allie.?  Consider ?The Story of O? and ?9-1/2 Weeks.? This story is an exploration of the question: why would any woman consent to persist in a relationship that, by any standard, would be considered abusive? There are many possible answers, each of which could be the basis for other stories. I hope that ?Allie? presents one answer.  Introduction to Chapters 1-11:  This fantasy has been...

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Training with Madame

This is my attempt to achieve some sort of ultimate in consensual feminization. (Of course, the ultimate is unattainable; someone else will always find a way to go further than you have gone.) I hope the result doesn't cloy; there's a powerful lot of sweetness and light here. Certainly if you're looking for whips, barking dominatrixes, with verbal and physical abuse in general, you'll be disappointed. But for a few, I hope this tale will be a dream come true. There's a little bit of sex,...

3 years ago
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Brotherly Love Exceeds To Fucking

BROTHERLY LOVE EXCEEDS TO FUCKINGBy: Londebaaz ChohanLou, was hitting the youth faster than any boy of his age would. He already had a real thick bush under his arms, decent growth on his chest, arms and legs and a really jungle dense growth above and under his beautiful cock. Talk of his booming youth, he had already started jerking; and spilling teen but mature CUM brewed by his larger than a large egg sized seed makers. He did not know of having been sanctified with bigger, thicker dick than...

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brother and sis at a party

When my sister Ren, short for Lauren, told me she was going to a party, I didn't think twice that it might be the same party I was going to. I had been invited by one of my crazy friends to this function he was throwing that he promised would be absolutely the most talked about party ever. He was a rich k** and I knew he was probably right. I was only nineteen, but I had already been to a few beer bashes at his place. I never got drunk but I thoroughly enjoyed watching other idiots make fools...

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Cumming On To Big brother

Except for the sighing of the breeze and the chirping of the birds it was quiet and all the windows were open to the spring air, softly scented with the cherry and magnolia trees surrounding the house. It was a lovely two story colonial that Dale's mother had gotten when his father had decided to chuck it all and head off to Mexico with his secretary, who happened to be at least half his age. Dale's mother didn't mind, she got the house paid for plus a more than adequate amount of cash, stocks,...

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Cumming On To Big brother

Except for the sighing of the breeze and the chirping of the birds it was quiet and all the windows were open to the spring air, softly scented with the cherry and magnolia trees surrounding the house. It was a lovely two story colonial that Dale's mother had gotten when his father had decided to chuck it all and head off to Mexico with his secretary, who happened to be at least half his age. Dale's mother didn't mind, she got the house paid for plus a more than adequate amount of cash, stocks,...

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Oh big brother

What the fuck is going on?!” I heard a deep voice yell from my doorway. Lucas suddenly stopped, and just as fast as he started, he stopped and just stood up by my bed. I quickly scurried to the very corner of my bed trembling with my knees to my chest, sobbing. “Nothing man, just messing around,” Lucas said calmly, just brushing off what just happened like it was nothing. “Get the fuck out, before I beat your ass so hard, people in college are going to ask you why your limping,” the voice...

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The Big Brother Tickle

Introduction: Big Brothers shouldnt be so sexy… I dont really remember the first time I got that tickle, that urge down below that told me I was turned on. But I do remember the first time it was strong enough that I decided to do something about it. I was walking past my past my brother Ryans room and he was taking off his shirt. The sight of his chest and his firm abs, his back when he turned around, all that bare skin…the hint of his navy blue underwear, it made the tickle grow from a tickle...

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The brother I masturbated aboutAfter Party

So since our parents left for the wedding my brother decided to throw a party. Lots of his friends came, got drunk and now most of them are sleeping in the living room. I just came from the night out with the girls, I was supposed to sleep at a friend's house, but didn't feel like it, so came back home. Hmm... you can barely call it a party, if there wouldn't be bottles of beer rolling around, I wouldn't even guess it was one, but everyone is passed out and it's only 3am. My brother like a king...

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Training Your Cuckold Husband

Think of training in three phases:1. Basic Training - is required to make permanent the rebalancing of the sexual roles central to a hot wife/cuckold marriage2. Advanced Training - is for couples who seek a deeper expression of cuckold devotion and preparation for the third phase3. Fetish Training - is where you build on your newfound perspectives to explore a variety of previously unimagined pleasures...Why is Training Necessary?We are all conditioned to accept a limited and distorted view of...

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