The Bus, A Death, Then Recovery free porn video

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The death of his sister in a terrible crash sends the family into a tailspin, and he resorts to pranks that are more than pranks, dangerous even. When he damages the neighbors house, he is given no choice in the matter, and become Emily, the girl his sister created when they played dress up. After struggling with his fear and contemplating his fate, his mother finds a way to help him. After a few months of being a girl, he knows the truth. Emily is here to stay. The Bus, a Death, then Recovery Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The last time I had been caught, my Dad told me that the next time, if there was one, would result in a punishment severe enough to get my attention for a very long while. Of course, at age 13, I knew everything and he didn't know squat. Our family isn't unique, in that I live with my Mother, but my Dad just sees me once a month, unless I get into trouble of course. My older sister Beth was killed in an accident when the school bus she was in got hit by a car and pushed into oncoming traffic and hit again by one of those big rigs. Mom went a bit crazy, Dad retreated into his work, and I started to get into trouble. But I missed Beth for another reason. She and I used to play "dress up," and she always let me be the girl to her being the mother. We had played the night before she was killed. It was our secret, and I didn't think anyone knew except Beth, and now she was gone. My crime? I had chained the neighbors car to his fence, so when he drove off, the fence went with him. I thought it was hysterical, but my parents took a different view, and this was "the next time," so I wondered what sort of punishment would be severe enough to get my attention for a very long time. Neither of my parents are hitters, so I was pretty sure my skin would remain intact, but other than that, all I could do was wait. I was in the den while they were in the kitchen deciding my fate. When they confronted me, both of them were smiling, and I had the fleeting thought that Dad would see my action as a childish prank and let it go. That idea was smashed to smithereens when he told me to stand up, then he said that Mom would be the one to administer my punishment. "As we see it, she is the best one to do this, and you will," (the word will was emphasized), "do everything your mother tells you to do, or she will call me, I'll come over, and we'll do it the hard way. Believe me when I say this son, do everything she tells you to do, or your punishment will escalate beyond your wildest imagination, and you will certainly not like it if I have to come back to enforce our decision. Any questions?" Not being stupid, well mostly anyway, I said, "No sir." "Good. I'll see you in two weeks then." Without another word, he walked to the door and left me there, staring right into the eyes of my mother. She was not smiling. "We have known about your playing dress up with Beth for a long time, but it was harmless and we let you indulge yourself. Now however, we can see that your playing dress up is the tool we are going to use for your punishment." "Huh?" "Come with me." I never had a chance. Within minutes of walking into my room, she had stripped me naked, then, as I stood there desperately trying to cover myself, she checked my entire body, and used a razor to remove any unwanted hairs she found. When mom was satisfied and I was thoroughly embarrassed, she handed me a pair of panties. I slipped them on in the interest of modesty, watching as mom sat on the bed looking at me. "Before we go any further, I will tell you what we have decided. Now, keep in mind that it will happen. I'll help you of course, but if you fight me in the slightest way, I will call your father and together we will force the issue and the result will be the same. You will dress as a girl your own age, from now until the day before school starts, all the time, with no male clothes except for your gym shoes allowed at any time. Now, will you cooperate or shall I call your father? You will wear the clothes, that's not in doubt, the only question here is will you help me make you pretty, or would you rather I make sure that everyone knows it's you wearing the dress?" I had no choice at all! A girl! They were going to make me dress as a girl for the whole summer! I would miss camp, baseball of course, and my friends! What would happen when they found out? I would be dead, that's what! "If you work with me on this, I think I can guarantee that none of your friends will recognize you dear." She's a mind reader too! I had no choice at all! There was no way I wanted my friends to know who I was, so I had to go along with them! I hung my head, a sure sign that I would go along with her. Without a word she went in my closet and brought out a complete outfit, shoes and all, put them on the bed, then took me to her room. At the vanity she brushed out my hair and began to put in rollers! One after the other, she slowly wound them into my hair tightly, then sprayed on some gunk that smelled just awful. On my face all she did was add some powder, a bit of blusher, then plucked my eyebrows a bit, making them arch just a little. At that point I just gave up. She took me back to my room, and showed me how to wear the bra, which wasn't much more than two triangles and a few elastic strings. The padding was a pair of shoulder pads out of a dress. I was familiar with the pantyhose, and sat on the bed and pulled them up to my waist, a slip, short and white, then a simple white blouse with a round collar. Over that went a pale blue jumper, and when she pointed, I stepped into the shoes. Mom let me look in the mirror, and I saw the girl I knew so well, except that now, well, she was beginning to look like a girl and not a boy in a dress. Mom sat me at the vanity and brushed out my hair, leaving me with tight curls that framed my face, cute little bangs, and with a barrette on each side of my head, I did look like a girl! She handed me a lipstick, and I drew the pink across my mouth, and all at once, the girl came to life! Mom stood me in front of the mirror again, her hand on my shoulder. "Isn't that better? I said you would be pretty, and I was right!" "But...but...but..." "Now all we need is a name for you. Did you have one picked out when you and Beth played dress up?" "Emily. She called me Emily Ann." "That's a very nice name dear. Just get used to hearing it from now until the end of summer. You may go now, but be home by dinner time because were going to the mall later to get you a few things." "I'm not going outside!" "Yes, you are. I am not going to let you waste the entire summer watching television or playing on your computer Emily. Besides, Mrs. Hansen wants to see you. She has demanded an apology from you for ruining their fence, and I can't think of a better time than right now to get it over with." "Moooom!" "Don't cry dear. This is part of learning to admit your mistakes. Now take this purse, walk over there, and apologize. I'll be waiting for you when you get back." My entire life was over. Gone. Dead. The minute Mrs. Hansen saw me in this get up it would be all over the neighborhood, which means my friends would know. I pleaded, begged, tried crying, all to no avail. Mom wiped my eyes, redid my makeup, then walked me to the front door, opened it, and told me to go. I had about as much chance of getting out of this as an ice cube on a hot plate has of not melting. With her eyes boring into me, I stepped out of the house for the first time ever dressed as a girl. I felt the breeze on my legs, then, as it whipped up to my panties. I held onto the clutch bag like a football as I slowly made my way down the front walk, turned left, and walked to the next house. I was never more frightened then at that moment, but I had no where to go. If I walked a few blocks down I would be at the park, the other way was where my friends lived. Sure, I admit that I like to wear the clothes, but in private, not out in the open like this, and certainly not in front of strangers, but here I was. I walked up the walk, stood on the porch, swallowed my pride and rang the bell. I was unprepared for what happened next. The door opened and there stood Mrs. Hansen. Young and pretty, she was smiling at me as she opened the screen door. "Emily! How nice to meet you! Your mother has told me what a pretty girl you are, and now I can see for myself that she was right! Come in and join me in the kitchen." I followed her, bewildered by her reaction at seeing me in a jumper and blouse. She led me to the kitchen, sat out a plate of cookies and a glass of milk, then sat down across from me. "My husband is very mad at you Emily, but once he sees what a cute little girl you are, I'm sure he will forgive you." "I...I...I'm sorry about your fence, it was a joke, that's all!" "Yes but we have to fix it don't we? And that costs money. We'll fix it, but we think that you should pay us back. Can you do that?" "I don't have any money!" "That's what we thought, so twice a week we think that you should come over and help me with the chores, like dusting and polishing the furniture, vacuuming the house, and helping me when I do the grocery shopping. I think a few months of that should repay the debt, don't you?" It was meek, but what could I say? "I guess." "That's the spirit! I think that you and I should find you a pretty apron to wear so that you don't mess up your clothes. Would you like to come along?" "No!" It didn't really matter what I wanted, since my Mom showed up shortly after that, and the three of us went to the mall where I had to endure it when Mom bought me two new bras, some small breastforms, and three aprons. All of them were lacy and very feminine, and I had to try on each one of course. Mrs. Hansen told me I should always smell good, so she bought me a bottle of perfume, then told me she expected me to use it, which of course meant that I would always smell like a girl, even if I wasn't dressed as one. I had both ears pierced, a pair of small golden rings put in, and Mom picked up a girls wallet for me. She also picked out two pair of shoes for me to try on, white heels and a pair of beige flats. It was downhill after that. As much as I did not want to enter the mall dressed this way, I have to admit that nobody looked at me in a funny way. I never did relax, but I got used the fear of it clinging to me the whole time. When we left the jewelry store, mom took me directly to the salon in the mall, made the arrangements, made sure I was in the chair, then left with Mrs. Hansen! The woman doing my hair washed it, then began to put in rollers, small, tightly wound against my head, washed a solution over them, then sat me under the dryer. I leafed through a girls magazine until she took me back to her chair. I took one look in the mirror, and almost screamed. My once sandy brown hair was now a bright strawberry blond! Without a word she began to remove the rollers, leaving my hair a mass of ringlets. I feared the worst, but she brushed it out and it got worse. My hair was curly all over, hung down to my shoulders, and made me look more like a girl than ever before. I wanted to cry. Mom and Mrs. Hansen returned about then, smiling when they saw me. Mom paid the bill, took my hand in hers, and we walked back out into the mall. "Now aren't you the prettiest little girl! You're so cute Emily!" Mrs. Hansen was certainly enjoying this, but Mom took a broader view, which I knew when she told me that I wouldn't have to fuss with my hair any more, since I now had a perm! I knew what that meant, there was no way to avoid looking like a girl now, none at all, which is why Mom did it. I had thought about running away, but there wasn't any way to do that now, unless I wanted to look like a complete dork, even if I could find the nerve to try it! Arched eyebrows, a perm in my hair, and pierced ears was all it took. I would look like a girl wearing boys pants now. When we got home, Mrs. Hansen told me to be at her house in the morning, and to be sure to wear makeup, a skirt and blouse or a dress, and of course, my new perfume. Mom told her I would be there. Mom told me that all little girls start to learn how to cook at my age, and had me help her make dinner, then do the dishes before she sent me to my room to undress. As I went for my pajama's, all I found were cute little nightgowns. I slipped one on, then joined mom to watch some television before bed. I had horrid dreams filled with taunting boys, sneering girls, and of course, the image I saw in the mirror just before I went to bed. All I could do was wipe away the tears, my fate sealed by my prank that very day. In the morning Mom helped me get ready again, this time in a skirt and blouse. She let me wear my own gym shoes however, for comfort she said. I found myself standing at Mrs. Hansen's door promptly at eight. When the door opened, her husband stood there. I was thoroughly ashamed to have him see me this way, but he said nothing as he held the door open and let me in. Mrs. Hansen was there, just inside the door. "Emily, do you have something to say?" Did I! I wanted to tell them that this wasn't my idea, and I hated it, but I didn't. I apologized to him for ruining his fence. He accepted it, then went to work, leaving me alone with his wife. She put the apron on me, then showed me how to dust, handed me the stuff, and had me start. It took me most of the day to finish the dusting, and she let me go home at three. It was like that the next day, only I vacuumed the house, the next day I helped her clean the kitchen cupboards, the day after that she and I straightened out the basement. By the time Friday arrived I knew her house from top to bottom, and I found out that Mrs. Hansen was a pretty nice lady. She and I always took breaks, she fed me lunch, and always let me go home at three. On Friday, as I was about to leave, she told me I did not have to work on the weekends, just the weekdays. I was almost used to the way the bra straps pulled at my chest, the way a dress feels, and after she got on me about it a few times, I no longer bend at the waist to pick something up. I bend at the knees then stand up. She also told me she would see me later, but I thought she meant Monday. As soon as I got home Mom had me undress, then she once again checked me over for any stray hairs. Taking me by the hand, she filled the tub with bath oils and bubblebath, had me climb in, and told me to clean everything and wash my hair. The minute I stepped out of the bath, she was waiting for me. Once again she handed me the panties, then something new, a padded pantybrief. She watched as I put the pantyhose on. At her vanity she watched as I did my own makeup, under her direction, then she brushed my hair back, holding it in place with a banana clip and fluffing it out so that it fell like a plume of feathers down the back. My bangs were brushed down across my forehead, then she changed the earrings from gold to gold and white. I knew something was up, but she would not tell me. I watched her as she opened a small box, then using some kind of adhesive, glued a pair of breastforms to my chest! They looked like I had grown them! Without a word she handed me the bra and let me put it on before she adjusted the straps to fit the new me. Over that went a short white slip, then a very lacy white dress. The shoes were low heeled and also white. Around my neck went a gold and white necklace, then she handed me two of Beth's rings. I put on one each hand, she spritzed me with the perfume and handed me the red lipstick. Usually all I wore was pink. Finally, she handed me a white purse, told me to wait in the familyroom, and went to change herself. When I saw Mom next, she was dressed exactly like I was! Just then the doorbell rang, and Mrs. Hansen and her husband came in! They were also dressed up real nice, and I just knew that we were going somewhere, and I was right. "We have decided that you have worked very hard this week, and you deserve to have some fun, so we are all going to the theme park for dinner, and we'll stay to see the fireworks. Isn't this going to be fun Emily?" I did not bother to answer her, since I had no say in the matter. Mr. Hansen drove, then at the restaurant we were seated and had a really nice meal. Nobody was staring at me, and I did manage not to feel so self conscious about being there dressed as a girl. Just when I relaxed, one of my classmates sat right across from me! I saw her first, and wanted to crawl under the table, but couldn't and had to endure it when she looked my way. Of course, she did not recognize me, but she knew the Hansen's, and with my mother sitting there, how hard was it for her to reach the right conclusion? I saw her eyes go wide, then she smiled at me! Mrs. Hansen took my hand when we left. We walked out on the plaza, found some good seats, and waited for the fireworks display to begin. I sat there between Mr. Hansen and Mom, hoping that my friend would just go home. No such luck. "Hi Mr. and Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Grant." Jenny was talking to them while looking directly at me. "Hi Jennifer. Let me introduce Emily. She'll be staying with me all summer." "Hi Emily. Can I sit next to you?" Everyone moved and Jenny slipped in next to me. I saw her brother Brian, the pest, walking past us. "Can I come over tomorrow Emily? I'll bet we can be good friends." I looked over and saw her brother looking our way, then back at her. "He's a pain in the butt I know, but he'll leave us alone." "Maybe you girls can come with me tomorrow. I have some shopping to do, and we can stop for a treat, maybe ice cream." "I'd like that Mrs. Grant. What time?" "Be at our house at nine dear." Just like that, Jennifer knew, her brother had seen me, and now we were going shopping tomorrow! Mom never once asked me, she simply made the arrangements. The fireworks went off on time, then Jenny went with her parents and I went home with Mom. All I could do was hope that Jenny could keep her mouth shut. In the morning, under Mom's direction, I once again did my own makeup and got dressed on my own. I wore a skirt and blouse with my gym shoes, my hair in barrettes, soft red lipstick on my mouth, and of course the perfume. Jenny showed up on time, dressed about the way I was, and mom let us talk for a bit while she got ready. "As good as you look, why are you wearing dresses?" "I chained the Hansen's fence to his car, and my parents decided this would be a good punishment. I have to stay this way all summer, and it wasn't my idea!" "Well, whatever, I didn't recognize you last night, then I saw your mother. That's when I figured it out. Bill thinks you're cute by the way." "Your brother is a bully Jenny, and even if I was a girl, I would still think so." "Ready girls?" My Mothers idea of shopping was to find things for me to wear that would make me look even more like a girl. With the breastforms attached to my chest, essentially, I looked just like Jenny. She found several outfits for me to try on, and I did, with her right there with me. When she saw that I had what appeared to be boobs, I heard her suck in her breath, but she did not ask me about it. Two of the outfits really did look pretty good on me, so Mom bought them. Then more panties, another bra, pantyhose, a padded pantybrief and heels in black. In another shop Mom had me try on, then bought a party dress. She told me that since I would be 14 next week, every girl my age should have a party dress. Jenny and I were sitting together when her brother and some of his friends saw us and walked over. Carl liked Jenny and everyone knew it, including her, so of course she was all giggles and smiles around him. Stan, the other boy plays third base on our team, and knows me well, but he didn't bat an eye when he looked at me. He smiled instead, and Jenny introduced us. I was scared, not shy, but shy is how I came across, and knew it. My fear had turned me into a shy girl! Bill wandered off when he saw that Carl and Stan wanted to talk to us, and Jenny did nothing to discourage them, so all I could do was play the demure little girl. Mom came over and told us she had a few things to get, and if we wanted to stay with the boys, we would meet at the food court, then walked off! Great! Now I was stuck! Carl took Jenny's hand, and Stan put his out to me. I took it, hoping he would not figure out who I am under this skirt. We walked around for about an hour, then met Mom. On the way home we stopped for ice cream, and I got grilled on Stan. I'd known him all my life, but he thinks I'm a girl, so what was there to say? "He likes her Mrs. Grant. Emily is just shy about saying it." That was true. Stan did seem to like what he saw, and I was scared to admit it. "That's nice Emily. Girls your age always attract boys. I'll add him to the guest list for your party." Bing, bang, boom, it was a done deal. Mom decided once again, and once again, didn't even bother to ask me, but now I knew the reason for the party dress. She was throwing a party for me. This was going in a direction that I seriously did not like, but with the threat from my Father still in my ears, I could only imagine what he would do if I threw a fit and decided not to go along. I might find myself in dresses, and going to school that way! It was not out of the question by the way he phrased it. I had no choice at all, and now that Jenny, her brother and Stan having seen me, there was no way that I would ever step into the school dressed this way! I also had the feeling that if I didn't do my very best to act like the girl I seemed to be, if the other kids didn't find out the truth, then Mom might just make sure they did. Both of them were very angry with me when they gave me this punishment, and I knew that I had pushed them both across the line, and one more attempt, however small, might seal my fate in a manner I would really hate. I looked at Mom. "Thanks Mom, I'm sure he'll like it." Jenny went home while I took all of the new clothes to my room. I was sulking, hiding really, when Mom came in and sat down on the bed, watching at I hung up the new dresses. "Stan seems very nice Emily." "Ya. He plays on our team. I've known him a long time." "All the kids think you're a girl Emily, and there's no way any of us can deny that, is there?" "No, but I'm not a girl, so I don't know why you bought that party dress and then planned a party, all without telling me! Now, everyone will think I'm a girl! What happens when I disappear in the fall? They'll come here and expect to find me! How long will it take everyone to figure out that I'm Emily?" "But you are Emily! You and Beth played dress up all the time, so I don't see what the problem is here!" "I never went anywhere! I stayed in her room or mine, that's the problem!" "Don't take that tone with me! Maybe you're right. I should have told you about the party I suppose, but it was going to be a surprise party, and I thought you would enjoy it!" "You might as well put a sign around my neck Mother. "This is a boy in a dress," then everyone would find out and I could kill myself and end this!" "Not one person has looked at you in any way that gave either of the idea that they know you are a boy, have they? That's because you are a very pretty girl Emily. Even Brian and Stan don't know, and they have known you for years. What you need is just a bit more confidence. Maybe we can do something that will allow you to feel like the girl you look like, and at the same time remove the doubt, if there is any, about who and what you are. You have a little over two more months as a girl, and we are not going to waver on that, which means that you and I have to work together to make sure that everyone thinks you're a girl. If I think of something to help you, and it works, will you try to act like the girl you're supposed to be?" This was my only chance at saving face, and I took it. If mom could make it seem as if I were a real girl, then I would not have to worry about being discovered, and maybe, I could relax a little. "Sure. If you can make sure that I would never be discovered, why not?" About ten the next morning Mom told me she had found a way, and if I was willing, she was ready to try it. "After some searching on the Internet, I read a story that details how to do this, and I think we can make you look more like a girl, so lay on the bed, on your back, and I'll get the ice bag." "Ice bag?" "I need it to shrink you a little. Get undressed, lie on the bed and I'll begin." Before she started, Mom explained it to me, and while I had my doubts, she was right about making it easier on me all around. If it worked, it would eliminate any problems that might arise if I continued to simply folded it away. Mom asked me if I was ready, then without waiting for an answer, she put that ice bag right on my groin and held it there, peeking once in a while, until she took it away. She pushed, tugged and folded, then used the medical superglue to hold everything in place, waiting for a few minutes before she took her hand away. "Oh my! That works just wonderfully! Stand up and take a look Emily." All traces of my manhood had disappeared, replaced by what looked like a vagina! I let my finger trace the thin line that was defined by the folded skin, and felt the very tip of my manhood, hidden inside the folds. My fingers traced the new slit, and wondered if it would hurt when I walked or moved, so I tried it. The only really strange sensation was the lack of bulk. My legs fell together like they should have, and I did not feel the strain on my thighs when I had to push them together. Mom tossed me a pair of panties, and when I slipped them on, I saw that I now looked just like any girl my age! It was like a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. As much as I hated dressing as a girl, now at least, I looked like one. Nobody, not even Brian or Stan would ever know who I really am. Only Jenny knows, but when she finds out about this, well, she'll flip out. But she likes having another girl around, and telling everyone who I am would only make it harder on her as well as me. As I dressed, Mom mentioned that most, of Beth's clothes would be close to fitting me, and asked me if I wanted to move into her bedroom. I said no, but asked if I could move the vanity and big mirror, plus any clothes that I thought that I liked, and she agreed. It was my first move to accept my fate, but now that I looked at least somewhat like a girl, I had no reason to fight it any more. Mom and I cleaned a space in my room, then moved the vanity and mirror into my room. After she left, I went into Beth's closet and moved the clothes of hers that I liked the best. Jenny came over every day I wasn't at the Hansen's after that, and we hung around together, doing girl things. Mrs. Hansen showed me how to sew, then had me help her alter some clothes. I guess I was pretty good at it, because she bought a pattern for me, then together, I picked out some material, and she showed me how to lay it out, but that's as far as I got. Mom had organized my birthday party for that Saturday, and Mrs. Hansen let me go home at one on Friday. Mom was waiting for me when I got home, and I was taken to the salon where they cut my hair again, then I had my nails done! From there we went to a lingerie shop, and Mom bought me some very soft panties and a new bra to match, then shoes, and more jewelry. By the time we got home I wanted to try on all the new stuff, but Mom said no. Instead, she had me undress, then used the razor again, and sat me down so she could pluck my eyebrows a little. After that we had dinner, and I lounged in my nightgown. In the morning, right after breakfast, Mom told me to take a bubblebath and because she spotted a few hairs, and I had to shave as close as possible. By the time I stepped out of the tub my skin was silky smooth and soft the touch. Mom showed me how to dust my body, then I was allowed to pull the new panties on. The satin slicked up my legs and gave me a shiver, then, when I pulled them to my waist, I could see that the high cut accented my slit like no other pair of panties I owned. I did my own makeup, but more dramatic, using brighter colors, and for the first time, black eyeliner and pencil to outline my eyes. With the smoky gray and pale purple eyeshadow, I felt very grown up. The bra was a new style, Mom called it a Pushemup, and when I put it on I saw why. My tiny boobs were pushed up and out, and made it look like I had a lot more than I do. Then she handed me a newer gel padded pantybrief which was padded with the gel pads that gave me rounder hips and a bigger bottom. The slip was short and silky, the same color as the dress, which hung on the closet door. I pulled the pantyhose on, then she helped me slip the dress over my head and zipped it up. The dusty rose color was perfect with my blond hair, the low neckline showed off just enough cleavage to get attention without being stupid about it. I stepped into the matching satin shoes, then let mom change my stud earrings for the rose, white and gold chandelier earrings. The matching choker necklace pendant hung right over my adams apple, centered between my breasts. Without a thought, I traced my lips with the dusty mauve lipstick and used the coral blusher on my cheeks. I wore no other jewelry, and other than perfume, I was ready for my debut as a 14 year old girl. I was surprised to find myself looking forward to this party, and more, I really liked the way I looked. I know it showed when I smiled at the image I saw in the mirror. Less like a little girl, more like a teenage girl. Mom went to change, but told me to wait in my room until she called me. About an hour later I heard her call me, and I stepped out of the room and walked to the landing, paused, then walked down the stairs. Right at the bottom of the stairs stood my Father! He was smiling, his hand held out so I could take it, then he walked me out on the patio. All of the people sang Happy Birthday, then Dad and I walked around to greet everyone. The very last person I stood in front of was Brian. He looked at me, then took my hand in his and kissed me on the cheek! There were a lot of hoots when he did that, but it made me a girl. It was a wonderful party, and everyone was having a great time, including me. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen gave me a gift certificate, Mom and Dad gave me a ring, and others gave me perfume, small makeup kits, earrings and so on. The music started, a slow number, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning, I saw Brian standing there, a stupid grin on his face, but I let him lead the way, and I danced with another boy for the first time ever. The party lasted about three hours, then everyone went home, leaving me all alone with my parents. I had never had such a nice time, and as I sat in the chair, I was smiling. "I think Emily has discovered she likes being a girl." "I think you're right. Did you see the way Brian was watching her? He made that boy Stan look like a wall flower!" "He was just being polite, that's all!" "Then why did you kiss him, right on the lips when he left?" Dad had me there. Why did I kiss Brian? Because I'm a girl now? I don't know, I just did it because it seemed the right thing to do. I went to my room and quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a top. I skipped the bra however. When dad saw me he almost choked. The nipples of the breastforms were pushing out against the thin material. Mom scowled at me, but didn't say anything, and dad left about two hours later, leaving Mom and I alone again. "I have the suspicion that you aren't going to become my son again, are you? You like being a girl so much that you think like one, act like one, and now there is Brian and Stan." It was to the point, and dead accurate. I didn't want to say anything, because of dad, but Mom hit it right on, and after a tiny wait, I nodded my head yes. Mom said nothing for a moment, the told me that if I wanted to, she would arrange it for me to attend school as Emily! I ran to her and hugged her tightly, the tears ruining my eye makeup. Jenny came over about then and asked me to join her in her pool. Mom said it was okay, so I went to my room and put on the swimsuit I had salvaged from Beth's room. Brian was there, wearing a skimpy next to nothing swim suit of his own, and not to be outdone, I pulled off my blouse and shorts, revealing the bikini I had on. Like all teenagers everywhere we played and he teased me, but he also kissed me twice, right on the lips. Jenny laughed at that, but said nothing, especially after she saw the way I looked in the bikini. For the rest of the summer I worked with Mrs. Hansen, learned to sew very well, and began to alter the clothes that didn't quite fit me just right. Brian asked me out three times, and each time we had a great time, and each time he kissed me. I know he was excited, I could feel it against my leg. A month before school started I was taken to see a doctor, and the first step to womanhood was taken. I never went back to my manhood, and developed like most other girls that were 14. By the time I was at mid term, I no longer needed any padding, nor did I have to shave my body. Brian filled out and got taller, while Stan got even taller than that. Jenny and I became close friends as only girls can get, and as time went on, I met someone else and Brian fell to the wayside. I have two more years before the doctors will do anything permanent, but they did fix it so that I no longer use glue to hold me in, which makes it possible for me to take gym and so on with all of the other girls. The bus crash that took my sister and threw our family into chaos was the catalyst for the changes. I still miss Beth and her gentle smile, but she lives on in my memory, like a warm fuzzy that we cling too. Her death was tragic, yet now, Mom and Dad are back together, and I have found a role in life that fills me with joy. Strange how things turn out, isn't it?

Same as The Bus, a Death, then Recovery Videos

1 year ago
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Smothered to Death

I met mistress Bunny through the Internet. We exchanged messages, then mail and finally, phone calls. I explained to Her my intense love of having a Woman sit on my face, riding and smothering to Her heart's content. I also told Her that I have a fantasy of being smothered to death. She let me know that She enjoys nothing more than sitting on a man’s face and the thought of smothering a willing male to death was extremely sexually exciting to Her. Mistress Bunny is a very striking Lady. She...

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CHAPTER 23: RECOVERYThe feeling of blackness coming over me certainly wasn’t a new experience. I hoped it would not continue to be familiar to me in the future.The first sensation to return was sound. It was difficult at first to distinguish and identify the sounds that came to me. The sounds and my place in the world relative to those sounds were confused. My mind wanted me to be waking in a richly appointed room secure within an estate in modern society of the well-to-do. I wasn’t in such a...

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Incubus Succubus MILF

Incubus: Hot Succubus Mama By Bud A sequel to the Incubus storyline I wrote. This includes anal birth as a fun impossible concept, much like a lot of the story so far. -*- At the end of a grueling year of learning all sorts of ways to service her master, Cum Slut was now fully submissive to him. Though in the back of her mind, when the year was fully up she was in control again. She would mourn her lost love and part with Gomorrah, who had harmed her by taking her love from her....

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Recovery By Ricky Meetings. What? You think I should say more? You obviously haven't been subjected to that modern form of torture that is the Business Meting. In mediaeval times they had the cute little custom of pressing you for the Truth; naturally the specific Truth your torturer's wanted to hear. They tied you down and piled rocks on your chest until you couldn't breathe, maybe slicing or burning other parts of your anatomy just for fun, and encouraged you to say what...

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Janet in TrainingChapter 10 The Recovery

It had been months since Janet had traveled to New York. For someone who had grown up in NY and spent their entire life in the shadows of Manhattan's skyscrapers, Janet missed the city greatly. But now, on board the Metro-North train, she wondered if coming into the city had been a good idea after all. In her purse were the things that she had collected. That Erica owned stock in her former employer's company. The empty envelope that Janet had found from her employer to Erica. The letter...

4 years ago
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Busy Time Bus With Beauty

Hi ISS readers. First of all thanks a lot for your amazing comments on my past stories. The experience which I had with my aunt and ongoing extra-vaganza with my apartment aunt and my mom really made me so confident in approaching ladies. Before narrating my story let me say about myself to the new readers. I am Rahul 23m from tamil nadu. Fair, slightly built, 6ft, 64kg and with 6.5 thing always ready to attack. The incident which I am gonna narrate happened before 2 years. That time I was...

3 years ago
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Grandfather Death and Virgin Mary

"No one lives forever," said a voice in his ear. "Certainly not us," said another, on the other side. Two figures, both women, appeared in the mirror behind him, though Friedrich knew that if he turned around he would not see them. They were only ever in the mirror. Friedrich sighed and sat down. The room was dark, and filthy, and full of dust. The windows and doors were barricaded, and everything smelled of decay. How long had he been here? He barely remembered now. He was dying...

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Alexa 23 Recovery

Alexa Chapter 23: Recovery I woke up and my head was killing me. There was no light except for a faint one at the side of the bed. I could tell by the way I was propped up that this was not my bed. Then it came flooding back to me. The accident. I was just telling Jenny I loved her as the light turned green and I pulled out into traffic. Just as I was pulling into the intersection a large truck hit the side of the car. I remember briefly being in an ambulance, but then nothing...

4 years ago
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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 23 The Recovery

Dave's mind sluggishly processed his mother's words as he tried to remember what happened. He could remember golfing in Vancouver but he was struggling with details. His whole body felt strange and his head and mind felt foggy. He slowly tried to open his eyes but stopped as painfully bright light again flooded through the small slits. He kept his eyes open just a bit and his mother's face came into focus as his eyes slowly adjusted to the light. Her beautiful face was full of concern as...

4 years ago
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Summoning My Succubus Mother Chapter 5 MommySuccubuss Teacher Conference

Chapter Five: Mommy-Succubus's Teacher Conference By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Note: This is based off a one-off story was commissioned by a fan! “Huh, my mom wants me to wait in a safe place,” I said. She was really freaked out about Mrs. Spartan being a witch. Just what would witches do to me? A day ago, I was a normal college student with a single mother that all my friends thought was the hottest MILF. Now, I was the son of a succubus which made me into something called a...

4 years ago
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The Party Bus A Halloween Story

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

3 years ago
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The Bus a Novella

The Bus, a novella By MadQuill This is a story I began about a year ago. The plot evolved from a bus ride through a tunnel many years earlier. The story involves a trans- woman and does include incest and bisexuality. Please remember that this is a copyrighted work and all legal disclaimers apply. This story is from another world. All of the characters are over eighteen years of age. This is a work of Fiction and may have an additional chapter. Thank you for your...

3 years ago
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Lesbians first time college bus

I’m Riya. I’m 22 years doing my Engineering in one of the top private colleges a top city in Tamilnadu. This is the sensual lesbian experience of me – us girls – in a moving vacant bus.About myself, I’m Riya (22) doing a 3rd year and my friend/classmate Pritha is 22 years. Shalu (23) is one year senior to us. (All real but nicknames). Shalu is a senior – in the sense – only in our academics. We three have been friends since the beginning of our college. Shalu and Pritha know each other for...

4 years ago
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Lesbians First Time In College Bus

This is the story from my real life, how I was taken into the world of lesbianism by my friends and I will explore things one by one as I have encountered it in my real life. The stories/parts I’m going to write here will be from my daily life. This is the first part – my first day of surprise lesbianism. (Since this being our real story, I would want people not to take my writing as “quick sex stories” with an introduction – sex – the End; but as reading our regular sexual experience as it...

4 years ago
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Bus Story

Author's Note: Edited Anomously and by OpEd. (5/6/03) I managed to get a job at a summer camp in Maine but had to start as soon as classes ended because the owner needed extra work done on the place. It killed any shot at an actual summer vacation, but I needed the money if I wanted to live off-campus next semester. One of the few good things about the situation was that the camp was in the middle of nowhere, so I would have nothing to spend my money on. My wrestling coach hated the idea...

4 years ago
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The Bus Ride In

For Laura, sex began before she even got to the office. It began on thebus ride in.Every day I saw those deep hazel eyes turn their gaze on me. Eyes thatseemed to see beneath the layers of clothing that I wore down to my lacethong and my size DD demi-cup bra.Last Friday, my gaze snapped away from those beautiful eyes as the bustook off and I found myself grabbing on to the bar above me to keep fromfalling. Just three weeks ago my company started an incentive programwhich paid for half of our...

3 years ago
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Bus Crash

Dakota Hastings boarded the bus and sat near the back. She hated riding the bus, but it was the only form of long-distance transportation she could afford to get back her parents’ house. She knew she would be given the I told you so lecture from her parents, but it didn’t matter. They said she could come back and that was all that cared about her now.Dakota called her parents with a heavy heart and told them the whole story. They told her she was welcome home anytime, but they weren’t able to...

2 years ago
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Awesome Fuck On The Bus With A Stranger 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, this is my first story so please forgive me for any mistakes. I have been a regular reader of ISS for almost a year now. Finally, I had a wonderful experience which I think is worth sharing here. Myself Vishal (name changed). I am 25 years old 5ft 11 tall with fat 7” dick with muscular body. (not super buffed not athletic either). Enough of me, the angel of the story is a lady. I didn’t get a chance to get her name. So we will call her Vivedha. She was very short of 4.7- 4.9 ft...

3 years ago
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Bum Beating During Bus Ride

This happened in the year 1992 when I was staying in Thanjavur where I was employed. I was staying alone in a relative's house, taking my food in hotels. I have already written about one incident that happened to me there with a Malayalee women under the title "HANDJOB FROM A HANDSOME AUNTY" which is available in this very site. This is another incident which happened in a bus journey. I have an aunty in Trichy who is very dear to me. Her name is Chellamma. She is a widow living alone in...

3 years ago
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Bus se bed tak

Hi doston, mera naam nick hai. Mera age 26 year hai. Me ek private compony me marketing executive ka kaam karta hun. Waise to jyadatar tour company ke car se hota hai per kavi kavi bus ya train me v jana padta hai. Aur ye kahani aisi hi ek bus ki safar ka hai. Ye kissa us din ka hai jab mujhe office ke kaam se bharatpur jana tha aur wo v bus se. Bus se jana pad raha hai bolke bahut gussa aa raha tha. Per jana to tha hi. Kaam bas ek din ka tha isliye saman kuch jyada nahi tha aur me bus stand...

4 years ago
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wife becomes a slut in bus

wife fucked in busHi readers, i am back with a true story and believe me its one of the rarest and actual incident happened in a delhi blue line bus. The guy who had sent this incident to me had read my earlier incidents in delhi buses and wanted to share his piece of experience happened before his eyes to his wife in a crowded delhi bus ride.He is happy that this incident changed his sex life and made her wife a sexy slut who was very conservative before this incident.It was a wedding in our...

4 years ago
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Wife become a dirty slut in a bus ride

Hi readers, i am back with a true story and believe me its one of the rarest and actual incident happened in a delhi blue line bus. The guy who had sent this incident to me had read my earlier incidents in delhi buses and wanted to share his piece of experience happened before his eyes to his wife in a crowded delhi bus ride.He is happy that this incident changed his sex life and made her wife a sexy slut who was very conservative before this incident.It was a wedding in our house and I had...

4 years ago
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mother and me in bus

Not wasting much time m writing my story. As u know about me in my last story my sexy mom falling for a tailor manohar in my presence.(my mom’s tailor) and in the process turning on her young son. after that we didn’t find much time alone at home. and finally we got a chance to go to our native towards the end of my vacations Its my cool cool journey to my native. .and dad has booked tickets for three of us in a sleeper coach bus our bus was at 11pm. . and i already i requested mom to wear the...

3 years ago
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Office Quickies The Bus Ride In

Every day I saw those deep hazel eyes turn their gaze on me. Eyes that seemed to see beneath the layers of clothing that I wore down to my lace thong and my size DD demi-cup bra. Last Friday, my gaze snapped away from those beautiful eyes as the bus took off and I found myself grabbing on to the bar above me to keep from falling. Just three weeks ago my company started an incentive program which paid for half of our monthly public transportation. I was a little nervous at first. Being crammed...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Bangalore Bus Journey Made Me Happy

Hi ISS Readers, Kaviraaj here with a new narration. As I got good feedback and encouragement from readers am glad to post this narration. Many of the readers sent me appreciation mails and asked me to post such experiences. My intentiion of narration is to make women readers wet. I felt wetness by reading some nice stories. I request you to read tge story at a stretch as you will enjoy it more.. One more thing I want to convey to all women readers is please, while reading imagine yourself in...

3 years ago
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Bus Ride after humiliation at the Mall

That year I was visiting my aunt in Canada. She was living in a high rise condominium located near the main intersection of Dundas Street and Dixie in Mississauga; the part of the Greater Toronto area. There I met Soumi a very good girl. We soon became closest friends. My aunt was working in the IT industry and she was out at work all day; sometimes she was out of town even on weekends. I was on my own all day and had all-time access to the internet. That is when I chatted with many people...

4 years ago
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Another Sexy Bus Ride

My car was in for its first service which was the main reason for taking the bus once again apart from the fact I was hoping for more fun on the back seat. Having experienced the Thursday night bus ride I decided I wanted to do it again so I went into town pretty late to see what would happen on the return journey. It was about 8.30 when I arrived in town so I decided to look round the places I knew that men would be hunting for other men. The first place I went was to the alley that led to the...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Peggy is stripped naked on the bus

Once again my husband went on one of his extended business trips and left me at home alone to fend for myself. I was feeling a little lonely until I began to reminisce about the time I accidentally flashed the mailman. It made me feel really good knowing someone appreciated seeing me naked. I wanted to experience that wonderful feeling of exhibitionism again, but my shyness prevented me from acting on it.It was almost noon and there wasn't any food in the house, so I figured it was time to make...

2 years ago
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Bus Crash

Dakota Hastings boarded the bus and sat near the back. She hated riding the bus, but it was the only form of long-distance transportation she could afford to get back her parents’ house. She knew she would be given the ‘I told you so’ lecture from her parents, but it didn’t matter. They said she could come back and that was all that cared about her now. Dakota called her parents with a heavy heart and told them the whole story. They told her she was welcome home anytime, but they weren’t able...

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The Magic Bus

Warning this story contains vivid sexual content. I have tried to make this all as authentic as possible. Enjoy! The "Magic Bus" BY DEMONN James, Borel and Mckay were all good friends. They had been friends for many years and each had contributed much to one another. Mckay, being the far more confident of the three, had often 'taught' the others how to deal with things in general. Naturally, being the more confident of the three, he lost his virginity first at the young age...

3 years ago
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The Beach Bus

The Beach Bus by Lothario Cassanova I was a bit dingy from the sun as I climbed up the steps of the bus and worked my way to the back. The bus that would return me to the city was crowded with beach goers and there were no seats left so I stood in the aisle in the swaying mass of bodies, smelling the scent of seawater and coconut oil as the bus lurched off down the rough dirt track that was the beach road. After several more stops, the already crowded bus was becoming more like a college...

2 years ago
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The Beach Bus

The Beach Bus by Lothario Cassanova I was a bit dingy from the sun as I climbed up the steps of the bus and worked my way to the back. The bus that would return me to the city was crowded with beach goers and there were no seats left so I stood in the aisle in the swaying mass of bodies, smelling the scent of seawater and coconut oil as the bus lurched off down the rough dirt track that was the beach road. After several more stops, the already crowded bus was becoming more like a college...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Banging The Bus Driver

Pamela had been riding the school bus from her home, about fifteen miles outside of Sweetwater, Tennessee for several years. She had lived in the area since she was born and while it was great as a young child - she was a bit of a tomboy back then and could keep up with any other kid, boy or girl - now that she was getting older, she was finding the small town life a bit of a bore.Although she only lived about twenty-five minutes from the school, by the time the route had taken her home, with...

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Bus Ride with sister

How could I refuse?My sister had two expensive tickets for a private bus tour through Southern California. It was the romantic kind of tour where couples would be taken from destination to destination on a large bus. And suddenly I was being pressured to go with her.Let me explain: Our family has always been adventurous. Meaning, we traveled a lot, especially when Christine and I were young. Christine's then-boyfriend was well aware of that fact, and he surprised her with tickets for a 3-day...

3 years ago
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Bus Lo Teacher Tho Sarasam

Hi all, naa peru rajesh from vizag. Nenu ee blog ni chala rojula nunchi follow avthunna, ikkada chala mandi vallaki jarigina anubhavalu gurinchi chepparu naaku baaga nachayi. Naa life lo kuda chala real experiences unnayi avi meetho share cheysukovalani ee story rasthunna. Ippudu nenu cheppeydi real ganey naa life lo jarigindi. Adi kuda oka school teacher tho, starting interaction yekkuva untadi so kastha opika ga chadavandi, hope u will love it, first time naa real experience chepthunna so ee...

4 years ago
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Bus Me Anjaan Unknown Girl Ke Sath

Hello Friends, Main hu atul mehra..Meri age 20 hai..Aur main yamunanagar ka rehne wala hu…Mainiss ka regular reader hu pichle 2 saal se…Ye meri pehli story hai jise mai apke sath share kr rha hu…Agar apko meri story pasand aaye to plz feedback jrur dena taaki mai apne aur experience apkesath share kr saku..Meri e-mail id hai () Baat un dino ki hai jb mai 20 saal ka tha….Main kisi vajah se delhi gya hua tha….Mera pura din delhi mai apna kaamkhatam krne main lag gya….Is wajah se mai apne frnds se...

4 years ago
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An Interesting Bus Ride

I had a few errands to run which involved a 40 minute bus ride and although it was a pleasant ride going it was probably the wrong timing on the way back as mid-afternoon is always busy with schools kicking out although if I can put up with the cramped conditions and teenage noise it can be full of opportunities which today certainly proved.I must have been one of a hundred waiting for the bus and dressed in a pair of shorts and a tee shirt I got a few peculiar looks which was something I was...

3 years ago
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The Last Bus

Shae rushed to the corner hoping to catch the last bus of the night. It was almost 1am and she knew if she missed the bus it would be several hours before the next one would be by. Just as she got there it was pulling up and she sighed with exhausted relief. Working at a bar to pay her way through school and raising 4 kids was over-whelming at times but Shae knew it would pay off soon and with just 3 semesters left she could feel good about herself for the things she had been through to get...

4 years ago
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The Last Bus

Shae rushed to the corner hoping to catch the last bus of the night. It was almost 1am and she knew if she missed the bus it would be several hours before the next one would be by. Just as she got there it was pulling up and she sighed with exhausted relief. Working at a bar to pay her way through school and raising 4 kids was over-whelming at times but Shae knew it would pay off soon and with just 3 semesters left she could feel good about herself for the things she had been through to get...

3 years ago
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The Bus Ride Home

PART 1 Molly loved her job at the Lae firm. The people were very nice, and she was trying to work her up the ‘corporate ladder’. She was just an intern, but graduated near the top of her class nearly three years ago. She was looking forward to passing the board and on to attaining her license to practice law. But getting further ahead within the firm she loved so much was not going as well as she had planned. It seemed every time there was an opportunity to advance, she was passed up. And...

4 years ago
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The Magic Bus

I got lucky. Tricky Dick shut the war down before I had to cross the pond, and I finished my time out in California. I finally got out, not a moment too soon, and hung around a while, looking for work. Looking for something to do that I enjoyed, but didn’t have much luck. The weather was great, at least. I really liked California, but I finally decided it was time to go back home. It was spring and I was ready to be back in the mountains. I closed my room out, counted my cash, and bought a...

2 years ago
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Orgy on the bus

It was a nice sunny day and the school bus schedule was almost complete. As usual, the four boys were the last to get off and they were fooling around in the rear of the 48-passenger bus. Today the tomfoolery was louder and rougher than normal and as hard as Lori tried, it was too much to ignore. Pulling the bus over into an approach along the road, she proceeded to the back where the boys were roughhousing. “That’s enough,” she screamed at them and grabbed Tom’s arm to...

2 years ago
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Just a bus rideHonest

"Errr I said..." I started, "That you were going to do the washing up for a week...I thought so..." Ended my farther. 5 minutes of strange silence later I was out the door, bag on my back, soggy toast half-in-half-out my mouth and shoe laces dancing behind my heels. After quickly finishing off the "toast" I started to walk down my street towards the bus stop. My "street" is not really what you would think it is, its more of a country lane with only our house and hedgerow for scenery....

2 years ago
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Jennas Story Part 4 The bus ride home

Introduction: Jenna finds herself in Kansas City and has to make a choice about how to get home. I assure you that this is a work of fiction, pure pornographic fantasy. None of it is true, all characters and events are purely the product of an overactive, and somewhat warped, imagination. Please dont brag to me about how you raped your niece, or felt up your daughter. I dont want to hear it, it neither turns me on, nor in anyway make me feel your are anyone special. ———————————————————– I look...

2 years ago
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wife fucked in bus

My wife Nirmala and myself, are a married couple, living in Mumbai, with our three small c***dren. We are in our early thirties. Nirmala is a very pretty woman, though quite short ( she is only 4' 8 " ). But she has beautiful facial features, lovely breasts and amazingly shapely buttocks. In-fact, very few people can make out, that she is the mother of three c***dren. My wife is an introvert by nature - very shy and bashful. My wife loves me a lot. We have a good married life and she is very...

4 years ago
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Bus stop for Nancy

Nancy walked quickly to the parking garage, her last meeting finally over. It was very late, after 10 pm and she was the last one leaving. Nancy enjoyed her new position; she was 48 years old and finally made it to the top of the company. The new position meant more money and Nancy was able to afford some things she always wanted.As she approached her car, Nancy caught a glimpse of herself in the window of another car. One of the things she was now able to afford was a trip to the gym. Nancy...

2 years ago
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Travelling on the bus

I enjoyed travelling on the commuter bus, which ran from the city centre to the University. In the morning it was always crowded, mainly with students. I came to know many of them by sight and they generally seemed to have regular habits making it easy to arrange to intercept them. The bus was a large single-decker with a number of seats at the front but at the rear of the bus there was a large open area without seats for standing passengers to maximize carrying capacity. The exit doors for...

4 years ago
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A Hot Fuck With Two Drivers In The Bus

Hi readers, I am Rincy, a happily married, working woman in Bangalore. I am 27, got married in 2016 to a kinky hubby who played a major role in fulfilling my dark fantasies. I love watching hot porn movies and reading erotic blogs and I read many such blogs from various websites. It was my hubby who introduced me to the world of porn and sex blogs and later I got addicted to it. He keep telling me stories of threesomes, wife swaps, gang bangs, etc. Initially, I just ignored thinking that those...

4 years ago
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Bus Stop

When people ask how I met June, I smile and reply, “On the bus.” Of course, I can’t tell them the whole story. June and I grin at each other and enjoy our sexy little secret. My first dinner with her parents was embarrassing. I had to think on my feet that night, I can tell you. We’ve been married nearly two years now, and our first child is on the way. Life is good, and even though we’ve got a reliable car these days, we still take the bus every now and then, just for old time’s sake. I...

3 years ago
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Bus Ride to Hell

Tom waited with the bus as usual. The parking lot had cleared and was nearly empty now. He knew it was a matter of time until the girls' soccer team showed up and he would begin the drive back to Filler University. Tom had driven for Filler for 30 of his 55 years of life. He'd driven home triumphant sports teams and heartbroken teams. He'd seen a lot in all his years including a lot of changes in the athletes. He understood that athletes could be rowdy after a game especially after the high...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

3 years ago
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Rincy having sex with 2 bus drivers

Hi readers..This is the most exciting experience of my good friend, Rincy, whom I helped to draft this blog. Enjoy..!I am Rincy, a happily married, working woman in Bangalore. I am 27, got married in 2016 to a kinky hubby who played a major role in fulfilling my dark fantasies. I love watching hot porn movies and erotic blogs and read many such blogs from various websites. It was my hubby who introduced me to the world of porn and sex blogs and later I got addicted to it. He keep telling me...

3 years ago
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Gangbanged by bus staff

Let’s start with the introduction of our heroine. Her name is Ritika, Ritika Saini. She is 19 yrs old, a student of final yr B.Sc, Physics Hon’s and of course the most beautiful girl of the college, can be called Queen of College. Her figure wow, any saint would be faint – 34-26-34, fair, 5’5” tall, slim but having big firm round boobs. The most attraction of her figure is her beautiful eyes. Not only the boys but also the old professors of the college were dreaming about her.Since, it was...

3 years ago
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Fun With Aunt Inside Crowd Bus

Once I was travelling from a village of Haryana to Delhi by bus during the evening around 6.00 pm. The bus was crowded with some standing crowd. All of a sudden, the bus was shaking huge and came to halt. Bus driver inspected the engine and said that bus will not move further and hence all of us have to catch the other bus passing thru. I was travelling along with my aunt Vijaya, who is younger sister of my mother (Name changed). She is 44 years old with 38-32-40 with 5’6” high. She looks like...

3 years ago
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The Bus Ride

This is a quickie that I wrote while a little bored. It does end rather abruptly, and that was because I wanted to leave the rest to the imagination. I had finished the story up and was about to send it out when I realized that somehow I'd lost the second half of the story and had to write it all over again. I don't think it is quite as good the second time since I lost the mood, but I thought that I'd share it anyway. The Bus Ride By Morpheus Tony took his eyes from...

3 years ago
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Seducing A Huge Ass Beautiful Girl In The Bus

Hi guys. I am back again with another one of my sexual adventures. This time it was with a total stranger with whom I enjoyed heated sex sooner than I imagined. Without further ado, here’s the story. My ride was on repair for more than a week. So I was taking a bus to reach my office. I used to reach the bus station as early as possible to avoid the packed bus. But one day, I was in a rush as I woke up late and couldn’t finish house chores on time. By the time, I reached the bus and the bus had...

2 years ago
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The regular bus commuters

Living several miles away from my school I rode the bus almost every day surrounded by commuters off to work and my fellow sch**l pupils.When I board it there were always plenty of seats and I would go up to the top deck, as the journey passed more and more pupils and workers hopped on. By the time I got off the bus was heaving with people, jostling about, knocking bags with others and generally trying to make room.The top deck saw the real regulars, a mixed bunch of ages and people off to work...

4 years ago
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Lost my VCard on a marching band bus Ending

The bus ride to the band competition that Saturday turned out to be more eventful than the usual bus ride most band members would experience, given I got a blowjob and Roselia, my girl friend at the time, got fingered for a good half hour while trying to not draw attention from the other students on the bus but, the best part would come Sunday night on the way back home. The competition lasted two days, the first being semi-finals and the second day being finals. Our band took first place...

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