Recovery free porn video

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Recovery By Ricky Meetings. What? You think I should say more? You obviously haven't been subjected to that modern form of torture that is the Business Meting. In mediaeval times they had the cute little custom of pressing you for the Truth; naturally the specific Truth your torturer's wanted to hear. They tied you down and piled rocks on your chest until you couldn't breathe, maybe slicing or burning other parts of your anatomy just for fun, and encouraged you to say what they wanted to hear. We, in our modern society, have eschewed such behavior. These days they tie you up in a business suit, wrap your neck with a gaily colored cord (to remind you of the gallows, no doubt), then lock you into a room with day-old donuts and cold coffee until you can't breathe. Which was the state I was currently in. There was a tightness in my chest, and it sure as hell wasn't the pleasant weight of the falsies nestled in my bra as it caressed my body. Several of my colleagues were not at all happy with the answers I was providing, answers that didn't mesh well with their version of the Truth. They had wound down now, I wasn't the only one who wanted this damn meeting to end, but I could tell they were looking for new piles of metaphorical rock to cast in my direction. Too bad for them, I had the research results on my side so I was going to win this round. I fear I was rather distracted at that point. When this never ending meeting finally ground to a halt I had six weeks of vacation coming. I had made the boss happy by offering to drive to this meeting in my own car, saving him a lot of air fare, planning to return home at a leisurely pace. I intended to dump this suit and spend every second of it as Charlene. I heard the chairs scrape and it brought me back to reality. The meeting was over! I declined the pro forma invitation to dinner, made a beeline to my car and got the hell out of there. I was actually going to regret leaving Toronto. Instead of a hotel I had taken a friend's advice and stayed at Pimblett's Rest, a funky B&B in Cabbagetown. The climb up to the 3rd floor was worth it, for there was the Bewdley Room, done in 60s kitch with orange shag rug, period "artwork" and it's own bath. The bath featured the most wonderfully awful fish sculpture, which sits watching as you cavort in the huge Jacuzzi. The proprietor was named Geoffrey, and he was fully as funky as the place itself. If he likes you he'll show you his copy of the Chinese language Toronto paper. Smack in the middle of the front page, surrounded by incomprehensible characters, is a picture of him. Dressed as Queen Victoria, he's opening Toronto's first nude beach since the Victorian era. Kneeling before him is a gentleman wearing a hat and not much else. He'll gladly tell you the story if you ask. Oh, yeah, he cooks a mean breakfast in the kitchen with his 300 + teapots all on display. Geoffrey knows everybody and everything about the city and will keep you entertained with outrageous stories as long as you are willing to sit there listening. A perfectly lovely man, indeed. I compromised with my sense of urgency and actually took time to place my suit into the box of male clothes I had prepared that morning, but everything else landed on the floor on my way to the bathroom. I spread pink goop all over my legs and indulged myself with a copy of Cosmo as I sat waiting for it to do it's magic. The warm water pounded down on my body as I washed away all traces of unwanted hair. The scent of apples filled my senses as I shampooed and conditioned my own unfashionably (as a male) long hair. There weren't many things I wanted to thank my father for, but the genetics that left me with a full head of hair in my 50s was a great a gift as any I had ever received. A good close shave and then the blow dryer and curling iron came into play. I was starting to see the beginnings of Charlene in the big mirror. Hair no longer dripping, I pulled out the brand new red bra I had bought for the weekend. Just for the fun of it I watched myself in that lovely mirror as I reached back and snapped the hooks together. Not bad for an old man, still flexible enough to pull that off! The falsies wiggled pleasantly in my hand as I slipped them in and viola!, Charlene's outline was a bit more clear. Since it was still a bit cool out, I selected a red bulky knit sweater with a rolled collar, which nicely displayed my faux breasts while hiding my Adam's apple. What is it that makes wearing a colored bra so much more fun than one that is plain white? You'd think that, as a guy, just wearing a bra would be thrilling enough. I'm sure you remember the first time you took your mother's or sister's bra and crept into the bathroom to try it on. What could have been more exciting than that? The danger, the guilt, the exhilaration. Did you wear it under your PJs that night or was it during the day when everyone else was gone so you could walk around the house wearing it? However it happened, you knew that you just had to keep wearing a bra for the rest of your life, and it didn't matter what color it was. That is until later, when putting a bra became a simple reflex; a natural thing to do. That's when you started to want more, or at least that's when I did. Even though no one in this world was ever going to see me in just my bra and panties, I still got a thrill out of red or green or blue lace on my body. I may be the only one who knows, but that's enough. I sat on the bed and slid the stockings over my hairless legs, savoring the feeling as they covered my skin. There is nothing like the feeling of nylon on freshly shaved legs. I feel for the ordinary males who will never know the sensitivity of skin without any hair, who will never thrill to the sweep of a skirt over their calves. Will had it right: "What fools these mortals be..." Such a shame I couldn't find matching panties to go with my new bra, just because my bra size starts with a "4" instead of a "3" or even a "2" doesn't mean I don't like pretty panties. Size discrimination - pure and simple. I found a pair of dangly earrings in my case and exchanged them for my simple gold studs. Guys get to wear only one earring, girls can have two. Sex discrimination, pure and simple and I wasn't buying it. Enough kvetching! I was going to be exclusively in girl mode for the next six weeks and that's that, so I put on the nubbly skirt with red highlights that went so well with my sweater and a pair of modest flats. Thanks again, dad, for the light beard so I don't have to slather myself with a geologic layer of foundation. I stepped back and looked the results in the mirror. Charlene wasn't beautiful, but she seldom attracted undue attention, which is just as it should be. I slipped my wallet and makeup kit into my purse and descended the stairs. I have to hand it to Geoffrey, he didn't even blink when I told him about Charlene. He waved me a cheery goodbye as I went across to the pub for dinner. He owns the pub, too, and it serves food to die for. The d?cor is early garage sale and the clientele ranges from leather boys to cheerful couples to businessmen to at least one crossdresser, all mingling happily and enjoying themselves. Don't bother with the menu, if there's a special just order it, you won't be sorry. I was halfway across the street in the twilight when I heard a roar and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I never made it to dinner that night. --- Waking up has never been a favorite activity of mine, especially when my head hurt like it was presently doing. I certainly hoped I had a very good time last night, because otherwise this hangover was certainly not worth the effort. I hadn't felt this way since my 20s; this was definitely not a part of my lost youth I wanted to recapture. I pawed at the bedcovers, but something was holding my arm down. It was not warm and curvy, so I supposed I hadn't gone home with a woman in a drunken stupor, but the effort to open my eyes and identify the obstruction was just too great to be worth it. I lay there and slowly let the sounds around me penetrate my limited consciousness. The faint beeps and boops in the distance made me think of an arcade, but it wasn't nearly noisy enough for one. There was a low hum somewhere nearby, and the faint sound of snoring off to my left. Could I have gone home with a woman and then slept in a separate bed? This just didn't make sense. I was mustering the strength to shift an eyelid when I identified determined footsteps approaching me. "Hello. Are you awake enough to hear me?" I tried to answer, but my throat was awful dry. "Hold on, I'll get you some water." Feminine voice, soft but brisk. I don't usually sleep in under such circumstances, preferring not to acquire the status of lazy guest when I share someone's bed. I felt a straw at my lips and filled my mouth with cool water. Heavenly!. "Not too much, now. Take it slow! I savored the life-giving liquid, then took a bit more. OK, this time I was going to open my eyes. I now had incentive, I wanted to see the face that went with the angel that would do this for me. I blinked with effort and finally succeeded in keeping my eyes open, but suddenly I wished I hadn't. Not that there was anything intrinsically wrong with the face I saw. Nicely shaped, a perky little nose, green eyes and auburn hair, fitting the voice very nicely. The problem was the nurse's cap on her head and the uniform on her body. Somehow I didn't think I was in the middle of some role playing game with a stranger, not unless the stranger had outfitted her bedroom with a lot of hi tech equipment and medical supplies. About then I remembered the flash of light and the godawful kick and realized I was in the hospital. Can you forgive me if my next thought was "Not while I'm on vacation!"? "Just take it easy, hon." My auburn haired angel advised. "You've been in an accident and got banged up pretty bad. You'll be all right, but you're going to hurt for a little while. And don't move your right arm, there's an IV in it." So that's what it was. "Just lay back and rest, hon. The doctor will be along in a bit and she'll tell you all about it." I raised my head and sipped some more water. "Thanks!" I croaked. I must have gone back to sleep, because the sun was nowhere near as bright when I next noticed it. Sure enough , in a few minutes another set of footsteps approached, but this time the voice didn't evoke a possible lover in my fuzzy brain. "Geoffrey!" I croaked I guess angels come in all flavors, because I felt a straw at my lips and once again filled my parched mouth with water. After a couple of sips I was feeling much better. The headache was gone, but I truly did ache all over. It took a second to identify one of those pains as hunger. "Hungry." I croaked. "Very good, if you're hungry you're well on your way to recovery. I'm afraid I haven't the facilities to make breakfast right now, but I hear they serve a palatable chicken broth." "Broth?" "Believe me, you need to start out slow after what you've been through. Let me find a nurse. He left and a few minutes later I was still awake when he returned. He was right, the broth was good and when I finished I really didn't want anything more. He assured me my things were being taken care of and he had mailed the package he found in my room, so I didn't have to worry about that. I must have fallen asleep without saying goodbye. I did a lot of that for a day or two, swimming to the surface for a few minutes every few hours and then sliding back under again. Morning came again, and this time stayed for a while. My auburn haired angel was again on duty and brought me my breakfast repast - juice and toast and not much else. With more strength than I had felt in some time I drained the glass and set it down on the tray. It was then I realized I was wearing a thin hospital gown. My hand involuntarily rose to my unencumbered chest, confirming the bra I had been wearing when I started off to dinner was no longer there. Erin, for what else would such an elfin angel be named, grinned at me. "I take it you just realized you should have taken your mother seriously when she told you to wear clean underwear in case you got into an accident." I was speechless. "Your skirt and panties were a total loss, they had to cut them off for the surgery, and I don't think you'd ever get the garters clean again. Your bra and prostheses are still OK and in one of the drawers with your blouse. Your purse is safely locked up until you need it, and don't worry, we've proved hundreds of mothers wrong about underwear, really we have. Other than giving the surgical team a bit of a surprise it's nothing we haven't seen before." "Thank you, Erin." What else could I say. "All gets added to the bill,. Speaking of which - now that you seem coherent the dragon ladies from the office will be dropping by to find out who is going to be paying that bill. Forget what you've heard about socialized medicine in Canada, it's probably wrong anyway, if you heard it in the States. I'll fend them off if you want me to, but even I can't keep them away forever." "Don't bother, I have insurance. If you get me the purse I'll dig out the information for the dragon ladies. So tell me, what happened? I don't remember much" "I think that better wait for the doctor, we nurses only dispense meds, the doctors dispense wisdom and prognostications." "So when do I see the doctor?" "I told you, I don't do prognostications, silly." It hurt to laugh, but if felt good. Some nebulous time later the Doctor arrived, a woman closer to my own age than the delightful Erin. She pulled up a chair and sat beside the bed, turning on her bedside manor. "You're looking a bit better this morning, Mr. Mayes. Now that we've reduced the narcotics I think you will be able to concentrate a bit better." "So that's why..." "You have been very seriously injured, Mr. Mayes, the narcotics were called for and you'll probably still need them for a while. That's the button over there, press it and you'll get a fresh shot into your IV. The computer is smarter than all of us and won't let you overdose. Erin tells me you want to know what happened, and I seem to be the one elected to tell you." She took a breath. "You were hit dead on by an SUV moving at a very high rate of speed. The paramedics arrived barely in time, you lost a great deal of blood. You were in surgery for about six hours and it was very close." I was having trouble digesting this. Hell, I was supposed to be on vacation! "Six hours?" "The reason you can't move is because your pelvis was fractured and was put back together. There's a lot of bandages down there at the moment. You are also hooked up to a catheter and colostomy bag and unless you really want the details I won't supply them." "Thanks." "Don't thank me yet, I haven't gotten to the hard part." "Oh?" "Mr. Mayes, in all my years of practice I have never found a good way to tell this to a patient." I felt her take my hand in hers. "So I'll simply tell you that we were unable to save your left foot. It was damaged beyond our ability to repair and had to be amputated." The bright sunshine flooding the room was incongruous in the gloom that enveloped me. I felt the firm grip of her hand on mine, comforting in a very personal way. "It's going to take some time to adjust, and we'll do everything we can to help. I know that's not much consolation right now, but you will get stronger and recover almost completely." She talked a bit more but I really didn't take it in. The drugs in my system must have kept me from going off the deep end - the idea of being without my foot still hadn't really sunk in. Eventually I slept. --- Two days later I was feeling almost like myself, or rather as I imagined I'd feel at about 40 years from now. The company had changed my vacation to disability leave and the insurance people were satisfied. Geoffrey had my stuff in storage and was watching over my van. Best of all, I was up on crutches for short periods. I still hurt, aches in places where I hadn't known you could ache, but each day was a little better. I had just gotten back to bed after a short (very short!) walk and was resting my eyes when a whirlwind blew through the door. "Howdy, partner!" It's hard to jump when you have a broken pelvis and are still tied to an IV, but I managed it. It hurt. Seated in the gaudiest wheelchair on the face of the planet was a woman of middle years. Her brown hair was graying but her face shown with an animation that spoke of her joy in life. It was hard to see her figure in the chair, but I could see her breasts were as exuberant as her voice. She wore a cowboy hat, fringed leather vest and skirt and one cowboy boot of exquisitely tooled leather. She needed only one boot because her other leg was missing. It was unnerving to look at where her leg used to be. Like most folks I had never really known anyone without all their body parts and it made me very uneasy when I saw anyone with a handicap. It really hadn't sunk in that I was now disabled, not really. I simply stared at her, speechless. I'm Carla, here to brighten your day, wrassel coyotes and save the world, or at least your part of it." She rolled over and stuck out her hand. I took it automatically. She had a firm grip. "Do they let coyotes into the hospital?" "Nah, I had to leave 'em in the van. Don't have a proper wrasslin' ring in this place anyhow. Tried to book one of the operating theaters for the show but they reserve 'em for doctors. Don't know why they call 'em theaters if they don't have a proper stage in 'em. Not some place I'd want to take a date to see a movie." "So where would you take a date, Carla?" "Depends on who I'm datin'. I do like movies, but these days it's hard for me to make out in the theater with this chair. Takes some effort to get gussied up and put on my leg so I can sit in a regular seat. Too bad they don't have drive-ins any more, that would make it so much easier to fool around." She paused for breath. "Then there's concerts, zoos, museums, the rodeo when it's in town and good vittles. I have never turned down a good meal, right Geoffrey?" How had I managed to miss Geoffrey? He was standing there, right behind Carla. "Somehow I think it's more than coincidence you happen to be standing there, Geoffrey." I hadn't realized he could look abashed. "Would this force of nature be a friend of yours, perhaps?" "I thought it would be appropriate to introduce you two, since you have some things in common." "Don't you mean there's a commonality in the things we DON'T have, Geoffrey darlin'?" "I was trying to be tactful, Carla. I should have known better. If you two can arrange that date, you have a free dinner coming from the pub." "You know how to motivate a patient better than a whole hospital full of doctors and nurses, Geoffrey, but that's going to have to wait until they spring me from this place." "That's what I'm here for, partner. I bribed the sheriff, seduced the deputy and struck a deal with the judge's husband you don't want to know about. Geoffrey tells me you're from out of town. You got any kinfolks here abouts?" "Nairy a one." Jeez, she had me talking like her! "The good doctors have been talking about a nursing home while I recover." "Thought so. Well, you ain't a gonna be climbing up the stairs so Pimblett's is out, but it so happens we have a room available the Ole Homestead. 24 hour support staff, independent living, PT (I later found out that's Physical Therapy), home cooking and more crazy people" - how did she do what she did to her face!? - "in one place than you'll find anywhere outside Hollywood. Built the place special for DRC, so it's real homelike." "DRC?" "Disability Rights Collective. We don't let handicaps stop us from being active people. The Ole Homestead's not some damned institution where they cram us gimps in like cordwood and let us rot.' "Carla, I get the feeling anyone tried to treat you like cordwood would get an axe in their face." "Yup, and I'd be sweet enough to help 'em learn how to live without a nose afterward. Just all kinds of helpful, that's me." The staff at the hospital had been great, helping me to recover and deal with my loss, but it had been all a bit unreal to me. After talking to Carla (well, squeezing short questions into the occasional pause in the verbal river and then listening some more) my spirits rose and I began to feel like life was going to be good once again. To her the loss of her leg was just one more challenge and it certainly wasn't going to stop her from getting on with the things she enjoyed. I was infected with her indomitable spirit by the time she was done. A few pleasantries and they were gone. I was still contemplating her words when I fell asleep. I still did that a lot. --- Carla became a regular visitor, the silent wheels of her chair allowing her to appear at my bedside unannounced. I think she liked watching me jump when I opened my eyes. (Hell - I know she enjoyed it!) I positively looked forward to her visits as the highlight of my day. She displayed a succession of western inspired outfits and I learned of her deep love for Cowboys, ranch life and Country music. ("NOT Country-Western, as in the junk you hear on the radio! I mean Country as in Cowboy songs on the range or making your own music in the kitchen come Saturday Night.") This passion was matched by her dedication to helping the disabled learn to live life fully and joyfully. I was just starting to consider living at the Ole Homestead, not liking the idea of a nursing home, when Geoffrey and Carla came to visit. After a little while I screwed up my courage and asked "Geoffrey? Have you told her about Charlene?" "I hoped you wouldn't mind. Normally I wouldn't make such a decision without a guest's approval, but I felt Carla would treat it with the confidentiality it deserves. Besides, when I put your clothes in storage I noticed that all traces of Charlie the businessman had vanished. By Fed-Ex, I suppose" "I bet the staff was right surprised when they brought you in." Carla offered. "Y'all might clean up right nice as a woman. Want I should just put down C. Mayes and let y'all make the choice of who shows up? Your choice, ain't none of us going to worry 'bout weather you a boy or a girl." I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. Not so much by her knowing I was a crossdresser, but at her easy acceptance of it. I decided to answer her with the same honesty she had displayed to me." "I was planning to spend the next six weeks as Charlene, driving back home and seeing the sights. I haven't a stitch of male clothing with me, so for the next six to eight weeks I'll still be Charlene if you don't mind." "Welcome to the Ole Homestead, Charlene. Jest as soon as them Doctors call in the plumbers and 'lectricians to let you loose I'll come and pick you up. Good thing you're in a single room, you'll be able to put on your real clothes without givin' your roommate a heart attack. I'll be back to help you then, you're going to find that you'll have to relearn even simple things like getting dressed." --- I grew progressively stronger and was weaned from the painkillers and the IV. The time eventually came when I had signed a few thousand papers and put a load of instructions for the proper care of my mangled body into a bag. I shaved my face carefully that morning (the legs were still beyond my capabilities) and was resting my eyes until Carla showed up. I heard footsteps approaching, but not those of any of the nurses, who I could identify by their gait by then. There was a quiet knock on the door and I looked up to see a tall woman in a professional blue suit standing there. It took me a second to recognize Carla. "Took you a second to figure out who I am, didn't it. I left the chair tied up at the corral so's I could push you out of here. You'll soon learn that being in a wheelchair is a very effective disguise." "Not the wheelchair, the outfit. What happened to my favorite Cowgirl?" "I am a woman of many moods and mysteries. I like to keep my men guessing." "I didn't know I was 'your man', although I could think of worse things to happen. So do I get the answers when I'm Charlene?" "Nah, you get a different set of questions, girlfriend. I hope you like the outfit I picked out for you. You have the darndes't collection of bras I have ever seen, a regular rainbow." She put a parcel on the bed next to me. I'll just say hi to Erin while you put on your panties." She closed the door behind her and I discovered just how weak I really was after laying in bed for the last few weeks. I put my good foot into the panties without any problem, but getting my stump into the other leg hole wasn't as easy as it sounds. My brain still thought there was a foot on the end of my leg and I had a hard time lining things up. I eventually succeeded, but it was a trial. I put on my bra next, or at least I tried to. The simple act of reaching around me to snap the hooks was beyond me. My arms seemed to be as weak as noodles and my coordination was shot. A bit embarrassed, I resorted to hooking the bra over my belly and spinning it around. I hadn't had to do that in years! While I tried to catch my breath, Carla knocked and entered without waiting. "You look plumb tuckered out, Charlene. I told you it would take some re-learning, now didn't I? "Yes, Mother. You were right, Mother. Are my underwear clean enough to satisfy you if I have another accident, Mother?" "You'll do, Child." "Thank you, Mother. Don't just stand there, close the door so I can finish dressing. My 'prosthetics', as Nurse Erin so professionally calls them, are in the second drawer down. You could save me a lot of hassle if you would get them for me." "Hot damn! I never got to play with a pair of boobs that weren't attached to a body before!" "I don't think I want to hear the rest of that story, Carla. Save it for Paul Harvey." "Hey, these things got nipples!" "Of course they do, boobs have nipples if you grow 'em yourself, so why shouldn't mine look like the real thing?" "I can't rightly say, it just struck me a funny. They sure do wriggle purty." She stood there flopping my falsies around like a couple of misshapen fish. "Quit playing with my boobs, Mother, or I'll call the authorities." "I'm an authority on everything, no need to bring in outside help. May I?" She gestured to my unfilled bra "Be my guest." She slipped the forms in and I settled them in place, with a wry smile. It was quite a sensuous feeling and I was sorry when the warmth of her hands left my body. With practiced fingers I buttoned my blouse and began the ordeal of pulling the skirt over my legs. Carla silently aided me and I accepted her outstretched hand to rise and settle it around my waist. With my fractured pelvis it was going to be a long time before I could wear anything to enhance my hips. It felt a little odd not to be wearing a cincher or girdle when going out in public. "You're not going to but wearing nylons for a while so I got you a sock. She extracted one sock from her purse and put it on my good foot, then settled my shoe in place. "Look at the bright side, your footwear expenses just got cut in half. We have an exchange where you can partner up with someone with a matching foot and trade, but with your size it's likely to run to combat boots." "I have a secret life where they could come in handy, you know." "Some secret. Let me do your makeup today, my treat. "Thanks." I explained the fine points of beard cover to her and she soon had me looking 'right purty'. I climbed into the wheelchair because there's some law of nature that you have to leave the hospital in a wheelchair even if you are in there for a hangnail. She hooked the bag with my things over the arms of the chair and I sat clutching my crutches, which stuck out before me. I had a giddy urge to hang a lantern on them to light my way into the world and decorate them with streamers, but Carla just pushed me out into the hall before I could share my fantasy. Naturally the nurses were waiting to wish me goodbye, there was no way to hide my transformation back to Charlene from the hospital grapevine. Erin gave me a kiss and the other nurses, even Mark and John, took my hand and wished me well. I had a hard time keeping the tears from ruining my makeup. --- I suppose it was Carla's Cowgirl personality that made me picture the Ole Homestead as a ranch house on the prairie. Kind of a foolish image for the environs of Toronto, one of the largest cities in the world. Anyway I was surprised to pull up in front of a modern condo. Other than the small plate next to the larger than normal front door, telling you it was the Somebody J. Woosis Memorial Residence, there was no indication this was any different than any other condo in the 'burbs. I carefully shifted into the wheelchair Carla produced from the back of her van and she pushed me to the door, which opened at the command of a small, handheld control. Inside the halls were very wide, as were the doors. No institutional decor in here, lots of paintings and knickknacks adorned the walls and tables of the common area. Comfortable couches were scattered about, leaving plenty of room for those of us in wheelchairs to find a place to alight. It was empty at present, most of the residents being at work or at the Center. She gave me the grand tour of the place. "We worked on turning this place into reality for years. We finally got the funding and had the architects draw up the plans and they were a nightmare. They hadn't a clue about handicapped access. So the director back then took the plans and a bunch of us crawled around a basketball court drawing a chalk outline of the building from their prints. He even scared up a toilet and set it out on the blacktop in one of the bathrooms. Then he called a meeting and put the architects in wheelchairs and had them try to maneuver around the place. You should have seen the looks on their faces as they tried to get around. This is what we got from the revisions - not bad, huh?" I agreed. The cowgirl accent had faded; she sounded as well as looked the part of a successful professional woman.. "Anyway, we have 20 permanent rooms here. Most of our residents have moderate to severe physical disabilities, enough to need extra help but not enough to need personal nursing care. The model is much like assisted living for senior citizens. No locks on the doors going out, but we watch out for each other" "We have something unique to the Ole Homestead, two furnished rooms set aside for transient residents, people like yourself who are recovering from some major trauma. With a little help in learning how to live with your new status you'll be able to return to your own home in a short time. It's still in the experimental stages, trying to see how to make it work to everyone's advantage." "This one's yours," she said as she opened a door with my name on it. The door revealed a small, nicely decorated studio apartment with everything placed unusually low to the ground, a convenience I would learn to appreciate in the next few weeks. My suitcases were placed near the bed. "Take your time to unpack and rest up a bit. You're invited to the common room for lunch at noon, and I'll introduce you to whoever is around then." She leaned over and kissed my forehead, then was gone. It was amazing how tired I was, so I maneuvered myself into the bed and closed my eyes. Not that I hadn't done this an awful lot lately, but this was different. For one thing it was quiet, something that you can't get in a hospital. The other thing was the peace and comfort that always accompanies having time as Charlene. Once I had started to feel better I had become frustrated that my long planned cross country trip as Charlene had been lost. Now, I lay on the strange bed in my temporary home and savored the feelings; the weight of my breasts on my chest, the subtle tug of the bra straps on my shoulders, the soft, sensual feel of the fabric, the hem of my skirt as it lay across my calf. I have always felt more creative when I dressed as Charlene, better attuned to the world. Maybe I was just fooling myself, but I felt my healing would be more rapid as long as I could remain as Charlene. The thought of healing brought my attention to what wasn't attached to my leg any longer. In the hospital I had firmly refused to agonize about what would happen when I left, I made the decision to put my energies into recovery and not into worry. Not quite the feat of willpower you might think, because I spent a great deal of time sleeping or in a semi-daze. Now, for the first time I confronted the fact that I no longer had a foot on my left leg. Years ago I had broken my leg and spent some time on crutches. I was young enough to enjoy the attention and, once the pain was gone, was able to get around pretty well. I knew that as I regained my strength I would be able to move around just as well now, but this time there would be no date set for a return to normality. Carla assured me that in time I would be walking on a prosthesis. My mind suddenly translated Erin's passing reference to my falsies as a prostheses into a picture of me trying move around on two pseudopods extending from my chest. Strange mind I have, huh? I wondered if I would ever be able to wear pantyhose again. For that matter, would all the time I had spent trying to walk like a woman be wasted. Could I relearn that walk with a phony foot? I had a feeling my days wearing high heels were over. Funny, but the problems I foresaw were mostly for Charlene. Charlie, who habitually wore pants, would be able to hide the foot, but it was going to draw unwanted attention to Charlene if I wanted to continue wearing skirts. And I did want to continue wearing skirts! Eventually I drifted off to sleep and woke an hour or so later. Refreshed, I fixed my makeup and hobbled out into the hall, looking for someone to talk to. Off the common area was a aide's station and I met Marge, the day shift aide. I could smell lunch wafting from further on down the hall, so we headed that way. There weren't too many people there, most of the residents worked to the extent they were able and were gone during the day. Carla was already seated, so we joined her. "Howdy, Ladies!" Carla greeted us. She had reverted to a more casual Western outfit. As we were sitting a man came out of the kitchen with a large bowl of potatoes on his powered wheelchair. Carla took it from him as he stopped next to us, saying "Thank you, Gene. This is Charlene, she's going to be with us for a few weeks while she recovers. "Pleased to meet you, Charlene." OK, I have to admit I wasn't ready for Gene. He was a small man, and by small I mean under 4 feet. He had one functioning arm and both feet were very short and stunted.. He had a barrel of a chest and a funny voice. Let's face it. My world, my PREVIOUS world, simply hadn't included people with handicaps. The only experience I had to guide me was being polite to some of my sisters who were obviously men in dresses; not in the same class at all. It was at that moment I realized how different my life was going to be. I was now one of those people who I glanced away from when I passed them on the street. I had thought that as a crossdresser I had abandoned the need to be 'normal', had found an ability to treat my sisters, indeed everyone, as individuals despite their mode of dress. I was suddenly given a lesson in humility, and an insight to a part of my character I wasn't really comfortable with. To be blunt, Gene shocked the hell out of me. He was gone in a moment, into the kitchen for another load, leaving me thinking very hard. "First time, Charlene?" inquired Carla. The woman must have been reading my mind, or perhaps she had been present at this little scene many times before. In any case, there was no mistaking her meaning. Now one of the parts I find hardest about being convincing as Charlene is the voice. It doesn't come easy, but if I try I can produce a sort of husky contralto. At that moment, such control utterly escaped me. "Yes. I'm not too proud of myself for what I was thinking." "Well, I wasn't so happy with myself when I was in your position, either. We gimps have a saying: 'Being able bodied is only a temporary condition'. We live in a culture that has largely eliminated the horrible things that used to happen to people, and when those horrible things do happen we can keep 'em alive, unlike our ancestors." "Then again, we place so much emphasis on perfection in our culture, most people haven't a clue how to deal with those of us with physical or mental problems. I know you're here to learn how to live without your foot, but I think there are other lessons to be learned that are just as important. It takes time and, frankly, it's probably easier to accept the flaws in others than it is to accept the flaws ourselves." Gene came back with a bowl of vegetables, followed by a woman pushing a cart with the rest of the meal on it. I was soon introduced to Patty, the cook for the day. Her gait was stiff, it was obviously hard for her to move her right side. "Hel-lo." I suddenly forgot my difficulty in speaking, because it was nothing compared with the effort required for Patty to speak. I later learned she was faced with the choice of death from a brain tumor or possible paralysis from the operation. The surgery went on for far longer than was anticipated and she suffered severe brain damage. Her intellect was fully intact, but her speech and movement were severely affected. Hello, Patty. Can I help you serve what looks like a delicious lunch?" "Thank. You." This was accompanied by a vigorous nodding of her head. So I removed the food from her cart and she sat down next to me. Perhaps to fill the obvious conversational gap, Carla started explaining the way the place worked. "Charlene, we operate somewhere between a commune and an institution around here. While each room has a basic kitchen, we have found we prefer eating together most of the time. You're on your own for breakfast since our schedules are all so different.. We rotate preparing lunch among the regulars who eat here, with Patty taking much of the load because she's a damn good cook and is here most days. If you can avoid burning a pot of water we'll put you in the rotation, there usually isn't more than four or five for lunch. "Dinner is a more elaborate production, with a real, paid cook supervising the kitchen for us. We're usually informal, but if you want to dress for dinner you're welcome to do so." She gave me a broad wink and I nearly sprayed my soda across the table. The next thing I knew, Patty's good arm was beating me on the back as I made strange choking noises. I was beginning to think Carla would be a friend long after I returned home. "You'll be taking your PT sessions mostly in the afternoon, so the mornings are yours to do whatever you want. Geoffrey helped me bring your van over, so once you're cleared to drive you can pretty much take care of yourself. I will warn you that anyone with their own wheels is very popular around here. Being a chauffeur is not part of the deal, but it would be nice to supply a ride now and then. It would take some of the load off me for a while, too." Lunch passed amiable enough, with Carla or Marge translating when I couldn't understand Patty' s comments. --- You'll pardon me if I don't go into detail about that first PT session, except to say it hurt like hell. Colleen, a therapist fresh from her schooling, drew me as her guinea pig. Actually she was pretty cute and had a gentle touch. It was just after a major injury and weeks of forced inactivity, just about any kind of effort hurt. My mantra became 'No pain - no gain!', repeated over and over, sotto voice. Something that surprised and pleased me was the degree that I was accepted by those who knew I was a man under my skirts. Naturally my doctor, the aides at the Ole Homestead and the lovely Colleen had to know, but they were thoroughly professional and treated me with respect and dignity. So OK, Colleen once pinched my butt, but we were both in a very silly mood and it was a natural thing to do at the time. By the time I was done with my first PT session I had spotted the flaw in my plans to remain Charlene for the next few weeks. While PT was not a heavy workout, I still needed a shower. That meant removing my makeup, then shaving and re-applying it. Why hadn't I thought of that before? Well, nothing for it but to just do it, I was committed. I wrapped my stump, then sat down and showered. That was another thing I had to get used to, sitting down to shower. Kind of hard to stand without both feet. --- Were you ever in a sorority or fraternity? If not, you've surely heard of hazing. Well, dinner that first night was much like being initiated. As I hesitatingly entered the room, skirt swinging as I moved along on my crutches, Carla and motioned me to sit beside her. She introduced me and I nodded at the barrage of names that were returned. Dinner was dinner, what else can I say. It wasn't until after the dessert was finished that the initiation started. If you are into being politically correct, I would recommend you skip the next few paragraphs, because I was initiated into the humor common among the disabled that evening. Gene turned to me and asked: "Hey Charlene. What would you call a girl with one leg shorter that the other? I just stared at him, my mouth sagging. I really didn't know what to say. "Eileen." He answered his own question. He was answered by a general groan. I was scandalized, I just didn't know what to do. "Know what you'd call an Asian woman with the same affliction?" He paused. "Irene." "What would you call her after the operation?" Chimed in Carla. "Noleen." "How 'bout if she's married to a politician?" I really don't know who asked that one, this was too much. "Tipper!" came the answer. They were off and running and nothing was going to stop them. "Hey Charlene - What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs in the ocean?" "Bob!" the chorus replied. Hanging on the wall?" Art In a hole? Phil In front of the door? Matt In a ditch? Phil In your hot tub? Stu Water skiing Skip On a beach? Sandy "Enough! Enough!" I cried. "You win! Did I pass the test?" It's hard to flee in horror when you're on crutches. "Test?" asked Gene innocently. "What test?" "So tell me, Gene." I had started to rally by then. " What goes 'Click-click -now? Click-click-now?'" "Why Charlene," he replied, blinking his eyes rapidly. "Do tell us." "Ray Charles with a Rubic's cube." It was a good thing I had just heard that one at the B&B, but somehow it hadn't hit so close to home when I heard it. Carla stuck out her tongue. "Don't do that unless you intend to use it. Carla, could you give me the definition of 'Endless Love'"? A dramatic pause. "Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles playing tennis." I passed the test, which was a good thing since I had exhausted my supply of jokes. And it looked like I passed, period. --- After the dinner session broke up, Carla invited me back to her room for a while. Her room was like any other, except that it connected to the Director's office. I collapsed on her couch and she sat next to me, propping her good leg on the hassock. She waved her arm, inviting me to do the same. "I would never have believed it. How did you get to be so convincing as a woman?" "The same way you did. Practice, practice, practice." "Yeah, but I got some natural advantages you ain't." "So how did you learn to walk like someone with two legs?" She stuck out her tongue again, so I made good on my threat at dinner and kissed her. "Mmmmm..." "You intend to practice that much, Charlene?" "If you're interested. I just took advantage of the moment." "Some moment!" "Yeah! It was, wasn't it?" "Let's let it simmer a bit before we start emptyin' the pot, but I think I like the cookin'" she drawled "How can you think about food after that meal?" She stuck her tongue out again, so I kissed her again. There's something to be said for old habits dying hard, at least from my point of view. When we finally broke she pulled back a little but kept hold of my hand. "Enough! So you practice being Charlene a lot. Tell me why you want to dress up like a girl in the first place?" Now who would have believed that talking about my crossdressing would be considered a neutral topic? "I hate it when someone asks that, because I really don't know. It's something I have to do or I get very unhappy. There was a time when I was really bitter and confused and scared, but once I found some friends who are in the same boat as me I finally came to terms with it. Now I just enjoy being Charlene whenever I can and Charlie when I can't." "You sound like you've read my Amputation 101 speech, which was why I invited you here before you distracted me. I guess a man wearing woman's clothes in this society would stand out much like those of us with a disability." "Well, I'm not sure about that. After all I can always put on a pair of pants, but I don't think I'm going to be able to find a new flesh-and-blood foot. I do take your point, though. Even in the hospital there were some odd looks, weren't there?" "Get used to it. You wouldn't believe how nervous some people get around us. In some ways I'm lucky, my amputation was clean and the rest of me is 'normal'. It isn't easy looking like an exhibit in the wax museum for the rest of you life. A lot of how you make out is in your personality." "Gene is a salesman, drives a specially outfitted van and makes sales calls wherever they need his product. You can imagine what he has had to overcome to become a success. He makes enough money he could live on his own, but he prefers it here. Of course he's an exception, but the point is that a physical disability need not keep you from living a complete life. If there's anything I want you to learn from your time here, that's it." "I think I may have a new role model, maybe a couple of them. Carla, I'm as scared of having to live without a foot as I was many years ago when I thought I was the only man in the world that wanted to wear women's clothes." "Good!" "Good?" "Yeah, good. You know the stages of grief?" She paused until I nodded my head. "If you're at the point of being scared of the future then you are halfway there. My job is to ease the depression and provide the hope so you make it to the 'acceptance' part." Her hand squeezed mine as she spoke. I was trying to find something to say when the phone rang. "Hello? Cindy? She's where? That damned fool! I suppose Kevin is with her, it would take both of them to come up with something so stupid. OK, as long as they're safe I'm going to let 'em stew for half an hour before I pick them up." She hung up the phone and shook her head. "Those two damn fools! Kevin bet Cindy she couldn't make it to the mall and back in her chair, so she had to prove him wrong, even with the battery at half charge. They're in some little restaurant with Cindy's chair flat dead halfway back from the mall." She started to laugh. "That's funny?" I asked. "You've haven't heard Cindy speak, she makes Patty look like an elocution teacher. Kevin can talk, but seldom makes much sense. Can you imagine the poor people who had to figure out what's wrong and get the phone number from them to call us? After what I've been telling you about how people react to disabilities, there has to be some really confused people involved in this." "Yeah, like me. Why are you making them wait half an hour?" "To teach them a lesson. Cindy is a lovely person, she has to fight hard every day to make herself understood, but she hasn't an ounce of judgement. She lets Kevin talk her into the stupidest things imaginable." "Yeah, I learned that just being a crossdresser doesn't make you immune to being stupid or boring or any of the thousand other foibles of humanity. I suppose being disabled doesn't either." "Foibles? Y'all sure talk purty fer a leetle slip 'o a girl, ma'am." She slipped back into that accent. This time I stuck my tongue out at her. We easily found something to fill the time until we went after Cindy and Kevin. --- Saturday was a lousy day, at least as far as the weather. I suggested a trip to the Ontario Science Centre and Carla enthusiastically accepted. I had to quell my guilt about parking in the handicapped space. After a lifetime of having it drummed into me NOT to park there, it took some attitude readjustment to realize it was now OK. I was very pleased at how well the place was designed, we had no trouble getting anywhere and we had a great time. There's one exhibit on static electricity where they pick a victim, I mean audience member, and hook them up to the generator. You can imagine who was the first volunteer. I don't think the demonstrator, a kid who had to be all of 20, was quite ready for a one legged cowgirl in a wheelchair to be his subject, but it's kind of hard to deny Carla. She put her hand on the great, silver ball and they fired it up. Her hair soon started flying and she had a most impressive fright wig sticking out in all directions. I kind of hoped to see sparks flying from he chair, but no such luck. The time came when a trip to the facilities was necessary. Carla and I were using our wheelchairs; sure, we could get around with out them, but a great deal of walking will tire you out pretty quickly when you're an amputee, and I was still on crutches. Now, when I'm in Charlene mode I try to be as inconspicuous as possible using the ladies room, but I suddenly realized this was never again going to be possible. Two women in wheelchairs following each other into the bathroom truly draws the attention of those nearby! I had started to get used to being an object of attention by that time. No matter how polite people may be, when you're in a wheelchair you get noticed. Carla was right, a wheelchair is an effective disguise. As far as I could tell no one read me as a man the entire time we were there. Since I occasionally get read no matter how hard I try, I have some experience with other people's reactions. Maybe you can stare at a woman if you wonder if she is really a woman, but staring at someone in a wheelchair is simply not done in polite society. While I wouldn't recommend the method to the general run of crossdressers, it seemed to work for me. It was late afternoon when we had poked all the buttons and interacted with all the exhibits. We left the exhibit halls at the top of a long ramp with several 180 degree turns in it. Carla's face glowed as she suddenly shouted "Race you to the bottom!" She took off down the ramp in her wheelchair at a speed that I found frightening. With the switchbacks she was headed directly for a solid concrete wall, going far faster than I wanted to contemplate, and it didn't look like she was slowing down enough to make the turn. At the last possible instant she screamed "Yahoo!" and grabbed the rail with one hand, sluing the chair around to roar pell-mell down the next incline. My heart beating furiously I followed, much more slowly. I made it to the second level as she had repeated the performance at the final turn of the ramp. She shot across the lower lobby at high speed, headed directly for a bank of glass doors. Was this woman completely crazy? By this time everyone in the place had stopped dead and was watching in shock. I held my breath as she applied the brakes and stopped bare millimeters from the doors. "Hot Dog! That was fun!" she crowed, hands clenched over her head in the traditional gesture of sporting victory. By the time I rolled up beside her I had to force my way through the concerned crowd that surrounded her. I was so frightened I couldn't speak. The throng was treated to the sight of two women in wheelchairs kissing each other in public. Must have been a liberal crowd, the applause was completely unexpected. --- When we arrived home (funny - it was home to me by then) we curled up together on my couch, something we had been doing a lot of lately. "Darling woman, don't you ever scare me like that again!" "Sissy! I was perfectly safe and it was fun! There are times you have to take the opportunity to live in the fast lane." "While your friends keel over with heart attacks. And by the way, just because I'm a crossdresser doesn't mean I'm a sissy. I'm not into that particular scene, thank you." "Oh? So what scenes are you into?" "Mutual respect, joy, tenderness, shared pleasure. Simple stuff like that." We kissed then, our hands roaming over each other, exploring and caressing. I unbuttoned her blouse and she helped me, our fingers meeting in the middle. I traced the outline of her bra cup with a finger, delving into the warm space between her breasts and playing with her soft flesh. I cupped her breast in my hand and lifted it, savoring the weight in my hand, then ran my hands over the soft, slippery material of her bra. I felt her nipples begin to enlarge and she made low, encouraging noises. I soon felt her playing with my own breasts. Such a shame that they were not real, but it was highly erotic to have her pressing them against my chest. I felt her fingers sketch the outline of my bra straps and down my back, causing me to shiver. "Chilly, darlin'?" she asked. "We might be warmer in bed. Together." "That sounds like a lovely idea." It was a lovely idea but, as with many good ideas, it wasn't as easy as it sounded. Carla had opted to leave her leg off for our outing and my crutches were out of reach on the other side of the room. So it was either shift to our wheelchairs for the few feet to the bed or crawl. We crawled. Have you ever tried to crawl wearing a dress?. I got about three shuffles before I was tangled in the hem, so Carla kindly unzipped me and I proceeded to wiggle and slither out of the dress on all fours in the middle of the room. Carla took the opportunity to remove her open blouse and her pants while I struggled, then we resumed our journey. I had a nice view of her lovely, panty clad ass ahead of me. Since her amputation is above the knee her crawl was a bit lopsided, but she still had a nice ass. Isn't that a romantic picture, two gimps clambering across the room, shedding clothes as they go? With one of them quite obviously a male in bra and panties? There is only one conclusion an observer could reach: we both must have been superbly horny in order to be interested in sex by the time we got into bed That observer, thankfully hypothetical, would have been right. I slid the strap of her bra down her shoulder and exposed her nipple, which I immediately covered with my lips. I shifted lower in the bed, nestling myself against her, my own breasts pressing against her. She didn't seem to mind, so I started to run my hand along her inner thighs. She didn't mind that either. Quite the contrary, she spread her legs apart so I had better access. Now I have played this game with several women in the course of my life, and it has always produced a favorable result. The sensitive flesh of the thigh can stimulate a woman (or a man for that matter) to intense pleasure. I brought my hand slowly up the leg closest to me, my fingers dancing and caressing lightly until I encountered the silk of her panties. I brushed lightly over her womanhood, feeling the springiness of her hair under the gossamer fabric, then continued down the other side. My fingers moved as if on autopilot while I sucked her breast and tongued her nipple. That is until I ran out of leg. I can only plead distraction. Hell, my brain knew there wasn't anything there, but I wasn't exactly relying on my rational capabilities at the moment. In a way it was a very intimate experience. No matter how well adjusted you are to your injury, there is always something just a bit disquieting about having someone touch your stump. I caressed the end of her leg before resuming my journey back upward, hoping I hadn't done something too outrageous. In any case, she seemed to be enjoying it, her hips were moving rhythmically under my hand and pressing upward in demand. I slid my hand under the elastic and began to play with the curly hair, working my way through it until I felt the parting of her soft lips. They were very moist and easily parted. I immediately found her clit and felt is slide beneath my fingers. Each time I passed over her little nub she gave a cry of passion, I felt her shift and her cries were suddenly muffled but no less enthusiastic, she had placed a pillow over her head. I quickly slid down into her hole and circled my finger around the tight opening of her womanhood, then returned to her clit. I had barely repeated the sequence when her body went perfectly still beneath my hands. Her breathing stopped, her muscles tightened and in one explosive movement she came, crying out into the pillow. "From the side. I want you in me. Now!" Assertive as always. We wrestled with her panties until they were out of the way (a short leg does have some advantages!) and I pulled mine aside. Moments later I parted her lovely ass cheeks and sidled around behind her. She was so wet I slid in almost without resistance. I ignored the ache in my still healing hips as, with a little adjustment, I slid my rod in and out of her with ease. I had the passing realization that I was still wearing my bra, but it didn't really matter. We were deep into the urgency of the most ancient ritual of mankind, the desire to continue the chain of life. That modern medicine guaranteed I would never be a father again was irrelevant, I thrust into her until I exploded, filling my woman as had my ancestors had filled theirs before me. We lay spent, side by side. My hand absently caressing her body as we relaxed. I once again came to her stump and gave it a squeeze. "It doesn't bother you?" she asked. "Well, maybe a little, but it's part of you and I'm content with that. I placed her hands on the mound of my false breasts. "You accepted me as I am, how could I do any different?" "You are an amazing man. Woman. Both. From the moment I met you in the hospital, still half zonked with painkillers, I felt something drawing me to you. Geoffrey told me you were a crossdresser but it really didn't sink in until the day you left the hospital, but by then it really didn't matter. I just liked you, and it tickles me to watch you with everyone else. You have such a natural feminine way about you that I don't think anyone really suspects." "I bet if you asked Cindy you'd get a surprise. Kevin is so self absorbed I could parade around in my lingerie and he wouldn't notice, but I'm pretty sure she's read me." "Is that crossdresser jargon for getting found out?" "Yeah. After all the jargon I've had to wade through in the hospital and this place, it's good to know I can confuse you." "You surely do a good job of that. My sense of ethics has taken a beating the past few weeks. The more I got to know you the more I liked you. I've never had the hots for one of my residents before and I have been telling myself it was unprofessional to want to get you into bed with me." "I can see the problem, but I'm glad you're here. If I were going to be a permanent resident there might be a problem, but I think we can consider it more like boffing the landlady than taking advantage of someone under your professional care." "You have experience in boffing landladies?" "Thousands of 'em. They pass my name around on the grapevine and I haven't had to pay rent in years." Some people never learn. She stuck her tongue out at me again. My landlady remained silent for several minutes. "Carla?" "Yes, darling?" "Can I ask an indelicate question?" "Such as...." "How did you lose the leg?" "Bone cancer. I was 14 when it happened. By pure dumb luck I managed to break a leg falling out of a tree. When they did the x-rays they found the cancer very early, still Stage 1A. Back then amputation was about the only option. You can imagine what it was like. I was a tomboy (why else would I have been in a tree?) and played all the girl's sports that were allowed at school. Suddenly that whole part of my life was gone. Boys wouldn't come near me and the girls were almost as bad. I never got invited to a single dance. I had precisely 3 dates in high school, and two of them were guys that lost bets with their buddies." "I was determined to be a doctor and learn how to cure people like me, but by the time I got a couple of years into college I realized that wasn't the right path for me. I found out I wanted to help people learn how to live well despite their challenges, so I majored in Social Work. After a little while in the field I realized that the barriers were both personal and institutional, and the institutional structure needed changing in a big way. I went back to school and got my Masters in Public Administration, learned how to play politics and started agitating." "I've been thrown in the can a dozen times or so, handcuffed to my wheelchair and I'm proud of it! It's almost fun to watch the cops figure out how to get me into a cell; most of the cells aren't accessible, you know. I guess I've gotten a bit more mellow over the years, hell - I don't even know where my handcuffs are any more, so I would have to find some other way to attach me to the chair if I wanted to start a protest." "So how did you end up here?" I asked. "I was horny and you were cute and available." "You are the most annoying woman! Keep it up and I may fall asleep before I make sure your horns are properly ground down." Jesus! You're lying there wearing a bra but you're still acting just like a man. Threats, he gives me!" "And you didn't answer my question, Miss Side Issue." "Task oriented, that's not very ladylike." I tickled her, what else could I do? "You win! I interned with the DRC and was impressed with the way the first director ran the place. His philosophy was to find how to bend the rules to benefit the clients, not how to save money by finding the simple way out. This residence was his brainchild, a place run by and for the residents with the help of professionals when needed. When he retired I applied for the job and now I theoretically run the whole madhouse, the clinic, the drop in center and this place. Actually it's more like guiding a wild horse in the general direction you want him to go, but I've never been happier." "So now, you know my deep dark secrets. Can I ask how you came to be Charlene? "That depends. Would you get upset if I talk about an old lover?" "Not unless you're into comparisons..." "The details have conveniently vanished into the haze of time; there is no other than you that fires my lust and inflames my passions!" "It's a good thing you're lying on your back or I might be tempted to do something regrettable to your manhood. So what's the big deal with the old lover?" "Her name was Betty. Still is, for that matter. We went out a few times soon after I got my first apartment. Much to my surprise she came home with me one evening when several of us had been out closing a few bars. It was a good thing we stumbled into the bedroom in the dark, because it wasn't until morning when I noticed I hadn't put away my nightgown and sleeping bra the previous morning, not to mention leaving the pile of panties and dresses in the laundry basket." "So how did you handle that, you glib tongued devil?"

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Come with me and see what he did

I cant honestly say I am a BDSM addict, although my experiences with corporal punishment, at boarding school, did lead me to commit a sexual act, which stuck with me right into my adult life.As a young girl, being ordered to take your panties off for a caning, left me flustered and I started secreting freely, as my panties soaked in expectation of exposing myself to a man.I was being caned, an act that was to be carried out on my bare flesh. I had passed the age where wearing a pair of shorts...

3 years ago
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8 Hours

I remember sitting there in the hospital, staring at you hooked up to all those machines, and realizing that I did really love you. It had taken me so long to admit that to myself. Because of all the negative pressure from my family, I tried to convince myself that you were someone that would just bring me down in life. But the more and more I spent time with you, the more I realized I had been lying to myself. I realized I was in love. When I finally accepted that, my heart broke. Staring at...

3 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 28 More Evidence

June 7, 2008, Saturday afternoon Once we knew the crime had taken place, 49 security had to work fast, going backwards, to figure out what would happen next. The physical evidence - trash, clothing left behind, etc. - didn’t give us much beyond a very quick getaway. There was evidence that all the packing, plus grabbing the gold, took place during the 10 minutes Friday morning between when Abril left the apartment and when she was expected to sit down in front of her security monitors. The...

2 years ago
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My 100th Story How Far Would You Go to Share Your Wife

My wife Jill and I are around the age of fifty, and have been married for more than twenty two years. I had tried over the past several years to get Jill to go along with the idea of being shared with another man, only to be rebuffed every time I brought up the subject. Then, one night, everything changed. We had just climbed into bed when I brought up the subject with her once again about being shared. I had expected to hear the same response that I heard so many times before, but this time...

Wife Lovers
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An Affair to Remember

My thanks to fdkman for his editing skills and comments. His efforts are appreciated. It's the little things that tell you, you have a problem in your marriage. The first clue was the dampness of her hair at the nape of her neck. Usually you're not feeling around back there but I was feeling a little horny as she slipped into bed and as I reached for her my hand slipped behind her head. My other hand pulled her against my semi hard on. That's when I felt it and thought, "What the fuck?"...

5 years ago
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Dark TownChapter 7

Nessie Carter was sat down on her sofa with her legs crouched, eating a bowl of ice cream. She was eating vanilla ice cream, the leading ice cream in America. She was sat down in front of her television, watching a rerun of an episode from the final season of Sex and the City. She still had the same clothes on when she was talking to her Arab neighbor. Every time she thought about her argument today with Noor she told herself that she should be glad that this girl's parents were gone and...

4 years ago
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Pool game bet

I suggested we try a bar called Barneys, which was just down from the hotel. When we walked in there was a good crowd inside there and the barman suggested we go into a side room, which was a lot quieter and had a pool table. When we went in there were 2 guys playing pool inside there. As I ordered a few drinks the guys were complimenting Jen on hot she looked and how I was a lucky guy. They challenged us to a game of pool so I suggested that Jen play as I was not really into pool. “OK” said...

3 years ago
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My sexy Ana and her misterious new bull

Ana and I had planned a beach vacation to escape from the cold autumn in the city that never sleeeps… but just a couple days before, my Boss said he had another business trip scheduled for me and he could not send another person there but me…In the evening, as I told the news to my beloved wife, she just She crossed her arms and looked at me clearly upset. She claimed that we would be going to be out a lot of money cancelling last second.We had a light quarrel about the money; until Ana said...

2 years ago
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Mmmmm Oooo Aaaahhhh Yeah

Back at school I was the self proclaimed "life of the party." Of course you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who didn't agree, but I didn't exactly own the title. Every night that I could spare I was at some party or in some club putting on quite the spectacle. I don't know how many nights I'd spent naked or damn near pleasing willing college boys and girls for the eyes of the crowd. I guess I am a bit of an exhibitionist. I mean but can you blame me? I stand 5'9" in heels,...

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First dates don’t often command that kind of generosity- and though she’d expected him to be a little off-the-wall, the neatly wrapped box, 8 by 8 cm, sat on the table between them in the bar where they’d met. It was covered in spotty paper and, it had a small bow on it. They’d been chatting for days. Not long as far as history’s greatest romances go, but there’d been something about the back and forth of the exchange which had piqued her interest. Not quite arrogance. OK, arrogance. A kind...

4 years ago
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Demanding Supply Ch 02

As expected the next week had been busier than fun, and the week after that, lonely. Amy had dropped off the radar while in London, and she didn’t get to talk with her much, aside from the occasional text messages sent back and fro every few days until she got back. Fortunately, the week after that was awesome, Jack had finished the project early, and was able to come and visit her! Amy stayed out of the way, knowing that there was a lot of sexual frustration that needed to be dealt with. Jack...

3 years ago
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Twin Love affair Chap 2 deflowering my twin sister

The moment I heard those words rolled off her lips. I didn’t waste a single second. Our lips were locked in a deep passionate incestuous French kiss, I was lost in this incestuous bliss, I couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. For years I had fantasized about this moment, but I had to make sure she was sure. I would hate myself if later on down the road, she would come to regret sleeping with me, especially if she end up pregnant by me. So, I gently broke our kiss and lifted up...

4 years ago
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Mausi Ko Gaon Mein Choda

Hi everyone! This is Rohit from Bahadurgarh, Haryana. I have worked in my Mumbai for 3 years. This story is about how I fucked my Mausi for feedback mail me at I am 26 years old guy, height 5’8 inches 74 kgs strong built. My mausi is 44 years old. Her name is Deepika. She has got a pretty face, a nice pair of tits average in size about 36” a decent waistline of 32 and a mind boggling butt of 42 and her butt jiggles up and down a lot when she walks. She is fair in colour but she really is a...

2 years ago
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Golden Surprise

It's past three and I should be asleep. Hell, after what He put me through, I should be exhausted. But I’m not. I ache and I am tender but, even in lingering pain, my body basks in orgasmic afterglow. With such conflicting sensations coursing through me, I cannot hope to sleep.It’s often like this for me.So, I lay next to Him as He sleeps. Perhaps I ought to be angry or jealous of His repose, but I simply do not feel those things. Listening to Him breathe gives me comfort. I draw strength from...

2 years ago
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Der Dachboden 8

Hinweis: Die Klassifizierung 'G' ist evtl. missverst?ndlich. In diesem Kapitel gibt es Bondage im Zusammenhang mit Sexspielzeugen und pseudo- sexuellen Handlungen. Sex im eigentlichen Sinn ist es nicht. Wer's nicht mag, sollte nicht weiterlesen. Der Dachboden 8 Er war da! Ich hatte ihn nicht kommen geh?rt. Allerdings waren hier auch kein nackter Holzboden, sondern Teppich. Oh je, das war eine Schwachstelle in unserem Plan. Wenn es so leise blieb w?rde Tante Lieselore im Babyfon n...

4 years ago
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Behan Ne Anjane Me Seduce Kiya

Hi friends mera naam hai raj or ye meri pehli story hai asha krta hu ki aap logo ko pasand mai aapko btaunga ki kaise meri behan ne na chahte hue bhi mjhe seduce kiya ye meri cousin behan hai uske ghar me uske papa maa or bada bhai hai meri cousin ka naam hai kajal wo 18 saal ki hai fig 32 28 30 dikhne me kuch khas to nhi hai mgr thik hai to ab mai story pr aata hu Baat aaj se kuch 2 saal pehle ki hai jb kajal hamare ghar chuttiya manane ke liye aai thi hm log aapas me bhut hasi majak kiya krte...

2 years ago
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Lara Defuccos Examination Ch 04

I was left in the room, on the table still unable to close my legs or cover my chest with my arms. Soon after the doctor’s left nurses came in and began to move the exam table. I was rolled through the corridors and into the main hospital. They had not covered me with a sheet and I remained with my tits exposed and my obviously soiled white panties barely covering my pussy and ass. So many people, employees, visitors and patients stared at me as I was led to my room. I was put in a room with...

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The Ravishing of Constance Ch 07

Enrique’s cock was thicker than Rob’s, if not so long, and it sundered into her with stretching pain despite the wetness that eased its way. Constance gasped in shock at the feel of him, pushing deep, so big. He stopped with his cock embedded, his body braced over her. His hair fell around his face in a dark tumble. ‘Ah, Constance, at last,’ he breathed. ‘At last I’m in you. And your cunny is so tight, so slick.’ She turned her head away on her pillow, but he took her by the chin and made...

3 years ago
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The Indian restaurant had closed for the evening, the streets were deserted except for Steve and his girlfriend both were 16 and members of a street gang were racists and hated and watching the restaurant, Steve said come on their gone, Kim followed him as he went to the back of the restaurant and watched as he forced a window and climbed in closely followed by Kim, Steve put a light on looked at Kim said ” see empty” they heard a noise Steve said ” fuck their back run for it” Steve ran for the...

4 years ago
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Friend Ki Mom Ki Chudai

To mere ghar ke side ek larki rahati thi oska naam tha khushi vo or mai bohot aache dost the hum same school me hi parte the or jyada tar time ek sath hi spend krte the mere oske ghar pe roz aana jana laga rahata tha khushi ki mom ka naam tha rekha or kahane ko onki age oss time 46 thi aap bhi soch rhe hoge ki kya buddhi ki story suna rha hai par aap yakken nahi karoge ki vo 46 ke hone ke baad bhi aagar aap bhi dekho to aap kahoge ki iski age 32-33 se zyada nahi hogi vo bohot hi zyada sexy the...

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Dallas Kidnapping

Amanda was tall at 5’7 and a bit stockier than her friend with wider shoulders but adoring curves that led down to her generously sized bottom and long legs that she showed off with tight skinny jeans. Her hot pink tank top complimented her full breasts. She had dark, brown hair that went a bit past her shoulders and chestnut brown eyes that could make anybody melt. Although Amanda looked almost innocent, she was snappy and wasn’t afraid to speak her mind. Amanda rarely let anybody push her...

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Day by the lake

It is a lovely day, the sun is shining. You pick me up but won’t tell me where we are going. While you’re driving, your hand moves onto my knee slowly, working its way up my skirt, touching my inner thigh but then you just work your way back down again. I’m staring at you wondering why your not touching my pussy. “I wanted to feel you touching me," I say. You just turn your head and say, “Oh I love teasing you,” with a cheeky grin on your face. I’m so frustrated! You just keep smiling, knowing...

Straight Sex
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So pleasedI wake feeling so pleased with my pet thinking about all the ways he has pampered and worshiped latley, feeling so wet and horney and never feeling this pleased with a petbefor im kinda lost on how to reward him.. i think about it as i shower and get ready for my day off... i completly loose my train of thought when i relise i havean intire day to tease and torment my pet and decide to get started early.. giving a lil wistle from my shower then shouting "you better be in here when i...

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Very Memorable Birthday Party

I had come home from an out-of-town consulting trip, weary of travelling and looking forward to a quiet evening at home with my wife. My drive home from the airport was long and uneventful, and only served to further tire an already tired body. I was sincerely looking forward only to a good night’s sleep. When I arrived home I was in for a most pleasant shock. I pulled into the garage and went to the front door as usual, my luggage in hand. To my surprise, I was greeted there by my...

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Altered Fates Triptych

Altered Fates: Triptych By BobH (c) 2003 Lucius Duvall checked his reflection and nodded his approval at what he saw. His hair and beard might have long since turned silver grey, giving him an illusion of age and wisdom that, in terms of age at least, was beyond his years, but both were immaculately trimmed, their edges razor-sharp. His suit was tailored to perfection, the trouser creases sharp and straight; his shoes polished to an almost mirror-finish; the carnation in...

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Sandra the Submissive Sisterin Law

When Gloria got married to Tom, she imagined they would be happy forever. Then, he lost his job at the plant and she got pregnant and things were never quite the same after that. The date-nights were forgotten, the "me time" weekends were over and then on a cold winter's night she caught Tom shagging the babysitter when she came home unexpectedly. The sight of his familiar tightly sculptured buttocks slamming the eighteen year old girl from behind was bad enough. The fact that it was...

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An Old Flame

Introduction: A first time event which I have decided to try and write from my hubbys point of view This is my first time posting on here,so I am feeling somewhat nervous about the kind of reception I may get. My story as yet is unfinished but I thought I would post this first part then, depending on response, may post the rest. I do hope you enjoy. All constructive comments are most welcome. Id like to say the evening started out simply by my being simply intrigued. except I knew it was a...

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Night At Lakshdweep

By: Kunal_indian Hi guy’s my name is Kunal and I stay in Mumbai. I’m well qualified boy I’m 23 years old. This the first time I’m writing my own experience. I like sex very much now coming back to the incident it was happened in Jan. I had gone to Lakshdweep for a holiday with my family our hotel was on beach it was a very lovely hotel. We have hired two rooms one for my parents and another for me. Now on one night after taking dinner I was not feeling sleepy so I went to beach it was very...

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Just an OldFashioned Romance

Introduction: This story is intended to be a modern romance with a kinky twist. For the romance, I’ve worked hard to provide sympathetic characters, an interesting story, and, of course, a happy ending. For the kink, I’ve provided BDSM, non-consent, incest, anal, minor scat, exhibitionism, implied gay, mature, interracial, and group. Please let me know if I succeeded with either the romance or the kink. Or, best of all, if I succeeded in blending them together. My first scene was inspired by...

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My Mothers Boyfriend My Slut

 Divorce often times traumatizes the children, but in my case, it set me free from all their arguments. Dad signed the papers and walked out the door on my seventeenth birthday; it was the best present he could have ever given me. I was finally free, I could go to parties and hang with guys. Mom was the lenient one who was always gone on some major trip. I was cool with it until she brought home a boyfriend. Coming home from Europe, my mom walked through the front door, shouting, “I’m home,...

3 years ago
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The Spirit is WillingChapter 3

I would have preferred to stay up all night, just to see if the alcohol would wear off, but that would not have been proper as Amelia. So all things considered, it would be best to go to sleep and hope that we would wake up, in the morning, and find ourselves back in our own time. I was plenty scared but I didn't want the other guys to know how much. I knew that Rob could handle it, and Eddie could probably handle it, but Marty might wind up as a basket case. He needed somebody else's...

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For Love Of Nature Chrissys StoryChapter 2

Things had a chance to cool off, because the next day my father announced that he was going to treat us all to a shopping trip down in Galaway. We were to sail down there and spend the day sight seeing and shopping and then sail back. And however long it took was how long it would take. We had four beds on the boat, and if we docked we could always get rooms in a hotel or something. As things worked out, Uncle Bob didn’t go. Neither did my cousin James or my aunt. So, when we set out, it was...

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Coed Hooker

My name is Jessica Thomas and this is the story of one of my many "encounters" since I started "hooking" to put myself through college. Being a coed prostitute has become rather exciting work and it pays really well too. I've become accustomed to "dating" lots of different guys and I find that the variety keeps the sex hot. This story is about the time Rob (a friend of mine from school) set me up with some out of town business friends of his. He arranged a gangbang with 5 guys at his...

4 years ago
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Training Debbie PArt One Gail does Judys bidding

Looking down at Gail, Judy said, we’re going to have some fun this weekend Gail. We’re both going to like it. We’re going to go to the Octoberfest in Flagstaff, you and me, my sister the bitch and of course our husbands. You’re going to fuck my sister’s husband and then you’re going to turn my sister into a cunt lapper, just like you. I’ll figure it all out, you just need to convince your husband to Flagstaff for the weekend. Tell him he’ll not only get to fuck my sister, but watch a girl...

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Uncle and my wife

Hi! My name is Sameer. I am from Pune. I would like to narrate to you a story which you would think is my imagination. But no it’s a true story. I am 30 years old and married to a very beautiful girl for the last 6 years. Her name is Kalyani. She is 28 years old. She is 5’6″, very fair, and has a sexy model like figure. We have a 4 year old daughter also. Our sex life was very nice until about 6 months back when it was becoming a bit boring and dull. I thought we needed some change to spice up...

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My First Foursome

I hope ya’ll like it. I’m going to tell ya’ll the story about my first foursome but I believe the event that led up to it is just as hot as the actual event itself!! I’m just gonna tell it from my point of view. There’s no ‘I threw myself in the arms of passion’ or ‘I screamed louder for him to fuck my pussy harder’. I’m just giving you the down and dirty details of sex!! I have never hidden the fact that I was a really big whore earlier in life. I never considered myself a slut because I...

2 years ago
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Ripples in TimeChapter 2

Monday, April 29, 2013 My final day of student-teaching with John Waters was bittersweet. I'd gotten close to John over the last four months of working together. I told John about my new job as a graduate assistant at Temple. He envied my opportunity. He thought he would have enjoyed an opportunity like that if he had the chance after he graduated from West Chester way back when. I kept a close eye on the clock during the lecture. I had one more thing to say to the class and didn't want...

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Painful Lesson

It was Friday, my bowling night, and as usual the five of us would stop off in the lounge afterwards to have a few beers and hopefully score with some chicks. I watched, as a few hot young girls would move up to some guys, who quickly bought them a drink, and not long after they could be seen leaving the bar together. Girls' picking up guys was like fishing in a fish tank, quick and easy even for those who weren't "super models". Rick, as usual, hit it off with one girl and the two were...

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Wife Training Chapter 4

Roberta stood in front of me in that restaurant bathroom stall. I had brought her in there before we sat down for lunch because she had drunk a soda on the way into town and she was very close to peeing her pants when we pulled into the parking lot. Once I had let her do her business, I swapped places with her and, taking my pants down, took a seat on the toilet.She looked down at me for a second then, without arguing, sank to her knees, took me in her mouth, and began sucking my cock. I think...

3 years ago
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The Picnic Part 3

It was a glorious spring afternoon! The main path that wound its way through the center of the Gardens was lined on either side by cherry trees that were in full bloom. The rain and wind from the night before had covered the asphalt path in a smattering of blossom petals that turned it into a sea of pink stars. We walked along the path together in silence for awhile, all three of us taking in the beautiful sites around us. Cocooned as I was beneath the lace parasols and surrounded my...

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Last Summer

Shortly after logging into adam4adam I received a Direct Message from a 29 year old black man who lived 5 miles from me. He told me that he liked the pictures of my ass and sent numerous photos of himself and his 8" Big Black Cock along with his address. He told me to be at his house in fifteen minutes because he wanted to fuck and breed my white ass.I quickly shaved then showered them left for his house without even knowing his name. Upon arrival I noticed that I was the only white person in...

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12 ndash Steve and Jackie go Shopping

12 – Steve and Jackie go ShoppingA few weeks later, I heard from Steve via xHamster. He had a new girlfriend that he was excited for me to meet. He said he would bring her by the shop, she needed some new “outfits”, and that we shouldn’t let on that we knew each other.A couple of days later, I was straightening displays, when I heard the bell on the door gently ring. I looked up to see Steve with an attractive young coed. She was petite and had red hair, just like me! Hmmmm… I’d have to ask him...

4 years ago
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Mom and Dad break the seal on taboo love

Both had spent a good portion of their college years experimenting and exploring their libidos. Rob had several threesomes – both MFM and FMF. Lori had done the same in terms of threesomes plus in her first two years of living on campus she and her roommate often had sex. They were good friends and there was never an emotional attachment – they just each enjoyed sex and when they were horny, it was just as simple to explore and satisfy each other’s bodies as it was to go find a hard...

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It was Saturday, alone. There was nothing going on but the sickening sight of Big brother torturing 8 house mates over a glass of water or so it seemed. This intellectual exercise was going way over my head and I was in desperate need of something a little more down to earth. But what is more down to earth than a pizza and a porno flick? Ah, yes! But what... but what do I want on the pizza? Pineapple? Mushroom? Sweetcorn? HA! HA! I'll get all three - Pineapple! Mushroom! & Sweetcorn! Better...

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Nurse Rudy

When I was going to college my parents had not been able to secure accommodation for me at the university residence. After arriving at a residential hotel that would become my home for the next few years, we found it to be comfortable and not too far from campus. Three meals per day were included in the tariff and my parents were delighted with the monthly cost. Mom and dad hit it off with the housekeeping manager, Irene and I was allocated a fairly nice room on the second floor.The room was...

Gay Male
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True story. —- In my defense, I can argue that his computer was so much better than mine. Well, sort of. Anyway, Id use any excuse I could find to justify my curiosity. Dad used to spend so much time at night in his computer… sometimes I woke up very late at night to drink water or use the bathroom, and Id notice the light in his bedroom. His computer light. Oh, there should be something really, really good happening over there, and I had to know what it was. But first, let me say something...

2 years ago
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Punjabi Girl Sex

Hey guys Hunny here with my story. Oske pahele meine apko apne bare mein kuch bata deta hu. Meri omar 19 saal hai. Meri height 5’9 inch hai. Story start karne se pahele mein sabhi ladkiya ko jo bhi punjab se hai unhe mujhe bahut acha lagega agar mujhe mail kare and I hope aap logo ko bhi maza ayega!! Ye kahani ek raat ki hai, barshaat ki raat. Meine akele apni bike par party se ghar pe ja raha tha. Oss din ki raat kuch alag hi tareke ki thi. Rasta pura khali aur shant tha. thandi hava...

3 years ago
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My Daughter had Sex with Me

My daughter, Katie who is nineteen-year-old, has had to come and live with me after her mother caught her trying it on with her step dad. She had been here less than four weeks and has already split me and my girlfriend up.Now with just the two of us in the house things have settled down. Katie is about five feet eight and a curvy build with long black hair, she must be a size f******n to sixteen but doesn’t look it and has 38dd tits. With as many bras, hanging about the house it is not hard to...

4 years ago
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A spiritual awakening the begining

Introduction: sexual awakening. further parts will be harder The outline of a petite female form lay peaceful, her outline accentuated by the bed sheets. Long Strawberry blonde curls cascading on the pillow, circling her pretty face. Pink beautifully defined lips separated revealing a glimpse of gently moistening tongue. The sheet laying over her, hugged her slender body, small pouting breasts visible as they swelled against the sheet as she gently breathed. A leg moved down the bed making the...

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Bags Jars and Jugs

I had just come in the back of the house when the doorbell rang. I hastily washed my hands at the basin and grabbed the hand towel, drying my hands as I strode to the front door. Although it had been a typically hot day, at least there was a cooling breeze in the air as the early night descended on the broad plains of west Texas. I opened the door and there, on my walk-around veranda, stood a busty young woman. She was wearing a blue print summer dress, typical farm and ranch attire for ladies...

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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part 2

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part2Doctor Smith fucked me bad and rough for about two hours, During which we both had multiple orgasms. He shot his load down my throat once and twice in my pussy. He loved the fact I could contract my pussy walls when he was ramming his cock inside my tight little bald cunt. We had a great fuck. He wrote me a few pills for my boobs, horniness and milk and scheduled my appointment for 3months later. He recorded us and kept it in my file to work on it so the next...

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The Chat Whisperer

Shauna's desktop screen flashed the message notification "Mail for LuvShauna" from someone in her circle, interrupting her train of thought. To her pleasant surprise the sender was SexyBrit22, with whom she had shared an animated cyber flirtation over several weeks. She tapped her keyboard with a sleek, polished fingernail. She was buzzed from reading at least two of their previous message threads, and secretly she hoped this newest would end with a hot chat. Buzzed? She was horny as hell and...

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