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by The Technician

Mind Control  M/F  Payback/Revenge

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A professor finds a very interesting way to defend his research against defunding.

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WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article.  This story is copyright (c) 2013 by The Technician [email protected]

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use.  Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Chapter One

She awoke to blackness - no, to more than blackness, to nothingness.  Her eyes were open, but there was nothing to see.  Her ears could hear nothing, not even the beating of her own heart.  She was neither warm, nor cold.  She didn't feel naked, and yet she could not feel clothing on her body.  It was as if her body did not exist.

She tried to get up, or even to move and found that she could not.  She knew her muscles were trying to move, but she remained in place.  Nothing appeared to be restraining her, and yet she could not move.

A sudden. horrible thought flashed through her mind, "Am I dead?!"

She screamed.  She could feel her throat vibrating with the intensity of the scream, but she heard nothing.

She willed herself not to panic.  What was the last thing that she remembered before the nothingness. 

The memories floated up to her slowly out of the darkness.  She was chairing a meeting at the university.  They were finally going to be able to defund that crackpot Dr. Kamachi and his left over from the sixties, hippie-inspired, sensory depravation labs.

When meeting Dr. Arnold Kamachi for the first time, everyone expected to see an oriental.  They were almost always surprised to be greeted by a tall, thin, red-headed eastern European.  "The man at immigration had no idea what name my great-grandfather was saying, so he wrote down  'Kamachi' and here I am."

University research isn't what it once was.  It used to be publish or perish.  Now it is produce and get sponsored or get out.  Grants from corporations, the government and the military determined who stayed and who left.  Teaching students became secondary to the process long ago.  There were always graduate assistants for that.

Dr. Angela Quin was the head of the research assessment committee.  Her word could make or break almost any professor or department, and she loved the power that her position gave her.  No one was beyond her reach.

She tried to remember the details of the meeting.  She had planned this for months.  All her ducks were in a row.  Liaison representatives were there from the administrative committees for corporate grants, government grants, and military grants.  Once she clearly explained just how useless Dr. Kamachi's research actually was, and got it into the record that no one would want to fund such research, then Arnold would finally be finished.  He would be off the campus and out of her hair forever.

The last time that Angela had forced a full review of Dr. Kamachi's work, Arnold had claimed that it was a personal vendetta, but that was pure nonsense.  Did anyone really think that she would hold it against him that he had tried to seduce her at a faculty Christmas party several years ago.  A loud, "No," and a solid, backhand swing that bloodied his mouth reinforced that she would have none of that.  Yes, she had way too much to drink that night.  And yes, she was snuggled up against him and had even had kissed him softly on the neck.  But that doesn't mean she wanted anything more than that.

Angela paused in her silent tirade.  Even in silent thought she would not allow any errors.  That wasn't exactly true.  Yes, she wanted more than that.  She often desperately wanted more than that, but she had a career to think of.  She was going to make a name for herself.  She was going to make a difference for this university.  She was going to be remembered forever for ground breaking changes brought about by her calm, sure leadership of the research at this great institution. 

Such intense dedication is why she kept herself away from such things as sex, even if they did call her "The Ice Quinn" behind her back.

It didn't matter.  Such things did not move toward her goals.  Everything was a planned move toward fame and honor.  There wasn't time for frivolities in her life.

That's what Dr. Kamachi was.  He was a frivolity - something that could not be taken seriously.   She strained to remember.  What had happened at the meeting?   Things had started well.  She grilled Arnold about substantive results from his research.  As expected there was none.  It was all talk of expanding one's horizons and uncovering one's inner self - all useless frivolity.

She was about to call for a vote when one of the liaisons spoke up.  He worked with military grants and research.  He asked, "Tell me, Dr. Kamachi, is there ANYTHING at all about your research that would make it useful to the military."

"Well," Dr. Kamachi began, "except for the fact that, if it were misused, I could totally re- program a person in twenty four hours and make them do whatever you wanted them to do or tell you whatever you wanted to know, I can think of nothing that would be of use to the military."

That son of a bitch!  He wasn't as stupid and naive as she had thought.  He had set this up to sandbag her.  "I haven't seen any mention of that in any of your status reports, Arnold.  Do you have any way to prove this?  Or are we supposed to just take your word on it?  Our recommendations are due in three days."  She remembered smiling sweetly at him, "Unless you can clearly demonstrate the results you claim by that time, I am afraid we will have to terminate your research."

"I have a proposal," replied Dr. Kamachi, "but explaining it would take us through your meal break.  Why don't we discuss this over a late lunch and then we can reconvene and come to a decision?"

Dr. Quin didn't want to do that, but the other committee members all agreed.   The three liaisons each added, "That would give me time to check with a couple of major grant contributors that might be interested."

By the time the committee was gathered for lunch in the side room of a nearby restaurant that catered to campus faculty, the corporate and government liaisons were both able to report no real interest.  The military grant liaison, however, was interested.  "I have two possible major grants - very major grants - if your research has uncovered a way to do what you claim.  But we need proof."

Angela knew she had him.  "Since you have not published or reported any such capability, Arnold, the only proof acceptable would be to produce someone for the grant donors who has been reprogrammed in twenty four hours.  That means someone who will do everything that you command them to do.  And it has to be something that can be proven to be totally against what they would normally do.  I will give you until 6:00 o'clock tomorrow night to accomplish that."

She had expected him to become angry or slink away in defeat, instead he answered, "I'll drink to that.  You're on."

He then poured a small amount of wine into her empty wineglass and handed it back to her.  He raised his glass and said, "To proof that I can reprogram anyone."  

"Here, here," said one of the professors, and they all drained the small amount of wine remaining in their glasses.

Arnold turned to the military liaison and said, "Bring any prospective grant donors to my labs at 6:00 tomorrow night.  The committee can reconvene there, I will give you absolute proof that I can reprogram anyone to do whatever I want them to do in twenty four hours or less."

Floating in the dark nothingness, Angela tried to remember what happened next.  She could vaguely remember fumbling with her car keys as they walked to the parking lot.  Someone asked, "Are you OK to drive?"  Someone else - Arnold - said, "I'll drive her home.  Looks like the rest of the meeting will have to be postponed."

She had tried to protest, but things were swirling around her.  And then... and then... and then she had awakened to blackness.  She knew where she was!

"You son of a bitch!" she screamed as loudly as she could.   Except for the minor vibration of the throat, she heard nothing and felt nothing.  She was in Dr. Arnold Kamachi's sensory depravation tank.

She couldn't see because her face was enclosed in a modified full-face scuba mask.  She couldn't hear because there were computerized, sound cancelling earphones in her ears that cancelled out any noise that she made.  She couldn't feel because she was wearing a very expensive, specially designed wet suit with hundreds, if not thousands of tiny rubber bands on it that held her exactly in the middle of the tank.  And she was floating just beneath the surface of a negative buoyancy salt solution at exactly 79 degrees Fahrenheit.  Total sensory depravation.

"Do you think that you can break me with sensory depravation, you crazy bastard!" she screamed.  She couldn't hear herself, but the vibrations of her throat felt good and vented her anger.

"You stupid son of a bitch.  I've done meditation for years.  I could float here in this nothingness for a couple of days before it started to get to me.  Twenty four hours from now, your ass is mine!"

Then she felt it.  It was so slight that she wasn't sure that her mind was not playing tricks on her until she felt it a second time.  It was a slight tingle.  Perhaps it was a very mild electrical charge.  Or maybe some of the tiny bands that held her still were vibrating for some reason.  It was almost like someone sliding their fingernail up her back.

It didn't quite tickle, but it felt odd, none-the-less.  Then it was gone.  Then just as suddenly, it was back, but now across her front and there were two of them.  The twin tickle-tingle began just above her pubic bone and slowly drifted upward.  As it passed her navel, it split into two tracks, each of which continued upward toward her breasts.  She shivered as they climbed the mound of her breasts.  A silent moan escaped her lips as the tingle reached her nipples.  And then... they were gone.

She wiggled - or at least tried to - trying to recapture the feeling.  She hoped for the tickle-tingle, but instead she screamed as intense electrical shocks slammed into her breasts and her buttocks, followed almost immediately by even more intense lightning that struck her nipples and her clit.  Her throat vibrated in a silent scream of pain and terror until she finally ran out of breath.

She hung, or floated, or whatever, silently in the darkness.  And then the tickle-tingle came back.  Now it was on her buttocks.  It was as if someone was brushing the tips of the fingernails of both hands slowly down her ass cheeks.  She once again shivered as the sensation moved slowly down her legs and disappeared.

Again, she tried wiggling to create the sensation, and again her breasts and buttocks and then her nipples and clit were painfully shocked.

Evidently movement wasn't allowed.  When her body finally stopped quivering from the electrical shots she decided to just float silently in the darkness.

After several moments of nothingness, the fingernails returned.  Now they were tracing their way down her legs on both the front and the back.  They disappeared only to return circling her breasts until they closed in on her ever-tightening nipples.  Now they were coming up her legs and down her belly moving toward the area between her legs.

The tickle-tingles moved around her clit and flowed into the depths of her vagina.  How was that possible?  Vibrations on the suit could not go in there.  She must have something inserted into her.  She clenched down on whatever it was with her cervical muscles, and was rewarded with a sharp electrical shock deep within her pussy and her ass.

Within her ass?  There must be something inserted there, too.  Her mind was telling her to struggle to get out, to do something - anything to escape, but she knew that movement would be punished.  Passivity would be rewarded.  She lay quiet now, hoping for the tickle-tingle sensations to return.

Return they did.  Again and again the sensations flowed across her skin... teasing her... tantalizing her... driving her to the very edge of orgasm....... and then stopping.  Each time the sensations stopped, they left her hanging in the black nothingness moaning her frustration.

Then the voices began.  Were they auditory hallucinations?  Or was someone speaking to her?  What were they saying?  What were they asking?  Angela concentrated with all her might on the voice that was just beyond the veil of silence. 

Then she could hear it.  "Do you want relief?  Do you want to cum?"

"Yes, yes," she screamed.

"What will you do if I let you cum?  What will you give me?"

"Anything," she yelled into the silent darkness.  "Anything!"

And the fingernails returned.  They stroked her on the inside of her legs moving away from her now sopping cunt.  The slid across her ass cheeks and into the cleft that conceal her rosebud, and then they slid into her and pulsed inside her ass. 

She convulsed and quivered as an orgasm began and suddenly vibrated with pain as the lightening struck her ass and breasts, with the more intense second strike directly on her clit and nipples.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," she moaned.  Let me cum.  Let me cum.  I'll remain totally still.  I will.  I will.  I won't move.  Just LET ME CUM!"

She floated crying in the darkness until the fingernails returned.  They again traced their path up and down the inside of her legs.  She wanted to open her legs wider for them, but knew that she absolutely could not move, or the pleasure would be gone and the pain would replace it.

The voices started again.  "Are you a slut?" they asked.  "Are you a slut who would do anything just to cum?"

"Yes," she whispered.  "Yes, I am."

The tickle-tingles once again went into her asshole and once again began to pulse within her.  She felt the orgasm building, but remained totally motionless.

More tickle-tingles traced their way down her stomach and circled her throbbing clitoris.  One brushed back and forth across that tender organ while others slid insider her cunt and began to pulse against the walls almost like a moving penis.

"Don't move; don't move; don't move," Angela kept saying to herself.  It was almost a mantra like she used in her daily meditations. 

"Don't move; don't move; don't move."

But the orgasm boiling within her was consuming her body.  It exploded and tore the darkness apart.  There was blinding light and sound and chaos - all coming from within her.  And there was pain pounding into her body from the outside as her body convulsed in ecstasy.

Finally her body stopped thrashing from the pain and the pleasure, and she hung silent once again.  At least she hung silently until the tickle-tingles started once again to trace their way up the inner side of her legs.

Chapter Two

The Research Assessment Committee met in the conference room on the third floor of the behavioral science building where Dr. Arnold Kamachi's research rooms were located.  Dr. Angela Quin, head of the committee, sat at one end of the table.  Dr. Kamachi sat at the other end.  The four committee members and three liaisons plus two obviously military men in civilian clothes sat between them.

"So, Dr. Kamachi?" began Dr. Quinn.  "Do you have your proof for these gentlemen, or do we schedule the remodeling of these floors in the morning?"

Arnold looked at the ten people sitting with him at the table.  "First, let me verify the terms of this test.  I have to produce someone who has been reprogrammed in twenty four hours.  They have do everything that I command them to do.  And it has to be proven to be totally against what they would normally do.  Is that it?"

"Of course it is," she replied disdainfully.  "But you obviously haven't succeeded."

"Not so fast," he responded.  "Let me set out some facts first.  Is it an accepted fact that Dr. Quin does not like me?"

He looked directly at Dr. Mark Philips.  "What do you say Mark?"

"'Not like' would be putting it mildly." he replied.

"And is it not an accepted fact that, at best, Dr. Quinn is a straight-laced prude who at most, when totally blasted at a party, will tease and run away?  What do you say, Dr. Parker?"

Dr. John Parker shifted uncomfortably in his chair.  "Come on John.  Aren't you the one who tagged her as 'the Ice Quinn' after she slapped your face at the spring picnic six years ago?"

John cleared his throat and answered, "Uh... we..  the committee will concede that Dr. Quinn is... sexually repressed."

"So if I asked her to take off all of her clothes right here in this meeting and she did it, it would absolutely be something that she would not normally do for me?"

"Or for anyone else," added Dr. Mary Williams.

"OK then," said Dr. Kamachi as he rose to his feet and stood at the end of the table.  Everyone's eyes were on him as he said loudly, "Command Alpha Six!"

The nine sets of eyes rapidly turned to the other end of the table as Dr. Angela Quin shot upright from her seat and walked quickly over to stand next to Arnold.

"Command Alpha Three!" he barked, and she began to remove her clothing.

Dr. Kamachi had been a little worried about how some of the members of the committee might react, but he was counting on the fact that Angela had trampled over most of them to get where she was and had resorted to outright blackmail and extortion to obtain the chairmanship of this committee.

When he saw the tight lipped smile on Mary William's face, he knew he was safe.  That was the sweet smile of the satisfaction of revenge.  She was enjoying watching Dr. Quin humiliate herself.

"On the table," Arnold ordered, and Angela crawled up onto the massive conference room table and lay on her back.  "Command Alpha Fourteen!"

Dr. Angela Quin, full professor of psychology and head of the university research assessment committee, put her hands between her legs and began masturbating herself.  The committee and the two military representatives watched transfixed as she began to writhe and groan upon the table.

Soon she was crying out, "Please!  Please!  Please!"

"Please what?" answered Dr. Kamachi.

"Please let me cum," she wailed.

"Command Alpha One!" was the response and she plunged both of her hands into her sopping pussy and screamed out in orgasm.

"If there is any doubt," continued Arnold, "I could have her give you all a blow job."  Looking at Dr. Williams, he added, "Or whatever.   Or, if you prefer, you can fuck her - either hole.  She is very willing."

"I think we have seen enough," said one of the military men.

The other asked, "Is it reversible?  Can it be made undetectable?"

"Command Beta Four!"

Dr. Angela Quin, lying naked in her own juices, suddenly looked around her and yelled, "What is happening?"

She jumped from the table and tried to cover herself with her hands.

"Command Beta Five!"

Angela stopped yelling and went over to where she had left her clothing and calmly began to dress.  When she was completely dressed, she sat back down at the end of the table as if nothing had happened.

"Obviously, you have not proven your case, Dr. Kamachi," she sneered.  "Can you give me any reason why I shouldn't file for your dismissal from the faculty as well as the removal of your research labs."

"Yes, I can," he answered.  "Command Gamma One!"

Angela's eyes suddenly went wide.  "You didn't!... You did!    I'll have you arrested.  I will get you, you bastard, if it is the last thing I do.  You will be spending the rest of your life in prison by the time I get done with you!"

"Command Gamma Three!"

Angela lowered her eyes and said softly.  "Yes, master.  I will obey."

"I'm not quite sure which state to leave her in," Dr. Kamachi said softly to the military people.

"Whatever will keep this quiet," they replied in unison.

"And the rest of you," said the older of the two military men - the one obviously in charge.  "This project is now top secret.  You breathe a word of it and just hope that the worst that happens is that you end up spending a couple of days in the Dr. Kamachi's  tank."

"Command Delta Five!"

Dr Quin looked down at the tablet on the table in front of her.  "I see that we have completed our agenda here.  Dr. Kamachi is approved for the next ten years.  If there is no further business for this committee, I declare us adjourned."

As the committee filed out of the room, Dr. Kamachi spoke up, "Dr. Quinn, would you mind staying for just a moment.  There are a few things I want to say to you."

Dr. Mary Williams looked back at the two of them standing by the conference table and laughed softly as she left the room.

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LETTER FROM RALEIGHDear Shoeblossom:What will happen now? Yesterday, Pebbles summoned me from the closet (I undress and kneel there as soon as I come in from work) and instructed me to put on my pink panties and my pink and purple lacy floral print baby doll nightie and high heels.I walked into the living room, and there was Peb,  and her sister Faye, and the six guys in my darts league! ?Leary, since you’ve been bitching that I make you miss your darts throwing on Wednesday nights to do a...

3 years ago
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Becoming Granny8217s New Lover

Hi, this is a pretty long sex story, however, it has many naughty, sexy bits to keep your hands busy with your dick/ pussy. Enjoy! The fatigue that accompanied the five ours of rickety bus journey vanished the moment I saw my granny at the door. She hugged me at the doorstep, crushing her gigantic tits against my chest, while my hands freely explored her back. Granny let go of the hug and kissed my cheeks and my forehead hastily, “It took you so long to visit your old granny, huh?” she asked,...

1 year ago
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My sister and I sharing an older man

We arrived in Majorca in the late afternoon, skipped the induction as we had no intention of following any daily activities, and went sunbathing on the beach.Later in the evening, after eating a burger and fries we hit the bar and decided just to have a few drinks and go to bed early, as we had a sleepless night before and a long day at the airport and flight down here.We drank Rum and Coke, which surprisingly, was way more Rum than Coke, and the blend of tiredness, hot sun, and booze started...

4 years ago
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Lewd LayoutChapter 3

I cleared my throat and straightened my tie. Looking into the mirror, I was shocked with how dashing I looked. "I'm sure she won't be able to resist you," said Sherry, coming up behind me and patting my ass in those tight pants. She kissed me on the neck and stroked my flesh gently with her tongue. "I'm dropping on the floor right here." "Glad to hear it," I chuckled. "I hope you've got some company for the evening?" "Oh, I'm meeting Jessie for dinner at my place," she said,...

2 years ago
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Labor Day

The tears welling in my eyes blurred my vision, and I suddenly realized I didn't know how long I'd been beating the lemon curd. Where was our marriage going? Was it over between me and Mark? I'd do anything, if only...Over the grinding roar of the antiquated mixer, I heard the front door slam."Lisa?" I hollered, expecting to hear her typical, Philly-bred, 'Hi-ya, Peg'.There was no response. A frisson tingled at my nape. I turned off the mixer and pulled my terry robe tight around me. It was the...

1 year ago
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And Justice for All

This one's based on the Master PC series... can't remember who put it to paper (well, file, whatever) first, but it's a great concept, thanks! Um, don't read this if you shouldn't or don't want to! It's a bad, bad, nasty story my ikky brain made up and I don't think anyone should read it. If it makes you hot, please email me, I'd like to know if there's anyone out there as warped as Sushi! If you hate it, don't bother mailing me, you don't like the story, so why waste more of your...

3 years ago
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The Apartment Part 1

Preface  This story is based partially on a true event. Someone very close to me found my profile on Prodigy (remember that early ISP?) and used it as a way to come out to me that he was gay. Of course I already knew that about this person. I just didn’t know that he was also posing as a woman in a bisexual chat room at 1200 baud… So this story starts with lots of exposition on that theme. It also explores a favorite fantasy of mine, but we’ll just let you guess about that. For those of you in...

Gay Male
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1 A Sonata for two Violins

That day Boston was taken over by a Nor’easter. Outside his hotel window, overlooking Back Bay, snow was piling up on the roads, sidewalks, windowsills, and all horizontal and even vertical surfaces.  It was definitely time for a drink.With the airport closed, the hotel was crowded.  The lobby bar was busy and noisy, and Jonathan was about to give up and return to his hotel room when he noticed Lisa sitting at the table in the company of two men.  That was a surprise, he was expecting Lisa and...

1 year ago
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MilfBody London River Tour De MILF

London River is a super hot blonde MILF, and to keep her high level of sexy in tact, she needs to work at it. One of her favorite ways to keep fit is going on bike rides through the hills around LA. But today, she gets a little side tracked when she runs into our stud at the top of her ride. They head back to civilization together and hop into bed, giving London the chance to show off her incredible assets. He perfectly round tits, her toned abs, and her fat fucking ass drive our stud crazy as...

1 year ago
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European Adventure

Here it was different. All men traveled in packs more exclusive than the last. To be considered to talk to a guy or spend an evening with him you first had to meet the approval of his friends whose gazes grew more and more icy as you followed their perfectly combed heads around their table. If you were desperate enough, you could find a greasy guy holed up at a lone bar table eyeing every person around; he would be more than happy to take you home and use you as the body you are, not...

4 years ago
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Maid and the owner8217s gal

My name is Akash. I am 32 year old. I would also like to share one of my many incidents that occurred in my life. It happened when I was just 25 years and just join MN company in delhi. But this is much different and unique in my life as I had two sexy women in my life. I live in a good locality in Delhi My neighbor was a sexy girl called geetha who was 30 years about to be married with a great figure. They also had a servant who was very sexy but not so beautiful but had a figure with a 28D...

2 years ago
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Sweet Sweden Couples Getaway

Sweet Sweden It was a hot and sticky day in London. The sun was shining brightly in the sky, splicing through marshmallow like clouds. I was in the flat, just finishing up some last minute packing. I checked to see if my flight was on time and everything looked good. For my outfit I had finally settled on a denim mini skirt and a teal tank top. I had quite a bit of walking to do so I packed my straw espadrilles and sported a pair of black Nike runners. I looked over the flat one more time...

2 years ago
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Masturbation In Broad Daylight

I woke up early in the afternoon, my parent was still at work, so I decided to take a shower to refresh myself. I moved back home after graduating from college. Now I try to write my first novel. I usually stay up to 4 am and sleep during the day. I went to the bathroom, took off my nightgown, and started cleaning myself. I shaved my pussy, because I hate when it's hairy, I like it to be soft, silky, and bare. I have not planned to masturbate that afternoon, but I was naked, wet in every sense...

2 years ago
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Making Up for Lost Time

Milly and Rachel were two early-fifties widows who became friends at church. After the potluck one Sunday Milly invited Rachel to her house to visit. She mixed up a big pitcher of Margueritas and they sat on the back porch together. Well into the second pitcher, Rachel suddenly asked, “Do you miss sex?” Milly replied, “You’re damn straight I do! Even though my husband had a heart attack right after cumming in me, that hasn’t scared me away from the need for a man’s attention and affection....

3 years ago
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My wifes stepbrother

True tale of how we got my wife's step-brother to join us in bed...My wife's mother had divorced and got remarried to a much younger man who had lost his first wife due to a horse-riding accident. He was left with a young son and baby daughter whom my mother-in-law helped him raise. We were fairly close to them and seen the two grow up and these events happened when Ryan, the son, was nineteen years old and Danielle, the daughter, was sixteen.Ryan had dropped by one Saturday evening to visit...

3 years ago
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Fucking White Bitchs Blacken

My name is Trenton Ganger, and as a black man, I've had my share of pussy. I remember the first time, with one of those petite white girls they get to tutor the guys like me in high school. I was flunking Math, English, Spanish, you name it. I wanted to quit, but that school says no, no, you stay in the library after school and we'll send a tutor. I was expecting some scrawny Asian boy, but no, they sent little Tina Collins , with her brown bangs, cute smile, and those pale white thighs in...

2 years ago
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Part 4 Mom shows me the way

Introduction: Moms b-day and my heat. Thank you for all your good comments, they are highly appreciated. This few stories have just been an introduction for the stories about to come. This is just my background, so to speak, and the best stories are yet to come. Remember, Im the protagonist, mom is just the person that showed me the way. Mom is the sexiest woman in the world. She is a man pleasing whore, and she is made to look that way. Her pimp Bill, makes her dress like a whore, and has...

4 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 3

NATALIE (Monday 9/12) Over the next several days, Bob, George and Sherry introduced me to just about everyone in the school. The Brain Trust was mainly a lot of tutors, but the network went beyond that. They helped people, encouraged them, helped handle situations and even did match-making! Bob said that he, George and Sherry had gotten more into people-matching than tutoring, since they knew just about everyone -- and everyone knew them. The students I talked with on my own called the...

4 years ago
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Claudias ConditionChapter 5

They said their goodnights with Dan and Claudia taking a cab, “Would you like to go to my place with me or prefer your apartment?” He asked. “I’m feeling really naughty. Why don’t we let Aunt Katherine hear the headboard bang against the bed room wall so she knows we’re fucking!” She whispered. “Oh we’ll make it bang the wall alright!” He grinned. “I’m counting on it,” she smiled. Claudia was quite aroused for Dan to fuck her, though she knew Paul, their cab driver, she didn’t hesitate to...

2 years ago
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Confidence ManChapter 5

One. Dennis Gilbert was probably the most "sensitive," reserved soul at Brooksville High. Jenny Kennedy was about the most outgoing and brash. Who would have thought that their stories would be connected? A sophomore, Dennis was slight and pale, one of those kids for whom the rough-and-tumble of high school was sure to be strewn with mishaps. And I just missed this one. As I walked along the main drag of our campus I heard a thump, a few words and a burst of vulgar laughter. A few more...

3 years ago
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Here is our story Part One

Here we go again I think, why does he do this to me all the time just when I think all is well he gets back in touch with me again and we end up have cyber-sex, with “him” wanting to meet again. Him being Charlie we had a fling a few years ago with loads of sex when we could get a chance, but I must say I did enjoy it with him and C had done things to me that I had never done or tried before.Any way getting back to this we have been chatting online and via FB for ages and had decided to meet...

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The Digidestined

The digidestined are a chosen group of people who are tasked to save both the Digital and the Real world. They are (often) paired up with Digital Monsters or Digimon, who are creatures made from data who fight for their cause. These heroes and their partners possess the great heart and will needed in order for them to survive their enemies - but will they be able to survive their own desires? options in asterisks are empty paths that are under development.

1 year ago
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I love pink underwear part 2

I placed myself between her legs and freed her of her cum-saturated undies. And took a breather whilst caressing her thighs and looking at her shiny jewel.I lifted her leg and pressed my throbbing dick against her thigh and started licking her toes. I kissed down her calfs and licked the back of her knees and started to nibble her inner thighs till my lips met her gleaming pussy. I started by gently licking her bloated clit while I let my hands scale her voluptuous body. Whilst cupping and...

3 years ago
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Saturday morning ABS visit

As my wife was busy this morning (still at another man’s house from the night before), I decided to hit one of the local adult bookstores. There are 3 active ones in my area with video booths.Anyway, my first stop was the oldest ABS. It’s dirty and dark, but there are 12 booths in 2 rows of 6, and most booths have more than one gloryhole. It’s also usually busy, especially on the weekend - this is the place that all the older men tend to gather (often while their wives are shopping or at church...

1 year ago
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Antelope FreewayChapter 39

Six years later... Earth time: January 1, 2050 12:01 AM Eastern Standard Time I was reading a book in the main library, sitting in one of the comfortable reclining chairs. Isabelle came into the room and sat on my lap and kissed me. "Happy New Years dad!" "Huh? Already?" I kissed her back and looked at the clock. Isabelle shrugged. "I was thinking of Aina base time. They used to use Eastern Standard Time as a reference... from their connection to West Virginia..." I nodded. The...

2 years ago
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Spirit QuestChapter 4

A few hours after we finally fell asleep, I managed to extricate myself from the tangle of warm, naked bodies and interwoven appendages without waking them. I grabbed fruit and cheese to eat from the kitchen and headed for the stables, fully armed and ready for whatever I encountered. After saddling my horse and loading two packhorses each with two amphorae of unadulterated wine, I hurried to town. When I was close, I tethered the horses, did my forms to center myself, and jogged the final...

3 years ago
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Dream with my student comes true

My name is Aneesh and I’m staying in Kerala. This incident happends 2years back and now i’m working in chennai. I completed my engineering in 2007 and by that time i was placed in CTS. But i was not too interested to join in a software company and waste my future for money. So i was trying for some other jobs here in kerala itself. Luckily i got in one engineering college. At that time my mothers friend one Aunty seeked my help to teach her daughter. TO be frank she is a girl wearing spex and...

3 years ago
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In the Woods

You see Jakes battered old Bedford van pull up outside your house as you wait at the front window. Excitedly you grab your stuff and head out the front door to be greeted by your gorgeous boyfriend, Steve. He takes you gear and opens the back of the van, slapping your butt as you climb in, before following you and shutting the door. Inside the back of the van is covered with rugs and cushions and you can see why Mark, your best friend and Jakes boyfriend, calls it Jakes passion wagon. Cassie...

4 years ago
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Forbidden Meeting

She sat on the edge of the bed, the smallest sound enough to propel her to her feet–ready to run from the room. There was no sound, not even the clock ticking one thinks is ever present. She once again glanced at the doorknob, ready to leave yet not moving. The woman began to hear nonexistent noises, as if she were staring in the Tell Tale Heart, though no crime had yet been commited. When the real sound came, it took her a moment to register as such. The soft knock came again. She rose...

2 years ago
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Rachael part 3

Less than 24 hours after meeting and helping out Rachael after her car had a flat tyre she and I had shared a pleasant meal followed by a night of hot sex and now we had just enjoyed a sex session on her dining table with Joanne her estate agent who had called at the house early in the morning to show it to an older couple who were interested in buying it.I had filled Joanne’s pussy with a load of cum while Rachael had sat on her face and then she had licked my cock clean and sucked as much cum...

1 year ago
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OHGirl Velvet Life as Sex Addicts

OHGirl:I was now six months pregnant with triplets and it was getting difficult to fuck multiple men for my cam show. I couldn’t get into positions easily and the weight I was carrying made it difficult to hold myself up to ride my partners. I was still doing a show twice a week, but it was mostly blow jobs and bukakkes. I could still eat cum for my fans and suck off multiple men, whom had been wanting to do me on the net. I was still insatiable sexually, but I took care of my needs by hooking...

2 years ago
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Do As Youre ToldChapter 2

Julian Vaughan's life wasn't so bad now. He had a great new slave: his co-worker, Sandy, who appeared to enjoy the attention, even if she somewhat resented the anal sex. He had never expected to control someone else's life, and there was some stress over the new responsibility, but it was enough fun to be worth it. He still didn't know that he was the agent of the Gods, but that was okay. He didn't need to know that just yet. He never intended to act on his fantasies to such a drastic...

1 year ago
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First date

100% fiction! We were both 18 at the time. I had just started school there that fall. Misty was short around 5ft. tall. With long blonde hair all the way to her ass. with blue eyes. And with big tits and a plump ass. We quickly became good friends. Being in a lot of the same classes She was all I could think about. It was hard to get through the day with out jerking off. I finally got the nerve up to ask her out. And with excitement and a big smile she said yes. I went to pick her up on a...

First Time
4 years ago
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His Hot Aunt pt 2

Part 2 James pushed his plate away and sat back savoring the fine breakfast his aunt had prepared for him. She was in her room getting ready to go to the gallery even though it was after noon. He could still taste her on his lips. After the confusion of waking up in his own bed that morning, then getting an amazing blow job from Lisa, James made sure he showed her his oral skills before they both had a proper ‘morning’ meal. The feel of Lisa’s hand caressing his shoulder made James...

3 years ago
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Den of IniquityChapter 9

My eyes were closed and Annie's silky hair caressed my face. With my arms around her and her back to me, we were lying on my bed recovering from our fun with the remote-controlled egg. My fingertips trailed lightly up and down her side, and I enjoyed listening to her quiet cooing. The minutes ticked by. We had a big night ahead, but neither of us wanted to break the spell. Finally I opened my eyes and lifted my head, looking for the time. It was near enough to 5.30 P.M. I smiled to myself...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Sovereign Syre Karlee Grey Jade Nile Rival Interns

Interns Jade Nile and Karlee Grey are quietly working when they overhear their boss Sovereign Syre firing her personal assistant. Sovereign then tells them that she wants to figure out which of them has what it takes to be her new personal assistant, so Karlee and Jade will have to compete for the position. Later that day, after putting both interns through their paces, Sovereign has Karlee run out to take care of something for her. When Karlee comes back to the office, she’s shocked to...

2 years ago
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Ko horny

Hi readers, I am Rashid (Rash), 29 years old. This is the story of my graduation time. This is a true incident. It contains nasty things like fart, pee, shit and many more. So enjoy the story. Ye tab ki baat hai, jab main graduation kar raha tha. Tab main B. Sc. II year main tha, ek tour main meri mulakat ek sexy ladki se hui, jiska naam Manisha tha. Wo bahut hi bindas aur open minded thi. Mujhe uska attitude bahut pasand aaya. Tour main har waqt main uske aas paas tha. Aate waqt maine uska...

4 years ago
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Sister In Law Above The Law 8211 Part IV

Both the ladies turned to me and started to make me undress. As Sheeba pulled down my shorts, My seven incher sprung out of its confinement. Sheeba looked amazingly at my cock and said, “Wow, Is it real? You have to be careful while fucking me because It’s so thick and so long for my tight cunt.” I asked Vijaya Bhabi if Sheeba planned on using protection with me. We talked about that.” Bhabi said. “Sheeba feels like me. That too much feeling is lost with rubbers.””Anyway, Sheeba wants to feel...

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