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by The Technician

Mind Control M/F Payback/Revenge

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A professor finds a very interesting way to defend his research against defunding.
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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2013 by The Technician [email protected].

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Chapter One

She awoke to blackness - no, to more than blackness, to nothingness. Her eyes were open, but there was nothing to see. Her ears could hear nothing, not even the beating of her own heart. She was neither warm, nor cold. She didn't feel naked, and yet she could not feel clothing on her body. It was as if her body did not exist.

She tried to get up, or even to move and found that she could not. She knew her muscles were trying to move, but she remained in place. Nothing appeared to be restraining her, and yet she could not move.

A sudden. horrible thought flashed through her mind, "Am I dead?!"

She screamed. She could feel her throat vibrating with the intensity of the scream, but she heard nothing.

She willed herself not to panic. What was the last thing that she remembered before the nothingness.

The memories floated up to her slowly out of the darkness. She was chairing a meeting at the university. They were finally going to be able to defund that crackpot Dr. Kamachi and his left over from the sixties, hippie-inspired, sensory depravation labs.

When meeting Dr. Arnold Kamachi for the first time, everyone expected to see an oriental. They were almost always surprised to be greeted by a tall, thin, red-headed eastern European. "The man at immigration had no idea what name my great-grandfather was saying, so he wrote down 'Kamachi' and here I am."

University research isn't what it once was. It used to be publish or perish. Now it is produce and get sponsored or get out. Grants from corporations, the government and the military determined who stayed and who left. Teaching students became secondary to the process long ago. There were always graduate assistants for that.

Dr. Angela Quin was the head of the research assessment committee. Her word could make or break almost any professor or department, and she loved the power that her position gave her. No one was beyond her reach.

She tried to remember the details of the meeting. She had planned this for months. All her ducks were in a row. Liaison representatives were there from the administrative committees for corporate grants, government grants, and military grants. Once she clearly explained just how useless Dr. Kamachi's research actually was, and got it into the record that no one would want to fund such research, then Arnold would finally be finished. He would be off the campus and out of her hair forever.

The last time that Angela had forced a full review of Dr. Kamachi's work, Arnold had claimed that it was a personal vendetta, but that was pure nonsense. Did anyone really think that she would hold it against him that he had tried to seduce her at a faculty Christmas party several years ago. A loud, "No," and a solid, backhand swing that bloodied his mouth reinforced that she would have none of that. Yes, she had way too much to drink that night. And yes, she was snuggled up against him and had even had kissed him softly on the neck. But that doesn't mean she wanted anything more than that.

Angela paused in her silent tirade. Even in silent thought she would not allow any errors. That wasn't exactly true. Yes, she wanted more than that. She often desperately wanted more than that, but she had a career to think of. She was going to make a name for herself. She was going to make a difference for this university. She was going to be remembered forever for ground breaking changes brought about by her calm, sure leadership of the research at this great institution.

Such intense dedication is why she kept herself away from such things as sex, even if they did call her "The Ice Quinn" behind her back.

It didn't matter. Such things did not move toward her goals. Everything was a planned move toward fame and honor. There wasn't time for frivolities in her life.

That's what Dr. Kamachi was. He was a frivolity - something that could not be taken seriously. She strained to remember. What had happened at the meeting? Things had started well. She grilled Arnold about substantive results from his research. As expected there was none. It was all talk of expanding one's horizons and uncovering one's inner self - all useless frivolity.

She was about to call for a vote when one of the liaisons spoke up. He worked with military grants and research. He asked, "Tell me, Dr. Kamachi, is there ANYTHING at all about your research that would make it useful to the military."

"Well," Dr. Kamachi began, "except for the fact that, if it were misused, I could totally re- program a person in twenty four hours and make them do whatever you wanted them to do or tell you whatever you wanted to know, I can think of nothing that would be of use to the military."

That son of a bitch! He wasn't as stupid and naive as she had thought. He had set this up to sandbag her. "I haven't seen any mention of that in any of your status reports, Arnold. Do you have any way to prove this? Or are we supposed to just take your word on it? Our recommendations are due in three days." She remembered smiling sweetly at him, "Unless you can clearly demonstrate the results you claim by that time, I am afraid we will have to terminate your research."

"I have a proposal," replied Dr. Kamachi, "but explaining it would take us through your meal break. Why don't we discuss this over a late lunch and then we can reconvene and come to a decision?"

Dr. Quin didn't want to do that, but the other committee members all agreed. The three liaisons each added, "That would give me time to check with a couple of major grant contributors that might be interested."

By the time the committee was gathered for lunch in the side room of a nearby restaurant that catered to campus faculty, the corporate and government liaisons were both able to report no real interest. The military grant liaison, however, was interested. "I have two possible major grants - very major grants - if your research has uncovered a way to do what you claim. But we need proof."

Angela knew she had him. "Since you have not published or reported any such capability, Arnold, the only proof acceptable would be to produce someone for the grant donors who has been reprogrammed in twenty four hours. That means someone who will do everything that you command them to do. And it has to be something that can be proven to be totally against what they would normally do. I will give you until 6:00 o'clock tomorrow night to accomplish that."

She had expected him to become angry or slink away in defeat, instead he answered, "I'll drink to that. You're on."

He then poured a small amount of wine into her empty wineglass and handed it back to her. He raised his glass and said, "To proof that I can reprogram anyone."

"Here, here," said one of the professors, and they all drained the small amount of wine remaining in their glasses.

Arnold turned to the military liaison and said, "Bring any prospective grant donors to my labs at 6:00 tomorrow night. The committee can reconvene there, I will give you absolute proof that I can reprogram anyone to do whatever I want them to do in twenty four hours or less."

Floating in the dark nothingness, Angela tried to remember what happened next. She could vaguely remember fumbling with her car keys as they walked to the parking lot. Someone asked, "Are you OK to drive?" Someone else - Arnold - said, "I'll drive her home. Looks like the rest of the meeting will have to be postponed."

She had tried to protest, but things were swirling around her. And then... and then... and then she had awakened to blackness. She knew where she was!

"You son of a bitch!" she screamed as loudly as she could. Except for the minor vibration of the throat, she heard nothing and felt nothing. She was in Dr. Arnold Kamachi's sensory depravation tank.

She couldn't see because her face was enclosed in a modified full-face scuba mask. She couldn't hear because there were computerized, sound cancelling earphones in her ears that cancelled out any noise that she made. She couldn't feel because she was wearing a very expensive, specially designed wet suit with hundreds, if not thousands of tiny rubber bands on it that held her exactly in the middle of the tank. And she was floating just beneath the surface of a negative buoyancy salt solution at exactly 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Total sensory depravation.

"Do you think that you can break me with sensory depravation, you crazy bastard!" she screamed. She couldn't hear herself, but the vibrations of her throat felt good and vented her anger.

"You stupid son of a bitch. I've done meditation for years. I could float here in this nothingness for a couple of days before it started to get to me. Twenty four hours from now, your ass is mine!"

Then she felt it. It was so slight that she wasn't sure that her mind was not playing tricks on her until she felt it a second time. It was a slight tingle. Perhaps it was a very mild electrical charge. Or maybe some of the tiny bands that held her still were vibrating for some reason. It was almost like someone sliding their fingernail up her back.

It didn't quite tickle, but it felt odd, none-the-less. Then it was gone. Then just as suddenly, it was back, but now across her front and there were two of them. The twin tickle-tingle began just above her pubic bone and slowly drifted upward. As it passed her navel, it split into two tracks, each of which continued upward toward her breasts. She shivered as they climbed the mound of her breasts. A silent moan escaped her lips as the tingle reached her nipples. And then... they were gone.

She wiggled - or at least tried to - trying to recapture the feeling. She hoped for the tickle-tingle, but instead she screamed as intense electrical shocks slammed into her breasts and her buttocks, followed almost immediately by even more intense lightning that struck her nipples and her clit. Her throat vibrated in a silent scream of pain and terror until she finally ran out of breath.

She hung, or floated, or whatever, silently in the darkness. And then the tickle-tingle came back. Now it was on her buttocks. It was as if someone was brushing the tips of the fingernails of both hands slowly down her ass cheeks. She once again shivered as the sensation moved slowly down her legs and disappeared.

Again, she tried wiggling to create the sensation, and again her breasts and buttocks and then her nipples and clit were painfully shocked.

Evidently movement wasn't allowed. When her body finally stopped quivering from the electrical shots she decided to just float silently in the darkness.

After several moments of nothingness, the fingernails returned. Now they were tracing their way down her legs on both the front and the back. They disappeared only to return circling her breasts until they closed in on her ever-tightening nipples. Now they were coming up her legs and down her belly moving toward the area between her legs.

The tickle-tingles moved around her clit and flowed into the depths of her vagina. How was that possible? Vibrations on the suit could not go in there. She must have something inserted into her. She clenched down on whatever it was with her cervical muscles, and was rewarded with a sharp electrical shock deep within her pussy and her ass.

Within her ass? There must be something inserted there, too. Her mind was telling her to struggle to get out, to do something - anything to escape, but she knew that movement would be punished. Passivity would be rewarded. She lay quiet now, hoping for the tickle-tingle sensations to return.

Return they did. Again and again the sensations flowed across her skin... teasing her... tantalizing her... driving her to the very edge of orgasm....... and then stopping. Each time the sensations stopped, they left her hanging in the black nothingness moaning her frustration.

Then the voices began. Were they auditory hallucinations? Or was someone speaking to her? What were they saying? What were they asking? Angela concentrated with all her might on the voice that was just beyond the veil of silence.

Then she could hear it. "Do you want relief? Do you want to cum?"

"Yes, yes," she screamed.

"What will you do if I let you cum? What will you give me?"

"Anything," she yelled into the silent darkness. "Anything!"

And the fingernails returned. They stroked her on the inside of her legs moving away from her now sopping cunt. The slid across her ass cheeks and into the cleft that conceal her rosebud, and then they slid into her and pulsed inside her ass.

She convulsed and quivered as an orgasm began and suddenly vibrated with pain as the lightening struck her ass and breasts, with the more intense second strike directly on her clit and nipples.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no," she moaned. Let me cum. Let me cum. I'll remain totally still. I will. I will. I won't move. Just LET ME CUM!"

She floated crying in the darkness until the fingernails returned. They again traced their path up and down the inside of her legs. She wanted to open her legs wider for them, but knew that she absolutely could not move, or the pleasure would be gone and the pain would replace it.

The voices started again. "Are you a slut?" they asked. "Are you a slut who would do anything just to cum?"
"Yes," she whispered. "Yes, I am."

The tickle-tingles once again went into her asshole and once again began to pulse within her. She felt the orgasm building, but remained totally motionless.

More tickle-tingles traced their way down her stomach and circled her throbbing clitoris. One brushed back and forth across that tender organ while others slid insider her cunt and began to pulse against the walls almost like a moving penis.
"Don't move; don't move; don't move," Angela kept saying to herself. It was almost a mantra like she used in her daily meditations.

"Don't move; don't move; don't move."

But the orgasm boiling within her was consuming her body. It exploded and tore the darkness apart. There was blinding light and sound and chaos - all coming from within her. And there was pain pounding into her body from the outside as her body convulsed in ecstasy.

Finally her body stopped thrashing from the pain and the pleasure, and she hung silent once again. At least she hung silently until the tickle-tingles started once again to trace their way up the inner side of her legs.

Chapter Two

The Research Assessment Committee met in the conference room on the third floor of the behavioral science building where Dr. Arnold Kamachi's research rooms were located. Dr. Angela Quin, head of the committee, sat at one end of the table. Dr. Kamachi sat at the other end. The four committee members and three liaisons plus two obviously military men in civilian clothes sat between them.

"So, Dr. Kamachi?" began Dr. Quinn. "Do you have your proof for these gentlemen, or do we schedule the remodeling of these floors in the morning?"

Arnold looked at the ten people sitting with him at the table. "First, let me verify the terms of this test. I have to produce someone who has been reprogrammed in twenty four hours. They have do everything that I command them to do. And it has to be proven to be totally against what they would normally do. Is that it?"

"Of course it is," she replied disdainfully. "But you obviously haven't succeeded."

"Not so fast," he responded. "Let me set out some facts first. Is it an accepted fact that Dr. Quin does not like me?"

He looked directly at Dr. Mark Philips. "What do you say Mark?"

"'Not like' would be putting it mildly." he replied.

"And is it not an accepted fact that, at best, Dr. Quinn is a straight-laced prude who at most, when totally blasted at a party, will tease and run away? What do you say, Dr. Parker?"

Dr. John Parker shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Come on John. Aren't you the one who tagged her as 'the Ice Quinn' after she slapped your face at the spring picnic six years ago?"

John cleared his throat and answered, "Uh... we.. the committee will concede that Dr. Quinn is... sexually repressed."

"So if I asked her to take off all of her clothes right here in this meeting and she did it, it would absolutely be something that she would not normally do for me?"

"Or for anyone else," added Dr. Mary Williams.

"OK then," said Dr. Kamachi as he rose to his feet and stood at the end of the table. Everyone's eyes were on him as he said loudly, "Command Alpha Six!"

The nine sets of eyes rapidly turned to the other end of the table as Dr. Angela Quin shot upright from her seat and walked quickly over to stand next to Arnold.

"Command Alpha Three!" he barked, and she began to remove her clothing.

Dr. Kamachi had been a little worried about how some of the members of the committee might react, but he was counting on the fact that Angela had trampled over most of them to get where she was and had resorted to outright blackmail and extortion to obtain the chairmanship of this committee.

When he saw the tight lipped smile on Mary William's face, he knew he was safe. That was the sweet smile of the satisfaction of revenge. She was enjoying watching Dr. Quin humiliate herself.

"On the table," Arnold ordered, and Angela crawled up onto the massive conference room table and lay on her back. "Command Alpha Fourteen!"

Dr. Angela Quin, full professor of psychology and head of the university research assessment committee, put her hands between her legs and began masturbating herself. The committee and the two military representatives watched transfixed as she began to writhe and groan upon the table.

Soon she was crying out, "Please! Please! Please!"

"Please what?" answered Dr. Kamachi.

"Please let me cum," she wailed.

"Command Alpha One!" was the response and she plunged both of her hands into her sopping pussy and screamed out in orgasm.

"If there is any doubt," continued Arnold, "I could have her give you all a blow job." Looking at Dr. Williams, he added, "Or whatever. Or, if you prefer, you can fuck her - either hole. She is very willing."

"I think we have seen enough," said one of the military men.

The other asked, "Is it reversible? Can it be made undetectable?"

"Command Beta Four!"

Dr. Angela Quin, lying naked in her own juices, suddenly looked around her and yelled, "What is happening?"

She jumped from the table and tried to cover herself with her hands.

"Command Beta Five!"

Angela stopped yelling and went over to where she had left her clothing and calmly began to dress. When she was completely dressed, she sat back down at the end of the table as if nothing had happened.

"Obviously, you have not proven your case, Dr. Kamachi," she sneered. "Can you give me any reason why I shouldn't file for your dismissal from the faculty as well as the removal of your research labs."

"Yes, I can," he answered. "Command Gamma One!"

Angela's eyes suddenly went wide. "You didn't!... You did! I'll have you arrested. I will get you, you bastard, if it is the last thing I do. You will be spending the rest of your life in prison by the time I get done with you!"

"Command Gamma Three!"

Angela lowered her eyes and said softly. "Yes, master. I will obey."

"I'm not quite sure which state to leave her in," Dr. Kamachi said softly to the military people.

"Whatever will keep this quiet," they replied in unison.

"And the rest of you," said the older of the two military men - the one obviously in charge. "This project is now top secret. You breathe a word of it and just hope that the worst that happens is that you end up spending a couple of days in the Dr. Kamachi's tank."

"Command Delta Five!"

Dr Quin looked down at the tablet on the table in front of her. "I see that we have completed our agenda here. Dr. Kamachi is approved for the next ten years. If there is no further business for this committee, I declare us adjourned."

As the committee filed out of the room, Dr. Kamachi spoke up, "Dr. Quinn, would you mind staying for just a moment. There are a few things I want to say to you."

Dr. Mary Williams looked back at the two of them standing by the conference table and laughed softly as she left the room.

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Mistress of Gor Dedicated to the genius of Olga Turlovna with sincere admiration. Chapter 13: I enter the House of Abdul-Hamid and learn the truth of what is required of me. The House of the celebrated Taharian slaver, Abdul-Hamid, lies on Muqtadir street, not far from the Inn of Rashid off the square of Muntasir, on the street of Sariyah. It is one of the better and more respectable of the slave houses in Patashqar, and is one of the Seven ruling Slaver Houses within the city,...

2 years ago
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Blackmailing My Dads New Wife Chapter 3

Sitting there on the sofa next to Porsche had become decidedly more uncomfortable with my cock straining to get out of my jeans. I had worn my good jeans to the interview–jeans which were cut to fit my body fairly tightly (worn, baggy jeans says slob in a job interview!) and Porsche's teasing my hard cock was not helping the comfort level any!So after a couple of minutes, I stood up and offered her my hand. She looked up at me and smiled broadly, taking my hand. I pulled her to her feet and...

1 year ago
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Boss and his friends

Though I looked little chubby, shy and I realized that I am a very pretty young guy. I wondered am a gay, with delicate feminine features. As I was so chubby and girly. I’m weird?” I have soft lovely young lips like a girl. I was working like a normal men in a big company and I was happy there too no one knew about my sexuality but it all changed one day. About me and my boss is a rich man and the owner of a big company. One day my Boss and me, as I work under him were returning from a party....

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Ainsely 10

My duty ended at noon on Monday. But my relief was about a half hour late. And then I took another half hour just filling him in on the nonsense we'd dealt with the night before—a fire in the trash can on the third floor of some barracks where a guy was trying to get his dope head roommates busted because they wouldn't let him sleep. What a great use of taxpayer dollars. But whatever.All I could think about was the love of my life, the beautiful young white Southern girl I'd brought to this...

Wife Lovers
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sister in law with 18 year olds Part 8

Janice thought about what Jane had said and decided to let Jac put her hand on his cock but once again she wan't sure how to go about it, so she Txted Jane to ask how to do it. Jane told Janice that she should assert herself and take charge: "Janice you should surprise Jac so he knows you are a woman who knows her own mind and is not afraid to take charge.. You do that by puting you hand down the front of his trousers. He will be wearing underpants ofcourse so you will still be touching him...

1 year ago
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Summer Camp On The LakeChapter 2 DAY 2

“Oh! Mr. Skythe, do you have a minute?” The she-alligator smiled with all her teeth, good news? “I rang the boys’ camp, sorry, no go, they have all the buddies they need. That’s what their camp calls camp friends.” “Oh, well, never mind, thank you for trying. Would it be possible to have a lift back on one of the coaches, the buses I mean, bringing the campers?” Inside he was panicking, where would he go, could he get M&D to wire some money, what the fuck was he going to do? “Perhaps,...

3 years ago
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My first sex

I'm male, when I was 18 my dad caught me in my mums "fuck me" cloths with one of her dildos up my arse.He was quite calm about it, he just dropped his trousers and said if I wanted to be a pussy he would treat me has a pussy. My arse was well lubbed so he slipped in easy, god he was rough with me and I loved it, when he was about to come he turned me over and fucked my mouth. I took all his 6" but he shot all over my face, 4 long spurts, 10 times what I come.We never talked for a week then he...

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All About Eve

ALL ABOUT EVE TV ANCHOR STEPHANIE'S TRIP TO A WOMAN'S PRISON TAKES AN UNEXPECTED TURN WHEN SHE BRINGS ALONG HER AMBITIOUS ASSISTANT, EVE.? IT'S A STRIP SEARCH TWIST ON A CLASSIC TALE. Stephanie stood in an isolated corner of the large holding cell and discreetly took the small phone out of her pocket.? It had been Eve's idea for her to go "undercover" as a prisoner in the holding area so that she could talk to the women waiting to be processed, but her assistant was supposed to...

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My doctor mom

Hi, this is Rakesh writing my experience. I am studying engineering 3rd year. My family consists of 3 members. Father, mother and me. My parents are doctors and are working in a private hospital. My parents loved each other and married when they are in the 2nd year of medicine against the wish of their parents. I was born in the 3rd year of their medicine. At that time mom was 23 years old when she gave birth to me. My dad died in an accident when I was in 8th class. At that time mom was 35...

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Family Fuck Farm

You wake up on your eighteenth birthday tired and not particularly excited. Pretty much born and raised on your family's thousand acre farm, most of your childhood to teenage years consisted of a lot of... well... farm work. You have doubts that today would be any different. When you weren't getting homeschooled you worked the fields, fixing fences, pushing hay bails, planting seeds. Occasionally you drove a tractor around. Sometimes you would herd and feed the livestock. Mmmm... the livestock....

2 years ago
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A Kinky Woman A Watcher and A Hard Cock

I rolled into the Bay area about four in the afternoon. Traffic was horrid, it was a hot day in California to say the least, and my patience had about run thin. Following the directions on my GPS system, within an hour I pulled in behind the mall to the delivery area. I found the Office Depot where I needed to deliver in the morning and leaving the truck run for the air conditioner to work, I went into the sleeper. Flopping down on my bunk, I planned to take a nap before supper. After a couple...

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LovingChapter 19 New Friends

At 6:15 we knocked on the door of Apartment 214. It opened and there stood Sam. Sam was a big, great looking guy... roughly our age, like Sid, and a huge friendly smile split his face as he welcomed us. Carol had worn a clinging blouse and a reasonably short if not micro mini skirt. She looked hot. Not quite 'catch me fuck me', but hot. I didn't miss it as his eyes ran over Carol's bod and his eyes opened wide with appreciation. He shook my hand nice and firm and pulled us into the room....

2 years ago
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Embrace the Dark My Beloved Part One

Embrace the Dark, My Beloved: Part Oneby Brindle Chase At last the annoying claxon ceased its shrieking blare. I assumed another nocturnal beast had tripped our perimeter alarm. It was a weekly occurrence I had become used to. That horrific noise definitely needed to be replaced with something less nerve grinding. Across the vast complex, I heard the rear kitchen door open. Tuning my focus to the faint noises coming from there, I could make out the familiar clicking of Nicole’s stiletto heels....

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Andreina De Luxe Anal Fuck During Office Hours

New face Andreina De Luxe is a kinky one! The sexy brunette with gorgeous brown eyes and a seductive look shares an office with Cristian. While he’s working on his computer, the horny Latina grabs an anal plug from her purse and slides it right up her backdoor! The curvy Columbian bombshell starts fingering her shaved pussy when her Italian coworker notices those moans of pleasure. He sneaks up behind her and observes that absolutely mind-blowing bombshell masturbating in her office...

2 years ago
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Jessicas rape and training

Well the stupid bitch finally went to far Jessica?s Rape and TrainingBy Lorgrom Well the stupid bitch finally went to far. I have known her for over 10 years. She was this bitchy little cunt that some how got my nephew to marry her. She is one of those controlling shrews that end up ruining a man?s life. Of course like all good shrews, her real personality didn?t surface until after the first child was born. Now it wouldn?t be so bad if she had been good looking. Hell if she had been...

2 years ago
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First Encounter after Online Relationship Part 2

(This is the second part of a story, please read the firstsection to set the stage) As we leave the hotel, we get a taxi to head to the restaurant. As we are driving, your dress falls open a little, exposing a little of your upper thigh. As we’re chatting, you catch me stealing glimpses of your thigh and then your hand comes over and starts to caress my cock, locked in its chastity belt. You smile, “It’s cute watching you look at me and want me,” as you continue rubbing my cock. “If I didn’t...

1 year ago
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making of cindy

part 2 It has been 30 minutes , i cant see the road and really dont care , on my knees , in the cute white panty sucking daddy bbcHe stop and i tought i was home, looking up at him getting a cute white necklace on me with glittering fake diamond''lets go baby boy, daddy have so many surprises''looking around trying to figure out where we arein the middle of a wood in total pitch black''where are we daddy?''''its one of the surprise''getting a leash from his pocket ''daddy....''''shhhh i dont...

2 years ago
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Cruise Ship Regeneration 2Chapter 3 Joanne boards the cruise ship

Dianne, Ellie, Daniel and Aron were at the heliport waiting for Joanne. The Helicopter arrived and Joanne looked at Daniel's and Ellie's nakedness with embarrassment and confusion. Dianne informed her of the ship's rules and after a few awkward moments she hugged Daniel, being careful not to move too close to his body. She did the same to Ellie and thanked her for looking after her son. Daniel introduced his mother to Aron. Dianne saw the puzzled look on Joanne's face and told her that...

1 year ago
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Broken WitchChapter 10

When I awoke the following morning, all of the squishy was gone. I had things to do today and didn’t have time for romance. I thought that I had nearly finished Book 3, as no new pages had appeared and there were only a few pages left in the book. I didn’t get a lot of studying in that day, as shortly after breakfast, the phone started ringing. It turned out to be more new customers wanting charms and amulets. Most of the orders I could fill from the extras I had prepared while working on...

2 years ago
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My First Lesson

I was a senior in High School, just turned 17, the youngest k** in the Senior class. I was 6'2" by then, lean and not an ounce of fat from a lot of running and swimming. I was at a yard party in Eau Claire, and sitting at a big table with a lot of people. She came and sat next to me, the wife of my older brothers friend. A red head, and stunningly beautiful woman that I had been watching. She was 23 years old at the time, and just a real beauty. She wore a short skirt and was one of those girls...

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A slight problem

This is a story that is both part fiction and part truth.You see, the thing is, I am something of a masochist. I like pain. Now, I'm not into the hardcore stuff like taking jumper cables to the sack or being stomped on by stiletto heels. I just like the light stuff, maybe some smacking around, hair pulling, and some of that. I might even be able to be talked into being whipped. I won't be tied though. The desperate urge to be able to defend myself should (God forbid) halfway through my bondage...

2 years ago
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Shes A Woman

I had just arrived home after five days on a business trip to Vegas. I walked through the front door around 9 AM. I knew that Debbie, my wife, would have left for work an hour prior to my arrival. I went to the kitchen and rummaged around in the refrigerator, found a cold slice of pizza and washed it down with a Pepsi. It always amazed Debbie that I could eat, and enjoy, cold pizza, even in the morning. As I walked through the living room, I saw a sheet of red construction paper taped to the...

2 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 6 The Wedding

Jenny paced back in forth in her room. Her nerves were on edge as she walked in her cabin. All around her room hung the items for her upcoming wedding to Ted. She knew it was supposed to be a day of celebration, but with the casualty count still coming in from Reno, she was terrified that something would go wrong. Jenny stopped as her eyes fell on her long white wedding gown. Even with Jessica and Amy acting as their wedding coordinator, the date had been pushed back a few days due to the...

3 years ago
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paper boy does my wife

green eyes, great skin and a fantastic body (36C-24-35). She is as close to a nudist as I've ever met. After we were married, I realized how much she loved wearing nothing or as little as possible around the house and I loved it. One day, I came home from work and arrived at the front door at the same time as the paperboy. He's a nice, good-looking kid around 15 or 16 and we said our hellos and he gave me the paper. At the same time, Subashinee opened the door and stood there,...

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A Movie Night

I invite you over for a movie. You and I are cuddled against each other on a couch. Your head is resting on my shoulder. After the movie is finished you lay down with your head in my lap. I run my hands through your curls, eliciting a small moan of approval from your lips. I look down and see your eyes closed and a small smile on your face. I run my fingers from the roots to the tips of your curly hair as we talk about the movie. I slide my right hand tenderly along the side of your face,...

4 years ago
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Kind Deed

Copyright© January 2005 I was on a week's leave, flat sitting for a friend. I would rather have been at home, but I unfortunately was caught shafting the mother of our next-door neighbour and I and warned to stay away for a while. I can't see why, for the old woman was enjoying having my monster cock rove up her. If it was the first time I'd shafted her I could understand the fuss, but I'd been shafting the old woman for the past year and a half. I don't get many opportunities to sink my...

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mere teacher ne mujhe gay banaya

hi dosto mera naam rocky hai,main delhi me rehta hu or main aap logo ko ek sachi kahani batane ja raha hu pehle me apko apni body ke description de du main 5 foot 6 inch lamba ladka hu rang gora mere land ka size 10inch lamba hai or 4 inch mota hai to main apni story pe aata hu ye baat aaj se 4 mahine purani hai jab mai 22 saal ka tha me ek teacher ke pass tution padta tha wo karib 35 saal ka hoga uski saadi ko karib 10 saal ho gaye the per unke koi bacha nahi tha isi karan ek saal pehle uski...

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John CarterChapter 18

Tired from the party, Betsy and John came home and fell asleep. In the morning, they woke with limbs entwined. Waking was followed by soft tender kisses. When lips touched lips, the whole world disappeared. They made very slow and passionate love. It was special and reminiscent of their first time, but with much deeper feelings. Both of them surrendered themselves totally to the other. This was that rare occasion when neither thinks of their individual pleasure and yet doesn’t dwell on...

1 year ago
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Oh Brother 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! It started out innocently enough. I was 18, my period had been coming whenever it felt like for months, my titties were just titties, and hormones ruled my life. I had this compulsive idea of seeing my twin brother naked. Paul, at all that age, of course, had no interest in girls. Anyway, one day when mom and dad weren't home, Paul was in the shower. I screwed up my courage and snuck into the bathroom and stood there in a corner where he couldn't see...

3 years ago
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Durga Puja Celebration 8211 Part 2 At The Traffic Control Room

Rimi was fucked hard by the uber car driver. She was laid on the bonnet of the car, naked on the road at deep night. She was facing her back to the driver who was slapping her round ass with one hand and grabbed onto one of her boobs with the other. She was feeling the chill all over her exposed body and was all drenched in the rain yet again! Thump, thump, thump, thump. The sounds of fucking could be heard to both of them because of the rain-water and skin to skin touch while fucking. How did...

3 years ago
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My Sex Mate Babu 8211 Part I

Hi, I am Sunil, Already I have posted a story about how my uncle fucked me when i was a Kid. But that was the bad thing made me to see the beauty of a male face. Everybody sharing their Sex Experience with others. I Read this Web page. And I planned to submit my Story too. Readers forgive me for the Grammer Mistakes in this Story. I am Sunil. My Boyfriend name is Babu. We are the two friends started our Homo Sex at the age 18 at the year 1997. Now I am 28 years old (@ 2009). Till we are doing...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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The Swan Part III

The next several weeks passed in a blur. Sue Ann and I would come home from school and go straight to her bedroom. Once there, we would strip off our clothes and lie on the bed. I loved holding her body and kissing her, letting my tongue probe her mouth and feeling her kissing me back. We would carefully avoid other parts of each other's body until one of us could not take any more and grab. Usually it was me. After feeling my dick grow as it rested along her thighs and crotch, I would start...

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partnes love

My lover comes to me naked, his flaccid cock dangling deliciously between his legs, his strong, smooth body moving confidently. He drops to his knees and looks up at me expectantly as he begins to gently massage my upper legs and thighs, patiently working his hands toward my crotch where my erection steadily grows into a bulge beneath my jeans. Although the anticipation is overwhelming, he is deliberate in taking his time opening up my pants and pulling out my cock, exposing me to the cool air...

3 years ago
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1st and last hooker

the first and the last time i ever picked up a hooker , if you know me you know i love panties and bras and underwear in general . i was driving through the what you call the redlight district of the east end of vancouver bc when i saw a few hookers . observing them i take notice of what they are dressed in more than what they look like . there was this one in particular i had noticed , she was a bit heavy set and had big boobs and a fat ass . in one of my times circling around i noticed she...

2 years ago
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Alaskan Desires

My name is Jax, and this is my story ‘Babe, the brochure came through. Get your ass here now!’ I made my way to the dinner table, where Hank was sitting, excitedly waiting for me. ‘Jax, look, here it is’ I took the brochure from Hank’s grip and gave it a look. The heading of the brochure read: ‘Magnificent Mauritius, Dubai: shopping paradise, or, Icey-Alaska! The world is your oyster.’ I felt rather amused at the luck Hank and I had been handed. The prospect of visiting one of three beautiful...

1 year ago
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The Life Saga Of Whore Anjali 8211 Part I

Hello friends, mera naam Anjali hai & me basically Unnao ki rehne wali hu & ab 1 metro me rehti hu. meri age 22 ki h . body stats 32 28 32 hai . rang gora hai . mene isi saal B.Sc. kiya hai . meri kahani ki suruwat 12 ki age s hui thi , so , me vahi s start krti hu. Mere Dad Dubai m job karte hain & meri Mom Railway m ticket clerk hain . meri 1 didi bhi hai jo ab 32 ki hai & uske ab 2 kids bhi hain . so , baat unn dino s start hui jab me 11 / 12 ki thi & meri didi 21 ki … meri didi kafi...

2 years ago
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Heaven With NRI Cousin

I have a cousin by name Soumya (name NOT changed to keep it hot). She is around 8-9 years older than me. When I was growing up she always loved me and at that little age I did not have any ill feelings towards her. But as I grew up I realized how hot she is. She is short, maybe just over 5, amazing boobs and ass, always dressed in salwar with a dhupatta. I was never able to peek at her cleavage. When I was in 9th, she was around 24 got married and soon her husband got posted to USA. Few days...


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