Star Slave free porn video

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************************************************************************* Note to readers: Thank you all for your kind comments, I don't ask for critiques, I like the stories I write. All I ask is a thank you. ************************************************************************* The Selaarians are a brutish race. Standing at ten feet tall and built like body builders on steroids but having let themselves go so muscles had turned to rolls of fat. However do not let that fool you they are extremely strong. Humanoid in shape, two arms two legs differing from humans in that they only have three opposable fingers on each hand. However the most bizarre thing about them was their prodigious around eighteen inches long! These were easy to see because the only item of clothing Selaarians ever wear is a loin cloth.....the same applying to females. It can be quite disconcerting when faced with a mountain of green blubber sporting an enormous cock...but they love the fact they intimidate the puny human race and offend us with their depravities....being overtly sexual in their nature! The Selaarian's emperor was one of the largest Selaarians I had ever seen in my life at around fifteen feet tall, at the moment he was standing before my father the king of the Earther Federation dressed only in a loin cloth demanding that we return the Vergan sector to him. The Vergan sector did not in fact belong to the Selaarians, and specifically not to him, it belonged to the Vergans.....but since the Selaarians had almost wiped out the Vergan race save the few who had escaped to Earther space there was no Vergan ambassador there to plead their case. The Earthers of course seeing a chance to look as if they were doing good and gain themselves more territory had gone to the aid of the Vergans and chased the Selaarians out of Vergan space. That was why the demands of the Selaarian emperor were falling on deaf ears, no way were they getting back the valuable resources in that sector! Bored with the political wrangling I slipped from the royal court and out into the seedy part of the city to find my favorite pleasure zone. Now when I say my father the king let me explain. My father's wife gave him two children a boy and a girl, James and Samantha. Shortly after giving birth to Samantha however she died from a rare alien virus that also nearly killed my father as well and leaving him sterile. Not however before he had gotten his favorite mother pregnant. So I was in fact his bastard son and it was said next in line to the throne after James. But I was under no illusions, I knew that should anything happen to James, Samantha would contest the throne, she had built quite a power base so I was pretty sure she would get the throne. This therefore gave me free reign to do as I pleased which I made the best of. Unfortunately being a complete waste of space lay about gained me no friends in court so I was simply tolerated rather than loved by the people..and the father. It was an arrangement that suited me to the ground, I could do as I pleased and when the shit hit the fan I used my royal blood to get me out of me I had used this plenty of times! So I found myself in Zeezee's place, she was a very expensive Nubian shape shifter, another privilege of having a king as a father...plenty of money! Currently she was feeding my kink for being a submissive slave and had taken on the form of a Valceeron. They are buxom Amazonian women who have four arms.....all the better to punish me with she drawled a wicked grin on her plump bright blue lips as she brandished four different spanking instruments! So whilst dear father fended off the Selaarian emperor send him away grudgingly with a flea in his ear I got my rocks off. The emperor threatened that he would have the Vergan section within his grasp very soon. Exhausted and smarting from Zeezee's overzealous use of the whip I dozed contentedly. As I was dozing I noticed a Selaarian step into the room. I noticed it was a female from its smaller size, but the strange thing was that it was wrapped in an all covering robe. In the back of my mind it registered that the females were use for covert operations because of their smaller size! As I said Selaarians basically walk around naked so her apparel was surprising. I sat up curious to get a better look and she raised her hand. There was a popping sound and I felt a sting in my neck, then everything went black. I woke to my father's ranting and knew I was in trouble "What the fuck do you think you're doing Zaaarl!" he demanded. Wait my foggy brain was hearing it name was Davion......who the fuck was Zaaarl I mused. Shaking my head I opened my eyes which was a mistake because I was confronted by my father's face....ten foot tall!......and he was very angry! Wait no it was my father's face on a view screen. Other things became apparent at the same time. One I was bound, my hands tied behind my back, on my knees....beside a very big Selaarian...the emperor I was guessing. Two I was on a Selaarian starship! "What is the meaning of kidnapping my son.....what the fuck do you want?" demanded my father "I want the Vergan sector," demanded Zaaarl. "You have got to be fucking kidding me....." growled my father. "One.....useless child for a star system!......" This comment shocked me......useless child! "You know that's not going to happen" laughed my father....I did not like that laugh. Zaaarl seemed to be just as taken aback as me. "But......he is your offspring....your blood...royal blood....the heir to your throne," he retorted. "Royal blood....only half blood......a bastard to one of my whores......" my father growled. "Take the wretch and do what the hell you like with him!" he finished looking straight at me. "Father how could......." My plea was cut short as the monitor went black. Zaaarl cursed and bellowed no doubt the bile intended at my father, then he pointed at me and I was roughly taken to a prison cell. I must admit I had at this point resigned myself to death I just hoped it was painless, something the Selaarians were not renown fact I could expect an extremely painful death! To my surprise I was not murdered, in fact I was taken to Geedy Prime the Selaarian home world. I was placed in another cell but fed and kept comfortably alive to my surprise. I was however stripped naked and left that way much to the guards amusement. I was even displayed like some sort of freak show to other Selaarians male and female visitors to the prison! Left to my own devices I railed against my could he give me up so easily. Then I began to reason, I wondered, what indeed was my life worth against a whole star system......with all those resources. When I thought of the resources I once again became angry knowing that was why father had given me up so easily. So I flipped between anger and shame at my flippant wasted life. The monotony of imprisonment was broken about a week later when I was taken from my cell to a large room. In the centre was a metal bench type contraption. I was taken to this and strapped onto it. My torso laid on the central bench with my arms and legs dangling either side. Strangely the end under my crotch was higher than my head. This made me feel vulnerable since my ass was easily accessible. Strangely I got hard remembering Zeezee's recent whipping! The guards soon had my arms and legs fastened to the frame and then they left. It was a long nerve wracking time before I heard Zaaarl speak....I must admit he made me jump and yelp girlishly...pathetic! "So Earther, your father cares nothing for you....if he was a Selaarian I would commend him....." he chuckled. As yet I could not see Zaaarl because he was standing behind me, I blushed realizing he was seeing my plump exposed ass! "But since he is an Earther I fail to understand him," he growled. So I explained it to him, how James was the real heir and if he was lost Samantha would take his place. I was therefore third in line and highly unlikely to see the throne. "Mmmmm....well it seems your father has no use for you but perhaps I have...." he mused. " what way?" I queried. "Tell me Earther have you heard the tales about Selaarian seed.......what you call spunk!" he growled. I wracked my brains and then it came to me! "They say the seed....spunk of the Selaarian emperor is so potent it can rewrite the DNA of any other species it is....injected into....." I whimpered starting to realize what he intended, my ass feeling extremely exposed. "Anything else?" I could hear the amusement of my shock and fear in his voice. "And.....and that when ingested it causes the greatest addiction being the most addictive substance in the universe," I mewled. "Well I think it is time you found out how true the tales are!" With that he moved into view. He had lost his loin cloth and his alien cock swayed menacingly between his legs. It was eighteen inches long and bright purple in colour. The head unlike my Earther cock was sharp and pointed a pearl of pink spunk beading on the tip. The shaft itself divided into three six inch knots each one getting fatter until the last six inch knot was almost as wide as it was long. He moved before me allowing his monster cock to swing in front of my face. From this angle it was even more intimidating so I whimper wondering if he is about to ram the whole length down my throat, I look up into his arrogant smirking face. This close I also had another tale answered. It was said that a Selaarian's cock oozed lubricant along their whole length, this was said to add pleasure for the Selaarian female.....but it certainly would have made getting such a monster cock inside her less painful! I could see the clear sticky gel along the length of the shaft making it glisten, I watched it ooze from the tip to drip onto the floor. The balls that dangled beneath this monster cock...all four! were large and I could hear the sticky liquid sloshing around in much seed would they produce I wondered. To my surprise he did not thrust his monster cock into my mouth instead he moved behind me. I shivered as he rubbed the slimy length along the crack of my ass, I heard him sigh at the same time. "I have never fucked an Earther before......this is going to be so pleasurable for me.......and painful for you...." he snickered. Blushing I felt his fat fingers trace the whip marks across my bottom. The ones Zeezee had left behind. "But then it seems you are not unaccustomed to pain," he chuckled. Bizarrely the humiliation of what he was about to do and my previous depravities got my cock hard! Something he noticed with a chuckle. "It seems you are aroused Earther, are you so eager to have me inside you!" My denial turned into a yelp as he thrust the first six inch knot into me. Since it was not that wide it was not too painful and in fact just the right length that the spiked tip massaged my prostate! With this pleasurable sensation I wiggled on his cock eliciting a chuckle from him. "How easily I make you my bitch Earther." I blushed deeper red but still the pleasurable feeling built. He once again thrust adding the second knot and this time pain, it was a lot wider and now I had twelve inch inside me. The one saving grace was the slight narrowing of his cock between knots. This gave my poor ass ring time to relax and the gap between the first and second knot was once again rubbing my prostate. I gasped and wriggled as he paused really allowing me time to fret on the width of the third and final not. Then unlike the first and second knots he slowly began to push the last length inside me. I screamed in pain as it felt as though he was splitting me apart. He did not relent and I was thankful for his cocks self lubrication. With a grunt from him and a screaming sigh from me the final knot slipped inside me. The pain was excruciating and I felt so full but wondered how all eighteen inches of that monster cock was now inside me! To my surprise he paused allowing me to become accustomed to his size. He gently rocked backwards and forwards a gentle rhythm over my prostate.....and this became infuriating frustrating. Despite the pain I began to hump back in time with his rhythm causing him to chuckle. "Earthers are so easy to come to do you pathetic wretches have so much power!" he growled. I blushed realizing that I was shaming not only myself but the whole Earther culture. Still the need was growing stronger....I could feel a tingle of pleasure and wondered if his fabled potent seed was having an effect on me. He brought me out of my reverie by slowly removing his cock. Pop,pop,pop the ridges popped over my prostate causing me to scream girlishly each time much to my shame. He then slowly thrust back in pop,pop,pop and I screamed as he sank the last knot fully in painfully. I gasped and mewled for mercy....but as he continued and my own climax built the pleas for mercy became cries of pleasure. Soon I was humping his monster cock and screaming my release squirting spunk onto the floor but he continued to fuck me. He fucked me for what seemed like hours and I came four more times the last one being almost as painful as it was pleasurable! Shortly after he bellowed his release and flooded my well fucked pussy with his seed. It was so copious that I felt it gushing out of me and down both my legs to pool on the floor bellow me. My head dropped with exhaustion and bleary eyed I noticed the large pool of pink seed mixing with my pitifully small pool of cream spunk. Satisfied he pulled out and left the room. I was dragged back to my cell were I curled up in a ball and fell into an exhausted sleep. I woke up to a rather strange sensation, I could not wrap my arms around my chest because my chest was no longer flat. I now had two melon sized tits. I sat up resting on a rather more padded ass than I previously had. I looked down incredulously at the new tits, they were not pert globes but saggy udders the nipples hard and sensitive.....tinged slightly green. So it was true his spunk could rewrite DNA and it had started to rewrite mine! I was taken from my cell daily for the next month and fucked by Zaaarl until I was drained and he had filled me with more of his potent seed. By the end of the month I was almost going willingly to my fate much to his amusement and my shame. I was always tied down but this fed my submissive nature and made my fucking so much more thrilling! So here I am in the same room but this time I was not tied to the bench. I had been made to kneel and this time my ankles and just behind my knees were strapped down holding me in the kneeling position! My hand were chained to my waist with enough slack to almost extend them fully....and I was left alone. The reason I knew was to humiliate me because every wall in the room was mirrored. I looked at my own strangely mutated reflection and shivered, especially since in the end I went willing to receive Zaaarl's seed! My face was soft and slightly chubby. My tits now enormous and saggy, resting on my equally saggy belly. The huge belly now obscured my cock which was the hardest change to accept. It had gone from a magnificent eight inches to about half an inch my balls having disappeared into my body. My hips huge, my thighs thick and flabby. I also noticed that although my skin was still pink it had taken on a slightly greenish tint. I looked over my shoulder at my blubbery ass and lifting slightly gazed at my new ass pussy. The lips swollen from their constant fucking, the puckered hole slightly open and oozing pink seed, no doubt from my last fucking. I slumped down onto my fat ass and wondered what more depravities he would inflict on me. He entered the room a short while later naked as usual an arrogant smirk on his face. "Admiring your reflection...." he chuckled. "I told you Selaarian seed was more potent than your pathetic Earther DNA....." I shivered and blushed.....going slightly greener. "And you gladly humped your Earther maleness away!" he snickered. Reaching out he grabbed my long jade green hair pulling my head back. I screamed at the pain....a very girlish scream and he slid a ring gag into my mouth strapping it tightly in place. Sniggering he stepped in front of me his monster cock swaying menacingly. I looked up into his sneering face knowing exactly what was going to happen next. With a wicked smile he wiped the large drop of seed that had formed on the tip of his cock onto my lips. Immediately they began to tingle and I felt a shiver of pleasure run down my spine. He chuckled as my eyes popped open in surprise. So was it was true! his seed was highly addictive! He slipped the first six inch knot into my unwilling mouth and rested it there. Since he had now smeared his seed across my tongue the pleasure spread.....quickly going to my brain. He grunted slipping in the second knot and forcing the first down my throat. I marveled at the complete lack of gagging but then the pleasure of his potent seed was spreading. With a final grunt he barely forced the last knot through the ring gag and I was totally impaled. But I did not care, the pleasure of his seed was now deep inside my body. My whole body relaxed and I became his cock sleeve. Grunting he began to fuck my face brutally. The fucking was short brutal and oh so pleasurable as he pumped more of his seed into me! But when he climaxed!!!! It was like fireworks had been ignited in my body starting from my tiny cock. I gargled around his cock as my own spunk fountained from my body in what seemed like an endless stream. I had never felt so much pleasure before and I thought I was going to lose my mind. The pleasure was so intense that shortly after guzzling down his copious spend I blacked out. I awoke later back in my cell with the taste of his sweet sticky seed on my body pulsed with the pleasure. I was not taken back to the room the next day or the next. In fact the hunger after two days was so strong that I was at the bars begging the guards to take me to him......I needed Masters spunk. It was still another day before I was taken to him and strapped down willingly "I hear you want to see your...........Master?" he chuckled. "Yes Master......please I need your seed!" I mewled. "You willing call me Master?........" He snickered. "Once again I am shown how puny you Earthers are the first species to succumb to the addiction after only one dose of my seed." As he was saying this he was once again fitting the ring gag by painfully pulling on my hair. He of course knew I would have gladly sucked his monster cock to the balls to get his seed. He however reveled in humiliating me and I to my shame reveled in the humiliation! He then thrush his cock all the way down my throat and began to brutally fuck my face before once again depositing a prodigious amount of spunk into my stomach and giving me a mind blowing orgasm of my own, my own spunk spurting from my tiny nub of a cock. Once again over the next month I was force fed Masters seed and in the end I was not even confined to my cell, I spent most of my days at his heel, or led around by collar and chain sleeping at the bottom of his bed, I became his adoring Human sex pet. A year later I found myself in a stolen Earther shuttle speeding back to my home world Earth. Fortunately for me the King relied wholly on droids to protect him so since I still had royal DNA.....mostly I was allowed through the planetary defenses and even assigned a birth in the palace. It was early morning and I let myself into James's bedroom. He was asleep face down the white sheet covering only the bottom of his legs. Opening my rucksack I took out a Nanosuit capsule and poured the contents onto the centre of his back. I then watch with glee as it spreads both up and down his body. I place the command circlet around my head as the suit oozed between his ass cheeks. It surged up his body around his neck coating the back of his head. Sensing something was wrong he rolled over and started to shout for help. He was however too late as the material covered his mouth and face, leaving only holes at his nose to breathe and eye holes to see. On seeing me he made a lunge for me but I use the command circlet to put him flat on his back. I chuckle at the anger in his eyes and the muffled cries. Looking down at him covered in the candy pink shiny Nanosuit he reminds me of one of the old Earther inflatable sex dolls. With a smirk I colour the nanobots over his eyes purple and gave him fake extravagant eye lashes. All that was missing I muse was the o shaped mouth. Once again I directed the nanobots, this time to form a hard ball in his mouth slowly increasing in size until it effectively gagged him. Then for my amusement I formed a glossy pair of red lips around the gag. I relished the look of fear in his eyes at what I had done to him....what control I had. Grabbing a full length mirror I positioned it at the side of the bed and had him kneel before it to see his own pathetic reflection. He tried to close his eyes but I had the nanobots stick to his eyelids and draw them open, now he would see everything! Holding his gaze I slipped the strap on replica of Masters cock from my pack and saw his eyes widen in fear. I strapped it on over my tiny nub and mounted the bed behind him a wicked grin on my lips. The replica was exact down to the four seed filled balls and lubricant exuding pores. So with relish I slipped the slimy length along the crack of his candy pink ass watching him shiver. Of course the nanobots transferred all sensations to the wearer so he felt every bump. With a wink I moved back and then slipped the first slim six inch knot into him. He gasped around the gag. Knowing exactly what Masters cock felt like inside me I performed the same action on the candy pink ass of James. I nudged the tip of the strap on over James's prostrate and sure enough I soon saw pleasure in James's eyes. That was my cue to slip in a further six inch. He groaned around the gag but the look of lust was still there. I would have loved to have seen the blush on his face but the shame in his eyes was still delicious! After a while I felt the resistance in his ass relax and so the last six, thick inches slipped inside and to my surprise he bucked and moaned around the strap on and as far as I could tell he shot his load! I was not of course letting him off the hook so easily and so I fucked him brutally....and to his shame yet another orgasm! I chuckled as I caressed the balls of the strap on which was the trigger to empty Masters seed into him as he shivered his own orgasm. It was so copious that I felt it squirting from him and down my legs, no doubt he was feeling the same sensation and I reveled in the humiliation in his eyes. Using the command circlet I forced him to his knees before me. I ordered the nanobots to shrink the ball gag leaving only a small aperture in the centre of the bright red o shaped lips. Once again I smirked down at him and then slipped the head of the strap on into his mouth allowing the residue seed from his fucking to coat his tongue before pulling out and allowing the aperture to close. I then gazed into his eyes, gradually I watched them grow rounder and rounder. Soon he was shivering and saying something to me, unfortunately for him the suit was an effective gag. "What do you want?" I snickered knowing full well what he wanted. His muffled pleas made me shiver myself, knowing the control I had over him. I only wished I could pleasure my tiny nub in some way but the only pleasure I seemed to get now was when I guzzled Masters seed down. I relented allowing the aperture to open fully and he immediately began to plead. "Please....please...I....I....neeeeed more....please give me more!" he begged. Gleefully I rammed the whole eighteen inches down his throat and caressed the balls flooding him with Masters seed. I watched him convulse on the cock thrust down his throat gagging and gargling his pleasure in equal measure. I noticed his eyes glaze over as the pleasure blew his mind, I also noticed the Nanosuit filling with spunk around his cock. Much like I had done as his climax overcame his senses he blacked out, so I let him flop onto the bed unconscious. With a warm feeling inside I removed the Nanosuit leaving him sprawled on the bed in a pool of pink seed and his own spunk. After all I had a date with Samantha and I did not want to be late! Three weeks later I crawled behind Master admiring his taught magnificent ass as I did. Master swaggered arrogantly into the kings presence and stopped allowing me to crawl around to his heel. The king seeing me gasped "What the fuck have you done to him!" he growled. Zaaarl chuckle at the kings anger. "You mean Dareen....she is my human sex pet," he smirked. "His fucking name is Davion!" shouted the king. "Not any more....what is your name slave..." "Dareen Master" I mewled crawling up Masters leg and caressing his heavy balls through his loin cloth. I heard the king gasp at my ministrations of Masters cock as Master crooned his pleasure. "And what are you slave?" "'I am you human sex pet Master," I crooned stroking up Masters cock which started to react. I was not however interest in the kings anger but James's reaction to what I was doing. He was on the edge of his seat, eyes fixed on Master. I could see sweat beading on his brow as I stroked Masters cock lovingly. "Okay Zaaarl what the fuck do you want beside flaunting my perverted bastard before me," demanded the king. "I have come of course to renounce my demands for the Vergan sector," retorted my Master. " what is the catch?" drowled the king. "It's quite simple....I want the whole Earther federation!" He chuckled. There was a stunned silence around the room. I crooned as Masters cock popped from his loincloth full hard and topped with a pearl of pink spunk! "You are out of your fucking mind!..." growled the king. "And why the fuck is your....your...gimp doing that!" he bellowed. I think he would have said more but at that moment James burst from his seat and launch himself at Master before coming to his knees before him. "James what the fuck!" demanded the king. At the same time the guard droids leveled their guns on us. "STOP!" Shouted the king knowing full well laser fire would hit his son. " I need.....I need.....please!" wewled James. Smirking I took the drop of spunk from the tip of Masters cock and watched him avidly suck on my finger. The King gasped and Master chuckled. "Strip!" ordered Master. James frantically threw off his clothes to reveal his mutated body. He had green tinged tits that he had bound tightly to conceal. He threw of the bindings to let them swing free. He shucked his trousers and wiggled his plump ass. With a sadistic laugh I removed Masters loin cloth to watch James eagerly crawl forward and take Masters cock to the balls in one go! The king howled his rage "So you see you heir is now my second sex pet," chuckled Master. "No fucking way.....fucking shoot them all!" shouted the king. I flinched but nothing happened.....of course the droids could not fire because it would endanger James and myself, there was too much royal DNA for them to shoot accurately. I laughed in the kings face at his stupid reliance on droid technology.....Masters laugh also boomed around the room. "You haven't won Zaaarl you fat toad.....I will cede my power to Samantha," he threatened. Master's laughter grew louder. "Do you mean new birthing cow," he chuckled, with that he clapped his hands. The door to the hall burst open and a retinue of the Masters females swayed into the room. In the centre of them was Saareen completely naked save for a collar around her neck connected to a chain held by one of the women. Everyone gasped when they saw Saareen's swollen green tinged belly.....she was pregnant. A shiver went down my spine as I remembered our last meeting. First I gave her a taste of Masters spunk....then I made her beg and plead for me to impregnate her with Masters potent seed......oh I had her beg for a very long time it was so delicious! And now behold my work is done I thought to myself. "How can this be......" gasped the king. "I saw her three weeks ago!" "You puny humans with your nine month gestation, the Selaarian gestation period is only four weeks a week's time she will be having a litter of six Selaarian pups." He chuckled. Indeed I could see the two further sets of tits below her original tits.....all ripe with milk for the new arrivals. At my Masters revelation I could see the look of shock on both the king's and Saareen's faces it made me shudder with joy. Much to James's frustration Master pulled his rampant cock from his mouth and attached a chain and collar to him. Master then turned to leave pausing as he did. "Think on this human, the Selaarians live four times as long as you. I will return when you are on your deathbed and bring the heir.... sex pet number two with me.....then I will have the whole Earther Federation," he chuckled. Once more I crawled after Master gazing at his magnificent ass....James beside me and Saareen following...the father's ranting ringing in our ears....but a smug smile on my lips! I wonders to myself what delicious humiliations I could inflict on sex pet number two....and three. Yes Master had promised he would make Saareen his third human sex pet when she had birthed his pups!

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Becoming A Slave

THE MAKING OF A SLAVE By Betty Noone This is the story of Mark and Jennifer Jenkins. Married for twenty years, Mark was a retired dot-com millionaire at the age of 45. Not Donald Trump rich, but rich enough to do most things he wanted to do. There was a little over ten million dollars in investments which seemed to increase in value each year It furnished the couple with a tidy income of just under $500,000.00 per year. After taxes there was just over $7,000.00 a week, that is...

4 years ago
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The Foot Slave

The Foot SlaveNervously my finger pressed the buzzer, within ten seconds the release mechanism clicked and opened the door, I pushed it ajar and entered a dimly lit hallway, a stair case lay in front of me, leading down to a single ominous black door, I walked down and knocked, ?You may enter? was the quick curt reply.Sheepishly I entered, and closed the door behind me.The room was spacious and painted a matt black with a cold stone floor, recess lights in the ceiling were dimmed to give a low...

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Observatory Slave

Relocation By Choice Part I ?. ?Ladies & Gentlemen, in a few moments from now we would be landing at the Heathrow?.?.? I woke up to a crisp British accentuated English in my cramped economy class seat as my mind slowly recollects bits & pieces of my thoughts.? I check my seat belt and as the aircraft descend gradually I repeat a question to me which I have asked myself a thousand times now? ?Am I sure I want to do this???.?  I am reaching London to serve a group of 5 men & 3 women...

1 year ago
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a normal day for slave

......a normal day for slave F. The alarm clock ring at usual! Slave got out of bed went to the bathroom to shave and wash and do his needs. He wore a plastic chastity belt that allowed him to piss. He was naked with the exception of leather collar, and leather bracelets for wrists and ankles.He began to do exercises with weights and then went to run for 45 minutes . Back home take a bath, then breakfast.After preparing breakfast for Mistress, he waited until 8 o'clock to go in...

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Lois Lane Sex Slave

Lois Lane: Sex Slave By EchotangoCaught snooping around a warehouse Lois suffers a terrible fate?Chapter One: Capture?And it was confirmed today that Superman will remain away from Earth on a top secret mission for the next three months, the white house said?? Lois Lane listened to the radio and smiled, Superman had left town over a week ago and the twenty-six year old brunette had broken the story three days before and now the radio was finally catching up. She felt like chuckling with glee...

2 years ago
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Slave Rules My first sex slave

hese are some rules a guy had to abide by from a former master he had. He gave them to me to use on him as he showed me the lifestyle. 1. slave is to be naked at all times in the house. When with Master or when in a gay bar or other appropriate places, for example a leather event, it must wear its metal butt plug, 2 pound ball weight and its heavy chain collar, unless Master orders otherwise. slave is never to wear underwear unless given permission. When slave is in chastity, it does not have...

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Owned Toilet Slave

Owned Toilet Slave slave matt425(Note:  This is a sequel to ?Evaluation of a Toilet Slave?.  For a background of the following story, the reader is encouraged to read ?Evaluation? first).  Recollections It had been almost a year since my evaluation and subsequent approval as a contract toilet slave to Mistress K.  During that time, a lot had changed.  She and I had gone through several designs of a toilet slave bench and I had grown as a slave in terms of my ability to serve Her well and in my...

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Soccer Mom Slave

Soccer Mom SlaveBy: KahiltnaAs she waited in her car, Brenda couldn’t believe she was doing this again. Her short, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat gave away her apprehension. ?My God?, she thought, ?I’m a happily married mother, what keeps me coming back here??  Brenda was the prototype ?Soccer Mom?.  She was 36 years old, married 10 years, with a 9 year old son and 7 year old daughter. Her husband was just what girls dream of, loving, hansom, dedicated to her and the kids and a good...

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The Virgin Slave

“I just wanted to kiss you.”  I paused, feeling uncertain and vulnerable, “But I was scared if I did, you might hit me.”Gazing at her prone beside me, she looked out in a thousand yard stare.Dismissively as a snort of air could be, her eyes narrowed to focus, “I probably would have, too.”I did not know much about her but that look I understood well.  A sultry stare full of determination, her gentle caress travelled from my torso to my stomach and onto my loins.  My reaction still had the power...

College Sex
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The Virgin Slave

“I just wanted to kiss you.”  I paused, feeling uncertain and vulnerable, “But I was scared if I did, you might hit me.”Gazing at her prone beside me, she looked out in a thousand yard stare.Dismissively as a snort of air could be, her eyes narrowed to focus, “I probably would have, too.”I did not know much about her but that look I understood well.  A sultry stare full of determination, her gentle caress travelled from my torso to my stomach and onto my loins.  My reaction still had the power...

College Sex
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My lactation slave

                                                      My Masters Lactation Slave I sat in front of the PC and stared in awed disbelief at the message on the screen, I had placed the ad on the adult web site less than twenty-four hours ago and already I had almost a dozen responses. I was admittedly surprised because the details of the ad specified a certain type of woman I was looking for and usually I found it a challenge to locate a woman either willing or even eager to fill my needs. I...

1 year ago
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The Forced Slave

The Forced Slave The Forced Slave ????? The weekend was almost here.? Tillie had been deep cleaning her home all week long for the big gathering she had planned with all her friends.? She had her head stuck deep into a cabinet pulling out cleaning supplies so she could wash the shelf. ?She hadn?t noticed the dark colored van that had pulled into her driveway. ???? The strange man checked the door gently making sure that he didn?t notify anyone he was there.? He had been watching...

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The Princess and the Slave

This story is one of six new stories in the compilation, Talons of the Hawk by Emma Finn, a book of transformation stories available on Amazon. THE PRINCESS AND THE SLAVE by EMMA FINN 1 Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in an exotic land very far from here, there lived a princess who was very spoiled. She was the most beautiful woman in the land with dark skin, long black hair...

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Husband Cuckold Slave

HUSBAND CUCKOLD SLAVEBy Ted, [email protected] on December 26, 2011See for all of my stories.Synopsis: Wife threatens to leave unless allowed to try something different.Story codes: F/m, FM/m, D/S, cuckold, feet, humiliation.Chapter 1My husband of 5 years Ted is a great guy. We met through an online dating service and we hit it off once we met in person. He is very steady, trustworthy, kind, intelligent, honest, and sane, which is part of the problem I am having now. I...

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The Newest Slave

The Newest Slave by captv8td [email protected] 1This was turning out to be her favorite place to shop.  The quality of the merchandise was superb and she had been very pleased with her previous purchase.  That wasn’t always the case when she bought high value items.  It was not uncommon for her to select a new car, only to change her mind shortly after it was delivered.  She had moved her family twice because the homes she selected turned out to be disappointing once they moved in. ...

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Our StoryThe tale of Master and slave

Our Story Normal font was written by myself, italicized font was written by my slave. Apologies for any bad grammar, or format issues, this was originally a series of emails sent back and forth with no intention of ever posting them for other people to see. The story does end abruptly due to problems arising and we were unable to continue. However it may be picked up in the future by at least myself if not both of us. I hate cliffhangers so I don’t want to subject the readers to that. I will at...

1 year ago
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My Wife wants to be a Sex Slave

******************************************************************************** Thanks to kyron120867 my story is set in his world, but none of his characters are involved. Story written by Ghostwolf63 Chapter one ********************************************************************************* Hello, my name Will Johnson, I was asked to write this story along with my wife. She will write about her experience and I will be writing my experience. So let's get started. First some info...

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Literary slave

Darren could not believe his luck – the 29 year old successful novelist had been looking for a place to hole up in and complete his fifth novel, sure to be yet another best seller in his string of literary offerings.  While surfing through real estate listings for acreage properties high on privacy and as far off the beaten track as possible he came across what seemed to be the perfect opportunity.  It was a small acreage, a hobby farm really that had long since given up any semblance of...

3 years ago
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A day with my slave

Introduction: This story is written by my Mistress. She is now only exploring ideas but soon will be using me, her slave, to please her in any way she chooses Mistress is sitting outside in the garden, enjoying the coolness of the afternoon, with a glass of red wine at Her side, Her slave, kneeling humbly before Her wearing only a collar and chain, Mistress enjoys reaching out and caressing Her slave now and then. Mistress rests Her tired feet on alans knees lightly touching Her...

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The Ship the Oasis the Book the Slave

THE SHIP, THE OASIS, THE BOOK, THE SLAVE. By GENEVA Rami, a Barbary Coast corsair and slave dealer, miscalculates when he attempts to take over the business of another dealer whose wife has a magic book. I leaned over the side and watched as the prow of our ship cut its way through the water, shearing the waves, eagerly, almost joyfully it seemed, matching my own mood, now that we were in sight of the buildings of Tunis, finally showing above the horizon. The sails were filled...

3 years ago
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Ashtray Slave

Leah opens the door. "Hi Nikki, thanks for coming over this evening." "Are you kidding Leah, I wouldn't miss this for the world." Nikki kisses Leah and they walk back into the living room where Gilbert is sitting. Naked with his wrists and ankles bound together, holding a large glass ashtray in his hands. "Nikki, this is my ashtray slave. Slave, this is my friend Nikki. I've invited her over to help me torment you tonight." Gilbert looks up at them. "Pleased to meet you, Mistress...

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The Pocono Master and his slave

The summer before last I bumped into a Dom at who lives in the Poconos - about an hour's drive North of where I live - who has a very private, secluded cabin in the woods and who said he 'owned' a slave and that he needed assistance in training. This slave was a good looking older guy with a great body. He was completely shaved and smooth. The Dom I think had exhausted himself trying to keep up with the desires of this slave and was looking for help in meeting the slave’s...

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Persian Slave

Persian SlaveA work of fantasy by Wolf Ferret ([email protected])Set in ancient Persia about 500BC. Darya was bored. She was 19 and had lived in a harem all her life. But her father had been a very rich man. His harem had 3 wives and 4 concubines plus all the attending slave girls and many daughters. There had always been plenty of playmates and women to share the gossip.Now she was married to Baron Firuz.  He was 20 years older than Darya and she was his only wife. He also had only 3...

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Barefoot Slave

When I saw the man walking towards me, my dick started to twitch. Even fromhalf a block away, he was sexy. As he got closer, his dick hardened more.The man was medium height, wearing boots, jeans and t-shirt. He was theperfect looking Daddy, with barrel chest and beer belly. He was rugged,with a big bushy mustache.The man saw my gaze and stared at me intently. I started to blush, butdidn't look away. The man came up to him and put out a big hand."Hey fella, noticed you looking at me. You're a...

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My Masters Suck Slave

My Master's Suck Slavei felt butterflies in my tummy on the night of my debut as my Master’s suck slave. When my Master & i arrived at the place of festivities, i thought my knees would fold from the heady mix of excitement, nervousness and the urgent need to please my Master, and the dread of being exhibited and made to perform for this crowd of dominant strangers, friends and acquaintances of my Master. i felt a raw, hot red blush spread all over my skin?.too much excitement?.too much...

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A day with my slave

Oh dear excuse Mistress a moment, help Her up, it seems Mistress has guests, please wait here as Mistress goes to see who is at the door. What a surprise, My pet, two of Mistress lady friends, Anne and Sally, have arrived – go and get some more wine and glasses, please My pet. Mistress’s friends look on in astonishment as Her sexy slave gets up from his kneeling position and obediently goes inside to do as told. Oh My pet, the questions, the curiosity. Mistress laughingly and with great...

4 years ago
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Lunch for my slave

Lunch for my slaveI had ordered my slave to meet me for lunch at a fast food restaurant. Now I personally don’t eat that muck, but it’s certainly most suitable for my slave. It was quite a cold day so I was well wrapped up in my long fur coat, leather gloves and high, stiletto shoes. I had instructed my slave to wear only shorts and a tee shirt, and to sit at a table outside to await my arrival. Naturally, I kept the slave waiting for some time; waiting for its owner increases the slave’s...

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The Undercover Slave

WESTHILL, ABERDEENSHIRE OUTSKIRTS OF ABERDEEN, SCOTLAND 1 MAY 2010The city of Aberdeen was one of the largest cities in Scotland, and the large community on the coast of the North Sea had a long and rich tradition of performing arts, something that translated to make the 2010 Aberdeen Renaissance Faire one of the greatest cultural expos in Scotland for the year. Thousands of volunteers from across the United Kingdom had helped effectively build from the bottom-up a recreation of a...

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Anabella slave

I am Anabella and this is my first day as the owned slave of my Master Sir Michael.I flew over yesterday from Paris to enter into slavery.It was a difficult and scary decision, to leave my country, but now I am here,with my Master.He picked me up at the airport, and I knew immediately that I took the right decision, that I am at the right place, when I saw Him waiting for me and smiling at me.He gave me a kiss on my forehead and said: welcome my slave!Of course I felt a bit fear, but He gently...

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Angel My Slave

Angel My SlavePROLOGUEI met my slave Angel on the net and we shared Master and slave fantasies for along while before we finally met in person, she is beautiful and with a very sexy body. 5 ft. 9 in., 125 lb., 36C-24-36, long blonde hair with just a hint of red and soft green eyes. When we met for the first time, I seduced her immediately turning her into my obedient sex slave over night, using her tall slender body as I wished and as often as I wanted for what ever pleased me.Angel was the...

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Introduction: I am a slave who is owned in every way by Master. His pleasure is my only aim. He does to me whatever he chooses! Slave. Part one. 1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than...

2 years ago
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Good Slave

foreword:this is not mine i did not type it. just spreading it for the rightful owners. Introduction: I am a slave who is owned in every way by Master. His pleasure is my only aim. He does to me whatever he chooses! Slave. Part one. 1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a...

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  Slave1. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for...

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Chronicles of a slave

Chronicles ??????????????? -1-Fantoura, Monday February 3rd, 1997. 1:14 AM.Hello diary! This is pam writing to you. it likes to call itself "slave slut filthy piece of shit; pam" and it doesn't like to use the first pronoun when referring to itself. it simply uses "it" because this is how a slave should refer to itself and pam is a slave deep inside. it is writing this on its PC while sitting on a bottle in a very painful and humiliating position. it is stark naked although it is...

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A Girl Named Slave

Disclaimer: This story is my intellectual property, and should be treated as such, do not plagiarize, or post without permission. If it is not legal to view writings that are sexually explicit and may have themes of bondage, feminization and other 'deviant' sexual experiences: don't read this. Don't read it, if it is not legal to do so where you live. Going any further is of your own free will, and responsibility is solely on yourself. Any similarity to real people or events is highly...

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Rubberized shit slave

The rain was pounding down, soaking Dan to the skin as he trudged along the side of the road The rain was pounding down, soaking Dan to the skin as he trudged along the side of the road.? It had been almost an hour since he had left his car in a twisted heap wrapped around a large oak tree.? With the weather having turned so nasty and him not being familiar with the back roads in his new community, he had barely had time to react when his car started to skid off of the road.? He was...

2 years ago
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My owned slave

My owned slave My owned slave   Sir I would like to apply to be the slavegirl you require for your next story to be read by everyone online. My name is Rowena and some of my stories are on this site for you to read and find out about me and the things I like. I love public humiliation, abject slavery, bondage and pain. Please tell me Sir what you demand of ne and if you would consider this slut. Personal Details I am 32 female single and bi-sexual. I am fair skinned with light blue...

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Introduction: In a future society where slavery is accepted, Adam1992 is bred and born a slave. This story is about Adams first six months after being purchased for the first time. SLAVE Alan Goodman had never considered himself to be a cruel man. He never thought hed be a slave owner, didnt really like the idea, not until he saw Adam. Alans good friend Matt had dragged him along to a special slave sale. It was special because it was only the crè,me de la crè,me of slaves, those...

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my sisters my slave

"Mom! That's not fair!" Robbie protested. "I told you that if you forgot to take out the garbage for pickup one more time that you'd be grounded for a week. Well, you forgot. What will we do until next week?" "But Mom, Dani was supposed to wake me," he protested. "She deliberately didn't wake me up." "Oh, right, asshole," sneered Robbie's sister, Dani. "Dani, I've told you about your language," Ellen admonished her daughter. "Robbie, you're still grounded and...

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Complete Submission How Annabelle became a sex slave

Complete Submission: How Annabelle became a sex slave This story is completely fictional. It is a fantasy, not a reality. Chapter 1: First Meeting        My name is annabelle, although my Master calls me ‘slave’ or ‘slut’ most of the time. This is the story of how i came to serve my Master, and how He has trained me to be the nympho-sex slave that i am now. Master says that when referring to myself i am only allowed to use lowercase letters, or call myself by my given titles like slave, slut...

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The Queen and the Slave

The man had shown such promise when he’d been captured during the siege of Garanelle far to the south. When she finally led her warrior maidens to her enemy’s throne room, this man had stood defiantly at the head of the old king’s bodyguards. He was tall and bare-chested, his sun-kissed skin glistening with the heat and sweat of battle. He crouched in a defensive pose, two short swords held ready before him. Ten other men stood by him, glancing nervously at each other and looking almost like...

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Swashbucklers Slave

Swashbuckler?s Slave Swashbuckler?s SlaveBy Tyjord  She stood on the small deck protruding out over the bow of her ship, watching as flames engulfed the second vessel. Screams could be heard despite the distance between the two large sailing ships.? A smile of contentment appeared on her face as she saw the flames engulf the mass of the other ship, and the charred remains of their Jolly Roger float away on a gust of wind. The remainder of her crew, those unlucky enough to stay behind...

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My sex slave

For the past month I had enjoyed a lot of success at my new job. Within a two week period I had landed two new clients, the new multi-million dollar contacts they signed gained me a promotion. The big executives in the company were singing high praises about me. The following week I had to report to a new floor and work with a new set of team members. I was teamed up with this African American female named Tracy she was in her late 20’s and had the body of a goddess. She stood around 5’7 145,...

4 years ago
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the Dom and the slave

The Dom le d the slave through the streets with a wrist lead on her. She was made to wear a strapless dress with no underwear beneath it. the Dom made her sit on a wall with her legs slightly apart, so all passers by could see her hair covered pussy. Several passers by took the time to ensure they got a very good view, both men and women. The slave found this totally humiliating, but it was only the beginning .After what felt like hours the Dom made her move and once again led her by her wrist...

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The Rakshasas Heart 1 Rakshasas New Slave

Chapter One: Rakshasa's New Slave By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Princess Malakisha – Ankush, The Queendom of Naith The Arena exploded with cheers, the peasants and lowborn humans rising in the stands, screaming their bloodlust as the new fighters entered the white sands. I leaned forward in my seat in the royal box, a palpable excitement shooting through my heart as the gladiators marched towards the center. “Oh, you are going to love this match, dear cousin,” Kushini purred, her...

1 year ago
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THE MAKING OF A SLAVE I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned,...

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Twist of Fate the Life of a Slave

(A tale set before the events of "Twist of Fate") Jabba the Hutt's grand sail barge, the Khetanna, slowly sailed across the western Dune Sea of Tatooine on its way to Mos Espa where the hutt and his entourage were to attend the annual "Tatooine Classic" pod racing event. It was the biggest race of the season and would attract denizens from all over the planet as well as many visiting offworlders eager to witness the exciting sport and wager on its outcome. Along for the trip, Leia...

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I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned, well just the idea...

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I stood in front of the Greyhound bus station and watched herwalk away. In the three years since I turned 18 I have tried fourtimes to get sexually involved with a woman I was dating. Sylvia wasthe fourth to spend a week with me making love. She was also thefourth one to tell me I was a lousy fuck. I tried to accommodate them and do what they wanted, butwhenever I tried to 'eat pussy', I just gagged and choked on thesmell. As far as fucking was concerned, well just the idea...

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