On Her Own Part 2 free porn video

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In the morning, Anita felt refreshed for the first time in a long time. Looking around, she remembered that she was in the Finn home and was their guest until her situation was settled. She tried hard to think of a reason why they would want her there, but remembering Cat and Ella and their brothers' reactions to her eased her anxiety as none of them seemed to be offended by her presence there. Ella entered to check on her and gave her an outfit to wear. Anita felt weird accepting the outfit, but it was the right size for her and she had to admit that it was cute. When she exited the room, Ella gave her a look-over and suggested that she invest in some falsies until her breasts came in. Blushing deeply, Anita went back inside and grabbed her false breasts and bra, put them on, then exited to a grinning Ella and Cat. Cat was about to crack a joke until Ella casually told Cat, "Yours are a bit on the lopsided side, adjust your right breast." Cat ran off in shame while Ella explained, "She wears a set of falsies to fill out her bra. She isn't as large as she appears and she does have a habit of putting them in wrong. Mom always checks her before school so she doesn't get humiliated by the other girls. They would love nothing more than to take down Cat just to show that they can bully a Finn." Cat came back out and blushed at Anita, who then told Cat, "I use a set of silicone ones that attach to my chest, it's hard to mess them up. Yours are inserts and can be easy to miss if you are in a hurry. I had to redo mine a dozen times when I first wore inserts in school." Cat silently thanked her and let it go, while Ella sported a big grin to her parents. John was too stunned to say anything while Valerie had a big smile over Ella playing the big sister role better than she had in the past. She hadn't done well in the role before, but with Cat in the throes of womanhood Ella was the big sister that Cat needed and was seeing how much she needed her big sister's experience. Logan and Piper ignored Anita change while JD did a double-take. He blushed as he saw her breasts and how she had styled her hair, while Logan gave her a sideways glance only to see if she was alright. Once the meal was eaten and cleaned, with Anita pitching in more than the four kids, Valerie asked what Anita was going to do that day. Anita realized that she had to work to which Piper proclaimed, "She has to work tonight. Are Miles or David available?" Valerie grinned and texted someone, getting several quick replies in response. Piper realized the answer with Valerie then explaining, "The guys would be glad to have a 'guys night out' since you girls so graciously agreed to babysit for them. I'm sure your father will help, the ladies are having their own night out and Savannah wants to stick close to Anita." Piper gulped while Logan added, "We will do it, but try to keep the kids from going overboard- and no sugar!" Valerie had to stifle a laugh while Cat knew best to stop before she ended up babysitting too. She told her mother that Gavin was coming over soon so she needed to get ready, while JD told her that he was going next door to visit Julio for a while. That gave Anita time to listen to what Valerie had planned, the twins didn't need to see the look their mother gave to know they should make themselves scare. John expected Anita to ask who the people Valerie mentioned were so he explained, "Miles is our son and David is our nephew. Both are State Police detectives working with the Attorney General's Office. They will be keeping an eye on you at the club while you perform and will spot anyone who is acting suspicious. The others going are our son Michael and likely the Perez Twins and Ian Bailey, all four of whom need time away from their wives. Ian and the twins are also police officers so will be more than enough backup for Miles and David." Valerie added, "Savannah and her colleagues are going to enjoy a night out at the club, they will be with the guys but also ensuring that you are covered legally. They don't trust the police after what happened to you before and want to ensure you are protected from them. They are strictly there to observe you." She also added, "If they don't make a move at the club, the ones who sent you the pictures and video are likely to try something here. In fact, I think that's the most likely course of action as they try to make us give you up to them or they'd ensure our reputations were destroyed. That's a big mistake, we will have their attempts recorded. On top of that, we have a lot of support as John, my brother-in-law Dan Lopez, Kennedy's husband Willie, and our neighbor James York are police officers so will be glad to take them into custody for attempted extortion and any other crime they commit trying to blackmail you or do to us. I doubt they last too long in jail before they tell just who sent them and why they sent them, so don't say anything if they try anything at either place." Anita went up to her room to relax until it was time to leave, with Cat being the only person to disturb her as the happy teen introduced her boyfriend to Anita. The boy was chunky, medium height, and had a, "Mop top" hairstyle that didn't seem to fit him but he made do with it. Cat was practically cuddling him and dragging him around, with the poor boy scared to say or do anything to upset the Finns. Cat happily told Anita, "I know, he needs a better haircut but his parents won't let him cut it. Mom and dad bought him his clothes and made his parents stop treating him like garbage but he can't cut his hair yet. I'm cutting it for him, I don't care what they say and mom said she'd ensure they stopped if they tried to get back at him for making them look bad in front of Uncle Mark again." Cat then realized her mistaken and admitted, "Uncle Mark is with DCF, he's a social worker. He keeps an eye on Gavin so his parents don't hurt him. He hates them but they haven't done anything that would make him remove Gavin. We all like Gavin, nobody likes his parents." Gavin was too scared to say anything but his eyes were glued to Anita while Cat talked. Cat led him off to his date with scissors while JD simply slipped out to go next door. Valerie had to explain to Anita, "He is a good boy from a bad family. We care about him deeply and Cat is in love with him. He just needs a chance to be himself, he can only be himself around us. We hate that he's to abused emotionally but he keeps it bottled up and doesn't say anything to Mark. Mark has told Gavin that he'd be glad to house him if his parents ever abused him. They haven't stepped over the line and I doubt they will, not with Mark hovering nearby and eyes on them all of the time." Gavin lightened up when the two reached the house behind them, Valerie pointed out Willow Reagan and her family and how Gavin was in safe hands at that house as the girls knew not to push the boys too far. He watched as another boy followed JD into the house, with Valerie adding, "That's Julio. His father is one of the people I mentioned as being officers. He's Willow's boyfriend alongside being JD's best friend. The four have been close since they met, Gavin didn't join them until this past year but has been a classmate the whole time. He's a good fit with them, even if he's afraid of us." Willow gave Julio a quick kiss before heading inside, with a woman nodding to Valerie as the group closed the door. She added a quick, "Willow's mother Lindsay will have them all day, they have a lot of work to do before Monday and won't be able to get out of it. The boys know the rules around her so the three won't break them, but Willow and Cat push things. She's only allowed over there today because I thought it best to have her away so she didn't try to overdo helping you adjust to staying here." Anita went up to her room and rested again, this time working through some of her anxiety and fears by writing lyrics and using her small keyboard to write small musical pieces. It was a great way to lose her troubles as she spent a few hours alone in her room and not even noticing the quiet Valerie bringing up a tray with her lunch on it but eating it when she noticed it sitting on the table. She used her time wisely as she had the basics of a whole song planned out and written, with much of the song stemming from her struggles the past week. Valerie listened to her subtle humming and soft singing and even finger tapping, fighting a warm smile as Anita was in the zone and was working hard without knowing it. Some of the subtle bits of singing was clever and cute, something you could put into a pop song and have a hit from. She was going to say something but John backed her away, Anita needed the time alone to work on her own. Valerie did tell him, "She'd be good with Tabby and Trinity. I think the trio should work together in the morning, Trinity could use the time to get out some pent-up frustrations from school. She doesn't have to say anything to you but you know darn well those kids are being terrible to her. They won't dare to do anything in your presence, but outside of class she's fair game for their jealousy and anger." Anita finally came out of her zone and realized she needed to start getting ready for work. Valerie came in and told her that she was getting a ride in from her son Miles and would be ready just in case there was trouble at the club. Anita sighed and countered, "I don't want anyone to get in trouble because of my issues. He doesn't need to go, I can handle myself." Valerie grinned and shot back, "He won't let you go alone and he has more support than I can get legally. He and David are the best at their jobs, David is better with people but Miles can follow a money trail back to the right place and the right people. He will find exactly who paid them and make them tell us everything about everyone from the day they were born- all with just a computer accounting program." Downstairs, Anita was greeted by two men who looked like they were average people yet hid some sort of secret. Valerie introduced Miles and David then saw the two complaining about their wives being in a bad mood because of the two working while enjoying a nightclub. Valerie laughed, to which John had to needle them with, "And you can't drink, either. You poor guys get to do what others would pay to do." Miles led her out to his car, with David immediately spotting three people eyeing them from each side of the street. Miles caught his look and whispered to her, "They have eyes on you. They will follow us to the club and watch you. They are taking pictures of the three of us, so expect them to try to go after you as soon as you return here. Mom and dad will get them to talk themselves into a corner. Expect to have them bug you once we leave, but we aren't going far. We know where the cameras are and mom and dad will ensure they stupidly stand in front of them and record every threat against you." The drive to Boston and the club saw them spotting a car trying hard not to be noticed by them but was comically bad at it. David mused, "They are amateurs, they must be new to the game." Miles shot back a funny, "We must have gone through the better ones over the years" causing David to laugh loudly. At the club, Anita talked with the owner and explained that she was going to stop living a lie and be the woman she was supposed to be born as. She listened to her and explained to Anita, "I've been in this business long enough to have seen a dozen girls go the same route. It's been getting clearer that you are more than just a guy pretending to be a girl, you live the role even when not performing. You have a job here for as long as you want it, but I don't think you will be around much longer with your talent." Anita went to her dressing room and changed, with Miles and David finding places to watch the action and the club. They were joined by Kennedy and Savannah, then by Savannah's colleagues Ricardo and Cameron. The four were essentially the legal arm of the family, with Kennedy only going because she was all but dragged out by Savannah so she could enjoy a night away from the family. The night went slowly for the group as the performances weren't the best and the men who performed were trying too hard to show that they were in drag and not even trying to act feminine. Miles was a bit put-off by their performances, with David barely paying attention as after the first act he couldn't put up with the exaggerated dancing. He preferred lip syncing to actually be in-sync, theirs wasn't at all. The ones who were good were longtime performers and older than Anita. They danced and "sang" but were more fun than anything. He liked their acts, even if they weren't as good as Anita's. When Anita finally hit the stage, David and Miles watched as the men discretely recorded her perform. It was obvious to them, but to anyone else it looked like they were checking their phones or paying for a drink. The two recorded them while Kennedy and Savannah discretely walked around and listened to them discuss Anita and how they would get her later, giving them exactly what they needed from them. Anita was the last show of the night and the one that brought the house down. Her voice was loud and it was her usual feminine register, she was singing with a lot more pride and looked to be genuinely in a good mood as her ballads and pop songs hit their chords with the audience. To those who knew her, it was clear that Anita was feeling like a whole other person and performing her best set ever. After an impromptu encore at the audience's demand, Anita changed and left with the duo. Again they were followed, but this time their followers had followers as the two had colleagues tail the men all the way back to the Finn home. Miles and David made their exits, with Anita hugging the still-awake Cat goodnight and kissing JD's cheek causing the boy to blush deeply and run off in embarrassment. John calmed Valerie while texting several others, with Valerie quietly telling him, "Savannah thinks she has a bead on who these guys are. Cameron has a couple of sources who made inquiries about Anita and got a hit on folks trying to hire some discrete investigators. They aren't licensed, they are just three wannabes who are really just muscle. There's more to it than we realize, it might be due to last week." John nodded, the drug case that Anita was blamed for was in play and someone was trying to pin it on her again. He asked, "Do you have the school paying or are people there trying to get her to drop her suit against them?" Valerie smiled, he just connected them and it got more complicated and costly to BSM. Cat was told to go to sleep, with Logan and Piper forcing her to stay away or she'd be punished. Logan being the one she feared the most caused her to back down and beg him to not let Anita get hurt, with Logan assuring her, "She won't be. Dad has Miles and David close and Uncle Dan is watching closely." Piper ensured she was asleep then kissed Logan goodnight before going to bed herself. Logan didn't try to sleep, with John and Valerie knowing he'd be downstairs no matter what just to keep them safe. It was a futile effort to keep him away from protecting them, even if he was outnumbered 3 to 1. The family waited patiently and 20 minutes after what seemed like they had gone to bed a loud banging sound came from the front door. Valerie got up to answer it and was pushed aside by the three men and told to sit down and shut up or they'd get hurt by the trio. The men were already in trouble, they were about to hang themselves now that they had crossed the line into assault and criminal threats. The leader of the group angrily told them, "We will say this once and only once: give us the little gay freak or we will ensure your lives are ruined." Valerie put on her lawyer hat and asked, "And on what basis are you going to destroy our lives? Our reputations are solid in this city and you will have to do a lot of lying and buying people to even get one person to believe whatever lies you concoct against us." The leader ignored her and reiterated his threat, John simply shot back, "Not going to happen." He was about to be struck but Valerie shot back a toothy, "Try as you might, we aren't giving up the person who you are seeking. That person is living here and under our family's protection and any attempt to remove that person will be fought legally by our lawyers. I doubt your backers have the money that we have." She reeled them in and was told, "We have millions backing us. Our boss owns the main supermarkets in the region. His friends own hundreds of buildings including half of your city." John laughed hard while Valerie happily shot back, "My son has more money than all of them combined and my husband is one of the richest men in this state. Simply say 'John Finn' and if they don't run for the hills their arrogance is beyond reality. My son and daughter are worth $300 million each, while my husband has over $1.2 billion total. Even my twins are worth $125 million- all legal and known." She then happily told them, "You are here illegally as you barged into my house and pushed me aside. This meeting has been recorded and all actions will be held accountable in a court of law. I will be pressing charges of trespassing and assault on the three of you. As for the person known as Andrew Woods, that person is not leaving as that person has no idea who you are or why you are seeking that person. As you have admitted to being here on behalf of multiple people, we will investigate your role and pursue charges against your backers. I wouldn't try to leave, you were witnessed by five officers of the law as well as my own husband. You seriously have no idea who you were trying to threaten." John smirked, showed his badge, then directed David and Miles to investigate the DiMateo and Flores families for fraud, extortion, and criminal threats. They are a missing link to the BSM drug case, both of the families have children who attend school and who are friends with Blake Reynolds- Anita's former roommate. The duo and three colleagues dragged the three outside to three awaiting cruisers with all three of the men realizing they were going to be screwed as soon as the two families got wind of their arrest and their failed attempt to get at Anita. John directed Logan upstairs to go to bed, with Valerie doing the same to him. She hugged and kissed Miles and David, with the two being told that their wives weren't mad at them as they believed. Miles knew the truth, they were putting on a show to make sure they worked and didn't enjoy their night. In bed, John joked, "Cat slept through the whole thing, JD didn't try to act mature, and Ella didn't bother to ask to help. I hate that they are used to this drama, our children are just too mature. I love them, but I don't want them to grow up to expect someone to always be in trouble." Valerie countered, "They know to leave things to us. I can guarantee that Cat will want answers and JD will be angry that he couldn't say something. Logan is the one I'm worried about, but he is so much like you that we don't need to worry about him so much anymore. He has Piper to temper him but he acts too upset too often that I think he is growing to be a nervous wreck." John smiled and happily told her, "He's me at the same age, alright. He's more mature than I was and is in love with a young woman who completes him. He is fine, he just needs someone to keep him from going overboard and needs guidance to keep him on track. He's what I was after meeting you, I loved you in the same way but could never tell you that I loved you." Over in Kensington at the Kensington Beach State Police Barracks, Miles and David sat the men down and explained to them the list of charges that were filed against them and how much time they were in for when they were convicted. Neither had to say it, but the trio knew they were facing serious time and were caught red-handed. There was no way out of the charges, and with their backers ready to cut them loose there was no way of getting any outside help. Each was taken to different rooms and interviewed by Miles and David separately. It took just minutes for the trio to crack, with all three explaining what they were supposed to do, when they were supposed to do it, and how much they were paid for dong the deed. They were simply doing a job, nothing more. The whole group was sent to Boston to check on Anita and gather whatever evidence they could to get her away from the Finns and her school. That all fell apart when she was freed by Valerie Finn, who not only made their backers get into serious financial trouble but also cost them their jobs at BSM as they were found to be skimming the books and causing it to go bankrupt. Anita was the one person at the school who had a legitimate shot at stardom without a lot of help, she was targeted as she was the one who didn't actually need the school and made everyone else look bad by comparison. The arrest was a major blow as Blake Reynolds was the illegitimate son of their main backer, with his friends each getting caught up in Blake's drug and prostitution ring and causing their parents to have to bribe the school to keep them in despite blatantly breaking the rules. Anita was supposed to be the new scapegoat, but Valerie being involved caused them to get exposed and when they expelled her from the dorms and all but expelled her from school Valerie made them pay. She was bankrupting the school and causing auditors to locate the hidden money, with the state now going after those who were responsible for the thefts heavily and with extreme prejudice while BSM desperately tried to distance themselves from anyone involved in the thefts. That was the start of things, their backers had them contact her parents out in Hollywood and tell them about Anita's actions and who she was staying with, which caused them to demand that they try to get as much information on her daily life as possible so they could find a way of exploiting it to get her to do what they wanted her to do. When she was hired at the club they had their way of getting at her, with it looking like it was the school doing it instead of them allowing them to cover their own tracks. They were to get as much video and still images as possible and slowly leak it to the press for them to harass her and lead Anita to having to flee to LA and into their arms while BSM got slammed hard. It wasn't as clean-cut as they thought, when she was diagnosed as transgender their attempts were now far into the criminal realm and would be treated as such. David and Miles reiterated how they had not only violated her civil rights, but were looking at possible federal charges if the FBI chose to join them and investigate the case federally. That was what got the trio to hand over every bit of correspondence and money information that they had, with the trio not even trying to lie to them in any way as they knew that their backers wouldn't help them anymore and retaliate against them by any means available. When they finished, the duo had enough to go after the families as well as the school and bring about the end of BSM and the Woods family. Anita would need protection, but she had the Stoners close to her and with Logan and his cousins they had all the backup you could get. That was in addition to being at the Finn home, which was the one place the legitimate media refused to go to get a story. Anita was quietly asleep in her room until Cat entered and hugged her tightly. She slept with her arms around Anita with neither moving until Ella prodded the two to wake up for breakfast. Anita was about to say something, but Ella explained, "She does that when she's scared. She's been doing it since she was a baby. She used to do it to Jaimie and to me but hasn't done it in a while. It means she cares about you and wants you close by. Don't say anything about it, mom and dad know and are fine with it." All of them ate quickly and cleaned the mess then awaited instructions on what to do that day. Tabby and the girls came by and told them that they were going to visit a house nearby. That caused Cat to giggle while Ella shot back, "The twins better be out, she doesn't need their attention-seeking!" Tabby countered, "They are out with friends for the day. It's just Trinity, she didn't want to go out with them. Her girlfriend is being forced to take time off from her because the girls are making fun of them as a couple. She thinks her girlfriend is going to breakup soon." Ella grew angry but was told by John, "It's being taken care of. The main perpetrators are already going to be expelled for bullying, with your uncle having a long talk with their parents about the laws. Their so-called friends are getting long suspensions and the ones egging them on but smart enough to not directly take action are getting serious detentions." Anita kept silent but John casually told her, "They chose the wrong girl to go after, her grandfather is the one person who can ruin the lives of anyone in this city without a second thought and do so legally. He is outraged and is taking his own action. The kids' parents lost their jobs, and will soon lose their home because of their own actions in addition to their kids' actions. Don't feel bad, they did it to themselves." The girls led Anita a block over and were met by a nearly 16-year-old girl with long blonde hair, small breasts, and a big smile. She grabbed Anita into a big hug and led her inside, with the foursome quietly following close behind and trying hard not to laugh at the girl's antics. She finally sat Anita down told Anita that her name was Trinity Eliza, Tabby's writing partner. Anita was looked over closely then told, "You need new breastforms, those are too small. Your body is a bit too large for them and your clothes too baggy. I heard that you have to work but you are due a lot of money from your family soon." Anita was stunned, Trinity happily added, "I know breastforms when I see them! I had to wear to them for a long time because my boobs didn't come in full until last year. Mom and momma wouldn't let me get implants and my doctor wouldn't put me on a higher dose of hormones so I needed breastforms." Anita was struggling to process the information. Trinity grinned and admitted, "Hello- I'm transgender too! You don't just take full hormones right away, my birth parents were late bloomers as mom called it so I was going to be small for a while. The girls in school are jerks about my boobs but most of them are smaller than me and using bigger breastforms but of a low quality! Theirs are foam and cloth!" Tabby told her what Anita does in school and what she can do on stage. Trinity nodded and brought the two over to her keyboard and played several chords that she thought would fit Tabby's lyrics, with the two listening but not finding the right piece that fit. Anita started thinking and told her to play faster and louder, while directing Tabby to the right page of lyrics with the two girls grinning in agreement. Anita was on a roll and when she added her own take on how the song should be sung the trio were in perfect harmony. They had the right lyrics, the right music, and with some coaxing they had Anita to sing the song. The trio watched and listened, Anita was bringing the song to life and doing so in a way that all of them felt was the perfect way to express the song. They spent hours working on the song, Tabby was in tears, her assignment was better than anything she had hoped to achieve and was weeks ahead of where she should have been. Trinity was glad to be able to perform without the pressure of becoming a professional, while Anita started to get more and more confidence in her abilities to perform as herself and be the greatest possible performer. They played on one another and created a great team that brought out the best in each other. The trio listened to Tabby, Anita, and Trinity work and weren't shy to let their boyfriends and those who were checking in on the girls know that they had found what they needed in one another and it would be tough to separate them when they were on a roll. Trinity's parents were pleased to hear that she had such an impact on Anita already, while Logan simply told them not to push things. Sydney offered the best words of advice, telling them that they were meant to be together and work with one another. The girls were forced to stop for lunch, with Trinity introducing Anita to her parents with a big smile. It wasn't caught by Anita but the two Elizas sat her down and insisted that she stop being anxious as she was around people who understood her more than anyone else. Trinity happily added, "We are the most understanding, only mom and Bailey aren't transgender." Anita tried to look away in shame but Alison Eliza explained, "Katie transitioned her junior year of high school, Trinity transitioned in kindergarten, and Hunter came out three years ago. Trinity was adopted by us, but the twins are our children through normal means. She saved her semen in case she met a girl who wanted to have her children, the fact that Hunter is transgender too is a twist of fate." Katie was about to ask something but Melinda shot out a quick, "Granny Gina has already talked with her and Aunt Savannah is working with her about any legal issues. Aunt Valerie is the lead, she kept you out of the loop because of the twins' schoolwork. And Granny Martha is keeping an eye on what is happening legally and is ready to talk with the judges out in California if need be." Alison had to explain to Anita, "Katie is a lawyer and I'm a psychiatrist, like Gina Allen. She is whom I would have referred you to if you weren't already in her care. You might be the first who hasn't had me give an initial exam to, but then again you are staying with the girls so it was easier to have her do it." Katie asked the girls, "What went on last night and don't try to lie, I know something happened because I had a text from Valerie telling me to not ask about it until this afternoon." Piper looked at the others and told her timidly, "Some men were trying to extort Anita. It may be people who work for BSM or it may be her old roommate's family or it may be her own family. She inherited a lot of money and BSM is in deep trouble for expelling her without reason because of her former roommate's crimes." Katie was about to ask more but Anita showed the texts and video that were sent to her prompting the whole chain of events. Katie watched and laughed, with Alison adding, "No wonder they wanted her out, she breaks the mold for what it is to be a BSM student. There's no way in hell Trinity is going there, that is if she chooses to go into music." Trinity grinned and shot back a happy, "I want to be a doctor like you, mom. I don't want to do what the people have to do to keep on top. Uncle Ira told me horror stories of what some do to make it. He was even going to ensure that I got a good shot if I went into music, one only the best actually get." Anita wasn't sure what to say, Trinity happily added, "You know him as DJ Ink. He has known me since I was born and went to school with my birth parents. He is huge in the music business, but he likes to be a big uncle to me since mom and dad were so close to him. I think he's my real uncle but won't say. Mom looked a lot like him and dad kept calling him 'bro' making it tough to not see the truth." Trinity gave her mothers a look of "I know the truth" which the two added, "You are. He's your mom's half-brother. He loves you deeply and only let us take you in because he learned everything about us. It was kept from you so you didn't think we stole you from him. He was going to tell you when you came of age but you are your mother's daughter- you figured it out already." Anita wanted to cry over the whole scene unfolding in front of her, it was just so powerful and awe inspiring, even more touching than the scenes that she had experienced at the Finn home the past day. Tabby hugged her tightly and signaled to them that it was fine but best not to dwell on Trinity's major revelation too much. Katie understood where she was coming from and whispered to Alison to move on to something else immediately or Anita may break down completely. The girls sat around the livingroom and talked for a while, with Katie texting Valerie and Alison asking Gina to keep a close eye on Anita as there were a lot of factors going on with her that were more than just her gender issues. Gina texted her back a long list of issues that she had surmised from her talk and what she felt was really going on with her family that had little to do with Anita being feminine. Alison wanted to swear out loud over Anita's family being so horrible but grinned at them being outmatched. Katie surmised what Gina said and added, "She is better than them on all levels and what they are trying to do is pure jealousy by them. She's what they wanted to be but never were- real talent, not pedigree. We have heard about her sister, that had to have been learned behavior that Anita never took to." Alison couldn't argue with her, it still pained her to think that a family would willingly use their child to benefit themselves in that way. They didn't care about Anita, they only cared about themselves. Anita was lucky to have developed her own personality, and would make them regret trying to harm her. The girls left after dinner with the Elizas. They got to meet the twins when they returned, with Hunter hugging Anita as she entered. Trinity whispered to Anita that the youngster had to have heard about her and talked behind their parents' backs, most likely through Gina and Martha watching them. At the Finn home, Anita was asked about her day. She meekly asked, "Just how many people are like me that are friends with you? I mean three transgender people in the same family is unbelievable!" John laughed while Valerie countered, "It is unbelievable, yet it's true. Trinity ended up in their care due to her father dying suddenly but was already transitioning. Katie had only recently joined our family after a long time believing that several of her classmates weren't really her friends but were actually her closest confidants. Then she took Trinity in at Alison's request a couple of weeks later, with Alison all but being forced to join our family after being the kids' psychiatrist for several years prior. They didn't know Trinity's relationship to Katie, but Katie was the one who indirectly caused her father's death. As for Hunter? She is her own person and takes after Katie in personality. It's pure coincidence that she is like her mother in more than just personality. You don't just become transgender, you are born that way. Hunter hid her feelings for two years but when she was in pre-K she confessed that she couldn't live as a boy anymore. Gina took her as a patient and diagnosed her, with another colleague confirming the diagnosis. The fact that all three are transgender is coincidence. It's extremely rare to have mother and daughter diagnosed, but they are." John added, "Bailey takes after Alison but struggled with Hunter's transition and lost a lot of friends she had made since starting daycare. They were withdrawn from their school due to issues with Hunter's transition and to protect Bailey from being bullied or abused by parents. She has only recently started to attend school again, doing so with all of their friends and family close to by. You may have only just accepted that you were a girl, but most know from an early age that they are meant to be girls." Valerie added, "Kennedy will talk with you about this more. We made a mistake in jumping right into assuming that you were transgender. I hate admitting it, but we did. She understands your feelings and I believe that you are doing better than she did at this point. You have the girls to help you, they are a lot more resilient to people trying to force their views on you than anyone else. They had to endure the same issues when they were children, you aren't alone anymore." John added, "We are expecting a call soon from Rick and Jaimie. It's supposed to be a social call, but it's also Jaimie needing to know that you are alright and Rick has an update on your inheritance case. She's in medical school with intent on becoming a psychiatrist, so expect her to observe you but not speak." The call came through and once again the little girl was there. Valerie asked her to go play elsewhere as it was too mature for her ears, but the girl refused to leave her parents' side. John gave the same request but coupled it with a look that made her run off after telling them that she loved them. Once she was out of hearing range, Rick updated them on the case. Anita would inherit her full amount as it was within the confines of the estate that she take everything in full at 18 due to her being, "Clean" legally. Her sister was in deep trouble, she violated her inheritance rules and lost everything to Anita and would have to pay back a hefty $20 million that she had used that wasn't hers. Anita was about to say something, but Rick explained, "She was arrested over a dozen times for drug and alcohol offenses. She has been in and out of rehab since she was 14, and should have been in jail but your parents got the ADA to drop many of the charges against her despite being on probation and under strict drug testing requirements. She forfeited her inheritance to you, it?s the real reason why she has been so horrible to you over the years- she wanted you to retaliate against her so you?d end up being arrested thus default so she could get your half. I put an injunction in that bars either your parents or her from touching the money, and have my bosses on the warpath seeking answers from the state about violating their own mandatory sentencing laws as she should have been in prison a year ago." Anita was again about to say something, but Jaimie added a quick, "Your transition in no way can void your claim to your inheritance. Your grandparents were progressive people who were friends with a few gay and transgender people. Your transition has no right to be used against you in the first place, it goes against state law and if your parents tried to use it they would be destroying their own lives." Valerie added, "They are on thin ice financially. Their last movie bombed badly and they borrowed more money than they actually could get access to. They are bankrupt and looking at losing their homes. I am sure that your harassment by those men was intended to force you to give them everything that you inherited and make you sign over whatever royalties your first song brought you." Rick nodded, with Jaimie adding, "They tried to use friends in the music industry to claim that the score you helped write was actually written with their help and not done solo. The Kaplans showed that they had no contact with you for over a year outside of Christmas night and graduation so have no right to anything you created and as they are neither your manager nor your agent there is no right to claim any money you earn in royalties. And you are due a nice sum from it, you were also given points in the movie gross which will pay you 3% of the gross profits from the movie alongside 20% of gross sales from the movie soundtrack sales. Those are expected to be big, since your song is already a hit." Jaimie had a big smile to which Rick groaned and explained, "Your friends, the Marshalls, found one of your songs in the guest house and turned it into a hit single. This was included in your contract, you are due roughly 20% of the gross of music sales as the songwriter and another 20% as the composer. They would have wanted you to sing it but given your situation with your family it was felt that someone else sing it for you. It's a generous offer and the buzz Francesca Herman told us is that it could be an Oscar winner. It'll likely get nominated so you are getting recognition through that." Anita needed to get up and leave, this was too much. First she is told that she was getting every penny left to her and her sister by her grandparents, now she is making money from a score she co-wrote on the fly with the man who was supposed to write it, and now she has a hit single that wasn't meant to be out there in the first place. She was successful in Hollywood and she hadn't even tried yet! Anita slept through the night and awoke to Cat telling her it was breakfast time. She showered and got dressed, slowly making her way downstairs and seeing the twins and Ella dressed for school and not in the least bit happy to be going to school. Valerie happily told Anita, "They have tests to take, they are in the start of real school work. They are ahead of classmates, but are still prone to complaining." The doorbell rang and Valerie showed Gavin inside, sporting a new haircut that better suited his cute face and showcased his red freckles. Cat was all smiles but he kept far away from her. Anita asked why he was staying away from Cat, Ella explained, "He promised dad he wouldn't act up in the house. Cat doesn't listen but he refuses to kiss or hug her when he's over here." Anita helped finish then hugged Cat and JD goodbye, then kissed Gavin on the cheek causing the boy to blush deeply. Ella giggled at his reaction while Valerie led the trio out to the car. Ella left with John, with John telling Anita that nobody would harass her without a long prison sentence. John wasn't kidding, as over at Winnisimmet District Court the trio of would-be blackmailers were in court for arraignment then saw their backers, who just so happened to be there and not looking the least bit happy, served with restraining orders preventing them from harassing Anita again. Savannah and her colleagues were going for their throats and were told to expect a lawsuit to be filed shortly, followed by an investigation by the state for using their companies for criminal activities. They were about to cause a scene but the entrance of the highly respected Judge Matthews quashed their fury immediately. As expected, the trio pleaded guilty to extortion, assault, trespassing, and criminal threats charges and were held over until sentencing. As they left, they glared at their benefactors who tried to do something but were stopped by court officers as well as David and Miles. Judge Matthews just grinned and let the two do their job while the next defendants were brought into the courtroom. David and Miles led the groups away, with fellow troopers assisting in bringing them to Winnisimmet Police Headquarters to speak with them about their actions and explain the money transfers and how a large amount of money from BSM ended up in their personal accounts as they had no reason to receive any money from the school. They repeated the interviews several times with each family trying to lie as they wore them down and saw a pattern of deception and false filings with the state. It was comical as they each blamed the others then the school for the money but couldn't explain why they even had any sort of money from the school as their roles were simply unpaid members of the board of directors. Blake Reynolds' parents had the worst interviews as Blake was found to be a major link in several big drug busts that were made in the past three months, with his parents being directly connected to money paid to members of several police departments for hiding Blake's connections to drugs in their towns. It was also found that Blake's, "Johns" were frequently members of police departments and ADAs that had connections to cases pending in front of the courts. Blake thought he was going to get off easy with just a slap on the wrist from the courts as he pleaded to drug possession, but the amount he had put inside of Anita's closet and under her bed were enough to bump charges up to trafficking- all but assuring that it was impossible to hide his true activities from the school and courts. Across the Mystic River in Boston, the administration of BSM was called before the state regulators as well as state financial auditors to answer questions about the school's financial solvency after Anita had gotten the right people to look into the school's finances thanks to the attempted extortion. There were a lot of questions about availability of funds, where money had been spent, why, and by who. There were a lot of questions yet nobody in the finance office nor in the administration seemed to know where the missing money went or were willing to admit they didn't know where the school's endowment money had been sent to either. It was exactly as Miles had predicted, they were too fearful of the powerful families to stop them from pillaging the school for their own gain. The families were old-money families who had never once had to work for anything in their lives and lived off of their ancestors' wealth and investments. The truth of it was that they were almost all flat broke and all of the wealth had withered away to just a few stocks and bonds and properties, their real wealth was in their names alone- they held more sway than any other names in all of Boston, except for those named Finn. The families were using the school to fund some of their lifestyles while they got away with false tax write-offs and not paying any income or property taxes to the city and state. They had little property as all of it was either mortgaged to fund their lavish lifestyle or had been donated away to offset what tax they did have to pay. They had found the perfect way of funding their lives, the school was wealthy and had little control over their assets which led to them gutting the school financially. BSM was bankrupt and with the money depleted they would have to beg the state to not force them to close. The state wasn't going to do that, what they would do was force the school to merge with New England School of Music, with NESM taking all assets and expanding their curriculum while BSM and its students were integrated into the NESM students and faculty. The faculty would be paid and NESM had enough money to buy BSM outright, it was in NESM's interest to save BSM and through that the school would gain a huge amount of publicity as saviors of a local institution. Anita was left unaware of what was happening, she and Tabby drove to NESM and announced that she would be starting to transition to female and wanted to invoke the school's protections. Tabby didn't say a word, but her aunt was enough to force the school to accept Anita's transition and enforce all of the state's protection laws or face the wrath of the state. It wasn't necessary, she wasn't the first to transition while at school and wasn't the first celebrity offspring to need special protection from the school. She was asked if she had gotten an official declaration from a counselor, Tabby explained, "Dr. Gina Allen gave her an initial diagnosis and she had an informal interview with Dr. Alison Eliza as well. It will become official in three days when she has her second appointment with Dr. Allen but so far she has support from both doctors. Our aunt and her colleagues are sorting out her legal situation today." Anita was given instructions to obtain a new ID with her new name once it was chosen, then told that her instructors would be told about her change of gender the next day. Tabby was sent along to class as Anita talked with the school's legal counsel to ensure that everything was in order and that she wasn't in any sort of legal trouble for her gender change. It was a quick interview and once she mentioned that she had been talking with Valerie and Katie things were smoothed over without any further talk. After class, Tabby and she talked with Tabby's songwriting adviser about the song they had written the day before. It was gone over and the notations made by Trinity asked about, with Tabby telling him, "It was Trinity Eliza's music. She had a piece that fit perfectly with the lyrics while Anita helped improve the timing and emphasis then added the vocals. It's still a rough draft but we like what we have so far." She played the song for the man who immediately smiled and called someone on the phone. When he listened to the track the man was practically begging him to introduce the songwriters to him. The girls were unsure how to feel about the situation, it was just meant to be a project and nothing more! The man showed up at the school an hour later and was introduced to the girls as Pierre Dupree, one of the top producers in the music industry and a longtime friend of Tabby's adviser. Pierre asked to listen to the song again and started asking questions about it, with both girls trying hard to make sense of the situation. Tabby was more involved than Anita but when it came to the vocals Anita showed that she was more than just a voice and could articulate her feelings and thoughts to him more than anyone else. It was a first for Anita, someone actually understood her thought process and made what she wanted to say come out and make sense. Pierre was a good judge of character and he could see a diamond in the rough, Anita was far more advanced than most but needed guidance. Pierre had himself a new singer that would make it big if she had a catch- something that was new and different than other pop singers. Pierre started talking with the girls and immediately got the idea of just how talented the girls were and how much they could do if they had the right people helping them. When they told him that they were a trio he asked about Trinity and immediately saw an issue. Tabby just grinned and explained to him, "She is not going into music. She loves it but her heart is on medicine. She wants to be a doctor." Tabby then added, "She has been in the music business before, her parents were musicians and knew a few major players in the business. Her mother wrote several songs for DJ Ink and a few others and her father played the acoustic music on his albums. He would have gotten her involved in music earlier but she chose to be normal and focus on getting into a good college." Pierre was practically giddy over the namedrop. He thought for a few minutes then immediately blurted out, "Palmer, Judith and Terry Palmer. They died seven years ago, leaving a kid behind." Tabby nodded, adding, "Trinity. She was adopted into a good family but has stayed away from music. It was only because of DJ Ink that she has any interest in it, she's great but won't perform for anyone." He wanted to know more but had to let them go as it was getting late and Anita had work to do. Pierre had a strong interest in Anita for some reason, she was more than just a singer to him. It was odd to him as he had been around hundreds of women yet she was the one who stuck out the most to him. When the duo left, the adviser explained Anita to Pierre, "She's a new student and is transitioning from male to female. She is the daughter of Marin and Sondra Woods, but you knew her as Andrew. She was the scrawny, meek boy who helped tweak your song so it fit into the movie it was written for- the same song that is projected to be a big hit. That same person also co-wrote the score and wrote the other song from the movie that is already a big hit. She has talent beyond belief and is only just now scraping the surface of her talent. With training, she can be a huge success." Pierre started to think about what could be done and smiled as she was going to be a huge star if only she could focus on music and refine her act. He needed to talk to her, but the adviser warned him, "She is staying with a family who will rip you to shreds if you think you can exploit her. Don't do it. Those two are the most powerful people in all of the Boston area and will destroy your career, bankrupting you and your label, then forcing you to give up all rights to your music as compensation. They protect those in their care and Anita is in their care." He laughed and joked, "You make it sound like she's staying with those Finns that people are scared of." He received and immediate, "That's exactly who I'm talking about. And yes, they are that powerful. He is a billionaire and she is not afraid to rip you to shreds in court. There are dozens in prison for trying to harm their family members, including Tabby Stoner's own father, uncles, and grandparents. Don't try to exploit her, it won't be pretty and you won't survive. DJ Ink is about the only one who could possibly get Valerie Finn to listen to any offers, and he would side with her without a second thought." Pierre thought of this as a challenge, but a timely call from DJ Ink broke his thinking. He was quick and told Pierre, "My niece's friend told me about you having an interest in her song. Don't even think about your usual tricks, her mother will make you pay. And if you even think you can pull one over on Tabby Stoner or Anita Woods, you are invoking the wrath of Savannah Stoner and her law firm. I've dealt with the trio before and they are ruthless and will protect Tabby from you. Same goes for Anita, Valerie Finn is the one lawyer you never want to be up against and has no remorse in tearing you apart in court for hurting her client. Don't do it. Don?t even try. You?ll lose too much for too little." Pierre asked if it was that serious, DJ Ink countered, "These are lawyers who have dealt with people who are way above your pay grade. They have brought down several companies for fraud, have bankrupted dozens of people who had total wealth in excess of $2 billion, and damaged several major government agencies. It's you who will end on the wrong end of a lawsuit and you will lose badly." Pierre wasn't deterred, to which DJ Ink added, "She's not on the market so don't try to seduce her. If you do, you will regret it. She has protection from you, and they won't be afraid to stop you. It'd be the end of your career in the industry, no publisher would take on your projects anymore." With that warning out of the way, DJ Ink explained, "Work with them. Get to know them. They have a lot of talent but need someone who isn't going to use them to help them where the school can't. You'll get your money from the song, but it may not be Anita who sings it. She isn't ready yet to be out in the open, she is only just starting to transition and you above all else should know that it's damn near impossible to be yourself in this industry." Pierre understood all too well, he lost his best friend due to her being unable to be the girl she needed to be when they were in college. Her family was rich and powerful, and threatened her life if she kept up her, "Plea for attention" as they called her transition. She took her own life instead of giving in, causing Pierre to lose himself in the world of music and only see dollar signs and music instead of the person. Anita was bringing up old memories, ones that he couldn't fight and that he had tried to suppress. He excused himself and walked home, telling himself that she wasn't like his friend and he couldn't do anything for her if she didn't want to. It was hitting him hard, Anita was exactly like his friend and the more he thought about her the more he felt he had to help her be who she needed to be and keep the vultures away from her. At the Finn home, Tabby explained what happened to Valerie who immediately did an online search for, "Pierre Dupree" to see if he actually was whom he claimed to be. The returns were lukewarm, he was a highly touted music producer but he had a style that didn't match what Anita was going for. Pierre was mainly into rock and country music acts, he only produced a couple of pop songs and never for women. Valerie dug deeper and found out why he never worked with women- he had a nasty encounter with the family of his close friend five years before while in college as they blamed him for their son's death. It was further complicated as it was revealed that their son was transgender and committed suicide due to the family threatening his life, with the family losing half of their fortune as their company was sold out from under them due to a corporate takeover. She remembered it all now, she was the one who led the charge to buy the company and keep it afloat before the family destroyed it due to their actions. Anita wasn't sure how to react, Valerie realized what was really going on with Pierre and explained to her, "He's interested in you for your musical ability. He's extremely talented, but inside he is still hurt by his friend killing herself. You never fully recover from that, no matter how hard you try. I think he is trying to help you but doesn't know how to do so without reverting to the apathetic producer who only sees dollar signs in you. He is apathetic to the industry for a reason, you might end up changing him for the better. Give him a chance, he may need you to help him move on." Anita was upset at hearing that, but Valerie countered, "You struck him hard. He needs to help you, for his own sake. He won't say it but he needs to help you be you." Anita did some writing while humming to herself, visions of singing on stage in front of crowds were dancing through her head causing her to smile as for the first time she saw herself as Anita the woman and not Anita the boy pretending to be a woman. For some reason, Pierre kept creeping into her mind as she thought about him as a person and how much he looked like anyone else yet was successful and one of the best producers in the world. She liked what she was seeing, with his face merging into the man who had kissed her and had sex with her in her dreams the first night with the Stoners. Even though she had never seen anyone as sexual beings, Pierre Dupree started to break that trend. She blushed at the thought, for the first time in her life she felt that way about a man and she loved it. He was the man she hoped to find, the one who understood her and loved her. Anita went to bed after a quiet dinner. Cat kept away but did hug Anita goodnight. Ella was distant as well, only it was due to a lot of schoolwork that she couldn't put off due to her father's demands. In a high-priced condo complex overlooking Boston Common, Pierre was having the same troubles. He kept seeing his friend over and over again, each time morphing into Anita and telling him that it wasn't his fault. His friend loved him deeply, but he needed to move on from the suicide and be himself. Anita's voice morphed into her voice, with Anita's singing almost angelic to him. He loved the sound, he needed to hear it again. He played the recording again, falling asleep to Anita's voice and feeling a lot of his past troubles finally fading away as her song faded. In the morning, Pierre drove to the Finn home and asked to speak with Anita. Valerie was by her side as Pierre told her, "You are the best singer I have come across since I got into the music business. You are a lot more than just a voice, you have moves and can play instruments. You are a whole show all in one, you can enthrall audiences and have them crying and dancing and singing along: true entertainment." Anita wasn't buying what he was saying, but Valerie added, "He knows about your performing your drag act. It's the only way he could know all of that without mentioning the school. He's seen your act." Pierre sighed and explained, "I asked around and got videos of your BSM entrance work. You have the talent, you just need refinement. I won't take you from NESM, I'd prefer that you finish your degree as it's something to fallback on in case your career doesn't takeoff. You will only get better with time, the school will teach you a lot more in your four years than you'd learn on your own in 20. You have talent out the wazoo, you just need refining." Looking at Valerie, he added, "This morning I called a couple of movie and TV producers about possibly using your song. It fits a lot of different ways, but I think it'd be perfect for the next Marshall Films hit movie. The producers were interested in it and thought it was familiar. I didn't tell them who you were, only that you were a new act who was working with two other young artists. It'll be a big step for you if you let them use it, it's exactly what they are looking for in a song and have the right spot to put it." Anita cringed at hearing that, Valerie added, "I'll talk with Yuri about it. I'll also look over the contract offer from him regarding producing the song. I know a couple of lawyers who have experience in the field of music production so you won't get taken to the cleaners or owe them money." That done, she asked why he was really there. He shed a tear and confessed, "She keeps reminding me of my best friend, the boy who took his own life because his parents wouldn't let him be the woman he knew himself to be. She has his eyes, his hair, his mannerisms. He made a beautiful woman, but his father threatened to kill him if he so much as touched a pair of panties again. I don't know why she is doing that to me, but she is making me see what he should have been allowed to be." He looked away in shame while Valerie smirked, it wasn't a lie and it was exactly what she expected. It was clear that she had a lot in common with his former friend, only she had different color hair and she could pull off being a woman right away while his friend needed some minor surgeries first. Valerie let the confession sink in, Anita needed the dose of reality and he needed time to gather himself. After several long, quiet minutes, Valerie explained to Pierre, "Anita isn't her, nobody can ever replace her. What happened to her was a tragedy and I know a couple of people who will ensure that her parents pay the price for what happened. They escaped public scrutiny, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve that'll ensure that they get their just desserts. They made an enemy that will not stop until the two are hurt badly and begging for forgiveness. They will pay, and pay dearly." He tried to say that it wouldn't work, but Valerie countered, "Trust me, they are in a lot of trouble. They drove their child to suicide after threatening to kill her because she was transgender, I know that you gave the police the evidence and they never investigated- well I want to know why they gave up on a surefire conviction. They will have to give a valid reason and, "Because the kid was a freak" won't cut it anymore. It's 2028, it's not 1998. The time of brushing aside the forced suicide of a transgender person ended decades ago." Pierre got up to leave, with Anita kissing his cheek and thanking him for believing in her. Valerie gave a slight smile as Anita had done that without realizing and showed that she was more than grateful to him for coming by. Anita blushed after he left, Valerie simply said, "You really made an impact on him, and I think he might have made an impact on you. Some time together might be good for both of you. You both need healing and acceptance, he?s moving on and you are growing as a woman." Anita worked on some more lyrics and music but stopped when she couldn't focus on anything but the sound of Pierre's voice. She focused on her dancing and perfected some moves that she had wanted to work on but hadn't been able to due to staying with the Finns and getting sidetracked by the girls. She had a good set of spins that worked with the beat of the song and when she heard Cat and Ella giggling at her dancing then cheering when the song was over she snapped out of her fog. Cat asked what she was doing, with Ella complaining, "She's working on that song that the girls wrote. She must have gotten it right because that's different than what she was doing yesterday." Cat gave her a weird look to which Ella added, "She was humming differently yesterday." Anita blushed deeply and explained, "We finished it and showed it to Tabby's adviser who showed it to a producer who now wants to make it into a real song. He wants me to sing it- he even got it into a movie so it'll be heard by thousands. He came by today to talk about it, your mom is working on the contract." Cat hugged her tightly while Ella shook her head and complained about her getting lucky again. Anita tried to counter but Ella wisely told her, "First it was helping with that film score, then it was having a song found that got sung by someone else and is a hit, now it's a song you only made because it was boring at Trinity's house and the girls didn't want to babysit the triplets. That's just plain lucky!" Anita hugged her while Cat added, "It's not luck, it's knowing the right people. You were working on the movie and did a better job than the guy they were trying to use, you wrote a song that your friend put out for you, and you three are all into music anyway. Did Trinity's uncle also help? DJ Ink wouldn't let anyone use anything Trinity made without going through him first." Anita didn't know that answer but assumed it had to have happened. Ella groaned and added a quick, "It was him who got that Dupree guy to back away from you. DJ Ink called Aunt Katie to check on you and didn't want you exploited. Dupree showed up today at DJ Ink's demand so mom could vet him." Again, Anita was floored while Ella shrugged and shot back a quick, "Trinity talked with DJ Ink last night. She told me everything at lunch, he knows you will sing the song but won't be forced to perform it in front of anyone if you don't want to. Nobody will bug you, they fear him and mom's wrath." At dinner, John asked about their day and was told about Pierre. JD and Logan gave looks of concern but nods from Ella and Cat calmed them down. Piper added that they were lucky to get a chance at a recording contract but were smart to back off of it until they finished school. Piper waited for the others to go to sleep before telling Anita to take things slow. She didn't elaborate, but it was clear what she meant. Pierre was new to her, she didn't want her to get hurt by him. At NESM the next day, Anita worked on her dancing and singing with the instructors. She was in for a great deal of hard work but enjoyed showing her moves and taking in all of the subtle suggestions to improve her style. Her own dancing wasn't too bad overall, and when it was put to music she could be all over the stage flowing with the beat while projecting her voice to the back of the room. Her vocal range wasn't as great as the genetic females, but where she fit best was where most of ladies couldn't reach: a contralto and mezzo- soprano range. Most of them were in the soprano range and were singing higher registers than Anita could ever hope to reach, but she didn't need to. Anita's range was a great range as it wasn't too deep for a woman and was within a high range for a male but not too high, a perfect countertenor voice that was uncommon in pop but a major part of opera and musical theater. The lessons were tiring and straining, but she learned more in one day than in four years at school. She had a big smile on her face as her classmates walked out, nobody said anything about her and she had their respect for showing her wide range. She actually helped compliment several of them as her voice was a good fit with the pieces they were singing and gave them a point to work with for the future. Tabby was beaming with pride over her instructors enjoying her song ideas, especially when they heard that the one song she had advanced to the point of recording had already gotten interest from producers. Her new songs were good starts, with refinement she might be able to get a whole album out of them and in the right hands it could be a success. She already had her eye on Anita singing the songs, she just had to get Trinity to agree to work on the composing making it a triple-edged effort. At the Finn home, Tabby laid out her proposal and saw Anita reluctantly accepting her offer but making sure that Trinity agreed first before fully committing. Trinity was tough to get to agree, but once Anita was added into the conversation she couldn't refuse anymore and proposed that they figure out what kind of music they wanted to do and how much they wanted to work on it. That was a tough question, but it was a limit that she insisted on since she didn't want to be working on it for years. Pierre appeared and asked to speak with Valerie and Anita. Trinity gave him a suspicious look, to which he gasped at seeing her. The only words he could form were, "Judith" which he shed a tear over saying. Trinity walked off, trying hard to not cry over the memory while Valerie asked what was going on. He offered a solemn, "She's her mother's daughter. Judith Palmer. I produced a couple of her songs and had her father Terry brought in to work on some acoustic tracks for her uncle Ira. I haven't seen her since she was three, she took after her mother in all ways. The little brat still owes me for biting my finger when I stopped her from playing with my control board in the studio." Trinity shed a tear over that memory, she didn't recognize him. She mumbled, "You got bald" to which he added, "Sorry, male pattern baldness hits my family hard. I prefer a shaved head anyway." Sitting her down, he told her affectionately, "Those two made my producing career. Your royalty checks came from me, I gave up a lot of money to ensure that your parents were paid well for their services. I know it's no consolation for your loss, but it was a lot of money that is still building up for you." Trinity cried and thanked him, letting loose some grief which Anita couldn't help but see was from his heart and not his wallet. He legitimately cared about Trinity and wanted to show that he cared, with the girl needing that bit of relief and acceptance of the past. She was smitten with him over that kind act, it was so endearing and tough not to be proud of. When the two regained their composure, Pierre explained that he thought that Anita could do a series of singles that would be released over time and only need some small performances to generate interest in her while allowing her to be a student. He suspected that if fans took to her, by the summer she could do a small tour to further her music and help her get used to the road. Valerie was about to say no, but he countered by explaining that it was a small New England tour and would be over the weekend at a few small clubs that weren't far away yet enough distance to be new to the areas serviced: Springfield, Manchester, Portland, Hartford, New Haven, and Providence. Anita asked about money, to which he showed Valerie the contract he wanted to offer as well as how it broke down monetarily. The copyright for the song would belong to the girls, but the recordings would be split between them and him. He owned his own record label and wasn't keen on bilking them for all of their money so wouldn't touch their composer/writer copyright claims, but did have to invoke shares of the money for publishing the recordings even if he would take a lower percentage. Valerie saw what he was doing and nodded in agreement, it meant more to him to help Anita get out in the world and get her foot in the door than to use her for profit. He'd likely earn a hefty payment from the recordings, what mattered most was creating the music. The other things like merchandise and tours wasn't bothered with yet, but they were included especially as she would tour that summer. It was overwhelming, but the trio were about to be legitimate musicians. Trinity didn't see the big deal, she had the rights to her birth parents' music and had seen it all before. For Tabby, it was a dream come true as it was the official start of her life as a professional songwriter. Valerie explained that she'd talk with Trinity's parents, with Pierre agreeing and Trinity fuming. He had to fight a smile as she did so, it was Judith's own reaction and one he endured a lot before. Trinity didn't bother asking what he was smiling about, what he was thinking was in the past and she didn't want to rehash what she had tried to forget for years. Pierre left them to go over the contracts and see what needed to be changed. Trinity refused to perform in front of anyone while Tabby wasn't a performer at all and kept strictly to songwriting. That left Anita as the solo performer, but she refused to perform without the girls assisting thus giving them credit as the performers alongside her and ensuring they were truly equal even if she got all of the attention. Valerie simply nodded, changed a few things to make it more beneficial to the girls, and had Katie look at the contract before sending it off to Savannah Stoner's law firm to review. That kept them busy for a large chunk of the afternoon and enabled the girls to calm themselves while keeping Cat and Ella away from them until the girls were ready. JD and Gavin came in to observe and listened to Valerie working hard, with Gavin fighting a smile as his girlfriend's mother was simply amazing in his eyes. Anita had to grin as the boy was smitten with the family yet respected them deeply, he was almost their other son in how he acted and he treated them like they were more than friends. She was seeing herself with the Marshalls, a family that cared about her and took her in as one of them even if she wasn't their child. Gavin was a Finn in all but name and if he and Cat stuck together he would be one by marriage. When the kids separated for the night, Valerie asked her about what she was thinking and was told, "It's so odd seeing things from the other side. You are doing for Gavin what the Marshalls did for me. They didn't toss me out when Todd and I didn't get together, I hope you don't do that to Gavin if he and Cat aren't meant to be together. He needs real family, even if they are his friends' family." Valerie nodded her head in agreement, he'd made friends with Julio and JD even if the two didn't say it to him. Cat cared deeply about Gavin, more than puppy love but less than marriage love. He was their friend in full and she was happy that he was comfortable being himself around them. Things settled down for the rest of the week as Cat worked with Anita on her style while Ella helped in her own way by critiquing some of her attempts to restyle her hair. Without a wig it was tough to make her hair do what she wanted to do, but they tried which was what mattered most to the girls. Ella got to enjoy doing something with a big sister that she hadn't enjoyed with her sister Jaimie, but she forgave Jaimie for that due to having a lot of work to do for school and college. Anita slept soundly and when not having visions of Pierre she had visions of motherhood and being the big aunt to children. She worked hard on her classwork and even figured out some ideas for the album, with Trinity liking the direction of the songs while Tabby had some perfect lyrics to go with the ones Anita had already written. The trio had a rare understanding that was only made better as Pierre looked at their ideas and started to think that they were going in the right direction but needed some refining. At her first official session with Gina, Anita explained what happened during the week and why she had a different feeling about her life than the previous Saturday. She was almost giddy about Pierre and her dreams, with Gina sensing that her true feelings were deeper than a simple crush. Pierre was doing a lot more for her mental health than just helping her become a musician, he was bringing out the inner woman in her and showing her that she was a heterosexual female. The more she listened to Anita, the more she thought that Anita could temper her feelings of mothering if she actually endured children. A smile crept across her face as she figured the right two kids to use. It would be cruel on some level, but it was a bit of fun for all. When they finished, she finally asked her, "Now that you have those feelings, I think you might benefit from being around young children. My daughter Mary could use the night off from her kids, I think you will be just fine looking after them for her. Tara is a darling and Tony is lovable. Their newborn may be a bit of a pain but he's just teething and loves getting any attention." Gina made a quick phone call and laughed as her daughter Mary offered her profuse thanks for giving her the day off on Sunday. Gina hung up and smirked, telling Anita, "She is dancing over this. She needs the day off, little Patrick is clingy and causing her to lose a lot of sleep. She's about ready to go back to work but he is struggling with being away from her for more than a few minutes." Anita went to work that night with a smile and having to explain, "I'm babysitting for my psychiatrist's daughter tomorrow. I'm getting the chance to see how it is to be a mother for real. She has three kids, I don't know how old the other two are but she didn't say anything bad about them." Her performance had more energy and she was nailing her singing. She had the audience rolling as she went from both male and female song parts while not missing a beat, smiling as she caught them off guard doing so. She was the life the club, so much so that it made more money from her than others. The night was a classic, one of their best nights in history and lucrative as the other acts after her got a lot more tips and applause than they ever had before. If she wasn't so intent on becoming a professional musician and singer, the club would have tried to keep her exclusive to themselves. It would be hard to get her to sign to just them, she could easily earn more money elsewhere if she so chose. The evening was capped off with Miles and David giving her praise for her performance, with the two acting like they were her bodyguards and not just family of friends. They weren't the only guys there as she was introduced to their friends, brothers, and cousins with David's brother Patrick joking that she was in for a lot of fun with his namesake the next day. David whacked him while Miles added, "He's not too bad to anyone except Patrick, he just has trouble being away from his mother. All of the kids were like that at his age. For some reason he just puts on a bigger act when Patrick watches him." The group left, with the club feeling emptier now that 20 men had left. The club's owner happily told the other performers that it was one group that she was happy to have in there, they were good tippers and bought plenty of drinks. She then added, "Plus with them here there was little chance of anything bad happening since several of them are cops and sons of cops and the local cops are too afraid of them and their families to try to start any trouble with the patrons here." The next day was scary for Anita, but when she was introduced to Tara and Tony Russo she felt like it was going to be alright. Tony immediately hugged her while Tara said that Sydney talked about her so it was going to be fun. Tony hugged her tightly and had Tara explaining, "He and Justin are the same, Justin likes you so he likes you too. Mommy said they are almost twins even if they are cousins." Anita felt amazing as Tony filled her with warmth as he hugged her and kissed her cheek. When he ran off to play with Tara she was introduced to the month-old Patrick who barely gave her a glance. He was bundled up and fighting a nap, which Anita felt was a good sign as he'd be asleep for much of the time. Mary showed her where everything was then told her how to get in contact with her, with Sydney and her wife Rose ready to come by to help her if Patrick got to be too much for her. He wasn't likely to be up for long and sleep most of the time, but if he wouldn't stop crying they would take him off her hands for her. With that, she left Anita to her own devices as the kids giggled at Anita's confused state. Tara kept to herself and played with Tony when she wasn't watching her favorite TV shows. Anita kept the sleeping Patrick close, taking him out of his playpen to sleep in her arms after changing his soiled diaper. Tony and Tara ran when they smelled his, "Present" to Anita, but giggled at her as she kept him from crying by offering him a bottle and rocking him back to sleep. When the happy couple returned from their day out, Patrick finally opened up with a big wail. It wasn't too surprising as he always cried for Mary and her husband Anthony but seeing him reject Anita was a bit tough to see for the couple. Tara giggled that he didn't cry at all and liked Anita being there. Anita thanked them for doing that for her, but it was mutually beneficial. Mary was happy to give her a chance to see what mothering was really about, while Anthony was glad to not endure the kids for a bit. The couple saw her off and were met by an ominous look on the face of Valerie, who drove Anita home and calmly told her that they had to talk. Once at the Finn home, Valerie laid out several tablets that showed pictures of the oblivious Anita at the club taken by paparazzi. She explained to Anita, "These were posted today with the headline 'Woods son performs in drag show' and were clearly taken by someone within the club. I called the owner and had her explain how this was allowed to happen. It turns out that your new stardom has rubbed your fellow performers the wrong way and two have gone to the media in hopes of getting you fired." Anita nodded, it sounded like something they'd do. The two oldest performers were extremely jealous of her being the hottest star and having the biggest crowds watching her shows, while they struggled to bring in people. Their acts were stale and fewer people watched them, Anita was put out before them as a way of closing the club sooner as people had seen their acts multiple times already. Valerie grinned and added, "This is a big deal for you, this may be your ticket to revealing your true self to the world. I hate that it is happening, but with your coming out the media can't harass you or else it'll be an all out war on them by every anti-discrimination group around. You can either hide away and let them win or you can stand tall and be who you really are- a confident and talented woman." Anita needed time to think. She called Todd Marshall to get his advice and confessed to him how she was now living as a woman and can't go back to being Andrew. Todd listened and proclaimed, "I always knew you were more than you appeared, it's why I love you. You are the best person I ever meet and I am proud to be your friend. Man or woman, Andrew or Anita, you are the best friend in the world." Her next call was to Todd's parents, one that she dreaded making but hoped it went her way. She tried to avoid the reason for calling but after a bit she explained, "I've been here for several weeks and have found myself among my new friends. I can't go on living as Andrew, they have helped me see that I am a woman inside and am going by the name Anita. I understand if you choose to distance yourself from me, but I can't live a lie anymore and can't hide myself any longer." Yuri Marshall waited for her to calm down then told her, "We knew you were more than just Andrew the second we saw your first performance. It's not hard to see that you were more feminine than you tried to appear. We are proud of you and stand by you no matter what happens. Todd feels the same way, as I'm sure he told you. When you come west, please visit us as I want you to have all of the support that you can muster. We have powerful friends who silently support you, it will be the end of many careers when the real faces of people are exposed." Anita was in tears as she tanked them, Petra Marshall happily told her, "Pierre will be a great boyfriend for you when you two see that there is more to you than just a working relationship. He is a good man at heart and knows you better than you realize. His past is similar to yours, he may be older but he is a lot wiser. Give him time to accept his feelings, he is not the same since he first met you." Anita was taken aback by her proclamation. Petra giggled and had to confess, "He was talking about his newest signing with Todd. Todd's boyfriend is mutual friends with Pierre's friend so you came up a lot, he didn't know that Todd was your friend. He tried hard to not say anything but it was clear by the way he described you that it was you. When he showed a clip of your performance it sealed the deal. He's in love with you, we can all see that he is in love. You have also been acting differently, even before you confessed that you are going to stop hiding your true self it was tough to not notice the change in your demeanor as Todd told us about you. He is happy that you found someone, just give it time to unfurl." When she finished her calls, Valerie told her, "Rick and Jaimie are working with the Kaplans to have a press release ready to go for when the media ultimately tries to make inquiries about you beyond the speculation. It's best that you go to LA to show the world your true self and show who is supporting you. We have several powerful friends there, who happen to have a lot of experience with people who are transgender and who are backed by billions of dollars. Global Championship Wrestling Studios is just one of the major backers, if you didn't know- their president's niece is transgender." The GCW sounded familiar but Anita didn't follow wrestling at all so she was unsure what they had to do with supporting her. Valerie nodded and added, "GCW Studios was the studios who distributed the movie that your sister was fired from. The studio's president is the uncle of Taylor Turner, the woman who caused your sister to go on a tirade that caused her to be blacklisted for the past two years for her actions. Taylor is transgender and is a strong influence on GCW, its shows, and its wrestlers." Anita didn't see how this helped her, Valerie smirked and let loose, "Percy Turner isn't shy about them standing with a person he believes in, even if it brings bad publicity. He is a great judge of character and saw in you a person who was stronger than your parents and sister. His wife Faye has been itching to meet you, if you had stayed in LA Faye would have been happy to have you stay with them." She stopped when the twins entered with Gavin. Anita hugged and kissed Gavin which caused him to blush deeply while JD grinned, only to himself be hugged and kissed causing the same reaction. Gavin was told that his parents were staying out late so he could stay the night, but had to behave which only led to him almost fainting as Cat gave him a big grin and Valerie shot back, "Keep that up and you won't go to the fall dance, Cat. He won't break the rules but you had better follow them, young lady." When the kids were asleep, Valerie laid out the plans for Anita and what she needed to do legally. She had her declaration of being transgender ready to go, she needed to change her name legally but that was a formality as Martha Perez, Gina Allen's wife, had an appointment for her the next day with Judge Roy Parker to change her name. She needed to come up with her own last name, as Woods was just too obvious and she wanted to distance herself from her family as much as possible. Anita struggled to find a name that fit, Valerie joked that she should find something that she loved- a joke but the spark she needed. Anita smiled at the idea, she whispered, "Anita Love. I'm going to be Anita Love. It fits me perfectly, all I want is to be loved." Valerie hugged her before she broke down, telling her, "It's perfect. Anita Love is a great name and you are not going to be mistaken for your family in any way. Anyone who knows them couldn't tell, let alone anyone who has never met the real you or even the old you." Anita fell asleep with tears in her eyes, suffering nightmares about her parents beating her for trying to be a girl and making them look bad in front of the media. Those morphed into Aubrey screaming at her for ruining her life again for becoming a freak, all as she spewed her normal profanities that she used whenever she was on a tirade. When she was about to yell for help, Pierre appeared out of nowhere to defend her and cause Aubrey to explode into dust and then caused her parents to break apart into tiny bits and pieces which faded away leaving just him. He was silently standing tall over her, extending a hand to her to get up off of the ground then kissing her deeply on the lips when she was on her feet. The feeling of his lips on hers caused her to shiver and orgasm, giving her the first of many unintentional nocturnal emissions as she dreamed of Pierre in bed with her. It was amazing to her, she couldn't believe that she could feel that way just from a dream and blushed as she realized she may actually like Pierre sexually. She quickly showered and changed, ensuring that her dirty laundry was washed and dried so there was no evidence of what happened to her just in case Cat or Ella snooped in her room. The girls giggled as they saw her, with Anita blushing without saying a word. JD told them to hurry up while Gavin didn't say a word, he already had to explain where he went the night before. After the kids left, Valerie helped Anita pack for the trip to LA then took her to the Suffolk County Family and Probate Court in Boston to speak with Judge Roy Parker. Roy took them before anyone else and listened as Valerie explained why she needed a name change and what would happen if there was a delay in doing so. Roy listened and grinned, the fabled matriarch of the Finn Family had finally met him and he was about to do something he wanted to do for years- give a ruling to Valerie Finn. He asked if there were any debts that she was hiding from, asked if there were any reasons that she had that would prevent her from changing her name, and if she was serious about the name change. Anita firmly told him, "I am Anita Love. I chose that name because it's the real me. Andrew Woods was just a facade, Anita is the real me. I willingly give up my family name, they aren't really family. My family is no more my family than my fellow dancers are my family. I have found new family in the Stoners and with their friends and family. I may not have parents now, but I am glad to have mentors like Valerie." Roy smiled at the bold answer and couldn't find any fault with it whatsoever. She was determined to be free of the Woods family and had found people who were the best people to have as friends. He signed the order changing her name and proclaimed, "Andrew Woods is gone. Congratulations, young lady." With that done, Valerie took her home and sent her on her way to the airport and a private plane to LA. She was joined by Cameron Byrne-Toro and Ricardo Vincent, whom she hadn't had much time to talk with but who knew her enough to go over what would happen out in LA. The two were going instead of Savannah as she couldn't leave her husband Justin alone with the triplets without the trio causing him to rip his hair out in frustration as the, "Terrible twos" set in for the three toddlers. Savannah was the probate specialist at their law firm, but the Kaplan twins were able to fill that role in her place so they weren't going in without their major weapon. Rick Samuels would be assisting as the go- between for the two groups and would help with the attempts on Anita's character by her family. He was good with media and could get anyone to see his point of view even when you didn't want to. Cameron was able to obtain the family's tax information and spotted multiple fraudulent claims as well as a slew of write-offs that should have been questioned as they were clear fakes. Their productions had all been failures yet the two had managed to make a hefty profit from the movies they made, what they had made wasn't matching up with what the movies should have cost to produce. They brought in a few people to invest in the movie, yet not one of them saw a return from investing yet the Woods family saw both a return and a profit- a sure sign of cooking the books. Anita sighed and explained it as, "'The Producers.' It's an old scheme that many Hollywood producers often use that is not quite legal yet is done without legal intervention. They sold percentages of the profits but did so with the net instead of the gross and pocketed the money; the movie was never meant to be profitable and any actual profits went to them first then covering marketing costs before going to the smaller investors. The movie is listed as a 'flop' financially because of the way they showed how it cost them x amount in marketing but mom and dad still earned a big payday from it before the shares of the profits were figured out. It might make money on the backside from the inevitable home viewing sales and downloads, but none of those people who invested gets a penny from it thanks to how they worded the contracts, it all goes to mom and dad's company with mom and dad getting it all. Aubrey doesn't even get a penny from those sales, she is likely not even listed as a producer or even makes any money from their money as an actress. She never did learn how things really work with productions. I may not have wanted to be an actor, but I learned a lot about productions from the best: the Marshalls." Cameron started to formulate a plan and realized that they have done this multiple times over the past few years and had essentially defrauded dozens of people out of their rightfully earned money. The two were looking at an investigation by the DA and state for fraud, embezzlement, and theft while they had to answer questions from the media about how much they actually earned from their movies. Nobody would invest or hire them to produce anymore, essentially ending their careers as producers. Anita couldn't help but feel bad for Martin and Sondra but they were doing it to themselves. If they had half a chance the two would pin the whole scheme on her and try to reap the publicity for their own use as the sad, disappointed parents who don't understand where she went wrong. It'd be essentially what they did with Aubrey, only with Anita actually going to jail for what the couple had actually done. The flight was long with Anita mostly sleeping. The duo observed her slumber and hid their smiles as she was sleeping soundly yet showed the nervousness that you'd expect from someone who was about to see their life change forever. They were happy to see that she was about to take flight on her own, it was a sight that they hadn't seen in their own children in several years. Anita woke up after a three hour nap and felt better. She tried to be polite and ask the two about their own families, unaware of their shared connections. The two just grinned and got ready for their reveals. Ricardo was first, telling her, "My younger son is in college studying to be a civil engineer, he's married to a lovely young woman who is studying dance and who plans on opening her own dance studio when she graduates. My elder son is a physical therapist and personal trainer with a wife who is a DCF social worker and a young son. My son is like you, except he became a man. He plans on having a couple of children before he has his final surgery." Cameron took a breath then explained, "My daughter is a crime scene investigator for the state police and is married to an amazing woman who is a forensic technician for the state, specializing in cyber crimes and computer hacking. They have a lovely son and are going to have a daughter soon. My elder son is a photographic editor who helps his wife in her photography. They specialize in team shots and quick, spur of the moment action shots and have gone around the world photographing important teams and the major sporting events. They are currently taking shots for a friend at GCW for their upcoming documentary shows. And my youngest is just a normal 12-year-old boy who is happy to play baseball and soccer with his friends. He's really good at both, he was busy with soccer so wasn't able to meet you yet but knows all about you from his friend's brother Julio." Ricardo nodded to him, with Cameron adding, "My daughter is like you. She was born male but started to transition at ten. She was forced to have her surgery early due to a vicious assault after she was kidnapped. I'm transgender as well, my two sons are my sons by birth. I transitioned in my late 20s but lost my sons to my parents. I got them back seven years ago and fell in love with my wife, and adopted her daughter as my own. I know there's quite a few of us, but fate brought us all together." Anita let that sink in. He knew more about her than she realized, with Ricardo having experience with a person like her even if his son transitioned from female. It was a good feeling, she had a lot of people around her who were helping her and who "got" her in more ways than she could believe. The flight landed at Bob Hope Airport in Burbank and were met by several people who shook Cameron and Ricardo's hands and hugged them deeply. Anita didn't recognize most of them, but she did seem to recognize the little girl and Rick Samuels. Rick walked over to her and said hello and introduced the little girl as, "My little monster, Sylvia, who you saw briefly a couple of times." Sylvia grunted in annoyance before smiling brightly at Anita, rushing over to hug her and jump into her arms. Rick shook his head in disappointment, she was putting on the, "I'm a cute kid" act for Anita. She did it all of the time when meeting new people, especially ones who were new to the family. Rick guided them over to the other people, introducing first Jo and Phyllis Kaplan then Faye and Percy Turner. The four were names that she recognized, she was in too much of a daze to recall the Kaplans but it fit with what she remembered from the first call to California. The last person to be introduced was Rick's wife Jaimie, whom he pointed out was John and Valerie's daughter and the young woman who was keeping a close eye on Anita from afar. The fabled Jaimie Samuels had a reputation in her hometown as well as all around Boston, but to meet her in the flesh was something akin to meeting a god. She was a legend, someone who had an impact on the whole of the region yet who was never seeking the fame she had earned. Anita wasn't sure if she should be in awe or afraid of Jaimie, she was such a powerful person yet seemed so humble. Jaimie hugged Anita and told her, "Whatever you did to Cat, she is acting totally different than before. It was like she matured in a span of two weeks, she's not the mischievous pest that she normally is. She is even starting to act like a regular girl in school, not the meek tomboy she used to be." Anita could only say, "All I did was show her how to put on her makeup, whatever else she was doing is all her own doing. She did my hair and helped me with some of my clothes. What she did with Gavin or Willow or Julio is her own doing, not mine. I did more things with Ella than her." Jaimie added, "Ella is being a little less clingy to her girlfriend Flora. I'm surprised that you didn't see her yet but I think Ella and she were trying to give you space and not crowd you with girls like us. It's tough to avoid all of us, especially as you already know Sydney, Hunter, and Trinity. By the way, the three of you are really good and you have no idea how much your work means to Trinity. She has a lot of grief that she didn't get out in the past, she's feeling a lot better about her abilities now." Anita blushed and mentioned, "That was Pierre. He knew her birth parents. We didn't do anything, she did it after he told her how much she looked like her mother and how much she was acting like her. He keeps seeing her mother in Trinity." Before she could delve deeper into Trinity, Rick stopped her and told her, "We need to get going. Plus it is already being talked about with Granny Gina. She knows you will talk with her if she needs to talk, but she has Granny Gina there to do it already at their regular sessions." Rick led them to awaiting cars, with Anita going in with Jaimie and Rick. Sylvia grabbed hold of her so she couldn't try to go with Ricardo and Cameron, showing that it was planned ahead of time. Anita had to endure the lovable Sylvia act while relaxing as she let the little girl sooth her anxiety. The group drove for almost an hour until they reached a home in Bel Air, with Sylvia dragging Anita inside to a bedroom while Rick carried Anita's bags. Cameron and Ricardo were next to arrive and had Sylvia slowing down for a bit so Anita could decompress and relax. The little girl was full of energy and happy to be around Anita, causing Jaimie to grin as her daughter was acting like her father again. Anita came out and sat around a large table with the others, while Sylvia plopped in her lap to listen to the adults talk. Rick got things started by telling Anita, "We have a press release ready to go that tells the media that you are transgender and are transitioning from male to female and want privacy. We are also obtaining a restraining order against your parents for harassment, theft, and fraud against you. It is the best way to stop them before they try to capitalize on your transition and make it all about themselves. I have a release explaining how you were cut off by them for refusing to go into acting like them where they would have forced you to sign an unfair contract for their services as your agent and manager. It will then state that you were hired by your friend?s parents to help work on a movie score this past summer to give you experience in the music industry and a foothold in the business. Finally we?ll add that you had to take the job as a performer to make ends meet until you came of age to claim the money that you inherited from your grandparents and was where you finally stopped fighting who you really are. It will also make the media focus on your parents as they defend their cutting you off for refusing to work for them while also helping your reputation as the movie's song is already a big hit." Jaimie added, "My mentor will confirm the diagnosis and start you on hormone treatment. She will also talk to you about your options, whether you choose to undergo an orchiectomy or save your semen. It's really a trick question to see if you are a danger or not. There?s no right or wrong answer to that, it?s to see if you will harm yourself. It?s smart to save some for the future, trust me on that." Sylvia was going to say something but the look they gave her shut her up. Jaimie moved on to say that she was in good health or else she'd have been asked to take vitamins by Gina. She added that she had a nice body for someone starting out, all she might need was hormones to kickstart her breast growth and if she was lucky she'd grow a large pair within two years, causing Sylvia to giggle and say, "Boobies." Anita blushed and asked if she thought she should move things along and get implants, Jaimie nodded, adding, "It'd help, I think a small set to help get things moving along will work for you. Don't go over a b-cup because you will grew larger fast. I think you might benefit from an orchiectomy in a year if you don't plan on having the surgery next fall at the earliest. And yes, surgery is at least a year away for you. It may be more if your second opinion doesn't think you are ready to have it yet." Sylvia asked what they were talking about, Jaimie grinned and told them, "Anita is going to have boobs put into her chest. Then she is going to have surgery down below." Sylvia gasped and went off, with the adults laughing at the little girl finally acting like the little girl that she actually was. Jaimie added, "I'll have an assessment lined up for you with a plastic surgeon. She can perform surgery in three days. She isn't going to wait due to it having an immediate impact on your personal life, it's no different than the rush jobs she's done with celebrities who needed that little extra 'up top' for roles." Rick then took over and explained, "Your probate situation is all set. You will meet with the executor of your grandparents' estate in the morning, it's just a formality to ensure that you are actually you and it is a pressing matter. You will then will receive every penny from the account as I told you before. Your sister will be handed a lawsuit that will recover all of the money she undeservedly withdrew while your parents are served with one for the removal of money from your account without your knowledge or consent. Both will be facing a lot of tough questions from the estate's firm as they don't fool around- your grandparents wanted you two to be nothing like your parents. Sadly, your sister followed in their footsteps but you were doing what they wanted of you." Percy spoke next, telling her, "The song you wrote was put in a pseudonym so it isn't traced back to you. I think it's best for you to use that for your work until you are ready to perform on your own as it'll keep vultures away from your other songs. I talked to Valerie and she thinks that the trio should do the same. Ira Roth does the same thing, it's why everyone knows him as DJ Ink and nobody knows Ira Roth. Ira is also happy to help with your career but from the sound of things he thinks Pierre Dupree is already heavily involved with you and will ensure things are kept in order." She blushed deeply and nearly fainted at hearing that, with Jaimie adding, "It's a mutually beneficial contact for all four of them. He cares a lot about Anita but also has a prior relationship with Trinity Eliza. Tabby Stoner is getting a few new jobs to help her career, she didn't tell the others yet because they are in genres that aren't fans of and wanted to not think Anita had to feel obligated to help her out." Anita grinned and explained, "She has a good knack for classic country music and bluegrass, I'm not a fan of it but it's a nice fit for her. I think she was getting interest from a rock singer at school too, but her boyfriend helped her there since he knows the guys asking. She draws the line at rap music, she turned down a few guys who are trying to get her to write for them but have a reputation for violence against women in their songs and from their past actions." Rick shook his head as Jaimie's mouth dropped in shock. Rick casually explained to his wife, "She has a lot more contact with the girls and the rumors haven't gotten back to you because they involve school. She has a few songs written for others but is holding off until they work on a full agreement. It?s the way they do things at that school, you go to those who can help you out. Anita simply stumbled into it thanks to mom?s putting her with the girls but didn?t expect a partnership to form yet if at all." There was nothing else to discus, so the Turners left, but first told Anita that she should come over to their house the next day as she could use the distraction. Jaimie and Rick quickly told them, "They had better be on their best behavior" Faye grinned and shot back, "I'll tell the twins to be good for her." Jaimie lost it, Rick countered, "I meant your grandchildren, but tell their aunt and uncle to be on their best behavior too. No fussing over her, no squabbling, no making their sister embarrassed." Anita was lost, Jaimie explained, "Their son and daughter are twins and are your age and just entered NYU. Their nephews are a bit rambunctious but their mother is a great mother. She is a lot like you in school before mom and the girls took you in, she had parental issues and was in a bad relationship with a total scumbag who got her pregnant. Her parents gave up custody to the Turners, who adopted her. It was just like you with the Marshalls, only your parents refused to allow them to adopt you." Anita was led away while the Kaplans also left, promising to get the proper press releases ready to go. Rick was Anita's guide for the week so would be there for her for everything, while Cameron and Ricardo would act as intermediaries for Anita's financial and parental situation. Anita would first have a visit with the doctor Jaimie lined up before the legalities were worked out, it couldn't wait any longer. In the morning, Sylvia jumped into bed with Anita to awaken her. Anita rolled over to her smiling face and had to smile back, she was just too cute to be upset at. Jaimie complained that she learned to jump on the bed from Cat, with Sylvia giggling while Anita added, "Cat at least didn't go knee-first." After a quick shower, Anita and Sylvia ate with the others already finished and fast at work on what they had to do that day. Sylvia whined about going to school, but Rick told her that her nanny would be picking her up after school and watching her until that night. Sylvia fumed, Rick explained that she was hoping that Anita would be the one to babysit her because she wanted to manipulate her. After dropping off Sylvia, Jaimie drove to a hospital before heading on to her medical school with Rick going in with Anita for her appointment. The doctor introduced herself as Dr. Nash and was one of the instructors for Jaimie at the teaching hospital. Her exam was quick as she just wanted to see Anita to ensure that she was fully healthy and had no visible problems that would put off her surgery, giving Anita a dose of hormones and testosterone blockers to medically start her transition to female. Dr. Nash spent an hour talking with Anita about her life and struggles with herself and how she was coping with being a woman while trying hard to see if Anita was going through the motions of if her answers were genuine. She gave Anita a lot more to think about than Gina did in her two discussions with Anita, but it was for Anita's benefit and helped her see that she was doing better than expected of her. She was still cautious about everyone, but had accepted herself as a woman completely. After Dr. Nash's examination, Anita was driven to a private office and given a consultation with a new doctor. Dr. Walsh was quick in her assessment of Anita and felt around her, "Breasts" then made a few marks with a pen before telling her, "Your chest is quite feminine and wouldn't look right with a set of large implants. I suggest a 150cc implant as it'll give you full breasts but it won't be too large and over time you can easily remove them- that is if you don't choose to keep them." Anita was shown sets of false breasts to try on to show just how she'd look, with the one Dr. Walsh had chosen being the look she hoped to have one day. The breasts weren't too big, she almost looked like Aubrey before she had her own implants put in to give her d-cup breasts. She shed several tears, it was the first time she truly felt like she was going to be a real woman in the near future. Dr. Walsh removed the breasts and explained how the surgery would go and why it was so important to be careful with how she slept and how she moved. She'd be in a support bra for a while so her breasts could settle in but she wouldn't have much trouble with them. It would hurt for several days, but she had several people who would help her with her recovery. She would have the easiest surgery for a person, with Dr. Walsh going in via her armpit and placing the implants over her muscle to allow her to have breasts but also allow her own breast growth to take hold around the implants. It was easier on her than going under her muscle due to there being no developing yet but when her own were large enough they could be removed and placed under the muscle to help enhance her breasts beyond the B-cups she?d likely end up with. She had a tough time processing all of that information, but when Dr. Walsh mentioned liposuction and moving fat from her belly and legs to her breasts she started to see that this was serious and her body wouldn't be the same afterward. Rick cringed at hearing all of this, but he had to agree that it was for the best. The fat distribution was a good way of giving her breasts padding as well as helping her shape while also giving her own growth a jump-start in the right direction. He thought back to others who had transitioned and cringed as Anita was the first woman that he had met to undergo this kind of surgery as the others didn?t need it before. The surgery was set for the weekend, with Anita staying with the Turners over the weekend as she had a standing offer from Percy and Faye to join them on a flight to Boston with the GCW crew for their Boston show the next weekend thus allowing her to recover for a week before flying east. That wasn't the only reason for keeping her behind, it allowed Jaimie and Sylvia to get back to normal and not baby her. The duo were notorious in their family for babying people, especially friends in need- like Anita. At the Samuels home, their meeting with the lawyers were ready to commence. The executor looked at Anita and asked if they had a declaration from doctors, to which Rick produced the copies and the most recent examination. The executor didn't bat an eye, he simply stated, "As you are following the oversight of multiple health professionals including two psychiatrists specializing in gender changes, I see that it is irrelevant in regards to your inheritance. You have not been arrested for any crimes, the one time that you were arrested was a false arrest and the perpetrators are being prosecuted for violating your rights. We have seen to it that you receive our backing in that situation so it can't be used against you by either your sister or parents. Despite performing in drag, but that doesn?t take away from the fact that you have a steady job. We checked your employers and their financial status and your job is stable and in a reputable nightclub so the fact that you perform in drag is irrelevant. It meets the preexisting criteria for employment. As you have a new home that requires you to pay rent, food, and utilities as well as the need to pay for your full tuition and fees, I am hereby invoking the independence clause of the will and awarding you full control of your inheritance three years early with the full intent that you continue to spend it on an education with the full intent on it helping you on the path to your chosen profession. Good luck, young lady. Your grandparents would be proud of the person you have become." Anita thanked him for his kindness and watched as he had a big grin on his face, as if he was about to give bad news to three people who needed a smack in the face. Ricardo quietly whispered, "You just gave him a reason to go after your parents and sister for what you did but they haven't done since your grandparents passed away- make a better person out of themselves. He is impressed, he didn't have to say it but that look is written all over his face. You might have gone about it in a different way but you did as he wanted. He wanted you to be independent and successful, you did just that." Cameron went over the information and stated, "You have $50 million in movie rights to their movies and their images, several large LA and Florida properties, multiple sizable stocks, and the contents of their bank accounts. You are due the entire amount as soon as the banks open, with your parents having to find a new home as their primary home is one of your new properties. You can fight them on it but I think you can sell it to them so they have something left. I don't know the full extent of their finances but you might end up leasing the property to them if they can't afford to but it outright." He shook his head in disappointment at the next bit of business. He calmly stated, "Your sister is in one of their properties, but she will try to go after your money tomorrow to prevent you from getting rid of her as well as try to seize her own share of the inheritance. It's all a ploy, she will offer to end the fight if you give her the house and a large lump sum payment but we won't play her game." Anita was about to say something, but Ricardo countered, "We are going to court in the morning so you are able to be free of them for good. I have the contact information for your parents' lawyer so they are not able to contact you except through us. Rick is facilitating your hearing, with the Kaplans ready to serve them the orders. Aubrey will be the real danger, but given that she is on probation she will be in a world of trouble if she violates the order especially after the truth comes out that you own her home." Dinner was served, with Sylvia bouncing in her seat as she ate. After dinner, she demanded that Anita play with her since she didn't have the chance yet. Anita wasn't given a choice, she was dragged away by Sylvia to her own little playroom and forced Anita to enjoy the "girl time." In her playroom, Sylvia told Anita, "Mommy is like you. I'm daddy's daughter but my real mom is my Aunt Sylvia. You didn't meet her yet, did you? Mommy said she was busy working with the Patriots, Uncle Mitch is playing for them and they don't get to see grandma and grandpa during the season." Anita asked how she knew that, Sylvia smiled and whispered, "I found my birth certificate. Mommy is not listed, Aunt Sylvia is. They won't tell me the truth, but Aunt Sylvia told me I was right. Mommy is trying to keep it a secret from my cousins, they are too young to know." The family got more and more interesting, Sylvia smiled and hugged her before going to her room to go to bed. Anita helped her get ready for bed, with Sylvia showering fast and not even saying anything about Anita being there. Anita blushed deeply at the girl's nude streak but remembered doing the same. Downstairs she told the adults Sylvia was asleep, with Jaimie telling her, "She really is getting too smart for her own good. Before you ask, it's complicated. Rick and Sylvia got raped by a frat freshman year and ended up having little Sylvia, she gave her up to me to raise as my own daughter because I can't have any children and she didn't want the reminder of what happened to her. The elder Sylvia was adopted by dad and mom that summer after her wedding to Mitch, dad just couldn't let her be all alone since her family disowned her because of what happened. Little Sylvia takes after Rick so nobody questions her parentage, anyone who knows about me doesn't dare say anything about her. The only ones who ever tried to go after us were met with mom and dad fighting back and them losing badly." Anita understood, it was complicated yet it was so sweet- just like so many of her friends' and family's own life stories. Rick added, "Jaimie doesn't want to have any more children until she is done with her residency. We experienced parenthood involved in raising a baby, we will adopt next. I am hoping for it to be a child like Jaimie so s/he can escape their situation and find a loving home." The group broke for the night, with Rick kissing Jaimie deeply to show that he was happy to wait to be parents again and honor her life by adopting a child in need of someone who understands them. Anita felt the love between the two and smiled as she drifted off to sleep, she hoped to one day have that with a man, especially one who understood her. Pierre appeared in her dreams, with the man being the man who always seemed to be the one to rescue her from her nightmares and sweep her off of her feet. The morning was a repeat, this time they went to Santa Monica to file the restraining orders against the Woods family so Anita would be safe from their retaliations. Aubrey wouldn't care about the order, she was going to go after Anita no matter what the courts said. Ricardo and Cameron expected that, so they simply had the court deputies make the judge aware of Aubrey's past antics. The judge that heard their request asked Anita if her name change was provisional or if it was authentic as he had to use her legal name on the orders. Ricardo showed the order from Judge Roy Parker, with the judge simply nodding and complimenting her on the apt name and of the tough to connect nature of the new name. He put that all aside and got down to business by asking about the reasons for the order of protection against Aubrey and her parents, putting it all on record against them. Anita sighed, then explained, "Aubrey is a leech who has been spoiled since birth. My parents use her to fund their lives because of their own careers have been slowly fizzling out since after I was born. Mom and dad don't make any real money, they barely cover their expenses from their acting jobs and putting money in small movies that make a quick profit. All of their real money comes from Aubrey's acting work. Two years ago she was fired from a movie and has been struggling with work ever since, living off of our inheritance while our parents acted as her agent and manager. Mom and dad used my share of the inheritance to fund their own lives, but that changed yesterday when they were cut off. All three are in financial trouble because the executor learned the truth about Aubrey and invoked clauses in the will that awarded me the entire estate. She will come after me to get her money, she won't be able to live off of her small parts anymore and can't afford to lose her standing with SAG. Mom and dad owe me a lot of money as well, they were using my inheritance to fund their lifestyle while using their own earnings to pay for the house that I actually now own. They will try to come after me directly then through the media and finally through hired people. They tried to do this already indirectly but it was stopped by my roommates' landlord. They are in a lot of trouble in Massachusetts but that case is taking time to gather evidence against them." The judge was about to say something, but Cameron explained, "We have written statements from the three men who were hired by Martin and Sondra Woods after being contacted by others involved in the case. They were involved in actually hiring the men and have to speak with the Massachusetts State Police tomorrow. The men chose to go after the wrong people- they assaulted a police officer's wife in view of several other officers including two state troopers and the chief of police." Ricardo added, "Three officers including the police chief of our city, five state troopers, and the deputy attorney general of Massachusetts all witnessed the assault. Her husband also happens to be an officer, the men were unaware of who they were actually talking to and what their main and unpaid jobs were. The woman who was assaulted happens to be a practicing attorney and is well-known to the courts of Massachusetts, particularly in Suffolk County. Upon learning how much time they faced in prison, they confessed to who hired them and implicated both Sondra and Martin Woods and others involved." The judge didn't know whether to laugh or pity the poor fools for their antics. He joked, "I've heard of a few powerful families who have an assortment of people like that. I'd swear they are one of them. Finn I think they were called." Cameron nodded, while Ricardo added, "John and Valerie Finn to be precise, were the couple that were threatened and assaulted. Their son Trooper Miles Finn and nephew Sergeant David Peterson were also discretely observing. Across the street was Chief Wilfredo and Mrs. Kennedy Pena, as well as Officer James York and John's brother-in-law, Officer Daniel Lopez. Mrs. Pena is the deputy Attorney General of Massachusetts so was involved from the start. Had any of the men struck Valerie instead of shove her aside, there would be a response of a dozen state and city police respond to the scene as backup." Anita tried hard to not recall the event, which the judge noted. He wrote out the order and told Anita to not retaliate as it was best to let the courts handle it. Ricardo explained, "She doesn't need to, what will be done is all within the confines of the law. She has enough allies to support her no matter what her family tries to toss her way, a lot of debts have been amassed and may be collected upon by them. She has her own support network of people who know her and know her family and are more than willing to put a stop to any attempt to retaliate against Anita on behalf of Aubrey, Sondra, or Martin Woods." The group walked out, with the deputies taking the information to serve papers to Sondra, Martin, and Aubrey. The ones who were assigned to Aubrey were happy to do the job, she had encountered them before and had let an impression nobody wanted to leave. Her smack across the face of one of the deputies ended up costing her a week in jail, with the deputy who received it glad to pay her back. At the Woods home, Martin screamed loudly when the couple were served their orders while Sondra pleaded with the deputies that they couldn't do that to them. None of them cared one bit about the duo's complaints, they simply did their job and ensured that the duo knew not to contact Anita in any way from that point forwards. Sondra was in tears, putting on an act proclaiming that her baby was hurting them but nobody bothered to humor her. Over at Aubrey's house, things were different. As soon as she answered the door she yelled at the two deputies then ripped up the order as soon as she was handed it. The deputies told her the consequences of violating the order, with Aubrey screaming at them to get out or she'd throw them out the window. An hour later, Aubrey calmed down and read the order. She spotted Anita's new name and went into another tirade, this time calling her parents. When they told her to not bother Anita, she screamed and ran to her car, driving 100 miles per hour towards the place she knew Anita was going- the Sylvester home and the care of Jaimie and Rick Sylvester!

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Motherless Scat

It’s time to go to the land of chocolate fountains and golden showers. That’s right. Scat, piss, shit, and every fluid in between. Ever fuck a chick in her ass and freak out when you see that little bit of shit on your dick? Then I’m sorry to say that scat isn’t for you buddy. Were you the only one of your friends that saw two girls one cup and didn’t get grossed out? If so, it’s time to celebrate it! Don’t get pissed off, get pissed on! Scat porn has the craziest, kinkiest chicks and dudes...

Scat Porn Sites
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Motherless Fappening

I’m not saying anything controversial when I say men love seeing women naked. It’s a fact of life as fundamental as gravity. It’s a force of nature that cannot be stopped by beast, man, or God. It’s an eternal truth and a divine mandate. As sure as the sun will rise, men will attempt to view as many women naked as they possibly can. Any man not doing so is either a sad or a gay one.This means that any woman a man sees regularly is mentally stripped down during every interaction. If any women...

The Fappening
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sherrie my teen toy

It was a typical saturday night and i was sitting in the local bar watching the local girls try to strip tease . That is when it went from normal to kinda nice, This short woman came in and sat down besides me and started to talk. She said her name was Pam and was out looking for a good time. Not one to turn down a sure thing I decided to see how far I could get with ehr. To start things off she was not all that great looking with maybe a small B cup tits and a so-so face. About an...

2 years ago
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Sherrie Visits the Physiotherapist

Sherrie had known David for 16 years and he had always been the one to treat her back whenever she hurt it. He was a very sexy Physiotherapist, tall, tanned and very athletic looking. Without fail every time Sherrie went to see him he knew where she was hurting, and would instantly ask her to remove her top and undo her Jeans so he could get to her back. David would always like to check to see if she had her “G” string on and he could see she had a matching bra on. He would make the subtle...

1 year ago
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Cheris Husband Experiments

I've known Harvey since grade school and we used to hang before the two of us got married. We are pretty close, close enough to discuss personal problems, and one day we were having a beer after work and I commented on how beat he always seemed to be. "Yeah," he said, "I've got a bad case of "fuckitus." "What's that?" I asked. He grinned and said, "It's where your wife spends all her time trying to fuck you to death and from my appearance, it looks like she is succeeding." "That...

1 year ago
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Motherless Arab

Have you ever heard about a wonderful site called “Motherless”? I have a feeling that was a dumb question, of course, you fucking have. Well, I am here to talk about Motherless, but I shall also pay special attention to their Arab category. If you think Arabian sluts are hot, well you are in for a tasty treat, believe me.First, I should probably warn you that the name of this place comes from the fact that their content might be a bit too hardcore or questionable for some of you. Back in the...

Arab Porn Sites
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Motherless Facials

Fuck yeah, life’s a bitch! So here I am, awake at 3:45 AM, after dreaming I was fucking this freaking hot MILF neighbor with heavy boobs, a flat tummy, a nice bubble butt, and sexy long legs. It was all hot and steamy, up until when she was sucking me off and just as I was about to obliterate her cute face with hot cum canon, my dream cut right off and I woke up with a tent on my pajamas.That dream ain’t coming back, but damn it! I sure gotta cum, so I boot up my laptop and type “cum facial” in...

Facial Cumshot Porn Sites
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Motherless Fetish

Motherless is the mother of all porn sites. Motherless has no conscience or moral guide. Motherless will show you the stuff that all other porn sites are afraid to put up. Motherless will do this for free. This is seriously one of the nastiest and raunchiest sites out there and Motherless/Fetish is perhaps one of the dirtiest places on the web that are well within reach. Sure you can scan the dark web and find something even more naughty or puzzlingly gross, but why do that when you’ve got...

Fetish Porn Sites
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Warning - The following story contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult or reading descriptions sex stories upset you, do not read any further. The characters discussed in this story are based upon characters that are the property of major corporations. Use of the characters in this unauthorized story are not intended to provide any financial rewards for myself or to claim any ownership of the characters. Cadet Survey Chapter 1 - The Problem Chapter...

3 years ago
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Crusher 2

I want to thank Waldo for his kind permission to write a sequel to his excellent tale and Steve Z for his editing. I recommend reading Crusher as a prequel if you have missed this excellent story CRUSHER 2 : Who's who? by Eric It was strange, it couldn't be more strange, being in my mother's body, Wesley thought with grim amusement. He looked at the beautiful woman in the mirror, long red hair and great figure, and smiled. 'It's Mother to the life. God, I hope she won't...

4 years ago
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Cherrys Next Door Neighbor Becomes the Man of the House

Cherry walked into the kitchen and made a beeline for the wine rack. It had been one hell of a week and it was only Thursday. Her tight red dress twirled with each movement. She left her shiny red three inch heels on to get the wine glass down from the middle shelf on the upper cabinet. She popped the cork on her favorite Moscato. Then she stepped out of the heels and kicked them aside. She poured the rosy colored wine nearly to the top of the glass. She took a long drag out of the glass, as...

3 years ago
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Hercules the Wonder Dog

Alley finished marking some reports and headed for the shower and an early night in front of the TV in her room. Hercules, her loving boxer watched as she undressed and stepped into the shower then climbed up on the bed and curled up waiting for his loving master to join him. Mark was out at a business dinner and did not usually get in before midnight so Alley would be fast asleep by then. Mark and Alley would have kids one day but for now they doted on Hercules and spoiled him rotten. The...

1 year ago
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Cherrys New Shoes

Cherry Adams was a wiry attractive redhead who needed a new pair of shoes. She owned over three hundred and fifty pairs, a mere pittance according to her. However, she was missing a pair that matched the color red of the new dress her boyfriend insisted she buy. “Cherry, you have red shoes,” he informed her as she slipped on her coat. She sashayed over to her rich, older lover and bent over so she could display her very ample bosom to his appreciative eyes. “Baby,” she cooed. “That red dress...

2 years ago
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Sheryl and her perfect life

I happen to think that every high school as that perfect couple. That pair that seem as though they were made for each other. They are inseparable, look great together, do everything together and every other couple wants to be just like them. In my school that couple was Paul and Sheryl. I had known Sheryl for six years, which is a long time for someone in high school. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school and I use her as my benchmark for the perfect woman to this day. She was the...

3 years ago
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Sheryls Experience at the Edgewater

Sheryl's Experience at the Edge I first met Sheryl several years ago when I was trolling theAOL chat groups as, Spanksalot. Ever since my divorce I had beentalking advantage of my business travel schedule to meet withcouples as a third. Lately, I had been introduced to some mildbondage and Dom/sub games with an older couple I had been partyingwith. I found that I liked to spank and sometimes Dom a wife whilethe husband watched. And I found many other couples who liked toplay this...

2 years ago
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Sheri the Tourist Gets Used

Sometimes you never know when things work out. There I was in a bar in Sydney on a Monday after a committee meeting debriefing about the day’s events. We had had a few drinks, when I heard a woman with an American accent at the bar order a drink. She was sitting by herself. I guessed she was in her sixties, but certainly well dressed and well-presented overall. I could see that she had a delightfully ample chest. Her gaze seemed to be inviting, so I did the appropriate thing and said hello...

2 years ago
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Sheryl and the Straitjacket Incident

Chapter One "Hey, pass me that flow coefficients sheet, will you?" "No prob. The laminate flow one, right?" I slide the piece of paper over to the right, and Sheryl cranes her neck down just a tad to get a better look. A few strands of hair fall out over her left ear; with fluttering heart, unsure of what her reaction will be, I restore the wayward strands back to their regal perch. She turns her head towards me. I'm delighted to see that she's smiling. "Thanks, man." I'm a...

4 years ago
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Hera and the Relic HunterChapter 2 The Battle of the Sexes

Although she tried to hide it initially, I could tell that Hera was impressed by many of our modern conveniences. While she professed no use for television—something I'm inclined to agree with her on—air conditioning and indoor plumbing much agreed with her. The wide variety and modern preparation of food and adult beverages also agreed well with her. "Dionysus would be amazed," she commented more than once. And although she had insisted that her worshipers provided her with fresh water...

3 years ago
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Katherines Style

Damn Katherine and her classy fashion sense... Once again my Mother-in-law had a new skirt suit which would work for brunch, mother-of-the-bride or some other fancy occasion, it was simply lovely. Tonight was one of those other occasions. The suit was perfect for the work awards dinner that my wife Veronica has dragged me too. Katherine, on the other hand, who was looking just so, was all too happy to attend. Katherine's suit is simply irresistible to me. The color, the style,...

2 years ago
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Gunther The Reindeer Handler Does Candy Claus

Let me say right up front that Gunther was definitely not a young man.I knew he had been around the Santa operation at the North Pole long before I arrived with my bright ideas for cost reduction. I was called in to promote increased toy production by the easily distracted Elves. Those little imps preferred being silly rather than busy little workers focused on their quotas like dedicated employees. As a small-sized human male, I was able to relate easily to the female Elves because they liked...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Jeanette followed her cousin downstairs. She had to make an effort not to cross her arms over her chest. Her nipples were hard, knowing that they were going to ask Ethan to fuck them. "Where is he?" she said. "I don’t see him yet." Jeanette nudged Sheri and pointed. "Look, there he is," she said, leaning closer and lowering her voice. "Check out his pants. He’s already got a woody. Let’s ask him. That woody will fix that funny feeling inside you."...

1 year ago
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Sheri and Jeanette Part 1

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sheri and Jeanette ran to Sheri’s room, giggling. They shut the door and bounced on the bed. Jeanette’s excitement overflowed and she couldn’t stop giggling. Sheri touched her hand. “Guess who I went out with.” “Who?” “Richie Jeeter.” “Oh my God. You really went out with Richie Jeeter?” Sheri nodded, grinning. “On our first date, we went to the school dance. When we were dancing, he was feeling me up. Then, after, he drove me up to the lookout. I was...

2 years ago
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Hermes the new king

In Ancient Greece, the world was ruled by the gods of Olympus, but you already know their stories, if not you probably wouldn’t be reading this. So let me tell you about the time Hermes single handedly cucked and fucked his way to being ruler of Olympus...this’ll make sense later. Our story begins in the forests of ancient greece. The messenger god Hermes was floating above the trees, sorting letters that Zeus instructed him to deliver to his mistresses, the king couldn’t even be faithful to...

1 year ago
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Cherrie 2025

Brief description: Picture if you will the year is 2025 and technology has reached a point that no one foresaw. A woman scientist who was wrongly treated by here male peers and her husband has not only taken technology to a new height but has transformed the world into a nightmare for men who still think they can rule the world. Story and all characters have been created by my uncontrollable imagination. LOL Gina Strixx,a lovely and brilliant scientist had worked for years on countless projects...

3 years ago
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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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EstherChapter 3

When we entered the dining salon, all conversation stopped. I had changed from my travel clothes earlier, but was still in black. Esther was in a peach colored evening gown. As I said before, she was ravishing. Martha and Hatty walked behind us in their evening gowns. It was plain that everyone wondered who this girl was with the Royal Executioner and the Guild Master for companions. Certainly most of the apprentices and the other Guild members had not met, or been introduced to Esther. None...

2 years ago
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EstherChapter 2

“Are the statements, that the Lord Executioner made, true?” the Village Chief demanded sternly. “Yes, Un ... Uncle,” the young man finally answered very quietly. “A week in the stocks,” the Village Chief pronounced, “and the same for those two friends of yours.” The Village Chief then turned to me to apologize. “I am sorry I doubted you, Lord Executioner. It would appear that I need to pay closer attention to what is going on with the workers in the fields.” “An excellent idea,” I replied,...

2 years ago
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Sherrys Test Ch 20

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance any real person. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort...

1 year ago
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Theresas Deportment

"Language Theresa!" "But Mrs. Bradshaw, I only said..." "Hush Theresa, I will not have such rude vernacular spoken in my boarding house! Also, kindly remove your elbows from the tabletop. More over, the fork was placed on the left side of your plate for a specific reason." Theresa blushed as she looked around at the other five girls, some of them putting on airs. "I never ate before with my left hand Mrs. Bradshaw." "You are a student now in the most prestigious Ladies College in...

4 years ago
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Hermiones Deal

Disclaimer: None of these characters belong to me. Harry Potter and all the associated characters named in the story are the property of J. K. Rowling and her publishers and have been used without permission. As fan fiction, no money has been charged, or may be charged, for publication of this work. Hermione Granger had snuck out of the castle that was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry because Hagrid, the half-giant game keeper, had finally agreed to show her what she had wanted...

2 years ago
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Sherris black sex instructor part 2

After several months of incredible sex with Richard, Sherri accepted a date to go with him to a friends bar on the outskirts of town. She wore a tight, stretchable, body hugging black dress that clung to her body and showed everything she had. Richard insisted she wear no panties or bra and she happily obliged as she said she felt so alive and very sexy. Not to mention horny and wet!They drove for a short while to a house in the hills just outside of the city limits. It was an older house...

3 years ago
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Cheri Red

Beautiful dayCheri hummed to herself as she walked down the street with her basket.“It sure is a beautiful day!” she said to no one in particular as she passed the shops.It was one of those fine spring days when the sun is shining and the birds are singing, and you feel all is right with the world. As she continued down the street the neighborhood got grittier and the shops more unkempt, but that didn’t distract from Cheri’s enjoyment of the day. Someone walked out of the tattoo parlor as she...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Sherrys Test Ch 17b

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order. Each chapter stands on it’s own but this chapter is a continuation of 17a and it would be good to read that first. It is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and bears no resemblance any persons spanked or unspanked. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort in writing this, so please take a moment to vote and comment. – – – – – – – – – – – – – –...

3 years ago
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Cheri Pulls A Train and much more part 1

So it has been awhile since I have updated everyone on Cheri and her new life. Cheri has become a slut wife which is has been great for me. She continues to be Barbs very personal assistant at work. I recommend that you read my previous post about how Cheri got her raise. On to the next chapter.As you know Cheri came from a conservative back round. To say things have changed is an understatement! Cheri has become a full blown whore!Cheri has been earning her raise by being available to Barb...

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Esther III

Esther III ? by: TamarainRubber Even though we knew we were going to be late for Lisa's party, we couldn't keep our hands off each other. For the next hour or so we grabbed each other like wild cats in heat. Her breasts heaving and her lungs gasping for oxygen, Esther still found the energy to warn me not to cum. At some point she did pull my cock out from behind my rubber bloomers and shoved every inch into her mouth. The clothes she had dressed me in only made me harder and,...

2 years ago
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Cheri Pulls A Train and Much More Part 2

Cheri Pulls A Train and Much More part2 I recommend that you read part 1. When we left off Barb and Cheri were headed to their flight. Barb had Cheri change into a very short dress with a deep V that barely kept her tits covered. The clacking of Cheri's six inch heels on the floor caused everyone to look as she walked with her tits and big ass bouncing all the over the place. As they got to the gate First Class was being called and Barb and Cheri went to board. As Cheri gave her ticket to the...

3 years ago
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Herbie The Reunion Part 1

I hadn’t seen my best friend, Herbie, from c***dhood for close to six years when I got a call from him letting me know he would be passing through my area and wanted to know if I’d like to meet for dinner and drinks. The city he was going to be in was a 2 1/2 hour drive from me, so he suggested I stay at his hotel to avoid driving home after having a few drinks. Even though I hadn’t seen him in years, we remained in contact with each other and I was excited to see him again. I’d had many...

3 years ago
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Herbie The Reunion Part 1

I hadn't seen my best friend, Herbie, from c***dhood for close to six years when I got a call from him letting me know he would be passing through my area and wanted to know if I'd like to meet for dinner and drinks. The city he was going to be in was a 2 1/2 hour drive from me, so he suggested I stay at his hotel to avoid driving home after having a few drinks. Even though I hadn't seen him in years, we remained in contact with each other and I was excited to see him again. I'd had many...

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