- 3 years ago
- 38
- 0
Ever since I was a little girl, I’d dreamed of being a newswoman. The female reporters on TV always seemed so smart and confident. Becoming a television reporter was all I thought about. But the first time I appeared on the nightly news it was in the most horrifying way possible.
The entirety of the scratchy, worn television set was filled with portraits of a pair of school girls. The girl on the right had long straw blond hair, tied in a loose ponytail with a pink bow. Bangs of her hair fell over her face carelessly, kept out of the tie. She wore no makeup, but her face was striking anyway, sharp and youthful. Her eyes were her most distinguished feature. The blue orbs seemed to stare sadly at the audience. She was only sixteen.
?The search for the missing Cadence sisters,? a droning womans voice spoke from off screen, subtitling the pictures with her voice, ?Enters its second week. With no clues and no leads, there is diminishing hope they will be found alive.
The girl on the left was older, seventeen. Her face was softer, and even though she wore some tasteful makeup, I couldn't help but think that her sister was the more beautiful of the two. The girl has black hair as long as her sisters, but she kept it neatly pulled back behind a headband. Bright green eyes shine in the picture, in brilliant contrast to her pale skin.
The girl on the left was me.
On the TV, the news anchor reappeared, a frumpy woman in her forties, fingers neatly folded on the desk. ?Friends and neighbors are praying that the young women are safe and happy, wherever they are now.?
We weren’t. We’d never been more terrified or more miserable in our short lives.
?A hotline has been established, and anyone who has information about their disappearance is urged to call immediately,? the woman continued, her slow, monotonous voice understating the importance of her plea. ?The two sisters were last seen leaving the Whitefish Bay public library before vanishing without a trace. Their parents continue to plead for their safe return. You may remain anonymous. The chief of police has said that returning the young women to their loving family is his top priority
‘Loving family?’ I didn’t know what that meant, The words buzzed around my head making no sense. My sister and I belonged to a new family now. We didn’t have a loving daddy any more. We had him ... the one who hurt us...
My new home was a roach infested dump. Flies and maggots crawled across my skin. I shuddered at their touch, but couldn’t brush them off in disgust. I was bound most of the time. Even when my new daddy took me out to play.
Like right now.
The disgusting man's prick tore its way into me as he forced me to sit down on top of it. My poor vagi... no, my cunt was on fire as it spread around the invading member. His fingers pressed roughly into my thigh, pulling me up and down. Reflexively I tried to pull my hands down, to defend myself, but it was a pointless attempt. I was too firmly secured by the handcuffs around my wrists, looped through a ring on the wall behind the couch we both sat on.
The man behind me gulped down a swig of beer, the smell of the cheap swill almost as disgusting as the man I sat atop. ?They’re still looking for you, Arael. I thought they’d give up by now. They must think you’re something special. But you and I know better, don’t we?? He said, pushing me down on his cock especially hard. ?The three of us know you’re just a cheap fuck!? His foot kicked out with another especially violent thrust, kicking an empty beer can into four more of the dozens littering the basement. ?You could be replaced by a wet twat that screams when you beat it, and no one would know the difference!?
I tried to yell out an instinctive denial, but nothing but a grunt escaped the gag in my mouth. I wanted to scream in pain, to shout that he was wrong about me, to beg him for mercy, but nothing remotely like speech made it out of my mouth. As he forced me up and down again and again and again, I could do nothing but stare helplessly at the television screen in front of me as the newswoman went on.
?A reward is being offered for their safe return. All of us at this station are praying for a happy ending to this disturbing story. More as it develops. This has been Anne Catherine with the news. Good night!?
The massive cock gouged a searing path to my cervix, leaving me breathless with pain as it pummeled by helpless cunt. I’d learned so much from my new daddy since he brought me and my sister to stay with him. Words like ?cunt’ and ‘cum dump’... and ‘spoiled, cock sucking fuck-toy...'
The rapist behind me laughed. ?A reward? Your tight muffin is only worth five bucks, and that
includes a long, gagging blowjob!? He took another long pull from his beer before throwing the empty can across the room to my right. I heard a grunt when the can hit. ?But your sweet sister, she’s worth
more. Her smooth twat is worth at least ten dollars!? I felt his hand grab tightly onto my hair, pulling it sharply. He twisted my head to the side. ?Just look at her nasty wet hole!?
My sister Raven was there, tied up tightly. My sister, my beautiful, quiet sister, was bound to the ceiling by a rope around her neck. Another rope bound one of her legs up to itself tightly, tying itself. Her hands were tied behind her back, and then they were tied to her bound leg's big toe. A final rope was bound tightly above and below her breasts, making them swell.
My poor sister was sweating horribly. A half dozen incandescent light bulbs hung from the ceiling around her – some of the scalding bulbs nearly touched her bare skin.? She must have been baking.
?You getting jealous, Raven? Unhappy your sis is getting a deep dicking? I got plenty of splooge to go around, so don’t worry!?
She wasn't even gagged. My sister was always considered the quiet one. I looked at her now, her skin dripping with sweat and muscles standing out as her body was wrapped in agony from the strain of holding her position. She wasn’t quiet any more. I'd heard her scream in anguish until the walls shook, just like I had.
?You've been tied up like a big titted hog all day. I know pain gets your gash slick.? Raven's lips moved slightly as our new daddy taunted her, but she made no sound. Her mouth must be as dry as the desert. ?When I chew on those plump udders, you’re gonna cream!?
I watched as my sister wobbled in her balance. She was standing just the ball of her unbound foot, and precariously standing on a board balanced on a pair of beer bottles. Rusted nails stuck through the boards, and even though I should have been worrying about her strangling if she fell, I couldn't stop thinking about how much it would hurt if she stepped on one of the ugly nails.
Obviously, my rapist has seen her nearly fall as well. ?Watch out, slut... one slip and daddy’s little fuckpig is going to be dead meat!? he was ramming me down on his cock faster and faster, and another pained grunt escaped my gag. ?I want you gagging on my cock, not choking on a noose because you’re a clumsy whore!?
My aching pussy stretched wider than I thought possible. He raised me until I thought he was going to let me go, then he’d slam me down into his lap again impaling me on his greasy, throbbing pole. I felt like this has been going on for hours before he started screaming at me. ?Yes! My balls are
overflowing with gobs of cum! Gonna spit a fresh load up your cunny, bitch!? With a roar, he pulled be down to the base of his cock as warmth flooded me. My daddy's roar echoed in the basement as I sobbed, my body being polluted by his seed.
It seemed like forever passed before he pulled me up by my thighs again, lifting me off of him. I looked down despite myself, and watched as his slime dripped from within and onto his cock. ?Every time I spurt in your puss, it means you belong to me!? He whispered harshly into my ear. ?After a while, you won’t remember anything else!? He smiled, his hand reaching up to caress my cheek almost gently. He started pulling the plug sealing my gag. ?Time for you to clean my cock, bitch.?
I never thought anyone could be as evil. The only thing that kept me from going crazy was the sight of my sister, tied in knots and positioned where the slightest misstep would strangle her to death. If the revolting man... my new daddy... was busy playing with me, at least he’d leave her alone.
My little sister's voice filled the room, beautiful even though it was dry, raspy. ?P-please.. mister.? Raven gasped, her voice weak. ?I need you... -sob- inside me.. I w-want it... P-p-please give it to me!?
My heart broke inside my breast as I heard my sister beg for the animal to abuse her. She was trying to save me. She’d watched as he mauled my breasts, grabbed my hair and forced me down into his revolting crotch. Right then I loved her more than my own life
?I.... I promise I won’t resist any more... I really -gasp- want you...?
Our new daddy's dwelling was a chamber of horrors. Naked bulbs hung from the ceiling’s like lynched faeries. Light gleamed from equipment that made my skin crawl, even thought I couldn't understand their purpose I could tell they were ghastly. And writhing at the center of this sinister pit of depravity was my sister. The most beautiful, innocent and big-hearted person in the world. and she was crying as she begged to be used.
The man laughed, roughly grouping one of my breasts. He twisted the nipple harshly as answered. ?Tell me why I should bother shafting you, bitch. Your sis is a good enough hate fuck... for the moment!?
Raven twisted on the board, her throat working as she swallowed frantically as she tried to wet her mouth. ?I... I can make you -sob- happier. You... you’ll enjoy me more... I won’t yell... I’ll be quiet and do what I’m told.... I’ll do anything... just please, mister... don’t be angry with me... I’m still learning my place...?
Fire erupted in my wrists as the man dropped me, and I was suddenly hanging from the cuffs. I scrambled to get my feet under me, to push myself onto the chair, as 'daddy' walked over to my sister...
- - - - -
It all started two weeks ago.
Living in Whitefish Bay was paradise. It was beautiful and safe and it was the only life that my sister and I knew. It was the sort of small suburb outside of a small city that wealthy couples go to raise a family, and that’s exactly what mother and father did right after they were married.
No one drove unless they commuted into the city. Everyone walked everywhere. Raven and I knew almost every rock and pebble along its winding lanes. The nearby lake gave us countless hours of entertainment as we explored the parks, the woods. Everyone from the mayor to the garbageman knew each other, and were friendly and polite. My sister and I were inseparable.
I remember that earlier that week, the two of us went into the market to buy groceries. Maybe it was quaint, but nearly everything we needed was sold in the center of town, at the open air market.
I was just picking out some tomatoes when I caught a whiff of cigar smoke. I remember waving my hand before my nose, driving the disgusting scent away. I wish I'd turned around instead. On that day, I thought I knew everyone in town. I’d never seen anyone who didn’t greet me with a happy smile or a kind word.
I know that smell of smoke now. If I'd turned, I would have seen him lurking there...
The elderly woman selling the produce took the tomatoes from me. ?Let me wrap up those purchases for you dears. Please say hello to your mother and father for me.?
Raven smiled softly, and I grinned happily as well. ?Of course, Mrs. Schinn!? I said brightly. ?I know they’ll love hearing from you. Bye bye!
Lurking there, looking at me and my sister like ripe flowers. Precious buds just beginning to blossom... and ready to be plucked.
- - - - -
Later that day.
?Arael and I are going to the library, mom!? Raven called out as she opened the front door of the house. ?We’ll be back before dinner!?
?Ok, sweetie. Have fun!? she called back from the kitchen. ?Just stay out of the section that has books on evolution. I’ve tried to speak to the librarian about having them removed, but she insists on keeping them where young adults can see them. Shameless.?
I smiled to myself as I followed my sister out the door. ?We’ll close our eyes, mom. We promise!?
?Besides, Arael and I already know that evolution are lies,? my sister continued as she played with her hair, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder. ?Who could even think that man developed from apes??
God help me, I laughed. ?Not me! I was made in god's image. It’s true!?
I was dumb. I was about to meet someone who was more beast than human. More animal than man.
- - - - -
I had just found a second book I wanted to read when I heard someone behind me. ?Well bless my aging eyes, it’s Arael and Raven! Why, it must have been years since I last saw you girls!? I turned around, and I saw him for the first time.
The man was about fifty, walking towards my sister and I from down the aisle. I remember thinking that he was disgusting, and immediately feeling guilty for the thought. The man walked closer. ?You probably don’t remember me. I’m a good friend of your father. I used to buy construction goods at his store all the time before I retired.?
He was bald and long faced. His fat belly tried desperately to escape his filthy tank top. As he walked closer, my nose wrinkled. She stank of cigar smoke and booze.
I instinctively leaned backward a bit, putting my shoulder against my sister's. ?Oh! Um, hello. I... I’m sorry we didn’t recognize you, sir.?
The fat man smiled, his teeth yellow and foul. ?My name is Horton Rogass. But all my friends call me Uncle Roy.? He stretched out a hand for me, and I tentative took it. I knew I'd have to wash the oil off my hand after we shook.
When Uncle Roy moved his hand towards Raven, she didn't take it. ?Daddy never mentioned having a friend named Uncle Roy. Are you sure you know him?
I was scandalized. ?Raven! Where are your manners!? I wagged a finger at her. The effect was probably reduced by the greasy stains on it. ?Daddy knows lots of people. He’s an important man in town.?
My sister looked at me, innocent as can be. ?But it’s true! I would have remembered if daddy
had mentioned knowing someone named Horton, or Herbert or whatever.? She stuck out her tongue at the man before taking his hand, shaking it enthusiastically.
?I apologize, mister.? I said, smiling at the man as I put my hand on my sister's shoulder, gentling pushing her to start walking away. ?My sister can be blunt sometimes. It was nice to see you, sir!?
I didn’t want to admit it, but I didn’t remember daddy mentioning him either. But I kept silent. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I was so dumb.
Roy's grin widened. ?No need to apologize, ladies. Whitefish Bay seems like a safe town, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find it’s home to some really sick freaks. You can never be too careful.? He waved to us. ?Have a good day!?
I felt his eyes on us as we walked away.
- - - - -
?Did you see how he was staring at us?? Raven whispered to me was we walked out of the library. ?It was totally icky!?
I walked down the street, turning down the alley to head home the way we always did. ?Oh sis, you’re imagining things! Suspecting that old guy of lying about being a friend of daddy’s.? I looked at her, smiling widely. ?I’m shocked!?
We never stood a chance. It must have been easy.
I smelled the vile scent of stale beer and smoke. Before I could place the smell, something hit me from behind. Pain filled me as ever muscle in my body went instantly rigid, cramping tighter and tighter until I couldn't hold myself up any longer. Then I was falling. I heard my sister cry out. Then everything was black.
- - - - -
Whitefish Bay is a small town, but even it has places where no one goes.
?Huh...? Unnn... my head... oww...?
My world was formed of a sea of grays, half in focus. My eyes were blinking slowly, repeatedly, as I tried to make sense of the world. Everything hurt.
Suddenly the world pushed instantly into focus as I remembered what happened. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't move.. ?Hey, Raven??
My head was pounding so hard that I didn’t realize that I’d been locked in a iron-banded yoke and my wrists were shackled. I tried to fight down a rising panic when I suddenly heard a moan from behind me. Raven!
?Chelsea! Wake up!? I begged, trying to keep calm. I probably wasn't doing very well. ?Please! Something really bad has happened!? I turned my head as far as I could. It wasn't very far, but I could see her just behind me, bound in the same yoke I was with her back to mine. We were both on our knees, and our arms were crudely entwined at the elbows, like lovers.
?Unnngh... I don’t feel so good. Arael?? My sister whispered. I'd never been to happy to hear my sister's voice. ?I feel sick... huh?? My sister's body twisted against mine as she moved. My arms were pulled back and forth as she realized how we were restrained together. ?Arael! I... I’m trapped! Help me!?
?Thank god you’re alive!? Raven turned her head towards me, and when I strained as hard as I could, I just barely could see her bright eyes. ?I’m trapped too.? I was starting to lose the fight against sobbing. I had been scared for my sister, and I was cold. The concrete floor was frozen under my bare legs, and my blouse was hanging half off my body. It felt ripped. ?You were so quiet... for a moment I thought...?
There was sudden loud bangs above us. My head turned to the right, looking at a set of stairs going up. ?Um... hello?? I called, my voice breaking. ?Is anybody there? We... we need help!
Wrong, bitch! You need cock! 12 inches of meat, that’s what you need!? The fat man, Uncle Roy, appeared on the stairs, bare naked. He had a... thing between his legs, sticking out even past his fat belly. ?That’s what you’ve needed since the day you were born. A thick shaft full of jizz to remind you of your purpose in life!?
I couldn’t comprehend what was going on. My bones ached as though I’d been dragged down the stairs by my hair, and my legs cramped on the cold concrete floor of the smelly room. I’d never met a vicious predator before, someone who hurt women for pleasure. I didn’t know what to do. I was about to learn.
He reached the bottom of the stairs. I noticed for the first time he had a video camera in one huge hand. It looked like a toy. I shuddered. ?It.. It’s you! You... you’re the man from the library! W-why are you doing this? You’re daddy’s friend. You should be helping us!?
The man laughed, a deep, booming sound that filled the room, but it wasn't laughter like I'd ever heard before. It completely lacked any of the feelings I associated with laughter – happiness, humor, joy. ?You dumb cunt! All I know about your father is that he’s too lax with family discipline.? He brought the camera to his face, pointing it at my sister and I as we looked at him in shock. ?Ignorant brats should be beat upside the head whenever they ask stupid questions. I’m beginning to think your
father has failed to raise you properly.?
The fat man walked over to the wall by the stairs. ?I’ll be your daddy from now on. Daddy Roy! You sluts are in for the time of your lives with me. You’re my property, just like I own my shitty van, I own you too!?
My eyes felt like they were bulging out of my head. ?You... You can’t do this! It’s insane!?
A sob escaped my sister, and I could hear the tear in her voice. ?And Illegal! They lock up perverts like you... for life!?
Roy laughed again, the sound every bit as sinister as before. ?Yeah, that dickless father of yours has been failing in his duties.? He grabbed at a handle on the wall, labeled with an electrical bolt, and pulled it down harshly with an electrical buzz. The whirring of the motor started over my head. ?It’s up to the man of the house to lay down the law!?
The wooden yoke slammed into the back of my head as it was winched towards the ceiling. My vision went blurry, and before I knew it I was on my feet, struggling to balance while being entwined with my hysterically crying sister.
?Which one to take first?? Roy said to himself, walking in a circle around the pair of us. ?Which cherry needs popping more? Decisions... decisions!? His disgusting hand brushed my arm, and I flinched away from him. ?This little piggy went to market.? He pulled Raven's hair. ?This little piggy
needs a bone!? I had to restrain myself from gagging as his tongue touched my cheek, licking up the side of my face. ?This little piggy is gonna spend the rest of her life wishing that she’d stayed at home!?
?Please, we... we don’t have much money...? Raven sobbed, helplessly, ?but you can take everything if you just let us go! P-please...?
Roy smiled with his putrid teeth as he walked over. The smell grew stronger, and I wanted to gag. ?Aww.. Isn’t that precious? The brainless blond thinks I want money! Don’t you know the only
valuable part of a whore is what’s hidden between her legs?
My heart was pounding so loudly I thought it would burst from my chest. My blouse had been torn open, and my firm breasts were exposed to his leer. I suddenly realized that only the thin cotton of my panties stood between me and his grimy fingers. I almost wet myself in panic. But he wasn’t interested in me, not at first. His eyes went to my sister. Out of the corner of my eye, I could his his hands reach out for her.
?No! No no no...? I could hear cloth ripping, and then my sister's bra was laying on the ground before me.
?But tit-meat is worth something too, right?
I shut my eyes tight. I didn't want to think about that disgusting man, touching my sister's bare breasts.
?No! Stop it!?
His cruel laughter opened by eyes again, and I could just barely see him running his hand over my sister's face.
?I gots lots of friends online who will pay a fortune to see me rough up your muff, blondie.? Suddenly, the man pulled his hand away, crying out. ?Ahhh!? His hand was bleeding. She bit him. I wish I were as brave as she was.
?Ow! Ungrateful whore!? His hand snapped forward again, slapping my sister across the face with a wet, meaty sound. Raven's head snapped back into mine, and the two of us swayed on our feet, trying to keep our balance.
When I got my balance back, He was standing over at a desk, digging through a collection of junk on the rough wooden construction. ?That was stupid, bitch,? Roy snarled. ?I don’t mind a chick blowing me with two black eyes, so watch your tongue!? The man turned back to us, holding a pair of jars of yellow liquid. ?But since rules and discipline are new to ya, I’m gonna start off easy.?
He started unscrewing one of the jars. ?You worthless cunts aren’t worthy of licking the shit from my ass. You need to learn that. This will put things in their proper perspective!.? And with that, the bastard emptied the first jar over my sister's head.
The rank smell of urine filled the room immediately. A gallon of the putrid liquid soaked Raven's head and face immediately, splashing onto me as well. It poured down her body, wetting the remains of her clothing and covering her body completely. She gagged, retching as his vile pee flowed over her. I couldn't contain myself any longer – I started sobbing as hard as she was.
?I’m sorry! d-don’t do -sob!- this..? Raven begged. Roy complete ignored her, turning to me as he opened the second jar.
?Showering in my piss is an honor for a fuck-slave. You’ll be drinking it day and night until you
turn yellow!? He starting pouring the second jar over me. The feeling was more vile than I can imagine. It stank like nothing I'd ever had on me, and when it brushed my lips as it ran down my face, I almost threw up. ?You two mouthy turds are getting on my nerves. I figured since your such pieces of shit, you can be my toilet?? He laughed as he finished pouring the jar onto me, the sound abrasively loud.
?s-s-Stop... please! This is too much..?
?We haven’t even begun, bitch!,? He said, slapping me twice lightly on the cheek. It was more condescending than painful. He pulled at my jaw as he forced a ball gag into my mouth, tying it tightly behind me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him doing the same to my sobbing sister. ?You and your sis are in for a world of humiliation and depravity.? Roy turned and walked back to the stairs. ?The sooner you realize that serving my hairy balls and bloated shaft is your purpose in life, the easier your training will be. Resist and I’ll flush you... permanently!? Our new daddy switched out the lights, and the room vanished complete. There was nothing but the cold air on soaked skin.
- - - - -
I don’t know how much time passed. It seemed like an eternity of freezing, drowning on the scent of cold piss... but things didn’t get any better after.
?Grin nice and pretty!? Daddy said with his camera to his face. ?Show daddy them cum-hungry smiles!?
I was sobbing. Deep, pained sobs that made my eyes water and my nose run. I can't remember ever hurting this bad. My sister was crying just as hard next to me. We both both obscenely bound the same way, naked as the day we were born, our legs spread perfectly open and duct tapped to a metal frame until our knees were drawn up and our bodies were perfectly vertical, perfectly flat. Our hands were tapped above our heads, unable to move an inch no matter how badly I wanted to bring them down to protect my privates.
?Now that is a sweet pair of lips.? He pushed his camera into my crotch, inches from my spread pussy. ?Full, pouty and ready to be shame-fucked! And the lips on your pretty face ain’t bad either.?
Those lower lips were the source of my pain. My pussy was spread indecently wide... by mousetraps. The traps were taped tightly to my thighs, with the trap painfully pinning my labia in their grip. I'd already screamed until I was horse. To my left, my sister was in the same peril.
Odd. I'd never seen my sister like this before, and despite the situation, I couldn't help but be surprised that she shaved down there. It wasn't something I'd expected. It's funny what you think about.
?Please, mister. Y-you aren’t going to kill us, are you?? I begged him pitifully. We... we haven’t done anything wrong... -sob!- I don’t want to die!?
Roy took a long pull from his cigar, and blew the smoke right into my face. ?Stupid fucktoy!? I cringed at the foul language, even as I coughed on the gagging smoke. ?How can I make money on the internet if you’re dead?? He lifts the camera up until it's focused on my face as I sob and squirm. ?Humiliating a stuck up snot-nosed whore. now that’s what people pay to see! They want to see things they can’t do to their bossy girlfriends, or frigid wives, get it? Mean things. Sick things!?
He twisted a tube of lipstick, moving it towards me. I tried to flinch away from him as his filthy hand touched my breast, but I was bound too tightly to do anything.
?I’m gonna make you sluts famous.? He said, taunting me as the word 'whore' appeared across my tits. ?Long after your parents have forgotten your names,? 'Rape toy appeared on my stomach, ?my online friends will remember you. And they’ll remember exactly what you are.? Slut and bitch appeared on my thighs, and as he finished talked, he drew an arrow to my crotch, labeled 'fuck me.'
?Useless whores,? He said, slapping me across my face,? Only good for humiliation and endless sexual abuse!? He stepped over to Raven. My sister tried to struggle, but she could barely squirm as he started writing. That damn camera was right in her face.
?Your fat tits belong to me,? Roy told her, writing 'cow tits' across her large breasts. ?Your dripping snatches... everything!? 'Horny' and 'Dirty Cunt' appeared above her crotch and across her abdomen. ?You aren’t even human, you’re less than garbage.? He grabbed my sister by her hair and pulled it back sharply, and he wrote pig across her forehead before spitting into her open mouth.
He turned back to me with the camera, groping me as he did. Each shuddering breath brought waves of excruciating pain through my stretched pussy. I couldn’t protect myself from his hands, or that damned camera he shoved in our faces to capture every tear. We were spread open like a science experiment, helpless before our captor and his thousands of sick online perverts. It was the start of our new lives as sex slaves.
Our new daddy stood up against me and rubbed his disgusting thing on my face. It stank even worse than the rest of him did.
?Daddy Roy is gonna take good care of his cheap cunts. As long as you slurp my cum and polish my dick, I’ll keep the punishment to a minimum.? He slapped me with his cock, bouncing it against my lips, ?but the second you screw up, I’ll carve you up like a fleshy jack-o-lantern.? His hand reached down and grabbed my nipple, twisting it roughly. ?Now open wide and make your new daddy proud of ya! Lick my cock.?
It was more than any young woman could take, but I held my breath and opened my mouth to
lap at his revolting penis. As long as there was a chance of escape, I had to stay strong and protect my sister
Oh god, if you’re listening... please protect us from this perverted animal. I can’t take much more!
End of chapter 1
This happened long back. I was in college doing a degree course. And as a young boy, I was always horny and thinking of sex. The pastime at that time was going near our pond and watching girls and middle-aged women taking bath. Getting the glimpse of many naked pussies was a matter of great thrill at that time. Of course still, it is so.I had two sisters and they also used to take bath in that pond, which was in our compound. They knew I was hanging around the pond to see the bathing scene of...
This happened long back. I was in college doing a degree course. And as a young boy, I was always horny and thinking of sex. The pastime at that time was going near our pond and watching girls and middle-aged women taking bath. Getting the glimpse of many naked pussies was a matter of great thrill at that time. Of course still, it is so. I had two sisters and they also used to take bath in that pond, which was in our compound. They knew I was hanging around the pond to see the bathing scene of...
IncestA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Mind-Controlled into Lesbian Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they'd locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy...
?Schoolgirl Sisters Part 1 The two naked female bodies swung gently in chains hanging from the ceiling of the darkened chamber. The slim bodies were of two teenage sisters who were bound tightly together, hanging by cuffs around their wrists to the ceiling above. Both girls were crying ?please help me? but their cries were the sole sounds heard in the half-lit chamber. No one was going to help them in their ordeal. The two girls faced each other, their beautiful young bodies crushed...
Chapter Six: Breeding His Mermaid Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my...
Copyright© 1996-2003 "Said a lesbian lady, 'It's sad; Of All the girls that I've had, None gave me the thrill Of real rapture until I learned how to be a tribade.'" -author unknown "And she liked to lick my clit while pushing a small four inch vibrator up my ass!" "No!" Both ladies took a sip of wine, and the elder brunette again crossed her long silk covered legs again. The blonde continued, "You haven't had oral sex if you haven't felt this girls tongue between...
Hi friends this is vicky again from jaipur city, i m a manager 27yrs working in a reputed firm,i had submittedmy some experiences on this site n i got a wonderful response from u ,mujhe kyi calls aur bahut mails milli regarding problems n meets,if any girl or ldy from jaipur or around jaipur wanna meet me or wanna discuss her problem she can mail me its my assurance tht the meet will be kept a secret u can mail me at this is the story when i was at school I was seventeen and in last year of my...
SISTERS.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation A fantasy story inspired by a two page ad for Loreal lipstick with two models with different looks who could be sisters. Sherry and Terri are two sisters getting ready for a double date. Their dates arrive to pick them up before the ladies are quite finished getting themselves ready. As they open the door to let their dates in, the sisters sigh in disappointment. The guys are in T-shirts and jeans; they didn't bother to get dressed...
Hello people, once again it’s Jatin with his new story. First, thanks to all the ISS readers to have taken interest in reading my real life incidents and coming to me with their feedback and also thanks for the emails and getting in touch with me. If you like my stories do email me on Those who haven’t read my previous story, here is some brief information abt myself. I am Jatin, 26 years old living in UK (soon returning to India), but I spent most of my life in India as my parents have a...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Marrying His Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 3rd, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker “Thank you for meeting with us,” my partner, Detective Sunny Savage said. “We really appreciate it.” “Anything to help out the police,” said the black-haired, green-eyed young woman when she opened the door to her home. She had a bright smile on her face, though there was that nervousness that most...
Three Pregnant Sisters I’ve just got to tell you what happened seven months ago. But first I guess I should tell you about us. I am a twenty-five-year-old male, my wife Ella is twenty-three years old, and then she has two younger sisters, Gina age twenty-one and Lily age nineteen. Well since all of the girls were June brides all three of us couples decided to go on vacation together one year. Lily was the newlywed celebrating her first year of marriage. Gina had been married...
Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters Formally known as Goldilocks and The Three Bears Players: Chuck, nicknamed Golden Locks for his curly blond hair; Sam, Chuck's best friend; Paula Bear, Mona Bear and Brenda Bear also known in wrestling as the Bear Sisters. Synopsis: Chuck is a huge fan of the huge sisters that wrestle as a tag team known as the Bear Sisters. A big enough fan to throw caution to the wind when he discovers they live near by. He missed a chance one night to get...
With the blessing of Mr.z I am transferring his story "Shrunken at home with Shemale Sisters" to this site. First thing you may have noticed is I changed the name slightly. I just like Futanari better than Shemale personally. If you know the original then you know the ages where lower then what this site allows, so I've gone to the liberty of upping the characters ages. While I don't think this will cause too much issue with the chapters, it does mean that the majority if not all of the younger...
TranssexualNote: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my three mermaid sisters—and they were my sisters, they looked identical to Lasla...
Growing up as the only boy in a house with three older sisters and a mom can be a real drag. Every aspect of family life is female. Shopping, talking, even what they watched on television or what music they listened to. The girls got all of the easy inside chores while Norm was left with mowing the lawns, trimming the shrubbery, raking leaves, etc. He often wondered if life would have been different for him had his dad not been killed by a drunk driver when Jim was only 3. He barely remembered...
Sadie hugged her sisters, pulled the hood and face-covering back into place, and went with her sisters. Before they got to where I saw the woman who had to be Sadie’s mom, she said, “So you know, the only good thing that came out of her blinding me is David. He is why I didn’t kill myself during the darkest times. I’ve heard everyone talking about him. I knew him before any of them, and David hasn’t changed the least bit since then, except for getting bigger all over.” That caused all three...
Slutty SistersI was in heaven. Pure blow job heaven. Standing at the end of my bed in my typical bachelor pad flat wearing not a stitch of clothing. On her knees and a little to my right was Lisa Duncan, she was similarly naked, showing her curvaceous body (a short five foot five, long blonde hair and the kind of impish cute face that no-one could ever be annoyed at atop her excellently proportioned bosom and a round, firm ass) while she worked over my heavy balls in her mouth. A delightful...
Laura charged through the front door to meet her younger sister Alexis sitting on the sofa watching the TV. Alexis didn’t expect her sister home so soon and was dressed in a light tank top, no bra and tight pj shorts. Laura was looking just as hot as when Alexis watched her longingly leave only an hour before. Laura’s sweet body was poured into a pair of white jeans, that showed off her perfect bubble butt. Laura was wearing a bra under a nearly see-through pink top. Both girls had light blonde...
"I'm through with guys!" grunted Laura as she threw her jacket onto the floor. "Yeah, me too" mumbled Alexis through a mouthful of popcorn. Slumping down on the sofa Laura took a handful of Alexis's popcorn and began to watch the movie. She had a glazed expression on her face. Gulping down her last handful of popcorn Alexis gazed over to fifteen year old sister Laura. 'Fuck, sis is so cute when she eats.' Laura turned to face Alexis, who was smiling at her. "You okay Lex?"...
Gopi was 22 years old but while all his friends in the village who were of his age, had gotten married, Gopi’s marriage was in the distant horizon. The reason was he had to work for many more years to pay off all the family debt. His father had passed away due to pneumonia attack when he was 16 without marrying off any of his four daughters and he did not leave any money behind except the house they lived in. So as soon as Gopi passed out of high school, he wrote the public service commission...
IncestMy wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don’t get to see her very often. She’s been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she’s forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there’s Melissa, she’s thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...
My wife, Becky, has four sisters. The oldest, Janna, is forty-four and lives several states away so we don't get to see her very often. She's been divorced now for some years and teaches fifth grade. The next sister is Millie, she's forty, she lives in England with her husband who is British and we only see them every four or five years. Then, there's Melissa, she's thirty-seven and she lives all the way across the country from us so she visits only rarely, Next is Becky at thirty-six, then...
Group SexI hadn't seem him for six plus years but as soon as he entered the Kamikaze Topless Bar on Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio, on a beautiful early May evening I recognized him — Rod Munroe, aka 'Surfer Rod', aka 'Blond Rod'. Our paths had crossed in 1988/89 at OSU when Rod and I had lived in the same dorm during our freshman year at the University. Although we had never become close friends, we were acquaintances and due to an odd quirk of fate got to know quite a bit about the other during...
She would host team parties at her house and loved a good drink, always making sure everyone was enjoying one too. I was kind of new to drinking any kind of alcohol and she delighted in getting me drunk enough to make the room spin. Instead of having me drive home drunk, she had me stay the night at her place after the party ended and everyone else left. I thought I'd be fine just sleeping it off on the sofa with a blanket, but when she turned off the heat to the house, it got quite cold...
Sex Slave Sisters ???????????????????????????? ??????Sex Slave Sisters???????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????A work of total fiction by Taskmaster??????????????????????????????????????????? Part One?????????????????????????????? [email protected] For me she had always had that special indefinable something about her, even now after four years she looked so damm good. Sure the only reason she was speaking to me was because I am the father of her sister?s two boys and when...
Had Alice been her normal size, she might have run laughing down the garden path, stopping to push her nose into this bloom or that and inhale the wonderful bouquet of scents that they had to offer. Still, she could admire them from afar. Or rather, from below.“So many colors, some I have never seen or even imagined!” she exclaimed, turning in place until she’d made a full circle. “I wonder whose garden it is. Mostly likely a wealthy lord or even a Duke or an Earl. Dash and bother, I wish I was...
Group SexJULY 2001, SUMMER CAMP Dawn and I arrived at the table for lunch, both of us with warm smiles on our faces and twinkles in our eyes. How could we not be happy? We were in LOVE. And it wasn't just puppy love or teenage infatuation. I didn't feel the rush of "new love" like I had with Keira or Adrienne. It wasn't even the pleasant but slightly awkward transition from friendship to romance like with Megan and Cassidy. It just felt ... right. I'd literally known Dawn for my entire life,...
THE BEST SISTERS By ShannonQ PART ONE Synopsis--The Best Sisters are identical twins. They find that their beauty is beyond their control at times. They live through historical times. They are gorgeous, selfish, become wealthy and love only each other. Rated X Note--Transformation comes in Part Five. ONE The howling wind outside the tiny house chilled Melissa and Michelle...
This was some few years back when I lived with my whole family, 6 sisters and one brother in a beautiful Garden house in Hyderabad .I was only 18 yrs old, very strong and tall. We were a very close knitted family. At night we slept in one room all together. My sister was very pretty and sexy. All of them had big Breast and lovely body, this I notice when they would be sleeping. They use to wear sarees and blouse. At night my two married sisters would only wear petticoat and blouse, showing most...
Incest"My name is Eiko Moriyama. I have reservations, two rooms, together." I punched her name into the computer and, sure enough, two rooms with an adjoining door. As I entered her credit card information I looked her over out of the corner of my eye. She was in her forties, pretty but kind of conservative, her deep black hair cut straight across at her shoulders, parted on the side, and she wore a trim knee length skirt and blazer. I sort of compulsively flirt with women, and when I handed her the...
Chapter Five: Loving Mom and Two Hot Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! “Yeah,” I agreed to Mom. “I'll give you dick whenever you want it. So don't worry.” Mom smiled as she was stroking my cock having woken me up with the usual fashion: sucking on my dick. Sleeping on either side of me were my sisters Jamie and Auburn. I had my little sister and her little titties rubbing into my right side and my big sister and her big boobies rubbing...
I remember the summer my sisters surprised me with their secret. I was the oldest c***d, and pretty much did anything I wanted. I was 2 years older than one of my sisters and 3 years older than the other one. I was a typical 13 year old male, high sex drive and all. I would steal panties from my sisters room to rub on my cock and balls as I masterbated. I went in and got a good dirty pair one day, and thought I would go to my shed and rub one out. I could smell the musk of the panties from my...
Chapter One: Blown by His Mom and Sisters A Belt Buckle Mind-Control Story By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Notes: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! The Figure puts the last touches on its next creation. Its next way to have fun. A belt. Brown leather. A silver buckle with the words “Suck” on it. A simple concept. The Figure is thrilled by this. It knows just where to place it. Slipping through the mist into a mortal world, it slips into a department store. No one “notices” the...
Secret pact of sisters Thank you ISS for displaying my two previous submissions…” First time Blues…” and “…The Return Gift…” …this is the third part Hello readers…this is Kiran…please read on…for continuity please read ” First time Blues” and ” Return Gift ” …about a month and half passed…for the last few days Veni started looking pale and weak… ‘…let us go to doctor…’ I said with concern… ‘…it’s ok…I will do that today…on my way back…’Veni replied and visited one… ‘…what did your doc say…?’...
VOLUME-1 Chapter XII I had now passed my twentieth year. The new servants were sisters (how many times have sisters fallen to me!); the eldest who was cook was named Sarah; the youngest, Susan. Sarah was about twenty-six, Susan nineteen or twenty. I carefully arranged the key in the key-hole of their door the first night, but saw nothing for two or three nights. Then oh! fortune again. They rose later than my mother liked; she came up to their room one morning and found them locked in, so...
This is my first story. This really happened in my life and it is the first time I have told this story. My BIG HORSECOCK and my two older sisters. It all started when I was 10 years old. I grew up in a large family but I was closest to my two older sisters, their names are Julie who was 20 years old with massive tits and Lana who was 18 years old and huge double D tits. I had a big cock for a ten tear old boy at about 6 inches long and very thick. I loved to jerk off at night thinking...
Linda; I liked the part where you felt so nasty cummming, while sucking your brothers cock... I know you said penis, but that's a little girls word. Look at it this way, you are both grown-ups, what your doing is for nothing but unadulterated Nasty pleasure. Remember, this is the guy that know just how Nasty you like your sex. I'll never forget the first time I fucked you in the ass, that's one Cherry I'll never forget popping. There you where bent over in front of me, your long legs...
Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they’d locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy all the research that went into making the Halos. They were never meant to be mass produced. Luckily, no one person could re-create them. Only their dead guru and his wife fully...
Hi,i’m Vivek staying in Banglore. I’ve 2 elder sisters(Arpana studin in 12th & vanita studyin in 11th) who r good looking and sexy.This is a true story.originally i’m Bengali.i live with my mom and my sisters and a dog.i started watching porn since my day as my mom had gone out of station for a week.i was watching porn in my pc.i started to watch by being naked without closing the door as i thought every1 were Sleeping.unfortunately arpana woke up and came into the room as there was...
Incestyears. Born only a year apart, the two girls quickly became best friends, and, later on, grew very attracted to each other. And after discovering the rich variety that the internet had to offer, the two found that they could bring their love for each other to a sexual level and forged a passionate incest relationship. Though they enjoyed both gay and hetero pornography as well, the siblings desire was so strong that the two could not even think of fucking another person. And because they...
Halloween Sisters By Carol Collins It all started innocently enough. I, Jim Stone, was very busy on a project for work and barely remembered giving my beautiful but mischievous wife permission to select my Halloween costume when she selected hers. It was a decision absence mindedly made that would affect the rest of my life. I finished my ten-hour a day seven days a week project two days before Halloween. I planned on...
Sisters By Princess Panty boy I am just a normal boy like most 10-year guys, and my name is Barry. I am the only boy in our family and I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I am. When my sisters turned seventeen the world changed for them and us. The twins just got their driver's licenses, so we do not see much of them anymore with school and there different boyfriends and cheerleading practice and games and...
SistersAmy: I saw her do it, my big sister. There, I’ve admitted it now haven’t I? The man standing looking over my shoulder has given a sly chuckle. He is making me write this, and checking that I don’t leave anything out. It is my final humiliation, on a day that has brought so many. As I write, I am sitting at a desk, completely naked, apart from a pair of tights around my ankles, and the flat shoes my persecutor finds so arousing. My bare bottom is so sore I can barely stand the pressure of...
This incident occurred when I was in post graduate college. I had to take a room nearby my college and I was not interested to stay in boys hostel. My parents feared I may be addicted to drugs, smoking or alcoholism. They arranged a small room at my father’s friends friend. The room was small but it was quite enough for my PC, table a cot. Daily I used to get up early and get freshen up and go to college and back from college on time and my daily time pass was studying or browsing the net. My...
Incest"Why are you always so mean to your sister?" I asked my cousin Sarah."Because she's mean to me!" Sarah yelled back."I am not!" Janet said equally as loud."You are too!" Sarah yelled as she threw a pillow at Janet.Janet caught the pillow and threw it back in a sweeping roundhouse fashion. The pillow caught Sarah off guard and knocked her over the side of her twin bed. There was a loud thump and groan as she hit the floor.I was up and off the chair by the desk in a shot. I should not have worried...
I was sitting in the company box just to the third base side of the Braves dugout. Because of a conference that pulled most of the company's executives out of Atlanta, I had it all to myself. It was the fourth inning and the Braves had a comfortable 5 – 2 lead over the Diamondbacks when I spotted the two girls attempting to sneak into the adjacent box. I knew the usher would be on them as soon as he looked their way. It was obvious they didn't belong. For one, they looked about sixteen. Then...
Blackmailing My Twin Sisters Well I was going to blackmail them. Really! But as you’ll see I didn’t have too. It was probably for the best that way. Then they couldn’t accuse me of taking advantage of them. I am a fourteen-year-old boy that has a beautiful set of thirteen-year-old twin sisters that drive me absolutely fucking nuts. Pardon my French. I mean to tell you that even I have trouble telling which is which. They look alike, they dress alike, and they are sexy as hell. They...
This is a story about me and my sisters. I lived with 5 of my sisters. 3 sisters were older than me, Jane, Ellie and Ash. One was my age, Julie and the last one a year younger, Gina. Now all of my sister were hot. The hottest one was Ellie. She was a total bombshell. Now me, i was a fat kid, had a feminine personality. I lived with my sisters all my life and acted like a girl. I remember they used to dress me up and i liked it. I had a small cock, like 4 inches erect. I was 16, i remember...
WEEKEND SISTERS BY JANICE My name is Howard, I have a twin, brother named Dexter, we are fifteen and have a sister, seventeen. Her name is Corrine. One weekend our parents wanted to take a weekend skiing trip, away from us kids. As luck would have it. It was also the weekend Corrine wanted to go away with some of her girl friends. Both plans had been made several weeks in advance but as always happens, no one...
Band of Sisters By Julie O Edited By Amelia R. Special thanks to Robert Arnold for his assistance. Chapter 1 I slowly came to, fighting off a feeling of nausea and bewilderment. I wasn't exactly sure where I was, but it looked like some sort of medical facility. I was on my back and when I tried to...
Okay now onto the story. Well this story ha-ha if you can call it a story is about me David. I’m just an ordinary 18 year old kid, I’m a senior in high school yeah I play baseball but I am far from a jock I’m one of those kids who never does their homework or studies but still manages a C+ average. It’s not like I’m stupid or anything but after baseball I have to take care of my four sisters so I cannot do my homework. You see I’m the middle child I have two older twin sisters, who...
With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking, cleaning, and make sure we were all safe and whatnot. However my loving sisters didn’t feel the same way, instead they felt like I had to do all the cooking, cleaning, and fulfill any wish they needed of me at the time. I was ordered around like a slave and I hated it everyday. Guess I know how Cinderella feels now. I stood in front of the door of our light green two-story house, my...
Hi my name is Rocky, I am 28 years of age with medium athletic body. This Story revolves around my 3 cousin sisters – Neha , Angelina and Ritu. Eldest amongst the three is Neha, she is smart and tall with a sexy figure of 38d-28-32. Her asset is her large boobs which are very hard to resist even her ass is perfectly shaped. Second one Angelina, she is sexiest amongst the three with small and perfect boobs, long legs and a perfect ass. She has also been a part time model and a smiling and...
IncestTeased, by my mommy and my sisters! By Princess Pantyboy Me/ Chris/Chrissie 11-year-old boy Karen: older sister 16 years old Sally: little sister 5 years old Cindy: neighbor girl 8 years old Steve: neighbor and twin of Cindy Tammie: older sisters best friend 16 years old I am just skateboarding in front of my house with my new friend Steve. We moved in just at the end of the school year, and it...
Introduction: Twin sisters explore each other… Leahs twin daughters, Andrea and Dannielle, couldnt have been more different. Even though they were identical, they were complete opposites. Andrea was very girly. She loved makeup, spa treatments, and shiny dresses. Dannielle, however, enjoyed soccer, burping, and sports bras. Despite their significant differences, Andrea and Dani were best friends. They did everything together. Andrea went to all of Danis soccer games, and Dani tried to contain...
Hey, my name is Cooper and these are acounts from my teenage years growing up with my two sisters,casey and brooke, at the time of this lustfilled incidet i was 15, going into my sophomore year in high school, casey had just turned 13 and was going to be in the 8th grade, and my oldest sister booke was 16 and a year ahead of myself.At 15 i had reall started to mature, i had brown hair with blue eyes at the time and was pretty athletic. and wasnt a slouch with the ladies either. Brooke was a...
IncestI was just 20 when I married Sally and we didn’t find it easy keeping our heads above water after we got our first house. We often found that we were short of money by the end of the month. Despite this we both sometimes bought stuff when we shouldn’t and we needed to find a way of controlling our spending. We’d tried a bit of role play spanking and enjoyed that but I wondered if a proper spanking might be worth trying to make us change our ways. The next month end was the same so we sat down...
I was just 20 when I married Sally and we didn’t find it easy keeping our heads above water after we got our first house. We often found that we were short of money by the end of the month. Despite this we both sometimes bought stuff when we shouldn’t and we needed to find a way of controlling our spending. We’d tried a bit of role play spanking and enjoyed that but I wondered if a proper spanking might be worth trying to make us change our ways. The next month end was the same so we sat down...