Leliana's Lament free porn video

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Leliana’s Lament

The heavy wooden door behind her slammed shut with an echo of finality as the guards dragged the Orlesian forward. Leliana cringed at the smell of the dungeon wafting up the stairs...sweat and sickness and other, even more unpleasant odors...the scent of misery.

The two guards holding her arms didn't exactly smell like roses as well.
She definitely had to get out of here before that smell began to stick on her, too...but Leliana was confident that she would manage. She had been in awful situations before and gotten out.

Doing her best to ignore the guards dragging her down the stairs, she focused on the bindings they had used to tie her hands together behind her back.

Thick, sturdy rope tied in multiple knots...nothing she could squeeze her hands out right now but in time, she could at least get one hand free.
Suddenly, her focus was drawn away from her bindings and to her guards, as one of them had said to the other, ?Why are we dragging that Orlesian bitch anyway? She some kind of royalty??

The other one chuckled. ? Fenn, you're a lazy bastard...?
Leliana looked back and forth between them as they exchanged a look and a grin...and then threw her forward, down the stairs.

Leliana shrieked and curled into a ball as much as she could to protect her head and face from the fall as she bounced down the stone steps, each step giving her a new reason to cry out in pain.

It was mere luck that she landed at the feet of the stairs with all her bones intact but her head swam and she felt as if her entire body would soon become one big bruise.

The guards were laughing as they casually strolled down the steps after her. Ferelden swine! She thought and tried to scramble to her feet. Maybe this would be her chance to escape!

? Ah, our new guest has arrived...? the voice from behind startled her...and ruined any chance of her flight. A rough hand grabbed her by the nape of her neck and forced her back onto her feet, holding her up. She felt hot, stinking breath on her skin ? Ah, yes...the spy...?, the man said, chuckling softly while one of his hands reached around her and proceeded to cup Leliana's left breast through her tunic. The bard remained still, trying to hide her disgust. In such situations it was best to play along...

? I was framed. There is no evidence...certainly someone will take notice...?, she said as calmly as possible. The man behind her laughed and his hand squeezed her breast uncomfortably hard. Leliana bit her lip to keep herself from giving them the satisfaction of hearing her cry out.

?You know what? I don't care. I'm not being paid to think. They say you're a spy so you must be a spy...and for pretty spies, we have special accommodations. Take her to the cell and chain her up. I'll get the whip....?

This word made Leliana freeze for an instant. She was aware that she had less time to escape than she previously expected. The guardsman groping her must have sensed her fear as he laughed and pushed her into Fenn’s arms. She noticed that he was wearing the insignia of a sergeant.
?I wasn’t charged nor did I stand a trial yet? Leliana decided to try again if not speaking her way out, than at least to gain time. ?Where is your commander?? she asked hoping that this might slow the men down, even as Fenn was dragging her through the dungeon corridors.

?Don’t you worry about commander Raleigh, sweetie? the guard laughed ?you’ll see him soon enough and you’ll learn that he really likes Orlesian whores such as you!?

Leliana managed to catch glimpses of silhouettes behind some of the cell doors. She couldn’t be sure as they moved far away from the peepholes in the doors when the guards were passing near them, but she would have sworn that most of them were female. This thought filled her with new fear.
After a short while they stopped and while Fenn was holding her, the second guard took out a large iron key and opened the door to one of the cells. She wanted to protest again but her speech was cut short by an anguished scream coming from one of the doors further in the corridor.

?Yeah, that’s our little playground? one of the guards laughed ?I think it may be one of your companions, but we’ll make sure that you are a frequent visitor there?. He made a short gesture and Fenn pushed her hard.
She fell on the dirty, hard and cold floor, with her fall softened only by a thin layer of straw covering the cell. Her body falling caused two rats to escape from underneath of the straw and vanish in a small hole in the wall. The only two objects of note in the entire cell were a small hole in the corner, designed to function as a lavatory and four chains hanging from the wall opposite of the door.

The sergeant took out a set of shackles but threw it on the floor.
?Chain her to the wall? he ordered.
Strong arms lifted Leliana, pushed her to the cold wall and almost immediately she felt one of the chains lock around her wrist.
?I am innocent!? she insisted, but before she could add anything else Fenn slapped her face. Hard. She fell on her knees, with the chained hand hanging. Her cheek was burning with pain, but as she gently touched it with her left hand, the second guard grabbed it and locked in the second chain.
?You..!? she begun but wisely decided not to finish the sentence.

Nevertheless the sergeant was next to her in an instant and he hit her stomach hard with his fist. Leliana cried with pain and gasped for breath. She felt his rough hand grab her face hard by the chin. He moved his face only few inches in front of hers.

?Shut up, bitch!? he barked. Leliana smelled his foul breath, mixed with some kind of cheap alcohol. ?I’ll want to hear you in a moment, but your screams, not this chattering!?

With these words he grabbed the front of her tunic and pulled hard, ripping a large stripe of cloth from her chest and exposing one of her breasts. Leliana shrieked as he grabbed her left tit and squeezed it hard.
?Damn! I can’t wait to fuck this bitch? Fenn exclaimed admiring her.
?All in due time? the sergeant smiled, took a few steps back and showed his whip?

His smile made her heart freeze in her chest. It was the smug expression of a man with no conscience at all. Her stomach and face were still hurting thanks to him and Fenn – an unpleasant beast of a man, rank-smelling and obviously of low breeding and morals – but she knew what would come now would prove to be even worse.

? Right now, we need to show our newcomer her new place here...?, the sergeant said, raising his whip and preparing to strike. Leliana grit her teeth and closed her eyes, mentally preparing for the pain...

Then, the whip cracked...and she learned that nothing could have prepared her for the blazing agony that flared up across her chest. Leliana raised her voice in a pained cry as an angry red welt began to form right across her exposed breast. He had aimed well and Leliana suddenly was very aware that he might have had a lot of opportunities to practice...

Tears welled up in her eyes and her vision became blurry. But still, she saw his indistinct form raising the whip again...right before another stroke hit her chest, this time aimed for her other breast. Her tunic tore like parchment and a new welt formed on her immaculate skin, perfectly crossing the first. She screamed again, rattling her chains as she sought to escape her bonds against her better knowledge...

Fenn and the sergeant laughed, gleefully and dirty. ? I'm going to strip her tits with that?, the sergeant bragged...and the whip cracked again.
Again, Leliana cried out, the pain taking her breath away, the stroke aimed right between her tits and down to her stomach, ripping another piece of cloth away.

Amidst the pain, even the thought of what else the guards had said was lost. Right now, all she could think about was the pain...the awful, blazing pain that drowned her rational mind.

The sergeant didn't give her any time to recover from the blow, immediately aiming again, the whip descending upon her tits again, hitting both, sending them jiggling, much to Fenn's amusement.

Tears were running down Leliana's face, smearing her carefully-applied make-up. Her knees would have given way already if not for the chains holding her up.
The whip cracked and cracked and cracked...the strokes tearing open her tunic, exposing her now-bruised breasts to their greedy, lustful eyes...and then it stopped.

Panting, Leliana looked at them, unsure of what was to follow now, hoping desperately for this to be over. But then the sergeant easily crushed all her hopes with one sentence as he handed the whip to the other guard...
? Alright, Fenn...your turn. But have her turn around first, I don't want you to mess up her tits anymore.?
? No...p-please...?, Leliana whimpered as Fenn stepped closer, ? p-please...stop...?

The guard laughed...then slapped her bruised tits hard enough to draw fresh tears from her eyes and a cry from her lips. ? Not so haughty anymore, are we now? Turn around, my whipping arm needs some practice.?
When Leliana hesitated, he grabbed her hips and roughly turned her around, the chains giving her barely enough room to move, her new position twisting her arms somewhat and leaving her face only inches away from the dank, slimy, dungeon wall.

? Alright, then, Fenn...go ahead. Work her over good, I am going to look for Rayleigh...he'll want her first...?
When the sergeant left, another soldier entered the cell. Leliana struggled and twisted her head to see him and recognized the man who with Fenn brought her to the dungeon. She didn’t even notice that he must have been standing outside of the door.

?Damn, you were busy? the guard said admiring Leliana’s trembling body.
?Wait till you see her whipped tits?
?When we’re gonna take her??
Leliana gulped with fear hearing those words again, her chances of getting out were becoming thinner and thinner.
?First the boss? Fenn answered.
?Will she be any good when he finishes with her? second soldier inquired which filled the Orlesian with even more fear.
?Think so, he wouldn’t like to spoil such a beauty? Fenn approached Leliana and grabbed her ass.

?Please, leave me, it is all a misunderstanding? she tried again, hoping that without the commander the soldiers will be more complacent. All she achieved was that Fenn took three steps back and slashed her back hard with his whip. ?Aaargh!? Leliana cried with pain.
?Stop speaking and start shouting? Fenn barked whipping her again. This brought another anguished cry and another stripe of her tunic, this time on her back was ripped, revealing a red stripe.
?I heard Orlesian spies were called bards? the second soldier noted. ?She sure can sing!?

?Please, I’m not a spy, don’t?? Leliana tried to plead once more, even though she was aware how in vain it was. She even managed to control her voice so it wasn’t trembling as much, but when she than she felt another slash, right across her ass cheeks and jerked forward, straining her bound arms, as though she was trying to merge with the cold, hard wall.
?May I try?? the second soldier asked Fenn.
?I beg you don’t do this, you don’t have to, please?? Leliana was beginning to panic, only wanting the pain to stop. She twisted her head again and noticed that Fenn gave the whip to his comrade who was now preparing to hit her?

?Aaargh!? she shrieked again when the lash landed on her back. The hard stones of the wall scratched her abused breasts as she involuntarily jerked again towards it. Almost immediately two other strokes fell, landing on her legs and causing them to bend. Her chained arms prevented her from falling, but twisted as they were in this position they begun to hurt even more.
?Please? in the name of the Maker, I beg you, stop?? Leliana was begging, but her pleading fell on deaf ears.
?What is all this fuss about sweetie?? Fenn laughed ?Wait till the boss takes you to the torture chamber or lets the sergeant or even us play with you there!?

Leliana couldn’t even respond as the lashes begun falling on her sore back, ass and legs one after another. Each was causing her to shout even louder, beg even more desperately and twist her body in an even more painful way.
Finally she begun to feel as if her pain was somehow subdued, the sound of lash become more silent with each strike. Her sight was failing her but now even the wall was feeling nice and soft.

How she got here? Scenes of her last mission filled her mind even as everything was becoming dark?
The beautiful face of Marjolaine, Orlesian noble, her employer and even lover, filled her vision as her mind skimmed the ocean of memory, the pain having brought her on the verge of unconsciousness.

They had jested and flirted while sowing chaos among the nobility of Ferelden as part of the ?Game? the dangerous web of intrigues the nobility busied themselves with in Orlais...all had been going according to plan until Marjolaine, all smiles and dirty, seductive promises, had suggested one last mission before they could ?rest? for the night. And Leliana, excited, her blood pumping from the dangers this night carried, had hurriedly agreed.

A mere hour later, she was skulking through some noble's mansion, there to plant incriminating papers of some kind..not that she'd cared as she felt the thrill of the forbidden arousing her while she stalked, avoided and occasionally delivered a stealthy kill to the guards of the place. This feeling was better than anything...well, besides a sweaty, passionate night in Marjolaine's bedchambers. The blood rushed within her veins, her heart pounding, every fiber of her body on edge...

The small wooden desk was before her and she was just ready to place the papers there...when she took a closer look and saw the Orlaisian seals. Military records? This wasn't something to anger a few nobles...this was...treason! But all Marjolaine had said was, ? We'll discuss this later, Leliana...? before practically dragging her away to their hideout within the city. There, her desperate pleas had, after a heated argument, gotten Marjolaine to change her mind and try to correct her...mistake. Of course, Leliana had agreed to come with her – if only to make sure Marjolaine did indeed go back on her plan.

Her heart froze as suddenly, the alarm bells went off and every guard within the mansion was instantly alerted, racing towards their weapons and seeking the invaders. Panicking, Leliana turned to Marjolaine..only to find her lover gone...and mere moments later, she was fighting for her life, trying her best not to get killed and starting to wonder what exactly Marjolaine was up to....secretly dreading that something very very sinister was going on here...

? Marjolaine! I fought everyone I could but there have to be others....I...I am sorry...I shouldn't have brought us back here...?, Leliana said, her heart still pounding after her desperate flight and her search for Marjolaine. ? Shhh..my pretty...shhh...no need to be sorry...you were perfect...?Then, a hard punch in the stomach, robbing Leliana of her breath...as she sank to her knees, another figure entered her view...the guard captain, a smug grin on his face.? What do we have here? An orlesian spy trying to steal secret documents? You'll get me quite a profit...after I've had some fun with you...? And Marjolaine stood there...smiling.

A harsh slap to her face pulled her back from her painful memories...back to her even more painful present...she whimpered as her body ached all over, the many welts on her skin bringing themselves back to her memory with angry, agonized pounding.
? Ah, she is awake?, a familiar voice reached her ears. Groaning, Leliana forced her eyes open again...and her heart sank as she saw the guard captain standing right in front of her.
? Hello again, my pretty...sorry to have kept you waiting for so long...but now I'm here and the fun can begin...?, he said, chuckling and reaching out to grope her bruised breasts...

Leliana made a small whimper as the captain brutally grabbed her abused tit.
?Please sir, I’m innocent?? she began to say for the nth time this day. She saw this captain with Marjolaine when she was betrayed and so she knew that no matter what she said he wouldn’t listen or even care. But she felt a desperate need to delay whatever was going to happen.
The captain hit her with a back-handed slap.

?I guess she must be saying this all the time, aren’t you tired of this? he said to the sergeant and the two guardsmen, who began to laugh as a response. The captain grabbed Leliana’s neck and said almost softly but with barely controlled hatred filling his voice. ?My name is sir Harwen Raleigh and the only thing that matters to me is that you are a filthy Orlesian whore and I’ll see to it that you are treated as both an Orlesian and a whore deserve. As I did to many of your kin during the war!? He finished ominously and released his hold on the prisoner.

There was no need to repeat the order. The two guards looked first at their sergeant and when he nodded, eagerly rushed to Leliana. First they began to grab and feel up her breasts and ass but not wanting to make their commanders waiting they quickly proceeded to the stripping part. Fenn grabbed the left part of the tunic (or what was left of it), the second guard the right one and they pulled hard, ripping the delicate fabric and revealing all of the woman’s beauty. As her brassiere was destroyed by the whipping, her panties were the only thing left that was covering anything.

All four men were admiring Leliana’s trembling, bruised but astonishing body for a moment but quickly proceeded to grope her even more. The poor victim bit her lip, trying not to cry out in pain whenever they grabbed her bruised tits or ass or when they pressed her whipped back to the hard stones of the wall behind her. Finally with one fast motion Fenn torn away her panties and brutally pushed two fingers into her dry pussy.

?Ugh!? Leliana cried out in pain as she felt the guard’s hard fingers enter the most intimate part of her body. ?Stop! Ple-? she began to plead, feeling Fenn moving his hand in and out her tender snatch but the second guard silenced her slapping her again. She tried to twist her body away from the probing fingers but it was no use, especially as the second soldier held her, groping her breasts.

Only after Raleigh ordered the soldiers to stop, did the groping and probing stop and she was let go. Leliana’s relief however, was short-lived as she saw the commander approaching, already with an unbuckled belt and with his long, erect cock released from the trousers. He stood in front of the girl, grabbed one of her sore nipples and twisted hard.

?Argh!? Leliana wailed as a terrible pain filled first her breast and then her entire body.
When she cried, Harwen kissed her, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. He grabbed her ass with one hand, with the second still twisting one of his victim’s tits.

?Mpff? Leliana’s cried into the commander's mouth as he continued to kiss her, to explore her mouth with his tongue. Her muffled sobs aroused him even more and she felt his throbbing cock touch her crotch.

With one swift motion Harwen raised Leliana’s legs and ass. She cried out again, releasing her head for a moment, as she felt her arms strain against the shackles holding them. Her cry was cut short and then redoubled, when the soldier rammed his hard cock into her tight pussy.

?No, please I beg you, stop!? Leliana pleaded in vain, feeling his hard organ start moving in and out of her snatch, savouring her. ?No, please, plss? she tried to beg when Raileigh forced his tongue into her mouth again and then began to bite her lips, all while viciously humping her snatch.

Not only did the pain radiate from her mercilessly pounded pussy, but also from her abused breasts and arms as well as she was virtually hanging from the shackles. Finally, when the pain on her strained hands was becoming unbearable she subconsciously wrapped her long, slender legs behind her rapist’s back, crossing her ankles. Immediately when the pain on her hands decreased she became aware of what she’d done and tried to release her legs but it was too late – Raileigh already grabbed them.

She tried to twist her body away or to push her rapist somehow away but all of her writhing and twisting make her an even better fuck, arousing and pleasuring the soldier as he continued the vicious rape.

?You like it, you Orlesian bitch, don’t you? he hissed, admiring her lips inflamed from his bites ?You are made for it, like any Orlesian whore you are just a fuck-meat, good only for spreading her legs and taking cocks.? He whispered and began to lick her face and bite her neck.

How miserable Leliana felt hanging there by the chains, wrapping her legs around her rapist as if he were a gentle lover while he continued to move in and out, in and out, in and out her already sore pussy. She has been an Orlesian bard, one of the best but now she was reduced to fuck-meat and a sex slave of these soldiers and could only beg and whimper in pain as her rapist grabbed her breasts or pushed her against the wall.

Leliana whimpered under his cruel attentions as her body was pushed back and forth by his brutal thrusts. She could feel every single inch of his hard, throbbing cock slide in and out of her dry, unwilling pussy, stretching her most intimate place painfully. Already, after the first few thrusts, it felt as if her entire lower body was in flames. And no matter how much she squirmed and twisted, there was no escape from his grip.

She cried out as he suddenly bit her neck hard, his teeth almost drawing blood but stopping short of it, only leaving an ugly bite mark behind.
The guards behind him were laughing, laughing at her plight and her pain.
? You like this?? her rapist whispered into her ear, ? You like finally having a real man inside you? I know you like women...like having your tits and cunt kissed and licked by girls...but I'm going to rape that out of you!?

Tears were streaming down Leliana's face as she was banged into the wall again and again, crying out with each thrust into her sore cunt.
? Stop it...?, she eventually managed to whimper when his pace had decreased somewhat and his tongue was licking at her neck, ? please....just...stop...?

All she received was laughter, from him and the guards. Grunting, he reached out to squeeze one of her bruised tits so hard she shrieked. ? That's what I think of your feelings, whore! You know what I...hnng...was famous for during the war...??

Leliana could only whince as he began to nibble on his earlier bite marks again, her tits jiggling from his constant thrusts. He was relentless in his assault on her unwilling, tight pussy, each thrust chipping away at her dignity.
? I...had the highest...rape count...in my entire...unit! I used...hhnnng...whores like you all day long...every day!?

He laughed and the two guards did the same. Over his shoulder, Leliana could see both of them having already pulled out their cocks, jerking them lazily.
The bard knew that this would be the most horrible event she ever experienced, worse than anything she could fathom...and there was no way out!

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A Note a Letter Ch 02

In the weeks and months that followed Glen’s and Sarah’s declaration of their love for each other Glen often remembered Rosemary’s words, ‘Why don’t you piss off and find yourself a nice little virtuous young maiden who’ll keep her legs closed to everyone except you…if you can find one.’ ‘Almost prophetic words,’ Glen thought. Glen returned to working in the practice while Sarah stayed at Rascals Point. He went to see her as often as he could and occasionally Sarah came to the city and stayed...

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SusanChapter 12

When a big toe was stuck into her ribs, Barbara Anthony was rudely awakened from what had been a sound sleep. Although, she realized as she awakened, she was very cold lying as she was on the kitchen floor. Quickly opening her eyes, she realized that the room was brightly lighted although it was still pitch dark outside. Looking up from the sheet of polyethylene on which she'd been sleeping, her eyes widened as she realized that she was looking at the most handsome man she'd ever seen. And...

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The extreme exposer

Hi my name is Jake and well today my life changed in ways you always imagine but first a little about myself. I'm 19, I'm not in bad shape and I love wrestling ( especially the Divas). One day I managed to get tickets for a local WWE house show , I couldn't wait to see the action but as I made my way home I saw an old lady crouched up against a wall with her hands outstretched as people walked by her. At first I payed no heed but as I got closer I noticed just how unfortunate she was, I didn't...

Mind Control
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Softcore With The Sisters

Hello friends, this is Sam (Samson) here. Short intro, I am 24 now. This is my third story, everything I write has really happened with me and is true. Please read my two stories I wrote before, “Moving In – The Start of My Sexual Life” and “Cousin: My Sex Teacher”. Today I am going to tell the story of the time I had fun with my cousin sisters. So please, with Penis in your hands and fingers in your pussy enjoy the story. This incident transpired at the same period of my vacations after...

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Tara 4 AntsChapter 32

Stix and Stone didn’t have as rocky a start as Jagger did. Eddie, the Captain of the ship and his crew, had soon worked out what it was the mages were doing. Gazza had said that ten klicks was preferable but not more than fifteen if they could help it. Since they were not sure what happened to the crystals once they sunk, they decided closer was better than further apart. Gazza had given them plenty of spelled crystals to do this job. Eddie had acquired a Mad some weeks before, so Stone was...

1 year ago
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Fooling Around On Friday

It seems that all the most fun stuff happens on Friday. Maybe it is because about a third of the people take the day off and the rest of them are thinking about the weekend. Never mind thinking about fun things to do not related to work!Anyway, it was Friday afternoon, and my coworker Becky and I were looking out the window watching the few afternoon fitness freaks taking their afternoon walks, jogs, and runs. She was commenting on various gals that went by, revealing various items of gossip...

Office Sex
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My Weird Uncle J Cums in My Panties

"There it is again!" I said aloud but to myself as I inspected the unworn pair of panties from my open underwear drawer. With the pads of both thumbs, I ran it along the inner lining of my favorite yellow panties to sample some of the residue, both sticky and slippery at the same time. This certainly wasn't the first time, with much of my underwear having some foreign substance deposited on them, always on the inner lining that sheathed my flesh. Sometimes the liquids were dried and old,...

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UniversityChapter 51

Rachel left to return to the Gallery and I had the room locked up prior to finding my dad's office. "Body bags," he told me. "They're called 'body bags.' I knew that we had a committee to return materials, but I hadn't realized there were still human remains. I'll have something done. You go home. I'll call you when they're gone." "Thanks." "It's horrid to think of how barbaric our ancestors were." "Not much worse than stealing children, though. Is it?" "No. We...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 61 INTERLUDE SHEA

The Elevator carried Shea up and the system voice said: “Destination reached. Alternative bath room facilities can be found across the hall in the performer and staff dressing rooms.” Shea found the door right away opened it and stared at eleven girls in skimpy chiffon dancer outfits One of them hissed at her. “You are late! Sharpton will kill you for this! Hurry and get into your costume.” The woman spoke in Naidian to her. That was a secret codified language used by the VMA. This...

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Three Square MealsChapter 60 Wounded little birds

The shadowy figure crawled out of the sarcophagus, and took a deep breath before exhaling fully, efficiently clearing its lungs of the musty tasting air from cryostasis. It then performed a complex set of stretches, limbering up its body and preparing for action. It was a routine it had performed four-hundred-and-thirty-two times before, starting each mission in exactly the same way. Collecting the tools of its trade from the racks on the wall, the black clad assassin sheathed them about its...

2 years ago
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Carrie M the Burned AgentChapter 2

Here’s a little background from the TV series, Homeland. I don’t own Homeland or the characters in the show. This is fan fiction and therefore liberally changes some events and action to create a desired plot line. Carrie had become convinced Nicholas Brody is the hero he appears to be to the nation. However, nobody believes her, so it is up to her to secretly with Saul’s help keep an eye on Brody. Only when Brody checked Carrie’s cell phone and finds several messages that provide evidence...

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First time for Eve

*For my darling Eve, written for you, about you and I. I hope you enjoy it again darling* Eve was feeling a little low, her boyfriend of the past two years had finished with her a week ago and she was still reeling from the call. He hadn`t even had the decency to speak to her face to face. All she got was a brief phone call. Well she wasn`t going to let him get to her, she would show him. So here she was getting ready for a night out. It had been a long time since she had gone out alone, and...

2 years ago
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Young Discoveries

by Dutts StadlerThis is a true story I WROTE about growing up and discovering your body a itchanges and matures. This is an innocent and awkward experience I had along the way, not unlike what most of us might have experienced; When I first started to learn how to jack off I would lock myself in thebathroom and jack off on the floor. The first time I shot sperm from mycock was when I was only nine years old and in the 4th grade! I'd been growing a small patch of coarse dark pubic right above my...

3 years ago
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Thinking Back pt 1

As I sat in the bar having a cold beer and THINKING BACK on where my life was headed, a sadness came over me that took me back to a time a little more than a year ago. My wife Tina and I had just finished renovating our dream home in the middle of 50 acres of the most lovely land in Virginia. We completely remodeled the house, built a 6 bay garage, added a lovely pool and deck and landscaping and were just starting to live out our dream life. But two weeks later my world came crashing...

1 year ago
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The Ambassadors DaughterPart 2 A New Body for a New Life

Michael and Natasha were beside themselves with worry and fear. They had just been told that their daughter’s car had been ambushed on their way to school, both girls were missing and the driver and bodyguard had been killed. Natasha was hysterical, screaming at Michael to do something, that he was the ambassador and he should be able to find their girls. Numerous embassy security staff, basically MI6 agents, kept hurrying around the house, shouting and making phone calls. The local police...

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Getting Laid At The Festival With Kelly

It was August of 1977. Kelly and I were going to be seniors when school started back up. But before then our little town had its annual summer festival celebrating our local crop. Kelly and I had made our first trip to Milwaukee’s Summerfest several weeks ago and we knew that nothing in our little town could compare to that experience. Kelly’s sexuality was beginning to boil. She had dressed like a slut at Summerfest and loved the attention and the sex that it had brought her.Even though her...

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Vadina Tho Maridi 8211 Part 1

Hi friends this is rocky my pen name , I am 25 years old and I’m from hyderabad , if any auntie’s or girls want to have fun mail me to I had sex with my mom(amma), sisters(akka) and brothers wife (vadina),moms sisters(pedhama) Which I will narrate in parts as of now will come to my story with my vadina (elder brothers wife) Her name is sailaja (name changed) she got married to my brother 4 years back she looks like sonakshi sinha but boobs look like kajal agarwal her skin tone is like...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Natalie Brooks Calls Herself Nasty Nat

Natalie Brooks, otherwise known as “Nasty Nat” loves getting nasty on huge cocks. Today she is extra horny and ready to get her pussy slammed as her juicy, thick ass bounces all over the lucky Jason Brown. She blows, spits, gags, and rides before taking a large cumshot all over her from the pile driver position. Watch this nasty slut do what she does best. This beautiful brunette presents us with a show wearing provocative lingerie, moving very sensual, stripping her beautiful body, her big...

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Christie Just wanted to drive

   Meet Christie,16 year old high school junior with a very bright future a head of her. The reason she's so young for a junior is because her birthday is late in the year. Christie was pretty tall around 5'10 and was a thick girl. She weighed around 215, but carried her weight well because of her height. She was blessed with a nice full chest, 36C. Christie has tawny colored skin with short brown/black hair that stops just above her shoulders. She has deep brown eyes with a light...

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No Time to GrieveChapter 1

My mother’s funeral is scheduled for tomorrow. I’m still pretty much out of it, still in shock I guess. Everything around me seems to be moving too fast. Less than a week ago my mother was killed by a drunk driver on the way home from work. From the moment they told me about the accident everything seems to be speeding up around me. I’m all alone in the world now. As far as I know I have one living relative. Until he comes to get me on the day of my mother’s funeral I’ve been taken in by my...

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The Cuckolds Reward Jacks Story

Sophie was sitting at her dressing table brushing her dark brown hair when he arrived home. Jack halted in the doorway of their bedroom and looked at her momentarily before turning his attention to their large double bed, which looked freshly made. He was nervous. Sophie turned and smiled at him; she was dressed and looked refreshed. “Hi darling” Jack returned her smile and walked over to her to accept the offer of her full, warm, soft lips. “Had a good day?” Jack nodded. “You?” Sophie...

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Home Depot Jon

Home Depot JonJon and I have been conversing for quite some time on Xhamster then by email. He is always the gentleman and seems like a very nice guy. I have told him often that I would mind sucking his cock because his wife has lost her sex drive and he is looking to have someone else fulfill his needs. He has sent me many pictures of his cock and I find it very pleasing. Well it just so happens that I was going to be in the area of the Home Depot that he works out of. I told him that I was...

2 years ago
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GND 30Chapter 21

We were both a sticky mess below the waist, and sweaty all over, so a shower was an essential next step. Being California, and economy with water being a habit, we took it together. I asked Mel if I could wash her hair; she seemed a little startled that I’d actually want to do that, but happily agreed when I reassured her that it would absolutely be a pleasure. There’s a real intimacy to washing someone else’s hair. No, I’m not talking about at the salon, where it’s part of the assembly...

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Heart of the Sunrise Ch 02

©2008 by Adrian Leverkuhn (Note: The first part of the Sonata appeared under the title ‘Woman in Chains’, the second part as ‘The Stones of Years’.) * Chapter II At times it felt like a fever. Hot and close, like death stalking. Then the music would come. Out of the light and into her hands. She could not stop it, she could not control it, the music possessed her completely yet occasionally it must have taken pity on her and let her be — for a moment. She would drift as if on the wings...

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The Life Plan Correction

In a world where finding personal purpose and success is guaranteed, how do people see those who — unsatisfied by everything — defy the odds to fail? With compassion and empathy of course. Seeing day-to-day suffering can only hurt an otherwise satisfied mind, can only do damage to a fragile psyche. Even for those who don't feel sorry for the social dropouts who can't find purpose, they can and do feel the pain of their fellow contributing citizens when those good citizens are harmed by the idea...

Mind Control
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Our Office

By : Arvind166 Hi My name is Arvind and here i am explaining you a birthday culture followed at our office. I work for a German based MNC and we work 24*7, hence we work in shifts, the morning shift starts at 6.30 AM and ends 3.30 PM. We are provided with office cabs while pick up and shuttle while drop. On one such morning shifts, I have to pick up a girl named Sudha, she is a bit fat, vuluptuos boobs and heavy ass. I dont know sizes but she is damn beautiful for my eyes. On that day she is...

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Angels Peril a Whateley tale Chapter 2

Chapter 2 small changes Waking up I didn't feel too good, my back was hurting probably because I had been sleeping on the couch, and my scalp was all tingly. Sitting up looking for some water to drink, I realized that of course the bottle I used to have next to my bed wasn't anywhere near me. Getting up and out of the living room and left into the kitchen pouring in some water in a glass I took a big gulp, then I started to make some coffee and headed back towards my bathroom right...

2 years ago
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Bunny Boy Betsy Boss and the Butch and Bitch Bistro

Bunny Boy, Betsy Boss, and the Butch and Bitch Bistro By Pamela ([email protected]) It's pretty funny but my three best friends, who I've grown up with since childhood are named Tom, Dick, and Harry. We've had a lot of laughs over the years because of that. A funny coincidence. The four of us are now in our twenties, still single, still living in the same town and we're getting on with our lives. My name is Blake and I share a two-bedroom apartment with Harry while Tom and...

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GayChapter 26

After lunch, while on my way to my first lesson I was intercepted by Cayenne Proctor. “Did you get a tuxedo okay?” she asked. “Not yet. It’s having a couple of alterations made, but it should be ready this afternoon, subject to a final fitting,” I replied. Then a thought occurred to me. “Shouldn’t I have the receipt for the prom package with me in case the rental shop wants to check it?” Cayenne sighed with annoyance. “I promised Marcus I wouldn’t let the receipt out of my hands. I guess...

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Lustful ViceChapter 22

The next day, Zaria convinces her mother that she is coming down with a cold. Her father knows otherwise. “Zaria, you can’t go skipping classes,” Ray argues. “But, Daddy, this is our chance to have a couple of days alone,” the girl counters. “I’m staying home. It will be just this once, I promise.”

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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Six First Date

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend Chapter Six: First Date by Mark McDonald Journal> Journal Date 12/23/2081: 10:18 am. Journal> Voice dictation journal editor, open... Proceed. It was very cool in Gary's house, and my skin started to pimple up in goose flesh. I rubbed my arms as I walked in trying to rub off them off. "Wow, it's cold in here! Can you warm it up some?" "Sure, I'm sorry. Dad's a bit heavy; he likes it cooler than the rest of us. Go on into the living room...

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Destinys RoadChapter 51

Jonathan called the next day, just to let us know he still didn't know anything. It was nice of him to call, but it didn't keep me from feeling like we were in limbo, waiting to find out what happened. For a full week Emily went 'radio silent', with no real news coming from anywhere, not even from Jonathan. It seemed likely the DA would decline to prosecute her for the death of her father, citing self-defense; but he was still considering the investigation, and hadn't made a decision...

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Rob stood at the door, fidgeting and waiting for April to answer his knock. He could hear her approach, so he straightened his stance and put a pleasant smile on his face, hoping she wouldn't notice how nervous he was. After all, he was simply there to have dinner as a friend, right?Rob and April met each other two years earlier when they were in training for a tech support job at a major insurance company. Rob immediately felt a connection with April, and they struck up a friendship. All...

4 years ago
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LA FunChapter 60

I woke up snuggled to the delicious Kelly. I almost felt guilty, but I wasn’t sneaking around since my loves knew I was with her. I gave her a nudge and she wrapped herself around me, kissing me, and telling me to hold her for another few minutes while she tried to wake up. “Oh, no you don’t. That’s just a copout to get me to let you sleep another couple of minutes. Let’s get going so we don’t make the plane, pilot, and hostess wait.” One eye opened on the beauty and she stuck her tongue...

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Ana riding a night train

Ana riding a night trainStill Victor and I were in Portugal, where I had been wildly sodomized by a perfect stranger in a lonely sandy beach… a perfect black man stranger…My girlfriend Julia, who had invited us to stay at her home, suggested me to make a quick trip from Porto to Madrid. I accepted, but Victor decided to stay with his friend Ramon, Julia’s husband.Julia and I took the night train from to Madrid. Before leaving, Victor advised me about sex on these night trains. He was warning...

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Bengali Aunty

How was your first sex.I had mine in the winter of 2017 when I moved to Delhi city after my school in search of job.And rented a small room in a cheap suburb of Delhi.Mainly the people who live here are from the lower class families.Hardworkers and low earner.Street hawker,rickshaw puller , driver , domestic help and other.After few days of struggle, I got a job as a sales man with a small companyseeking mosquito repellent, in which I used travel a lot in entirecity.I worked like a dog for...

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My Super Hot Mom 8211 Part 1

Hi I’m deeps from chennai, I’m 18 completed my higher secondary and waiting for results, I’m only child to my parents, they are working in an mnc, they have no time to spend together, this make a big gap between them, they even fight for silly reasons, my dad get an opportunity to work in abroad for a long term project, so he went to Germany. Here the story starts. My mom is Anupriya 38, she is very bold and modern woman , she is regular to gym that’s why she looking just 25 around, she have a...

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The Preachers Daughter

When I was a kid I had always heard that the preacher’s daughters were always the worst girls in the congregation. They were always supposed to be the wildest girls, the ones that always got into trouble, because they were always supposed to set the example for the rest of us in the community. I never really thought that it was true until recently. I moved and joined a new church. The pastor was pretty good and his sermons were not entirely boring. He introduced me to his lovely wife and...

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Daddyrsquos Little Party Favor

Daddy poured the amber liquor into two dozen shot glasses on a silver tray as his little sex slave emerged out of the bathroom. She looked delicious. 'Are you all cleaned out?' He demanded sternly.'Yes Daddy.' She wiggled her ass u*********sly after the enema he just gave her. He had tied her up in the shower and cleaned out her asshole, forcing her not to cum. She hadn't had sex or been allowed to touch herself for two whole weeks. The enema almost tipped her over the orgasm edge. But she...

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ProfNigma Stories 3 Carousel Nights 1

iCarly/Victorious: Carousel Nights: Chapter 1“Ummm… Say that again…”“We need to talk, Freddie,” she was now shaking the pregnancy test box as she spoke.“I thought you were on the pill, how could you be pregnant?”“Idiot… That’s not 100% effective. Nothing is. And I don’t know if I am or not. I’m just late.”“Late for wh-” Freddie winced at his own stupidity. “Never mind… Just took me a second.”“Yeah… can I come in?”“Shit. Sorry… I guess I’m just out of it. This is kinda big news,” he stepped...

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Fifth PlaceChapter 15

People wandered into and through and out of the house. It was our first annual open-house birthday party. Getting people to come to this one was easy: they wanted to see Jacob, just nine days old. All three of our kids' birthdays fell in less than a three-week span. Given that we are homo sapiens, I discounted an annual cycle and chalked it up to chance. It was attended by relatives, neighbors and friends. Alexander and Melinda each had their own parties with their own friends. He was...

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