Desert DroppingChapter 3: Lament free porn video

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I buried my head under the pillow on my bed, wishing that it would do a better job of drowning out the sound of Eddie's voice. I was having one of the worst days of my life, and the last thing I wanted to do was have a rational conversation with a man who thought he could become a father in less than twenty-four hours.

"Look, I know you're having a hard time here, Rory. But we made a deal," Eddie insisted. I felt the bed dip as he sat down. "You agreed to get to know me this summer, and if all we have is one summer, I don't want you spending the whole time picking fights; now I don't know what's going on with you and Luke, but..."

"What makes you think I started it?" I demanded, shoving the pillow away from my head.

This was unbelievable. Un-fucking-believable. I was innocent. Luke... Luke was an asshole, as far as I was concerned, acting like it was a crime that I'd actually made a friend. Just because he didn't like Aaron, didn't mean that I wasn't allowed to like him.

"I didn't say that," Eddie said calmly. "But look, if you'd just tell me what's wrong, I'm sure we can work it out. I know Luke, whatever happened I'm sure he didn't..."

"You know him, so I guess that makes him right," I cut him off. "Well if you knew me then you'd know that this wasn't my fault! But you don't know me, and you know what? That's your own damn fault! Why don't you just go away? I'm done talking. If you want to know what happened, go ask him. He's the one you're going to believe anyway."


"God, I hate it here! Why don't you all just leave me alone? One summer would be a hell of a lot easier if I didn't have to deal with any of you!"

"That's not fair," Eddie shot back.

"If you don't like it, then why don't you send me home? We'd all be a lot happier if you did that anyway!"

I pulled the pillow back over my head, dismissing him. I almost expected him to keep talking, and I was relieved when I felt him get up and walk away. But, my relief was only momentary after the door closed and I was left alone.

I was incredibly uncomfortable in this house. I didn't feel like I could trust anyone. When I had first met Luke, knowing that there was someone my age living in this house felt like a relief. I couldn't imagine it just being me and Eddie, or just me, Eddie, and Jase for that matter. I wasn't sure what to think of Jase anyway. I didn't exactly see us becoming friends.

But now, I seemed to be in a rut with everyone, and it was only my first day. For a while I had even been fooled into thinking that things might work out, that one summer wouldn't be so bad. But now I knew otherwise. How the hell was I supposed to exist with these people?

I wished that I could just go home. Grandma Alice wasn't the easiest person to live with, but she was better than this. I had trouble getting to sleep that night, thinking about the trouble I would be having in the morning. Maybe I could just sleep through the summer. That wouldn't be so bad, if I could just sleep through it...


My sleeping through it idea lasted until about ten in the morning, when my grumbling stomach woke me up. I wasn't looking forward to dealing with anyone in my new residence as I gathered some clothes and headed for the bathroom that I was supposed to be sharing with Luke.

Fortunately, there was no sign of him in the basement, so I took my shower, waking myself up before I headed upstairs to see what was in store for the day.

It felt strange, walking through a home that I didn't consider mine. I was dreading the idea of facing anyone this morning, especially Luke. But, regrettably, he was the first person I saw. And I absolutely hated that he looked so damn good in the morning.

Cousin or not, Luke was hot. I'll probably be mentioning that a lot, so get used to it.

He was wearing a pair of black jogging shorts, a good contrast to the golden tan covering most of his body. He still had an indentation of his pillowcase across his right cheek and his bare chest had that morning glow to it. His curls were tussled on his head, strands sticking up and hanging in his face. He looked amazing.

I almost forgot that I was mad at him until he looked up at me. The way that his eyes narrowed on me was a sure sign that he was still mad at me too. I looked away, having nothing to say as I walked past him and into the kitchen, and he went to take a seat at the table.

"Morning, Rory." I looked back, seeing Jase as he entered the kitchen, wearing a business suit, touching my shoulder as he passed.

"Morning," I mumbled.

"What do you eat for breakfast?" Jase asked as he went to the cupboards. "Cereal? Or do you prefer something warm?"

"Cereal's fine," I replied.

Jase held up the two choices of cereal and after pointing to the one with sugar in it, he handed me a box and I went about fixing myself a bowl. When Jase and I joined Luke at the table, he avoided my eyes entirely.

"Shouldn't you be at work already?" Luke asked Jase. "I thought that Eddie was the one who was staying home to baby-sit today."

I glared at Luke and his obvious shot at me.

"Knock it off, Luke," Jase warned. "Eddie had a meeting this morning. He should be back soon; I'll be leaving then. What are your plans for the day?"

I sat silently, listening as they talked. Neither of them were looking at me. It was easy to feel like I didn't belong there.

"Dave's coming over," Luke replied. "We were going to hang out here."

"When will he be here?" Jase asked.

Luke shrugged. "A few hours."

There was the sound of a door opening, and somewhere in the house Chey barked, before she followed Eddie into the kitchen. He looked kind of funny, wearing a jacket and tie over a pair of jeans, but I guess it suited him. He also looked tired, but he managed a smile as he came towards the table.

"Hey guys," he said.

"Hey," Jase said, smiling at him. "We were just having breakfast and then I'm out of here. Looks like these two are still fighting."

I frowned, annoyed that Jase would mention that, and I think that Luke looked just as disgruntled as I felt.

"Really?" Eddie smiled, talking to Jase but looking back and forth between Luke and me. "Have either of them mentioned what this is all about yet?"

"Not yet," Jase replied.

Luke glared at them. "We're right here, you know."

"We know," Eddie replied, and then took a seat next to Jase. "Rory, I was thinking that we could go out for a while today, maybe to lunch or something. I wanted to talk to you about some things."

I shrugged. "Fine." I wasn't exactly looking forward to spending a day with Eddie, or talking to him for that matter. But, if the alternative was staying here with Luke, I could live with it. Besides, he didn't seem to be ignoring me like the other two.

After breakfast, which was mostly quiet, I ended up back in my room with the door closed, where I just sat on the bed, thinking. Mostly about my mom. I missed her. But, I was beginning to feel anger towards her for my current situation. I wished that I could see her one more time. If I could ask only one question I would demand to know why she put me here with these people who I wanted nothing to do with.

Deep down, I believed that there had to be a reason for it. Mom rarely did anything this extreme without a reason. Unfortunately, I was too busy hating my situation to figure out what that reason was.

I looked up, realizing that I had left my door cracked open when Chey pushed her way through. Despite the way I felt about her owner at that particular moment, I found myself petting her, wondering why I had never once asked to own a dog when I was younger. I guess I had always been satisfied with what I had, until now.

"You know, that's amazing."

I looked up to see that Eddie was leaning in the doorway, looking at Chey and me.

"What's so amazing?" I replied, uninterested.

"It's just that Chey usually follows Luke everywhere," Eddie explained. "And whenever he's mad at Jase or me, she acts like she's mad at us too. She must really like you."

I shrugged. "Or maybe she just knows that her owner's being a jerk."

Eddie chuckled as he stepped into my room.

"You know, Rory, if you would just tell me what's going on with you and Luke..."

I frowned. "Forget it. It's no big deal."

"So is this how it's going to be?" Eddie asked. "We're going to have this tension in the house all summer?"

"Ask Luke that," I replied. "He's the one who owes me an apology."

"Why is that?" Eddie asked.

I raised an eyebrow at his pathetic attempt to get me to talk.

"Ask Luke, " I reiterated.

"Okay," Eddie said, sighing. "Why don't we forget about Luke right now and you can come with me."

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Well, we could go to lunch," Eddie suggested. "Unless you're still full from breakfast."

"I'm not really hungry," I replied in an attempt to put the inevitable off longer.

"Then we can go to the park," Eddie stated.

"In this weather?" I asked incredulously.

"Dress down," Eddie remarked as he left my room. "Come on, we're leaving in ten minutes."

I watched him go and then sighed, accepting my fate. I gave Chey one more scratch behind the ears and then took advantage of the time I had to dress in shorts and a tank before I went upstairs to meet Eddie. He was dressed similarly, and it was strange, how without the jackets and ties, he actually looked younger. Maybe even younger than he was. He definitely appeared less intimidating.

I noticed that Eddie was carrying a thick, red binder as I followed him out to the garage. But before I could ask him what it was, we were interrupted as Luke passed by us with one of the guys from the night before, the one he called his best friend, Dave.

"You're going out?" Luke asked Eddie, not so much as giving me a glance. I knew that we were fighting, but something about being so blatantly ignored, hurt.

I was still feeling very alone in my new surroundings, longing for something or someone familiar. I missed my grandmother. I missed my friends. Being surrounded by people who you hardly know isn't easy. Being surrounded by people who can't stand you was worse.

"Yup, we'll be back in a bit," Eddie replied. "Hi, Dave."

"Hi, Eddie," Dave replied, and then smiled at me. "Hey, it's Rory, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, when you get back maybe we could all..." Dave started, but Luke grabbed his arm, interrupting him before he could finish.

"Come on, Dave," Luke insisted. "See you later, Eddie."

I noticed that Eddie frowned at Luke as he walked away with Dave, who looked confused. But, at least Eddie had enough sense not to say anything and risk embarrassing me. But when Eddie touched my shoulder on the way to the car, that comforting contact was more welcomed than I'd like to admit.

I was quiet as Eddie drove, not really paying attention to where we were going as I looked out the window. Through the glare, I could see Eddie glancing at me every once in a while. He seemed nervous again. I wondered if he would always be nervous when we were alone together. I wondered if I would always be nervous when we were alone together.

"Luke can be kind of sensitive," Eddie suddenly said, breaking the silence. "When he gets hurt, he knows how to hold a grudge. He always gets over it, though. If you give it some time, it'll get better."

"So you think I hurt him?" I asked, somewhat bitterly.

"Rory, I didn't mean it like that," Eddie insisted. "I'm not taking sides... I can't take sides. I don't even know what's going on. Except, that when you two left the house last night you were fine but when you came back..."

"Let's not talk about it," I insisted. "Why are we going out anyway? Why couldn't you just talk to me at the house?"

"I thought we could use our privacy," Eddie replied. "Besides, it's not so terrible, spending a little time with me, is it?"

"I guess not," I admitted, unenthusiastically.

"Gee, thanks," Eddie said, right before we fell into another silence, all the way to the park.

It wasn't the same park that Luke had taken me to before. This one was smaller, with a playground and more people. We found some shade under a tree and I noticed that Eddie still had that binder with him.

"So what are we talking about?" I asked after we were seated. "Are you going to lay down the rules, or is this going to be one of those things where you tell me all of your family history so I know where I came from?"

He smiled. "Well, how about for now, we forget about the rules? I'm new at this too, Rory. We'll have to make things up as we go in that area. And as for family, I'd love to give you all of my... our, family history, but I wouldn't want you to be completely bored on our first outing together."

"Your family's boring?"

"No," he said, laughing, "I wouldn't say that... but, I think we should leave talking about them until later. Today, I thought you might want to look at this."

He slid the binder over to me, and I made a point to act uninterested when I opened it. But really, I was curious. And soon, I discovered that it was a picture book, starting out with baby pictures of a dark-haired boy.

"This is you?" I asked.

"Yup," Eddie replied, looking over my shoulder. "But, you can skip over the first half of those if you want... there was something else that I wanted you to see."

I flipped through the pages quickly, but not so quickly that I couldn't take note of the pictures. It probably would have surprised Eddie to know that I was actually curious about these pictures. And I was curious about Eddie, not that I was ready to admit that to him.

As I scanned through the pictures, I watched the baby grow into a boy. Surprisingly a short, scrawny boy. Even scrawnier than I was at that age. And as I looked, I realized that I was comparing myself to that boy in the pictures. I was comparing myself to Eddie.

It couldn't be helped, really. If I were to place my photos at that age alongside those of Eddie's, it would look like we were brothers. I really did look like him, and seeing it, brought back the reality that he really was my father.

I was so busy looking at pictures of Eddie that I nearly missed a very important image in one of the photos. Almost. Actually, it would have been hard to miss the little girl with blonde hair and a backwards baseball cap who had Eddie, at age six, in a headlock.

I knew that girl. There were pictures of her everywhere at Grandma Alice's house. Of course, it had been a while since I had actually seen any of her so young. I found myself absently reaching out and touching the photograph, suddenly feeling depressed.

If it weren't my mother in that picture, I probably would have found it hilarious the way she had young Eddie in a headlock while he begged for mercy. But it wasn't funny. That girl in the photograph had been so happy. She'd always been happy. She was one of those rare people who enjoyed life and made it enjoyable for others. And now she was gone. It didn't seem fair.

"She was always picking on me," Eddie said quietly, from behind me. "It was so embarrassing," he said. "But, she'd run off all the bullies too... Gina was my best friend."

"She never mentioned you," I replied, flipping to the next page, only to find more pictures of my mother and Eddie together.

"It's... complicated," Eddie continued. "To be honest Rory, I don't know why she never mentioned me to you."

"Maybe that's because you were never there," I replied, looking down at another photo where Eddie and my mother were a little older. Mom was laughing and Eddie's arm was around her. He had grown taller than her since the last picture, and some of that scrawniness was gone. Mom still looked beautiful. She always did.

Eddie fell silent for a long time. I hoped that he was thinking about not being there. Served him right to feel guilty about it, as far as I was concerned. Not that Mom and I weren't happy without him. We were just fine without him, thank you very much. But if he wanted to be a father now, it seemed to me that he had about sixteen years to make up for.

"Rory, there's something I need to tell you..." Eddie started.

"What?" I asked, without looking back. I was too busy looking at another picture. My mother and Eddie had their arms around each other again. But this time was different. They looked like they were my age, and while before they seemed like good friends, now it was obvious by the way that my mom looked at Eddie, that they were a couple.

And she was really looking at him, too. I had never seen her look at anyone like that. Sure, she'd dated over the years, but no one ever worked out. She had felt something for Eddie. Maybe she was even in love with him. I think I hated him more, realizing that. I hated him for leaving her.

Meanwhile, Eddie had gone silent behind me. I could feel him looking over my shoulder, looking at the photo. Suddenly, I didn't want him to see her. I didn't care if it was his book or not. I closed it. He wasn't allowed to look at her. Not her.

"Gina was my best friend, Rory," Eddie said, sighing. "We grew up together, and we were still really young when we started dating."

"And then you found out she was pregnant and you left her," I concluded, causing Eddie to fall silent again.

"We... broke up," he finally said, "but it was more complicated than that."

"But you broke up with her," I accused. "Didn't you?"

Eddie sighed. "Yes. That was my decision."

"She was a good person, you know," I stated. "She would have... she would have given you everything, and you left her."

"That's not how it happened."

"Because of me," I realized. "You didn't want her because of me." I didn't really know where I was going with this. But seeing the photos had brought something out in me.

"That's not true," Eddie snapped, causing me to look back at him. He looked frustrated, almost like he wanted to say something but he was holding it back.

"Rory, it had nothing to do with you," he insisted. "I didn't... it had nothing to do with you. I did love your mom, you know. But, in the end, it never would have worked. She was my best friend..."

It pissed me off that he kept saying that. To me, he wasn't a good father, and he wasn't even a good friend.

"Some friend!" I snapped. "You left her alone with me! But you know what? She was a good mom! I never needed you. Never! And she didn't either. We were just fine without you! I'll be fine without you."

I was getting emotional. Remembering my mother, seeing the way she smiled in the pictures, and dealing with Eddie and the feelings of anger and maybe even abandonment that I was feeling towards him, was too much. It all made me feel more alone than ever, and I was completely opposed to breaking down in a public park.

I dropped the book and got up without another word, to head for where the car was parked, leaving Eddie to silently follow. When he caught up and opened his mouth to say something to me, I turned away, hoping that he'd get the message.

He did.

The ride back was even more silent than the ride to the park. Eddie kept looking at me again. He kept gripping the steering wheel and clenching his jaw, as if he wanted to say something. I hoped that he would keep it to himself, but he didn't. We were almost home when he glanced my way and let out a breath.

"I'm sorry, Rory." I turned even more towards the window after that. I didn't want his apology. "Whatever you think happened between your mom and me... you don't have the whole story. It was complicated. I'm sorry you're mad at me, but I can't help that I wasn't there for your mom, or you. You have no idea how sorry I am that I wasn't there for you. But I can't change that I wasn't, and I can't change that your mom died, and I can't change it if you want to hate me. I don't know... maybe you have the right to hate me. But I'm here now. And maybe I can't make up for..."

"You can't," I interrupted shortly, as we reached the house and pulled into the garage. "All you can do now is make it worse. Just... leave me alone."

I was out of the car as soon as it stopped and I fled into the house, suddenly finding it very hard to think straight. I left Eddie sitting in the garage, and I was glad that he wasn't following me.

His apology did make it seem worse. I felt like he was apologizing because he thought that I wanted him to. Maybe I did want him to apologize. But, if that were true, then it would mean that I actually regretted growing up without a father. So it couldn't be true. I had been just fine, damn it. I had a great mother. I had a happy childhood.

But my mom was gone now. Eddie had just come into my life. I didn't need him. Not really. Just because he happened to be my father didn't mean anything now that my mom was gone. I didn't need him back then, so I didn't need him now.

But I felt like I needed someone. My grandmother, all of my friends, they were so far away. It seemed like I felt more alone every second that I was in this place, with these people. I found myself randomly thinking of Aaron. We had had a good time at the park last night, just talking. For a while there I had actually felt like I was welcomed. But I couldn't even call him.

Sure, there was a possibility that I would see him again. But, I doubted that Luke would be inviting me to go back to that park with him anytime soon. I couldn't remember Aaron's last name either, so it wasn't like I could look him up.

I was definitely still upset with Luke for throwing Aaron's number out the window. I mean, who does something like that? And why did Luke hate Aaron so much anyway? He didn't even give me an explanation, and I couldn't see any reason for it. Aaron hadn't said anything bad about Luke. Luke seemed to be the only one with a problem. But, I was too busy feeling depressed over my outing with Eddie, and trying to make sense of how I felt about him and my mom together, to worry about why Luke was such an asshole.

Too bad Luke was downstairs when I reached the basement. Dave was with him. They were stretched out on the sofa, laughing at whatever music video was on. I planned to just pass them by and go to my room, but I found myself pausing when Luke looked back and his smile faded when he saw me.

It was bad enough that he was an asshole. It was worse that it actually bothered me that we were fighting. I hated to think that he was angry with me and I couldn't figure out why. His hostility towards me was definitely evident on his face.

I felt like an intruder, in his home. I guess maybe I was an intruder. I was intruding into Eddie's, Jase's, and Luke's lives as much as they were intruding into mine. But looking at Luke made me feel so unwelcome. I guess that shouldn't have bothered me, right? I mean, I was the one who didn't want to be here in the first place. I still didn't want to be here.

But I had no choice in the matter.

"Hey, you're back," Dave said, smiling back at me when he noticed me standing there. "We were just going to go for a swim, do you wanna come, Rory?"

Despite my bad mood, Dave's smile was refreshing. Other than his name I didn't know anything about him, but he seemed nice enough. Then again, Luke had been nice when I first met him too. That definitely hadn't turned out well. I was reminded of how unwell it turned out when Luke opened his mouth and responded before I could answer Dave.

"I'm sure Rory isn't interested in hanging out with us," he said, still glaring at me. "He doesn't want to be here anyway, so why don't we just act like he's not."

His words hurt. Sure, I didn't want to be there, but with people like him around who could blame me? I felt horrible, just standing there, staring at Luke. After my emotionally draining outing with Eddie, and now this, I was having a hard time not tearing up. It didn't even make me feel better when Dave reached out and smacked the back of Luke's head.

"Dude, what's your problem?" Dave demanded.

Luke didn't even flinch. He just stared me down until I sadly turned away without another word, retrieving the portable phone from its cradle on my way to my room, where I promptly slammed the door.

I hated getting emotional. I hardly ever cried before my mom died, and if I did, it took a lot to make me cry. But, after she died, sometimes I felt like the smallest things could make me cry. I guess being uprooted and having everything you know taken away from you wasn't a small matter, but I still felt foolish as I collapsed on my bed and the tears began to fall.

I was a controlled crier. I didn't sob and I didn't cry openly. My tears always seemed silent, running down my face. I didn't bother wiping them away because if I did there would only be more, a moment later. The tears were annoying though, just leakage, sliding down my face, blurring my vision as I looked at the phone and dialed the familiar number.

I brought the phone to my ear and the other end rang six times before Grandma Alice's familiar voice came through the line.


I sniffled again, not responding.

"Hello?" She got a little louder. "Rory? Is that you?"

"I hate it here," I whispered.

I heard her sigh, and she actually went silent for a few moments. But only a few.

"What happened?" she asked, but continued before I could answer. "For crying out loud, Rory, you haven't even been there for one day. What could be so bad? Have you talked to Eddie about how you're feeling? The two of you need to talk. I swear I wish I could just lock you both in a room together so you could clear the air. Honestly, the things that you need to say to each other shouldn't be buried. It's just too bad that I have more sense than to tell the both of you exactly what needs to be said. It's just not my place, is all."

"Grandma, I can't talk to him!" I practically shouted. I hadn't really listened to everything that she said. I gave up trying to listen to all of her ramblings years ago. That just seemed to happen around Grandma.

"Rory, do not raise your voice to me," she said in that warning tone of hers. "I raised my daughter with more sense than that, and I know she didn't raise you to be disrespectful. Now either you can tell me what's wrong calmly, or you can call back when you're able to do so."

Holy damn. You just couldn't get in a word with this woman. I was already feeling exasperated.

"I hate it here, Grandma!" And no, I didn't bother to lower my voice. "You don't understand, they don't want me here! I just want to come home."

"Now that's just nonsense and you know it. You listen to me. Your mother put you there for a reason. I know it doesn't seem fair to you, and God knows that I miss you. This change isn't easy for me either, Rory. After losing your mother, the thought of you being so far away... well, it's not really the point. You're exactly where you're supposed to be. Now I can't say that I think it's right that your mom didn't tell you what she was planning, but I can say that she did do right by you. Now if Eddie's given you the option of just staying for the summer, I won't argue with that. You know that you're always welcome here, and I'll always have a place for you. But not until summer's over. Now, you need to stop calling me and go talk to your father. And I assure you, Eddie does want you there."

"Only because he feels guilty," I argued. "I saw the pictures, Grandma. He showed me the pictures of him and Mom. She loved him and he left her! And he actually tried to apologize! Can you believe that? Like saying he's sorry will make it all better! It's such bullshit!

"Rory Norick! Language. Honestly..."

"Sorry, It's such... bull," I replied, properly chastised but unable to keep the anger from my voice. "He had no right! I don't belong here, I know I don't. Why should I talk to him now? Why did she do this to me? Why would she send me here?"

"Now look, I know you're upset Rory, but..."

"I can't stay here," I stated. "The summer's too much. I want to come home. I can't talk to Eddie. Everyone else seems to hate me. Why did Mom do this? Did she want me to be alone? I'm mad her, Grandma. I can't help it. I just want everything to go back to the way that it used to be."

"Rory, you're going to have to calm down, darling."

Damn it. I hated that she was calm. My life was falling apart and she was calm. That just pissed me off more.

"I don't want to be calm, damn it!" I snapped.

"Alright, sweetheart, you get it all out," she replied, in that same, irritating, rational tone. "You just be sure to call me back when you're finished."

And then she hung up on me. Again. She hung up and left me alone. I didn't even have her familiar voice to keep me company. I was beginning to hate feeling alone. I guess the sad thing was that I while I didn't want to be alone, I didn't want the company of certain people, either. Like Eddie. It seemed like he wouldn't leave me alone. But, I couldn't help pushing him away.

Same as Desert Dropping
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Desert Bloom

My guide to the dig spoke heavily-accented English, but he had a smile that would light up Manhattan, full of strong white teeth which contrasted pleasantly with his sunbaked skin. I'm no novice when it comes to camels, and I think he was impressed when I didn't need his help. He didn't look Egyptian, more Bedouin than anything else, but it was difficult to see anything of him other than his smile, shrouded as he was in flowing robes. "But such pretty skin will bake in the sun, must...

3 years ago
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Desert Deception A New Laresa Tale

Sand blew in molten abrasive waves, scouring over the figure of the man as he tried to stay on his feet in the endless dunes around him. It bristled on his skin, irritated him as it got into every crack and crevice in his body. It stung at his lips and burned in his eyes. With a raspy growl, he tried to brush some of it away, but it settled back in, thicker than ever. Just six days ago, he'd been laughing and joking with his friends, amidst a caravan traveling across this she bitch desert,...

2 years ago
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Desert Crossing

Desert Crossing When you think of a desert crossing you probably think of Iraq or some place exotic. Well I have a desert in my own backyard in lower Colorado. I live near the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve. The park is located about thirty-five miles northeast of Alamosa, Colorado. I live about four miles east of Hooper and my land borders the park. I’m pretty lucky because poisonous snakes do not exist anywhere in this high elevation area. I live at about eight...

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Desert Heat Pt 5

Desert Heat – Pt 5Saturday, was cold inside and hot outside as usual. Ginger got dressed quickly like she did every morning, only this time she put on a halter top on under her regular top. She was very quiet again and I knew she was still struggling with what had been said last night about if one of the ladies went topless because of the heat, would the other. Ginger knew that Olga would and that the decision rested with her. Once we were out in the field, she again took her outer top off...

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Mannsborough Tales 1 Dawns Lament

Dawn Cavendish lounged in her deck chair, trying to read. Outside, the air had turned cold and sharp. Snow had fallen once already this year, right after Halloween, but not stuck. All that remained of it was the promise of more to come. It was going to be a bitter winter in Mannsborough. Here, inside the hothouse, it was always summer. Running from the main house to the guest house, it covered the pool area completely, a framework of semi-rigid plastic that kept the warmth inside. Dawn felt...

2 years ago
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Desert Motorcycle Part II Sweet

The helmet is painted with the same demon face as the red one. The motorcycle is a big red Honda CR 500. I wonder if you will show. I wonder if it is the police that will come instead. I am confident with the canyons and bluffs in this area I can even loose a helicopter if they try to catch me. Hell, there were likely 20 or 30 other desert riders in the area and you could only give them a scant description at best. DNA would get me but I am counting on you not reporting it. Your...

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Desert Motorcycle Part II

You have had the fantasy of being taken forcefully for awhile and when it actually happened.... 'God'! 'Stop this', you scream in your mind. You are so thankful that David, your husband, is out of town. If he had answered the door how would you have explained the roses and the note? Still it is nagging at you so! You could be killed or worst. Those hard eyes. The hard body. The mystery! I watch from the highest hill top. Dressed in a jet black Moto-X suit, with black helmet and black...

3 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 29

Desert Heat – Part 29Monday – Wednesday, August 20-29, 1985Monday morning I again woke early and tried to slip out of bed without waking the girls, but it’s hard to do when sleep cuddled up between them. I thought that I may have succeeded but before I made it to the bathroom I heard Ginger say that I’m not getting away that easily. Pepper sleepily added that I should hurry up in the bathroom because they were going to have me for breakfast before I hit the road. Doing what I had to do, I...

4 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 17

Desert Heat – Part 17Sunday – Wednesday, July 21 – Aug 1, 1985Sunday morning nearly came and went without anyone in the house waking up. When I did finally open my eyes and focused on the clock, it was almost 12 noon. I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and then back to wake Ginger up without waking Pepper. However, I got Pepper to respond before Ginger and the three of us stumbled our way to the kitchen. Ginger made a pot of coffee and we debated on whether to have breakfast or lunch...

3 years ago
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Desert Treat For My Hungry Manager

It had been only four days since, I joined as an Asst. Admin, and my manager (who took my interview), started asking me for a treat. There are about 4 people in our team, two of them are from IT and, me & my manager are from Admin. The IT team has one more female, so in a team of four, 2 are males and two females. Since my manager had been asking for a treat, I decided to order lunch for all four of us and I organized a small tea party. Everyone was happy and congratulated me on getting the...

4 years ago
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Desert Bound

DESERT BOUND By Silky Sullivan It was a sweltering August day with not a cloud in the sky. According to thedigital gauge on the dash of Traci's black Mustang convertible, the temperaturewas at 108 degrees and climbing. Although it was tempting to let the top downand allow her gorgeous shoulder length blonde tresses to be caressed by thegentle breeze, the persistent penetrating rays of the Mojave Desert sun persuadedher otherwise. As Traci's car streaked across the desolate countryside,...

2 years ago
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Desert Heat

Michelle was cruising down the highway with the top down on her car, singing at the top of her lungs to the feminist tone of the Beyonce hit song, Single Ladies. It was a song that she had recently adopted as her anthem after she left her boyfriend of three years. It was liberating to walk away from someone after years of on and off again chances, ultimately deciding not to waste anymore time on the relationship going nowhere. Since the break up Michelle resolved to take advantage of her single...

4 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 27

Desert Heat – Part 27Saturday, Aug. 18, 1985All five of us seemed to wake at the same time, but no one knew why. We got up, fixed breakfast and asked Pepper what she had in mind. She said she wasn’t sure and was open to suggestions. As we sipped our coffee, we looked at each other and I could tell by the looks on their faces that they had ideas, but were hesitant to speak out. I knew it was because of my statement about not getting arrested which meant that it was up to me to make the first...

2 years ago
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Desert Heat

At the start of our little road trip, we decided to take the a shorter route, through New Mexico. To our surprise, it ended up being a long drive, straight through Hell. This small road, snaked through the largest desert that I've ever seen. I had no idea, how much longer we had to drive through this. I did not fill up at the last truck stop either and kept worriedly glancing at the gauge . The car started to sputter before long and you tossed me a worried look. "Well," I said, rolling over to...

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Desert Heat Part 9

I woke early the next morning as I usually do. Ginger was still sound so I quietly moved around, packing up our stuff to get ready to head back to our home as soon as she was awake. I only had four days off after working ten straight and we just spent one of those days off with Bill and Olga. I was anxious to get back home and take care of things there. I had called Jerry to let him know we would be staying an extra day down here, and he said no problem.It was almost two hours later when I...

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Desert Heat Pt 6

Desert Heat – Pt 6Sunday morning’s alarm went off and I found Ginger still d****d on top of me. I began to kiss her and play with her butt until she woke. Lifting herself off me, she smiled and told me it was shame her dream had to end. I asked what she was dreaming and she told me she was dreaming about being home in our pool and Bill and Olga were there with us and we were all swimming naked and having a great time. Before we got out of bed, she climbed back on me and rode me like she did...

2 years ago
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Desert Interlude

Desert Fun.    Norm deals with an associates wife's indiscretions firmly but gently.She swept into the Casino like an old time film star, a vision in white and cream, immaculate grooming her blond hair cascading over her shoulders. Conversation diminished as men turned to stare and women scowl with jealousy. I stood and she changed direction to glide towards me, "Mr McGuire" I kissed her gloved hand."Ah Mrs Stephens, you came". "Was it not, as they say, an offer I could not refuse."...

4 years ago
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Desert Angel

August 2006. Odessa, TX. "I've been through the desert on a horse with no name. It felt good to be out of the rain. In the desert, you can't remember your name, cause there ain't no one to give you no pain. La da da da da da..." Jack Killinger grimaced and turned his radio's volume down. I like this song, he mused, but right now I'm not in the mood. Maybe some country ... nah, never mind. He clicked the radio off, trying again to concentrate on the road. He had been living and...

1 year ago
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Desert Walk with Uncle

Note : This story is completely fictional! The sun beat down really hot on the desert where my family was walking. My parents and brother and I were taking a walk in the Southern California desert with my Aunt Kathi and Uncle Marty this Saturday afternoon to spend some time together as a family. Since my family is very active, we had decided to walk the long desert trail out to the top of Garnet Mountain. While we were hiking I saw an animal dashing through the rocks and sage brush. Being an...

3 years ago
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Desert Party

The days riding had been fantastic. I could not get enough. Fast and flat out across the desert then tight scary trails close to the cliffs. Total sensory overload. The party is getting good too. Lots of ice cold beer, some wine and grills cooking burgers and hot dogs. Everything from tents to my motor home. About 40 people all counted. Friends and wives, girlfriends and lovers. Some of the riders good people and others I would kill to beat on the track. Your brother in law had told...

4 years ago
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Desert Nights

We are out shoveling snow from our driveway for the second time this week. And for the second time in the past five minutes, I think that I should be joining you on your business trip to Palm Springs next week! I pause in my shoveling and look over at you. Even after years of being together, I still find your tall, slim form attractive. You look up as if to say, “Keep shoveling!” I can see the humor in your warm brown eyes from here. I bend down to move another pile of snow. Out of the corner...

4 years ago
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Desert Heat Pt 4

Desert Heat – Pt 4Thursday morning was like every other morning in the small trailer. The temp was freezing and you couldn’t get dressed fast enough. Ginger was unusually quiet and I was wondering if she was having second thoughts or perhaps feelings of guilt about what happened last night at the lake with Bill and Olga. I wasn’t sure how or when to broach the subject, but knew we would have to talk about it sometime. I just hoped that it hadn’t damaged our relationship. Breakfast was...

4 years ago
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Desert Oasis

You called me yesterday and told me you'd pick me op to take a hike out to your favorite place in the canyons outside of town. Little did I know how far out we were going to hike. You were so excited to be sharing this place with me I could hardly keep up with. That wasn't such a bad thing since I had the most amazing view of your hot ass most of the way. I don't know if it was all the fresh air or maybe even dehydration but you jus kept getting sexier with each step you took. There was...

4 years ago
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Desert SonChapter 3

Before they had gone very far down the southern trail, a very dire event occurred. The sky was blackened with the shadow of whirring wings and pale yellow bodies. The day grew dark, and in that darkness a rain of jumping flying forms with claws and ravenous mandibles covered everything, and even attempted to eat the ropes holding the loads to the camels. John called a halt, and had the three silk tents set up, and all gear hastily unloaded within, and women and children. The men removed...

3 years ago
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Desert DreamChapter 2

Slowly John returned to his senses. He must still be alive then, he thought stoically to himself. He seemed to be laying on sand. Must have washed to shore, he thought wearily, content to rest where he was. Eventually his subconcious caught up with his rational mind, and he noticed something that had been bothering him on some level, or rather the absence of several things that had been causing him to tense up, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop, or the next ploink of the dripping...

1 year ago
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Desert adventure

They arive at Jhb International Airport,John, his wife,Sue and Sue's daughter,Micki, from her first husband.All the luggage is loaded ,and they climb aboard the Cesna bound for their remote drop-off in the Kalahari Desert. John is a good looking guy,36 years old and well built.Sue,she is 43,and also quite a looker.Micki just turned 23 and if you see her,she looks just like a younger version of Madonna. Micki and John don't see eye to eye,they've had their problems,to the point that John was...

3 years ago
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The Married Mans Lament

We met, so to speak, after each of us had given our order to the barristas behind the counter. We did not really meet in any sense that could be called a meeting of anything other than the mind and perhaps, of the will. She was in the line to my left, backlit from the street. She was not a perfect beauty, but in these situations, more beauty is the enemy of enough. She was a woman buying a cup of joe. I was also buying a cup and was planning to savor it before I crawled, like a hamster, into...

3 years ago
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A Husbands Lament

How manytimes had I witnessed this, her gaze directed at her Black lover’s face, a look that tells him of her submission to him etched almost painfully on her face. Her look shows many things, a determination to take each inch of his hardness that he is forcing deep inside her body, a craving need to feel the fullness he presents in the form of his fat cock, but mostly her look tells him she is his, his to do with as he pleases even though I stand just feet from them. He could tell that at this...

2 years ago
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The Married Mans Lament

We met, so to speak, after each of us had given our order to the barristas behind the counter. We did not really meet in any sense that could be called a meeting of anything other than the mind and perhaps, of the will. She was in the line to my left, backlit from the street. She was not a perfect beauty, but in these situations, more beauty is the enemy of enough. She was a woman buying a cup of joe. I was also buying a cup and was planning to savor it before I crawled, like a hamster, into...

Love Stories
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Alexanders Lament

It was the pain that woke him. His whole body was throbbing, though he wasn’t sure whether the bonds, the unnatural position of his body or the pain caused by the fullness of his stomach was what actually brought him back to the present. His warrior instinct told him to stay as relaxed as possible and not open his eyes until he got his bearings, in hopes of escape. But all hopes dashed away the moment his senses returned. He was naked, bound and hanging in the most painful position, his body...

4 years ago
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Widder Lucys Lament

Her body was sturdy and healthy even of not as sexy as it was when she got married. Until a month ago her pussy was well exercised by a strong and horny husband. At least they thought he was healthy until the aneurism ripped open a big blood vessel in his chest and he died holding her. The only one who could stay with her after the funeral was a male cousin slightly younger than her half-century. Orval had lost his wife to a stroke in the last year so could empathize. He hated living alone so...

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The air circulates. Grasses, brown and arid in this semi-desert land, move with the breeze. Inside body armour it matters not a jot. Sweat trickles down your back, your chest ... irritatingly around your groin. So you wait. Stand as ordered, formed in a regulation square. And wait to hear what platitudes shall be offered. Crap, of course. Total crap. We were told that we would be holding the line. A very fresh faced young officer, doing the telling, still looking rumpled from the brief...

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Desert Motorcycle

You have paid a visit to a girlfriend who lives on the edge of the Bad Lands. Heading for home you took a wrong turn somewhere and now were in the middle of the desert. When you turned around on a dirt road to retrace your route you heard a loud bang and now you car is shaking badly. Getting out and walking around to the passenger side you see your right front tire is flat. 'Damn, damn, damn'! Opening your trunk you get out your jack and use it raise the right side. ...

4 years ago
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Desert before Dinner

Desert before Dinner It was a late Monday night when I arrived home to see Marry preparing dinner. I empty my pockets and turn the television as my normal routine. I’m sitting in the chair relaxing when a commercial comes on, so I get up to get something to drink. I entered the kitchen only to find Marry standing near the stove. “You know we have the place to ourselves for a while,” Marry said smiling seductively at me. “Maybe we should skip dinner and go straight for desert.” A smile comes...

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Desert Heat Part 28

Desert Heat – Part 28Sunday, Aug. 19, 1985I woke quite early Sunday morning and managed to slip out from in between Ginger and Pepper. They just naturally rolled towards each other in their sleep and cuddling each other in their arms. I made my way to my office and closed the door. Coffee wasn’t an option this early as the smell would wake everyone and none of them would be happy waking this early. Grabbing some of the tech journals, I leaned back in my chair and began to skim through them,...

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Desert Heat Part 24

Desert Heat – Part 24Thursday, August 16, 1985Thursday morning, I woke late. Ginger and Pepper were already up and eating breakfast. Jerry and Rosemary had already left for work. They handed me a plate of food and invited me to join them. As I ate, I asked what was on their agenda and they said that there was only one thing on the agenda today and it was me. They said that they both missed me and wanted to make up for lost time. I asked what they meant and Pepper said that I would just...

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Desert Heat Part 23

Desert Heat – Part 23Monday - Wednesday, August 6-15, 1985Monday morning came way too early. I got up, packed my cold foods, loaded up the truck and headed out for what I knew was going to be a very lonely 10 days. In fact, this 10 day stretch seemed to last twice as long as any other 10 day stretch, even those at the beginning of summer when I was going down alone. I tried to get one of the four others to write up what happened while I was gone then, but they insist that I write what they...

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Desert Heat Pt 19

Desert Heat – Part 19Friday, Aug. 3, 1985Like normal, I was awake about half an hour before Pepper’s alarm went off. After going to the bathroom, I just sat in a chair across the room and watched the two sisters sleeping naked. They had turned during the night and the Pepper was cuddled up behind Ginger with her arm over her. They truly looked like identical twins and I couldn’t help but think how lucky I was to love both and make love to both. But I couldn’t help but wonder just how long...

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Desert Heat Part 12

Desert Heat – Part 12Monday morning came early and neither Ginger nor I felt like hitting the road for another 10 days out in the small dusty desert town, but duty called and we loaded up and hit the road. On the way down, Ginger talked about Bill and Olga. She said she liked them and was grateful for them helping her to get out of her shell and she enjoyed what happened with them last week. However, after what happened this weekend at home, she asked if it would be okay if we took things...

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Desert Heat ndash Pt 1

The desert sun was hot and the ground scorching. Not much of anything moved in the intense heat of the day, that is except for me. I was working a summer job for a company about an hour and half from home. They had me staying in a small travel trailer on the southern edge of the small desert town. I worked in the field gathering research statistics for 10 days straight and then had 4 days off. The small trailer had an air conditioning unit that ran on high 24/7. As the temps outside...

3 years ago
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Desert was great

I had been managing a well known restaurant for about 3 years when the supervisor moved me to another one to help it get its sales up. I liked it there, but it was not the same as my old one. I made friends with at waitress there named Debbie. We worked one really slow Sunday and spend some time sitting in the dining room talking. She starts to tell me about this one hot cop that ests there. He was Italian and about 6ft 3 and hot... according to her. I thought.. maybe the transfer might be a...

2 years ago
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Desert DreamChapter 16

The Eastern Emperor was often bored. He enjoyed adventure stories, but wasn't allowed to have any of his own. He was seventeen, and while he was allowed to learn the arts of war, he was never allowed to actually enter into battle. Besides, the Empire was mostly at peace. He had his personal spies out looking for adventure stories and exciting happenings far and wide, and they knew what he liked. One lucky spy who was richly rewarded brought him a carving of a strange sea creature, obviously...

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Desert PassionChapter 3

Our little rafting party continued to drift down Southern Utah's silt laden San Juan River towards a take out point near Lake Powell. For much of the day we floated through a 1,000-foot-deep meandering chasm carved into soft and crumbling sandstone as the river took us toward our destination. Ellen, the river ranger, said this geological formation was called the "Goosenecks," which prompted Donna, the other ranger, to read out loud from a geology field guide a description of what we were...

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Desert Hunt

Templar Combat Battalion, TCB Colonel Marcus ‘Mumbatik’ Dangal Personal Combat Battalion of the Regimental Commander On the open top of my command cupola of the command tank, I enjoyed the breeze that the night wind is blowing, as the Leopard 2A6EX 145mm main cannon tank rolled through the desert of Ar’Raq. I have set the viewer of my HUD to separate view screen one is night vision while the right side is thermal. Technology has done great wonders and my visor of the helmet I am wearing...

3 years ago
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Desert Memories

It was another gorgeous night in the desert. The evening is comfortable enough to be nude, the hot tub was hot and a very good friend was expected. I've also made sure that my camera is charged and ready as I'm sure that there will many opportunities to take many keepsake photos. We are sitting in our living room when there was a knock on the door. As expected, our good friend Jim has arrived. We always enjoy Jim. He a tall, handsome, fun loving guy with a beautiful...

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Desert Heat

At the start of our little road trip, we decided to take the a shorter route, through New Mexico. To our surprise, it ended up being a long drive, straight through Hell. This small road, snaked through the largest desert that I’ve ever seen. I had no idea, how much longer we had to drive through this. I did not fill up at the last truck stop either and kept worriedly glancing at the gauge .  The car started to sputter before long and you tossed me a worried look. ‘Well,’ I said, rolling over to...

3 years ago
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Desert Games

Deset Games will become a series of stories located in and around the Arabic Desert The Raid ... ... is a story about five american soldiers, falling in the hands of iraqi outlaws. See what these women experience.

4 years ago
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Desert Heat ndash Part 32 Wedding Day

Desert Heat – Part 32 - Wedding Day Saturday, Sept. 1, 1985Like normal I woke early and tried to sneak out of bed, but before I could reach the end of the bed I heard Ginger whisper, asking me where I was going. I told her I was going to the bathroom and she told me to hurry back as she had the morning dibs on me. I smiled, did my business and hurried back. Pepper hadn’t moved or said anything I suggested to Ginger that we go to the livingroom and she thought that was a good idea. Once in...

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Desert Heat ndash Part 31 ndash The Day Before

Desert Heat – Part 31 - Day Before the WeddingFriday, August 31, 1985 Friday morning I woke early again and made my way to my office to catch up on more reading. It was over an hour later when Ginger and Pepper peeked in and said good morning. They headed to kitchen to fix breakfast while I finished reading one more tech article. The smell of coffee brought me to the kitchen to find my two gorgeous naked wives busily fixing a breakfast fit for royalty. I asked why all of the fixings and...

2 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 30

Desert Heat – Part 30Thursday, August 30, 1985I must have been more tired than usual as I never heard Pepper get up and get ready for work. Ginger got up with her and still I slept through it all. By the time I finally woke, up, Jerry and Rosemary had also gotten up, eaten and headed off to work, their last work day before their wedding on Saturday. When I did wake, up, the house was eerily silent and I felt very alone. I stumbled out of the bedroom and noticed that everyone was gone. The...

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Desert Heat Part 26

Desert Heat – Part 26Friday, Aug. 17, 1985Friday morning, Pepper and I awoke to the strong smell of coffee and bacon. She was still nestled up against me but when I reached behind me, Ginger was not there. I turned to see her standing at the doorway holding a bed tray with breakfast for 2 and a big smile on her face. Pepper told her that we missed her in bed last night and Ginger said she slept in Pepper’s room to give us the night, but now that the wedding night was over, it would be the...

2 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 25

Desert Heat – Part 25Thursday, August 16, 1985Jerry got home from work first. The first thing he did was ask Ginger and Pepper if we were a happy functional or sad dysfunctional threesome. Pepper held up her ring and smiled. Jerry kissed the two of them and congratulated them, then went to his room to change out of his work clothes. When he returned, he grabbed a couple beers and headed out to the grill. Handing me a beer, he congratulated me on being a happy threesome. I asked if he knew...

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