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Leliana’s Lament

The heavy wooden door behind her slammed shut with an echo of finality as the guards dragged the Orlesian forward. Leliana cringed at the smell of the dungeon wafting up the stairs...sweat and sickness and other, even more unpleasant odors...the scent of misery.

The two guards holding her arms didn't exactly smell like roses as well.
She definitely had to get out of here before that smell began to stick on her, too...but Leliana was confident that she would manage. She had been in awful situations before and gotten out.

Doing her best to ignore the guards dragging her down the stairs, she focused on the bindings they had used to tie her hands together behind her back.

Thick, sturdy rope tied in multiple knots...nothing she could squeeze her hands out right now but in time, she could at least get one hand free.
Suddenly, her focus was drawn away from her bindings and to her guards, as one of them had said to the other, ?Why are we dragging that Orlesian bitch anyway? She some kind of royalty??

The other one chuckled. ? Fenn, you're a lazy bastard...?
Leliana looked back and forth between them as they exchanged a look and a grin...and then threw her forward, down the stairs.

Leliana shrieked and curled into a ball as much as she could to protect her head and face from the fall as she bounced down the stone steps, each step giving her a new reason to cry out in pain.

It was mere luck that she landed at the feet of the stairs with all her bones intact but her head swam and she felt as if her entire body would soon become one big bruise.

The guards were laughing as they casually strolled down the steps after her. Ferelden swine! She thought and tried to scramble to her feet. Maybe this would be her chance to escape!

? Ah, our new guest has arrived...? the voice from behind startled her...and ruined any chance of her flight. A rough hand grabbed her by the nape of her neck and forced her back onto her feet, holding her up. She felt hot, stinking breath on her skin ? Ah, yes...the spy...?, the man said, chuckling softly while one of his hands reached around her and proceeded to cup Leliana's left breast through her tunic. The bard remained still, trying to hide her disgust. In such situations it was best to play along...

? I was framed. There is no evidence...certainly someone will take notice...?, she said as calmly as possible. The man behind her laughed and his hand squeezed her breast uncomfortably hard. Leliana bit her lip to keep herself from giving them the satisfaction of hearing her cry out.

?You know what? I don't care. I'm not being paid to think. They say you're a spy so you must be a spy...and for pretty spies, we have special accommodations. Take her to the cell and chain her up. I'll get the whip....?

This word made Leliana freeze for an instant. She was aware that she had less time to escape than she previously expected. The guardsman groping her must have sensed her fear as he laughed and pushed her into Fenn’s arms. She noticed that he was wearing the insignia of a sergeant.
?I wasn’t charged nor did I stand a trial yet? Leliana decided to try again if not speaking her way out, than at least to gain time. ?Where is your commander?? she asked hoping that this might slow the men down, even as Fenn was dragging her through the dungeon corridors.

?Don’t you worry about commander Raleigh, sweetie? the guard laughed ?you’ll see him soon enough and you’ll learn that he really likes Orlesian whores such as you!?

Leliana managed to catch glimpses of silhouettes behind some of the cell doors. She couldn’t be sure as they moved far away from the peepholes in the doors when the guards were passing near them, but she would have sworn that most of them were female. This thought filled her with new fear.
After a short while they stopped and while Fenn was holding her, the second guard took out a large iron key and opened the door to one of the cells. She wanted to protest again but her speech was cut short by an anguished scream coming from one of the doors further in the corridor.

?Yeah, that’s our little playground? one of the guards laughed ?I think it may be one of your companions, but we’ll make sure that you are a frequent visitor there?. He made a short gesture and Fenn pushed her hard.
She fell on the dirty, hard and cold floor, with her fall softened only by a thin layer of straw covering the cell. Her body falling caused two rats to escape from underneath of the straw and vanish in a small hole in the wall. The only two objects of note in the entire cell were a small hole in the corner, designed to function as a lavatory and four chains hanging from the wall opposite of the door.

The sergeant took out a set of shackles but threw it on the floor.
?Chain her to the wall? he ordered.
Strong arms lifted Leliana, pushed her to the cold wall and almost immediately she felt one of the chains lock around her wrist.
?I am innocent!? she insisted, but before she could add anything else Fenn slapped her face. Hard. She fell on her knees, with the chained hand hanging. Her cheek was burning with pain, but as she gently touched it with her left hand, the second guard grabbed it and locked in the second chain.
?You..!? she begun but wisely decided not to finish the sentence.

Nevertheless the sergeant was next to her in an instant and he hit her stomach hard with his fist. Leliana cried with pain and gasped for breath. She felt his rough hand grab her face hard by the chin. He moved his face only few inches in front of hers.

?Shut up, bitch!? he barked. Leliana smelled his foul breath, mixed with some kind of cheap alcohol. ?I’ll want to hear you in a moment, but your screams, not this chattering!?

With these words he grabbed the front of her tunic and pulled hard, ripping a large stripe of cloth from her chest and exposing one of her breasts. Leliana shrieked as he grabbed her left tit and squeezed it hard.
?Damn! I can’t wait to fuck this bitch? Fenn exclaimed admiring her.
?All in due time? the sergeant smiled, took a few steps back and showed his whip?

His smile made her heart freeze in her chest. It was the smug expression of a man with no conscience at all. Her stomach and face were still hurting thanks to him and Fenn – an unpleasant beast of a man, rank-smelling and obviously of low breeding and morals – but she knew what would come now would prove to be even worse.

? Right now, we need to show our newcomer her new place here...?, the sergeant said, raising his whip and preparing to strike. Leliana grit her teeth and closed her eyes, mentally preparing for the pain...

Then, the whip cracked...and she learned that nothing could have prepared her for the blazing agony that flared up across her chest. Leliana raised her voice in a pained cry as an angry red welt began to form right across her exposed breast. He had aimed well and Leliana suddenly was very aware that he might have had a lot of opportunities to practice...

Tears welled up in her eyes and her vision became blurry. But still, she saw his indistinct form raising the whip again...right before another stroke hit her chest, this time aimed for her other breast. Her tunic tore like parchment and a new welt formed on her immaculate skin, perfectly crossing the first. She screamed again, rattling her chains as she sought to escape her bonds against her better knowledge...

Fenn and the sergeant laughed, gleefully and dirty. ? I'm going to strip her tits with that?, the sergeant bragged...and the whip cracked again.
Again, Leliana cried out, the pain taking her breath away, the stroke aimed right between her tits and down to her stomach, ripping another piece of cloth away.

Amidst the pain, even the thought of what else the guards had said was lost. Right now, all she could think about was the pain...the awful, blazing pain that drowned her rational mind.

The sergeant didn't give her any time to recover from the blow, immediately aiming again, the whip descending upon her tits again, hitting both, sending them jiggling, much to Fenn's amusement.

Tears were running down Leliana's face, smearing her carefully-applied make-up. Her knees would have given way already if not for the chains holding her up.
The whip cracked and cracked and cracked...the strokes tearing open her tunic, exposing her now-bruised breasts to their greedy, lustful eyes...and then it stopped.

Panting, Leliana looked at them, unsure of what was to follow now, hoping desperately for this to be over. But then the sergeant easily crushed all her hopes with one sentence as he handed the whip to the other guard...
? Alright, Fenn...your turn. But have her turn around first, I don't want you to mess up her tits anymore.?
? No...p-please...?, Leliana whimpered as Fenn stepped closer, ? p-please...stop...?

The guard laughed...then slapped her bruised tits hard enough to draw fresh tears from her eyes and a cry from her lips. ? Not so haughty anymore, are we now? Turn around, my whipping arm needs some practice.?
When Leliana hesitated, he grabbed her hips and roughly turned her around, the chains giving her barely enough room to move, her new position twisting her arms somewhat and leaving her face only inches away from the dank, slimy, dungeon wall.

? Alright, then, Fenn...go ahead. Work her over good, I am going to look for Rayleigh...he'll want her first...?
When the sergeant left, another soldier entered the cell. Leliana struggled and twisted her head to see him and recognized the man who with Fenn brought her to the dungeon. She didn’t even notice that he must have been standing outside of the door.

?Damn, you were busy? the guard said admiring Leliana’s trembling body.
?Wait till you see her whipped tits?
?When we’re gonna take her??
Leliana gulped with fear hearing those words again, her chances of getting out were becoming thinner and thinner.
?First the boss? Fenn answered.
?Will she be any good when he finishes with her? second soldier inquired which filled the Orlesian with even more fear.
?Think so, he wouldn’t like to spoil such a beauty? Fenn approached Leliana and grabbed her ass.

?Please, leave me, it is all a misunderstanding? she tried again, hoping that without the commander the soldiers will be more complacent. All she achieved was that Fenn took three steps back and slashed her back hard with his whip. ?Aaargh!? Leliana cried with pain.
?Stop speaking and start shouting? Fenn barked whipping her again. This brought another anguished cry and another stripe of her tunic, this time on her back was ripped, revealing a red stripe.
?I heard Orlesian spies were called bards? the second soldier noted. ?She sure can sing!?

?Please, I’m not a spy, don’t?? Leliana tried to plead once more, even though she was aware how in vain it was. She even managed to control her voice so it wasn’t trembling as much, but when she than she felt another slash, right across her ass cheeks and jerked forward, straining her bound arms, as though she was trying to merge with the cold, hard wall.
?May I try?? the second soldier asked Fenn.
?I beg you don’t do this, you don’t have to, please?? Leliana was beginning to panic, only wanting the pain to stop. She twisted her head again and noticed that Fenn gave the whip to his comrade who was now preparing to hit her?

?Aaargh!? she shrieked again when the lash landed on her back. The hard stones of the wall scratched her abused breasts as she involuntarily jerked again towards it. Almost immediately two other strokes fell, landing on her legs and causing them to bend. Her chained arms prevented her from falling, but twisted as they were in this position they begun to hurt even more.
?Please? in the name of the Maker, I beg you, stop?? Leliana was begging, but her pleading fell on deaf ears.
?What is all this fuss about sweetie?? Fenn laughed ?Wait till the boss takes you to the torture chamber or lets the sergeant or even us play with you there!?

Leliana couldn’t even respond as the lashes begun falling on her sore back, ass and legs one after another. Each was causing her to shout even louder, beg even more desperately and twist her body in an even more painful way.
Finally she begun to feel as if her pain was somehow subdued, the sound of lash become more silent with each strike. Her sight was failing her but now even the wall was feeling nice and soft.

How she got here? Scenes of her last mission filled her mind even as everything was becoming dark?
The beautiful face of Marjolaine, Orlesian noble, her employer and even lover, filled her vision as her mind skimmed the ocean of memory, the pain having brought her on the verge of unconsciousness.

They had jested and flirted while sowing chaos among the nobility of Ferelden as part of the ?Game? the dangerous web of intrigues the nobility busied themselves with in Orlais...all had been going according to plan until Marjolaine, all smiles and dirty, seductive promises, had suggested one last mission before they could ?rest? for the night. And Leliana, excited, her blood pumping from the dangers this night carried, had hurriedly agreed.

A mere hour later, she was skulking through some noble's mansion, there to plant incriminating papers of some kind..not that she'd cared as she felt the thrill of the forbidden arousing her while she stalked, avoided and occasionally delivered a stealthy kill to the guards of the place. This feeling was better than anything...well, besides a sweaty, passionate night in Marjolaine's bedchambers. The blood rushed within her veins, her heart pounding, every fiber of her body on edge...

The small wooden desk was before her and she was just ready to place the papers there...when she took a closer look and saw the Orlaisian seals. Military records? This wasn't something to anger a few nobles...this was...treason! But all Marjolaine had said was, ? We'll discuss this later, Leliana...? before practically dragging her away to their hideout within the city. There, her desperate pleas had, after a heated argument, gotten Marjolaine to change her mind and try to correct her...mistake. Of course, Leliana had agreed to come with her – if only to make sure Marjolaine did indeed go back on her plan.

Her heart froze as suddenly, the alarm bells went off and every guard within the mansion was instantly alerted, racing towards their weapons and seeking the invaders. Panicking, Leliana turned to Marjolaine..only to find her lover gone...and mere moments later, she was fighting for her life, trying her best not to get killed and starting to wonder what exactly Marjolaine was up to....secretly dreading that something very very sinister was going on here...

? Marjolaine! I fought everyone I could but there have to be others....I...I am sorry...I shouldn't have brought us back here...?, Leliana said, her heart still pounding after her desperate flight and her search for Marjolaine. ? Shhh..my pretty...shhh...no need to be sorry...you were perfect...?Then, a hard punch in the stomach, robbing Leliana of her breath...as she sank to her knees, another figure entered her view...the guard captain, a smug grin on his face.? What do we have here? An orlesian spy trying to steal secret documents? You'll get me quite a profit...after I've had some fun with you...? And Marjolaine stood there...smiling.

A harsh slap to her face pulled her back from her painful memories...back to her even more painful present...she whimpered as her body ached all over, the many welts on her skin bringing themselves back to her memory with angry, agonized pounding.
? Ah, she is awake?, a familiar voice reached her ears. Groaning, Leliana forced her eyes open again...and her heart sank as she saw the guard captain standing right in front of her.
? Hello again, my pretty...sorry to have kept you waiting for so long...but now I'm here and the fun can begin...?, he said, chuckling and reaching out to grope her bruised breasts...

Leliana made a small whimper as the captain brutally grabbed her abused tit.
?Please sir, I’m innocent?? she began to say for the nth time this day. She saw this captain with Marjolaine when she was betrayed and so she knew that no matter what she said he wouldn’t listen or even care. But she felt a desperate need to delay whatever was going to happen.
The captain hit her with a back-handed slap.

?I guess she must be saying this all the time, aren’t you tired of this? he said to the sergeant and the two guardsmen, who began to laugh as a response. The captain grabbed Leliana’s neck and said almost softly but with barely controlled hatred filling his voice. ?My name is sir Harwen Raleigh and the only thing that matters to me is that you are a filthy Orlesian whore and I’ll see to it that you are treated as both an Orlesian and a whore deserve. As I did to many of your kin during the war!? He finished ominously and released his hold on the prisoner.

There was no need to repeat the order. The two guards looked first at their sergeant and when he nodded, eagerly rushed to Leliana. First they began to grab and feel up her breasts and ass but not wanting to make their commanders waiting they quickly proceeded to the stripping part. Fenn grabbed the left part of the tunic (or what was left of it), the second guard the right one and they pulled hard, ripping the delicate fabric and revealing all of the woman’s beauty. As her brassiere was destroyed by the whipping, her panties were the only thing left that was covering anything.

All four men were admiring Leliana’s trembling, bruised but astonishing body for a moment but quickly proceeded to grope her even more. The poor victim bit her lip, trying not to cry out in pain whenever they grabbed her bruised tits or ass or when they pressed her whipped back to the hard stones of the wall behind her. Finally with one fast motion Fenn torn away her panties and brutally pushed two fingers into her dry pussy.

?Ugh!? Leliana cried out in pain as she felt the guard’s hard fingers enter the most intimate part of her body. ?Stop! Ple-? she began to plead, feeling Fenn moving his hand in and out her tender snatch but the second guard silenced her slapping her again. She tried to twist her body away from the probing fingers but it was no use, especially as the second soldier held her, groping her breasts.

Only after Raleigh ordered the soldiers to stop, did the groping and probing stop and she was let go. Leliana’s relief however, was short-lived as she saw the commander approaching, already with an unbuckled belt and with his long, erect cock released from the trousers. He stood in front of the girl, grabbed one of her sore nipples and twisted hard.

?Argh!? Leliana wailed as a terrible pain filled first her breast and then her entire body.
When she cried, Harwen kissed her, forcing his tongue deep into her mouth. He grabbed her ass with one hand, with the second still twisting one of his victim’s tits.

?Mpff? Leliana’s cried into the commander's mouth as he continued to kiss her, to explore her mouth with his tongue. Her muffled sobs aroused him even more and she felt his throbbing cock touch her crotch.

With one swift motion Harwen raised Leliana’s legs and ass. She cried out again, releasing her head for a moment, as she felt her arms strain against the shackles holding them. Her cry was cut short and then redoubled, when the soldier rammed his hard cock into her tight pussy.

?No, please I beg you, stop!? Leliana pleaded in vain, feeling his hard organ start moving in and out of her snatch, savouring her. ?No, please, plss? she tried to beg when Raileigh forced his tongue into her mouth again and then began to bite her lips, all while viciously humping her snatch.

Not only did the pain radiate from her mercilessly pounded pussy, but also from her abused breasts and arms as well as she was virtually hanging from the shackles. Finally, when the pain on her strained hands was becoming unbearable she subconsciously wrapped her long, slender legs behind her rapist’s back, crossing her ankles. Immediately when the pain on her hands decreased she became aware of what she’d done and tried to release her legs but it was too late – Raileigh already grabbed them.

She tried to twist her body away or to push her rapist somehow away but all of her writhing and twisting make her an even better fuck, arousing and pleasuring the soldier as he continued the vicious rape.

?You like it, you Orlesian bitch, don’t you? he hissed, admiring her lips inflamed from his bites ?You are made for it, like any Orlesian whore you are just a fuck-meat, good only for spreading her legs and taking cocks.? He whispered and began to lick her face and bite her neck.

How miserable Leliana felt hanging there by the chains, wrapping her legs around her rapist as if he were a gentle lover while he continued to move in and out, in and out, in and out her already sore pussy. She has been an Orlesian bard, one of the best but now she was reduced to fuck-meat and a sex slave of these soldiers and could only beg and whimper in pain as her rapist grabbed her breasts or pushed her against the wall.

Leliana whimpered under his cruel attentions as her body was pushed back and forth by his brutal thrusts. She could feel every single inch of his hard, throbbing cock slide in and out of her dry, unwilling pussy, stretching her most intimate place painfully. Already, after the first few thrusts, it felt as if her entire lower body was in flames. And no matter how much she squirmed and twisted, there was no escape from his grip.

She cried out as he suddenly bit her neck hard, his teeth almost drawing blood but stopping short of it, only leaving an ugly bite mark behind.
The guards behind him were laughing, laughing at her plight and her pain.
? You like this?? her rapist whispered into her ear, ? You like finally having a real man inside you? I know you like women...like having your tits and cunt kissed and licked by girls...but I'm going to rape that out of you!?

Tears were streaming down Leliana's face as she was banged into the wall again and again, crying out with each thrust into her sore cunt.
? Stop it...?, she eventually managed to whimper when his pace had decreased somewhat and his tongue was licking at her neck, ? please....just...stop...?

All she received was laughter, from him and the guards. Grunting, he reached out to squeeze one of her bruised tits so hard she shrieked. ? That's what I think of your feelings, whore! You know what I...hnng...was famous for during the war...??

Leliana could only whince as he began to nibble on his earlier bite marks again, her tits jiggling from his constant thrusts. He was relentless in his assault on her unwilling, tight pussy, each thrust chipping away at her dignity.
? I...had the highest...rape count...in my entire...unit! I used...hhnnng...whores like you all day long...every day!?

He laughed and the two guards did the same. Over his shoulder, Leliana could see both of them having already pulled out their cocks, jerking them lazily.
The bard knew that this would be the most horrible event she ever experienced, worse than anything she could fathom...and there was no way out!

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Healing Matt Ch 04

Well here it is people! Thanks for all your votes on the last chapter, sorry its been so long but i was waiting to see what you all thought! Enjoy And please please comment if you read this!!! MissBoePeep ,) ******************* ‘Could I have two cappuccino’s, a Danish and a blueberry muffin please Sharon’ Sharon smiled knowingly. Ok, so maybe I would have to explain before she gave me what I’d ordered. It was normally pretty handy having one of your best mates working at Starbucks,...

3 years ago
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I kissed a girl and I liked ita lot

Just as I was really getting into it, a pillow rams into the back of my head, sending me spiraling into my dresser. "Fuck…me!" I yelled, holding my hands to my poor, damaged cranium that had just hit the corner of the dresser. I got up from my spot on the floor and inspected my head in the mirror. My roomie approached me from behind and said, "See what happens when you wake me up out of my oh so peaceful slumber?" "Whatev," I furiously responded, "It's six...

4 years ago
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Dragon ClansChapter 14

Valerie looked at the clock on the dashboard for the hundredth time in the last hour. No matter how often she looked it never seemed to move fast enough. The week in Nogardshire had been good; and frustrating. In a rare occurrence both Ian and Millie were there and she kept herself busy with plans for the festival now only a week away. The days had been full, she learned more about Michael, as Ian had given her his entire file on him. Reading through it gave Valerie a deeper perspective on...

3 years ago
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Fernanda Teenage Lust

I had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...

First Time
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My Condom Drinking Fantasy

Hello all,my name is jack (name changed) I am 24 years and a student of engineering, I am 5’7 weight is 85kgs health muscular body I am bi-sexual I have girlfriend and I also like male cock but I have fantasy I love to eat cum (male sperm) and specially from a used condom, so here is story which I would love to share with you guys. Lets make it little interesting by describing it in hindi, but basically I am a gujju guy. Ye sab tab ki bat hai jab me padhai karne ke liye baroda gaya tha, mere...

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MoneyChapter 5

Janey asked her dad if he could buy condoms, but he said that if her mother found them she’d blow her stack because it would be obvious that Mike was cheating on her. Janey offered to keep them in her room, but he confessed that her mother actually searched Janey’s room off and on for drugs and stuff, so they’d be found and then she’d be the one in trouble. Janey was pretty pissed off about that revelation. With that, and despite Janey’s belief that she was unlikely to get pregnant from...

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A Farm Story The Southern Ball Part 6

Tammy awoke with her penis in my mouth. Weird way to start the morning, I'm sure. It's not like she was complaining about it. You know how you're like in that dream state half- way between awake and asleep. Well, I took advantage of that and slipped under the covers. I started pulling her panties down and she didn't fight. She lifted her bottom a little and I just pulled them all the way off. "Cute undies!" I said as I pulled them off her completely. So I just started sucking away,...

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Gracie 03 ndash Our first Threesome

We knew the competition would be too much for us at Clancy's on a Saturday night, so we went to a club called Gizmo's, one of Gracie's regular haunts. It was just like Clancy's but a few steps down the ladder. More losers than winners. Gracie has really big, surprisingly firm tits. They look great and she thinks they are her best asset. She always wore low cut outfits to show off her tits and the first thing any guy noticed about her was her big tits with a pretty, happy, smiling, friendly face...

3 years ago
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Fat FarmChapter 35

Day 473 Saturday "You're here," Claire said with feral grin. "Yes," Denise said looking around the apartment nervously. The room was barely furnished. The furniture that was in the room was plain and utilitarian. She realized that the room was a perfect example of the Modern Minimalist style. She looked carefully at the furniture and realized that it was probably more expensive than anything in Dale's house. "I was convinced that you'd chicken out," Claire said stepping...

4 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 31

I'm supposed to be at work today, but I fancied a day off. I phoned in to Mr. Dodd, told him I wasn't feeling well but that I would be in tomorrow on. I had a fairly relaxing weekend. I popped in to see Carol, I thought I might have a session with her, but she had a streaming cold and wasn't feeling up to sex. That's where I got my idea to have a day off. However, it left me feeling rather horny. It was a fairly warm day so I went for a stroll in the park. I had a lie down in the long...

3 years ago
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Desert DroppingChapter 17 Decision

If I wanted to be with him? In this very moment, it was questionable. I wanted to tell Aaron to go fuck himself, and then go make sure Luke was okay; but, I also wanted to beg him not to do this. I guess the bottom line was, I liked Aaron. I wanted to get to know him. I wanted to see where this new relationship was leading--and I wanted him to be able to drive me home every once in a while. Because as much as I hated it at the moment, he had a point. Luke already knew about us, and I...

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Idle Cunts Are the Devils ToolsChapter 13

I was going to start this by recreating the moment I woke up in a hospital bed. That was a story in itself. The thing is, I don’t really want to relive not being able to open my eyes or talk. There are things that are good to relive. That experience wasn’t one of them. I’ll just leave the experience as a summary. From my perspective, one minute I was in my apartment and the next I was lying flat on my back, not being able to will my eyes to open or hear the sound of my own voice - yet I was...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Kayla Paige Adira Allure My Turn To Take Care Of You

Adira Allure is relaxing when her roommate, Kayla Paige, comes home. As they chat, it’s revealed that Kayla is a masseuse and that she’s had a busy day at work. Because of it, her hands are killing her! That’s when Adira gets an idea, offering to give Kayla a hand massage to help ease her pain. After all, she’s so lucky to get free massages all the time from Kayla… so now it’s HER turn to take care of Kayla! Of course, although Kayla doesn’t yet seem to...

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JosephinePart 2

JOSEPHINE (continued from part 1, file split in two because of size) A Novel by Miss Anthropy (c) 2000 Miss Anthropy. All rights reserved. This is an erotic work of fiction the setting of which is an alternative history of the United Kingdom. Any resemblance of the characters therein to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. The text contains strong language and depictions of persons engaged in violent, sexual and/or degrading acts that some people may...

3 years ago
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Persephone In WinterChapter 3

She sat some ten feet away from Simon in the walnut-paneled library. Glasses of brandy rested on identical cherry tables beside each richly upholstered wingback chair. He was unusually quiet this evening, taking time to savor the rich, dark drink, allowing her to nearly finish her own generous portion. She expected he would talk of her husband, and was apprehensive about betraying her love for him, even with unshared thoughts. Instead, he sat and watched her, his fierce eyes drinking in her...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 41 Abu Dhabi

January 2007 Mom was very upset that I wasn’t going to come home on my leave. She just wasn’t buying my explanation about losing my squad. She wanted me to come home, squad or no squad. I think Dad understood, and he told me that his father understood, but Mom was very unhappy. I had been in the Army now for four Christmases, and three had been spent in Iraq. I didn’t even bother telling her about the incident at Yankee North. One of her latest kicks was, “Are you the only soldier in Iraq?...

2 years ago
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Law Enforcement

I'm a cop. I have a lonely job working a desolate stretch of Interstate 15 between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. It can get very hot here; and despite the air conditioning in my cruiser, I can feel the heat off my windshield. So I try to pull the night shift when it is coolerMostly I stop speeders and once in a while I get calls from Barstow, but that is rare. I was just starting my shift one evening, pulling in behind some cover just off the road. I took out my personal phone and started surfing...

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At the Movies

Another lazy Saturday night and Speedo and I were sitting in the diner killing time over a plate of fries waiting for the late movie. Speedo's real name is Spivak but because he was on the swim team and wore those tight little speedo thingies; everyone called him 'Speedo.' One of our mutual friends declared he had cute buns, but I tried not to look, if you know what I mean. The fries were still hot on the plate when Speedo's family rolled in with his sister who is two years younger and his...

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Lifelong Exhibitionist 3

As mentioned, Sinead and I were sharing an exhibitioinst/voyeur experience, two or three evenings a week I would say. About 4 months after we started our little secret, we were to have physical contact for the first time. It was an early spring evening in March and it was a Friday. My friends and I were hanging out together at the 'Old Bridge.' The Old Bridge was a part of the road where we lived which was off the beaten track. It was no longer functional and the bridge was surrounded by...

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Gwalior Wali Bhabhi Ki Chudai

Hi,dosto ye meri pehli story hai ISS pe mera naam Raj hai meri age 25 ki hai height 5’10” athletic body hai mujhe story likhna nahi aata mujhe to sirf chudai karna aata hai chahe kuwanri kadki ka ho ya fir 40 saal ki marrid aurat ka aur jo koi bhi mujhse chudwana,phone sex,chat sex karna chahta hai wo mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakta hai mera email id hai ()ab story pe aate hai. Ye ghatna tab ki hai jab main raipur mein rahata tha main akele pg rahta tha kyu ki main college ki padahi...

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Crossed over from Viewing to Doing

Middle aged white man from a big City in Kentucky. Quick background on my past with Interracial fascinations. When I was a k** I'd steal my dad's dirty mags just like everyone did. I'd return them after a day or so. I'm talking like 8 yrs old. I was fascinated because I obviously wasn't capable of processing what I saw. So it was just bizarre mostly. One day i picked up what I later would come to know as the December 75 issue of Hustler. I did the normal page turning and millions of full page...

4 years ago
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History Lessons

I’d like to thank Daniellekitten for being my sounding board on this story. I never would have gotten it off the ground without her! ********************** I heard someone come in the room, but it didn’t register in my brain until she spoke. ‘Excuse me, Mr. Thompson?’ she said. Looking up from my desk, I saw the biggest, most beautiful pair of brown eyes in the world. It took me a second to recognise the face. ‘Angelina Benardo!’ I made sure to pronounce the g as an h in her first name....

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Toilet Fun 8211 The Gay Spot In The Bus Station

My Christmas vacation got over. It was December 31. I had to go back to the hostel as my classes were starting on 1st January. So I packed my bag and got set. There was a new year party organized by friends and I was sad that I couldn’t attend it. But I went to the party at 7 pm. They were preparing for the party. They were very joyful and were preparing for midnight. They drank beer and other alcohols while making food and decorating the place. When I went there, my friends insisted to stay....

Gay Male
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Second ChanceChapter 21

"All rise. Court is now in session, the Honorable T. Clyde Thorson presiding." When we arrived at the courthouse I could feel the curious eyes of the court personnel looking me over. My bald head, crisscrossed with vivid scars did not fail to capture their attention. I noticed the court clerk, a sweet, grandmother type, apparently moved by the pitiful sight I made. That couldn't hurt my case. I tried even harder to sit up straight and act like a man, not a wounded child. Mr. Bell had...

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Mothers Ruin

Mother's Ruin by Circe The mid-afternoon sun was high in the clear sky, casting short shadows over the concrete and metal in the playground. However, there were no children here among the graffiti-tattooed seesaws, chutes and roundabouts. Broken glass bottles and needles lay scattered on the safety mat floor. The playground was in the middle of the apartment complex - three towering grey granite blocks of identical homes offering cheap living in a vertical community. There was...

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Dont Miss He Said Ch 03

Here it is: the next exciting chapter of ”Don’t Miss,’ He Said.’ I highly recommend you read the first two chapters of this story before continuing. If you don’t, it’s like dividing by zero: either your head explodes into many little logical fallacies, or your eyes turn black. The following takes place about three days after Alphonse and Elena moved in together. So, here we go. Alphonse, they’re all yours. ************* ‘If life ain’t just a joke, than why am I laughing? If life ain’t just a...

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Hentai Heaven

a world where is genders and species are infused together. Tens of Thousands of years ago, too many wars and chemical weapons have been used. In additions, mad science and viruses all help creating the world as of it today. The world now all about how powerful is the money and pleasing is the sex. People evolve so much to have extra organs in different places as well (animal ears, horns, long tongue , extra dick, mouth nipples,…. ), or just part or half other species. They evolve to never had...

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Teasing Wife

My wife Kyla is a tease and I say that with the utmost love. It started right after our honeymoon. As we were virgins when we got married our sex life started out slow and quickly picked up speed. I would work during the day and Kayla was off for two months before she returned to work. Kayla was fascinated by sex and all the events leading up to me taking her. On our honeymoon she gave me head with extraordinarily little encouragement on my behalf and quickly showed she had a great skill set in...

Straight Sex
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Hbsche Lehrerin wird von Jugendsnden eingeholt

Mein Name ist Tina Baumann ich bin 29jahre alt und bin seit 3 Jahren Lehrerin in einer Berufsschule in der ich nach langem Suchen endlich einen Job gefunden habe. Den Job habe ich meiner Meinung nach nur bekommen weil ich beim Bewerbungsgespräch meine weiblichen Reize eingesetzt habe und der Direktor mich sehr ansprechend findet ich hatte ein enges Figurbetontes Kleid an was meine festen Brüste (B-Körbchen) sehr gut zur Geltung bringt und farblich gut zu meinen langen blonden Haaren passt,...

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felix becomes felicity

FELIX  becomes FELICITY Chapter 1 “Gynecomastia is the abnormally large development of mammary glands in males, resulting in breast enlargement……… In teenage boys this does not have to be linked to obesity……… The word Gynecomastia  derives from the Greek for woman and breast”     I logged off from my regular searches on the internet and felt sick as usual. I am 16 and a normal schoolboy, except I have this condition of Gynecomastia, the “woman” and “breast” bit ringing in my ears! Basically I...

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Sisters Lovers and Other RelativesChapter 4

Thursday afternoon found Trevor walking up the driveway to his parents' house after a long meeting at school. Mom and Dad and Evan were at the hospital for another of Evan's treatments, so Trevor was in no hurry. He kicked a stone at the foot of the driveway as he mused to himself. Five days, he thought, and I haven't fucked a single relative. I must be slowing down! He laughed, still amazed at his good fortune last weekend. A "ka-chink!" caught his attention and he snapped back to the...

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Ryders Redeemed

Hey everybody, this is an unofficial addition to the epic Sci-fi Series "Theirs Not to Reason Why" by Jean Johnson. I love this series with a damned fire, and when it ended, it was the first series to make me leak a few tears because i loved the worlds and characters so much. I encourage you to read them if you enjoy Sci-fi works. It is one of the best I have ever read. I hope to make a story that would be worthy of being in that world. During their farewell ceremony, the members of Ia's Damned...

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Rough but sweet

“Bend over.” He said. I stayed quiet, not really sure if he was serious or what. “Get on your fucking hands and knees.”James is rough, but not brutal. He had never hurt me, and I’m pretty sure he never will. And even thought I’m scared as hell, this other side of James was turning me on real badly. So I did what he told me to. I bent over. Shaking from head to toe, but I did.“Are you scared, Carlitos?” He asked, and when I said nothing, he smiled – I wasn’t looking at him, but I could recognize...

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Cost of TimeChapter 10 Moving Fast

Noia thought she'd traveled rapidly from North Port to Echanistra; then she thought she'd traveled fast from Echanistra to Baytown, even if it took a moon. She thought she'd traveled rapidly from Baytown to that nameless waterhole, even if it had taken a moon and a half. Then she thought she'd traveled fast from the waterhole to Outpost in the following few days. There was no doubt about it; the two hundred men of their escort moved very fast to Kingstown, making the trip in three days...

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Incested Punjabi Family

By : Raman Hi this is Raman with a true incest story from Punjab. In order to enjoy full, please note the few Punjabi words and their English equal words. lun-cock, bhen-sister chod-fuck Bhenchod-sisterfucker bund-ass fuddi-cunt bhaaji-brother veer-brother These word swill help you enjoy the story better. It is likely to run into more parts. Please email me your comments at The hero of this true story was Kewal. He belonged to a big city in Punjab. You would be surprised when I say “he...

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My Search For A Satisfying Dick 8211 Part 3

Hello all, thanks for your feedback on my part 2. Today I will continue the next part of my life. I won’t give my phone number and I won’t meet anyone too. Only feedback is appreciated. Coming back to my story, Chaitu has stolen my virginity that day and my pussy was in pain for three days. Later we both shifted under one roof and started a live-in relationship secretly. I love Chaitu’s innocence and was always pulling his leg. I taught him how to satisfy a girl on the bed. Chaitu has learned...

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Temping 2

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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Love In Liverpool 8211 A Real Life Story

Hello readers, Thank you for choosing this story, I am sure you will not be disappointed after reading it. Mind you, this is a real story and not a fantasy. All the incidents happened are three years old and this is the first time I am opening my mind about it. About me: I am Sam, 28 years old computer engineer and currently living in London, UK. Before moving to London I was working as IT consultant in Liverpool, another city in England. Story which I am going to reveal today happened in...

1 year ago
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My darling Jijaji 2

I felt as though I was being torn apart although I was thrilled with the feeling of a real male penis inside my fuck canal for the first time. I screamed “noooooooooo oooooo oooo ooo it hurts stoppppppppppppppppp please” I screamed as I felt a sheer pain in my hips “Oh my god, stop,” I pleaded. He did as I asked for a bit, but then slipped in still another inch. My vaginal lips were stretched to its limit, now he was forcing the inner walls of my vaginal canal to stretch to accommodate him....

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Family Workout

A milf and young personal trainer and then her daughter join in the most satisfying of workouts: that is before her husband also exercises his love muscle in the crowded home gym.....When Hamish Struthers set up a personal gym he never expected anyone else in his home to use it. He was shaping up because he was screwing his new personal assistant, twenty years his junior. Cindy Lewis was a hot steamy blonde milking a sugar daddy but Hamish didn’t care; his pecker was over satisfied and his...

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Do I want more

I am a straight man. I have never felt attracted to other men; in fact you could possibly say I am a little uncomfortable with openly gay friends. Not uncomfortable in a homophobic way, but just a little awkward. I’ve always had healthy relationships with girlfriends, but part of me was always a little curious about what it would be like to be with a man. It always strikes me as almost unfair at how easily women can seduce men, or use their sexuality to get a man’s attention. I began to wonder...

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