Princes and Pawns Ch 1
- 3 years ago
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Thule called Matika back once he was on the road, "Can you talk?"
"Yes," said Matika, "I'm headed to Mannsborough right now."
"What do you know?" Thule asked.
"Not much," said Matika, "Jake called me on my cell. Apparently, Randy and Ivan had some kind of fight about Mrs. Vandevoort. Randy left and came back with a gun. Randy shot Ivan. Jake shot Randy. At some point, Randy shot Jake. It's all very confusing."
"Is anyone dead?" asked Thule.
"No one was when Jake called me," said Matika, "Jake's wound was superficial. He thinks he hit Randy in the stomach. There's some sort of private ambulance up at the estate right now. Jake said there was a lot of blood and Ivan was unconscious by the time the doctor got there."
"Where's Randy?" asked Jake.
"He slipped out in the confusion," said Matika. There are security teams all over the woods, looking for him.
Something clicked in Thule's mind, "Are you saying that the police don't know anything about this?"
"Right," said Matika, "They're trying to handle it all privately right now."
"Matika," said Thule as calmly as he could, "how soon will you be in Mannsborough?"
"Fifteen more minutes," said Matika.
"I need you to go up to the estate and see if there are any local police cars up there," said Thule, "Just because they didn't go through official channels doesn't mean that the police don't know. Start calling the team. We need to move on this thing tonight if it's going to happen before Vladi becomes too suspicious to play along."
"Thule," said Matika quietly, "there is no team anymore. In order for Anne to get the indictments, we had to make an accounting to the higher ups. We're all on pending administrative action. Only I'm still authorized to have anything to do with this investigation. If any of the others get involved, they'll be kicked out of the Bureau for sure."
"Fuck," growled Thule, "the Bureau thinks that this investigation only merits one agent?"
"No," said Matika, "they've assigned a team. My partner Anders is leading it. Before you say anything, Thule, he's a good man. He didn't want to believe the rumors about the Vandevoorts, but when the evidence was there for him to see, it made him sick. He's got nearly twenty years of experience in the field. Please, listen to what he has to say."
"Fine," said Thule, "tell him to get to my house. We have to move on this."
"Thule," said Matika, "he's called off the sting we set up. He wants to go about it a different way."
Thule gave an incoherent growl of frustration, "Tell him if he wants my fucking cooperation, he's to be at my house by eight pm. I'll listen to what he has to say. But, if I don't like it, I'm going through with this, with or without the FBI's help."
"Thule, I..."
"Just tell him," growled Thule, "eight pm." He snapped his phone shut.
Thule fumed for a few minutes as he drove. Marigold said, "That didn't sound good."
"It was one of the disaster scenarios I played in my head when I had to decide at what point to go to the FBI," said Thule. "So, it's not entirely a surprise."
"What exactly happened?" asked Dawn.
"The FBI decided to send in a professional to take over this case," said Thule, "He apparently does not care for my plan for tomorrow."
"What does he propose instead?" asked Marigold.
"I have no idea," said Thule, the anger in his voice barely contained, "He didn't bother to ask my opinion, find out why I made the plans I did, or secure my cooperation. "
"Maybe you should try to look at it from his perspective," said Dawn quietly, "He's an experienced FBI field agent. He doesn't know you, except that you're some high school kid playing in his sandbox. Why would he consult you?"
Thule bit back an angry retort, looking at Dawn's face in the rear-view mirror. She looked like she was ready to be hit or screamed at for speaking up. He took a deep breath and counted to five before speaking.
"I'll give him a chance to explain his perspective," said Thule evenly, "But his actions so far suggest that he's not going to give me the same chance. I've been preparing for this over the last four years. I doubt he's been privvy to it for four days. He's making a mistake if he thinks I have nothing to contribute."
"You sound mad," observed Dawn.
Thule sighed, "I thought I was doing a pretty good job of not sounding mad."
Dawn shook her head, "You sounded like you were trying not to sound mad and not doing a very good job of it. That's even scarier."
Thule took another deep breath, "Sorry," he said, "I need to not make any decisions when I'm that angry. That's how really awful mistakes get made. Thank you, Dawn."
"So," asked Dawn, "if you have to do this without the FBI, does that mean I can help?"
Thule winced, "Not if I can help it."
"Help with what?" asked Marigold, "What is your plan for tomorrow anyway?"
Thule sighed. He'd held off telling Marigold his plan this long and hoped to not have to explain it to her until it was completed, "I need to know where Vladi put June Kane's body. I suspect that there will be more bodies there. Mannsborough High has had an unusually high suicide and runaway rate over the last four years."
He took a deep breath before going on, "I've been over a hundred scenarios in my head for this. They all require a corpse. Since neither Randy or Vladi has invited me into their confidence regarding victim disposal and I'd rather not wait until they do, I need to produce one. I could try to get a real one, but I don't even want to think about what sort of response I would get if I tried to acquire a corpse young, fresh, and pretty enough to fool Vladi. I toyed with the idea of actually killing Brianne. But, what I ultimately came up with was this..."
Thule took another deep breath before committing to say it, "The plan is to take Matika, have her soak in a bathtub full of ice to bring down her body temperature, then make her up with blue body paint, lipstick, the works, wrap her in a plastic tarp, put her in the trunk and call Vladi over to help me get rid of her. He'll lead me to where he disposes of bodies. Once I know where that is, I can call in the cavalry."
"But, Thule," asked Marigold, "Vladi's not going to just stand there while you call for support, is he?"
"No," said Thule, "I'm going to have to kill or incapacitate Vladi."
"So," asked Marigold slowly, "if Matika won't do it, you're going to use Dawn?"
No one spoke. Despite the early summer warmth, Thule felt a chill.
Finally, Marigold looked up at him, "Are you sure you couldn't just kill Brianne?"
"Mari," said Dawn, "please don't pull rank on me here. I keep..."
Marigold shook her head, "As appealing as the idea is, I'm terrified of enclosed spaces. I would have a screaming fit if someone put me in a trunk." Suddenly, and idea dawned on her, "Unless you could chloroform me."
"It wouldn't work," said Thule, "I need whoever is in there to be able to hold their breath when I show them to Vladi. Breathing would be a dead giveaway that you're not... you know, dead."
Thule's phone rang. A glance at Caller ID told him it was Matika.
"There are no police cars up at the estate," she said, "What should I do next?"
"Shouldn't you ask your partner?" asked Thule.
"He's in transit," said Matika, "He told me to sit tight."
Thule sighed, partly in relief, "Keep watching the estate. I need to know if they're going to call Vladi or one of their other cops in."
"I'm not sure I can do that," said Matika, "I drove past once, but they've got a ton of guys watching the front gate. I can't just sit across the street and, if I drive by too many times, they're going to figure it out."
"How are you at climbing trees?" Thule asked.
"Actually, I used to be quite the tomboy," said Matika.
Thule explained how to get into his house, where to find the required surveillance equipment, and where his fake duck blind was.
"Thule," said Matika, "I want you to listen to what Anders has to say. He has a lot of experience. But, if you're still determined to go through with this, I'm in. But, it may mean the difference between whether or not I have a job when this is all done. So, please listen to him."
"All right," said Thule, "I'll listen. But, I can't make any promises."
As they pulled into his neighborhood, Thule said, "Dawn, lie down."
Dawn did, "Not ashamed of me, are you?"
"No," said Thule. "Marigold, take my cell phone off of my belt and hand it to Dawn. Dawn, dial up the number for Matika stored there. Tell her to get to the house as quickly as possible. I'm pretty sure we just passed Randy's car in the woods back there."
Dawn dialed and listened, "No answer. It went to voice mail."
"Shit," said Thule, "try again."
"Still no answer," said Dawn.
"Leave a message," said Thule, "Then, call Anne. Tell her to get a hold of Anders and tell him what's going on."
As Thule pulled into his garage, he reached into the glove compartment, pulled out the pistol, and said, "We have a couple of minutes at least. Act as natural as possible. Remember. We're not even supposed to know that Randy has been shot. We've been out of town and out of touch all weekend."
"What do you think he wants?" Marigold asked.
"I don't know," said Thule, "but I don't like any of the options."
Inside, Thule said, "If anybody starts shooting, I want you two to get out of there as fast as possible. Run for the woods and don't look back. Call the FBI field office and Jonas. You'll want to stay and help, but you're not going to be much help if he decides to shoot you."
The knock came at the door. Thule said, "Get to the back door." Marigold and Dawn stood motionless, so he added emphatically, "Go. If he starts shooting and you don't bolt like a couple of rabbits, I'll..." he sighed, "Just make sure you run."
Marigold and Dawn walked to the back door, watching as Thule drew his pistol and went to the front door. Standing to the side, he opened it.
"Dule," said Svetlana, "you have to help Randy. He's been shot."
She was barely holding Randy up over her shoulder. He seemed barely conscious, but held a sleek, black handgun firmly. He was wearing a gray sweatshirt, soaked through with blood. Her own cream-colored blouse and blue jeans were smeared with it.
Thule took Randy over his own shoulder, "Marigold," he said, "there's a big first aid kit under my father's bed. Get it. Dawn, call 911. He needs a doctor."
"No 911," said Randy, "and no doctors. I'm fucked up pretty bad, but I'll live if I can get this damned hunk of lead out of me."
"There's a lot of blood," said Thule, laying Randy down on his bed, "You really should see a doctor."
Randy laughed, wincing as he did, "I need to keep this quiet, Thule. This isn't the first time Vandevoorts have shot each other. I just need to get patched up and get to Amsterdam before this thing blows up. I have... allies in the family there." He winced, "At least, as much as Vandevoorts have other Vandevoorts as allies."
As he spoke, Marigold had cut away his shirt and was examining the wound with a small flashlight. Randy looked down at her, "Marigold, would you excuse us?"
"I need to get this bullet out," said Marigold.
"It's been in there for hours," said Randy, "a few more minutes won't kill me."
Marigold frowned, but left the room. Svetlana closed the door behind her.
"Thule," said Randy, "things are not going to go as smoothly as I hoped. But, this may be an opportunity. There's been a split in the family for a long time, between the Dutch and the American branches. I think we can reunite both, but you'll need to marry Tryne for that."
Thule scowled, "We can discuss that later. Let's get you patched up and on your way to Amsterdam."
"We need to discuss it now," said Randy, "I saw you at the prom Friday. I know how much you must really love Marigold. I can even see why. You need to break that off before it goes any farther or you'll never want to marry anyone else." As he spoke, he looked at Svetlana, whose eyes were starting to mist up.
"If you marry Tryne," said Randy, "I can build alliances in Amsterdam. I have friends there who want to see the family unified. With you and Tryne in charge of the family here, we could do that."
"All right," said Thule, "I'll think about it."
"No," said Randy, taking Thule's wrist with the hand that didn't have a gun, "promise me."
"All right," said Thule, "I promise. Now, let's get that bullet out of you."
Thule opened the door, letting Marigold and Dawn back in. With Dawn assisting, Marigold got set up so that she could work on the wound. As Thule stepped back toward the doorway, Dawn backed up to rest against him and whispered, "Why are we helping Randy?"
Thule hugged her from behind, "We're trying to keep him calm until the FBI gets here. He's still got a gun and he's still dangerous. Besides, I want him alive to testify against Ivan."
"We should let him die," said Dawn.
"That bullet won't kill him," said Thule, "not for a long, long time. He'd get other help before it did."
Whatever Marigold was doing to him, Randy cried out in pain.
"Easy there," said Thule. He reached for Randy's gun, "You're going to shoot somebody if you're not careful."
Randy pulled the gun away from Thule, "I need to protect myself."
Thule crouched down, looking concerned, "Do you want something for the pain?"
Randy nodded, "Whatever you've got."
Thule crouched down in his closet, "I think I've got some... oh, wait. I moved it. Hang on."
He came back in with a glass of dark rum and a bottle.
"Give me the bottle," said Randy.
"Start with the glass," said Thule, handing it to him, "I don't want you so drunk that you can't defend yourself or run for it."
Randy nodded, "Good thinking. Always watching my back, aren't you, buddy?" He drank down the glass of rum in three swallows.
"You know it," said Thule.
"Wow," said Randy, looking at the empty glass, "I must be hurt worse than I thought or else this stuff is really..." A look of realization and betrayal crossed his eyes. He slurred, "Hey, you..." Then, he yawned hugely and was out cold, the gun slipping from his hand and thudding on the floor.
Before anyone else could move, Svetlana crouched down and picked up the pistol while pushing Randy's sweat-soaked hair back and kissing him on the forehead, "My poor Randy," she said, "He has had a very hard day."
"Thule," said Marigold, "hold him in place. I've almost got it."
Thule placed his hands on Randy's ribs and leg, holding him down. Marigold worked a pair of tweezers into the wound, working something inside back and forth. After a few tense minutes, the bullet came free with a sucking sound, fresh red blood oozing out behind it.
Marigold waved Svetlana over, indicating a fresh pack of gauze she'd put over the wound, "Hold that in place. If it soaks through, don't pull it away. Just add another pack on top of it. Just, don't let it slip or you'll undo all of the good you're doing." She put her hand on Randy's gun, now in Svetlana's hand, "Let me take that. I'll keep an eye out while you do that."
Svetlana looked to Thule, who smiled at her reassuringly. She let go of the gun. Tears of relief were rolling down her face.
"Thank you both," said Svetlana, "I told Randy he could count on you."
A few minutes later, Thule heard a car pulling up outside and a door slamming shut.
"Who is that?" Svetlana asked.
Dawn looked out the window, "Older woman, maybe early forties, short blonde hair, navy blue suit."
"That sounds like Anne," said Thule, "Marigold, would you take over for Sveta, please? She'll want to meet Anne."
Thule and Svetlana went out into the living room to meet Anne. Thule let her in the front door before turning to Svetlana. When he turned, he said, "Sveta, Anne is investigating the Vandevoorts. She'd like to talk to you about some of Ivan's..."
Svetlana's face had gone white with rage. He hand flew up to slap Thule. Thule caught her wrist. She reached up with the other hand, slapping him on the as-yet unmarked side of his face. Then, she pulled away and bolted for the back door.
"Much better," said Thule, rubbing his cheek. Anne looked like she was going to give chase. He put a hand on her shoulder, "Let her go. I doubt she's done anything you can hold her for and she might come around. Randy's in the bedroom."
As they walked in, Marigold was taping fresh gauze onto the wound.
"Is he... ?" Anne asked, hand flying to her mouth.
"No," said Thule, "he's unconscious. I gave him a cocktail of rum and Rohypnol. We'll want to get him to a doctor soon, though. I couldn't afford to be too subtle with the dosage. If you take him to a doctor in the area, there's a chance you could get him killed. Is there a staff physician at the field office in New York?" Anne nodded.
"Great," said Thule, "that will get him out of danger and give me time to get what I need to do done before anyone is the wiser. He may come to before you get there, though. What are you driving?"
"My minivan," said Anne, "I came straight from home."
"All right," said Thule, "we'll have to secure him there. He might wake up between here and there. Take his gun in case... Where's his gun?"
Marigold looked around, "I must have put it down when I was working on his wound. I guess Svetlana picked it up."
"Well," said Thule, "at least she didn't shoot me. We'll just have to make sure he's well secured. Marigold, is he ready to travel?"
Marigold nodded, "as ready as I can make him."
Thule carried Randy out to Anne's minivan. With Dawn and Marigold's help, he secured Randy's legs to the back seat. Dawn took out her borrowed handcuffs and secured Randy's wrists to the other side of the seat before handing Anne the keys.
"Try to bring those back if you can," she told Anne, "I may still have a use for them."
"Maybe I should wait for Anders," said Anne uncertainly.
"I don't know how long Randy is going to stay out," said Thule. "You'll want to get moving. Besides, I need you to do this for me, Anne. If Anders isn't here when you leave, he can't give you any orders you'd have to disobey in order to help me."
Anne looked like she was going to say something. Thule said, "I know you want to help me or you wouldn't be here. I'd rather it didn't cost your job."
Anne shook her head, "Thank you, Thule, but I'm pretty sure none of us, with the possible exception of Matika, are going to have jobs after this, one way or another. I know John and Helene are ready to follow you to the gates of hell and I suppose that I am, too. Just tell me what you want and I'll tell them."
Thule nodded, "You have no idea how much I appreciate that. Tell them I expect to move tonight and to be ready. I'll talk to Anders, but I doubt he'll be amenable to working with me."
Anne nodded, "I suspect you're right. He's very 'by the book.' I'll let the others know." She kissed him on the cheek and ruffled his hair as best she could before getting into her van and driving off.
While he was still standing on the lawn, Thule's phone rang. It was Matika.
"Thule," she said unevenly, "I need help."
"Where are you?" asked Thule.
"I'm not sure," said Matika, "one of Ivan's goons took a shot at me as I was coming down from the blind. I think I got him, but I also think I broke my ankle when I fell. I'm in a lot of pain and not sure how long I'm going to stay conscious this time."
"What do you see around you?"
Matika paused long enough that Thule thought she might have passed out. Then, she began to describe the scene. When she mentioned a stream, Thule interrupted her, "I know where you are. Stay put and call Anders."
"Thule, I'm sorry," said Matika, "I called Anders first. He told me to call you, since you probably know the terrain better."
"No, you did the right thing," said Thule. "Hang tight. I'll be there as soon as I can. Give me Anders's number."
She recited it. Thule repeated it back to her for confirmation. Then, he said, "I need to get off the line for a few minutes. Will you be okay?"
Matika gave a pained chuckle, "Thule, I am an FBI field agent. I'll manage."
"Okay," said Thule, "hang tight."
Thule went into the house, quickly explaining where he was going as he changed into black clothes.
"Dawn," he said, "call Jake. Make sure he can speak freely before you say too much. Ask him to come down here and bring guns for you two if he can."
Dawn nodded. Thule took her and Marigold into his arms and kissed them both.
"Leave the bed the way it is," said Thule, "Don't wash or destroy the bedspread. I'm going to be using it to add credibility tonight. Once Jake is here, go to town and buy a half dozen bags of ice. I'll be back as soon as I can.
In his car on the way over, Thule dialed the number Matika had given him.
"Agent Harter," said Anders when he answered the phone.
"Agent Harter, this is Thule Roemer. I'm on my way to where your partner is. How close are you?"
"I'm in Mannsborough, headed towards the Vandevoort estate," said Anders, "But, I have no idea where the fuck I'm going."
Thule described the route Anders needs to take. Anders said, "Got it. What the fuck was she doing out in the middle of the woods anyway?"
"There's a platform I built out there that has a clear view of the Vandevoort estate. She was watching the estate."
Thule heard Anders give a sharp intake of breath. When he spoke, it was obvious that he was trying to control his anger. He said evenly, "Kid, if anything happens to her, you'll regret it."
"I don't need you to tell me that, Agent Harter," said Thule, "You'll want to be careful out in those woods. They're probably still crawling with Vil Umanski's men."
"And I don't need you to tell me how to do my job, Mr. Roemer," Anders said, breaking the connection.
"Prick," said Thule before putting his phone back.
By the time he reached the pull-off, there were already two cars there. He hoped they were Matika and Anders's. Drawing his gun out of his waistline, he clicked the safety off and headed to the platform at a trot.
As he neared the tree, he saw a figure in black lying supine on the path. A quick glance made checking for a pulse unnecessary. The man had an absurdly-neat bullet hole in his forehead and a look of surprise on his face. Bracing himself, Thule took the M-16 from the man's grip and the pistol from his holster. Slinging the automatic rifle over his back, he kept one pistol in each hand as he moved up the path. When he reached where he expected Matika to be, he saw another figure in black crouched by a rock.
Thule dropped into firing position, "Freeze," he shouted, "flat on the ground."
"Pick one, kid," said the figure in black, "Personally, I'd rather finish patching up my partner's ankle so we can get the hell out of here."
"Agent Harter," said Thule, "so nice to finally meet your back. We need to get out of here. Our cars are at the most likely point of egress from this part of the woods. Any team coming out is bound to see them."
Anders looked over his shoulder to say something, but interrupted the thought, "Jesus Christ, kid. Were you going for Rambo or Chow Yung Fat and do you even know how to use those things?"
"Some day, if we have time," said Thule, "I'll be happy to show you what I know."
"All right," said Anders, "Now that you're here, I'm going to carry her to the car, then. I'm trusting you to cover me."
Thule led the way back to the cars, vaguely disappointed that no one came after them or took a shot. Driving out, he led them the slightly longer way down the other side of the mountain and around to his house, so that they wouldn't have to pass the Vandevoort estate again. By the time they got to the house, Matika was conscious again and able to hobble inside by leaning on Anders's shoulder.
"Whose car is that?" asked Anders.
"Jake's," said Thule. "He's an ally. I asked him to come by and protect the girls."
"I don't think so," said Anders. "I saw that car outside of the Vandevoort estate."
"I know," said Thule, "He also helped us set up the sting with Brianne. He's on our side."
"You were involved in that?" asked Anders, standing upright. Matika stumbled and almost fell before both men caught her and carried her the rest of the way.
Inside, Jake was standing in the living room explaining some aspect of firing a pistol. Marigold and Dawn both had pistols of their own and were copying his action, meaning that all three were facing Thule's bedroom.
When the front door burst open, all three pivoted to face it, Jake dropping into firing position.
"Jesus Christ," said Anders, "are you running some sort of apocalyptic cult here?"
"I'll give you a pamphlet later," Thule deadpanned. He turned to Matika, "Let's get you prone and get some blankets over you. I don't want you going into shock."
Anders started to walk towards Thule's bedroom. Thule said, "No, not in there. But, Anders had already seen something that interested him."
"Mother of God," he exclaimed, "did you butcher a pig in here?"
"No," said Thule, still standing in the middle of the living room, supporting Matika, "that's Randy Vandevoort's blood." He led Matika into Dawn's room.
Anders followed close behind, "What the fuck is going on here? If that's Randy Vandevoort's blood, where the fuck is he?"
"He's on his way to your New York branch office," said Thule, "Anne is taking him."
"Anne from legal?" asked Anders. "She was ordered..."
"She decided this was more important than her orders," said Thule quietly.
Anders scowled at Thule as Marigold shouldered past him with the first aid kit, "A lot of good people are going to lose their jobs because of you, Roemer."
"I know," said Thule, sighing. "I didn't want it to work out like this." He sat down on the opposite side of the bed from Matika, "Agent Nazarov tells me you have a different idea for getting Vladi to tell us where the bodies are buried. I'm willing to listen to what you have to say."
Anders glared at him, "I would think it would be simple. Show him the video you took. You've got him dead to rights. Grant him a deal if he cooperates. We do it all the time."
"It won't work," said Matika from the bed.
Anders looked at her, "What? Why won't it work?"
"Something bothered me about it from the start," said Matika. "I talked to Anne about it and we figured it out. Right now, we've got him maybe on rape charges. But, without a body, we've got nothing else. He's a cop, Anders. He's going to figure that out. Do you really think he's going to turn over a bunch of bodies and expose himself to prosecution on multiple murders in order to protect himself from a single count of rape? It just doesn't make sense."
"Anne said this?" asked Anders.
Matika nodded, "Yes."
"We don't know there's more than one corpse or that this cop will take Roemer to the same place," said Anders.
"I'm betting there are and he will," said Matika. "I can name at least six girls I would bet my eye teeth are buried there."
"Shit," said Anders, "it makes sense. Now what?"
"Listen to Thule," said Matika. "His plan is a good one."
"No," said Anders. "It's too dangerous and puts too many civilians at risk. The Bureau would never approve something like that."
"It's not a Bureau operation," said Thule. "I'm doing it with or without your help. As soon as it gets dark, I'm calling Vladi. Once he shows me where to bury Dawn, I'll call you with the GPS coordinates. You can do what you want with them."
"Or," said Thule, standing face-to-face with the older man, "you can arrest me now. Those are your choices."
"I have a better idea," said Matika. "You two can drop your pants and we'll settle this with a ruler."
Marigold tried to turn her head so that Thule wouldn't see her laughing. Thule unpuffed his chest and took a step back, "I'd like to have you watching my back," he said quietly. "Matika says you have a lot of experience with this sort of thing and really know what you're doing."
Anders glared at him for a few seconds, but couldn't maintain it. "Fine," he growled. "Nobody I work with is going to have a job after this anyway. Why should I? I can still retire with a seventy-five percent pension if I have to. What do you need from me?"
"Hang on," said Thule, "I'll get my maps."
"Jesus Fucking Christ," shrieked Dawn from the bathroom.
"It sounds like she's being murdered in there," said Jake.
Thule shook his head, "They're just adding ice to the bath. She needs to be cold when I show her to Vladi." As he spoke, he unfolded the area map he'd brought out. There were two wide circles drawn centered on Mannsborough. He said, "According to the timestamp on the camera, Vladi left with June Kane at four oh five pm. He checks back in with dispatch at eleven twenty. Assuming he didn't stop to have dinner with a dead girl in his trunk and didn't want to risk speeding too much even in a squad car and giving him one to two hours to dispose of the body, I figured out that his destination should be within these two bands. Obviously, this is not an exact science, but it should give us a rough idea of where we're headed."
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Once they were in the car and headed to her house, Marigold found it easy to become hypnotized by the dashed white lane dividers going past. Street lights were few and far between and traffic sparse. As focused as she was, Marigold could let the rest of the world recede into darkness. Despite the warmth of late spring, she shivered. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Thule reach for the heat control, his eyebrow raised in an obvious question. Marigold shook her head once in the...
Marigold half hoped that Jonas would have forgotten about Bible study and gone to bed. It was a forlorn hope at best. He'd never forgotten--not once. By the time Thule dropped her off in front of her house, Marigold felt both weary and jittery. She would have been happy to head straight for the shower and get some sleep. But, Jonas was still in his study, the door half open, the staccato sound of typing clear in the otherwise-silent house. Marigold knocked hesitantly on the door,...
Marigold woke several times during the night, trying to snatch at the remnants of a dream already half-forgotten. It seemed like every time she closed her eyes, she dreamed that she was being made love to--sometimes by Thule, sometimes by Elliot, sometimes by a man whose face she couldn't see. And sometimes... well, they were just dreams, not to be dwelled on. She woke for the last time wrapped up in sheets soaked with sweat. Even so, she lay there for a few minutes gathering her thoughts....
Jonas must have talked to Holly after he left Marigold's room. A few minutes later, she knocked tentatively on her daughter's door. "Marigold, do you still want to shop for your dress today? I can call Mrs. Copcek and reschedule." Marigold laughed weakly, "No. I think I want to go all the more now." Holly smiled gently, "That's the spirit." Marigold stood up and smoothed out her clothes, "I want Elliot to see what he gave up." Holly's laugh was genuine, "You still thinking...
When Marigold woke, the world seemed to have gone fuzzy around the edges. She was alone in the bed. Her head ached. She'd slept so soundly that she had cricks in her neck and back. She was still sticky from the night before. Groaning, she hoisted herself up onto her elbows, opening her eyes only reluctantly. Early morning light slanted in from the window. On the bedside table, an airline-sized bottle of vodka stood open, a third of the way full. Marigold chuckled darkly. She'd never had...
"Maya," said Marigold, trying to keep her voice calm. She wanted to pull away from her old friend's embrace, but was afraid to. Maya's chuckle was as cold and dead as her voice, "I bet you didn't expect to see me tonight. How are you, my dearest friend?" Marigold was saved from answering by Thule closing the door behind her. She turned to watch him. He was very careful not to meet her eyes, his face blank and unreadable. He walked past the two of them, unbuttoning his jacket and...
Marigold woke when she felt Thule's weight settle at her feet on the couch. She rolled over onto her back and pulled the blanket down from her face. Thule was dressed in his suit and tie again, ready for another day of meetings. He smiled at her uncertainly, "Morning." Marigold stretched as best she could without exposing herself with Thule sitting on the end of her blanket. "I want to get a look at you," he said. When Marigold hesitated, he added, "to make sure there's no lasting...
Marigold's parents did not ask about her weekend. They never asked anything that would require a discussion of Aunt Vera. They were torn between their desire to pretend the woman didn't exist and their equally strong desire that Marigold know her father's family. She felt bad about using that conflict to deceive them, but she didn't feel like she had much of a choice. They never would have let her go to New York with Thule if she'd just asked. Thule would never had let her say...
Leaving Marigold dozing, curled up on the bed, Thule went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face. Gazing into the mirror over the sink, he took a personal inventory. He was starting to show stubble and, in two or three days, would need to shave again. He was also starting to develop dark circles under his eyes again, but they did not look so bad on his tanned face as they had as when they were the only color he had. Still, he was getting deep into sleep debt and would have to...
When Thule pulled up in front of Dawn's house the next morning, she was sitting on the curb. Her head was down, so intent on the book in her lap that she didn't look up until Thule had stopped his car in front of her. Sliding the book into her bag, she unfolded into a standing position. Thule watched the process, thinking about what Marigold had implied in her question about being with women and suppressed a shiver at the visual that hit him. As disturbing as the whole scene with Maya had...
"What are you doing here?" Thule asked, sounding weary and resigned. "You don't answer your e-mail," Maya replied, "You don't log on to instant messenger or, if you do, you do so in stealth mode. I wanted to talk to you." "I have a phone," Thule pointed out. "Would I have had any better luck?" Maya asked. By way of answer, Thule said, "I've been busy." "With Mari-go-old?" Maya said the name like a taunt. "With Ivan Vandevoort, if you must know," said Thule. "Are you...
When Thule knocked on Marigold's front door Sunday afternoon, Jonas answered, coming outside and pulling the door shut behind him, "We're running a little bit late, I'm afraid. I got held up by some matters at church and that cascaded." "No problem," said Thule. "How have you been, Jonas?" "Busy," said Jonas, "Every free moment I can get, I've been talking to Artie McNamara. I'm trying to fix a lifetime of ignorance in a few weeks' time while planning a major corporate...
Marigold sat on her front porch, dozing a little as she waited for Thule's car to appear. She'd made the mistake of coming down late for breakfast the day after what Holly referred to as a "cooking day." When she came down to the breakfast table, she immediately recognized her mistake. Before she could reach for an apple or get her yoghurt out of the refrigerator, Holly put a plate piled high with scrambled eggs, biscuits, and a thick slice of ham. "Mom," she protested. "I can't eat...
As he and Dawn took their leave of Marigold, Thule shook his head to himself, drew a cigarette out of his pack, and lit it. There was a small risk a teacher would make him extinguish it, but he decided to chance it. Now that he was smoking again, he found that it helped him think. "Can I get one of those?" Dawn asked. Thule looked at her suspiciously. He had a feeling Dawn and Marigold were in some sort of cahoots now, but wasn't sure over what. There were too many meaningful looks...
Marigold watched Dawn with a clinical eye as Thule drove them towards his house. Her first aid instructor at the hospital had been an emergency room nurse who had taken great pains to remind her students that not all injuries were immediately visible or even physical. According to the nurse, it wasn't all that uncommon for a patient to completely avoid physical injury, then die of shock because it went undiagnosed. She didn't say anything, though. For the time being, Dawn seemed all right....
Thule sat in his car, parked on the mountain across from the Vandevoort Estate, smoking a cigarette and watching. The party was obviously a much larger event than he had anticipated. The first guests were already arriving and handing their cars over to valets who were driving them over to the empty, grassy space a quarter mile down the road. Assuming they expected to fill the lot they'd cordoned off, there would be easily five to six hundred cars by the time they were done. Stripping out of...
Thule woke with the sun hitting him in the face. The alarm clock's display was lost in direct sunlight, so he had to stagger over to his desk to find out that it was just past six thirty. He groaned. Five and a half hours of sleep were not enough, not after yesterday or, for that matter, the whole week. He should go back to bed. But, there was too much to do and his tossing and turning would only serve to wake Sveta. He decided he would rather have an hour or two to get things done before he...
It took Dawn several minutes to stop shaking with rage. She sat on a small stone bench at the edge of Thule's property line, overhung with the branches of the first few trees of the forest that started abruptly at the edge of the grass. From that vantage, she could see Jake come out of the house, light a cigarette as he scanned the yard, then come up the path towards her. She pointed to the cigarette in his mouth, "Give me one of those." "You smoke now?" asked Jake, drawing out the...
Despite the girls' efforts not to wake him, Thule was up shortly after nine. He'd woken up earlier, but a quick glance at the other bed coupled with the sounds of muffled giggles and other, more guttural sounds convinced him that getting up at that point would either force him into an awkward rejection or make them take even longer than it already was to get out of the city. In spite of that, he still nearly got up anyway. It clearly didn't fit into his plans, but he was still male and...
Thule woke at six thirty, half an hour before his alarm would have gone off. As he tried to detach himself gracefully from Dawn, whose head was laid across his chest, she looked up sleepily, "Is it morning?" "More or less," Thule said. "I need to get some things done before I head into the city." Dawn stretched, "Want me to make breakfast?" "It's early yet," said Thule. "Go back to sleep." Dawn got up on hands and knees, shaking sleep out of her head, "No. It's all right. I...
"How's your head?" asked Matika. Thule reached up and touched the sore spot tenderly, "Still sore. John really cracked me." "You just startled him," said Matika, "He's not a violent person at all." "I've really got to start asking people to hit me on the other side of the head for a while," said Thule, "I'm going to start looking asymmetrical if I get any more lumps on this one." Matika nodded, "I noticed an old cut and bruise behind your ear. What was that from?" "It...
This story is based in a fantasy/medieval world so I have taken the liberty of changing a few things to match my own vision. Despite the technology level of this reality I have imported certain items and words such as bra and panties simply for my own amusement. Twelve-year old Penrod toed the line expectantly, eagerly looking forward to the race. To look at him he stood out not at all, save for perhaps in height. He was the youngest of the crowd of boys jostling for the prime starting...
“So lets get this straight. You say Prince Charming wants a golden dildo, 10 centimeters in girth and 40 centimeters in length and encrusted with diamonds?” Buttoni, Prince Charming’s page looked at the jeweller and nodded, “Indeed,” he agreed. “Well we’re right out of stock at present squire,” the jeweller admitted, “We got ivory and glass, bronze even, but gold with diamonds, well sorry squire, but there’s no demand.” “His highness says he will have you killed if you will not...
All rights to this particular story reserved by author. While the character Prince Valiant is loosely based upon the comic strip character, you'll quickly see that my version isn't the same as the comic book version. Story may be posted on any site that provides free distribution. Send comments to [email protected] Prince Valiant By Waldo My name is Harold Farmer. I'm a historian specializing in the glamorous time period that we currently call Camelot. I've been personally...
(All the characters in this story are aged 18 or more) PRESENT : A telegram was waiting for him when he reached home. He was urgently called back to College as the College semi-annual test was starting next day. He had no time to see Thakur Mangal Sinh, father of Fulava. He called in his buddy Chandrakant. After making him take the oath of secrecy he left a message for Fulava requesting her to be patient for few days. In the evening he took leave of his mother, touched her feet and drove to...
Author’s note : This story is entirely a product of fiction. If something fits a person/s dead or alive it would be coincidental and not intentional, to them I offer my sincere apologies. Period of the story is late 40s when India had recently been independent. Cast system was still rigid in those days. The setting being Indian I have taken the liberty of using some Indian words. Here they are: Lund : erect adult penis. Bhos : vulva, the external genitals of a female. Chut : vagina ...
Bryce Ayton walked down the sun illuminated halls of the great Iredale castle. His elegant red and black coat was almost skintight, as well as his black breeches, giving him a slim appearance, but it also allowed to see his toned body. Every step he took with his perfectly shined black boots resonated through the hall as he walked towards the council room. Once he arrived at the large illuminated council room, everybody present at the time stood up and bowed. Bryce raised his hand as a sign...
Prince Sabir's Harem Girl I once knew with absolute certainty who and what I was. Now, I realize that identity is a slippery concept. Who am I? What am I? What made me what I am today? These are such essential questions that no one ever asks them. Instead, we rush through life presuming we know the answers. For most of us, this startling lack of self awareness never causes a problem. The very act of KNOWING those answers causes us to mold ourselves in ways that fit our own self...
It all starts one strange evening while I'm out walking my dog in the woods and I come across some sort of alien aircraft. As I approach the spaceship I begin to feel disorientated, with an almost euphoric sensation taking hold of me. I stumble forward in an almost intoxicated state unaware of the situation I would shortly find myself in! My heart begins to race as the distant noises in the woods become louder and the realisation that I am not alone hits me like a freight train. Now my...
The tale of this sexy insatiable cumslut starts on a night that she had no idea would end in her filled and covered in cum. On the night in question she attended an evening out with her hubby NuNu who had taken her to the cinema followed by a nice meal at their favourite restaurant. She had expected to be heading home after they had eaten, so found herself a little confused when they arrived outside a local hotel after leaving the restaurant but became curious to see what else NuNu had...
Hello, sex story readers. It had been several weeks since I left home with my cousin brother for my breast-enhancement surgery. All our family knew was that I was going to some cram-school to get coaching for Pre-Medical Exam (AIPMT). My cousin brother had been supportive of me not only since he cared for me; it was due to his own advantage of having a fully-formed girl at his disposal. In our joint-family, I had grown in his company. Four years elder to me and always horny, he always sucked on...
Gay MaleCadance checked her phone, the hint of a smile crossing her regal features, as she contemplated how to spend the day. It was a gorgeous late-summer afternoon in Equestria. She'd slept in, made herself look good, savored brunch, and was ready to tackle the day. Admiring her reflection in her phone, Cadance knew she looked good. The epitome of aristocratic pony breeding, the princess' flawless pale pink skin, flowing gradient hair, and perfect features were usually enough to spark the interest of...
Haley Alverado moved in next door when I was four and she was three. She spoke funny and I liked how it sounded. Her hair was as black as my room without the nightlight, and her brown eyes were as warm as Mom’s hugs. I was captivated, but she was so weird. She would mostly say words that I knew, but once in a while there was something thrown in that didn’t register. She would refer to herself as a ‘princesa’ instead of a princess and she told me stories about where she used to live, with the...
Spoil The Princess! There are a variety of reasons you might want to spoil the princess. Maybe that coronavirus stimulus check is burning a hole in your pocket, or maybe your insider stock trading has been going well and you just have money to burn. Perhaps you want the joy of helping put a young mother through college, or you just want the thrill of having some mean bitch take your money while telling you how pathetic you are. Hey, I ain’t going to judge you for it. In fact, I’m about to tell...
Hookup SitesPRINCE OF DARKNESS vs PROM QUEEN coldhandsÌwarmheart ©2013 Hi — This is my first submission to Literotica, so I’m looking forward to all comments. Hope you enjoy it and thanks for reading. Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Ì Chapter 1 — Meeting the Prince The iron gate was imposing. The damp night air was chilly. This part of town, with its mansion sized homes on expansive properties, hidden behind high stone walls and acres of woods, was downright intimidating, especially on this dark, misty, moonless night....
We got into contact, his name was Prince. He was in his 60s and a retired army man. He needed some help around the house as he recently had an accident. I got the address, packed my bags and went to his house. He was tall, he had white hair all over his body, a hunky build and a bald head. He looked at me from head to toe. The first day was pretty normal, he showed me the house and explained the chores i needed to do. He also told me he needed a massage now i felt weird at this, but i was...
Pale as the moon with dark chestnut hair that rippled past her shoulders and with eyes the colour of pale violet; she was the living embodiment of his fantasies. She had long legs that were perfectly shaped, lush hips and a narrow waist. Her arms were tied above her head making her back arch and pushing her already impressive breasts into better view. The red and black corset she wore followed her divine shape like a glove and pushed her breasts up and together creating a cleavage he wanted...
“Hello pet...” he said softly as he took a step closer to her almost within reach. He enjoyed the helplessness of her position and felt himself harden. When she was unveiled to him at his dinner celebration he wanted to rip her clothes off and fuck her on the table. Now he was glad that he had waited, it would make it all that more pleasurable. “I’m you’re master now. I will tell you the rules of my house once and only once. If you break one or wilfully disobey me I will punish you. First,...
So now lets start the story, i live at alkapuri area in vadodara near our house we have jim , i regularly go to jim at 8 – 9 a.m, i have been going to jim from 6 months every body know me in the jim because my nature is very friendly and i have friendship with every body , it was my friends marriage on 14 november so i dint went to jim for 3 days and after 3 days as i went to jim and was doing regular excercises and at 8.15 a girl around 27 entered jim and was wearing jacket and track she...
His phallus was renowned, mostly from direct experience passed on by word of mouth. Like his royal father before him, he frequently took the measure of the female subjects of their small kingdom. It was the royal right, or “droit de seigneur” which he employed when horny. It mattered not if they were married or even a rare virgin. If he fancied them they must follow his orders and, even in the presence of husband or lover, accept his significant sword in their female sheath. Most struggled,...
Vol. 4: Defense of the Realm It was a sad day when the messenger arrived to announce that my uncle, the king, had passed away. It was also exciting, I had come to know my cousin very well when I first began my knight’s training, and now he would become King Edelbert III. I packed up with my entourage—my sister Elizabeth, my consorts Eve and Arianna, plus six guards and their captain Jauffrey—for at least two weeks stay at the royal palace. Nobles from across the land were arriving to pay...
I was born a bastard son of a maid and the heir to the empire. I was an embarrassment to my father and grandfather and my mother’s family. My mother was sent away but at least she was given a retirement income and managed to buy a small estate. I grew up knowing who my father was even if I never saw him. When I was older I went to the best schools my mother could afford and the torture began. I was the bastard and a lot more names but one stuck, prince of naught. I loved my mother but could...
Prince, Princess and Paupers by Eric ([email protected]) Thanks to Steve Z for editing London, present day. Burt and Jane were live-in lovers. Jane would have loved being married to him, but Burt just grunted, and said marriage was for other blokes. Burt was a big guy. Secretly, he fantasized about being like Bill Sikes from Oliver Twist, and not let anybody use his name! He liked to use his fists at any provocation. He especially liked to pound guys he suspected were...
Princesses in Love By Ultima Mayu ([email protected]) Final Fantasy V is a trademark of Square Enix. I do not own any of the characters. This is just for recreational purposes only. NOTE 01: This is based off of the fan translated version of FF5, not the Square translation, so names can be different. NOTE: This takes place later on, therefore, Cara is now 18 and not 14, thus making her the legal age of consent. Pairing: Lenna/Cara (aka Kururu, Krile) Years have passed since Ex-Death’s defeat...
Princesses Part 2 A Sam and Jeanette Story [Note: Words of encouragement can be sent to samburdell2008 at excite dot com] Welcome to California --------------------- After arranging to have everything I wanted to keep shipped to Jeanette's house in Santa Barbara, I took a flight to Los Angeles and drove up the coast to her place. It was my last day dressed as a man on the outside. A couple of weeks ago I already had my last day of wearing men's underwear. Jeanette was...
My name is Prince Bonir. That’s Bonir with a long-E sound, boh-neer. I do not appreciate my name being mispronounced, and I assure you my dungeons are very big. I am the second son and the third and youngest child of Prince Cedric III, Duke of Averic and brother to His Majesty the King. My older brother Cedric was to inherit the duchy, as second son, the usual plan was for me to enter the Church. Unfortunately I had been dismissed as an altar boy at age ten for my pranks, and the Archbishop...
Hi busty babes and fellow jerkers. Please read the previous story to catch up. In the 15th century there inside the most powerful kingdom kamaran , the 17 year old prince vijay was waiting for news from his friend chatur. His cousin vir was beside him. He knew vijay had come up with this plan after a lot of plotting and today was its first phase. The doors to the chambers opened and in came chatur with his witty smile. Vijay : is it done? Chatur : yes! His mother gave in. Let me explain what...
Author Note: I originally wrote this story for a girl I was chatting to. She loved to dress guys up like girls and humiliate them. I have changed her name for this version to protect her identity (not that it’d really be necessary, but just to be sure). I never finished it, but here is much of what I have written, edited together to form a single chapter story. If there is enough interest, I may write more adventures with Princess Melanie. Princess MelaniePart OneI couldn’t believe my luck at...
Princess of Trimaria - Part 1 By Scott Ramsey Edited by Amelia R. CHAPTER 1 The blue-grey walls of Lockeleigh Palace glittered majestically in the early morning sun, purple and silver pennants fluttering from its battlements. On another world - in another time - the sight would have conjured forth visions of youthful fantasies; dragons and elves and gallant knights. On the world of Andarel, however, these things were far from fantasy, they were a way of life. The palace sat...
Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 9: The Princess's banquet Victor had gone shopping to find himself an outfit to wear for his meeting with the Empress herself. It would have to be the best to have him look good for the Empress. Victor had no problem shopping at women's apparel stores. He had shopped at women's stores a lot and had a very extensive collection of women's apparel he wore daily. He went to a high-end store that specialized in women apparel. Some women...
PRINCESS LEIA: SLAVE TO THE DARK SIDE ?????????? PRINCESS LEIA: SLAVE TO THE DARK SIDE ????????????????????????????? ????????????????? By ????????????????????? ????????????? ???Bookmanwhb Princess Leia screamed as the pain in her head increased. She tried to fight the drugs racing through her body but the darkness spreading through her mind seemed to block all her attempts. The young princess could feel Vader inside her head, trying to force her talk. The rebel leader used all her...
Princess by Princess Pantyboy This is paradise, a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages. Yes life is simple after a nice stroll on the beach and now chilling with my favorite drink, especially...
Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 15 Princess Alejandra had almost fully recovered from her wounds during the battle. She was still weak and having trouble standing in her bedroom this morning. The window was open and the golden morning rays from the sun lit the room. She had spent the past few days meeting the women in charge of the most powerful noble families in the empire. The powerful noble women in charge of their families. It had been a busy week with her...
Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...
Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed Chapter 12 Natalia's appearance as he stood before John on the runway as they prepared to board a smaller plane, shocked John right to his very core. Standing in front of him was the formerly very homophobic and sexist man that had mocked him in the past for buying his own dress and choosing to present himself as female. Now, there was very little masculinity left in this man. Natalia stood before John wearing a woman's military dress uniform...
**MUST BE READ IN GAME MODE*** You can now play the story as a game, and I will gradually make the consequences more impactful as I tailor and edit the story. New chapters will draw upon events from the first night, as will the cumulative types of events stack for future opportunities. You have been travelling for weeks in the direction the red masks, a group of bounty hunters placed within the valleys north of here. At least, they were when you retired. But, the girl you've brought with you...