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GOODTHNG.TXT by Cindy V. Femdom, TV, humiliation (Author's note: This story is pure fiction. But the female characters in the story are based on real women. In fact, I have worked with these women for many years, and each of them has appeared in at least one of my prior stories. Due to the circumstances suggested in the first paragraphs of this story, I no longer work with these women, and I probably will never see them again. This story is my little tribute to them - the prettiest, sexiest, bitchiest women I have ever worked with. Thank you for each and every fantasy I have ever had about you.) Joe, the company president, was droning on in a speech to the company. He had been making more of these little employee morale booster speeches over the last twelve months than he had in the three years since he has been president. First the planned Initial Public Offering was going to be a good thing for us. Then the fact that a couple of our competitors were considering buying us was also a good thing. Then one of them did buy us, one of the five largest firms in our industry, and of course that was a good thing. And now, six months after the purchase, the fact that the new company hadn't decided what to do with us, with each employee wondering whether he or she had a job with the new company -well, this was a good thing because if they had decided too quickly it would have been the wrong decision. "Good, good, good, good thing," sang Darlene softly in my ear in her Paul Revere and The Raiders imitation. Darlene, my secretary, liked to play Oldies Trivia with me. Whenever someone at work innocently said something that was a piece of a lyric from an Oldies song, each of us would try to beat the other in singing a little of the song. I had been barely staying awake during the president's speech. Darlene had anticipated that the president would use the phrase "Good thing" and she was quicker than I in softly singing it. I clenched my lips, trying to supress my smile which would have been inappropriate during the speech. The speech ended and we all returned to our desks. I rolled my eyes at Darlene. We all hated the president, we didn't believe his optimism for a minute, and we all feared for our jobs. Well, most of us feared for our jobs. As a department head, I knew the president had arranged for a nice severance package for himself that he could retire on, so he didn't care what happened to the rest of us. One Thursday at 2:45 Joe called his four department heads for a meeting. "The time has come," he said. "The new company doesn't want any of us. I'm going to call our last company meeting in fifteen minutes and announce it. Everyone needs to pack up their things, and leave by 4:00. There will be a two week severance package for yourselves and the staff." "Two weeks?" we all asked in unison. "That's awful," said Alan, the head of accounting. "You promised that the company would be fair and generous with employees who weren't offered jobs. A decent benefit is a month for each year worked. And then to give them no notice at all ..." "Sorry, I'm not here to win popularity contests," replied Joe in his usual uncaring manner. "And hey, we're paying them for Friday." We all groaned. Joe then piped up with, "Oh, and one more thing. Each of you needs to tell your secretary to come in tomorrow to help you pack up your department's files to ship to the new company. I've authorized an extra day's pay for the secretaries for this." I couldn't believe how insensitive he is! Fire everyone, and then expect the secretaries to come in the next day. Thank goodness I'll be rid of him in another day too. Joe held his meeting and made his announcement. Nobody was surprised that there were no jobs to be had with the new company. But everyone was amazed that they had to be packed and out of the building so quickly. People had thought that there would be a month or so of advanced warning. And just a two week severance package? That was insulting. Everyone left Joe's meeting in silence. We went back to our desks to pack. I held a little department meeting. I told my own little staff how sorry I was that things worked out like that, and that I wished I could do more for them. I thanked them for the years of service with me. I wished them luck, and said goodbye. And after everyone had left my office, I sheepishly asked Darlene if she would come in tomorrow to help me pack the department files. I told her Joe had agreed to an extra day's pay for this -it probably wouldn't take more than a couple of hours - and I would consider it a personal favor to me. I could see the rage in Darlene's eyes, but she said OK. I watched everyone leave, with tears in my eyes. This is not how I try to treat people, but Joe is the boss and that's the way he is. I looked out the window and saw a number of the secretaries walking into a bar across the street, probably to drown their sorrows. Little did I know. I came in on Friday in jeans and a sweatshirt to pack my department's files. I said hello to Bob, the head of sales, as I passed his office. I didn't feel like talking. I didn't know if the other department heads were in yet or not. Suddenly I heard the unmistakable loud voice of Darlene. I looked out my office door, and all the secretaries had arrived together. They were giggling, which seemed pretty unusual considering the circumstances. I wanted to ask what was so funny, but they all disappeared in the women's room. What DO they do in there? I went back to packing and forgot about them. A little while later they emerged from the women's room. SInce the office was so quiet, you couldn't help but hear them. I glanced out my office. The secretaries were all dressed up! Short low-cut dresses or miniskirts, nicely made-up, and some awfully strong perfume. Whew - a sexy scent, but too much, especially for the office. And they were marching together as if on a mission. Towards Joe's office. Something was obviously going on. I decided to follow them. Four of them waited outside Joe's door, while Nancy, Joe's secretary walked in. I watched from a safe distance. Nancy has long, wavy blonde hair. A little mascara on those lovely eyelashes and a little pink lipstick, but not much more makeup than that. She is really pretty. She comes off with the innocent dumb blonde routine, but she is anything but dumb. She knows how to use her beauty. Crafty is a better description of her. She was wearing a tight dress that showed off her figure. Especially since she was not wearing a bra. In her high heels, her normally flirtaceous walk was even more pronounced. Nancy could bat her eyes and guys would fall at her feet. This would be interesting. Nancy wasted no time. Joe was seated in his executive chair, boxing some papers. Nancy plopped herself into his lap, and started kissing him. She held his head in her hands, and she kissed him long and deeply. For a moment I tried to imagine what it must feel lilke to be kissed by one of the prettiest women I have ever known. Then I saw one of the other secretaries take out a Polaroid camera. FLASH, and she had taken a picture of Joe and Nancy kissing. Joe was thunderstruck. Nancy continued kissing his face, leaving pink lipstick marks all over him. When the camera had recharged its flash, another picture was taken. Joe was still in shock and couldn't move. Nancy quickly unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out, and started sucking. FLASH. With three damaging pictures of Nancy and Joe, the secretaries certainly had him where they wanted him. Joe is both a married man and a well- known figure in this industry. Joe still hadn't said a word, and Nancy calmly slapped his face hard. Then she put her gorgeous face inches from his and screamed at him. "I've hated you from the day you started. But the way you've treated the staff these last few months has been dispicable. You knew all along there were no jobs for us, but you strung us along. Everything that happened was a good thing, is what you told us. Now you'll pay." Nancy got off his lap. "You have one chance to do as I say. Take your pants and underpants all the way off, NOW. Or the next time you see these pictures, they'll be ... well, I'm not going to say exactly, but do the words "Internet Newsgroup" have any meaning to you?" "You'll never get away with this," Joe replied, as he slowly removed his pants and shorts, not knowing what a Newsgroup was but recognizing that Nancy meant business and a Newsgroup was probably not a good thing. Once his pants were off, the five secretaries descended on Joe. They took some pantyhose and tied his hands behind him. They put a collar around his neck. They leaned him over his desk, spread his legs, and used pantyhose to tie each ankle to one of the desk legs. Then they attached a long chain to the collar, passed it in front of him, under the desk, and attached it to the pantyhose binding his wrists. They tested his bonds to be sure he was secure. I didn't like the looks of all this, and I tried to sneak away. But I was neither quiet nor quick enough, and the secretaries saw me. They ran towards me. I started running, but these women are all fifteen or more years younger than I am. Lauren reached me first and tackled me. As I was struggling to get away from her clutches, Cathy arrived and sat on my chest. The others arrived and pinned me down. Finally Darlene reached me. "Thanks girls, I have him now," Darlene said. She laid on top of me and tried to kiss me. I held my mouth tightly shut. She smiled and pinched my nose with two fingers. My arms were still being pinned. Eventually I had to open my mouth to breath, and Darlene quickly put her tongue in it. She was kissing me firmly, passionately, and I responded. Darlene had been teasingly turning me on for years. Long dark hair, dark features, a slim waist and hips that swiveled so enticingly in her tight skirts and high heels. Beautiful brown eyes, always precisely made up with eyeshadow and eyeliner. Perfectly arched eyebrows. Not the prettiest secretary, but the sexiest. I enjoyed the kiss and kissed her back. Until FLASH, and I realized that I too was on camera. I did not want that picture to fall in the wrong hands. The women led me back into my own office. Darlene gave me the same ultimatum that Nancy had given to her boss. Remove my pants and shorts, or the photo goes on the Internet. Unlike Joe, I knew exactly what that meant, and I knew Darlene knew enough about computers to do it. I complied. I too, was tied with pantyhose behind my back, collared, legs spread, bent over my desk, and tied at my ankles to the desk and from the collar to my wrists. I was really stuck - I couldn't move much of anything. The secretaries left me to think things over. Presumably they would get Bob, Alan, Fred, and John in the identical predicament. After a long wait, I saw a lovely pair of miniskirted legs enter my office. I couldn't look up to see who it was, the way the collar had confined me to the desk. Whoever it was, her perfume filled the room, and it was very sexy. "Who's there?" I asked, but nobody answered. The silence was maddening. She walked behind me, her only sound being the clicking of her high heels on the floor. A pair of hands were sensuously rubbing my bare ass. A delicate scratch of a long fingernail gave me goosebumps. Then a hard flat surface against my ass. Up and down, teasing me so nicely. She gently rubbed the flat surface against my cock and balls too. They responded to the attention. This was feeling so delightful. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the wonderful sensations. Until CRACK. She smacked me right in the ass with - I don't know. A wooden ruler? A book? I couldn't tell. It was hard and flat, and had sort of a whipping feel to it. CRACK. That hurt! She was smacking my ass hard and it hurt. She wailed away, several swats at one cheek, then the other, pausing sometimes because she knew the anticipation would drive me nuts. Sometimes she would gently rub my rapidly warming ass instead. Then CRACK, another spank. I was screaming in pain. She seemed to be enjoying herself. At one point she must have not wanted to hear my screams, because she opened my mouth and put something in it. I immediately recognized the taste of pussy juice. Were they her panties? They must have been. And boy, were they wet! Her spanking me must have really turned her on. She spanked me some more, and then stopped. Then she rubbed her hands over my ass. Her hand felt so cold - or was my ass so hot? Her hands felt wonderful. I was very turned on. I felt something being tied to my head. A silk blindfold, perhaps? She covered my eyes. For a moment there was silence. Then I felt something warm and wet tickling my ears. I tried to concentrate. She was licking my ears. I inhaled her perfume, and enjoyed the sensation of her tongue on my ears. It was so sexy. I was incredibly turned on. Suddenly she opened my mouth. She removed the panties from my mouth. I moved my tongue and jaw around to regain their feeling. Then she whispered to me. I still could not recognoze her voice. She said in a soft whisper, "When I pull sharply on your collar like this." And she gave a yank so I knew what she meant. "You will stick out your tongue. You will lick whatever is there with just the tip of your tongue. Without question. If I want more than just the tip, I will push deeper into your mouth. Then she pulled on the collar. I stuck out my tongue, searching for something to lick. There was her fingertip. It had a scent to it - her pussy. She must have been playing with herself, while she played with me. I searched for her finger, felt her long nail, and tasted its wetness. She pushed her finger deeper towards the back of my tongue. Then her finger was in my mouth, and she was pushing it in and out. "That's it, she whispered. Suck my finger. Suck it good." I complied, and I loved it. "You're quite the little sucker, aren't you?" she whispered at me teasingly. We did that for awhile, and suddenly there was no finger in my mouth. But I could feel her climbing on the desk. Her legs were on either side of me, and she must have been in a sitting position. She patted my head gently. Then she pulled on my collar chain. I stuck out my tongue. And there was the unmistakable scent of pussy. I gently flicked the tip of my tongue and could feel her pussy lips. I licked her pussy lips, as she held me by the head and guided me. She pushed herself closer and closer to me, and finally my tongue was inside her. I licked and sucked for a long time. Now I love licking pussy - but it was driving me nuts - I had no idea who she was. There was absolutely nothing about her that gave me a clue who she was. But it didn't seem to matter. I was happy licking her, and she seemed pretty content too. I felt her shudder, and I knew she had come. She slowly climbed off the desk. She gently lifted my blindfolded face. And she gave me one sweet light kiss. And went away, leaving me wondering - Who the hell was she? There was silence for a long time. When you are blindfolded, you lose your sense of time. Was it two minutes, or ten, or thirty that I was left alone? Occasionally I would hear more spanking. I wondered who was getting spanked and who was doing the spanking. Then I heard something else. High heels clicking on the floor of my office. More than one pair of heels - but was it two pair or three? I couldn't tell. Someone was loosening the chain connecting my collar to my bound hands. Someone was loosening the pantyhose around my ankles. I was allowed to stand, still blindfolded. My hands that had been bound behind me were untied, and someone massaged my arms and shoulders that had been stiff from inactivity. I felt my shirt being removed, as well as the rest of my clothes. Then my arms were stretched and my wrists were tied with pantyhose to something slightly higher than shoulder level -my bookcase, I guess. It was not uncomfortable, but I was naked, blindfolded, and tied by the hands, so I knew I was completely defenseless. Against what I didn't know. Then there was a gentle tug at my collar. Oh yeah, I had forgotten about the collar - the only thing I was wearing. I remembered my command, and stuck out my tongue. And the tip of my tongue was met by another tongue tip. I inhaled the sweet scent of her perfume - was this the same person as before, or someone else? Our tongues met briefly. Then hers receded and I was left feeling the air for it. She teased me, sometimes giving me a little more of hers, usually a little less. I was concentrating my mind on the gentle sensation of her tongue when I felt other hands on me. Someone else was licking my ear. And someone else was slowly running her fingertips over my nipples. Were these two women, or three? I couldn't tell, but the multiple sensations were heavenly. I heard myself moaning. While all this was going on someone else held my body more firmly than the others. Then there was a buzzing. A buzzing? The kissing was getting more passionate and I couldn't concentrate, but yes, a buzzing. Under my arms, on my back, on my chest. Finally I got it - it was an electric razor and I was being shaved from the neck down. The kissing and caressing were turning me on so much that I didn't think about the fact that I was being shaved from the neck down, though every now and then I could feel the razor doing its work on my chest, my back, my arms and legs. Then, while one girl was kissing me for all she was worth with her tongue deep into my mouth, many hands seemed to descend around my cock. Soft hands were caressing my cock and balls, and it felt so wonderful that I couldn't concentrate on the fact that the electric razor was working down there too. I thought I heard scissors delicately snipping away my groin hair - thankfully they were being gentle and careful! Finally I felt a gust of warm air all over me - they were blow drying me to remove the loose hair. Then there was a brief moment where nobody was touching me at all. But all of a sudden someone giggled. And another giggle. Then full laughter. My hairlessness must have been a funny sight. Now they were untying my hands, guiding me to a chair, making me sit, and tying my hands behind me. That damn blindfold was still on me! I was comfortably seated. Until someone sat in my lap facing me. I could feel some soft silky panties sitting right on top of my cock, and I could smell that same enchanting perfume. Someone's face was right next to mine, motionless. Until she yanked my collar. I extended my tongue, but she used hers to push mine back in my mouth. Then she gave me a single closed lipped kiss. A sweet beautiful kiss. I closed my eyes, trying to imagine who it was, when suddenly my blindfold was removed. I blinked several times quickly, trying to adjust to the light. I had been blindfolded for hours, I think. And there was Janice, sitting in my lap, smiling at me. Ah, Janice. The shyest secretary, who usually wore the darkest, drabbest clothes, although she was 24 and was very pretty in an understated way. Shoulder length dark hair. And the least makeup of all the secretaries - a little brown eyeliner under the both eyes, and that's all. I always thought that she unnecessarily lacked confidence about her looks. She squirmed in my lap, knowing full well the effect it had on me. Her soft panties. Wait a minute. I blinked again. Bra and panties - that was all she was wearing! Janice! In fact all five secretaries were only wearing bra and panties. What a lovely sight. "Scalpel" commanded Janice in her ususal serious voice, pretending to be a surgeon. Someone slapped an instrument into her hand. Scalpel? She was kidding, wasn't she? "Now, are you going to be a brave little girl about this, or do we need some anesthesia?" she asked me. I didn't know what she was talking about. But inches from my face, sitting in my lap, my hands tied behind me, I was powerless to do whatever she had in mind. She raised her instrument to my face, and I closed my eyes in fear. "Yeow!" The pain was pretty intense. She was plucking my eyebrows! She plucked them one by one, clearly taking her time about this. I was screaming with each pluck. Then I saw Cathy reach in her bag for something. She came up to me and told me to open my mouth. I clenched my lips shut. She sighed a pretty sigh. Cathy - maybe the sweetest, prettiest secretary in the office, with ... "Yeow". I'll tell you about Cathy later. Anyway, Cathy was digging her long manicured fingernails into my nipples. Wow, did that hurt. I forgot I was trying to keep my mouth shut. She quickly placed something in my mouth. It was a rubber ball, and it was attached to a strap that went all around my head, and fastened in the back. She had gagged me. Janice went back to plucking my eyebrows. I screamed, but the gag muffled my screams. With nothing else to do, I watched Janice carefully. Despite her almost total lack of makeup, I realized for the first time that Janice had the most exquisitely arched and groomed eyebrows. They were not especially thin, just perfectly shaped. I wondered if she did them herself or not. And then it occurred to me - that is what she was probably doing to me! A quick kiss on the cheek - I knew she left no lipstick mark because Janice was the only secretary who wore no lipstick - and Janice stepped back to admire my new eyebrows. Cathy then took her place sitting in my lap, facing me. "Ready for a little makeup, dear?" she asked me. I mumbled. "No, please don't do that to me." Of course no one could understand me through my gag. Cathy gently lifted my chin to examine my face as I examined hers. Ah, Cathy. When she first joined the company she was blonde. Later she dyed her hair brown. The prettiest blonde you ever wanted to see, and she purposely toned her looks down a notch - I suspect because she was getting hit on too much. Nevertheless, brown hair couldn't disguise that face. Cathy had to be the company expert on makeup. The thinnest possible line of eye liner on those gorgeous blue eyes. Absolutely perfectly blended makeup and blush, and her skin glowed. A light touch of mascara and an equally light touch of red lipstick. The shape of her lips was so perfect that she must have used a lip liner, but the lipstick was precisely drawn with no different color at the edges. What a beauty. She removed my gag, but told me that if I didn't behave it would go right back. She smoothed some beige liquid makeup onto my face with her fingertips, then used a little sponge to blend it in. She took a sharp pencil and firmly shaped my eyebrows with it, filling in what Janice's plucking had missed. She told me to look up at ceiling as she feathered black mascara on my upper and lower lashes, waited until they dried, and then repeated it. She had me close my eyes gently as she took a tiny brush and stroked several different shades of eyeshadow on my eyelids. Then she leaned very close into me as she lined my upper and lower eyelids in black pencil. I tried to stay very still as she did this, staring deep into her beautiful blue eyes as she worked on me. She dipped a fluffy brush into some rose blusher powder and softly dusted my cheeks, as I wondered if I could possibly have the same glow to my cheeks as she had. Finally she finished me off by unscrewing a tube of lipstick, holding it under my nose so I could inhale its distinctive sweet scent, and slowly but firmly painting my lips a delicious shade of red. Then she got off me to admire her handiwork. The other girls oohed and ahhed. They stood me up to get a full look, still bound by my wrists behind me. They tied my wrists to the bookcase so that I could not move. But Darlene grabbed the lipstick from Cathy and announced that I still needed a little more color. Darlene caressed my cock as she waved the lipstick in front of my face. Darlene usually wore either soft pink or deep purple herself, depending on her mood. With a devilish gleam in her eye, she boldly applied the lipstick to my two nipples, painting two little red circles. And if that didn't make me feel ridiculous enough, she fondled my cock until it was hard, and then proceded to paint my cockhead with the red lipstick. "Doesn't he look pretty with all that nice red lipstick?" she asked her friends, as I blushed in embarrassment. "Maybe I can use your nice red cock to apply that lipstick to my lips" she asked me. She leaned down as if she was going to put her sexy lips on my cockhead, but I knew it would never happen; she was just her teasing me. "Now do you think he's ready for the picture?," Nancy asked. Everyone giggled at my humiliation. Lauren took the Polaroid. She took one closeup at my made-up face. Then she stepped back and took one full length shot of me. "I wonder what the new company would say if they got a hold of this?" "You know," Darlene said to her friends. "The new company has no security on their web page. I could easily scan these photos and insert them into their web pages. Should I?" she asked me. And with that they left me, hands bound behind me and bound to the bookcase as well. The left the two photos on the desk where I could watch them develop. The closeup made me look ridiculous. Since they had left my hair alone, it was obvious that I was a guy in makeup. Beautifully shaped eye brows, and then very nicely made up. Bold red lips. But a guy nevertheless. I held my breath as the second Polaroid developed. It was slowly coming into view. That same ridiculously made up face. And boldly painted red nipples. A hairless body. And yes, an erect cock with lipstick on the head. But wait. What else had they done to me? No - could it be? They had left me a small amount of pubic hair. But they had shaped it. I don't believe it. They had shaped my pubic hair in - the corporate symbol of the new company! And they were taunting me by leaving the photo inches away from me. But I could not reach it to tear it up. They made me stand there and look at my humiliating photo for a long time. Quite an ingenuous punishment. I realized what they were doing. They were going around from boss to boss, inflicting the same, or maybe they were different, indignities on each of us. Where would it end? After a while Janice and Nancy came over to inspect me. They were still in their bras and panties, and they looked so delicious. Nancy tilted my face as if to examine me. Janice gently rubbed my nipples with her fingertips and then checked her fingertips to see if the lipstick had come off. Janice showed me it hadn't. "Just because he wears lipstick doesn't mean I have to," giggled Janice, pleased with herself for her little teasing word play on the Revlon ad. "It's called 'All-Day' Lipstick, dear," Nancy exclaimed to me. "It will stay on - all day. I was curious whether you needed someone to freshen your lipstick, but of course you don't," she taunted me. "We did bring some lipstick remover, but we hid it where you'll never find it," she told me. "Well, let's get to work," announced Nancy seriously. They started untying me. "Don't even think of escaping," Nancy warned me. "You're naked and we have your pants. You'll never get that lipstick off by yourself. We have locked all the doors electronically both inside and out. And we have quite a few pictures of you that we would not hesitate putting out on the Internet, you know." Nancy slapped my ass playfully. I considered my options and decided I had none. I had been a pretty decent boss. I think they are getting out their frustrations on all the bosses. I don't think they really despise me, and I don't think they are going to ruin me or my career. So I guess I had better just let them do what they're going to do. Any thoughts I had of escaping disappeared. They had me sit, and they gave me sheer nylons to put on. They were silky, nearly colorless, and made my legs feel great. The girls stroked my legs through the stockings, and I felt an erotic charge go through my body. They made me stand and raise my arms. They put a frilly pink garter belt around my waist. Nancy knelt down to attach it to my stockings. Her face was inches from my cock which was getting more and more aroused. She smiled as she noticed this, and let her hair brush against my cock. My cock twitched in delight from the softness of the touch of her hair. When the garter belt was attached, Janice and Nancy started squeezing my upper body into a pink satin bra. The bra was lightly padded and extended down past the bra cups to reduce my stomach a few inches. They made me stroke my nipples through the bra, and it felt like the satin material was on the inside next to my skin, it felt so delightful. Janice and Nancy made me step into some high heels shoes. I was not used to the height and felt very unsteady. They told me to play with my cock for them. Although it was humiliating to stroke myself dressed as I was and with two pretty women watching me, I didn't care. I was getting dizzy with the sensations, and with my unfamiliarity in heels I teetered precariously, almost falling, which added to my dizziness and confusion. I asked their permission to cum, but Janice slapped my hand away. "We didn't give you permission to do that. Not yet, at least." "Anyone getting hungry?" asked Nancy suddenly, interrupting my mood. "How about some sandwiches?" Nancy telephoned the other secretaries, and took some sandwich requests. She took Janice's and my sandwich request too. Then she phoned in the order to a local sandwich shop. "They'll be here in fifteen minutes," she announced. "Here?" I asked. Somehow I had imagined one of the secretaries would go out for the sandwiches. I didn't like the sound of that. Who was coming here? And what would they see? "We're going to need some cash," Janice said. "Think we can get Alan in accounting to give us some from petty cash?" "Let's all walk over to Alan's office and find out," said Nancy. Janice and Nancy made me walk through the office towards Alan's office. I had to walk slowly because I could not balance myself well in the heels. On the way we passed Cathy leading Bob somewhere. Bob was heavily made up -I could tell it had not been by Cathy. He had pencil thin and severly arched eyebrows, thick black eyeliner ringing his eyes, false eyelashes, too much blush that had not been well blended, some dark red lip liner that looked too obvious outlining his lips, and glossy red lips. I wondered who had done his makeup, and I was secretly pleased that my makeup looked nicer than his. Bob was also wearing a collar, although he had a corset rather than a bra. He wore stockings and heels, but no panties. In fact his erect cock was in plain view, especially since Cathy had tied it in a pink ribbon, which she was using to pull him. Bob and I looked at each other. Although there were a few differences, we were pretty similarly dressed. His cock had not been painted in lipstick, but he had a ribbon instead. He too had his cock hair shaved in the symbol of the new company. His corset pushed his chest up and gave him the illusion of cleavage, and his nipples were showing, while I wore a bra. As we saw each other, we each cringed in embarrassment, realizing how similarly humiliating we looked. Each of us rushed to cover ourselves in the genital area. Nancy slapped my hand away, and then slapped my ass. "I want your cocks and your asses naked, exposed, and available at all times for anything we want," she ordered sharply, to both of us. Now I realized why I had not been given panties, nor had Bob. Cathy and Bob went on their way, wherever they were going, and we went ours. We arrived at Alan's office, in time to see Lauren putting Alan on his knees. Alan was also collared, made up and dressed in lingerie with his cock and ass bare. Alan had his hands bound behind him. Nancy put a finger to her lips, motioning for us to be quiet as we observed what they were doing. Lauren faced Alan, held his chin in one hand, and with the other firmly applied a thick coating of lipstick to his lips. She went over his lips several times with the lipstick until she got the effect she wanted. Then she turned around, lowered her panties, and put her naked ass in Alan's face. "Kiss my ass," she commanded. "Kiss it lovingly with both lips. Keep kissing it, and leave little lipstick prints. I want you to keep doing that until you have no lipstick left to make another print." Alan complied, and we could see Lauren enjoying the sensation of the little kisses on her ass. We were silent until Alan stopped. Lauren turned around, saw us, smiled, and made Alan kiss her hand as she checked for a lipstick print. Sure enough his kiss on her hand left no print, so she let him stop. "I was thinking of making you kiss Alan's ass while he kissed Lauren's," Nancy said to me. I blushed over that humiliation, and was glad it hadn't been ordered of me. "We need some money from petty cash to pay for lunch," Nancy told Lauren. "Could you spare him long enough for him to get us some cash?" she asked. "Sure," replied Lauren, as she went to Alan's desk drawer to get the petty cash box. In a small company like this, everyone knows where it is kept. Lauren brought the box over to the still bound and kneeling Alan, opened it, and placed it on the floor in front of him. "Use your pretty in need of more lipstick lips to take some money out," she ordered him. With difficulty, he maneuvered his head and mouth and pulled out some bills. Darlene came over, dragging Joe. Joe too had been elaborately made up and feminized. He looked the worst of all of us though. His ass glowed a bright red - apparently the secretaries had all saved their worst spankings for him. His hands were bound behind him. He wore clothespins on each nipple. His cock and balls, naked as the rest of us, were tied with rope in a neat package, with his balls clearly separated. He was in obvious disomfort. "They're trying to get me to authorize a bigger severance package for everyone," Joe tried to explain to Alan and me. "But I won't do it. I'd rather..." Darlene roughly shoved a dildo in his mouth and tied it with a scarf around his head so he couldn't expel it. "I don't want to hear your crap," she hissed at him. Darlene looked at the other women. "I guess we just haven't humiliated him enough yet," she sighed. "You can't humiliate him enough, as far as I'm concerned," I muttered just loud enough for Darlene to hear. Darlene gave me her pretty smile. "Hmm, can I count on your help?" she whispered back at me. "Well, lunch will be here in a few minutes," Nancy announced. "Who is going to let the delivery guy in," she asked. "I think all our pretty bosses should," Darlene replied. "Let's call the others and meet at the front door." Although we protested, it was to no avail, as we were all led to the front door. They kept Joe bound, but the other guys and I were unfettered since the women were sure we weren't going anywhere. The women, who were all still in their bras and panties, hid out of view but where they could still see the spectacle of us. And spectacle it was. A bunch of middle aged guys in makeup and lingerie and heels, but with our cocks and asses naked. Except for Joe who was in some nasty bondage. The office door bell rang, and we took a deep breath and opened the door. There was a delivery boy, maybe eighteen, with the lunch order. He looked each of us up and down, not sure what to make of us. He looked around and saw the office was empty. "Where is everybody?" he finally asked. "The office is closed. Everyone has been let go," Bob replied. We took the food and paid him for it. But of course the delivery boy had a million questions. He looked around, and it did indeed seem that no one else was there. We waited for him to go, as we all felt ridiculous standing there like we were. After the longest pause, the delivery boy broke out into a big grin. "I get it," he finally said. "You guys did this to yourselves. And to him," looking over at Joe. He took his money and left. We shut the door, and the women laughed hysterically. They were nearly rolling on the floor. Cathy finally spoke. "He didn't see us, so he thinks you guys dressed up each other. Fabulous." I hadn't understood the delivery boy's remark until Cathy explained it. Was there no end to the indignities and humiliations? Could you imagine what that kid will tell his friends at the sandwich shop about us? Maybe it was just as well this was the last day at work - we certainly didn't want to face that kid again. We ate our lunch at the little eat-in cafeteria. Joe was unbound for this, and they let him remove his nipple clothespins. He winced as they came off - apparently it hurt to take them off. The women chattered away as if we weren't there, talking about women's things, while the guys ate in silence. When lunch was over, the women each reached into their handbags and took out their compacts and lipsticks. Except Janice, who had a compact with a mirror, but no makeup. Each of them patted their hair, and everyone but Janice carefully fixed their lipstick. They also pulled out some perfume and liberally sprayed themselves with it. I checked the bottle - they were all wearing Poison. It filled the air and smelled wonderful. Then when that was done Lauren said, "And now I think the guys should freshen their own lipsticks." A compact and lipstick was slid over to each of us. Actually I thought my lips didn't need any touching up, but I figured that would just start an unnecessary argument. Each of us blushed a deep shade of red as we amateurly applied lipstick to our own lips. The women laughed at our efforts, and offered to fix our mistakes. When they were done they spritzed us with perfume as well. Then the women bound our hands behind us and had us kneel in a circle. The women arranged their chairs surrounding us. Then we were blindfolded, and we heard the women rearranging themselves and switching seats. Now we no longer knew who was sitting where. I felt a tug on my collar, and stuck out my tongue. The scent gave it away - it was a foot, or more precisely a toe. The smell and the taste were a tiny bit unpleasant, but as I licked the toe it became very erotic. The woman whose toe it was gave me more and more of it, and soon it was going in and out of my mouth and I was happily sucking away. Then another toe was added, so I sucked them both. I could hear other slurping going on, so I assumed all the women were having their toes sucked. I could hear quite a bit of feminine moaning too, so apparently the guys were not the only ones who found the toe sucking erotic. Then the unique and fragrant smell of pussy started filling the air, and I wondered if the women were touching themselves, or each other, or what. Occasionally some toes would be extracted from my mouth, and I could hear the women switching seats, so presumably they were switching off with us. I'm not sure how many different sets of toes I sucked, but the women were certainly getting turned on by it, and I was too. At one point some toes were replaced by a fragrant and wet pussy. A little tug on my collar and it was clear what I was supposed to do. I licked and sucked that delicious pussy for not very long until I could feel its owner shudder and moan loudly. Too loudly. Shy little Janice, I know it was you. Another woman took her place, and that was that tug on my collar again. I extended my tongue, and this time it was a different feeling at the other end. Hard and rubbery. In fact it did smell rubbery. Goodness, it was a dildo. It smelled of pussy, so that's where it must have been. Umm, so one of the women had been using this very dildo to stimulate herself. Well, it was quite erotic, as well as humiliating, to suck her pussy juices from it. I was sucking this quite loudly, and I heard other loud slurping too, so perhaps it was dildo sucking time and we all were sucking dildos. I wondered if our lipsticks were coming off on these dildos. I heard a FLASH -I guess someone was recording this mass dildo sucking on film too. I heard several more flashes, but then the dildo was removed from my mouth, and the sucking noises stopped. I was touched under my arms and pulled upward into a standing position. I could hear the others go into a standing position too. I was still blindfolded and bound behind me, as I assumed the others were too. Everyone was moved around in close proximity, and I lost my bearing. Someone grabbed my shoulders and steered me where she wanted me. I felt a tug at my collar, so I extended my tongue. There was a body part at my tongue - an ear, I think. I licked it, and I think she liked it. I smelled her perfume - Poison, wasn't it? She smelled nice. I continued licking. But wait - something wasn't quite right. Her hair was not long and soft. In fact it was quite short. Whose hair was that short? Darlene? Lauren? Cathy? Janice? Nancy? No, all of them had long hair. Oh shit, they were making lick one of the guys. I wonder if he could tell? Now they were pressing my body up against someone and making me move in an up and down motion. Someone was enjoying the sensation of my satin bra. Bodies were all over the place, but I couldn't tell whose were whose. Now someone was rubbing their body against my back. They were also wearing a sensuous bra, but ... Everyone smelled of the same perfume, women and guys alike. Whoever it was was also rubbing something long and rubbery against my ass. Was it a woman wearing a dildo, or ... ? Shit. Then I felt a tongue against my cock. It gently licked the cockhead. Someone pushed me slightly forward, then slightly back. My cock moved in and out of a mouth. It would never be one of the women. Did the person behind the mouth think he was sucking a dildo, or did he know for sure? It didn't much matter. The women had kept me aroused for hours. If this was my one chance for relief, well who was I to complain? The person sucked me and sucked me, and was pretty good. I was blindfolded anyway, so I closed my eyes and imagined. Darlene. Lauren. Cathy. Janice. Nancy. In my head I alternated from one to the other. Each in her own way was a sex goddess. You are all so damn beautiful. It didn't take me long - I came in somebody's mouth - who knows whose mouth it was. The bodies kept moving around in tight proximity. I was kissing someone - I smelled the perfume and tasted the lipstick, but I don't know who it was. Bodies rubbed against me and licked me. Suddenly I was pushed to a kneeling position and a cock was pushed to my face. By now I knew this was a real cock. But someone had gotten me off, I might as well return the favor. I licked and sucked and it was sort of fun. Humiliating, but fun. It got bigger and bigger in my mouth, and I felt it lurch. It tasted sort of salty, but not so bad. I swallowed it. After a while I was turned around, and I could feel that we were all in a circle. I could feel someone's cock being placed into my hands, behind me. Someone grabbed my cock too. We were moved around a little, and I guessed everyone was holding the cock behind him. It must have made a cute photo. FLASH. Someone had the same idea and was taking a picture. Then one of the women counted to three, and at three our blindfolds were removed. Sure enough, we were in a circle holding each other's cocks. How ridiculous. FLASH. And FLASH. By now the women were dressed in their street clothes. Nancy ran out with the camera, probably to lock it in her car. The women untied us, gave us our pants, underwear and sweatshirts, gave us some makeup remover, and told us to get ourselves together. As we were trying to scrub the makeup off, we all looked at Joe. "How many pictures do you think they have of us, Joe? Any one of those pictures could wreck us for life. Don't you think it's time you did something?" The women brought Joe a pile of checks and a pen. "We took the liberty," Nancy said. "One month of severance per employee, for each month they worked here. It's the fair thing. Sign them." Joe looked around. He looked at the women, and he looked at the guys. He thought a moment, perhaps about his ordeal today. And he picked up the pen and started signing the first one. Darlene came over to me. She started singing very softly. "Good, good, good, good, thing." I smiled at her. She gave me her prettiest smile back. END

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IV That Nude Sunbathing

Sandy and I went to the beach hoping we could get together a team for volleyball Karen came running up to us yelling come with you two I got a almost a team. We yelled back Yes, Yes I couldn’t believe it when Karen kissed us both rather nicely and said gawd I love you too. We won four times and the hold team agrees to go forfeit and cancel. Sandy told Karen she Ok’d her coming over and nude sunbathing with us, Karen was ecstatic said I know and again kiss us both saying I love you two. I really...

2 years ago
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Goody episode 2

To describe Goody in a word: voluptuous. She had black hair, piercing blue eyes and a tiny waist with flaring hips, truly a beautiful derriere, and breasts to die for. Hers was the first shaved vagina I had ever seen. Dot had already shaved it for her by the time I met them. Dot on the other hand was tall, blonde, small breasted, really long legs, and beautiful pear shaped ass.  They were a sexy pair. Strolling down the boulevard on a warm summer evening, Dot’s arm around Goody’s neck and...

2 years ago
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                                                                                                           This happened a while ago, early 2000's, after my first divorce but prior to my second marriage and second divorce. I was living in an apartment alone, like now, and was looking for fun in AOL chat rooms, a pretty new thing at the time. The chat room was for guys wanting to watch while someone fucked their wife. Hmmm.   He wasn't much of a chatter but said he and his wife would like to...

Wife Lovers
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Amy and Rachel Do That Thing

"Really?" Rachel wrinkled her nose and said, "You made a video?" The girls had been casually discussing what Amy referred to as, “that thing,”—masturbating— as they lazed in the hot July sun in Amy’s backyard. Rachel was wearing a purple push-up bikini top, 32B, small, from Victoria’s Secret. The bottom was what Victoria’s Secret called a “Cheeky Hipkini”, maybe because of the amount of cheeks it exposed, or the camel toe, with multicolored horizontal stripes. Her long black hair parted in...

3 years ago
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Plaything Well there I was. 25 years old, out of work, living in a scruffy old bedsit with no future and no prospects. Born in Gloucester , living in Buckinghamshire. Five foot six inches, slim with shoulder length brown hair, tied back in a pony when I’m working (which I’m not at the moment). Friends say I have a feminine face, but I’m not sure of that. Sexuality ? Not sure. Love women, but, I’ve had a few passes at blokes, mostly older. Once I met a bloke at his house and he tied me up and...

3 years ago
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A young woman meets up with an exboyfriend and can8217t deny her passion to be his plaything

She was happy, at or least she thought she was. She had a boyfriend that seemed to care about her, her career was on the rise, and she was stunning. Her name was Emily, a young petite Asian girl with a body that could make any man go wild. She had a firm, toned body with curves on her ass not normally seen on a Korean girl. Her breasts, though not large, we’re firm and snug nicely into a b-cup bra. On cold nights or when she was especially turned on, her perky nipples pierced the fabric...

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The Plaything

The human mind is a brilliant thing. It has the power for a human being to retain the knowledge and wisdom of a lifetime over, with the equal capacity to create, nurture and destroy. It was the facilitator for all current realities that we know today, making judgments upon the rights and wrongs that shaped the course of history and beyond. To some, it was the key to salvation. To others, it was a monster to be tamed. To a few, it was a toy to be played with. Somewhere in the world, one such...

Mind Control
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Hes My Plaything

True story, and my first. I had always fantasized about giving my first blowjob. There was something, I thought, so inexplicably sexy about pleasuring a lover with your mouth. And of course, after a month of exchanging teasing texts I wanted you. But first things first; descriptions. I am a slender young woman of average height, with red hair and dark blue eyes, like the skin of a blueberry. My skin is milky white and dusted with freckles that run from my impish nose, down my neck and over my...

Oral Sex
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Jennifers Plaything

Jennifer's Plaything By: Naughty Nicole [email protected] My name is Nick, I'm 29 years old, and I have what I expect most people would call a "normal" life. At least I thought I did. I came home from work on a typical weeknight expecting the usual routine of dinner and vegging out on the couch. I work as a network administrator in a technical support help desk and usually come home brain dead after eight hours of dealing with frustrating customers. I stopped by the...

3 years ago
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Straight Man To Old Mans Plaything

Straight Man To Old Man's New Play Thing So let me start by giving you little background on myself m name is Sean I was a 23 year old guy from Ireland I had moved to England to work as a live in carer it was a job I enjoyed and it aloud me to travel all around the U.K. whilst also giving me plenty of free time I would usually work a month then get a week off to travel and relax. I was a quite person I mainly stuck to but usually got very sociable after a few drinks, I was just a normal...

4 years ago
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Sebastians plaything

Sebastian strutted up and down the huge wooden floored room muttering under his breath, Alexandra couldn't understand what he was muttering but she knew it wasn't good. Heavy foot- steps hit the floor; the riding crop beat a similar rhythm on his right booted leg. Suddenly he blurted out "you have tested my patience to long young girl" Alexandra tried to get some words out but Sebastian ignored her attempts to speak so she just laid there relaxing her limbs and leaving a little slack in her...

3 years ago
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My Mothers Plaything

My lover Sera and I are relaxing together after a satisfying fuck in the dorm room we share. Her strap-on cock rests on the end table, still glistening from a very intense workout. She smiles winsomely and murmurs, "Hey, Kris... tell me about your mother again." "What about her?" I play it coy, lifting an eyebrow. Sera scowls. "You know, girl. The things you guys do together." "Jesus," I laugh. "You can't get enough of hearing that, can you?" I glance at her breasts, still showing signs of the...

2 years ago
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Voodoo Brats Plaything

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????? VOODOO ? BRAT?S PLAYTHING By  Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] Synopsis: Voodoo was a character from WildC.A.T.S. from DC/Wildstorm. This is not a story for profit. This is not for anyone below 18 too. (The concept of this storyline is what if Voodoo was not a member of WILDC.A.T.S. and that she existed in a world where Dark...

4 years ago
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The Orcs Plaything

The Orc's Plaything "Oooooooh mommy what is it?" "It's a… I mean she's a mix breed…. She is Human and….….youcan tell by…."I watched as the elven child scuttled behind the robes of her mother legs.As I moved on though the crowd, the whispered words followed my path as eyesbore into the deep shadow of the robe I wore.. Children at least were morehonest in their reaction. The adults thought they were so subtle in their horror "Sil….Sil….damn it… would you please wait upyou cantankerous...

2 years ago
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How I Became Masters Plaything

HOW I BECAME MASTER’S PLAYTHING By HAJIM It all started by accident. I was rushing out of Grace Bros without looking where I was going. I cannoned into a man so hard that I knocked him down. I instantly went to help him up. I said“Sir, I’m so sorry, Sir. I hope I haven’t hurt you. Please let me help you, Sir.’ He looked at me rather strangely but took my hand and got up. He looked rather shaken so I said, “Sir, let me buy you a cup of coffee as a small recompense for the damage I have done” He...

1 year ago
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Diapered Plaything

You always wondered how you ended up with your extremely beautiful wife, Julie. Until one fateful Saturday morning, she explains to you. “We have to talk sweetie. You see I don’t love you the same way, you love me. I am actually a lesbian, I know you are wondering why I married you then. Well first my family is a bunch of homophobic jerks. They threatened to disown me if I didn’t married soon enough. That is why I was in such hurry to marry. I chose you because you are kind of pitiful, I mean...

1 year ago
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Mens Plaything

“There’s no need to put panties on under that skirt. They’ll just get in everyone’s way.” My boyfriend Jason was impatient to get going to his friends house. There were at least 7 of his male co-workers waiting on us. This was going to be the first time this group would use me as their fuck-toy. All of them had ‘girlfriends’ that had been gang fucked by all of the men at some point during the last 6 months. Now it was my turn. Jason had started working as an investment banker with a new firm...

Group Sex
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Two house wives find love while sunbathing

I awoke this morning to the sound of birds, and sunlight streaming through my windows. The first thought to enter my head was “what do I have to do today?” My mind was blank … could it be true? I had nothing to do today? It’s Tuesday, so I don’t work today, the kids all slept over at friends houses last night so I don’t even have to get up and supervise breakfast, and they wouldn’t be home until late this afternoon so I don’t even...

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Neighbour sunbathing

This is a true story from when I was 16, We had a married couple in their 30’s that lived next door. I had always thought that the woman was quite nice but I did’nt know how nice until one hot summer day. I was in the garden and it was really hot, in our garden we had waneylap fencing, so it had holes and gaps here and there. Anyway I caught a glimpse through the fence and saw her sunbathing in a black and white spotted bikini. I could see her breasts nearly popping out of it and could’nt...

1 year ago
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Naughty sunbathing

Michelle dropped her son off to play sports. He was proud of his Mum, but street cred issues meant not always hanging onto her with his mates around. Some his mates and several others at the club thought they would like to hang around with her however. As former cabin crew, she had poise, looks, and was definitely in the Milf category. Her daughter was playing nurse to Dad. She was off to a little place she had gone the previous Sunday with her husband, where they had sunbathed naked. Only...

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"So how was the trip?" I asked as I greeted my mother in front of our house.A cab had dropped her off and I helped carry her luggage. She had just returned from a cruise with her best friends, and when she returned, she had pretty serious case of tan lines."It was enjoyable unless you count the unexpected change of weather," she said with a sense of disapproval. "Take a look at this."She turned around to show me her back, and since she was wearing a tank top, it was slightly noticeable that the...

2 years ago
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Neighbour sunbathing

This is a true story from when I was 16, We had a married couple in their 30's that lived next door. I had always thought that the woman was quite nice but I did'nt know how nice until one hot summer day. I was in the garden and it was really hot, in our garden we had waneylap fencing, so it had holes and gaps here and there.Anyway I caught a glimpse through the fence and saw her sunbathing in a black and white spotted bikini. I could see her breasts nearly popping out of it and could'nt...

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