Unexpected free porn video

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This story is true, i remember every detail. It illustrates that incest can happen to anyone, without warning under the right circumstances. My name is shailendra. My wife madhavi and i have been married for 8 years. Have 2 children.madhavi is a great wife. Our home life is great and we have never had marital problems. I have never fooled around on her. Why would i, she is a very wonderful wife, mother and lover. I am an software business . In September 2008, i had to go out of station to Hyderabad on office project work. As a result we normally work from 8am to sunset. Normally i would have flown home for the time off, but the children had a school trip on that weekend madhavi insisted i call her 52 year old widowed mother, saraswathy, who lived in a town about 2 hours inland from my assignment and spend the weekend relaxing at her house. I spoke with saraswathy on Wednesday night and told her i would arrive around 6 pm on Friday. She said she would have a home cooked meal ready. Saraswathy and i had always had a good mother-in-law/son-in-law relationship. When madhavi and i were first married, i felt she disliked and resented me for moving her only child away from home to the big city. Saraswathy is a pretty woman, black hair , great complexion, 5’5″ tall and about 165 pounds. She has full breasts, a well defined waist line, well rounded hips and buttocks and very nice legs. She dresses conservatively, though not matronly. On friday night i was treated to one of the best meals i’ve ever eaten. Saraswathy and i talked for hours about family, old times and the recent changes to the area. At about 10:30 saraswathy insisted i turn in and get a good nights sleep. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I awoke at 9am on saturday. I felt rested and refreshed. I took a shower and went down for coffee. Saraswathy was reading the paper at the kitchen table. She jumped right up and got me coffee and started breakfast. After breakfast we talked about the kids and all matters pertaining to family and jobs. About 1pm i picked up the paper and went into the hall. As i read the sports page i noticed the advt of an exhibition in a star hotel which is situated in next town about 90 kms away was open. Knowing that saraswathy loved exhibition i went back into the kitchen and asked if she would like to go to the exhibition. She got excited and remarked she had not been to the exhibition since madhavi’s dad died 5 years ago. While i was on the phone with the hotel saraswathy came back into the kitchen. When she heard me requesting 2 rooms she interrupted me and said to just get a room with 2 double beds. She didn’t mind being in the same room and there was no need to waste the money. I changed the room request and never thought twice about it we were on the road by 3:30. On the 2 1/2 hour trip we talked constantly about family and friends. When we arrived at the hotel, i checked in and we went up to the room. The room we were given had a king size bed, not 2 doubles. I picked up the phone and called the front desk requesting a different room. I was told that because of the exhibition, there were so many families staying at the hotel all the doubles were full and this would be the only room available. There were also no roll-away beds available. Saraswathy told me not to worry i was like a son and she had no problem sleeping in the same bed with me. She then laughed and said when i saw her with no makeup i would probably want to sleep in the car. Saraswathy said she wanted to take a bath and change. I went down to the lobby and waited for her .we went to the restaurent , had an excellent dinner. We had a great time. We got back to the hotel at about midnight. Saraswathy turned the tv on and i took a shower. I put on my boxers and a tee shirt. I always slept in my shorts and no top but, i was concerned about being modest in front of my mother-in-law. When i came out of the bathroom saraswathy was watching tv and waiting to change into her night clothes. Saraswathy went to change and i got in the bed. I turned the light by my side of the bed off and laid back watching tv. In about 10 minutes, saraswathy came out of the bathroom wearing a blue silk nighty which struck her . It buttoned down the front. It was not reveling or sexy in any way. She asked if i minded if she left the light on in the bathroom and the door cracked open so she could see if she needed to get up in the middle of the night.

I asked saraswathy if she wanted to watch tv and she said no she was going to sleep but it wouldn’t bother her if i wanted to. I said no and turned it off. Saraswathy got into bed, said good night and i turned off the light. To be honest with you i never gave a second thought to being in bed with my mother-in -law. I went right to sleep. Sometime during the night i woke up. I was laying on back and saraswathy had her leg on the top of me with her lower thigh resting on my cock which was hard as a rock. Her arm was across my chest and her left breast was resting on my right biceps and her right breast on my chest. I lay there for a minute without moving. I could feel her pussy pressed tightly against my hip. I’ve got to tell you that i could not help being turned on. I laid there for a few minutes more in a very uncomfortable state, then just rolled over on my side thinking if i disturbed her she would turn over away from me. Instead she followed me and put her leg right over my right hip and her arm over my chest. She was holding me so tight i could feel both breasts pressed into my back and her soft, soft pussy jammed up against my thigh. I laid there for what seemed like a eternity. Saraswathy never moved. It was apparent from her slow rhythmic breathing she was in a deep sleep. I tried moving again to see if i could get her to change positions. I rolled over completely, facing her. That did it, she rolled over on her back, but snuggled up and pressed her hip right up against me. All of the sudden she raised her legs and began to struggle with the covers pushing them down with her feet to partially uncover herself. After kicking off the cover, she lay on her back with her right leg bent at the knee and her legs slightly apart. I looked down and saw part of her right breast was exposed because two of the buttons on her nighty had come undone. Her nighty had ridden up to her waist and fully exposed her white panties. The mound of her pussy appeared massive under the tight fabric. I couldn’t help myself. I had been gone from home for over 2 weeks. I my cock was throbbing. I rolled over and placed my leg over hers and my knee right on her soft pussy. She opened her legs further. My cock was pressed tight against her thigh. I began to move my leg ever so slowly in a way that forced my knee to rub her pussy ever so lightly. I placed my hand over her exposed right breast and cupped it ever so slightly, i began to lightly circle her nipple with my index finger and it began to harden. I was more excited than i had been in years, like a kid the first time. After about a minute she let out a small moan. I could have jumped out of my skin. I lay still for a few minutes and started to remove move my leg. When i raised my leg saraswathy turned on her side facing me and put her arm over me. She pulled me close and put her leg over me again. I was right up against her and my left arm was over her with my hand resting on her butt. I stroked her butt softly, then gripped it slightly and pulled her closer to me. My cock was pressed up against her pussy. I pulled back slightly reached down pulled my cock through the opening in my boxers. I pushed it down very slowly to come in contact with the softest spot on her pussy. I lay very still for a minute and then began to move my hips ever so slightly. Saraswathy began to return my movements and her breathing became heavier. I softly rubbed her panty covered butt for a few minutes and then slipped my hand inside the panties and felt the smooth skin of her buttocks. Saraswathy began breathing harder and moving slightly. I moved my hand from her butt to her inner thigh and felt the warmth radiating from her soft smooth skin. I slowly moved my hand up to the softness of her pussy. I slowly touched and caressed the outer panty covered lips. She slipped her other arm under and behind me and pulled me closer and held me tight. I moved my hand up and into the top of her panties sliding my hand down and began fingering her wet pussy. She began moving her hips in time with me. My cock was throbbing, i couldn’t help myself, i reached down and moved her panties aside. She was so wet my cock instantly entered her. I laid there for just a few moments afraid if i moved i would come. In a brief moment of sanity i wondered if she was sleeping or pretending. Surely she couldn’t sleep through this. She began to move ever so slightly. I slowly and gently rolled on top of her. She offered no resistance, and rolled unto her back. I fully penetrated her and began very slow rhythmic movements. She slowly raised both legs into the air and started to move her hips in time with me. The pace of our movements became quicker, we were both making love to each other. She came at least 3 times in the span of about 5 minutes of slow, soothing and very fulfilling sex. When i came, it was like nothing i had ever experienced. I do not know if it was the anticipation, fear, extended forbidden foreplay or just exceptionally good pussy. We both got very still. We laid there in each others arms, neither knowing or sure that the other was awake because not a word had been said. I lay there for what seemed like an eternity holding her. My cock still between her legs. I finally drifted off to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to an empty bed. Saraswathy was in the bathroom. In about 5 minutes saraswathy appeared by my bed with a cup of coffee. She shook me and said it was 11am and we better get moving because check out time was noon. I sat up on the side of the bed and saraswathy told me to go ahead and take a shower. She said she had placed clean clothes in there for me and she would pack up and be ready to go when i was finished. I went to the bathroom, showered, shaved and got dressed. I was more nervous than i’d ever been in my life when i came out of the bathroom. I could see my life going down the tubes because i did something really stupid. Saraswathy was busy packing up and she looked up at me and smiled. She said she had the best nights sleep she’d had in years last night. She was in a very cheerful and happy mood. On the drive back to her home we talked about the fun we had and the quality of the meal. It was as if she had no knowledge of what happened. But, she must surely know. I had dried sperm on my boxers. I came in her, she had to know something happened. Perhaps i had a wet dream. When we arrived at her house she made coffee and served me a cup. She excused herself saying she was going to unpack and put her clothes away. She went down the hallway and into her bedroom. I saw her come back up the hall with a laundry basket, open the laundry room door go in and return to her room empty handed. I got up went down the hall and into the laundry room. On the top of the clothes she placed in the hamper was the pair of panties she wore last night. I picked them up and looked at them. They were full of my dried cum. It was not a wet dream. I left shortly after that to return to work the next morning. Nothing was ever mentioned about last night. When i called madhavi on sunday night she said she had just gotten off the phone with her mother. She said saraswathy sounded better than she had since her father died. Saraswathy informed her she had a lovely time with me at the exhibition and that she had gotten to know me better this weekend than she had in the 20 years we had been married. After 3 months we as a whole family decided started to go to my mil house . After loading the suit cases the trip to my mother-in-laws house for the holidays. Nervous does not even begin to describe my condition. How in the hell do i spend 3 days in the same house with my wife and her mother after what i’ve done. Madhavi didn’t have a clue and saraswathy had not mentioned the incident or even acted any different toward me in the weekly telephone conversations my family and i had with her. I guess guilt is a better way to express what i had felt for the last 3 months. It was a very long 5 hour drive. I was abnormally quite during the trip to the point that madhavi asked twice what was wrong. I told her i wasn’t feeling very good, kind of like i was catching a cold. When we arrived at saraswathy’s home, she came running out of the house and down the driveway to greet us. She hugged and kissed each of us. She acted no differently than she ever had. As the day progressed, i became more at ease. During dinner, madhavi asked her mom if she wanted to do a little early morning last minute shopping with her and the girls. Saraswathy declined saying she had been in the stores almost every day and would rather just relax .i watched television until about 9pm and decided to turn in. Saraswathy gave me some cold medication she said would help me rest. I could not believe how normal she was acting. I went to bed very relieved and feeling like i’d dodged a bullet. Madhavi woke me at 8am the next morning and told me she and the girls were leaving and would be back by noon. She said saraswathy was up and waiting to cook me some breakfast. I got up showered and shaved and wasted as much time as i could in the bathroom. I did not look forward to being alone with my mother-in law. When i entered the kitchen saraswathy was sitting reading the paper. I smelled her perfume the moment i entered the room.

“feeling any better this morning,” saraswathy asked in a cheerful voice.

“yea,” i answered, “just needed a little extra sleep i guess. I poured a cup of coffee and walked around the table and sat on the stool at the end of the table..

What tiffen do u want .”anything ,” i said as she came by me. Saraswathy stopped suddenly and kissed me lightly on the cheek. “i love you” she said and continued around the table. Saraswathy started preparing my breakfast. All the while we make small talk. She put me at ease right away. In the last 24 hours it became clear to me that saraswathy had no intention of discussing the incident in september or acting any differently toward me. I must admit i felt greatly relieved. While i ate saraswathy began cleaning up the kitchen and then settled into washing dishes. I noticed she had her make up on and had done her hair. She was lwearing a heavy pink saree . We continued talking as she finished up my breakfast dishes. She poured a cup of coffee and joined me at the table. As she sat down on the chair she knocked the coffee cup over and it spilled all over the table, the front of her housecoat and onto the floor. She jumped up just as i stood and reached across the table for a towel. I quickly mopped the coffee off the table just as saraswathy returned with more towels. I took the towels from her, moved the table stools and got down on my hands and knees to clean the coffee off the floor. When i completed wiping the floor i got up on one knee just as saraswathy removed the saree. I think saraswathy’s removal of the housecoat was natural reaction to having spilled the coffee. I don’t think she gave a thought to or realized i was in the room at that moment and gave no thought to what she was wearing underneath. She was standing two feet from me, facing away from me and i was at eye level with her butt. She was wearing a short sheer pale yellow night gown and no panties. The contour of her full well rounded buttocks as seen through the thin fabric captured my full attention and i felt my cock respond with a slight twitch and become semi hard instantly. Saraswathy turned facing me, to look down at the floor and my eyes met and were glued to the dark black triangular patch of pubic hair clearly visible through the sheer fabric and less than a foot from my face. I looked up at her and she was looking straight into my eyes. I looked back down and reached around her with both arms placed my hands on her buttocks and pulled her too me. I buried my face in her stomach and hugged her tightly. She placed her arms around my head and returned the hug. My heart raced as i pulled away slightly and kissed the mound of pubic hair through the nightgown. She let out a slow throaty moan as she ground her pussy into my face. I began to rise slowly running my hands up her back pulling the gown up as i went. When i stood fully, i pulled the gown over her head and kissed her lips first softly, then harder more passionately. Our tongues met and it was obvious she was becoming weak in the knees. We moved together to the floor and she lay on her back. I slowly kissed her neck and shoulders making my way to her breasts. I cupped one in each hand and kissed and caressed the nipples until they became swollen and extremely hard. Saraswathy was moaning and slowly arching her back as if she was trying to get closer to me. I continued kissing down her stomach to the dark mound of her pussy and the softest silkiest pubic hair i’d ever felt. She opened her legs wider and lifted her knees. I began to kiss her inner thighs and inserted my middle finger into her wet pussy. Saraswathy came at once with almost convulsion like spasms. She moaned and made guttural sounds but almost in a muted manner as though she was trying to control the sounds. I was about to explode. With my left hand, i unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants in what seemed like one motion. As i started to push my pants down, saraswathy suddenly rose slightly and attempted in almost a panicked manner to help me remove them. Our eyes met momentarily and then our lips locked in a hard excited kiss. It was almost as if my cock was a heat seeking missile because it found its mark on its own. As it entered saraswathy she bent her knees and raised her legs as high possible and came a second time in a flurry of heavy gasps and convulsive movements. She relaxed momentarily almost going limp then began slowly moving her hips in time with mine while at the same time rocking her bent legs to get the maximum out of each stroke. Because we were on a wooden floor there was no give when i reached the end of each thrust of my hips i ground her ass into the floor. I felt the warm glow start deep in my loins, i knew i was coming. I began to fuck her harder and faster. Suddenly saraswathy whispered in my ear, “come with me shailendra, come with me shailendra.” i came with what seemed like an eternity all the while saraswathy thrusting against me and rocking her legs back and forth like a wild woman. I continued to move slowly for a few moments after we came. I really didn’t want it to end. She was so soft and warm. We lay together on the floor for a few minutes. I could feel her warm breath on my neck. I raised my head and looked into her eyes. She smiled a weak little smile.

“shailendra,” she said, “we must never be alone again. I have thought about you constantly since september and its just not right. We must be adult about this, it’s something that happened and though we both enjoyed it very much, we’re playing with fire. We are going to loose everything we hold dear if we continue. We will never speak about this again.”

With that she got to her feet, without allowing me to say a word, gathered her clothes and went to her bedroom. I pulled my pants up and went to the hall bath to freshen up. I didn’t see saraswathy until madhavi and the girls returned from shopping. She came out of her bedroom and acted as if nothing had happened. We had a very nice holiday. Mail me at

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My Daughters TeacherChapter 8

CHAPTER 8 (told from Amy’s view) The rest of the holiday went by with Sam and I only being able to see each other one more time. He told me that when Beth got home from her week with Sara and her family that it was tough to look at her without remembering the pictures that I had showed him. When we did see each other we looked at the pictures again, it turned me on and I could tell that he liked looking at Beth and Sara too. The night before school was to start back up I called Sam and asked...

2 years ago
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Careful What You Wish For

This happened awhile back, it was something that terrified me to my very soul, but also excited me beyond belief!It all began in a chat room. I had signed up to many adult and fetish sites looking to chat to people and maybe to even meet someone. I had chatted to tons of people, most of whom had been just some guys pretending to be females getting off on some dirty chat! Then I started chatting to one particular person, they kept popping up in the IM services and always sent me a message. So I...

1 year ago
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Journey to JanusChapter 9

I put my hands on my head, and Oxy followed suit as I said, “Okay, Sweetheart, take us to the lock-up.” Trix took us through office areas and a hanger to get to the lock-up. It was a much shorter route than the one we had planned to take to avoid populated areas. No one questioned that mercs were escorting prisoners through their office area, hanger and the central courtyard. It took about 15 minutes to get to the lock-up. We stopped at a yellow line at the beginning of a seven-meter hallway...

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Sharing blackLies and Deception The whole begining again

Jasmine Day 1 10:50p.m. (high school) Tuesday Rrrriiiinnnnnggggg!!!! The school bell rung for first lunch and I grabbed my books and left my Chemistry class and headed downstairs to my locker and for my lunch. “Jasmine!” a familiar voice yelled from behind. I turned around to find Tyrell Isaiah Jordan b.k.a. Black a.k.a. Rell, the schools finest line backer. I turned around. “Sup Black?” “I haven’t seen you in a long time, what’s up?” He quizzed. “Yeah I know, and we’ve been going to this...

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Dark Delights

Travelling alone down to London for a big business conference has never been all that much fun for you. Leaving all your friends and family to go and sit in a boardroom with a bunch of other guys - well, who would really think that was fun? The train ride is, as train rides usually are, long and cramped - it is a lot easier than driving from Newcastle however so you decide to put up with it. Hiding behind a book, you pretend not to notice the screaming child next to you or the parents opposite...

3 years ago
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PalimpsestChapter 51 Wedding Day Part 2

Entertainment continued. Roger began the projection segment with an animated portfolio of posters he had created for raves over the years. His software held the image of one poster while he reminisced about the events or explained the poster's idea and then metamorphosed the poster into another. It ended with the newest for Ravenous, a solarized image from the b-movie of a face with mouth dripping with blood, and then three for Marta: the dance class; the exercise class and the wedding. The...

1 year ago
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Julians First Part 2

“I cant believe it happened..AGAIN” I thought to myself. I kept thinking about what had happened today the whole walk home. I came so close.. I was just a push away from losing my virginity but it had to happen. No one was home when I got there. Usually my mom or stepdad would be home when I got here but the house was empty. I didn’t bother turning on anything because I was so pissed. I didn’t realize until I got into my bed that I still had a hard on. I mean even though I was still mad I...

2 years ago
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Daddy Loves Me

I have often fantasized about fucking my daddy. From the age of sixteen I used to hear my dad come home from a night out drunk and hope he would come into my bedroom and fuck me, squirting his daddy cum deep in my pussy. My mum and dad were divorced and I rarely saw my mum. When I heard him come home from a night out I would strip naked and fuck myself with whatever came to hand. When I masturbate I always think about my daddy and his cock.When I left home to go to university I really missed...

3 years ago
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Masters Cumslut Takes Anal

Master is pleased that His slut has been blogging and posting comments but He thinks that perhaps the post have been a little too tame. Master says that from what he sees alot of the people on xhamster are freaky perverts and if this blog is to gain a readership it’s going to have to be dirtier. So here goes. Blog posting day 5 on xhamster, wherein the slut does anal. When the relationship first moved from normal lovers to Master and sub, the whole topic was thoroughly discussed and the rules...

4 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 389

I was totally shocked by how involved I had been with the Irishman. I had to wonder, was it a software change, or was I evolving somehow. It did not matter one bit to me, which it was. The only thing important to me was how wonderful it had felt. I know what a cliche it is. but I had felt really alive during the experience. Maybe I felt that way for the first time, since I died. There I said it. I had died when they took my memories. It was the price I paid for eternal life. It had been so...

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The Act Part 1

Mike was hosting a special show at a private club that backed onto a casino where a small gathering had paid good money to come and watch. He was an illusionist and promised a show like no other. Gemma was with her boyfriend and they had got in on special rate tickets won during a poker game an hour earlier. They sat with the rest of the audience watching as Mike did a few card tricks. For his next act, he asked for a volunteer and looked towards Gemma. As if on cue, a spotlight picked her...

4 years ago
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Another Chance Ch 02

‘To my Hans for all his love and encouragement and editing’ * The next morning, Alicia woke and slowly remembered last night and when she felt Jonathan’s warm arms holding her close to him, relief swept over her and she snuggled against him. She didn’t want to wake him but she wanted to enjoy his closeness as long as she could. She felt his body waking with something hard between her butt cheeks. She just had to see it but it would mean that she would have to get out of Jonathan’s embrace. ...

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First, take a black marker and write nigger owned bbc loving pig slut on her forehead. Second, make a pledge of allegiance to this bbc owned whore to observe very minutely how many times she cums while she is sitting on his black cock, which is long enough, to hit her cervix and poked her uterus many times throughout this video. And third (though this list will continue now for the time being), keep wondering how this tight asian slut takes that long nigger cock all up inside her warm womb......

3 years ago
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Slut Camp

Note: though I do refer to some of the characters as "children," all of the characters in this story are over 18. "Goddammit Sam! Can you stop that!" Paul Archer has had enough. Every time he or his wife Claudia needs to find one of their children, they always wind up walking in on them masturbating. Whether it's Jeremy jerking off into his sock, or Joanna writhing under the covers. It never ends. And it's not just at home either: All four of the Archer children have been sent home from school...

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This is a true story that I need to share and has completely change my sex life. I've been married to my loving husband for 20yrs and have been totally faithful. we have a good sex life and are both in our mid forties, both in good shape we also have a fifteen year old daughter.I like dressing sexy for my husband and love him fingering me until I cum. We have often talked about me getting fuck by someone else and allow it really turns me on I have never had the courage or the intention. My...

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The Darkened Lot

Taking you by the hand as we leave the bar, rushing out through the door and into the parking lot. Leading you behind the building as you skip a few steps behind me. Turning the corner and finding a darkened area, very little traffic and prying eyes I turn you around and kiss your lips deeply and passionately. My hands slide down your back underneath your skirt. Sliding over your ass, squeezing firmly and teasing your skin as our tongues dance with one another. Feeling my finger slide between...

3 years ago
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Wifes Crossdressing Fantasy Part 2

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, or incident is strictly coincidental. Since my wife shared her fantasy with me and made me her bitch, our love life has changed. Now I always have something cute and satiny on, whether it is panties under my boy's clothes, or a silk nighty at night in bed. I love being my wife's bitch and I can never go back to who I was before. When our anniversary came around, a month or so after my initiation to dressing up, my wife announced to me...

1 year ago
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Saved By The Belle

CHAPTER ONE – THE MEETING ‘HERE, KITTY, KITTY! HERE, KITTY, KITTY!’ *Damn Haley’s cat!* I thought to myself as I looked into the tree. I heard the faint cry of a frightened kitten, but I couldn’t see any of the orange furball. My patience was at its end – until I looked over to the stoop where my towheaded daughter sat. She was curled up in a sitting fetal position. Her face was wet with her tears, her chin in her hand, and she was slowly rocking back and fourth. My beautiful, six-year-old...

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After the Exodus the Brave new Beginning part one

After the Exodus, the brave new beginning By: Malissa Madison To my fans and longtime readers, thank you all for joining us in this adventure. This spin off, is the result of some very good questions asked by a few of you, and we want to let you know how things are going back home. Thank you, Malissa and Gang ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dotty and David sat quietly in the separate interview rooms waiting for the interrogations to begin....

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The ProfessorChapter 16 Pool party Nude pizza delivery Deb Startling revelation

Ash and Christy got out of the pool and I couldn’t help but follow the beautiful naked bodies with my eyes. God, they were such sexpots, and for the most part they didn’t even know it. Moreover, as I ogled Christy, I could swear that she’d become more shapely and busty than when I first became familiar with her body six months earlier. I think she was developing before my very eyes. There were new curves there and I thought her breasts were more defined. The two of them got towels, dried off,...

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Interrupted Grindr Ass Fuck

I cruised around Grindr looking for a bottom. I wanted to blow my three day load into someone. At this point, I wasn't going to be picky. I had this guy hit me up. He sent me pictures of his uncut cock and his ass. His cock was small. Maybe 3 inches at the most. He was 5 foot 4 inches tall and about 165 pounds. Small but stocky and he had a cute little bubble butt. He could host and he gave me his address. I arrived and walked in. He was already naked. He walked me back to his room. I undressed...

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Scrolller Handjob

Do you dream at night of getting a handjob from a beautiful woman? Do you also dream about the most vanilla sex? Regardless of what you are into, if you want to cum to looking at pictures of other dudes get jacked off, it’s hard to think of a better place to visit right now than Scrolller.com/Handjob. More than just fucking pictures, the site is what a modern porn picture site should look like.Is that a bold as fuck statement? Hell yeah, it is. But I stand by it. Suck my dick if you don’t like...

Handjob Porn Sites
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1st Visit to FantasyLand 1

FantasyLand 1 - Introduction to FL by SatiSlut - http://slutbucketlist.com--------------------------------------------------------------------------This is the story of my first time in FantasyLand 1 in Tampa. It isn't erotica, this is exactly how it all happened. This is also not a review of FL, as I'm getting to that at a later date. I just wanted to write down my experience going in for everyone to read before I forget how it all went down!I have to say, that I was pretty nervous going in...

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Tutors Luck

The doorbell rang wresting Zach from his daydream. He frowned as he headed to the door, he certainly wasn't expecting anyone on the weekend. He opened the door and was surprised to see Devon, one of his summer students standing there. 'Oh, Devon, he said, what a surprise how can I help you?' Mister Peters, said the boy, I need your help with some problems. He seemed on the verge of tears as Zach stepped back to let him in. Look, I don't have much money to pay you, but I need help. Zach looked...

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SweetheartVideo Jade Baker Karma RX Caught In The Act

Karma RX is working on a project and loses an extremely important file. She calls her secretary Jade Baker in her office and requests the file. Unfortunately, it will take hours to reprint these huge documents. With a few hours to kill, Karma needs to find a way to release her frustration. What’s better then masturbation to fix it? When she slides her fingers gently inside her pussy, the young secretary rushes inside her office interrupting her boss, before she reaches her climax....

3 years ago
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House Fucking Part 2 New Listings

House Fucking- Part 2- New Listings Dedicated to someone I am incredibly smitten with at the moment. Two days later, Hong called informing me of new home listings in my desired neighborhood. After that wonderful showing the first time, how could I not want to see more? I agreed to meet him at his realty office so we could make some new (home) discoveries. It took every bit of restraint on my part not to unzip his pants and suck his cock in the car as he programmed his GPS for the first property...

Straight Sex
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First Time With KathyChapter 8

We waved goodbye, and headed out. Once we were seated in my car, I asked Kathy what she wanted to eat, and, when I heard no reply, I turned to her. Her smile, and the twinkle in her eye, led me to ask the classic Man Question: “What?” “You don’t know, do you?” “Nope, that would be why I asked. What are you hungry for?” Her smile broadened, and she responded, “You. I hunger for your touch, I long to see the googley eyed look on your face when I suck you, and I want to feel you throb on my...

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BOY JOY Sean phones Roxanne. “Hello.” “Hi Roxanne. This is Sean.” “Hi Sean. Waaazzup?” “I have some time before heading out to the ball field.” “People are impressed with your coaching.” “Oh really. Must be beginners luck.” “You’re too modest…. Well, you were before Black’s Beach.” Feeling daring, “I miss you Roxanne. Why don’t you come with us Saturday?” Laughing uncomfortably, “Are you out of your mind!?” “Obviously. I’m not surprised by your reaction. It’s...

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Sex KittenChapter 2

Sunlight was peeking through the drapes when my eyes flew open and I surged to my feet in the middle of the bed. I felt my balls dangling between my thighs as I peered down at a startled young teenager. Even confused she was stunning in repose. "Last night, we made a big mistake," I began, "we've got to move. Now!" We clambered into our dirty clothes, dropped off the key to avoid any extra reason to remember me, and fled westward. "What did we do?" Kristy asked me in a naïve voice...

4 years ago
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This mornings beach adventure

Last night, while my wife was riding my cock on our kitchen sofa, trying to get me to cum, I told her to stop. I had plans for tomorrow. She reluctantly slowed down, about to get up, I was quickly turned her around and pulled her back, sliding into her. I started rubbing her clit while telling her my idea for the next day. She came almost instantly.You see, my wife is quite the exhibitionist, even though she rarely admits it. Add to that, she is gorgeous. I encourage it though, I love showing...

3 years ago
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A Summer With Amber Chapter 5

Introduction: After lunch Amber has some fun with a friend while her father peeps in on their little show. Lunch was spectacular. Amber made chicken quesadillas with Serrano chilies and white cheddar. She said it was something off Food Network and wanted to give it a try. I also found out Ron, her stepdad, never let anyone in the house cook. He said that was why he employed a full time chef. I often thought it would be awesome to have one, which is if I could even afford it. But I enjoyed...

1 year ago
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The internet gets bigger every day, and despite my years of sincere effort, I still have not cataloged all of the sources of carnal entertainment on the web. But, hey, I love it, and I am sure that you do too, so without an unnecessarily long intro, I’ll get into my review of xBree.net.Well, The Design Is Uninspired, HonestlyThe color scheme of this website and how various elements are presented are not the most inspired. The background is a dark grey, and there’s nothing much to say about the...

Asian Porn Sites
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truck stop laypver 3

After I got cleaned up and put on new makeup and got some food the men had me get on the table again with my head hanging off and they started on me again except the other 8 guys were doing me now. My ass had tightened up again and they were surprised I was tight again after taking so much fuckmeat in my ass, but i was loving being gangbanged again. They all took turns in me. One would fuck my ass for a while then move to my mouth so I could taste my ass. They would laugh at how eager I was to...

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