Unexpected free porn video

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Our parents were close friends, and every time they went out together, Cole would come over and stay with me, since my parents never liked leaving me alone, afraid something bad would happen. Ever since I could remember, I had butterflies on my stomach every time I saw him, which never happened when I saw another boy, much less my regular babysitter, Grace Michaels… I really didn’t like her. Until this day I remember the sadness I felt when my mom told me he wouldn’t come over anymore because he was leaving for college. I believe it was the first time my heart broke. I cried a lot, my mom tried everything she could to cheer me up, but nothing worked, my face was constantly red and my eyes blotched. The last time he came over to my house to watch over me was a friday night and it is to this day, my most cherished memory... I shook my head, stopping the memories from surfacing, and putting the baby monitor on the coffee table, I decided to get up to take something cold to drink.

The house was quiet, everyone gone for the day. Passing through the corridor window, that lead from the living room to the kitchen, I couldn't help stopping a little to look at the beautiful day outside, but even though the sun shined, the weather was mildly warm, allowing me to wear my beloved lita boots without burning my feet. I sigh and kept walking. The kitchen was a spacious square room in the back of the house, with big french doors in the back that lead to the backyard where Mrs. Jensen had a beautiful garden. The light poured from the doors and the window on top of the sink, and with the white cabinets and white subway tiles, the space was brightly illuminated, getting the warmth from the rich wood that made the butcher’s island in the middle and the kitchen table positioned in front of the french doors. I reached the double door fridge and opened the door, looking inside for something cold to drink. I found some cans of Coke on the bottom shelf and with a smile I bent lower and grabbed one. The coldness of the drink spreading through my body made me smile.

“Did you know that by bending like that your thong gets completely exposed?” I heard a voice say and turned around fast almost dropping my Coke on the floor with the fright. Cole was beside the kitchen door, leaning against the counter behind with a smirk on his lips. Even now, so many years later, I still felt the butterflies in my stomach just by looking at him. He was even more handsome now, with his blond hair pulled back, his vivid blue eyes shining with interest, his tall lean body covered in jeans and a black t-shirt. Even from a distance I could see his muscles hidden under his shirt.

“I wasn't aware there was someone watching me,” I said trying to act cool and pretend his presence there didn’t affect me, when in reality, I was giddy inside with the fact that he had seen my pink lace thong. I wondered if I could find another excuse to bend over so he would get another peek.

“Actually, I was hoping I would catch you alone,” Cole said, pushing himself away from the counter and walking towards me, stopping in front of me, making me crane my neck back to look up at him. Even with my tall boots, I was still very short compared to him.

“I wanted to talk to you about that last time I stayed with you.” He said locking eyes with me. I felt my eyes wide with surprise. I thought he would never mention that, that he rather pretends it never happened.

The last time Cole stayed with me I remember he had just turned eighteen. Every time he came over, I waited my parents to leave so I would jump on his lap straddling him so I could tickle fight him. It was just an excuse I found for me to get closer to him, to feel his hands touching my body and for me to touch him too. When we got tired, or one of us won, I would climb off and we would watch a movie and eat pizza and then I would go upstairs to go to bed. It was always like this, except for that last friday.

I was in our living room, laying on my stomach in the rug with a pillow watching a movie when Cole got there. I had already put my sleep clothes on, a light blue cotton nightgown with small pink flowers on it, and short sleeves. I was enjoying the movie so much that Cole sat on the couch and just watched with me and after the movie ended, we ordered pizza and just talked about our favorite parts of it. It was a little before my bed time when I told him we had to have our tickle fight since it was already a tradition, and jumped on top of him to play without giving him time to say no. This time however, instead of supporting my body on my knees, I sat down and as we played, I felt something hard poking me between my legs. It felt good, so while I tickled him, I started to grind my body against it. I didn't know what it was at the time, but now I know it was his cock. I got so caught up with the delicious sensation I was feeling that I didn't even realize that Cole had my hands locked in his fist trapping me against his chest. I remember thinking it was the best feeling I've ever felt, and I just wanted more of it, so I kept pressing myself, rubbing against it. I had no idea about what I was doing, I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong, but he knew. I remember watching him closing his eyes and throwing his head back at the same moment he released my wrists and grabbed my hips, pulling me against his lap, making me move faster with his hands. I couldn't help but moan at it, letting he guide me, enjoying the sensations taking control of my body, the feel of his hand holding my hips tight... and then I let out a loud moan, feeling that sensation I felt building inside of me exploded, and I felt so wet between my legs that I thought I had peed myself. Cole on the other hand didn’t stop grinding me against him, going fast and hard, his eyes were half open fixed on me, his mouth slightly opened, low grunts and moans coming from it, until he just pulled me down hard and bit his lips, throwing his head back again.

We were panting on the couch like we had run a marathon, my head was resting on his shoulder, my chest pressed to his, but as soon as his breath came back to normal, Cole pulled me out of his lap and as I stand up, I could see a big wet spot on his sweat pants. He didn’t say much, he only told me I should go to bed right away and that we should pretend that never happened. I remember feeling confused, he sounded mad and ashamed but I thought he was enjoying what we were doing as much as I was. I climbed up the stairs to my bedroom, and as I closed the door behind me, I went to the mirror and lifted my nightgown seeing my cotton white panties completely see through with wetness. I felt really embarrassed thinking again that I had peed myself, so I took my panties off. As I looked close at it, I saw it didn’t seem and it didn’t smell like pee. I was puzzled so I just dropped it on the ground and putting clean panties on I went to bed. It took me a couple of years to understand exactly what we did that day, and when it dawned on me, I couldn't help but smile with the knowledge that we both came that night.

All these memories flashed through my mind in the blink of an eye and I saw in his face that he remembered that night just as well as I did. I sipped my Coke again trying to appear nonchalant, and put it on the counter beside the fridge before turning back to face him, keeping my eyes fixed on his in a challenge way.

“What do you want to talk about?” I asked curious about what he was going to say to me. After what happened that night, I barely saw him. He avoided me for days and then my parents sent me to my grandparents house for the summer. By the time I came back, he had already left for college. I saw him from afar throughout the years, sometimes we exchanged some pleasantries but nothing farther.

“Well, I was wondering if you're still as horny as you were when you were younger,” he said coming closer with a confident smile on his lips. I didn't move or talk, my eyes were wide open, searching for a sign that he was joking, but I didn’t find any. He grabbed a strand of my dark hair tucking it behind my ear.

“Why are you interested?” I asked as soon as I found my voice, and was thankful I didn’t stutter. His eyes seemed to burn and his fingertips were lightly tracing my ear, moving down slowly to my neck, making me shiver.

“I heard there's always a different boy coming out of the basement window, where I assume is now your bedroom, and your clothes...” Cole said looking down at my body, making me look too. I was wearing a high waisted plaid skirt that reached my mid-thigh, a tight black cropped and my beloved boots. Having B cups, I decided not to put a bra on that day and if you looked closely, you could see my pierced nipples through it, especially now that my nipples were getting hard.

“That sounds like a ME problem,” I said and smiled as I watched the tip of my finger slide through his black t-shirt, feeling the hard muscles beneath it. I couldn't help but bit my bottom lip as I looked up into his blue eyes. The thought that his one-year-old son was sleeping upstairs didn't seem enough to stop me doing that, not when I touched myself so many times throughout the years fantasizing about Cole touching me, something I thought it would never happen especially when I heard he had gotten married.

“To me it seems you’re not getting the sexual satisfaction you want… And I can help you with this problem.” he said leaning towards me and capturing my lips with his. I felt my knees go weak underneath me, and afraid I would look pathetic falling down with just a kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck to steady myself and pulled him to me. He throaty moaned and pushed me hard against the fridge door, pressing his body against mine, making me gasp with the intensity of it. Cole took advantage of it and took my lips again, sliding his tongue inside my mouth, entwining it with mine. His right hand closed around my neck, holding me thigh, while his left hand grabbed my hips. I know I should be scared of him choking me, but instead I felt very aroused by it, the cold metal of the fridge pressed against my back was useless to cool down my body heat. His hand started to move up on my body, going under my cropped shirt and taking my boob, squeezing it and making me moan into our kiss. Suddenly he released me and stepped away, leaving me breathless and weak, using the fridge to support my body. I looked at him and saw he was breathing hard, I could see the desire written on his face as he looked at me. Then he laughed, surprising and leaving me puzzled.

“You're still a horny little thing, just like when you were young. I bet you're wet underneath this skirt aren't you?” Cole asked me. I didn't know how I felt hearing those words, if I wanted to lift my skirt and show him how wet I was with just a kiss or if I wanted to slap that confident look out of his face.

“You're a jerk,” I said and with my legs a little steadier, I turned my back to him and grabbed my Coke taking a swig from it, trying to calm my nerves. I didn't hear him move, but as soon as I put the can down on the counter, he was pressing his body against my back, his hand closing around my neck again, forcing my head back towards his body.

“Are you denying it then?” Cole asked with a husky voice close to my ear, grinding his cock against my butt, making me feel his hard on. “Aren't you going to answer me?” He asked, biting my earlobe, making me wetter by the second.

“I’m… I’m wet” I said, forcing the words out, it was hard to breath with his hand holding my neck tightly. He chuckled and released me, moving away again. I turned to him while massaging my neck and watched as he took a chair from the table turning it in my direction and sat down. ‘What the fuck?’ I thought looking at him as leaned his back on the chair, crossing one foot on top of his knee.

“Take off your panties and your top and give them to me,” he said without hesitation, confident I wouldn't deny taking my clothes off for him in his parents kitchen. I hate it that he was right. I went to him slowly and stopped right in front of him, pulling my damp thong down my legs and out, handing it to him. Then I pulled my top up and out, also handing it to him. I was standing right in front of him in only my mini skirt and boots. I could feel my thighs getting wet with my juices as I observed his eyes moving slowly up and down my body, his elbow was on the table with his hand high in a fist, holding my wet thong in it.

“Naughty girl...” Cole said, pinching one of my pierced nipples hard with his other hand, making me moan with the mixture of pain and pleasure. I leaned forward to kiss him but he was faster than me and grabbed my hair pulling my head back. “Such a horny little slut,” he said chuckling, pulling my hair even more, making me close my eyes and cringe with the pain as I held on his leg for support. I felt him move and then I felt his tongue flicking my nipple.

“Cole...” I couldn't help but moan his name as I felt his mouth close around my left pierced nipple and suck it hard, swirling his tongue on it. My pussy was so wet I could feel the juices running down my thighs, making me close them tight, hoping he wouldn’t see it.

He released my nipple with a loud pop, and then moved to the other, his hand still holding my hair tight as he feasted on my nipples, licking, kissing, sucking… I was moaning and biting my bottom lip, my hands holding hard on his leg. He gave a last flick on my left nipple and moved away, releasing my hair, letting it fall down my back.

“I'm feeling thirsty, bring me a Coke,” he asked calmly, like we were just talking about the weather.

“A Coke?” I asked certain I had misunderstood his words.

“Yes, a Coke. I want you to bring me one,” he said and I just rolled my eyes at his little game, and turned around ready to get him a Coke. “No Becky,” Cole said making me stop and turn to him. “I don't want you to walk, I want to see you on your hands and knees crawling to the fridge.” He said looking at me serious, still holding my thong in a tight fist. I must be pretty fucked up, because the next thing I knew I turned towards the fridge and got on my knees, starting to crawl slowly towards the fridge, we'll aware he could see my butt and how wet my pussy was. When I opened the fridge and took his drink, I turned my head to face him.

“I can't crawl and hold your Coke at the same time.”

“Of course you can.” He said nonchalant, like it was the most normal thing in the world to ask a barely clothed girl to bring him a Coke while crawling. I was getting annoyed and at the same time really turned on with all his confidence and detachment from this situation. Still, I took the Coke with my hand trying not to shake it so much as I crawled towards him. I saw him moving and so that he had both his feet on the floor, his legs now open for me to crawl between them. I stopped and kneeled, giving him his Coke. He took the can from my hand and smiled down at me. He took a gulp from it and looked at me again still kneeling between his legs.

“Since you're there, pull my cock out and suck it.” He said without ceremonies, my hands shook a little, moving up his thighs. When I opened his jeans, his cock was hard under his black boxers. I reached in and pulled it out, seeing that he was just like in my fantasies, long, thick and hard. I bit my bottom lip and looked up locking eyes with him as I leaned forward and licked his cock. He gave me a gentle smile and took another sip from his Coke. Now I was getting pissed at him, so I started to lick his cock, swirling my tongue underneath the head. His cock twitched and I looked up and smiled, making sure he was watching me as I took his cock into my mouth. Finally, I saw his expression change from detachment to desire.

“My my, you look beautiful with a cock in your mouth.” I heard him say and feeling pleased, I started to bob my head up and down, swirling my tongue and sucking him. One hand held his cock while the other squeezed his other thigh feeling the hard muscle underneath the jeans as I sucked him.

I saw Cole putting his Coke beside his chair on the floor, and as he moved his hand back up, I felt it closing around my hair, forcing me to accelerate my pace and take more of him into my mouth. He moaned as I got his cock down my throat, and I basked on the pleasure of that sound, knowing I was going to make Cole, the man of all my dirty fantasies, cum with my mouth.

I sucked him harder and faster, feeling he getting close, I was already anticipating his cum filling my mouth, the taste of it, but as soon as my head went up, he pulled me by my hair and I released his cock with a loud pop from my suction.

Cole didn't say a word, he pulled me up by my hair gently this time, and directed my body towards the table where he took me by my waist and sat me on top of it, bending my knees towards my chest and spreading my legs for him.

“I never saw a pussy get this wet before without even being touched.” Cole said sliding the tip of his fingers through my wet lips, making me release a throaty moan and he a chuckle. Keeping eye contact with me he bent his head and licked me. I never been this aroused before so I knew it wouldn’t take long for me to cum. He licked me so well, going up and down, sucking my clit, just to go down again so he could fuck me with his tongue, that I had no strength to keep my body upright on the table, so I end up laying down on his parents kitchen table, squirming and moaning, moving my head sideways, griping one of the corners of it so strongly that my knuckles turned white, while my other hand kept his head against my pussy. As he licked me up, he closed his mouth around my clit and sucked me hard, and that was all it took for me to explode.

“OH COLE!” I screamed too turned on to care about his son sleeping in the house, or the Johnsons, the next-door neighbors. I felt him slide two fingers inside of me, going in and out fast, stretching my orgasm. I bit my lip hard, my body was rising from the table with the intensity of it.

As I felt down, I was panting, my hair was all tangled up around me, my body all covered in sweat. Even opening my eyes required some effort so I could only open them half way. Cole was standing in front of me, licking my cum from his fingers. Our eyes met and he gave me a wolfish smile, sucking one of them into his mouth.

“Your pussy taste delicious, and as much as I would like to eat you again, I think is more than time for us to finish what we started, don't you think?” He asked me, taking my hands and helping me stand up.

I almost fell when my feet touched the ground, luckily Cole held me. I pressed my hands on the table for support and he released me. He removed his black shirt, and then his boots, jeans and boxers. Seeing him strip piece by piece in front of me was like having an unknown childhood dream come true, as weird as that may sound. He sat down on the same chair from before, and looked up at me, making me a sign for me to approach him. And like a bitch in heat, I did.

I stepped between his legs and pulling my head down he kissed me again, making me taste myself on his tongue. His hands moved to my skirt waistband, and soon I felt the zipper being pulled down and the garment slid down my legs hitting the floor. We kept kissing hard, feeling our tongues dueling each other. His hands explored my body, grabbing my ass, then going up to squeeze my boobs, eliciting more moans from me.

I knew what he wanted us to finish. He wanted me to ride him, like I innocently did when I was younger. Biting his bottom lip, I pulled out, and spreading my legs I straddled him, feeling his cock against my wet pussy, hearing a hiss coming out of his mouth from the contact. I leaned forward and kissed his neck.

“This feels so much better than the last time.” I whispered in his ear with a husky voice, rubbing my pussy against his cock and biting his earlobe.

“It will feel even better...” he said letting the words die as he grabbed my hips and lifted me, so I could start sliding down his cock. And he couldn't be righter, feeling his cock stretching me while I looked down into his blue eyes was the best feeling I had in my entire life. He had such a nice cock, he was touching me in all the right places, like we were meant to fuck each other.

“Isn't it better?” Cole asked me, gazing into my eyes as soon as I was completely impaled on his cock. I couldn't form words, my brain was completely useless, so I only nodded and kissed him again.

With his hands griping my hips, he started to move me in a slow rhythm, sliding in and out of me. My hands touched him everywhere, from his neck to his back, then chest and arms. Cole was still like when I was younger, with a lean body and defined muscles, but I never actually thought I would ever see him naked. And now I wasn't just seeing him naked, I was also fucking him.

Our rhythm started to accelerate, and soon enough he had me bouncing up and down his lap. Both of us were moaning, kissing and squeezing each other’s body, getting more frenetic with each move.

I was bouncing fast on top of Cole, feeling my orgasm building but still out of reach. I was loving this, and as much as I wanted to cum I also wanted to prolong our fucking to the maximum. It was almost like a war going inside my head but with each movement I made, my orgasm came closer and without warning it exploded inside of me making me want to scream. This time however, Cole covered my mouth with his and my pleasure scream was muted.

My body was shaking but I could still feel his cock hard inside of me. When I started to come down, he grabbed me and putting me on my feet turned me towards the table and I bent my body over it.

“Now I'm going to fuck your tiny pussy so hard,” Cole said pulling my hair back hard and whispering in my ear. His cock was inside of me with one thrust, and still gripping my hair in a fist, he started to fuck me hard. I had my palms flat on the top of the table, my head was pulled back, and every now and then Cole would spank my ass as he pounded me merciless. My moans grew louder, I've never been fucked this rough before, I knew I was going to cum again, harder than the previous times, the sensation building fast and insistently inside me.

“Do I have to pull out?” Cole asked me with a grunt.

“Inside,” was all I could say with the pleasure talking over my mind and body.

He released my hair and grabbed my hips fucking me fast, and not wanting to make more loud noises I bent my upper body over the table, covering my mouth with the back of my hand stifling some of my loud moans with it. I was close now, my whole body was tight so ready to break and within his next two thrusts I came again writhing on top of the table, my nails scratching the wood, my teeth biting my bottom lip so hard I tasted blood. Cole kept fucking me for what seemed hours but I know it couldn't have been more than a couple of minutes, prolonging my orgasm, my body being overtaken by pleasure waves, one as intense as the previous one.

With a loud animalistic growl, I felt Cole cum inside me, filling my pussy while his thrusts started to slow down. Bending over me, he kissed my back, biting and scratching me with his teeth. We were both breathing hard. After a minute or two he got up pulling his cock out, and I heard a thud. Turning my head back I saw him sitting back on that chair, my favorite chair in the world. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other, exhausted and sexually fulfilled.

“You were right, this was so much better than last time,” I said and couldn't help but giggle. Standing up on my weak legs I turned to him. Cole's hair had fallen on his forehead, his blue eyes bright and a cocky smile on his lips. He reached down and picked his Coke from the floor, taking a large gulp from it. I moved towards him and sat on his lap kissing his neck. I felt one of his hands move to my nape and the other up to my boob, finding my nipple and pinching it eliciting a throaty moan from me.

“I like your pierced nipples.” He said looking down and pulling my nipple seeing it stretch. He pulled my head towards him and kissed me, making me want to fuck him again, not caring that he had a wife and a baby. I pushed him and got up, winking at him as I started to put my clothes back on before I changed my mind. Cole did the same, taking pauses to kiss me.

“I’m keeping this,” He said showing me my panties before sliding them into his pocket. I laughed and kissed him. I went to the bathroom to put myself back together before meeting him in the living room where he was watching something on the tv. As soon as I sat down on the couche we started to make out, the tv forgotten, his hands moving up and down my body, our tongues stroking one another… He was addictive.

Cole stayed at his parents house for five more days. Right the next day we started to go “jogging” together, but the truth is that he would fuck me as soon as we stepped out of the trail in the woods close to our houses. Each time was just as intense as the last one with the adrenaline rushing through our bodies with the danger that we might get caught at any moment by someone walking their dog or going for a walk.

The day he was going home, we fucked for almost an hour in those woods, and I’m pretty sure Mr. Smith, one of our neighbors, saw us when Cole fucked me against a tree, but thankfully Mr. Smith’s is known for being almost blind so I’m sure he had no idea it was us, although he probably knew what we were doing.

I missed Cole, but this time I didn’t cried, I knew we would separate again, we talked about his departure and we both decided it was best to not keep any contact. Still, he took my panties and also my heart with him that day.

At that time I didn't know it, but Cole's marriage wasn't going well. He already wanted to get a divorce but his wife end up getting pregnant so they decided to work on their differences and make their relationship work. It didn’t though, because a couple of months later, he returned to his parents house after he filed for his divorce. I remember clearly the morning I looked out the kitchen window and saw him standing in his mother garden talking to her. I really thought I was dreaming. I got out immediately, my hands were sweating, my knees were shaking and as soon as I got to the low fence that separated our houses, he turned towards me and smiled, melting me right there.

After that morning, Cole and I started to talk and spend time together, trying to get to know each other better, and every day that passed we grew closer, bonding over mutual interests and goals and dreams for the future. I stopped sneaking in boys from my school and started to sneak Cole into my bedroom every night instead. He told me his dad was the one who told him about the boys he saw leaving my house in the morning, but this time, if he saw Cole, he never mentioned to him.

When it was time for me to go to college, he asked transference from his work and we moved in together. At that time we had already told our families that we were dating, pretending that it was something recent so our parents wouldn’t freak out, even though they did it a little because of our age gap. In the end however, they realized there was nothing they could do to prevent us from dating. Three years later, and lots of kinky sex after, we end up getting married.


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I have just gotten off of work and decide to stop for a few drinks at the bar. You are already there and sitting a few seats away. I see you and you wave and say hello. We are both just sitting enjoying our drinks but occasionally glance at one another. There is a seat open next to me and you come and sit down and ask me how I am doing. I tell you I am fine and ask how you have been and what is new with you. We sit and talk and make jokes and steal quick glances at one another looking at each...

Straight Sex
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This story is true, i remember every detail. It illustrates that incest can happen to anyone, without warning under the right circumstances. My name is shailendra. My wife madhavi and i have been married for 8 years. Have 2 children.madhavi is a great wife. Our home life is great and we have never had marital problems. I have never fooled around on her. Why would i, she is a very wonderful wife, mother and lover. I am an software business . In September 2008, i had to go out of station to...

2 years ago
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I had been divorced for about 2 yrs when i meet a slim charming lady.We had been living together for about a yr.She was not aware that I had a plastic fetish so I thought,I hid my garments very well.One night while she was out with freinds I decided to dawn some of my plastic attire.I placed my items on the bed in there proper place like I always did so I could put them on in the right order.I was about to start when I heard the door ,I was naked as a jay bird and soon came face to face with my...

3 years ago
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Twilight surrounds me while I walk home. I decide to go around the back, that way I can take some stuff out of the shed on my way inside. The alley that leads to my gate is long. The cooling evening air speeds my paces. Soon the tapping of my heels is accompanied by other footsteps. I look over my shoulder and notice I am not alone. The man behind me looks familiar, he probably lives nearby. It's an attractive man with a sporty appearance. With his long legs each pace takes him closer to...

2 years ago
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In our society, women are property. They are good only for sex or cooking food and making babies. Oh, women do have different status levels within their gender, but that is dependant on the status of the person to whom they belong. Regardless of the status, though, a woman would never know about weapons, let alone be allowed to touch one. I? I was different. I am the youngest of the twenty children of the Shah. I was the child of his old age, and he doted on me. When I was just a small child,...

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Emily has always been the beat of my heart, her always smiling face keeps me cheered up all the day I spent with her and her said words make me dream about her all the night. The time my mom changed her job and shifted to this new city. I never wanted to leave my hometown but when circumstances put a barrel of chances on your path, you have no other choice. This new city, me and my sister, Allie, never liked and still after one year we are not even willing to adjust in this city. It's been a...

1 year ago
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With two garbage bags hanging heavily from my hands, I walked clumsily out the back door, and down the steps. The weight was balanced, but the effort of keeping them from touching my clothes slowed my walking quite a bit. I turned at the bottom of the steps and headed for the garden shed, planning to at least shield the house from the smell for the next few days, until I could put them out for collection. I didn't see her until I was almost at the shed, though I should have known. Her slim...

4 years ago
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I lived close to the beach and suddenly I decided to shut things down at work. What wouldn't I give to meet my favorite ex-boyfriend!! Well, if wishes were horses... I -or rather we... would have had a good long ride!! As I locked up, I decided to stroll a little on the beach to unwind, before getting to bed. I really needed to cool off!. I was quite exhausted and really needed to get things off my mind. Well, in this frame of mind and downright horny by now, I set out for the walk. As...

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I was really crowded with work and it had been ages since I had taken a break. One more all-nighter at work and I was going to explode! I lived close to the beach and suddenly I decided to shut things down at work. What wouldn't I give to meet my favorite ex-boyfriend!! Well, if wishes were horses... I -or rather we... would have had a good long ride!! As I locked up, I decided to stroll a little on the beach to unwind, before getting to bed. I really needed to cool off!. I was quite...

2 years ago
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Haunted by the Past Ch 16

Diana Richards was barely listening to Ed Hood’s voice drone on about how they could save each other if only she’d walk away from her husband and come to him. She was fighting the waves of nausea that kept washing over her every time the bastard would intimate that he knew they’d be good together if only she’d give him a chance. Suddenly, a feeling of calm settled in the pit of her stomach and there was a prickling sensation on the back of her head. She almost gasped aloud when she heard...

1 year ago
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My Obsession

My Obsession - By Stats Why did it have to happen to me? My crossdressing should never have been a problem to anyone. For years I appeared only in the empty streets and only when it was dark. I would not have gone outside except that I just couldn?t get over the thrill of being a female, feeling the summer breeze on my nyloned legs, being forced to walk in short steps because of my high heels and tight skirt, feeling the jiggling of my false breasts on my chest, having my long...

4 years ago
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Innocence Enslaved part 4 Afterparty

Emily lay still, exhausted. She could feel the prickly fur of the dog that had mounted her, stuck to her soft, smooth skin of her bare body, stuck to the dried saliva, sweat and cum of multiple men. Even now she could feel remnants of the creatures cum slowly leaking from her sore, stretched pussy to mingle with the sperm of her father and uncle dripping down her round buttocks. The pretty young redhead had given up. Just hours ago she had woken, dazed and confused, strapped naked to a...

4 years ago
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Horny men

Mike came in to my apartment yesterday afternoon looking pretty angry. When asked what his problem was, ‘his girl would not let him do her in the ass’ was the answer… I honestly laughed; this dude is 6’5-230lbs (I think, cause he is ripped) and his girl who is Spanish is about 5’2-160lbs (cute sexy chubby girl) and he can’t get her to take it in the ass, well after thinking about it, if he forced her that’s **** right there. Mike sat down rubbing his crotch, “dude go relieve yourself in the...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Jane Wilde Gabbie Carter The Captain8217s Slot

Katie (Gabbie Carter) is curled up miserably on her bed, surrounded by crumpled tissues and food wrappers. She’s been too depressed to go to school for the past few days, but today she has no choice but to go back. She opens her closet door to get her school uniform, but gets upset when she sees her cheerleader outfit, hinting that her depression has something to do with cheerleading. Later that day, after school, Katie spots her schoolmate Maria (Jane Wilde), who is wearing a...

1 year ago
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My mom Amudha Journey to a cheap slut

Hi All. This is Dilip back with another hardcore story. This is a hardcore sex story and has many extreme sexual themes like incest, watersports, scatplay and also bdsm. If you don't enjoy these things, I would say this is not a story for you. I am from India and my English is definitely not as good as the other writers. So all grammar nazis, this is not a story for you. There are also many scenes which people from other countries may find it hard to visualize. If you are fine with everything,...

3 years ago
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Bagman Hunger

Bagman: The Hunger By Wolverine "Alright, she's dead. Wait I'll check her pulse again...Yup, she's dead. Okay, just gonna leave her here and get the fuck outta here. I'm so sorry. And for your little boy too. I can't control her," Mr. Bagman thought as he stared at the corpses of a young woman and her 8 year old boy, both of which he could barely remember why she'd picked them. Their life forces had been drained dry by the thing inside Mr. Bagman's body. She hid behind the minor...

2 years ago
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BBC Supplies what Her White Husband Cant

Sarah is a 23 year old blonde babe. She has D cup breasts, a slim waist and a dynamite ass. Her long legs are world class. She has been married for two years. She married Joey for his money.Her husband, Joey, is a college graduate and makes good money. He is 5ft 8 in tall, 165 lbs and has a 5 inch cock. He loves Sarah with all his heart. She is his first and only woman. He was a virgin when they met. He is all but useless in bed, but she puts up with him He provides with all the money she can...

1 year ago
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Spider Queen Book 8Cast

Cast of characters for the Warlord Series Book 1: The Warlord and the Traitor In order of appearance Name Description Jason Kargo Main Character – at beginning he is 80 yrs old Jeff Cycle riding friend of Jason Tom Cycle riding friend of Jason Charlie Cycle riding friend of Jason Harry Cycle riding friend of Jason Rosie one of Jason’s Rottweiler dogs Sarah Kargo Jason’s wife Lauren Craddock Jason & Sarah’s daughter Chloe Craddock Lauren & Dan’s daughter Chuck Craddock...

2 years ago
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Mummy Chud Gayi Mere Dost Se 8211 Part 2

Dosto mujhe abhi tak yahi lagta tha ki sirf randiya apne tange kholti hai gair mardo ke samne. Mujhe nahi malum tha ki housewives bhi aise apne sex ko satisfy karti hai. Mujhe us time bas yahi lag raha tha, “Kya meri mummy bhi aise kisi ke sath…?” Fir man bhataka ke dusre taraf karta tha taki ye sab mere dimag mein na aaye. Hum logo ne kariban 1:30 ghante sath mein piye aur fir khana hua. Uske bad woh aunty ek dum nashe mein aa gayi thi. Unse theek se chala bhi nahi jaa raha tha. Abhishek ne...

2 years ago
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Pennys Passion And Pleasure CollectionChapter 3

"Diane! Wonderful to see you!" Penny greeted the woman and opened her arms, giving her a gentle hug. "Brian!" Penny reached up and hugged him as well. "Nice to see you again." She asked Diane and Brian to head on into the living room, and fix themselves a drink. She saw Megan and Carol approaching up the walkway. "Hey, girls," she called. Carol and Megan both smiled and waved. Arms hooked together, they ascended the steps, then hugged Penny and slipped inside the living room. Penny...

1 year ago
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My Boyfriends Birthday

Hi everyone, it's Kathy again. It was my boyfriend Dave's birthday in two weeks and I still couldn’t think of the perfect gift to get him! It was driving me crazy! I happen to mention that to one of his good friends Kevin and he told me something Dave had said a while back. He told me it was kind of a secret so he wouldn’t tell me until I practically beat it out of him! He told me Dave would love to have sexy pictures of me in bikinis or lingerie...even of some making love! I almost flipped. I...

1 year ago
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Teacher Ki Chudai Uski Ghar Me

Hey dosto, yeh mera dusre story hai.. Mera pehla story me bataya tha ki me kaise apni classmate ko patta kar choda tha apni ghar le jaa kar.. Ye mera dusra sex hai.. Jaise hi ki me bataya tha mera pehli story me ki me ek handsome gora and slimfit ladka hun.. Mera height 5’10” aur lund 7″ ka hai.. Mujhe ladkion k sath flirt karna air sex karne me baht interest hai.. Me bahut hi kamuk ladka hun.. Sex mera passion hai.. Yeh story mera aj se 2 saal purani hai.. Me 12th ke baad ek govt engineering...

3 years ago
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Her Basement

The animal in the basement was whimpering again. My next-door neighbor kept some sort of animal, I thought perhaps a dog, in her basement. For the last month I would be awakened at odd hours by a whimpering sound coming from there. I hadn't actually seen the dog, but then I worked during the day. I really intended to talk to her about the noise, but I'd never introduced myself and this didn't seem to be the right way to do it. Then my company got bought out by a foreign outfit, and we all...

4 years ago
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Royally Never AfterChapter 11

We walked into the pool. I noticed Mo was on a lounge while Angela was in the water with Roger. I thought that promising. Once in the pool, Angela came up to me while holding Roger’s hand. I thought that very promising. “Jar, I’m taking Roger to church tomorrow. We’ll see you there.” I smiled. “That will work. Jam will meet me there.” We weren’t holding hands but he was standing close. Angela looked at him. “That’s good. He looks like he needs religion.” She smirked. “Yes. It will be good...

2 years ago
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Golden Girls

Being a widow at 26 sucks. My husband, Josh, just had three more months until he would be out of the army and coming home. We were going to wait until then to start our family. With the help of some inheritance, we’d just purchased a beautiful property in southern Alabama. It had almost a hundred acres out in the tall pines, a large pond, a beautiful new house, and best of all, no neighbors. The funeral was in Dallas, his hometown. I stayed with his parents while there. When it was time, his...

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Soviet Escape Plan

The mist hung lazily at dawn, illuminated by the promise of the sun not yet over the horizon. The shadows still giving the guard towers a menacing look on the walls behind them. This felling of subconscious discomfort became second nature to me as well to many others who by no fault of their own ended up on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall. The decaying buildings leading the way to muddy, unpaved streets which led to either more decaying buildings or more guard posts. Many days I...

1 year ago
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Sarah Redux Part Five

Sarah and I had agreed to meet at an old Seaside Inn in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a weekend getaway. All during the week she had been the one expressing how horny she was, and how much she needed some attention. But it was through an act of nature and Sarah’s insatiable curiosity that I was the first to experience the joy and pleasure of an intense orgasm. In blinding, thick, wet fog, at the extreme end of a long seaside jetty, I got to experience one of those moments that becomes a lifetime...

Straight Sex
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If Only In My Dreams

Second Lieutenant Dan Miller paused for a moment as the distant rumble of gunfire caught his ear. After nearly a year spent patrolling the streets of Baghdad, he recognized it as a mixture of M16 and AK fire. Some other patrol was engaged this Christmas Eve. Not his concern, he reminded himself. Not that he didn't hope the distant firefight wouldn't turn out to be a win for the good guys, but his attention needed to be focused right here on the two dismounted infantry squads he was leading...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Cousin Usha

And about this incident, this happened after sex with Ashu. Once I got a vacation from my college. So I decided to stay at my grandmother’s house. As I heard that Ashu was traveling to Singapore with her parents and was there for the next day. So, I planned quickly and left for my grandmother’s house that evening. And at night I reached my grandmother’s place. Firstly, I greeted all my grandparents and aunt. And I was eagerly waiting to see Ashu and try to have sex asap before she leaves. And...

4 years ago
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Interrogated by Torturess Angela

He was led down several sets of stairs and down a long darkened corridor. Two men beside him each holding one of his shoulders and moving him along briskly. His mind raced. He had lost track of how long it had been since the secret police (SP) had burst into his small apartment and accused him of being an underground operative. Was it hours or days his dazed mind wondered.  A lack of sleep and not being able to know the time of day can be a very discomforting thing to the human body. That these...

3 years ago
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Family Home Stay 2

For some reason, spending the day alone with his mother and acting like they were dating gave him a special thrill. He couldn't define it, but he looked forward to it. She was attractive enough and young enough looking to pass for his older girlfriend. His mother had kept herself in good condition by playing tennis, swimming, bicycling, and not eating too much fatty or starchy food. As a matter of fact, she preferred vegetarian meals, and after a while, no one noticed that there wasn't any...

1 year ago
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Paris massage

Your friends said you MUST visit this special Paris massage parlor. They refused to give you any details, but they promised you would not be sorry. The beautiful woman at the front desk of Chez Child checks your reservation and lets you into a small shower room. The room is warm and has bright lights for heating and tanning. You take off your skirt and blouse, and admire yourself in the mirror. Then you take off your heels, nylons, bra and panties. You put all of your clothes in a small...

Group Sex
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BigTitsRoundAsses Gabriela Lopez Gabriela Gets Wet

Gabriela Lopez is so horny! She starts rubbing her pussy on the couch and sucking her big tits. She can hear Peter Green cleaning the dishes. A man who does chores makes her wet. She sneaks up on him and pulls down his pants. Before peter realizes what’s happing She sucking his thick juicy cock. He makes her get up and gets her real wet with the hose. Her breasts are nice and wet and bouncy. After They get right to fucking. Peter gets in her fat dripping pussy. They fuck until He cums all...

1 year ago
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Massage Fantasy Finale

This one is shorter but a lot of fun! When I got to my daughter’s place, I quickly realized that it wasn’t for lunch. She peeked through the peephole then stepped back and opened the door. She was wearing an even briefer, sexier outfit than she wore at the massage parlor. She wore only a bra and very brief panties. I could clearly see her hard nipples through the bra and her pubic hair through her panties. I didn’t have an erection as I walked up to her place because I wasn’t expecting this,...

3 years ago
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A Fresh StartChapter 130 Conventional Wisdom

August 2, 2000 We were sitting in the green room behind the stage at the Union Center. It was the four of us, five if you included Stormy, and she seemed to be getting a kick out of jumping from lap to lap. I was looking forward to spending a night at home with her locked in the laundry room. It wasn’t like I had never had a dog sleep in bed with me, but this idiot critter seemed to prefer sleeping in between Marilyn and me, and under the covers no less! It wasn’t exactly the crazy nights...

2 years ago
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Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy

Wanted Nude Model Shaved Pussy When I was eighteen and a senior in high school I knew exactly what I wanted to be…a photographer, or more specifically a Nude Photographer where I could sell my work to magazines such as Playboy, Penthouse, and the like. I had been accepted to a four-year college for photography, my father had bought me a really good digital camera for Christmas, and I had been taking hundreds of pictures to get better with that camera. They were mostly outdoor...

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The NeverEnding BuffetChapter 2

I debated whether to call her or not. She thought that she had left me no clue as to her identity, but the caller ID on my cell phone said that her name was Jennifer Williams. I decided against contacting her, she was probably very embarrassed at her actions and I may never see her again. I had no doubt though that the memory would last the rest of my life. She called next week, the night before I was due to take my niece Melissa to her doctor's appointment again. "Walter, are you willing...

1 year ago
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I pickup Straight Women Lesbian

My name is Amelia Jones and I'm a lesbian.I've known I was a lesbian ever since I knew what the concept meant. I never had any romantic feelings towards men and only ever had them towards women.I'm a real lesbian though. Not the sort that you see in the stupid movies with the big fingernails and gross heels trying to appeal to men who like the idea of a woman with another woman but only so he can join in. I was always large with thick shoulders and thighs. I played a ton of sports, usually...

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Yasmeen Ki Chudai

Hi Friends mein pakistan karachi ka rehnay wala ho Married Auratain Mery kamzorey hai unki moti moti gand or baray baray tits dekh kar meray muh mein pani ajata hai jub mein shalwar k under sa y hiltey hoe dekha karta tha tub meray muh mein pani ajata tha ab mein apni story ki taraf ata ho yeh mera pehla experience hai jo mein apk sath share kar raha ho umeed karta ho ap logo ko pasand aega mein jis flat mein rehta ho waha zayada tar punjabi speaking rehtay hai Shohar din bhar kaam pay rehtay...

1 year ago
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A drunk chrissmass

I cant believe I did it, i mean , I shouldn't have but yet my drunk black neighbor emptied in my ass last nightIts my fault i did knew they would be back so soon and mom crashed asleep , he was just going to smoke a cigarette nothing morewhen he saw me getting dress like a little bitch in pink going to have fun with my cock toylooking at the small teen neighbor drunk smiling getting in panty and cute night dressall in pink little teen white boy looking like he need the cockhe was tipsy himself...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Thirty Two

Chapter Thirty Two The Trial 1 Burt sat once again on the floor of his cell, his knees up in front of him, his head in his hands. He'd hardly slept. How could he, knowing what was happening to him today and how hopeless it was? Lady Ann was on her way back, at long last, and she would be just in time to witness him being carted off to prison, sentenced to years' imprisonment as a common thief. When he'd heard she was returning it had opened a crack in the certain knowledge...

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BangBus Leana Lovings Losing Her Nerdinity

Leana Lovings was a science girl. She was into Biology and Psychology. Usually she would just study all day but today this white van was driving next to her and the guys inside were charming and really fast with words. Also fast with dropping money. All of a sudden she had the chance to make $500 in 2 seconds. Temptation won. She flashed her tits in public. In no time she was in that van getting naked. And as if it was a science experiment that big dick was in her mouth and she was sucking it....

2 years ago
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Nigerian Nightmare Part 2

By Andy Caulden When fully erect, Samson's cock curved upward and looked far more imposing than Kola's. The curved cock looked as though it could reach the parts of an inner sanctum that no straight cock could; in fact, it gave the impression that if Samson stood bolt upright, a wimp like Kevin would be lifted off the ground with such a monster inside him. 'Open up, white boy,' snapped Samson. 'It's gonna hurt if you don't relax and open up.' Kevin gasped with pain as Samson...

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Centerfold Ch 03

I extracted a promise from him to buy more condoms before I come to see him in New York. We waited until he was home before we decided when that would be, so he could look at his date book. I was glad for the delay for a number of reasons. It gave me plenty of time to schedule my vacation time at work. I don’t make a lot of money as a CNA, but I’ve managed my finances well enough that I could afford a flight to New York, especially if I purchased the tickets a month in advance and stayed at...

1 year ago
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The Life of RyanChapter 25 Volleyball Tournament

Ryan woke up with both his ladies snuggled up on either side of him. After they’d come back up to the house last night, he had gone to bed. Matt had headed to his suite’s bathroom for a shower, and Jenna and Kerri had decided to ambush him there, suck his cock, and fuck him good once more before he went to bed. They thought about ambushing Ryan too and waking him up for sex, but they were truly tired themselves, so they settled for crawling in bed naked with him and going to sleep. However,...

4 years ago
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Grace Is A Scat Girl

Grace eventually realized she wasnt good enough for the young handsome guys at the bars she went to, so she searched online for somewhere popular amongst older men. She spotted a small tavern nearby and decided that tonight she was going to find a fuck no matter what. She had waited long enough. She unfolded an old white vest that she'd owned for years and picked up a black felt tip pen from the drawer next to her. She puzzled for a while over what to write on her slut shirt and decided that...

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Pet Mommy Becoming a Submissive MommySlut

If you are a parent you have probably read, or even own, What to Expect When You Are Expecting and other self-help parenting books. Many have been very useful over the years, as I raised my two children on my own after my husband’s premature death, when Crystal was four and Michael two. The books were helpful when I struggled to deal with my daughter's teenage rebellion phase and they were somewhat helpful as I dealt with my son's coming of age, although truth be told I let my brother help out...


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