Roadside Assistance
- 2 years ago
- 36
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Roadside Prey
by Aspererus [email protected]
She was pinned to the floor, her nipples straining, her sensitive skin stretchingpainfully as I pumped my dick in her ass again and again. She'd stopped screaminga few minutes before and was now only groaning in pain as stuck my cock inher virginal asshole, driving deep, making her feel every inch of my dick insideher.
?That's it whore, how do you like my prick in your ass?? The girl only whinedin pain. Her hands were free and I could see where her nails had dug into thewooden floor as I fucked her. I'd caught her only a couple hours before. I'dpicked her up hitchhiking, it's amazing some of these girls I find and therisks they'll take being out there alone, not that she probably thought itwas a risk I guess, not out in the middle of nowhere, I'm sure she thoughtshe was safe.
You'd think living out in the bush it would be hard to find girls like heraround--tall, long blonde hair, an magnificent lithe body with nice tits--shelooked pure, spoiled, like she'd never done a real days work in her life. I'dwager a guess she was daddy's little girl, probably a college kid totally pamperedout for an adventure on summer break, thinking she'd explore ?gods country? andthe innocence of nature. I suppose I'd find out her story later, after I madeher recount details of every guy that she'd ever let fuck her, perhaps as Icrushed her nipples between the strong teeth of a pliers, that would make hertalk. Encouragement, they always need some kind of encouragement to tell meall their deep dark secrets, I loved making girls tell me their fantasies,however dirty, or buried, in their imaginations...
The girl screamed as I tugged hard on her hair making her lift her upper torsooff the ground, it stretched her newly pierced nipples as I ripped at her scalp.The rings in her breasts were locked to loops that rose from the floor andsealed together, she wasn't going anywhere unless she had a bolt cutter, orwanted to rip off her nipples.
?OH GOD PLEASE STOP!? I pulled harder on her hair making her scream even louderas my cock started to pulse, I was about to blow in her ass.
?That's it cunt, scream for me, make me cum in your ass!? I could hear theslap of flesh as I drove my hips into the girl. I closed my eyes and rememberedthe look on her eyes as I plunged the long skewer through the base of her nippleearlier. I loved the feel of her spittle on my face as the tip of the steeljerked out the opposite side of her tit. I had a steel dog collar closed tightaround her neck making her gasp for breath as I worked the thick ring throughher nipple. The beautiful, desperate, sound of her begging as she struggledfor air still rings through my ears, and when I think about when I did hersecond breast, it was heaven.
?Squeeze that asshole on my cock whore, make me cum you fucking cunt!? I archedthe girl's head back so she was almost looking in my eyes with her head twistedround, her skin was so smooth and pretty, so pampered and pure.
?Oh Fuck Yeah Bitch!? My cock started throbbing as my cum shot into the girl'sass.
?That's it whore, how does that feel?? I rammed my dick deep in her rectummaking her scream as the thick shaft of my cock spread her newly opened holeand my thick, sticky, sperm shot in her body.
I could hear her nails scraping against the floor as I worked my dick sideto side in her ass.
I still remember the look in eyes as I brought the back of my hand againsther face in my truck. She'd climbed in without hesitation and seemed so excitedto talk to somebody. Not till I turned down the dusty dirt path to my placehas she started to scream, and that's when I started slapping the bitch. Itwas easy to tie her up, well, after I caught her. We were a good quarter mileoff the road where nobody could see when she'd bolted out the passenger door,but I'd caught her after a couple hundred yards. She'd tried to go throughthe woods, but it was hopeless. She'd tripped on a log and was trying to scrambleto her feet when I pounced on her. I had my trusty duct tape in hand and hadher tied up in less than a minute. I did her wrists and ankles and broughtthem together in the small of her back, hogtying her. She kept trying to scream,I think hoping somebody would hear her but I didn't have the heart to tellher there wasn't another soul within 5 miles, except maybe the people on thehighway, but they were flying by at 80 mph and couldn't hear a thing. Hell,I'm sure they wouldn't give a damn about the bitch even if they did hear anything.
She'd started begging me after a few minutes, I loved the fear in her eyesbut I didn't want to hear her crap so I just ripped off her top, it was a thincotton thing that shredded easily and I stuffed it in her mouth, it shut thewhore up quickly. Once I had her top off I also got a good look at her tits,she had on a nice lacey white bra that made them seem bigger than they were,but that's all right, even if they weren't huge, they would definitely be funto play with.
I pulled my dick free from the girl's ass, cum was seeping out of her onceuntouched opening, she was crying in pain and humiliation, her nipples pressedagainst the floor keeping the strain off her newly pierced tits.
I smacked the girl on the ass hard but she didn't look up, her face was againstthe floor, her beautiful hair was spread out over the wooden surface.
?You're a pretty good fuck bitch, wait till my friends get over, then we'llhave some real fun.? I slapped her ass again and started upstairs to get adrink, I was sweating like a pig.
It hadn't been too hard to set her up the way I wanted to fuck her, but itwas always hard coming down from the adrenaline high of capturing another girland I was wiped. I guess this one was probably my fifth? Like I said, it'sreally amazing what you can find, even out in the wild. All of them had fitthe same mold, college girls out for a youthful adventure and I guess beingin the wrong place at the wrong time, at least for them, definitely not forme. All but one I'd found hitchhiking, the other had made the mistake of pitchingher tent by the river on my property. I'd been out fishing when I saw her littleencampment, she was sound asleep when I'd opened the zipper, she hardly movedas I fell on top of her. All I did was seal up her sleeping bag and carry herover my shoulder to my place. I didn't even have to bind her, the bag did thetrick for me. She'd begged the whole time I carried her. It makes my dick hardeven now when I think about it. I love when they beg and plead, especiallywhen they pass the point of desperation and you can really tell they're scared.Hell, at that point I even know they're not lying anymore, when they say theywouldn't tell anybody I know it's the truth, not that I'd ever risk puttingtheir honesty to a test. Though I do kind of like the idea of a girl out there,someone who's been raped and tortured by me who keeps it a secret, always tormentedby how I'd fucked her and used her, there's something totally arousing aboutowning that part of a girl mentally, forever. Oh well, like I said, I'd nevertake the chance.
As I chugged down a big glass of ice cold water I thought about calling myfriends and getting them over to play with the girl tonight, but I decidedI wanted her to myself for the evening, I guess I can be selfish that way sometimes,but really, who could blame me?
Usually I waited to take the girls anally later on in my rapes, but tonight,man, there was something about the girl that made me have to take her in theass right away. I loved the way her hips squirmed as I started fingering herlittle puckered opening. I don't think she really believed I was going to fuckher in the ass, she was probably more worried about me sticking my dick inher pussy. I loved the way she screamed, no, wailed, as I forced the head ofmy cock in her ass. I'm not huge I guess, maybe 8?, but I'm pretty thick, italmost hurt forcing my dick in her, but I loved it.
It took all my willpower to keep from cumming immediately. I guess I'm notreally embarrassed about it, but sometimes with the girls the first time Ifuck them, well, I'm so damn excited I blow too soon, but not tonight, I wasable to manage and hold off. Hell, even if I do cum quickly with the girls,it still fucks them up knowing that some guy is raping them, that my spermis filling their belly? I just smile even thinking about it, I love fuckingwith their heads and having control of them.
I could feel my dick starting to tingle, I knew I'd have to fuck the bitchagain soon. I had a bit more water, it tasted so good. I suppose I should findout the girl's name, not that it mattered, she was my slave now, at least tillI got bored.
I could hear her moaning as I started down the stairs. She was kneeling onan unfinished section of plywood that was raised up off the cement floor ofthe basement, kind of like a stage. I'd attached a bunch of eye bolts overthe whole frame, that way I could tie my girls' any way I wanted to. I reallyliked seeing them on their backs' most, legs spread, knees bent back and armsup over their heads ready to be fucked all night long, though I've got to say,seeing this girl kneeling on the wood, arms and legs free and flailing, butstill pinned to the stage by her tits, god it was beautiful. Whenever I decidedto free the whore I was going to have to cut the rings in her breasts, theclasps didn't open up and I'd locked them to her tits so she couldn't breakfree. The rings, binding her with them, I loved the way it left her arms free,it probably made her feel even more desperate, teased with the freedom of herhands, but tits still locked in place securing her completely.
?Please, please, let me go.? The girl kept her chest pinned to the wood torelieve the strain but turned her head towards me. Her beautiful blonde hairwas stringy with sweat and fell in front of her eyes.
?Shut up slut.? I walked slowly toward the wooden riser she was on and satat the edge. Her hips danced and trembled as she looked fearfully at me.
?What's your name whore?? The girl was sobbing, I could see the tears runningdown her cheeks as she big blue eyes stared at me.
?Ma?Ma?Maggie.? She could barely stutter out her own name she was so scared.
?Maggie, I like that name, too bad you'll never hear it again, you're nowjust going to be referred to as slut, or whore, or bitch, or whatever the fuckI feel like calling you.? The girl started crying in earnest, I could see theabject terror in her eyes.
I grabbed for the girl's hair and twisted her face to mine clamping my mouthon hers, I could feel the revulsion in her as I brutally explored her mouthwith my tongue. I loved the sound of her whimpering as I arched her body up,straining her raw, pierced, nipples.
She started crying, almost babbling, as I took my mouth off hers and let goof her hair.
?Let's see how loud I can make you scream!? She was blubbering like a childas I walked to a cabinet across the basement, if she was trying to communicatewith me her words were indecipherable. I pulled a long braided flogger fromamongst my toys. It was quite a cruel object, instead of flat leather tailsthe tips were made up of little lead balls, she would definitely feel it whenthey struck her body, just like I wanted her too.
The girl's disheveled, matted, hair hung in front of her eyes as she lookedup at me, what little make up she had on when I picked her up had streakeddown her cheeks with her tears.
?Please, God please stop this.? My dick was hard again as I moved toward her,the head of my cock bobbing as I almost touched her lips with my prick..
I slapped her hard across the face as she continued to whine.
?Shut the fuck up whore.? I ran the long leather tails of the flogger againsther cheek, she tried to recoil but that only made her yelp as she strainedher pierced nipples.
?Have you ever been whipped or flogged bitch?? The girl didn't respond, sheonly wailed in horror at what was happening to her.
?I said have you ever been whipped bitch?? I slapped her hard across the face,her head jerked in the opposite direction from the blow. She tried to chokeout a response as I raised my hand again.
?N-n-n-n-OOO.? There was nothing better in the world than having a bitch tremblingin fear of everything you did.
?That's good!? She started screaming as I moved behind her, I ran the longleather tails over her ass, the cold lead balls trailed over her skin.
?I want to hear you scream slut!? I swung my arm back, the girl's ass movedfrom side to side as the long leather tails moved through the air. I don'tthink she expected the pain, or the violence, of the first blow.
?OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEE!? My dick spasmed as the girl's body jerked forward. Theheavy lead balls sunk into her skin and the leather made a lovely, glorious,thud as it slapped against her flesh. I loved the way she screamed.
?OH GOD PLEASE STOP!!!!? I brought the thick leather tails back, lifting themhigh over my shoulder then swinging down with a brutal, fast, movement of myarm.
The girl's reaction was instantaneous, her voice cracked she was screamingso hard. I could see the dark red welts on her flesh already, spotting hersmooth, pure, white skin.
?That's it cunt, scream for me!? Her body was shaking violently, her hipsbucked up and down trying to stave off the incredible pain of the flogger.
I brought the whip down again and again on her skin, I could feel the sweaton my brow from beating the girl so hard with the flogger.
Finally, after 5 or 6 blows the girl collapsed on the ground no longer ableto support her own weight with her trembling arms and legs.
?How do you like that bitch!? She was crying desperately, loud sobs came fromdeep inside her body. I tossed the sweat stained flogger down on the wood surfaceof the floor.
?Get on your knees whore, I want to fuck that pussy!? She didn't respond tomy command, the girl just lay on her belly, breasts crushed and ringed beneathher.
?Get the fuck up!? I kicked her in the side, burying my foot in her belly.
?I said get the fuck up slut!? The girl desperately struggled into a kneelingposition, I loved the way the rings in her tits kept her chest low while herass was propped high in air.
?Spread those legs cunt, tell me you want me to fuck your pussy!? She startedscreaming in earnest again as I thrust two fingers in her exposed snatch, shesounded like a wounded animal as I started finger fucking her hard, drivingmy hand as deep in her as I could go.
?That's it slut, this is what you're made for!? My dick was so hard I wasabout to explode. I didn't bother with any kind of gentleness, I bellied upbehind the bitch and rammed my cock to the hilt in her dry pussy.
?Oh God your tight cunt!? The girl was screaming as my thick cock spread herparched labia and penetrated deep in her body.
?No, no, please, god no!? I took hold of the girl's long blonde hair and tuggedher head up, making her arch her neck painfully. I knew her tits were beingpulled hard as I started pounding into her body like a piston.
?Fuck yeah bitch, god your tight!? She was screaming like a banshee, I couldsee her hands balled into fists as her body jerked forward with every violentthrust of my hips against hers.
I pulled hard on her scalp, almost ripping her hair from her head. I twistedher face toward mine as I kept pumping my cock in her pussy.
?This is what you're made for cunt, never forget it!? Tears streaked downher cheeks and fell in large drops on the wooden stage. I was rutting her likea dog, I loved the sound of my skin slapping against hers, I loved the wayshe yelped each time I thrust my cock deep in her pussy.
?I'm going to cum in your pussy slut!?
?No, No, no!!!? She was still screaming when my balls started to convulseand began shooting my thick gelatinous sperm deep in her belly.
?OH MY GOD!!? I'd never felt anything like it, my dick kept spurting and shootingmy cum in her pussy.
?NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!? The girl screamed in pain as I pulled hard on herhair, stretching her newly pierced nipples to the max.
?Squeeze my cock you bitch!? I kept the tension up on her hair, I could almostfeel the follicles pulling out of her scalp.
?That's it whore, use that pussy to make me happy!? I could feel her vaginalmuscles closing on my dick, desperately trying to obey, trying to appease meand stop my brutal rape of her pussy.
I kept pumping my cock in the girl even after I'd spent my load. Her bodywas trembling under mine, pain, humiliation, were all wrapped in one gloriousrape.
My cock was so sensitive as I pulled out of her distended hole, I didn't thinkI could take it. I loved the tenor of her crying, it was music to my ears.
?Please, please let me go, I?I won't tell anybody, please.? I loomed overher tear streaked face.
?I don't think so bitch, you're not going anywhere.? I thrust my cock againsther cheek and rubbed my cum spattered prick against her skin. I grabbed a clumpof hair and wiped my dick clean.
?You're not going anywhere whore!? I smacked my still hard cock against herforehead. I savored the sound of her sobbing, of her crying, I loved everysecond of it, it made me so excited.
I grabbed a chair from against the wall and put it down right in front ofwhere Maggie knelt, I sat down just a few feet away from the whimpering girland started stroking my aching dick.
?Tell me bitch, do you have a boyfriend??
?Oh God, please, let me go, I won't tell anybody, please.? I loved the lookof despair in her eyes, I could see my cum seeping from her twitching pussyas her hips shifted painfully side to side. Dark red welts covered her assand back from where I'd laid the many blows with the flogger.
?I'm sure you've got a boyfriend, you're too not too, I'm sure you use himto get what you want, don't you.? Her whole body was racked with spasms asshe cried.
?Tell me cunt, do you blow him, or let his buddies fuck you for fun.?
?Please, please stop this.? She looked up at me with wide, pleading, eyes,I loved the way her ass stuck up in the air as she tried to keep the strainoff her tits.
?Watch out for the rats bitch tonight.? I got up off the chair.
?No, no, please let me go, please.? I started heading for the stairs.
?You can't leave me like this, please, let me go, I won't tell anybody.? Ididn't even bother to turn around and respond to the girl, I could hear herscreaming as I headed up the stairs. She kept it up until I slammed the doorshut at the top of the passage and then glorious silence.
I sat down on the couch and flipped on the tube. My dick hurt from fuckingthe girl, I'd been at an almost constant state of arousal since I'd capturedher.
I couldn't hear a sound from the basement, not because I thought she'd stoppedscreaming, but because I'd soundproofed it after I'd captured my first girland had my fun with her. I didn't imagine it would be as easy to find a secondgirl(it was), but I wanted to be prepared, so I'd done a lot of work on thebasement after the first girl, not only the soundproofing, but also settingit up just the way I wanted to, my own personal dungeon I guess.
After about a half hour of wasting my brain away in front of the idiot boxI got up and started on dinner. I just made up a pretty simple pasta salad;chicken, onions, tomato's, some cheese and a few peppers, it wasn't much, butit sated my appetite, and I knew Maggie would be able to eat it out of herbowl. I'd bought big stainless steel dog bowls after I'd finished with thesecond girl, I loved watching how humiliated it got my little captured petswhen I forced them to eat out of them.
As soon as I opened the door to the basement I could hear Maggie start screamingagain, begging, pleading for me to let her go. I guess she didn't realize thatit was a pointless gesture to beg me to let her go, it wasn't going to happen,but I wasn't about to tell her though, I loved making them think they stillhad a chance.
I set the bowls down in front of the girl and pushed them under her danglinghair. I'd heaped a generous helping of the pasta salad in one bowl and coolwater in the other.
?Eat up bitch!? I stood over the edge of the stage, Maggie tried to look upat me, the tears ran down her cheeks.
?Aren't you hungry?? She started to move her hands toward the bowl of pasta.
?No cunt, no hands, you're a fucking dog now and you'd better learn to eatlike one.? I put one foot on the riser and caught her hand under my boot, Igently put my weight down on the top of her hand.
?Don't try me whore, I'll crush your hand.? Though she'd been crying all along,with tears streaking down her face, she hadn't made a sound, now, with herhand pinned under my foot, she was sobbing, trying to choke back her whimpering.
?Eat up!? I pulled my boot off her hand, I loved the way her ass bobbed inthe air, such an enticing sight, so sexy, even if she wasn't trying for thateffect.
Maggie tried to eat the pasta out of the bowl just using her mouth, sometimesthe oil lathered noodles slipped out of her lips and onto the floor, but hungryas she was, she ate them nonetheless.
I watched for a good five minutes as Maggie struggled with the salad, thenI walked to my cabinet of toys. I found what I was looking for immediately,it was a long, thick circular rod, it had to be a good 2? in diameter and probably3' long. I'd rounded the tip to look like the head of a cock, and the lengthof the shaft was oiled and rubbed smooth from hours of fucking screaming bitcheswith.
I could see the girl watch me as I moved to her side, and then behind her.I could hear the tenor of her whimpering rise and grow more desperate as shetried to lap up water from the bowl while still paying attention to what Iwas doing. I heard her yelp as I rammed the long wood rod deep in her pussy,I kept pushing it on till the rounded head of the shaft pressed against hercervix, the thick wood spread her labia wide, straining her tight hole.
?How do you like this cunt? Fills you up good, doesn't it?? Maggie was crying,tears ran down her cheeks and dripped into her bowls. I was pumping the shafthard into her pussy, bruising her insides with each deep thrust. I could hearher grunting in pain each time the wood smacked into her cervix driving herto new levels of discomfort and pain.
?Eat up bitch, you'd better fucking get used to it, you should have somethingin your pussy or ass at all times. You're just my fuck whore now, just a bunchof holes for a dick or whatever I want to put in you.? Maggie's body jerkedforward straining her ringed tits as she tried to move away from the brutalpussy pump I was giving her. Again and again I slammed the wooden rod deepin her belly, making sure she'd be aching in the morning, I wanted her to feelit when I had the boys over tomorrow, I wanted her to feel every inch of theircocks in her bruised pussy, I wanted to her to scream as they raped her, fuckingher till she was filled, and covered, with cum.
?Eat up bitch, don't waste anything, you might not get any more if you do.? Thegirl was sobbing out of control, the big wooden pole pounding into her overand over again as she desperately tried to eat.
After a good 10 minutes of fucking her hard I pulled the shaft out of Maggie'sbody, she was crying still, whining miserably as her pussy throbbed I'm sure.
She'd managed to clean the bowl with her pasta salad and drink down most ofthe water. She held her head close to the floor with her butt wiggling sideto side in pain. Her labia were swollen and red, I'm sure her pussy was pulsingand would ache for hours.
I pushed the tip of the shaft against her puckered little anus.
?NOOOOOO, NOOOOOO.? I pushed the wood forward, twisting the rod in my handtrying to work it in her little opening.
?NOOOOOO, PPLLLLLEEEAAASSSSEEEEEE NOOOO!!!? I held the shaft still, it hadbarely spread her cute little opening at all yet.
?Maybe another time slut.? Maggie wailed out in utter degradation, her bodywas shaking like a leaf.
I pulled the wood away from her body, I could see Maggie slump down in uttershame and humiliation. I set the smooth length of wood down on the riser andstarted running my hand over her trembling hips.
I stood up and put the wooden shaft back in the cabinet. I could feel Maggiewatching me, probably wondering how I'd torment her next but it was late andI was looking to head upstairs for the night. I suppose you might wonder howI could leave such a luscious whore alone in the basement when I could makeher suck my cock all night or any of a thousand other things, but I was goingto have plenty of time to play with the girl, to do whatever I wanted to her,plus it was more fun to fuck with her head by leaving her alone downstairsfor the first night.
?I wouldn't want you to make a mess tonight bitch.? I held up the catheterfor her to see. I'm not sure she knew what it was at first, but she startedwhimpering in earnest as I knelt on the floor behind her. As soon as I startedpushing the tube in her piss hole she knew for sure and she started screamingas I forced it deeper in her body.
?Stop, stop!!!? I loved the way she almost hopped off the wood, she was poundingher fists on the floor.
?Please!!!!? Her screams were desperate as I worked the long tube deep inher body.
?Almost there cunt!? I loved the way she squealed, it made my body tinglejust watching her shudder.
I slapped her on the ass when I had the catheter inside her, I set a collectionjar between her spread legs and ran the tube inside.
?That should do you for the night whore.? Maggie slammed her fists on thewood.
?This can't be happening, God, please help me?? She trailed off, totally andcompletely desperate. I just stood back and watched my lovely new pet writheon the floor. I loved the way her hips bobbed as she tried to get used to thecatheter stuffed in her piss hole.
The girl started groaning as I moved back toward her again. She tried to twisther head to see what I was going to do next as I spread the cheeks of her ass.
?I wouldn't want you shitting yourself and making a mess on my floor cunt.? Maggielet out a piercing squeal as I started pushing the pointed tip of the buttplug in her tightly puckered anus. The narrow tip of the plug went in easily,then, as it grew wider and wider the girl started to scream.
?Oh my God, it's too big, stop, please!? I could hear her nails scraping thewood floor. I slapped her ass with my open hand.
?Shut up bitch, you can take it, you've already had my cock inside you.? Iworked the thick plug side to side, pushing it deeper and deeper in her body,spreading her aching sphincter forcing her to take it in.
?NOOOOOOOOO!? The plug slid in her ass with a pop. My dick was hard as I stoodback and watched her ass shifting from the pain of the intrusion.
?Take it out, please!? I started roaring out in laughter as the girl pissedherself, the collection jar started filling as her face flushed with shame.She started sobbing like a child.
?Don't worry bitch, I'll give you an enema in the morning so you won't havethe same problem of shitting yourself, I want you nice and cleaned out whenall my buddies get over here.? Maggie slumped forward with her head on thefloor. She still had her ass propped up in the air wiggling side to side.
?God you're one hot slut.? I couldn't help it, I fell to the floor front ofthe girl on my knees and grabbed for her long mane of hair. She screamed asI arched her head up pulling hard on her tortured tits once again. With hermouth wide open I rammed my cock in between her soft lips, making her gag asI pushed the head of my dick to the back of her throat.
?Make me cum whore!? She tried to push me away with her palms on my thighsbut I held her head firm. I clamped my fingers on her nostrils and pinchedthem shut. My hips were bucking against her face. I could feel her gaspingfor breath as I pounded into her.
?Make me cum bitch, you know how to do it.? She was choking, desperately tryingto get much needed air in her lungs as I used her mouth without mercy. I lovedthe way her mouth convulsed on my cock, I could see the muscles of her backcontracting as I fucked her brutally.
My dick was on fire, I could feel myself throbbing, almost ready to blow.I could feel the saliva dripping off my balls as Maggie desperately tried toaccommodate my prick. I'd let go of her nose for just an instant, letting hersuck in the air through her nostrils for a second, then I pinched off her oxygenonce again. I'm sure her lungs were burning, but I loved the way it felt onmy thrusting dick.
?I'm going to cum!? I pushed her lips down to the base of my cock and heldher head on my dick. Her whole body started to shudder as my cum shot in theback of her throat. I rocked my hips forward, driving my prick to the hiltin her mouth.
?That's it cunt. Swallow it all down you fucking bitch!? I let go of her nostrilsand let her breathe. I could feel my balls still pumping, it almost hurt tocum as I tried to drain my sperm into this girl's gorgeous mouth.
?That's it whore, this is what you're good for.? I held her hair in my hands,almost stroking her long blonde locks. I felt the post orgasmic ease come overme, I couldn't help but moaning in pleasure as Maggie's soft lips encircledmy still hard cock.
As soon as I pulled my prick from her mouth Maggie started coughing and sputtering,a thick wad of cum plopped on the floor and saliva coated her lips and cheeks.The muscles of her back convulsed as she was rocked with a hacking cough. Stringsof sperm hung in glistening lines from her mouth as she tried to recover fromthe fucking.
I let her crouch there for a minute or so, then backhanded her across theface.
?Lick it up bitch, never let my cum leave your mouth.? I slapped her again,she was bawling, her long hair was matted and disheveled.
?I said lick it up bitch!? I was just about to bring my hand against her faceagain when she started lapping the gobs of cum off the wooden floor. I couldsee the utter revulsion she felt in the way she moved. I loved seeing the ringsin her tits tugging against the ones in the floor. My dick was still tingling,aching for more, but it also hurt from fucking the girl so much. I couldn'twait till my friends got over to really work over the bitch, but that was stillto come.
I ran my hand through Maggie's stringy hair. The surface of the floor wasstained with moisture where the girl had licked up my sperm.
?I'll be back in the morning cunt, sleep well.? I lifted her head so she hadto look me in the eyes, tears were streaming down her cheeks, a white frothymixture of cum and saliva was caked around her lips. She didn't talk or beg,only whimpered as I let her head fall forward. I started stroking my cock asI got to my feet and headed upstairs. I was going to have a lot of fun withthis whore, I knew that for sure.
To Be Continued?
Thanks for reading. I always appreciate comments, it's always encouraging,and I love hearing from females who like my work(I need to hear from femaleswho like my work, it drives me on to be honest). Thanks?.aspererus [email protected]
My car died at the light on the way to work today and a guy helped me push it out of the road and into a parking lot. I thanked him and he asked me if I had roadside service. Even though we do have it, I told him we didn't in the hopes that he'd stick around and help me. He was a young country boy who was looking really good. He wasn't real tall but he was built well and really attractive with a great smile. He asked if I'd call a tow truck and I said I'd just call my dad and have him help...
Wife LoversI left my study group and was almost home when the car stalls a couple of house away from my driveway.......I call for roadside assistance and walk home to wait for help to arrive. 30 minutes later my doorbell rings and the emergency guy is there, he is a 6-3 black man built like a football player. He looks at me and asks in a deep voice, are you the lady that called for the car being stalled.......I stare at him and then nod my head and say yes....he asks if that is my car a couple of houses...
This is my first attempt at writing, so be gentle okay? Roadside Assistance By Destiny Max Sheldon was not enjoying his current business trip, he swore again under his breath as he took another sharp turn at much more than a safe speed, he would not have felt any better if he knew how interesting it was about to become. At 21 he was the youngest of his company's salesmen and was therefore given the worst jobs, sometimes he wished that he was one of the female sellers just...
Roadside Attraction By Tyrone Slothop Chapter 1: Exit To Nowhere The Peterbilt cab rolled into the Sunny Serve, over to the diesel section. Another Wal-Mart trailer on its way somewhere else. Betty looked out the window of the caf?. It had been the only truck today and she bet he would not even stop for coffee. She watched Bobby hobble over from the garage bays and talk to the driver. It was broiling hot in the high desert and she could not see the Sierras through the h...
I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the...
FetishI.R.C. Internet Relay Chat?When predator becomes prey.?? drkfetyshnyghts 2009ForewordIRC stands for "Internet Relay Chat". It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can participate in...
“Please, Lisa, please,” begged Shelby, “even a little bit, please tell me.”Lisa laughed then took another sip of her coffee. She looked at Shelby and smiled, enjoying the attention, sexual tension, and the pouty look from her friend.“Why do you want to know so badly?” asked Lisa.Shelby looked around the coffee shop to make sure no-one was close enough to hear. She leaned into Lisa while grabbing her free hand and squeezing it tightly.“Because, while I was watching you two the other night,”...
OutdoorSlave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch Slave Hunters, Slave Preys Ch.? 01 by Nikita and Wolff Synopsis: In a phantasmagorical tale of sexual slavery, a mysterious man and woman, a generic sheik, twin submissives, and even some celebrities, come together in a story exploring submissive and dominant needs.? Just for fun, there are many references and allegories to pop culture.? It is surreal at times but it is not fantasy or a spoof. The story begins with a dance of dominance and submission...
The Jaguar Stalks Her Prey By Nora Page Chapter 1: The Stolen Idea Jon Adkins paced the front of the boardroom with all the confidence of a man on the move. At only 26, Adkins was considered Brunswick's fastest rising young executive. Since graduating Yale at 21, he had taken the marketing firm by storm and the Board of Directors expected very big things from him. At 5'9" with the lean body of a runner, a youthful face, and a bit of a renegade style with hair more befitting...
She knew nothing of bathroom scales, or diets, or why they might exist. It wouldn’t have mattered if she did. In her world, knowledge of that kind had no value. Neither did the words ‘maybe or might be’. Things either were…or were not. She was either, hungry, or not, thirsty, or not–alive or not. Being large for her kind would help her stay alive, the knowledge of being large…would not. She sat in the sun, on the highest outcrop she could find, her eyes roaming the landscape, she was the...
Lacrima picked her way through the rubble and debris of the broken town. Barely a few months before, this had been a bustling stronghold, a last outpost of the dwindling human race. Now it lay decimated, open to the bleak skies like an eviscerated corpse. The half-elf scouted the area alone, checking for signs of life or, more importantly, signs of demonic infestation. Her sharp eyes scanned the ruins of each building intently, the deep green of her irises glittering in the fading light...
As I picked up my morning coffee, I scoped out the place for possible prey. A new cock to suck from a suitable guy was on my breakfast menu. I made eye contact with a good-looking 30-something but quickly realized that he was a former conquest. As he approached to say hello, I raised my hand like a traffic cop and shook my head no. He stopped and retreated, obviously disappointed. I was looking for some fresh meat. However, I was so horny and hungry for cock and hot cum that if nothing new was...
Oral SexTheir names were Jackie, Alice, Rachel, and Michelle. They were ordinary girls, for the most part. But something strange seemed to follow these girls all of their life. None of the four girls could seem to keep their clothes on for long, leading to all sorts of embarrassment at their seemingly inescapable nudity! It seemed that these girls were Fate's Prey, and that's exactly what everyone called them! Jackie was 21, a daring and outgoing girl who wanted to be part of something bigger than...
Hunters & Prey Wilds of Southern Colorado, August 2008. "And then in the strange way things happen, their roles were reversed from that day! The hunted became the huntress. The hunter became the prey! Conquest! Now you know who made the conquest! She, with all her female guile, led him helpless down the aisle. She had finally made a conquest..." "Can we turn that shit off, Bax!" the blond weasel-faced man in the Honda's passenger seat yelled at his friend. Not waiting for an answer,...
He loved bars, especially ones like this that did not have the serenity ruined by a talking picture machine. The atmosphere was so intoxicating, with so much life and emotion. Leaning against the bar, he looked around possessively. It was too bad the selection was not better tonight, but there were some prime looking candidates. He had been coming to this bar for years, but no one ever noticed him. It was a college bar with a very transient population, which made things much easier for him. He...
As she opened back hatch, her skirt rode up a few inches; despite my sense of shame I couldn’t resist checking her out. “While the husband’s away, the cougar will prey, Chapter 1” I’d seen her sometimes in the supermarket, and my Mom had once pointed her out as the wife of one of the directors at the company for which my Dad worked as a storeman. Although I guessed that she was in her late forties or so, I found my admiring gaze drawn to her each time. I was eighteen...
Cheating WifeBesides being charming, intelligent, and devastatingly beautiful, she was built like a brick shit house. She had one of those classic hourglass figures. Big birthing hips, big, beautiful titties, a relatively slender waist in between, and a big, juicy ass. She's the only girl that I ever dated who's butt I sometimes had the irresistible urge to pinch. It was just so perfect. So one summer we went to visit my mother in Pensacola, and we had sex one night in an open lifeguard tower on...
I do a lot of driving for my job, I usually put on anywhere from three to four hundred miles on an average day, just going from place to place. I am a road map quality checker, I make sure that distances and road names are accurate. It’s a great job and I get to meet a lot of people. It was on one of these expeditions that I met Shelly. I had just finished up work around Flagstaff, Arizona and was about thirty miles away. I was driving with the window down, the Beasty Boys were on the Radio...
Ashley noticed them at the stoplight in the truck beside her. Two guys, obviously just getting off work. She probably wouldn’t have noticed them at all, but the passenger had jumped out at the light to check something in the bed of the pickup. This drew her attention and she turned to see the driver looking at her. Both men were mid to late twenties, darkly tanned, and both were shirtless in the sticky ninety-something degree heat of a southern August. She gazed back at him through her dark...
My life sucks. I know you hear that phrase a lot, but sympathize. I lost my job at a private corporation that my father had 50% of his stocks in. He believed that I would have my life set out for me to the day I died. I tried the job, which sat me in a desk with no windows. Just a door to have my boss pop in once in a while. Did I mention I was a wuss? To add to my hellsih life, my boss tried to fool me and succeeded. He sent a gorgeous, steamy, young, hot secretary of his to my office. I...
InterracialWriting sexy stories is such a turn-on for me, I don’t know why I haven’t posted one in such a long time. I was inspired to tell this tale after a someone inquired if I frequent adult stores. My hubby and I love to travel the backroads and explore the less well-traveled parts of the Southeast. During these road trips sometimes we’re the only ones in a diner or a gas station, which can be kinda eerie, but also very arousing for me because with fewer or no witnesses, I am free to do as I please....
I live up in the mountains with my dad about an hour outside of this small town. The town has maybe two hundred people in it. It was spring break and dad had to go out of town for work and I was left alone at home. That is okay. I needed to get some things so I started the old truck and headed to town. I did not have a drivers license but that was okay as there are not any cops and I will be old enough soon. As I made my way down the crappy road I came upon this little BMW on the side of the...
Mac was a married man and his wife was knocked up with their sixth c***d. He loved sex and his wife loved having babies. Her mother had given birth to eighteen k**s and her grandma twenty two. She married Mac as he could afford her all these babies. Mac also loved to fuck. When he was not fucking his wife he was sticking his dick in young Sue. He first saw her when she was walking down a back road and she had on a tight knit shirt hugging a nice full set of tits and short shorts that showed an...
byD E CollierI Pulled over in the rain, to see if the girl standing next to her broken down car, needed help. Checked out her car, and couldn't help checking out the beautiful owner and would be motorist beside it looking flustered. I gave the ailing auto my best imitation of a once over and offered my grim conclusion, "I think you are going to need a tow" and called a tow truck. She was a damsel in a dress, and I had helped solve her distress. She stood 5 foot 4 inches, small perky breasts...
There she was standing at the side of the road, steam billowing from under the hood of her car. Pulling alongside I couldn't help noticing her magnificent brown flowing hair and a gorgeous pair of breasts straining to get out of her loosely buttoned shirt. As I asked if I could offer a ride my eyes kept drifting down to the exposed upper part of her breasts, she smiled with a glint of mischief in her eyes as she asked "a ride to where?". "Anywhere you like" I replied opening the door. As she...
Ashley noticed them at the stoplight in the truck beside her. Two guys, obviously just getting off work. She probably wouldn't have noticed them at all, but the passenger had jumped out at the light to check something in the bed of the pickup. This drew her attention and she turned to see the driver looking at her. Both men were mid to late twenties, darkly tanned, and both were shirtless in the sticky ninety-something degree heat of a southern August. She gazed back at him through her dark...
Group SexPamela’s heart was racing as she made her way along the winding country road that was a major part of her day. As a delivery driver she faced a lot of name calling and discrimination. Being a woman on the road was something a lot of men weren’t comfortable with. She was bombarded with catcalls and dirty comments on a regular basis. It wasn’t that she minded them. It was the fact that they guys were just being mean. The money was good and she needed a job so she kept on driving and did her best...
I got up for wrok the next day, and called Della to hear what arrangements she made to get her car repaired. She answered on the first ring, and said, "I called the mechanic, but I have the keys in my purse, so he can't unlock that was dumb," I laughed and told her I would pick her up and we could meet the tow truck at her car. "Oh...thanks," she said, "I'll be ready."I arrived at her house about thirty minutes later, and she was ready to go. She looked as attractive as the night...
I'm driving down the highway towards some little town in the middle of nowhere. I'm listening to the radio, when a familiar song comes on. Oh the memories that came flooding in my head. The sweet memories of Chuck licking and fucking my pussy, while on the blanket under the stars, next to the lake. I had to pull over to the side of the road, I could feel my pussy getting wet from the thoughts.I started to rub myself all over. My nipples were hard and poking through my undershirt, and my...
While drivin home from visitin the families the car decides to break down after three hours sat in the services had some fun at a gloryhole while waitin wen the recovery man turned up he werent to bad lookin bit skinny anyway once we got the car on back and set off i noticed him lookin at my mrs chest she always wheres low cut tops which show off her ample tits she is 36f any way as we were going he kept starin at her i was rubbin her leg we had bith noticed him so i lifted my hand and pulled...
I was driving through Tennessee on a less than stellar day, a little chilly and misty and just unpleasant, though not totally miserable. The road is a lonely one except on weekends when the tourists are out, and I had not seen a car for miles. As I rounded a curve, pulled off to the side was a rather rough looking old car with the hood up, and two women standing beside it. I pulled over to see if I could help, introducing myself. As it turned out, they were a mother and daughter on their...
I was driving home from the office party; somehow I had taken the wrong turn and ended up going along a small country lane. The car started to cough and splutter. 'Fucking great' I thought… I hadn’t had the car for very long and I could barely afford the petrol let alone the brake down cover. I pulled over into the side of the road and lifted the bonnet. It was a mess. I phoned the number that was on the documents in the glove box and they said they would send someone out as soon as they could....
One night my husband and I were driving home from a wedding reception. When I asked him which way was the best way home, he had me turn onto a road that took us out of town. I knew what he had in mind, so while I was driving I started taking off my panties. He started playing with my already dripping pussy. We found a place to pull over. I slid over to the passenger's side and he got on his knees outside of the car and ate my pussy until I came. Then he put me up on the rear end of the car and...
we are driving down the road and your hand is resting on my lap. you start to rub my inner tight and feel a bulge grow, i smile at you. with a devilish smile on your face you unzip my pants and slide your hand in. my hand leaves the wheel and i rub your neck and slide my hand down the back of your shirt. i fumble with you bra hook and pop it open. you look at me with a now what look and i say" take off your top." you rub my cock a couple time before removing your top. now with your top off you...
Lita had been driving across the country for hours and she was exhausted. All she wanted was a stiff drink and a good night's sleep. She drove a couple more miles before coming across a bar on one side of the road, and a motel on the other. "Perfect!" she said out loud. She pulled into the parking lot, turned off the engine and got out of the car, locking it behind her.As soon as she walked in the bar, Lita noticed two things....great music and nothing but women. She thought, 'A lesbian...
as i was driving home, thinking about malcolm, i saw a car on the side of the road, ahead of me. as i got closer, i saw a very cute black woman standing by the side of the road, looking very irritated. i slowed down & pulled off the road behind her car, then got out & asked her if i could help. she asked if i could give her a ride, because she couldn't get a tow truck 2 come out 4 at least an hour. i told her 2 hop in & she gave me her home address, saying that she would just call...
It was late on a snowy afternoon and I had been out all day, Christmas shopping. I was on my way home when my car slid into the ditch. I tried backing out but it stalled and I could not get it started again. Using my car phone, I called my husband at work and told him what had happened. "Honey, I've got meetings until almost 7 tonight," said Bob. "I'll see if someone else can come get you. Stay put until he gets there, ok?" I shivered in the frosty air. "I will. I'm getting cold...
She was hesitant to begin, but I drew out an account of a happy childhood, academic success, leading to a place at one of Britain’s premier universities to read history, at which she stalled again for a few minutes. “Mum and Dad had wandering feet,” she said eventually. “They’d always loved to travel, and until I left school I went with them. But once I was set to go to Uni they set off on the world tour they’d always wanted...” She sniffed, blew her nose, and wiped her eyes. “D’you remember...
When I woke, she was gone. Oh, not far ... just to the galley. Get up, lazybones! Roll up that bedding, reinstate the table, now you can use the head. The rain had cleared and bright sun was peeking through the cabin windows. A mug of coffee materialised in front of me as, dressed, I slipped into the seating by the table. “Thanks,” I croaked, cleared my throat, “Thank you, Clara.” “Porridge this morning?” “That’ll do nicely.” Neither of us mentioned her sneaking into my bed in the...
Jessica Yeomans was tall, slim, elegant and greying. I found out later that she was in her early seventies, having married late. Alison, her daughter, was an unexpected, though welcome, gift after she married David Yeomans, who was about ten years older. When they arrived at Jenni’s house they were welcomed with warm hugs before being introduced to Clara and myself. Davey was asleep for his afternoon nap. “So ... Rob. How are you liking Eirene?” “A lovely boat and perfect for my current...
Still Clara; Jessica is lovely. She wouldn’t say much about Jenni except that it was through her that she met her husband, Dave. Despite her age, she still worked part-time – she’s a solicitor – even though she didn’t need to, financially. “It’s a distraction,” she said, “and fills some of the hours I would otherwise spend missing Dave.” She was, apparently, fairly wealthy in her own right, daughter of a barrister who was also minor nobility. During the day, when Jessica wasn’t working, we...
Our return to the Ferry was pleasant, though unremarkable. I was very taken with the Norton, though I saw little point in trying to buy a similar machine; Oscar suited me quite well, had an adequate performance, was economical to run, and spares were readily available. Clara had a casserole ready for supper, with new potatoes cooked in their skins. She was quiet, pensive. The food was good, though, and Jessica seemed not to notice how quiet Clara was. She did become more engaged as the...
Just then, I saw a 40-something guy who was far from model quality but was well dressed and seemed clean with a decent build. No obvious bulge or outline in the front of his trousers, so I knew not to expect a monster cock, but a girl could wish. He could have just been completely soft and possibly a grower, not a show-er. As he left the register, I caught up to him at the glass door and “accidentally” bumped into him as we both reached for the bar to open it. He quickly apologized, held the...
” Shut up…if you keep fighting me, you’re gonna get hurt.” I grunted in her ear; my mouth pressing tight against her face. . .She didn’t stop fighting. Instead, somehow she managed to squirm around enough that she actually flipped her body over beneath me. She could see my face now, and I could tell that she recognized me. . .” GET OFF ME.” She managed to scream just before my heavy hand slapped its way back onto her mouth. She tried to bite at it, hoping to just inflict some amount of pain...
He told me, several things. One was that, the group who were raping me are part of some sort; of block gang. “I was now their property.” “They will now fuck the hell out of me, whenever they wanted.” “Don’t for your sake, refuse them.” “But and it is a big but, only they can fuck you or control who does.” “There were perks to being their property.” “Like, if someone hassles you." “They will deal with them swiftly.” “For as long as you are of use to them.” The guard said, to...
I.R.C. Internet Relay Chat “ When predator becomes prey.” © drkfetyshnyghts 2009 Foreword IRC stands for ‘Internet Relay Chat’. It was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. Since starting in Finland, it has been used in over 60 countries around the world. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people meet on Channels (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. There is no restriction to the number of people that can...
Nathan was a pretty gay boy who loved attending to college. School life had been far too stuffy for him and being a bright student, he was far happier being left to his own devices. Unfortunately, his life was about to change dramatically, due to a very cruel twist of fate. The college had been plague by drug problems in recent times and everyone one in authority, was sick and tired of all the hassles. Unbeknown to Nathan, during one of the regular raids someone had offloaded their stash into...
Gay MaleI met Melaine Davis at the local bar and we hit it off instantly. She was charming, intelligent and altogether sexy. Something about her personality was enticing and she was going to be my next prey. After a few drinks and flirting, she suggested we go hack to her place. How could I refuse an offer like that? After walking a few blocks, we entered her apartment and you could say it was because of the drinks that the moment we got through the door, we frantically pulled at each other's clothes...
Straight SexSo, about objectification.. I had a little trip to the state line treating myself to an relatively inexpensive vacation. I wanted to get out and away to find time in femme mode, socialize, indulge and build my confidence. I made the drive down there en femme checked into my hotel, ordered myself room service and kicked my heels off while stretching out on the queen size bed.I took in a long hot bubble bath that I had bought from a boutique in LA. I took extra time in making sure my appearance...
PREDATOR AND PREY It began with the advert in the contact section of one of the more popularfetish magazines. Male submissive, rubber fetishist required by demanding dominatrix. Serious applicants only. Must be healthy and willing to undergo extensive and rigorous training in rubber immersion and submissive slavery. Box 4994 Since an early age this had been his ultimate fantasy. He'd spend endlesshours fantasising about being overpowered by an imperious domina and forcedto serve her. He...
The HunterThe hunter was moving quietly through the woods, searching for signs of deer in the area. He needed this hunt to feed himself for the winter. As he moved, he became quite aware of the sound of something moving in the water. Thinking he might find his prey there drinking, he crept slowly towards the sound. He slowly slipped from tree to tree, moving ever so closer to the sound of splashing water.As he closed on the sound, he saw the forest opening into a sunlit area. He could tell...
Supernaturalall characters are over the age of eighteen years ***ARAN - One Year Ago, Emerin Forest Chapel*** Aran had thought his first day of training under Elaina was a nightmare, but the rest of that first week made it look like a summer evening stroll. Three times Aran had had one foot out the door, ready to run – or limp – back to his old life, but each time he’d stopped himself, if just barely. Elaina’s training was nothing short of brutal. She had him up before the sun every morning, then...
Introduction: A young English woman in her last year of college is recruited along with other young women into a clandestine naval intelligence program that promises technical challenges travel and adventure! But end up seeing and experiencing several heart stopping bound sexual situations that take them to the very edge, and beyond perverse humiliating sex, much more than most women can imagine much less experience in a lifetime! The fact that several are drop dead gorgeous and two of them...
The story is challenging enough, that is, how the whole thing developed. Having not had meaningful sexual intercourse with my wife for some years now, well, I began thinking about HER needs. Perhaps toys and a variety of penises were the answer, however I further thought perhaps something deeper was involved here. What my wife REALLY needed was a man who would fuck her long and deeply…(forget the toys). And this wouldn’t be easy, as she was never with anyone other than myself since...
He was watching her through her window. His cock hardened at the sight of her limp, sleepy body tangled in the bed sheets. She had thrown her nightshirt off in the night, and now she was laid on her stomach, her head turned to the side, her arms bent at either side of her head. The bed sheets covered only her high, firm, bum. Her long, milky legs were splayed out lazily below her. Her window was on the latch, and he could hear her heart beating, pumping the succulent blood throughout her body....
Suddenly I stopped the car. A woman, alone in the middle of the night? Out here in the middle of nowhere? Well, not really nowhere, but at this highway we had to take on our way home from a late visit. She did not seem to be hitchhiking. She just stood there beside the road. Whatever, a woman, alone in the middle of the night at a lonely road in the dark... Driven by my curiosity I stopped the car. A few steps behind her our car stopped. She came to our car. “Can we take you somewhere?”, I...
BDSMThese are stories of a fantastic world. One with sword and shield. One with magic and monsters. One with romance and lust. A world with powerful, fearsome women, who stand up and fight for what they believe in and take what they want. But where shall these stories begin? The War: Lady Millicent, the baroness of the realm, must try to marshal her people's defenses as the land is overwhelmed by invaders. The Colisseum: The barbarian Uta and amazon princess Thera, two women gladiators, fight it...
A group of young twenty-somethings flirt their way past a bouncer, laughing and gossiping. They go into the club as a group, but quickly part ways. As it turns out, this is a bad decision and one unfortunate girl pays dearly for the mistake. Moments later, a man enters the club and spots the group. He keeps an eye on them until he's found the perfect target, and waits even longer for the opportunity he needs. But what happens after he gets the victim alone? [Notes: feel free to add as you like,...