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Jock By Pamela ([email protected]) Let's face it, Jocelyne's parents are idiots. They meant to give him the unisex name "Jocelyn," but ended up giving him the girls name "Jocelyne" because they were too dumb to realize what they were doing. So his whole life people have teased him about it, but it hasn't been too bad because his friends have always just called him Jock for short. As ridiculous as his parents were by giving their son a girl's name, they did an even dumber thing by accidentally sending him to a girl's finishing school when he started ninth grade. Basically, a boarding high school for girls of rich folk who want them to turn out to be polished and fit in comfortably in high society. Not only was Jock freaked out when he arrived the first day of school, but the school was freaked out having a boy student show up. Jock was the only boy in a school of four hundred girls and the only male besides a few of the teachers and the janitorial staff. "Holy Mother of Jesus!" Jock exclaimed to the headmistress, Ms. Adams, when he arrived by bus. His parents had sent him off to school for the year so that they could spend ten months living in an eco-bubble in the Arizona desert with other environmentalists. "My parents thought this was a coed school." "Well, you can't stay," Ms. Adams said. "You can say that again," Jock said. Ms. Adams called Jock's parents and was directed to a prerecorded message saying, "We will be away for 10 months. We are part of an ecological experiment in the Arizona desert living in an eco-bubble and can have no contact with the outside world. In case of an emergency, tough luck!" "So what would happen if you were seriously ill or injured or worse?" "Exactly, my parents are so dumb they didn't even think about that." "Well, I guess we are legally responsible for you. So, we're going to assign you to a room with a private bath and you'll just have to be our one male student. Now, you might think that you're going to be some kind of celebrity around here, but instead, you'll find the opposite. The girls that come to our school are happy to get away from boys. Boys are annoying. Our girls aren't interested in dating or sex while they are on campus. They have plenty of that in the outside world. This school is a sanctuary for them. A wonderful relaxing place to be among like-minded girls. No boys running around having to do something about the tension they have built up in their penises. The girls here want to do something with their lives and become sophisticated and power women of the future. They are going to resent your presence here big time, I'm sorry to say. They will feel like you are sullying a perfect female environment." Ms. Adams was right. Everywhere Jock walked the women glowered at him. Word had spread rapidly through the campus that they were stuck with a guy and even worse a guy who is called Jock. These women do not like jocks and their male chauvinist attitude. The truth of the matter was, however, that Jock was no jock. He was a pretty mild mannered and unathletic boy of fairly slight build who always had been a perfect gentleman toward girls. He respected girls and was mostly very shy around them. *** Two months into the semester Jock was unbelievably lonely. Not one girl had talked to him. They shunned him. They acted like he had leprosy. He was so miserable that he spent many nights alone in his room softly crying. He wanted a friend any friend at all. Just someone to talk to. At meals he ate by himself with the girls keeping their distance from him. In his classes he was invisible to the girls. The teachers seemed neutral about his presence but he was shy about making contact. His first semester at the school he had academic classes like math, English, history, social studies, and for physical education he had swimming. He was also taking a required course, "Women Under the Yoke Of Paternalism," which traced the political and social history of how women have been abused by paternalistic societies for millennia. The course went through umpteen examples of how women have been subjugated, abused, treated like property up to the present day. How many female Mozarts never saw the light of day because men suppressed the education and opportunities of women? Lecture after lecture Jock listened to and felt like he was getting well-deserved kicks in the stomach. He felt guilty and sad that women had been and still are being treated like this. The class made Jock feel embarrassed to be a boy and he could see why his presence in the school was not appreciated. If there was anything he could do about it, he would have leapt at the chance. Still, having sympathy with the plight of girls did not do anything to assuage his loneliness. Jock prayed that he could make it through the first semester without cracking up with depression. If he did that, then he'd have to contend with the Christmas holiday all by himself which made him feel sorry for himself. Then, if he made it to the spring semester, he would have to take a course entitled "Manners and Traditions 101" which the catalogue said was the first course in learning how to comport oneself like a dignified young lady. It led into a sequence of similar required courses in later years. He had no idea how he was supposed to sit in on this course without being tremendously resented by the girls in the room. They would perceive him as making a mockery of the subject matter.. *** On a day in early November when Jock was feeling especially low, two of his teachers, Mr. Ferguson and Ms. Upswitch saw how sad and lonely Jock was, and they stopped him in the corridor. "Look, Jocelyne," Mr. Ferguson said, "Ms. Upswitch and I were thinking about your situation here and we agree that the only way you're not going to be miserable, is if you can try to fit in with the girls at the school." "I would love to fit in with them. I've been trying. But they are always mean to me and ignore me or scowl at me." "You've got to try a completely new tactic." "What could that be?" Ms. Upswitch said, "We'll give you one hint and that's all we're going to say for obvious reasons." "Yes, just a nudge in the right direction is what we can give you, but after that it's all up to you and you never heard this from us." Intrigued, Jock said, "What's the hint?" "Room 010A in the basement of the main residence hall, is the Lost and Found. It's never locked." "That's the hint?" "Have a good day, Jocelyne," the teachers said and left him standing there. Jock was utterly confused by this message. What in the world did they mean? He decided that that evening after dinner he would go and pay a visit to the room and see what they might be talking about. *** When Jock entered the Lost and Found, he turned on the light and looked around. Very neatly arrayed around the room were different categories of things that must have been lost by girls who went to the school. Aside from some books and umbrellas and things like that, was a large section devoted to various clothing. He saw a shelf of bras and one of panties. There was a rack containing skirts of the school uniform, white blouses, but also some dresses. There were shoes and bathing suits. The girls in the school had a standard, pink, one-piece bathing suit that they all wore to the pool. He wore his black bathing trunks and invariably swam by himself in a far corner of the pool. "Okay," Jock said to himself. "What in the world is there in this room which is going to help me?" He thought about what the teachers had said. They said he had to try and fit in. How could he fit in? He looked through the various books that were there. And then saw that there were some lamps and some posters. Should he put up a poster of Vin Diesel to make the girls think he fit in? Baffled, Jock turned off the light and went back to his room. That wasn't a useful idea, after all. Jock often did his best thinking in the morning, and the moment he opened his eyes the next day it occurred to him that, in fact, he had a swim class that day and maybe what the teachers were telling him was that if he wore one of the official school bathing suits he would fit in! That must be what they were thinking of. Of course! Up to this point he's been wearing a different bathing suit than the girls so of course they don't see him as being one of themselves. He got up and excitedly went back to the lost and found and took a look at the bathing suits. There were about five of them there, all in pretty good condition. He checked sizes and held them up to himself to see if one might fit. Luckily, there was one that definitely looked to be right for him. He took the suit and went back to his room and prepared himself for the day. *** Swim class was at two in the afternoon and Jock spent the morning and lunch fretting and worrying about what might happen when he showed up wearing a girls bathing suit. No matter what he thought might happen, every one of his guesses always ended up at the same realization: if you have nothing, then you have nothing to lose. So what if the girls got mad at him or laughed at him. That was better than he had now, which was resentment and scowls. He was desperate. He had to do something or he would go crazy. The swimming teacher had found a separate room where Jock had been changing into his bathing trunks. Now, alone in the room, he stripped naked and held up the pink bathing suit. He could see that there was sort of a padded area for the breasts that went in front. He stepped his legs into the bathing suit and pulled it up until it covered his butt and pulled into his crotch. It was snug in a nice way and seemed to show off his small round ass. He pulled the suit higher over his torso and put his arms through the shoulder straps. It was kind of elastic and fit him snugly without being uncomfortable. There was a small mirror in the room and he looked at himself in it. It seemed a bit obvious that the suit was waiting for a real pair of breasts to fill it out, but on the whole it fit him nicely. He made sure to tuck his penis as far back as it would go so as to remove any bulge that might be there. God forbid if the girls could see his penis popping up. That would make them madder than hell. It was something that could not happen in his usual bathing suit. Jock continued to gaze at his reflection and came to the conclusion that the bathing suit did sort of make him look like a girl. Helping the image was his hair that had grown very long since he had been at the school. It went down his back as far as that of many of the girls. If he styled it a bit differently so it looked like the kind of hairdo that girls wore, then he'd almost definitely look like a girl and hence fit in beautifully among the students of the school. There was a small beauty shop on campus that opened up two days a week for the girls to have their hair cut. Jock decided that he would make an appointment. In the meantime, the mirror told him that he looked like a kind of flat chested girl. Fairly feminine and graceful since Jock did not have an athlete's body by any measure. His relatively thin arms and light bone structure made him lean to the delicate side of men. He was no caveman, not by any measure. Terrified of what might happen Jock stepped out of the room and headed toward the pool. He could imagine that the girls might get violently angry at him thinking that he was a usurper. A man moving into their female territory. But that is not at all what happened. Instead, the moment Jock stepped into the large indoor room containing the pool, all conversation came to a halt. All the girls stared at him. Twenty- five girls and Ms. Woodcock the instructor. Self-conscious, Jock walked in tiny steps like he might be a Geisha and stood nervously on the far corner of the pool where he normally swam so as to stay away from the girls. In a booming voice that reverberated in the large room, Ms. Woodcock said, "Come here Jocelyne." Jock walked over and stood in front of the class. His eyes glanced at the faces of the assembled girls. He did not see the same degree of hostility as he normally saw. "Jocelyne, I see that you're now wearing the official school bathing suit." "Yes, ma'am." "It fits you well." "Thank-you, Ms. Woodcock." "I want you to participate in the water aerobics and water ballet." Jock was expecting that the girls would vocalize their unhappiness at having him join then for the first time, but they seemed to not mind him. He started to take a position on the end of the last row of girls, but Ms. Woodcock said, "Jocelyne, I want you right in the middle so you can pick up the steps from the other girls. Imitate what they do until you know the steps and then you don't have to look at them anymore." It was a little weird at first being addressed by Ms. Woodcock as if he were a girl like the others, but he supposed that by wearing a girl's bathing suit he was inviting himself to be referred to as a girl. Ms. Woodcock led the girls in a series of aerobic exercises as they stood in the pool. The movements were uncomplicated and Jock had an easy enough time following along. In past classes he had watched from afar and so the movements were somewhat familiar to him. After the aerobics they began doing water ballet and the movements became more complicated and Jock had to imitate what the girls in front of him were doing. As he did so, Ms. Woodcock called out, "Good, Jocelyne," or "Jocelyne, more gracefully. Let your inner girl out. Move your arms gracefully. You have girl arms so allow them to be girl arms. Yes, Jocelyne. That's better. In this dance all the girls are feeling pretty as they get ready for a big date. Good girls, you're all doing so well." Midway through the dance, it started clicking for Jock and he felt at ease moving his arms and taking steps like the others. For the first time since he had arrived at the school he felt that at least to a tiny extent he was part of it. He wasn't an outsider looking in. He was just one of the girls in the pool wearing the official pink girls one-piece suit during his swim class. Maybe I'm beginning to fit in. Maybe if I keep on going like this I might make a friend. It would be so delightful to have someone to talk to. *** News spread rapidly through the school that Jock had worn a girl's bathing suit to swim class. Now instead of glowers when he walked through the campus, he saw a lot of girls showing a flash of amusement when he walked by. Ultimately, he had to admit to himself that this was a lot better than the way it had been. He now had to look forward to his appointment in the hair salon and see what the effect of that might be. *** A woman named Carmelita, who worked in a shop in the nearest town when she wasn't working at the school was present to cut Jock's hair when he showed up. "You've got beautiful long hair," she said. "I should cut it off?" "No, no, no!" Jock said in a panic. "Please don't. I'm hoping that you can style my hair like that of a girl. I want to look like the typical girl who goes to the school." "Sure, that's easy to do with such pretty hair. I'll make you as pretty as any of the other girls." Carmelita washed his hair and then studied it for a minute. "Since it's so long, I'm going to give it some short, medium, and long layers throughout. That'll give your hair movement, making it easier to style. When I'm done I'll show you how you can make some really nice braids or buns, or shaggy ponytails, and faux bobs or fake bangs out of it." "Thank you." What she had described seemed terribly exciting. He would have various options in how he looked so he could try them all until he found one that was really himself. When Carmelita was done, Jock looked in the mirror and was blown out by what he saw. She had definitely femininized his appearance so that he would fit in more with the girls than he had before. "I love the look, Carmelita. You've done a wonderful job." Carmelita went on to show Jock how to do various modifications to his hair like she had mentioned. When she was done and he was leaving, she said, "You know that with a little make-up you could be even more of a girl. It would fit in with your hair." "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." *** Jock went back to the Lost and Found and got himself a swim cap that he had seen near the bathing suits. Carmelita had told him that it would be a good idea to wear a swim cap so as to keep his hair out of the chlorinated water. "You have to learn to be gentle with your hair. You don't have to shampoo it every day. Keep it brushed and neat." At his next swim class Jock noticed that a goodly number of the girls wore swim caps and he put his on when he entered the pool. Ms. Woodcock once again had him take a spot in the center of the girls. When they got to the water ballet part of the hour, Ms. Woodcock said, "Now we'll practice our pas de deux. Jocelyne, I want you to pair with Marilyn. Is that OK Marilyn?" Up to now, Marilyn had been paired with Ms. Woodcock when they had been doing this routine. "Okay, Ms. Woodcock." Marilyn was a couple of inches taller and somewhat larger boned than Jock besides having one of the largest busts in the class. Jock had always been somewhat intimidated by her and was sure she could floor him if she wanted to. For the partner dance one of the girls took the "boy" role and one the "girl" role. The former had to use the buoyancy of the water to help lift up their partner who was to glide along through the water raising their arms and then land and do a turn while being guided. Marilyn said to Jock, "I'll take the boy role." "Of course," Jock said. He was sure that even with the help of the water there was no way he could lift Marilyn. Ms. Woodcock put on some music and demonstrated the steps. It was fun and the girls loved it. Jock felt happier than at any other time since he had been at the school. He looked at the girls around himself and he felt like he was no different than they were. They were all enjoying the balletic movements and when it came time for Marilyn to lift Jock up he concentrated on relaxing and letting her guide him through the pool while extending his arms. "That's it Jocelyne!" he heard Ms. Woodcock say, "Very pretty arm position. Good, keep it up. All you girls are looking so graceful. Very, very pretty." The more Ms. Woodcock flattered the class and singled out Jock for special praise, the happier he felt and the more he wanted to excel and get her approval. *** Even though it was in the context of the class, Jock realized that Marilyn was the first girl at the school that had talked to him. This was progress and he wondered what more he could do to fit in. Now that he felt the ice was melting a bit, it was in some ways even more painful to be isolated from the girls. He needed to come up with another step forward. A few days later would be the weekend so that there were no classes. These days had been hardest for Jock since he had arrived. The hours stretched and stretched without anyone to see or talk to. It was when he became most depressed. It occurred to him to revisit the Lost and Found and see if it gave him any more ideas for what he could do to get the girls to show some interest in being his friend. He looked around the room and then fixated on the few green tartan skirts that were being held in a rack on hangers. The school uniform that the girls all wore consisted of the skirt together with a white blouse. Some girls wore stockings and some wore white socks. Thus far, Jock had been wearing his jeans to classes and invariably was in the back of the room by himself looking entirely different than the girls, who were all wearing school uniforms. This was definitely the 800-pound gorilla in the room. He had to look like the girls by wearing the school uniform if he was going to fit in. This meant that Jock would have to wear a skirt around the school. Once he did that, he would have crossed a line. Boys who wore skirts were telling the world that they wanted to be girls, even more so than wearing a girls bathing suit which in some ways was like the leotards that men wore. Looking at the skirts on the rack, Jock held them up to his waist one by one until he found one that seemed like it would fit him. Then he went through the white blouses and found one that also appeared to be his size. He took the skirt and blouse and went to his room and tried them on. It was strange to see himself wearing a skirt, but he thought that he looked pretty decent in it. What wasn't right was the blouse. He was totally flat chested which seemed to make him look a bit like a boy wearing a girl's blouse. The problem was clearly that he should be wearing a bra. If he had on a bra he could definitely make the blouse seem a lot more feminine. Jock went back to the Lost and Found and examined the bras. There were a couple of dozen of them and he wondered about how girls lost their bras. Maybe when they did the laundry? He had no idea. Jock knew enough about bras that he had to narrow his search of bras to just those with a 34 bandwidth. He had measured himself and found that if he were to wear a bra it would be size 34. The cup size wasn't too important at this point. Searching through the bras, Jock found eight bras that were 34. It was one of the most common sizes in the collection. It must mean that many of the girls in the school had the same bandwidth as himself. The eight bras had two that were A cup, three were B cup, two were C cup and one was D cup. A couple of the bras, one A cup and one of the C cup seemed kind of worn and faded. The other six were in very good condition. A couple seemed almost new. Putting aside the worn bras, Jock contemplated which of the remaining six he ought to consider. He looked them over. Two were white, two were pink, one was blue and one was black. The white bras were A and C cup, both pink bras were B cups, the blue bra was B cup and the D bra was black. About half of the bras had lace on them and were more feminine looking. It would be impossible to decide from just looking at them which one he should wear. He would have to try on the six bras and go for the most comfortable ones. Before he left the room Jock decided that if he was going to wear a skirt then he ought to wear panties. If one of the girls were to see up inside his skirt and saw his boys underwear, they might get angry at him and think that he's just playing a game with them. No, he either went whole hog into dressing like one of the girls or else he didn't do it. He looked through the fairly extensive panty collection and picked out four that seemed about right for him. He could always go back some other day to try others on if he had to. He would also need socks or stockings and he went through those and picked out two pairs of short socks, two pairs of knee-high socks and some pantyhose. He held up each of the pantyhose and saw that there were no runs or tears in them. He tried on the various shoes that were there and found two pairs that fit him pretty well. One was flats and the other had some small heels on them. Finally, he saw a couple of purses and he took a simple black purse. All the girls seemed to carry pocketbooks and he figured that he ought to do the same. Back in his room, Jock took off his clothes and examined the four panties he had brought with him. He tried them on, one after another. He had a mirror to help him decide which ones are best. One of the four was a black pair that seemed too big on him. A white one was a bit small on him, though he liked the style of it. The other two, one white and one pink fit him very well. Both of these had lace on them and were about the size of a bikini bottom. He'd have both of these to wear and would return the other two. Trying on the bras was a bigger challenge for Jock since at first he had some trouble figuring out how to put them on. But it turned out to not be that complicated once he understood the layout of the clips in the back. Since he had decided to wear the white panties he thought he'd try on the white bras first. He picked up one of them and put it on. The fact that there were three rows of hooks in the back was somewhat confusing. Which one was he supposed to use? It was a question of how tight around his torso he wanted the bra. It seemed to him that tighter was better since then the bra would sit a bit higher up on his chest where his nipples were. When he had it on he thought that the bra looked pretty good on him as far as that goes. His one issue was that he thought that the material of the cups, which was kind of lacy, could stand to be pushed out a bit. He would need breasts to do that unless he stuffed something in the cups. The next white bra he tried on he realized had cups with a layer of foam in them so that it gave him a slight bust just by putting the bra on. This must be what they call a padded bra, he thought. He imagined the girl in the school who had lost the bra. She probably wanted to appear to have larger breasts. That was a problem that he shared with her. The padded bra he was wearing was quite comfortable. It was interesting that the cups were smooth fabric, while the band part that ran around to his back was lacy. This bra was definitely a good candidate bra to wear today since it would show up as a slight pair of breasts under his white blouse and the girls would realize that he was really trying to make a good impression. Jock tried on the remaining four bras that he had selected. The black D cup bra was particularly interesting since the cups really wanted a lot of breast in them. Wouldn't it be amazing to have such large breasts that they filled up these cups? He could see why girls were different than boys by the fact that they had this understanding that they had to put their breasts into a bra, usually every day. It was a thought process that boys certainly never had, but it was one that he'd have to have once he began wearing bras every day. So he needed to give some thought as to what size breast should be his size. Then, once he figured out what size breasts he wanted to have, he'd have to get bras that held breasts of that size. Anyway, for the moment he'd wear the padded bra and hope that gave him a nice enough look that the girls would accept him as fitting in with themselves. While Jock was intrigued by the panty hose, he thought it best for now to wear the knee-high socks like many of the other girls wore. Now dressed in white panties, the padded white bra, white knee-high socks he put on the skirt and blouse and stepped into the flat penny-loafer shoes. With his marvelous haircut the image in his mirror was of a sort of pretty-looking girl. He especially thought that the padded bra which could be faintly seen through his blouse gave him the right girlish look that made the whole outfit work well. By his cute skirt, his girlish top and his girl-styled hair, Jock felt that he now had a good chance of being seen as fitting in with the girls. It was now almost dinner time and Jock decided that he'd use this occasion to make his first entrance into the life of the school dressed in the school uniform. It was a far more daring move than he had done in swim class and he was sick to his stomach with worry. Dinner started promptly at six PM, which was in five minutes, so he left his room and headed down to the cafeteria. It would not be an exaggeration to say that he was jumpy. The few girls that he encountered on his way did not seem to be paying attention to him. He wondered if he looked so much like a girl that they hadn't thought to take a close look at him. As in swim class, the moment Jock entered the cafeteria a wave of hushed voices passed through the hall until one could hear a pin drop. Four hundred girls had their eyes focused on him. They seemed to be so stunned by the prospect of seeing Jock dressed like themselves in a tartan skirt and white blouse that they didn't know what to say or think. Jock entered the line to get his food, and conversation started up again in the hall with seemingly 400 girls talking at once. No doubt they were trying to process the fact that Jock was pretending to be a girl. When Jock was leaving the line with a tray containing his dinner, he was going to head to the isolated table he normally ate at when he saw Marilyn waving at him and pointing to a seat at her table. Not wanting to cause any upset and also excited that finally someone seemed to be willing to communicate with him, Jock went over to Marilyn's table. She said, "Sit down," and pointed to the chair across from her. The table held four and eating with Marilyn were two other girls. "This is Katie and Janet." Katie, sitting next to Marilyn, was very much like her, though blonde. She was as tall as Marilyn, as well developed and also seemingly as solidly built. Jock imagined that none of the girls in the school screwed around with either Marilyn or Katie. In contrast, Janet was diminutive, having a height and weight similar to that of himself, and with a similar light bone structure. "Hi Katie. Hi Janet," Jock said feeling elated by actually having girls to talk to. "I can't thank you enough for inviting me to eat with you," Jock said. "Jocelyne is in my swim class," Marilyn said to the two girls. "We were doing water ballet together. She's a pretty good dancer." "She's exaggerating," Jock said, "but I really did enjoy it, especially the pas de deux where I got to sail along in the water when Marilyn hoisted me up." Janet laughed, "I did that same class with Katie and she was my partner who lifted me up." "The stronger girls get to lift the more delicate ones," Marilyn said. "I couldn't lift Katie," Janet said, "I wouldn't even try." "I wouldn't let Jocelyne lift me, I'd end up flattening her." There was a silence at the table and then Marilyn said to Jock, "You got a very pretty cut. Who was your stylist?" "Carmelita." "Yeah, she's the best." "Carmelita recommended that I use some makeup." "What was she getting at?" Janet asked. "She thought it would help feminize my face." "I can see that," Janet said, "I'd be happy to help you with that. I think it's one thing I'm good at." "That would be great. And if you could show me how to do what you do, I'd love that." "Sure. We could figure out a good look for you and then I'll teach you how to do that. That's how all girls learn." There was silence for a few minutes and then Marilyn said, "Okay, I guess I'm going to be the one to address the elephant in the room. Where did you get your skirt, blouse, and bra from? And your panties, I assume you're wearing panties." "Yes, I'm wearing panties. I got the clothes at the Lost and Found." "Lost and Found? Where's that?" "In the basement of the residence hall." "I never heard of it." "Neither did I," Katie said. Janet shrugged her shoulders to indicate she had not heard of it also. "Maybe only girls who report something missing are told about it," Jock said. "Yes, you're probably right. It's so interesting that girls have lost their skirts and blouses and bras and panties." "There are also some books in there and umbrellas." "Well, you've done a nice job with the clothing you found," Janet said. "You look cute and your actions show that you're serious about being one of the girls." "I am, I am. I really can't tell you how happy it's made me to have girls to talk to." "I bet everyone in the school is quite pleased to see you show up here wearing a skirt and blouse and obviously making an effort to be pretty," Marilyn said. "Certainly wearing a padded bra is a very nice touch that the girls can appreciate." Jock had to fight back tears he was so moved by Marilyn's speech. Haltingly he said, "I wanted to have a more girl-like shape and I realized that the padded bra could help me." Janet who was sitting next to Jock, put her arm across his back and said, "That's so sweet, Jocelyne." "I want to do everything possible to be a good citizen of the school so that the girls will not just tolerate me being here, but will be happy that I'm here." "Well, I for one am happy that you're here," Marilyn said. Jock smiled at her. He liked how self-confident she was. Marilyn knew what she liked and had no qualms about following through to get whatever it was. This showed up in the way she lifted him in the water ballet. He never felt insecure like she wasn't in control. While they had danced he had become enamored of the projection of her large breasts in her swimsuit. It was a very beautiful figure that she had and the occasional times that he felt himself being pushed against it, he especially enjoyed. Now, sitting across from her at the table he saw how her blouse was pushed out by her chest and he felt an increasing attraction toward her. Of course, such feelings could not go anywhere at the school since they would lead to his banishment for sure. While Jock was reflecting on these rising feelings toward Marilyn he heard her say, "Next month is the Thanksgiving Gala and I want you to be my date, Jocelyne." "Thanksgiving Gala?" Jock said. "I never heard of that. What is it?" "It's a tradition at the school to have rather fancy balls so the girls get familiar with these kind of society events in the future. If they want, girls can ask another girl to be their date. I know that Katie has asked Janet and they're going to go and I've been looking for a date and I think you'd be perfect." "Well, I'd love to go with you!" Jock said, both surprised and flattered that Marilyn would ask him. At that moment, another girl came over to the table and Marilyn said to Jock, "This is Cindy." "Hi, Cindy." "Hi, Jocelyne. A lot of the girls are curious about why you're dressed in the school uniform. Does this mean that you're really sincere about trying to fit in with the girls at the school?" "I am, I am," "That's so nice to hear. Having an obvious boy here has been such an irritant, and can I tell the other girls that those days are completely over?" "Oh, yes," Jock said. "I'm only going to dress like a girl from now on. I'm really sorry for having looked like a boy up until now. That was my mistake. I hope I can now become friends with all the girls by being one of them." "I don't see any reason why not, Jocelyne," Cindy said, and left. "She's going to tell the other girls that you're one of us now, Jocelyne," Marilyn said. "Now getting back to the Thanksgiving Ball, what do you have to wear? You'll need an evening gown." "An evening gown?" "Yes, it's a formal affair. We all dress to the nines for it." "What kind of gown?" "You'll need to go for a feminine look." "Sure, feminine. I'm happy to have a feminine look," Jock said. "Good," Marilyn said. "What do you think Katie and Janet?" "Feminine girls love being girls," Katie said. "Which is exactly the message Jocelyne needs to give," Janet said. "There were a couple of dresses in the Lost and Found. Maybe one of those will make me look feminine." "No need for that," Marilyn said. "You can put all your Lost and Found clothes back where you found them. I have my daddy's charge card, so I can take you out shopping and get you a pretty dress for the ball as well as some nice new underwear and we'll get you some cute skirts and tops and a brand-new school uniform. You should have a wardrobe like the other girls here." "Gosh, Marilyn, I can't thank you enough. That's so generous of you." "If I'm taking you to the ball, I want you to be as pretty as possible. I guarantee you that when we make our grand entrance and everyone sees how pretty you are, then you'll have 400 friends and you'll become one of the most popular girls at the school," Marilyn said. "This is so exciting!" Janet said. "Can Katie and I come with you and help find Jocelyne some pretty clothes? And especially a gown for the ball!" "Sure, Janet. The four of us will make a day of it. Jocelyne will be our little Cinderella that we'll turn into a beautiful princess." "You're the greatest girls I've ever known!" Jock said, holding back tears. When dinner was over and the girls were heading to their evening activities, Janet walked with Jock and said, "I wonder if you fully understand what you've agreed to." "What do you mean?" "You see the culture of the school has basically two classes of girls. You've got girls like Marilyn and Katie and that Cindy that you met that are the more assertive, take charge, kind of stronger, dominant girls. They basically control a lot of what goes on around here. We like to call such girls our "bucks." Then there are the girls like me who want to be pretty for the bucks. We're called the "does" or sometimes the "pretty girls." We're sort of like their somewhat submissive playthings, though nobody is forced into any of these camps, it just seems to be the way the school develops every year. Girls like Marilyn and Katie are the ones that ask out girls like me and now it seems, girls like you. When you accepted Marilyn's invitation so that you're going to be her date, it means that she's going to be your buck and she'll want you to be super pretty and be her doe. You see, I love being pretty for Katie. Are you going to want to be pretty for Marilyn? She's going to expect that you are." "I hadn't realized any of that." "Of course, being Marilyn's pretty date is your best strategy for getting accepted by the girls since that way you won't have any traces of being a boy which is anathema to the girls. You could try and be a buck but you see from Marilyn and Katie that it's really just for the girls who have that kind of strength." "Oh, I agree with you completely. I'd never be a buck. Doe is definitely the better choice for me. I really appreciate your filling me in on all this." "Another thing you should know, is that the fact that I'm the pretty girl that Katie wants to be with, is because of Katie. She picked me and I'm happy with it, but it's not like I had any choice in the matter. Before Katie I was the doe for a girl named Lacey who graduated and then I guess she gave me to Katie. The fact that I'm Katie's doe means that I'm available for her when she wants me. But she can also send me to spend time with other bucks. It depends on her whim, I guess. Bucks sometime swap does or loan out does. The does don't really understand a lot of what the bucks are doing. It's really great for you that you're Marilyns doe, since she's like the top buck in the school I think. But, in view of how exotic you are, I wouldn't be surprised if Marilyn loans you out from time to time to some of the other girls like herself. You will just have to accept whomever she puts you with and not complain. You need to realize that none of the does in the school ever cross the bucks. So if you're not a nice date with her, or you don't like her farming you out to some other girl, it could mean that she'll signal to the girls that they need to ostracize you again. So it's important for you to go along with her." "Thanks for the heads up. I was not aware that any of this was going on around here. There's a lot to think about, but I should say that I was very unhappy being isolated from the girls and I'm pretty sure that I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that that never happens again." They were about to part when Janet said, "You should also know that bucks oftentimes like to have does come to their rooms for the night. Particularly after a big event such as the Thanksgiving Ball, our bucks will want us to come back to their rooms with them. Katie and Marilyn share a room and I'm sort of expecting Katie to want me to go back with her that night. Don't be surprised if Marilyn invites you back also. In fact, it would be a lot more surprising if she didn't invite you back to her room." "What do we do back in the room, the four of us?" "Pretty much whatever Katie and Marilyn want us to do. With my former buck, she and another buck had me and another doe join them after a ball in their rooms and we all got into the bed together. Well, I shouldn't say what happened. But you can use your imagination." *** On Saturday Marilyn got a taxicab to take the four of them to a nearby mall. Marilyn took charge of the shopping adventure. "First we'll get you some pretty underwear!" "Oh, yes that will be fun!" Janet said. "You'll have to get Jocelyne the prettiest panties and bras!" She was very excited and took Jocelyne's hand and walked with her quickly to the lingerie department at the department store. Katie and Marilyn followed behind and when they joined up with Janet and Jocelyne, Katie said, "Janet, remember that Marilyn gets to choose what bras and panties Jocelyne can wear." "I know," Janet said, "but I love making suggestions as to what are the prettiest!" "It's okay, Katie, you can let the girls figure out what sexy underwear Jocelyne should get. Janet's enthusiasm for lingerie was infectious and Jock found himself feeding off of Janet's energy in going through the many bras and panties looking for the ones that they thought would be cutest on him. At one point, Janet said to Marilyn, "What cup size do we want for Jocelyne?" "Glad you mentioned it," Marilyn said. "I want her to have at least C cup breasts. I'm a D, but I'm thinking that might be a bit too big for her. She's just a 34 bandwidth and I'm a 36." "Glad to know!" Janet interjected. "And are we going to get Jocelyne C cup breast forms?" "Why, sure," Marilyn said. "Do you understand Jocelyne? I'll buy you some C cup breast forms so you can fill out your bra with realistic looking breasts. Believe me, it will give you a great figure when I take you to the ball!" "Totally true," Janet said. "We've found some really pretty C cup bras, let's try and narrow it down to our favorites!" While they were trying to make some decisions on Jock's underwear collection, Marilyn said to Katie, "Janet is such a darling. I love her energy." "Yes, and I love how she loves to be pretty. She's always getting excited about new pretty bras or panties. Even different designs in stockings can get her all gaga. She loves dresses with wide skirts. Give her a crinoline and she's just besides herself with happiness. I think she's planning to fit three full crinolines underneath the dress she's wearing for the ball." Marilyn laughed, "Jocelyne shows all the signs of being the perfect doe. I'll dress her the same as Janet. Get her all puffed up in pretty skirts." "Good idea. No doubt the way Jocelyne responds to Janet, she'll definitely want to be no different than her. That's one thing about does, they tend to all want to be pretty in the same way. I think Janet has more than enough crinolines to loan some to Jocelyne for the dance." A few minutes later Jock and Janet came up to Marilyn and Katie holding a bunch of bras and panties. "These are the ones we decided on, Marilyn. Is it too many?" Jock said. "Let me see what you've got here." She went through the bras and panties saying "Pink, pink, blue, white, flowers lots of flowers and so much lace! These are all very pretty Jocelyne. If they make you happy we'll get them. Don't worry about my Daddy, he can afford it!" "You're so lucky to have a sugar daddy!" Janet said laughing. "Your bras and panties are as pretty as mine now!" "OK, girls," Katie said. "Let's find Jocelyne some pantyhose and stockings!" "She also needs some nighties to wear," Janet said. Nearby were displays of night gowns and simultaneously Janet and Jock's eyes fell on the most gorgeous pink nightie. "This is so perfect for you," Janet said. "Oh, my God, feel how soft it is." She was right, the nightie was a tactile wonder of the softest material. "I love this!" She turned to Katie and said, "Can I get one of these too? That way both Jocelyne and I would have the same pretty nightie." "Sure, Janet," Katie said. "We can buy two of them, one for each of you girls." *** Janet had a remarkable talent for locating the prettiest skirts, tops and dresses, and the wardrobe they ended up buying for Jock was as much a creation of Janet's taste as it was Marilyn's. The pi?ce de r?sistance was the magnificent pink gown that Marilyn purchased for Jocelyne that had a sweet, tight bodice and billowing pink skirts with a subtle lace design woven in. "When we walk into the ball together," Marilyn said, "everyone is going to freak!" "I hope so," Jock said. Over the course of this magical day he was sure that he was falling in love with Marilyn and also Janet and Katie. It was so much fun finding pretty clothing to wear. Before they went home, Marilyn insisted that Jock get a pair of stiletto heels for the ball besides several other pairs of shoes. The last stop of the day was buying the breast forms at a medical supply store. *** Now that Jock was dressing in a school uniform like all the other girls and was going to be Marilyn's date to the ball, life at the school became delightful. Everywhere he went the girls introduced themselves to him and told him how cute he was, or how much they loved his hairstyle. After dinner, when the girls no longer had to wear their uniforms, Jock changed into one of the various pretty outfits that Marilyn had bought for him. Marilyn enjoyed showing him off as her latest doe to her buck friends. Sometimes Jock would hang out with a group of does that Janet had introduced him to. It was all very relaxed and fun. As promised, Janet helped Jock figure out what kind of makeup he ought to wear and he concentrated very hard on learning how to apply it carefully and accurately. With makeup his face became as feminine as that of a biological girl and that only encouraged the other girls to see him as being a girl just like themselves. When a group of does got together, the conversation sometimes veered into talking about boys that they were dating when they were home or about old boy friends. The conversations could get raunchy, particularly when they might be discussing whether or not they liked giving guys blowjobs. It seemed that a lot of the girls, particularly the older ones, had done so and these girls liked to compare notes on whether or not they swallowed or how big the penises were or whether or not they liked sucking on balls. Jock had never done any of this and it reminded him of how he was different from the does. On the other hand, the way the girls talked it seemed like the girls were unaware of the fact that he had a penis. One day Jock was called into Ms. Adams' Office where he saw that some of his teachers were there. "First off, Jocelyne, we wanted to tell you how happy we are that you've been able to make friends at the school. Having said that, we also wanted to make sure that you're not being coerced into cross dressing. The girls aren't forcing you to wear their clothes, are they?" "Oh, no, Ms. Adams. I decided that I wanted to be like the girls. I hated being different and so I put on the school uniform and then made so many friends. I can't tell you how happy I am to be friends with the girls here. They're such nice people." "To tell you the truth we would like you to sign this brief statement that we made up that states that you're cross dressing is voluntary and that you were not made to do so by the school. Our lawyers asked us for this since, you know, it's possible that your parents might sue us because you're dressing like a girl. Just a precaution." "If you knew my parents, you wouldn't have any concerns. These are the people that sent me here and ran off to a bubble. I could trip and fall and kill myself and they wouldn't even know about it. If anything, they should be sued!" *** The plan for the Thanksgiving Ball was that Jock and Janet would get dressed together in her room and then Marilyn and Katie would come by to pick them up and escort their does to the dance hall. It was true that Janet had a large crinoline collection and she loaned three of them to Jock to wear under his dress. The two of them preparing for the ball were like too young girls making up a fantasy about princes and princesses. They each wore their prettiest bra and panty set and then Janet loaned Jock a garter belt and they put on stockings and clipped them to their garters. They went in the bathroom and put on their makeup and fixed their hair. Then they put on their crinolines and finally brought their dresses down over their heads and zipped each other up. The tulle crinolines puffed out their skirts so that they looked like princesses in a Disney cartoon. They then put on their stiletto heels and finally stood together admiring themselves in the mirror. "Isn't it wonderful to be so pretty?" Janet said. "I love wearing a dress like this. If I could I'd wear it every day, then I'd be a princess all the time." Jock had a good sense of what Janet was talking about. Being puffed up like this and hearing the swishing sound of his crinolines and skirts as he walked and feeling the silky sexiness of the stockings on his legs and the underwear that held him together, created a growing excitement within him. As a boy he had not been anything special. Just a typical guy, not weak, not strong, not dumb, not super-smart. But now, he felt like he was bursting with sexiness. He was pretty, even beautiful. A glorious princess. Everything that would happen to him this evening was a first-time experience for him. To be Marilyn's date to a fancy ball made him feel like a girl being taken to a prom. He would have the luxury of following her lead the entire night. He wouldn't have to do anything more than be pretty and have her tell him what to do. His biggest decision during the evening would be whether or not he needed to check his makeup and freshen it up if necessary, but even then, Janet said she'd help keep him looking his best. Promptly at eight o'clock Marilyn and Katie came by and the two of them complimented Janet and Jock on how pretty they were. Marilyn and Katie were wearing sophisticated sheath dresses in blue and green, respectively that contrasted completely with the princess look of Janet and Jock. Marilyn held out her arm for Jock and he held onto it as she escorted him to the dance hall. He was somewhat wobbly on the spike heels that would take some getting used to. When the two couples arrived at the ball, they walked into the beautifully decorated room side by side and Jock felt like he was entering a gala in a palace from two centuries ago. Just as Marilyn had predicted, the assembled crowd oohed and awed at the two beautifully decked out couples as they walked into the hall. It struck Jock as he looked over the scene in front of him, that if you replaced every girl wearing a dress like those of Marilyn and Katie with a man in the clothes of a gentleman, then the scene would look like a ball from the eighteenth century. He and Janet were like the ladies of old with their big skirts puffed up by hoops, that danced with the dignified men. Throughout the hall Jock could see many other of the "pretty" girls and many of the bucks. Evidently, in the complete absence of boys, the girls of the school had invented this fascinating formula for creating a memorable and romantic evening for everyone. It was romantic because Jock could see that a very large majority of the girls had come on dates. With music playing in the background many of the couples were dancing together. Here and there, sitting on benches surrounding the dance floor where the lighting was a bit shadowy, Jock saw couples kissing. So, the couples on dates, the bucks and their does, were very much like traditional dates at a prom. Cindy and a few other girls came over to say hello to Marilyn and Katie. "Such pretty does you have. Janet is so pretty tonight and I love how Jocelyne looks. She's a very pretty girl." Janet blushed and thanked Cindy and did a little curtsey. Following her lead, Jock held his skirts out, thanked Cindy for the compliment and curtsied. Accompanying Cindy was her date, Audrey, who was wearing a dress like Janet and Jock and another couple, Rhonda in a sheath dress and Phyliss as her pretty girlfriend. While Marilyn, Katie, Cindy, and Rhonda conversed, Jock huddled with the three other does whose main topic of conversation was comparing notes on the pretty dresses they were all wearing. There was a high level of excitement among the girls. They were so glad to be out on a night like this that held such promise for being a wonderful romantic evening. Janet, Phyliss and Audrey expressed hope that their dates would take them into the shadows where they would be held and kissed. "It's one thing to be considered a pretty girl," Audrey said, "it's another when your date finds you so pretty that they want to kiss you in the shadows." The other girls agreed with Audrey and it made Jock wonder if he was pretty enough for Marilyn to want to kiss. This was a possibility that he had not anticipated and he realized that he was hoping that Marilyn would find him pretty enough. He imagined sitting on the bench next to Marilyn and she would lean in and kiss him. It would be magical and he would melt. At that moment over a PA system it was announced that a Polonaise would be the next dance. The does were instructed to form one line facing a line of bucks. Marilyn grabbed Jock's hand and said, "This is so much fun. Come along, Jocelyne." The other couples followed them and they lined up as they were instructed. Jock was in between Janet and Audrey among thirty pretty girls in a long row facing their dates. When Jock looked down the long line of girls in their beautiful dresses it was an interesting and inspiring sight. A very skilled caller directed everyone in the dance. At first the caller taught them what to do and then gave them the basic instructions to keep everyone moving in tempo. Like Marilyn had said it would be, Jock was enthralled by the dance as he moved around with his skirts swaying along with that of the other does. While he started with Marilyn holding his hand as he did a turn, he was quickly passed off to another buck, so one by one he got to dance with each of the girls that had lined up with Marilyn. As Jock danced and encountered the different bucks, many of them said that they thought he was very pretty. "You're one of the loveliest girls here," or "What a sweet and pretty girl you are," were the kinds of comments that he received. He found himself blushing bright red. When the dance was over Jock found himself back with Janet and the other does. Across the room Jock saw Marilyn talking to Katie and some other bucks wearing sheath dresses. A few minutes later, Marilyn and Katie came to fetch Jock and Janet and the four of them walked to a long vacant bench which was not well illuminated. They sat down with Jock and Janet between Marilyn and Katie. "I'm having so much fun," Jock said. "It really is a magical evening," Marilyn said and Jock felt her put her arm over his shoulder. He looked back at Janet and saw that Katie had done the same to her. Jock felt goosebumps anticipating what Marilyn was about to do next. He felt his heart beating fast and watched in fascination as Marilyn moved her face towards his. He felt her free arm gently touch his chin and turn his mouth upwards towards hers and the next instant they were kissing. A long languorous kiss during which Marilyn inserted her tongue into his mouth. Marilyn held him with a combination of force and gentleness that made him yearn for Marilyn to take whatever pleasure from him that she wanted to take. Marilyn and Cindy kissed their does for a dozen minutes. The more they kissed the more Jock felt faint with happiness. He felt like he had lost his bones and had become a soft floating warm orchid of chiffon and tulle that was enveloping his buck. Eventually, Marilyn broke off the kiss and said it was time to dance again. This time Unchained Melodies came on and Marilyn and Jock slow danced tightly clutched in each other's arms. Jock loved being held tightly against Marilyn. They were both wearing heels so Jock's breasts fit just against the lower part of Marilyn's. Jock felt Marilyn strong grasp across his back and he enjoyed feeling her strength. His large skirts and crinolines surrounded Marilyn's legs. "I think you're the prettiest girl here," Marilyn whispered in Jock's ear. He laughed and said, "You know that Janet's prettier than me." "No way," Marilyn said, laughing. "It's you. I've got the prettiest girl here." "And I've got the nicest and handsomest buck." Jock felt Marilyn flex her muscles and he added, "and the strongest one!" *** The ball ended at midnight and Jock wondered what was going to happen next. As the bucks and does drifted off in pairs Jock didn't know if Marilyn was planning on inviting him to her room. He was a little tired, but he felt for sure that he'd be more than able to wake up if Marilyn wanted to kiss him some more. As he and Marilyn walked through the campus he waited for her to invite him to her room. When she didn't say anything he assumed that she was just going to take him there. To his chagrin, Marilyn led him in the direction of his own room seemingly intending to end the date. Sadness and disappointment descended over him. He felt his eyes watering up and he worried about what he had done to make Marilyn be displeased with him. Finally, Jock couldn't bear the tension anymore and he blurted out to Marilyn, "I thought you said I was the prettiest girl." "I did say that." Marilyn stopped walking and looked at Jock quizzically. "You no longer feel that way?" "Of course I do. What's bringing this on, Jocelyne?" Marilyn said. Even though Jock felt like he was fighting tears Marilyn seemed to be smiling. "I can't tell you," Jock said. "Tell me now, Jocelyne," Marilyn said and she gently directed Jock's head so he was looking at her. "It's just that I thought you were going to invite me to your room. Now I think that you don't want me there." Jock was too caught up with emotion to continue speaking. Marilyn said, "But I do want you in my room." "Then why are you taking me back to my room?" Marilyn laughed and said, "We have to pick up your nightie if you're going to be sleeping with me." Jock's face showed his complete surprise at this turnabout in his fortunes and he then felt terribly embarrassed that he had carried on so, even to the point of crying. "I'm so embarrassed, Marilyn," Jock said, "I'm so sorry that I didn't trust you." He couldn't remember ever having felt so helpless and frustrated as he had when he was certain that Marilyn was rejecting him. It was clear that she held all the cards in their relationship. "You're such a fragile doe, Jocelyne." "I am so sorry, Marilyn. I'll always trust you from now on." "Good. You collect your pretty nightie and then we can join up with Katie and Janet and enjoy the rest of the night together." *** In short order Marilyn and Jock arrived at the dormitory rooms that Marilyn and Katie shared. They had two separate bedrooms, each with a queen size bed. Janet took Jock by the hand and said to Marilyn and Katie, "We're going to get ourselves pretty in Katie's room." She led Jock into the room and she closed the door behind her. "Sometimes the bucks like to gawk at us while we change. It's so rude!" Janet laughed. "Unzip me and I'll unzip you." Once their dresses were unzipped, Janet and Jock pulled them up over their heads and then stepped out of their crinolines. "I love that we have the same nightie," Janet said. "Yeah, we found the prettiest one they had." "For sure." "Do you think it's okay if I leave my bra on?" Jock said. He thought it important to keep his breasts. "Sure. That's a good idea. I won't take my bra off either!" They unhooked their stockings and took off their garter belts and then put on the matching pink nighties. Janet looked Jock over and said, "We look so cute, don't we?" "Yes, indeed. Should we join Marilyn and Katie?" "Let's keep them waiting a bit. That will make them appreciate us even more. You know, in all our excitement about you becoming a pretty girl, we forgot to do your nails." Janet found a bottle of bright pink nail polish on Katie's dresser and she said, I'll paint your finger and toenails. When they dry in ten minutes then we'll go out!" *** After ten minutes Marilyn called into the room with Janet and Jock, "What's keeping you girls?" "We're making ourselves pretty," Janet said laughing. "You two already are pretty!" "Well, we want to be even prettier, don't we Jocelyne!" "We sure do. We'll be ready in a minute and you'll be very glad you waited!" A few minutes later Janet and Jock came out of the room dressed in their nighties and ran up to Katie and Marilyn. Each of them had put on a spritz of perfume. "At long last!" Katie said. "And you girls are so pretty! Yummy!" "Look at that Katie," Marilyn said. "Jocelyne painted her finger and toenails. So that's why they kept us waiting!" "You're not pleased?" Jock said. "Of course we are. It was worth the wait. I love you with those pretty nails. A pretty girl has to have pretty nails! Now you does get on the bed so Katie and I can give you the biggest, fattest, kisses you've ever had." Marilyn and Katie stripped to their bras and panties while Janet and Jock jumped onto the middle of the bed. Katie lay to the outside of Janet and Marilyn went next to Jock. Janet and Jock lay on their backs waiting to see what their bucks would do next. Marilyn lay her full bosom on top of Jock's chest and proceeded to kiss him. At the same time Katie began kissing Janet. Sometime in the middle of the dreamy kiss that seemed to go on forever, Janet's hand found Jock's and they held hands. The longer they lay on the bed kissing, the more Marilyn and Katie seemed to become aroused and they used their free hands to caress Jock and Janet. Jock felt Marilyn run her hand over his legs and thighs and over his tush and up his back inside his nightie and up to his bra strap. Then her hand felt his bosoms. At one point in their intimate encounter, Marilyn gently guided Jock's hand to pleasure her and he responded as best he could. Katie must have directed Janet to do the same thing and before long one could hear the sweet gentle moans of Marilyn and Katie as they used their pretty girls to achieve a blissful state. Marilyn and Katie drifted off to sleep with Janet and Jock lying between them. Their hands somehow discovered the means of pleasuring each other. Jock whispered to Janet, I'm sorry that I don't have what you have." Janet giggled and said, "I'm familiar with them and it's no problem for me." They resumed their gentle stroking and before long they quietly convulsed in a release of passion and joined their bucks in a sound sleep. *** After the night of initiation as Marilyn's doe, Jock became an integral part of the does. He got to know the most central part of the doe culture in the school, including tips on beauty and fashion. One of the more interesting aspects was to attend spontaneous doe parties where they compared notes on their bucks and told each other tales about the exploits of the bucks including famous bucks of the past. Evidently, there were many times when does had their feelings hurt and Jock learned how does tried to collectively form a support group for does who had fallen on sad times. Jock discovered that as Marilyn's doe, she often had him join her in her bed on weekend nights. Sometimes Katie and Janet might be there with them and then they might join together as they had on the night of the ball. Other times Marilyn wanted Jock all for herself. Still other times, but only occasionally, Marilyn sent Jock to the rooms of other bucks telling him to cooperate and be appreciative of the opportunity to please them. "Do whatever they ask of you. If you're not an agreeable and accommodating doe it will reflect poorly on me." The other bucks that Jock went to see had a variety of different ways of exploring intimacy with him and he heeded Marilyn's instructions to be willing and available for whatever they wanted. One of the bucks made him pretend to be a baby and she'd nurse him and diaper him. Another tied him down and had her way with him while he was constrained. Another buck had two other does in bed with them and Jock had to work with the other does in pleasuring the buck. Jock never knew what was coming and never complained lest it get back to Marilyn. Jock worried terribly about which doe Marilyn would have in her bed when he was sent off to one of the other bucks. He wisely kept these feelings to himself so he wouldn't be labeled as uncooperative. When he returned to Marilyn he'd hug her and tell her how happy he was to be back with her, and he'd look for signs that she was going to pick a different girl to be her number one doe. But fortunately that never happened. In the final analysis, Jock realized that he had fallen in love with Marilyn. He loved her voice, her thoughts, her commands, everything about her. He especially was smitten with her gorgeous, shapely body and loved touching and kissing every part of her. He loved orbiting around her and was proud that he was her doe. *** Marilyn went home for the Christmas holiday as did all the girls in the school except for Jock and three others. Each of the three were bucks and since Jock was the only doe, he was worn out spending his time catering to their whims. One night he spent in bed with all three bucks and that led to a story that became legendary among does for many years to come. When the students returned from the winter break, life for Jock returned to normal. Marilyn took very good care of him during the spring and he enjoyed life at the school. He was now taking Ms. Foxboro's class "Manners and Traditions 101" with the goal of learning how to comport himself like a dignified young lady. Where he had been very worried how he would fit in with this course at the start of the school year, now he took the curriculum like a fish to water. He loved hearing the many tips of Ms. Foxboro on posture, on how to correctly wear bras and foundation garments, and a myriad of other interesting facts that helped a girl feel really good and clear-headed as she set about going through her day. "A nice bra, worn nicely, will energize you and give you a positive attitude on any day." Jock allowed himself to take everything Ms. Foxboro said very seriously and he felt that it paid off. Every day now he felt like the kind of girl he really wanted to feel like. His clothes were neat. His underwear was always in its proper place. He felt like smiling at the world and he enjoyed being pretty for Marilyn and other girls who he might meet during the day. Ever since the spring semester started Jock began thinking about what would happen the next year. As long as the end of the semester was months away he only felt a little bit worried about his future. But as the school year was coming to a close, Jock began freaking out. The thought that he might not come back to the school was frightening. He was a girl now and he knew that he belonged in a girls school. If his parents forced him to be a boy again and sent him to school as a boy, he was sure that he would be so depressed that he couldn't stand it. Unfortunately, there was nothing Jock could do about his fate. It was going to be what it was going to be. The one nice thing he was able to establish is that Ms. Adams said that he would be welcome to return as a girl in the fall. But it was up to his parents to send him. "We're hoping that your parents don't sue the pants off of us!" As an act of rebellion, Jock put all his boy clothing in the Lost and Found. That way when he packed to go home, all of his clothes would be girl clothes. He also knew that his mannerisms, his look and personality were all that of a girl now and he couldn't remember how to be a boy even if he tried to be one. His parents were going to have a mess on their hands if they wanted to make him become a boy again! As the final few days wound down, Jock realized that his situation was doubly painful because he had come to love being a doe. Like all the does, he loved the affection and attention of his buck and it would be devastating to be free of Marilyn's control over him. He had grown to depend on her telling him where he would be sleeping and with whom to be intimate. Most of all he loved having Marilyn showering her affection on him and making him feel that he was the prettiest doe in the school. Jock cried a river when Marilyn held him for the last time before she was to leave with her parents. She told him not to worry. She would be back the next year and he would be able to be her doe again. *** When Jock's parents arrived at the school, Jock greeted them wearing the school uniform, and making no attempt to be other than the pretty girl he had become. His mother and father seemed to be a bit surprised when they saw him, but then they hugged him and said how happy they were to see him again. His mom even said, "Jocelyne, you look so well and accomplished. You must have had a wonderful year here." "I did mom," Jock said, wondering what was going on. Their first look at him showed that they perceived something different about him. When were his mother and father going to realize that he was wearing a skirt and blouse as well as a bra holding his substantial breasts? But they said and did nothing. Ms. Adams spied on them from a distance and couldn't believe her eyes. What was with these parents? Jock's dad loaded up the car and they drove off heading to home. With some anxiety Jock said, "I hope I can go back next year. I loved the girls here and I know they want me to come back." "Sure, Jocelyne. You're welcome to return," his mother said. "Gee, that's great news!" Jock said, not believing how easy that was. "You're sure you won't miss boys? Girls often do like to have some boys around, don't they?" his father said. His father's remark was utterly confusing and Jock said, "No, dad, I liked the fact that the school is all girls." "Sure, I can see that not having boys around frees everyone from distractions so you can study better." "Sure dad," Jock said wondering what in the world was going on. Jock shivered with the scary thought that his parents actually did not know what sex he was. Could it be that they never knew he was a boy? He decided to test them and he said, "I started wearing my first bra. The girls helped me pick it out." "I'm sorry I wasn't there for that," his mother said. "It's often a big milestone in a girl's life." "I grew quickly to a C cup," Jock said. "Dear, you'll embarrass your father with that girl talk!" and his mother laughed. "I also started my period," Jock said. "Congratulations. You're growing up. I'll have to remember to get you some Kotex." Jock looked out at the passing scenery and shook his head. He thought that he ought to mention to them that he has a penis, and see what they said about that, but then thought better of it. He didn't want to say or do anything that would jeopardize his return to Marilyn in the Fall. After a long silence thinking about his situation he came to the conclusion that if he didn't have the flakiest and dumbest parents on the planet, then who did? Shaking himself out of his reverie he asked his parents, "How was the eco-bubble?" "Oh, it was so marvelous," Jock's mom said. "We'll tell you all about it!" The End

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The Transformation Machine

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Aman fucking maid Fatima

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Mom And Maid Ki Ek Sath Chudayi

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Lost Art of CockSucking

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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter ten

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Twice LuckyChapter 16

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A Submissive Male Competes for LiveIn Houseboy Po

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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 26 Thanksgiving Break Part III

November, 1981, Milford, Ohio Stephanie was waiting for me when I pulled into the driveway and came walking out to the car. “So?” she smirked. “A wildcat, just as you predicted. She’s going to be sore for a couple of days, I suspect.” “Tell me about it! I sure was!” “You both asked for it!” I grinned. “Oh, I’d do exactly the same if I had to do it all over again. Did you get her unconscious?” “No, I did not. And I thought we weren’t talking about stuff like this!” “Special...

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She Caught Me

The real problem with being a teenage male is having two heads, and no matter what the big one is thinking, the little one has his own opinion and wants to grow up to be the big head. Making matters worse, the little head picks the absolute worst times to grow. Your math teacher is an old spinster and your classmates are immature girls that spend the hour passing notes to each other; but little head doesn’t care, he pops up and wants to turn you into a classroom freak show. But, sometimes he...

First Time
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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE SIX Catherine Rankine had a preoccupied air as she exchanged small talk...

4 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 56 A Serious Complication

March 8, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “You don’t look happy, Mike,” Mom said when I greeted her after arriving home. “Tasha and I had a serious disagreement.” “Uh-oh. Because of her dad?” I shook my head, “No, it’s way more complicated. We can talk after dinner if that’s OK.” “Sure. Your sister and her friends are up in her room.” “The tradition I started?” I grinned. “Exactly. You had Jocelyn and Dale at every birthday celebration from the time you were in second grade. And before that,...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Cuckolding Geschichten HPPJ

Hallo zusammen, dies ist meine erste Story erotischer Natur und ich bin sehr gespannt wie sich das ganze entwickelt. Jeder ist frei an dieser Story herumzuschreiben oder Vorschläge in den Kommentaren zu hinterlassen (beides ist sogar erwünscht ;) ). Diese Stories drehen sich um das Thema Cuckolding und um ähnliche Themengebiete (fremdgehen etc.). Alle Parte spielen in der Welt von Percy Jackson oder Harry Potter. Sucht euch eine Welt und die Charaktere in den nächsten Parts heraus.

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AlifChapter 5

Ana began learning her secretarial duties, and finding her way around the office and the software she had to use. There was a lot to learn and her only guidance was some unspecific instructions from the Director such as where she was to sit and what she was expected to produce, but her college training had prepared her well, and she soon felt quite confident in her work. She felt rather less confidence when she ventured outside the office to walk along the labyrinthine corridors to the...

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“I’m telling you, somebody had to have set those ports for access last night. Everything was locked down when I left for the night.” “Is anything missing or showing as copied” “That’s what is really bad, one of the AI files is missing, but it wasn’t deleted, it was moved.” “Which AI is missing?” “The 473-5Z sir.” “Oh crap.” Headline news has learned that over 500 million of the crypto-currency Meta- Coin was stolen when hackers broke into their main server last month. As of this time,...

4 years ago
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Wifes Affairs Part 2

So here I am hiding out in my son’s room, with my wife just down the hall letting in what I am certain is the man she is fucking behind my back. I have many things running around in my head at this moment. How will I react and should I let them go at it and bust them? What if they spot the camera I left in the book case? It has about 6 plus hours left before it stops but I’m still feeling paranoid. I decide to wait and listen intently to what is going on. I have to again breath slow and calm to...

2 years ago
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The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles Chapter 2 The Naughty Stewardesses

Introduction: Monique and Lize, Mark and Marys stewardesses, find a naughty way to pass the time with a married, Muslim woman. The Devils Pact Servants Chronicles by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 Chapter Two: The Naughty Stewardesses Note: Takes place between Chapters 41 and Chapter 42 Thursday, October 31st, 2013 Monique Lavoie Lansing, MI Everyone take your seats, Joslyn announced over Air Force Ones loudspeakers. Pity, I sighed, breaking my kiss with 53, one of Marks...

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It was tough not to thrust my hips some more and dump my goo in Ashlynn Luker, one of the damn-sexiest pieces of ass I’d ever had, and the fact I was paying for that ass made it somehow even MORE erotic, step-sister be damned! Ashlynn was not dumb. She knew the deal, knew what was expected, and was OK with it. Ashlyn Luker had long ago decided that it was part of being bought, but even more so she felt safe to do this. As long as Johnathan Roberts (me!) went slow, she felt like it would go...

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Lady Anns Greatly Extended Holiday Chapter Nineteen

Taking Instruction 1 The filthy stable hand who once, only recently, had been the beautiful Lady Ann Neville, came slowly awake to the stench of manure. He was lying curled up tightly on the floor of one of the stable pens, freezing cold and aching from a night on the hard floor, a great pile of freshly steaming horse dung only inches from his nose. He shuddered. Surely it wasn't possible that this was really happening; that he was still stuck in Burt Harper's body; that he'd...

4 years ago
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My Ebony Coworker

I always enjoyed that my company hired people from every ethnicity. Especially the woman. Normally we seemed to have only caucassian females, but it was not long after I started, that I met coworkers from other places. There were Indian coworkers, Asians, latinas and of course black woman too. Especially my direct colleague. Her name was Nancy and she had to be a descendant of a goddess. Always wearing red lipstick, Skirts or dresses that comforted her well formed body perfectly and sometimes I...

3 years ago
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MorganChapter 7

Morgan and Sally spent the evening cuddling and caressing each other before showering together. After their shower Sally led Morgan to his room. The evening of close contact and then the shower had both of them worked up but they stuck to Sally’s promise to Alice and brought each other off with their mouths before settling to sleep. By four in the morning Morgan was sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee. He had been awakened by a DREAM, for Morgan a DREAM was far different from a...

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The Bad Girl

He ran his hand over the smooth pale skin of her naked ass. Goosebumps rose up over the area he touched gently, as he searched for the perfect spot. Found it…SMACK! The once pale spot now bright red in the shape of his hand were he struck. The girl writhed in pleasurable pain and spoke meekly, “I’m sorry daddy…Oooh!”. Her other cheek was now bright red. “Sorry for what?” the man spoke in a slow low tone. “For sucking that boys dick in the bathroom at school”, she answered. The Father Daughter...

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The Middle Of Nowhere Part 1intro

Cassie banged the front of the car as it ground to a halt. She had known the car was going to eventually break down, but, of course, it chose the worst time to break down at. She checked her watch. It was 8:43p.m, and her sister's wedding reception was at 9:15. She checked her G.P.S, but it told her she was miles away from anywhere of even the smallest importance. Biting her lip, she held back tears of frustration, and concentrated on the car. She turned the key, but it only chugged softly,...

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