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Confessions. Part one "Right then Nigel, I'll be back tomorrow evening," Ally said softly, "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" I rolled my eyes and looked up from the morning paper. "I'll be fine," I said, "I'm not a child you know." I was Nigel Williams. a twenty four year old freelance writer with a long list clients, a work load that would last me until Christmas and the ability to work from home. Which suited me fine. Ally, full name Allyson Cornwell was my flatmate. She worked as a solicitor based at local law office office in the nearby town. It was a Saturday and Ally was leaving for a seminar which would last until late Sunday afternoon. At three years older than me, she insisted on treating like a kid brother. Ally nodded at me and put her breakfast things away in the dishwasher. "Well I do worry about you," she said. "Of all the flatmates I've had, you're by far the best." Since I was the only flatmate she had ever had, I guessed the competition was slim. "Well, there's no need to worry," I told her, "I'm house trained, I won't be holding any mad parties and I'm capable of remembering my keys if I do decide to go out. So don't worry. Go to your seminar, have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do." She looked sternly at me and then smiled. "Okay. You have fun too." She came over and kissed the top of my head in a sisterly manner. She picked up her overnight case and headed for the door. "You've got the number of the hotel if you need me..." "Just go!" I yelled. "Okay," she said through her laughter, "see you tomorrow." She left the kitchen of our shared two bedroom flat and I heard her heels clicking on the floor of the hallway. Then I heard the front door slam. Heaven. I was alone. Don't misunderstand me. I was in heaven for an altogether different reason. I like Ally, I really do. She was slim and toned, a figure she maintained with jogging and regular tennis sessions. Her hair was short but feminine and at the moment was a coppery bronze, as opposed to the natural brunette that I knew her to be. Her eyes were a soft green and her smile was awesome. it was lopsided and wonderfully coquettish. She really was beautiful and had she been younger, I might have had a go at getting her into bed, but the age gap put me off a bit and also; if the truth be told, she intimidated me a little. Also, I felt that she was only interested in me as a friend. She also had an elegant taste in clothes. Being her flatmate was the best thing that had ever happened to me, I had met her four years earlier after I had just started my career as a freelance career and she had just finished her university degree in law and passed the bar. We were broke and needed a flat to rent so we had agreed to share. Our relationship was frosty at first but as we got to know each other, it had grown to a deep friendship that was beneficial for both of us. But as the friendship had become stronger, it had halted a little hobby of mine. Ever since I'd been a small boy, I had delighted in wearing girls clothes. It had started with my sisters clothes an then my mother's clothes. When I moved out of home at eighteen, I had bought my own clothes and had scoured the Internet and specialist shops for other things that I needed. No one knew of my little hobby, and that was the way I wanted it to be. For nearly four years now, I had only been able to dress up when she'd been out at work for the small solicitors in town. Now I had almost two days to dress as Nicole, the name I gave myself when I was en-femme. What to do? Well, do some work in one my smart work outfits. Definitely go out shopping in the afternoon then maybe go for a drive in the early evening, maybe even go out to a club. I would deal with Sunday when it came. I went to the window and watched her as she walked down the front path of the house and into her car. I watched as she drove away and then forced myself to wait for another half hour. Then I went into my room. I undressed slowly, taking off my drab male clothes. I had bathed and shaved myself clean of all my body hair the night before. Now, hairless and naked, I opened my wardrobe. I parted the sparsely populated rail of the shirts and trousers that it bore and opened the back panel. Inside the secret compartment, where my female clothes resided, I reached for a black bag that contained my lingerie and placed it on the bed. First things first I thought. I applied two large fake breasts to my chest with a special adhesive that not only allowed my natural skin to breathe, but also allowed the breasts to hang naturally. I could even go bra-less if I wanted to. Not that I ever did. Then, I placed my penis into a skin toned gaff and adjusted the fit so that it was nestled between my legs and covered my groin with a smooth panel of satin and Lycra, totally hiding my male bulge. I placed an aqua blue satin garter belt around my waist and adjusted it until it rested lightly on my hips. Then I rolled a pair of barely black seamed stockings onto my legs and attached them to the garter belt. Next came a matching pair of panties that covered the gaff and hid it. Finally a matching bra that forced my c-cup breasts together and gave me a realistic looking cleavage. At this moment, I checked on my progress. Walking into the hall, I stood in front of the mirror and inspected the image in front of me. A slim mannish looking woman looked back at me. Short hair, make up free face. Not bad for the half way mark. I thought. Back in my bedroom, I started on my make up. A thin layer of foundation, sparingly applied, smoothed my face into a soft beige mask, ready to be painted. An application of powder to seal it and cover up any blemishes. Not that there were any blemishes. I moisturised more than Ally did and she often teased me about it. But I dismissed it as male grooming and therefore got away with it. I added eye-liner to make my eyes stand out and then added a soft layer of bold bronze to my eyelids, and then added a lighter shade of gold above it. Blush on my cheekbones as highlight. Then a deep red on the outlines of my lips and then a lighter shade brushed on the lips themselves which I finished with a layer of lip gloss. I then applied false fingertips to my nails and painted them in a shade a deep red, a shade that almost matched my lipstick. Almost, but not quite. I looked at my collection of wigs in the back compartment of my wardrobe and settled on a long dark brown wig that nestled below my shoulder blades and looked stunning in the autumn, though this was the beginning of spring. Then I placed two hoop earrings in the lobes of my ears, pierced the Christmas just gone and which had gone unnoticed, or so I hoped. And then, my make up finished, I headed to my wardrobe where I chose a short black pencil skirt, and a red silk blouse. I put the blouse on first, revelling in the feeling of silk on my hairless skin and then I donned the skirt, pulling it up around my waist and zipping it up at the side. I then stepped into a pair of three inch, open toed sandals. I finished with a pearl necklace, two rings on my right hand and a couple of bracelets on my left wrist. Only then did I look at my image in the hallway mirror. I was pleased with the results. In a little under an hour, I had transformed myself from a slim androgynous looking man into an attractive young female. Now, what do with myself? I made myself a cup of coffee and sat at the kitchen with my Ipad and decided on an itinerary for the day. I would start work on a new contract. Spend a couple of hours collating material and data for a technical manual for the chemical industry and then go out. Shopping, and maybe even a drink at a bar. And then home. A long bubble bath, dress in a nightgown and sleep in my bed. I headed up to my office on the first floor where I turned on my computer and prepared to study chemical engineering. I had the draft of the manual they wanted, but I like to exceed by the expectations of my clients. It was simply amazing the depth of knowledge one gained when writing technical manuals. I had a basic understanding of history, chemistry, biology, flower arranging, physics, card games, astrophysics and all manner of minutia. I had a working understanding of atomic physics. But there was no way I was ever going to be able to design a working nuclear fission reactor, at least, not at the moment. I spent the next ninety minutes copying and pasting text into the template on my Mac, formatting the text, adding headings in underlined and bold text, changing font sizes, adding page numbers at the footers of the page, all in accordance with the clients requests. I had saved the draft on two separate hard drives, one in the tower and a second separate hard drive, which I could disconnect and place in a secure metal box in my bedroom. I then spent the next hour, proofreading the draft making sure it was free of spelling mistakes and glaring tehnical errors. By the time I saved the draft a second time, I had done two and a half hours work and actually gotten ahead of myself. It wasn't required until the end of the following week, but I pride myself on not only meeting deadlines, but exceeding them. I headed downstairs to get myself a fresh cup of coffee and to plan what to do next. Though I had gotten ahead of myself and could spend the rest of the weekend as I saw fit, I had the bit between my teeth so to speak. As I entered the kitchen I glanced up at the clock and was surprised at how early it still was. A little over one o'clock in the afternoon. Right then, I decided. One more hour on my work and then I would shut the Mac down and go shopping. I decided to get changed to go shopping. I had a nice sleeveless sweater dress to go shopping in. It was a silvery grey and had a wide black belt, very stylish, and appropriate for a woman of my age. Well, it would be appropriate for a woman of my age if I was a woman. In hindsight, it was boiling the kettle that sealed my fate. If the kettle had not been bubbling so loudly and I had not been concentrating on putting fresh coffee granules in my mug along with a spoonful of sugar, then maybe I would have heard the front door open, heard heels on the wooden floor of the kitchen. It was her voice I heard first. "Well, hello there young lady. Is there something you want to confess?" I froze. The kettle stopped boiling. The sudden silence was, paradoxically, almost deafening. I turned slowly to see Ally stood in the kitchen doorway. A slight smile on her face. For a while, neither of us spoke. I actually felt my world come crumbling down around me. I could actually hear it crashing to the ground in a thunderous rumble as shame, guilt and embarrassment fought for dominance in my fuddled head. Eventually, I felt I had to say something. "Ally," I began, "I can explain this. It's..." "Oh you'll explain yourself. And if you're truthful then we can deal with this... this situation to our mutual benefit." She stepped into the kitchen and took over the preparation of coffee, preparing a cup for herself. "Sit down," she said. I sat at the small kitchen table. Ally put the two cups of coffee down and sat opposite at me. "Right. I can see that you've put a lot of thought and effort into you appearance, so you're a crossdresser." It wasn't a question, but a statement. Nevertheless I had to agree with her, I nodded me head. "What's your femme name?" "I'm Nicole." "Oh, that's a lovely name. It suits you, So how long have you been doing this?" "Since I was young, seven, maybe eight years old. At first it was just the feel of the clothes, it was a fascination. It started with my sisters clothes at first. She was only a year and a half older than me so her clothes fit me perfectly. As I grew up, I started wearing my mothers clothes which were a bit conservative, but they still felt nice. As puberty struck I got a bit confused about things. Was I gay? Did I want to become a woman? Was this a sexual thing? Like some weird fetish or other? I didn't know. By then of course, I had access to the internet and I learned more about this curious habit. The more I looked into the matter, the more I learned. I realised that I wasn't homosexual or a transsexual. And it wasn't some weird fetish. I was simply a heterosexual man who likes to present a feminine appearance." Ally had listened to this monologue with a keen interest and had merely nodded. "I see," she grew pensive as she examined the clothes I was wearing, "I don't recognise the clothes, are they yours?" "Yes, every stitch, it's all mine." "I see," she smiled. Then the smile fell from her lips, "Have you ever worn anything of mine?" "Oh no, not at all. I've got my own clothes for this. I would never wear anything of yours." "Hmm, okay. I believe you." She sat up and clapped her hands in front of her, "Right then. Here's what we do about this. First of all, I don't care about you dressing up as a woman. Lots of men do it so you're not on you own. Secondly, you don't have to hide away any more. I'm sure I'll like having you around Nicole. It would be like having a girlfriend. And finally, this will be our little secret. I won't tell anyone. Not everyone is as accepting of transvestism as I am." I felt a sigh escape me, as if a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. "You really don't mind?" I asked, hardly able to believe that Ally was accepting this. She shook her head in an emphatic manner. "Of course I don't mind. Like I said, lots of men do it. I'll be honest with you, I was a little shocked to find you dressed up and looking so feminine. But I really don't mind. And as you've not messed with my clothes, I'm not in a position to be angry or upset about it," she drained her coffee cup and sat back, "I admire you for it in fact. I think it takes a real man to wear a bra." I giggled a little and Ally smiled, which turned into a chuckle. Which turned my giggle into a laugh. Within seconds we were rolling in our chairs, roaring with laughter. Eventually it subsided and we agreed to reconvene in the living room My mood had substantially changed. Initially, I had been ashamed and disgusted, but along with the laughter, all the shame and guilt had flowed from me. I was still a little coy at being with another person. I sat in the comfy armchair that I favoured and Ally sat opposite me, at her favourite seat on the sofa. Ally had poured two large glasses of wine for us and we sat sipping our drinks. "I'm curious," I began. "What brought you home early?" "Oh the seminar was cancelled. The venue where it was being held had a fire in the conference rooms. We didn't get the news until I has halfway there. So I turned around and come straight back. I'm sorry I didn't phone you to tell you." Then Ally frowned for a moment. "Though actually, I'm glad I didn't. I would have never met you otherwise." "Oh, right. Will you still have Monday off?" It had been arranged that those who attended the seminar, which to start on the Saturday and last until late Sunday afternoon, could have the Monday off. "Yes. Yes, I'm off till Monday, which gives me plenty of time to get to know you. Anyway, what were you plans for today?" "Oh, well, I was going to do some work on the technical manual that I've been commissioned to do and then, I was going to go out shopping. Maybe even go to a club tonight." Ally's eyes flew wide open. "You go out dressed like that?" I nodded. "Of course I do. Why go to all the trouble of dressing up to stay indoors? Besides, if no one knows me, they can't recognise me. And hardly anyone recognises me as a man." Ally put her glass down and stood up. "Then we must go shopping. Let me get changed." I was about to argue against going out. I couldn't go out, I still had work to do. It was getting too late to go out shopping and besides... Then I remembered the sleeveless grey sweater dress I was going to wear for my shopping trip. I had hoped to find a suitable jacket to go with it. The clock showed it was still mid afternoon so the shops would still be open. And of course I had been out as Nicole many times before. So, I was confident that I could pass. And of course, I would be with Ally. So I smiled and stood up. "I'll get changed too." It took us about half an hour to change. Me into the sleeveless sweater dress and a black leather jacket. Ally into a short sleeved light blue summer dress with a white belt. Then, having gathered up our handbags, we headed out. It was a pleasant afternoon. We drove to the Mall on the other side of the town where there was less chance of anyone we knew bumping into us. We made small talk as Ally drove us. I had my own car, a small nondescript Volkswagen, but Ally had just shelled out a lot of cash as a deposit for an Audi R8 on finance. It was second hand admittedly, but it was still a decent car. She parked the car up and we entered the mall, chatting like two girl friends. I had slipped so easily in my Nicole persona that talking about girl stuff was second nature. I had spoken to other crossdressers, like myself, but only on-line in chat rooms, swapping tips and advice on make up, jewellery, clothes, the latest fashions and swapping photographs. Still talking was only verbalised typing, sort of, so it was no problem discussing girly stuff with Ally. We spent the afternoon strolling through the mall and window shopping at clothes stores and shoe shops. Lots of shoe shops. We even went into dress shops and tried on various outfits. I bought myself three new skirts, two new tops and of course, the obligatory little black dress. Every girl should have one. I already three, but with such a large amount of disposable income, not to mention the fact that it was on sale, I could afford it. We found a jewellery shop and treated ourselves to some new jewellery. Ally me treated to a new pair of earrings. Apparently, my pierced ears had not gone unnoticed. I even found a decent jacket to with the sweater dress. It was also grey and was a blazer style. Our last stop was Victoria's Secrets where I bought a new set, a matching set bra, garter belt and panties, in coral pink, and Ally treated herself to two new sets, one in racy red and one in essential black. By now it was gone five o'clock and loaded down with shopping bags, we headed back to the car. We drove out of the mall parking lot and into the parking lot of a local coffee shop. We had two large coffees and sat outside chatting like two old friends, until it was time to go home. I paid for coffees. After all I reminded her, she had paid for earrings. We crashed into our chairs at just turned seven o'clock, still chatting and giggling. We had arrived home, unpacked our purchases and Ally had opened one of the two bottles of red wine that we had purchased from the local co-op where my appearance want unnoticed. "Oh Nicole. I had such a fun afternoon. I haven't had a girlfriend like you since university. We have to do it again some time." "Sounds good to me," I said. Then I decided to make another confession, "I've needed someone like you for a while." Ally frowned at me as she sipped her wine. "What do you mean?" I was already regretting this decision. It was something that was only now becoming obvious to me. Something had floated under the surface for many years, but only as a vague and nebulous thing, Something that I wasn't even aware of for many years. Only today had it become a concrete idea. And only after today, could I voice it properly. But would I voice it? And would I voice it to Ally? I didn't feel that I could call on Ally in such a manner. However, as she was accepting of my transformation, I felt I was safe to express it. "This is a very lonely pastime. Most of the time I merely dress up at home or if I go out, I'm on my own. Being with you today though... I felt normal. I felt... natural. I felt safe sharing this with you, and I need someone to share with. Does that make sense." Ally continued to look at me for a moment. Then she put her glass down and came and sat at my side. She took my hand and looked at me. "Right then. First of all, you are normal. So you're a man who like to dress as a woman. So what? It's a hobby, a pastime. It's no different from stamp collecting or train spotting. As for it being it a lonely hobby, well it needn't be. And If you want me to come out with you, I'd be glad to go shopping, go drinking, or anything. If you can pull off a swim suit, we could even go swimming." She paused for a moment. "If you want to me to be a girl friend, than I can be your friend. Like I said, it's like you're my little sister," she giggled as I rolled my eyes, "And I really like having you around. Any time you want to go out and do something, you let me know. We can do this together." I felt tears welling in my eyes. "Thank you." I said, my voice cracking. Ally wrapped her arms around my neck. "Oh don't cry. You'll get me started and then we'll both ruin our mascara. We'll look like Pandas." Part two We had spent that Saturday night watching a comedy special on Netflix and drinking wine. The Sunday was spent shopping again and that was how the week went. I spent the entire weekend, including Monday as Nicole, doing my work and chores around the flat, leading Ally to joke that she should get a maid's uniform. I didn't tell her that I already had one. I decided to surprise her with it one night. By Tuesday I was back in Nigel mode. I felt the need to apologise for some reason. Ally merely shrugged and said that if I wanted to be Nigel, I could be Nigel. I noticed that she appeared disappointed. But it might have been my imagination. It was the usual routine. We took turns in cooking three night a weeks each and on Friday, we ordered a takeaway to welcome the weekend. The next weekend, Nicole and Ally spent the morning chatting and in the afternoon we went shopping. And that was how it went for a next few weeks. I sometimes dressed up during the week, especially if I was busy with writing and I wore a shirt skirt and blouse, as if I were some busy executive, but Saturday and Sunday were reserved for Nicole. And all manner of day trips to various towns and of course, a lot of shopping. It was about three months after Ally's discovery of Nicole that things took a turn. It was a Friday and Ally had the day off and Monday was a bank holiday as well, Though I was technically between commissions, I had just been given the task of writing a technical manual on the preparation and production of gloss paint. And no, that is not as interesting as it sounds. It being the morning, I was in Nigel mode, preparing some notes and other ideas and since they were not in a massive hurry for the manual, I decided to make a start on the Tuesday after bank holiday weekend and spend the entire four days as Nicole. After I finished my preparations, I had dressed in a short sleeved summer dress, as it was now summer and the temperatures were high. I was wearing a garter belt and tan stockings, along with matching panties and bra, in light blue. I had gone for a light layer of make up and was wearing my long blonde wig. Ally's favourite. I was in the kitchen preparing a cup of coffee and wondering what the long weekend would bring. Ally came through from her little office and sat down beside me at the kitchen table. "You're free for the weekend, yeah?" "Yep, free as a bird." "Well. I've got rather nice surprise for you." I frowned. As a general rule, I didn't like surprises. "Go on." Ally beamed. My aunt booked a weekend away for her and my Mum. Only, my aunt was rushed into hospital on Wednesday with appendicitis," my eyes widened in shock and fear, Ally rushed on before I could bombard her with questions, "She's fine, she's okay. her appendix was took out on Thursday mornings and she's recovered. But the weekend is off. For her and my Mum at least." "Well, I'm glad Your aunt's okay, but how is that a pleasant surprise." "A weekend up in the lake district arriving tonight, and leaving late on Monday afternoon. A little rented cottage, just for us. My mum gave me the details just now. My Aunt wants me to go and I want to take you with me. Just think, the whole weekend, just me and you. In the lake district. If we pack now, we can set off in a couple of hours and drive up. Are you interested?" A whole weekend dressed as Nicole. "Oh, hell yeah." Ally beamed with pleasure. "I can be packed in ready in an hour." "Then let's go," she said. "Hang on," I said. "What about work on Monday?" Ally rolled her eyes. "Hello, earth to Nicole, it's a bank holiday?" Sheepish, as well as rebuked, I nodded with a soft shrug. It took slightly longer than an hour, as the packing and preparations were disorganized and a little panicked, but eventually, by half past two in the afternoon, we were loading our suitcases into the narrow but still spacious boot of the R8 and had set off, after making sure that the flat was locked and secure, We set the destination into our GPS system and found that it was a little over a two hours drive. We decided to stop halfway for a rest and a coffee. We finally got Bowness-On-Windermere and after stocking up on supplies for a three day stay, we arrived at the small cottage that had been rented almost two months earlier by Ally's Aunt. It was a beautiful bungalow style cottage, right on the edge of Lake Windermere. It had a wide open living room, a little dining room, a small but functional kitchen and two bedrooms. By seven o'clock, we had unpacked and settled in. We had a drink at a nearby pub and picked a couple of takeaway pizzas for our evening meal. By nine o'clock we were back in the cottage making plans for our three day stay. I went to bed at just turned half past ten. I cleared my face of it's make up, I undressed and hung my clothes in the wardrobe and dressed in a silk nightgown. I had very peasant dreams as I drifted off to sleep. I woke early the next morning. I rose from my bed and opened the windows. It was a glorious day. The sun was high in the sky and bounced of Lake Windermere in dazzling flashes that were almost blinding. The temperature was high, but there was a cooling breeze rising off the lake that tempered the heat. I could hear bird song and hear the waves of the lake lapping along the shore. I took a deep breath of fresh country air. It worked on my foggy senses, waking me up quicker than a cup of coffee. I left the view and took my robe off the back of the door, shrugging my way into it. I made my way into the kitchen where Ally was waiting for me, with fresh coffee and a plate of scrambled eggs on toast. "Morning Nicole." She looked at me in an appraising fashion. "You look pretty this morning, even without make up." "Why thank you. You look pretty too." Ally waved her hand in a dismissive, 'oh please' gesture. We discussed our day as we ate our breakfast. We decided to go sightseeing. Wander round the town, taking in the local sights, maybe a boat ride on the lake, taking photos of each other and window shopping of course. Maybe even a spot of real shopping. We finished our breakfast and took turns in the shower before making our way to our rooms where we got dressed. I dressed in a set of pale cream underwear. I wore sheer light tan stockings over my freshly shaved legs. I put a light layer of make, put on pick lipstick and softened shades on my eyelids, a bit of blush. It was noticeable, but subtle. I then donned a white and yellow sun-dress, buckling a wide black belt around my slender waist. I grabbed a pair of sunglasses, picked up a large handbag ensuring that it contained everything I needed. I was short of ready cash, but had plenty in the bank, so I made certain that I had my debit card in my purse. It was only my initials, crucially there was no mister, nothing to mark me as masculine. I joined Ally in the living room and she cooed with delight over my dress. She was dressed in a short yellow skirt with a white a white cold shoulder top. We wore flats as neither of us wanted to spend the day in heels. We set off at just turned half nine and spend the first half of the day, driving around the lake taking stops along at the way to pose for photographs, me using my phone, Ally using her big DSLR, that looked incongruous in her petite hands. By midday we had arrived back in Bowness-On-Windermere. Ally parked up in a local car park and we headed to a caf? for a coffee and something to eat. That afternoon, we wandered around the small town taking in the sights, and of course, looking in the shops. Of course, there were lots of references to the Lake Poets, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey, including volumes of their poetry. I bought a few of them as I thought they might come in handy some day and of course, I like poetry. Ally bought a few postcards and other memento's and souvenirs. We would need an additional suitcase to take all this stuff home. We even joked about needing a trailer for the Audi, since we could not possibly fit in all in the boot. By the time we got back to the cottage, it was late and we spent the evening winding down, drinking wine, chatting about our day and generally relaxing. It was during a natural pause in our chatter that Ally grew pensive, Her manner changed as she rested her glass in her in lap. "Can I make a confession Nicole?" I nodded, wondering what she was about to admit to. "I think I fancy you," Ally announced. She kept her gaze on the wine glass in her lap. I took this information in and considered the implications. For a moment, I was surprised. This was a curious turn of events and I was a little puzzled on how to deal with it. Well. I fancied Ally. There was no question about that. She was attractive, graceful, kind and she shared my sense of humour. But she had always treated me like a kid brother. Did she fancy Nigel, or Nicole? "Okay," I eventually said. It was banal but was all I could think of. I gave myself a mental shaking and continued, "Well, I fancy you too. But, we have a good friendship and...if we want to move that friendship forward, we need to discuss this with clearer heads." Ally smiled and looked up at me. "It's not the wine talking Nicole. I've always had a crush on Nigel, but I didn't know how to pursue it. I know I'm older than you and that I can be a little bit intimidating at times, so that probably put you off and it shouldn't. And as I've grown to know Nicole, it's like there's a whole other side to you . And as I've grown to know you, that attraction has grown." She sighed, her glass was empty and she reached for the bottle, to fill it up. When she had poured a generous measure, she handed the bottle to me. There was about a glass full left, so I filled my glass and set the empty bottle back the table. I got the feeling that the ball was in my court at this point of the conversation, so I asked her the question I had considered earlier. "Are you attracted to Nigel, or Nicole?" Ally considered the question for a moment. "Both," she said simply. I sat back and smiled. To know that Ally found me attractive was a revelation to me. And one that I couldn't handle at the moment. "This is a lot to handle," I began and then Ally beat me to it. "It's an issue alright," she said, She drained her glass, "Let's sleep on it yeah? Discuss it in the morning." "Okay," I said. "I just want to try something first," she said. She stood and came over to me, "Stand up." I rose from sofa and she stepped up to me. For a moment, we just stood facing each other. She then took my wrists and draped my arms over her shoulders. She placed her hands on my hips. We simply stood looking at each other for another moment. And then she leant in. Our first kiss was tentative, exploratory, tender even. But it quickly became more passionate and her tongue poked into my mouth and I returned the gesture. We stood there kissing for a good few minutes, before she broke it. That sweet lopsided smile was on her face, She then dislodged my arms from her shoulders. Then, without a word, she left the living room and entered her bedroom. I stood there dazed and dumbfounded for a moment. Then I headed to my own room. For a moment, I simply sat on the bed, trying to sort my feelings out as they were in such a fuddled state. Of course, the kiss had given me an erection. Once that was dealt with, I undressed, cleaned off my make up and changed into a nightgown. Sleep did not come easily, but it came eventually. I had some very strange and erotic dreams. Don't ask me what the Peacock feathers meant, I have no idea. Part three. A knock on the door roused me on the Sunday. Bird song filled the air and breeze blew through the open window. Ally's voice came through the door. "Nicole, it's time to get up. Breakfast is ready." I raised my head from the pillow and glanced about. "I'm up, I'm up," I replied. I sat up in bed and looked around. Then I flopped back on the bed as the memory of the night before filled my waking thoughts, How Ally and I had kissed. My thoughts were still muddled and the half remembered dreams were still flowing through my head. The clock on the bedside table showed that it was just after eleven o'clock. After a few moment of staring the ceiling, I got up and headed to the shower. As I stood there under the hot stream of water, I attempted to sort my thoughts into some semblance of order. After my shower, headed back into my room and dried myself. I then blow dried my hair and got dressed. White biking cut style panties with matching bra. A pair of tan tights, a short black denim skirt and a black short sleeved sweater. Then I looked at my reflection. I looked awful. The black denim skirt was changed for a light beige skirt and the black short sleeved sweater for a crisp white blouse. That was a better look I added a light layer of make up and then took a deep breath. I headed into the kitchen where I saw Ally preparing cereal for breakfast. The coffee pot was hot and bubbling and I poured myself a cup, adding sugar and milk and then sitting at the kitchen table with Ally. She had silent as I had prepared my coffee and as I sat down beside her, she looked up and smiled. "Right then, let's discuss the elephant in the room," she said. I glanced up at her and nodded. "I think we need to," I said. Ally laid her arms on the table and took a deep breath. "Okay. I know I goofed up when I kissed you last night, and especially after I just left the way I did, so, I'm sorry about that. But I learned what I wanted to know. There's a spark between us. There's an attraction that goes beyond mere friendship. I think we need to admit that." "Well, I have to say that I've always fancied you," I said, "I just didn't think that you wanted to be more than friends." Ally broke into a chuckle. "I thought the same of you. In fact, I spent the first couple of years thinking that you were gay. But then you told me about your last girlfriend, do you remember?" Oh vaguely. "I remember." Her name had been Helen. We had been together for a couple of months. Though it had been good between us, it had just been sex. We broke up shortly after we had started and had parted amicably. That had been eighteen months ago and I had been single ever since. "Well, I'm not gay. Under this feminine exterior lies a heterosexual male." "I know. The kiss proved that." She smiled and straightened up, in the chair. "Here's what I propose. We go about our normal day today,you know, shopping and sightseeing. But this evening, we go out for a meal. There's a rather nice restaurant in the town that, to be honest with you, I've been wanting to visit since we go here. So, we book a table for say... eight o'clock. And this evening, we get dressed in our finest and go out for a meal." I sat upright. "Are you asking me on a date?" "Yes. Yes I am." "Okay. I accept." Ally bounced in her chair, clapping her hands like a little girl. "Yay. Oh, you know what this means?" "Little black dresses?" "Which we haven't brought with us. So you know what we have to do?" "I guess we're going shopping." "Oh, now you're thinking like a woman. Let's go." We spent the morning, looking in various dress shops and picking our selections. Ally however, wanted the choice of dress to be a surprise so we agreed to have lunch in a local caf?. And then go out separately to buy the dresses. While I was still a little scared at being read, I was confident enough to go shopping alone. And even if I was read, the staff at the stores I had been noticed appeared not to care, especially if they were on commission , as some were in the more up-scale shops. I don't know how long Ally took to find her dress, but I had spotted the perfect dress that morning. So when we left the caf?, I headed south and she headed North. I found the little boutique on a side street just off the main street. Ally and I had looked in on it yesterday. The dress in question was black, a high front and a low back, with spaghetti straps, a lace bodice with lace sleeves and it was floor length with a slit to mid thigh on the left hand side. I had seen it in the window. It was expensive, but it was worth it. I entered the shop, praying that they had the dress in a size ten. The shop interior was cool after the heat of the summer day outside and I relished the coolness of the store. It was also well lit, spacious and well laid out. There were three other patrons. An elderly woman, who was modelling some fuchsia monstrosity and a couple in the early thirties, obviously a husband and wife, though the possibly existed that a husband and his mistress. None of them were taking any notice of me. But a young saleswoman clearly took notice of me as she approached, a warm welcoming smile on her face. A pretty young blonde woman who looked about my age, dressed in an obvious uniform of black skirt and white blouse. The name on her name badge was Sarah "Good afternoon Miss. Can I help you at all?" "Yes. The Conrad in the window, do you have it in a size ten? And can I try it on?" She nodded eagerly. "Yes of course. Come with me." She led me to a clothes rack where several copies of the dress were hung. Sarah rifled through the rack and then held out the dress for me "There you go Miss." I took it from her and held it up to my body. Checking my reflection in the mirror. It looked good on the hangar, but would it look good on me? "The changing rooms are in the back," Sarah said. "Please follow me." she led me through the store until we reached a room that had two full mirrors and a row of coat hooks. "Here you go Miss, please take as long as you need." Her face than changed, to one of eager anticipation. "If you could possibly do me a small favour?" "What is it?" "I'm thinking of buying one of these for myself. If you could step out after you've changed into it, so I can see it?" "Of course," I said. Sarah beamed with delight. "Then I'll leave you to it," she said. I took off my blouse and skirt and hung them up. I then took the dress off it's hanger and stepped into it. I pulled the skirt section up to may waist and then tugged the bodice up around my torso, placing the spaghetti straps over my shoulder and pulling up the zip. The dress fit me perfectly and I admired my image in the mirror. It looked absolutely magnificent on me The tan tights didn't really go with it, I would need a pair of black stockings to go with it. And a new pair of heels. Like I needed an excuse to buy shoes. I giggled at this, I was beginning to think like a woman. Then I remembered my promise to Sarah. I went to the door and cracked it open. Peering out, I saw Sarah stood a respectable distance from the door. I caught her her attention and gestured her forward. As she approached, I opened the door and stepped out of the changing room. The look of absolute delight on her face told me all I needed to know. "Well?" "Oh my god, you look amazing," she said through a wide smile, then the smile fell from her face. "Not that I'm trying to convince you or anything. I mean, I may be on commission, but I really really mean it." she stepped back to take in the full effect and then frowned at me. "Though I would suggest black or nude tights as opposed to the tan. And I know just the pair of shoes. Come with me." Still wearing the dress I followed Sarah as she led me to the shoe section. I selected a really nice pair of high heeled ankle boots, which Sarah was dubious about but when I tried them on, she agreed that they went very well with the dress. I changed back into my skirt and blouse as Sarah folded the dress neatly and placed it in a box for me, along with the shoes, which also went into a box. I then selected a fresh set of lingerie to go with the new dress. Matching panties, bra and garter belt and a nice pair of patterned stockings. I paid for the dress with my debit card and thanking Sarah for her help, I left the shop. I bought a cheap cheerful, but still rather nice bolero style jacket to go with the dress in a local branch of Marks and Spencer. It was made of soft velvet. Then I made my way back to the Bungalow. Ally was in the living room, reading a magazine when I got back. She jumped up and headed for the kitchen. "Hey Nicole. How was shopping?" "No, no clues." I headed for my room where I laid my bags on the bed and then, closing the door behind me, I headed back into the living room to be presented with a cup of coffee and I sat in one of the armchairs. Glancing at my watch, I saw if was still mid afternoon, a little after two o'clock. "So, what's the plan?" I asked. "The reservation is for eight o'clock. So here's what I suggest. We spend the next few hours relaxing and then start getting ready about sixish. Then we leave the bungalow separately and head off to the pub, next door to the Bistro. I'll go first and you meet me in there about seven thirty, we'll have a drink and then, go for our meal. How's that sound?" I thought for a moment. "Complicated," I replied. Ally frowned. "Don't be silly. It's easy. And it will be just like a real date." "Okay," I fell silent for the moment, but then my stomach rumbled. I realised that I was feeling a little peckish. "I'm going to make myself a sandwich. Do you want one?" "Ooh, yes please." I made some ham salad sandwiches and we spent most of the afternoon making small talk. Part four. Six o'clock eventually rolled around. Ally decided that it was time to get ready and headed off for the shower. I waited until she had finished and when she come out of the bathroom, with a towel wrapped her body and her hair in a turban, I decided to get ready myself. After my shower, during which I ran fresh lady razor over my stray hairs, I dried myself thoroughly. Back in my bedroom, I dressed in the new lingerie, and then I sat at my dressing table. I applied a fresh layer of make up. I went for dark smoky eyed make up and was impressed with the effect. I went for a deep red on the lips, with a layer of gloss to plump them out. Then I opened the box and pulled my dress from the tissue lined interior. I unzipped it and stepped into it pulling it up to my waist and then up around my torso, pushing my arms into the sleeves. Then I hooked it at the back and zipped it up. I adjusted the fabric until it hung perfectly and them I put the boots on. I checked my image in the full length mirror be the wall. I looked fantastic. The slit on the left hand side of the dress was open and ended with a teasing glimpse of stocking top. Oh hell, I would date me in this dress. That thought gave me the giggles. My phone chimed and I checked. It was a text message from Ally, stating that she was ready and would leave straight away. I would meet her in the pub in about half an hour. I completed the look with the jacket and put some items of make up in the silver clutch purse I was intending to use that night. I checked the time on the slim silver watch I had placed on my left wrist and saw that it was just turned seven o'clock. It would take me about fifteen minutes to walk to the pub and I didn't want to run into Ally, So I poured myself a cup of lukewarm coffee and perched myself on the edge of the sofa, as I sipped it and waited. I suddenly felt tense, nervous even. I had not been out on a date in nearly two years and I had never gone out on a date as Nicole. I was suddenly curious as to what Ally actually wanted out of this. If something did happen, would it last? Would it become a lasting romance? Or would fizzle out and die? What if if ended badly? What if nothing happened? Would it change our friendship? Would it hurt our friendship? Damage it irrevocably even? I then realised that I was making a catastrophe out of a situation that hadn't even happened yet. I forced myself to put all the doubts out of my mind and relax about the evening ahead, see where it led, enjoy it even. After what seemed like half an hour, I checked my watch. It was ten past seven. I stood, rinsed the coffee cup out and headed out of the bungalow. Even though it was only take me short time to get to the pub, I decided to take my time. I would be fashionably late. Only be a few minutes, make Ally sweat a little. I attracted some attention as I strolled through the town. There was a heart stopping moment when a couple stopped me. But it was only to ask where I had bought the dress from and would they have it in a size twelve. I spoke to the woman, who was stood with her boyfriend. I told her her were I had bought it and even gave them directions to the shop. The woman was polite and thanked me for the information. The only reaction from the man was an admiring glance at my legs, and the slit in the skirt. I reached the pub at exactly half past seven and a man who was leaving the pub held the door open for me as I entered. I thanked him for his gallantry and entered the pub. It was not full, only a handful people but it wasn't empty either. There were four guys stood in a row propping up the bar. Five, maybe six people sat around a table laughing loudly and an old couple, they looked to be in their eighties, He had a pint of bitter in front of him. She had a gin and tonic in front of her. They looked like they were nursing them. I walked up to the bar. Ally was sat at the end of the bar, where she could see the door and had watched me enter. Her expression was wonderful. Her jaw dropped open, her eyes widened and then she smiled broadly. She told me later, that I had a similar reaction to seeing her. Her long mane of hair was auburn, she had also gone for a smoky eyed look with her make and her dress... it was beautiful. It was short, well above the knee with a lace bodice that clearly showed her bra and cased her arms in tight three quarter length sleeves Her legs were encased in nude stockings but they had a sheen to them that clearly showed her shapely legs and she was perched on a pair of stilettos. She walked up we kissed each other on the cheek. "Hey Nicole, How are you?" "Nervous, if I'm honest." "Well don't be. You look amazing," she stood and examined my outfit, my make up, "You look stunning in fact." She then turned to the bar. The bar man had come over, a wide smile on his face. "What can I get you ladies?" "Two large white wines please," Ally replied. "Yes miss." He moved off to get the drinks. Ally turned to me, a wide smile on her face. "I'm going to have to borrow that dress sometime," she said. I shrugged. "I might lend it you." She laughed at that and when the bar man returned to two large glasses filled with ice cold wine, it was I who dug into my purse for the ten pound note to pay for the drinks. Ally did not argue. Once I had paid for the drink and shovelled my change into my coin purse, Ally led me to a booth where we scooted in and went largely unobserved by the other patrons in the bar. We raised our glasses and clinked them together, each taking sips of our drink. Ally set her glass down "I'm glad you could make it." I looked at her blankly, I was surprised by the statement. "Why wouldn't I make it?" "Well, if I'm honest, I did think that you'd bottle out, and not show up." I was a little irked somewhat. "Well I'm glad I proved you wrong," I said, I was a little miffed to be honest, but I let it pass. And so, judging by the look on her face, so did Ally. She broke into a wide smile. "And so am I. I like you Nicole," She paused, staring into my eyes. "I really, really like you." "I really, really like you too," I said. "Good," she said. And then she sat back. "And I really like that dress." She peered shrewdly at me. "Where did you get it?" "Oh, that little boutique in town." "Must have been expensive." "Oh it was worth it. What about yours?" "Oh, this old thing? I found it in a charity shop. It's a McQueen." "Really?" She turned around and pulled the label out, as a show of proof. I read it and saw the designer logo. I was impressed. "Well, I know you can get bargains at Charity shops, there's quite a few in town. In fact, about half of my wardrobe comes from charity shops." "Oh. Hey, that's an idea for next weekend." "I admire your enthusiasm, but I really don't need an excuse to go shopping." That elicited a giggle and a wide smile and I my spirits rose further. "Well, as much as I like Nigel, and I really do like Nigel, I have to say, as Nicole, you're much more fun." Her face grew solemn, her smile dropped. "Oh no. Two creeps at eleven o'clock." I glanced round and saw two men stood at the bar, smiling at us. They were smartly dressed. Both were wearing suits though one of them, the taller dark haired man was not wearing a tie. Ally poked me in the ribs. "Stop flirting with them," she hissed. I turned my body to her and put my back to the two men. "I'm not flirting with them. I don't want to attract a man, I have no interest in men. Although, if I'm honest, I get a bit of a thrill out of men finding me attractive." "You're a tease," Ally pouted. "So what? There's no harm in it." Ally's frown disappeared and the smile returned. "Well, as long as that's all you do." She glanced over my shoulder and her smile faltered and she went a little pale. "They're coming over." I turned to see the men approaching. Both were six foot tall and well built. One was black haired, wearing a black suit, white shirt, not tie. The second had light brown hair, wearing a light grey suit, white shirt and black tie. Though not a great combination, he somehow managed to pull it off. "Hello ladies," said No Tie, "I'm John and this is Stuart." Stuart smiled at us. "Can we get you two gorgeous girls a drink?" Stuart asked. "We're tempted, but we're waiting for our boyfriends," Ally said, "I'm Ally and this is my friend Nicole." "Hi guys." I said, giving them a little wave. Stuart and John looked a little crestfallen, but they realised that they weren't going to have any luck with us. "Okay, we'll leave alone you for now. But, allow us to buy you a drink anyway?" Ally and I exchanged a glance. One drink, it couldn't hurt it, could it? "Thanks fella's but we're fine for now," I said. "Hey, you can't blame us for trying," said Stuart. "Yeah, we'll leave you alone now," said John. And then they left. John, glanced back us but they were soon seated at the end of the bar, ignoring us. Ally drained her glass and put it down in the table. "That was too close," Ally said. I couldn't help but agree, but I also didn't say so. "Anyway," she continued, "let's get out of here before we cause any more trouble." "Reservation for two, The name is Cornwell?" The Ma?tre, d nodded and checked the book in the lectern before him. He looked up with a smile. "Yes, I have you. If you would like to deposit your coats?" He gestured to a young girl who appeared at his side. Ally and I took off our coats and handed them to her. She smiled and deposited a ticket into Ally's hand. "Follow me," he said. He then led the way through the brightly lit restaurant to the side of the large room where we were shown to a small yet still spacious table, with seats facing each other. Two waiters appeared to pull our seats out and let us sit. Some of the other patrons glanced at us, admiring glances from the man and jealous glances from the women. But other than this, they paid us little attention. "This is Mark," the Ma?tre, d explained, gesturing to the younger of the two waiters, "He will be you waiter this evening." Mark, a young lad who looked fresh of sixth form smiled graciously. He was dressed in the usual uniform. White shirt, black trousers, highly polished shoes. He had two menus in his hands. The Ma?tre, d saw us seated and then smiled at us. "I will leave you in Mark's capable hands, and I hope you enjoy your meal." We thanked him and he made his way back to the doorway. Mark handed us the large menus and took our drinks order, two very large gin and tonics. I was shocked at the prices. "We might need a mortgage to eat here tonight," I said. "Shut up," Ally hissed, though her giggles softened the harsh tone of her voice. She looked at the menu and her eyes widened briefly. She wouldn't admit it, but I was right. Mark returned with our drinks. We spent a few moments reading our menus and making recommendations to each other regarding our meals. I had a quick look at the desert menu before the main courses, I also had a glance at the wine menu. We argued over this but it was light hearted and brief and we settled on a particularly nice Chardonnay. "So, what will you be having?" Ally asked me. I had made my choice. "I'll have the prawn salad for starters, steak, chips and salad for the main course, and a slice of Black Forest Gateaux for desert." "Ooh, adventurous," Ally said. She glanced at the menu and then set it down. "I'll have the same." Mark had returned by now so we ordered our meals. I ordered my steak well done, while Ally asked for medium rare. The prawn salad was deliciously cold and the prawns were delicious. Our steaks were beautifully cooked, the chips were large proper stake chips and the salad was crisp, cool and delicious. The gateaux as well, was absolutely gorgeous and of course, we recited the old maxim, a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips. We couldn't help ourselves. The first bottle of Chardonnay was followed by a second. We debated on a third but decided against it, opting instead for two large gin and tonics. The conversation revolved around our respective jobs, her work mates, my clients and the things I had learned while putting technical manuals together. Mark was attentive without hovering, charming without being creepy and extremely efficient. So, when Ally called for the bill and we split it between us, we made sure that he got a very handsome tip. By half nine, our bellies full, we collected out coats. The Ma?tre, d thanked us warmly for our patronage as we waited for our coats and then we set off back for our holiday cottage. Ally soon took my hand and we took a detour by the lake, walking along the shore, admiring the scenery under the warm glow of the setting sun. It was just after ten o'clock when we returned. Ally made her way straight into the living room and collapsed on the sofa. I went into the kitchen and prepared two small gin and lemons for a night cap. I knew I was going to pay for the alcohol with a hangover in the morning, but I was too happy in this moment to care about tomorrow. Ally had curled up with her feet beneath her, her high heels on the floor. She accepted the offered glass with a smile. "Oh Thanks Nicole." I sat down next to her and she instantly snuggled up to me, placing her arm around my shoulder. "Thank you," I said. "It was a wonderful evening. I don't think I've ever had such a great date." "I don't remember any of my dates going so well. I've had some pretty shitty dates, but this is by far, the best." She leaned forward, her hand came to rest on my knee. "Can I make a confession?" "Of course. Unless it's a confession of murder." Ally giggled and then composed herself. "My first boyfriend was a crossdresser. I was twenty, he was twenty one. I met him in a gay bar at University and we were inseparable for the longest time. We went clubbing, we went shopping and when we made love, we wore each others lingerie. One slight problem." I raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" "He turned out to be gay. Or, he decided he was gay at least. Anyway, the dressing stopped, we split up and the last I heard, he was living with a guy in Oxford, running a gay book shop. Anyway, I tried to get my next boyfriend to dress up but he wasn't having any of it. So that didn't last either. I guess what I'm saying, is that I... I'm attracted to crossdressers. It's like my inner lesbian coming out." "Inner lesbian? Have you been with a girl then?" Ally giggled and then chewed her bottom lip, as if she was anxious. "Yeah. Once, at University. I was experimenting. I'll admit it, I enjoyed it, but I prefer men." "I should hope so. I am a man after all." I was being flippant and I knew it. And I regretted it. Thankfully, Ally didn't. "And you're a girl. And a girl like you Nicole..." she looked at me. I saw longing in her eyes, desire in her heart. I don't know who initiated the kiss, whether it me was me or her, but at that moment I didn't care. It was soft, at first. But it grew in intensity, in passion, in heat, Then suddenly Ally was astride me. Her tongue forcing its way into my mouth, even as my tongue entered hers. The kiss was long, passionate... oh hell. It was fucking electric. Then Ally broke the kiss. Placing her hands on my shoulders and and pushing herself back. For a moment she just sat there, staring at me lustfully. "I want you. And I want you now." We crashed through her bedroom door still engaged in the kiss that had begun when she pulled me off the couch. Our hands were roaming over our bodies. She turned, offering her back to me. I unzipped her dress and she virtually yanked it off her tall slender body. Dressed only in her lingerie, she again wrapped her arms around me and the kiss resumed. I felt her hands pulling the zipper of my dress, pulling the bodice from my torso. It hung from my waist for a moment then fell to the floor. Ally, her arms wrapped around me pulled me to her bed. I Fell on top of her and for a few minutes, we just rolled around on top of the duvet, my hands cupping her pert breasts, her hands squeezing my buttocks. Then her hands reached up and yanked down my panties. I lifted my bum to facilitate the manoeuvre, She then yanked down my gaff, freeing my penis and testicles. The way she grabbed them made me gasp with pleasure. Her motions were soft at first as she gently stroked my shaft. I simple lay and then quivered. Then her strokes grew faster as my organ became gorged with blood. "Oh, that's good," I said, "that's more then good, it's great." "Hold on, it's about to get better," she said. Then she bent down took my penis in her mouth. She was good. Her lips caressed my shaft as her tongue lapped at the head and the glans, sending shivers of pleasure trough the my body. Soon, her head was bobbing up and down as she sucked and licked my penis as if it were a huge lollipop and I lay there, simply moaning with pleasure. Then I reached for her hips, grabbing hold of her and pulling her towards me, pulling her panties down. She stopped pleasuring me and stood briefly as she pulled her panties off. She then lay back down, placing her mouth on my engorged cock once more. Manoeuvring herself on the bed till, her pussy was inches from my face. I leaned forward and used my tongue to part her labia and starting probing for her clitoris. A guttural moan escaped from her throat as my tongue found it target and I began sucking and flicking my tongue against it. We continued sucking, licking and flicking for a good few minutes, She orgasmed once, then twice as my tongue did it's work. I felt the pleasure building as she worked on my cock. Then she pulled herself away. She threw herself on top of me and I fell back on the bed as her weight smooshed against me. We began kissing each other once more. Then, Ally got off me. I raised myself on my elbows, frowning. Was that the end it? She opened the drawer of her beside table and removed a box of condoms. She opened the cellophane package and opened the box, taking a condom from inside. She ripped the packet open and withdrew the condom. She then placed it over my raging cock. I did fear that the heat would melt it, but I wasn't thinking with a logical head, I was thinking with my animal head. Once the condom was on, she straddled, the tip of my cock resting against her wet glistening pussy. She paused for a moment, looking at me, as if she was asking me for permission. I grabbed her hips and slowly pulled towards me, my cock parting her lips and pushing deep inside her. She grabbed my shoulders and moaned loudly, her fingernails digging into my tender flesh. I gasped as her pussy gripped my cock while it rested deep inside her. She began to pump my cock and I set up my own rhythm, bucking my hips up and down to push my cock into her pussy. Ally bit her bottom lip as I did so. "Oh yeah, oh fuck. Oh yeah!" Sitting upright, she grabbed her breast with one hand, and pulled on her hair with the other. "Oh fuck me Nicole, fuck me!" She began bouncing with more eagerness and I bucked constantly beneath her. I felt the pressure building in my balls and my belly. The damn burst. Ally arched her back and shouted incoherently as she orgasmed one final time. I actually screamed out as I pumped my seed into the condom, a pleasure wave making me buck my hips once then twice before It was spent. I continued to pump up and down, until I was physically spent. Ally bent forward her falling across her face, Eventually she collapsed on top of me. "Oh fuck Nicole!" she said. I passed into a stupor. I lay on my back, dozing slightly. I'm not able to sleep on my back, but I can doze and I can certainly daydream. Ally lay beside me, clad only in her garter belt and stockings, her warm naked body pressed up against mine, her left arm was folded beneath her head, her right arm was draped over my stomach. I looked over as she shifted her position, to rest on her elbow, smiling down at me. "Hey lover," she said. "Hey," I began. And then I wondered how to continue. "Was it good for you?" It was a banal predictable thing to say and I regretted it even as I was saying it. Ally giggle and her hand slapped my stomach. "Stop fishing for compliments," she snapped. Then she broke into a smile, "It was better than good, it was fucking fantastic." she crashed down against, putting her arms around me. "Me too," I said, "I don't want this night to end." "Yes, well unfortunately, it has to. But that doesn't that our lovemaking has to end." "Really?" I asked. She leaned up again, frowning down at me. "This isn't a one night stand you known. Of course, I want to do this again, and I want to do it with you. I've heard about multiple orgasms, but I've never felt them till tonight. So thank you for that. You, are one impressive fuck," she said. "Is that as me or as Nicole?" "Well, I've not fucked Nigel yet, but as you're the same person, I imagine he will be as good as you." "Thank you," I said, then I frowned, "I think." Ally giggled a little, and then she leaned in and kissed me. It was deep and loving and I knew that Ally loved me. As Nicole, Nigel, it didn't matter, she loved who I was and not what I presented myself as. And I loved her. Ally, still kissing me, moved her hand from my chest, to my groin, fondling my cock and my balls. I felt the familiar stirring under her touch. She broke the kiss. "Do you want to go for round two?" she asked. "I think I can manage that." I rolled over and she shifted onto her back. We actually made it to round three. It was a three pack of condoms after all.

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“Are you blind or just stupid?” Stacy said. “A woman doesn’t dress like that just to visit a church. She was going out on a date with someone.” “You knew what she was doing and didn’t say anything? You didn’t tell me anything!?” “What was I supposed to do? Stop her!? Maybe stalk her out!?” “You’re telling me she came up with all that bullshit about visiting an old church just because she knew we wouldn’t have gone with her?!” “Julian, stop screaming” she whispered. “She can still hear us...

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Forever Pregnant Part 5

Forever Pregnant - Part 5 Synopsis: Rob and his step-sister graduate from high school and decide to attend the same college and share a suite of rooms. Neither Christine nor I really knew what we wanted to do after graduation - well, we knew that we both wanted to go to college, but we weren't sure what we wanted to do after that. As kind of a stop-gap measure both of us applied to the local community college in the General Studies program - and were both accepted. We'd talked about...

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Daddy taught me to shave

This isn't my story but someone told me it so I thought I'd retell it. I grew up in a small town with my mum & dad, life was pretty good & pretty normal. I lost mum when I was 13 but my dad was there to look after me but things started to change. He started drinking ALOT, but was still just dad. One night when I was taking a bath, dad got home from the local bar & came into the bathroom. I felt awkward but he started talking like everything was normal & after a while I felt...

1 year ago
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Lara a Weekend to Remember

Lara was 28 and it had been four years since her life was changed forever. She had just finished her master's degree at the young age of 24 when the most dramatic thing happened to her. Even four years later, the event was still in her everyday thinking. Lara was brought up very protected and in a family that loved her dearly. She was a very beautiful young woman who was lucky enough to possess a body that left a permanent impression in every man's head. She was sexy by all standards and two...

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Davids landlady part 5

                    "Mummy I've definitely decided I'm going to marry Oliver" came breathlessly down the telephone. "Darling this is a bit premature isn't it, last time I was talking to you were still undecided". "I know Mummy but he's so compliant now I only have to give him a maintenance punishment once every 2 weeks and I followed your advice about caning him if he came before me and it has worked wonderfully well, 10 hard strokes of the cane, a week in the spare room with no sex, as much...

2 years ago
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Sea KingChapter 9

The wardroom, or officers mess, Festou informed him as they traveled back aft, was smaller than Dent had envisioned. Through an open hatch off the passageway leading to the officers' cabins it was just large enough to hold a table and eight chairs. On one side an open window allowed food to be served from a tiny galley. There was one cook and one messman who stood ready to serve. The Captain and the other officers were already seated when he stepped into the room and came to attention as...

1 year ago
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My Little Star

I was in Moscow meeting a business contact for a possible sale of a little mechanism we made that he wanted to use for a kitchen appliance. These things were reliable and would last forever. It wasn’t one of our big selling or normal line items, but it would be lucrative if I could sell this guy ten thousand or so of them. We did mostly government stuff, but one of my engineers came up with this thing to fix his wife’s stand mixer and patented it. He’s making a fortune off of them, but...

3 years ago
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Palam Vikura Pombala

Hi my name is Shiva. I have here to narrate my story about how I seduced my fruit selling lady to my bed. It is a long story but u ppl have no other go other then listen to the whole story because I worked pretty heard for it. Let me 1st tell me about my I am short 5feet 5inches only and gym and bulky guy living in chennai. I am fit and lot of girls and aunties enjoyed my stamina coz I cycle, jog, and gym every day and I swim during the week end I love to keep my self fit and hot. Aunties and...

1 year ago
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Best Moments With My Sister CH1

This story is completely fictional! Hi Friends, thank you for the fantastic response for my earlier story published on this site.It encouraged me to share my experience with my lovely sister Aarti who is just a year elder to me. This happened 3 years ago. I and Aarti were always more of a friends than siblings. Since childhood we use to love each other and care for each other's needs. Our childhood was great fun. We use to cry, laugh and fight for each other .We use to hide each other's...

1 year ago
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The Day the World Changed

The Day the World Changed By Morpheus I was crouched down in my garage, looking over the dirt bike in front of me. It looked like it was in pretty decent shape but I knew that it had some nasty problems that weren't obvious at first glance. For one, the gas tank had a small crack in it and that wasn't even going into the engine. I'd had a nasty spill on the bike a few weeks ago, and though my helmet and pads had kept me from getting anything worse than a few nasty bruises, my...

3 years ago
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A boring Summer Holiday Day 3 Friday

Sam woke the following day. It was mid-morning he hadn't heard his parents going to work.He got up, he had slept naked that night. He walked across the landing to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. As he dried himself he still had a morning hard on. He dropped the towel on the floor and walked down the corridor. Sam opened his sister’s bedroom door and looked in. Jo wasn't there. Sam scanned the floor. If he found some of her dirty panties he was thinking of having a wank in to them. The...

2 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 31 Ride to river side

Then she tried with her old boy friend and then with Mr Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits a ashram to take a special treatment. She was given Diksha and named Maya after Diksha. In Part 30 you read Uday showed up after half an hour and she did not talk to him at all throughout our return journey. She was...

4 years ago
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Conversations 11

A little fluff piece for Halloween. No sex, but enjoy anyway. “Hey kids, grab a handful of sweets, and I’ll tell you the story of how this house is haunted, okay?” The five looked at me with various levels of scorn and cynicism. “Your house ain’t haunted!” averred one bright little chap, who seemed to perfectly fit the profile of a youngster in training to live at Her Majesty’s Pleasure. His hair, shorn down next to his skull and seemingly right onto it in several places, made him look like...

3 years ago
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The Making of a Super Bowl Champion

The Making of a Super Bowl Champion                                7 Apr 2011 12:15 pmChapter 1My pet is such a sweet boy.  Entirely oblivious to his own worth.  I do try to instill a higher sense of self-esteem in him, but I temper it with some humility.  It just wouldn’t do for him to realize how very special he is.  There are enough egotistical men in the world, without adding to the supply.  So I am, perhaps, overly harsh with him on occasion.  I also keep him at arm’s length as much as...

2 years ago
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Making of a cuckold

  Conner looked at the clock on the cable box again. It was almost three in the morning. He certainly thought Gloria would be home hours ago. He twisted around on the sofa again trying to make himself comfortable.  One of those old classic late night movies lit up the screen.  Conner rubbed his cock. He was still soft from jacking off earlier in the evening. Negative thoughts started to fill his head wondering why Gloria hadn’t called him back. She knew what the agreement was to be. She...

3 years ago
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Expelled From MankindChapter 11

Allen awoke again Monday morning to find himself balls deep inside Jessica Leopold’s ass, not that he minded that at all. It didn’t hurt that his mother’s fingers were up his backside and his father’s dick was inside Jessica’s twat. When Whitney pulled Allen up to shower with him, her cherubic smile belied her true intent, of course. She soon had him deep inside her wet, sloppy cunt, loving the sense of being reclaimed by her man while she reclaimed him in turn. “So, baby, how was this for a...

1 year ago
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For the record, I have the utmost respect for the girls who fuck for a living. I mean, the lasses literally put their bodies on the line just so you can blow a load, getting their coochies absolutely destroyed by monster cocks. However, sometimes all I want is to see ordinary people screwing each other for fun and not for money. Nothing comes close to matching the raw energy and authenticity of amateur porn. Professional porn sometimes goes overboard with fakeness, you know, fake butts,...

Free Porn Tube Sites
3 years ago
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Project PrometheusChapter 8

Alexander Tomisic could do nothing but gape at the sheer volume of ships that lay entombed within the ice. Craft of various designs from many species stuck out of the landscape, like the icy fingers of corpses. There had to be dozens of vessels, possibly even hundreds. Alex could only imagine what sort of fate that the crews had met, if any had survived the crash. “Are you ladies seeing this?” he called out over the comm line. “Affirmative sir! I guess that the Dead Snows is a fitting name...

2 years ago
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I Was Sitting in the Delivery Room On Tuesday MorningChapter 3

“WHAT? Are you telling me that the baby might not be Micks?” “Oh shit!” Kendi broke down and clutched at me. The look on her face was the most horrible thing I have ever seen. I saw fear. I saw horror. I saw utter despair. My arms just reacted and wrapped themselves around my wife. Her sobs and shuddering body began a wave of hatred in me toward the doctor who had done this. The doctor was going to pay a high price. “Come here sweetie. None of this is your fault. Besides, we don’t have a...

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It all started when

It all started when... well, perhaps that's not a great way to start. It's difficult to say exactly when it started, or perhaps even what "it," is. For the purposes of this story "it," relates to an episode at Halloween, yes I know, another Halloween story. But, you see, in the UK Halloween isn?t the event that it is in the USA, and crossdressing for Halloween is certainly not a popular choice. So you could say it all started when my work friend, Kerry, suggested that a few of us go to...

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Kidnapped! I was my first time SCUBA diving, other than my open water certification. My best friend Robert and I had taken a SCUBA diving class in college, and we decided to spend spring break down in Mexico, diving around Cozumel. We didn't have a lot of money, but we found a discount dive operator that would take us out for a full week of diving around the area for only a few hundred dollars. It sounded too good to be true, which is probably why we didn't question why the operator...

2 years ago
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Mom has a great time 2

This is the second part of a three-part story in this episode Rita discovers she should have listened to Joann. Tuesday afternoon at around 4 pm Rita’s phone rang it was Bru, “hi big guy how is it hanging”? she heard him laugh “judging from that greeting I’m assuming you can talk”. “yes, what’s up not you guys yet I hope because if so I didn’t do my job”. She was giggling “no what I want to know is if we can get together Friday. We have a friend who really wants to fuck you he has a very full...

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Delicious Dessert

Delicious DessertHis mates from work were coming round; they did occasionally, just their way of winding down after a hard week; a meal, a few beers and inevitably, a lot of flirting. I liked them all, well all three of them – Nick, Si and Andy; all very different but a great laugh when they were out together.Tonight was no different; I was cooking them a meal and they would arrive around 7:30, probably having already been down the pub for a couple of swift ones! No doubt they would be a little...

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Submissive slave positions

Bara This position is used for a variety of reasons, sometimes as punishment. On stomach, face down and turned to the left with wrists crossed behind back. Ankles are crossed, as well, as if for binding.? "Bara!" he snapped. I flung myself to my belly in the grass, putting my hands behind me, wrists crossed, and crossing my ankles, too. I lay there in confusion, in obedience. He went to pick up the binding fiber which had been removed from my ankles by Tupita, from my wrists, a bit before, by...

8 months ago
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"Please hurry," Winnie begged, "I can't hold it much longer!!!" Janet gunned the big Ford as she peeled around the corner on her way to Winnie's apartment building and laughingly said, "Don't you dare go in my car I just had the seats cleaned!!!" "Oh, shut up, Jan" Winnie moaned, "and hurry!!!" "Do you want me to stop right here," Janet asked sweetly, "you can go behind those bushes over by that house!?!" "Very funny, smarty pants," Winnie retorted, "I think I can hold it another minute!!!"...

3 years ago
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Beginn eines Studentenlebens

Pia war neu in der Stadt. Vor wenigen Tagen hatte sie ihre Studentenbude bezogen, eine kleine 2-Zimmer-Wohnung in einem Haus der Gründerzeit am Rande der City. Noch ein paar Wochen, dann würde die Uni beginnen. Pia kannte noch niemanden in der Stadt. In einer anderen Stadt aufgewachsen, fühlte sie sich keineswegs unwohl - es würde einfach ein paar Tage dauern, bis sie neue Bekanntschaften schloß. Genügend Zeit, sich einzuleben. Pia zog sich an, um auszugehen. Sie wählte einen kurzen Rock, ein...

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Walking alone in the darkness

Tuesday late evening I was leaving work about two hours behind everyone else. I had always hated walking through the darkness in that lonely parking lot. Even though nothing had ever happened there, I still did not feel safe. The dim lighting and confusing echoes made me nervous. Walking quickly with my head up, I clutched the car’s keys tightly in my hand. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, pulling me off my feet. I dropped my purse and keys while I struggled with him. His strong hand...

4 years ago
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Caught Crossdressing by my wife

Caught cross-dressing by my wifeI have always been a cross dresser and enjoyed it. When I got married I put all my special clothes in the basement and lived a normal life. One day I was home from a trip early and found my wife was doing the laundry. There on the top of the pile were her pink knickers. I remembered I loved the feel of silk on my body. She left the room and I picked them up and I was running my hand across them and soon I was feeling and rubbing my cock which quickly became...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Rachel Ebony beauty Rachel and her 30 JJ tits

Rachel has tits so big you can use them as earmuffs. We found eighteen year old Rachel and her tits playing ping pong with Bruno by the pool. We were too distracted to keep score, but the real winner is going to be you. When Rachel pulls out those 30 double J tits our dicks got hard and we know yours will too. Rachel enlist Bruno to help her show off her big breast in the pool. Then she uses Bruno’s big dick to show how she sucks cock. Nice Rachel. You know what else Rachel does super...

2 years ago
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Chrissy and Jules

Chrissy and Jules had been friends since high school as they lived in the same area. Chrissy had always been the more outgoing of the two, always quick to try new things, sports and outdoors were always things she liked. At 5'4", with long brunette hair down to her mid back and blue eyes, she always turned heads. She had the figure to go with her looks too, long, lean legs, full breasts that were hard to hide in a t-shirt. Jules was quieter, more reserved, but she matched Chrissy for height and...

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Date Night With My Wife pt 3

As we entered the bookstore we realized how late it had become, without noticing it it was already after 2 in the morning. That was OK since our favorite store is out away from towns and city's so it doesn't get more than trucker traffic and since it's the weekend there are not a lot of them out and about. Shawn and I were following my sexy wife Debbie around watching her tight ass sway inside that leather skirt just kinda of waiting to see what she had in mind. As we went up 1 isle and down...

4 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 51

The other members of Richards' team proved to be a lot easier to rescue than Kathy West had been and while they were scattered all over Game World, it took but a week to find them and liberate them from whatever trials and tribulations they were facing. What amazed me the most about the whole matter was the fact that all of them had survived. It was incredible luck. With that task taken care of I was ready to pack up and move on before trouble came looking for me. The big question was where...

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Hyd milk aunty

My name is dinesh frm hyderbad 30yrs. This is my first experience when i was in degree. The experience is about how i banged my friends mom. My family and my friends family lived in the same appartment. My mom use to go office at 9:30 am and will back in the evening around 7:30. After completing my exams i use to spend time in my friends house. My friends mom’s name is suvarna. She was around 35, with 34/26/34. Once my friend went to see his grand parents to trivandram. My friends father is...

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MIBD Artemis The Hunter

M.I.B.D. Artemis The Hunter Synopsis:Is the sequel to The Academy where The Agency and Hunter Enterprises face off against the Academy in a final showdown that changes the world. ~*******************~ Synopsis:Jo Ellen is the heir of Diana Hunter: the tragic heroine who was Joe Rossi. Joe was a Mafia "wise guy". Joe was often bullied by the larger boys due to his small size. Joe soon developed a reputation as a small, tough and wiry fighter. His speed, dexterity and agility made him...

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TalentChapter the Thirtyfifth Terra Nova

Due to her husband's complete incomprehension that he would ever die, Jacqui suddenly found herself to be a rather rich widow. The excitement in Jacqueline's eyes when she discovered that the whole of the Shaw business empire was legally hers, was unbridled. We spent weeks with lawyers and other finacial advisors, poring over the details and discovered that much of the empire was built on solid business foundations. Shaw had undead executives still active in them but we would be able to...

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My First Handjob

This is the story of my first hand job. Kind of an unusual and long set up for it. But first some background. After my sophomore year of high school, my family moved. I didn’t know it at the time but it was one of the best things to ever happen to me. I had went to a large high school in a rich area. My parents did alright financially but didn’t spend money keeping up with the Jones, or buying me or my sister up to date clothes. I was also a smart k** with bad vision. When you put it all...

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Adam Jason and I chpt 4

Dear Jason, Geoffrey, Adam, and Matthew, I have gone to run errands, that long list of chores have really piled up, I’ve gone to complete them I trust you four can manage to cook yourselves dinner be back at 11:00! Love, Mom That was perfect I thought, I would cook Adam dinner as we got to know each other. I was now glad for the cooking lessons that my mom drilled into my head night after night. I couldn’t find much in their pantry, so I decided to cook something simple, spaghetti. I wish...

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Nigerian Nightmare Part 1

All the usual disclaimers apply. The following story isentirely fictional and contains explicit descriptions ofsexual activity between adult males and a teenage boy.READ NO FURTHER if you are under the age of eighteen oroffended by such material.I am twenty-two years old, six feet tall and blond. Ihave a nice seven-inch cock, which is uncut and servicedon a regular basis by Adam, my boyfriend. He is two yearsmy junior, blond and a good three-inches shorter than me;however, his uncut cock is a...

3 years ago
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Full Service Realtor

Sarah was a friend of mine and we had talked on IM a lot over the past year. Ever since that blissful day that we threw caution to the wind and finally gave into our primal desires to be with each other. We had met a few times before and little did we both know, but we were extremely attracted to each other. Then one day I went to her house to talk about some photography stuff and we talked for hours like we had been best friends forever, but when she read me some of her erotic stories I...

4 years ago
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Satisfying A Woman8217s Thirst For Sex

Hi ladies and guys, this is the sex story of my first experience as a gigolo or male escort and how I ended up satisfying the cravings of a 29 year old cute corporate lady in Bangalore. Btw, I am a 23 year old guy working in an IT firm with good looks and physique and a ever hungry dick. If any hot ladies are feeling hungry for sex then is the address you should be typing in your mail now. And just to ensure your privacy is 100% maintained and you can trust me with that. Moving on to the sex...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Aunt Akhilapriya

Hello guys and girls!! I’m Hemanth from Chennai. I’m studying in a reputed college here and stays in hostel.I’m 5’10 height and have a good body(not 6 pack :p ).The main person in this story is my aunt.She is the wife of my mama(moms brother). Her name is Akhila Priya. I still remember the day of her wedding. Right from the moment I saw her, I was attracted to her.I was a child at that age. Later when I in 8 th standard, I was exposed to porn and started masturbating.Initially I used to imagine...

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The Piper Ch 5

You always pay the Piper - To pay a price that you deem high or unfair, but failing to pay the price will result in dire consequences... It's Saturday morning. Anna awakes alone as Joel has left early for work. She had a sleepless night thinking about today's upcoming date with Camille and Lucas. She knows Joel will like them and if he can relax he will enjoy their company. Anna had fanaticised about having sex with a woman when she first started watching porn. One of the forum members had been...

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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 10 Wrecked

The first thing they saw upon their return from their visit to Trip's parents was Commander Reed and two security crewmen escorting a young ensign, whom Trip immediately recognized as Ensign Masaro from engineering, his hands shackled behind his back. Malcolm's scowl, already dark, grew even darker when he saw his two friends. "Commander?" T'Pol asked, puzzled by the scene. For her tactical officer and friend to find it necessary to apprehend a crew member, something bad must have...

1 year ago
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Kissa Sins Twitter 8000 751000

How many times have you jerked off to Kissa Sins in the past? Too many to count? Once? Never heard of her? Bro, if it’s the latter, where the fuck have you been all this time?If you want to beat off to an amazing performer that is not afraid to embrace her weird fucking side, then you have to start following Kissa Sins on her official Twitter account: You will find a whole host of images, GIFs, videos, and updates about her gigs and life overall that will make you want to...

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My first ldquoGayrdquo date

I couldn’t believe he asked me out so confident, so bold, so self assured. He was a big, masculine, manly type of a guy, like I was and I was shocked at how forward he was. I had never been out with another guy before, let alone hook up with one. Although, I must admit, I had been curious and thought about it before. Maybe he sensed it. He asked if Id like to go get a beer and get to know eachother. I figured no harm in that and agreed.Over a couple beers at a near by sports bar, we watched a...

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Pretty Sure I Was dgged and Abused

I was at a local gay club as i frequent in my town, having a few drinks, talking, time is around 11:30 pm. I'm quite personable and have fun when i go out. here is where i mess up, thinking back, stupidly i get up to use the restroom, leaving my drink behind, i had maybe 2 or 3 bye this time, so i come back and casually finish the rest of the drink, during this time a guy sits next to me and we start talking, he was a black man, very built, charming, and good looking. obviously flirting with...

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After Moving Motherinlaw in chapter 3

After Moving Mother-in-law in chapter 3The next morning when Magee and I woke up we only had time for a quickie before we got up to eat breakfast and dressed and off to work which is what we did with Magee having to leave first as usual.At noon when I got to stop work long enough to eat dinner I gave my mother-in-law Magee a call since it is the time she usually got time to eat her dinner where she works at, “Hello.”“Hello, may I speak to Magee Henderson please?”“Speaking.”“How is it going...

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Melissa Degraded

The lottery commissioner hands you your check as light bulbs flash in your face. You look down at the big cardboard presentation piece and shake your head, still unable to believe the number written on it. The commissioner asks you, "So John, how you are going to spend THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS?" You reply numbly, "I'm going to do all the things I could never do before!" A few months later, the dust has settled from your big lottery win. Your dream house is built, you've bought a few sports...

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Far From the Citys Bustle

It seemed to her like a crazy idea at first, to go out on a boat ride like this. When you went out with a boy, everybody knew you went to a movie or maybe an amusement park, or you went to sit on a bench or just hang around on the street. Of course some of them just wanted to park somewhere, but Jasmine didn't go for that -- or only for part of the date. This boat thing was really different from anything she had ever heard of anybody doing. And she found that it really was different. The sky...

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my first mam and daughter

i was at the races the other day and i was stopping over at cheltenham,it was a lads couple of days out. we were all on the piss and we were flirting like mad with the ladies and they were loving the attention, it was bubbly all day and trying to get into there knickers, but with no joy. the following day we all were a bit weary and not up for a full session, one of the ladies who we met and filled with bubbly came over and was flirting a little with me, the lads were go on dave take her away...

2 years ago
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Easily Convinced

Easily Convinced By Virginia Kane 1. It was dark in the cubicle at the bookstore, in spite of the illumination from the twenty inch color TV screen recessed into the wall opposite the cubicle's flimsy door to the hallway. I was sitting gingerly on the front edge of a cheap plastic lawn chair inside the cubicle, next to a six-inch diameter waist-high hole in the plywood partition...

4 years ago
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Unexpected sex

From the first day I met my wife, I have always had a wonderful relationship with one of her three sisters called lavanya. Shavanthi and her sisters are very different characters and their relationship can be very difficult at times, but Lavanya and I have always seen eye to eye and never had problem getting along. Lavanya is 12 years younger than myself and I think she has always seem me as her big brother, probably because she lived in a family dominated by women. I always saw it my duty to...

1 year ago
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CamContacts Trans

Are you fucking ready to find camshow performers that know how to get a mother fucker like you off? I am not talking about just any kind of camshow performers, either. No sir! I am talking about the kind of cam show performers that only get dudes like you off.You know what I am talking about if you know what I am talking about. And if you know what I am talking about, then I encourage you to visit to learn more about what this camsite can do to get you off. Oh, I was not...

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Made women

Tony Mauro sat outside the office of his uncle, Don Vincenzo, visibly sweating. He knew he was in big trouble, the fact that he was forced to sit outside under the gaze of a stony faced bodyguard instead of breezing straight in as usual testified to that. His uncle, the Don, was head of one of the largest crime families in Florida. The Mauro family had a big slice of the drug, prostitution and racketeering in Miami and the surrounding area. Their rivals however were just as powerful and Tony...

3 years ago
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A girl goes to work for her Stepbrother Part 03

by Vanessa Evans Part 03 By then we were just going out of the back door. We walked over to where Ben was hoeing a flower bed but had stopped when he saw us approaching. I was brave and kept my hands by my sides. “Ben, meet Olivia, Olivia, Ben. Olivia is my Personal Assistant who is also living here so you will probably see a lot of each other from now on.” “Aargh, nice to meet you young miss. You look like you’ll be doing more than working for Noah, just let me know if you need me to...

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